MEenr*EL - Mates ltbilocome. cosvENIENT !ltd namllttlife dres 7 ing for the 2 . 1 hair it presents the het from falling Mt: renderb , r its growth beuldly and rigoron.. Directions for 113 C 1711, atop any' lag eaCh bottle. For talc by R. WILLIAM:I, Front street. March 24,18G0. FOB ilifING SOAP. A superior , ortielo of Soda Asb on hand and for sa`c by travels 24. % ;Tyra , Ittikt , AND ilistsZergarn STRAWBIERAZES IVILIONW MIBANY, $l,OO per 100 LONOVVORTWS PROLIFIC, 1.00 1 * 100 HOVEVS SEOLI,II.I, 75 u 100 TRAHMIT, 75 11 101 l Ink ROE EARLY SCA RLET, 50 41 100 The above are dr- peters of 41ee'rrt the hest Straw. 'berries at the Hillside Nufwty. COlumhia, Pa. If we hathhe Hoo tees Seedling. we would class it with ourfWeent kinds Our !wires generally. for Nursery Stock. compare with H. E. Hooker's as do the prices of Strawberries. 4See H. E.flookees advertisement in lost week's Spy 'S. H. March 24. 1800.3* Cattosibia Mmurance Company. TEM gonlimity is authorized by its charter to inPure In the roomy, or in boroughs, against .lose or damage by fire, on the mutual ohm. for tiny length of time, limited or perpetual, either for a mill premium or premium note. PREMIUM NOTE SYSTEM. 'Tho.e Who +marc for n premium note will be in •ared In? 'five )eser-, - nuti trabject to aweesmertin in •ea,e oflOneet. CAST" SYSTEM. 'nape who insure fora cash premium will be in. lior,l for any term not exceeding five years, and not ',object to any asses , ment.. Moe per cent- premium .vroll he charged oit arm proper y fur the term of aye yearn. - DEPOSIT SYSTEM. "'rarer Property will be im.urro.l for the term of ten year,. for it deposit ter there per emit. of the ;mount itninuedobelorhetle amount of the premium' note to be returned! at expiration of the volley. without in terest, tqr the pollryto he renewed (or ten rent., with ut at the option .3 (the ia.ufer. The •company wish to employ • number of good Armes-who will be furiiiimen with Ibe ne,:b..bry blatikii and timlrtletion• by milling •.t the came of the Company, in the tiorougli of Columbia, reniniy Jeanie, or bddreselbg the Seerelary by mail. C. S KAU I TAI A le. Pre.iderrt, MICH A El. hl MOORE. Vow Preibleat. UR() Irtl1.1Sl; Jr rteereuiry. 1.1 NI 14 ICKI.KR. Treasurer, JAcOtt- , lluNtAs. n. wyiow. MILLER. HEATHY R. K VOTW ELL, 3.A..131t siwrz. 111.:ItillY E. WOLF'. Columbia. Imagraiiier to., P enit'a , March 13, 1230 March 17. IWO. COAL OIL! 11111g.elsoriber keep. , It onn•tnut Rupplv or the Best lrerosoneDit; 01 , 0. 'Coal OU Lamps, of ever . / vuu elp end nI2C• eiliaJeet 01 Chi:krt.:ll intlentP. &c. AC. JONAS Ir.ocumt wee), below Second, Columbia, Pa. March 17th lEGU. ASSIGFISTZIEPS IsirOWC.l3. WHEREAS, John D. Klingler and wife, of the Borough of Cotomtits, have made a colon- Slay assignment to the undersigned, mauling in Co lumbia, Dian iWr estate. real. personal and mmed, for the benefit of the creditors of the said Rangier. this is therefore to give notice to all perttettn rodcittrd to said John O. !Clingier, to unitise payment imtardi airly, and iliette having et/Iw,, so present the aztirte withont delay, properly Rutile ' rued for 6t JONAS MYERS. Aseignce. New Stock at the Golden Dior v E hare juxt returned tram Phil/delphia I.lld New York. with a large mad well selected Stock of fresh D. ug , . 111.4licittes. Chemical,', and ever) thing 11-tinily kept 111 a well conducted • Prig More viz: Spalding's Glue Cox's Gelainine. • Bor. 4,rat'A co,oaitte, nurr) . ll Trieophero us. W ism r's Cunt h 11.ozeitges. Brown's lironehial Troches. Valli ilriek ' , hoe Blacking Now anti Letter Puper, l'elat. Ink. he ke. _ . J. S. 7 .1 T & CO. I{RUSIIEN: BlLliSlll?Sii—lirr, have replenished I .1 our .11.1 . 1 t sit /lilt, T o h. Vol. 01.1‘ 4;10111 uhd t LV.. tl o‘irt uu 4,01,•/. Gls it our a 5.10400.1 . 10 40 0 .1 / 110 riti the lowa COI 1 . • • 0 ....Of ..i• v.,.•1,i114...11 0/10, lum 10 . • PELLET I ' 17(1, " \ 10 1 ', Orqg r%/0/0 AK"IOU GOING FINNING! Call at the 1 .0 •• MOI , et I'll/4 -1 „ a-noA procure the hue and 1100 , — I- ' err ‘O,l tcui final au ay.otiowat of !fools I.•, rs. a Leal... PIS!! Hams and Shoulders. 11, yr d ,oft fcm Owego County, N. V .369 pound- of Ti innall'p Yankee cugar-rurcd II /tn. .0111 pound, of 2,1..m4.14•1, Mairett le 60, 1.0 h 11 P. nralim. Corart Vlllllll and 9'hlrtl c 1• PRIVATXI SALE! THE sultieriber offers at frivnte sale the following ',rope oy, pawn, it in no 1 4 01 . 011g11 01 ..... I kn. viz: No. 1. A Blacksmith Shop, situated on the fiver [leek at the Pettusylvet•iu Hatt'road, toelnw \Vat out street, together wall a fail set of lilot•keunthteg No. 2. A Lot of Ground on Second street, ir.tWeen Intuit arid Widitat. nit Wareh 4- CTeetvd awn-nary frame Ihve , lmg Iloii e. No. 3. A Lot of Ground on Second street, 11.10 ern 1.1.i0n nut Pen y. on which 1.., rezed a one malm-Itaif•atory From. a , 1i n0 ... No. 4. A Lot of Ground on Fourth street, in•tween Penn and %lid, on watch i- a M 11.410 I y Prairie .1.h.,111,1,2 No. 5. Two Lots of Ground on Fifth street, south , -f wh Ch 111, two Iwo ci ry Douees No. G. Two Lots of Ground on Fifth street, Union ono ,' on. ry on %Own are erecied two Ivro-wory frnm- Dwelling No. 7. Four Building tots situated on ' P . reel. for. et id tiith No. 8. Six Building Lots situated on Fifth ti No Magazine in Europe or America if , FO Wr.l 1.11,1VVII; /Moir 11:1- 1,11.1 render.; and. we 111) 11a„ , r. • rrroru ,0 large II Inhale ornil• minium. train etylivatt.l that deimi,..„ a a..anu), • ley:1011g periodical ',sorra/Lire II la ilie 101*1110•1 \las:signor of the day The &ensile never hind a loose e putfinot nor glie ,Ills rr aat re et. rina ~,, Iftei+l) !,rBlB 7tarp,t's :Maga. zum. — blit6dist Prorattint. r ) Tvretott•fito eetot- It-0o elletspe-t riehe-1, „101 in „-jt., t r v . 1 r,111• 11 11101 , y thou we I. Titter 110114 1 1 .. -retire. Is 14#1 . .111• 1 t r 1.14 11011 whs. 11,14, 41011111 1 ..e 11, f W. 11.1 .01:,.! l'ett dill' ....II!•1110"01 ..101111 1 ., I.llllel 114,01.0%. forottole oust be v., .11110 It •.1 11 1 1 1111.041111 1 1 1 •iking 1..010 1 111,11! If o 1000. 1111, valor—ohm, , t if the lot altos rrfir-Itt nv 1, ,, 1/..00111r.• 1110 ,„,n g. rule .1111 1 r• 01111 1.5ig.1.1t., the 101 1 0 to t 'tut It nln, ts td rho luipr) „„ .„ the I 1.1,11 •kr t0m...1 twit.• rtlitot to tot 10. 1 so .•.01 Itho , 1 110• 111•0 1 .. t .11/• 1,1 1 . it., 1/... .1 . •11 r lg . 1 1 to ) , t1 o•tt, 1.5! /./.11/. 111.11 11 •., ..,.•tr• 111[1, 0 't,t, 1 IW., 4!1.31r. It Wotli I Ul/11. • ~.3 It- ot we. i• I ,'y ,- tote proper. Vl l .lOll. 1.1...0 tooth porpo-rt.l tt —llOl la 1 ~ tt U , 11 1 3 . • 1• . •upolter of light ft elt.ov, t101•••—. 1 ,11. • .%Istgosttle that r very into. 111 - 1111,...twe. to.zo. fi, I. nod .111r:tot% e liter:V.lle 111 11.. TilY/(5. VoNote. bootol roe.filifte of Ihelll.eive• brat) of ofo-rel4ooleoll. ree.tom..e. h o. I "WWI lit le the emu, eotop.,•- ate% Of' eel. .1. fill. COM.. Ull/te, our a.. I Courier IblqUe! :20,111b1y it I- Pee t.,••1 Linn u 1 Itn Itinguege. that I. to ..15 in Of 'so. , The ..plet tfol tootstl.l .... ,lie aft. :Outer prier Tee pie...ego Imo,. el yet p•-tie toed there I. lon •1 • 0 • •• • • c ...- reel of oro-Pf*r. 1 to Ow —N Clean... Ad. n rate I..IIJOItYPIVCI for ml. ...ter its term- of elildo ss , so 1., llgb nud 11.14.1cii •••Xl•ellel l et.. 01 4. • ..• 1411 will: Si I) p1eri11u1i......111111,111 70 011, Illsgs••• to .4515 r to 1, • ..fllrs •.• light and grueral t0....111111 or It r. nut W. iodate e •hi- VVI/14( uaunrVSAro. rnf N. A •,• .r. 4. she popularity it kn. 1.5.4511. o. I 11.. 44 her contain. fully 141 Mow- 0110 4401 T 1 ~ 141111,111:1111.4 i1.13.4iritt.441 01411 W.. , .01..1 14.1.; .: 4 t•0111411lefs is. 11.4.1. the r•II.S. IMAMS:, stint the a,o.r I.l‘.l4l.nrltienl qm•rively. Is/4,11.11 ....flll ithe i.r.l 6...• ti t ter nt she deli} jeuroul It hie. grey. 'lemur it, the err.rol sill :sird di—etnutetwou of Invr of pure tur...—Trubrues l Getklelo American Literature. Linden. TF:ft Mg The Mnenzine may lie (dimmed of tkailiaellera. Pe riodical Agents. or from Utr I'uhh.ltrr..atTarre lb.' lur. it 3 MM. Or Tart tity• Five Gr ma a bonnier The volume. a 6 ennirdebal. neatly 1 ..11141 in Cloth. are sold at Two Dalin lc each; end ..actin t'ov Cr, are ttirm-lied to ihnee who wi.h their linek num bet a uniformly hound, at rurally Five Cent. • 'lei/ Nineteen volames are now ready. hound in Cloth, and e 1.% in Hag Calf The Ptiblisher. will supply Specimen N umher -081100.10.4y In Agents And 1 . 11.1111a1.1.1V., am/ win make liberal arrangement* with them for eirernazing itie Magazine They wilt niao .tooply Out,. ni at •Pore Polities* year. of gee Ten Dollar-. C.lere3m , ii ■ 111 *Previte', .upplied at TN••• Dollar.. year Numbers from the retain...m.4.6lllcm can trove he *implied At.n, thrbmind Volume.. The Magna:rim Weigh. over .even rind not over eight onners Ibero-sage upon earls number. which most be paid quarterly tit &drawee il l the oak, where the Magazine is received is Tbrer C•e•o• 114 RI.KR at DROTIIERS. Sqtrito, Neu- Voit Vo♦ 19;9 VWSPEPSI.A. REPILEDV. Dr. Darius ham's AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT This medicine has been used by the public for six "years, a it, increasing favor. Is is tecommeads to elite Dyspepsia, Nervousness. Heart-Burns. Co'ic Palen, Wsini w tar Stomas.h. or Pubis in the Bowel-. Headache. Dsce.veinees, Kidney Complaints, Low Spir its, Del•riunt Trerrielin. IntMaperitilee. - It Stimulates. Exhiharrtes, fro :do-ate , hot will not Intoxicate e r A. u tnedirisse. it in quick and effectual. miring the most aggravated eases of Dyspepsia. Knitter com plaint.. stnd all other derangements of the ttiMillarzh and Bowels, in a speedy manner Persons who.frcnn the ittladsgfoos use of liqssersa.hvve become dejected. and their nervous system- sir tiered. eon-titutinns link-u dawn. and sobjeet to t han Iserrinle cur-e to humanity the Delirium Tremens. will. imme diately feel the happy and healthy invigorstung dames of Dr. Ilum's Inentorseing se;ef. WHAT IT WILL DO. Doan—Osse w Lite glass fall a- .4: it as necessary'. (Inc do.e 'Ain innate JD Past Spirit-. One do-e will cs re le., rs-Bin t• Three doses wisl erne ludigesti,n One dose will ;pee Inn it tier d Appeti•es 0110 dote will tent, them-Be—Lig pa ti. nt lit.prpsta i One do-a w•. 9 rem we she dissire-wted and di same able effects of Wine or Flatulent,. and es. av Ilie stomach receive- the Invicoratsug Sp•rit the loud out till Ivilisful Mehral. will lie removed. One dose will sa move the ism., pains of Colic, either in the Stomach or bowels. A few II 011 l remove all Olmitmeliollit in the Kidney. Bladder or Unitary Ornate. Prr-ens who ate -erlitU•ly sphered With stay K'id• ney Coinp'aittis are speedy relief by is do=e or two. nod a tedival cure by the u-e of one or two bottles NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons wles tom sloosmating too moth ore. uight, stud feel the evil etreet• of pot-onous liquors, in violent sit-kyles. Sc., will god oar do-e will remove all bad feeliests !duties of weak nn - sickly constitutions slrsti'd take she In vigor mina Spirit 'lire,. times a On); a viii make them -trine. healthy unit berms.. remove all oil-truclion. and flouts the trice-Taal or ran.' stud le-tore she ..Isom 01 health and beaus y to the CiireWOlM 'arr. During press:Haney It will be found an Inv:stoats', mediciiie in remove disagreeable .M 1411110 1 .3 at the stomstels. All the proprietor tusk, is a trial. and to ?lido,. this he has pi,t tip the Itivtgaralillg Spirit 111 pint bottles, at 50 et.. quart,' $l. (elleral Itetiet. 43 Water ST reel. N.Y. For -ale by J. S I),lteit & .10 . Columbia. Dr. 3. A. %%7,04 Wrielitiorlre, mid I.y druggists generally. Fels. 4.1345. THAT OIL HAS COME! have •ale at thrtr .rare. the PAT- I) ENT Li\ll.l 4 —the °oil% itnw ut ucr that will burn the A 0 rora 0,1 They eau be seer, burtisiig rvrq evermle Th.. A I/ ror i Oil tit. odorless. non explosive. easily soon aged boot- wills a clritr, %WIC uud strudy tt•u hoof dnug.•r K. to -rule w 170.11 Oil itornp• r:n br alit rot! IC ii AII roC.I Ilit. Price of Aurora Oil SI 00 per gel. loil. C. 1.11100 -Cc. ( - I.& tl r. vßttsr.o. enr Tinld 111,11 Moo, SPrcriz IZIMEM FOR RENT 'l'llE LUMBER-YARD AND OFFICE, formerly ward Lt ~uutL. obouo• soil Smith Iviv rr emi vi ill be rented evey low. 1111,1 In 3.111 3411 I 11•3 ADO. ,S . I• him! in [col of I: Ilt;I:s11175 - . Jun.!- .t view Mill.. PlcaVATr. SCROOL. THE will open on :VON DA V. A PR I f.. 1 4.. bu i t , II,•• I g. kNt hnol I iotl se. eltScroodr:teei. Iviith srxr.. TI:11 And Ilu.r .1011.ira per cusirter. The soppori ,•1 thy puldse I+ i e.,. , ( . 1111 1 .1 . .01..i..d. 1;11U1tAK I .1t ro !mot et 1.1 14;11-oo1 I MIES' PENS at F. Barr & Co'R. Vt.., AI , rge Invol.•r or I.TIW jo-t torn r , i•eiimtl %C.• will ..•11 ghetto 11l o iiiii 1.0 r 16r trite nl Which VIC) bout, Irrrrtufoic hero •uld. 'MIAS Ult It &CO , rot. 11. Court Ilrot-r. I.toton-tor, I.n. COL r1V11 , 7,11 1 CZCOMPA.NY. Columba lee Company ore VOW FIRST QUALITY ICE, wbjeh en, be fo g wished In enitPumer. at verC trit-otia. file nal,. Al the opret.itt, of the ,11-011 OW ice s, ill be ,ettulurh xerv.o to, ti-tomerP. l'eroo , lo. des tittg a RIP pl liege or moral quatitititt. in 'lie tnelottone. can *WWII it lty at ply tag at the Slope of 11. PFAIILErt. 21. IP6O. I.oco•t ',tire. 1860. 1860. 1860. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. ,uliserilier will open day a large avvort , / mein rst v r•Vllie• Counterpane., Bitietou Cover,, Cloth 9.iiileco7er s , Gunitortablev, 'Nei. togs. Fur•lintre Cheek+. Furniture Culierier. Figar,4l Towelingv. anent led owl Ilrnwn Sheeting.. y in 3 I ‘vidr; Mu.. id: 11.e:wiled turd lions, Line s , •Nbl e 4 9,/%11-. 111.11i . ,1 01111 13rown Cilium T, hie Cloth.. 111111 1 . 111.1.• (lit C.OI b • C.I WINDOW Sit ADES, LOOKING GLASSES, China, Gins% and rturensware, a:7" MEM E GEESE FEAT ERS.4:O ..111 hr ( Iry et, o.lo•Ir Pr" c 11/ karlll 111.. V.111(1. 011411 of thn-, volumrocsot:, , houPekerpiog, pool lu the lower.' pit...ohte I.I)EM A Chrop Cud, Sicre, Columbia, hilltmry V 1.14011 THIS OLD GALLERY. N. E. COIL FRONT Ar. LOCUST STS. COLUMBIA, PA. •11 I.: .01.011., reotirtirtl In pn.l. tend- I giving hi- per.ogood titteolitott to the isrmlttettog nt to DAGUERREOTYPE, ANI BROTYPE AND ELAINOTYPk: LIKENEsSES, at hi. Ini. nut e.tallitohenn I•sonet) ...unser I • emn tuna iment-t -trent.. Ile Will guarantee a. grant it. e ttratltteed in It, Milled Rmu•-. no till .titre•. Rut{ ha. u•Ii.CS teeny on, vvi I irrOgi ire of- For Good and Pltap Pictures, Go to Lodges. 11r I ,, teta. nint•rr, :WOOLS fur U r fill -1 1116,01 .uppori of Ow pubiir, a n d u-ks a COllllllllllll/CC M 11.1- 4 1011.1 p, SANVEI. 7.01)0E. Columbio, January 9.1.1960. , IMPORTANT TO rantexiansi skPolviFt Ea! • ' The Ready Family Soap 11Taker. IV"" which every family. with 111.4 ordinary kiteheu grea.e. run make all their iman with hole or no :rouble—Hard. EMIL or l'aney. it wnl ol.e hard water c'eall Maul, remove (iron -r. (kr .10 0P f leo bu t, . M.Undi•lit te-1; iiiii 11% to ',for of the Su pnnifi. r WO. fop and valualoe reecopt• for in alaaa dltfc,rm I.rnd• "1 $O.O ..ent lire ay .alglie—ing 011ie.• co aon 00a, n.,0 ) ghti Pea.. rlr L. 1,“ t MC , &C(1 Agrma, Pri yr -me you get ihe original told p., waled aril .11... , 14 , iirftlirel b) the l'eua.ylvania Still Shoal -1:0•1L11.111, r..retitu A I leglieny Co, Pilo If,. i .50.3 M )ROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES.--We have IL ) ..... .„- 1.4 Ow amour. Vuougl. 1.0 4 ,,geu u t • u y r•otre all wOiler, mad they have .1 ,Fll. lai -Jou-tae:too to "In that Wive used them. • li• C I lierithor -toy, -et int lie has o p instil rtrown`• Trun•hm. 1 .• enno,nl) lit the ere,. I.ougoer ;,001 O. Lueuutio, 110111 0.111111 tiii for pri•tievitig tnnt lersitetil)elig e I ft 1:o•Iii Wilde! III?. .1 d Irk and ..$ 11 . .111 . 111! Phil 0114 170e1111! 1 . 11 , 111.11 . 11 W• P. le (lei ut lto.e- S .7.11nhi.1-alloum and Iheir ne•lnrrt. till 1,1•11'y ‘l-4trore Store• Jun. :24. Gi eat Excitem •nt at Harper's Ferry. TR E DE'S ICK 11 , 011.• 1•• .1•• • •2.1 Aid " ... LW .. • .14.011110 0.11.1.,1 !EATS '.%\U CAPS ,•,- • •••••-• , • .11.11 , 1 , 1 I • I, I. I O . --oronell, , 011 , 1 in the count) Price. Rom 2J In 410. Tr..0t . 1110( hue the ZtUlire nat. Trod•Oljeli tel the tlrieket casznacommtmagzumg E==fl=l TrPlif.l.4l% I 6 fear rhtfpftj..l, ho- fitir-I .Ro. of Ovtr Shona and thn• ui 1a... li.t. oil 11110 1. , ...toted for men. worn,. elf 111,1,:, ho o t 111 P bend to the font. IrrGal to Trr.1,6100- to ge. )i.ur money linet; hr -cfla little ehreper for esali Mien ear lie sold at nlmo.t Silty ether Muer in the courtlier Cull nod .et• h.. *lock at lie Sign of the Big Ilul. 1.1 ',Drum •toce: above rrotii. L. TIMPENICK, Agi Columhin. P.c 17. 19:ift E..X. SMITH, LUM BER DEALER , COL um at 4, r , PA . Office in. Northern Central Railway Dept Building. foot of Walnut st.. On liknoi o tinter& 4.orliClont of White Pine and Hemlock Lumber, 'WHITE PINE SHINGLES, PLISTERING LATH, &e. Good Qualaic:, at the Lu eat Market Rated. :. •6.'Jl e ziOulailliMOitiO34l4.olDisMlJO#3fli 49. SILle-X•IGEM CUILLERV. THE Subscriber respectfully culls the at- Indian of the to the (net lbw hr hoe opened a firnt rho. , PI liTrThiß tPH IC rt A in From . 4 treet, :11,0V1 . Lev US . where he 14 fully prepared in exeetne all kind.* 11 the beat .t) le of the art.. I.l 4 norillegi with the very best in.tru m.•urs ham the Gerin.iii "nil A inerien nanufnetor ic..• from the 1 . /1131111y or striingere pausing lloneall the towel lay e.illinv a: Jolley'. Gallery pietures in n few mi. Ma, nnd neatly put Ili :any kind n(w•rariter. from P A ‘I omit 4 I'. r • IrrTo invert. good piciurrii et children they Phonid rotor in the forest ..... t. or, a Blear du; , the tilting re. quinu¢ one -ecoint ratty. I urn funr prer, i red io give in.'ruruon• in nll the various hr: nelee- of dd. beaunful art, und furin4 app. rn tua it ile.ired. r•¢l7 (0 ...AU. whe , her they want pieturr. 01'1101 Miller) . orpo,jlo *l.* "Ttm" Oftire. Nov 1%49. 1 301.1.11( UST received OR additional lot of the beet nod Iste, improved K.•rn-rite Lump. of vartou. .qr. rm.e supply of I.lx- rent ,enothe Coal Oil to hunt to the above lamp.; all of which CM, be bought at the Drox Store of ft it. ellen, if 114,1 cheaper titan et ally other es- Itelill.lenteitt to the place. Dee. 31„ irzp. DIARIES, DIARIES, DTARII7S. DIARIES for 1930. in every 11111131: lee- ram 20 Cl 6. to 72 et* coca. ra“ and exam at them t zt A.Vl.Oll. t NICOCIN MAL Co!umhia. pre. 17, 1059 PATEAT LAMPS.--We have just received a later moo:uncut of the latest patent. Ktrocror. or Coal Oil Lumps. to whirl] we ittel , e the att,ttann or tho-e wishing. to purchrt., a good lump. that only eottautttet• a halt erza's worth per hour. .1 s PBLI.E rr & co_ c.:o:d,rl Mortar Drug Stare, Dtw. 24. I r":itt. NOTICE. - A U. pertont ore hereby forbidden tre•pir.ine on. Li or ttnntnione, sr) tiny way. Me properly Anuaat a. ••Reg” the (liver. above the Columbia Bridge, older pont of pruteeunon to the rx rent or the Inly. WRIGHT. for eonte r. Wright. W MIFFLIN. f, estate 01 5110. tat. Columbia. Dec Ili les?-1( QPALDING'S PREPARED CLDE.—The want of Inn Ili oVin y and now it can be r.uppind: 4r m , •udu,g finnan..., china. Orliannnila I Work. rays Ate then• i. 110,13111 g have found in u•eru' in repairing tn•uts nritt'a. which h nye Leen 41.ent ao for unoitnits. Von au obtnin it ;tittle Jun :hi r. 74111. , : r %FPLIICINI.: STORE. L YON'S NNEOHIO nnwsl BRANDY ,VINKt pet. la I' y tor Mrdicittee led S.trotrnettial pureo•oe, h i the Jan legr :Al I LY MEDICI Nl'. SIM:. - _ New Crop Figs. T HE very best climb, of rigs rou be bud at Nov. i 9.1959 . (Grocery Store...No.7i Locust st Gifts for the Gentlemen E hove :added to our new slack n choice lot of it rw Iwin nod Cothetll Silk Veolingo, Plotin and Volley Qilk Mixed Cu.•rmere., ("army Tar•. sc..rfo. %lora. r• ltauntlelo, (foolery. &e. 11.1 t.t which we offer at !educed price.. for the nl II C I'ONDMISIIITIVS Dre • 0 '5O People. i. 4041 NEW CROP DRIED CURRANTS. AGo.A ur ictr, rir,uLint ft r fromgra.flAt roveived tit H. :.1.;11)A41•,.. Crne. ry more, Corner Trout arid Union In/ Nnr. Iff GROCER/ES: GROCERIES!! pERSIISS desiring Pure Articles in the Gra ' very him will Vali lt INo 7i I,neu-t.ireet Jo .1 revolved a fre-li .apply of the following uru nlt-. war; purl- nod ire-01. New tlrle.ri hh^higshr S) norm of all kinds. lie-I rtpice, Ps 14 li,led L ' etieb CS, C. 111.111,, Rn isln•, lot oh Mitt. S F. Ent" LEIN, No Loran( Stioet, Coiurnbm, Pa. nee e mho r 3. ISal. COIL Oil Globes, Wick, and Oil Cons, for the ilurlar Drug more. I • rnut rt Columbia. (Der.2.lX9. WASlT—Zermanix Anl!•Scorbnlic I Toothlaro's Veervii.le A rotnrit.e Trail. R•n-b, U.t 1:.•11ei Wr..l Ilt.ltaa Tomb 'll, Wl...e'er'. Teal...ere Tooth 1,5'304: at o Thomp-rat'. A itio.ortir si lid A roesuttie Tooth Snap at J : 4 111.:/.1.1:PT S. eas m.rtur mug Store, Trout .1., Colombia. Dev J ! -SO EST RECEIVED, direct from the mainline. . 1 141 , 1...11 101 411 "lie.' Pill, u 1 K. to-ere or l'o.ol 11.1 Loonroc. of 13 oloffereoel pool, Po., unrovo/le./ r. betooll, •loopheloy...ofeiy or r ~,,, 10 ny Tho y ore oro ',woe on, no olreoodvo odor IA hole 1.11 , 11 v,ry replialed, hurts a, ithom -fink... and Ibr hcloi oul11•11 1.4. A' 111 A ill . • h -uopls of Get.uolle %Vhote Kerto.roe n. -ono:de 11. 1/11.11 .11 Mr I.l.leVe 1011•11....111 V.11101011.1w 1 , ri , ..11 , 4,1 on very IC o.oomble term., uo the it, fox ! . .toro. of 3 I :9 11. WII.IIAMS GREAT VARIETY STORM. I UST RECEIVED, a larger and finer stork .3 1/1 ro). 00.1 0010,gne01- soon vvrrllrinlr nor r•srfl- 000 ole novileti io roll 101 l rXnnnllr I lir -lork below ;ow 1 11.111 el-rN . Orrr 4.111 lucre nod ao1111:11111100 •011ollit• her [try-- rot-In ierr-00. orer.•.) +.. 1 •l Ur^lr • 11.1•00,1100101 1 . 60 01.00000•• VOeket t{001,.. .tlsr. CHIN 0000 0111 , 1 F.I UV) 100 lowsicropiss In Utroolotoi int &air 11, ( I S. In I TII. NOV Ur. I wheel. bet., e. Ii niA spoil VrAnklut House. Col 00000 I 3, tes9. "cnANBERR I ES! C N BERItI.E:4! ‘l, A RA NIT 1.) Fr. ell .nd .0" hag. or .mal qt.] .1•111 ti”, nt 11. :••1:1 . (hurry' Slo?,. Varner I'r.'nt “ois 17,40, et, Nor 19 IrSti. 20 oo DOLLARS INTA NTla) for one y enr. f•orn 6r4t of Aprd next. Two Thou.nod Do Into for which win he giv., mnr.gone o'. property worth three t own that ninon", FAnitnre of lb,. office. ID a 24::Ddr 'OLD CRE,I3I GLYCEEINE.—For the tore 414.1 vo•,•11 , 11. ••••NiIt.•••1 A.• 1 •1 . nt he :ISOIrI Aft DM: , T01t1 , .. Der 3 ISW. Front •drro t t!olumlna. VALENTINES. VALENTINES. Q . ENTI MEN I *nnile Lu.nuy. Finny, Veownible 1.) Youlie ^ ut Price. to .uit .11 pt.... . _ Onnotitts Court bunco-ter, It. Pebrunry 11. tqtr9. COAL OIL.---Juslrrerired a superior orticle ns Ketoo•sse 1)s titr b•O to town or entlil:lT. ttt 31 cent, per quoit. J. S DEI.I.F.TT& re , Dee 111.':11 , anloen Moo., For Sale. 'lOOO CH F.:STN CT RAILS erhert qtmlf•r. I', A PrOLD Cunul Bn•nt enluent.ia, D.•r. 10. ISZ. PURIFY TILE BLOOD. Ilicarsll'io VEGETABLE LXYZI PILLS AND PHCENIX BITEMS. TUE high and curled celrbrily which Ihcu pre.rnveht Al,titriona have aequired fa r 1 1,,,, one:ienthte I fieuc} 111 1111 1111 . .11.CM/en which tarp pro. tes. in rurr. o it.lerrd the tount Joliette.. of put fieg t•ot nn:ir attoreepooy. lot unworthy of them...-. Th e y are Laaam let their te•.Ba; their r•od work.. to-tity tar t it to, Qua therthrive not tiy the into of the renclulno... fit ,I entree( Anlnn.. Acute and Caroni.. Men inxti.m. Ottetten. atticladder aril Widn.).. Itil mu* l'e ver• end Liver Co nplaini• —ln the w, at. n here theta di.rawn prevail they nil/ he found tovalualde Planter•, Parta.r. and caber., wl,O Cure n-e ,hr-e Medicine.. will never afierwurd. he with• ou them llv-rer•w: person with this disireesing direaee should these used eines iinmedisiets.— Citiminnesrf ihr h'in. I.laltileiley. Fry, end Ague Fol'llll4 .4411111(C ol the we stern 4.001..rk sheer iliedirinrs will he found a •nie,Artre4lF.ned eer• seen remedy. l toter .erdfrele• leave the jt rt W rt retests of she rut, by the seines is perinsacut. Try them. be eau-fare, sad Ile Cured MtrETZlat. erthtieNte ti rely all the effect. of alereaty ihfithtely -tamer then the maatpareerful hreparatteh ..f . Niaht etarem.. ikieraott, Delany. Nerve... Com. plaint• of ell kihd•, Orattaie Affcetions.PaJp.t.ttion ar the Heart.. Painter's 430010 r l'lLhh• — The . 41 1P ,, .// 1 Per/Peery or thew utetielnet era. en red or PN.• tar= peal .....antituF..“ the. u-e of 'hew I. re Plerliehte. WW . .ane. oun• nll Lied. ore ra" "PA'S' er.Peliet . /3 skew. !liethenes. Tonne. vri:l tin well :n ndmini.irr thorn whenever olwir exi— teslee 1..5...p.. 4 ...d !teller •••• ••er THE LIFE Pi LLSLI.ND ?Ha:NIX BITTERS P u r i ty ute blmnl . ...i115... remove mil dt•eu-r ft am We up•Ser A.atnale 'tint will piece the Lie 1't•I• and , hanix Irtland the remt•b of c^mr,".i'm in die it-Wan:lois of rveiy patient Prep.ired and cold by nr: . A %I' 11111*F ‘T. WI ern:Ain,. en. Worth :Yr w ar Volsaw 1, r., 1),11;0.1.. No 1;,14:.9-11 I A PFLELAN - TABLE. ITHE übscriN : r has joie pot up in the Vuebin : ten .I. liotate. sato g hi- Restaurant. a i A FIRST-CLASS.P/lELAIV BILLIARD TA II BLE, sv:d, al: 'Le r.cer•sco,ies of hest g un .:.y. Thi. 1: tae be., tuf.fle. in uny 10,11 M ek.y it: he, it,u1..., out Cir 1 . •? ~, , :vilit: or I'LL. Lr g . LOVrrt , of ti..t . taLiae ore itttited to et.D. a 111:1: it. I C..:t.itt! to, December 21, If:•.:9. JO -- i For Sale. 4 ( I nn PICKETS, No. and •:., made et ti, Lest S' ‘ j ‘'' Lumber. 13. F. A PPOI.D. Ykra No.l, 2,3, 4,3, 6,7 an d S. Cann' DuAtil- (Mite at Pt. r N0..1 . D., 100.59. LITE INEZ:MA-NOM IrF: are told MAI he who neglect- to pr.wil t for his IV how-eltrnd Om a the heathen.. There ;- no doubt of it. WI.:: la delft it die provident man will procure fur ili:ellarge.ood whist that health lain I,let hie prudence nhoold prepare. for .olttee in the dark day, for the boor when the sretpoflry of fries.l4 o -Ounding braes. Tide can be done by I.tie ri-ranee Every man owed+ thin duty to Iths (amity. •Vtie ulcer. tainty of life i• u C 01.141111 1e..0u with in ache. the We: I toil he who in-day walk~ itt the pride of manhood. may full ro-morrow. 11114 the 1.1.4 .14 by woielt rich, tied honors were to have been brought in the loved eat., vuld-li as the merit Let every mall in bean!. innate to ht. remit y the common. of knowing that ribald he he called num them 11. e wolf may be Len , from the door. Tue I.:ldn , d Stair% Lice lint:toner t‘Ttli4t Cn, etrect noi. end. n.r terms and genciu/ on the Nut.jetn, refer u. r X.7OhILER, Agent, 00.ce, Intsco.nt of (Stock's liotel. Nov. 20,1859 ly TOMATO PILLS.--Erfract of Tomatoes; a lie and Tonic. For -ale .1 Ist uv.t.i.rrr& CO's Golden Mortnr Drug Store MEM 'LOCAL ricrac HT NOTICE. TRE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CONIPANY ARE now prrparrd to metre and forward FILMC If I. an the Pluladelptua Division. to end from nil stestret. where they have agen's.nt the follow ing rates per hundred pounds: BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA. First Class. accord I lass. Third Class. Fourth Class. 25 ce n ts. 21 cct.ta. Pi cents. Ig rents. Floor. 23 cents per barrel. Pia Mend. I^i emits per ion ponedi BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. ran cuts.. Second CIAL,K. Third Clem Fourth 23 cenla. 211 Ceuta. 17 cents. Id CeJlta. Flour. d 1 cents per barrel. Pig Metal. Pt cent. per 1( 1 0 pound:. Sthipmen , e made to Fltisturg ;Led all wiermediute Joanne , ee....nore, RATES FROM COL'A To PITTSBURG. rtro 5e,...,%1C1uAs Third Cir.,. Founth 7.5 tat Id .115 Flour per but rel. Gn re st., rl7 l Frem,lil coiposeed to Imola-. urtene her Com• puny In. no Sitrlll• MAIO, /4e ItTe•paid Articles of Ist Class. Books, - Fresh Pleb, Hoots and Shoes. Nuts m bags. Cedar end Woolen Ware, Porte r It Ale in Lottles Dry Ccerels, Pooh!, ti coup. Eggs, Pork. (fre•li. Furniture, Poultry. (dresses • Irruihers, ‘Vrapi;ilig Taper kiltles of 2d Class. Apples, itlolugseg, Cheese. :51e/otts, Clover and Grass Seed, Oil in ca-Its or ',Dreg, Crockery, Tarot in hoses, Candles. Pa.:it-board, Casks or Bases. (empty.) Peaches. (dried, Groceries, Pontine. ruff r Guns and 11.11104, Paper !longings, Herring to boxes and kegs:, Queens...are. hardware, Sweet Pow wog. flops. Tahoe,' in 1 isle', Iron. (hoop. band or slice , i Tea, leather. Typo, Liquor to wood, Tallow, Markle ?globs & Marble Turpentine,tspts .) :110211.1111t{4111.. _ Varnish. • Articles of ad Class. Meuho., Pinatrics, Code,. Turnip.. (greciii.) Viircinkr i Lard. White Lend, Oyrd•re S (`lam., (in shell.) NVindow Tutiucco. tinunufateturivi.) Articles of 4th Class. codfish, rt.., COttOli. Salt. Fish. salted. Tobacco, (lcaf,) (rnia of all kinds, Tar, Nails sold Spikes, 'J'ar. Tuck, ‘li' I.i,kcy. .Plaster, LO'''For.furtberllnformation, npplv to E. J. SM.:I.:DER, Vreigla ' ... Pkr , a. E. IC. BOICE. Freight AA ..., Columbia. W U. AIYERti, Freight Agent, Lancaster Columbia, Nov. 26, 1b59 More New Shawls. nWING to our very hose rote of rthuvrltt Ibis .rta. son ae hive another Heidi:ion of I/I,V .Iylr. 13rn clot Lot% ,huveltt. Reversible llhettltet. do . to which we re-peetfully invite lb., attettl 101 l of lathe.. • • Gent's and Youth's Long Showts s , r hs. n .. l LI. C. Er.; orrt.: viTi•rs Nov. It, IFSO. Penp:re C oh Store JUT received a fresh supply of all the Medicine. of I Isr tiny. winch is re Wu re.. II led genuine, us the (.01.11EN AlOit r t: Dec 3 15-33. P.n.. 1.0:W11100 GEOR.4:E J. S3ll-1111, \VI/An:RILE rad Rrtail Brrad and Calif' Baker —ronstruall on Itamt a variety of •"alres no numerous to mention: Cratt4tvrst Smlu. N ine. Stroll tel Sugar Ittscutr; Confeettottery, of ever} dose: iMott 1.0 , 1754' STREE r. U. 3.'59 Between the !tank and .Frattilnt I Inner. COACZENUMING. CARTER lc. AT AN UrAcTu EMS OF' COACHES, CA 11R1 AGES, BUGGIES. &C., Second Slreet, nearly nppusier Cu. Loth, ran Meer?), Columbia P , 7 • SILVER MEDAL 1.4 ettinuum—lß.so. lIRON7:E MEDAL-Ist PRE %I I I.IAI 1859. Awarded by the Lunimair Curitily eigriculiu rai.und l6lrcha.nical Society,. THE sasuilieratall 1111(110Ni to the fuel Pre?, n. t. r nwortivtl then, ht. the 1...1w0..., ("rm.!). and Nlntits ttt n: . y for 111.• 1.P.1 4 111 hillc Top nue— tynXinittletl ni ..fits . 4 : rte..: thttrunhnr 111.11. n liron2u !Ur:al—First Pretnium—for the Le.. M their Cnntsh and I.l.trtittre MuLttto 11-tohho, ItICV 0011 , r m M..IIII6IeIUIC Cdpwbe.. Cur 8. 1 "1 ” .. • 01110 r veloivlr 'lt their /111 e. repo] 1.110,1 n. ta t /trim... t. (curly r. totrh.tied. no !her ("3 ,, , Ona , f../I , ly tqui . o tt r ttet. stn I. the Mr nl. of tu•Aull or um! ni •1111.1111 x, (1,.. t orate"... nftlr Ir tvnik dur.oluln): 1111 t.1..10. o r !heir 1a211.1 tor. ,1111 .1‘0 . 1. , 1 of lbr I 0.1 .o.s•ourtl mute. rutt, and put tottrates firmly and t.ulo.l.tut (i.e. give put itt•ttlt.r ullentioo in the For the cure of LIVER COIIPI-AINTS,, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENT', Sim BEAD-ACNE, &c. In care' cf FEVER AND AGlii, preparatory to or after talciri , Qt.i. nine, they almost invariably iral.e a speedy and permanent cure. nuts. 317ZZISLOIXT, An t . x porio tto od itit,,,,, ,4111., reinale Pt )-ietpri, pre. As specifics for the above mc:-. ~,.:r„., 'Lento...Ato at mini , ... tier i tioned diseases, they arc Unrivalcd, .S• 0 Col” 54 -1 ING S Y R U ID, , Eon. CIII LOREN TEETIIING. and never known to fail when :/- - whi.lh g.caily toei.iwie- the rmet*-- tit tet'th. , r. by ministered 111 accordarsc with the •,,/,,,,,,,,, the gun,. II dueieg sill sift s 1111 l arum—will .1 mein m . 1.1•. v ntt 1111 l I.rl,alllelllie Net ley.. nodno d suits TO REGULATE THE BOWE.LS. I ' 1 directions. m.,,e,,a ~,,0., it, incitlicr•, it will give rcri to pour I Their unprecedented popolarin• -et.r.... n. d. has induced the proprietors, SZLIEIr apt. HCALTIII TO Yarn lstAvrs. 1 1. , 11 We linve put up unit -Old tai. NI I win fr,r ev.,.... BROTHERS, BROTERS, 5 e........ tad unto 1. 0 ) . set rOt.fidriler 5.11. 1 lr111:i 0: j: WI, 11 W• hurt lll•trl torn able le •,,y of . hy ~,, h, ~,,. us, n L di zinc—never to, 1.10.11 pi u ..siTle 1,,1.i01ec. lel etr: e. PITTSBURGH, e P.l. ell,. warp lisfleir 1. Ird. Ne•lreof did wt. uar 1 ~,,,,,,, at th.•..ti.fte , tints 10 3 ati ) ottu wit., u... du to dispose of their Drug besirt-_--, 0,, ale 4,111./rtn- Mil a'• s. dr.ll2llted '4,11 If. 1111,,.1. ,in which they have been sticcess temp. and •peni.iitteru.7-7 of hlighe..l nurnmi nil " f ". in ' gir '''' ir.... " nud r. --...-., ---- ‘,.. fully engaged for the last,;•• .. r ..k 0. ,h,:. mu*, ...., ...Omit sire tin I.neire,t , no., ~., fri, leer. , rscl. e1 , ./ler ) 1 11 01.141 pled g e our 1epi11g,,,,,, i Ycars, and. they will now•givc thc:r foal e fulfilment • of Anhui at we hero dente... Lt 111. I _ate _arm pail and rX ~, _uss,sont, r• .se• wt.. in. m"i 1 . v '. Yi " . "1"" .. " 'As L'''"" ''''" r ,"",:' ''''"ff" . undivided -time and attention t.,..) fi.,,,,:11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 02 ~,.. luitilites auler the Ii .up I a. tul.r 'ostuterett Val I :tlieir:manufa.cturc. And being_ dc- Thi. ...tuut,l*. prepay mu ali0111•1514 pro...rst:nu o 1 • termined that Dr. M'Lane's (...e1(-- .„e of hr. rore , i et irtil at caned and -10:Iful Nor-r• I foilta g .net.....• to " N '' w l':.1°" "d* ad'ilw ei """'" "."d '"" """ ! orated Ve_rmifugc and Liver Fills 1....:,.:, 'IIIOUSANIDS 0 t - F CASLS. s'.iall continue to occupy t...t. L., . 1: Ililleolly .41e/r, tar ll2 ' Child from pain.,l us in. i x • orate. the .10111.1011 and un haunt., ....reel. ...141.iy. position they now hold r...m..0r:L- : IL: Semi e1Ve.111,... WO fll r• Cray intl.! ,*130:, ..y•1,..a. .6 reinedz - es o f t h e t ay; ..d., 1 . It ..-1: ',ln.°, i.....,,,, ft .ores, ''-.1.411.1. .7 GRIPING IN THE •.: BOWELS, non • , • • -,- will continue-to spare neimer unit w IND COLIC. :in.l narceoime ronyt.l 2 ..•....• ~ .,,,,o, tf net nr.,..1- ; nor expense m procuring the hr:t ily relllt,111,!. e1..1 ill, dosillt. Wea Is. •,, ,r , n, I, ' he...1.)1 and sureei rimedy,,,, in e', .1.• ihnod . et! .”...e. ' .ind Purest .materral, arc! ccr , of • U slid 11411,..a. rl.OO in rititn.e.. v. te•lie i yr it art. , • kon, s•ctit.i. so:. or from ..”1. • th , r , Douna. them in the most tl-c7cr-'1 e e•un. We gm-NNW... .v . in every moitter who ha. 1 . 2 .add sulfe rina 61101 an any f5....-,4010u , 1 ra1:1:1C7. o Ad d ress all cr , Jc::: '... - )c; ~,,.,,,„.—,•<, ~,,, Iri your c pre flitilrr.... ,11, l b , preip. useu.. of color,. ..tunei .. luta ee.,, ,mar ~.6„,,. K FLEXISJ 8203. Plitstarr,l., T.. elnl.l and 5t.... relief sari In will 1.. • soro—ro. a 5...... i ...a, ..2 iin.. , , , L,.. ~..i,e,,_ 0 , ,,, ,TI., iniety ..n....—m0 ioltonr . . se. of ilso. Mr ii 8. e I . h ., n m a i , 4 , 1,... . 121 jo ~,,,,„1 1 It , .. 4 ,%, . a .,..,. if ""...1Y . .0.'., d' r "...""N"' . ' or " -i " n t._"- "'"^".' • 'lloli-fly. ott.l 14, snowt Eng P,..14 7'• I. n.! .' p.stly mlei. WWI.. or,, ge tootle sin,.- lf, 1,.e ~111. . ".,.. ~,,, L...„.... ni ,„..,,„„ nr ,,. ..., I . t . ti ~... t _ tt ,., , ~ , Ito nrCurtit at. 1'...ith0.. New Vst.i. ~ 1.. Oil late out.oth d ,„,... tt .,,, .... al f .,,,,.. 4 p „,.. a ", 0 1, t „,,,,..4, en Sta I "'?IT . 7_. • - 1- .- ye .• - 'I. •- REPAIRING OF VErl rcr.ns, warr.tht +al Ulan, ltall in 01 ICI. MA, 10 NIVe Sall• 1.01.1,011. In riallimnii In their pra nth. 0! .•xperir r rr in the Inr .uir.l. bur.• ihr 1...41•1411,C col 1...1 —Jinn,. oilier beilmN ,l l ,lo Yr 9 • he pnblir i. ❑ally J,iVited lo ea:l aaid ex amine thv•lon L ou band. HTI R. iu' IN -' I:l,clilat Columbia. Nov N. I by Arturtiol.• Ihreachnut 'he world .; Otfi• ni.• 11 C...-dar T. r: 1.11101:(1N 1.11 . 140 rri.i; 1 , 3* N Irri.r.i.% I , WILLOW GROVE VIRLSii - THE: .ula..r:1•••• Ifirtt:Ufar rt, a lid offer- i.l , Jrn't• velelo - wed . l.• 4‘11,1, /111:E OLD NYE KIIIS:rir. II A I.t' RYE WHISKY. Ptlr.P; CONtSIOI - VV I tISKY. • of IVIIrr.2: to .rr tiC tr , rel,r,./erll-1 A.S. fur.NrAtelf.• NVilloor Grrou, Toro 1 . liA MILTON, Agclot :or .1 It, 11, 1E613-11. PURE CATAWBA. BRINDI. The subscriber (OL:c* pleati•urt• tit 101 , 1frinuge .01Id other.. that Ito hu-ja-t received from 11.rar . qat.-. (..incinna,i. (thin.) 12 ea.,. 1,p1.0. ;Nurc. t • ,w..a Mandy, which is the only a.II;C, tettihy re:l - l r purity. nem- in the c-,trotry. it: a 11eTeraZr .oPericr and. et tare rem. ••dy fur e-rnat:r r. 1 1 5 , neproa• Cramp. Colic, Gotteroi pcbtiity, NCIVCWS• I wilt .ell it for rordieinn• porposett required quAittsts, r :titer by the bOttie or r.^. it \VI (.1 TA NI '• strr n^ , . 3 1'53 Livrr :iiitl iJ ILA .•t lit 10 -