Bi ARRI SB If RG rt3pftlLXAM SEMINAIL3r, MRS. S. E. DLXON, PRINCIPA:. TUE Fell Se-lion of till. Armin if') will CutOIIICLICO ou TUESI , AV. SEPTCMItIiii 4. Insit ulioit incorporate/ iu I 95;!. pflmirubb dit'eeted itt tlont, , tit Trio,.l out liglous rulurc. untl tour-, or cu....41y commend. el lo the pulrohage of Om public ne a razt• cla•s Seminary. C/Irolur4, irtlll.,& C.. can be obininerl by ad dr;sting P,l4,cipal. J %V. WEIR.. Bond of Tru-Ice, Reference can be freely made to the patrons of the Seminary among tr....may be Meldlnin a uov. R i ham P. Packer, linrriaburg. Hon .1 J. Pearson, AVi.l.arn It De D D Rey. T. lI Itinntmon, R..%. .1. (3. Mile.. /inn Jn•rpll . 1 .m V. Asir. It.q, D U.Boatt 7,in`m li. Miles. rsn . Don. A P. Wilson. Lewistown. Thomas Heaver, Feri , St. r) Hon J. Hu dentatt.Lui.. 1m k enemy, Roberi gived. Req., Cum‘.ertand county. Job.. Irvin. couty, B Frank Vint:, Eau,. Cumberland county. Ju'y 23, 136°41. Washingtog, Insti.tute. 1711{F. all term of the IVa-lifogfon le.titme Com - %it meats at the PIaST 1111/NUAV tfl•' SEPI'6.II - lArellitliS Cal: be h;t4 Bockstore, Or fluor 'l.l a Prioripoi. 0ue.4.'00. Principal FOB. SALE, At the Columbia Gas Worits. four bu.lsel4 of po• excellent nusglnic - for an3..nring, eesslts rer buplsei. CALUWI.:I.II. Columbia, Jul) 21. 'GO If. Fcr.Cel JAMES SHILOEDMR, Z.VOIVFoiCTI:IIeit OF ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes, Locust Street nismosite the Franklin House, Get Pu. MITE 4uberriber lova, alletolinn of the pnblir to 1.14 flool. and Satre acui Where 1 0 I. pseisos.ti -opp'y or 111111..• 10 o, dc, eve.) vodely Children, SHOES, GAITERS, BOOTS, SLIP. 41 PERS, &e. He u'rec none b ut lilt. ht.. Materitll. and 1114 Wurt, 1 4 dolt , by 44011 two.lorwrt : h.. turn- ou• 11. of h. r 11100 g ool wroir. Whorls hr 41111•rn10- r 3 I n -I) h., al. m u d every other oortieulo , . Ile trotter hi• fbr a .Ir.oly and liberal paimou g e and eol hi. coo JAMES Sit )Irvin _ l ` Jo. 11. To A l'111:1 - I Ed. 'LIME S all:6 NINE. Q, l'A. , Vrepor• tt ~pm), in • v• ry hou I.M. w ceding t anon. re TO, Om. kery I. 'wore o h'o fat. .1 411 . GUldell Moro. 1) nix :••• rrun •lo• e, t'..laohlvo u CHINESE, FLY PAPER; f destro) iug V&A s, Awn. •100 .1 I'T.(•. no den Mort (K . 1/11.11 : : n re. non! Ju?s JI. 18(iii KNlGirrs TENIPLRAS 1T111116,v-1 rs r .aftl,roll•rf y A a. r l ..d •aa .• IV .1 .4, 11114/1 1. (/ .1. I/ 1:1 rac A r .1 as h .•1 a h • ,old It 'kick •or ta• Or , TII(' K ••01 1111.1, a - a. at J. •••. COURT YIDI)rt.%rtiAIT:N. \V RULAS, the U i It, lit C, (01,0, II tIST..S. t In .1. il En •., 1,..1% `' . .(l • 1 No, •,(r. • • • N.J I,rd •••141111 1.11 nll MI 111 In 1.1. •••••10•. A NI, ,04," I`• • P• .1. l• 40 1• 1. I, AI •IS .011 1.111, Of. 1 . 1,111•11111.-.1 SV• 24.1-4 4 .• • t l'aele COI KV•Pltn. 4:tr•• 111 4 4.1 l•jef WI WI? ca 14 I ill 11.1 :40•111/1110 1.003 VA 'Y. 101.1 111 ill • SLlAlnlll6ll'n' In-1.1.N I:I HO• 1 , 0 111 :11:y Canvased Sugar Cured Dried Beef. jt:•••T lot of pp, did Drird Itref. of 14 ,1111[1r. rotnilv Grot.oiy glare. Odd Follow' (lull Co!mho.. July 1:t Cincinnati Sugar Cured Hams. Ent , TuNGUE., ,Salvador I lorr , og•ilt-t ,ocived 1.1 et .111. RAM ICU , : rerei Oroorry Store, 041 d I'edotvs' 1Ia:). Columbia, Jmy t4,IEGU BLACK StIKS! rnwo rip•l3 gh.- :•••iiii•. fnr Dc'. 1 ter., 8.14.1 Ureoses Ali! he thi.drir nt 11. C. FOND V11...1111111'14 _ . July 14 "CI7 LORETTO SPRINGS WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT. 117 E 111VItr the rt:tentoot of involtda to our arty et rt• tohlo.lttneot fot the Core of ihe • It 1. , -Ito sited on the tuntiohtiut, four mile- (loin the CTCt.SOII Station of . :lit! . l'eutral whole V... rl 4 11 ,. . Wlll i/1 fel:0111. 1 A+ 10 1•011,1, V 1.110114 to LIRE. Th.• effieuey of the lythoonthte ..) sten. go the ti , liltaval of the —llll that 11,11 u- heir to.” ha been dernon-troted in thou-Look tioon thoo..trot. ..t etilee.flott had 11111r/1w atoll ieli,jbt alit clue., 1111 tots The Cure it t/tier:he chafe, of Dr F. Trf l .l-e, of. Pltt.lw4. who ht • hod too 11. are exoorh urea I 1 10.3- pietist, at the to lot of 1.11 ,tarttlar tkt.tble-htnetit. Term. moderate. It thirera TREE I:. AI. D.. tarella. emnbria County, l'a. irrAt the Purim's IA a 6r-I•cloe finiel tor rite ae commoJairou or rAnuater boarder, G. puroeutaro 01 uddre-. F. „A. GL[SUu 1" July I I, IsGliJiln :VITRIFIED Terra Calla Garden bases, -----Nta v, Bo:Wing (h 1111 1111.11 11., .11..11 1,4 Brno Let-. Cll pop 1•, Alnd 1 Ciiroper 111.111 rthy oilier uuurrud Ftl l er 1.1/•£.1g1r 1 1 1111111 I,uy other 1 / I .gleflil I A large-Toil,' emmonlly on 1 / 1 041 Any 110-1411 m ale 10 order by odare. l -Ing the mann laClLlfert Lit t he l'oeiory, LINK & BLACK, 7th nod Germantown Road, Office, S. A. 11,ort.on 1010 Che-thol Street, Plain. July 14. leilo 4111 Granulated. Crushed, Loa,. puLvEulsra),..nd Clunficd Sq.:;:ir+ of .digrod".,.. A. NI. IL S -:II ry Store OJd Feliuw”' HAIL Columlii . July li. 1,1.0. New Goods mall Prf . rl . .Flt,lt• r coqesritnuckinit lel.. Ilay; 1 • 41.1. • p•up• tior 1.•••1 Tin ing ML I.I III--ul I it mud 1,2,i }:.r.l VI V:li • Ir. r•he , tiitg 0.4•14 . 11., cos Mei I MI ito • L 41.111 I O CI/”. 0 1 . 1 IWS :.1. It . 1 ) ..111 sou Glilgll. l lll, and many ether clin.'• to ....soilll w pi...itopgll C. 1 , 1:3 1) - .1): , :111'111-.` Colo Jul' 14.'60. People'. t•"• 11 Philadelphia Terra Cotta Idanufae- tory. ViTFIFIIII rrni, and hen* 'pc. t r Drnitting. V.1111:111.12 il,ll or n F fre,,ll ~,,, .141,1 tor 11.•.• r r,,, l'cot In I.11)1, 14 ;tit I 1 - b• Ito ytr—.ll c.sigqu.. r the p. en .f Lem/ or if.". • 'rt. y h n tedoed n 1 Iloope fur reovor%Cs and 'Are cowl.Cti 0..4 o on ne ••• l ,en 1 , 1. T.. - 11 e .1... ei.e. Coto c. 12 1, (Mod. ' 1 " 'en(!.'. or 3 h• Le 14..- the sorkt I , 11 - .1. t‘i no. ) avu h .11 the (Send. En.nay., eel noc ned e blanehe• threh obl.que ••••c e. ; end ~11 conneeteou• P and Ruuttnez rap.. ii001.4:2.• AC. ritu►m; the Lem It o u ... ever) C' fur Ctllcon.. toot c rids- of all k• - da h eel' ;,/,1 e'pest • I ly of •p.r.g 1•1•••••1 (• r r • 1 , , •,) (we have then , ant in AI c.....,1 r.• hle 1n . ..gin...n0, Is h 10 fret ar.•• or r. the .mull ince: Ile I`4o ft•oti pr.,. e. n '. drinking water. (el, ota tr .•- rune 0.... the fmtntu. n). thooli.l2 lion!. Cot. f to.veo, I. he*. I b all i . o Ir.-K. al.l ta• ..111 of tire ••• eurrounotor, woo.lwoak) -taut' • Poe , We . No* Co , 5 , 111.'1V pret , ... • 114.111,c It .tv .11p I'm,. - 113.1T1 to all Tans 1.11 h., Uo.i Ibo Mucking tequov..t. We have ..••• il• in to VV e , c o, l-4n. lowa. rec.**. urns ether , re.l,e -never p uc ked'lnent• V t . at Efactue•r- 1.1514 13 1 .ArK. Factory 7th und Clermontown Iteud. ni•ve; 6". A "'M.:M.IOIO f'IIC4IIICI 'greet. Jury 14 1.600.2.0 Six Segar Makers Wanted, - mom:. but gond and steady workman need apply - Ln Regular , ITIPI O TInent will lie given Columlia,Jtity7:6o Fle;iti MUCH dr. 0174 4 .., Aarprrows gum under•sp...4l Audi or. arp ed tot 11 C'wr Linnetwier r. ont) inthe .he 141.sne tr the hands of' nor Adwintuirator o f .1 W. -h0w.... deetwx-d, to and +Manna , r .t. •••., . the a air• "r h • ***** .1 ..01.1.41. in th.....w.mgh •• unr, .lo • r 7- ralior 10.1.-C1). nt lit io . • Ai 411 p. tflonsae. m.y ...god it tiny • Ibh . o raper. 3, w. Auditor. July 7, 110-td For the Ladies'. nother lot of those itnperi.huble Skirt. juat rerrivetl at FON 1/Ell.%llTilro' July 1 7.'('O. Arj tit,: A.R. TER ONLY PRPARATION ITAVINO PROOFS SO STRONG AND DtIICCT AS TO For Stniezoion. .7.Pl'go, lililor , . flit'.,eio - , nr t 6.• okto.i dollop!. a.. 4 we!! new. glee II ;Pei, Reid ree.•ennend It 101 . nll c.v..•s ul .•n y e ;ma all-e 0.0.01 the -volp :Pet br nut :1.1 win, hove u,r 4 l 1 . 1.111.11`.1.111 44 11fy1ue that Ihr loor room bolo; gralF. pod from h 1141: to [l . - Well .14 IC-11.11e. PIi.F 0. J. : DOM' Sir H sir fic-10111- I,ve 111111.11 y ponulai)ly 111 this vonwitiniiy I 'sieve had In 1.. y jadit••• n.ide, .111 , 1 ttiVr listh• Ilth.tor.iiive n "I•16•1•I Irpl:— Dortag the 31 . ... -n 1.1111,1:3:1:11V he• tittomt Irmo toy -a IL} ite (tog a roi ii °ear the 10 isl • -ide 601 t: WISII.II al V if... 111 tes , is,Ll a ain4: terrode itiose; t ta-m4 a ;;real deal of Sr. ita , ioll. ,11:S•11 cool. mull...led to the brain atal e%niroal -tirf.tee of flit. Ifoil/ Ole eiteels of tvbii•l, Ina 14." • fi ,, 11 , 11. de•ttoyed over the indite .arfave of the 11,111. from ilie lone I fir-I al.scoven,l its d SOppl litt• Lo,ever. Iry to lye tittle ot total dt-tirpeatatiee. I ettlivio!it reel) Blair i vault! l h l•.h of. :s sisssin In if In) •rlf, ano, a. 1 tilt - we'll, dodevitatalitog 1:1r nature ot lie dnrnse. Itai aa.iv finally defeated in every pre • iertotiott Thee cold lin roller elleum-viorer oPlueed me 10 I' o s o lllo )001 worilay 111111 V.a.-Innilive. %Lich I have every re:.-oo beheve. produced la very happy re .oli: two ..... .11 . 1 CC /be cr-t apphewion. / had o lieterol Ic lirad ui young lour as I eye, •ce.v, :or which I eCilololy c We you Inv ino.l ilainkm— ite•t n—ured, deur ,r 1 I reCOlllll/eild )010 . c vino dy 10 lii Doi iroe.; mole ,ver. I -11.,11 u.l my indu• core. who I. I (Lille, 10 Sl/ 1 0,1 It 6/,/, clot pt 0,11411 you lion!. i‘r”pt.i. .u•p , :%1 J. NV P, P. o.llee of the r-oailio, Philipp:, the Vear Sir feel it my 4111 1 ) - t• - = well a; my plea [Jr,. 1,1.1.11 e I 1 you Ole 1011010.111 g 1. 111,111 4 :01 , W l / 1 1•1 1 l(11.1 J.lll 1.1-e (hail. 111101er. genikon of ;hi. plat,. (a lawyer.) ha- 1.1 , 1 e‘ur -ice hi. early Sou:4; :1011 he was compelled to we• l l . llwry illiliteeil to et -e a b01t , .. nl yogr • II or It ..,tot hi. 111.4,1 %cryo4,4; 1101 .8 tel ti...111Z , ISO or fa, 104 h.... wale .0111 and he au, ha- a li 1 -0111 x. he:0101,1;r'. oil , amtl a- i- wett in our AsilLaala , 4 11001) per-00- e 1111C-111X 10 Mt 11 . ..X11.4/1 till- - . 111.• 015111 1 give 1110 )00 I.X 111 , II:4110-1 01 r 11. (alio , di lotjut 44" Itc.- • or lave to ihe 141j ,, ittitig ~ .m11,, e 4 .1 ) 0d hise tile pr.,per 1114.. Worm: Thmr Si,: Peren:e :tt vtretre-. of 1 , 4.1t1mi1. I aln ll.lller 'I r tr.• remor ,:t eel . hair tat i n..ngmul . - niur; (11.1111...• halo t/r sr , ivnl rapi I'v I.r Oilllllll-t hot usam • NOW' ..11,11. nom 0r..r,1 et+ ev•ia , line. I tin.ldr- hair It••• 1 er.etev.•as et y. ry •olVtf.4l 14,•11,1011. quite tifittociou- sycle a • ag.e...5:e. up ~, I V it I .r ot ..toon aod •to .14 , 11.- ...a 11111,1 nod ..... doit at th.• Lot 1- n. tw. ••••.11. nu. r.: oi prop .. too. 11111 lio• to 01 wan'. 111 two 00 , I Igo 1.11,1 ,1 11 q.1.411. ~on tool'. I 0 p 1 opoo pud i. 1 1 .111 1 ,, 11111111. 0 .1 lc (:', 411 1:icold wN). NI, ot 114 :Jail, 1,11, lit, M=l=lllllM Ai L :•ji(l A Yong Head en Old Shoulders. TUE. OItIerIDTAL GALLERW, THE sillm , rlll , r Cle Ohl Callrry. .1 II..• ' r • t . A SKY LIGHT, Utsti ttoirot.l. . 1.. • • I,'.• 1.k,.1 /111 )1,4 •. r t \ I ..// ~ le , M. •888• Is 1...4 • 18d ".. v 8 21 •-•• I •. 8 :k; pr i I^ .s,s• and :I •nili ch, y h .1 h ,o r -I 11.1,a Ig.• 0•1.- .1. ).• 1, a I.:ItIC•11 • t• to I: t 1 r 1:1. `. r 0.1 .1 1, o/ • r• v, r 4 , II .1 NI. I.l'l'' V'l.l Y. At2I.V 1z.,(1 I, 101 d tit I•UI II - I . Itt 111 I 1:1 A L;E!' ov unouNt), ••• ••111111t>11. tr • :olu Lii I I S• 11 e P•••un 1..) Itt .11111 1•,1 1111'1,, 11 4,, K 1 VIII,. 11 ..1 f •Pc I . ..urt•• n lrr ,i.l I .•ttt. L ch t - a+ 11.1 i /1,111 .4 .y CV• /;%1V1.1./..1 Ni2l • tPr, 1:111,1, /CI 1 , 1• 11 .. 1 . 11, It It r I. 111 no. amk h r I N 0•11.W...1 .11 11 • %ar 'I 1,v , 1 lire cCu if It. II ..f "li.l throe .t '0 C ICC 11l 111 OVI el, N. of raid d.O. Whet. ale 0011111 , ltiu..a. IVu•WO IIIZEZMIII h pt,., r,I w, 110 cO'it m p.tvlot , do n ...Lir, ion. pa the do of t o Ow -al 1, l'or =I u tau 11. 3111. 7.193i0• 1 ' , Mtn••e• 1.. e .‘i r (; 1.4 J . Or pun n, lip ad; ja cr wARR.tsi . l. - 1) n^ l'IlE MONEY RE- requi• ttr. r.• •x . in' i. 1,111 t11:1. 111 , y oral b.-141.0y s•ad y ff Tly th:sn oner, and :,[111•1111,, on nilv.• 11. C. .11.1'‘ ;'to VITRIFIED etII3IN Top 4; • F t . art Mr to wl tot. to\ ot, IoY , a , l. loOt I I ~,,, Itt 111111 III': w.f. oor fold I'l , l ....flit. 411 I I ii• 4 I ifil• vt•• , . • 4,11 ~t I:I.• iliti•r•it I i• .f-.. 10 m 1,14 . 11 to le.. I •/.14 . 1.1, lr.j i . te •0111 , • 01111 •VI 01 01 Lt....We/I !1./ 4. , h 4. 11/1. , 4 •.• 1/,' I r our f/rovirtrn .111041 (11/ 1 / 4 11t, Tlll4 1 he, 11,.. Lunn koriler 11311,1 I'lo. li• it 1:1. iffirvr,loll- io -lint,. Pvt.] • 11.1 Iii•I .Oa. OA 4,11• Up rid, ~ton tr to !loot !loot . or ‘VI• all. Ji4JtV 01:1 1 ;11 , :!...',1 I'll,o 0.111 ,r1.11.11,1eS Of •.t.Vel tidE toot told C 4,1 to ••• `, in Irvin •••I 75 t 111 Iltr fi,.l I Lit 1,111 1•1111,,C) ) to by Litt llt atlLlfc CC At it v `.l,•totv LIN II: 7tls turd (4orrnlmos.vo A. 11 trr.enn. 104)ellem tilit July (4 .1-thi."l3 NEW STORE AND NEW COODS: THE subwrocrs have just opened and ore rin v r6•1111g in the If ou.s foromoly ost o pted by T. J. '310c... noro-dc J R.:mote s 11.. nlwnrr 7.ilorr. nit I.c,tv-1 1... L w door- bury Second. ntt ENTIRELY Nr.W S LOCK OF GOODS, in whwit pis y t vi r tree 01 Cll op•I of ii puLhv, coofi d••otiv br Lratng lilt I I 40,C111, L.1)11.: .1101 ClllllllpOC-,,t1i 0 ) rm. ut‘e lull -011 f.hoooll. r. 2,4 y r-t 114:A ; aid111•11it1. Siff: rots 11'W. lit!, -1-1 1,1110;11 /11.1 1 . 1/11;141.11 /;1.1 - 1.1,1".", 11r.111/1011 ; 1. 111:11;0,11114 ( . 111111•11 , 1•1 gr. at 1' 1- 1 . 11•11( 11 SO S;111.V.,••111, 11111 i I.;lre 11;11111;11, / 1 . 1 , 11C1 .41111 Cllllll/:1211/11111/1.1. 41/1.1 r,11111., 11; 7,111111) reduct prices . Kr. of es, Iv .03 it. If .14 of over) tt • ;1,1 la, Cta,co, ware and U las.wor •. a fall G G()CEIT.I.ES, 4, T 1 1 as Sazats Ilam.. Stioaleers lbted reet .' Ol F 14 .1 ri. Jereoll ra irly,.f Un t.i1111.. Gra', no-. Pratt- , 55,1 -ell I 111.. V. I y a pro-r• II t. 's 111 • lea Ire-t m lest p cc fo, • k I l'ro It: e 111 •xclaol_o• for ro ry u- •er •la ,lo • .• .4 a re r't• -11 I.e o .r t•. t• a 1:1”1::C sta . pcnee is better than a ahtairtg IM=MEEMEI - ma 11W GOODS. \ - v no ON C . pv , Ilillf:11 III; ill r ,, e . t!r Ile r or OC,f 00 _ _ _ BOOTS AND SOO HATS AND CAPS, qw.icsswAtiv, %V.. are ...I :It ill-pr r C Cu• - Lni I.' 1 i, i e.. mulct a vl CalLoec, 9 YARDS FOR. A, D01.1 4 A,R; Non,n• le .7..11•11,1) rar 1. ros. i. • , 4. 1 Sr. No•W .rk 11.0 ti v0.r,1 tor 1..' 1.. In. k • rd.,..• flit nr &c.. a , ..- Is, a .fr.ll•tr 1 IL A. 11 I'. • ism 2. ?-(I. The Mutt.: 1 Liie Ins anee C amp way OF :17 SNV 0 A.srr.: "It . ‘III.I.IOXS OF DOLL %RF, 1NV6:11T..0 if FIRST SIOR N 3 ,4 l O RR St. eSTATE, itT it (t) vEI it 613 030,003 r ltr.vr I • or , 1. Rea 1 1.. a •ma• .• earn Tn.... Ibv. 1 1., I. .... 11 •.arnl Tn. Pa ...tiled, Allllllll ..1.1.10 1 1111V VC , no Slocklioldet , •O 111.41 ml la.• pr .1 . 11,. b. 1:41.; 4r Alle -Wed nArliwo n .zr.rn. Arent, S. W. corner I , ..urth "•.• W..ffiut VlB4lu PHIL:11)1;1.PM 1:F to ‘I, r lrr•oi 1. 17,w.0 , I:••n g. 11. `t tusirt M. • JOlll. a ti,r .1 11 . 4.11• I .•uN rg• Jo‘rpor Wigisoln tw.i, Avlors..d. A nnul:'. / host, t• 11. IV. Miami, tVo iwn Melcr "Ilia. Wass-on. Paranhlet. a. 44 every, itifilllnr. l loll fn .y he had brat is. on upplicatta to' etla I Al 11, or D: f. WITMER. 31 D. June 2nd, i'M• COLVAiIIA• =I =1 = TM) 11A$ SUrt(3lllo3 = IN N,EIV !lAN I/S PtIBLIC Slll.ll. EMBITIZI = = L ts.nrias7, ru\DLD LAIII ES' [DRESS GOODS GENTLEMEN'S WEAR I= nuY DYSPEPSIA. REMEDY% Hr. Darius AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRiT eoictior lias bee. d by the pol,lic for `C.% T m 3 ear-. with iniiieralllnt favor. li seetioolirilit d t cure 1)y-pcp.o.t. rvoustai.s. Iletrt-1 urns- Pain:, tVtiot to Iln . tic Polio- in the I lettiit•tehe l'osileamis. Low ;Tu. .1.. moo Tiesiteli. co. It to., I in Lae- but will not a•.. fY .1 ....doom, st quirk real effectoal. coring, the rgr iv .1 , 11 ease- of Py.p. Knlto , Y niniq nod all oil., , lti of the S.ontat la ai d Govrel, to it stweily n. per ni1O.rr0411111.• wj ud clot,. vino hr not• itoice n.o. Mr, .)et.-.n. SI) tI. dionro. toot to that borriule cor, In 6mrauuy (lie I /elirtum Trioneo.. will. mime f •el hoppr•tiol ii."iltisvinvororatiogellierte) ot Dr. !lam'. liii , t,or itine .1 , ; , 1T WHAT IT tir'iLL DO. Darr.—One S ioc gas- foil it- on , o a- :necessary. toot done will remuv, Pail :spit it-. floe doer trill core ii.'.,t-Miro. 'comer ernes 'via otoe One do.e trill gist . t tuttol Appetile• tontines s op One pa ileipeTwon, I In , rtontive the di •Iceisitie iti•atiroc ali,e effort. of Wind or Ilittuleitre, and ins a. the iorimatill wetly°. for distre.- -toe load and 11 poi dui lee line- Sethi I.e leniovetl. (the do, ono: , the ill-treeoleg pains of Cult, either in I lie S•oiniti h nr Uottel.. a fox: ot n.‘ ill it- lito.o alt put..Tntef.nOnn. in the I:ailitey. CI idit. rot Cr/11.1/ y t irg Pei .011+ VO:r; 11.1,1 With any Kid net vierolief by a do , u or tn. mot a core by tau LI, of Olin! or MO 1,011.C4 NICH FLY DISSIPATION re 1 ,01 1, ,. who. fn m th.taimitsg too murk over .0.1 let I the esti elleet- 01 ata-ottotto luptm., 3.$ udrrt 11:•aglut•lie-. hue, ao t•imattell. u..tattte-i tz.e tll Cind 4tltt.: ttOta.C. Witt remove LILL 11(10 I oolte. of weak and aickly ena.titutintie. 1.11001 , 1 take the Itty ieor,ttrttg Spirit three thole. II 110 it Wall net kr th• m -tronq, 11,11.11 r ippy, r,rtinve an oh • 1. 11 %MCI trity.ttlt t rities .1111 Ittell•IA tint or mit: 01.14.0 the ul 0411 I Of 4atll/1 It Ulla blowy to the e 0•00rit f ter. ',ego u•p it will be folinil no itivnlintble tie•'icnry to remove di-.lglecuble :It the An li t ptnpl letor n•l.-, i. a 01d... ma 10 i 1 1 ( 1 01 . 0 thl llc linq put up ... 4 p/rit w 111111 Witt't B. at :Al," (311.1(1- 1.01t.,..1 pol..lllV:iter S reel. N. Y. l't e• %ale lq J. I lei lel'. & Go.. nil Or. W. 0. MI , . COI 1.11, 0 0111 , 1/111 I. !) J. A. WOli, dr..4 , 41•t• i . • IF.4p, 4. 'GO. TitAvEust;Ese, Goons! Vriti lu tho\ . A Iltl I • :C, 111 , . o• J 0 4..V•1..,,ite 11. h 111,111.02. V.l e , c,re I c y r• :iic i Ott u .a: goctl• .11 tin B.i y 11 I OAD):1:-31( .Tune 2nd, '3l) C,b4tm.1.)•:1. EitCH St.‘CR SILK FOR DCSTE j~~....• 0 :0 „ 10 00 4, / i t: „ 101 0.10 :00 . 110/ I r" l • . 1:• 0 0111 J.i:l ,• . 20101, I s CO A 02011111112 It 0,4 zartrzr. lithe• al W.f . I Ow. h ~,•d L , nu • ,11 d qu 111 11, . , THE BGSI , QUA LIT \' tiF L AI E, Ittja• , iletg or Aldnall cis purvo r•,, 1.1.5 . •or .mall goarig, -1.4, Lime or r • r. r le- IS A.1..a a Apra '2l. '1:0 0..,11 el I; Dr. Esenwein's Tar and Wood Nap the Pectoral, S the BEST 3IEDIfINE in Ihr world, fur ihi 11,.. I • ,. r. , •1,11.) lis I:,. I , . 11 s • ••• i• (.r i p..l. T., 1: en sa •• 1.; A C •• 4 .1..r .11 0, 1 Ist. atole 111.1 a... prads..l.a.. $i y aenpaal t. rucll,lll rare a . . tr. • 1.2 r Ss ni. csi •sl Pros: • , 1 • xr • Ito, • • uri -v e • hull I Mu :o•olo ~• u LI .111 J•V 11. 111 • It.' I••• , IU ti P, d cit inValutiO , c th t.. ••, ••• • A tt MEM „ , • %%I. a ver% vr.l ti 11'w •,, ,, ts r L,3j. e al: I:0,, I .‘ll-. 1 • / 11. rrit v re•lo• ;1, ••. /• p or.• I 11, I 1,1 \s% N. 11•. , :,.1.1.el a • Ni• •i...5.r: 1 , 1... . I.m.•••I, SIOLI • ) .v• 5 •e• I e.. I`.• lii g,1.1 .01 , 1 I a...: N:• h lu • 'lSt :L I N. I.e. 2,4 I. I b tH.II A. G 0033 BU IN a SS: Stock of G »ds and Goad 1:1111 Ivo it s tt.ia. rpllll •R• 8 1,••• tit r tier 'Or ••1• , •• 0,111•• • 9•114•1( .• , (tit; •• • •,e, ~.0 4 % , ' • h e le .8 8.• it L., at t.B t.• tBl l . •olt •.; ••••\ •••• 41010 118. ugh \V • Ili. y pa .‘ 1, u K • 1• t• ~r tit e .8. t r .• 18,, 5 11 ,••• •• rr hi. :•• . ••1 .5 I/ (•• •••• •1 1. . 88 -a • c hvti••• 1 t• .8 i;u6a re:. .3 t.. 'Mu u P (I, I it. t, 1.11 J,1121• V. 1 Cl. P8.J3.r2 It= XI rms.. Irk, SUFLITZCC: uo.nrANY OF 1 - -111LAD.SLPLIE.1 -u, t'ti.•xo Ml' 1,1 r - o, 7 . 2• (ill 4.1 (ZTATEIi: 7 .Nio f Ole .13scts of the Company on J .I.,nloar) I. 1-.1 1'111)1t-lo•O to eoioo.lllll 0111 w Apri , ;111,101 . 2 MOU On rtnr ,. .ly v. 'U d:n An. ef - 11('O7 IwiteL In-II i 4.111 Mt C 4, •lOil rotiol \ of l'llo.l,lelphht,e veil, 071 3. • 1' 7.1 1/1 REAL ESTATE. Pure!, nt Ulcer.' uuder . .IfZe• VI, 1;10,1 hoi/-0 4 111.111/1.70 by III) Ire,, ni, Che•iiiii and nito . roili A liou.e sled int. 27 1 0 e 71 feet on Nrorrn -ode oprliee ,k 1 eel, WeE.lOl - 17100- ,11h 751e0, 0.1.".up.1i,Ge of Spruce sheet, !leaf pia live: tilt -bevel. Foce 1100. e. 171 , I,y 1111 feet, NO4. 321, 521, 777. 227 um! 322 1)11.0:y Three 110Itae , ht,..1 101.17 by 51 feet. nit Ea....,0!e. of Se veil weal 111 lie tel 11110 lm:104) re,q.lllllll.•South. r 11•1,4,1 oel 0rCi1e..../1 , 10.1i1 ,, 1V1, 1'1,1.,...ft.1.1.0111111. ii Oru,2c Vice!, Wc.._.l of 4 , 1..011 wert. sc•eu i i 011•4...111,l1o1.•5 1 1 uy I Olt Or 17..1+1.1de of 11e.telt SCI-111 OI l'll,-otr. A :lOU, - Ito: lot. C. - by r 5 fr e t. No C! ? Fit ev..-:114, - :1,011 unreel. ^- 0 d relll lit 1540 li-Lnuu n , ;nf:l lilt 1::k by 40 r. ei ~,, orl el,ev ~ 10 feci.Wc-1 , . 1 1,01 ,, r , 1,.1,,,t I.O.ANS. Trulrnrurz 1.4un1.0u Siock• us Collat• ei.tiscrL.rtt , STOCKS. sio.nou pvr Cent ) %I.l‘ olt ) •() •••!. t...• 11 ink 01 k v. • l is • I 1.1 " 1.71,i1111 Illn re/110 , ,e. rliY 01 111.. sOlt•ol l'••1•11-siv:111.1. .. JO+ 11 litrnogl rn. 01/1111.11.111a1 and Vr••• -1.0 • 0. •• lvmin "I •• 1 . r.12.1.:et• r•••• • t; •• t•tf,',. Uot 1011 • 1p .. I. II tt::tt C t , , 2 •• eCh• al i Oa, •.t• 11 Ii C.I. i•• ~• :11‘n 10., • iry %V.,,Ter Loa, S• 41 • ily I •••1 • 1.17, r• • ' C • %V .:• 104 , • till. , .•I t I: attlt tut 411.11 10 •!-,1 RE. tL ES I'ATE 10,1 VRf /le. fl-. 1=!111 ST.,CKS, %7 CO.l ellt)Ve, Adsionre in value, ♦2rm. 11% os LOSSES BY FIRE. EiME 1.,04.e. paid during I he yr:Art-LW. 5132,103 3r; lsy ordrr intim [board. CHARLES N U.t titIKER , Fre:Aden t Attest W. A. ST 14:1. Stre* Pre Tem. DIRECTORS. c lIA6 ti. BAN: xmn PrroPreal, FfIA"U U. DA!...FI Lire rre•ideot. , (Thagt • „ ••”13. t..lstaHr C; a.l j„..„1, IC famoh, C.n 11: 11:H.1.4"1. Altorfrrs" It I ...WI a. I) *Yid 1.. O.XII. i../111.• afro. Ffw. I r I;, 1%. Ir. %1131. A. 1 . 111,0". /AA /VII Agent. Coambir 31 n y 333. 11•521, Tas FJI SiLE. W: hare a large lot of guar.. Moir mutters and pollen Ja.s web tiu lids, erre cb ue willpirpotte of at • were km figure. :t1.76,•60 f. y Dr.LLErr & CO. OORCdGPET ROOM prodo.,d tulle •11,:t1.•,,f. : , ; ,,, the I.le olio.) to lberT the hnli ri)i• •15 by zolioizr 01 0 -01011 0= lir t ro•ol V. fin wan:, a choice Carp.:: Call at • ti. C. I%*: I Ii•:ItSMITIP 211‘1. I.e°the I F AV , ' don't ',II Sr".ll , Tutml•en satim cheap, rln I, L.. vt, Wilere• It 11,11 • • find V. '4.) %SC tt tll 1101 :1-1; ) on Ida 1. 113 .. - • I J.: \ LiiilCll 111:0 . 1' IVkAeS, tle ,11.10 Ret:fit To'•ncc•. 1'5t...4.1T:1114 - .flux . ...311111 ttr. el, fit , : door. above I...acu.t. Cu l'a. June ;!"..11,40 PI'EXI.IIDTILFZIEII, ATC 1.2 IX I.; 'V STORE, 0. ronrud, nirr o"rrp' , d, Nu. LIS Ninth ,tiecfond Street, Con:\ LT: or Qt. - hail" w.f. r. 1211 d ths shorn whorr t,ii 1.10:1 said . -rlvvr W.,101.,.. of AlO , l - ....10%qv,. f ; oar , Of the 1110 1:1:1,...1 10.1 k, in .additttin in ,11101. Wail Le found Oil II Mil (.10d ninth to vartrty of .I'•e 4.11y...f1yer tt..t Si'- trr tided w ire. w•th r .11, le goods u. r 1.1-L alley i.apl iu a litst•el.t. - ‘Vsi.•!) and Jcw. in 20 C120...1 and tf3o..r r. tiigrtlier with 111 r pool.r goit , ralq. lire 111Vtled in rail. vi telll. - p . good olncic for tlieir innitir • A- I nut/ 11e1r1 110 heti 101 0 -40 . 11 y good- 1,11 En! F.Olll very low . . - Small Profit. And gull , . I. 1114%:0 at th, 1;12(10 XIA F.aittivtly (I N 0.1. 19 Nor:h :. , ..cont St , guiner of Qatar, p, rhilo. Julie t!sil. V.:GU I p. Aanth, orials y 1.1 repriVert to which sv.• the .11111.011 of 111.• ludic. r. a 11.1. bellatiiltitts . fiuiatrrd no.d 11,.• 1 , e•I 11l 11.0. FON 1.11.111, 1 \111'11 , 4 June ;NEI, I,CO, l't Inroortar.t to Farmers. VALUABLE AG!IiCEJLIUR,I6 the Late rade Sale, “1 - cn„." 1 0 , , S L •r t) N"•:12 Ncot , l goit . rll .loeo I. hilroziolloC Ti,., \VIor.. l • Roo: 11 , Vrloptiot o nl, Colovio-itiono. \'a. 'rlor , . tic.. 1t0..0t lualall Con, li ouitun• rzt-. (i 11,t0d0,1, ,svolov2- ito.l wi 'nee- Fotrili . o 5 I:Ver) 1/31 15021: I:In., - raft Ir. rooitlo . lit h i,r 1 • 4,11, owl OW t,rt..g 11 II( nnr•Lrtrl•r -,•I 1.1co,01,;. 1). It tr-ti v., .no, r.von runner. C [tee Jo'ln 1. 111111ce 3) 3) To • Am, i-nn rm.? rol•on-1. it:, J. .I.l•llnci.ii.. . lin 11.,11,1-eavu nod i:111.11 AT it• Vlotvro (L,r...•. Ether tor)'. T. t I/II it; liv r .11 tt. K, i n . r It. rn',c•ri 1/1/ ono vul 11 , :ol,usr t.a 111.1 •,t,r, •• :lir .I,i 00l (i, opt trootcro ' . r, Voo oporio • i • t, i II oo C. II .. • o o 11. •..K. -• C'T I.i• li. Ile lot, ( V 111,1, to II t I Ott ,11 I.) I'm. NI I,d r... 1) wt... II 1. NI. IL II .1.1.1 I n•li-t-.1•1•• 19e 4%1,' , N 1 It .1 volt. Is of olor I. • 2 1., Sit lolt polvt • —. 3.11I"5 •-lt I .'I ". I No \, till go•en -I •et 40, I.\ r ttttt 111 1.11•11, ( . 1 11 :PI -I'll GIFT, CLOT .41...1tT. CZ. .2:Lcz.,, 13 tia _aLo2~~2lt, 6.17 11.1NVILLE S woulfl rtittra ~.•11 ir .t rt tt.o , tt. IttA •••• top ,, • 1.11 r I 0•• r• I ••.•• 1 I ••51 • •I. •,•.111- 3.• I'. , ‘,l r• 141.... i m. 0.. • I • a•.• r , • .1- tr •.:t••• tit t.r ...1 S S) I. Ha. 1 1 311- m, .111 •n• It •• tro 1.1 i•i Vil of l'•••• I ..t.r • • ri.l 11,•tle- Pp I ••••• • , •z, 0... 11. sse 1., I • 1-• rn 11 • ••• •••• 11 •• .". r 1 •,Orr .4..11 • •.• •I>• •••••1 . , •.e. dAI /./4. C.ll LAO : 11 „.,“.1 • 1,, t n . .11.11 ke II I• 11 Ist• I It It mg' %VI • '4) , 1...1 .•••••••vl. , r t••• a‘, Ofl; •• u l • 1••1 1111 1.1 V•••••• :r Its Sa • N • N at.. 110 1.4 v 14 • r ti - lIiI ...Imo I I fit. I aisLl t:aft.g.• ol a U •A'N ital.l; •••7011: 1 :`' 0 , a . Pr ,•,.• 1 1 1., II •.• • Itllll. 0. 11141 M t•tt 1 . I•1 1 •Cc.1.1.11. NI ay :9 1..6..-1.51,1 :i(1! FOR tiA EY'S C eASII STOKE! 1.%. I r 111 / N" r, .d / • ER &PAX AE:r GOODS. : o ' 4 r I i ••••• I •Ir•-I to• L A 1)1 lif:Svi r,;O. )11S, e 1..• it 1 0 . 00 e.#l , ep c ..11. 11:55. 111 rt•tett I • #lt t •.••••• g CI, P.••• tt up• ••tt • ISO .#1•1•16. It r#•., - # di. • •-. i • , 5•011.1.) 1' pp: • •P• ••: 10PC r tr. ft att 0l 01 II t. St • 11 , ••• "••••1110,.• I 10:V tiog &••• ,0 11.,:\ I, .11115 ii 50 lit 0 110 i el), to. , it •• r - _ • GE:7 EI,EII E'Sr. ,•••-•1.•• I;;: Cr.," wt•ll• Mai I • $400.000 I 'OMc• ,P,ll, 1.1 :II fella 4 c. ‘Vc C o , i-• le. 1: ...ts it i , ;,.1 I oo .1 ol I 0 .1 ft . 10) t, be .1 II . I• I 11041: t 111. Opieo•L 1:31.11 ID 1,61). 12892111 E HEALTH ADM ITS PLEASURES, Or, Disease r.vllll its Agontes. 0-: tii 1%1 I l'N (0 on ,5913,:;03 1.10LZIO1X7.11"E"'S Z°:ELLS' Ne)r ius• tvioa .r;4O tit 1.1 jl‘ni of L:u riot •It Ur? Tip 1,•• a•,(1 . 1..11..e . IWi hal -molt e I- for, 111-1,--Irtz. lor la, ir. l rt 111,) tie IMMO' k‘ ' lst • ro 1. 00,--11 - 11.1. lite lad, t.‘ I e t , r.• 1•1 1 -11.. or :..r 1 •• • .,I. 1111, t rod. tr,, to t ti,r rtrrlrt.ittlr, 1,1 411 i 111 11,•h .ir )otiesin. I .he 114,4, mr iresr pot 4-1 ver) titglar rut p'Cllry .., .1.1i11i . ...1 . :4 1 11it0g the 11., UM! II ,Oelet4,eNt (I scut wttlee ltaops IU mind aittl n ru g nit fur,:rt yuu have .1,1) Mothers and Dann:biers. If f 01..• e:ltelier for syl],eit Ile se VW • Mt' f t0.0 , t• ti t. , I,etr ea.'? log e, I oils •.f VI , Wel 1.1 . .110 110111 101 l iooi ..111 , 1•1.1- 11,11(i• I U 111,7,14.1 Ity !lir floe, ;..•titiLi II ii.e4 It e•o•n1.11,1., fry 111.7 e, orVll,ll.i. I 11,, .! . .,1,111, ft! Val :thou! Alllll n r (011.,1 rn•l. .57 . 7,11,; 31 Sick /liar/aches and 11 7 ont of Apprtito. cOl 0- 01 0 , I.Ctlu.onit 111, 11 OM 1,111.05. 111.•,- or ...hie, f.ool 01 , .111.11.1 , irom .nut tiro/long oua. :or 1..• 1., er .11,1 sztlrna, 11 Th..... Or:V.11, 1111.1 be Trg,oll 11 wol) lilt. Vol.. n 1 ikoo .11 oo.,:ooz ino lo or.ll tuP goo k re•t.o.. .1 he 11 11. 11 , 11011 In .11.11 .1010,01, Si 11' 1,,,1, 1 0.• u 11 .0,3,11 titia.o( e. gOotl :111[1,111. .111 , 1 ./ Si 1 110.141. 111 , 1 . 10 1 1.% ly 00) 01.10. r mrtlo tar 1- et u-ed for c. 1,17,5 ef In nll Al. of to 111 or vending the m ..pal loco. ~," A:yaw:woof) I . lfOrasitOf allow/AY. Oil Alp Lune. New i l oy;,..0•1 by oil re.pertisEue tiegt.i.• .I,lediewe, ihootialtout tl•e bone- ceut , ..62CriaLF wad St ea•h $516 ',ll. There considerable aftsiez by tstliit2 the 'mgt. 1 -IL. 2t ,,, C.M111 , for 11. e !Toicix nee of patients in eery offtordei 1.. eat is- ifu.S. ARTIaT'S CeLat I.general assortment of co of. i t.sinr.• AI 0 is rari, , y of Artiot'S wono.. unite Nn ele , Mortar Pflug , Offt, (he r e L ITTEN'd Compound aFrnp of For sole .1n! e Lie dot Nlct rtor Drug ttore. From sr. I laty2t. COIVXM 11,ND SriEl SUN UMBRELLAS! GRANVI .b ON :,: l'izlC C. Dtnordels itr lie Kidney,' MIIII=BI ••• I,C VOIL SAL 23. S PAIN:FF.4i 'Cuss for up n.-cur , . can 1,? FENI.11114:11 tt - Lillecate and Retail To%ucco. 1.. 4 d0du ud .11:01- di.tradry, Prole. At.. it 4c doors above Lc.'”Nt. Cu:undds., Pu. J Jur Cad. I"JU BED DUG DESTROYER. T,VDr. 1, J. rtl:oop'r.borlbug i- tnlee to po, rde ni•ti is 01 4 i s so.l tl•e Icl b. ,l soen IIL'.•• /LC: mon. y 1, re u 4 • ,. Fur -A • -it the 4 : it t‘r J J ?HL , c• W I: Lave r;:ea a 4::.,.‘:,•1;t of JLI•le tZ.,..:Ja n•in- ;t-:••n 1:14 n. d :1, I: :s LI, , JIJ 1..11 dOilt 4 , •.34 1:A•Nr.7.3 If \ nu w•Ilt , o ,f 3 ,1 0 r/ii• I .1d lOCI lor CO Ullolr.g 1..1.!e. t,u, t p LI! ILi hIN ev The Lontis nro ill V:. hn Ivon •pa l ,.. )1, E. I 1.. I. • I v I. 'gh c,,ec nave 1e•:..11. ! 1 e e!“2rrc Al,!! MC!. fit,M Qut.cuwat.., 9p ena d 11,:e Voa c:..1 t diem rrrzs v•Pewnu:d .c , :! A tritl • ~ o 'r s r • Dctip•y , •,o o hr.! ..1 In La Lac y mit nnts• to fore I kl.‘" , . my I CI tv. o yot.llel.- I t,l-.1:11•11: .t tt; thett; 11c. I.; .: N-, A • I.a•'1••s, Cert. , . a , d aP.v.•• • rr• Lai a 0,11 pr.,, 1..1,11e .1 I , • 1..u1 )o,t lienp C-b -.lore. 4 r), , 11. , h, 0 - U&I lit•.t. p 0, I, ro an,y , ra vr, figore4. 00.? f 7'13'3 r liffq BUf s :F.D.IRSS., TIT]: .I;n:;ettlt r forth. , purpo., f,f 1.. ;n!I Ci IRON COM :liSSION suSINEs2, ,„ ow Ilfo.fouglo of CO ~It, pllOO4l sh.ll 11.1tu i • 1.,' ($c”:• 1), p 0. It 10.111 . :ri:1, , ,:i}:. I o...tuful to f— tt :I if: 4.,•• • 1.1, Vt . :lie :'.1o.:11 I:,-I,{1.1110 , ,i , •I:c C•s 1 ~, wtfa'n ,r.• 1 , 0• tora 1:/•••1•jr.ale 4 ,a 11.• 1 , 4,111. 4 0 0 , V. ,•-• 11,1. a, rl urn 1••• tin) at to,',:': 1,4. i 1144. g o .." I s 1., pl .14 VIII!, 1..1', Iv • A pd I,r f:VT:1:•; V..1:1- 4 11 Nl4. MCCALL 2.7.113DXC1-1T 41.NN51i.11 - N1.1: 11114_111111 \ I Gid PAW prrparr,l to rt rri Ve auti for.ra:d 11'0111 :I , •1 .11 Il• c it •we a Del s. r h•/,5,1 Vw L.l. AND C0.1.Vr.:1131.A. . r.CL,P.,I 111.6.111:rd Cluo, Pe tr:r. Chi's nO ( . 0,114 2. cctas. 11 , 22:0.3. I Ivnr. ',rare!. - .4.1.11. EF.TW EEN 1*(111.k.31\ Sceo,ul C14....K. 1411,1 C;us, LVlnil • lasi 2.; cent 21.1 ecl.i3. in IS coils 01 Cr 1.5 , , ret Lp•trct... Pi g Aletal. 12 5t..1 , .,,t,t • VP WC' .4•I 11.1 r int. dt.t.i . ATE-; Ft:o ‘ , l COL.'A To riT"r,ETEIG. Lrfr rint, Ott r•I•1 1 4 'l , 4 ' j"1 ' 0, 11‘ . 1,. Con• 4,Q• •41u• I loi• p•r• uf ('lass. N.11:4 111 1410 c Cedor :Ma ‘Vuo,..leti A'2 to t Ott't! Raul r— a cuers Pnr.t Rlnotaut l'apve lir. holds °lure, eutacr., Articles of 2tl , V.!R.S.S. A pp'e, AI :,,u-rer, herte, • .All.lOll, Chreer rend Una's Soca, Oil ut ca./cc. cr 14.trA•, rock ,, rY, Par, it, i•oxes, '..:1u , 4•1 , " l'to,t,Lcrlttl. Cn.k. or Burrell, terr•YAY. , / 14,,, :i — =:b to ri. 4 , (;ro..ertmt. Proiting l': , per liul, null Roles. Prlper ll:•ll,4iii t :r. ilr:riog iii boxes and kegs, 41,v••1:‘, p.n.. lus RI, are. :..eel Votatoes, flop, 'Vol.:teen ill butes, iron. (boor. until or sheer) 1... tratlter. TSPC. • Lo wood Totlow, •-t L 1.4 St 3iarble (wpts.,) ir'ic(cs of Mo•:tuutt,ll.% id U(tss. P. ..wrve Ilolet green,) \VI/ne 1,40, 4 4 )-44744 rtinnr. (in ) V."..1c t•nanttia•nurcil E=IIMI= 12 , , in, 5.4::. Ir. lack..y. codn.h. Urn,; L.] ::11 A;11.4 .I:Li L•f/1/..te.. irj"l'or furilwr miornnumr. it 1.1 I rui:111 Chita. 1: 11:- Ito1CF: Ap, W i - o/Laid , ,a, I/ 0 La 11-. A. Just Received and For Sale. 16/ ,'"li 1 SII'ES Ilru .11nal Salt. in large L.ry tri .1/kat; 4,.1.11,1,,,,:11. APPOLD*4 Vt . it, hou.r. • .1111,1 EIMEiI WA.lerZlt C. 177.1-MIT zrix A xv, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, s. W. Cornier 1714 awl Arch , 1 .14 POR FER. Ob (moss & tr,z, ENGLISH PICKLES AND SAUCES 1 , •11'.11 tell: Oil p3l 1-elretlll4 rinC TC:IN C4llrees, Fa StiC; 11 , 1 u, r.' Prices. 1 - 11, i..• WLNCS LIQUOILF AND S J GARS. of tLe hem hr ~11J, uy...31 h•. 11• 2 I-0 0 '1 1 .11111:1)DS. jim rer.dvid. K ally lot of T P/11. al :%IG/1 :%1 ay 5. P. SHREINER Sc SOW, Front Rt., Lei ma tie 1:$ ;dye, Colu midi, Pd. N 1 ., 71.: ,, ,;u5 . t s re in rn it from .......1.110111 or (gor" 1:1.• 111 . 41 1.41.71011. • •• t Ol11111) Oil iSZOI • 11",. ve.r, 01 WATCH ES. CLUCKS, 1 . :11. if NValo, tic•. ICrOutho , , Sc ..f eor I.,cv.t :.141.1rt. 1-: , r Km:'- Rmg-, C7n!.! It. •• I , lvevollo,ll. &I. R c lovlm uI, rtl.plif• 10 &ye 13• n rail ft , 41 erernitte u•;.:•• 1 •101 1 1 :it et 4' whtell are In 4.1 .o-4. roc. 4lr 14 r .1,111 N.I. re.11 1 :1 . .e.1, 1,:11 W..i hr 014 1111, pr. T. SIIRCINCIC .S: CM.,111 , .1a, 2 4 , I PGO COLO CREI3I OF GLITERIME.—For the cure ,„,. s . t , ..... b Ac. lor •ale it . I te hoLons MOH/ A R DtcD, D now ~r, LADIES' SUIIMER DRESS GOODS , ,)„,. „. ci, itot r 1,1114,114 V•• ": :,•,r• tyl I n..uJ a,nf 1101 n• l• the buy th^ir at ant, 3 !ex p kl. C FON Colt:tut la. June end. Ito LADIES BL.ICK SIf.:IC DUSTERS AND M A NTILLAs !! IT7T h,,ne h o c: u d n y reef, pi Of rhmil e 1V t;lnotit Ntt: 1 1 :eret 4 . Fronrn nod t'llanti , tl) totor C 10 0 -• M: .:1 ate. Thy own, Ate c,71 T ,,0:J.- r.ari'r low, nod inn toylcs bt,tottfuL l'uochottert— the indtetsrurttenlorly—ate innitnn an emit umJ ,Sup ice for thtnn.elven. LI. C. FON T Jour 2nd. 'al. rCoples Cann Storer. IVO P. .3A I.E. 100.1100 Plastering LAvh. (,U o°ol'a f !et, 50,000 do. .1 ERE rust Received and For Sale. 600 IiPXIS Nettle and tcfneene. at 3324 per keg. tons Wattle:frill'. Beet Whew. Lend. 3 bad.. Bee Letne.ned On' Aten, Inn racrerndt. a large aosomatne of C4rpentere Planet sad Toots of all kende. .1 RUMPLE & 111:q Mac 12, eq . .° . WATCHDIANER. & JD?" 3L131-1.. .. - ;nt Street, tchcren Lennst ca,f Walnut, TRE altnitio:l Ir: Ttr 0 - 2 Is A T C 1 - ;S. I; s Sr. JEWEL , - - • e fl .0 , ••11 . e rI let, ••I Oi 0,1 t. t 0 011 et •rt e• • , re•••1'1:i i I • :1" I 1“.t . 11 . ...1)1. U. •101. k :'• ~Lr• ~, ".. GOLD AND SILVP.P •A'ATC:II - '; 11 , 1 e: v •,1•!. 1.}.:1:1:): 2:1 :-,..770:::,11• R.. hk,tul A1t,5,1v• • t,t iii •1 t.- N E' i '''''' ; tIN .t• • • •i I , l:Vo'n I .1 • • •• • I Sl'Efs.l:c.bCOPC-; ••3 ( I,ra •vNrt" , l!i S neror .:—;:.;l,tlv. C:tc ot ri•, t,•• ';'," • •1L %VI 1.: ... ~ /. ,10,1 1)1:7.1 kln ke,! •• • t•• • • %.• I / • " ••& • r • •I " , 10‘11r 'O - •• 1",-,1t;(,",1 NMI MIMI 1'... .• E. , ttC.! !I-7:r tr.317/"..V.72.% •i 11 .• • 1 11. i .1, 1 11 1 C 111 ft:. r .1 c.: • 1 i• IM=E=l 1.1“ WI I.LI •,•1•111,11. t .. , 11 Is; 1 . ..11 . (•1....".1,;', '7l •,.,, tr". C . 7.: r (Aa ~,r*:•s. A c T P,r• r1P.1 . . 7. 1 P. Ir• es , •II • 1 • v -k t•t• •t A.:- F PC 11; a 1•41.:.: I. 1 . ;•5 /;61.4 , T 'pr'orc Ar t it ::'1 I .111 13.6.1)1tS NILTIEI STILiEt.E, N:.l N nrecr :14 . V0 . 111: C t.l'" th,:r 0‘,00:-.0 - ...1.• • 101 4 .a ga•aa:..ta .a—rarttale.a• vC Ph/b//)+1. 0 4/ WHICH 1 WILL SELL ell EAU' reit..t:. s •:::l ;1:6 .t n k rn, in, 'r of lion= ono Yom L.' 1. ood Rip 110,4' 1; ; i t (in& r. Itu too 110 d 1'.010.11.e.:1)”, 104 , Ti...lol4ral•' 1111110 , 1:11;d I', tall rid no!ur-, 00d A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Oran 411:.1- or - I. to to 4 o c[9RLllo ot )ottr,i‘oi - . 111:InW. ,n In n .7.. , Wrna. for Ow h:tla rirry , ri ert...0.1 , •“: , ,•,11 IC in. •i1 , C.7 I 1..11, 11 , ,0 In 1.11.”le•-. .1441 1 1.0 tr,...0“. I. mem an Itief,t-CJ ,flare 01 111.X.7tiN. Colum4itt.. fit pH/ 7. I V. 12. 1563. ISCJI SECOND SPRING SUPPLY OF INTMIXT GCODS. DA nr:%lS.4 Pre,: f.ncol- I / t: 6,• It. CELLA 511,t Lti. •p'• lb 11.1 !I.ll'O Il , ` ek t L ,rlle I.llpn,fr Corprangs, IVtate l e .S.4rtdrr, troll Paprr, ti•C ..11:11 0 , 01% •• e d Lor,l Ilse te , eolllpie , l. 3••Dllllitat At el, out ..0,1•• Apr,' 10-E r. tai (.1 Plilladt tphi.t,l4 n:1,1144 ail in ,1011 10 •110, • 4",,•. II! LI I:iit•tul'Uli. U. t: ~.r , nAn:t r K. \ VI 0.1 MEESE I I,IIA . `,1 , 04, %NV '; 1 of t • Y. • • ass% sit lair lON .110: Lind 0w...1 Is, los t• 11,11. , ...4,inA -e o J 11 r.1.1,1.T Ar I'm , ("3.1.11..1 Mortar Drug :Now A 1i , 1 , 12 , 31 t . „ ); :LA bral•d- 1.4 t wing 14.0..CeCt. VVl.leit Of e :•/,.)* /, •• , ;‘Wir.l:lll' Vet: . hem m-tra. , , .:• • 4..1.1 111 (kJ. rkCart t• , • ,Iltrir or motmotpromm pawm , a I'll,lll 'l.+ to 1.) 1..10111 .111 1 1 , •y . . 6111107 on, Vet i. 1•1 .1 few lilounl.••• 010 newly pat 110.. •, .1 NI mull 4M. ti_l . l 1,11 , p,, y shoo ai rDote om Pv km r mmomm. oil a Oral .wing ra ••• . •,-1 in.t,nr.aons in 01 the r‘; a. ark, and furaisla l• ••• I l• 1 I.'l, No• %2• A. Lot of Ground on Secant str eet , t mt:mmt a •011 to whe'her they want b. ‘‘ Whichß.V.Vl pirltli• el' ill , 'ill , 't, 1 . ,. "'Apt . Of fr.itnt: 'A, ')A.• J. J01.3.1:Y. pray.a.T.E SALMI Tar Mils at private sale Ihr p.opyrty, -;u.+ , 1 n the of knn. la. •14.: NO. I. A BitiOlicinith Shop, situ:l° , l,ton thel not lrprOlel ,o.:(Ls a 16:1 n.l ol 131 UL Kbgt),lLiti No. :3. A Lot of on S.'cord s!rent, t L, t a 1,11 U.i.011 tll/./ P. r.) 0 . 1 'l% Cif CICO. nUt 111141.”-1. ,, ,tory I too, 114 No. 4. r 1 Lot of CLuar. , l Ofl Fourth street, h. 1,11 'I 1 . ••• r, /WI VI I, 01. V, h ui.t u-,w , ) I No. 5. T , An Lots of Ground on Fifth st root, t 0..• vs-o b..:1 ..;;;),, G. Two Lots of Ground on Fitt h stre,!, in V.,•• 011 ~..1.(/ 6 , 1 Ir , tall n.n-.•ore inen Dwenthz flue - No. Four Luts fittuated on rrni 111111 ‘v , .1t.v.•„.,j .013 11.1. omelet tor over ten ;II IN LI :.on trait:4of what. e Cr T,•••?tt I.l.tet to •tt y of any other meth . we , o, e. a •litzle ini.taiige, In u•e•I. Never Oaf we know in ~.o•.i.e rl-ipa•f io 111112 ky any one vehollsedalj re,,•.;•iv a 1 il;OL e.4lgilled :V.lh Ito Oftnlia -1,,0•.:1^..,•p0r.'; la t, or litebe•st commeodativa il• 111.o.:1••:•:• tr.( n-I test! virtues We t , . vhl. ma,' ;id - .1.441 know,. eller t, n • oar reputation •i t c:i.•• • ••• - . ..• ...Wain. /11 1 .1 •en. 111:00? ja wider ••••.; firm • .• 1,44 will be i • - e stlert.lieeyfTlp 0.1 it•.••, 1. tiie prew•fpfloal of n r, 'b! -nu •icalfal Nurses • 1:44 • ;.;„,,..;.&e.i• need wan algae/ ••: Cv.•• .11 MOT:SANDS or CASES e 1 .1. w!••••••• stn '^ el , :e from pion.bat WY !g. trite. t1.,.1aq. .2 and tr: eorree.a ,•1.1 ewe• etay to tic wSule apse, It •••• relieve GRIPING ;2; „e, BOWELS, AND WIND', COLIC. WIND, rocatill y , rice.. which if nMspred i rerrediee. end in ;0. death. *Co believe f 1 eke COA.Xt VOIR. TEEM OXV. rai.l earn , ' remedy 3 / 1 the world. in *9 EOM , SPRING THE TDIE: TO PITY cfmAr. and b. enc.”. siwb e cb.. r urivN4. from trail. vie lily. er from any osier rf"rsobagriber is row r.ceiviiiz One) . hag." .‘"reg . elitaat. Lantlia way 10 every number who bee to Mg ..orik or Cue Otto invite+ nilmin•ilnrn I s ebt'd auilenne from tit any elflike foeegaiwg cane who with lo lay ill ides cry toter to give nee le: your a r••epadleeS, nor lbw= hi. 1.• of rea w er., *twirl ~v betweeu your e 11. e eLoco roue's:. e f e-^ r 5 or erttd and tun rune that to wal 140 wire..idw. ferret gaalitie• grade, inse• mid prices, and ho can' Solely e.-. 0 16.0 v: Lae foe of thin meA guorstoklee •••ati;NClAlqt to ea.torne vs ;if umety owe. 1 nil direeisone for &iv will a t , The Wag. n.ia . ..otabed :,rl.l at the Raeth wi.l veer i patty cock Nude. None peouine.otesa e 3 up n- roPatannn both a••w'eatda quaLty ac.d r . .• Ice of; Ile of Curtis & Perkin., New Yuri:, iv oh it• -BLitt" b: "jN CPS; wrapper. Cial rod rati•fy yo.weelers tl-at yon sea rave Fold by dwicei.a throothor like wo: meaty by pa/chute% r.ow, and Gan' -- Ttinemal Ot e-r.:lie.t3Ced r sit re J. G,lll:vEr: NI g ONLY SI CE:( f root of Cars! Besbn.Ceteranh:a. Tanta rby R. s Sri April 1(, I Grin No. 5. Six lailiding Lots sitonte,! on Fifth r tree, I,:wer,s Ejt.l.) is.l Cacti' Or enll 4 , &•c., The. •ab*eri , •r• etTcr et env:ye en:c the f0:10 , ...1 rig pr nertA. 1411 R 1 1 ,.. batri iz h. er.•: Three LictS of Groend on Union steer?, rif 6 0.1 a:- ercnt,t liter, St , +tio • .1.„4: f ( . 0 . I z R. 11,Jaa: 1 1 f;:rracrly c f M.,tras. Y3ur.r, b Cn. floc peq,ard fvtlf A fert to rattirrts, ...b . A/1 1 4 6 . ierh• vrmk. Will b:11 • y Thr Nr,,v Cy, ray 4. 1401:1011'w 111. 11 , of Iho of ft:Akbd.ll'. r h j.fre ( 4:11.1e) . . N.Tet7h,lr pi the L.!^ Lt. Aitam.. i;••• I , Airmi of fan, } . 41 WO , CVPICeII ll:antrated s..rto D.ct:onary, 137¢0: ELI &$ OA It it a. co • rza B. C. APPOI.I I . Can", 13...crt irox-m rnzzz, •.` • 1 • 1 .?1 =III ttul p ; • : . , antly t.O JCL Di r: MI!BE=111111 „ ~ MIIMIM ENE MIME T a i L^. , r, ~ ~ ~ =BM ,t • it It IMIIMI MEE ':! E cp-avln.ertOlir. =MI IMB ME 11.:• MEM Lectie rr “ , 1 C, vor fl cr.oINF , I)KY; AN . P , CA , li.)1 New Goods. (MEWING TOBACCO H. 171%1 it ilia ==l •‘•;••,..:,•••.; er • rr: r,e r- 11 •••t:vt,A3.l. U.. ..: =ffil L A rrk rt./if.) ft Vl l . l - 11 1 , j t < 73 ;0 • r ' p, • -- - ._ • t AZAR VII 11 Tar 51. ; Uni,nl . •••r! hi' , • •-,• SPLCIFIC the :Av. , . lor • 1; BEIM •,!. MEI =MEI t . ME ~, r t.i ~,~.. EWE V k ,•.,, ruing. the Ttcf..l. ; —V T TC.L and IV.6l,eralrless pt 171: EMI —Fn. Infant:3m, and Summer GNISEIBI N Cr.l:; Tl-,rte ery, or Moody Flux: -t, I.Tortro, Cn:nitlnF *No. C C end Sore Throw. r a - 1,1 IlLat anl rellneEl of th,l ....I)Vi ^ :l , l\ PI I nntl Therancrl EtC aa I I!ClrrpL ;C. o. 11.-1 . •:: . „ S:anty, taintal, or i 01" I • _ I-11., Nu. I I —Vor t• , T , . r 11 ul I . lreat.l.lnr. Nn. rt,:,;••1 —rot, ^m Pain, taracitaaa, or Sore n.), I r: . , C"li .• , 1,1, 1, _l. n--' 0h.% Crn 14,.•• 51/011, t'l fo Inflrnr.rasaznx. --- • - C. , a-,,,11 erw. , I. M. •, 1:•*1.•!: OA!, thc t.'l • nrt. like a chsrm. a.ll own the alt , e, sLurt. EMI ^ C• t 0 .‘equer t crtvlrrence. mtvl m I t.! t• due:abed 1.0.. cs ~ 1 - , be ut o.:•ce,l by the 1 , 4.1 C .1 e 1. t .^.911.."1 , 1•111,1Ve•nk SActrtnel . , Cl.kbitity, gts Irr2-.1:1.!:4,, i.l CAULT7I`. to P),T, ~e cr...elms sped:lei ; r ; n n cure In !Omen every tra nre. Or•rn 1 , a Core of n rnrele chronic dtibenits•, aria or Cu tnrrh, licnanche or Frinale Weak co.r, , C:e than I 0*„.I for the case ten :ante over. Nte et* c'.o Yinla en-rtr4Cre. la m ,, race o , ll Tul Boot $ 3 0., t : • r 1..... a0.1112,a., liottn 4 C.a : , f .r, ,tn..; 1..,..e., una ro or 2 C 1=•• of G 1, , ,,,, taa.t,ro.l, a... 1 1.1,,0k 1 ~. :1:::: . t.t. re.l howl. ..Ith t Urv,;:oi l s 4. 5 Cent. "11 , :_t: Itttered boser, o alt t:1re.:11.5. .. . ...... .50 cent". Largo eiLii, of Ii 0., s:a'.e, for I"..altoks aall 1 4, 3 e.e.......113 r-. As . nroa cr. 7.3.7rn:4lz.—Vppre.s.A. firro:,h a.ttenar ouh Cough and I: , :protoration, Pt lce, rout , ru••• Dl'...llnnt:RAvr , —lll4oltargre from tho nur, en, reeult of S,arlct Foyer, Me rvy tkra,,,N of Ilttt:ng, root Rlnglog ul the Ear , tool Pr?, o, cette per hoc, A,—F„lor Inclurot. and 01 , 1 oz Cathory of Chl'olrru. cots per hoN. Fort liges.o • 0 ArtuLrrv,—P. 40,1 cr Nervous Weakneet the I' ,•••, it o M,llzation„ or Ec j'-r hoe. Eon cOmiv.—P 'rnoda Sa eltings, nith SO.II/• r x. Poo . c..Fic.,‘ 000 —I), ,t,uuto, Vertigo, Nausea. Cu:vit . :4lg. Sit:Al:cm C:oul riding or motion. Prior, GO coots per boo. Fon Crtixs.a, firuvrl, Porml Calculi, Dim colt, P.Lint,lPrinatiou, DlstascA of the 0. Price, GU mile pot tu.x. lo'l St ter it. rxP•to! , ,l.--Tovoltirdary TA.clOCrgen and C"osorluent Promtration 1,41.1 ih,14 . 111v. had ItemAta of Evil 41~bil , :ate MOnt eocuetelol owl efl..lent nod mix he rcl,r,l upon a. a cure. Price, sills lull dirco - t l prr l'ersoos sho e!=h to ',lnce themgolvel under the profee shu,ui core, or to cook adds.: of 111 . 9r:incr.., can do so, at Ms Isalce :42 Itio,tdiray, daily from S A.3t. to 91'.M. or Op letter. OT:R RITMFDIFS Rti ?,TAIL. tool; over the ; mn!ce up n case of vs hitt kind you nod atim.n.t in t current note or stamps b.) In in t, oar uldrow., nt No. :A2 It-onto ay, New-York, and the ; wilt he duly ret.artunl by mall or express, free of cl.arce. AGENT'S ANTI:D.—We desire an active, ealr lent Agent for the sale of our Ftenn,lieg In every town or community It the Celled Stones Address Dr. F. 77umintnEY3 & in. rACI: B.ILOSLWAY, 16W•Y41tt :I:,y t••.:} I ll7eur Ztccli tI the Golden Mor. 1 ar. V T .] ' . l u'i if d fro:a l'hi!virlphia 1, I I , ml 1 , , urt, , It aI . u•"-rlrpir•i a I , MO r t fr. - • o 5 • , .!1 Vc , .. • •• MEM 11=M I•, ; $ 1:1.1.1-.77 co. 01.1 ff.f. IV a 777 17. Y. C L LITIBIA; ~ ..'?) i';'.. ,.. V.4., ;-, C- -- R: : e.:!,,roi ^3 ' :%:, ' S ' k ' l ' i '.l : .: : ::,,.4.'.t-5!4.• ._-. -;;i,,:..j1.. .4.4.;1.:i:.4-a-V7.•t -.,::,,)r 1-,, , 7 l : CAP.%i4 -: ", , -3; , -_-*,. *; f , ----_ --- CiALLMILY. Sulnct Der r,.hpalritlls : calls the ;It t ,-.• !••• ItaN•l L :1,1 I t)' 't s.f•lt t. Clem .1 F• • , • . rropgre.l In •v. L 1 I'. tae Lc.: e , ,,de of 1 - 3rzs3raotzr, •. • 31 , "^