N.goW F4I4X , # 311:1:W/NTER WILY - :# 4 49. 0 5• • WE At opening at Iha_camer- of Ttlird and Psiloll Street., a Lagc u... 1 very rlcsihr,ble tat or" • ' FALL 4D,i3 W i LYTF.ft 610. 0 DS, whiihwe iFviir particu.ar nitentidn: • Alnee de I.nieee and Onsloneres, Printnd and Plato Style, ; Mr.rino. and Alpunna, tat all pricer; the I Altalles of Print.t. 9 yard- for sl.ou; lied, \Visor mid Telleve Flannel+, trout 20 eta., lo 4u uth.; Tie,ruur., Muslin% Clreelet, eve., t large. uatortrailit gnat vary' .cheap. Gentlemen are requeSted to neaugue our Sleek of Murk and Franey Colored Cloth.. !thank and Nancy ,elll.-lun• re.. SHlin, fzi!k and }'elver Ve-tings,Sutitiett.. Xeunteic) Jrnola,loTeds, dee., Which We 11.4 elsnap ee if, chenpe,t. Boots and Sheec, Huts pal Caps, all S') let, et eery W prows. ComOr S=1!1:E exel,;nge 1.11 . CI 1. k F artuNER. • rorner Third unit litlitau market prtert. PREPARE FOR COLD WEATgER, HAVE inst fmurtiri from ihri w;iii •pb•nd:,:. mivortment of all gm i.v.v and IO fUV rd limit, rill 4tylmi of COOX, PARLOR, STORE AND OFFICE • ' STOVES, which I feel , libeled will COlllpill zinc oilier this tied ec smute my tta, , , be scald nt t< atimill Leltriance. itirt A u tvit.s4lN, NtV Car ceened and 1-aLu.tt eirn•;r Colernbia. Sept. t:t. i-t.O. Ladies' One Price Fancy Fur Store! 1 1 - 011 N FIGURA. No. 71S Arch Street, be na.l . 41 o:'! , s ) met, Matitutiethrt r 0i Dealer 10 uln hinds FANCY FURS. 11.kving remo •ed In my owt,orc, 718 nd Long ninw dimly ill the %lathutue lre mud Sale nil Farley 1.1.11tet.;. Jrt uecor ‘l,l,ll the ••( 11.0 'll2e Friecil le," I 11 lte Illrkru at the love-1 oseble with a rearou.ble rolit.l would -übeo it is t frill° 111(1 , .. in caul F . 11 1.4 far tither_ I.A.f)TES' 011. 1Y1•:A11,'3 and iii4pert on of my Sol .1 :to. g00 , 1 4 ,.t1• I-lied a• lumof my ultt.i , y to p a a•a a-s cry tletort.tl c.t,nttnl. _ . . 11•Per.ntv: at n di-tnrlre, to it hid jt it , o 0 vco‘ent to call per-ormll)• nerd Old) 11211. e ti. they WWI, IO:r•1111, With 1 , 11•pm , ,•1•1:111.tellet10,,a 1,11111,311.11:11f 107.,1,1 t 1•• or f r to fit. odd t••••-•11101,1'y 111... re it .5.4t,int... 3- !. t.t tthntr wi•thr•. I A 13.11.%111431: OF FIIESII G nounreir.3. c lAifiliEL F. EBERLF,OI Invites the intention kJ of hot foettiltt, told the India.r getter:oly. to hn Kock of rime croer,i, ert.l-iszioq n 1 : r.m. Green and (Mirk Rio. I ar•l'rk. key C.li few,' Refined, Irrown ritve•e. Lard, Fiih, SYIy So•l i t. Itli eve Alter rtriiew TIN . C.,tI V ID 1. 011ipItle ilr=t Cla..< Grocery. I will offer the n r rorr rood+ nt a+ :ow n price an they can be bough: anywhere s. F . r.numni.N. No. 71. Lacing Silent. Sprg.2.2, Tr 3. rarmazin & Co., MARKET STREET WIIAR F, PHIL A D'A DLERs in Fi.ch. Cheese and Provisions. Dr:d and Pickled Greh. &c., viz: Nincker el. Shad. Sul mon. Blue ; Fish, Herrings, Codfish, cct, Pork, Laid, - ifkontdcrs. Hams, Sides, Cheese, [feat 0, Rice, kr. :Sept. 0,1900,31 n. STOVES, STOV Tsubsbriber bas just received a large as.ort. meat of Cooking Stoves, Coul Stoves, and Nine Plate Stoves, of the ue vet and uppro veil pat. terns. For sale on rcll.oil.ll,le terms. rarcild Casting.- taken in exchange for goods. J. W. COT Loran ti., Coluinhia. Peptember f 3, tesu-tha To Sportsmen and Others. GUNS, POWDER, srtcrr, &c., &c. - I LIST received a large n•iiortineni of Gan., Powder, J Shot, Gun Wad., Shia I' u vi der 1 lutlor, Caps ' &C" J. ° ,p ` . " gs ,v. r - Pnlr:i., . Co timitrio. Orpleinher 15, 156,141 Tn Sportsmen Look Here! Ico double and single barrel con., 711. it received at the Ilurdevare Store or J. ltutnole Jr. Sou. Double barrel gums from SO. utt to $OO. Single bar rel from 52, lo Sta. We hove received everyiliiita in the gunning tech as Powder, Shot. Cape, Powder 1 , 111-Ic-, Shou rout:hoe, Wadding,Glame ace., olfe to -el I at very tow rate/. ttolombin. A ug.25.'60. -- Johnson's Patent Hog 'T ro ugh. THE subscribers having purchased the right 10 111.111- ufacture and sell llngnivention in Lanragu.r desire to introduce it to general use. It is tt eig.t iron troughwith a shifting lop, r.if 111inC1Cflt capacity uo hold the feed of one hog. It constructed that the aili inul cannot gat it. feet into it. and mast take I ts feed without the usual scrambling and gplo...plag, By th e arrangement of the top the hug is prevented I mom teed ag mini rho trough lb Illird1i:11111111111110p 4111 lie whifled at will. The trough will he found a greub es•it genWnee 411 (CC4 I / 1 1g, 1111 d /4111+1. 11 1 )11141 1•110..11. tWecite, popular. The trough. are tor side 11111111 shop. 111 Second • trect below Union, Columbia, SI:1'H.11: S. IMO. Columbia, July 21, 1 opt. VICILNIELIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL l'erpetu Yrruun•n.. Cnexporcl PST. iu ain STATE LENT of the Assets of tilt Company on ► Janunt) I. 1.6 p. 1'01)111.11ra 111 eOll,ll - 111;15 Ith thrprov,lnn of tbr II I tLaccll6tto .11,11111h' .01 A 1.1 ti:th,l , 42 311)14. I'GAG ES. 011, 1.15 . ;•LT1T Virated at over 84.1.1*.rnf , I.thig fir4t Mt" Ittlagef on rent entitir toe City and County or Phii:oo l o., pt .14,71 the. nclelatcriti,: k EAL I:STATE. Par, Lased 141 sales, wider tuutttruge vu: 4.lzt.t tato.t•e+ uqt: 1 I.r+, co. the Moullt-weet 4.011. so, CmAnut .n.l ttaaenteettilt A linnie and 10t,a7 by 71 fret. an Nnrt attic at tapruLe alter 2, West of r.:et own street. Two houPes .and I ii.. ..11 1. 1,3 et. an South .I.le of spruce •tt ccl, or, ;Ptztertult at. eel, 1,01.1•CP fond 1111•,.11-1, 177 Lv feel, . 5 . 11, 51:5, 52i ii),{uryll nt., Thine Loumen nod to:. it 11} .51 fret,on I.:•ast •tate of Seventccilth el' I ve I ~uuib las ?Inc It. itutet and tat.SCI l.y 3l Cr vt.or.ii.. %tooth eu•t caviler of Gtera../t Alf . live tiou.er and :or. 12 by , .t.CI nu !Pm Ncatla tilde or George xUcci, west ol 110dou rtrert. Nr wen house 4 sand :Gt.li'teet,ou the Ka.% •ide of I.ll.aelk blrert, of Gamut Wert, A houre and lot. In 4 Iny 0 0 feel, No gt: nun:4er n.treen.l; of Stott, street. A ground rent on tido. • —.nog out of u on ;jk to; 40 feet. on North node of Otter anruct, An feet ‘N es: of Leonora etreet 1.0.115. Temporary f.naos,on .Stottitr us Col tul ernalSecurny. _ _ STOCKS. *tospao Alm• (louse L0411,:i prr cent (lot. on.) 200 Shares Rank Of N , •ntorky. 17 •• Northern 11..ttk oftientuelry, 110) •• Union Rank •• Ittorance. Company of the state of Penh-5,15.am, 200 •• Southwark Railroad CO. • 37 •• Co ttttt terei..l and Ratlroad Bank ' Viet... Lord, atu •• I•enn..yloonia Railroad Co.. Si 4 . flan a Lill Fir eitl,urune ecv I 2 " plc reanitle Lthratl Co, 24 •• Union Canal Company, " rota,' Co, 2 " CoonnentAl Hotel co nt yy, Sid 000 North Pen Wu. Ratite:id ((ord. 32.000 Burhootton Coy Wattrl,rs 4{700 Philadetpleta Coy hoar,. 41373,W " Caty Wurtl . lll' Note, and Bill.recrivalOr Caoh on hand, Casbi a /dada f.tr,cnt• 12 11.. E) CAT }, Market Italia,. Coe, am *awry, Advance in ♦atuo, STOCKS Market value. LOol, al .Lore, Advance in •a'ne, trs- - LOSSES BY FIRE Loseespaid doringthe yearls::2, • ' Ity order ofthe Board._ CHARLES N. RANCRRR •PresiJen l Attest W. A. s tram..Seey _Pro Tem CHAS.DIRECTORS. N RANCRVit,'Pirtisldent, • • -- • EDVW'D. C. RAW; Vice Pre.iderzt. Chas. N,Raaelter.Tebfas Wagner, Samuel Gram, Jacob R. Smith. Gee. W.' Richards. Mordecai D. Lervii‘DavidS. .11rown,Isaae1 . .ea,,,Es' levat#,C. Dale, Deo:Pales. ' ' ' WM. A. STFEL.ProI Pre lent. t • THOS. LLOYD,A gent, Comita Way 4.180.0. 121:111 4 1( 4 , ai , ACK SILK EQR OtISTEas A rut' her e oleity Sleek Saks. for hiller D 114.. the hen giv i tl i zt u kt , tial um. Juuetfad, 1.9 C 8 t 4 • AdJoittitte the Bank. "Cr t Tas2 0 4:1.2° Ocisan Poiie Vapnaicft, as 44 Pikries,is T Fl .b nl ° l Tm e 4:14 were obr r 1;,:u1 I t . pty On t a _ c on r firm, Yoe o ,at .uy anfo, iiao, poly clear. The dt4count al. Sawed us for CO4l purchase,. will sell 'Pipes worth 75 cent' for 45 cents. . t ' 4o `. 0 5 0 tt 40 o 2 . 4. 37 o it " 15 " 8 tt. 8 6tCt . 4 6‘. Cane Pipes at 50 cent. , each. PENDRICII k BROS ‘l,l.l:4rtle and Retail Tobacco, Sun& tont gnr no w wto-y, non: Ut rcet, above Loeolt, Columbia, Pa. A irge4.l 4. I QGO INII I. love jam refilled our large Show Ca'e. @ ft. G in. In length. with ell the popular brands of the One-t now to rna,rkel ‘Ye beueve that itst eg iimilintion of all the Tobacco Store.. to the ratite. tvdl tint di-rover hi fine n eo.e of Segura na the one just opened I.y for our retail en-to.n. We invite the ecprrial intention of et range ra pa-91 - 1g title, way, nod them to drop in wad rzanautc 1116 large as..ortmeitt. Tike, is the poly aloft in. Columbia at which yi n ..an v,el the u atilt of your trolley ul : 4 ne.,rs ttiot Chewing Tobacco, whole.atle nr retutl. buy,• filed our race with innt.ll Intakeiv containing segui.i, ,ith the name of curb bra no, mid nth lain.tle- of arum, of ci nod :al enell Our adjnnling Show Ctise.G it. long, 1• ailed wi he all the be.a Luituil+ of CLeiVing Tobacco untie ie iribritet. Yu a-c cptt and exain ne but In rgr irt-eortiftlit MN z.:.ltOß Front •Irrel.srt. JccA r I.ut VIA JJJJJ but, Pa .1. 1,.+1:11, ritoßE NEW HOODS. yE are now opening at the ilw eoraT of Third sui.l UMW! A .14. nor as or we'll of BOOTS AND SHOES, VD; AND CAPS, 14F.E11V.k II CiatllCEltin:•, &C., We air gellnig :it hdlowlatz rchnneli, COeilreo, yt ra4ll, s, unit the Ice, I.l.the. of C.tht oe-, r YARDS FOV, A DOLLAR, arils for a dollor. Now larl.rt Not-1;11..1,..0d- ford dollar. pro!. of :01 60 1r11,9 iOl a Boller tar ..11. ord• for a dollar. 1.0. N. 11, V. ,111 • N1:11 Son:•?.1,410 WATCU AN 0.1 KWELRY STORK, 0. Conrod, I•'nrrnrr OrroJpont, .ia.t.2 , „,;? No. 14S North Second Street, t2 s: COP.NErt. or QI:a!IIIV Sr. The untli•r-I;;tteil hair le owal she ulartve pr , toiser, Where lie N tit keep n Ittrate :I•••airtanent or (lull nod :silver MOCIte.. Ol Ainerti•att stud Nlooor.ke wre rbi tlar saint ea:lel:rue:ea 111111•1•14 in taildttentt In hire, a :It Le Intool it oat II .n.I (and matte to nr• an exlensive orteiy of .le, eh 3 . , silver stud Sib sir Plated ware, together walls :a genera I It•l•ortnotaal of -nett good.: or tare u•loolly kept in :a rara•elato, %Vnielt J..tvolry Store. The p..1-on- of Conrad and altroie of the subceri• her. together WOlt the neaaenailly.ore itevlled In roll, where they will receive o t,..t.t.1 licit• for their motley. Au 1 ntn determined Mita -trielly :a en-1, MI'S, Bond- will be sold vety ••Stenil mud I. the 111000 of 16. E e•-uehh-hnenut. I.IiWIS 11. lllhul/ILI 1.1., Pornterly 0 COND A D. N 0.14.9 North Second St., comer of quarry, distill :Ind. !situ Iy:_ j ' RS FHtt SALE. kt e have a large lot of ;part, hull . g r allon ant ga llmt Jar. , with tin lid+ r: hick we wttlpi>poeo of at very lose figure. tvs. , iio I -1 1)1•11.1.1 , .1"1 . & lu l t;T•lr4 eP %Yz 4 .4. (,--t i 'PRE PENNSYLVIMA RAILROAD COMPANI Alii., now it . H v o eprt ii r ,, e . l th til f i, e . c4iLe i tp ,. ll forward 1 tram all •outintis where ;bey hove agen's, al ' t?i l e b. i i i) " l/13 " :1 7 ollg )111•1 4 pt, biltll4l . ll f 1011,111.: BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA. Chest Class. Sceseil ( Ist,. Third Class. Fourth Class 23 cents . 21 cents. 1, cents. 16 tent, Flour, Pig Aletal, . 25 cents per barrel. 10; cents In, 100 pounds BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. First Class. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Chills. 03 cents. 21) vents. 17 reins. IS cents. Flour. 2.1 emits per barrel. Pig Alentl, 12 rotas per 100 pounds. Shipniini Is simile is Pittsburg and all interineaime .1:Itialls a.. lis•elnlnre. RATES FROM COL'A TO PITTSBURG. Firm Glass. Second Chi—. 'Third Colas., fourth Class. 73 611 43 SS Flour per barrel. 60 cents, I.'''Freiglit eentsigned to =twines whets, the Cont. pony has no nireilli olU•I lie Pre-paid. Articles of lot Class. ' Books, Fre-li Fish, Boots ant. Shoes. Nat. in bugs. Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter & Ale in bottles Dry Goods, Poultr- a emirs r...rg, Pork. (fresh, Furniture, Pritiltry. (dresser, Feathers Wrapping Paps( Articles of 2d Class. Appk., Nc.l:l , ce.l, (*hers, 11t lon, I los ,r :till Gras. Seed, (Id in casks or Loxes,' Crockery, Pal -i• in WI., Candle. Fastetourd, Casks or Barrels, (empty.) reseiter• (dried, I iroeuries, Printing Paper I I; LI lIN and Ititics. pnper limit:tugs. 11, mita in hoses and kegs, glianal,Vart*. I I ard w urr, ),), set Potatoes, llop., Tubacel in hales, Icon. (L oop, band or bileC/ ) Tea, Leather, 1') pe, I apior In wood. ' 'Tallow, Sluible :shins & Marble Turpentine, (spas,,) Sloutencins. Vittinsh. I. R UNIP & sON S•4OO,OOA. i' tttO9 ai :,it 12,1 , 1;1 t.i • - • Articles of 'ld Class. N of .1,43 , l' aaV,r•, i'..l. r Tilreilp, 1114 4 girru.) \ uu•car, Luta. Willie I,:ttl, I /Vplit., h C/1111/ 4 liu-,n11.) 11,i,Joo1Jn.a 1 . ,4n to. )•uau.nu, ❑vrd.l Articles of 1111 Class. 1 . 1. th 1.01.1 n 1 NI; Lmd• N ami EMM:B t4t. rtrq Iv ta It n 1 NI,,11):N. „ Itt NV. It NI% Eitzt.lNvtl4lst l.atte.,tr Alay Six Segir Dlakers Wanted. :1,4{ tvark.ll,,t .poly • /C , 41.1. , I 1/11.11q14, , 11l . tll he! give, I 1..110) ',loll FEN:0111011 A. 11It04. LADIES SHOE STORE. No. 1 Mrch leur.Oppoqiir wildrma set r.Grusl St. rrt, Cu!,, I t 1 . I % 1 1 , ( 7 . .. f . ,. ‘‘,,,,;,,.."::,,.,..., \ .... . , 1,...7 i i::....:1:1: , 11 , :; p 1 '.."'........" . '"•.....'' g.,,,,41 ...-orimew oi 1 ph Eqst n Work, %VINCI! J l%' I LI. SELL. CH EA P FOR CASH NI % -I- n, p.,r: or Bo"... 111111 VII 11111 .• :11110i I, ~ 61. 1 Kip no) . - ' 011111.. l•.torr, HllllOll A,l-le To.. 11111:1,, MI 0 1 1111 d Uncap SilppelSl; 010.1. r . .'I Ltll.l - 111 %Volt. un my Itbr• unit exuMine nor 011t•I•IVI... ply thank • 'ore tine in n tzt nerni3.6 pnblle for the toed mutt eneoe,.:xemeel r:se e.led to me •lims• hay.. been in 101-111^... .111(1 I boue, by -inlet envnbon fo nurru an env itql-et. -bur, of pulremn,,.... I:. Columbia. April 7. CUM ro.t. [,>Tr..rroved Jolt Cheap [look Stet 0 No.:1.) North/hero Ihteratu, Th- w he.l inu.n. 22- Ouen.. Colharr.l.rowth, Ilr vriopop•at, Compo4moa, ;cm , . Di-ra-a•-. air rtr. together o Ices rent.orl.- on ithltho Corti. It. (lbw liontirral ) and nod Froh T.rr-ol Atherter, Turns—r- TArt) Day 11., k. llow us nailer.' cni lirrohic rtrh. The Fenn Fwd rirr.o.lo: helot; lealrhear•ketehr MEE] . ri.e.r• tl WI. • ; uncle in Ti,,' ententry Ry Nero John I. 11la i.e. Ir. P. Rural 11:1r0 y. The Atnern•an Vuroner. Its Ile:. Joh.. I. Blithe R. D. Thr Atuerieau rrmt Calwrio. Ii J. J. Tlinrnu• SA lOW. R... 1 111.11t1 ligyON •. li.edening and Rural Ar A urea ie:". rower Hen I). reetney. The fruit I:..ealen: RN- I'. harry. I The 1'0.04 i•ae.lener Sly R 1.1.0 ft IndiA EMEIM 13=1 ".q11...9 11 1 77 41r ITIEMI A ramplrir N1.11111.1C411. lLr cola varum CO the S:'u • t' berrv. Its R. G. roralre. 13 . ....1...‘erica0n Grayr Grotrre. fi nide. gffi Vou.stt utid Spooner on the flor.e. lianas to llorre.geeperv. .11,. complete manta al for hor-emen. ity Henry W. Heat...marmot. l'oreviera 'rhe 'Violent Hor-c Doctor. Ily Geo. 11. Wald. M. U. Dodd 041 the Lh•armeen of Cattle. Wash a large variety of the bevt Woks publa-bed. vrluch wall he .old at the IoW,I price.. JOHN SHEA FFt:ll'S Claemp Hook Store: N 0.34 North Teen street ; neat door Flostramer :said Herald 0 rice, Lancaster. I.llay IeGO. MEE 442,u1:3 TMF. latest and finest extract for the Handkerchief. A No, an endless vanety of the most lashionahis Patine,. of the day may be bad at the Golden Mortar Drug :More. The KotaistsTemptiats is something en tirety new, and only to behold at Jut )21 J °ELLETT ik CO'S. NvTYCE. DRY C OO DS, .t : 43. XL ca .1.1E14 r.tif.ass. TJl,sweo 11..1( T"r• A GENERAL AssonTmENl Important to Farmers. V3LEIBLE AGRICULTURIL WORKS From the Late Trade Sales, KNIGHTS TEMPLRAS. School B3oks, !Johool- Books. TQ TEAPKIIIIRS AND PA.B.ENTS. TNT& are now r.rady to supply.Tearters and Parents VY with Sargent's Readers and. ripe/ler& at intro duction prices ' Abo; all tf.chooi Rooks wed in lawn and country, at the very lovrest prices. SAY - 491141t1cDONALI), Front street, betweetitoctist. and Watuut. Sept_ 8,180(1. ' (12NERA.L EDUCATIONAL DEPOT. _ SCIIO.OI, Directors. Teachers. Parents, Seholnv. and *beim, in avant of School Honks. : 4 intionery, ,A.c- will find a compote aiisortineuti nt John :-heaffer's ehrip Hook Store. No 32 Nord) Queen st. We have a large nook of school books of every - kind In use. which we Will ern to Teachers, Directors, and others. HI greatly reduced ;sites, comprising to part the fol lowing: REA DERS AND SPELLING BOORS.—Parker and Woman's. Sander's, Tower's. Sargent's, Town's. ate• Goutirs etc. &VI 111 ABS.—TIVI lion's, (green's: Smith', Tower'-. I.;:nmmog. Coves, rte. 01 , .(161f.ArtlIES—Monte:tle , ,AlcNsilly`-, Wnrrr Smith%z. 11 ISTORI r: rcc.tcr e, r; oni I ric Be ra, Welmt res. mulct's. Si4.lllxnui rte. AMTIIM PO Meets:. Stoddard', Greeldearl. !Davie-. ete. DICTIO,NARIRS—WaIIt , rtd seh.bet. r o bb•,.., Ws!. !see+. ‘‘'oree.ter's Comp.ehre-ive, ‘Vore..wel's Pr, tnnry, IVet.lee's Printery. Vtrel.stel'e High -5. boo!, %Vetrster's Qnurlo Academie...le Agent for PeltmPs Outline Kan, Frani. (%1C 3 . , ` ifolaronte. School Apparela, Ree.ve's Seanal Regis. ler:Styldera Reeder and Eloeu Char,. rte. AI -0 a complete tti.ollllP . lll 01 School Stationers.. embracing in die whole a complete outfit to, Sithocl ft... Pos e, Any Book not iti thcSinre procured ar - one Ilay'i elotive. t'ountry 311,11.nah1, supplied at et : 4We - Ltd fa., . . jrtirs; Sllli.lprmn 8 f!keln Ronk Store No No•Ih Queen street Ilex , door to tits: Ex: miner mid 11,:11.1 Oilier. latteat.er, s, 1,1. 4 , lil IL SOMETHING NEW IN COLUMBIA! :•. ;,... oa , ~,, ,y., , _ .-..z.... , ....4.,---2.aqhs, '''''' . i ,„.... ',....,t...7:- 7. , - .„, , ~:....: 7: _ , ai ''%--: ' .:,:(ir) . T - '. - ' - ' ‘ ' ,: •:-.:. __ 1tz , ; , ...., ' , ..• --- •'.... 4 ;:.,...14 .. 4.-41-.7- .- ; ,:.'1 , . - • - k. -- - 4 SIEM-LIGHT GALLEIRIr. '['HE Subscriber respectfully calls the at ii t mean of the police to the hies that he hu• opened a fir•it ela4.l'llo MG lIAPII IC (IA LLERV, in Front St tent, above Luca-t. where he in frilly prepared to execute- all kinds of Likenes,cei in the best style of the art. Thi. Gallery i. vupplied with the very hest ili-t ru taring Iron, die German nod American aita......etorie-. l'cr.nii. (rein tine eonatry or strung...a passing 11111110, the town. by calling at Jolley't Gallery van have Met.' pictures ins tem:initiate, and neatly put lip. in any hind of weather. from n A. Al. until 4 1.. PI 11.:1-71'o ist-are goon 'lleum :mot children t hcythou Id collie in the forriteani, on a clear day, the ititung re titriziag one .*.send only. I urn frilly prepared to give in , tructinnc in lill the warren- lira nelle• of this licit unfai' art, and famish :pint rant. , if d,•-ired. All ate invited to call In call. whether they want pion,. or tint. Gallery opposite the •"Slit" Ogre. N0v...10. I ~..19 J. JOLLEY. ANTED! Tun Pub,. wnin hilt Irrellitlll'ilouges. Apply 10 6ika.l•:. on Front 'sweet. Morel, ai.t Irno. Al A 1:111V & CASE:. Henry Philocome. ACONVENIENT nod ndmirublo dressing for tie hair. tt previntht 1120 Lair from falling off, trnderiutg its growth iealdup and vigorous. Directions for use uebottipan) mg each bottle. For sato R. IA ILL/JUTS, hltireli 1 , 110. Frmit SELLING AT COST man subscriber desires to close out a stock of first 1 quality Liquors. BRANDIES, WHISKY.% GINS, WINES, &e,. A 01 8 CCIEPX". :Ic offers them for sttle at the Liquor Store in the base •twot of the ‘Voslungtost lieu-c, where those wanting Good Liquors ut niolicrate prices are lity :led to eel l • M. M. S'FRICKI.EIt. Coltuni in, February 19,1500-tt G RARD Fire and Karine Insurance Com pany, Philadelphia. Office-115. Walnut Street. CAPITAL AND SURMA:* OVER $300,000 nos. U. W. WOODWARD President .1/o. B. Al-VOI:U. Seereinry. rtn.1.1. - rr. Vier President and Tr., curer under-igned.agent for the above well known In+4 nn lon. i- prepared to t-•ue 118 poliele., insuring, nenitna or damage by fire, property of all kind', in town and country. on Jenne , low tin are 0911.1. - -cal with 'Or rarity. .All chains on pnlicie• by lion Company' promptly and equitably X. ZIEGLER. Anent. nn.cment of Blnek'n Hotel. Ofdisinhin, l'a. STEREOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, IVE have received from the New York Suer, Atrope Compoov, a (Me lot of Stermo•wittsv... , l , l Vll,, which ter will telt at le“ !ban Phil:Melo! I t prwek. Coll nod look at them. SANI.OIt oPe.:)l , :\ \l,ll. A Nil 11 Front ...tree,. 6601701/WON BUSINESS, rill under.iord hav4tc wa.oviat , tl together In,tL purpo4e of doing COAL & IRON COMMISSION BUSLNESS, w the Itorciugh of Columbia, I.ancii..e.r 1'011111) e , peelfully tuforui Shipper. , that tines have lea.ed (Imo inn Canal Department of die Petiti.ylviiiiia Rail road Comp toy, die large and ememodiou. on the WY•I -tile of tier I:111111i 1000 10100001 fell nl 100,.:011Jy.ixty,ix reel sit withh..itid are now pre :aired to receive and 111111411 p Cols' 11111 i trot: no :he mutt a tti-ficiory terms. Our facidt,en for doing' hu -110..0 grew Ib 0 we flatter ousels , . there t. l i 11 not be tiny deleitlioo in fon warding' ill fletg , ti in u. tic -illl.lllOlll. ‘Ve .0111.11 C0 , 1.1... , 110e111•. t nil pro. nose 00 0111 par: 1.1,1f1i1l O,IICO . in 1111 111 t01... 4 - nil. 1,10.11 al lo OM' Cain. AJll iS 5. 4:11.1:E N, '1',14 NVEL.tit. Aildreit S. Vet. Ma t 26. Uums. 11 - 1 .. .;.ave (Tea a Clio., I , it. Of 411r . p.r.•ared Itatl/.. MAISE= 14)ft s,t 11111 nnit Pnn❑ mit: I 50,1111) tio. =1 FOR SALE. PANlrril for i)log up N:eeor.,euu be b.,a ul 1'ENIMIL:11 rk. ‘Vi.otle.:lll. NllllBllllll T01.1.1VC11.1 4 11111100111 SegarNloo -I'ro,ll. ai., 11‘a doom 11111 l Ista. J Mit t:tol. 1,60. BED BUG DESTROYER. ILTT ADE Ly J. It ple No mole an a powder. find avoll and -oil the let vlodnu II et tine- tint pieee loiti-factrtry the litoiley will lie re le for -.de at the slope of .1. It lilt, Copan Inersbip. r ', A vg tiny a••neinrrd p yfh Inyneif in )urine.. my •on. linorgn 11. Ii ple. in cointfliter..inp with whlnn 1 will continue the Ilarderarn ltu•lne•.. 31 the old 100101 m I.ONOa nlft•eo. below Second, Untinr lire time of .1. Rumple & Son. I rennin .onnen• toll.e public fnr pact liberal patronoge. uud re4prettully sack a enninion are 10 the u.•'e• foot. JONAS numPLE. April 16GO. The -u rites would cull the adentiou of the 01.Ile In the 708 N IMLLX, WATCHMAKER & JEWEL B. Front Sired, between Locust and Walnut, COLUMBIA, PA. THE subscriber invites attention to his very I.nm end choice cock of WATCHES iagrACLOCKS, & JEWELKI, Wbieb he a, prepared to sell eheape r than they eon 1m bought nt any other eviabli•Mment. tin is pre rared to offer greathargaitip.avid he rc•peetfullyia vrtr•the.tttentton cape eba‘ers told, ',tack, which embrace. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, o fever) h Ind; all bind• of CLOCKS-from up. warde:hei n vile•the mention of Boatmen to lai•large mock of LEVER UOAT CLOCKSii EWELR %%con skiing of Ea r Rings,Pinger RiolgS Breast Pins. &t. al Minds° fStlverSpoond ;rimed Soupl.n.lle%Table mid Tea Spoong.Fork..lle.. which ere warranted to wear nevrly eqoalto Salves; Coldattd Silver Pen ei:s and Pens, gold and Silver4peetneles tietter h ft with the greatest variety of FANCY ARTICLES ever before ofered. ro.a anperio amen! of Re vo we e mo d other Ptifblv And all kinds of Ruivam, oftbe hest meaugheture. Strict artediPin willbegiven.as beretotore,to the repairing of ,roekv, watches andjewelry and all work will be warranted. madia-arace o f:ormerpatronagei reopeel. fully •ohcileal. JUIIN Colvnitrie.April 14,1K.0. WILLOWGROVE WHISKY. en 60crIner man nisei urea and offer• 0 finale ebraled kPhi•k ire. li r 1.., PURE OLD It:cr.:WHISKY. HALF RYE WHISKY. PURE COMMON WHISKY. al! of wb;ab bowili warrant to be be as represented —41164-rate articles. • A. S. IiMSTA ND. Willow Grose Dig:Vary. York county, Pa. ROBERT llAlllll..To:ll,.A.geut for Columbia. Jou. 14, ISCO-if • ZAIMCELS 58T5.010111133., itlavrAcTcrass or Ladies' and Ohildren's Boots and Shoes, Locust Strait apposite the Franklin House. .691,1onters, Pa. msE oubseriber insides the attention of the public to his Boot and Shoe Store end Manufactory. where he it prepured to Supply or inaketto order eve ty mai rev of Lardres.'. wad Children's SE IVES, GAITERS,. ROOTS, SUP- ft . . PARS, &c. Fie use. none but the be., mnterbtl. rind ,his work ,s done by ;rood workmen; he turns opt no oilier thou good work.svhiell be will VV.I 'room le, fit, und every ether maiieulirr. lie trades his Ihntik. fern %lendy unit libretti patipiaigie and it. 00111illUSHICG. JANIES SHROIEDER Colombia. )ul) 21,'C0. 00ELL FO Rs TIXIMICEILLION. SPRING IS THE TIME TO BUY CHEAP. Tit r. pow receiving 'y large tieee4- sit. a. 10 11 .40eic or r..on euttlOMer% wllO , 0 h.y w their fuel at very :ow rates to give bun a that -one:: erni.i.tt- of aware variety or Coal, of daft fe, eta gu nliris. grat10...i7,4 11114 prices. and he can :o eu.nouters The long 1 , 1..101.11011 yard at the Hottin will keep up iry rep0101..11. 1 11 a 1 regard. quality Bud pa ice of MANI-4+llk. Cull awl your-elec.: that you. can save inaucy by purit a n-111¢ now, anal front • J. O. II • Foot of Canal 1:11%in, Columbta, April 14, 1,G4) Tit have just received from our firm in Baltimore IV good article of Natural Iwo( Tani:sm. which we ore retailing at t 5 cents per pound. This Tobacco is yr' r good and will. no doubt, give satisfactioti to those J use Natural Tobaeco. We will also sell Mtv 'Palmer° to Storekeeper- and nit others who deal in the article, SO that they can retell it at the abrve prices. FENDRICII Front Street, five doors. above Imisuo, between B. urd J. S. Deficit Sr. Co'b Drug Storrs.. Co lumbia. Po A ugu , t 4. 1800. CUT Fly Paper., for Ceiling..., Future mid Looking Glass Frames, &e an a...tortinenv lit BAYLOR& fiIuDONAISFS. April 14. Columbia. Fa. T""sMc•erilter having just returned from th e oily of Ithiludelpltia,ir. now opening nit uncommonly mrge tuttlititut to his former mock. con•udlng of Dye,s.tar-, &-c, to which the .1- 1,,,,tr0,, of purchucerS is rcqueqed. N. WILLIAMS, April 11,1ce, from sirect. T"e .toloterilier leuvioir remed tha Lime Kiln. nod Quarry m the Canal IL.si o. is prepared to nopply THE BEST QUALITY OF LIME, for ffnif . flitig or Manuling purpo-r., in tinge or small fifinnlllloo, fiOnked Lime for Al f.ur.rifirtl fit rrit.rninble row.. tf.4. A 1.1.411,1). Coin April Cann! 13.1.1 n. E. K. SMITH, LUM BER DEALER. c 0 IL Ulll BI A, PA. Of f ice iu Northern Central Railway Depot Building. foot of Walnut st., I Imo on hand a General Ai . ..arum:in of White Pine and Hemlock Lumber, WHITE PINE SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATH, &c. Good qualdies,at the Lowest Market Rates , A;Yal,•re JUST. received a fresh supply of all the t y popular Paleat M edietne. of the any, wawa are warranted genuine. 111 the tiOLDEN 3101trAli rAtuci STORM. Dec 3,1155 D. Front StrCe I. Colombia Columbia Insurance Company. THIS Company is authorized by its charter to hISOIC m the COO Wry. or in boroughs, again.% lo•c or damage by fire, on the ',mutt phut, tor not length of tithe. flitted or perpetual, either for a Cash premium or premium 1101 C. Tlici=e mho inanre for a premium none will he in• •nred for five years, na•l mil,Jetn to n,,e,,,amentn in ca-c of loses. Tim -c rwhn m - •nre for envill nremidin will lie ni sei...dr. any twin noleXceeding live yeur+, and not in ;Inv na.s,,,nent, One per eviii piennwn *yin be churned on farm plopery for lean ni live yea r, Faun properly t - ai I.r it•t”ej tm au. WM, .11 len r.. fora depo-tt 01 thri r per new. 01" die utotutto the m hone toliottitl of lb , pretnitan. no, Itt tie returned UI Ilte timpani/MI ta I Tilt- PONCV, Wi , flolll lil• ierent. lir ilie poliev to he reviewed nor ten %,itilon. wuh cUl nay extwn.l• or Ow opl on Or the 'file Wi4ll 10 4,111 , !•,y 11 litonliiir of etooti w,ll b.- fun ot-h , flee, -11 V ). 11'.1t111.. 111111 I 1,1//•11.: • , II .• 0111 ' C l'ortwatiy. tin I:orotigli or d!irilitrohla, ['eau-) 4V.1111.1 or line :•••,•, loin; $. ti, .11.111 :111Gf Kt. ft A10 , 11{1.: Vo. e Icll'• \ 1.. p ,rItICKI.I:It. Tre.taucer, .11Cl IL :41113 \IAN. %\'‘' \ \V. 1111.1.E1t. WIN RV It. V. NOT VLt..I., It\ 1.. Lioca..rier cu.. rehn'a .Marell 13,1 0 60 Malcf. 17. 1,60. COACIIIWIARIN G. CARTER & BECKER, COACHES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C 'Second Street, ne a rly opposite the Lutheran /larch, of urnbia, Pa. SILVER MEDAL —1859 BRONZE MEDAL—Ist PREAI lUM —1859 Awarded by the Lancaster allay rtzricalta. rut and Mechanical Sucietu. rrilE subscrilwrs call attention to the fact _A . that the .Fsr.l7 Prrmiarn. it SIIV. r Medal. lbw. :0,../(dir.i lu, m i. the 1.1111C1.1., County Agriett;loral tool Nleelat•steu; , oete,) B ug vv eXhilte...l at tile I•tor ofthe Society to a 1tt00,.. Ntedal—Fart! Pionititn—lor the be ,1 At /heir Conett foal Carriage Mllnking strut, entiottoe• to tunottfartare Gotte:te.. Car• Bi ggle.. Tulklr.. awl all other Vrbiele. art their hag. Their reputatioo tt , workmen t , tautly 1..1111-lied, It. they e.no cohlideloly e1..1.4 o u r their the merit. of Beauty Cl forte. elegt..ter of filllch, 41114 i .treneth of ourtietere. Otte of the th-longui.tong letoote- of Retie tvntk 1. tt. durabilo); all velttele• oh their Ladd are 1.011.4111 , •led of the ['Psi ..ell.ollCli tnnle rial, mitt put together hroil, and subbittatially. Tloa give poritrular ;Melillo!, to the _ R. r. A PPOI D. t :u:.7 11 rr4lii. uU then work in tin& lino to go% c eutiej 1:11`11011. In addition to their practical experience ...se liu- Aineras they have the wow-lance of the Ise .4 workmen —none other lacing employed. The public t- reApectrully invitees o call and ex manic the-lock on hand. . . J. HUMP! T: Columbia. Nev. 26. ISSO GREAT VARIETS STORE. JUST RECEIVED, a larger and finer stock of Tor , tilm.l fancy goods than ever before. My friends and others ure invited to call and examine the mock before purchasing elsewhere. as they will here find an unlimited nasortmemt, suitable for pres ern. to persons of every age and mate. An immen.e assortment of P0C11110,11141112f Pocket Books, CHINA and other Fancy rimier, too numerous to mention, for sale by G.-I.loi ITII, Locust st reet bet wern the Dunk and Franklin Douse. Columbia, Dec.3,1E49. NEW CROP DRIED CURRANTS. A Goad article, clean and free from grii.jmn received Cl at 11. etil*PAM*d (Sroeery• Store, Corner Front and Cipon Nov. IS. Front At., below the Bridge, Columbia, Pa. 'E ,,, u e r s i t ir r w e! uh r a p ne c d from ...Oilman of floods, feitelled wn - great CUR rm.') the beat foctorina in the country.— Our Stotic know very large, confining of WATCHES, CLOCKS, Silverware, Plated Warr, raeelci•. Bfouelies, Sets of Coral. Moeeir, Centro, I.evit min Jet. Coe Ringer Moir., Medallion., n o m p.n.. Pencil.. Chain.; *tune. Sleeve Bu one, Spectacles, Pocket Boots. he— kr. • . . We invitr the public to give us n call and examine nur large work*. evitccralir of rlot•kr, which me iu gond workitvit order and well regulated, and will be sold at the boreal prices. P. SHREINER A. SON. Colombia, April te, (LARGE STOCK VF HARDWARE, tuvt teeeived by them.,They can •ffer compleae avrortmeet of everythig in their line of either Wholesale or Ret.ii. Her, Hoop and Band troth Steel. Ike. They have eenvtannly on hand an avaortment or Iron and of all kind.; T•i111., MOP.. Oihs, Cedar ware, ke • a large Voek et Gam and Hemp. Packing. oa. hem *hell valtert. ^""' ' A large .opplp cf.Coa.l Oil Lamps sad 81snideo of va fioU., Kele•ene Oil of the very be-t goo! tp. Agents for Form!! t Herring's Parma Champion Piro and Burglar Proof Sobs. RVAIPLIF:ax. SON'. .t reel bc:om *erood, Columbia. Po. April M 4,1900. Cheap Chewing Tobacco. iNew Goods. fitivtixamcm PREMIUM NOTE SYSTEM CASH SYSTEM.. DEPOSIT SYSTEM li= REPAIRING OF VEHICLES, sAINIUI:t. CA RTF.R. EvIvIS .t. IifiCKIN? P. SHREINER & SON, .1110 ARUM% &eel from the Naha fat turera.m. Jut of Jiildevg Patent. Scrurene or Coal oil Lampe. of — l3 different 'pattern., unrivalled in beatuty,;amtpliedity. aufety.pr OCOIIO.IIr. They Ore not Itahle to explode, emit no offenvive odor while burn log, very . eualif vegaluted. burn *without mama.. and the light 1a much cheaper than uny oilier now in u.e A ten, u trete aupply.of Umnuine Mine fferovene or Coal Oil, suituhle to hurl. in the above lacripv. all of whiehcan be procured on very reDe•OUlltlie the Drug `tore of Dec 3 l-59 R. WILLIAMS. The First Raft of the season. E..K. SMITH; Will be receiving during,tbe Spring., 3,000,000 feet Pine Lumber, by raft. 4,000,000 " " " boat. 2,000,000 " Hemlock" • " 1,000,000 Plastering Lath. 500,0429 White Pine Shingles. 25000 Cypress Shingles. gErA General Assortment of Worked Flooring, Siding, &o. • [mar.3. • ran RMNIO. TIIE LUMBER-YARD AND OFFICE, formerly occupied by eliniin,lll;onde Mid rnulb ut tie low er end of COlUtillinli It Will be routed •ery low, and in -nen -ized lot• ne will suit pereonsici rent. For tempi enquire of 1011HISTINV, • Jon nn,Tia-lf Finrview Mills. LIED INSURANCE. F. are 1 4 1 t .. I ‘ t v ez. ,. .l e to th t u te le 4; e ts l i g t r i o , f?;. he ll ir i e s is 1,0 tfnu; , t 0111. When in health the provident man wilt ;NOVith . far his clittrgemnd vtriti . .st that Itrallit is inr met his prudence should prepare for solace in the dark day, for die hour when the sympathy of friend.; F01111(11 11g Inti.s. This colt be ;tone by Life Insarunce Every man owes this duty to hie family. The uncer tainty of life to a rennin al IC , POII which tenches the fort t hat he who to-day walks in the pride ofmaithornl, may fall to-morrow ' and the plans by which ticket mid honors. were to have been brought to the loved ;me-. vanish us the morning mitts. Let every man in health insure to his faintly the comfort of knowing that should he be called from them the wolf may be kept from the door. 'Fite Unittalttitates Life Insurance A.. Trust Co. effect thi% end. For pnmphlets, terms and general infor mation on the aubjeet, reter to P. X.7.IEGLER. Agent, Office, b Kevin. tit of pluck's Hotel. Nov. 9.6.1.VAk1y Great Excitement at Harper's Ferry. TREDENICK this juts got home with , - the Idtri , ein and ntruit _ Spleniiiicti it-unmet,' of HATS AND CAPS 11.11 m. ver been oi- • Im4 , lia Columbia. Tretleinek ha. the finest 1 • ilats in the coda. ty tit Si- t Ti edi.nick Ilan the fine., .eminent of Caps in the county. - Prtees from 2 curia tO $2,00. Trinteniek ha. the Zouave fiat. Tretleitiek Isit. the Crieket Cap,. Trcdeniek Ita., the Zurnive and Murphy Cap. Tredenick has ta; flock Soled !Viol. Tretlentek has the FVuter.Proor Seot. Thdenick Env the fittest stock of Over Situeo and Guise in town. Trcdcaick has nil that is needed for men, women and elllttfrpn,Trom ihe head to the fitnt.' 1U - Go to Tredeitiekto to gel your money book; be cheap and a little cheaper for cash than can hr wld at ittmeet any otherolaee in the eoutitrY.— Call mid -ee his meek at site :Aga of the Big flat, tu Locust street above Front. . L. TREDFNICK, Agt Columbia, Dec. 17. 19ZO Ropes, Ropes, Ropes 4.00 COILS 11. i received and far vale, of whole -ale and math, sian and lenglh.lo nun pur eii-eroo, oat my nure, near the Mulch 31, 1c611., GMORGId 300 7 LE, 1/1.1%1.1 , 3t. IN Every Description of Lumber, ' DINE and Cep' Dre.iiie,l Flooring. Vtietitherlioiarding. Whitlow Su-h, ever) eltiog in hi- floe of lau-ittes-. Ile reed', .ng his Spring Sloek of I.llinlier,•aittl auto on hand a lures pleie ii=i•ertinent of DRY LUMBER OF EVERY QUALITY. Olllee and Witie:loo-e in Front street. I et wevit Lo- Ca-t awl Linton Colionlots, Po. Mari , gist. 1.410. A PHELAN TABLE. llCub+cramr has pb.t ant op in the AV:JAM:jaiI sulionang ile , varnat. A FIRST-CLASS PHELAN BILLIARD TABLE, whit a'' the neconvorien of lieq qua'ily. Thia is the lie-t table in an) town or city in the Auile, ()111 or Matti delphid or i'llt•ddirg Lovers of the game are Invited to call. D. 'smut. Coiuminn, Deeetnuer 3i, teliii. 111tOWN'S TIIOOIIES.--We have JI .•11 4101 int• nl,Ol, l'ltoult I.ozettivt- nt Ihr n•lIl• Litt Gorr hut ‘N tend tly•v have t ov,it grit , till -n11.4101:011 In nil U..'11 1 he'll HIP Hey. 11..1113 IVtird B.• 1• .her-tty, .n fnr It- In lon , . 112111 1111 0/11.11111/1 V of 12011111 . 41•011 1311 -, Vel' • T0 . ..eh.. 111.• hrt etuttictitly the hr-1 glrnl 1.11/1•1 1g. ,1.11001 (J/111.2.1 A Large Seipp Iyof F\Tl3 Sugar ello,l limns at 15 real , er 111., I•l.tia 11tan•. I , e-c fork, 121- " l'Air.l lined Beef, IS " Sivtatdcor. 10 " " ut e , •11. , et - 4'1 , 114 , i. Far 'n' at the wore ol TIRMI A^ C01111,1'1 . 1. Mqy 1 9 *2O. !lead of Canal na-ta. PURIFY THE BLOOD: Muflat's VMGMT4I.III43 WPM PILLS AND rHCENIX BITTERS. THE high and micd celebrity which Mac pre.en,,,,ent MUdIeIIICA have acquired far their invariable efficacy in all the ell-times which they pro• test an eare, ha. tendered the u-nal practice of puf fing an: only unneeesftary, tail unworthy of them — They are Aunwo In' their mitts; their good avarice+ le•lit'y ler I.lein, awl they thrive dot by the faith at :be erc,lalna, to al: ea..... of A.lhma, Acon• anti Chronic Rhea- A Ireeiinip. ad the Madder aid Kidney-. lin toll. Fever.. Liver Co si ill the south nod west, , here prevail hey wig he "wadeable. Planter•, Farmer., nun win ont e the-e Aleihelitec, IA 1111:0 01 alierwards be wuh no• them. per4on wok thi.iii.tre.sinG .11 0 011.1 Jrl.ty u-mg STIVEIIOOO.. F:100000 4 0( the y, Fev,k and Par lips, ecaurge at the weiae.ra emadry 00,e 00•dielele , 0,11 l be fou n doo a .0(e. nrweonly nnd cer tain remedy. other medicine. leave the sy.imrs r•ub icet ho a return or the the, med icines is diem, be -au-:eel, and be cured. NIKitCrLIAL th.n . 4.r3.- . ieVer gall. to eradicate en lis ely all the eireco , of Mercury infinitely .oaiter shuts the M 0..% powerful oroparatioa of rhioniparillio. Night Swe.a•. Ncrvoi Nervous Cairo plan.. of all kind., Organic A traeuone, Palpitation ci! the Ileari, Punter's Pii.va.—The origami propeelor of these medicine• ♦vu+ turd of Piles of 35 yesr's stunalung by the u•e at these I. fe Medicines 1130111, Worm. of nil kinds are effectually expelled by there Medicines. I•urenrs will do well :o administer them whenever (heir exts te•tre is Relief will lie certain. THE LIFE PILLS AND PUCE= BITTERS Portly the blood, and dn. remove all dmen.ie (rain the .y-trot A simile trial will place the Lice Pillv and Pliamix Milers beyond the reach of competition iu shc mtimation of every patient. Prepared and -old by Dn. WI LLIANI B. MOFFAT, 315 Brnnda•wy, ror. Werth St., New York V.• For «ale by all Ompeti. N ovember 12.1639-IY BURNETT'S COCOAINE The nbove Preparation. which has received the greatest reeommeniln Upon ai a beautifier and pro moter of growth of the hair, ban just been revelv ed by R. WILLIAMS. Cola. April 21,'60. Front Street. COAL OIL! T"E .u!,.enberA keep it consuint supply or the Kee: Kerosene Oil; also, Cool Gil Lamps, of ever, van ery and size, teniudes or diliereur patterns. 1.c.. lee. .1. itumrt,E k SON, Locust meet below Sreund, Columbia, Pa .t.pril 29, tette. BIIW SEED. Jug received a new crop of Hemp trod ht .o seed; Ow iiier.t Seed in town, in J. S. DELL.FITT k CO'S April Urug Sion:, Front novel. Farmers Give this Your Attention! 500 ILIAREIS Pur r e Ground 10.1 Plaster, A PrOLVS Al a ys,•nn. Wareboutc, Cana l BELLEVUE HOUSE. N. E. CORNER FRONT & WALNUT STS. Columbia Penna. Tm.; Pubseribee onnoulters that he beit'ventral the above C 9 , 0114i/bed and well-known "Rotel, and has opened it for the acemomodationt of the public. rte ha. furne.hed the house and i. prepared to enter tain travelers and hoarder.. • Ilia 'Ode will be well funii-hed with everylbtorr the market 0,1 lbw will be toting the br.t btauds of 1•11 kind. of Li quor.. C oneeted with the Hotel; in the ho.etherit in a FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, where orPersin every et% le. end other re rushrients, are ...wed up in Ireeki 1D ramsE,..owted whirled rate e3 4 ,teri; inl4 rgr or small ouunifueL. iti remnsiable roma. - " 'Am support orthe pulpt c le respecifullyl49ieited. - AML.U LOCK/LAD. Coltlmbia, April 21, 1950-tf. To Limbs:mien kiffaitilfacturers! WIFE Patent ShinEle Machine. rr MI subscriber having perfected the I SI hove ablebitir. od'ers unseal County and Sbnp Might+ on reasonable term!. Tim inalehme ..34-ata mid planes Shingle. to any width or %Meknes...and produces a very uniform and charm article. which has given perfect satisfaction wherever tried. One of the inuebinee and specimen &of itis work can b peril e is eu..quelowitst planing Mill, Columbia. kn. ror Mohler information, address, • WM. KT Columbin.Lmmmmereo,Pa _ . . l arThe construction of the saw and frame. admit? of w.e, separate from the planer, in sawing all kin& of straight and bevelled work, both ua Flowing. Clapboureling. &c. Columbia, May 91, 1957. 8. F. AZPOLD, GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMIS SION NERCIIANT, it ECM VIM. OP COA ILANDPIRODUCE, And Deliverers on any point on a, Columbia and Philo delrhia Railroad. to York and Baltimore and to ";ttsburg; DEALER N COAL. Fi.oflllt AND GRAIN, WHISKY AND BACON, hove jUNI received a large lot of DI onottgobela Rectified Whivlcry.from Pittsburg, ofwbiclitbey wN lkeet,o aapply constantly on band. allow p riees.Nos.l,2 and G Cana Coluinhin.Januarv27.lBs4. MIIM'I7 , MWWIT''379I HALF-MILE NORTH OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA. I. E subscriber, Proprietor of the "Hillside Nursery stint Gazdeu,o offers for sale, at his piemices. a general assortment of FRUIT, MIADE &ORNAMENTAL TREES, of the choicest varieties, a rare collectioa of Hardy Ornamental Shrubbery—evergreen end deciduous, the fittest climbing plants of every description de manded in lid; market—all hardy, many monthly, or perpetual bloomers, the standard varieties itcto ? of GRAPE rEVES„;‘,O NATIVE & EXOTIC, ;; -4 4T1P,'•- • ItreA t r •- •;,1 small fruits or nearly' y ,' • every variety worthy. 4",, • of CUIIiVIIILOII in this -; • • that - will not mildew; olio, the finest collection 01 hardy roses ever offered for sale in Columbia, and, after inspection of other gardens, he thinks he may safely assert, the finest grown aid best a-sortntent now in the county He call, attention to the Green Muse. which is crowded with the rarest and most sought for varies tire of Ornamental and Flowering Plants, and chn Is lengrt I..nneuster and York Counties to produce a choicer or better grown collection of Green and Hot House Plants, than 110 w on hand at • the Garden," in order for Spring Trade. He offers them cheaper titan they can he bought at any oilier estab lishmentin the above counties or in the oboe. Ile kcap4 constantly on hand at his Extensive Nur 'ere and Garden. or eon furnish at f hod notice. every tree, itlirub or.dower, connected with the bu-i -ne,s. oared for yule in Philadelphia. In connection with 'the Nursery and' Garden, the Proprietor wjll ulidernike through the agency of William Stafford, a scientific latitd4cape Gardener and Nur.erytnan, educated iii England, to plan non lay out Pleasure Grounds, Gorden:. Are , and to do general jobbing in thi- line of Itte.inestC. fancy and jobbing work will lie warranted to give totutifitetton to the most intuefut arid fiettidiouit, and will be done at reasonable rate. • S. 11, pun PLE. Columbia, April lilt IE4B. c:q. 11E subscriber invites the attention of the s public to tlo. NEW GROCERY, FLOUR, FEED AND VARIETY STORE, jolt opened by him at N 0.71. Locuet street. between S'elmild nod Third. He will keep on hand a complete -lock of nil kieds of Gieeeries, Queensxnrr C. Sc.. and in-ures everyllittitt to be good of its 4h id nod price. He will form-11 BREAD from the Philadelphia Me t-honked Bakery. fresh every e,eising; al.o. Ten His. cult. tracker-. ecec &e. Those desiring it con Ir served at die houses Ile will give OW 1111:411,1- his strict attention. nod by foreseeing and promptly suppls - the wants of coizens tome. , to deserve arid receive liberai -hare of their support. SA Nll. F. EarathriN, Oct 9;59. 70.71 Locust •trect.Columbi.i. Stoves, Tin Ware, Gas Fixtures, &c. ECIILANL WILSON, N. E. Corner Seoond and Locust treeta. TII subscriber having entirely refitted his .Carr io a ...nolo.. new -lark nt every th ia lu. !nee. invites the lillelllloll of the public to h,. ,arefttlrlit of . STOVES OF EVERY STYLE & PATTERN. Ills .001 . k iv very lurge and complete. coo -nng of I:it)iti Conk. lVitlialti I'ollll. Not,le.i'Catinesil. VenueAmrCiao.:ll,triiiegrtter.iCotnpiete I took. Cookiltg lot Cook. (oar 'Mlle, Parlor dove. of rilta, male rise. le nod variety, Liar Bonin :Me I Wire &e Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, la rgr ..ock of ar•trlre. in lhr nt•ovr of loo.i .1 m......0mp0 i.ing ever% ilithe thnl is minitfarturril ,it Put. slie,-1 Lou & . tor 11...e.H0id plupo.ex -lock I. of In. OWII ma nnl.trntrr.and lie Cl.ll rOr il. rxrrll.•ucr and andeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. I. t 1,(.l nod complete u-eonun•ut of elegant l'sxtnro+ of in...lend do..q.ple, coo-I-limn of 4ix, ion,. throe and two burner Chandoliers.ningie b urner Ilnll Iletidani.. Side Lights plum and or onmeolnl Ittod :Sol no r-..lre. s .ltvnyrmu hum'. GAS Frr 1 . 1 Nf; till It. brunrltr+ullctldPtl to with prOolittlle,.. House Roofing, Spouting, &c. irwusr. cooFING SCOUTING pot op in the L.L lowa rub:googol moaner Cluattoog, Bet( litote tog tool other Itrotothee of the [gismo.... carried on it. 'tem tuthre, ott the most re:lst:mottle term.. HIRAM WILSON. Corner of Ser.:m.lpm.) Locust :greets. rolumhitt. September :4 I eril. Split Peas! Supply of Dried I.t.u,juel received mid for elite very clieup. iit 1.3. F. EDS.II.I.EIN'S Nov 19,1559. Grocery Store. N 0.71 1...cu0. et.. Q11111:1) Sparkling (Moline for gale at the Golden 1.1 Mo. 'or Urge Stole, Front Street FRANKLIN HOUSE RESTAURANT. UNDER THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA. rfuLi..l uA I . I ) . :Ie lra i er r b' ; r i , ' l n :.. o r filend in dw basement of hia where he is prepared to si fee Oysters and other Re fie-lament- in the beet style. The estubli.hinent tins been newly fitted up with it elect. to the best *meow• inodation of his Customer., sail no effort will he spored to properly and promptly curer to their ...nutr told appetites. Trio 0) seers, the ,provided will he of the best out. • try. and that they may lie well cooked and served nu exp....timed person from one of the best estuliti•lt• menis Plotadelphilt, hits been enctiged to tote charge of the coolong department. The subscriber stela , of his friends arid the public it share or custom. . K. NI I I KR, Columbia. Oct. W, IPSO. Franklir lIIU4 e. IoiIrOTICE. TITT; Books of the subscriber have been placed in the hands John gildy, with authority to collect all accounts. Persons indebted will make puyment to him, those having claims will please present them foe settlement. L. S. FILBERT, M.D. °ember IS, 1P.59-d. SAVING FUND. NATIONAL IMO 1. Mane:, is received every day, and in any amount, large or small. 2 Five Per Cent. interest is paid for money from :he day it is put in. 3. The money is nlways paid back in gold, when ever it Is called for, and vrAhnut notice. 4. Money is received front Executors, Administra tors, Guardians and others who desire to have it in a place of perfect safety, and where interest can be obtained for it. S. The racistp received from depositor• is in•:m.lrd in Real Estate. hlortaages. Ground Rents.and such other first-classmicarodes as the charter directs. 0. Caine lllours—Every day from t fill 5 o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o'clock in the evening., HON. HENRY 1.. RENINER, President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, %Ica President, WB..l.REED,Socrentry. DIRECTORS. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brew...-. Edward L. Carter, . Joseph B. Harry, Robert S•HFi ige. Fro IlriP Lee Samuel R.4a..hron, Joseph Verkes. G. I.nnarrqh Munn.. Ilene Dilfenderfsr. OFFICE:—Walnut 'Weft, Sault-West awn, • of' 'Third Street s rhilodriphie April Si. ASO. -,- - ' '-- Tait ilegitived and Poi' Sale,' 0 0 0 'i lt nn i t ; * 3 ! 3 2.11 3 / 4 . ;fee 4itt.et d nil 's , s. just rertLired. ■ large sistortrimit of C.,rpenlers' Plum and TarZs of all kinds. May 12,1260. J. RUMPLE & SON 1460 NEW EASEL GROCERY STORE . T • - E subscribers have pot opened an en tire stork of New Ciriserile,, every articler - of which is Fresh and New. and being determined to keep goods in the he.t quality. and at the very lowest rash priers, hope to deperve and receive a share e tom , 01111rto r Intn.. SUGARS, 6t, '7, 8, 10. ' MOLASSES, At, 12i, 16. TEAS. , ' Great cure Ivan been taken in pelecung the Creole% Itud purest tette. in Bill I. k.linperial and Young Hyson. Extra strong ceented Rio, Extra Browned Rio, Ex. trn Tyrkey Coffee. Extra.uxttr curet! Barra. extra ttucnr cured plied Bed.. shoulder• and alnel,etel No. 1. 2 and 3, in Intrrel. told half barrel., •i d ih Herring— smoked and in pickle, ...Volum. 1.T.--Ground , by the -nett and by retail; flee Ashton nod Dairy. in 'man line .n k 1 1 .—Er...* • S';.tfu , s , tP Onto , v. PRIME CSEESE, FRESH CRACKERS. FRUIT. Fre..ll Orowoo , . 1..100n... . • . ke tee. QDEENSW ARE AND GLASSWAR E , ac. large twit eompoqe CA oil.n.P.s -- ~ 0 0l •••••.., ~ad Tallow. SPICES, &c., &e. Ground Cinnamon. P:o. Pepper—red aco I,lnit Brown said Yellow .I ositard, Mace, Cre^.c, of •Parlor. Indigr.. Cop err.. Nu:nieu-• 131.1Ck1464.17:.11C) .:lIII.IIC.WiC boardp,ke 74e.. Th .'ord, Clothe- Lines. Pure Cider Vinegar, Potatoes, • Corn Brooms, . Knives and Forks and Spoons. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. MI the Brand-. • Letier end Writing Papers. Steel Penn. ink, Ink Siend., &v. Sardines:, Sweet Corn. Ilonnoity. Split Pen:. P a . rine. Wenn, fresh Sweet • Oil. ttusitle soap, Plek Ir in short. curly article to Ile sound sit a fi-es•eist-:. Grocery Store. 13 A LUE:‘ I A:. J ACKSON, Chenp Caali Grovel l mid Ilrovi-ion Store, Columbia. 111nrob 31 *4O 'l`llOllS 'WELSH, Esq., has been appointed Agent of the Penn Muoini Lite lammits , ilone pony, of Philadelppia. tor Columbia aim neighbor hood. 'Flue w on old establi.hed Company. Perwoo wt-ling to. provide for their families in et,e of death sol better call on the. agent and get ineured. • • olumhia.July 1& ifghm.tf coLuranr.a IRON POUND= OPPOSITE Tel E CANAL BASIN, COLUMBIA, PA. r iIEE subscriber has removed to the exteu sive rbops connemed %villa the. Columbia Iro. foundry, which he Ita. thoroughly fitted. up, with new and fi,at•nne machinery. and is now prepared to manufacture Steam Engines and mp- ofievery de- Qeription, Machinery for Purim•.... Forges, Mills Filetoi ie., C'r Work. &e. Iron and 1.h.r.. Ca.ting4 furni.hed to order. Bridge Bolt. and Illackrmithing ut goner•'(• irr Repairing, promptly attended to. JOHN Q. DENNEM enlutnbin. July 3, 1£.3? 33.111VZOVILL -01 r . 301-IN .811101 BERGE:HOS - FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. THE undersigned having removed his Fur „„„,, Wore ecomn. nod ilium Newry. n. he. new b u ildiao.. on the .oinit•Ode I.onnAl. al reel. f,,.. tweet). Seeuttit Thud re•peetfully hi. friends T the nutt , to to glee his n en l:. nnd .don•cnn.nonl• CABINET-WARE ANDCHA I R-WORK, o g will be kept whlch will lie %old th• $llO-i re, teint. A. he luau ulaetnt..• he In enabled to warrant ever) .1111 • t. hus ii is represented :and to Ilea r lii--stack ie ire •air, purl and I,tige) C:atl.lival moo(; Centre. Its g ilunhg .5,11 Brink nisi TA BIJIS. Csiti tttttt ••111.• a HEIL s•TrA DS. IbtVel i .7 1.1.4.V!. Cl/A ItS.. am, siET TEEN of 0171.11 -ult. stage Civ r writ Is ..rettarto 'nu• ors 111 , 1110 i UnklUlle , 01 IT ItNl wil rr ttteudru with a I les rs• sling 'Olive ,111 d litee.,nr) ute,ntot ttivet.t lie rr-preiltilly =alien.o .hare or We11:I. I lie low• born liberally ~~~~ XTENSI VEtrruic CABINET IVARD-ROOMS AND AIAN u FA , t ; ttt •it -uli-eril.er would toil ior gueisliou ol lie e. izeurt , Ist kin hirer stud I,l'l its.lirtitirol UI CaliiiieoWure, topiiiiiro•iiiir -vote 101 the line-I Orr--111g Itureoug.Sll,lll-, Vieoeti Mud., to.. ever otn.teirlOr to itil• shine. lie 11.01111111111. 10 11,11111611.111rC ru.idiuri• of every 111,Clilli1011, And le eouridetii he tool give CI 11.F1N6 mode and ruherals ditedded in elfin 11 tom , or Col.llltrY. oil the CA , I • A K Al.:113E11T. INttismilitt..ltiiie 6, 1457 A2%./1 YOU INSIT11.1111)? West /3:1,1.1.1 Imrs1;) jJ n was urgaaized in Juar. rp ‘Als Company 1.35. Nowt but lIIC fu....-. 1..1. .1.....111i11 the I,ro-perou. fieopepii eamtlinon of , he Compel.) 1- ..valeove on Whole emouet of Property ram. rod, 51,1,7 648 00 Pold, 5.1:4 1111 l'usogNlCK. colombin, i+ IN. on IlloriZed Ilgeill. and k empowered 10 0101... and unsure property at the legtalar ruler. of u m I'o111• p•lny. Urr. 5.1957 GEOIEV:I3 J. SM.: I'M WHOLESALE and Wan Bread and Cake Coniectionerv, of every• .1• serghlor., !Irc„ r.r, 1.0 UST's 12 t..10a . , Dee. 3.'30 Between the I tank and I , lah Fhn !frame T 111:: room in 00 111110 Prom, now 11000 piad l , ‘ Thiona4 %Veinli. al-o..1•0 ral ply in •1 rt . Ili Prill Soap and Vinegar. of 20 barrel of Vat 0 e 33fiit3NER , e Corner of Tilled anti utlloll Jane:LlFO°. SALT! SALT!! 000 SSICki irouuu Alum .a 0 ),,41 r.•.•oleod. for the extriwrusenrily low prl.•.• of one 41•tler and free per .414414. TI; , let. Cult. April 21, '6O: Canal ALL persons indebted, on the Books of lin Livery Stable, (roar the 1.4 or April, led% to th o undersigned, are reque.ted in snake 1111.11V11.41r nay mem,, and ttro=e having elaita , will p.r et ...kern for aattlemear, a.. he Is •Jr•If.II.I, el 0•111% .1 • tl•••ille•• without delay. Oet t) t 4 _nf COM MISSION 211:7SINEISS. THE subscriber has made arraugements and is now prepared to receive on V01L1111.,1011, us his wharf. Moth side of Walnut street, Colu.iithia, Pa., COAL, LUMBER, WOOD OR TIES, lie will be happy 10 receive cotnmt...iom• for buying or felling the above article, to any manual. IF tom ht= experience in the Lumber Ilu-uses., he believe, that he will he able to render mtsiefaction. Strict at minion Will be sweat to all businew croruvied to hi, core. AMOS. S. GREEN. • Columbia, March 97, IS*. THE COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Second St., below Union, Columbia, Pa., rprepared to execute all orders tor STEAMEN GINES, 'ROMP:RS. SHAFTING, PULLEYS, PUMPS, MACHINERY FOR BLAST FURNACES, ROLLING MILLS, SAW AND FLOUR MILLS, and every variety of Machinery. in therms' thorough and, improved manner. Iron and EMU Castings. of eVC rr description, made to order. Itenniring promptly at tended to. Cash paid (or Old Iron. Brass. nod other metal. Ordeild by mail should be addressed to "Columbia Manufacturing Company: Colombia,' Pa.'' Z. SUPPLER, T. R. SUPPLER. ISoperincenderar .1. LLEWELLYN, Columbia,Jone 19.18574 f AFETY T 111 U S P OMPA NY. PENNSYLVANIA. T AXE'S Expectorant, Jape's Alterative, Jayne'm Carminative Salaam, Jayne'e Tonie. Jaynes Liniment, Jaysies Smintive Jayne* Ague Palle, and• Jay nehi Tonic Vermifuge; all the above popular remedies are guaranteed' genuine and fresh. For sale by R. WILLIAMS, t sept.2lpss9. Front st.. Columbia. PERSONS desiring Pure Articles in the Gro eery line will call at N 0.71 Locust street. - Just received a fresh supply of the following IRO: cies, warranted pure and fresh. New Orleans Sugar Syrups. of all kinds, best Baking klolasses.Cofees, Teas, Spices. Frait—wwk as Dried Peaches, Currants, Raisins, .k.c.—a lot or. Fist, S. F. F.:MALVIN No. 71 Locuot Street, Columbia: r l6 . Secember3, 1859 PIJRIC CATAWBI BUNNY. 'The subscriber tale. pwa.nre 111 11sfts.1111114 ri/r . WM"' i n " "" and whew., duo be he. jo.i orecoree from Herieqinir tern (rincinnall. Ohio.) 12 caw. lc Ideate parr lita• 'niche Brandy, which t. ow only article 'rally relia ble pu wry. now in ter. country. A.. beectele : 1 1 uperior nne...orcreiecily Ow Bummer Cemplateri py.pcpsta. Cramp, Colic, General Lhliibiy.Nervoue: new.lrc. wilt aril It for mcdleina: purposes is any req l o. l l4 quanot), either by the boule or-care. B. WiLLIA. Vic. Trout a Dee. zt, 1!59. COFFEE LIFE INSITR tDICE. c. szxu-au.ws oit F.. 111% EIMEI IgOTICE. Tiff/N. t ....kt r. lAI GROCERIEUL