- ' :" AVE 4#021077. rbLOBICIONGir etwal CLOTHING! ;rnuk Fix removed bid large and valuable dtock - • • • -READY;4I4)DE •CLOTHING, &C., &C., frOm his did stand on Front MiroOl to LOCUST STREET. Dt!tEcTLY °Pros= TEM FRAN/MIN BOMA', whore be is now selling at Auction a first-rate a•sstl. went of GENTLEMEN'S -FURNISHING GOODS, coasisting of all styles of Overcoats, Frock nod Busi ness Coate..Pards' of every quality, also Boyt'•Cloth• ing.Veste of all grades. a great variety of Oats and Caps, Shirts. Oftworg.Overatls, Carpal Bags, Trunks, ?Neck Handkerekie a and Tie.. rocket Books, nod a general variety of articles too IlUlTlctou • to mention. Wednesday,conanicaciug at 1 o'clock P.M, will be armed the FINEST BLACK COATS, FINEST BLACK. 'ANTS, FINEST BLACK 'TESTS, in the store, and the sale of these goods will be eon. ttnued daily and lightly Until they are dispoied'of 'Those wishing to buy ran call and select articles from the large stock of choice garments and the goods will be psi up on the above day. Er Bargains may be looked for..fai SAMUEL sTktoocK. Sales every day and evening until all the coatis are sold. [Cola. Nov 17. trite. INTALIC BALM. WILL be sold at Public Sale at the home of Jacobi. Miller, in Locust street. Colunshia, an Saturday evening, Nov. N. a t 7 o'clock, a y a , t ,„ ble piece of Ground, in West Hempfweld townshap. ',continuing .FOURTEEN ACRES, - mote or less. punned on the Ore Road leading to Crubb•e furnace. odininisg property of J. W. Cottrell on the Wc,t, Henry Wider ou the North, and the nur sery of N H. Purple on the East. It has la from of more than 1000 feet on the ore road. and could be concerti ' .enily divided into building lot.. The soil is good and '.adapted to a vegetable garden—for a nurwery—vinew yard or for fruit-growing of any kind—while running water Wit fora pawture field. There is considerable youngebeetrinteimber on the hill, from which the psos pret excels any view in the neighborhood and .fur nishes a DESIRABLE SITE FOR A RESIDENCE. There is a large tidy barrack upon the premises. Tura-One third cash on the &dot April next, and the remainder in one year with interest Cola. Nov. 17, MO.td J. 11. MIFFLIN. TOR =INT, TrrHE Lot at the head of Locust Craft boat ing on the Chestnui Hill Turnpike. between she ;.,11eservoitnnd Orave•Yard gate, used last year for a :VEGEITXBLE 'GARDEN, •aonlaining between 5 and 9 acres. The soills in ex ternem condition, and has beau bight!, ntanured the present Macon. It will be rented tor one or MOOS years with or without the smell dwelling and stable attached to Preference will be given to a practical gardener, that the spot would suit well for Tobnero, or a perma •aent pasture lot. Possession at any time. Cola. Nov. 17, 410-It J. If. AIIFFLIN. CHAMPAGNE CIDER Jtlot rectivrd nt A. M. RAM 80 . 9 Nov 17,1980. Odd FCIICOW4' lisp NEW SUGAR CURED HAMS. A Prime article; also, New Salmon, Mackerel, Cod ri4t. &c. A. 111 RA M 13 0 ,8 Nov. 37, IMO. Grocery Store. SEEDLESS RAISINS. ATM Fig., Citron, Currants, just calved as A. M. RANI Bo's N0v,117..1860. Family Grocrry Stare. NEW YORK HONISIONY. EV/ Kiln Dried Honionony,juot reeem-d nt AS M. RA MHO'S Odd F 0110.9 4. 1141 N0v.17, lee* NEW SHAKER CORN, JUST received at. A. Al, RAMBO'S Family Grocery Store Odd Fellows' Hall Nov. 17, ISM MINCE MEAT, 117 ac a r r a c. n r te p d o l u o i ll i. e . :: and-rate ar d e . c l': l n A zl r l o lr . 4. the Family Grocery Store, Odd Fellows' Hall. Cola Nov. 17. 1860 First Opening of New Furs Ponderemith's Stores this day. A choice selec tion of Pure, including :table. Stone and Silver Ala . Pitch. Squirrel, Blue. Black and Brown Coney. he.. Caper. Victorines, Minn end Coda. (or !edit , . and children, all made to order in the hest style stud ma terial ezpreesly for our gales, to whirl, we reopectfuly invite the attention of the 'oldies of Columbia and virini.V. PONDERS:MTh. C. lu. Nov. 17.'G0. People's Store. .LEAD BEATER'S T? 1 )O,3 YOIICPCg I) LIQUID STOVE-POLISH? SEVEN REASONS WHY IT IS THE BEST. Ist. It is always ready for usc. ail. It /ss no smell. Id. Ii polishes over runt. 4113. It is eeonomiewl. nth, It produces no dirt in poli-Ling. Gil.. Ii viands the greatest degree of heat. 711 i. It is juin what every family needs. It preserves them! One 'bird longer! one third longer! Stoves will la.t one-third !auger Ly slits. Time and money saved. It has stood iiic re admit 1501 s TRIUMPHANT, TRIUMPHANT. Leadbeater's Renowned Liquid Stove Polish. Cre two' Discovrry or the Age!: 01 c td.tl will con vince your. Addre.., LEM/lII:ATER Ar. CO. hole MRcutitc:uror.. N o 4 a tadtlphi et. tirSold by oil respeeia9.ble N dealer*.t, Phi Itberal .4i.cottot to the Troth. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE! Cr nice, le and WI Cents. Put up for Denier. in caw. containing four and eigtit dozen, A latendid Lithographic ohow-eard so rget, paeliage. Every Merchant , hauld make a mote of Leudben ter's Renowned logo)! stove Nolen. N0v.17;60 Commonwealth Fire — lnstuance Company, AP Ile Rove of Penn , ylfrania. Office. Common if wealth Building, No. 613 Cbeniv - t Street, Phila delphia Capital, 8230 000—Paid up Ouphal, Sa l o,ooo, ORGANIZED IN 18,54. DIRECTORS: David Jayne. M. D., John M. Butler, John M. lingual, Stephen Coulter, Edward C. %night, Thomas W. Evan", John X, Walker, notary Lewis. Jr . Thome& S. Stewart. Charles L. I'IMIII. DAVID JAYNE. M. D.. PecHgent. JOHN M. mirrALL, Vice President. Saatest.S Moon, Secretary. For Insurance apply to F. X. Ziegler. Agent at Columbia. N0v.17.-60. ELECTION, AN eleetion for !even Trtmece of the Odd FelZowe' 11a11 As•ocoation will be held at Odd Fellow& Halt. on THURSDAY EVENING, DECENIBER 13, 1800, between the boura of 7 end 8 o'clock. Calombia, November HIRAM WILSON, Mostirer. 10, Itllo-te 021112011.2, OYSTERS. - T OE tadweriber will deliver Prime Oysters, Salt or sh, ready opened for rurally ase In Columbia on next winter. at Thug raday. amid every SUCCeedingThanday dursoy the FIFTY CENTS PER HUNDRED The oysters ore warr■ned first-rite in gamin/. Cola.Ncnr. la, 186 G. CHAS H. ONO Zlnninzarn DOLCIIIIIA November 6110, 1860. I ff Diree:ore thns bate this dry e_ elated a dividend of three and one half per cent. ilayeiZE data. SAM UEL S " '4!"V PUriLic SALE. ON Saturday, 'Noranber 24th, 1860, wi ll be sold at publks Salet lit the Fnutklio House, in the borough of C.olumbia, the following Zeal Holism Irk= A TAACT OP LAND shamed in Wert Ham:Meld tesernaMproirthe Columbia and learotout 13W Turnpike, one mile from lone. adloblingpropertivi of J.ll.lllfilin, Antos Girery and James Pearson, containing Twenty-Soren Acres. more or len. . Ahem five acres of the above land are in wheat, which will be sold with the property. 'lbis tract is beautifeny situated fat a country feni• dame, Awn bejond the residence of Col.Jas. Myers. .arod tbe cottage of J. U. Main, E. At ale same time and place volt be sold A LOT OF GROUND situated on the south *Me of Cherry street, above f ourth, the borough et Columbia, erljoinimpropertY Adam (Modena on the East and of Mrs. Cent . can on the Weir. on which i. erected a TWO.STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE ithbeckbarlidings Teams.—The conditions of the shove sale will beetle third of the Purchase money in earth oe the Ist day of lOW . last. when postwar* and a clear Otte will be given The reraatereg two thirds to be socered ea the property payable in one or h rye ars es the purchas er ma saly deem, with interest. 11aI commenee at 'o'clock, P. M.. of said" day .l orunallia;Nov:10, '60.3 1 C. nr.s.s., . . • ROT 117.9 • THE mulaTribers are in want of a Boy Acne fifteen or PiXteetl year. ow. is preferred) to.leani the Black smithing baxlne.s. Apply to CA , IITr o R i BECKER, Coathmakerp, Coln. Nov. a..iseu4r Columbia. Pa P .i. e'r , I•i , v Ovil AN Eleition for one President . five kfanagers. and one Tmeauree, ht. the Columbia and Marina Turn. pike Road Company. will be held at the house of Deng lOU', on Someday, the 17th of Not-ember, b.. wean the houreof 2 and .lo'clotk of said day. Nov. 3,430 td d. W. COTTRELL See'y. 'Dissolution of rartnershlP Tain Co-PannerAip heretofore existing between J. R. Hellen. Dr. H. John and H. R. Knotivell, in the Shutt Bumersa, (Sign ad the Golden Mortar) was dis. solved this day by mutual con.ent. •Cola. Nov. 1,1930, CONTIN CATION OF BUSINESS. gun. : Drug and Prefeription BII4IICMS will be eon. tinned ai 'he old stand by the underoigned, av pan ner• under the firm and tine of Dr. H. John. fa Co. and under the .unervipiota of J. S. Delielt who will give it his undivided atieunou. El JOHN, Cola. b10v.3.1e60. fl. B . KNOTWELL. PON. RENT.. THFl•uhneribei.offera his GARDEN DOT in Colum- Lia 10 an honest. Roller and iudu•trioue man..who pmpealy undnreinnas the nullivation of Frusta and Vegetables, and can came well recom mended. The enclosure contains nearly two notes of first quality of land, and there are now growing thereon, and in good ettadition, more than one hundred and fifty peach, ripple. near. quince. neetarine and cherry trees, twenty grape vines, more than 1 000 goo•mberr) raspberry, Lawton bluek berry cud currant burlieo. and an asparagus bed with one thousand crowns. Possession will be given on the first of January. SA M VUL SIR/CIL Columbia. November 3, IrlGo.2m "Panic" Goods from New York. Wlltave jest received at ear atm; great bargains ill Cloths.Cassimeres. Satinet ts, Vest ings, &c.. ...PANIC STRICKEN GOODS:. from the New York market. Gentlemen. particularly those who.hase been so unfortunate as to lose gar ments on the result of the eteepo l u t . will have „ n „p . portunity *o rove YS per twain their purchases. and at .sot get a portion of heir -money &tack' , by arrang ing their matters at either of th• `Store• of the aubsert ber—oppoalid Odd Fellows' Hall. or adjointag the CO lUMbin Hank. This wuy Fellow Citizens: COMI• nod Roooers. Cull Mt 11. C. I'ONDERSMITH'S :Mores. Nov :I. IFf3O I sorn.t 'PM- ej.logniojm PUBLIC SALE. TtfE andersigned, Issignee of Henry Nob ler. will sell at public kale. at 7 o'clock P. M., on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1.1800, at the pubic houre of Col. Daniel Derr, in the borough of Columbia. the following real c-tate. t.t said baronet': No. 1. A LOT OF GROUND, on Second street, between Locust and WulnuLon which is erect ed a two-story Frame DWELLING FlGUSE,atbutn• tog property of Hiram Wilson. The lot Is about D 0 feet trout and 76 feet deep. No. 2. A. LOT OF GROUND, on Second street. between Union and Perry. about 30 fret front and 100 fett deep, adjoining property of Columbia blanufneturine Company. mull a oue dltd a half story Frame DWEI.I.INrI HOUSE thereon No. 3 . A LOT OF GROUND, on Fourth sweet between Perry and Mill about 20 feet front nod 06 fert, deep, with a two•ntory Frame 1)221:1.1.1Nr: HOUSE thereon, adjoining property of Ueister and others. No. 4. A LOT OF GROUND, on Fifth I. amnia of Union, nbout 15 fern front and bll feet deep, with a two-..tory rrione DWELLING HOUSE. and adjoinibus No 5 and property of .Ineob Ifordy No. 5. A LOT OF GROUND, and two. story Frame DWELLING DOUSE. adjoining No. 4, Arnow IS fret from and e 0 feel deep No. G. TWO LOTS OF GROUND, on Fifth :tree!, !between Union an 4 Cherry. about feet and feet deep. with two two-story Flame DWELL ING 110CES thereon. adjoining No 7 and property of Mob Santee. No. 7. FOUR BUILDING LOTS, on Fifth street, adjoining No. 6, each 15 fret front and 100 feet deep. with grand nitllar walls nn No. 8. FIVE BUILDING LOTS, adjoining 7. will be .raid inert/we or teparatnly„ as rbtorini No. 9. THREE LOTS on the north Aden!' Union street. ea-t of Fifth titreet.one 1: feet (root and the oilicr4 16 feet each, and each 1110 tee) deep, will be and separately. No. N. The 'Undivided half of THREE LOTS OF GROUND on Union street, south of Fifth, with three two-story Frnme DWELLING HOUdEA. with one and a half story back buildings. e eel. about 15 feet front nod 1.00 feet deep, adjoining property of II Herr and Olken; will be sold separately. Terms will he wade known at -.tile. by GEO. UOGLI; Assignee The underairpned.owner of the other undivided half of Nn. 10. itbove de-erilted. will sell his interrot at :drove .ale. TERMS—pareba%e money with interest. payable in two ) ears, and approved security required. ENRY SUYDAM. Columbia, November 3, ISGO.ts The Largest, the 'most Varied and Cheapest Stock of Books in Lancaster Jusl Received Porn tke 7'redc Soles, al Sheaffer's Cheap Book Store. ANY f3oola are offered at one-Conrili, etae-hull. and all below publishers regular prices. The fol lowing are a few of the many just received: Lecture on Meiophy*ics and Logic. 13y sir \Cjlham Hamilton. Hari. 2 vols. TM, Vocabulary of Philosophy. Mental. Moral. mad Metapbyslsal; with quotidians and references; for dm use of iltudems Hy William Firming. D. D. Self•Educutiunt or the Means and All of Moral Pro. grew By Elizabeth P. Peabody. A ili•tory of Roman Classical Liicrature. By R. W. Browne. M. A. Pls. D. Sermolis by Bev William Morly Palmitin, to which ma prefixed a plea 'or Class Sleeting•. and an intraduction, by Rev. %Vin. U. Mil burn. Life of George Washington. By Washington Irving. 3 vials. The Astericnn Ecclesiastical Year Honk. Isy Alex. J. it , citemy. Religious slid Entertaining Anec dote. By Rev. tlias Bach. The Family Doctor. By Prof. Henry Se. *rosier, N. D. The Adventures of James Curren Ad:sent, 11101.111111ne , or and Grizzly Benz Hunter, of enlifornia. ily T. If Batten Jack in the Forecastle; or, Incidents 111 the Early Life of Hawser 3laningale. The American Farmer's New and Vol vur•al Hand Book; Diu-Bated with four hundred en gravings. The Anatomy and Pits siologY of THE HORSE: with Anntninical and Questionul dons. By George JLEkfild. s. SCHOOL BOOKS. Testehem.Perenta. Scholar. and others, are inaiiel to call et the Cheep Souk Store far anything they may want in the School Hook Line. They will alwny e find a complete narortmert at AM?: sHEA VEER'S Meng Honk Store, No. 32 North Queen at., next door to Examiner and Ewald Office 0ct.27,160. Mew Wear. m(ares cop•ina-ra, utinrkio. V u lull workenciik now on ..und. to which we invite the attention of the gentry. 1.0 k II F Ott. 27, IE6O. Cor. Third end Union. DRESS GOODS, ati.linteres. !Mack Sulks. Sack Flammto, D Ticking*, Cliecks,:tluilina, &c.,&c.. at HRUNF:Rto Cola. Oct ir,Ul4O. Cor Third and Union. LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES Goat Boots, Ladies Goat Gouts with heels. Ladies Kid Boots with beels.taid ins al ernes° Hoots with heels. Misses Alorocro Boots with heel... Misses Morocco BOOto without heel s,Boys Kip Slow, (1111ral. Meng Kip Shoes (Extra), Aleas Calfskin Shoes (EX tra). These Shoes hare been purchased from arm hands acd will be an:d at a .mall advance. Oei. 27, MO. 1. O. & 11. F. BRUNT:R. CALICO! CALICO!! Pierea Levy Calico, of the hest make, now 1. UV selling at 9 pads for a dollar at Ort.9:, leek BRUNER'S. NEW STOCK OF COAVOIL LAMPS. PRICES reduced since CURTIN'S ELECTION. Glinn. Sued at 62 cu , formerly ~ 123 et. Marble Stand si SL. - "'• SI 23 ' Marble Stand at SI 13 - 46 111.2, Fluted :I' rode Stand at 31 23 " SI SO Dell Style Marble Stand at 121 40 St 66 Globe Style Marble Stand at SI 62 .. SI MI strain. Hand at 7u eta .1.1 la Hanging Lamp. at 61.37 SI 73 Side Lamps at $147 .. SI 73 Call and examine our stock before puerbaning elec.- where. .1 S. I/ELLETT, & Du. 0et.20,1500. Golden Mortar Drug Store. PRICE REDUCED 11011 sharing lamps to barn Coal Oil. We will M. ier any ordinary Fluid or 0 1/amp to burs Coal Oil, Chimney Wink and all complete, for 50 et- at the Oet VO, 1560.3 GOLDEN MOIL FAR DRUG STORE. SHADES! SHADES! TUE have jinn received an arsortnient of plain and Cr traneparent Shade*, trots arta tott2 et., call and ace them at J. S DRLLETT, Jr CO., Oct. MO. Golden Mortar Drug More, IFULICaIa CipC)013,3% 'MOS. W. .1WA.71140, dr. CO.. lIAYZ XOW GINO Tllitli F . 41112. AP Bich Saks. Shawls, Cloaks, Bouraons, French Or. Irish Bop Has, Mooslines, Chintzes, lidlaTi , Glii;ter; MOURNING GOQIX . 3 OF Apt. gar*, WIIII 4 A 1 - 12 LL noes or ~ ,u4. Tgs - - Latest Novelties Imported this SINWOO. Posoossthijothetiorianitidoir for both in das and tbeEuropean Markets. 74 W 4 K &Cent sthelt will be theta& to ampere fnetthiti, with soy other, WWI in ;nice and a.-ortment. &Ws 818 sad 820 Chestnut 114.. rbilodetobis. . 2 &toes below Continents') Hotel. net. 20, IeGO-tm 186 • 4 50.1jilTrt ADRIVAIrOF 1860 - SUM FALL 111043D5. /VENN this Dioneitgoi ikatitilat Assort meet of new fall goods. bought in New York and Philadelphia. Clri-aC7 o 9Vlrenei, The newest fall styles: The Arab. The Basque, The Walling Coat, The Full Back. The Platn Back, The Cape Style, The Beaver Cloth, he , Ac. Cloaking Cloths of every kind. Drew goads of every desermuon.newent ntyle,andjunt imported in N. York. OIMIEICALVICPMen. A beautiful assortment, and latent style: Brecht, Long Shawls, Scotch Long Blanket Shawls, French Long Blanket Shawl', stet in Shawl. embracing every enter entity. COATING, CASSIMERES, & VESTINGS. We reepect fully invite nuention to our *lock of Coatings, Ca.simeree and Vesiings, exceeding in va riety, quality and cheapness, any rood. its that line we ever odcred. HALDEMAN'S Oct. '27, Ibbtl. Cheap Ca-h Store. J. S. HEMET r, H. JOHN. H. R. KNOTWELL "PREMIUMS THE METHODIST, THE NEW RELIGIOUS WEEKLY, WAS COSISIENCSD IN JULY LAST, AND IS PCS.. 11 LIMED ON M.Q.';U I II2I - -Etri),4El,:r e 5 OF EACH WEEK, © At No. 7 Beekman Street, N. Y., ria ea EDITED BY THE ole Rev. GEORGE R. CROOKS, D. D. .LISSIbTFLP BY THE _,— Bev. JOHN iILeOLLITOCE, D. D. •ie At pre•ent residing in Puri-, na Gorre-pombngSdi tor, an by seumerous contributors well known an wnters for the people. Giving due prominence to nil pa Sy ~,,, tiers of interest pertaining to the Church whose 3 1111.14 e It bears, and sustaining its institniions against en disorganizes* within ha bosom and assailants frofit YM without it yet, in it spirit of brotherhood, conveys in to its readers full details of pinisingevents In all the psi 4.ter churches, and in the world of lunge, main- Cy mining at the same time a high literary tone, and a rig digmhed abstinence from all unnecessary matzo versy. IT IS PRINTED IN IMPERIAL QVARTO FORM, e i On the Best Paper, and in the Best 73 Typographical Style. • And embellobed from time to time by 01. PORTRAITS OF EMINENT MEN, IN THE MINISTRY AND LAITY, and is thus constituted, editaii ally and mechasieully. A RELIGION MEI REPAPCII OF THE FIRST CLASS. - on '21.1121511, $2 Plan YEAR. ..3 Subscribers paying for the Year tc commence lat e) January next, will receive the Paper Grand- 0 tously up to that date. Although ..THE METHODIST" bas met with W 2,., a Imo4t uttorecedemod somas., yet, in order to place ca It within the reach of every Methodist Family, we I X have been induced to offer a i.ia of Premium. to lot any who wish to procure subsetibers. These Pre- 12 mium. are offered severally toe Two Subscriber., rt and up to Fifty Subscribers. and embrace Carhart, Needham &Co.'s Melodeons, ao Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, .I, Wilcox & laibbs' Sewing Machines, French's Conical Washing Machines, g A NUMBER OF DISIIIRABLZ ZOOKB, KITH AS PI /Jasper's. illuminated Bible, elf Washington Irving's IVorks, Agracultural Books, Stevens' Hist. of Methodism, Bang's Hist. of the M. E. Church, g And numerous other Books of permanent interest and value, together with a great variety of Books suitable to the SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARY $5 ll 5 Affording to any who wipit to prevent their Pnetor wnh a perpetually metal honeetto:d convenience, or who, vei-ls to procure one for their own romfort. or who wt.Oh to fur tt•lt one use mean , of livelihood to slime friend. or to any Sunday school p up i l or 'reacher who erotica to enrich the S. S I thrary, a ready Toc.o. of d 00.1. 1, en lry Itir c tpenditore only of a MT and ilic occupation of a t,I'PI'LF. SPARE :TIME. IL Specimen No, wiil be sent tree. on apidica Lion, to any address, with hill pariteutere of Pre mums. Address L. BANGS'. PuUlf pie,. Office. 7 Beekman Street, New York 01..tober 27. IbbC4t SOMETHING NEW. LIQUID Rennet for making in n few minutes dell con des*e...i.. Pall directions for using , necom parry each Wale. Par nate by Oct. 27, ISGO /ILA RE'S Poem ladrialle Pencil for 'narking t). Omar:. dze., for sale by IL WILLIA MPS Oci.V. ;Sao. Front St, Cola Pa. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! THE undersigned, Assignee of Henry Pfah . ler. of Columbia. has for sale n ',age Mock of Ce. dar, Willow. Tin and Copper. are; Coot and Parlor Stoves, of all the Improved Styles; Table Cutleryy. spoons. Ste.; a general assortment of llousc•Formelt ing Hardware. ter , which he will venal very low pri ce* for Cash. to close out the concern. Country Storekeepers are mailed to •xamine the stock Everything will positively be Fold as early as as possible. Where the purchases are consider able. reasonable credit will be given of ap proved cc. runty. Stareopporite the 0.111.. 61.0. Lx; Oct 2h, 4200 AP/Lit.lteC. LES ----41611LIMS TIIE subscriber tun just receives! 100 barrels a of 'Name Apple., Erased Vruit, from llutfalo. V.. of daaerent autocue.. w•hicit he erre. at lower rate. than they can be bouald any where rl.e in Co lumbia. Coil and examine the -lock, No 3 Arcade, lilalnat St. above Bellevue lieu,. On. 90,1e60 tf S. 11. I.OOK ARO. ---- SKY-LIGHT PItTURES! -------- TTIEI ORIGINAL GALLMRILP, IN NEW HANDS. THE subscriber has taker] the Old Gallery, and is prepared to mho ra ther the hest end clomp. est pictures ever taken in Colurnbitt. Ile hats uthlod to the facilities of the rvinms A SKY LIGHT, and ha• completely refitted she eniablidiment,and is prepared to take Ivory•typer, Photograph., Alexia types. Ambrat pen, klelninotypes mud l'irtarea on Usisea. tp the bear style, 1144 at prices which are unheard of for chenille... Ltkrates.e• warranted, and a rinti-fnetnry picture fertiohed without repealed :doings. Ile asks a con tinuance of the liberal patronage always extended to estahltaliment. Call and examine specimens of the rooms, N. E. Corner From and Locust street., third glory. Entrance on Locust street__ ' EA ll QUA . . s FOR Cheap and Fabey Groceries. JU}Z received, a new and opleadul lerponmesil of 0 roreries which we sell at reduced priers, at A M.H.AAIBO.B family grocery :Acme, Odd l'ellow's Hell. Coln Oct 21,11960. - TWENTY-FIVE BARRELS AFTI.F.S. 'port aale by the blii.alro Jerrey Sweet Pounce.. put up in the field and will keep till aprine. for •ale at A. M. RAAII3ISci Oct. family Grocery Store. reachel,.Appiea, Caroutte. fie., jart received at A. M. RAlllllO'4 OCT. 01. 1960. Faintly Grocery Store NEW NO. 1 SALMON. EW Melting and Mackerel in half and letzten N at A. M. RAMBO'S . Oct. 21. gen& Family (grocery Store- CRANBERRIES, EVC7 Crop Prtmc.,.New Citroc.st 11 Oct. P, DSO. A. M. RAMBO'S, urotreeteroldre Saucy, Seined Cocos. &e.. jest re d d reined and for sate by S. P. HBEILLEIN. Oct- Si, teak zie. 71 Locus St. CRANBERRIES. vs? reeeteed a (sub tat of Cranberries and HOW IS Carraarts. at No. 71 Lount /tree. Oct Oh UM. S.F. ESERIA2N. PURE WHITE VINEGLH. Afint...ses aroctoor Whin. Vilinglit,*4 received sad !or We by S. IP.IIOII39IALEIN. Oct SS, :sea. No. 11 Loess St. BUCKWHEAT MEAL. HE fait ittocirwbeatt ilexl of the aeacent. Jaw re .reierdd at F. F. It BEELINZ Oct. 21, MO. Grocery Eton. Locust Street. SUBSC RI I=M. Premiums for Subscribers. ; R WILLIA Front St , Cola. Pa EM= NEW DRIED FRUIT. -LnijEs:ouyrii -. 01:64K5. A FINE instillment oi* Ladle's • Cloth Cloaks. and 1 - 11.:Dastert of various kyles, and Oboes frodo EFL 10 Va. each. for sale by MALTBY At CASE. • Oct W. I 060. CteDIE'S 'HOOP H ) K • A VERY large aegortment of Moped Sk War' /I. ranted to be of the very beet matertotoue myna facture, at S•cut. per hoop, for rale by Oct. 27.1800. MALTBY & CASE. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. At EN'S and Boys' Ready-made Clothing in great va 111 riely. very cheap; all goods warranted as repro seined, for sale by hIALTBY & CASE. Columbia, Oct 27, 1860. • BOOTS AND SHOES. T adies'.Gent's,BlialLes , ,Youth's, and Children's Boots I.i and Shoes of all kinds, cheaper than ever before offered in thi• place; come and see. For sole by Co'a- Oct. 27. 1800. MALTBY* CASE. FISH AND SALT. SALT in Sacks, Herring, Wbbe Pisll and Mackerel in a‘ported packages. for sole by Cola. Oct. 27, lefdl. MALTBY Lt. CASE. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. THE Subscribers tare just opened a large and splendid assortment of seasonable goods, .o which they wouttl.invite the attention of purchavers generally, consisting of Fine Fall Styles Dross from 50 co. to St. per yard, French Al eritios, All-wool Cashmeres, Coburgs. Poi:Sins Alpacas. Flitstnell,Delaities, Prints, Gloves, Gauntlet-, Shawls, tailless, Cloths, CllfllilllGlVll.Satancom Vesting'. Car pets, Oil Cloths. Window Shatles,Clothing, Boots and Queensware, Groceries and Provisions, to gether with sit oilier goods usually kept in country stores; all of which they will sell at the very low,* cash prices Comit-y produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods at the highest market pr-cc.— Thankful for the otreudy liberal patronage bestowed upon them. they would say to their customers. arid the community in general, that by Fair Dealing. and strict attention to business, they hope to merit a con iinuance of the fame. AIALTDIr & CASE. Locust St., Oppotite .1. Rumple & Son's Mt dwane Store. (Oct. 27, trso. COURT PROCLAMATION Wlt REAS, the lion. BENRY G. LONG, Presiderit, Hon. A. L. Mrs. and FIUME% BRIN,TONVHSCI., APAoniute Judges of the Court of Gam mon Plea.. in and for the courtly of idisocaster, and A ir.i.tant (tithe Connor OyerandTermilier, and General Jail Delivery, and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the county of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me directed, requiting tae. among other things, to make Pul.lic Proclamation throughout my Hailiwiek:tlint a Court of Oyer and Ternititer and General Jail Delivery; Also, a Court of General Qu a rter Session. of the Peace and Jail Delivery, arta commence nt the Court in the city of Lunen ster. In the Commonwealth of Pennsyl. vaaia,onihe Tli I RD MONDAY in NOV. (19t11) 1960. In per.itattee of which precept. PUDLIC.NOTICE is Ill.:DEBI' GIVEN. to the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Lancaster. in said county, and all the Just Hoer of the Peace. the Coroner, and Constables the said city and county of Lancaster. that they be throned there in their ownpeaper ptrsons,wah their rolla.,:ecord. stud exammations,and nild their other reinembrenees, to do those things which to their offices appe rutin, in their behalf to be done; and also nll tho-e who will prosecute agninst the pnsoners who nre,or then shall he, in the Jail of the said minty of Lunenster,are to be then and there to prosecute against them Na shall hejust. Dated at Lancaster. the lst day of Sept I RGn DIM/AAI N P. ROIVI; Sheriff. N. D.—Pune:en' attesalunce of the Jurors nod Wit tic Rae!, Will he refiner be expected and required on the first day of the FC1 , 1110.11.. Aldermen and Justices of the Pence nro required by an older of Court, dated Nov. .l. toreturn their recognisant. es to Samuel KVIIII4. Clerk of Quarter Session. ' within one week from the tiny °Mini action in eac h case. and in de fault 'bored, the Magistratts' cost. will not he al lowed. Oct. U 0.1860-11 FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING! PHILAIIIILPIEIA. FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STOKES" ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM. No. 607 Chestnut Street. A,uppri , stock of fine F and American Cloths. Cashmeres, and Vcstings, for City and Country trade. with nut unapproachable ac.ortment of Readv-made Clothirgtit the lowest cosh prices. r&iiut One Prier is asked. and a Gin of infrin.ic worth and use presented with each article sold Purimist r telllloll paid to theca...tomer department, and garments made turd coat to any widow. In inaugerating thin new system of doing bovine..., Granvtlie Stokes would impress on the minds of the patrons of his establishment, that the ect-t of the gift Is deducted from, and arrr added to the price of the ar ticle sold, Ills Immensely inertia-big antes enabling ham to art thus Inierany. and at the same time, to real ize ti remunerative profit. MI article+ gui,rulitced to ve vntisfaciion. GRA gi NVILLE sTOKES' One Pr.co liifi Ocotillo.; EmPorium, No GM Chestnut :Street, Plaludelphia. Oct 20, 1.°60, THE NEW CORNER STORE, Oppo.ne the Odd Fellow.' Hall, and the People'. More adjoining the think—are receiving tiddiiion. I .uppliev of Choice New Onod. Ibis week. Ptirtic ar vacation in invited to the magnificent alb" lay 'or • mi. good.. embracing Phli.l nod Fancy Deem; Silk... GIOPXy Black milk., Pruned All-wool• nnut oolid n,lnred French Aleritiocs—Accidedli: Ike and "eapelq good. we ever had—exqui.rte drengia. Wnole,Dclaitic. nu 41'3.1 •re..Wonl Plum.. Pop , he . and the lient"hevy*Delairent Coluon. Natty tinvellic. in traveling dres. good., entire ,, eve w thm market, are now rend) at FUN DEas:urrir:2 Ftnre., Cola. Oct. 13. MO. Loctert Street. 1800. GREAT FALL OPENING 1800. Or NEW GOODS. MOW exhibiting the largest, most desire. bit and cheapest goods we ever offered; •rlectrd New York and Philadelphia. Our friend- ti iumer• are invited to ;n•pect our popes. confidetilly believing all will be plea^etl,li to the vatirty,quality and cheap:les:. DRESS GOODS. ' Innirely new Filler. of Fall Dre•s Silk.. bet: 'flake of black Wean Silk., Lapin'o Fre:A. Weee and in all colors, Lupui a French Mei inns. printed in vine., bruipietr.polka vole and tnedollioot.lmpiiie all wool Printed Mourbiteo. 111 visite. haugner•, polka sprite and medallion.. double width Iri•is Pop'ino. Hew style, all wool printed eir.litileree. Week gronnd Foulard•, Velour Ottomans, all wool PIMA., : 4 a1.11 SHie. Garibaldi'., Dettoralet, Children'. Wight Plaid. 100 rim, Pacific sly Lame.. Iti 100 P 1 . ,. ion de. Leine-, French owl Englisc 4-4 ra AU pieces Coburg.. ull qualibuo. in block and colors. CLOAKS, VERY NEWEST STYLES. Tagus, Victoria. Arabian. light C'Hola and Maitland clunk, Mani Moaning Chilli., all ' , notice, Mantic Silks and Velvets. SHAWLS. Stella, long .and •gna?e, itroeba. long and squate.plain. black and Ward Mettler Sbuwl•, 11114-es` and Chil dren's Woolen Shawls, low priced Shawls. CLOTHS, CASSIHERES AND VESTINGS. The largest and most complete n••ortment we veer offered, nod nt unusually /ow reira. We sov , te partic ular nitration to our Ciotti Deporttneat. Lioys alerts, 4.e. kr . . HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Wanton. Alarm'lle land other Quihr, Woolen Cov er:. 1. . Coinfonnble*. 1J.4 Linen Shirting•, 16 •t blenched end unblenehed Cotton Sheeting., Lunen and Conon ?Move Cam Coode.li 4 end 6 X, Linen numn.th Table Cloth•.tmm tt ) meth to 4 pod* lout, Line,. Toweling•. Elinbomed Woolen Table Covero,lle. he. (`*n•un twos.—A very lurge lot of new nylon, and ■t reduced price*. FLona Ott. Comm•.—Frorn I yard to I yards wide,— A Itirge lot. TATILIC Otr. CLOTlM—rrom 1 ynra to 2 rant,. wide. Iv ',mow Siuktot.:—A complete orsortmeut. Baileys Whitlow !bade fixture*. Looking . Olneme, GOOSE FEATHERS. CARPET CllAlN:—Woolen, Lillelll,l2lld Cotton Car pet t'h•,in. CHINA GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, a first-ran , assoi ;seem. very cheap. The above comprises only it small portion of oar new goods. HALDEMAN'S Cold. Sept. 21, ma. Cheap Cosh Store CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTLNGS! TUP gentlemen are pretty well convinced dint in their line of wolfing apparel we I int% Le Inrat:•— We invite their pat lieultiv attention to new suldidolot roceived thi. weed. A full lineoraloven.tinontlelst Hosiery, Ildial..elu•pendera. ae.alernys on heuil,at l'ONDKßentirtf'S Cola. Oct. IS, leao. Cheap Card. Stor e.. IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY. 11. C. FONDERSIMITIBIS NEW STORE, OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS , MALL, LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA., Mt= ST OTTa TO 2211 On Monday, October Ist. 1560. J. W. BOWERS, Puperlntendent. QUITE, as important Is the arrinl of New and Beautiful Dress Goods at the old emablisbed stand. adjoining the Columbia Bank. where the sub. scriber will be nappy to see all We old ccdenters mad as mans new ones as will favor him with their pa trortege.and maw saute time solicits a liberal share of encouragement to the new enterprise, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall. rim the very liberal encouragement heretofore re ceived from the people of Columba and vicinity.. and the made geneaelly, during his residence-1n Celina hie, be Mums ids sheens thanks and hopes to merit cad receive a continuance of their smiles and good wishes. Further pettkalare ket+i,oßer. 11. C. vortosseirmie 80t20,110. !People's Cash Store, Just Received Alarge assortment oftbe /alma improved Coal Oil Leave sad Chime*. also.. ankle or ram Oil, all of which will be .old at redu ced prices by fl. WILLI/ISIS Col ept . ls 1560. nout l.tirct. • 71 8 eel:Y . ol'6l46C° l ite. 'A. 4 l.Tfeit first-rate Seitare., ; relteteo and Snuff will the mere °Elite iubfcriber. lie keipl orgy a firer rate article. - Call ' S. F. Et3F.R.I.Elti*S. Gamer) . Stare. Oet.e.'6o •LOCUIVaI • COittilllfia, VOFFIDE - ROASTING grim tuhserioer has made arrangements for Roast /. jag Valree.:o large or small quantities. He is now prepared to roast for retail dealers, or to furnish them Votree ready roatted,on reasonable Irma. • S. P. EItIiRLF:IN, Grocery Store, Locust street. Oct 61,1660. SEASONABLE FALL GOODS. Now opening n very large and complete assortment of ietsowible goods. Cheaper than cver HaL.DEMAN'S Oct. !O, Client) Oath Sicrre SHAWL HEAK.U.-4,RTERS! Fo. t r.mit, store. Lyles and zrrad.i;.cl. Gent.' and Boys; We offer the best 910 Long !troche ohniela in Columliitt. extra coml., for ts, 15 nod •,0 alzo the Frewelt liever.ible PhIN . if. Long and Squn re Blanket :Amyl.. from S 2 to SW; Stella mica tel. at reduced prices, CCM& Maud-cheap; Hoy your shawls at SONDE6:2 %I IT 11'3 cola. Oet. 13. '0430. Lovas% Street, BILILIITIINLEL27, OTILL in the BOOT AND SHN O BLIANESS,m -1.3 with the finest -tore in Lancaster city. i Citizens of Columbia and vicinity . wr with you to know that Brownian re 1101 In Crnrse Square any more, but opposite Cooper's Hotel, Wen ging -wart, and makes Fine Calf.km Boots for 54,50 Cant kin Walking I.4licies, • 2.25 Ladies' fled Hatter., double soled, 2.00 Ll...dr-O . :oo.lre° Boots, - ... . 1,60 We have, concluded to make the Best %Vol*. HI menthe: reduced pr ern; for. though our pro&• ate mull. we hope to enlarge our business by so doing Now, citizens of Co , utnbia. task nt the above senle of price•. and when you canto to I.auca-ter, give Beencinan a call. and we feel satisfied you win be pleased. Work of every• character for gentlemen. ladies and childeen. always on band. September 15. IteMbil COATI! CO &L! rrliE subscriber is now receiving and offers for sale. a large stoes of all kind, of Coal. pre pared.expresely feriamlly use, by the ton or in larger quantities, and will deliver It to any part of the town. Such us Baltimore Coranstay, Nos. 2, 3. 4 and 5, Short Mountain. N 05.1.2. 3 and 1, Lyketis Valley Egg and Stove, Shamokin. isios.l, 2.3 and 4, Sunbury Red Ash Egg and :Rove, Pine Grove Egg mid Stove, Pittston Egg and Stove, Ullman's. Not. 1. 2.. 3 and 4. The alcove Coal is all kept under cover, clear from dirt and slate. . . . B. F. A PPOLD. Nola. 1.2. 3. 4. 5, G. 7 and 8, Canal Bit-in 117" Pumice pnn•huni lig Coal by the cargo and ear toad will find it to their advantage to cull and clam• isle nay mock before puaehtising elsewhere Dept. I a Itanin E. V A. HARDWARE, BAR IRON, A;c Till , : subscriber desiroitv of reducing his stork - of Goode, Is now offeiing nt very low pricey. Hard ware of all do-civil/li, stud, a, Lock*. tlingee. Nails. Paint.. 01le, Glary, he., and es cry article ne °equal.). for Building. Carpewees Tools: such Its Mane., Hand saws hc. . . AI -o. n lorrro flock of Lite iron—compri-i ug cceil size and Lind, at reduce-I price , . Thank itti for Vic pogrom:Ago lioretotorn extentird to hint he re-recital! y aake a coutinunnee ni the. •ante. J. NV. Co'l7ll ELL, Locust •1.. Columbia. September 15.11e304jin Watches, Jewelry and Silver-Ware. WE would respectfully inform our friends, patrons and he public generally, tiro we have now in Store. and one, Wholem-te and Retail. ut the °west Cn.h Prices, a large and very choice stock of Watehee, Jewelry, Silver and Rimed Ware, or every vntiety and ' , Lyle. Every desertpliun of Diamond Work, and oilier Jewelry, made to order. at short notice. 1r.," All Good. warranted to be a. represented. N. IL—Plar tieular attention given to Um Repairing of Watched and Jewelry of every deseription. *STAUFFER & HARLEY. N 0.62•2 Market Street. South Side, Sept, _ PIIILADELPIII4. LINDSEY'S IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER, A STANDARD MEDICI:ie. FOR the speedy. rudieul, and eteetunl cute of all Dieenses arising from Impurity of the Blood This medicine *as wrought the most micsieulous cures in de•perntecu,es of Scrofula, Cancerous Formations, Cutaneous Di.reiries, Kin olprlits, Boil., Pimple- on the fare, Sore P.% e., Old, Siunnorn Ulrer% fa,old Rend. Truer Affections, RI e .ilue Plinordetr, Dy+pep.in, Cosisvenvir, Jr untlwe.So II It loam, Mercurial General Delility Liver Cepploi.it, 1.0. 4 . of Appetite , - Low Spirit+. I'olll 2 4 1orniiili, Pemala Complaint-.and all Denen•es having their 0:11.1 , 111 ii; an impure elate of the Blood We re:er to the coo•e or //num Aleo'reary. of Napier town-hip, who, on floe 31 , t day of Ittlyal.l. mnole affidavit before .141.0ce GOricy, flint lie Wa• rrenoed r the cure of en oieer hi three pliv.ician• of flerlferel roisioy. and hp Ur. Sev lon of the Belem., Col:ege in Cincinnati. for a perond of nearly eight months, lint wilhatandm¢ which, lip, neve. and n portion of hi• left rherk Were entirely rodeo, lawn)! Ile load given up ell hope, when he heard of the -Mood cigarette'," end writ induced oco iry it. Four hoiden cured ;urn, and 1'11110111:h aridly defigured. there i- no q eouonn but whoa thin invaluable medicine caved his lire. The full parliculoar , of i hi. rrtilarkiallile en.e inn) be peen in it crreuhir, which con lie had or any of the C• 111•. We refer to die cut, of nosey Bleak may. nt I,lder• lon. Armodrong county. Pa • cured of ticroflua after being nimble to get out or bed for three ye or+. To the en-n of a lady in Clent held county. who was altoo fifth:led with Scrofula in ito worst fonn. To the ease of George Meisel. residintr. to Carroll town. Cambria county. Pa , who war so badly ntflirt ed w:th Cancer MAI ii rat his entire in.,' oti ease was worse, if no..tiile, than McCreary's. The particulars of the, cose.--evere our of srlorlt %v.,. cured by the ti-e of the Itlond Searcher—m.iy ul.r. he timid to a circular to be laud of any ut the ageing it. M. ON. Proprietor. Labormnry for the tacit the lion a Witlrimil Depot, lloilnlity•burg, Pa. Or. Gen 11 lie%ser. Whole-ale Aaeiti. Potislittrr. Pa. An.:5:11 Foil Froxsintc—R Williams. Front -trod, Dr. W. S. filcCorlde. Odd Fellow.' Ilan. loci-1 at , end J. Dram* h Co., Golden M taw rL, iig Siore, I* !toe,. Sept. 15, Ir.Go.4iin woore m , . gi 1R 0 L TIC u) (644 t • OFFICE, 141 31.-I r ST., HARRISBURG, m F n R ' E r ev i e ll y l . l , e • e . er o :e rr n (fond t. ,ie aadr e 0y...1. Clean-ed and Vionsli:d w lii b inesnier a it at the thaftett r.ottee. All work done at the oboe • e.t.a. I bun n• -ball be n. 13111.. done an al one ~titer MO. 1,1.1 , 11.11n1.11i iu lilt l - tt led State• too i+ll.si gour Sir A M Doman. Oda renew- , ay,vnt '11 , " flontmL....; who win rev. ive and ierveard all handle• fre.- 'ego to the U,VO..r, Al.o itr. M4,+, (Z,Dcis NO No.ta Queen Street and or.. 0. & D. A. Ituer..'eu ra :Square, York. are ligelll4 fin 11114 e-t & CO , Proprietors, To rnz CITIZENS Or NSW JIMRSKY AND Pcxxxvr, I Aueuvl lq. 1900.1 tn A SUPC RLATIVE TONIC, DIU RETIC, .e , to ° DYSPES PICORATINC, CORM. VANIA, ArcrragoAßtes, Drerccars, Gnocerts AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. Won. Pure Cognac Brandy. IVolre Pure Madeira. Sherry and Port Wine Wolf.. rare Jamaira and St Croix Ram %Vole. Pure Scotch and Iri•n \Vhi.4y. ALL IN BOTTLES. I heg leave to call the attention of citizen• of the United State. to the above Wine. and Liquor-out ported by Udo!rho Wolf. of New York.whn, !tome kindlier in every pert of ild.country. for the purity of bet celebrated Schiedam Schnepp.. r Wolfe. in letter to me, epealtiag of the purity of hi. Wine, and Liquors. pm) n: will nate my reputation n. n man. my pleading a* a merchant of thirty year.' res idence tti the City of New York. that sill the Brandy and Wines which I bottle are pure as imported, and of the bent quality. and can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every borne ha• the proprieto.'. name on the wax, and a fac simile of hi. signaturend the certificate. The public are invited to cull and carm ine forthendelvea. For Pete et Retail by all Aped.- cranes and Grocers ta Philadelphia Games H Amcor, No. lAN Market vi., Philadel phia. Sole Agent' for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New York Canr,'..e. nVOIIII4I.IOIIIIBCAINMOVOROXINEW YORK M arton NT. —We are happy to inform our fellow ellizeil. that there in one place in our city where the play-him+. apothecary and country merchant. can go aud pur chase pare Wines and Liquor., es pure as lanwnedi and slum beat quality. We do not intend to an elaborate description of thin merchant's exten.ive bedlam*, ultimata' it will well repay any 'lnteger or citizen to 011.111Jdolpho Wolf's extensive warehouse. 19.20 and W. Heaver Greet, and Nos. 17.19 and It. Marketfteld street. His .lock of Schnapps on baud needy for shipment could not have been lea. than thirty thousand CNN.; the Brandy. some ten thousand essese-Yintages of UM and ISM; and ten thousand cawa of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine. Scotch and Irish Whisky. Jamaica sad St- Croix Rum. come very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large addere tilled with tinnily, Wine, ter. in emir.. under 0131 , 1014 limpte key. ready for bottling. Mr Wolfe'• wiles of trehstapp.h.t year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand done. and we hope in less than two years ha may be equal ly auccerstal with his Brandies 11114 Wines. Ili* business - merits the patronage otevery lover of his species. Ptitatile 'Wakes who "tint. pare Wises and Liquors few owilkal aw ebould send 'Lettere. rr direct to Mr. Wolfe. until every APelbrearf land make up their mind. to discard the poiennout staff from their shelves, and replace It with Wolfe's pure Wises sad Liquor.. We understand Mr. Welk., rot the accommodation of small dealers in the country. pats op asserted eases of Witte. and Liquor.. Serb a man, and path • membane. should be wunained againn hta tens of thomandoef opponeins in the United rotes, who tell nrshing Ind Initiations, ruinous alike to beano health and happiness. rept 1,`60.6m. o;nrL - TiiEFIMAiION That has stood the test foryears. AND dILOWS MORE A:4D 'MORE POPULAR EVltal , Dale And tesaintordals,new,andalmost without cumber. might [regimen from ladiethandgeetterrienM all grades of satiny - , whose united testimony none could resist. 'that Piof Wood's flair Reninnnive will restore the bold and gray. and prealerre the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. Bottle Creek. Mich Dee4lnts 7Bs9 - Poor. Worm: Thee. warp:ea.° accept a /Me to in form thee that the hair on my head all , fell off over twenty years ngo,ratusetrby a complicated ch-onic disease. attended with an eruption on the head. A ronlinuot course of suffe ling through life having re duced me ton slate of dependence. I have not been able to obtain stuff for cops, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has yuffered extremely from cold. This induced me to , soy Briggs & Iladges almost the loot cent I had on earth fur a two dotter bottle of thy Hair Restonnice about the ,first of August last. I have faithfully fol. lowed the directions and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black. though short, it is also coming in all over nay-head. heeling confident that another large untie would restore it esurely and permanently. I feel anxious to per,everc In its use, mud Ileum destitute of meaty to purehase any more, I would ask thee if thee woulitst not be willing to tend me an order on thine agent , for a bottle. nod receive to thy self the scrip•ure declaratioa—'the reward io to tho.e that hen hunt to the widow stud the father Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRttV Ligonier, Noble Co., Inds aim, Feb. fith, 1959 Poor. 0 J. Woos: Dear Bic In the latter part of the year loath while ":tending the State and National Last• School or the Slate of New York. my hair, tram I o come unknwn to me, eninmenced fulling oil eery rapidly, so that in the short flume of six months, the ' ,bpi e upper part of my setup was shawl entirely bereft of its covering. and tench of the t •muhttne por tion upon the side and bock part of my herd shortly after become gray. eo that you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon toy return to the Stine of It- my more casual sego:mm.,n were not no much tit a loon to discover the eau.: of the change in my upperitetwe, an my Inure intimate acquaintances were to rev/gaud° me at all. I sit once mole app ientson to the most skillful phy aim long tit the country, hut. receiving no on-urauce from them that my hair could again be retuned, I was furreo in heroine reconcited to toy f..te, until, fortu nuirly. in the latter part of the year 1537, your Raw relive was recommended In me by n d rugge .as being the most reliable Hair Iteetutulive in use. I tried one bottle. and found to my great ornisaietion that im was producato the desired Since atilt time. I have coed suer" dollar.' worth of your iteliortilier, nod as result, hove it rich emit of very =opt black hair. whichno money elm buy A- a m.trk of my gratitude for your West. nod 01.111 in the production of so wonderful an itruele, I Love recommended its use to many in my (rieed• mid ae quanitittscea, who. 4 am hoopy In inform you are us- I mg it with Luke effect. Very reispeetUnty, emir A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Count nor at Low. Depot, 414 Brosdwny, and sold by all dealers throughout Abe world. Tim Psestorinave is put up lit bottles of three size;. viz: barge. medium, and ant till the •mall bottle hold• a pits!. and wails far one dollar per bottle; the me dium holds at least twenty per cent. moire iu Man the small. rennin fur two dollars per bottle; the l a rge a quart, 40 per rent. more to proper lion. and retail- for three dollars. 0 J. WOOD A: CO., Piopriemrs, 411 Broadway. New York. and 114 Market street, St. Louis. aka And o:tt by all good Dtts;ists and Pitney Goods 1.111. iGO•nrit Qlioulder Brace and Chest Expanding Su spen• der., ju..l received allll for .Ule at J. S. DELLI.I:I* h Co.. Drug Store, 0ct.20, Front Si reef Colatnbin, Dr. Esenwein's Tar and Wood Nap• tha Pectoral, IS the BEST DIBBICINE in the world, for the Cure of Cough uud Cold-. Croup. lioculeham As hen, D•lliculiy of Breathnur. Palpitation or the Henn, Diptherin.qxd for the -ehe(nfp.nreiilu to the ativaucutl tinges of antstnoption together with rill dt-onus of the throw. and eta:stoma tshieli predispose to Co. Fill in piton. It Is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of A•I Irma. Being prepared by it practical Physician and Drug. gi-t. and one or gient experience in the cure of the vuriou• disea-e• to which the human frame is noble. It is offered to the afflicted with the greatest confi dem,. 10 — Try it mid he convinced that it is itivnlitable in the cure of Bronchial Affections. Nice 50 eerier per bottle. WEl:sir:a AROMATIC nALSAM. n very val. noble remedy (or Mari heti, Dy-eutery, Cholera Mor. brie, and oil &towel Affections Try it. Prior 25 CCIIIR per bottle, LU-The above Medicinea are pre!' strut only by On, A. Itltsglti WEIN, Droyaist and Chemist. N. %V Corner of Ninth and Poplar via , Sold l.y every revertnble Drugght and Dealer of %Irdicitte throlighoUl the State. June IG. 1950.1 y The Mimi Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK., Ass Erst SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, INFESTED IN FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE, I,VC.RTII OVER $13,000,000. 'fl Hi prertioisin. ore LoWitit Ihnu Sii moan oilier Coin t. mime.. turd ihe Diviileach have beets II hit.trica. Thin in -slietly ylulu.ll Cosophay. There are no Sioekliolder, that all ilie profit, britidig to shut In- R ATCHFOIt D Brit R, Agent. S. VS. comer Four , ll and IVninut strecin, PHILADELPHIA It EPER.ENCE: II : Thelma. 1104111., John We 1.1,, 11nrdeeno N. Davvrrort, Qeorge 11. :et Ilart, 11enrge 31. Stroud. E r 1 Wilelen, John 11 alyere, 1 FI•Iler 1, 4 11171111 Z. Jo.epn Potter-on, NV3lham Cl. Ludwig, John AL Atwood, A rthur I: Coffin, Th om ., 11, Power+. lieerge W. 'Poland, WI Wain McKee, Time llJno , mt. Putnahlee. and every information In my he land gent i... on upplieutlJ to IL ROHRER, Al D, or D. 1. BRUNER M . D. June 2nd, 1 1 '‘1.1. rot.vmni.a. .1 4 4411rAih'.4: -1;7? DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, N. W. Corner 17th ..m1 Arch A 1.., 1.1111. A DI:1.1'111A. IMPORTER OF CROSS .cc imAcir,.. w nr.E.. , s ENGLISR PICKLES AND SAUCES. P.tr U•ufar aunt on paid to oelreituT Fi.v Teas and Coffees, For sur.A It. alrenra rt. (ferment' l'nera Ctita:e IVINES LIQUOILS AND ST:G.IRS of the , brand, a Rs aya ou flUoid. 12.1-G1'.1% 221/:11 a z, z 4,1(41.1Z.i.a. ai Oft. af m DYSPEPSIA R.IINLED X . I)r. Darin% Usurer AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT 111111. meNicom her been vrd by the p . 1.117 fur sic 1 with um-tenable favor. In serf...mended to cure Dyapepon. Nirranatiess. Heart.' tura. Volte 1 . 011111. WI. , 111 O.' SILIMIIIII.II. ur Pain• in the Dowel, llcwtorhe, Kidney .!otoplatnir, Low :spir its. Drl rium Inteitipera• re. It Stiolubecii. Exhilarate., Itivigu• ate. but will not f utosiente or sifip..fr A. a medicine. it ta quick and eiTectiod • eilt in the most aggravated CIISe.. on DyrproNlN. Kidney COM.. HIM all other derattermenta .1 t h e etomacls and Ik in a epeedy manner. Peramis wlm.froni tree injodteionr use of lignin. have OCCOMe dejected. and their Nervous -.)steiti..ath iittrrrd. Co.l , litatinti. broke.. down, and plobj , ,llo that horrible eurse to Immunity. the Delirium 'remora, will. mune• dm nal) frel the herrn:and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. ovlcoralitlG Spirst. WHAT I r WILL DO. nine ems full au 0r1..1/11,11eCe11,1ry. lite dom wall remove all Dad :Spirit, bie nose will cure Three doses stifle:ire I adipation. One dote will give jct., a Goad Appell'e. Quo doer will sum the es •tre•rittAt pa 114.1 Dyipepsia. Ono dose will remove she olloreastite and di.adree. able eireetx of %Void or Ilatule nee, and as *Don wash* PtMIACIs .eceive• the 7nriggooraung Spirit. the diatress ring load and all painful teeling.. will he removed. (Medi:um will remove the moat .11-tres,ateg pawl, of Colic. either in the Siornseh or bowel.. A few d.,-es will remove all otisamettona in the failasy.fileitter or (.'Hoary Organ.. Memos who are senotaihy atllscied with any Kid. !MY romplainla are assured speedy rebel by a dose or two, and a scilicet cure by this use of one or two bottles NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. rer•on.. who. from dr..trating ton mach ever night. and feel the evil effect. of ponsonous liquors. in violent headache.. 'arteries', at pummel. It - rakers', • giddiness, Ike., will Sal one dose will remove aU bad ke ling,. Lanfite of weak and trickly constitution., shook! take the larriaorariag Spirit three tome. a dot; ri will ke them strong. health,. sad barn, remove all oto• et nerion. and irregolarnies from she meanly*/ or. itse's and restore the Moots of health asid been to the careworn fare. Daring predatory it will tne found an invaloable mefierne to remove dilagnoriable tentation• at the stomach. All the proprietor asks, is a trial, mod toll:dace shin lie has put op the lorigeradeg Optrit In pint bottles. at Stteu. 01/0110 Si. amend Depot, 40 Water Street. M. Y. Per sale by J... 4 DeUett, A Ca., wort Pr, W. n. Mg- Corkle Colombia, Dr. S. A. Wolf, Wrightsville and by drertri.l. centrally rub. 4, • FOR =INT, • More R00m.22 fee&by 21 fret. With comp_;;_ Aerb end elletrier. a Rowel up stair, goatee Werrhou•r; Cl%that'll in LOCUM vlrrct , On , I . - - Frnelltellou.a. • A"°' -A Brirk Dwelling llonscr,Two• and Auk.. !hunted in Uniou street. nenriv , site ilia Catholic Church. roc part teulur4 nr.o, 1; . • .0 Cola. Aug '4lO-11 JOA MARK THESE FACTS. The Testimou of the Whole We: : HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Bad Legs, Dad Breasts, Sorel and Vierr: Tli description of 4ore.are retnetlialtle It% the pt.,: and diligent u-c of thi ineoun dle pritp-tratton attorapt to cure b til _lt'gt ht. pI •tering the eu_te: the wound together tut I); tor ,fittald !Ire 61,111 an , • a boggy db•ea-ed COMillloll break:o l B with tea ichl fury in a tow ditya., only rational uO4I itueetatittOl treatment. a: indicate• by atture, ie to.reduee the taf 'nnrm.tiouia watt alto [Le wound and to Attothe the neigh , ' oriole Pant , rubuing in Oen, y of the Onittnent t-jereu IMOmerq Diptlieria, Ulcerated Sire Throat, and Srarl,c. and Other Freers Any of the above dis•taqes may be r erect robbing the. Ointment three tinier a n4r into the the It. throat slid nc. h of the i• v.. 1/ tom penetrate nndgier immethate taken by the month OHIO operate upoa tie err to inflocnee vtlt, Le Ica 1!, any:arn'. rnr..wher as ths Ointment trail uo as work at ohms. 1. tries the unguent m ths above msnaer for :he di.- caws named. or nay rtmilar clitordsrA Sg.tet..i. • 1.1, chest or throat, find thelll;e] ; •:;c•.l tr - charm. • Pars, Pirtubn, Strictuns The above etas. of tut:Omni. will be iel.t..•:• I I - nig!' tly fomenting tie pares wall warm water tti.it then uy laud effectually rubbing In the Ointni-in -- Precasts sotrerinr, from three direful coutpladb. •hotld lose not ri vraueat in arresting their prng.•e-- It should ue understood that et is ant •uffrcieut to smear the Ointment on the effected parte...na' •• most he well rubbed in for some consider sit* tin Iwo or three times a slay, that It may be mien Mt • the •yt'ea. whence it well remove Attylihtdtmi, e.tr • or wound cc [(reel tally cot though palpable to abd.ev. Then• again bread sad water poultiee., utter! 1. , rubbing fa of the Ointment, will do grcat - sc,viee - Tata es Om mlty •tore tre.tunant for fernats:. e..•.•et C. cancer is the stomaeb, or where there inaisoc a g•:..- Cral bearing down. Indism vaunt of Youth; Sores and Vert s. Cimckes, us also ovelllnga.e •n, w•.eh cert•:l.n; radically cured if the Ointment be used freely the rills be taken litchi and morning as reeorort^, •t ~ in the printed instructions. When treu:cd tit •• other way they only dry up In ono peer to 'oven s I/1 1110.11er; whe.e.tt this Outline:lt will rrmotr I hums, from the eyidens and leave the pawn ernes and healthy heat{. It will req iota nine o • the use oldie I'ilt4 to ensure a I.lstilin - etir- DropsicolStaellings, Paralysis and St ill Jain Alll3ougli the 0.1.0ve complaint. dtd:•r w•.d.,l 1.1 In% - origin and sialure,yel t icy All require 10e01 1r , 1.1111.-1* Many of me war-t reset, of such o.cert.e - 4, 1 in u comparatively short •pace rd Pine when t ~. Chuirr . ol4.genermlly rubbed into the pole tav , tr.l evrik after every other menus lava fade I. noun tneladie. the Puts shnuld be takcu Reeorai.l; toile primed directions oCCOMpanylng each box. • Beth the Ointment and Pals should be used it. the following costs: nod Lela. Corn! (son) rthoilt111:1-:11, dad lima! t-. (lancer.. Scold.. Burn., Color...and nod Sore Stmt:.., dn•tion.. SW/Joint-. Sore Thr.•. ~ 800 of Dla•ehr• r.lopliontot-1., Skoti D.Aues . - to, :Cud S:isid 1 - t•tol.l•. 'Scurvy. I?lse., Gout, Soon I 1 on 4! - • Coe.duic, Mandator Tinnorr, Chlean (not, 11,4 . Lumbago, Wound+, clapped lisitda• VOWP. CAUTION:—Ninte urn genuine miles. die iciiinwny, New. Vori: and Loitilon." ore di , at a water-murk in every leaf of the hook of due tints- e sound em-k poi or ona; the eorne.muv L.• 1,,.. ly neen by holding th e leaf to the light. Ai's. u-rrt. reward will be given to any one rendering 'ail , formation it , nu v lend to the detection of :in- i..,• or prank, COUL.,freitillg the medicines or VC:141 . 4A.; I same. knowing lame to be rpurinne. Sold as the hinimiketory of Profeasor Hollow - AO Maiden Lane. New fork, and by all Druzgiiitii and Dealer. in fifedielite, thioughani civilized world. 1183 boxes at 25 Cents. tid emit, en•h JJ There iz cort.iderdble eating by telialc: arat • ziv •. N. B.—Dir-etiono fur the guidance or pa: sync. s dery ye.... ~"it g j 6369.1t€33; - r,,i OPATRIe Pierkle 1 Wir-:rt_: 8 a f i l l' ,---7- - --1 - -:.--' , - A- c , tip , .'± v - 41 • SEAR WELT VIE PEOPLE 3 The underelened having used Professor EIUMPIIREFT.' SPECIFIC IIOIIIO,IOPATIIIC REMEDIES In our estalli.: with the moat satisfactory tenons, and having NU cone donee In their genuineness, purity, and elllcaoy, cheerfully recommend them to all parsons who wish to have safe, re liable, and efloaclous remedies at hand for private or do mestic we. The Rev. Wm. !roamer, editor et "The Northern In le pendent," Auburn, N. Y.; the Rcv . E. 11. Cressey, Rector of St. Peter's Church. Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. B 4 Ives, Chaplain of the Auburn State Pelson; the lia - Spsaar M. Rice, Rector, Nevr.Bedford, Mean} the F.: , Allen Steele, New-York Conference ; the Rev. Sam.. Nlchols. East-Genesee Conference, N. Y.; the Rev. P. u- Pratt, Dorset, Tt, ; the Rev. John E. Roble, Buffalo ; A. L. Hart, Esq.. Ctica, Y ; the lion . Neal Dow, Portland. Me.; the Sion. Schuyler Colfax, South-Bend, Ind. ; the lino George Ilumphreys, N. Y. ;• Dewy D. Cook, Esq., Editor or The Ohlo State Journal, COIIIIDLCIO, Ohio; the lion. ft M. Graham. Nonce Ill.; the Hon. Thomas J. Chase, Monti cello, Fla.; the lion. Joseph llenodict, Utica, N. Y.; WI, Bristol, Esq., L'tlca, ; A. B. Pond, Esq , Infra, N. T ; James inunlett. Esq., Nashville, Tenn. LIST or SPECIFIC REMEDIES. No. I.—Por Fever. Congestion, and Ingnennualon. No. 2.—Por Worm Fever, Worm Calle. 'Wet:litS the Bed. No. 2.—For Collo, Crylei:, Teetllnt, noB Waketaincss of lonints. No. 4.—For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantam, and Sar.mor Complaints. No. S.—For Calle, (Pipings, Dysentery, or Bloody r.ul No. B • —For Cholera, Cholera 'foams, Vomiting. No. T.—For Coustla, Colds, Dtfluenza, and Sore Throw, No. B.—For Toothache, Fareosebe, and Neut,,Dria: No. 9.—For ilealacte, Fertlzo, hoot and Fullnots of tto (lend. • No. 10.—Drtrarsts. Fttsa—For Weak and Derange Stomach. Constipation, and Liver Complaint. No. 11.—Yon Faa&Lt IItheCICLIRATICI, 'Scanty, Painful, or Sappriatmal No. 12.—For Leueorrhet, Frofare )tenses, and Denrinz Dwelt of Females. No. 15.—For Croup, 'dolma Cough. Dad Tlreathlng. No. 14.—Sstm limutu PILLS—For Erysipelas, Eroptlr.r , Pimples on the Face. No. is.—Umcctivrtc Flcts—For rats, tAnkeme.mor aims la t:le Meat, 11:.a. Loins, or LimPs. A.—Tor Torre and Ag - dc, ChM F. s r, P nab Arm cr 1 r.tc-. Wiry! o- TV...l;rd. In.o-nel or Fetern-' o.—Tor S rce. treir, • r inlkrac oi an t ; r,i• ;np. Weak, rc I C—Tar Catarrh, of lone standing or reccr r, edthor. nil obstrurtioa or profuse discharge. W. C.—Tor Whooping Coogi, abating its i:olcarn err shortening Its coarse. In all acute diseases, such es Fever., ineacnivat!.:ns Diarrhea, Dysentely, Croup, Ithermistlont, and such ertlf• live diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles. and brysipelai, advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly Is et. Timis, and In all such twos the specifies act Me a ch.r... The entire disease is often arrested at once, end in all MU I the violence of the attack Is moderated, the disease slut.' seed, and rendered loss dangerous. Crou and Ckdds, which are of such frecturrd occurrence and irhkh so often lay the foundation of diseased 'me." bronchitis and consumption, may all be at cure mid by the Fever and Cough Tills. In all chronic diseases, such u Dyspepsia WeakStotrar . Cona mi tion, Liter Complaints, Files, Female Debility, ....I I 'cities, old Headaches Sore or Week Tyro, Cm tare., Salt Rheum , and other old er uptlous,i the ease has spa dfios whose proper application will 'Word a cure in almost art ry Instance. Often the care of a single chronic dlegcatio., sera as Dispepela, Film or Catarrh„ liaidache or Female has more than pal! for the ease ten theca ova. EEO doe of 90 vials complete, In morocco. and Book 03 C. of 00 41414. 4.1 Book. plain. 4 Cue of 15 numbered beset, and Book 0 Cue of 6 boxes, numbered, and Book Need numberodl boxes, ulilt directions ^1 rent.. tttingto uttered been, with directiona........ .....;0 Or DI 1. Luse cue of 2 au vials, for plantain and phisicLar.P.. .613 ALSO SITCIFICS. Pox Amnia of Pinineue.—Oppressed. DU6enit, Icher.4 Smashing, *Heeded with Gra& and lespectsratlou. SO costs per bor. Los ILaDoianstal LTD Dxsiterss.—Diseharpes trots We Var. tie result of Scarlet. Firer. )denudes. or Slerwarial , . Per Saw in the Bead, Hardness at Marla& sad ;Wog a ho Zara, sad Zama.. Mee, : O cents per box. tea Scacm s.—Enialged Weeds, Warred and le.torst• el Tonsils, SWeilinin sad Old ricers,Scroluloss Catheei Childnine Prieo, 1.41 ewes per box. Fox OxissablicatLer7.—Phrecat Cr IXer enc. Trr'il lather the remit. of Mcleness, Sectaries Medico:len, ~ c 1:,- toiastlee Distharres. Price. 50 ands per vox. Tow Tosorsr.—Floid Accumulations. Timid Swell:aro, t:5 Scales Secretions. Price, .th eel. per •soc. Too Exe.-Stcxxess—Destaly lb..koese. Volk^. nMer , . Voirddag. Meknes, tram riding or motion. Price, 50 coca, per box. Tos taMsice Dueuno —Tar Gravel, Renal tail, Pained t7rtaatise, Dioceses of the Skiver'. Price, :el caste per box. lte Smara. lbasabaL—Tneedootbey _Dlothargts not Coosa:meet Preletliaoo sad Debtll arm% of Vs.l Stabile. Th e moot soecoottd and 4 = MeV tura n. Inad tear to relied epos es afro rrtrl, Ida dirt c• WPM 111 per bee. Penner who Ida to plate themselves ender the pref.,* Aetna etute, an to seek Melee of Prof. Ilenrocurs, cap 4 , i es.es Me etre US breedwandally frets S B.H. to $ P.M. or Wow OUR SIMIDUNI ST MIL lock ow the Vat; Nabs ay a gam al wee, bled yaw dors. sad laden am mom la a carnet, seta or asap by lain lo Gar saarama. at law areadww,3art-Tata. sad Os solids, +a b . dtaly Maned by loall ert aryram, teas of Amparyinya....watambe aa sego.. aildna J 4104 far Ilberike et ast 2amale la lees imaaana4p lba Vaasa yams. maps Dr. ovary itIMPSIETS 11.10 a. WOO Itasurrera; Saw Ma. A. m. nA m 80. Aren• ':• 7 umbia May 3, te6.11.1