BIURVI's Bronchial Troches fot the aeonutbrw ebilis.itoarscstess, Cough., = Colds. Catarrh, and all dteordare of the breath langs. For Malt by Ver. 31.1550 "A.Erla InfirsVIVELELII. 1111.47 DA D." DICKENS' NEU WEEKLY. WE have the pleasure of announcing that we have entered into arrangements with Cherres Dickens, for the-iisue of his new plits heatico, entitled. ""All the Year Round," each -Week, in New York, simultaneously with its intim in London, plates being taken from the English edition, and forwarded to us surSeient. IF/ in advance of publication for that purpose. The first number will appear in Loudon and New York on Wednesday. May 4th, and wall voutein the commencement of a new story by Charles Dickens, to be continued from week to week during about eight months. Thus, it will be_seen that American readers el •All the Year Round," will obtain the stories end other contributions of Mr. Dickens. it'd the stall' of writer• a.soctrited with him, embracing en array of distinguished talent c it lt which no other publication can compare, sev eral weeks in advance of their reaching this -country thro ugh ordinary sources, and at the same time they ere given to the public in Lon don. We will gate that this arrangement has been consummated by the payment of a large earn of money to Mr. Dickens, yet the extra ordinary inherent which the announcement ol pnblicatton has excited in litcrery circles. the assurance which Mr. Decker.• has given that he stnill devote to it all of hie Lest trier. ties, and me appearance of a new e'ory from Lis pen. cannot tail to command for at at once a large cirridat ton. The following announeernent . from Mr. Dickens, will convey an idea of the character and alma of the work: ISDtJRESS. Nine years of Household Words are the best assurance that ran be nfr-red to Ike mibl:c of The spirit and objects of "All the Year Round." Lr.transfernng myself, and my strongest en. orgies, from the publication I hat is about to be .discontinued, to the publication that is about to be begun, I have the happiness ol taking with me That staff of writers' ivitb whom! have labored, and all the literacy and hissine , s co.operation that crap make my IA lIC a pleasure. In some important re.pects, I am now free pea:ly to advance on post tit rangements. licem I leave to testily (or themselves to floe ernirse.. That fusion of the graces of the imaginatinn *ifh the realities of, ohich is vital to the welfare of any community, and for which I have strivers horn week to week as honestly as I could during the last nine years, will continue to he striven tor, "all the year round." The old weekly carer and duties become things of the Past, merely so be asviomed, u Oh an in (Traced love for them and brighter hopes springing out of them, in the Present and the Future. r look, and plan, for a very Intich wider cir cle of readers, and yet again for a atendily ex panding circle of readers in the projects 1 hope to carry throuch "all the year round." And feel confident that this expeetat•on will be real. I zed. if it deserves realization. The task of my new journal is sec, and it wilt steadily try to work the task out. Its pages nisi! show to good purpose their motto is re• membered in them, and with how much of fidelity and earnestness they tell The Story of our Lives from Year to Year. CHARLES DICKENS. TERMS gingTe Copies by all News Dealers 5 cents. One Copy One Year, per wail, numbers,) $2,60. One Copy Six Mon!he, per mail, (26 numbers,) 51,25. Five Copies One Year, per mail, $lO.OO. Eleven Copies One Year, per mail, Stu,oo, and at the same rate for all over It will also be is.ned in monthly parts, put tip in elegant tinted covers, at :20 cents each, and by the year on the same terms as above. Back numbers always furnished when de sired. Specimens will be forwarded to any address, post paid, on receipt of two letter stamps. J. M. EMERSON & CO, robhailing /talents, 37 Park Row, New York. May 14, 1859. .-----,-- EVANS & WATSON'S ___ _ t..--A .. , SILANINDEIt SAFES, 1 304 Chestnut Street, i - PHILADELPHIA. ANOTritlt T ILIUM adelph . Sept. 2.1. I Snit. Ta T arr 1"111 , 11TIEST or T 111: P111f..013.1.111/t AOIIICUL TTIML :^OCIETY:—TiIot •116.01 , 1 en.. 5 nutr entOrtlO're to PAlllllllle the ron'eni. of .1 S.t.“ eo.. niter < le. of Evil 04 Se Wei .eff ane r berm.; exponed Inn .11011% fir'. on the Pgir Ornottr4• for auto hour. reoner Ifn i!l. reprenent: That aPer •even cord. , of o•tl, wood and t4rer of plop Lad tvir n eonstimed oroirod the Sar , 11 wan •pen. d in the preset o. of the rocornwee, anti the content. taken no!. warmed bur not eye, nenrched' , over NleOnle herenniure reeengril by the Mmeoblenurer.. rind a large quantity/ of etneurwenns were to the ' , ore. awl clone nun vunirely uninjured. The eXt. ,, 1T1 . 111 u. of the eupecily of Safe, or this kbeel Cr. prone,' Contents from any fine to Oteh they mint 1....1c0n-eel = 1-DJ,D,".7“'"• Del.. S.rt 17, ji Waitron Phil odelpli;n: niiiintnnuiter r:re-Proof lance at your to inufeeture. parch •sed by us trine your Agee, YerriA 1!1: G.irrett. of our ei,y. some nine 1110e , 111. tiro. was severely tried by bar:var. la.! Slit:idol night. •ad ah hough they a so. tee I , umrocr- i n:•I hi-el.. drill. and•y did toot 'screed in open log the Sate. The Inca la 'up, on,. ~,.„ p„„.,,, Powder proof." they rout not pet the powder into it, tut dotted a hole in the r• fort e,l In it Purge c;”tree• whtrh bats reaited, and although the der.r,lllZl,l•• and out, thoAed the rxplo•iett hot to have hymn small nor. o wtr. net forerd open. We sot•proe they wire the er , a,rr port at the aittlrt :it wink on It. We are Fronf.ed to the result at The . I t.. mat to en•er it, and it the above f.tett are of sa p .ervire, von are at liberty in use them. 9ii:011. Truly, 11.‘1,'NA ll ez.roNths. GREAT rißr:lA:tif)TrlF,ll Tn/1!11 , 7P/1/ Ennro).l... Trill.t•••••e. ALn rI4 130 h. 1P.;.41, LVAS. ‘l . AC • 0 • , niTores ron prat pinar.n.o to w.l to tnu 111.0 the Si..i.ot.rodnr 111e 1 1 l run l'elouror,. I proved to lir orltai tryorn inn nand /I* :11,51CCI:n11 from fir, '.l> -tort ironre, in -eve./ Olin, iv... bunny ri In the .4 round to Marel) -,.l 1 . 11 ll•nrotels n n the re llnr. 'rodH nitorninl liedik, -IX 01'4 It'd 1111111 g 111111 %%h. II II wit. Ink., nroi pi., Imo. rod 1.4 eon, idso.. lotind or lie 11. o •r, on. the h0nk...06 i lin on on rrr oro lo "Ton.. .oy e. !..our Soren to Ow 4 1 11111. moony. rev ..avr I do. Ihnt they net • neon fir e woof on fur any S.. to in be mode =1 . . !tr.% large maPIIMTII9II of the •.,ofe• inks ay ens hand it :ill4 Ch...itno street, (lute 724 South rouvil. " 7 - ;; l eor l :te " r r' S l let7"i'. .40 LIFE INSURANCE. T110:41AS WELSH, Esq., ham brrn appointed' Ago lit of Ihe Venn ll,mo/II Llre 10-urmmee ("mem- IbhaV, of I . M.lmelelp;mll cur I'M...Wm •l .1 meilhMnr- W.f. , ' :Fir.. u• no 010 ••••1./•Med I,:mmphoy. r er .cm. vrt.blng in rra,..le ”ir Y , r 1f...m../t • 111 C . I.G Of death 1,0.1 t.•r tali on he I-. ml and get in•ared. irto:umt/tx. Jut.). lI i..,r•.r SPICES, &C., FOl2 'PH F. EiOLIDATS.II in . :SIN AMON. (7.trgrr.Clo.,•, Noce. rivitn,,z... A1..‘4,1 rwrr, repprr, CorriJuder; rU and en irtne.d. p..x,..,ert. et Elitt•F Aimood, Venni. ne. 1 0 -mon nucl CI nourno,o. Porn Wrtcr. itterert 1i...) a am. Sure. ra.kirtt CA.OIII Tartar, I lart.ttorae. An' ,E,ntne. C.tra,rity tramal, rpronet CnlVlSEinotsf Aced, Pearl Asir, Tar• tune dtetd. Ott I..rortun All tar shove arttrlc• arc gun ',lntend pore and of the ne•t caning. For nude in the Drog e , fll, of R. WILLI 151 4 . F.ll{l •trrrt. rOltlatlx. p.'7 '..%, READQUARTER'S & NEWS DEPOT. - GIFTS rOR THE HOLIDAYS. WE bare just received a large and the st..ortmons of hand,notely boned Hook., imisattle ;or prevent. for the imhder.. •mong which fogy s.s foond. Apneola Dawn., Pomp. Lorth.,,m, Ptrthadio. and Preabylorlun Miran Kook., on nun, Per" , `lrOind.”l l l F . 4”..botti evaQ.Malic Prayer :ad Hymn Hooky, Pocket Bibles at tros2so ventage g 4,00 W. ~old m.ff parjesdar attention to oar mock of j h eepit... it home the largest sod best assortment Omer *tared in Mt• !once. • FANCY ARTZCLES, reek $ Pen end PA*, Motive. Porkel Ronk, Rowse/owl Work Ooze., Glass oud Pores.low Ink Stand. to We rewire she ouhhe so run and examine our otoek, a. we are eassfident we cars pleas them blob le style one pare qAT LnR & MeDONAL.D. 1 Co4asbee.D.teasber V. 1M 3t WE have Jost received RI more Boxes of Black Fut Tobucco.fnom one of the beet min ufartories in Virginia—rourii superior to the firs lot manufactured fire cry. We with 'upstate in regard to this Tobacco. that wecan recommend it as better in quality and savor Mall any sweet Tolmeto before mianufiletureu iu thin mate or .We can itamantee to all wishing to try it that they will have per rent. by haying our BLACK FAT TOSACrIT Tire Tobacco is free from mem and dim. made of nothing but pure leaf, and sweetened with the beet of white .but All dealer• who sell tweet tobacco should give.llll. aria Ic n trial, and if it ie not on we rerre.eut it. we will at ugly lime refund the price.— We oleo keep oil hand the following brands of chew ing lobar= sweet Peach Leaf. Sweet Congreee, Swee Honey Dew. Sweet Ctivendieh. Sweet Honey Mice and sweet Twiet. We keep the beet bland of ifoush nod Bendy, trod a new brand of natural called the VI rigin ix houhie Pre...ed. We have the large-t mock of :Se ems. and Cbeevinc Tobacco we.t. of We will •ell the above goods ehrtiper than tLey can ire heugiit its that city'. All who deal in the above rirereque.ird to call, son if we do not offer stern gone. elietiper than they ran be bought eke where, see will trot ark theta 10 bay. FEADUICII & fittCrt., Mint...tee nod Retail Toliaero, Snuff ID•titutaelory• loin .1. tote tMarft tram Locust, Columbia, Pa. isteverrileer it WILL:ANIS, Front •Irrfq, Stoves, Tin Ware, Gas Fixtures, &c. zaztaxa. vtraLs ON, g. E. Corner Second and Lodnst Streets. 9 1 11 stibseriher having rut' rely relaird his tad laid 111 a enrnpleue news .hock-of every in it...10r. melte , the alletatea of Ihe public to 41. ,fi..r‘ ertler.t nr STOVES OF EVER: STYLE & PATTERN. stock I. eery large and cotop:tne. eon .i.olog of Royul Cook. William Penn. N oble. 7:at mint. Young .Nu, Morning Star.COTatarta ettah. `ool.sug Itnnee•. Parlor Cook. four Flrrrerne. Pao tor stave , eyr ry rn tl.e,, style nod' variety, Bar gaela 31,2: litre Slut ea. .1 C. Tia and Sheet Iron Ware. t Inre -iork of iii the niiove lino or iln•i ~,•:...0 0 mor000F,vorsil..oettott is tnnoofileto7r4l Pin. Stir`•l , ll , lll 41e. tor 11.0-cook! porpo.e. -look I- co - hi,. o.vo auk! tle n . 4111 VOUCN !la it. CFerP-etle, aud ciao. tollly. ClizrAcieliers, Gas Fixtures, &e. Al. s 1:f.,,• iti 41( wol On of d...itto, ollsloot; of .:x 00., svtoi two talrr-r bum, I l'end•lnt, StOr 1.101 0 (gain 311111 I a . 4,0 :lararc, alwa••. an halal FIT rim; a all Ito brunehe. am:wird to will. prorrrtoci.s. House Roofing - , Spouting, Etc. I I oust , . ttrovms(; poi up I n nailer, FlIno;nog. Hell Hang -Ims nnrl , "•.ne10,.. 1/11.i11e.., Caro, d on a 4e/out:Jr., on ltte okoso HyvAnnot.t.• lerm- WHAM IVII.SHri. C"rner of Second mid Locust ,treet.t. Feriernber AT THIRD AND UNION STREETS, A LA 1R E I'OCK Or 1"1361.4L LLND IMINVI3II. GOODS. I F. invite e,pecial: A n;7lllt:.;.tt 101 yoral• 35 meters wcle Woolen I.I•1 Carp.l—SlP 110 •• •• •• 1, Vboirti Fllling Lind Donlde (thU n. 37c 370 . 4 843 " Ingrasu all v. OVP cat 56 to 52ic. I. ADI ES' DRESS GOODS. An eXtra I/ 1•..1”.•- a , :in 4:1 01111 vorion• n . C.l l lnnil cx nail.. our 210 Cent Un Lnnle•l A lg. *., of 'slllls. fd ENS' WEAR. Tll. oponl nomplelr o-•nrtmen, of Clnth• Ca•=iotrrel &e. v.•ry ,nrotor lot. BOOTS AND SHOES. Men', Ile} %`, Ladles', i-ses , and Chddrees Boots soi.l Shoes, Oar aloe': of Grorer[e. 1.01 the 1.e.!. and emote!, r rim oder tn.( GtoverleS 111 the very tov,epi figure . . QUEF:SSWA RE, GLASSWARE, ace. We 10Vile v. 1.0111 1 ,11011 of 'lie -lock 01 klovellS,Vllre .010 likol•WallSI 11 Is 0,11011111 1 ,1 C boll/ for quality wood eheonne.... w, hove a .plead id lat of No 1 11.1 C icEilr.r.. e gilt sill ullr klne& Cheap :ley of GUS l'loo r:.•-.; 1 0 1317Nlili. Col.t Oct. ^!. ':B. Cor Third ono Vaunt eta FEW of I'dc Books just received from lli New Verb arid Philadelphia Trtale Sa!e•: Stehle.. City mid subutban Architecture, , otoninit•g votivelot, and Detail-. Illu.,trated with our I.liodfV , l Mid engrii suite.. SOofo'A roieiruettae At. Itreture: a guide In the prtilileal 1111114ier 11111/ lit Will.• 11 is NOMA lied A sell,. of Ile-ign• for domes roof. and -Dire.. 11-I,tiated 1,tiated by . •Ixt)- six ear, folly prepnod Plates. linwolug ••• Land-cape (3a-dening arid Rural Ando- Ttle. Ludy 's :Marmot of Farley Work; AL complete rei .trortorlo ever) variety of Ornament:at Needle Wotk. thy nr.. Pulls n. (:Insmry of English Words, ace.. dm, by Rialtard Chenevig Freneli. I) O. New Dictionary at Quotation.. from the Greek. Lat in trod Metier!! Languages inaistmed into Enelish. Toe Tin Trumpet; or, Hoak and Tails for the Wise turd Weggish. Empire of !twain. from Itze remotest periods to the pre-rat rune. Ity C. Abbott All About It; or. the Dr -tort' sod Mystery of Com mon Os I Smith Carperner. Souvenirs of Travel. Lly Madam Octavio Walton I.e Vert, 2 vols.. A Ilitrone's ()teflon:try of aurbera. Vol.!. The Harp of a Thou-and °truism; or, Laughter for a Any of the above books will be r.rdrs rit very low prices At JOHN SIIHAFFER'S Cheap Beek store. North Queen at., LIAOCOvfor, NOV S, t 5.59. Split Peas! A . P i on,ly of Dried reasjuvi received and fnr volt very S. 1 , . ERE til ." 0 .2,IN'S tinv.lPltit. Grocery Store. Nn. 71 touting vt. FRANKLIN HOUSE RESTAURANT, CNDER THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, ro W. WOODWARD W °MART. P rtl;Til %MT OPD, ALSRRD S. LOCUST STREFT, COLU_3IBIA, PA. THE subteritter hit+ opt nett in the lissemeht of hotel. the rr-iiiklin 'Anus.. a IiESTAUItaNT. tie it .o st •ve Oysters and other Re. I.eshinent. the best style The e-leldi•llineni has been newly tided up will. P clew to the Ire.t :wean, inottaiton or his eitsiosserA, find on effort will be .eared to properly and promptly cater to their waitt• aott appetite-. The .1 3 -ter, Ile • provided will be of the boil goal. ity ..11d thlt :bey mat be Writ cooked nect 4 , rye , ' alt experienced per-on (loin nor of the hest esti, lit itit• lire. e , .Rned to taLe t horAc of the cooking depurinient. the •übset she. ails of bee triends and Ike public a 14,iire of eit.toin. 1t171.1.1.3t. Col utnl.i net. 29. 1 orO I. rot. Lilo Ilnel.e — "VAT ASH.IIII la ON IN STIT 0 TE. This Inputute will be re. pened on MOND %Y. SEPT. 5111. The course of In•traenon wi'l be arranged will, I elerencc to the waium of those '.111:1 V 6.11111 win n Thorough I ductinan in the Clas-ic- and Math, 11l mts. nod nll other branches twuntly tantlit in High Schools andseminunes. 51n-n• wdl he taught by an esrerichoed amractor. A hrairdets will be re ceived IMO the Manly of tilt Pi incinal. JOS. D. NICHOLS. Coln. Aug . . 1.`41. '55. if. XCAINGI- 7D/LACELINES. TIE undersigned has lw appointed agent lor (•I;n'+i z•VAVINI: M Gil IN 115...1111 recommelid+lhein, rave of lieu: ley (.....Le BEST MACHINES IN USE. Ile tra.. :II 01.•Ie 11l I.loe,eal rlrrrt. I.rbow Seronri. o Al °chief, nulinh , e for toilorinz nr parposer, whten can be rxot d It) per-ons de-wing to pus rho 14r1ng at proclivill operator he can nil lIfV Instror Iron. lo Ihe Ilse of line rrl ,, elmt , ••.— The roldle is melted to roil and exarntnr ihr Morlione .3,1,1 ttiollr. All sass of Sewing il , loeltigies supplied to n,r l nr Ort. IS. Rfs'll. R. IVOR FE Ell. C:ol 4 4,T.WM•X o XCZ:la•47.liEli , t.'"ir, Iron/ 257., above Walnut, Colin:dna, Pa. ••, ar rati.anll,,, an hand a I.lrgo I and vuried:r.ornurm «I 1 . 00 c. elit/nrfr• rr,lll, 41,/, hr. Ile 19:1,11100 10 LI MON COUGH CANDY, and caber Cu.., for Gold, no arep• Fript Cake, I,th Cake. ssiril a V.orw , y of IMI:11'et eakra frrnh. II “tonnrvlr Cake. ni every ne..ertptlon. with . bob, Courc.,4loll, carefully prepared for Parile•, Baba, Se. C. etTNr.R. !alp:ember 10,1.359. FINE PAPERS Sc STATIONERY. Wr beer Jiro received and have for vale. at very miosomalde osiers, :he large-t and best vari.ty of pa per • and stationery ever olTated 14 Lancaster, eon strung Depart of Dc la Ree'e 1311 Rails. De is Rue'a P. 10 De la !Wet No. G-8 vol. ante, Magna.' Doable Thick Cream Laid Rath, Magnus' Ivory Garbler Record Cap, French Quadrille, Alhambra Rath, "480: 6" 11111400te Anna Grgal Cap, 10 and 14 lb.. Home Mill. Leiter. 10 As.. Home Mills Bath, 4. Q and IS ghee. 1.. J. C.'. Den Vowing Card. N 0.3. Getman Rri.tol Board. De hi Rue'. Damu•lc Envehippe De la Rae's Extra Thick Cream Laid F.weelopet. Opaque Irateelope.. all 'kite.. Duff Kneelopes, Meta?lle dates. Pettelle...F.beep, ren t !, c.. 1.11 Robh•r ?.n 111r1.1cro. raokrs, Green's, II sibs es .1 Att BARR & CO, No. 31 Opposite the Court House. (PMl's' OW. 25 P. CM21 4 2 1 . SALVED. NOW OPENING GROCERIES. C. METPIZA7E. Sap Sago Cheese! I A Lot of Sep Sago Sap Sag o . • A. gums. No. 71 ,Locuco M= ECMM! Nen Shadi :-- GO ft. 1 , 4 , 0. 71 I.oeurtt street-for a. 'prime' Shad—the be.t in the market. • - 9. P. 13.11 9RLEtIC. N0r.19, • _ • 3 .1 • - THE tiricg Stocklitl'oaUffi'-Vo, wn" r L Now is rbe lime nib y,yprit .Coall Cell and ex amine for )ourselees. - blycoril is 'prepared express ly for family purposes, is clear from dirt and slate. and is kept under cover. It is of Me beet quality.nad ranxerrin price trom $2,50 to SUM per ion. I Lave It ei #2, 1 1 . 5, ST, `: 33. i PER TON, delivered at any part of the toom. II F. APPOLD N. 8 —Whoiconic purchaser,. otOottl. by the cargo or ear load. will find It to their advantage to call and examine my large stork before el...where Coal Yard at Non. 1.2.3,4, 5.6 and 8 Canal Ibt•in. B. F. A PPOLD Columbia, gept. 10, 1059. A DOAIACS FOR IS6o.—Call ILL S. DeOct* Ca'c. nod ("Dew , an Almanac for Eh.. • t•II vrnr. crags lb.? 1 n-pn. Segars. 10(y, D. 90 Hair Sp,m-h 25.000 4, ixuu. in riore Hllli Will bC , old :at n lOW figure by I. O.& 11 F linuxim. Aug. 0. IPliO. Cor. of 'rid 4 1.12 , 1'1111km Street.). GREAT BARGAINS' At the' Corner of Third and 'Union sts IUUA Cour.. I;r:titled Suv.o.r for 6f critic P% - tttt , ylvatti l H. fiPll . ll %V hoe. 111 liet•t Ottloott Ten. in rt.tgmal Clunti pact:nett. A rite lot nrvolitt J i,err. SIXe•• tKegit 9 Roxt, Amato . ..lh C., vet dt•lt A fen ft Ittrge 1%-rtot Inici.l of ,A No t :=pice•, for •241. ht Atm . .10,'59. I 11 Jle H. F. BRUNER. TEM LARG - Mr 4 .:. Tobza,coo WEST OF PHILADELPIIIA. VIT E call attention to our unrivaled stock nf the 1,-.t WM:41 . 06ne1 . , Will li we will P.eli to very .cdo..d Good •'oucrrc•nt :21e. per 1t,.. 11r.: pond owed! 11.11ter Dew. rd die.. worth 40r.: ut nit worth 35e : go nl l'e .ch l.enf Cav, li cli•tl.:11 Buc . words :37c.; good Trpor•l C.v....di...1t. 3.e. worth :tie %Vt. otlf. liuve :AX, • - 1:G • R-. ditlereot wis.-h we el.ll veil Cheaper can I e ao'd ul rt.% oiler CFI .1. 1.11111, I It. liir God id 00 per 11.11..ted 'TIM°. pu I. C/Viin.l// .11 5.3.Z11 nom, :Gti.i paod Geriantt. ' , Me* nt 00. w r 0 I'llo hl• u•-nrrne , q Or TOlOl , eO. Snuir., and everything connected w•ilh the mid.- al i Di 4.11 A I1'•().-' %%Mole , . find Remit To'•n Segar and ~uull• . ;inn facto! , . Vican rid et. fie.• door- above Lyon-I. Ciliiiiii Id:. Pa July ntli. SAVING FUND. rt.TATIGMLL OMPIA CIIIILTERED BY THE MITE OF PENNSYLVA si 1. LES. 1 linn•r 3. day, awl in an% :I , nct,. tat ge rive Per r:,,1 interest i. paid money (tom the tiny it is • at in. 3 The raoneo 'Owns= paid 1.1.-. in gold wile. - ever n 1- railed for. tie.! wnw.w acd 4 Mane; I. reef...tea fre.itt Freeing-a...04i • 110.11 I tors. C trirclitin• and n t. r. w lid de-n.' io II 01 : pineo of perfect •afely. and wheie intere•i rad i4r Oldalllt.d Air it 'l'l , l, rotary reeri veil limn ilepo-iiinr in Real E.nitie. Nlorigaee. Gtound heritd. toad welt other hr-l-ran.. peettritie. /I. Iha elinrie• dirt el. 6. (Mee llonr•—Every dny from 0 till .5 n'elnek. and.. Monday. and Tliar•dity • lid o'cloek in the eventirg. fION 11P-NKV 1.. nE:vNER. Pre•idein. Pre•.ideat Kl;E:l).S..ere .iN. DIRECTORS. !henry I. Penner, I'••.itriel Ed wt. d tier, Jii•eph 11 Robert Selfri tee. rratteis Ssittniel K Jc.rith Yet km.. P. Alining, Henn flitreinierfer OFFICE--14alnut Street, Sonth.West Corner of Third Street, Ph ludelphio. April NEW MUSIC STORE, No. 93 Market st., Harrisblug, SUEET MUSIC, Instruction Thmkg, MUSICAL MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY, Pfanos, J&lodeons, Violists, Guitars. Flutes, decor cicons,&c., &c. .Tnn.4 1 , ,L9. fl. (. 11. . FOR SA LE 200 GROSS rrietuou slsttehrs. verylnca far Clllll, 4.•,. 25 VW. s 11:, DRIED FRUTt. port Dried Freit—ii rpten I.,qtche.. Cher. i(l., r the be.* in the lolarlot. wr to II SUN' %Nl , : , oc•ry ,tore. Corn., fro., nod limo!, Wit NEW GROCERY STORE. ( 1 11 E subscriber invites the attention of 1111 I ro..iir to if, NEW GROCERY, FLOUR. FEED AND VARIETY STORE, jest opened by bon ot N 0.71. Locort street. beim. e.• t....ceoild end Third. 11, sedl keep mu hued a c .mpl. I. -lock of nil kieds of (;,camries. Qtl• ftliswillt • Ae. &c . and itt- tires ever) that in he good of its A nul and role. Ile will forni-h BREAD from the l'hilddelitlit ste• 'Monica! Pah cry. (reel, every Cu ening; al-0 con. Cracker-. Arc., &r. t hose de-i. mg it ear, b served et the houses If will give the lotisioes- Wirt tit:41,1111. MO by! oe-erinJ nod promptly -"prq ) • lute :he Wattle 01* 4111,:11: Ippon to deserve nod too,ott• 'hare of their •01/1.011. NI'L EttErt LEIN. Oct 8;50 No. 7: Locust -trees. Columbia. Pr Dutch licrtzhigr A Ny oue fond of u gout lie rrgs . ,.7 F • s l tn' . i r ri at liNli ftl —Nov. 10, 1868. • Gro•rry :limo. N 0.71 Locust's,. J.S. C DIN s -- -- GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE. THE: only AVM.. of Cnltunl.n. (or A yei'. I villa, fore. elo.rry Protoyst. Ago. Allisso A yt•r** 1 - 11411:t Mt. 1 0(0 , 11 . Juynr Jai to , . Collinentove Itokoln., 3101,0. l.lllltilliiti J.% lie . . Ague Curt, Ja) 'runic Venn: iuge,./..yite. How Ifyo orlielra of the Agents you cite tle• pond no them bring 11,••11 and T 44,11.1111, oh*. I. 1 1.59. 1859. FOR FALL TRADE. 1859. lEttrassirgo Massisfasct siring' C 0.,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Wall Paper, Window Shade and Oir Cloth Warehouse. NO. V) EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. )1 , .. of Wall Mittel, only venl., Fall .131er of Wril Paper nv.l3 6 rem.. Fall .13 le•of Will Pore, 0.13 8 rents. Frll •Is lee of Wall raper any 10 . ern., Frill st 3 Ins of V.r.11 Paper only 121 T all .11 lea of WSW Pap,' only eents. P.m 10)1E0 Of Sarin Paper only YO renni. nflrit•itt Paper only 21 cream Fell styies 4...1.11..1;II,0111) 31,* C.. 1114. 1 ., 1;1 IC. of Go d raper only Si. vent.. rt 3 ler of (tote Filer cony OS vent.. Fell .131er of Gold l'otprr Erni: 73 rents.. Intl .1) Ir. of t•ritel Paper only $1 an full st 3 le. ni Parer ~ 1 11 S. .1.00. Frill riy tr. of .:elven Miner n. ly .1 It roll Ir. of Velvet raper only `fl.W. Ir. of Velvet P..per only 11 7.5. Foil -Is 4. of Veit et Paper only 5300 Borders, Mouldings, Decorations, &e. WINDOW SHADEt! WINDOW SHADES!? =tire Painted Winitov, trawler 371 rent.. Fine Window 9lutdrs 50 cent.. rite rainiest Window robed..-62i eriat•. fire Pointed Window !Ili ide. 71 1.. Fine Gold Bordered %Viulow Shade. 75 ream Fine Gold Boole. rril Window Shade-871 verso.. Fine Gold Bordered Window St :Olen *I.OO. Floe Gold Bordered Winslow Shades SI 25. Fine Gold Bordered Window dbades 51,50. Cords, Tassels, Fixtures, &c. OIL CLOTHS! OIL CLOTHS!! New and bearnstur Pallets,. Floor Oil 371 eta, New and benntiful Pastern. Fluor 1311 41 ets New Floor Oil Glolh• finels. New and !manurial Proem. Floor 11,1 Clod, 621 es, New and beauliful Pallern. Floor Oil Cloth. 65 sq.. Floor Oil Illlotli.froro ore in four yards wide; Tonle Oil ci ai a a all ...dia. and qualms,. Green Oil Ciotti. for Window ran and exionine our +trick before purrhaidne, a. we are determined its sell at Iron Inswerl ester. B. FRANK II Bt;:ii MAX. C. C.II. MIEN F;31..1 Sept. 30859. NOTICE. TtIE Book, of the aubseriber hnve been placed in . tte handl Jiihn gddy_ with notbotity to milk...! 0.1 gLICOI3IIIP. Preening indebted will make p-.y.nent Yn 11.1 a. thOMe bellow Claim. Will pp ease present them far L.. S. PMSEELT, N.D. (October 15, 113504. Ayefs Sarsaparilla . , A. co rentedy, In irhicli we have la bored to produce the - most eilbetual alterative that can be made.- It is a concentrated extract of Para S.wsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative_ power as fet effete an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla *reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who abifethona Stiumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish - their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this competed will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: — SCROYCL.S AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, EItUpTIONS AND EIIIIPTTFE DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLE!, BLOTCIIE.S ! TUMORS, SALT EREUM, SCALD HELD, SYPHILIS AND SYPIIII,TrIe AF PEcTroNs, liancenter. DISEASE, DROPSY, Nee mots. on Tic DouLouusux, Darman-, DYS PEPSIA AND INDIGESTION, ERYSIPELAS, Rosin on - Sr. AN-rHONT . I3 FIRE, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Istruntrr or TILE BLOOD. This ecrmporind will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves ram the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous acres, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impolitic& bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed' and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even whore no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blond. Keep the bleed healthy, and' 1 is well but witk this pabulum of life disordered, there cmi be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has. and deserves much, the reputation; of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts rf it, contain but little of the virtue of Stu:Alp:lrina, or any thing else. During late years the public Have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quint of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sin sera rifle, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has folloacd the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, ard hes Le. a me synonymous mah imposition m.d cheat. Still we call this ( onipouud Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as le-cue the name horn the load of obleguy ultich rests upon it. And we think we have pencil inr believing it has virtues vihich are irresi , tilde by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to scenic their complete eradication front the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to duectioi.s ou the bottle. AFETY Titusl DR. J. C. AVER d: CO. LOWELT„ MASS. Price, SI per nettle; Six Dottie' fer Sri Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat anti Lung Complaint, that it is entire& unnecessary for us to lemma the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has Letn ettg ploycd. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality , is kept tip to the best it (-ter has Leen, and that it may Le relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOB TATO MILE OP Costiveness Jaundice, Dyspepsia, indigestion, Dysentery, Stomach, Erysipelas, Ilradoehe. Piles, rheumatism, Eruptions and ,SlinDwusts, Licer Complaint, Dropsy, Totter, 'rumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as ft Dinner Pill, and for rumfging the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the It ost sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they ale 0, best aperient in the world fur all the purposes of a. family physic. Price 25 cents per Pox; Five boxe3 for SI.GO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Phicians, States men, and eminent personages, bare lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulnem. of these remedies, but our space here will not petn,it the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our Amentems ALMANAC in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should bo fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers nith ether preparations they make more profit on. Demand .elerEß's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is forthem, and they should have it. All our Remedies arc for sale by ••• ••. 1/1.1,1.ri'l A u. Go!ammo. Greve &Roth. \l..rtrt•n, 11..111m ker. 'in onsvo. Gm-- & Oroto.e. Pdlr t het lomvo. J. Leader, Ml. Joy. and by olirespeelable merchant-. FULLIETIECLIN FIRE IN summer. COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. P:PATEIENT of the Asset% of the Company on Jnnonry I. Puhli•heo in v11111011111:4 Wlth Ihe provieinn of the ittxtlfteetionofttre &One' A•teetnl,ls of Aprilfitb.lS42. AtO I 2 • ['GAG ES. Being first rnoriptgrt•oli ti•v "1111 (Intl .112, Of l'hilailrip!thi. excel .130.0 a) 111 Alonignmer). Hue kill and A Ileghe y niu, REAL ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriffs' index. insect mortgage claim.. viz: night how,s and lot. 70 by MO feet. on site south-w•e.a roe nes . of Chesnut one Scersideentli .111,14. A hou-c and lot. 27 by 71 feet. on North Fide 01 Spruce street, I.Ve.t of Kiev rum •t reel. Two houses :111111 lot, each IS by SD feet. no sleuth sale of Spruce street, near Sixteenth .4.'1° , 4. live and loin. each 17-0 by DO .eci. No, 159, 161. 163. 165 sine IG7 thlwy a