ca id **AMA, tiltif fetmier,ernea from the city with a splendid ,awrt assortment 0 ill the new and I unworn?. pattern% "d... $ K . , . Ci• FF I ICE 'STOVES, ;Webl feel comprire anypther '''istabliiihment this side of Philadel,rhia C:ill and ex amine my stilt!: which will 1.6 it.titi at a small adsanse. Mr:AM Oft.SON, - Cor Second unit Leen.' i•treet4. Columbia. eept. O. -1.-Go. Weis, One Price-Paney Pur Store! ;T,M/ yAßEllil; No. MS Arch Street. be -0 •-• tween 7th,arid Philafilph - n- (I of bLn luricet Street.) 1111. trier, Atanuthetorer or id Denier in oft kinds • rANcy• PIMA. hiving removed to my nv Store.7l3 And. St.. td betne now engaged tirely in the Manufne re arid Sale of Fancy 'eh. in aceor knee with the 6 -One ice Principle," I h ivy irkyd at the lowe-t noble prices eon-is it with a reasonable 41. I would -olicit n ot from those in want pm* for ealiye N'S WEAR, 11 of those goods, ant leu-e in every desired esttenlinl. ErPemcms at a dist:MCC, who may rind ir: Yemeni to call per...wally, need only mime the urnele. thee wish, tozether with the price. and instructions :or setialing. and forwent Vie order to my ndilrml—mnitcy neromonnyinc—to insure a sanginctory compliance unit their wishes. [A ne. I'. i,141-51TIO A LARGE • . 4IF FRESII GROCERIES. qAMUEL F. EBERLEIN Indies, thc. attcntion of hi. friend.. and the public generally'. in LiR odoek of Fine Uroceticet consisting of : Green and Bite k 9 cu.: Itin. Java. Imeityrit, and Tun key Cof fye; Refined., and Brown Sugar.: Chemm. Soap. Sc.. with every other arnem nece.-al v to complete the e...ortmentof u Firrt. Cla4. Grocery. I will offer the , ove good. at ;le low a price in they can be bought anywhere eke. , S F. I:BERLKIN. No. Sho cut. - PALMER J. e litinUi ET STREET WHARF, PHILA D'A. T I EALERS in ri.h. Clier-e and I'rnv I-ion.. Dried JJ and Plekl, d ITb. Sc, Mark. rel. Shad. Sal mon. Blue F,-1,, !felling.. Codth.h. Peet. Port:. Lind. Shoulder.. ll.mi, Cheese, Reims, Rice, ‘e. Sept. _9, 1560,.3tzt. j STAIN' Jai; STOVES. • rplir. gull4briber ju , i revel veil a large a ~ ,o rt. Mein 01 Cooking Sinve.. CO.ll Stovrc, and Ntee Plate Sinve•. of I lie ',ewe.' awl moat uppro sed pat (ems For ...ale on rermitable ter,. 124"M' Cnain taken ta ex...lmage for goods J. W. COTTH Loco -t Columlaa. September IS. 1069.6 m 21'o Sportsmen am; Qthers. DUNA POWDER, Ofrithr; &C., &C. T UST received a large n.-ortmeta of 1J Shot, Gun Wad., Pouches, Puoder &c., for ..ale very low. J. W. COTTIIELL, Locu-t et., Columbia. deotember 15, 1e13,1-01n Fl 4 k`,. z - 4. o(s) f 0.41 MANEFACTUREP. OF Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes, Locust Street apposite the Franklin [louse, Columbia, Pa. ;VIE sub.eriber invite. the attention of the piddle _1 to ill. Root nett Shoe Store and Al ottafaeiory. u here he P. prepared to •apply or tooketo order every vulieiy of Ladies, Ali r,es' and Chi[drew., errUt,trk.s . , BOOTS, SLIP- f gSitPE, &C. , Ile lIELlii , which he Is prepared to sell cheaperthan they can be bought nt any other establishment. Ho is pre pared to offer great bargains.and be respectfully in vitesthe attention ofputchasers to hisstock,which embraces COLD AND SILVER WATCHES, crietri lE . ' 31 di all kinds of CLOCKS-from 51.30 war silletnviiestlieattentionofßoatmen to hislarge stock of LEVER MAT CLOCKS;IEWELRY-eon sifting of Ear Rings, Finger Rings Breast Pins. &c. al lkindsofSilver Simone, ; Plated Sooplmdles,Table and Tea Spoons.FriasiAe., which are warranted to we ~,,, rly esti:alto Silver; Bold and Silver Pen. ellsandPena; Goldepd Silver'speetaeles; togethe, with the greatest variety df FANCY ARTICLES ever before offered. CUTLERY.—sAI so saPerieraisohment ante solvers and other Partials And all kinds of Knits"; of tbe beat manufacture. , Strietatteastbn wlllbegive n .as heretotore,to the repairing of socks, watches and jewelry and all work will b.:warranted. A midsummer o f:ornierpitionAgoi s ,raspect fully solicited. JOIIN IPELVC. Columbia. April 14, I KO. WILLOW e - • 1 ' WHISKY. TIM 'Owe riber manufactures and ,sny err ear ale cc.ebroted lie ha. canals ntly on ba PURE OLD RYE WHISKY. HALF RYE WqHISKY, PURE commtis WHISKY, all of which be will warrant to fro be as represented —first-rate articles. Willow Grove mte A. 8. 1 HLESTAND, ROBERT 116KILTON, A gent Zi• Ccli r um t lyr tri Pa. lin. 11, • pci,ars FOR' mrxrai rierzziaorl. SPRING FS T4319 - TIBLE TO BOY r CtAf rove large Races- T r ai;rstolisglOekof Cl:at invites custome rs who wish to lay In their fuel at very low rules io give him a eat . Ills stock 9onsiees of evesy variety of Coal, of dif ferent qmalities • grades. vises and prices, and he can guarantee muisfaction to customers. The tang established yard at' the Basin will keep risiciatuenion both 114 regardi quality and price of its -BLittelr DIAMONDS Cull and sati-fy, yourselves thiA yon can save money by purchasing now, arid from J. Foot of Cunu I Basin, Colaui but t Pa April 14# 1960. Cheap Chewing Tobacco. VVI4 Inivejust received from our firm in Baltimore a good article it :N. ataral tomf Voleirea. wLsh we ale totaling at Z 5 cram per patted. l'his Tobacco is ve* Toot :nod will. ao doubt,gt ve satisfaction to those , use Niiiinul 'I "Lucca lVe will also sell this Tuilmeeo stereneeper- and all ethers who deal in Po 1,. -el:rat they can SCUIWiI hue ahrve prices. 1:7474 It I i.lll 1111.0., r ri., - Lv ,inor- "hove Imeu at, between R. V I .14., • , & Cu •• Drag Shirr.. Co- A ugust 4, tfiGo. • ;Ir.!. ri...or Cr, Pioure unit Looking L1:1.1i, 4' . 1111 ni SAYLOR...t AlcriONA LITS. April 11. Pa. * Now Goods. Thaving ju-t roto. 0. from the city of ph. 1- now opening no tincommoniy oaltiftno • hit .former -lock, (9s ll o of ;)!,e a , 11 to whirl, the at tention of purelmsoure I to It. 1"11.1.1AMS, April 1.1, [SOC. From =Street. The Political Teat nook, I.nolkone ni I.D DOUGLASS DENA I'ES. Li 11e. C.B.A Inter, now etlittoo. Every wyer. It+i rerei red nt SAYLOR & AIcUONAIM'Li Book Smre p4 , 4,-,04•4+6•41 Thesulmriber having; rented the Lime Kiln, and (inn rry at the Canal Basin, is prepared to uupp I) TLIP: BEST QUALITY OF LIME, for Building, or Mannling purposes, in large or mull enema ies ' Slii;:ed Lime lot Unlined supplied at reasOnable rates. 13. F. A Cohn. April 21.'59. Cloud 13i, UMW=OI LUMBER DEALER, COLUDIBII, PA. Office in Northern Central Railway eft Banding, fool of Walikt st., Its. on hand a liciterot KoiorurNeot of White Pine and- Hemlock Lumber, WHITE NNE lIINEWS,-FLI'SIERINV LATII, Sic. Good Qualities, at the Lowest Market Ratcs• 9. Tal e re • • JUST received a fresh supl4 of all the l'unular I's lent Medicines of We day, which are maw:out:4 gettuiee. at the COLVEIs: MORTAR prwo STORE. Front tercet, Columbia 410 . • Columbia Insurance Company; Tilts Company is atrtiraiied Ly its charter J.. to itt.tirl to the country, or in borough. ' against 10.5 or damage ,(q' fire, on the mutual plan. for tally !imago of limy,. lint.ted or perpetual, either for u east. premium 1r preartangt 1101 K, PREMIUM NOW SYSTEM. Theme who in•enre for a premium note be in -stiled for five yeurequul subject to weessinents in of loss.eF: CASit stgTEll: Thole who in=ure for a cash Premium will be in nit; term not exceeding five yeur4, and not subject to any nscessmeno. One per cent. premium will he charged oil farm properly for time term of Gee years. •• • • , DEPOSIT S YST F. M. Farm property will ire iv sured for the term of len )'6rtrs, for a deposit of three per cent. of the amount msuted, the whole amount of the premium bole to be returned of the expiration of the policy, without in terest. or lire polacy to be renewed for ten years, with cut nay expente at the option of the The Company wish to emploY at number of good Agents. who will be fernithed with the nece—nry hlnnks anti in.tructrom: ffy calling -1 the office of the Company. iu thq c? Columbia, Pennsylvania, or whites:dreg the Sectelthry'lliliiii. it& tI , FMA Freqident, AIICIL;F:f.. 11. NI WM Vice President, GEO YOUNG. jr.. Secretary. M.III. STRICKLER. Treasurer, INI.I I I IL SHUMAN. %% WATT W. NI ILLER. HENRY IT. wsorwELL, • I JAC:O II 4 iirr2. Columbia. Lituu.viler co, l'eun'a ,Niarch 13, 1960 March I 1" I°60• CARTER St BEOKER, MANUFACTURERS OF. coAcitEs., CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., .Second Street, nearly opposite /lie tadArran /lurch, alnathin, Pa. SILVER. MEDAL. - Ist PREAIIUM —1950 BRONZE MEDAL-Ist PREMIUM —lB5O Awarded by the Lancaster aunty it Tricultd ral and Illrellanical &defy, TILE snhs - erlfferi edit attention to the fact the Permitem, a Silver Medal, wi; awarded them by the latiimader Comity AzriciMmal and Meeletaiva; ` , oeiely for the beg ShiciamTop Bag gy exhibited at the Fair 01the nl.o. Itroili„e Aledid—Firm "rani wit—for the be-i "Sleigh . Al their Coael: and C.n doge MaLiag meat, they Collll.l', 0 111:1111.1ral•Nla Co.i:lir+, Car rl3l:,,C4. Haggle, Sulk ahd ill other veluele. their line. ref c•:tunti n. workmen la fairly e+. hiblialied, as they elavo for their woi It lief. mrru=ot Lwailly of atria. elegance or and tretigili of .11(111 . 111re. l`itet of the dl•:111gUI•11111,-,'• rC:llUrt . = of thrtr wed; is ita AlLrillitlity; all vehicle,. of their !mild are eoilatruete'l of the l!-t mate rod, and put together lii,nly uud ~bstuotodiy. The; give ptituicular IlaietiliOD to the REPAIRING OF VEHICLES, and ventral' , all their work in to give 541114 In :Welkin,' in /heir prnetieol experience ihcy,lnive the 11..1 , 1:011,0. 0: ihe heat workmen —none Other being employitil. The public 14 re-peetially rnvite. o ca❑ and cx• amine the stock on lino.. A-,1I1R(• CARTER. EDWIN A. DECEvit =2 GREAT VARIETY STORE. JUST RECEIVED, a larger and finer store °Croy., rind galley goons ever before. My friend, and others are mvsteil to call arid examine Ott irtgek before purchasing el.:where. ft. they will here Kind do unlimited assortment, suitable for pre, till to perwm. ercvpry age and mulate. An immenwe assortment of Poriumitimics, Pocket Books, he. CHINA mid other PrineY,:Ariseler, too numerous to mention, fors:lle by IL .1. rt u MIL Locust street between the Manic and F rallklrn )laude. Columbia, Dcc.3, 1539. NEW CROP DRIED CURRANTS. AGoad article, clean and free fr om grit.just received at I I. nll V DAM'S rnecry.S.torc, Corner Front and Union Nov. ID. It.W. ICE, ICE, ICE. rpm , :Columbia Ice Company is now prepared to furnish ice to customers in large or small quanti ties, at reasonable ruses. The .ce will he served through the town every day. Sundays execrited. Ice will be supplied on Saturday evening for Sunday nee. Tbe Company has a sufficient stock of ice sell wholes. le io dealers or consumers nt a distance. Office at Brandt's Notional noose, where fee ran be obtained at any time. Notice len mt 11. Pfah let's store, Locust street, of Ice wanted, will receive WMIIIIOII. _ S. C. SWARTZ, Agent. CehiMbia. May S. ISGOAtet P. SHREINER ix SON, ?mull al., ltelod laic „lirldgre; Columbia, Pa. WE just rcturncd trout 16e with a complete -.- s -4:ltir, l oE - .4 , listottmenta 4oede. tonceted with - --- great care from im,,tiest .factories in the country.— Our Stork yery large, eomilstlng ci WA . I 4 Cr4 ES, LOCK 4, Silverware, Plated Woire„Rgspetets. Brooches, sets or cow. mosaics, Caine°, Lava and Jet. Far Rings. Finger gin"; Medallions, Gold Pens. Pencils. Chains, Studs. neve rhittons, Spectacles, Pocket Rooks. &c.. We lecke the public to give di a call and examine our large stock, etpecialfy of ,Clekks. which Ore in good working order nail well regulated, mad Vial be sold at the lowest prices. P. SIIRELNER & SON. Columbia, April ZR, 1000. LARGE STOCK OF EA RD • AI; last received by :hem. They can offer a complain assortment of everything in their line of business either Wholesale or aetail. liar, (loop and Band Iron, Steel, &e. They hare constantly on band an assortnient.of Iron and :Meet of .n taw* Paints, Glass. Oils. Varnishes. Cedar. ware,Jie.; a large snick of Cam and hemp Packing. Gaskets of all sizes. • • • ~A,large supply of Coal Qil Lampe and 8 hader of ow. nogi Kier. Kerosene Offal the very be.* quality. Agent, for Parnell Marlines Patent Champion rue and Burglar Woof Salia J. RUMPLE, fr. SON, Loco., street below Beetid, COladfbia, Pa. April BS, 180. JEST RECEIVEDOirtet from thi turers. a lot of Jr.iir4 , ralen,t terOiSP,c or' Coal Oil Lamps.. of 13 differmit patterns, unrivalled iu beauty, simplicity. safety or economy. They are not ;table to explode, emit no offensive odor while burn i4& YRiY cosily regulated. buns without smoke. mid the light is mucrela;iugler than uny other now in uue A leo. a fresh supply of Ocotillo, Whim Kern.ene or Coal Oil, stumble to burn ;n the above lamps:all of which can be . pry aced On very reascembie terms, at the Drug More of • Dec 3 1."50 The First Raft of the Season. K, S.IIITH, Will bVieVeriiing during the Spring, 3,000,000 feet Pine Lumber, by raft. 4;000,000" ." ~. boat. 2,000,000 •• Hemlock" " 1,000,000 Plastering Lath. . 500,000 White Pino Shingles. 250,000 Cypress Shingles. .13121""A General Assortment of 'Worked Flooring, Siding. &c. [mar.3. POR Rmrirr. TIER LUMBER-YARD AND OFFICE, formerly cw,t, p:ed by Smith, It !loads WO Smith, nt the low er end of Columbia; it .all be rented vary low, and zu 0 ,1, -tied lot. u- will suit per-on, wi-hing to rent. Fur term. , enquire of E. II ERSII Jon 2-.,'611.11 - Fairview Milli.. FMM'M'qW , ‘"T'4l TV:F• toren - ail : h at he who neglect.. to provide for his 11 hnu,litud is t hue the heathen.' There t. un doubt (Wit. Whcs in health the provident man 'WIC provide for clusree anti .111 , 1.1h:it [width tact in- prudence:4lookt prepare for f.OlllCe in the dark flay, for the liner when the sympathy of friend.. in a.. ..oataltag Thu. 1.,L13 in dusty 11% Life in-nronce Kvitry to In owe- dn. Chit) Tii hill family. The sinter taniq of hic i- it 1,011-111131 which teaches rite furl i hat he who triztiol walk. in the pride of manhood, may hill to-ntorrOlv, and the plan.; hy which riche• t otal honor! were to have toren hrounlit to the loved /MC-. VlllllOl as the morning t 11 1 ,14. Lei every man in ! health in-are in Ins family the comfort of knowing that should he be called from them the wolf may be kept tram the door. 'Pile United Suites life Insurance &Trust Co. effect thioend. .Fur pamphtets . , „tetras anti general infor mation ea :Le subject, refer to • L. X. 7IEGLCR, Agent, tnteint.nt of Black's Hotel. Nov. 213.1.950. I y Great Exeitemont at Harper's Ferry. TREDENJCIC Irntqust got home with - -. .„. ‘..r. .) the Larga,t and most "Palbs: - '.,..... . •_:,;......„. Splendid nscortment of • :..-..-- . --- -p . ,_-- HATS MR CAPS '',, , r-_-_,Z.. ‘.**, : a•-•,..0. - -.. ...?: Ant ha.i evei been ol- _:_::l2._.:2=- , - - -' ~...7 . .---r77; credits Colombia. .•,...---- : - .2.•—• ~ ~...i. - iL-11 4 'fret:tunic k ha. the finest - -- - t: . - r 1 ...,,, , ....,;. 7 Silk aft:Tito the eoun- '7.. - .Z -- - .•,..- ~:. t - 2 -- le - :.: i ty nt e-l. Tredeniek tins the finest r.sortment of Caps in the county. Prices from 23 cents to 52,00. Tredeniek tans the 2fat untie Ithl. Tredeniek Inn• the Cricket Cap. Tredenick fuss the Zotatve nail Murphy Cap. Tredeniek has the Cork Soled Hoot. Tredeaick•lot, the %Voter-Proof Coot Thdenich has the finest stock of Over Shoes and Gums in Tredenick has all ilia' is needed rer men, women •uul children, from the head to the font. Go In Tredenick's to get your money hack; he selis as cheap and 31 little cheaper, for cash lanai can lie sold at itimrist taly, oilier plaice in the country.— Call null see tin ,sinck .at the Sign of the Big lint, ill Locust street above Front. L. TICEDENICIi, A gi Columbia, Dec. 17.190 Ropes, Ropes, Ropes 400 COILS jil.l received and for sale, at whole sale and retail!, rive and length, to suit pur clinger‘, 11101 V attire, near the out-let lock. March 31. lEGU. THOS. Wimsn.— • GEORGE BOGLE, imALER IN Every Description of Lumber,. DINE nod Cyfirew Shingleg, Mewed Flooring• I Weatherboarding, Window Siwh, Picketv, nod everything M kin !foe IrtNinena. Ho ju-t reeetv mg kin Spring Stork of Lumber, and ha., on hand a large and complete a•rortment of DRY LUMBER OF EVERY QUALITY. Office and Wnrc:foure in Front street, Letween Lo rust nod Union, Columhin, P:1. Columbia, Morn' 31st. 1860. B• PHELAN TABLE, llllnut,enher has lust put up in Witshittgio'n Hotter. mijobluigh, Rep.imirant. A FIRST-CLASS PIIELAN BILLIARD TABLE; • will, nil the accessories - of pert tmafily. Titi'r is the best mble to any town or eI:3.M the sone, out or Philp• lelphiu or Patsburg Lovers or the game ore invited o est:. ID'. HERM Columbia, December 21, ISO BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCIIES;--We have been .elling the 141.0V1.1 (lough Lozenges Hi the Family Alediriire Store all wooer. and they have given general i.atothiciinn to alb that have used then,. The Rev. lICIII y Vard Beecher ioly.i, o for na he has lind 211 t l itporlotity of compart.ion. Brown', Troches urn prp•cmuteatly the first of the great Lolonge Selma:. prin.2.3. A Large Stipp lyof 71xTRA Sugar Cared I lams at 15 cent ' , cc 10., Li Plata Ham.. le: \'e. anck, 121 t Extra Dried Beef, 15 " Shnitidetc. 1 / 66 6C Potatoe. at 45 cents pc:la:siva. of sale at the %ton Of TiltrAr A- 1 ll'Er. , ll. OM aita•i 0, 'a cy tO, 20 head Of Claud ii,tit. PURIFY THU BLOOD; Mlifraes VEGETABLE LIFE BMW AND PHCENIX SITTERS: THE high and envied celebrity which' these pre-ioninent Metlieinie4 have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the di-cioie4 which t`tey pro les- to elite, lin- rendered the practice of 171.4 not only 10111e1,.!..tiry, hm unworthy of They are knowa by their troit-; their good .cork= for t loin, and they Enloe tot by the faith at :he creindons. In all eas, . o f Acute mul Clironie Mien. niatioa. Affection- of the bladder alt.! Kidney.. 1111- tow , Feet,. and Liver Con plume= —ln the, south and west. vt here ;hove di-eases prevail they will be found invalualibt Planters, I , ariner, and other , . who once wall never afterwards be with out them. - • DV-11:2 , 1.—N0 person vi WI this illitressiii,," disease should t.lotne using these medicine itiMiedliitelV.— Crttrllolls Erysipelas, Flatulency, Fever and Agee. rpr this scourge of the western country medicine. will be found a safe,spredy.and cer ium remedy. Oilier medmine• leave the. system •üb tret ton return of the discsse—a cure lip llic-e med mine- Try them, be eau-fled, and be ettic4. • gROCOLIAL, DISHASPZ—Neier fails to eradicate en tirely the effeci. of Mercury infinitely sooner than the mo-t powerful ;wenn ration of Sarsaparilla. Night Nervous Debility. Nervous Com plain's of nil ad.., Organic Affections, Palpitation of the Venn. Painter's II:11011C. propeetry of these medicines WO! cured of Ptle•ofn year's mantling Sv the 11-t these I.•fe Medicines alone. Worm's of all kinds Hie effectually expelled by there Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their exis tence is soispecied. Relief will he certain. THE LIFE PILLS AND PHCENIX BITTERS riwry lb.' blood. oil Iliac remove all di,Cll.r from the system. A snigie trial will place the Life Pills and Phcenix Hitters he3ond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient. Prepared and sold by pa. wiI.t.TAN U. MOFFAT, • 3:13 Bronevay, eor. WortliSt., New 'fork. 11:1mPor sale Druggists. November 1208494 V • ri73 BURNETT'S COCOAINE. The above Preparation, which has reeeived the greatest recommendations so n beautifier nod pro moter of growth of the hair.lois jam been received hy B. WILLIAMS. Cola. A pri I 21,'69. Front Street. COAL OILY !IMF; .obwenbers keep n constant •npply of the Best 1 Kerosene Oil; also, Coof Oil Lamps, of every vari ety and size,tilnidesot different patterns, he.. he. J. PUMPI.ti & : 4 0?1, toe u.t street below Second, Columbia, Pn. April Wi t tS6O. BIRD SEED. act received a new crop of Canary, Hemp and Rnpe :Seed; the nice.t Seed in morn. at J. S. DEGLETT Jir. CO'S April 14,'60. Drug Store, Front street. Farmers Give this Your Attention] 500 lIMIRELS Pure Ground No. 1 Plaster, white as snow, for se! .: at A PPOLD'S May:4W. Warehouse, Canal Batin. BELLEVUE HOUSE. if. E. CORNER FRONT & it'ALN UT STS: Columbia Penna ITIHE anblefibrt announces that he has rented the allove.eptableiho andarelj-knewn lintel. and has Opened It for the aceonatnialitifin or the He has furnished the house and is prepared to enter tain travelers and boarders. Ilia table will be welt furnished ortth every Ming the market affords. At his liar will be found We best brands of ail kinds of Li quors. Connected with Ike Hotel, in the basement is a ••• - • RES'TA.URANT. where Oysters in every I.tyle, sad other refreshments, ere Be•Ber1 up in word style. jfp ramihes supplied with first-rate oysters, in large or small quantities. at reasonable rases. The support of the puhre is resp_ectfally _solicited. ISAMU H. LOC/CARD. Colurnbia, April 21, 1.860-If. To lonnberwin & Inanufacturenti latent Sninele TIM slibsefrbtr having peifeeticr t)ie I above machine. offers teiselnitale, County dad Shop Rialtv on reasonable terms. The . machine saws and planes Shingles to any width oF 011dtfres.% and. prothrer; xr,,yeLy uniform and clean article. which has given perfect sitesfaction wherever tried. One of the =whines ands per m eng of its work can t•C,/ to Susquehanna Flailing Mill, Columbia, I-a. roe further infOrißution, addre, NM. HUEY, Coloahr.e.taCustdr co., Pa. yr The construction of the saw and frame. admits of use, separate from the planer, in sawing all knids of straight amid bevelled work, such us Flooring, Claphosteding. kc. Columbia, Ably 91,1957. S. X'. • • -= Z r- GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMIS - SION MERCHANT, RuCEivy.R Qty COAL.ALNDPRODUCICA* III And Deliverers on any point on the Colunia a and Philadel.rhia Railroad. to York and Baltiniore and to " , ttsburg; DEALER IN COAL, Fuotilt. AND GRAIN, WHISKY AND BACON, have just received a large lot 'of Monongahela Rectified ‘Vltiskey.troni Pittsburg, ofwhiebtile) WI I lk cep.. suppl) et:instantly on hand.utlosv prices Nos.l,.2und 6 Cana I Basin Columbis fanuars 1844 HILLSIDE NURSERY & GARDEN! HALF-IVH,LE NORTH goF C9L,UMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA. '1 `HE subscriber, Proprietor of the "Hillside Nursery awl Gulden." offers ior sale. Hi his ruralises. a general st-sorlinent or FRIIITO I IIADEScORNAM ENTAL TREES, or the choicest varieties, n rare colleetion or 'lard) Ornamental Shrubliery 7 -evergrecy avid deciduous, ihe Cutest climbing plami il"every uescription de manded in this market—all hardy. many monthly, or perpetual bloomers, the standard varieties - •Th• • '6.R 4 ' . • • AP:6 tn' 141 .;, , • ;v l '2 NATIVE & EXOTIC ' ....II frail/tor nearly .l.3 every variety worthy • •cr •••• of cultivation in ibis climate. GOO,ehrrries that will run mildew; also , the finest collection of hardy roses ever offered for sale in Columbia, and, lifter inspection of oilier graidens, he thinks he may safely nssert. the finest grown and best u-sortment now in the county Ile culls nitennon to the Green House. which is crowded with the ritre•l :Ind moat songlit for varie ties of Ornamental and Flowering Plants. and chal lenges Lancaster and York Counties to produce a choicer or 'getter grown eoilection of Green and Hot House Plants, than now on hand at the • Carden," in order for Spring Trade. He oilers them cheaper than Sic,' run be, bought at any other eolith lislitnent in the above counties or in the state. He keeps constantly on hand at his Exten- ive Nur sery and Garden, or can furnish at short notice. every tree, shrub or flower connected will. the busi ness-offered for sale art rldlalelphia. In connection with the Nursery and Garden. the Proprietor will undertake through the ngency of William Stafford, n scientific Landscape Gardener and Nurseryman, educated in England, to plan and lay out rlensure Grounds, Gardens, fie., and to do general jobbibe in this line of business. LU'All fancy and jobbing work will lie warranted to give siitisfaction to the most tasteful and fastidious, and will be done at reasonable rate! Columbia, April pl .l. tal, t l=_,.}JL . ,4_i,.L l l.l: • . - ellE subscriber invites the attention of the public to the NEW GROCERY, FIL.OIIR, *EEL/ AMY VARIETY STORE, juit opened by, him at N 0.71, Locust street, between 't Second and third. He will keep on hand a complete stock a all kind:For Gtoceries, Queensware, &c.. &c., and insures everything to be good of its kind and price. lie will furnish BREAD from the Philadelphia Me chanical Bakery, fresh every evening; also. Tea Bias mat, Crackers, &cc., &c. Those desiring it can be served at the houses Ile WA era tie lirtslltetisflis. strict attention, and by foreseeing and promptly supply ing the wants of citizens hopes to deserve and receive a liberal share of their support. SA itPl. F. ERERLEIN, No. 71 Locust street, Columbia. l'a• Stoves, Tin Ware, GasFixt,ures, &c. szn.azvx WILSON, N I . E. Corner Second. and Lomat , treetd. 91I[ subscriber having entirely refitted his j_ store end bud in n complete new 'lock of every thing 111 his line. invites the atiention of the public to hi' nrernrimeni of • S . TOVES OF EVERY STYLE & PATTERN% iff= sloe': is very trade and complete, con sisting of Royal Cook, William Petit,. Nlllol...Ntlllorllll. - Voting Arbericn,Morningtsinr. Complete Conk. conking Ranges. Parlor Cook, four pnitern..l'n rlor s.‘nees of every make. cis, style and variet), liar Room and Office Stoves. Ate. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. t Jorge Mock of ilirlClea in the hove tine of hit .0. ne...eotrrprisinge vor} !limo hot io mottufa etoreil of Tin. Sheet Iron ic, for I Inu-eitold "no 111.. oink Of hl+ ritvit mattoraciore. and pm can 1,0111..1 for it , excellence and .litrithl-t['. Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures. &c. Axl,Z,rrle;,..,zt c;of : zn i t: „ t t ( , ;:t x • Mut, 011 ,, and Iwo burner Ilnl: I'vni.l.llll4 Side Fini, ornarnenull. I flop Burner... hr ntv,• iy. on limn! 1.1 , FIT ,Lll Ila brullelle9 1111V1Ided to wish prompine,-, House Roofing, Spouting, &c. rjeussi 11.001 7 1NG and SPOLITIN“ put up to the 11 1:1104l 1/.4:111%111 I monitor; Plaintou,4, ilmeg. lig and at her brooelte. of the butanes., carried on to It:implore, on the most reasonable term.. HIRAM WILSON. Comer of Second mid Locust street.. Columbia.Septemher 1.t.57. Split Peas! Supply of Dried reusjust received and for Fate very it el.ctip. at S. V. 1:13E11.1.E1N' . .5 Nov 1:1,1e5U. Grocery Store. No. 7I I,oru•t f.t. Q ED SPnrklier, arlutier for rule ut the Golden Ntortnr Dreg Store, Front Strom. FRANKLIN HOUSE RESTAURANT. UNDER TIE FRANKLIN HOUSE, LOCUST STIMI7I; COLUMBIA, PA. Tsubseriber has opt tied tife basement of his I lintel, the Franklin Mouse, it RFSFAURAV v . where he is prepared to •t rye Oyster, mimes Ito fre•hinents in the best style. The ctenfOshinent line 1 , W:11 nese:y fined up with o view necom moilmton of his customers, and no elfin be spared to properly and promptly cuter to theft' wont• and appetites. The Oysters, &c., provided will be of the lies. - ity, and OM they maybe well canked nnil served nil experienced person front one of the best eq.ili4-11- merits in Philadelphia. its been engaged to steke elnirge of the cooking depurtment. 'I he •uliseillier asks of his friends until the public) . share re' enstmn. I I KR, Columbia. Oct. 21, ICID. F ranklir Irons e. NOTICE. MBE Books of the subscriber have heen placed in the hands John Wily. with authority to colter% MI nceounts. Persons indehird wt 11 milk.. pioyment to hint. too.‘e having claims will plensepresent them foe sett iemmit. FILBERT, Chooher 15, ma-tr. SAVING FUND. 'ATIONAL RULES 1. Mone' i* received every day, and in any amount. large Per nli. Cent. interest is paid for money from :he day it i* put in. 3. The money!. nlways paid back in gold, when ever it i* called for. and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, Administra tors, Guardians and others who desire to have it in a place of perfect lacer, and where interest can be obtained for it. b. The money received from depoeitore iv inverted in Rent Relate. Mortgages, Ground Rent.. and tech other firet-clase *reuniter an the charter directs. 6. Office Hours—Every day from 0 611 5 o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o'clock in the evening. HON. HENRY L. BF.NMEE, President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. WM. J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Henry L. Benner, F'. Carroll Brews..., Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barry, Robert Selfridge, Francis Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Verkes, O. Landreth Manna, Henry Diffenderfei. OFFICEWaInut Street, South-West dorkii• of Third Street, Philadelphia: April El. 1550. _ Yost tedeiiied and For Sale, Grtrt 0 t j irs ZVe r l a e i rliP a s o ß l es s t p aVrte a Lenr3a Limmed Oil. Also, jtiat received. a large assortment of Carpenters' Planes lbd Tools orall kinds J. RUMPLE k SON May 12, ISOM ist9d.• • 1110.111 NEVI?' CASEY G RO C E R SXORE. • C . TILE anincritlfe tave inst,opened an tu tire stook of ,NrAv .Groceries every snide of which is Fres/ids& Irmo. end being determined to keep gootld'ot the best gupljky, and at the very lowem cash priers, hope to deserve and receive a share e towti roillilry r6-111M. , SUGARS, 6t, '7, 8, 10. t, "'MOLASSES, 1124,A15.0.. G rpn i pare has been taken ,ntile fre‘nei . and gamin ten., in !flack, Imperial and Young llyeon COFFEE. Extra strong. Fee:twitßio, Extra Drowned Rio, E:.- tea Turkey Coffee,. F.xtrarmgar cured 1- extra sugar cured Oro:, Beef, Shoulder. and Mel: Muckerel No 1, :land 3 in ba reek and ball' barrel . r, and by retail; Herruig— ,..moked and in pickle, SAl;l'.—Ground. by the -link and by retail; {me A4liton and Dairy. in -mall bag.: Sr/AV.—Drown. Yellow. IVlnte nud Comitry. PRIME CHEESE, FRESH CRACKERS. FRUIT: Orniene.. Lemon.. Rakin., Prunes, /km, kn. QDEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, A large and complete aorortment. CANDLES.—Adummome,Fmerjp,un dTallow. SPICES, &.c., ...- Ground Cinnamon, Clove-, Allspice. Pepper—red and Idaek, Brown and Yellow M mturd, Mane, Cre,rp of, flour, ludiro. Coppenk, Nul,nec SOO Art, Slone Bbinki lig, Palley Soap, CIIIIdir-Wie t, boll He, An.. &e., Bed 4,100, - , Clothes Lines. Pure Cider Viriedar; Potatoes, Corn Brooms, Knives and Forks and Spoon TOBACCO AND SEGARS. All the He.ll3nrad-. Letter and Writing Paper., Steel rids; Stand-, &e. Sardine., Sweet Corn, ilemmany. Split Pea.. Fa; H. freislr Sweet 011, COM le Soap. Pick les,' in on st!bri. every crude to lie rojhd in a first-class Grocery Store. 11 A I.DEM AN & JACKSON, Cheep Cash (troeery and Provision Store. Crdarelier, Ala relt'3l ISM) THOMAS WELSH, Esq., has hem appointed Agrtit of the Petlit Alumni 1.111. In-uraller ttotn pony, of Philndelppla. for Columbia neighhor hood. This is no old estahlwhed Company. l'ert , ons wi-hing to provide for their funeliev in enve of death otcl Lauer cell on the agent nod get insured. C olundtin.July 16. IRON rouNapor CTeOSITE THE CANAL BASIN, COLUMBIA, PA. TIRE su b scriber bas removed to the atm sive shops connected with the Columbia Iron Foundry. which lie has thoroughly filled up, with new and o,st.ripe,riMehinery. and is now prepared to Mlluu fuel Sre St&aM Engines and Po mps of every tle• seription, Machinery for Fureumes. Forges, Mills. Facto les, C - r Work. &e. Iron and Bt.ass Castings finmi , lied to order. Bridge Bolts and Bliielmmithing In genere I. ID'Regairiefg• Promptly cuended to. JOHN Q.DENNEY. Columbia, July 3,195 P OVAL OF .1044N Er ffiENBERGER , S FIERItriAIRE WARE ROOMS. THE undersigned having removed his Fur. - siture %Vare Rooms and his new brick buittli.igs, on the southside of Locust street, be tween Second and 11 , 1 rd street , ' respectfully invites his friends nod the public to give him a cal:. A large and superior stock of , CABINET-WARE ,VN'OCHAIR-WORK, , ot ontiosoription.;witt , c kept eon-tautly on hand, which w:11 be sold on the moot rea sonableterms. As lie Manufactures his own he is enabled to warrant every article to he ' what it is repreaented ;multi) beasgoodassitis chtar Ili.gtock is very leige i a part embraces Dee , . sing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus ;Sideboards. Sofa Card. E . nd.Sofa .Centre.Dressing,Diningand Break fast TABLES; Common. French and other BED. STF.ADS ; Common and Fancy CUM] RS.and SET. 'TEES of eveissqle.togetherwith agenaru*assort ment.pfall kinds o f FURNITURE. ' Funerals will beattended with a Splendid Hearse on shoristotiee.and al Ineccssary attentiongiven UNDERTAKING. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage ns well as a C•oninoirtnee of the custom with which he has been liberally fdlortd.. Columbia, April 6. H,PURPLE XTENSIVE CABINET WAIIE-ROOMS AND E AIAINU FACTORY, LocuFt street, Columbia "n The Pub.criber would call the attention of the e izcots of Columbia and vicinity', to his large and se lect a.aortment of Cabinet-Ware, comps-itie Lome of the finest Drc.ittg ()arcane., Sofa-. Fennell flee. ' , tends, Jenny Lind., he., ever offered for-ale in place. Ile cOntinne. 10 manfiteture Furniture every ile-erfption, Mod is confident Ilia: lie cant give antoditenon. COFFINS made ant! FUnernia impeded to et' Ito in town or country. nit the shone-t C.v.l'Alt SElllEin'. Coiambia, June 6.1.57. .a.B.r. IrOU XATSUILEXt? West Bra.n.oh Insaranea Campay Cam any was ar,Eauized June. 1 o 3 'Noire .•r 40 , 1. • .It/ 1•0.11i111110 of IF- Goolp:insoi ~Inatrol,. 11 Ino; ;10011.Ploporty in , : r 2 ,1, $1.1,7 ON PO 53r( to) I .1 .- In, on. ILu nerd agrlll .1111 io 10-1110pript•rly nt.111.• regular 1.11 ,, (f lit• I'oll Nl7 GEORGE J. Smairli, i:l ,l ll , rea (' oonuelerolt , 1155 5,5555... 55, NV 111, ',•1 . 0:1.~.1ncn of ' and SilEar Us-cult;Cuniccuou.rv. 55f es( ry Lc., 2.c 1.05 15,..1' . 5.1111:1575 Dee. 3. , .:59 Det weep 111. flunk and 15 rata:C.s I know Tm , : room in the Blue Front, now occupied .y Thome+ Welsh, E-tiot aro, .everol Ilmt-e. Ap.. ply in. WM. NV I I t I' PE R. Colurin, V.-bra:try t.'l, ISSO. __ --- Soap and Vinegar. (1 , 11 110XF:A of Duffy' , Pros., soap; 20 barrel of yin egur, veholesale and retail, a; .Intietll. 4 h 000 Sack. wound Alum Salt just received, and for cnie at the cxlraordusardy love :mare of 1111 e dollui non five 1,1114 per 4. .seri:. WELSH, Cola. April 21, '611: Cahal NOTICE,. ALL persons indebted, on the 6okt oft* Livery *4tiilile, from the I -t al April. ituderilgortl, are requeged to 'nuke iminettiair pay melt', unit tho-e having rinimc will present ihrrol:lbe setilemenl.ll4 he is deeirouit of cloiiing his bui•tivesil• without ilehie. Ort 3.18:4-1( COMMISSION BUSINXISS. T_IIE subscriber has made arrangements and now prepared to receive on commksion,sa hit More., Yor i lt4e of Walnut street, Columbia, - Pm. C0gL, , t 4 .3518ER, WOOD OR TIES, tie will be Inirl:q iNreceive commi.siona for buying' or the sili34e artistes to any amount. Pion, his expeiienee in OM Lumber 811.1110. n lie believes that will be able to ttil'Nf amblactlon. Strict at tention will tic given to all .ssa fidhediles Soners hi s care. &f-eV:I9I4RM Columbia, 6i".:rchrt",lBsS. THE COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, - Seemid St., below Union, Columbia, Pa,, prepared to execute all orders for STEAM EN-. GINES, BOILERS. SHAFTING, PULLF;YS, PUM PS, MACHINERY FOR BLAST FURNACES.; ROLLING NI l 1,144, s_tAW AND FLOUR MILLS, and, cover) , variety of Machinery. in the mewl thorough and , tpiptoved manner. Iron and Brass Coatings, clever"' dcseri pi ion, made to order. Repairing promptly al-_ tended to. Cusb paid for Old boo. Brass. and other metal. Orders by mail should be addressed to-'Columbia, Maim factoring Company. Columbia, Pa." Z. SUP CLEF, T. R. SUPPLER, }Superintendents_ J. LLEWELLYN, Columbiu,June AFETY RUST MPANY. ENNSYLVANIL T ANE'S Expectorant, Jayne's Alterative,, el Jayne's Carminative Balsam, Jaynes Hair Tonle. Jayne's Liniment, Jayne's Sanative Pith., Jayne'. Ague and Jayne ' s Tonic Vermilage;alt the above popular remedies are guaranteed genuine and fresh- For sale by B. WILLIAMS, sept.ll:llS:s9. Front at., Columbia. PERSONS desiring Pare Articles in the Gro cery line w?H tall at N 0.711 Locust street. Just received a' f CPI fordaor of the following arts ales, warranted' Oft Read'. New Orleans Sugar Syrups, of all kinds, best Baking Molasses, Coffees, Teas, Spices. Fralt—wieb as Dried Fetiches, Currants, Raisins, lot of Fir& S. F. T.BERLEM . 1110. 7t Locust Sucet, Columbia, Pe. December 3,1951 x. Pin CATAWBA Blatt • The utbseriber A. sites pleasure in Informing Physicians, Invalids and othere, that he has jpirt received from Helhellellf ter. (Cincinnati, Ohio.) 12 caws Lyon's pare Ca. tawba Brandy, which is the only article w K elly relia ble (or purity, now In the Country, 'As a beverage is superior ant.a ware remedy for Sommer COOO BlOl, Dyepepsia.Otimp, Colic, General Debility, Nervous nets. Ike. . I will sell it for metteina: purposes io TT— quantity, either by the bottle orease. ... I , 2211LLIass Front street. Dee. 81,1&70 LIFE INSUR iiNCE. c. emzEriawied FOR RENT DRUNFarq. Corner of Third and Union Streets. trAvr I SALT ! r rtioviAß. OROCEIT GROCEINEBEi?