FOR RENT, Ae s ,ra r n e d ß ZAhrg, re . lll' . 2l u fe p e s i t ' aTr i s i , h g e o%Z e e i lle d r r i7id . Warehouret situated in Locust street, opposite the Franklin House. LSO, A Brick Dwelling House: Two-Story and Attic, situated in Union street, nearly oppo• site the Catholic Church. For partieulars apply to Cola. Aug 25,'6041 JONAS'. MYERS. Berongh Tax-Payer's—Attention A Ll.c.axes dee the Borough of Columbia. for the year 1820, must be paid on or before the 15th of Septem ber, 1809; after that date I will prnceei against dctitt quenta as the law directs. I will be at my ret-idenee on Third street, every evening between 6 and 9 o'clock ready to receive mid tax By Order of Town alouncil. RICHARD DERRICK. Aug.2s, 1860-St Collector. Sportsmen Look Here! ise double and single barrel guns, just received at .1 the Hardware Store of J Rumple & Son. Double barrel guns from SG. up to EGO. Single bar- Tel from fa to Sl.O. We have received every.hing in the gunning line. such WI Powder. Shot. Cons, Powder Flask, Shot •Pouches, Wurlding,Game Bug+, Sic, which we offer to sell at very low rates. Columbia. Aug.2s. First Arrival of Fall Goods for 1860. Dirool.tmisodnagy a ul l i h i n c r a ‘o re me sa a m . e .or i : u m ., : u m i l ru c t .f d l r 7 e a s l ., l goods, which are offered at very low prices. 0.. r &fends and customers are invited to give u= a call. R. 3 lIALDF.MAN'S Cheap C 2.11 Siam Cola. Aug. '25.1 FGO. — TURN OUT LADIES & GENTLEMEN GRAND MASS MEETING AT THE PEOPE'S CASH °TORS; Colombia. We have commenced the Fall 0 Campaign this week with a grand opening of new goods, to which we particularly invite the intention .of the ladies—to the following viz: 0 pieces desirable shades, Ladies' Duster Clothe—Plain and St. iped,- 10 Pieces I.nvellas Ilymala Lustre% &c.. very desira ble goods for trnveltng dresses and dusters, 50 Pieces Durk Fall Style, neat and Fancy Calicoes, tip-top goods at 8, 10 and 14 cents. Another supply of superior Shirting Niuslans at 8.10 and Wit cis. Slur sing Linens. 51n rseslles and Linen shirt Fronts at all pricey, a lid mtmy olleer desirable good. Cheap for Cush at 11. C. FONDER is5llTll - S Aug. tas Cash Slole. PORTLAND COAL OIL hext in the mat ket. light in color and burns with- I out odor or smoke. For sale nt A. M.l AMBO'S Family Grocery Store. Odd Fel!ow , ' llall Aug. 23', 'GU. COAL OIL LAMPS, G lobes, Wick; al•a burning Fluid, &n.. at A. M. ItAM RCVS Family Grocery Store, Odd Fellows' Hall Aug. 25, 1860. JEST RECEIVED, ANEW assortment of fre , h groreties ns ehrnp at the cheapest. Refined Savors and Syrups; also. Sugar cured Hams, Dried Beet, d.c., at A. 711 RAMBO'S Family Grocery Store, Odd Fellow,' Hull. A tie. 25, 1260. roxt RENT. THE best Business Stand in the Bo - rough, formerly occupied by Niesttrtt. Pry S En man, opposite the Clutnbin Rank. having A LARGE STORE 1101.1 SE AND DWELLING 11011 SE, with commodios cellars; lN'urehoime, Sinitic and Car riage-house—with racy nem,s to all—and is So sin, led that a wholesale or retail business can be done with convenience. Possession given on ilw tat day of ()ember next. *AWL, TUILIsCOTT. -rob, 14.'60.1( A , LA. 1-'44 1 1. 4 14 , f9' DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. OFFICE, 10.1 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG, WHERE every description of Lndie'r and G•ndrY Vt meal's Carmenis, Piece Good:, tee., lire Dyed, Clenn•ed and Finished in the best manner and at the ,liortest notice, Alt work done at the above estab'l-Itment he WELL done as et any other like eFt.thlvlnneat in the Voiced States and finished in one week. Alr A M. RAMBO. Odd renew.' Hall. I- agent 'or Columbia; who will reeeive and inrwurd dl bundle• free of charge to the owner. Ake Mr. Atones Outs 5- BERGER, No 39 North Queen Street. L•rttea.tert and Me-srn. D. & D. A. RUPP, Centre Square, York. are agents for this eFtabli-litneni DODGE, & CO, Proprietors. August 19,1960-3 m Ladles' One Price Fancy Per Store! TORN FAREIRA, No. 718 Arch Street, be tweet' 7ilt to.tlPol,St., Pl 11., elplux (t ow of Pl. Mori:Pt Stre,.t.) Imp .rier.Nhouulucturer of und Dead er ni nil kinds of FANCY Fell.. lin Vint! removed to my \on• Store, 71 A 'eh and being now engiiged entirely to the nlanunteture and Sale of I Sur, which. in accordance a ill the ••One Price Principle.' I Ir lye to iikvd it the loiveid posi-thle Min . !! C011431C111 With 11 profit, wink! 'oiled a visit from ili •••ii 1.1 wain of ler either LADIES' OR CHILDREN'S WEAR, 1111 n nn nnpeeuu•i ..f me s. ce ton ..f r6me gornl4 Cat. n- I urn I,f my nhdiry 10 phase w ev..ry dc•trorl c.-.•urb,l it.PciFtnia at a w•hn mat• fad it incon vettieat to call per.ounlly, 110,41 onl y name tin. nrncle. they wiolt, tozether with the parr an 1 JO-I rne',o•i- 'or •„ndnitr. and forward tic order to at% n,Llre-•—man-r uccompat.yiag—to insure It san•olle,ory (.0111101110Ce with their WirOLO.... [ 4llg is, 151111-titan PROPOSALS W i l!,;te b r e C r :1 c :471, d % ntil h t t h ' e fr . 4 ' :;1 " ' 1 for the digging of a ditch 4 feet deep and ding lee wide. Wolin ' the tine of the ripen between the junction nt Mullet' Hill and the Re•eri vole, and filling up the stone after the pipes are laid. 113 Order of thn Wined. N. U. NVII4 4 ()N, SeeteLiry, COIn. A up. I I, 'OO-Id TEACHERS WANTED. TIIRI 7 .F. Male leather+ are wattled 111 t!clumbht—orte with profe•somal certifiehte Inr Ike €4O per month; the oilier Iwo oil tau each. Sel.oul. %sill commence. OCI.I, cold Apply before Seth. 1. 11) Order of Direcinr+. SAMUEL. f$1101;11. Columhin.Aug 11, '60.4t Fruit Jars. A large assortment of Fruit .lar•, the hest in the, nut rtes as lileV hove been thoroughly tested by- the undersigned. For sole at A. M. RAM 110'S Family Grocery Store. Odd Fellows' Hull, Cotumbia.Augost 11,11,60. Bring Your Courage to the Sticking Point. QPA L DINGS PREPARED GLUE for mending I..:lken ware, just received and for sale a! A. M. ft AMGO's Family Groeery Store : Odd Fellows' Hall. Columbia, Aug 11, I &GO SELLING AT COST! Pipes, Snuff Boxes, Porte Monnaies, Buck Purses, 6-c., ,5-c. nbove goods ,vcre Is - udii by one of our firm, 1 in 13alaimore. :0 Jobbers' Roles. On [lleac w•u do pot wont tally ',roll'. mid only clear the discount !al lowed On for cash purchases We sell l sell Pipes ss arab i.l cents for 45 cam is. trJ 40 a• 50 4 0 a, 23 o 37 .4 4, 20 41. •46 1 , 5 S 8 6.6 .6 4 A. Cane Pipes at 50 ceno. each. FENDI2IOII 3r. TIROS. and Retail Tobacco. SnutT and Stglir Mon ufacto-y, Front street, above Locust, Columbia, Pu. Auctiri 4,1800. rircimacri. tt6 have just rrGued i t in in length, wilt, till t r he la p rg n e pu S i l S o r '' lir e an a Z . o B f f i t he 6 finest Severs now in merket. We believe thin am ex amination of all the Tobacco Snores in the :state. will riot divcover us fine a case of Seger. no the one just opened by us for our retail eutin.n. We invite the vesperial attention of strang,ers pa°nl,g this way. end as them to drop in and examine this large tat4ortuient This is the only store in Columbia tai %%Midi ystt min ect the worth of your money to Seg•dr9 1311(1 Chewing. lobster°, wholesale or retail. We have tilted our Rase with small baskets containing seems, with the amme of melt brans. and 311.0 with bundles of secitrit of IS and 110 each Our ruljoiningShow Case, 6ft long. .is filled with ell the best brands of Chewing lob:teen ,now in market. Please cull and cremate our latge assonment. PF.NDRICII & Front slreei, five doors above Lueu.4, Columbia, Pu Angus: 4. 164-.0. eap Chewing Tobacco. - arr. have in... 1 received from our firm in Daltintiore a v good arile;o of Natural Leaf Tobacco. which we ore retailing ut 25 CCIIIS per pound. This Telmer° I. very good and will, no doubt, give satisfaction to those who use Natural Tobacco. IVe will also sell a n . Tobacco to Storekeepers and all others who dent an she aniele, ~o that thoyrao ( mini lit at the 'three price, & S.. Front Street. Pine doors above Locust. betw ßO een it AV.:llama' and J. S. Dellett & Cob Drug Stores. Co lambia, Pa. .ducti-t 4.1=430. Johnson's Patent Hog Trough. irsISF. subscribers having purchased the riglot to man. ufaeture and sell this invention in Laticusoor count). desire to introduce it to general use. It co a gall iron trough with a shiftlng top. of sufficient capital ty to hold the feed of one hog. It is so constructed ihnt the ani mal cannot get its feet mto it. and must take its feed without the quint scrambling end splashing. fly the arrangement of the lop the hog is prevented from feed ing enttl the trough is filled; when the lop can he shifted es will. The trough will be found a great convenience in:ceding. and must. when known, becomes popular. The Lrolitgb• are for sale at the shops in Second Street, beknej.outon, Columbia, Va. SETPLEC & DllO. Columbia, July 21,1%0. JNO. MELIA ME. N. FREDERICKS. 911113 subscribers keep lin band for sale 3E - "2_Vt..3E-7ELMR.X4C3EC.: Ro.hing and nine-Inch bock; S.lBO, Fire Clay by the Ton, ut fair prirea. Address JOHN WILLIAMS. & CO., Queen's Run, Leek Haven JOY 29, 'CO.3m• Chinon County. Pa., HE fall term of the Wa.laington Institute will corn mencee on the FIRST AION DA V OP SEPTEM -118 . Circulars can be had at the iloohstore, or from 1110 Prinetpal. Aug.4:6o. A. IRSSICK, Principal. POIL SALM, At the Columbia Gas %Vorks. four hundred buMels of lime, po.sessing excellent qualities For in:inuring, at eems pee bushel. A. CAL UNVEI..I,, Columbia, July 21, VO. tf. Secretary. MANUFACTURER OF Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes, Locust Street apposite the Franklin house, Columbia, Pa. THE rubveritter invite , the attention of the !while to 1114 Boot nett tilioe Store and Mnatiftetory, where he is prepared to supply or make •o order every variety of Lathes,' hlistes' and Children's SHOES, GAITERS, BOOTS, SLIP PERS, FE Bcc. Ile uses none but the Item material, and his work is done by gent workmen ; he turns out no other than good work, which he will warrant as soli-facto ry in Cl) Ic, fit, and every oilier pardeular. Ile his thanks for 11 steady and liberal puttoitage and solicit it cmninuwnce. - I. RUMPLE & SON SIJROEDER Columh in. July . A STFICH IN TIME SAVES NINE. SPALDINWS Prepared Glue. micro] in every Lou for mending Furniture. Toys. Crockery. Glnss ware. ke. For sale nt line Golden Mortar Thug Snore, From -tree', Columbia. [Ju1)721.._ - _ - - - fiIIINESE FLY PIPER; for destroying Flies, N../ Ants, &c., for .ale at .1 S. DELLETT & CO'S, Do'den Mortar Drug More, Front street, July 11.1.960. T and (Meg extract for We lianrlkereltief 111-o, an maliesq variety of the most fa-11,onahle I.:Vt . :let.: of the day may be had et the Golden Molter Drag Store. 'I in littightsTemplats to something co mely new, and only to he hatt at .11u1)21. 3. 5. 1)1 , ,11.1.ETT & CO'S. Canvased Sugar Cured Dried Beef. Rltilelt:lVED, a lot of splendid Dried Reef. at A M. RAMBO'S Family Grorely Store, Odd l'ellowto 11 all Colonalti.t,.litly 1:3 1660. Cincinnati Sugar Cured Hams. ToNcuE•zl,s,thador Flunk Grocery Store, Oda Fettow:,' Colombia, J lily 14. 1:410. rriwo more rit•el.• 11.. h glo-cy 11lack Silk for Du, .1. ter:, mid Ore-pus will ine opened ilia. day of 11. C. FONDIinSAIITII'S July 11 1111 Columbia WATER CURE ESTABLISHIEENT. wIt:1,1111011 of invalid: to our new en- Inltli-Innent for the cure at the ',irk. It in F. , 117- wed on the montilitin, four mite from tho Cresson Station it the Penne. Central Railroad, avhere car. ri.ttre- \yell he in rettiluteng to eonvey vinttors to the CURE. The etliene) of the ',I yd, ••• scent in the tiettlinent of Ili*, ••ilk Otto fii•ith 1. heir to: , lain been ilt•tann-truell 111 0011-111141, 1.1.031 111011Q311 , 1 4 of C1151•.,11.1 11.1 d failed 10 find relief by nut other MC , I I / 8 'rite Core under the charge of Dr. S. Tree-c, of. 11.1-lutes, ts•lio It in hod lea yearn experience, tin pity ot the wilit"( a ,111111ilr Taints moderate. AddrenA Tur.A T.orettn. Cambria County, l'n. ,+ At the Speiii t 4 u fit-t•eluc- hotel for the tie couttnu.l.itton of wooer boarders. for yettneularn of toltlte-e F. A. 01 11 1.10N44. July 14 18611.3t0 VITRIPIEII Tcrra Una Gimlet' lases, ta- Maly. Foun6uu., Badding Ornament, Form a: Uric Let-. Capital-, Itlmllliton, &e Cheaper than any other material. Filter tlesigatt Man any other attetertal A large •tottk eoteatratiy on innnl Any tte-ign Inside to order by atthlre. , ing the manu facturer, at the Factory, LINK' & BLACK. 7th nud C;crtunnlown 'loud, Office, 'S. A. Harrison 1010 Cho-loui Streut, Phila. July 'l4, 1000.01 n Granulated, Crushed, Loaf, pIILVERISED,and Cl,tnfcd tiligars or grades, at A. M. 14A tf (lo* Family Grovery Store Odd Feliow,* .1111• 14. ISGII. 11 T a anill profootre ehenper than old gonc'sn: nnalion ( fpg,i l ng 11114 day: I 1,1. e ...openor bleached Shir:. rig . 51thOnt—oi 10 and ceri: per } ord. tR) niece. vornne...i. :•••heeting o.theoe., 50 ineeen Merl Inlnek nod roehero Prons . .21 piece. 1 , 01 -Lyle Demesne C ne.l "one, Inn) mony other 0n0.1... 1n ni. n w norinog IL C. 1 , 0 \ 11.'60 People' , e. -b store.. Phila.delphia. Terra Gotta Manufac tory. VlTHirme writer and heal pipe. for rimming or Vorrimr, Ventilttilmr Ilrut or Stytol.e Pines. Iteemiiirwl”l..ll for their Imp , r , shiihilitY• N on. Corrn4ion.:%1,1110111111..., Mle1111) 011,:i}atitz and Chrnp. tie... (13eitil.., Iris mita quarter the pi lee of ).end or ) They hive errs instil in Europe (or ernturies. and urn now used in ioonen.e WMll'llll'4 tbe•r-. \V.• 1111,` nit nie Are+ front 2 in. to 12 in. tort, (many' in leogoll. of :111. be-olv- the snelirt ,s to In ) tt air h nit do: !lend-. I 'Alms,. (Oroli tithe :rod oblique lilt 5171.! .•onurcnnn-, lintion:g Trap... I loPPrr , ninkinz die tenet nrinde known in every re.pect ruiveri- and 11111111. Of all kmd4. (their non-eorrwoot: espeerilly n lnpnng 1111.111 (or Wnir r Clo-cis). Forcing:. (we hunt Orin loin in ion.: ly All plane's for coo.idrrii ide -tne 111.1 hic6 on 70 :rel.:old well Wllll/1111 IliP 41/es for 130 Prot). -undying boa-en with ~o ler.(giviliz It 21+ pure at lii charge a- at the' tount:111.), Ilewmg (gmaz n Keller heat limn i.,,,l—hlFll,lpr 1111Iges carrel mist nratmimp f in , I. .orrolinding wood wo,h). Pipe., ie. nre rn prep:lll,l and tar .Lipping them In rill par. Of the Berne. {so Pnekirig W.Filift•tl. IV.. irt V e .rest Iltetn oure!y in Wt•eon..ito. lown, Tex ;in I oilier $1;, old never lucked than. Alai ufavusrer+. 11.1,ArK. l'artnry 7111 nud Gertnruttown Road. Office, S A. 11.err,on.111110 l'he.ottot Joly :ton_ For the Ladies'. A , LTh r, •lot of tho, iuipert-hahle Ju=treceived II C FONDIA1N111•11S . July 11,•60. Aejosioing ihe Hunk. A Young Read on Old Shoulders. TH ORIGINAL GAX.ZERT, IN NEW 'HANDS. THE subscriber has taken the Old Gallery :tad I. prepared to hike rather die Ive. Lind cheap! era picture,: ever taken in Columbia. lie lauE+ added to the freithiet of the rrelvn. nod line completely refitted die t eta Islislsmeni, null is prepared 10 take !corm per, l'lsoingc.sphs. Mete's -11"Peo. Amhrot. pee, Nlelastioil psis l'oeiare4 Canvas in Om best all It, 4.10 at prsees w•hlrlt urns unheard of for eliestpness. Likenesses war...nosed, stud n sat i-fisetnry fernislsed wul repeated sittings lie ask• tele:lee e of lite libel a. patron:tee eleeey• eUteetted to linie enlalpledieleet. Call and VSIIIIOIIO Ve r eeeels at the rosin.., N Cortarse Praia and Locust streets, t bird story. _ l.:istranee on Locus , erect June 21.1660. R L5l. I.ITTI.P: ITR I FitDoil 114 Ell TO PS. — THIS an article in which every Wilder+. attention Oinul.l tie partietalarly di rested. At this moment horn any roof in our large eine+ you can count thou sand* of brick clinnuey• no completely meta by the coal gay and weather Ili to demand immediate rein,. val--do do which seldom 00-14 le.. than $5. at one, showing the neceivoty of come attack that will no, decay or lie eaten by as &e. Thi. we now Mier in our Ornamental and !lain Chimney Top.. Th e y. n ”. Wing harder than •aione: in Nei, perfectly vitrified. are impery mac* to tine .t rang arid emitted by coal. (whirl, env , up brick and mormr to les• than three or four year.). We fire stow malting, and have on hand. large tl ”autinec or -eVerill .11(rerelit 01) le.. and from a! feet to e ft. it in. Ilia!, and from at .7h to Silo c,ich, (fen. tit the ( place itrut a lint k chimney ) Dr...turns torni.lied and order,. promptly :tumid:a to Lye uddre.sing the manufatiturerta at l he factory. & rind Germantown Road, Office, S. A. Ilarmon. • 10 1 U Che ***** orrei. Phila July 14. 4.-110:.rst -- IRS FUR SILE. We have a large lot of quori.lialfe:iiioll nod galln in• woli tin lok, which we willpipotie Id ver o y low , figure. Mll ) 3.*Uu. I. s DEI.Ln rr It. co. The XutuElLife Insurance Company OF NEW YORK, ASSETS: SIX MI LLIONS OF DOLLARS. INVESTED IN FIRST SIOILTGAGES ON REAL ESTATR, T"Epremiums are t.olcso than In ?flatly other Com- Ttnnte•, and the Dom.lend. have been liIIKATER. Thu. strictly Mums! Company. There ore nn Stoekhohlem so Mot all the profits 'mina: to the Ito ? RATCHFORD STA nn, Agent. S. W. corner Fourth and trulttut streets, Chita PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES• Thoma. Robin.. John Wet-h. Mordecai 1.. Dime.° •, Deorge 11. Stuart, George M ...Stroud, E S. Wilelen. John U Myer., .1 Fisher Lenming, Jomph Patterson, Wuham C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, A aim; G. Collie, Thomas H, Power•, (merge W. Tolland, Willem McKee, Thos Watson. Pamphlet. and every information may he had gnu is. on epplicatto to R. ROHRER. AI. D . Or D. 1. Wit731.:11.31. D June,2nd, 1E63. Cotramm. Washington Institute. J.ELMEIS szatomplin., KNI - diffS - TEIIIPERAS BLACK SILKS! CORETTO SPRINGS Notiv Goods =I WORTH. OVER 513,000,000 Six Segar Makers Wanted. NONE butgood and steady workmen need apply Regular employment will be given. Columtia, Ju1y7. , 60. FEISIDRIC II & BROS., LADIES, COME and see the New York Patent Air Tight 0111FS Jars, for putting up all kinds of fruit, fresh or preserved. WARRANTED OR THE MONEY RE- FUNDED They require no wax, polder or cement. They pea in stantly mid are easily opened. Try them once, and lon will use no oilier. H. C. FON DEttsAIITII, July ^,•60. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. THE subscribers have just opened am A are now offhrittg. in the formerly occu pied by T. J. Miles, oppo-ste J. ltumple's llardwarc Store. on Locust •treet, a few doors below Second, to ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF GOODS, to which they invite the at ention of the public, confi dently believing dint in variety. guably, ctyle and cheapneseohey can give full tail-lacuna- LADIES' DRESS GOODS: Black Glass-y Silks, best brands, Brocade, Silk Fou lards; Silk. eesv,•st des•ienn. Ottomans. Poplins. Bercees. Chullics, Deluines,lll7eS. and Calicoes in great un riery also. Shawls. Silk and Luce Mantillas, French and Ch.intilla Mantles and Points, at Deady reduced prices. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR Cloths, Cag,iineres, Tweeds, Cottonade., d‘c., &c., of every sly le. Reudy-Made Clothing. Huts. Cups Boots Itlkti of every style and price. Queens ware 11111.IGI:I.VMM, a full a•sortmcnt. Also, GROCERTES, such as Sugars. Coffees, Molasses, Dams, Shoulders. Dried Deer - . Flour, Salt. Mackerel, Cod Fish. In Fliort. u general variety of Dry Goods, Groceries, Frovr— ions, Sc.. &re., all of which we will sell at the very lOWI,I prices, and pay the highest market price for all kimls of Country Produce in exchange for goods. Try us and Fee. Small profits and quick returns shall be our mono. We think a nimble sixpence ss better than a chow Aitting Columbia. June 9. 1590 THE ONLY FEPARATION HAVING PROOFS SO STRONG AND DIRECT AS TO EXPEL Tun DOPETS [WALL For Statesmen, Ph3Eicians of the older' re hook ni well U. new, give it their Iniqualifi ed SUIICIIOII.I/11.1 recommend it for till cows of erup tions, and di•eat-e , of the .ealp and brain: too ail who have used it, unite, in te , ttif) tug that it wilt pre~crve the hair float beilify, gray. and from falling to any age, att well 11. reotore. Read the following,— =EtEMEIM=I Prior 0..1. Wood : Dear —Your Heir Room.. live 14 rapidly gaining papilla. fly in tin. voinininnir I have hud are.vdon in lay pre3diliee nidde, and give your Iluir Redorative a peri'eei During the 300 r IS3I, I was =n unfortunate as lobe thrown irom my cult y against a rock near the road side. hour which my head received a most terrible blow ; causing a great deal of irritation. which com municated to the brain and external surfare of the head, from the eirects of which my hair was finally destroyed over the Claire surface of the head. Front the time I first discovered its dropping, however. up to the time of its total disappc.rrane•. I employed everything I could think of, being a prof•=sroaal man myself, and, as I thought, understanding rat: nature of he disease, but was finally defeated in every pre• icription advatitted. These and no other eireum-tances induced me to resort to 3 our worthy Ilinr Ile:torative, which I have every reason to believe, produced a very happy re sult: two months after the first application. I had us beautiful a head of you rig hair 115 I ever saw, for which I (tenant!y owe you my most ttincere thanks Reit a...tutted, dear sir, I shall recommend your reme dy to all unit ri•rsq moreover, I =hall u=e my Mau mute, which I flatter myself to say, is not a little. Von can pulihsh tlu. rf you Mink proper. Your, very re-pecttully, N.J. \V RIG ter, m. Office of the Jeff•raorr,mr, Philtppi, Va., Pee. lath, Dear Sir:-1 feel it my duly as well ns my pleas. arc. to slate to you the following eircumvtrotec. which ,ou can use as yin hank proper. A gentleman of hi- place, (a lawyer.) has been bald ever .giace his curly }oath; so much so, that he was compelled to wear n wig. Ile was induced to rise a bottle of your itestormive," which he liked very much; nod otter usi uy some Iwo or three. bottles his hair, grew• out Tow luxuriantly. and he now has tt hand-mne tend of hair. The genii( man's twin• iv liradford. and a- he is vt ry well known in oar adjoininir cotta: many per-oils can testa . ). to the oath of nog state -111C111; I give it in 3 Cu at the request of NI r. You ran gull a great dead of your llntr Its-:orottve nt thin and the adjoining eounties if you have the proper TIIONIAS 'SUM:II7%7OR 11}31E DR. Worm: Dear Sir: Perm me to expres- the oblig,attotis I nal adder for the enure restoration ame hair to its °rigid:ll color; about toe time of my arrival in the United States t. was rapidly becoming gray. bat upon the :tiddietitlon of your •'flair Restorative , it soon recovered Ito original hue. I consider your Restorative in.: n vt ry wonderful Invention. quite efficacious us well zt, agreeable. S TIIALBERG. The Restorative pip tip In bottles of time -lie;, vi 7: large. medium. suit .in ill; the ~mull l att le hold; a pint mid remil; For one dollar per bottle; the MC -11111111 nt Iwet:l3' per cent. dire 111 propar- UOn the small, retail." for two nollar+ per !Mille; 1111! told- II quit. dl) per "'eat. ITIONI la propor -1,11111. (Or th NI. 1110111, 0. J 01 II) & Ce.. Vlllprit•lo,. 441 Broodway, New York, and 114 Market street. st helm, Ale. And -0111 lo) :dl good .13.11g:4i Dealer.. 2121=1 D'SrSPMPSILL REIVIEIZIV Dr. Darius AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. Tl,, been tp.ed by the public for six. 1)e tr.. with eV reivaite favor It is itrcommetated to raw Dy.pep nn. NCrV01.1.114,... I leant-1;111 . 11 4 • Colic VII i 11.... WIWI 111 111. - Flom:tel.. or Pain. in the Dowel, Ilcaddehe. Dro,,ine-... Kidney Complaint, Low Star iia, 00.1111111 Tteinett- lincmperance• It Stionilute, lovigot ate , but will tint Intoxicate or Si upcfy A. n mediine. it it quirk and cfreettatl. curing the tnitit itggr leafed rune. Or Dyspep-i.t. Kidney Com p:ono.. and all other dcraogements of the Siotnat h awl Dowel-. in .peedy trimmer. Verson., is ho.froin the imudieiont use of liquors. have become ilejeeied. soil their Sinn:oll. -ystem< Kb, tiered. con 4mduan broken dawn. and subject to that horrible our-e to hump oily. the Putt num l'retneit. will, 11111,10, dandy f.el the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy . of Dr. Ilane. fuvtgornlutC Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. 1/111E.—One write glass roll a. often a. necessary One (la, is ill remove all Mid Spirit•. One do, will core )lean-)Afro• du.e. Care 11111i::”.11011 One dote will give 'no tt (fond A mien!, ()nada, will ...trip the pall+ al Dy.pepsin. f do.e svi!l remove rho iii•tre-ionr uud di-agree able effect. of Wind nr Flatulence, arid as 1,001111.1 the .14,1111101 receive , the Invigorating Spirit, the di.tres -ina 10114111111 all palafol feeling. will lie removed. One ri inner th.• Inuit di-Ices:4llg pains of Coln". ocher in the Siininteli or bowels. A few• ill., wdl remove all obstruction< in the Killney,llll.tilder or Urinary" Organ.. Ver.ort+ who are nllLeted with any Kid tie) tire +pewit• relief liy a dn•e nr two. nod a retinaredtral core by the a,. of one or two bottles NIGHTLY DISSIPATION Pe r.nnc. who. from diii.oriling ton much over :Ind feel the cell effect- of poisonous 111111.1 . .. lit video lima Incite'. stekiie-. :it stomach, eilldinest . ace., at ill find one dose will remove all bad I.adiea of wink and tick ly conoitilutinny. . 110111,1 lake the limeorini la- Spirit three a day; it will make strong. healthy mid happy, remove 011 oh -1c...n..114 ruul irregutornien Irani the M11 . L.M.; or . .41111 . ., MAUI re-tare the litoom of health and beauty to the rent orti Nee. Doring pregnancy it will he found an invaluable tneilieine to remove disagreeable een.ditions at the ..101111.11.11. All the proprietor ask., itt n It inf. and to indurr he butt put tip the Invigornting Spirit in pint In - nitre, tit :tart,. quart...St . leneral Depot, 4 , Water Strert. N. V. For •ale by J S. Milieu, & nod Dr. W. S. Me entk le Colninhin, Dr..l. A. Wolf, Wrightbeillo,und by druggist- generally. Erb. J. 1:1). TRAVELING DRESS GOODS! Irixitorot to Cope May. Atittut,e City. Ilediord I rue , are invited to eXtifollte our tie,• odyle truVelltig deed. good• before they take their departure. Our prices are right and good , of the brie 111 C June thot, Columbia. Dr. Esenwein's Tar and Wood Nap tha Pectoral, IS the BEST MEDICINE in the world, IS for the Cure of Cr' malt. and Cold.. Croor. ltronchitot. A.- thriot.l , itticulty w firealliinc. l'alptiritton of die Ilenri. infitherin.rild (or the reiefof pa nein. in tic advanced .nageu of C tivonoption, together with all tivien•ee of the throat and client. and Wiiiell prodipo, to con finnynion. ft ir peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of . . Being prepared by n practical Nip - Irian and Drug• gb.t. hod one ot great expertenea in the cure of the nation- to wlirh lite litltll2ll frame I% liable It n• offered ;o the afflicted With the gicivem con:, denee i-r Try it and be convinced that it Is Invaluable to the care of Bronchial Affeclnon•. I' rt., (41 cent• per bottle. ESKA' %VEIN'S AROMATIC BALSAM. n very val uable remedy for D.nrrhrna. I)y•eutery. Clime ra Mor bu•.nud till Bowel After:nous. Try it. PrtLe cent per bottle. ID -The above Medicine• are prepared only by DR. A. ESEN L/ fliggfrt and Cheln •1. W. Confer of Noah and .1.. Ple•littlelphint 1 , 4:11.1 IT every le•pertol.le Drugg,J4 mid I ilrr of MedICIOP ilsrou2lin.ii the t , tate. June It.. y A GOOD BUSINESS! Stock off • Goods and Good Will FOR SALr- THE subscriber offers for sale hi • entire stark of Dry Good-, Queensware.firocerie.. de , with itio goal will of his business. Ile occupies a lone eetab fished business stand in the Borough of Washington. with a good custom. The store rocin s esn be rented or leniied try the Thi. is firsterate opportu nity for any one dewing to establish himself in a good retail business. Adelre.s J. MA NNING. Manor P. 0 , Lancaster county. Pa June 9,19G0. NOM NEW GOODS, WE are now opening at the the corner o Third and Union. streets. ‘ k. superior assort ment of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, QEENSWARE, Gnocearse, &C., We are selling at the following. pieces: Merrimack Cocheco, Sprague's, Allen's, and all the best makes al Calicoes, 9 YARDS FOR A DOLLAR; Lancaster Gingham., 9 yards fora dollar. New Market Muslim., 9 yard. , fora dollar. Drills of all kindt,9 yards for a dollar. Check; for shirts, &c., 9 yards for a dollar. 1. 0. & IL F. BRUNER. June 2. IPSO. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL Perpetual Premium', Unexpired Temporary Premiums, *7urplu+, 82,1201,051 QTITEMENT of the A.s%cts of the Company on January 1.1-011. Publlibed in conformity wit hilt,' provision of the sixthiectionolthe Act of tseeffultly .of Apr 030,1342. MORTGAGES. On property valued at over 54 000 009 belnq tirl.t mortgages on real estate, in the City and County of Pnllndelploa,ex eePt 871 529 02 In the taughlmting e0uit 51.996,393 Sr REAL ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriff,' sale.. under mortgage claims, vv: kl,sht houses and lot, 70 by 1511 feel, on I the South-avert ern tie r of Chesnut and Seventeenth streets. A house find lot, 37 by 71 feet. on North side of Spruce street, West of Eh:y enta street, r. 61 Two housesund lots, each IS by 75 feet, on South 'aide of 11 1 1trtzeo street, near Sixteenth scree;, Five houses mul lots, each 172 by 90 `c feel, Nos. 521,5 - &l, 525, 527 and 529 Otlwyn st., 1 _ Three 1:011,teA nod 10t.49 by 51 feet. nil I . e . 2"""„• _ FAQ' side of Seventeenth streebeouth 1 r 2 7 .446 at Pole .1. s t• Hotel and 1 0t,50 by SI feet. oat he South- I a ettil elletter lite.tiot and Ileneb is Five Imum, and 101.43 by feel 001 he T u North side of6eurge eel. II ••• n: j Ashton street. 1 1 4 Snot,antilol.t2ll 1, 117 ;eel no the Past sub' of hi , .;•.• •iiollt of Clie-nun A lint,e 11l 1- by el. Nil -.17 1, el n/water .-treet of Ntelli A ground lent of 501.1 , -Itutu out of a lot 13; by 40 feet. on North side of Oner, street,4o feet Kest of Lrnpo rd street.) LOANS. Temporary Loans. on Stocks us Coital oral Security , MALTBY & CASE STOCKS. sto,noo Alms Hooke 1.0rtn.5 per cent 't (Int.on.) 200 Shares Ronk of Kentucky. 17 " Northern 11.,nk of Kentucky. 100 " Union !lank ofTenttes-re. 13 " 1 tvturance Company of the State of l'enut.ylcinint, 200 " Southwark Railroad Co. 37 " Cotnatercial ILI.I Railroad Bank, Viel,slturg, 300 1 , 000-ylvanin Railroad Co., 91 " I'ralll.lluPirel 'l.or:tiler Co , " Itlerettatife Library C 03.. 21" Union Coital Company, 10 tt so t uylkill Itallroatt 2 " Continental llote I Carat; y, Otai North R 2,000 Burlington City Water Lon a, $7OO Plitlatle.phta City 1, 11 1111, $9175.00 Clip WarrantA. Notes and Ilillcreecivable Coati on hand. Cu ~hi 111 ands GO. gents Niarket volnr, Cn••, as above, e iu Valll o . STOCKS AT:irket valor, Co* tiltoYe, Advance in value, Tow], Loa-e• paid 411mm:I he yea I i o u, .56,103 36 By order 01111 e. lino ro. CH A R LES NT ISA NC7I:ER , Premien ite, t W. A. Srvvi..See'} DIRECTORS. CIIAS N.IIANI7RER. I:DW"D. C %gen Pre=ideni Chn.. N. nano, , s.nue, I„rnb II SniO.. Geo W :llordee.l It Levet.. David S. mi. Eiltvare C. Dale Geo I'., le. \V AI. A. STEEL. see'v prn 1.171. I.LOVD.Agent, Coumbia• 111.0,:y n Ignif tod I , Oney Goods RICH BLACK 611,1 C FOR DUSTERS &C., fu n i thv Luc ,. 1 4tu. y ItlarA F0!1... for Loth,. Du-- a ICC, pren•ei, &C., the t...oroorto , *olum• ht.,. In hr had at 11. C. FI.NDERSAII rirs. 1 , 60. Adjoining , the Bank. subscriber having reined the Lime Kiln. :mil .I.(luurry sit 'lnc Clllllti i• !Impure(' to suppl) THE BEST QUALITY OF LIME, for !Wilding or Amuling purpor•eff, in large or mall imaittoteg, esiaked Lime for Manure *implied at rermnanble r.IIC•. 11. V. A Co:a April 11, '59. Co I. I Mt IVATCII AND JEWELItY STORE, 0. Consuil, Former Occupant, No. 149 North Second Street, nortNrn or QUARRY ST. The under-igned leated the rilinve prenn-e•. where he will keep a large intent of Gold I Silver NV: oche , . of Ameriena nod Swot. NI:tool:ie. at the 1110-1 erlehroted rmrkere. w :ohlftino 10 witch, wth he found alley:go oil hand (old innlle to Or alert nit eXlen.ive Irarsel) of Jewelry. Sliver anti trql ver Plated wore. together with n general 0.-orlngeol of goods sik our u.taally kept ut a litki-elor- NVoiell rind Jewelry Store. The pot•oit. of I) Conrad nod throe 11l the •Itle/eri her. together with the puhhr geoein Ily. are invited to call, where they will receive o good article for their money. A. I :on deleroffilril 10110 ktrietly II en•ll Ines , cond. will be kohl 1..1,1) 11,0 V. "11:Intl Profit. :and Quick Sale.;' to the mono of this -e.tathh.hme:a. I,EW It. IiIIOONIA l.l„ rotinerly 0 I: 0N AD. No. 14S North Second St , corner of Quarry, Phila. Julie :huh Ittqat Iy. SUN UMBRELLAS! nollter .upply oiling urticlt joo rrrrived .11 to WIIIOI a•e I IIVIll• 1110 1111.411101 i .d tlr e Indira 1r 1.11(11 1 ' V fin . ..died nod of tire boo ennieroal Cull in 11. C. FiIISOCIISNIITICS June 2nd, I'4o, Prople'r Curl; Store. Important to Farmers. VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL WORKS From the Late Trade Sales, TII 4 T reeeivedat John Sheaff•e4 Cts-h Store. FOR SALE. 100.000 Placteringl.nth, 50.000 Parings-4 C•rt. 50,1110 do. 3 June 9, ISGO Just Received and For Sale, 00gEGF. Mal.' aim! nt .5325 per Lea. tons IWetherill'.. Lit,l 't% hire Lead. 3 had, Ile d (hl. Alan, juri rrpriVrtl.ll large assoittnrat IC.lrpeniers , Planer uad'rools of all kind... J. RUMPLE SON M y 12.1.560 JVIIN rimaz, WATCHMAKER & JEWJLER. Front Street, between Locus; and Walnut, COLUMBIA, PA THE subscriber invites attention to his very lurge and eirotee oock of WATCHES MiIIOroCLOCKS, & JEWELRY, •htch he 14. prepared to sell eheape r!hant they can 'r bought nt any other e . taLltshoteal. 11v tr pre nred to offer rr re:Wore:li ii .and he re,peetrully rte•l he Attention 0 t"pcllehase u Iti"lockoViliCh Int. Met:. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, o fevery kind; all kiiid•of I •l.ooKS*.from 11_50 up• ward• nvite • t lit•riti•roloo o I !foal:nen robi•large of 110.,AT CLOCKS; J EWELItV.erio• al•hilig of Ear ((lags, Vitirivr log! itrY.l.l /ice. lkiiidsoiSil ver spoon l'ln led Soul , and Ten Spoirom Fork, warranted to equa lio Silver: Gold:tad Silver Pea (o.l4 ondideon ; gold nod •:ilveriiiiectliviv.; totreiliet vultb the greate.i v:.s,Pi) o r P.A Xi! AR. t/CLI , S eves before cuil.i•;;l‘;,—.A l ,;. a ape ,ar ..0 rlai-ut o f ltr volverf• and 0tb..1 PA. fol., .laad 1;111:a of thl. Li4t re, Strit. I at.:!Qt , Willbrziven n• hereinihre in the repaurin' u/ ev , el