vpoNirs.EXTRACT- HAMAMELts,ADR teetiN DESTROYER,- [ls one oi.the few domeloiciremedies wbielrinve come . into generalase and favor, Without puffing. It Is the ,product of a simple shrub harmless in al/vases...and .4 n dramatic zernady unequalled. For Rum, Cant, Bruises. Sorenes-, Lairmene,.s, Sprains, Rheinnati , m, Mere; Old Stores and Woundso it has trot an . equal. It in ulna wird, with great success. for Tooth ache.. Headache. Neuralgia. More "'lrma. Colic, War eham. Hen r-ene. , .. and other similar troublesome and painful asitections. whiteeit promptly arrests all Hcm .•orrhegea. Hundred. of ph} siciails use II daily in-their practice. and give .it their unqualified teeoauuenda- Sion. -Sold by oar ;went- and dealers. and by -F. /HUMPHREYS & CO . sfel ltrouthenty, Sole Proprietor; a n d Manufacturer.. edrr A. M. FUME., Odd Fellows' Hull, Agent for Co. ' laubia. Ifilay Id le6o BAYARD TAYLOR WILL DELIVERLUIS LECTURE ON :LIFE IN THE ARCTIC REGIONS 123=3 ODD,FELLOWS' 11 A lA., COLUM BIA, SFRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 19, 1860. "Lecture to commence at ball-past sever .o'clock• Tickets of Admission 25 cents. For sale at :the - door and at Saylor.& McDonald's Book :Stern. Detoberl9, ,1800,1 t NOTICE. •# r.t. p•rwm having hooka belonging to the aubscri ber will plena ieturn them. Cosa. Oct 13.1860. sANII.IIO. S HOCH NOTICE. COLCXBIA HANK . , teolffer 13, 1850, - 1 1- !2 telt! Elrclian ( or.Di,rcto,~ of Oliu"lnwtiutat Wedne.day,the tourthenti, nt November next, between .the hour. uf 9A.NI . and 3P. Al. SAIII% et HOCH, Cola Oct 13, 1969-id Cashier. CRANBERRIES P RIME Jetsey Crastbertiesoust le s eiveql at A. 111 itAmEto'S Cola. Oct 13, ISO. Odd Fellows' Owl NEW CROP FRUIT. E'V Crop Fruit of au kinds,: Now4ous, Cur 1.1.1.V1, Apple., A:c., at A. M HAM HO , . Cola. Oct. 13, 16U. Family Grocery it,iorc QUINCES IVE bushels prime quinces, jubt received at A. M. HA %I 110'S Cola. 04,1.13. 1860. Family tirocery Siore THE NEW CORNER STORE, Oppo.ite Lie Odd Fellow. , Hail, ants we People's. more adjoining the Mink—are receiving addition. ill supplies of Choice New Good- this week. Pii itic- Mar attention is iiielted 10 Ihe magnificent display of Adm... goad.. ismbrncing Plain and Fairy Dress .silks, Me/taloa.) Black Silk-, Printed Alhwooh+ and solid colored Freneli 111yritioes—decideds:, the preitiesi and chest pest goad= weever lino—exqui-lie de-igns Print ed Wnials,Uclaines an I t ischriserc-.Wool Plains. Pop dins, Ste. and ;he Iseists'Levlll/clailiess sold ut COlOOl - novelties. iti Motel's% Mee- goods, entire ly new in tills market. are now ready at VONGERSSPITH'S Store., Coln Ori. 13 ls-60 Locu-4 Street. SHAWL HEADQUAELTERSI li ht vier-muh opt slag t his%use- 100 tlifrereal m tyi m m mno quo Mtn- -ha WI- ior Ladies', Mis,es Gent= and Boys; We offer the beet SlO Long Brodie , hauls i.. Cotututtia. extra good% 101 12, 35 sad 20 dollars also the Prem.!, Iteveo-tble shawls Long and Square 11;anket SIIIIWk hunt 52 to 530; Stella shawls nt reduced price, Cents Aland- ehean.— Buy your shawls at FUN DER' Al Cola. Oct 15. I'6o I .oen nt Street, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTLNOSI S.F. ge.iiietneee ore 'Kelly well convin.•rd ihot it line et wearing apparel we t on't lie bent:— V. e tnvole their poi titular oneotioie to new addiloon+ roe.,• rd tlo. were A full line of Gloves. (3.0 fillets. floe •ry 11.16 - Su-pendern. an hood. at I•ONDF:It.MITICS rlicap Calm 0e1.13.1 1 60 FRESH GROCERIES v k r en..1111...e to •et. Syrup While VP t attiti !Vow. Swear...goad Caret. aad dative Tea, to lie h••n m Columaha at the New Curare store ap prttie Odd Pei havt,' Hull, cud at tile out 41111111 the littuk 11. C. FOND/qtr.:lllTH. szuszt.T.prPs () N the Mt day of October, A. D., o shall; t• Ai by v tb.e , writs of Vier, 1 , cin, )7. /.1111.4311 EXp•nin. and Levaii Facin d out •• floor. of Common Virus. &a Lune r rn . nod ... &brew, ell I wit exp. 0.0 public p...e 0. 0.• e ,, , nt tin •n•t I 101 l toil Pity f 111 no 10 ing R, .1 ena A 1....0 ir,od frOnolg co 10. 11.1 In In, I.nrough tPI. , .1, 41 ,•su i p 190 feel. will n iwa•stor. Bri. I, lily, 1,1.1 ~ 20 feet fro,, . two -tory Brief, liars Building, side office 8 fee. front nod 20 feet in depth. go.at stable. hyOrnir ni lee :MO .4i. I I. gn. 11 • 1 thrOUgly Ole 1 ttttt nod ri11... inkproveinela thereon. adlotidog , raperly & James C. owil & oo the ..ouili-we-t by Jueob J 11.10 , er, nod tar noillow..l by no OW - . As lbe proper** of Dr Iseoj.rmlo Rohrer. Also. at the same lime mid place, n lot of ground fronting 32 feel on Third street. to the horough of Co lumbia. ',uneasier county, and extending in depth 100 44. Ire , (more or lea-lit> n private 11 liry. 111 ,1 101 n Own .lnry frame DWEL,I.INU 110USK. Litehen .." 111 "talnetteri, hyd : fruit trees, Sod other improve. meats thereon. edjoinine properly of Samuel Truscott on the 1110n11. auu Mrs. Righter on the south. A• the property of siumuel 111nthiot. All of tit Welt arc oetred and taken in execution, arid mid be rhittl Ivy Lin NJ I , HOW li. toliot Sherttre Office. Lancolue r, October 10.113Un. GOD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH: TILESIXIENTLELL ELECTION SHERIFF'S PROCLADLA.TION: .OF THE ELECTOIL‘L ELECTION Ma fRE TEAR 1860. Tv Oil, Era hereby siren to the l'reemen of the Ci.y a.r.l , nutity of Lune:wry Ono on 1 LYE*DaI. NOVEMBER 6 I• 611. on Election will be held for Teten4-`even Elector+ of Presiden•••nil V,CP , Pre- i• dens of the United s'Rte., slid that the qualified voter* of the ,vrfnl election annals will hot I their electioo. at the places hereinafter de.tgavved, viz: Ist Dmtr ict -Campo-et, of thc Iron Winds of Lair caster Coy The qualtfied voters ol the Nord. Ell-1 Ward %silt hold their • le: hint at the public house of Anthony Lechler in Eris! Ems' of .the North Wei.t WUfli at the piihlie Lone occupied be tidamTroutthose of tire Ears. Ward al the poi • Ire house of ' Rupp & Wit-on to East King street: 'fin, t re South West Word al the public house of Martha Urban 2d Di-trict —Drumnre tovrat.bin. vl the No 2 school hove in the viduce of , 'oe-tilut Level 3d Di-trier—tlo.ough of Elit..bi•ditown.nt the public boat.. novc occupied ti) George W. Boyer. in euid bor ouch. ith D totict—Fort township ut the public hall in the IC , V , HO bind. in .1111 d 111W1,111p. sth Diotr.Cl p. m the Boßile boo" now . gcupwd by Fr ...loin and Elias BeIIIZ, to Stick ers• tilt' ut mud DigmY—Botooch of Sting` wiz ? at 11, pvLtie house now °cropn d bi llowy Dear in said borough. 7th Dostocfr—Rupho township RINI ludaig the Borough of Matehrim. at ihr. public house °erupted by .uichuel White. in said borough. Nth Dimriet--Sulisburc township. nt the pubbr house now occupied by John Mason, White Hob, tavern, us *soil towfunin 9th District—East Cocalico township. at the pub'ir house now occupied by Widow Fulmer. in the village of ileinnalOWll. in said toga-hip. 10th Drsinci—Being a pun of the lownahip of Fast Donegal, at -the public school hou-e at the village of Al spew'', in said township JIUt Diarist—Cienturvon township. at the public. ltrwase now ocenpied by John Myer- y in the village of Churebtowit, in nod township. lthliDl-triet—Martie township. ci the house now or .cupied by George Rubinson to said town-hip. 13 tbDaorect—Illortiovroaltip at the rmalie house now .occupied by P,dirin Linnet!, if: said township 14th District—Cole rain township. man public bonus . now occupied by Jas. G. Hildebrand in said town-hip 15111 Disniet—Fulton township. at the public house slow occupied by Joseph Phillips. in .aid township. 16th District.-Urarwirk township. st the pa bl c house now occupied by Samuel Lichientbaler, in the village .or I.;tiz. i.. said township. 17th Distriel—rompo•ed of the Borough of Marietta and part of Baal Donegal town.hip.ai the public school in the borough of Mariann. in said troiroshirt. 113111 Dioniet--Colurabia borough, at the Town Hall, in said borough jfhh District—Sodshury township. nuke public. house Ann , occupied by Abraham Roop. in sand township gash Lti-diet—Leacork town-hip. at the public boom noriemreumed by George Diller, in said town-hip. list Oistriet—Breesnoclit town-hip. at ills politic house now occupte- by 1-sac Messner in said town whip. Thal Di.trici-Xompo.ed of part• of townships of Daiwa , Mount Joy and Feat ainegal. at the public schooLhouse in the village of Mouut Joy Med°fatties-Bring part of gwit HempUirld town. in "bin. at he public heave now occupied by Jacob Swart 'dingrol Proissbere. in mkt township. Diennici-,Wan Lansprter iownsbip. at the pub. lie hope now occupied by Henry Miller. in the village of "'Orem:NO.ov.. ia .aid township *eh vomMisi-eppy.togy. otwoishtp, at the Public boo.* now ocropiiel by Jabs Peri...humid township. 26fb Diwriet -twins paot cif Man le . mship• et the o al flir* *Omni !ware the borough of Waiihington, sd onship. Di..dei-Ephrata torrodp. at the public house nOWnerupied by John W Qms., in said (owlish* 284 Disirirt-Coney township, at the public *shoal ,Sioesr-ia the villas* of ttainholota in said town.hiPi nth muici-Mitabena town-blt. at alti PubtoL__house m d mew swamiby Charles W. Itryder•Le o f Nelfaviile, is said township. Nth Distriet-Being part of Manor township. at the .Public Roam now occupied b 7 George HaroberEce, ea Abilsratown. In said township. 3161 Diotriet-Westgari townehip.at the public house ,nOw oecapied by °tabula 13 Penny, to gastritis, in said township. ata bneritt-Weet Heropfield toininsitip, at the public .how now occupied by John Kendig, in said township 33d 'District—Strasburg township; at the public house now occupied by James Carron. in the Borough at Strasburg.. 34th District—Being part of Manor 'township, corn mml9 called f ndiantown district at the.pabhc house of Bernard •Moner.iii said township. 35th ni4lrict—West Cocatico tostmship,turihe public house now .occupicn by John W Mentzer; in the vil lane rd Shocheek.in said town-hip 35th District —Com Earl township. at the - 00141e house coo - occupied by Henry Tuna, Mae Hall-in said town :hip 37th District—Paradise township, at the public house now occupied by Frew. ill said township 38th Distrtet—Heinte a pact of East Hempfirldnown ship. RI the public at:hoot house in the village of Hein p fie Id. in said town-hip. 39th Di-trict—Lnnenoter township. at the public louse now occupied - by Ductal litniman, in said town hip. _ • COIN District-- - Fyint laimpnier.tovirnMip. nt hr public hob- , now occupied b!. Itcrrt>'Keitrugy.,in suid town -hip . . . • 4... nig/rim-I'4We Rrimin Inermthip-st the honer of ;Iron isrulpis 1.1 U. 42d Din. let— Upper Unreel: township at Ike public touste of '1110,30 Bender, in =tad township 43d District—Ntnn township. at the public house of Hershes. in sold township 44th District—lttorough of ddiamstown, al the schonl ou-e in mitt borough 45th Dist , ion— ' ni town-hip. at the house of (icemen NV izteinion- z. (forme. ly John &W..) to mia township 46th Disinien—reoun n unwnship. a: the public house of lb njurnint Rnw•e in said town-hb•. 47th Dt.tri• t—P•ovidenee township: at she brume ons eunted by 51 my Miller. ins a- id .ow.•chip• Cab Instrivi—Etieni lownt-htp at the Public 'Worm of Inem J. lie-s. in sand town-hip 49th DI-tricl—B••tngg that part of Main' Inc town: sill!, hoz ;of •re includedu.th Sid Ills rich at Lehman'- hnal ho se.in +m.l I ovvo.laip 'soth D trick—lVesiD , nnevid wiwn-hip heretofirr• in cluded in the srit •4e' lion district, an Duo., 5.•h00t house in stud township 'rite Gen• ran El. en a in all the W•lfal.Townislrpin. Di•tric.n and anranno sof thee...any are no he open d h• ince. in the Lo ors of • -girt nod tell ..'clock - it: h. fore -no n and .1; .11 rontin.w. w•n bout interruption or ad journ meta, u seven o'cluek-in. the .•venp.g when all th• poll. oho e I Fe r perso exceo Su Mee= of she P ,ee -h h I air oflir. nr apounnin is. 4,1 p•ofi. n. arn..t under 111. Go Crltroeirl or ilir trilled Sr 0r . .. or Of Or- Sr..le or tel any irlher rr litravi porn pit district whether a enomissioned officer or otherwise. a rub ordinate officer or agent, who to or .1.11" b e employed uncle 'he Legi-ltntse. ri:xe cottvc .Itoliesaly dnpan m,•nt of the State or the tinned sissies or of ;ay city incorpe,..tcd d,s trio. and .11 o 'll3l eV , ry Meech , -r of (to. cre•- or of •ths• ite Lem-tome. nod of the Sided and cumin.... 0 , 131,11 , of Art, city. o, "motos Mater of any in orpor led kry low, lumina ble of holding Or • x.ereosiog ut tee Rome tame th, aline or opoorstooment of jailge. in-per cr. or 4 •'erk of an% eft...lien of ilos onsmrsuove,-Th, slid nn irisp eta, judge or other offiner i f oily ...Pik r•leelitsi .toil! Ire el igilsh- tin re to be voted ear The losoemor , and Judges of the trlr.rilnile shall meet at the respeetive pitmen siottosisied for lirnditig the elections. in the CliSirirl to whieh they re-Teem/els he tong. before nine o'clork in th• manioc. nod each of said inspectors shrill nripoilit one Clerk, who shall be a quslified voter of such district. rose the porno who Shrill liar. received the see ond higster.: number of voles for in.preior,l3,,si nos !Merida, she dny clean . ; election Ton the person who situ have received the Upton!s highest numberof vote., for judge at the neat precsulote. election 'holt tel no iscsperitor In hi- Mae, Ind Tease the proms who shall hn ve received the Mahe I number of votes for in-oector sho'l not attend ore Irer.no olocirol judge snail nhen.t.l n I lorrileelOr Write—M.l rill case she prune elected a jostge .1.41 not trend that the in spreror who received the Ilifliro•I summer of voles shell appal.* a judos in its flute—or if stir %fteftirey Shrill co onion in the board for the spare of an 110‘1 , af ter rill . limn fixed by law for Me opening of the elec tion the qualified corer= of the town. lop, ward. or district for which citric falleixr4 shall hove been elre. ted pre , ent at sirrh nu fleet toll. 41.111eleet one of their number to fill 0.11301 'Moon , y ti - he Janice , amte m 'be their return. Inc the candy of Lancaster 01 cons ., 'louse. ui the cit. of Lon out Friday, lire 9113 day or November, A D., at 10 o'c luck, A M Iles I. r [town. Sheriff, Sitsiore. OFFICF. Lanc.sier. Oelober 9, 1599. NOTICE TXT I Inn ileon Profiler ono wife of the Itortuch Vl' of t'olumi.in. b •ve In ne• d oi velum ITS ...inn meld. eXecu•ed o th •"ktit dty et .tieon , min pr rig to the toni• r-igned in miAt for the I,nefi , of C1,1111 , 1fP; Saner is 11. n h) given to oh pez , on4 orekbtere eo on nry Pf bier, to mole immednite pun mem, and th ar illg i..1111C111.1.111di. ng.tel-t him to preeent them for en lenient to lif OM, It; BOGLE A a:hove. Cownthia. tlembe• • jygo. ELECTION. N ciernon for one President. five slnrnsers and one TrCOPOCC.' to ..erve in the Palomino , a 11 C11,..1- mit Hill T u . I•e Ile puldir 4n •us•• 411 Jacob Muller. oig UONPAY io n • sHi euq o: No' goal. r nest, between the bows of 2 mat 4 6'••lnck %I. t, 1:00 I'resid••nt, Columlrin • Oclolirr 5. 1900-18 Just Received, A NEAV Int of Cheap soar•, New 11Lankernl, Ear n. Dairl Chne-r, at A M.RAMItO• 4 family rroc•er} Old Or! 6 '6o. FARMERS MARKET. VAIINERS who nitiv or,enOumilv visit the (lilt throng 'he l'n n 1 longer I , m. , . cr , their ' , II. l'...ahry. Pork. opal o h r •.. tic ..s tvi I nOoo npnientinn to tt.i. Suorrnortflein l i p ni pry dnt n irAtic r..• 11. W.I. f r he soh. of suche n• ihe N • F. no , Ks Thai he! Villiest sir. ei- En-1 o 1 'rvcifili Flom rhe'rentr.rl locnlioo of ihi- Market. racd bring unniedortely upon din ornit•rpal tboroughbre of lit ay, n has great advantages over oh otherrs. for troll y:en; bur.ities-, and will .11'0,0 nit e terlient Marko. for Filch honor-4. prozieulurly on Monday., 'rue-days. Thur.:lay- and Friday, I.l.linn then :re romnnratlveiy few ' , armor , = in linendunt r Former. finning Insirkel ang of ;my kind no nrr requested lo proceed direct ly Thicket nod inquire for die . 4 uperitncrident. or nt utr.ence any of the With:boleti in charge of the Hui 'ding A r'dug ilrovialed by the Company enable. ear% loaded math Alarketiog from oat' of lire Ruihomlo t•Werin¢ lire. C•ty (ion. We,t iu Lie ru.l direelly to the 'me of the Mailool JOSHUA HVANS. Om 0 1.00.21. Soperinleotmi. EVEVEIRMMS SAW]. ON Thursday, Oclohcr 25, I,Slid. al 2 o'clock P. M. ba vii Ivan , of Vniiitniniii Px pnnn-. P.nnnn and of Merl racist., i..nird 001 o f Ow l'oull or 01111110 n pi.o. or leenenster enillll - 1.. Rio. d 1 %II expose In Ilt1141.• -oln or not cry. al 'lr (:••m boa..• in the city or I.nnen-iet. the win,. ur. +, nl ...t A Lot of Ground,situated in the upper ward of the taro 'el. of Wa.-impoo. Loo.•a•uer coolly rI . OIIIIIIIZ 1111 affiCa.trr vi reel. in r 11d 11011111,11 n'X • v leer nail p:C,,,ptj..g hark no lir Jolley ore 111/11/1 ed 11114 11111 , 11' . •IX ICti. , 1 1 41•XIIII allay - 011 5he...1 , 1 mai other and 01firr properly of Ore def. ad •ist on she wo.t, Math Iwo -ros y Log vk Iher-bnirded tit% El.l 1.14117. V.; al-o. good vea-1, Isson.e with halo• oven rod fire place In it. a iirw frame ...sahle lull C.. r mike boort% MO other ou 9, u is.l aut ., a well of water vv•llt poop thercia. and other onpro, Al.n. n 1.431 of Grnund..ittrited in the uelv.r wad the borough of War.lnagtnn I.anenmer county. ugh, front. ust L.110111.1 . er street, borough. feet and ...vending hack in an alley one hundred and marl, six feel wittli n two-ainr) 110t1-.4:, n , tachrd. and 011ie, imp.evem-111 , . rroPert) 01 o.•.ellamu on it. 0".-1 0 ber. A. 1 1 1. I , .. , Pe•ti of .1. , • 4 E0:1 -.C110,11 Pi floss h air criz.•d and 1n ten •n eYerWitlll. 0.1 wid I.r ...Id 6y 1411iNJ F 110Wg.thaalar. Sta•rdr.ofla.r. I.anca-ler.Ortober 1. I Fan. oclo l, rr ft. 1-50.18 Sego's, Tobacco, &c. Lfrr of fire...rate Regor.. Toboren will fl Le forced ut The more of the • ult•e fiber. Ile keep• only r fir-t rote uric It. S.F. );INS (lroerre Store. Loco t LI . Columbia Po. Ort.6,`CO IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY. 11. t.. FONDERSMITM S NEW STORE, OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS , HALL, LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA., WILL BE OPEN TO THE POBLIC, On Monday, October Ist. 1860. J. W. BOWERS, Fuperintetident, QUITE at important it the arrival of New and Beautiful Droot Goods at the old established ststiel. adjoi .. i. tg the Columbia Bank. where the sub seritter will be happy to see all his nld euslnmers and its many new ones as will favor Min with their pa 'ravage. and at the vow time policing a liberal share or encouragement to die new enterprise, opposite the Odd Fellows' hall For the vrry liberal encouragement heretofore re ceived from the pe.ple of Columbia and vientily. and the peddle generally. during his residence in Colom bia, be return. leis sincere thank. mid hopes to merit and receive n coutinuance oi their smiles and good wishes. Pyritic: particulars hereafter. C. POSDERSIOITH'S Sept.29;6o. People's Cash Store. Colombia. 4. UZI:MAE LOT OF FIlEstE GIV!CERIES. 011111111111 1 . 113121,111 N invites the attention IL; of hi- (roe:ld...nod the pobhe neceratiy. to hi. stork of Fine Oreeeriee cone:sung of : Fine Green and Mark 1 awn Rio. Jana. I.lmaynt. ord Th. key Cof fee; Refined. Pulverized, and Brown Sugars: Chee.e. Lard. Ei:h, SAN. Soap. Illot.a.e. &a.. with ewer)" other snit...a nee:went to complete the us:inmate( a Finn: Cla.s Grocery. I will offer the -here rood. at SP low • pries ea they can be bought anywhere el.e., s EBERIMIN. No. 71, Locust Street. Sep'. 20,'60 J PALMINECIL & CO., MARKET STREET WHARF, PHILAD'A. DALF - 2,4 In Fitts. Cheese rind Provisions. Dried Rad Porkkd 11.6. doe . or= Mutate,. Shad. dol man. Ohre Piet. (terries". Codfish. deer, Pork, Laid, thoolderv. Haw. bide,, Cheese, Ovens, Bier, to. Sept. 39, lIRM, 3m. /1160. GREAT FA Lila - OP ENINOr •113130.. or MEW' vocozps: ' • VOW exhibiting the ltergett, Eon ble and entwines , goods we everofferedi . selected in New York and Philadelphia. Ourfitiend‘ a lid cu— inwee. are invited to inspect our roots. confidently helleving sill will be pleated, es ito she variety , quuiity and chenpoess IDRESS 'GOODS. . - - - - - Entirely new myiim of pall lire-e :silk.. beet make of black urea. Lapile.-"sermli Merinoeit,in.bluek and in allmdlors, CoptiCa French Ideation'. printed I n vine., Iwurmete. polka 'moms/id medal lion., Lupitie al/ wool Primed Mouttateetin vine.. bouquet.. polka and medallion.. doable width Irom new style. all wool printed Cadhrriere.. block ground Foulard.. Velnur Ottomans. all wool Plaid., teatla a noir. Garibnide". Lenora/It'., Children'. Bright Plaid. toe ;weer. inieide de Laine.. lei 100 Pieew. Mamil ,.l., lei Preach nail I:lintlwe 4-4 Chinteee. an vol./Are.. WI anal ilia, in Mark and color*. CLOAKS, VERY NFACEST STYLF.S. Tam, Virtnria Arabia / Pula Cloth and highland ttioaking Cloth , , all ,hudes, Mantle leaks and Velvets SHAWLS. rztella, long and 111 . 41 , 1111. long and aquare : plain. black and plant tilatiLot Mos..' and ClO d.,.'+ %Venni«. Shawl. low ',ne t ] Shawl. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS. The largem 111,0 mn-I complete u•sonmrm we ever otirrral, and ItnosualLy /ow mires. We 111\i`1C portm ulnr .1111,16 mi 10 11 1 / 1 " elOlll Deporimenl. Boys C11 , .1- 11100 e., 4.1 1 . &1/. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Inetketss. mnr-estie mut •41., Woolen Cov• C ttttt ;on" We.... 12 4 Lleira , t od matte...4 l rd Colton : 4 1meltsmr• 'Linen anti COllOll Ca, Gornl,s 4 tostilt A Listen Dorrostok Pant, r from I t :red- or 4 yard- /mum, I.rners Tow. !to g , E t otto-Red Woolen Talsto ens., r.. tr..e hr H 1 4 ,1 ING. —A very Mtge lot of new mylec, rind ;It re,/ or 11 1) , Ie05 rt.. .on Ott. rbortr- —From I yard to 4 yard 4 wide.— A tome lot Tratt.r. OH. I . LOTZS —From 1 patient SIIA 15E-5 — A complete st-msriment. 11:11.e, %Vossoovt innole fixs 0 - mt. Lent_ • • GOOSE FEATHERS. Curet CUM:C-11100h is t.u.ett C.llOll Car pet c.,e„ CHINA .GLASS AND QUEENSW ARE, a 11..01 meal vi•e) ear up Ih, o6ove VOrtlpfl-ra OW} U wt.tll Onalinil of our good.. 11.11•Dr.VAN's Cola Cheap Ch-h Noce 011317XCE AV IrrRI:A , . I el •.r- of .%.laraal .1. , a ..t., •11 ,, e ..oite. Arras:al.. w O for lah ila II 11.1 t .1..:.t•:.-1.•r..1..CC t- , •.1 ". '4 lile tuJ••uuul .r.. teque...trit ut I, Ou.i.r. and Hu, 4.1u11.1. ugutii., 1 , , um . July oll.tuncui i4l TJnnni•,r.t , i elm umbi is. Sept I.:. 1-ell-61 Wanted, VVERVIIODY lo I . OIIIC mad buy 11,,v and Fred, Gronerie.. Prime Sutra, C14411.e... Tea. Spsco.. fol•neco. Srgnra. fruit and ColltelniallOry. it Lela (or eood end cheap arse e+. kr It ‘N1110 ,. . Family Grneory More, o.ld Fellow.: I fall. Colum Ina. Sept .15, 1000 nanNr.ma.N, Q TiLLMt ilte HOOT AND SHOP: with the, fincgt -tore to Imtata,tri cry. tw Citizen, of omuuttna and vicinity the wt.), you to know that Dearman is aot in Cr,.?,, &mare say more, bat opao-ue COOPC4'. Jloint, Wert King =trees, and make, hue Calf-km Boom for 5.4.410 l'alh.ktii Walking Short. 2.25 laithee Heel Ouster-. double •oletl, 200 Ludo ' Alorneert m ote,, .• 1.62 We halte cone... Wed to looke die Best \Vork. at mew ha; redueed pr een; for though out polo- ate we hope 10 enlarge our liti•ine, In to doing Now. esiiiewt of rolionl.iti, look .te the above ~r.tle or WWrs. acid when rnu came 10 I.llllCll , ler gi‘r Ilienentun and we 6•el }oil will be ph aced ‘Vroir of eve., character 101 . gi . ll.illlot, tile- and children. .. Iwo) 4 Oct hand. :•eptember 13, Apples. or!: barrel- Primr .8 1 lug ippier. (or Pak w A Al. it A '.8.80* , FIIIIIIIt (0m...8y Sore. Odd Fella ‘s , I lull. Columba.., rcl.t. 1.7 RICH BLACK SILK FOR DUSTERS &C., A •i 4.. F.• %DI KSNII 1 H's. " J ' a l‘'" ; l tl ' e 2ael "". 60 Atip.iiisitg the. Um h. That Tobacco rocriveti iwo m re I,.xes of Prot rob:we', w•Irit•II u c In. gr renta, 0,. ...) Why, r•r 11,1 mltn.. Al inn. Oil- 111 •rkn'l. •111 It. II 10 Tile lie-t ot Itle word Lou 8 lie 0., yLt A. NI 11AMItors I'n mill GI .ery Snore. I C. Iluwa II I Co:trmbm. . 1.5. 1060 Arrowroot Biscuit. 1, ,, 1:i1 r„ r: a 3a I 1 . , r •• • d t A It. kit' i‘t) , rk ^lo v Gilt! t.. Griolmil"p. Just gicceitved pol Oa 1111 of 0 . 11101 14:11 lie sold ul rt ducrJ pIICV+ by R. W 11.1.1 AIS Col , eV/1515CD om ert. PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER. T lIA V 1 , , pr-: reiurol - I from Ili , • wiih a vpfrodol o..orlinrio of n•I the new a n d I proved potwro. 11/1 1 .1, lo• COOK, PARLOR, STOKE AND ()FMK STOVES, wliielt I cool soli-God cotimitre With slit% other t -tabli.limeial this side of l'lnlndelphia Cull mid rx tumue m 3• •tnrk m hick mill be -old of at small thl mire. lIIR A'l AS' lI.sON, N Cnr. 'Accond and Luemn Arreto Cnlmin. nein COATI! COAL! TUE subscriber is now receiving and offers for ...Ile a large ‘toeg of all kind.. of Coil. pre paved .exprea lt} th • ton or in ciononitte , , and wi:l de...11,er n 10 uoty part of the town. Such 1.1-. Compaq}, No, 2.3. 4 and .1, Short Nloitatatu `.l :1 and 4, 14 ken. Valle} Egg sind .anve. liburrp,PinNo• I, 2 3 a nd Sunt•dr} Red E.gz and Stove, Pine G,ove Egg and Stove, l'oe.ton Egg, stud Stove. ititm 1.9.3 and I The ahnee Conl i. all kept undercover. hear from dirt and cute. 11 F APPOLD. 1.:0 4 3.2 3. 15. G and . C.l anal fla-io. Er r Pnrtirp po,clawns.g Coal ht the C I go stall enr !0,..,1 a, ill find n 10 their advaninge Ia en/1 awl r.r.na• tar. thy parch:l-sag el-etc/it:re sent 15, IC.IIO NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. CITE are now opening at the corner of Tu•ro soul Liaall ,litorlb u Loral, and %ea) 4..01111 4 ' Int of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. to wlocio we own: pa.turu ur wnrigtton Maus 4:.• t,note. and aalara•te. Printed end S•ylr , ; Mrritio. rout Alps.. a-. at all prtec 4 : the la,. I lake. a.l r•Sala a y for @ , .1N1: llcd. %Vb.< aoal 1111 l from 20 to 40 co-.: TOrkiag-. Alal.anak. ebrekia, a large• assuouneat nun vs r 2, clic .p I.:endernon are reya . xlcd to eXarialle Oaf ulor.lk Illack and , oaca ''o h.. RI vk and 1 7 .0, (tn. faa,,, ..Lala Silk no ,t V v , I V•••I f!,• 11.”* . a Kelogick3 Jr...., Tweed. , kr whirls at wall WI a• ali so ap• r , .enpral Boon. used -.hoe-, Huta and a;1 Foyle& Si grnn low poor. Poston} produce taken in exchange for goods ni greurliet price. I. It. & II F. Canter Third and Union -trees. HARDWARE, BAR IRON, &c suh•crtber desirous of reducing hitt stork of .L Goods, is now otleiing al very p ice.. MM. ware 01 all dererprron•• such us Lock.. Fulls. Paint•. Oils, Glasr , &e., and every article lie. ce••ary for Bui eurpenier's Toole: •uch as Planes, Band Sows Chi.rla. rile.. I.c. rt h rge stork of liar irnn—enmpri.iirg ever) ails ond Lind, at reduced proms. Tlattuktul for Pre Losetroore extended to him he respectfully risks a contmuat.re. of the same. J. W. COTTR ELL, /Airlift .t.. Co/umbio. September 15. tvao-cm STOVES.. STO V ES Trims sub-briber ha • just received large asvon- L meat of Cooking Stoves. Coal Stoves. and Nine Plats Stove.. of the newest and moq approved pat tern. For sale on reasonable term, fOld Ca ming. taken in exchange for good. J. W COTTrt ELL, hoco.st Columbia. September 15. 1:260-Gm To Sportsmen and Others. GUNS, POWDER, SHOT, &C., S.C. received a large apron mem of Gun., Powder, el gaol. limn Wad., Shot Pouches, Powder Mask*. Cop., ita.. tor -ale very low. W COTI HELL, LOCIISI. sr., Columbia. IleptettLer t 5. 1864.41 m Watches, Jewelry and Silver-Ware. kiln'VE would revectfully inhale our friend,. gamma •nd be public generally., tint we have ow in t.tore and oliet Wholexele and Retail. at the lowest CNA Pnee.. a tarn , and very choice mock of Watches, Jewelry. Palter and Plated Ware. of every variety and Kyle. Every desertpdon of Diamond Work. and other Jewelry. made to order. at abort nodes. IltrAll Good. warranted to be ;is represented. N. 11.—Yar neuritic attention given to the Repairing of Watches and Jewelry ofevery dewription. trrettlirrEß. lk. IigARI.EV. MEMMEIEEM! Sept ,15."90-Int Dr., Esenwein's Tar and Wood Nap tika Teotoral - • - TS the DE, • 111130101Noin the world,-for the L Cure of Coughs and Colds. Croup. Bronebitior.;.ll,a -y thßreatking, Pselpitation of the Heart, Daptherin. ,urfor •eliefofpanents in the acivantlod snores of C3rtaurapnon .ogether...vvith eIL di.easesCof tae throat and chest, Dud whiah predispose to Con sumption. s It is peculiarly adapted •to the radical cam of asthma. ' • • Ben* prepared by a pre:nice). Phy , lciati and-Drag. - gi.4. and one of groat clrcnrace4o the cure of the cation, diseuto.t to Which the human frame is liable. It is OWEIV:1 to the otEicted venhnbc greatest court dent, jrrTry it and be convinced that it is inortluable in Ow cure of Bronchial Affections. Price 30 cents per boo iir. RiSFINWION'S AROMATIC n ALSA:III. a veryvidr wild° remedy for Dierrheca i Dy-eatery,Cholent Afar• buc. and ell Rowel Affections Try n. Price2sccno. fair ha fEr.f.ie above Medicines are prepared only by Ilk A. ESN:ND/KIN, lOrtizeig nod Chem st. N. IV Corner of Ninth and Dopier , Philadelphia. Said IT every re4pertulale Druggi•t end Dealer of, medicine 'brat:chow the Slate. June 16. 1060.ty THE ONLY PREPARATION That IBEIS stood the tem' for years. AND GROWS MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVER.E.DAte And leslimontois, new. and almost withnui • mobs.- miehi fie gt• 0.4 Iron. and geoth•trietilo n II gradv. of who-roulterl te 4 l.mony hour could re-i-t. Owl . Hale Ite.loe.slive vile reotore dtr hniil nod grzsy. umd pleneive the heir of the )nuth to old tsge • ist all it. ) °whin! brainy 1;sollt. Crerk. Mich . Dee. _2I s:. PROP. Woom: 'Mee wat plen.e accept a line to in ihrm thee ILIA the hair nit ant head all fell °Rover year,ign,catt-ed by a complicated chronic .li4en‘e attendee wbh as ern/4ton on the head. A ..4111r-e nt sea', .. lln °ugh life having re d...en lee to 0 ante or thepentlener.l: have ant been • to nliinto ..our for c ups. aelther have I been tulle 1.. tin u.em ilp. 11/ Co t-CifoOllCO or volorh my hea.l rooetn,•,y from cold. Tlats.itida,•ed me to it 8.fge..1• Ilottee- onto.: dio rent I 11101 00 0 . 1.111 lot 11 . 1W0 11011., 1/01 , 10 of Ils) Ilair 12e.141 •1110111. the .fir-1 0 1 Atigool I hat, fttitlattlty towed the threllioll- and ;lie bold spot is tiow . coVered with hair thick nail black. Ilsnuols .11011 it is 01 4 0 corning it, all over my llead Qrrm ng confident that :mother large oath: Aveuld restore it Cittlfttly amid o,ooloolllly. I feel anziou. 10 persevere in 1111 Ott. 1,1W...0de-mute of meat, In receive., any more, 1 ....to 11-1, r Owe 1)/0.15.1 trot be willing to send toe ao (.der nt. humor patelit• for it bottle. nod revolve • it N. 1 Ilie ...up UT , derlaroitott— 1 01 1011 I tl is In 411 , 14 Ala 0.0.4a1t 10 the wttl.tw mind the ..her 1. \ N.l/1 !CIRRI' I. t;o•tit Nolo CO.I 11111 in.. 1011. 5111 I .1.9 l'itt./ 1 1/ .1 1 N WWI 1/ 0 . 1 $l , l-1 Is lee holler ;la •1 Of 011. )0..1 WlOlO altemime ' the State ultd N 111•011111 I..tw -.Ott 01 01 1110 Stole of Ntwit Volk. my hair. (lola a i eu.,. otit.tivrt, 111 in ,. cannmenerli Cal l tog nil very rapid.% se .100, 01 .IX 111011111., 1110 tle upper inu or my No,lp 411110 ., 1 till rely tient li ill 11. ovt•tittg.ll‘ol 10 0011 01 1110 1.911101111111 1101. 1010 0,401 110 . .010 amid bar& 1,0 1 01 my head shortly arer ainy..n Oa: yon oat! not he surprised Si Iwo I hill you I 1011411100 ID) retort, to the State ot do, . not 1111 re 00-tint strqoollollooo. Were /101 .0 1110011 11 1 11 111-1 , 10 di...t0:0..111e 0•01.0 of Slit . .1:11 1 1nge in in) appr..eou e, t more otontalc acquallatance.... were to reeogtll.o Inc tit sill. I at oat r made app teathin te the tcn....t ph)- -fruit.. m :he cona,ry, but ro miring no itic-uratore from than that nis hut. could again br re-bored. I was (tweed to b..... err nisei led 10 in) file. rnal, Inrtu• irately in the hitter part oldie year 1.9.37, your Re-'a• 'wive reeothateaded tome by n d. aggtst.a+ being the 1710-1 rebottle flair lie-taintive in a-c. I tried one bottle mid found to my great •ali+fnraou that it wa.. producing Ilse ilei.hed caeca. Since dud time, I have n.ed -evert dollar.• worth of your Re-inraiiee, and a. froull, have n rich eoat of ver) suit hair. :rh tett tin money rail, hay A- a toy gratuude ror your hilinr and shill io the protluouon.of wonderful nu a Miele. I lin vc 1 0 •1t1,111p urrus frieurk mai • oute, who. I an: yea are Ue mg it wall liku etter t Very respectfully, your, A, NI. 1.A"1"I'A, A Itorne!., and Calms I lor at Low Depot. 411 Broadway, and en:d all des era thrnagloon lii, u Or:ti. THr Itt,loe pin up in bottle+ of three •itez. Cl,: lartze ateollum and em.th; the •11111 I hot, le 110161 pill' awl 1,40- Mr non (1011(17 pt, 1,0,/ Ir; lilt me alum, at :e.t..1 tw..nt, per VV., more in prop•n• .list 111. cola for tact, tl• • .Ir. pet .trq.le, (I- a I. 10 1” . r It.,w inopor• tioo 'man- 1,11 three