tVALDitBLE REAL CSTATE AT ALE.. lON THURSDAY, JANUARY 31,1801. /MOE. subscriber. adminkt rotor or. thenmate of Pater a ,peee. dee'd., by :Terme of an Order of the Or mimes' Court of York roomy, to pay debts. will eril at ,public sale, on the premiter, the followtug valuable real estate. viz: N0..1, A TRACT OF LAND, ' ,ituateatNew rreedom, York enonly, on the North ern Central Railway. cold about 30 ACRES, reveral of which are TIM ttER-LAND and the residue is in a high state of cultivation. The improvements nee a NEW STORE AND WAREHOUSE. alt excel lent STEAM SAW MILL, ,and other irnpiovements. There is a kr-t-t sae APPLE •CifiCHARD on the tact. This trine of the bast bun inesm sites on the ythole line of the Northern Central !Railway. N 0.2. A TRACT OFLAND, adjoining No I. conn,iuutg 14 or 15 ACRE.!'. a portion of Welch is Tmtbet , :nrul. Thedmprovententsure A Brit* 493.3.121-4* 3Sirs=bl.ll.llllets tit ND B. hi DARN, both nearly new. No. 3. A TRACT OF LAN D, • adjoining No 2. containing about :in Acre.., a large p onion of which is Timberland. There ia al'o in connevion with the Station a Sid. -line or Switch, a PO4 Office. and a Ticket Agency: The station is known us New Freedom. .The tracts will be stOd separately or together to tail purcbesrr•. t'Any person w•i.hinp to view the property voili Menge call on Dr. E. W. Free, reeiding ots the presni . ■ee. or 011 A. C. Free. Male w conunimee at 11 izi , cksisic A. ISt , when attend• ances will ise gh•rn and terms made L•nown INy Administrator. Dee 29,1,Q604..t THE ONLY DISCOVERY WORTISF OF ANY CONFIDENCE FOR RESTORING TUB MAZZO AND GRAY. . 111 ANY, since the great thseovery of Prof. Wood, at have attempted not only to imitate his reetor.ttive. : but profess to have discovered something th - t would produre reoulteldemiral; but they have a ll come and gone, being carried away by the wonderful result• of .Prof. Wood's preparto ten. teed have been forced to . leave the f.eld to no 'emetics's !way. Read the fol lowing:— Blab, Maine, April t 3 th, 1859. ORM. 0 S. Woon. It Co Hemet—The !eater I wrote -you to 1856 concerning your valuable Hair Remora. live, and which you have putdiehcd in this vicinity and elsewhere. hue given rise to numerous enquiries touching the fact, an the cape. The enquiries are. first, is tilt tact of my habitation and name. at stated . in the communiration; ...cond. is it true of nil therein contained; third, does my hair still continue to be in good oider and of natural color? To all I can and do ...wee invariably yes. My hair is even better than in any stage of my life for 10 yearn pant., more soft thrifty. and better colored; the same is true of my athittLers. and the only cause why it in not generally . true. is that the pubstaitee i• washed off by frequent ablution of the fnce, when if care were used by wip ing the once in close connection tvith the whilikers the +lime result will follow a• the hair. I have been in the receipt of it great number of letters from nll p•rts of New Engtund, a.Aing me if my hair still pontinues to be good; as there in nornifell fraud in the in inuftaciure sou 'ale of canons compounds; n• well us thc.,ll hall. tin doubt, been basely imitated and been mot clay without any good effect, but to lib-elute &oho y. I have not used any of your Restorative of any trecount for some month.. and ye: my hair it. its so.ol cit. ever and limidieds have examined with .thr prit.e. as I am now GI year. of l and not a grey hair in my bend or on my face; mud to prove this fart, I send vou a lock of my hair taken 01l the past week I re. ceived your favor of two ovum ta, lies f eet summer. ' for , A h ich lam very grateful. I gave it to my friends and thereby triduced them to try ii. ninny were Atm. ttleal until after trial. and then purchased and used it NW; universal PlleVeßn. I will ask or a favor, that you send me a test by which I ran discover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many. I fear. without uuthor ity from you. A pure article will Insure succect.and I believe where good effects do not allow. t',e failure is smutted by the impure ;allele. which curse. the in. venter of the good 1 deem it my claw an heretofore. to keep you apprised of the continued effect on my 'hair, and ....ore all who enquire of me of my an. shaken opinion of its valuable results. I remain, dear sir, yours, AC. RAYMOND. Anrons Run, Ky., Nov 50.1858. plias. 0. 3. Worm: Dear ..5111-11 would certainly he doing you a great injusiitte not to make known lithe world. the wonde lu I. as welt as the unexpected recut, I have experient et' ft Din wine ONR Lott le of your flair Reriorative After ;icing every rind of Restorative extant, but 401110111 P•twee , S. old finding my head ne arly destitute of hair, 1 w.i. Stalls induced to try n bottle of your Hair Restorative. Now, candor snit Jostler compel me to announce to whoever may read thi , , that 1 now pan -C-u a stew gall bealits(til grab tit or hair. which I now pronounce richer not baud. comer than the orients/ wan. I will therefore tube to recommt lid this it v lit hie temedy to ALL who may feel the IleCe.wily of Respectfully yours, REV. 6. ALLEN BROCK. P. —TION testimonial of my approbation for your Valuable medicine (ate you e re a wareof) i. on-aligned: —but n you think at worthy Ft place among the lest, insert if you wish; if iim destroy wad ray not ling. Touts, &e Rev. S. A 0. Depot. 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers lhronghoui the world. The RYSIDITaVe is put up in bottles of three Miff,. v i z; large, medium. and smelt; the etnall bottle bold a pint. and retie!s for one Jailer per bottle; the me dium hold•. at lea-4 twenty per trill. mote in propor tion Ilona the small, mink for two donor. per bottle; the large hold. a goon, 40 per rent. more all propor tion. and moll. for three dollar•, . , O„1. WOOD & CU. , Propriegne.. 441 Brondvray, New York. and 114 Marl et tyarevi. et blo And eotd by all good Elruggi.4l and blowy Goode Deulern. c. 131 h. 1.60.11 m ADJOURNED COURTS FOR 1861 irordered by die Court adjourned Coors for 15431. be held for the trial 11111 i deeioinii of en.e. ill ihe Common Pleas, Orphan,' Cour. nod Quarter Ses- Y 10315, or follow-: Fox A RCUM HNTS, Dui week commencing on Alotutoy, the IP:1 1 of March. “ ... 17tit of Jou«, '. ltitit of Sept. 6. .. .. 16 h of Dee. To continue one week from the .nil days re-pertly. Ir. nod us murk longer a. the buoineret shall require. All the eases on the list for no gument in MC Orp luttiO COM . ' .hull be taken up on the fire, tla3s of snit term., and proceeded vriolt until divorted of, uttle•tu COMMUCci by 1.0.110111 or CA...! 611nren. The Ca , el , on the argument list hi ihe imerter Sewinim •hal: he token up on the Wedae4etter of •aid terms if rot prevented by the tne•inom of she Orpiwu•' Poor. and if so. the rare+ in the Quoit •r w•i I he -commenced at the termination of the Oiphons' Coon Lit •um+s. The argument at the ease. in tl.e romraan Plea• to ei mmem e ene Tit ur.dnv of the wet k if not prevented 1, 1 air 01Phowe Cairn or Quatier Settsiont enter; in that case the I. ritornelli bet of :he paid Coon still I e taken up at the irritant. ion of the en-es ill the oilier s !rum. and proceeded 111 Unlit diffloolied of unless rota xisioto by COlll4'lllol It in further ordered that the absence of counsel nt the t me appointed for tu►htguit en e- mentioned in the Preceding. orders. ...hell he no cans, lO suspend pm verdinge tie rein. unless by consent or ingot ground for n erottumance be ',lmam. ALUOURNIaI JURY TINIALQ.-111 i- ordered by the Cot,' that adjourned Conn. , or Jur) Ti I- in do:Co:TI MOR Plea.. will he held re follow.: One week commencing the Ist Monday. 4th 1 7 0,rultrY. . .' 411, •• 25th rehruuty " " 41h " 27th 111uy i " ~ " 1-1 h Zrd June. " " 1 1 1.4 .' 2,l,lBerte,nber " " 6 3rd " 2.14 Oriolier. " u .. 4,1, -1.,/, ,- •• Ist '• Xssd preen:lore And such other periods as may s,c oppnitned tst :he sforrasid Conrts.or 01 their nraidar teems. The foseircting to he pubisshrd io Isis she nrwspopers in .he tiiy and Comity of Loorooter. orre ,ucce-sivo times in earls, sit thr expense of Ihn enmity—bill to be presented as the Commessioneds (115 re. - I:Xee. SO, 1860 0t TITER ARTIN, Prods`y. OTIMIZS, 0 4 211iMIL8. Tll>•: .übscriucr is prepared to furnish Families With the • VERY BEST OYSTERS brought to Columbia, in large or small quantities. These oysters' are warranted good—she best the lisitimare market will aditrd. &sad orders to the Restaurant its the rear of the Washington Illauoe. 11.111ERIL Cola. Dec. 2!, 1866 St TOIL SALMI 01 TO MIST. under.igned oars for vete. at a great bar .l gain. the desirable TH HEE-STORY Itt RICE •IetSEI.LING HOUSE *intone In Front *meet. and note °erupted b) Hew. Jacob, Mayer. Tenn. easy. ff not Rule by January Ist, ill `tier thee he offered for tent, froth the fieo of April uteri. For term.. op ,plc to Jos, en E. Worm .1 O. 1,. BROWN. Doe. 'V, IBm tf CHRISTMAS CONFECTIONERY, -, -.R.v.011 FRUITS. Cranberries. Mince Meat. Pickle., ..„ r fiallailacsan Ors, At., te., at A. RAMBO'S Family Grocery Store. Cele. Dee. re., e5O .2.1492471:041.71' 11111311521311 PM LAME' AND CHILDREN'S— ruts, Cooke, Shawls. Dress Sint*. Dress Hoods. Embroideries, I; ENTLAMEN'iI Moth% CA1.103E414 Vesting/1, shawls Gloves, 'Suspenders, Howerr. he_ he.. ,ALL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, 40 mail the times, et HALDEMAN'S Cola. Dee. 72 ISM Cheap Cash S ore. ,MUSICAL ACADEMY, 1.4.110A111 1 2218. PA. RS subeerilters are now giving instructions on the .3.. Piano, Goner sad In Vocal Maisie. and wonld re• met stony • refer the Ladies of Lancaster and Calm atto some of the numerom tithe= who have placed 'eer darmbiers ander our ebarmt. :Tema for Toition.e3 per Quarter. FICTFor father Information nicese call at the resi dence of the tobteriber. No. IS South Lime orert. the dwelling meant occupied by Rev. Theo. A Hopkins .1 1 18.S..GuAlliti DALltinTEis. Teachers of Movie. A Agent for the mad* Conrad )Meyer.' Prior Medd Nance, ensoprobat ninwilifenesa styles, et Mr "Jeassufaetarera pews, andarsiranted for ten year.. • pre. 22 ; MOO SUERZE'PIi SALM. ON Saltuday,,Jufa ,Jai • 19W, 1861, at 2 o elock, P. M.. by virtue of sundry writ. or.Verr &glom Expouss,Leynsi 1-aetarrand Her? Facia...issued out of the Court elf Common Pleas of Lancaster coun ty and to me directed. I will expo,e to public sale or outcry at the Court House in the city of Lancaster, the following Real &rate, viz: All that certain tneromuge and lot of Ground. situate. lying and brinr on the nortleenst side of Front street, in the borotsgh.of Colombia, boucded und-described as witr—On the south-west by'Frout sireel,on the south-east by property of Philip Shreiner, un the nortbresbbi rontrnerve street. and on the north-west by property of Thaddeus Stevens, containing in frost 53 feet more or ler-. and extending m depth to Com merce ...treat rAr.O reel more or fess, with a two-21 'tory frame DWECLING IfOUSF.,•fruit trees, turd other improvement' , thereon, • As the proprny of Thomae.Keating and Sande A Keating, ins wok., Sected and taken in exeewion, and to be sold by ct. 1 1 1. P. 11013, Sheer , . Office, I.aticatter, Dna. 17, llctin. Dec tn. raft num CONSTABLZI. • Falt::011, AND FELLOW CITIZIVS 4 ,—I hereby oiler my self as a candidate for the office of High Constable at the ensuing January election. promising if elected to fulfil all Inc Maned of the office to the best of my ;amity. SAMUEL WAITE.... Cola Dec. 22.186031 NOTICE. To th e st ockholder. of the Reading .and Columbia Railroad Company, that an Clection will be held at John Michael's Jfotel.dn the icity of [.uneasier, on Monday. the 1411 i day of Januui y, M. D., lent. at 3 o' the nftcriloon, for the purpose 01 electing a l`re-ident and twelve Directors. to manage the af fairs of said Company an by law provided. PE MR AI A WTI N. Dee. t 5, 1820-3 t tilec PURE CATAWBA WINE, Warranted to be the pure juice of our native (Intaw. ha gloves. mule In 1e57: lIIPO. Illotelberry and iturcatit mines (or sale LI, A. M HAMALI'S Dec. 15. lbotl. Family Grocery Store. TRUSCOTT'S TEA; ALSO, ShOnshoe TOUR, worranted to he the best lea. Fold in this market. if they do not give Fall 4aetiou the too ney will hen fun& d, Yantis 113 fall anti Block Teas at 5U vin per lib. : at A.lll. RAMUtilrs Dec. 15. J 660. Fmni:y Grocery Stard. TIIINGS FM CURISTINZASS CITRON, PRUNES, CURRANTS, Raising In Whole, MU; Quaver and Eighth Doge.; PURE SPICES, &C., &C., BAKING Molasses,—N• ORLEANS NEW Cnor, Good Cuba Sugar at 7 cts per Pound, EXTRA SYRUP :MOLASSES 12 CTS PER (WART nt 1. 0 & 11 P. BRUNER'S Cola. Dec 15, ISSO. Cor. Third and UlllOll Stn 000P044444 SEVEN YEARS! THE seven yrur. col unrivalled stances unending the •'COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION," have mule it u household word atom:ghoul every quarter of the r•ounta v, inter the uo•pii ea of 'him popular fusilintion. over three hundred thou-and bonito, have learned an tiptoe einie—by benuttfill works of tart on their walla. and choice titeralute on their table,., the great benefit,. de rived Irian berornmgu aubeenher ttult•eripti ~,, • are MOW being received iu a ratio un pandwird with That of nay previous year TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Any person con become a member by fllb•Cl Ring Three Pollors. for which rum they will receive I.l—The large and superb steel en. avittv,, 30.1 3d entitled 4 , EALLSTAFF MUSTERING HIS RE- CRUITS." 2d—One copy, one year, of dint elegainly illuktratra musticiitc, "TLIE COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL." ad—Four ilnne.lon+ during the season. to "The Gallery of l'ainitliga.sl9 Broadway. N. V." In audit on to the above benefit., there will be given to Fuliperiller., an grutulioua premium., over Five !indeed Beautiful Works of Art, eemptishin valuable painting•, marbles, laminas, out lines. he , forming a truly innionin The SUPeiti Engraving. which every subscriber will receive. minded...Fel-lair f•lnocrliig his Recruits," is one of the most beautiful abal popular engravings eve: issued lU flu. country. It is dune on Fleet, in Gar line mid stipple. and is primed on heavy plate paper, 30 by 3-I niches. making U 10051 choice °mamma suitable for the balls or .4 her the liilfUry. parlor or office Its subject is the a•ebt•bratr,t scene of Sir John Falsinff re ceivino, ".bal , otv's office. the ra cant• which have been gathered for his • rouged regiment" It could Lot be furnished by the triads for less than five • . . The Art Journal i. ton %veil known to the whole eotiotry to need cnnanettdntion. It IF a mognifieehtly noteozine of Art. containing Eranyv. Sin. rue.. Poem., Goes p, &c, by the very beet warm so Amrnrn. Tile F.tigruving is sent to any part of the country by mail. with sulety, being packed in It cylinder posinge prepaid. entiscriptions will he received until the Rvrnhtg of the Mot of January. I e6l. at which lime the books will close and the premiums bo gtveit to sub-erthers. No person iS reeirwied to a _single sub-etiption.— Those. remitting Sid, are entitled to five meinberships and to one extra engraving for their trouble. Ritlusetiptions fiom Cuilforme. the Canada. nut 011 Foreign Countries, must he 83,50 tit-lead of $3, in or der to &hay extra po-tage. etc. For further pert:cider. send for a copy of the I:le ge:lily Art Javirael. prom/tweed the 031111- P.ingll7.llle in America. It rooming Catalogue ct prent•aues and numerous superb ettgramuss. Reg ular prier:. flit rents per number. Specimen hpw,ger. will be sent to iliose wi-htug to subscribe, cm receipt of It rents, iu stamps or coin Address C L. DERBY. Actuary C A. A . 543 Ii roadway - . New Yo. k. N. 11.—Std.orripliona rec.•iv.d a. d fors...anted by Win. F. Lloyd. Ap. , io for columbm. I•n.. and viemnf, Sp.•clmrn Nnprovitig.. and An Journal can be ...en at W. 111,din0i.... (Dee. I. tbal. 3. 86 0 . Beautiful Books for Holiday Gilt• JOHN sti FFEIt. No 32 Nor. h Queer :street . fere to the Public. in the very loweq prices. epleis aid Illuornied Works Prepared raid arranged ex pressly forth+. FESTIVE SEASON. The following are **few of the many that will lie . 1 sold very ratan Women of Beauty out Heroism Lltiottraied with ' Nineteen Engraving* on Sleet. By Frank B. Oood nett The Love. and Bernina; of the Port•. Edited by aienard Henry Snitlead. Splendidly Llustrated. The Centre Table. Illustrated by Fifty fine En graving•. The Poet• of the Nineteenth Century. Il'u•trated with One hundred and Thirty-Two fine Milgrim/ago. Toe Diadem. A Gin Book for all 'earn's. Illus trated wal, twelve Steel Kngravuq•. 'lids tlauveliir frnlicrp. An Rle•trnued Gin Book, embellished with Thinten Beituilft II) Snitched b.:a greeing,. The Ail:untie Souvenir With Twelve Wegaut Portraits on Steel. trete Original l•u•tures. Fables of La Fontaine. Illustrated Memoirs,. of Home. An Martian:4 Annual for all Season• Togetlar with all of the most elegant and latest Books of the seam.. Juvenile. Books, railed to all age•, at very low price•. Bibles. Bibles. Prayer 900 k., p, a y er g oo k a , b owie , in Velvet, Calf. Morocco, Chum* and Runs, very cheap. Lama! Carnes! Games: of every description nt low priers. Moveable Toy Books its great variety IVriting Deeks of Rosewood and Mahogany. Port selections now, andr•cns dr•mng it ern maw their this and Christmas bake them sent any time between 'Purchasers will eve, Purchnoters will do well to call nod examine our well.selemed •rock before purchaine elsewhere. JOIIN SAI•'FER'S Cheap Bonk Stare. Na 12, Nonh Queen Street. Laucaster. Next door to examiner Office. COURT PROCLAMATION Wn BEAM, the Bon. DENBY C. 1111 M, President, lion. A. 1.. Hasse and Praiser E.q., Asroriate Judger of the Court ot (mer man Plea.. in and for the county of La tienoter.and Jumicer of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Genera:Jail Delivery*, and itunner Idepoions of the Peace. in and for the roomy of Lanen.ter. have istmed their Precept to me directed, requiring me. among other thingo. to make Public Proclamation throughout mr Bailiwick. that a Court of Uyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery; Alpo, .Court of General Quarter Sombre. of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence at the Court I loam, In the city elf ILancorter. in the Commonwer Ith of Penoyll. In minis, on the THIRD MON DAV in JA N. VI in) 1981. perrennee of which precept. PUBLIC strrich IS 111i11BIW GIVEN, to the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Lascatter.iu said county, and all theists( Bee/KIM Peace, Ore Coroner, and Constables o' the paid arty and county of Lancaster. that they be then and there in their ownpnoper perwimp,with their rolla.necord• andetteminationtt, and tagnirltiona, and their mime museembrancep, to do those things which to their officer appertain, in their behalf to be done; and alms all those who will prosecute against the I prisoners who are, or then *ball be, in the Jait of the quid county of Lancepter.are to be then and there to prosecute against them er 'hall bejost. Dated at Lancaster, the JOtb.da y of Dee.lBGO. S W. P. BOYD, Sheriff. N. IL Punctual attendance of the Jurors and Wit easel. will hereafter be expected and required on the arm day of the terries.. Aldermen and Justice. , of the Peace ere required by an order of Coart,dated Nov. O. ISIS, toicturn their recogutzunt es to Samuel Klemm CJerk of Quarter :sessions, within one week from the day of finill actionin each clew. not t o e de ' Stub thereof, the Maxistrates t cast* will not Ite al lowed. DeC,lOOO-It NEW CROP NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES T UST RHCEIVED. a lot of pplet.dul New erop ltlo J In Ames. .at clear as Honey; a lao.ohc,tiest -Levy' Syrarrin 'Columbia, at .111 liA3lllO'S Family- Grocery-Store, OM Fel/ow's Hall. Cola,. Dec. 161860. REtISS KINKL.E COMING lUST received Pfiy Boxes Raisins. Twenty-five Half e/ boxes. French Candies. Candy Toy, Nem Prunes, Citron. Currants, Pigs, Harmony. Cranberrie4, cis:- dines, Mince bleat. Preoh Penehes, and in fact every thisig•you want for the Holidays 14 at A. M. RAMBO'S Dec. 45, I£4o. Penally Grocery More. liuitnictimat bit the Piano Forte. MAN SCUMEID, graduate or the Ma • Bical Academy of Prague, Bohemia. respect fully informs the citizens of Columbia that it a sulk meat. number of pupils can be obtained, he will give instrurtions on the Piano Porte. All particulars and term. made known by applying at Saylur & Aletion ald's honk Store. RIMIRENCEt.--W. H. Keller, loncoMer; A. Zeller, Columbia; N McDonald, Columbia. Columbia. Dec. 8, 1880-It. ...eJvizisl THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY ARE Now prepared to receive and forward FREIGH r .no the Philadelphia D ivision, to an all 1 , 1111i0114 where they have agents, at the follow ing rates per hundred pounds: BETWEEN PUMA. AND COLUMBIA. First Class. &toed Class. Third Class. Fourth Class 15 cents 21 cents. to cents. 15 cents. Flour in cur loads, 25 rents per barrel. Pig Metal, I is cents per 100 pounds BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. First Class. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class. 23 cents. 20 cents. )7 ccuts. 14 cents. Flour, 24 cents per barrel. Psg Metal, l 2 cents per 100 pounds. Shipment.. made to Pittsburg and ull intermediate station. , a'. ltn'''''"'"r.' RATES FROM COL'A TO PITTSBURG. First ()lass. Second Clare. Third Class. Fourth Class. PU 7. GO 40 Flour per barrel. GO cents, 117 - Freight consigned to stailni.s where the Com pany has uo agents inset be prepaid. • Articles of st Class. Books, Fresh Feb,i Hoots ant: Shoes. Nuts in bags, Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter & AM in bottles Dry Goods, Poulin— it coops , KIWI Pork. (fresh, Furniture, Poultry. (dressed Feathers, Wrapping Paper Articles of 2d Class Apples, Molasses, Civics°. Melells, Clover and Grass Seed, Oil in Casks or boxes, Crockery, Parer in boxes, Cs mulles. Pasteboard, Casks or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches, (dried, Groceries, Printing Paper Guns and Bides, Paper Its aging. Herring in boxes and kegs, Qiiesalsware, Hardware, Sweet Potatoes, Hops, Tobacco in bales, Iron, (hoop, band or slicer ) Tea, I.euthen, Type, Liquor in wood, Tallow, ' Marble slabs & Marble Turpeatiae, (spts.,) Alouumcins. Varnish. Articles of 3d Class. A.colio.. Potatoes Cairo Turnips, Hideo green,) Vinegar, Lnra. Whits Lend, Oystw-s &Claims. (iiishelL) Window Glow. Tobucco, (•nanufuctured,) Articles of 4th Class. Codfish, Rosin Cotton, Stilt. Fish, salted. Tobaceo, (leaf,) Grain of all kinds, Tiu, Nails and Spikes, Tar. Pitch, Whiskey. ' mater, All Freights payable on delivery. 11. 11. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phila. irrFor further information, apply •.° S. It. KING.:TON. Freight?....., Phila. H. K. BOTCH. Freight AR .. Columbia. WL . MYER°, Freight Agent, Lancaster. Columbia, Dec. 8, PCU. More New Goods AT THE CORNER UNION & TIIIRD STS 11.1 ST reeeived, a fine assortment. of Ladies' Shoes. tf Lutes' Siyie Muck Ground Figured De (.nine•. dies' Long mid :agnate shawls. Clot lis.fhiSSlale ros and Ve•ung, tor gentlemen. All are invited if eallond 1. 0. & B. F. BRUNER. Columbia, Dee. I, 10. oirsTzus, ovatzuz.s. ONLY FIFTY CENTS PER HUNDRED, n RAS. H. GROVE will serve the citizens of Colum li every Thursday. with fresh Philedelphiu Is) s ter.. and will shortly hring Solinon and While Fe.h which he will sell au reasonable terins,hoping io please all, Vrairs CHAS. R. GROVE Orders left al A M. RAMBO'S Grocery store will receive prompt attention. ] Dec. 1, lOGO. Splendid Stock of New Ars; pMgi n ibis day a innginfigeni uusortmein of new U and genuine I. DIES VT HA, Mink Marion in eel., Stone Maven I a get., Pitch Marten in cn n, Squirrel in RYI+. Bleck Sable in •els Brown Sable ill o•ets, 22 I=l= in nil the prevailing viyler, aud in very prieee.— MUFTI: fit lIANDEMAN'S aolu Dec. 1,1900. SULAFFER , S 031,11 AP 25003 C STORM, No. 32, North Queen Street, s the Cheapest place in the City to get I Museelloneou• Book., Stoodard Works, in every dell:mm..9d of Literature; Wm. So'tool Book.. nod School Stutionery, comprising all the various Bead i lug and Spelling Books. A rill, inet lc.. A Igehrus. Gram m tr., Ilthymo.ogies. Dictionaries. Historic.. Philos°. Moe.. stud all the School Books need in the various flu Lute and rricate Schools of the City and County. it get ter wi h Copy and Campo-Ilion Book.. Letter. Cop and Note l'aper. Snook Book., Slates; Lead and Sloe l'encil..Peuts and llolders.lnk.liikminud... Bum, ond the most complete assortment of School Station ery mu hood nod for sale at the lowest prices of soy place is the vim. Unties for 1161! Work. for 1E61! very cheap. Almanac. for'6l! Alma ales for Slll Altoona, ito , 111" All kind... All litutud•l All Sind , ' end Retool! t rAlly torliele not on hand ploneptly furnished wittsctut extra charge, ut JODN rttIAID , FRIPS ellenp Donk Stole. No. 32 North Queen Street. next door to the iner and Herald Oflice.Luticaster. Dee. I. IMO. "Unquestionably the beat sustained Work of the kind in the World." HARPER'S MAGAZINE. mit r, mod popular Monthly in the world.—Ncth York 1 Observer. No Magazine in YArope or America is ro well known; none has half so many readers; and. we may safely . •aj. tone has received so large it tribute of ad. lunation bons the rultivaledelasses. that in a healthy, diversified. ries:atm: periodical literature lt is the foremost Mammies of the Jay. The firestile never had a more delightful cam anion, nor the mil. lion a more entertaitime friend, than Harper's. Magas Protestane(Ho Inman.). Twenty-five cents buys It—the cheapest richest, and moo lasting luxury lor the money that we know. Tiller dollar. -eel. ree it for one year. and what three dollars ever went en far? l'ut the saute amount clothes, eating, drinking. furniture. and bow much of a .111.unit:on thing is obtained! If ideas, facts. cud sentiments have a monetary value—above all. it the humor that refreshes. the pleasantries that bring a Critic smile, and brichten the pa-sage of truth to vine pl.:mm..lnd the happy combination ofthe real and imaginative. without which no one run liven life above the animal. are to be put into the scale opposite to dollar• mid centsoben yule may be certain, that if tinnier were three or four tames us dear, it would timely repay is price. Ii is u Alagazine proper. with the , idea and purpose of a Megarine—not a book. not a scientifie periodical, nor jet u supplier of light gos sip and chatty anted/yes—Um a Magazine thin takes every form en interesting, dignified. and attractive literature in grasp.—Gonikeen Times The volumes bound con-inure of themselves a li- Wart of. miscellaneous reading. such as ern not be Mend in :lie Caine compass ri any other publication Mat bag come under our 1110 , 13FG••••kelf04 courier. Unquestionably it is the best sustained nark of the kind in the language; that isle say in the world. The splendid monthly eways from the I.:dimes Tali:e arc above price --JV Y. Christian Advocate and Journal. We must reler in terms of eulogy to the high tone nod vaned excellences of Harper s Magazine. a jour , with a monthly circulation of about 170 000 copie• is whose pages are to be found some of the choicest light and general reading of the day. We speak of this wont as on evidence of the American people. and the popularity t has acquired is merited. Each number contains folly Ni pages of instrnetive matter. approprtately illustrated with good wood-cuts; and it combbies in itself the racy monthly and the more philosophical querterty. blended with the best fea ture• of the daily journal. It has great power in the creation and db.-unionism of a love of pore therms tnre.—Tzmosita's Guide to American Lneraturr, Lon. don. TERMS: The Magazine mny be obtained of Booksellers. Pe. radical Agents ' or from the Publishers. runless Dot, tray a year, orTWVITT rtes Clews a Number. The s efoi . oftooo t V o lumes, as womplered, neatly bound in Cloth, are sold at Two Dollars each; and hl mint Coy. era • re Gsmisked so those who wr-h their back Num bers uniformly bound. a; Twenty-five Cents each.-- Twenty Volumes are now ready, bound in Cloth, and also in Itself Cats. The Publishers will supply Ppecimen Numbers gratuitously to Agents and Ponraastels. and will make liberal arrangements wtik them for circulating the Magazine. They will also .apply Clubs of T wo Persons at rive Dollars a year; or rive Persons at Ten Dollars. Clergymen sad Teachers supplied at Two Dollen. a year. Numbers' from the commence ment eats now be supplied. Alse,tita bound Volnmes. The MagsZine weighs over seven and not over eight ounces. The Pashto won each Number, whir% must be paid spladerly in advance at the office whore the Magarmei* recelined r i. Tartar Cgers. JUMPER & DROTHEV:s. 414' Fair, New :cork. 6 .Fixins'" for the Holidays, paid lteeiveillit hi. stores .upplv .of • its,ins. Currsirte.• •Treace slid Crsuberriee.Witohr•isuctir RXTAII" iil-o. Pule Ground Itefilied White it'd Brown' sligar;i, sad extra `New Urban. Idolatrises for bal.'iug g; At.t•at reduced prices. ' , 20 itirddlicet"tevYnriprup itColettlbia,boW ready at N. C.•Ft)NDERiSMIi'IP3 Dec Stores, Locust .it., Calwnbia. IN order thavotrr *rend, and all other, who mar have a link WATER CANAL itliDitant ' on linnd, may be relieved of the‘e ter.? we give notice that a mail portion will be ta ken in txeliabge (or goods at caller of the stores of the subseriber. li. C. FON DERSSIIT 11. Dec. 8, INGO. Peoples' Cash .'tore. AT PRIVATE SALE. IIIE subscriber offers at Private Sale his comp, t m le from town on ihe Cheptuut More road, with 20 acres of ground on the north side of the road, and 5 nere4. more or lean t on the south. The M otion or the holl'r a. a cannot be surpassed toe beauty and convenience in the neighborhood—high, WELL SHADED WITH LAUGE POHEST TIMES, commanding a beautiful and varied proapct. 2 springs of excellent - water supply the dwelling, spring -house' wash-house. burn yard and garden with running wa ter. The house is simple but commodious and could easily be enlarged. The Poll is produc ive and has been highly fertilized. The garden is curly and pros ducrive. Ivo!, cLowe fruit ofevery kind in abundance —including fifty grape vines of the best varieties. There is also nit orchard of 1:io trees— peach and up ple—now bearing fruit. There is a convenient tenr ant house rear tne burn. The iIUM and +tabling well suited for the place—wagon-shed, contsrrib. On the south vide a neat cottage and a tenant house, and well of good wilier. The two piece., of ground can be sold seperaietit or together. J. 11. MIFFLIN. N. rt. To :my one desiring to enlarge thin 'pot into convenient farm an onporamily ofrern tit the pale of neren on lbe rant—part of t 6. original tract—now offered ni pul.lic sale by .1 G. Hess. Cola. N0v.24, tB6O. Arine variety of Apples, by the barrel or in smaller quantities, at the lowest market prtee. at 11 StrirDAhre Grocery Store, Corner Front rota Union rts, Nov. 54. tenth CRANBERRIESI Tfl F. sub se riber has on band a purply of —trc4b. sound nun. Nov 24. lam. Car. Prom and Union etas, The Best, Cheapest, and most Success ful Family Paper in the Union. lI.a.B.PZIX.Itt vzizrzczy, Price rive centl a amber; 91,50 per rear THE Val APrigilillileA ft . and the valor of the. effluents. There is n romplete history of nearly all the public events of the yens--there are amok di.serititionit on the leading 'coma—there tire the graceful trillings (not :Away trivial, however. but profoundly iii-iruetive) of the Lounger—there are the lutes tad stories of Bulwer. Dickens, Tliackerny:tre. —there are the new nod tall, there are thou: stilling wood cut representations of contempo rary men and things. of follies and 6111 . 110111., and Of cu-toms and raniniord within a single. volume. and to be ltd for at song. it is u gre-td pic ture book of the human Itfr of she ainetrrok century. rut all it. phases, Hui hi nearly till 11.1101IP. Esrey slits. of renders. moreover, may be liners-Ird by ti— the old and thoughtful; the young mud gay; the man of ttii-iiiess,the child and the woe:nub—R. Y. Zemin- Part. We would not so often rail aitendint to limper's It kly it we were not well sari-fled km it is the hom ily patter publothed in the United States and for Mitt amid that nione, we de-ire lo see it undermine and root out a certain kind of literature too prevalent. winch blunts the morals of it. renders. Villains their mite for sensibk reading. and is altogether bad in its effects —New London Advertiser. As Harper's Ai0g.2111.• lots done ranch to drive ont the yellow-covered literature. so we should be glnd lo see this new Weekly lithe the rtnee of illeHe paper* whist. depend fsr IX:mien:eat CII poor, trashy novels. —.The York Erangriut It (Ileirpee's Weekly) is the proper rite roe bindieg. and nn excellent opportunity is afforded for uny one who wishes to preservr the history of the Calliltry u• it is mode. to do so by filing !harper's Weekiv.—Pon liar I Morla.)Jark.oxian. . . Its fresh leaves, its clear Fate. lie entertaining va riety. its severe but just criticimis npon the lollies of the t`me•. its elegantly written and inidrucii re ariirles and its able correspondence. all combine to make it the model newspaper of oar country, and one that every family mu-i prize. Its condensed weekly min atory of Foreign rued Itomeslic Intelligence is alto ceMer superior to *but committed in any otherjournal. Being sublimed too, itt a form for proservutiou and binding if token care of as it deserves is be, it will be found in future ) earn us welcome &I companion for olio fa n ily And fireside as the day 1.11 which it was first pews eed.-31eComerlseiffr (0) %Aram% tlarper•A Weekly is electrotyped, mid back num 4er4 cult be furnished ut up• time. One Copy for Twenty Week.. $l,OO. ono Copy for I foe lieut., .J.:1,0 One Copy for Two Year.. 4.00. Five Copt., for One year, 0.00. Twelve Coptee for One Year, , 1 0 00 Twenty-Gve Copies for one Year, 40 00. An Extra Copy will be uliowed for every Club of Twelve or Towly•li re Subscribers. Staid Ili . far the Year( 1557,1859, red ISI:41„ of -HARPER'S WEEKLY." handsomely bound an Cloth ext nil, Price s.93oenrh.are now randy. Ild PER tc N0v.21.1560. Frnnlclin Square. New Vnrk. = RAISINS! RAISINS! 1) RIM F. fresh I.nyer, Ranch. Scedles• null Valencia L Kuria.. n full supply nt 11. SUYDAhI'A revery eittne, Cor. Front sod Locum SIN Nov. 24, tea°. FIGS! FIGS! FIGS! IN clic name of the Prophet Peg-. A irapply of now crop Fig...just irreiverl ut 11. rizUVPANI'S (in...4y Store, Cot. Front arid Locust Nov.:M.I:4W Alarge Pimply of Frerb Dried Apple.; nail reaeliee, of furl-rule on hand at 11. SUVDAM'S C merry Siore,Cor. Frew mud LOVIlel Si.. ICOv. (010 411EADBEATER'S vl & '4114 ‘ 33P-YOVOP LIQUID STOVE-POLISE SEVEN REASONS WHY IT IS TUB BEST. Isl. It is always ready for use. 2d. It tas no smelt. Mt. It pi:grebes over rust. 4th. It is .monomieal. sth, It produces no din in polishing. 6th. It stands the greatest degree oCheat. 711 s. It is ju..t what every tinnily needs. It prey hem! One wird Imaged one third longer! Stoves will last one-third longer Ly lushly this. Time and money saved- It lias stood the ee. tercet te-is. TRIUMPHANT, TRIUMPHANT. Leadbeatees Renowned Liquid Stove Polish. Greatest Discovery* of the Age: One trial will con vince you. Addre... LEADLINATER & CO.. !Role Manufacturer.. No Inn Market rt., Philadtlnltio. triSn'd by nil re.pcetable dealer,. nrA liberal dipcoonn in tit,, Md.. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE! rrrnce. *2 and Al Cents. Put up for Dealers in raft■ containing four and a igin dozen. A liptendul Lithographic Show-card companies each package. Every Merchant rhould male a note of Leadbeater's Renowned Liquid niece Polish. N0v.17:160. • First Opening of New Fun T ronderrmith's ritarca thin day. A choice seine. 11. 'ion of For., 'melodies entity. Mort tad Sliver Martin. Fneh.Squirret,illue. Wart: and Bros rn Coney. &e... Cape.. Victoriner, Muff. and Cuff grat ladle,' avid children, all made to order in the beet style awl ma. tenet expreealy &roar miler, to which we reopen:sly invite the attention of the loolien of Colombia and vicinity. PosDltlittiAtlTll. C la. Nov. 17.'00. Pdople'► Store. A Fredh purply at Brown's 13ronebialTmelo.. jind A received and for rale by K. VCIII.I4AWS N0v.24.1960. nom three. 1 MST received a new supply. of Fraph (around Mack J Pepper, warranted pure, as She Dreg Sore of R. WILMAJWIS Nov. 2f. ISGO. rams Street Zolinabla Commonweal 0V the Rin:e of Pennm Mee. COIRRIOD. wealth Handing, N 0.613 Merton Street, nits. delphla Capital,—Pald up CMital, 511191000. Onoistiaa tk SSW DIRFAMOIS: David Jayne. at D., Joba M. Nader. John N. WI.;1811, t4rpbest Coulter, HA!ward C. tinight, Thomas W. Hmar, John IC, Walker. Henry Leath', J r Thanes S. Stewart. Charles It. Pares/ DAVID JAVAIR. 11. D.. President, JOHN N. WHITALL, Yiea Presideut. Sa sire,. S. Mom. Searelaff- For 'marine° apply to F. I. Ziegler. Arra" at Columbia. '2,10,17.114. Relief for the "Crisis;' COUNTRY PLACE COUNTRY RESIDENCE APPLES! APPLES!! non itts4 DRIED FRUIT! Company, Qomribing worth knowing. r havejusivecrivre Ll Direr for mule, Ruh! ceuts..per num t.a lot of Uomi .ii•enturi in if not better then env in this place, to prove which it in ouly necessary-to fry it wii.LrAm:.. Cole. N0v.11.1, 1860. Front .trert. Tliv: ,, Ubscriher would %vita the attention of house keepers to his under tun! bitensive *tack of KIA DS OF RUCKHIFI.S. i aria.; log Teary OAPs,. Sugar*, Molasses. Ilam+, ke.. whit o Rental as4ort•aent of liousel,zeping tt ecespa ries. Ile felts at the lowest rates. 11. SUYDAM. Cor. Front and Union Sts Nov. 21, 1960. CALICO! CALICO!! Pieces Levy Calite. of the beet male, now 1 0 0 selling. at 9 yarl. (or u dollar ut Ulet. 27. IWO. BRUNER'S. Dissolution of Partnership. TECo.Partnership heretofore existing between J. 8. Deficit. Dr. 11.Johet and H. It. Knotorclh in she Drug Business, (Sign of the Hoiden itlortar) was dun oolved this day by mutual corneni. J. S. DRLLET r, Cola. N0v.1,1560. tI. JOHN. U. R. KNOTWELI.. CONTINUATION OF BUSINESS. TUM Drug and Prescription Dosiom.s will be eon tinned at the old *nand by the undersigned. on part ner• under the finn and tide of Dr, H. Joho. & Co , and under the supervision of J. S. DeLcit who will give it his undivided ntleti.ion. II .10/1111, Cola. Nov... IEOO. 11. R. KNOTWEI.I.. 1 T"F:vubactiber otters his Gar ARDEN lr Colum bia for mot, to an limiest, vatic, nod induoriou• man. who properly underptaiiiiti the cultivatiou of Prieto; and Vegetables, owl can come well rccOnc mended. The enc!osure COmailiS nearly two acres of first quality or laud, and there are now growing thereon. and in good condition, more than one hundred and Say peach, apple. near. quince, neein rine and cherry were, twenty grape vines. more than 1 COO goo...berry. . culta , so", Lawton blackberry and currant bibliee, and twiwsparague bed with °tie thousand crown•. P0M . 214011 will be given on the firm or January. SAIIICKLSIIU4II. Columbia. Plow.mlier 18G04m 'Panic" Goods from New York. WE have just reeeivrd at our stores, great borguins in Clothl,Cueeimeren, Satinet is, Vest ingA, ar.. "PANIC STRICKEN GOODS," from the New York market. Gentlemen. portieulorly idiom who have been so unfortunate ns to lose gur means on the result of the eleetions. will have an op. portunity to save 23 per cent in their purehnse•. a n d A t tenet get a portion of .heir °money back" by wrung. ing their matters at el•her of the liforr+ oftkenninwri. ber—opposite Odd Fellows , Hall. or adjoining fir Co /amble Bank. Val% wuy Fellow Citiaenl: COOll. :1114 n(1.0.1.(F. Clall a.t 11. C. roNDEßsAirrini Nov 3,1F00. 1.0eu9.t tairert. Colombia. DRESS U US, Aninr•, Cashmeres. Mack Sills. Sank Flannel,. 1./ Chreloi, Muffin-, zilientinn o .. din c.. at LIBLINEItto Colo Or 27, 1860. Cor. Third and IT Won. LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. LA DIES Omit Boom, Ladies Gout Boots with heels. Tudirs Kid Boos with heels,Ludies Morocco limits with heels, Misses, Mororeo Boots with heels. Pdis,ses hlortseeo !louts without heel +Mays Kip Shoes fßxi en). Bleu: Kip :hoes (littru), ?dens Ctiffsliiit Shoe? (lUx. These Shoe* huve beet, purchased from nest hand: and still be sod at is wall iitivuliee. Oet. IT, 10410. 1. 0. & 11. U. 11RUNT:R. *O2 1111/41.INTSID. Tua: full:man . . tire in wont of n Boy (elle fifteen or FIXIPeII senre old le preferred) to learn the Meek. smithing litt.ineee. Apply to CARTT:R & lIRCKI R, Conelimnirere, Coin. Nov. a. ifi6o-tf (.7a [ambit, Irn. NEW STOCK OF COAL OIL LAMPS. DRICES reduced Ante CURTIN'S ELECTION. ,L. Gls.. Soma nt OS et. formerly SS et. Marble sum! at SI, it Sr, " Marble Stood so SI IS 51.3 s " Fluted 3' fir 'le Soma as SI 2:1 St So Bell Style Marble aloud astilt.4o .. St GS Globe Style Marble Stood at sl.d, " $1 SO lira.* Mild at 70 els XI !Footing Lamp. 1.1 81.37 6.1 75 Side Lumps to 01.37 .*1 75 Call YIIIi ctuilline our stock helore purehnhing dee. where. .1 8. DELLKTT, & Co, 0(.1.20. tqlt. Coto.. ninomr Drug Store. PRICE REDUCED 2iitTinClllllipl. to Ilan. Con% Oil. We will V irr any mdinory Fluid or 0 1 lamp to horn Cool Oil. Clomory IVielt and all complete-. for 50 ca at the 0.4.20, DM.] GoI.DEN AIORTAR DRUG STORE. - SHADES! SHADES! ha , .c. Juin received an nu/ion:nem or plain rind 1/ trii irgiu rein Shade., from VII riu in GI el.. ran mid I.le them al J S omi.ixrr.& co. Oct. 2U, teGO. Golden Morin r Drug Store. PCURTIIARRIVAL• • k ISO NEW WALL GOODS. CIPENING Mix Naming, Beautiful it_.pAssort ment of new fall good., bought in Now York and rhiludel hi. The newest fall style.: The Arab. The thunste. The Walling Coat, The Full Pack, The Plant Back. The Cape tim a. The Beaver Cloth, he . he. C:oak ins Cloth. of every Lind. Crept gond, of every closerignonotewees et y le.andjue.inttutrted its N. York. .IEICEIVIVI7.7-a/ES. A beautiful ap.ontsweit, and Wert et) Moe +. Gong shawl., blerneh Long Blanket Shawl.. French lone Blanket shawl., weOa Shsourt,rmltngring evPry entnr A 4nliiy. COATING, CASSIMERES, & VESI iNGS. We re-portfuilv invite ntientiou to our ttork of Cautious, Ctot.tettere4 nod Vetologs. rxreedistg nt vtt tiel)'. toottior And clutuptoes4, any rood. in Mot tine w•e ever offered. 114 I.DIKAI A N'S Oct 17. I .410. Cheap Cntit store. SUGAR CUBED HAMS rptiE Aubneriber hau a *apply of Neu: Sugar Cured 1 I Inns., watch he can recommend. H. r.zI,'VDANI. Grocery Store, corner rrom and U/11411 ~ t. Nov. 24.1060 BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. GIBES !' Buckwheat Flour. in kluge or .mall drinoil nee, for pa.e at II crY BAN'S ttsoccry Storcgarner Front ;tad Union .au. Nev. 54,060. CLARK'S Palms Indelible Petieil far marking Clo Mies. &c., (or tole by R. (Jet... MD. Front Sr.. Crib, Va. BARGAINS! BA.AttiA.l./v 121 undersigned, Assignee of Henry Pfah- L ler. or Columbia. ha. for ento a tame owl,' of Ce dar, Willow. Tin and Copper-% ore; Carta and rod°, &civet., or all the Unproved treylett; Table Cutlery. Spoons. /kn.; a general st.tioranent or Ilatere-Fortti.h. ine Hardware, ke , which he will .ell at se q. low pri er. for Ca.h. to clone OW the Collrent. Country Storekeeper" are bushed to r kaoline Ilse thick. heeryttutip will poodively be tot" a- eurly o. es possible. VI here the purrintme me rotteelec able. reasonable credit will be ie. approved te. Siereoppo-iie the Bank. CHO Oct. eft, IeGO. APripme. SKY-LlClirr - PICTUIitS! MINI OBIOXNAL LY, IN NEW HANDS. TIM subscriber has taken the OW Gallery, sad I. prepared to take rather the he.. and cheap eat picture' , ever taken in Culutubi.t. He hue added to the feeilitie. orthe mnm• A SKY e.wirr, and 11A1 completely matted the areadaktunent,aml ie prepared to lake Ivorytypee, I'hntosr..oh•. Metz°. tepee, /Induct. pe•, Itlehuttotypea end I.teturru mt Contra. IA the beet Ogle, aun at rulers winch ure unheard of for chenpnes.. Ukctteace• warranted, and a •oti•faetnry pientre ferniAted without repeated Pitting*. Ile et*. con tinuance of the Isbera: patronage antra), extended on this. mnabliAment. Call and examine .perimetto at she rooms, N. R. Corner frost! and I.ueu•t ftreet-, third merit. Entrance on Locust ferret Oct. WI. MM. R .1 fit. I.l7el'LR. READY-MADE CLOTHING. lams and Bop: Readrmsado Clothing its great on 11IL rimy irerr atomic all goods Warm. zed a. repre muted,. &reale by AIALTIIir it- CASK. Columbia. 1810. HOOTS AND SHOES. Inltt.O.Crld's,llll...i.Vonilen. and Maarten flame • tutd :Mons of kinda, cbent.ct than ever beton tdrened in dd. place; come and see. I'nr•ale by Cain. Oct. 27. Mt 111 A CAPF. NM GOODS JUST RECEITIII). r 1•1111 Sittstrapas have jail opened a large ' a.wtd m iasma n.nmrmeai of tessonsible coals, which they would incite are arse 116011 or pureba wit ' generally, el:satiating of Fine Fail Siyle• Dees. Sat.*, how al can. Ul Sd. per yard. French Merinos, All.weol C.ollabereP, Coburg*. Poplin* *lyrics., Pharaels.lielainet. Ptlla.,(ilOVClNGsuolet , . Shawl., *Walken., Cloths. Catsemerre. Sat how. Vern elm Ca r. pets, chi Cladts, Window Shades,Ciathing. Beet. and :shoes. tilocensturate, Groceries 'ad Yeasisiont, to. gether 141 h ell ethergoods usitally Lept country atom; all of which tbey will sea at the eery Montt cash prices. COlllll7 produce of all Lind* talcs in exchange for geode at the highest motet peer Thankful fist the already liberal' ravenous bettesiad epee Atm. they would say to their eaweeners. and the coutraustityla domed, that by Fair Dealing. and obit( attrailsin to bashtess, they hope to melte eon 1411110111 et of the name. bl ALTON' s CASK. Store. LOOTOft °motile J. nosople & : 4•01.•• Oct llerdwerr L27,19db• ALL AND WINTER cLO rail\ GI PECIZIALVEXarIdX.EL rELSMON3. GRAN VI LLE STOKES' ONE PRICE • GIFT CLOTHING ENPOR/Ilia. No. 607 Chestnut &reel. superb stock of fine French.Fmolish and American It Clotho. Caseimeree, and Vestings, for City and Country trade. wills an unapproachable ae‘ortment of Ready-made Clotliii gat the lowest cash prices. [C r But One Price i s [tithed. and u Cilt of intrinsic wont, andwiepre-erred with each article told. ParticuilreattelltiOn paid to .11c culdomer &Datum' nt, and g-arments made and sent to nay address. In inaugenninr, this new system of doing busine4s, Grunvilic Stoke. wuu tl impress on the minds of the patrons of his cptablisliment, that the coo of the gill to deducted from, and nor added to the price of the at title sold. Ili. Imineitoely inerca.this sale., email i ito I lum to menials Itherudy. sad at the same time, to real ize a retnunerato.e 111140. All article- gukrusiteed to give ‘atishielion. GRANVILLE sITOKI' One Price (lift Clothing nuporium, No. 607 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Oct 20, I.a6n, THE NEW CORNER STORE, Otopo-iie Cie o.ld Fellow. , Hail, unit the People zoom adjoining the Wink—are receiving addnion supplie. of Choice New tiorooln this week. Pllll.O nr 1111C1111011 in invited to the magnificent olitp lay t o ens ;tooth!. embracing Plain and Fancy Drees tnitk• ch Gloinoy Black P.n., Printed All-wool. mod -010 bored Fresno!, Merino:les—decidedly the prettiest an. molest good. we ever had—egguinite design., Prom Woots,Delaines ant Colehnicre..Wool Plains. Pop , &c, and the bene'Lery"Deluieen sold in Caitlin oiy 110VCItiCi iu t noveliit,g dies- good., entire ew iu this tnarket, ore now ready at I'UNOCRSXIITIVI 4 Store., Cola. Oct. 13, 1 96 0 . Locust Street. HMO. GREAT FALL OPENING 1860. OF 7W GOODS. NOW exhibiting the largest, most dcsira. hie anti cheapen.. good.; we ever n&•red; tteleeied in New York and Philadelphia. Our (nen& mad tomer , are mvited to in..peet Our Poona. tolladently ln•heving Soli will be pleattett,•ti to the eartely,quality and clienpite4E. DRESS GOODS. Enti rely nmv style. of Pull Silk.. ben moke or Silk., Lnpiti s rrer.elt in Mack and iu all Comm.n Zambia Preiteli bleiinnes. primer' In vine.. bouquet.. pollen Fjlol/ , uad 101,1111111011..1.11p111 g t all wool Printed blouplinen. iu vine.. bowmen., polio volts nod medallion.. double width Iri.b l'up'in. new style. all wool printc.l Ca.hmere., blurb grout. Putiluid., Velour Ottomans, all want Plnid., ;curia Sole. 1/enonilt', Children'. aright Plaid. lOU Meer. Poeifie de !.Hint.. IV/ WO pieces Inn de Lain..., 111, !Tenth and Huglim 4.4 Chintzes. 50 piece. Coburg.. nil quint ibe., 6t Murk mid Color*. CLOAKS, VERY NEWEST STYLES. Tagus, Victoria. Arabian. fight Cloth nail Highland Cloaks, Litht Oloakiii2; Cloth., 01l ,hailes,le tlitlrs and Velvets. SHAWLS Stella, long and ulna re Uraehtt. long and *gnare. plain. Itlnch and plaid Blanket Slatwl, hlut-es' and %Vastest slun lc. low priced Shaveha. CLOTHS, CASSI3IER'ES AND kVESTIVGS. The largest and moat complete n•soriment we ever offered, 111111 nt Unusually /ow nriees. we inV.te ;tame ular attention to our Cloth Department, Bops Coati mere., 4-e . he. HOUSF.KEEPING GOODS, Blankets. Alar•eille xnd other Qmlis. Woolen Coo. erlet.. Comfortable... 12-4 Linen Shirting., 12.4 blenched and inarlegrlied Conon Sheeting.. Linen and Conon Pillow Cti.e G00d...3 4 and° 4, Linen o.numik Table Cloth.. from it y aril. In 4 yards long linen Toweling., limbo-.rd tVoolest Tnltle Coner•Ae. lIPKTIN , ;!..—A very large lot or lICW tyte., and nt reduced prirrn, FLOOR OIL CLOTH...FLOM I yard to 4 yards A large lot TA BLit OIL CL0T115.....Vt0111 1 yard to 2 yard. wide. Wimiow SIIATICe:— A complete a.nort meat. llaticy e ‘Vinnow Shade Gztarre, I.noking GOOSE WEATHERS. CARPET CRAM—WOOER, 'ARPII,OIId Cotton CRr pet timitt. CHINA GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, a first-rate opeOltmento very cheap. The above comprises only a stnall portion of our New rood.. HALM:MA:V:4 Cola. Sept. 22, lan. Cheap Ca-h More SEASONABLE FALL GOODS Now opening a very large and complete us-ortenent of :ca-oimble Bond.. Chrope! than . . net 2 0 , MO. Chea p Cush Stine. BREINII3II6AN, in Me BOOT' AND SHOP: fr.:,..vvr:9s. ith finestD . 1.3 w the finest in itunensteeet. Cinem.; of Columbia and vicinity we tort•nr r you to know Min Biennium In not 111 ("mfr.. Square any more, but oppo-tte Coopet'a Hotel, We't litng *teem. and snakes Fine flnlf.kin Boots for 54.50 Calf-kin Walking Shoe., 2. Itudicie heel (Miter., double voted, 2 00 Ladies , Morocco Boom, ' 1,G2 itVe hare concluded to make the Ear Work, at mewhat reduced pr erej.f.,e. though our profits nee mill. we hope to enlarge oar business by to doing. Now. cutaen• oreolutotorr, look nl the above Peale of prtt•r-. und when rou come to Imiren.ler. give lireeeman a roll. and sue feel stati.fied out be pleased. %rook or every churneter for gentlemen, ladies and children. ntway+ out hand. :neptertiber 1.5. itrerMit LINDSEY'S IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER, A STANDA RD MEDICINI. 120 IR the .pcedy. radical, and clectnal cove of all Di.eures nosing from Impurny of the otond Thi• mrdirino ha. wrought the moat mimcuioo• curve In dc-perale cast.. of Cdnerr,tial'ormation., Clitnneous Divaser, liry•eipelue. Boit., Purapic. oil thr cure, Sore lire., 04. Stubborn Ulcer., Scald Brad. Trotter Aireelioit., Rheumatic Uieorder•, Comment.... !manatee. Stilt Rheum. hletritrial Di wan.% Eletidity, Liver 1.0.. of appetite, Low l'oul Stomach. Female Complaint.. and all Di.eases having their origin 111 as. impure •tote of the Oka I. We reter in the CO.(' of Davin McCreary. of Napier town-hip. who. on the 31.1 day foram:n.l, I&•i9. made aflidaeit before Ju.tice Gorier. that he wag treated f.r the cure of C.ineer by three plrv.u•imt. of Redford roomy, and by Dr. Net ton of site I:Arctic. College in Culeitinnti, for a period at nearly right mouth., not will...toiling which, bi- liti, nose. and a podia,' of left cheek were entirely eaten aw•a}! Ile ilOll given up all hope, when he heard of the ••Itloo.l teed AMA induced to try it. four bottles cured :din, and 31111101101 Badly th.fipired, there i. noci echo.. but what Ohio , invaluable medirine caved lain life. The full particular. of Olio reload...lite ease may he peen in a circular. which eau he had of any of the Agents. We refer to the cli.e of Nancy 131esttaiey ot too artwisrolig county. Po „ eared or Ittereflua after leiutr nimble to get out of heal for Ihret . sour., To the race of a Indy in an.rinville. Clem field ..aunty. who m.o. alto afflicted with Scrofula iii it. wawa t0i1,,. To ,hr ego.e. of George Meisel. residing ut Carroll. town. Cambria county. Pa ,oho was aottattly Whim. w:ila Cancer that it eat his cativo novo off. also his cam was worse. if possible, than MeCitatory'+. The particulars of these case—every coma which tea- cured by th e um of she Blood Sestrrher—may alvo he Ounit sit a circular to be had of any of the agents R. M. LEMON. Proprietor. Laboratory for the ratnufawure mid sale, near the Prima Railroad Depot Ifolfidosyshurg, Pa. Dr. Geo fl Keyser. Wittnemle Agent, rott.lattz. Pa. GEVI'II FOR ICOLUNIM 4.-11 Witimmot,,Eron: •treet, Dr. W. S. McCorklr. Odd Patios.' Dull. i.0..11.1 end J. S. Drlleui & Co, Golden Mortar ,Rug Store. Vrnlgt CI Mel. Sept. 15, hoild — er Brace and Cheat Expanding Stutpen• dere, juel received awl fnr Pule at J. S. DID-LETT. Jr Cis.. Darr Some. Oct. 20. ISO°, eZireel, t7ral soothe. Dr — .Esenwein's Tar and Mood Hap - tha Pectoral, IS the BEST MEDICINE iin.The world, der the Cure ofCoughe nod Cede. Craters, Dionehir A .. thma.lll;fficialty in Dreolhine. Pulpowoosi of the Dean.' Dspiherin.o,ol for Ilia •erief of pot el Ile :Wenner,' rouge. obelneumptioth together was all aeraieee Of the throat and chest, visa wthela preali•pope to Con europium. It I. permliorly adorned to the radical rare of Asthma. liriug prepared 'lay a premien( ['by-la ion and Dram gi•it. mid row of great experiathee in the three of the ; eiartnel• 411.'11. , to whirl, !he LlllOllll frame ea !MIA, 11 I. 01kFT.1 to 1111.11111BleIrcl with the W1,11'0.111 donee. Irr - Try it and i.e eonvineed at 1. raivelliable iu the rare of ilrouehinl Ade. tiara, Prier Celtic per leasile. I".sl;:rl.Wnesi`r; AK( /AlATic very made remedy for Diarrhum. Dy-eatery. Chothro More bue.nod tall Dowel A reettoue Tay it. Pun ma per bottle. lirrThe above Mell 'delta are i.0",-.T0.4 on ly by /M. A. ESkN tit Ara Drorgbii and 4:herrt:ea. N. W. flaruraer of Nita/1 and Poplar PIP , Plealodelphia. Sold lay every renseeliefete Driene.l ;Slid De der of Meditator, Ileraarestall Ilse Stay. June 16.1960.1 y The Mated Life Insurance Company or New iroa.K. SIK MILLIONS OF DOLLAR', lI:VESTED IN ,fIP.AT 'ASORTGAIIItS irt REAL r4ilk tR. WORTH OVER $13,000,000. TI g premium • are iinv KR than in man y othrr ram initaknotnil the DiTidenit.: wine {Kra cmg,TEIR. Thi• I. n wtrieily Alumni Company. Thwir ate nn Stninikbolder...o that nil ihr itrafit• !whin: in the :O. .aced. a'. ItATCIII'ORD STARR, aeon'. S.. W. cattier Fourth and Walnut 'freest., Pinto TiIILADI:LPIII\It rSIIIF.VCE.F. Thome. Roblin.3otii. 111101110P-A1 1.. 1.10 . 01.0 Ceorr 11. 4niart, Geom. 111.9.eroud. It tar. Wbe:en, /aka 13 Myer% J. Fiats , Leautinft. Joarph Panernern. William C. I.odset,4, John U. Atwood. Anil"? U. Catfir Thom. 11. raven+. Geewse W. Toand. Wilboto McKee. Tbos Women. ramottfets and every information envy be bad gnat io.ost 1114,1111:1010 -10 R. PitfietEm. D , or D.l. naomit.Nl. D- I hum to4l, 1%2. Ontigs,4. PtTitE WRITE MEGA - k first-rate amain or White Vinegar. notice.: sail for caie try b. F. kil3Elll.t..lit, Oc I. 21. Ittfin. No. 71 rtt. BUCKWHEAT MEAL. mitt. tint 13uckwbeat Meal of the season, jest [e -1 reivrd at S. V: EiIItRIAWS Oct. YI. lb O. Grocery Store. Locust Street. wamormat C. warrnrozalir, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES N. W. Corner 171 h and Arch ma., PIII LA D tzrmA. IMPORTER OF CROSS & BLACKWELL'S ENGLISH PICKLES ANDSLITOES Tcas and Coffees. For SUR.%I alway , at Refiner.' Price.. Choi re 117,VES Llquons A.ND bzudins, o 1 the en broad., always nu band. trlVlay 12. I:=50-1y - Dim • ai • :111. • Dr. Darius Dam's AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRII This medicine has been used by the public for six L. Carr, With illercaving favor. It is recommended in cure Dyspepsia. Nervousnens. Ilenet-Hurno. Colic Pales. Wind on the. Soomarh. or Pere in the Bowel's, Item:ache, Drew/does, Kidney Comp . laints. Low Spir its. Delqiuin Tremont+. Intemperance. It Stimulates, Exhilarntes, invigorates but will not Intoxicaveer Stupefy. As u medicine. it is quick nod eTeetual. curing the moat lig:troy:tied casco of Dripersia. Kidney Conn chains. and all other derangements of the Stomach nod Dowel., inn epeedy manner. Persians wheffrom the injudicions tine of liquarahavo iiecoine dr jected. and their nervous epitome shattered, eon -litutionn broken dnwn, and subject to that horrible curse to humnuiry. the Oclinum 'Tremens, will. imme- Moiety feel the hullo and healthy Invigorating eflieacy of Di. flemesdistigurainie Spirit WHAT IT WILL DO. Darr_-0 ine cies• full as often no necessary. One dose will remove all and Spirit-. Oue dose will yew Dean-burn. Three doses will core looligenion. One olone will gave 3 no n Gond Appetite. Out done will slop the pa:llA Ot 115'1,01.1a. One dose wilt remove the distnsfning and .ti •coreir able elfeeto of Wind or Flatulence, and on noon nu the sininnelt receives the Invigorating Spirit, the dint re -- •ing load and all painful feelings will he removed. nue olofe will remove the most distressing pain. of Colic., either in the Stomach or rowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Kid uey, nimbler or Urinary Organ.. Per-ono who are feriou-ly afflicted with ntiy Kid ney. Complaints are assured speedy relief by a do, or two, and a medical cure by the use of one Of I bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION'. Persona. who. from di...liming too minds ay. , tool feel the evil effects of 1411.01100 s thiour, I's violent lienduelleo. niclne.s ut siomnrh. v eat pie-.. I:Wine:to, kit.. vi ill find one done will mums c bad feelings. Ladies of wenk tool sictly Mill the I ,mgornting Spirit three times ii do; it will ninke dim raring. healthy nut: hippy, remove all et. f auctions and irregularities from the ineli•tt oat gnit's and rentore the bloom of health and tie:oily to the careworn hire. During pregnancy it will lie found on ire:do:dile medicine to remove disagreeable rotund ions ct the stomach. All the proprietor n trial. nod in induce tido he lino put op the Imagorutisig dp!rit to yi of bridles, at St, cu . quart. el. General Depoi,-Itt Water Street. N. V. For safe by J. S. Deflect, Ic Un.. cod Dr. W. S. Air. Cockle Columbia. Dr. J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville 1034 lay draggints generally. Feb. 4. >01). PO& azuww, — , • 1,0, m -dew dm W.- A ir S rni e tt ;71;f 1 :1 2 iC r , e ll el lf i a: I f i f p e s t lt.i . g. good Celicr and Wert honor: calmed in Locust "arc teoppottitc t: e Franklin nonce. A LSO' A Brick Dwelling Boner: Two-Story ,L 3 stodAltir,.iittnteti itt Union rtrret. neatly oppo site the Catholic Clintch. For panic& aro apply to Coln. Aug.-4,'GO-if JONAS A.„rge orate Wert improved ecial Oil lettrip4 mat Cltinaitier alt.o. a ruperinr article of ('out ual, all or hich Will be cold at retlJecd price- aI2USIUMI ak nul Tel st ("' G e 1 gOPATIIte PECIFIC G ) " .It. . • ,_,-4-_--:,-._w_ir' , s , -,-;, , i- - . - - - z - :; -7 ...,.. ~.._. J . : - : . - - . .-_- .1. Peop 'l7-5.1111----e-Sz7;:f:lj". ' ; :•:., " -1111 ..:-•,' HEAR WHAT TEE PEOPLE SA a The undersigned haring used Professor ICIAPILRETS . SPNCIFIC lIOMiEOPATIIIO URNS F.DIRS In our families with the moat satisfactory results, and having full coot donee in their geoulnentus, purity, and cetcacy, cbeerfniii recommend then, to all persons rim wish to hare safe, evp liable, and efficacious remedies at hand for private or do mestic use. The Rev. Wm. Donner, editor of "The Northern Inde pendent," Auburn, N. Y.; th e Rev. E. 11. Cremes, Rector of St. Peter's Church, Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. 8., Ives, Chaplain of the Auburn State Prison; the iii Spencer M. Rlee, Rector, New-Bedford, Maws the Rae Allen Steele, New-York Conference ; the Rev. Sanwa Nichols, Esst-Geneses Conference, N. T. ; the Mfr. P. a. Pratt, Dorset, Vt.; the Rev. John R. Roble, Baal° ; A. C. Girt, Esq., Utica, Y ; the Don. Neal Dow, Portland, Me. ; The lion. Sohnylar Colfax, South-Bend, Ind. ; the Ron. George ifumphreys, N. Y. Henry D. Cook, Esq., Editor of The Ohio State Journal, Columbus, Oblo; the How& M. Graham, Moline, III .; the lion. Thomas J. Chase, Monti cello, Fla.; the lion. Joseph Benedict, titles, N. Y.; Vim. Bristol, Esq , Utica, N. Y.; A. S. Pond, Esq., Utica, N. V. ; James Plunkett, Esq., Nashville, Tenn. • No. I.—For Fever, Congestion, and 'lnflammation. No. 2.—Por Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wetting the Ile/ . No. 3.—For Colic, Crying, Teettiaky, and Wakefulness infanta. No. 4.—For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantile', and Summer Complainte. No. 5 —Par Colic, Griping., Dysentery. or Woody Flux. No. G.—For Cholera, Cholera Module, Vomiting. No. 7.—Por Cough., Cold., Influenza, and Sore Throat. No. B.—Vor Tooth-ache, Pare-ache, and Neuralgia. Na. 9.—F0l Headache, Vertigo, Great and Pullers. of the No. 10.—Dasegrata PULS—For Weak and Deranged Stomach, Constipation, and Liver Complaint. No. 13 —Pon leasactutrries, Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods. No. 14.—Por Leueorrhea, Profuse Menses, and Deering Down of Females. 15.—Por Croup, hoarse Cough. Dad Dreathing. 11.—Sate Reams Pnas—For Erysipelas Eruptions, Pimples on the Pace. 15.-11.1tenn STIC Plusi.—Tor Pain, Tameness, or Sort ixis la the Chest, Back, Loins, or Limbs. A..—For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Ohl Mismanaged Agues. T.—For Piles, Mind or bleeding, Internal nr Erternel. Sere, tf eat. nr interned Eyes and Eyelids; Fell ing. Weak, tr. Marred Sight. C.—For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either welt obstruction or profuse discharge. W. C.—For Whooping Cough, shallot Its violence ant shortening its course. In all acute diseases, such aa Fevers, Infirmanstiorm Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Itlwamatism, and ouch trop eve diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly Is ob shuts, and In all such cases the specifics act like a charm. The entke disease Is often arrested at once, and In all curt the violence of the attack Is modended,A:be disease short• enel, and rendered less dengerone. Coughs and Colds, which are of such frequent socurrenem and Which so often lay the foundation of diseased lenge bronchitis and coneturptlon, may all be at once cured by the Fever and Cough Pais. In allehronic diseaseusuch as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach, C4mtro es n, Liver Complaints, Piles, Female Debility, and I rid, old Headaches, Sore or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, Milt Mum, and other old eruptions, the ease hu Res whose proper application wilt *ford a cure la almost eve* !Instance. Often the care of a single chronic difficulty, soar no Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weal, •neee, has mere than paid for the ease ten times over. - Cgs. of 20 risk romplrtr, fn morocco, onJ Rook •5 Cute of 20 klair, and Rook, 4 ('as' of 13 numbered bores, and Ronk ease of 6 boxes. numbered, and book 4inale numbered bons, with directions— rent*. 4insie lettered boars, with direclioma .20 (VW. Large rase of 2 or. sill', for planters and physiciana.,..tib Fan Affirm 1 OR riirnnsir.—Opttrever.l. Dilllenli, labored greathlng, attended with Cough and Expectoration. nice, *4 emits per box. You Fox lbseittaana tnolletrninia.-IXseharges from the 1 rAr, tie result. of Pratte. Vecet, Measles, or Stermorinl, For Nobles fa the Heed, Random, of Hearing.. and Iturgtog n the Yam and Mar ache. - Pelee, tO cents per box. row Anon: a.—Xolarged Glands, Warned and Indent . 4 Torah., Streinags and Old tleem,Scrofulous Cachony or Children. Mee, tO cants per bar. Foe GIXICIRIT. Iloceourr.—Physteal ce Nervous Weaknee. , tither the result of Meknes% Decants . ' Medication., or Ite ', Woman Thtehaross. nice, 30 seas per hex. Fon TomPor.—Efuld Accumulations, Tumid Swellings, . Ms Scanty Seeretletrb. Nice, t 4) tees per lox. ' Poo Prodhessrat —Deathly Pu tmen. Vertigo, Name*, Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motion prise. 50 Celaa . per box. i Tot 1:1113111110111$3. —Far Gravel, Renal Calculi Dl • NU , Palatal Eldrottoo, Diseases of the Xidoeys. Prim Ito Isons per bor. Pelt Seams. Emettoss. —lnvoluntary Dise.hargen a..,1 Consequent Proitration and Debuts. bad Rambo of Lyn 1 ;Lobito. ;be most esecessfui sad edklsot remedy knows. tad may he railed upon ao a cure. Prim wills toll dire.. lions, $1 per bor. Perm= wbo wish to phew Ibrosselese under the prone s I peril ear% or to seek adelea et Prot. lIIIVIIIIII, emu 0 • re. at t his olio ice 3t3 Streadsray, dilly from B A.II, ST to S P.M. { at by letter. I Ott sumo= ET MAIL. lack over the lilt; nobs I* a owe of Idol Wa i f 1 Omar. eat blames th e soacend la a earned seta m a by nob to oar address. at XIS. On Itreadway, Sew orb, sod Obe tombliclon stabs duly Attonied by sob or tom% I gr. 20110 61 " T °1 or* I).—Wodottro on oottroolidott Alpo tot tbo sole et wax liserdles to atom tams wr . SalimtMeditailia. JAllig h Dr. a i.i. NI. at . %Igo Aged: tos.oesilso. ' 1 ' " i Msp 3, 1.9411,17 T.dicular anent:nu paid to selectiuz Just. Received 11. WILL{ANIS rrnol 1c1r....1 1;1'4 UST OP SPECIFIC REMEDIES. EZZ33 ALSO SPECIP/CS.