teogriclt; tuirshiP tirrel fare en'imitt I, wenn 11Sc nit neon ntd add John P.'Gobli ri, bst:rbllu rt & I lots Ent, Of ujto3ht, is tuis Osy d4solved, uud the Ciust Le *Filled up by Inc, HENRY 1101.1 SEAL. Julie :2, 'GU Slitytown, May 11, ISGO Gt What's the liatter my Dear? TlTlir I Nell to 11lb JeWA and ',ought my groceries 11 and afn ill3. et EV ezo ifJk MI it el. z- et WEST OF PUILADELPIIIet& FENDRIOItit BRO°9 Vryould reapeetfullq lisiliVm the cilizenal3f Columbia and vicioity-. that they Lave a larger o•taek ofTo liaceo. &vim Snuff. Pipe.. Domeinie and (Jenson %Taira. shah „ng Vivo establishments We-at of Philadelphia. hotel and Stettkeepers Look to your interestat before purchasing 7 el•ewbere. please examine our large awortmen: which we pledge ourselves to sell so the lowest Bithititore priced, and cheaper than can be bought in this town OVthe State of Pennai l vanla All we ask is that you shall call rind judge for your selves. We over any of oar stock at wholesale nr 'l.otail, We will eell cheaper Tan the cheapest, and 1.11 goods will he taken brick if they do not turn out tie represented. our establishment is a branch of the web-known extensive Baltimore Tobacco Warehouse of Jos Vend rich & Bros., No. IA Forest Street. FENDRIC:Tak. BRO., Front Street, five doors above Locust, between B. Williams' and J. 8. Dellett da Co's Drug Stores. Co tumble, Pa. lone find, IMO. FOB. SALIM. S PANISII Buss for tying op Se ears, can be had of FENDRICII & UROB., Wholesale and Retail Tobacco. Santrand Seger Mon %amatory, Front St., five doors above Locust. Columbia, Pa. Jane 2nd,1800. COT .a.zrzreallt- P we don't sell Sewers, Tobacco nod Suureheaper than they can be - bought elsewhere. It you don't ' it so no wilt not ask you to buy. PENDRICIFI EROS' 'Wholesale and Retail Tohaeou. Beim sod Snuff gann factory,Ttont Sweet,lve teas above Locust, Co lumbia, pa.. Arne tud 1860 • PrOMJUDELPIIMEL `WATCH. AND JEWELRY STORRI 0. Conrad, Former 'Octopi:oh No. 145 North Second Strect, CoLltglt Or QUARRY tIT.. The undersigned boa mewled the 'Above it unties, *tete will keep a large amortment of Gold sea Silver Watches. of American Unglith and Swim Atonal:le turavof bite most celebrated makers. la 'dilation to which, 'Win be found always on hand (and made to or ' der) an extempore variety of Jewelry. Silver and Sil ver Plated *are. together wtth a general avportioein , of each goods as 'o're tonally kept in a Brat-elaes Winch and Jewellip Store. The patrons of 0. Conrad and ibis , e of the mimed her, together with the pantile generally, are Inched to call. where they wilt receive a grind article Ibr their ' money. As lam determined to do strictly a doh bar ' intim good* will be sold very low. "Small Profit* and gab* Salem.. in the motto of this ertablithatent. LEWIS R. BROOMALL. Formerly 0 thDltiltAD, 149. North Second" St4cornet of Quarry , Phila. Jane end.ll3oo ly. LELDENIEP • POE 7131 11811SFIT OF CRILII III BIII.FIRE(CODIPArit • IN ODD. FELLOWS , BALL, Commencing Wednesday, Tune 13, 1864. r'Oesocim otoinembia will hold a FAIR as above, n the‘beneet or the' Columbia Fine peu y. ?ilitraa asadrneant of Fancy Work win be o*ered, Ta Vether *Mb every kind re aessonable refreabutenta Cl anal;"e224llrsEßVlts, CAKES, caw , ... Gz niszt ?Aim, kr. support or the public is eaVviestly sohetet. 110 SUN UMBRELLAS! t n o ° t r ig P 4. i t i l e se ee h.7l:l7; lout? c o lt Au „; -t i e r i 4 sed This te bettutifully heislted and of the best Gluier - 1;11. pull at It. C. FON DliftSM ITIPS Julie elol, TEIGO, People's Cush Sfore. COMMISSION BUSINESS. rptiE andersigned hoeing associuted together for the purpose of Mang is COAL & IRON COMMISSION ttrStNESS, in the Borough of Colunalssu, looted-ter county, Ps e.pectfutly Inform Shippers hot they hove Mused from the Custul Department of the Pennsylvania Buil road Company. the large tad commodious %Vitaleon the see.t eide of the Canal Basin, time hundred feel i it lament by sixtyssia reel in width. and are now pre pmed to rece.ve and traiiMip Coa' and Iron ou the most satisfactory term']. Our facilities for thlsing bu• sines, are so 11;ill we Mater ourselves them will not lie any actenibtin in fot warding all ft eight to its destination. We solicit consignments. and pro• liaise on our part prompt attention to the business en• trusted to our care. AplOS S. THOS. WELSH. Address GREEN ta IVELSV:, .11olurabin. Pa. !gay t 26, ICd4, OILICEINAL. Come ladies Helen one and nil, Big and little, great and 3311411, If in a store you wain to onri. Ste sure you dont pn43 RAture'r If you wont good.; of every grade 41'6111 torri, , .n nut Dolrie•ult ruitkt frit Columbia trade, Tlfdr.;u-t drop to of RLINET.S The good' are new, both elean and neat, The Styles I tell you, ( . 1111h be beat. Gingllolll,, laaWllgand Chillies eweet. They heeh thSta all dt ILerxeir's. Deraiimi. nrd Prints, Pe Chevre And (alley gobd. from every clime, titteenWare, Notions, a nilelidai nee, You can gel them all at RMINEVg. Of prices too we: here wod'd bcist, A Hine odly over cost, A penny on the yard a t most, Li she way they sell as ItatNEN's But now before! leave my seat, I'll tell you who you Mere wbl meet, That prince of auto-men, Jacob Freet, For Mere be is ut Itsmor's. Now Ladies, Cents, and all, we pray. That when you happen pan this way For you to call and have to nay. Thht you linen been at RAINSIOS Chelip Cash Store, opporite the Franklin Hotel, I.o•ust St.. Dolambi°. Pa, where they keep a large stock of Foieign and Dotttestic D r y Good, Queenswilre, GM-s -wore. Notions, Fairby Goods, &h., act.. ill Lem: low figures. May 24, MO. Important to Farmers. VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL WORKS From the Late Trade Sales, JUST receivedut John Shearer'. Cheap Boob St• r N 0.32 North Queen street, Literature The 'Wheat Phial its Origin. Culture.Grovriii, De. velopment, Compo.ition, - Varieties. DI etc., vie., together with n few remarks on Indian Gorse its culture, etc. nine Bemired II ititnration. Gren.e. and Forage Plaits, lltwitrated. Down log'sProile nod Fran Tree- of A merlon. Tartuvr's Every Day Doak. Bow a fernier can becorrie rich. The Fans and the Fireside; beg half hour sketches of lire in the country . By Rev. John L. Bluke, D. D. Rural Economy.. The American Feiner. By Rev. John L . Blake D. D. Tht Ablericeh Frtlii Culthtisl. By J. J. Thom.. Staten's Burnt Mod Boon.. Lalltheape Clutdening dale Rural Ar chitecture. . America. , FtoWer Garden Directory. The Print Gorden; fly P. Barry. The Family Kitchen Gardener By Robert Buln. A cdthplete Manuel for the culiivetlen or thetStrun , berry. By R. G. Pardee. The Ambrican Grape Grotbet. Guide. Yount and Spooner an the Florid. Hints to Hbrse-Keepers. A complete mnnuul for hornemen. By Henry W. Het bvrt, (Pratok Forester.) The Modern florselkictor. By (Jeo H. Dodd, M.D. D..dd on the Disease* of Cattle. With a large variety of the hest books pnlill.hed,, which will be sold at the lowest possible priced. JOHN SIIEAFFER'S Ohm , Book Store. No. 32 North Queen Wert. next door lioniitter and Herald Office, Lancaster. [May 26,1660. G RA.N VILLE STOKES) GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM. ONE PRICE 3r*.c> ..4.llsserteswilskoaxiet, No. 607 Chestnut Sired. aRANVILIE STOKES would return thanks % A to the public for their appreciation of his efforts to pleavb, and theft lateral patronage. 111 order to Leen up II& kindly feeling. he has yield ed to the .0 1 i..Itiatieto• of runny of his friend+ and in. nuguy,iseit a New Sy-tem. of Gift. with encl. Oarsmen: cold To hi- choice veledtion of Glee Flames. nllj nark up Clothing. he invite. the scrutiny of the pnbita. on well a+ to bin new Mods of doing hostile... titch tatiele 1+ wartatted to he. to Fabric. Style ma! Moire. ..qual in sink gotten up in the city, and her Price, (lower than the love-I.) trturbed on 100 Ftrkei, Kart article, old. or measured for is aetlyittphnled by a gdt, varying in value twin $1 to eleU. N. el —Near but the mn.t .Wilful &signet+, ehners and Workmen employed; and antisfactton in fit, fault• tun, fabric, price and gift. gam rtniteeOat ()HAN Fl/.1.13 Krolt One Pr ee Oan CbUinw Empmitnn, NB. OUF Cht.iltut Strdtl, PtllluttCli.bln MO. 19, 0139.6 in TilligAtltgLlN riftE harrnANOm oOmpluel OP PUILADELPEItit. cAtill'At. PClpetll..l Premium., Unexpired Temporary Premiums, Su Oath% 52,20:1,551 OS STATEMENT oitlte buts of the Company on January 1.1-60. Published i n conformity withthe provision of the sixtbsectlonoithe MORTOAG Act of Assemhly.of Apr 1150.1.8412. On property valued at over 84 000 MO being first mortgages on real emote, in the City and County of Philrodelphin cent 871.520 92 In the neighboring co n tics, 1 Ti tAL tatATE. pnrchafto itt t:heriErs , sales, under mortgage claims. viz: Eight Itod.es and lot, 70 by 150 feet, on the Booth-west cot tier ofChicsaiuz and Seventeenth streets. A house and 10t,27 by 71 feel. on North side of Spruce street, West of Elev enth inVem. Two houses and tots, each 18 by 75 feet. out South side of Spruce street, near Sixteenth aired, Five houses and tots.each 17} by 00 1 feet. Nos. 521,511, 525, 527 sisid. 529 Dilays st., Three kouses and 10 t, 49 by 54 feet, on ENO 'idea( Seventeenth street,south Or Pint et. ' Hotel anti 10t,50 by 81 feet, on the South east corner of Cluesnitt and Beads eta., Five houses and lot. 48 by 86 fect.on the North side of George street, West of Ashton street. Seven houses and lot. 26 by 117 teet, on the Rant side of Beach street, *With of Chesnut street, A ?ukase and lot, 18 by 80 feet, No. 817 Fitzwater street. East of Ninth street, A ground rein of $3O. issuing out of a lot 131 by 40 feet, on North side of Otter street, 40 feet West of Leonard street, ) LOANS. Temporary 'Malta on Stocks as Collat. erat Secants, STOCKS. ilO.OOO Alms Rouse Loan,s per cent .1 lint. on.) 200 Shares Bank of Kentucky._ 17 " Northern Bank ofKentacky, 100 " Union Bonk of Tennessee, 12 " insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, 200 " Southwark Railroad Co. 37 " Commercial and Railroad Bank, Vicksburg, 300 ss Pennsylvania Railroad Co.. 01 s* Franklin FiretrisuraitreCo u 2 " Mercantile Library Co., 24 s.: Union Canal dogoraug, ioSchayikiii Railroad Co.. 2 Continental fold Comp'y, 1610 coon North Peon'a - Railroad Bonds. imooo Barlington City Water Loan, 8700 Philadelphia city Lunn, g 37.5.80 . City Warrants. Notes and Billsreeeivable Cash on hand, Cashinhands ofAgents. REAL ESTATE. Markel valise, sigiras 77,446 35 Cod, as sibove, Advance la value. girOCKS. Market value, 15E0:796 116 Cam, as above, 'MASI 30 .Advance in value, 1116005 36 Total, ...412.409,051 63 LOSSES SY FIRE. Losses paid iftring the leaTlos9. 03353341 Sy order eft he Beard._ CNARLISS N. SANCRlCA,Presudent. Assess W. A. DI Slim. I.te Tan. ' RS. CIIAS. N. BANCXER, f`resideitt, F3)W , D. C. VALE, Mee President. Mae. N,Naneker.Tebiaa Wegner Samuel Orem, !seat Ai. Smith, 014). W. Ridieetin, ilissethsesa b. Lewis. Davide. brown. halm Loa, Balsnul C. Dale , Gen.Fales. WII. A. STEEL. Sec'y pro tem. THOS. LLOYD, Agent, Columbia. Nov fn. l' I.itE beat in the :State. There Segars we will guar. rantee tb give sulitfaction to all who *lll give %heat is trial. Nilo 'will gwo nny one ten day' , to try the,.e Segaro, and if they do not give Am ir,fOrnon we will refund the money. . & 11111.05.. Profit street, five doors above Loetist, Columbia, Pa. June 2nd, 1800. Lianales lie Sixes All The Go: 17very person who tries hem wants them signic.- 11iNVe tinge got out band 73000 (rending Sign, which WC will .PII oi rnsi FENDRICII h , EROS.. front street, live doors atrirr a Locust, Coruinina, Julie 2tud, f 5,000 6331 sramss When tlik lot of Segurs. Is closed obt we will not keep noy on kotol. We *di recommend those of our own otanutuelure to surPuss at Gerrmin Slime in market. VENDRICII & BROS . Front N. tart, eve &rots nhbOb LocuSt, Colattlbia, Po. June tlfid, Naves Ensi i tais C HO! FOR HAIIIIET'S aEA CASH STORE! VVERYBODY is respectfully invited to call and see 124 the BRAN SPAN NEW GOODS, just opened, comprising in part the very latest styles of selected with Car, especially for this market. Our Chitiliei can't be beat. Potl de Chevre, superior summer styles. Ilereges and Luwits,itt great variety. Blurs of all descriptions. Lancaster G Ingham. the good old kind nelins, Sidra ims. Pillow Casing, te•herting. Sc., &e. tiOvIERY —A full af.OVIMCIIIMeIIt of liosimry, ut very low GENTLEMEM GEPTLEMEN:: To the gentlemen's line we have a gaud assortment of t '10.114, Cas-iateres, Fa:melts, Tweeds, Jeans, Cm vats. Shuts. Dosoitts, Collars, Ste &c. iID" - ttueettsivare, Olataware, and Looking flosses, a large stock. one, come uIL drop In at Rainey's and see. We consider it no tiouble to show goods. and hold ourse‘ves ready to be at the people's command. Don't forget to cull ut R SEVEN'S Cheap Cash Store. Locust street. oppo-ite the Dank. May 19. 1960. LOCAL mune Iffa" NOTICE. THE PENNSYLVANI RAILROAD COMPANY ARE now prepared Io ItterTE and forward F11.111(111 1 on the Philadelphia U itisiod. to nit frord all Ailithlll , *here they hare agents, at the tolleat isrg rates per hundred pounds: BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA. First Clriss. SeecNl Class. Third Class. Fourth Class 25 cents. 21. cents. 18 Cents. la dents. Flout, 25 cents pet barrel. Mewl, 1:4 cents per WO pounds BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. First Class. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class. 23 cents. it Ceirt.S. 17 Copts. 15 cents. Flottr 24 cents per barrel. Fli - Metel, , Weems per tfY3 pounds. Shipment* made to Fittstiutg and ull intermediate *lntim!" .1* itmelethre• RATRS FROM COL'A TO PITTSBURG. First Glass. Second Class. Third ekkhg. Fourth Class. • 75 60 93 as • Flour per barrel. 60 cents, i'Freiglit eolveigned to stations where the Corll• patty lut9 noseer* taut be pre.pettd. Articles of ISt nags. Books, Fresh Fish, Boots and Shoes. Diets in bags. Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter & Ale in bottles Dry Goods, rosin. , n emus ER's, Pork. (fresh, Furniture, Poultry. (dressed' Feathers, Wrapping Paper Articles of id Class. Apples, Afttlasses, Cheese, Melons, Closet and Ohms Seed) Oil in tasks Of boxes, Crockery, Paper in boxes, Candlelit. Pasteboard,. Casks or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches, (clued, Groceries, Printing Paper Guns and Rifles, Paper llani,nngs. Herring in boxes and kegs, Queensware, Hardware, Sweet Potames, Hops, TobaCco in belts, Iron, (hoop, band or sheer ) Tea, I .eather. Type, Liquor in wood, THildri, Marble Slabs & Marble Tufpeittint (lpts.,) Monuments. Vitfalsh. Articles of Id Moss, A.eobo., Potatoes, Coffee Turnips, Hides green;) Vinegar, Laid. IVilite Lend, Oysters & Clams. (in shell,) Windbat Glass. Tobacco, (manufactured,) Codfish, Articles df 4th Class, Rosin, Cotton, suit. Fish, salted, Tobacco, (leaf,) Groin of all Muds, l 'i n ' 1. ' 1 Nails and Spikes, Pitch, Whiskey. Plaster. ip — Ebt farther lufaftnalian, apply to a. B. K !NOS TON, Freight • .., Phila. E. K. nolcE. Freight Ag .... Columbia. W H. NIVERS, Freight Agent, Lancaster Columbia, May SO, 1500 A Large Supply of TShear Cured Hams at 1.5 vents per lb., riuln Hum+. lui •• Me., Fork. r2i. 46 4, Fro. Dried Beef, 15 6 . " Shoo Were. 10 6 ' 1 6 otato, , it 45 cents per bushel For soh. CI the store of Timm A. 4 WEL . ..H. Columbia, May 10, V. Head of COlll/1 H(.111. Just Received and For Sale. 600 Kl•ilist Nuns and Spikes. at 53 25 pm'. Leg tons Wethetill , “ Ile Lead. 3 hltds. Be.. Nose. d Oil Alan, just received. a large assortment of Corponters' Planet and Tools of ail kmds. J. RUMPLE & SON $400,000. /11" 12.1860. • 3819 809 SI Vto I HO S 6 M. 061 al MARE. THESE FACTS. .. The Thstimony of the Whole Word. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Bad Lege, Bad Breasts, Sores and Mars. All description or sores are remediable b y the proper and diligent use of this ine.timalt Ic preparation. To attempt to cure bud legs byla stering the Biers of the wound together is lot ly; for should the skinunite. a boggy di-eased condition remain• underneath to breast out with ten fold fury iu a few days. The only rational and seeress ful treatment. as indicated by nature, is to reduce the inflammation in and about the wound and to soothe the neighboring arts by rubbing in plenty of the Ointraent as salt Is forced into Meat, 1 I 0306 293 AS Dipthetia, Ulcerated :Sore Throat, and Scarlet Any of the above dif cares may be eared by well rubbing the (liniment three 11111E4 a day into the chest, throat and neck of the patient: it will coon penetrate and gi ve t tranediric relief. Medicine taken by the mouth must operate upon the whole system ere its Influence call be felt lit any local part, where as tits (liniment *ill to its work at 131 let. Whoever tries OM unguent in the above manner for the dis eases named, or any similar disorders atfeetinv the chest of throat, will bud themselves relieved as by a Charm. t At c.. 1. ;671.446,33 The above clans of complaints will be removed by nighty foMenting the ports with worm water. and then by moat effectually robbing In the Ointment.— Persona suffering from theme direfel tomplolnis should lone not a Moment in striating theft progress. It should be understood that it in not sufficient merely to smear the Ointment on the effected ports, but it mo , t he well runbed in for aorta Considerable time two or three times a day, that it may he taken lino the system, whence it will remove anY hidden sore or wound an effectually at though palpable to the eve. There again bread and water Wooluces, after the rubbing in of the Ointment, will do great service,— This is the on.) , sure treatment for female*, cases of cuncer in the stomach, or Wtratellrere may be a gen eral beetles down. indfaerttions of Youlk: Son end Dicers. E 9,133 i 6 Blotches, as also !welling!, e.n. with certainty. be radically cored it the Ointment be used freely, and the Pills betaken night and morning as recommended to the printed instructions. When treated in any other way they only dry up ill one place to breek out an another; whereas this Ointment will remove the home: from the e) stem. and leave the patient a v w oman and healthy being It will require time with the use of the Palls to ensure a tattling care. Oroptfori.9oe/Ungs„ Paralysis and Stiff Joint* Although the above complaints differ widely in their origin and nature, yet they all !Metre local treatment. Many ante werAt eases. of such diseases, will yield In a comparatively short space of time when this Ointmain comp aratively rubbed into the parts affected, even after every other means have %Bel. In all se. Nous maladies the Palls should be taken according to the printed directions accompanying each box. third Sire Ointment and Pills should be used in the fallowing cases: Sad Legs, Corns (Soft) Rheumatism, Bad armlet!, Cancers. Scalds. Barna, Contracted and Sore Nipple!, Stir Joints, Sere Throats. Bate of Neosho , Elephantiasis, elfin Diseases, toes and Sand Fistulas, Scurvy, Plies, Goat, Sore Meads, Coco-hay, Illandnlar Swell-Tumors, Chiegrofoot, • Mr, Ulcers. Chilblains. I.timbsuto, Wounds, Chapped Hands. Piles Yaws. CAUTION!—None are genuine melees the words *-11olloway, New York and London.* are discernible as a watermark in every leaf of the book of direc tions around each pot or hos; the same may be plain. ly veep by holding the leaf lathe light. A handsome reward will be given to any see rendering such in formation as may lead to the detection of any party or panics ennaterkiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them tote tensions. ••• Sold at the blanaGictory of Professor Holloway. 80 Maiden Lane. New York, and by all respectable Drunistrand Dealers In Medicine, throughout the ePrilized world, ra bow at SI teem, OS meats sod it each. [l:7There is considerable saving itty taking the larger sizes. N.Be—Directions for the mildews et patients in every disorder sins affixed to each box. E. Co t. S , •71 ao 61,931 04 19.436 9,633 94 - 0.919 33 OM 163.297 42 52:043'0 JSILL We ban a large lot of tp quirt, half gallon and gallon Jars what tin lids, which we will divine prat a very low figure. Mays,'6o. .r. DFLI.ETT tt. CO. SIODIESTIC SINES!, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, and Other Froere Piles, Fistula*, Strictures ICZI, EOM, ICIZI. Co:umi r tia lee Company it now prepared to I furnish ice to customers in large br quaint. ties, at reasonable rates The ice w/11 be served thro'ugh the lawn 'vet} day,tqludayr. cicepted. ice will be -applied nut satUrday evening for Sunday one. The Comparty hos a -efficient v:irelt of tee sell wholesale. in dealers or ronvltmeti at a distance. Office Ifralnn's National ribose. where lee man be obtained at auk nree. Notice left at 11. Plain teen Prates Irdedlt Street, oh lee wanted. will receive .nuenalin S. C. SWARTZ, Agent Co!umbia, May 5, 1$60"-Gni lottmeMN tErn, Large Fitld and Cashaw or Cooking Pumpkin Wired by Pm pound, lit J. S. DELLETT & CO'S • Golden Mortar Drug Store, Fungi Street. 11114 5, ttai. Just Received and For Sale 1500 SACKS Ground Alum Salt, in large or *moll quuntiuee t at . . PPOLIPt3 Ware!tome, Canal Ikeiti May - 5, - 60 WALTER C. WRITEMICELN, D'EALEIi ibt FtNg GROCERIES - , N. W. Cirtacr and Arch ea., PHILADELPHIA. LAPORTE& OP • ' CROSS & DLACItWELL'S ENGLISH PICKLES AND SAUCES. Particular natentittn paid to seleeting Fine Teas and Coffees, Far Families, StitiAßS ahanys ut Realists , Prices. Choice WINES LIQUORS AND SEGARS, of the he tirunit*, iitways on hand. May 12, ItGO-ly Farmers Give this Your Attention! 501 BARRELS Pure Ground No. I Plaster, white as snow, for sate ut A PPOLVS Warplioli.r. ennui almin DI a) 5.,61) The 'Flip Sugar Dodge' won't do. CC UT have met liar enemy and they are ours." T I Orem tu.h at the People's Cash store. ii. C. Ponderanoth attain triumphant. Our large and testy selected sleek of novdired Jo alio war of Ladies' and Gentlemen'. Pansy Dress Goods, from the ode boned morhanine estubli.hment:of.R. T 'Svc WART le Ca., New lark . has caused grunt excitement in our &Immunity, and quite a &timing in the enemy's camp! Our line of DRESS GOODS, embracing in part 500 Ids limit flack Etriss Silks; 500 yds. solid colors and trolley Dres• Silks. Prices from 50 cent* to 5200 per yarJ. Rick printed Silk Otell.olllo. at half their value. A fail line neat designs real silk and Wool Mathes, at 40 cents per yard. worth 75 rents. It beautiful assortment printed Jaconets and Organdtes. at 8 4 10 , 04/1/Y low ',thew solid colored any fancy Bereges, crop de cone, Serege A 'Wail, he. STELLA SHAWLS, • Mantillas. French and Chiamilla Luce Mantles and Poit», at e.eutly 'addend aline»:, Duster cloth» of different rhades, Traveling Dress Pads in great variety. Oar . • CLOVE Aria-CASSIA/ERE &Tor mart is full and complete: mad visitor's at This counter will find “Ephruhrtjoined to Ms idols." We have recently added CARPET ROOM to our amine... wherein We purpo-e keeping general aseornamo of Carpets al oy o or a end Oil rIIOIIII4. OUR NOTION' E:PARTM ENT, roalailla a full line of ifo-iety. Gloves. blunt, plain. colored bordered, trial bent nlitebed liandkerebieitit Gents , Faney Savendets, &c. The celebrated -ilinperiebable" Hooped Skut t .The Belle of the Synth.° a beautiful article of the hind A large attanrudent of Wlll'e Granite and Glow:trate, of every descliptlnit. MESH OftOCgRIES. • New Crop N 0 dugnra, Extra Syrup., Prime Cof fee, Choice Teas. Mackerel, ere. Wholronle and Retail, Cheap for Cath. at N. C. PONDEREIMITWR April 21.1970. Adjoining the Rank. BELLEVUE HOUSE. N. r.. CORNER FRONT & WALNUT STS Columbia Penna. rpHtz. subscriber announce.' that he has 'Wilted the .1 above eptaLlished and well-known Hotel, and has opened it for tie accommodal ion of the public. lie ban furnidted the h.:Renaud in prepared to enter tain travelers and boarder,. His table wilt be well furnished with everything the market ationio. At' his Bar will be found the hest brunet; of all kinds of Li quoro. Connected with the Hotel. in the heoement is a FIRST-CLASS• RESTAURANT. where oysters in every style, and other refreshments , are served up in good style, Cir Famil lea supplied with first-rate oyster., lit large or sm. II quaniities at reasonable rates. . . The support of the public is respectfully so lic hod . SAhIL. H. LOCKAKD. Columbia, Ora 2L. 15604 SALT! SALT ! ! 000 Sack. ;round Alum Platt jam reeeiveti.sind for /.. e tv ot the extruordiumily tow price of one dollar mut five rmd• our .tick. THULA \VP:1..1414 Cole April el, '6O: Canal JUS.I received , a trexh supply nrEtrentg 6cFrette field'. Gnule Powder, in the Drug more or R. ‘VILLIA hI.S. Cola. April '2l, 'OO. Front Street. COAL. OIL AND LAMPS. Alarge natal ennead lot of Coal OH busurveralso aft fresh Pupply of Keresene Uil to burn In •oad Lamps, just received by FL WI f.CI A fal Cola April 21, 2 00. Prang Street. Bryan's Palmonic Wateito, Browd's 1111111- Troches,Brandreth's Pilts.Clark's Worm Syr up, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Kennedy's 01111- MCIII, Tenet's Ointment, titilloWey's Confections, II a -bend's Magnesia, Al rs W.lpslottos Soothing Syrup, A 11. Bull's sawaparilla. Townsend'• Sareipardla, Falmestock's Permifugr. Dr John Bull's Sarsaparilla, Tobias' Ointment, Roberts' tnbrocution, Lini meat. Alerehaillhl China/1W Oil. A fre.b supply of the above popular Patent Medi. eines has Just been received at the Brim Since of 11. WILLIAMS. Col , April 21,'00. Front Street. COAL FOIL TEE mirszaaors. SPRING IS THE TIME TS BUY CHEAP. Tug subscriber is row receiving daily large neees sip's* to ilk Stott of Coal, and invites customers who wish to lay in their fuel at very tow rates to give him a rail. His snack consists of every variety of Coal, of dill &rent qualities. grades. sizes and prices, and be can guarantee satisfaction to customers. The long established yard at the Basin will keep up its reputstirriboth a. regards quality and price of it. ••BLACK DIAMJNDS.” Call and oat yoarselves that you, can save motrey by parehrs now, and from J. G. NETS. iAot of Canal Basta, Columbia, Pa. Aprlll4.lE6o. sorter mum , WATIMILICEIt & JEWEL(. Front Street, between Locust and Tamar, COLUMBIA, PA. TUB subscriber invites attention to his very large and choke stock of WATCHES CLOCKS, & JEWELRY, which he Is prepared to sell cheaper than they can be bought at any other establishment. Hs Is pre- pared to ore r great bargains.and be respee tranvia_ vitestheattentton o (purchasers to hie stock, whi c h embraces GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ofevery kind; al l kinds of CLOCK.O.frota 1111.50 op. wards:he invitestheattentionof Boatmen to his large stock of LEVER BOAT CLOCKS; JEWELRY.con slating of Ear Rings, ringer Rings Bream Pint, ike. al I k Indio (Si leer Spoons; Plated SoupLadles,Table and Tea Spoons. Forks-he.. which are warranted to wearnearty equal to Silver; Gold and Silver Pen cils and Pent ; Gold and Silver4Peclacles_l together with the greatest variety of FANCY ARTICLES ever before °demi. CLITLERTe—A • so. a saperiorassortment of Re volvers and other Pistokand all kind•of Knivs.r, orate beat Malatkillelnre. Stele's:tend m wit I begiven heretofore-to the repairing of woelte, watches and ewelry and all work will be warranted. A continuant:no of , "ormer patronage is r covert. fatly aerie:red. JORN EWAN. rablorwhi* . A veil 14.1050 BURNETT'S COCOAINE. The Preparation. which ban re c eived the great.' recommend.. owns an &heliolater and pro moter or growth of the belt, has jaw been /rvived ft. WILLIAMS. Cola. April 21.'g. Front Street. N" th nnene, the %meths and newt rnmpleie na earunens Men , * Weer we Rare ewer sand. eansisting agape,' Ragtist. Trench, Martina and Getman, Black end FenCl Twilkd end Flats Myths and Cassimeres, Nee" Sall l . PIMA and Addled BLS Velvet , I nd Pinot Vesting*. lc. We invite pentodes attendisn to the above LD a gds. ADM Cheap Glob Stars. Columbia, Apr 1111,1930. liiMEEMAPES AND STEWESSCOISC VIEWS. hw received draw the New Tort ikenNieeepe TV Cowpony, a Sae let ertlietroweper and Views whirl we will sell at last thew rbilmeelpitda velem Call sad look atibesa. PAVLOR It tepeeNAO. April ' took intern Mee. e*la, Pa inurtlll9, GOLD PENS. TUT rewind a large as l Sae asiairuseat of Geld 1 POUr.Orrierdlion and Odenwald's niasofactaTe, at PA yLott & Me&ONALDS Beek Poem Agr=l4. Front ,twat. ■bore Liam . ! zraere r .r.bteriber buvms rooted the Lime Kiln, and Quarrim. Itnrif 01 . 11.• n-1 , •• rne,p,ed m supply THE BEST CgtiALrry OF LUKE, •er Building Of Mi a iilag pa. pose., in large or small Slaked Litho for Manure rapplied at rennonab le 13.1. A PPOLD. Cola. April 2t,+50 Camel BaSan Gil nA 111) Fire and Marine Instance Oom- pant, Philadelphia. 01111cee0416 7 11ainut Street. CAPITAL AXE, SURPI.VB OVER $300,000. Doti. G. IV. 1. 4 09DWA RD President. lea. B. Avant:L. :Yerrelary. A. S. 661.1.672, "leo President and Treasurer. The undersigned. nem for the übove well known Institution, is prepared to iweie iis policies, insuring pgaitist lose or damage by fire, PeoPrilY of all to town and country. an terms am fort'. at yre security. All claims on policies issued It} this Company.promptly and eguituhly• adjusted. I , X. ZIEGLER. Agent. Basement of Cluck's notch Columbia, Pu. April 11S, 1800. 'ANARINDS. lasi revived a new lot of Tamarinds, al the °olden Mortar Drug Store. ay 5, 1864. Provi 4., below the Bridge, Columbia, Pa. WE just returned from the city' with a coanpleits...Aespe.. ussortmeittsd Goods, selected with - great cure from the hest factories in Ihr couetry.— eur Stork to now very M rye, eons:win g of WATCHES, CLOCKS, ittive.roittre, Plated Warr, Bracelet•. !from.lie., Set. of tiontl. Mamie, Cum.°, Lava ntld Jet. Ear Maga. ringer Mug., ftledallioua, Gold Pencils. Chaino, Slutla. la revs Butione, Spectacle , . Pocket Book. &e.. Le.. rice. We invite the public to give rt roll anti examine nor large alock. elTeetally of Clock., tvflielt are it] gond working order sod well regulated, awl will be .old at the lowest pricer. P. SHREINER k SON. . . . Columbia,. A pe I: 18CO. Copartnership. rHAVE Miss-toy a.•velated *Rh uhyself is ho+roes• rny •mh. tieorke II Rumple. in eepontership with whom I will continue the Hardware Ilu-ine•-, ni the old music' in Loeuw mires below Second, under the firm of d. Rumple & Son. I (TIMM SiiterTe to she pul t he for pairottnge. and reipeetfally tick tt ecnitintintsre to the new firm. JONAS RUMPLE Columbia April 20th, 1500. The Fu'i.eribers would call the attention of the onlilk , to the LARGE STOCK. Or HARDWARE, Just received' by them. They eon •Ni•r a complete iminriment of everything in their line of bourne,. either Wholesale or Rein I. . . Bar, Hoop and Hand iron, Sieel..ke. They have community on timid an itaborment or Icon and tar& of 01l kind.; Talon.. Was.. Vand.lie.. Cedar ware, &c ; large mock of Gum end Hemp Packing. 6a.keta oral! maim A forgo supra) , of Coal Oil Lamps and abatfee of va• TiOtlb it nat. Roro.ene Oil of the very be-lqualny . . Agemiv for Farrell & Herring's Patent Chutnpton Fire and Soren, Proof - Safi!. J. RUMPLE & SON. Loco .% Arcot below Second, Columbia, Pa. April 01. !SOO. • ' mows 49191/..STZIZIL _ TrIV: Submersion boOc , reeeinst -.it Now 'and Large Stock or nil kind.. nod 14 . Zew or BAR IRON AND STEEL I They are constantly supplied with stork in Ibis brnmdo of hil [twines& and emu iuuish it to entiosnor- in large or small quantities, at the lowest rates J. RUM pi.r: & SON. Loran! stove, below Second, Columbia, PIA. A WI i DM 1080. TIIIRD ARRIVAL OP 1880 2133117 SPRING GOODS, FRox Nrvr YORK. 'WOW opening the mom nenutifin naeoroneio of Neer /3 Spring Oood• we ever offered. DRESS GOODS. Organdie Rohe-23.7.9 and II flounced Berege Anglais Robes. 7. 9 and II flounced Stub' Plaid Berne Robes, Double Skin Soh) Plaid Serer. /lobes, Solid Plnin Colors Maid flerege Robes. de Chevre satin Plaid /lerege Robes, gay sod neat Be. regal and Orenitilinesi new style raring Silks. Mark Silks, he H brands imported; Jl3llll khan' a onit'—in Pinks,Blurs. rites llcrege Anglain New Spring Cloaks, _Mantillas and Dusters. Twee llournous. Lace Sultanas. Lure Mantles, Lace Pointe.. Cloth Clanks. light 'piing x4y/es,garherecl mid plahed. Sleek SUk Cloaks and Mantles, gathered oni plaited. SHAWLS Stella. in all aiylem and eolorm. 111EINI WEAR.—Superb Clo Canaimerea and Ve•llaga. CAR.VETINGS. An additional supply—among which are the hanasem est Brussels. Three Pin and Smith's New Yak Patent, we ever offered. lIALVEMAN* • A pril 19, Cheap Cush etore, 18110. L _ ADIES' CLOAKS. Just received, fall tack Neese Cloaks. nearem Par'. Kyle. /II A N'S Cheap Curb Szore. Columbia, April 1408110. BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. THE anhveribera have 'oat received a large and va ried actoriment of 81..ak Hooka and tatatiuslery, from New York; eon.4stiug of icedgera, Day Hooka, Cavil Hook Reconio, fun 11 ad half hound. Letter,Cap, und Note 1 011er,14ovelopec—Louter and Note—ins cut variety, which they offer at very low price, BA. LOH &. DON/LLD, Ileall , Quarters and News Depot, Front at.. uhove Locuct, Columbia, Pa. (April 14. POCKET BOOKS AND PURSES. ALARGE tot of Fine and Common Pocket Booke and I'urse4,ut from 15 cents to two dolled each. Headquarters and Newa Depot. Columbia, April 14. ISsiu. GARDEN SEEDS. A large sleek of Seeds from several of Use beat Gardens, whirl, we warrant genuine and frevh. For sate. wholesale or retail, by the pack or bulk, at the Golden Manlier Prug Store. Pprill4. 'GU CO&L OIL. hat received a fresh supply ci ouperior Cool Oil, warranted not no etrad.e. bring COlOritelhaull free orony Ofrco , dVe odor. J. 9 DKII,LETT & CO.. Calden Mortar Drug Aare, Front ettret. April 11.11340 Mil USD. lad received a aew crop of Caunty, Hemp and Rnpe "teedf the nice.% Seed n town. nt J. 8, occ•Ler? & CCI , 6 April 14,'60. Dna. Stow Front ...reel. LADIES SHOE STORE. NO. 1 Mechanics' Row, Opposite Roidentan'o• Lams/ Mead, Columbia, ea. IN order to accommodate all who favor me 115 , with their patronage, have added to my p, home-made stock. a general nasonment of Philadelphia and Eastern Work, WHICH I WILL SELL CH EAP FOR CASH. My mock consists in part of Bop.' and Youth. En amel Leather and Kip Mortroes. Boys and iroothio claim's. Children's Button Qattara and Potent Leather Ankle Ti... Infanta' Illation and Plain S hoe., of differ ent colors, Women's and Mimes' Cheap Siipperali in sh?rt. A GENF.RAL ASSORTMENT of all Icindsof work is my line. Call end examine for Foam/res. My thanks are doe to a generous public for the kind support and encouragement (steadied to me since I user been in baldness, and I hope, by amen attention to merit an increased share orpaironags. R. HIXSON. Columbia, April :,1800. 1860. 1860. SECOND SPRING SUPPLY OF NEW GOMM ARGAINS in Spring and Rammer Mena Gams.„ 1.) limb Orem silk., Pon. Printed Drove Goody, in himmelin, Orenadimen. ammo., ice. Ate. STELLA SHAWLS. A apleadid lime of atella Shawls. embracing al the new styles. CLOAKS, 'CLOAKS. ladies' spline Cloaks, la every style, ohmic and color. ME?.' %Vita R.—A splendid line of Cam:- meaty and Vestingt—Joel imported. Cerpetiregs, Wiliam Shades. Well Papers, 4e. which. with G 0044 romeiving doily. form tiro 1110•4 complete amortment weever Gritted - 141:i.t1r.14ANnt April I. Mk. Cheap Dash atom— Now Goods. = •aboetilier burin. jaw Yetorawl •from tio• city T Phitadetpitia,is now opening an otwommonly lagrt addition to id* tempr otoek. onlyistatg of =Messiest*. Dye Stara, to walla the at of parchaden it mociand. IL WILLIAMS. itpra 14, MIL Front Sweet. lireva Stock at the Golden Mortar. WS have *drained from Philadelphia w0n.... York. with. a lame and well telecom Stock of foist' Desso Illedectotto. Cleaceicals. and encrytkhot nevolev ke n to a noel conducted Drug e we . elii Spaldhoro 0 hae, Cotes Octaatios. Soo. neon Cowneeloe, Itorree Illeoshesols. Wleteeen Coach Loma gee. Boorreee Brat bat Tenches, Bath Mick. Shoo Ettookflt. Note Sad Letter roper. twee lopes, Pons. Ink, Se. 3. S. SSI.LEIT 4 CO. pIUSHEIV 11112.111:0—ire have xplatidted oar sots et Haim Tooth, Natl. Comb. Hat, doth and Shea esualtsa. We Saran aurehres that our au torment or larat.hen exceeds any ether is the town sad rise far yourself and be convinced. before purchasing elsewhere. J. S. DELIATT k CD, Geddes Kens, Dreg Store, 1 - ntat steer, CHEWING TOBACCO. T =CRY PPAIILEIVO., _Lome storet,asetoofte Prooknonoosa,cao be had CtTBA LEAK CON ORMS, and several other brand• of the bee Cbeoring Tobacco, 10 which 11.0 attention of chewers is invited. I‘lllyl.lele. Paivatr. SA.LE! rrIIE subscriber offers at private ale the totlowsiir, property, Alton.d in the l'.oroo,li of r o. him in, tie No. 1. A Blacksmith Shop, situated on the river tiork of the Priiiirylvitiii • h./If/lid. %Vall• Ma %Met. togethrr Kith a full e• t of tilarksiuitiriiig • No. 2. A Lot of Ormond an Seeois street, between Locum and ‘Vslnus. ott which erected a two-story frame Iltwelibic liouce. N 0.3. A Lot of Ground on 3eecmd street, between noon mid Perry. on which i, erected a one ond-n-half-story Prairie Dwelling: How., No. 4. A Lot of Ground on Fourth street, between Perry and Mill, on witch b a t wo-story Frame Dwellill7. 111111.1. Two Les of Ground ow Fifth street, POUIII of Unto• 41 which are two two.atery Dwel. lit e! 11011.1C8. No. G. Two Lots of Ground on Fifth street, hrtwrrnn Union and Cherry, on which are erected two twn-story• Crams Dwelling Douse•. No. 7. Four Building Lots situated on Union street, comer of Fifth. No. S. Six Btiilding Lots situated on Fifth street, between Union nail Cherry. l'or termt, &c., apply to H. 111.1 M. Locust street, Columbia, The uretereribera offer at privrtte ante the following properly. attanated fn said borough, Thtee Lots of around on Union Street, Qrauah, of Fibia, oat wilier% ere erected, three two...tory frame Dwelling Donne, ugh one-nrad-ra-laulf-aior buck building. For term., be.. apply to ' If. 1 EAIILER at tabove, or 11. SUYDAM, Coln. Morel! 10030 if Cower Flout m] Untos Sts CITT Fly Pieper, (or Pieetere sited Lopkiseg OW.. Fruaries, &e . au reerortmetec tes SAYLOR& AIcDONALD'S. April 14. Columeeist, Pee. WANTED! TEE loilterilterA a•mrt ohm Virettont-liougen Apply' to GEORGE BOGLE:. on Front tnrect Mural alto WO. MAL3'/31 - tit CASH. WORCESTER'S Illustmled Royal Quarto Dictionary, Librar y Edition. Third Invoice received by - ELI AS BARR & Co.. ar.7;430. AVM , to( fitaioseatir noway NIKE RAISINS for 8 els. per pound, ore to be bud only us }MEG LEIN'S Grocery *sore. ISlureb ID. 1 Fra. No. it Loris.. 1.1 reel. GARDEN SEEDS.—Fresh Carden Seeds, war nutted pure, of oh k:lidx,ju-1 rreeitred nt ESERLEIN I 3 I:roerry Store, March 10.18170. No 71 Lottu-t -treet. A EEW more of those beautiful Prints leii, which will he .eld clump, m , SAYLOR 44 AIeIPINAI.I)..A • April 14. COVI.IIIIIIIiI4. I. ARE YOU 'GOING FISHING! Call at the Golden Manor Wan More nun procure the hue nod h00k... is there you wilt find nit ii,•ofinient of Ito°ltn. Lines and (Auks. 101$11. The First Raft of the Season. E. K. SMITH, Will be receiving during the Spring. 3,600,000 feet Pins Lumber, by raft. • 4,000,00 bi at. 2,000,00 " 1,000,000 Plastering Lath. 500.000 IV!lite Pine Shingles, 280,000 Cypress Shingles. SkiirA General Assortment of Worked Flooring. Sidinr. &e. The Conestoga Men, iTIVCOURAGE Home P.ilterprin, The best steel kr pen in the market. We bow carer the public a .reel pro which must commend itself to every person who desires to write with ease and eleentess. unit for n length of time without chancing_ hit pen. We have scleered oar CONESTOI:A 1 . 1•: .N DR one combining ill these advantages. after n lull to-t of all the ity lee ill 11w tnitle. It 14 tpeciolly manufactured to our or der; every pen is seleeted.und we offer It (or snle with a full rortfidenee that u fair trial will satisfy the oureltawr that IA perfection 1111 steel pens eon be matte. Ask for MIAS BARR & CON - -Lancaster.Tett. 11.1840. • Crearttora Pen, Q AT COST! ittin eabsoriher desires to close out a stook of first quality.Liquons. BRANDIES, WHISKTS, GINS, WINES, &e,. - • , - :116013T. 17coffem ut the Liquor Store i nthe went ortde Vlrsuthingtott flou•e, whore those wanting Good Liquors at roderate priors are invliod to call. . .• Al. M. STIZICKI.VR. Catuintiii;*ebitiary iS,lSao•it NOTICE. ALI. persons are hereby forbidden trespastins on. or damaging in any way. the property known as "Bill Mlmut: . to the du.queltanna River, above the Colombia Bridge, under pain of prosecution to the ex tent nt the law. BAWL WRIGHT. for comic of ho. I. Wright. tV. MIFFLIN,for vonte.o(Jim f: 31i0iin. Columbia, Dee. 10, 18510-if E:3 z' THE lIIMBEMARD AND OFFICE, formerly occupied by Smith, Rhoads end Smith. at the low er cud of Colombia; it will be rented very low, nud in • uch sized lota its will suit per•eits wishing to rent. For term. enquire of I'. HERSHEY, Fairview Mill.. ffZT7Trgriiir:TM7lll WIOLISALB and Retail Bread and Cake Tteacei.—Consuntly on band a variety oftakea kmaleverous to mention; CraokerrOioda, Wine; ktercdt, sod &tent Eliserlin Confectionery, of every - description, Ike, t.,n LOCUST sTR.Fxr, Between the Bank and Franklin 'foams. TUE ONLY PREPARATION Worthy of Universal OoniMance and Patronage. Fos STATIMMII, YUDGES, CLICROTNEN. I Aptis and Gentlemen, in ell tart• or the world tectify to the efficary of Prof. lb y. Wood'e flair Hectorutice. end gentlemen 01 the Preae are unaui mon• In be prelim. A few teeitmoniul• only con bete he given; nee circular for tnore, and it will be /rumor ruble for yoo to doubt 47 Wall Street. New 'cork, Dee. 26, Igss. Gmrtenatam Your note of Put tsth last . bus barn recived. saying :bat yea had hexed that I bad been heaeifird by the use of Wood'.. Heir Restorative, and requesting my certibute of the fact if 1 bad no cildte. tion to give it. I award it to you ebeetfully.becanae 1 think it doe My -age is about id year.; the color of my hair au burn. and inclined to curl. Some five or 'ix year.. since it Iwgion to turn gray, and the scrip on the crown of my head in tow it. sensibility and dandruff to Rim upon it. Eneti.orthesedisagealtilitiesinerea..ed with lime, and about lour months since a fourth we. added them. by hair Gelling of the top of my head aud threotening to make me bald. In thi. unpleamist predicament.l war induced to try Wood's Hair Restorative. mainly to arrest the falling of of my hair. for I had really no expeetation diet gray hair could ever be restored to its original color except freni dyes I was. however, greatly urprised to bud after the Ilse of two bottles oily. that not only was the falling off arreated, bet • the color was restored to the gray hairs and to the scalp, and dandruff crated to form on my head, very much to the gratification of my wife, at whose solicitation I was Minced to try it. For tbis among the minty obligations I owe to her ...kJ 'pronely recommend all buroands who value the admiration of their wives to profit byiny ex a m. ple,and use It if growing gray or getting bald. Very respectfutly, Br.N. A. I.AVKNORII. To 0. J. Wood & Co.. API Broadway, New Verb Sininanon., Ala. July Miro, I WM. To Prof 0..1. Wood: Pear Sit: Your *Hair Re. ttormive In.. done m hair to steel, good since commenced threw of 11., that I wish to make known to the public of its effect. en the hair. welch are great. A man or woman may be nearly deprived of haw, and by stetson to your *Hair Rostoninve.e the hair will return mote lemma al than ever; at feast this is nay expetienee. Where p all; Yoara ru y, WM. 14. ININNEDY. P. is—Yoh can publish the above if you like. By poldi.hing in our southeru paper. ton will get more patronage wroth. t see several of year renihraser in the Mobile Mitertiry, a wrong Southern paper. MIL le MEOW. WOOD'S S►t* RDSWIDATIOR. Prate/ear 0..1. Wood: Dear stir: Having bad the misfortune to lose the bast portion of my hairefrows the efterto or the yellow fever, In Newt:4lomila OM. I cgs Induced to make* trial of your preperatioa. and farad it teansmor as the very Ming needed. bl y halt i. now thick and glos.T. and no word. eon ex prees toy istrlity' sakrart to you in girlie so the afflicted melt a tertsore. JOHINVION. ti The Restorative io pet up la bottles' of' tiara sizes, large, medium, and small; the small bottle bolds a Mix. and retrain for one dollar per bottle; Ma me dium bold• as, least twenty per real. more is propor tion than the small. MAIM ler two dollars per boule; the largo bo:d. a quart, 40 per rent. more in propor tion. mod retail. kyr three dollars: 0. 3. WOOD & CO., Proprietor., 44.4 illeoedursip, rk„ond 114 Market harem hi. Lowio. Me. Aid PPM by all prod Dragalat sad ranerGoodo eniero sareb 10M. 181M-lon t ~ , ti ~z ~.._r WIC roan in the Blue Faro, now owespied 1.7 7liebara4 WOO. Fp.; also, wreral hones. Ap iPtr - WAIL IV al Columbia, Febraart 11131. • 1 SAM" Alike 001.ultas G ,l 031 as Worts. fear hundred ba•lbels of limeepweadng excellent qualities for smennring, at 41 ems pet bandies. A. CALDWELL, C4l4lllllbie Feb., 2'. !60. IL Sedereearr. MR. Ent YOUNG, formerly's( the firm or literray. Tumor s Co.. Seoh.eneet4 ill op pubeod over Arent to rooms. Fee the following vale. obte 'wk. which ere mid only by ottuortptioa. The trew Amer/eon Cyclopedia. Storratee oluidge mem of the Debate. of Contrehae. Soudan'. Lite of Thomas Jedfervest.Qoiney'e htemedr of the Life of J. Q. Adam*. The Illuminated EAtitiou of Coeper-a Nov. Worretmer's Intuarated Somme Dietionerr. It Ware ataision. eSIIARR A CO. ballillf=l==il afirrlitnsjr EO PAII U C r, ,' .:1:::,1 g IS PECIII— •-•4- f otti -, ""'""•r„. 7:5 . : 279: 1 . --- M --, __ 4 11 ,7,:-;-t;:_-"-el .---,...- - ,,k... p ee p - _,........ 25 .... ~.. , : .....,:_: L - - SEAS WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY The undersigned - haying used Profemor ItemrunEvs , SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES in our families srldi the most satisfactory results, and pacing run confi dence in their genuineness, purity, and efficacy, cheerfully recommend them to all IPCISOI.3 nt,n wish to have safe, re liable, and efficacious remedies at hand for le irate ur do mestic use. The Ref; Wet. 'Cosner, editor of "The Northern Inds. pendent," Auburn, N. Y.; the Bev. K 11. Cressey, U.O , Hector of St...Peteen CtsurctblAtsburn, N, Y. ; the ltev. 11. 1. Ives. Chapdain of the - Auburn !Date Prison; Use live. Spencer N. lUee, "lector, New•Beriford, Mass.; the Bev. Allen Steele, NevoYork Conference; the Reit. •Samuel Nichols, East-Genesee Conference, N. Y. ; the Rev. P. S. Pratt, Dorset, Vt.; the Ker. John E. Rollie, Buffalo; A. C. Hart, Esq., Utica, N. I' ; the lion. Neal Dow, Portland, Dte.; the lion. Schuyler Colfax, South-plead, Ind.; the Iton. George Humphreys, N. Y.; Henry D. Conk, E. 1 .04, Editor of The Ohio State Journal, Colombo', Ohio; th e Hem H. 11. Graham, Moline, III.; the /FM. Thomas J. Chem, Monti celks, Fla.; the lion. Joseph Benedict, Utica, N. Y. ; Wm. Bristol, Esq., Cties; N. Y.; A. D Pond, Esq., Utica, N. I'. ; James Plunkett, Esq., Nashville, Tenn. LIST OF SPECIFIC ItESIEDIES. No. I.—For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation. No. P..—For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wetting Abe Red. No. 3.—For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of Infants. No. 4.—For Diarrhea, Cholera [uranium. nod Summer Complaints. No. s.—For Colic, Griping; Dysentery, or moody Plug. No. G.—For Cholera, Cholera 3forbun Vomiting. No. 7.—For Coughs, Colds, Influenza, and Sore Throat. No. S.—For Tooth-ache, Face-ache, and Neuralgia. No. S.—Por Headache, Vertigo, neat and Falb:ens of the Head. No. 10.—Dvsesema Plus—For Weak and Deranged Stomach, Constirtation„and Liver Complaint. No. 11.—Foa Ferrate Trutenetarnves, Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods. No.l2.—For Leueorrhes, Profuse ?lenses, and Bearing Down of Sentries. No. 13.—For Croup, Hoarse Cough. Rod Breathing. No. 14.—Bats Rosen ruas—Fer Erysipelas, Eruptions, Ebonies on the Face. No, 15.-10normsr1e Part —For Pain, Lameness, or Sore yeas In the Chest, hack, 16011111, or Limbs. A.—For Force awl Awn., Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Old mismanaged Agues. E.—For Piles, Illlnd nr Internal or External. O.—For Sore, Weak. or Itillnaned Eyes and.ka ends; Weal, or. Blurred Staid. C.—For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either Witt ohstruation or profuse discharge. W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence anc shortening its course. In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Laflamrnations Diarrhea Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and much erup five dise ases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the advantage of giving the proper remedies pnitoptly Ix ote Thous, and In all such cases the !tics ace like a charm. The entire disease is often arrested at once, and In all eases the violenee of the attack Is moderated, the disease short coed, and rendered less Mumma,. Coughs end Colds, wtdch areof such frequent occurrence and which so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs. bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured by the Fever and Cough Pills. In all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach, Constipation, Liver Complalads, Piles, Female Debility, and Irregularities, old headaches, Sore or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case NU Piletin4l whose proper application wilt afford a cure in almost every Instance. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh. Headache Sr Female Weak ness, bas more than Bald for the case ten times over. Cue of 20 vials complete, In morocco, and .......65 Cue of 20 vials, and Book, ;Attn. ' r • 4 Case of 16 numbered boxes, and Book Case of 6 Loam, numbered, and Book • 1 Stogie numbered boxes, with directions 25 rent+. Singh lettered boxes, with directions. 50 cents. Large case of 2 os. slats, for planters*and tibildcbuts.: -015 ALSO SPECIFICS Fos Armpits na Firrntsna—Oppressed, Difficult, Wowed Breathing, attended with Cough and Uspeetoration. Price, 10 cents per box. FoR EAR DCSCRAROM ARD PRA IMPA9.—bischargell tram the Ear ' the result, of Scarlet Fever, Meanies, or Mercurial,. Forhiotses in the, Wad . . liardrima of limiting, and Dinging In the Dim, and llar•ache. Price, 50 cents per box. Poi Scaorrit•—/Enlohgml °tondo, Ridarged and Indurat ed Tonsils, Swellings and Old Lficersolerofulous Caeliexy of Children. Price, 50 cents per box. ' • - FOR Ossettic Dstat.rtv.—Physical or Nervemi Weakness, Eicher the result. of Sickness, Evecishri.Sfediciition, or Ei. boosting Discharges. Price, 50 cents per box. • . • • Fos Daorsr.—Fluid accumulations, Tumid Swellings, a ith Scanty Secretions. Price, tiff aems perbox. , • , Fos Sea.SlCEscsa—Deathly :Sickness,. Vertigo, ,Nausea, Vomiting. Sickness front riding or motion. Price, So rents per box. . Fos :Imam DIP24BB9.—For Gravel, Renal Calculi, Painful Urination, Diseases of the 'Chine) e. price, cents per box. Foa Surneit. FJOlMlONS.—lnvoluntary .Discharges and Consequent. Prostration and Debility, liad Results of Evil UAW'. The most. successful and efficient remedy known, and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, with full direc tions, $1 per box. Persons who wish to place themselves under the profes sional care, or to seek advice of Prof. licurnamrs, ran its so, at. his office 562 Droadwsk, daily from 8 A.M . :to 8 P.M. or by letter. OUR REMEDIES BY MAXI,. Look over the list; make up a case ‘ ot what kind you choose, and Inclose t he "amountin a current note or stamps by mail to on address, at. No. 542 Broadway, Neir t irork,, and the medicine will be daly returned by snail or express, tree - of charge. AGENTS WearrED.—We desire an active, efficient Agent for the sale ot our Remedies in every town er community la the United States. Address Dr. P. ItUNIMIREVB A - 130. : No. INA Ml:baas AY, N awl( oat A. ht. rt A MBA. Agent, Columbia.. Mer S, 1.800-iy TIOR a ern rate article of ?nines you mum go to EUERLEI Nov. 19, 19 0 9. Grocery Store, No 7t I.4tcurtat, Henry C. Mates Philocorne: — ACONVESIENT mid admirable dres:cita - for Am hair. it prevents the ball' from fallitig off, reuderilig its growth heulihy and vigorous. Directiotm, for, use uebompauying tack bottle. For sale 17 a. Ai fislalllll 4 , Morel' Rl. 1800. From st ext. SOMETHING NEW IN 00IIIICHLILI EL a:air-rain= 4.41i1110.7/ THE Babseriber medially calk - the ttmlon of she pubiir in the fact thaLittLitse-lanAyit a firn clan PlloTofliattrilllGGALit,soy, IN 'Mit tttreet, above Loran. niter/he it folly prepared to eremite all kinds of L.kintrsensei hlrlye ,beetallYiraf the an. Thie Gallery I. supplied With the Sery..beat inetru • menet, from the Gerrmta and Aourovesin rennin from the country' or etrangers,,ptuot:sta ihmueh the tonto.ny nailing at .fig Hera ,Gaffery eau have tura pieta...rain a fear tailintsik hie neatly, put up. in any lint} of weather. froth 0^A.1.1 gnaffl P. Pr irr . Toinsure good plena*. of ellilderstThey Ohouisl roma sa the foremooh. on a clew tay; the- sitting le QUirillg one .creed only. , . . lam rally prepared to give iangsmiong in all' the varioa• branches of Chit beautiful an, and-faraieh appanage ((desired. All are Invited m eall to call. whether they morn pictures or not. Gallery opponte the ettp{a Gate. N0v.16. lain. ' ' 3. .301.L1f,Y. An experlenred e end Renew Phy.seisn, pre eera• se theyninmen of mothers. her SOOTHING,SYR - U'P FOR CH/LuREN TEETHING. 11 whieb meetly facilitate. the prime.. of teeibioi. by Pofleeing the it WON reducing all latbontaiden—wio alloy ail pale and .tetemodie stolen. and SUR::.' TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. &Tend .cpon it, mothers, It will gtve Ara liatpour. Pelt!". and. • • • : • BALM/ AND esataii ,ro moil: um/now, We bare pat up and told thin article for'aver•ten year.. mad canal. in eonlidenee.and Smith orb. what we have never been able to say of anyetber cane—nevee has raised in a single' instance, to ab e t wieure, when timely need. Never dad .are.irnore sea 'matinee of dissau.llise. tionlisanyonewhoweditt Oa the enotrairy all area delighted with its opera tinns,awlspeak in terms ,-7 of h*itest.sonteneadatiou of its magical effects aid _. Ol, Metes" orirtnes. We moth in this matter Wst .whatwodo below: , oder ,en years , expenee,lol and ptedge...our repaint...., j rse foal afalfilment of what go we here declare- la • wl. most every tootanee where.the infant as safer. lag from pain and ex- 121 hanotion. relief will he f.swsd in fineen or twee in 1.3 r mason after the ?Trio. is ado ha...weed. Fm oalsab.e prepar whim is prisseelpson o f otteosi the stoat expert eneed and ehillfol Nurse. , an New .y e rtgiand, rad!. has been used with nevi: tweeess in O 'THOUSANDS 0 OF CASES. • It not only relieves the 40 child from pair: twit ig • antes the tonsasteh and cia bowel., correct. aeidiss , owl roes tenet and en w ergY to the whole arrant . GRIPING ICII I N hv" TfI " E tv it rZ, ra rCISVELS, AND WIND COLIC. and overcome rewind = stens. wine+ If not wed. sly remedied. end is in death. We believe it Ins beet and parent remedy 1 , 0 In the world. in all raw of Dyseinevy and Than b. thaw in children- talent , er it *does from teeth any. or from any nib. r canoe. We would toy to every mother who be• a chili ordering from oi city to the Weirdo, eons • plaints—do not let year eg ppr. ud.eeh nor the trryu dtees or others. and between >nor malfance child sod the relief that r will 4r are—Tem• 10 . 0 - lowly sure—se roltow the Ow or ThIS owdieine. if tamely used. Full eh reelions fm it-ins - will *Perms posy each bottle None rem.tne gml..s. the foe *AI -0001104,116 t Perkiest New Toth, is on the outside wrepper. Feld by druggists threteehnni the world. Trineipsl Other. Ne. 13 Cedar wreet, New • et PR *::RONI.V RS CI 815 PC 7f L Term r bp R. 1V.1.,A,L (Welt P3O-1 =