The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, July 28, 1860, Image 2

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a toLie isar/n'a 17,V.; ;
Fnesser, sr.;;;I:LI e!:; , ..-ke ihc,ease
it eon.. ed rt.'letr st')ol nt tin feet of the
and cp:Torts the :eft. the sir,Ttoll
64 . eve!rdes ti.e k.:prter p•lrt. of the
-high v;_it'2 ...7/ totrzni;;Lic . , 7 - 5'11:1r;-, its ?ad
*Ter tl:a azter:. I:23eci
wh:ch sarr . ,;;;:zs :he iiin!
zepares tv serer. ap tha 1:1 , ,•.rur::7 - .t, thus
iii vital
, the
• r.t..10r." , t. itiChe3 Lin.;
sharp, tl:ro:,ts 1114 eye
gy7cs the and
pn-Cere . , bas be
is Ht:l.lltlS in 1.11,
4 0
.trr rt 3 DUI
‘1,....te :C. 111
-.-uispered th,r}, grii.4l:lllg firm
iv with 11;5. L.::: f, r;a,
;:! , Int
11), .
1. ,r;zont:11:: 1;,..'
qttr CJ it:: th •t.
trattifila a:: cc.,tr3.l
in fiont of the bnc. 11s EP:tt eta ,
directly Cto•Tnn cr,is. in the picne i.r the
l'nlb, ai to f.)ro:
a Itp, whieh i.; ao:z::: and tamed upwards,
of the way, '11: tha Ippint.(.4d aliktont.
tran•tir,l4ll ii a; tin :nada corn
soot, ha: the knife
,:date beilind the bone :
••;rn;lar incll4'.olt foll...tys, and another flap
! , ran: Ia i !:r.: 71.7: 17 ay bef tr L•tqt-
14encing :,:e.
lc. triLli ticraw, - ) r.,.1:1(1.
iip i:g : ; :i left uncut ; n.n I irtrld
i-14 tlze MI a will take: it
gives him r. s.or in rater:, Cho orolra
t les tho bone with a fcw•
strnkes, awl the limb is SQvarca from
tlio. billy. A ras:ling sounl vf generAl
movement and ,iper breatiiinp, is
ing the Ipeztators. wh bare followed
with straininz crit:eal eyes every act
hn..3 c)n:ributel to th aonornplish
:wont of the taec ; and R . , mo rne of the
younger student 4 is heard to whisper to his
neighbor, -lire and thirty sounds; not Lis I.
y jar° i"
The opz:rator now weals hiEntell on the
stool just va.cate 1 by the ilre9;cr. who lies
carrie 1 Italy the leg. an 1 seckt in the cut
cornices before him the en 1 of the main
artery on which to place a lig tture. Ti err'
no flute cf blot!. oily a little eizin7„ fir
the tourniquet hill; life's current h ard
no.l fast. Only fro minutes' urn:intro:led!
etc Of the current from that great artery
1:07 so perfectiy coati.areim .1, and our pa
career in this world is closed for
aver. Flow is it nertrymently held in check?
%oil what lure we to soh itititto fir hissing, j
AfArkling, and snutterint an I the i
Lolling pitch? the opera t hill of
the out end of th- a toy wlCo a sie t ler
p tit Cu fcreep+. an i draws it out a hula.
while an assistant nlss a Tour, I the end
drawn oat rt. lig aura of esceedinAly lino
whipcord, fine bit strenz,, acid e irefully
tics it there with a double. knot. and so
, Fffeetually el. Hes the vessel. A similar pro.
ceia is appliel t t perlpt:at sit or seven °th
ere, but smaller Yeesle , „ the touraiquet is
rovnce 1, an I n bleeding (Ames. Alto
gether tht patient has lent but little m trn
thin half a plot of hl T:le flips are
pace lin oppjsiti ta, tits h e V , Oll C )V•
oral by til3M.n fare Flitches Ara put through
thcir. edLes. sa:n cc tl wit lint is apphe I
r...) rams tit, ntlimp, and the patient,
elumbering peacefully, is carried ofF to a
comfortable lied rmely prep:it:id in r. - one
r.ljace.ut ward. ii of an tar that
patient will re; - .in cia:v.i.ut an: pr,
the finq IC, in 1.-i makes will
"1 ern reafile the i;perrol , ..m, when it
going to begin?" Acid it ak no little
repetition c.f aNsuranec tam all is ever
to make him reahre the hippy
So it is that he who the limb know.
less about the proeess titan any one c,a
cerne./ infinitely Icso, inv ro zi e ro , i n r .
an :rho Willi ut the
quiet corner, and have ...eon 1111
sing consciousneiis or citintioz
/Ay Old Hat
:Ann. I. no u•e ants ;2,1
And reelme, n: dI/ to t,
r•P h rr: 41. e. rae lfie rrG•e•
biy rasa::-4baced Vlct
van* r. 1,1.! 6;' /
111a1 eo laced..) *h,
f..tne:-. of toy 11,1
;gory 'hi. h t• !”,t ,
eier fly Inc
Tn:...To • "I tat I ••: - aka-.
1 . • itaral cn r 11,-1. re 33 41.1 to
.144r4.1 z!..-1, I hl ,
I. %ow. q. 14 - .4. 4j •
JJ . 41 4 ..•Le •••• 6 err. I I!!!
A .. (11 • 0 A.O . •:.S: '
or .6,a,.0 VAT
Mr ',At' • c 1 IS
;jl any /1.
it .htt , ,i/ijeA et..r .: -
And CTI FS:, 4
Lc hell :ur . 1.11., A a. 1•••• or
:•; II •
'I.-- Mae r• t on n.i.t
Ao La .A.t••. 10.
An I wan ;'r
ronic. old 4.1..
/:a• 41 .3trl p3l:,
• K
• 41.
ir.e. s• we.'
.1.• now s 113.
/Tarot battlen tt..ltt n fo•tystt. n .1
' ,‘• 111. Saitooft. age 8.,t,
1 et ever, be).ent 'a. art tie
' Tina tl*Ml3, - 41 ht. 3131.
And It itntle 'torn (11:1 trtnat. n •
. e.t*•*l••
ho iAllsnAlt• 1 4.• •
• Hp'
And re. I'm to .1 • • c•v• I 7r,
tin •vutt• a''
I h.. it of , • •,•. my, fr, Me%
ban •Iny 115'
4411.(1c01,10,11'• "f's• A*311.1, g,
•1,1141.tfe• ssu.4ll
Ti.., Nebo fi.r . -tr'e ta•fit•ta.n
lA.-,t.1 d ar O,d 11.1'
f•.”..te ' , Gad.... r rt at to t.
•• 6.t;
r“..• • as Mt •,0,
quite u .4,1,5 eiat
' This I%v:A - ii•reive.l atttit *••111 . 0. r,v,"
rh.. • tviv t ,,•
vss• •hery is st y, •,.
It tvvy tote n r. et..t.
Is• ad. "f, nee Int •••.; : ,,.4 , ,
et, eu e • .1 , r,•• LI.: ,
ean each dot e •••o rat tte....
' About this holy 11.4
41 . sd yet gar •Iv-art- a I' clty 4 r.,
itegaewe I w 7: 1m oat •non t•
sly lossvceth OA
Hr[ words hit, Tit , 4 ,
T rtsk ts,ly tv Lisa
rvo .6. 41.1 Vilt• I •g . .•f •e,
.11kbeill141[1•1.1110.11 My It.,
Fite bsoiss .vet
7. 4 flg rr.d,
hOta aa fa try it,z
t 5
COLT.JME.II.A. 1 , ,.
RAxso'a, ODD Fr .tows' 'TALI, IN To- . 114 7 7.9
Ll' i, and
SrQ Sre F ndric h. 4- Eros' cerrriismen: in
to-day's paper. Theirs is the largest Wholesale
and Raced Taharcg, Segar and Saul qanufac
tory in the State.
: i le •t rit
f th: : Ir,•1
SRNATOII.—We ere authorized to announce
A:404 S. GREEN. Columbia, es a cenchdate for
SUIT , ' Se, ator, sub . :cot to the dectetuu of the
Veople'l County Convention.
Pi 1 , 4.'1:4 17.1.1.:-
Executive G-srmittee of the Celumhia-
Bc..arl of '.2.:racle. fcr the liont4 of,
• "
A8EL:17.12 BRC - ZZR. TI:0112.9 WELSH,
an fio sowner
NoT DEAD YE4.—We litAt, week had the
plea.ure of f.trling; antuog our lilechory2es
the Markt:fan,. resiced and reintigorated
after its little puspens;on. The 1....1int:
1 , 2. i on the armor once more with flattering
hopes of FoleCe. 4 l, anti goes into :he figlp
with tenttcea the. lie hop. more , :pr,
hointe I hi. c,dors. and henceforth sails With
the Rept/V.:on banner at his uribt Lead,—
lYe hlul good luck.
p I
Mt it-
PotxricAt...-04 We Inesday everting, tine
Republicans of L•tncagter held a lILISA
ing which was largely attended. A delega
tion of -Wide Awakes" wits preent from
Piiiladelphia. an 1 a torch-light preee-i- , irin
precious 'o the meetir.g attr.toted :much at
teation. A delegittion of Ona hundred :mil
thirts went from Colombia.
'Zhere Ma,:i inrmtior, of sl e
of Liucolo, 11 tattin nrid Clllllll in
tlii. ;loco on nest We ine-i lay evening. at
Win. D. \!.trio G•r - r, A C.iffey
of Poil Idelpllia and otlicrs from L:11
cii..ter IA ill i...penk.
1...vr. l'etsu;g —The Piinn of 'Wale..
h:+ arrived at :it. Johns. and is receiving
Cie NV ihip of the I yal Lilac rinses. Ur
a ill give the "Conyeks" a shiny, oftoti
rhich the pociy young man ventures a utoog
the tiorinirica Aldermen and Councilmen of
tin- land. Ii ho vine , htctt to
mot he • 4ifeiy his.teriilde La.:twat of Yan
kee pence and good will, will prep ire her
to fr, in a just appreciation of Yankee war.
Aril, nervor venture upon hestilitici with
.1•) truly forx,iltble a people.
Tar GEita 1:: B.ti.r,.—On "We:lne , .clay even
ing n 1.111 IV, 4 given in the OM Fell,,ws .
Hall LI the13 , ...r0i to+ of the h)rongh, which
was attenl.,l with its inevit:tWe fight. We
h tvo received a comtnnnieition in respect
tJ it, dunann..!ing in it , measure I terms the
c induct of the rowdies on the oceashm.—
We .1., nat need this reminder to induce be
to notice the nntrage. We live to , flair the
MI not to hAve been upplea4antly sensible
o f t he riot and on n ru.i o n. Thoentire neigh
b trboA, wasmibe s urbcd by the yelling nod
profanity, n hieh w IA kept up almost divan: 4h
our. the night. We have botbre spoken or
similar raxdyism. and had n , ) fault to find
with the parties holding elite ball. Wo re
peat N% hat we the:, said: t ha t the Germabs
have as much right to enjoy themselves in
dancing other oitliten ,, , and the fact
that they are Gzrni polv.:able and orderly,
sh rather pretest them Cram annoyance
than subject, the n t ins lir. lr the ratne
glad cil . utierrere with the
p.krue.pat,ts In a,aea,' or Citizens' Bar.
the; V1.J4:1 e.t . oer cut of the win..
or Lk; 1 up in the cell tr. Even
tf :.1 1 G;r k u p i 4 krt.; I j o uau...l,llre I
tii:4ll to dette'lt tre:1:1t1 nat. *.ve
ir.e.t is alaiit. tilt; olempti , in
front ssioilar in futiii e, tlii•
buroug!l uutliorties will lie u.i lle 1 up in to
prevent LL repeti.ina uf the otz:ALAe
TLIE MEV.: P: —We s it: Wd paw the
in,nen• :Lr.l t.i , 1 ti
, that our vita Teri ~..rry fur g
factuuu; apure theat our "hymter-
i 141" on the 31thject, a. 4 we:i our partioo
version of the np i mir.thJo L: the Nab!in/
pyr3teC:l , ll.ll. W
tout the p l iel)111.11 ,, ;1 :Lily.: ire ill tiler .rat
511,,,t at .)',ll‘)..tic thirty 11111.111 C,
on Fr, lay evening. 2.0V1 tnat. , ant nftt.:
13CI 2: 4.1 .11 I: :1 , 61 , ens, ,11,.tp
pc.trul i.t tho Stu-.. 1 1;
on LI ...ter. TILa ATcg. .): I
.Irl ti Ltd Lill el,l I
I rcattir . ..l4 cur nya•a.i,,o un t ~.tte
;IL! it." It , arie.! m sza.
4...Y!1e is —eve sv. fr,,Tl twxe the
of t.: :n 1g .itaic .4 a
I" 1 I.: •Ir
11 C. I . ! 1...1 1 e tr. A.L:I JUAII
111.. , - :I 4. • .8:1 IL! I •.! LILIll:
I:Il• , •:11 MAI /1 . W.L.1 . 1:1::::.1.1 CAS,
IC i I 1 . 14.1 .. . r far out
.it 111,1
31 , 1; vr:a}:tll pr.,LC,Iy ha e !.I%st the mo+
ry euz veceittrie t i-itor. Our
i- :;tat turi Coutet tar: itr,e
t orn ty 01 11 :I; Vit'st ii;I:otllitl
ta.'.l” TJ Ills tu•tiun :hi.: eau
dal apd...itge ,if the retrea , ing G. eu•lri:.
tvi,a brirt—rery brief. This s:re agthens
i - iur the try :lid its tail bet. , rie"ii its leg,.
Ihr ‘,;g , l f telly t; of like
Tato O'Slut•lier•s ma:., with the loss of a
re/Teo:able p r, lien of its tail•featliers.
Sminnt, J , JURN tt..—The Pene.ylvania
Szhanl journal far An7,nst entemenees n
eau- system ::high to mid renter'-
tn the usefulness of that interesting pub-
Ihritit.o. It in Cl;vided 1110 "Practical" and
deptrtin Int: IL, f.rtilAr contain
ing the es)o-ica,:3 of newt teAolier., the
laser brain; Intel led fur the instrnotion and
information of sch , ol oSters. This is the
!official educational periodical of tho State
ani is an important ally to tho earnest Ja
ilt ,rers in the close of education.
Aracien's nom: iNiscaztsa. : - "r August
has been received. I is a very rsol spins•
be; of . itgnad franily
1).11 l)41
:II 1.1 11.,11 tie.ry
L • a e:1,l1Ii•
lz /
TcE CEN cony from the
miter the f.)lfawing, Census statistics, showing
the growth of dikerent parts of our county.
The increase is ir,,nll cases cc..nsidertible and
shows the steady growth of this greatest of
Populr.tion, 1660 '
46 1530
Popu'ation, 16130,
IS Yr!'
Increase, 46
Population, 1860, 1600
11330, 1997
This apparent decrease in East :Donegal
township, is explained by the fact that what was
part of East Donegal township in 1850, is now
part of :AL. Joy borough.
Population, 1t 4 .60,
Mnle Inhabaants, 953
Female o L2t,
Total population, 1903
Male Inlabstents,
CUlaid "
Coral population,
In 1850 when the census was taken, AdaWS'
town was included in EastCocattco, the popu-
Laical being 2117. The recent census bill, N . 5
an nxereaae ot 219.
Bat - xi:soca TOR-:45/111'.
M Ie Inhabuai ,
Tut.' I population, 1494
1 nu; ease, 12S
Popul at lon,
Felmtl e!,
PrAleitA Tow:linzr
In ISJU, Prquea was part of Cunestoga
to , a astitp; the population was then 3.616
against 5,141 ut iBUo, ShOl% tag a gaol of 1525.
all 11:0 E..ll.p.ving from elle I\'rigl4.-
vii Jo Qur, ,liiivring the wow th of our neigh
over the nester dune; the last ten
Lt appears that • th- population of our her.
()ugh is now 13G0. As itillovva:
White Males 5.9.6
White remota, 515-1201
Colored lal es 7;
Culotcd Females ti 7— 150
Total 13G0
Sit ,i g an itierPase in our pupulatiou in the
lat ten years Cl 50 ! Cupreceneuteill
letv Ilantise.4.--iftereit for August,
handioniely illusttated andcant: inir% mare
than usually good matter, has been received.
"To Red Raver and Beyond" i 3 the principal
illustrate.) article, the cuts in which ore
beautifully executed. Thitckeray's first
lecture on the "Puny cargc-i," copied% from
the Mair,nrinc, and now first pub
lished in this country where the author
dotivered before dolittlited audiences, is
g . I: is '::.114 , :kel a:,ion in every line.—
'l' he "Drawer" is very grind, and contains
fewer stal2 jokes redressed than usual.
The ATLANTIC niN TITLY for August is n
genuine number, with the true mint stamp
in i alinnst its entire contents. The reviews
are c,preially good. Thic is the only
American monthly in wliith new books re
ceive sulliciontly banter critied , m to enable
the mauler to bay moleroandinglr. The
"Frofc(.o.r's Story" hi continued, and
Elennedy's ':Liegrad of Maryland" ctu
PROCKED or Couscii.--Colurnbia, July
20, ISA—Council met. 31embers all present.
Mjnurei of last income read and approved.
The Finance Committee reported that the
Treasurer had p.m! a Bond of $-Vjo held by
Nt,ss Ilernilton.
The Road Committee reported at; follow.
Cast of repairs Att Locust ..oreot, 49.89
• at corner of Front & Perry at. 9. 6
Material piirchaAeri since fait t eporr, 25 03
Ordinary Repaint, 32.70
Total expenses. Cat the month, $ . l 11 .23
Council %vent Into conviJeration of the reap.
i u 1011 , tot h• appropriation of SIIO for
the payment of the Nlarkl..y Lot, leid over at
la,t mei:tang.
Mr. Piehlsr ea:led for the original question
which was sustained by the following vote :
Nlessre. Breneman, Fraley, Hershey,
nippy, McChesney and Pfahler, 6; Nays,
Nests. Bruner, Welsh and Watts; 3.
Tri.l tullo.sin , sin usil.nent was then taken
Mr. Watts moved to amend by striking out
all alter the word President, and inert $115 . .)
for the pay•nent ut toe. 8/11.1 held by Mr•.
Hurry. To which M.r Brinier moved to insert
alter the wards "Mrs. Harry" anal all other
B,•, Is of the 13 'rough a.. far as the mailey an
the Treaii-nry will reach. Mr. Watts ac
cere AMPI latent. The amendment,
were ,I,ssgreed to by the following cote:
Yeas, 31essrs. Snorter., Fraley, Welsh anal
Watts. Nays, Messrs. Breneman, Hershey.
Hippy. McChesney anal ['fabler.
The original motion of Mr. Hershey as fol.
lows, 4.1 hat en order be drawn on the Trea
serer in favor at the President for SIIO its
peyment of tire Markley Lot," wan taken up
ar.4 agreed to as follows I.:
Yeas, Messrs. Breneman, Fraley, Hershey,
Hippy, Nlcehesney and Pfalder. Nays, Messrs.
Bruner, Welsh and Mots.
•'lr. Weis offered the following resolution:
Nernived. That the owner of :he Markley
Let give a Bond in the ;am of Five Hundred
Dunaris in Savor of this Borough, with suet'
security as ',hilt be approved by the Chief
Burgess, la a allaraplee against losses in case
the title of salt' lot or any part thereof shall
be contested by a alit at law.
On the adoption of which the Yeas and Nays
were called and as follows;
Year, Messrs. Bruner, [briny, Welsh and
Worts, 4. Nays, Messrs. Breneman, Liershey,
McChesney and Pfahler. 4.
On motion of Mr. Bruner the President orris
requested to employ counsel to astortain
whether the title of the Matkley property Is
good or nor.
:4r. Welsh moved thnr the special Commit.
Nee on °Potters' Fiela" be authorizer' to puss
chase a piece of ercurd to he used as a gurial
place. ag . rerd to,
The question of prnyv:inc the Trinity Cello
:•c rbtlret, •h► rrivo.r• of him"; a C emPtr •
is connection with the church, they contem
p!ete building on ;heir lot in Cherry street,
was considered. -
'4.r. Watts moved that it ie the opinion of
this Council that we.have no power to grant
the request, which was disagreed to.
Mr. Welsh moved that we deem it inexpe
dient to grant the request of the petitioners,
which was agreed to. as 101/ows
Yeas, Messrs. Bruner, Breneman, Fraley,
Hippy, McChesney, Pichler and Welsh, 7.
Nays, J. M. Watts, :.
On motion of Mr. Welsh the Supervisor was
instructed to repair such gutters as itt the
opinion of the Road Committee are in a worn
out condition, also, the pavement around the
Market Honse; and to repair Cherry street
between Second and Third streets.
304 0
Mr. Welsh offered the following resolution
Resolved, That the street Committee be and
hereby instructed to proceed with the grad.
i•lr. of Fourth street between Union and Mill
s , ieets, providing that the expense for grading
a•id laying, the gutters, shall not exceed the
sum of Five liandred. dollam, Provided
lurther, that if said sum is now In the Borough
riea.ury, the same is hereby appropriated
200 J
51r. Watts moved.that it be laid over until
next meeting, which was disagreed to.
Mr. Bruner the following amend
ment : ••'That proposals to have the work, done
by contract be advertised far, , ' agreed. to.
Resolution as ameirt.d.was then adopted.
Mr. Wel•h moved that the Committee on
the Fire Department be instructed to confer
with the IVater Company relativ,e to the
placing or a Fire Plug at the corner of Third
and Union strecO.
r. Bruner moved to amend by striking out
"Third and Union streets" and insert Thud
and Perry streets, agreed to.
Motion a.; amended was then agreed to.
A Petition of the citizens on Fifth street to
have a pavement talon the North East side of
Fifth street from F. Giaub'o to Union street,
was lead and referred to the Paving, e
A Petition of the Viet Lint Fire Company,
asking for or, appropriation to enable them to
procure additional hose, W4O read and laid
over until next n'Wettag.
l'be lollowu' Bills were ordered to be paid
D. Mullen, 521.61; A. Ervin, $1.50; Lock
ard & Co., $29.10; G. Bogle, 823.08; W.
l'unony, 86.80; Jno. Fink, $5.50: D. L.
Chalfant, $25.62; Samuel Wait es, $3l-30; P.
Gardner, $2.(0; Jno. Eddy, $10.00; A.
Lowley, $1.49; W. F. Lloyd, $2J.03;
Facer, $1.r,0; A:, Cowden, $,1.40; J. K.
E Jno. Fishe.r, $2.59; A. Shill,
8)c; W. 'Tomas, Stk.
011 motion Council adjourned.
Attest: Wat. F. 1..r.01m, Cie! it.
List of Jurors,
To fore in the- Court of Common Phas, to
commence on the Pus th Montloy in August,
(the 271 h.)
John Bowman, Manheiin wp.
John A. Brush, Esq., Washington bat.
Samuel Brubaker, Earl.
Moses Brillion, Coleiain.
AVilsoirn Childs, Jr., Marietta bar.
Amos Cowen, tipper Leacocli.
Joseph C. Dickinson, Salsbury.
Washington Etter, City.
Daniel Engle, Conoy.
Daniel Eckman, Strasburg twp.
Samuel E. Littlo Britain.
John H. Gond, Brecknock.
Henry 1). Good, Conestoga.
Jacob Grabill, Seri., West Earl.
Thomas Grosh, wp.
Benjamin Gilbert, Eden.
John S. Hostetter, Nanheim twp.
Jacob R. Hess, Elizabeth.
John Herr, Manor.
Cyrus W. Herr, West Lampeter.
Joseph llogendob!cr, Columbia borough.
Adam Kendig, Cc nestoga.
John Lehman, Manor.
William Lowry, City.
Jacob Myers, Jr., Mount Joy botough.
John B. Nyim. West Lampeter.
Chi istian H. Moyer, Alanor.
Christian L'• Mylin, Pequen.
Benjamin My lin, West Lampeter.
John Risser, Salisbury.
August Slmber, Warwick.
.lscab I'. Stauffer, Manor.
Mo,es Shirk, West t erotic°.
Christian W. Shaub, West Lampeter.
Thomas Wilson, Salisbury
William Wentz. Mastic.
To serve in t,:e Court of Comtniin Pleas, to cm'
inrnee nn the first Illinday of September.
(the 3d.)
Henry Ba umgarilner; City.
David Bricker, Warwick.
Isaac L. Bare, Upper Leacock.
Henry H. Breneman, Eden.
Moses M. Brubsker, Elizabeth.
John Curley, Leacock.
R. Coperibeffer, West Ilempfield.
Jame: Cashman, :Marietta borough.
S Herdinger, Want liempfietd.
A bia`lam Ebcensliadc, East Lanyeter.
William E. similar, Manheim borough.
Jonas Eby, Went Herrmlieid.
John Fondersmit It, City.
Henry Frank, Warwick.
Henry Gaol. West Lainpeter.
William Gunkle, Ephrata.
John L. IVear Donegal
Jacob Urn bo, CaftI.IIVOTI.,7,
Hid a-I tir
Ea-i Larripoter.
do IL 11,..r. L.lll.
El ni % ilea-. Cmie.tog.i.
(2,,d1W5.1. E.III
/3211..1,11 1.. Lamlia. East Lamp ter.
t•airiciel Lenmaii.
Samuel IL Elizabeth.
.latiii Alus•etmati, IV.,r Lamp ter.
"Thomas N. UeSpOrlien, 1)111;110re.
Jahn A. Mesaetilme, City.
li-thiamin It. Latodia, Mazih,lrn
Jacob Rattail'', City.
Goatee. lii.a, Carnarvon.
Selvert, City.
:,.uturtion Shealier, Earl.
Alaihtan Smith, Conoy.
Al.iton Ike, Columbia.
127" The Dazzler's Magazine contains an
article entilled,"A Decade of the Gpld Ple•
thora," from which it appears that the actual
product of the precious metals has increased
from nincty-hve millions of deliars in ISS9 to
two hundred and sixty-four millions in 1952.
Within the last ten years there has been ad
ded to s••ick of the precious metals in ex.
Istence twenty-foot hundred millions of dol.
Isis. 1 - h." amount of the precious metals row
in existence is est imaied by the writer to be
eleven thousand MIIIIOCS of dollars, of which
six thousand millions are silver and the re
mainder gild. Tos amuliat of thu precious
in.!tals obtained train the carfare and bowels
of the earth, from the comm-ncement of the
ian era to the close of 3553. the atriter
estimates to be sixteen thousand Millions of
dollars, of which nine thousand millions con•
sisted of gold and the remainder of eilver.
The price of gold, notwithstanding thn in•
creased simply, has remained onchanged for
upwards of one hundred and fifty yenta. e:es.irs the airs/
n -Hamlet" H. ft
List of Itxors
C CNSUS OF ALLENTOWN. —The new cenzus of
the thriving borough of Allentown has been
completed, and shows the following result;
Aggregate population—First ward 1,567;
Second ward, 1,646,; Third ward, 1,376; Fourth
ward, 1,007; frft4 ward, 1,617. Total pop
ulaticp, 8,017.
[l2The following is from an article by
Oliver W. 11olmes:--‘ 4 1,1 the reader of this. pa: ,
per live another year, his self-conscious prin
cip:e will have migrated from his present tene
ment to another, the raw materials even of
which are not yet put together. A portion of
that body of his which is to be, will ripen in
the corn of his next harvest. Another portion
of his future person he will purchase, or others
will purchase for him, headed up in the form
of certain barrels of potatoes. A third fraction
is yet to he gathered in the Southern rice field,
The limbs with which he is then to walk will
be clad with flesh borrowed from the tenants
of - many stalk and pastures. now unconscious
of then doom. The very organs of speech
with which he is to talk so wisely, plead so
eloquently, or speak effectively, must first
serve his humble brethren to bleat, to bellow,
and for all the varied uttecance of brietled or
frathereo barnyard life. his bones themselves
are, to a great extent, in posse and not in Esse.
A bog s of phosphate of lime, which he has or
dered tour Prot. Mapes, for his grounds, con
tains a large pat t of which is to be his skeleton.
And more than all this, and by far the greate
pat t of his body Is nothing at all but mater
the main substance of his, scone/ ed members
to to be looked for in the test re . o.r, in the 'Un
slingstreams, at the hot tour 4.01 the. %%ell, i u the
clouds that !tout user his head, or d,flused
atoungthein ail."•
Tee Tuaauu BATLI.-111 these Turkish
baths, soap and water are purely secondary .
agents; they are considered as bat batons,
clumsy, and route means of cleansing. The
hattici is first conducted into a room, which is
practieully a large over:, lighted hour the top,
and tilled with moist air. This is very far,
Ito wev er, uuiti being a vapor-bath; the quan
tity of watery vapor is snail, and does not af
fect the tianspilatiOn 01 water by the skin.
01 course, a pfuluse sweating is induced, and
the 61.111 is thoroughly softened. It is a h a;
bdth without water,
or rather with the aid of
very little water. From this chamber he pas
ses to another, the ealidarium, where, freely
pereniiing, he is subbed with towels or goat's
hair gloves ; and so great is the etrect of the
prior treatment, that the softened cuticle rolls
off in thick flakes, and a new skin is found be
neath, of vi loch the subject of the operation
little dreamed. No one who takes a Turkish
bath for the first time but must be astonished
at the quantity of the unnecessary cuticle
which he carties about with . hirn. Adepts tell
you that "it requires great dexterity to per
m this well without rubbing some places too
much, and others too little." Now conies a
drenching with warm water and soap, which
is not the most agreeable part of the bath, and
may be consid , red partially unnecessary.—
Then the billion passes buck to the tepidar turn,
where he Is dried and clothed in warm towels;
and, alter a pause, thence to his frigularium
or cool chamber, where, still clothed in warm
towels, he sips coffee, smokes a narghileh,
and indulges in beatific sensations which only
those can know who have passed through the
three purgatories of the bath. The Turkish
bath is an agent of such great power in re.
storing the active functions of the skin, and
the ordinary results of its application are so
peculiarly agreeable and invigorating, that it
will probably invite the attention of medical
practitioners in its relations to disease. It is
a powerful agent, of which the virtues ate ap.
parent; but incautiously employed by persons
liable to congestion of the head or organs of
the chest, it is not free from danger, as some
unfortunate circumstances have already pray
ed.— The Lanai.
Bccntyr von Kirmixo A MAN.— A Georgia
correspondent of Wilke's Spirit writes:
You have beard of Dr. Thompson,the wag
gish proprietor of the Atlanta Hotel, in Atlan.
to to this Star. Well, once upon a time, two
gentlemen, the one decidedly under the influ
ence of a spiritual presence, and the other ap
proximating the same condition, stopped at the
Doctor's hotel. In consequence of tome e;:-
traordinary manifestations on the part of the
"tightest" gent, he found himself ornith unto
a moss" with the Doctor. His friend, how
ever, carried him Mr before matters reached a
; crisis. After stowing him away, the triend
i returned, and accosting the proprietor, said
very emphstic.illy:
°sir, you have been treading upon danger
out ground; that man iv not to he tampered
with, sir; do you know, sir, that he has killed
his man, sir!"
"Killed his man!" says Thompson, with
voice like a thunder-clap, and a most intense
error, scion of contempt upon his ph , z. s. By
Jove! sir, let me inform you that have prac
ticed medicine for twenty years, and you musn't
attempt to frighten me with a chap that has
!only killed ONR man! Bahl sir, it won't begin
to do !'
The fellow orollapseii,"anti forthwith Pet ted
his bill.
Arrival ant Departure of Trains.
Marietta Accommodation arrives, 8.15 A. M
Lancaster lea‘ra 8.15
Columbia Arc. 1 00 P. .:11
Hari ietni , g 5.15
Em _relit m rives I 30 A. ..m
Co:1111,1d ;re. sirr.vrS
•• le,ove4
Ito a 41111Veli
[1:3" I he eitltilfiloia A ceommorla , inn I..i,twant.
wail ut Laura...ter at 1.40 P. M., roa
n...oo*g Ihete v. it ti it.e Fast 11a-1; tr
lutatne, will leave I any/este' at 2.40
alter lb.. F.,at Lama WeFt pd•se.., at 11% iag at
Calutnbta at 3.Q0 P. M.
ntvEs 1.• AVE'S
Morning Train, 6.30 A. :51. 655 A. :51
Noon I 4• 3a.15 P. M. 12,10 P. :11
Evening .5.00 6.10
Columbia Lumber Narket
Panel Boar4e e nA Plank, W. Pine, $35.00
Ist Comm. 30.130
Culling i. i• 12.50 a 13.00
Infetior •• •' 9.00
1101 Scantling, 15.00
Joists and :Scan".:r.:, llomlock $9 a 10.00
Boards, o 9 a 10.1 0
Ban Srarditr;, 12.00
Ash Plunk A , 20.00 a 25.00
Soduo„,t, $l2 a 15.00
Long :"longlel, 0 a 16.00
Cypress " 10.00
Plaskring Lath, 2.25 a 2.L0
l'aoinoso - ratiT.—We are authorized to an
nounce i'tTZR MARTIN 01 Ephrata, as a candi
date for the Prothon..tary, subject to the deci
sion of the People's County Convention.
St! CRIFF.—We er. Authorized to announce
S W. P. BOYD, Fulton, as a candttlate for
Sh.ra, subject 10 the deciszon of the Peoria's
CuJuty couvention.
thofizrd to announce Ile.xne Posen:Too, Cory
as **candidate for Clerk of the Oephans' Court,
snbj.ct to the decision of the People's County
Snaatrr.—«'e are an:1)0112.d to announce
THOMAS COLLINS. Columbia, as a candidate foi
Sheriff, subject to,the decision of the Ponnte's
SENATOR.- We are autnorized to announce `
Gen. BM:TH.4X A. SHAEFFER, of the city uf
Lancaster, as a candtdate for State Senatar i
subject to the decision of the People's County.
thOrli..'d to announce SAMMEL MARTIN, City,
as a candidate tor Clerk of Quarter Sr.sions,
subject to the decision of the People's County
SHERIFF,-WC cm authorized to announce
GEORGE 11. HESS, Conestoga, as a candidate
for Sheriff, si.hject to the decision of the Peo
nies county Convention.
I.V..hat is it? How cured?
Thon.snil+ of ]///f/101/11 suiTor oil •011- ali.nyone•
born Colon h. blo-t proper know what it- 1111,11-
‘ellitiCe Ullll 11,11'.14 )/•t but few how how Ii e.ll
bi- ruled. 11 etir.nite irrucureo..lind of en
101 cular.rerrsent of forric , e- and voie.equeid thickening
ce die moron , no inberitie. Ignite Ow town! cio.rig--
.roni..l P111(1,- 01111, mebnic-eXtendlne Iltr•
111/1 !new. n41f1 . 111.111.11,1Cf.5.S oil Ii .or. -
go 4.1 the head. 0 1 / 1 311/Cl.d 140.7.... Or in 10.0110.0 fit; 4/ 01
11.11,01. 0, of smell. limo: row, and oilers o
isnd tas-te.
'llse o d .cric of remcdie , helve nee •r hero n4lc to du
anything for ai d 1111111'111101, ore
.0. VlOOllll /111r1 eXO,OiVe. 1l 1101/ 11. C. CC/I,llk worth.
le—. Yes Iln nulireys rpecific a rung r 'LW ol
I'll' 131,011 IWO I r dere lane. pet d. 3. clomps 3 our.-
11, nil /Ell r 0010, 01/1/C. 11t O. Cr wl cold- u. t 11/ .1/'•
11d 1 aillendl ei.r. F. by gel ..eveslng ii.r. line no Fr. oh
tririritc cane.. 115 is 100,13 113. 11X114/ nowt: 11l Isms
at ends.
Price full per jinx.
N. 15 —A 101 l 1,1 Hum!, Spe
with, Cool. of en. n.. n. 41 oxelay (JlLT . ..ten
i.t.n•e , 11....111 'urge vial. 0w... CCO eq. , . Si; rl.e. to plus..
e s .•r. 64; clue ..s tat • ~box• s. and ht.oi, $2.
T!:;:-.• lirwcAre b‘,. 1n...1.11e box or ruse nre cnW
o nil or ex in fir r 01 eh e to 1111} 11d2fer. ou
retript of list pui, e. Ao.fie.4-
1)x P I iIi‘IPIII3EYS cri ;
Nn. SU Ir O.IW .y N York.
A. M lIAMIIO, Odd Fel outs' 11.41/, A ge..t :ur Co.
Juty Im
TSIV lie SVI•11. 'As'', •I 101111.111(41 PIS She ..veloog o
"-lit.. In 111, Ilee/S1 syn.:attic! Al/11•1:1
...en in dm 17nanny Ita.- of pane.
rooied 111th Ii 1.1 , e I aro... 111.• a ad 1111. 4.11.1nn.•
la•ounnn 1 the. Xli ell nat. untie . a 13/1 ,
b ...VI'S Sem a I.n ih.l Ili• unnvrd I.e CPU d ..•I. IL
.p.kllaT In; .1- 101.1 iltria.elve. lulu l'u•
11in, all y.•or gnome. al ha. I; ttttttt
l'intliala 11 111 nf stnek11811& ‘Vo Ul.); an.) OIL
lebo t. l'llll.ldelplnu
Seplemloer 111 1.4:0
MIL:AWAY • PILL. 4 , 1) 1 /1::1 . 1111$1:.—Tee suftl•ri.•g o
women Come er Art the -1 4 Nollt tun I• user • pee
Weill ih m thf- ter 5 le ellhete.o or w mOll Of uu•
dets•ond than it. n • lir. land ire totent—ucill n lew
year- leek 'lv . kettr cud eau were the y rely,
:m4 how •urvivdd the barl-ntoo- in I ltilattitue
tuterltrir ell other :vetr n • acre icptehttled, wub
hoin is error—Wet a the bellign turd 111110illit
II 11,1110w:1y- I tsehw••.l he:trued tut the won't. lee
new..yn•d tut • 'tlte aul;- 01 light.' aild 110 10.5 . :1, - ts es•
teltliOrtiteet Wes doll) Itentr ged la) wy.talls ui u_mor•
r• to • nee, who acre -ccr.•--Id y Velvet' and
re ranted to then 110 sir s reit icing. IVe I,owroorfith tor
Iv it -et' I. rst).C•'r. onto. v.•r In origin 11.18
C.l II he •nt ce.-tulle cradt• tiled n cottage ..1
w•.y's 511,11 0111101turt I Out IM tilt • itctuul•he-is
wo.,y of thoctsetelg , already ruted by them.
, 114.Js rr,
••ros nut BER-Iit:0 EXTERMINATOR.
••( . 0../ S'
Bal.. Roaches. Mice. Nole-.1:n.un.1 ,fire. Bed Bums
Alit, Moths. Nlo.quit.eq: !novel.; on
-I,t- 01l Antrnul4 : etc.—La crery rum: .111.
specie, of
10 yearn established in New V.rk rliy—a.ed by the
City l'o.r (ghee. the city 1 4 ,1.431, nod Station 1-1.0. .p
the city •lenmer=. •hip+. he . tli. 11l llotet-.••Astos. -
Nicholit," is . nod by lonic Unita 000011 privair
1 - ..rihnirgi+lQ nod Reinder. everoxbere .ell them.
1001 ,, a11e Age; Is to all the rarv,
ffl Regular We. UM] SI boxeN, bottles
ID" - .!ISFIvAnr'''. •pu.tou= itninvions. I:zombie
each box, bottle and and take uodung but -Co,
[l7 - 5.,00 box,. coot bt• mail
11 r 111 Id S 5 boxy, for Ithottuttous, Hob•I t. &C ,
fL7'Addre...s order=—or for ••Cireulor to Dedtleret to
HENRY R. cosTmi.
P.ia.•ipul Dep t Blo.alavav, N
Sold by Dr W. 8. Mcl:toitK , I•utnil) Med
tae S rr. Odd 1•rlluw-' Dull. Columbia.
Ma) 19, IttCtli Oat
POND'S EXTR ‘c . r OF 11AM AMELIS, 012
t• one of II t• row Itoote-tte reined., .hivh have came
join cilw a , u.te nod favor woke° , patios!. It 11.
prooluel ors. .anple rho!, haral vOlllBll cts•es,atal
rinoiecttv rval tiv 011. 1311311 '4 . 1( l ' or 1•tv0..• s`o,
500.111,.... 1.110 In •, 111•111
11 0 0 . lilt v. , . (7.1 , o, nil W 01113.113, 11 13:0. 011 311.
0101303 111.111-0 11001. with goat 0000 F. for Tooth
oche. Nettra , t2ta -are 'throat Colte. Dist,
th.rett. nod moo r c toll tr 111111
110111 . 111 dire ...lOU. 'O/1110 a pr.,maly arrektv all
rltoge. Itutalretl- 4.11 , 1t‘ 1001..1, 113i 0 t• oaty la 11,. hr
ptactive, atot Kis e it tot tr toopt,lttiefl revomaaude
uou. .....`O . ll by I/11r mug. mod dame L . to w by
1 111% \I I'll . rtll2 Ittoadwa,..
WJr I'lopthaor-.1 it Mattulacitour,
M liwvno. (Jdd Fellow-'IIaiI, Igolll hot Co.
aloha. [l.i) 12 1640
ortperiesieed anti i• male phy-ician. has n
sonihing Syrup for children tectonic which grew!.
facilitate.. the proms• of %regions% by aofientag liir
reducing all i.dboarnation--will allay all pain
and is SIMI In retinue the bowel's. Depend upon is
mothers, ii will give read In your•elve•, and relief nos.
health to )oar In( iota. Perfectly safe to all case
tree adverb-amen' in another eoldmil.
Oct 2.D. 1."59-P
The Warr t, have your 1 I. en of Jolter',
t0:1,3 t u t, pi t illl, a- low a- t. cent- a p.erel..
.he .1. tea
Anilirntto..k a- low ac GO cent• in cans
piat..rr• at 7. ae. Is
• .3 . d 'yr - •=1 fYI
t e- pt•-u.rae .11 $1 .25
I. I e, *1 no
3 y t it,- pnnur.nt 4I * 110_
e• ti• CO
.1 • It' 8 nOO
.Io .t wk. - pp hire.
In I 1011.1 t th•• att 1 rilearc4l in th
ty. roll nun bouley. cm.o•tte the rlpy Office
Columbitt..llllll! YI. lean.
irli %.• 1 14.1 r cm. ) 1 . ..
Nu1..1 .1. IA X V. 1 , . tn. r
11 27 44
3 20 I'. .11
6,10 4 ,
b. 21) 44
iaaSl x.:14
ON Sulurilay, Align.l IS 1569. will Ir. sci
•‘, C I , Ili • A%.1 eq .
Gprlpa ...1.1115..00l Ili. pre...l a.• kk ru•r..f
•.d , Or u. , 0•10.0 , l'a use 1.1 ot,L..g Re
to, %it:
Igo. 1. A lot of ground flout tn. on I.noust
I r e 1.,4 ct.lll - e lid r4t • e I_ll ee • I 4 0 s 4
eret led a 1:1..L e
•,..1 11• •Isr • 1.•1y
11111111 TAVERN lIOUSE,
thr -•\ Ott Mal II tr , .• nal 1011 IN Lem by •b^
Th« I 11.1 . 11 i.. m05...i.e.. k
le. , op and kepi so. n 11l S I'AURA NT dohs.; u yeti
In hu.k.tees ere is situ On the
lot J l arge
sa-nL nil 0 1 10 1 1 1 t oils eOO liar% 11vCC-1....r) 10 a Hell rop.•
1100-1 Ma.]
No. 2. A Lot o f Ground on tile Enst tide
of :...00,01 .licet ntlo.o 0102 ( ,1 d I Ito 1. arpo
- lot No. 1.0. ti rt•med I.rize
envered wdh fLnr, h..voot a h •fr.,nt and od! other
I.otilito.illellee , in Ihn fart.
uf , cooloarnre at 0 o'clock. M ,ot mid day
wi t . 4, term. scull he (Made I.IIOWII h••-
rolumbrn tt'y .1 4 . Sr
It .4. It It I S II U It G
fluir, Sr•fion o' Ono : 4 emne .r) will commence on
L 11.71.7;WAY. 14Ett 4.
TI t- 111.1 ution incorporated in 1853. I. admirably
three's-4J ni it. dom.-we arraslressalu.., m om ! null P.
balms* rts tore. and of •istairs. It t. ens orstly
romstsratb.e. to the patronage of site public us a Brat.
c U.S Sis•mitiary.
•ia•ine• is•rni•Os c.. can be ohlnissmi Is s ad
rc *virtg the Pitneipai. • J WWI:1 It.
Pre•blent Bood of Trui•tee,
Referrnce con he freely made to the riutoht of the
Sellllllllr , !MIMI! , W 1 1 ,411 may hr mentioned
600. D i ham I% Packer, ilar:mburg,
Den J J reareom
Witham It De Wm, D D, •
Ile, T. it itni..uson,
Re, J. G. Mile* ••
lion Jo.rpli Caey. •'
willem M. Kers' E.
D P. Boas yoq
Jinn 11. liner. ,
Ilen. A S. %Wenn. Lorriatown.
hoon•• iter. Peet .
••hariet. Plea•ants . Suttoiry,
Ilan J. S Had man.l.eni. Volt enemy,
Roden Gicen no' . attil t chitty
Juba loviii,Foq-i entre roomy.
13 trunk Dints, Pen.. rumberland ronety
I! 4 . I ‘O3O-li
A •xignre
„Two WI wism W
T UE subscribers keep on bond for sale
Rg4hilia itutte•lncli Brick; RJeu, elGy
l•V tbDTOII;KI (air privP, Add
QucCirl RUII. Loelt Havel! I' 0,
Clmion County.
July ?9,'6oam•
Johns.on's Patent Ffog Trough.
Tug Pub‘crlbt • r+ b.a.v•ig per, ha-rd ihr right to twin.
LIIIII.II.I[CIIIIII 11//-11111,Cirli,P11 iu I•.IIIIC /it
de-Ire w 1114141/Cli rt Us ge u,e. it I- i , c ot Iron
trough ari.h c.i.ortwieDttiln c • to 6, 14
the fed of one beg. It ), , a en , sled , ~ •t the
in..' Ca nut grt it. fee , el 10 I II 11 11, .• • I
11:1111 , •111 11le• .11 1 1 ,1..111' 111, 7 • 1,1 ,l,q
n.rangenield Pith • +.4 - I, in , •.a , d f lore
Ing.tint.. he 111111_1 rl t , .„ ft
In nail. The 0(.1 . 4 , g. C. t.. 1 111.111:1
Cr. ding and 11111, ‘ . .1% II e to, , e: tr.
r •egh ht• iv in ,•, tr.
be.OW U.llllll • o'ollll,l
Columlun. Ju1)91.1-00
Optical, Mathematical, and .Philo,
sophica: Enstr..racnts.
rrierd a. d e rJJJ cum ogle (kit
31 I.age-.21)(1 I:lu.trzi ow) I Nil d IPis..lld
I.e.- 01 die ge lo al. Jr .u. Or. 41 -.a •s.
MCA 1,1 I w' N. Mill ritER.
'2.1 St, In.
plyF4I ale and S.X F. male 're:tellers are seny.ted to
1' 1141% • lii.rAt• .•1 tn, puhtte sehnol. tot ( . 1•11/111 . 0111,
I /8/111 VC oCIIIO Ai rol I. N.. o. e nil g ef,
rm.oir:a Coq, fi....te. %%1.1 Ile erni.lo) ell unle ...A. in toed
y 1111/ 11114 , /t/I . 111.• iii Zslll l / 1 1 . 111 Cii11 , 111:
vc/11 Toni,,' 11, MOS. in 9 c.'elo. k A At .
TAYA "g U•I iu the Mirk :-esio House- 0/1 See
011d PVCCI. liy tad. .1 the ilnee
S I I . r.,llLA.:ll.Pre.ltlent.
t the cottunbt orks fur huiliir , il I u, help uf,
pun s-iog ext elteut - fur ins. at
caws I Sr CALA
Colutnimi ta,, .2'. 'Gil if. S.ecret
311.11113 S SIIROEDEB.„
Ladies' and Children's liaot2 and.
Locust Sloe( appnvte the Franklin House,
Columbia, Pa.
THE o.lloo"rtber 0001 e ,be n/.1. of lie public•
I 10 bit 110.•1 ure 0:01 .'nn..f.r•..rv.
j. prep!, dJO pp 501 00n4. to orde, a," y
• T) 1....10•.• ‘l.••t•pc .001 , 101t , r-0••
PEPS, at.
1111110• but u.rle•••I 111:11eri:11 :Ind hi+ wn•L:
4 Joilr. 0.1 %).1.11:11,..11 10111- oil , u.. 0111 , •t
11:111 goOL, Wolk-Whit Io he %A dl W fr.ll 11.. • 11.4.4 . .0.
) 11l .111 x. flu, Ulu) PV. ry rn lu rirlll 4 e,l3. . lie,
0.110, fur alsil hbrr,.l p and
Ollcll.. n+ conunwmcr.
Columbia. July 21.'60
((IN T171.7,1)41'. Alit•li-.l' 7 h. 0-121 so 2 n'e!ock P
.J N. by %ottle 01 -.r dry ss xi..
oin4, I I. n I'ar•t I-. Lev,,,i i 01 'he
cowl of r • aum:on P est- of I.nrt• iicler 1.0,,,,t5. and to
ono I Will eXIIOWr• el . nu ery Ut
lite Court I lone, in the, city of I.:mangier, the folios,
log teal e•nne
A piece of Ground feinting on n fonreen feet wide
ilte Borough of 'o,anibia. between Front and
,ecoett stree,y , , IA feet. and extending al depth 09 feet.
more or le-%. "bit rivn-.:o')• FR AME It WELLING
1101.1 .4 1:. and Fran- Pack Budding. and COOT im
prOVelnelit. propel, of Nrl-net
ton'. e•atir and proa.e,s, now or Wit-Iii1100:1 Rigkter.
.1a the property 01.101 IN VERGUr-ON.
Also nt the, same time nod Wove.a certain two
tory l'lt NW DW 1 11011- I E. 20 test 111 boot
2- feet to OVIIIO. tool a one-ruoty Ftnnue Kaeluesa
e;uuniunt. 12 I •ct by 14. n•t or notnbeied hi tile
(11,11C11 Of Mull rnuuunnt: u 1 mut t cur Gay sure, t
tu feet will etzientbog ul tlepull to nu "hey 1,0 ;net.
el.n tied no the are-i by Gay siren. on the moth ht suit
Ile••. mud out dte ea-t by nut alley, and on the south by,
t num cued 1:0
A.ll, plopeltv o' WILLIAM NIXON.
All are seic.ed u..111..keu a e X14'114011. mud
o be -o'd ley 111. NJ AMIN F ROWE, :Arra
rTherdl's Unice, Lanelseter, July 11: , , 0.60.
Jul/ VI
I'ALDING , t l'r pared (.11.1... aseall in . V. ry houee
1 tor invading I' T 0).., rroekery t. ase
wore Ay Fo sal. the Golden Mortar D•tig Sore,
['rem -trees. Columbia [ 1u.3 21.
(111INESE FLY PIPER; for destroying Flies,
Anis. &e., for pole HI
J fa. &
Do'clen ltlertur Drug :gum, Front .greet,
July 11.18111.
A.RTIo'C'S COLORS. A general assortment
of color. in tulle•. Al o ..nrir••y of Arii-ea
Moshe- :•1 Vie ti 01.1,1 Nl• I trig • ,ore.
Ilateq. mat fine-t exlraci for he .1 tad' ef.
/. Al , O. rtn end , esm linnet) of the 111.31 on.tho e
Extracts of the dm% fllll y he !not nt 'donor
trot Store. Tht ~,, en.
tirelv new, and airily lo to 1,0 nt
July2l. D111.1.1 , 71 - r & 01rs.
Compouati S) rap ot: Tar avd
Nv,:d fr.r 0 • •
hit (;04.1e0 "0000, 1., hr.,, ,„
;1;.111 . 1 ;.
It HINTON. .•'
10011 Nen.. In ;mil io • ••r• . •
llr. I 1,1, 4 .
liCitvia: Q.. •
Ihr Pi•nee for the 100111)
their Prreppl to no• 11, ,
among Other 111111 i i, In m , I, ..
reirminer ulld 0.-iltrnl .1 .1 Di liver);
of fient•eal Quatier 01 Ihr 1'
IA Id VOKllll...lee
p th th•
V/1 111.1.,r, 'l.e rail(
,y •,,
etea °I I ell e ••••••
Inc Prster
1!, %aid I•ll)' xll.l I,oo'
nn thee. I I •ie•l
‘l.• 4t 4.111.
.nil' 'U i
• / • •• .
111.11//e, ...e nM iv •/1 I• I, Ili.. J.,./
r I. •111 .1 1..1. r flit . 10 1... 'II. ...111
pl4l-11.41 , .! 1ig1.1.1 , 11 , 11 s tin .114. JU-1
It 2.1.1. M. 1 1 ,1 1 1 1 e 16 Is cis.% et Jul% I-60
lII.NJ AIIIN F. Rl/%11:, ....Id riff.
N. 11.—Punetuat it lota twe Of the Juror- nod
IA ill lieret.lirr Ipr rypeeled sold recoil . . /1 on
Or-i day of the A IlkIrlf11•11 IMO .111 , 11. e. of
he Pe..., rare required try an order of Cowl lied
Nov. 21. 11,eir reeogotzmi
4:i..1k of quarter Se . l l -10ii+.w1.1,1 rite weel.
r'•d.,y .31 fog .1 action to each one. and ac
ct.., mete will uot hrnl
d :illy 21.
xi.a.n.i.Ezrz. aov Or
2=IPM7E I N7CTZ - X-NMPIC de 3.a."JEIL
lir undrrsigurd hatr the Bank
-1112 111,111 ••1. St 11/ 11. 11•11 .1 I. i 111•11• •1t
11( t o, .e.O si• 11 111 11 •11 orpie-ile Pmt r,
.-.t• rt.4lt I:. 1111t1111.1.
:i vet .•111 far ,or yetar god onoer.
0. • ••a el., 1,1,..0, 1,11.1. r 1 yea ,. .
:j • :110au>. 3 it -
Tl , o} it 1 1 111, and-. 11 ..11:61i. 011 .6100.11. 201- 0 . 161 , -ea 1..116 .1 I a.
1:1.0101, •-• • - Urdu., ate , , ~,
I Clll g 4101,o16•.01,1 6
ur, , u mn,h.,,i o f 0,,"
0.,,,F.fge tot, to fidt lit, to 11,0 Iwere•-is al tiv , rub
and promptuen. ll.' dl ftpult•lo 01 ligAgemt
1 otile, • brol from a A 31, to 4 1.,
0. S. Dinwa.Kb (Cola. July 14, 'At,
Canvased Sugar Cared Dried Beef ,
j übr uECl:lvl'u,u lot of Dned lieeCot
F:.m,lr if:merry gyre, Odd Fellow+ , Doll
Colt rollia. July 13 IWO.
Cincinnati Sugar Cured, Hams.
Brix TONGI:E. 4 , S.l•udor Hrrriug.ju•t rerrlved
nt A M. !LANSAW.
Fntaia Ciror...ry Store, ' Odd Fellows'
rolumlqa. July 14, 1 emo..
T WO mare eivit gIo.O *Puck Slat P. far Duo
tern and trlll Ur oponect thk day nt
iv El invite the sotrotown of invalids to our new er
w tat.lnhmeut Inc the core of- the nick. It as awn.
Hied on the mnuntefn•. four mit... from the Creams
Station of she Penna. Ottawa] Railroad. where cur•
n.aa.•- will I.r. in reradane.s to rouse) voeitors to the
CURE. The effieney of the 'atydropathie •>steta in
the Treatment of the •'ills that fiesta Is heir to." ha•
been d. ronn•trrated in rhou•aads upon thou•anda of
ear.. that tied failed to find relief by any other mewls
The Cure t• coder i.ei charge of Dr. S.. Tre■ee. of.
P. trhurr. who It.r• had ten sears experience, as
!he head of a ernailar establtehment. Terms
moderate. Address
S. TR F.Aftg, M.D.,
torems. Cambria County, Pa.
r..7."At the Spnors is a first.elas. hotel tor the IM
romModatton of summer boarders. for mirlscalarn of
Which *dare. F. A. GIBRIONS.
7ntr . 14, 1,160.19 in