TILE ONLY klitileiTtATlON Worthy of Ifni/aria' °salience and Patronage. -1 ' FcreSticrEsicvm, dISDOES. CLutairscm "I.ADIES nod 'Gentlemen, in nll part: of the ahrh.l testify to the effiecey•of Prof. 0. J. Wood': Mai I4estorative,.and gentlemen of tile Press lire difht onous iu its praise. A few.testimmthils only' cilH'hrrd 4,e given; see circular for more, and it vvilrOffliflonS -sible.for.you to doubt 47 Wail 'Street. New York, Dec. 211. 'thrirrrizsras: Your now of the 4.1i1i inn ,thas been Tecived. saying that you had !Wowd thisr.frkrad been benetfied by the use of Wood...lima 1 10. 0 rMii'et .." 7 . dgue.ting my certifiate of the fact if .11' bad .110 vbirc. /holt to give it. I award it to you elleeffullY, gee:rust i think it due 'llly age Is about 00 years; the cold+ of my :noir nu burn, and inclined to evil. Some five or sin years •since it began to turn grayiand the scalp on the email ht my head to lose it: sensubility and dandruff .° form 'upon it. Each of these tli.geatra I hies increased with lime, and shout tour months since u fourth wa:ndded 'to them. by Intir fulling olf the top of my bead and tihrenteningeso make me build. In tin: unpleasant predicament. I was induced to 'try Wood's Flair Restorative. mainly to arrest the Tolling off • ormy hnir, for I had really no expeetotion that gray hair could ever be restored to its original holor except from dyes. I woo. however,' greatly surprised to find after the use of two bottles only, that not only Was: the - falling off nrYested, but the ,color was restored ttf thalgtd. heir: miff . •so the seallChiP.l ttdtulrue erased to form'on my head. 'very men' *tithe ralifleatibla of tip wife, at vi hose Ntonfitlitbilton I was indiffted to tf3,F h. 'For this, among the ULM'? obllgations I owe to her esex,,l strongly reeblrinl'Otill ull liu:lrnerls who value ;the admirtaieb 81' theiV ve:Ves to rola by my exam tee; turf thy' it it g'row:lsr gilt) , of getting build. Very 'respectfully, ,BEN. A. LAVENDER. 0..1. Wood & CO.. 41 r Brdairvedy. New York. Slams:ton, Ala., July 20th, 1859.. 'To Prof 0. .1. Wood: Dear Sir: Your '-Hair Re • storative" has done hair so much good since I Cdfmneneed theillseof n, that 1 wish to :nuke known th the public of its effects on the hair. which are great. A - AMU or woman may be nearly deprived of hair, nod by a resort to your .llair Restorative," the hair Will return more lesautiful than eve.; at lean this is ,my experil-nee. Believe tt all! 'Yoursitrul)t, WM. 11. KENEDY. P. 13.—Ifon end' publish the above if you like. By .publi:hing In our southern papers you will gat more patronage smith. I gee several of your eenificates in the-Mobile Mercury, u ethos SouthernOmer. fI:IIOENEDY. ' WOOD', Usti nesroullex. A Prolesjoeo: • J.. Wood: Dear Sin *laving had the nai:fortune tolose - the best portion of ftYy hair, from the sleets of the yellow fever, in New Orleans in ISM. v.'its induced to mike a trial of your preparation. nod found it to answer as the very thing deeded: lily Jiair is now thick and glossy, and no words can ex ,press my obligations to you in giving to the afflicted mirth a treasure. FINLEY JOHNSON. - . 'rhe Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz: large, medium, and mail; the small bottle hold. a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the me holds at least twenty per cent. more in Proltor* lion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large horde a quart, 40 per cent. mole in pro:Mr .tion, and retails for three dollar.. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Proptitior., 44V BrOndWay, New York, and 114 MIRK Wrot, ar. houtot. Mo. And gold by all good Dra.iggi-t‘ and Fancy Coo& ealers. March 101 h. MO 3m . C1110:11. 4 1i1-11te I)e.t 10 Cuitamitiu— can at Ennitt.titrott , &me m ' tztOre. Mawla 10.1000. Pk, 71.1.0614