F oR„PRINI.E Coriimbim 111:nerhaltO.184C: lo.ertlinarer44l. telt: Per . Pgind;.are. to EIIERLEiIea arnee ry .71 Locum strut. dBDI 312113.—Presh Carden Seeds, war .ranted pure, of an kiwis, ;co received sr: .EBERLELN'S Urocery Store r Tireieb 19.1800, Ne.7l Loomt weer. "VEROSENE 611Ler-lir94nit qu lit apt Ai. coo* taftai drhiadat NBERtEnvi Vroeer l i Store. No. 71 Locust "'reel. laninpElßes,. Black and Green, of differ. :ant yidet r ies. A (mph lot je.t received at, EBERLE:INS Grocery Store, . *arch 1141930. N 0.71 L.tilin etrect. 'QUM, SEEDS.—The oubsertber offers for Li sale .a -general assortment of grass, and offers aced,. U. WILLIAMS. March 10,1880. Front street. Colambis. naked froth- supply of Jayne's kl: it Tonle, Fligiembraar. eon:viva 'Nilo, TOMO Ve-ragrUge, kc.. leer mile. by btarchrlo.l 60 . Prom .creel. Colombia. • - ATM SCHOOL. IN MONDAY, APRIL B.h, I 800,Misti A. Jones Will opens Private tech.& for the I.Utnnier, in the see. quid story oldie Brick School [Loose, on Second street, opposite the Episcopal Church. Columbia; March 3,1.1880-21 FOR JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. HE subscriber will be a candidate for election to the .I. office of JUSIICE OF 1111PP.CtscCE-;in flf South Ward of the Borough of Coltirillsin,on PRIMLY, the 16th of March, IE6O. He respectfully asks the support of his friends-and - the public generally. O,Iitibt.INGSWOBTII. Columbia:Meech 3.1866 , X - •-ovoshaiscant.on. Sri) 34 • 67s.A.CigelPiiiI:iirlen, from the premises of the • 1.3 subscriber hf'tbOoroagh of Columbia, on the first • day of FebnitaeultZi‘WlllTE AND RED*I.O rrEit COW, iaboirswieyearartid. and on the Bth day of Feb ruary, oil., d , sbecx COW, with whine fare, about three years old: A' liberal reward will be paid for the -return of the cows, or for information which shall lead • to their recorery c . " 001101. Columbia, Alarh2, 190. • PDX REM'. fAtiFlt•set• ,s'rnrrt• sTAND AND ilk 1 DWELLING, ,now occiMiod , : e_t by Dr. I'. J. and is tor will be eecilted Ap ri l „., re" Apply to Ili" G. I. ° .loEl s li a F. HOUSTON. Columbia, Nardi 3,1E360. The Pint Raft of the Seas°lf.• E. K. SMITH, be receiving during the Spring, '3,000,000 feet Pine Lumber, by rnft. 4,000,000 !"• 2,000,000 " Hemlock" "boat. 1,000,000 Plastering Leib. 500,000 White Pine Shingles. 250,000 Cypress Shingles. stirA. General Assortment of Worked Plowing, Siding, &c. mar. 3. N. WARD, "IkKANUFACTURER and Denier in STR A W GOODS, JJI. Noe. 103, 105 and 107 North rlecodd Street, Phila delphia. We are now receiving . our Spritig Stock. which diil dompthe a lame and definable aseertineni of all kinds df STRAW AND LACE 000D4. Our stock of Flowers and Ruches will be unusually furs* this season, and we would invite your epecial tendon to that department. Please call and examine them before snaking your purchases. Yours, Re•pect fully. H. WARD, NOB- 103, 105 and 107 North Second Street. March 1,1000-1 m ITo Fanners and Gardeners. filliE sehscribers otter for sale 60.000 barrels of POE , ..11 DRETTE. made by the Lodi Manufacturing Com- OneT , in lots to suit introduction into this country. and has outlived fertilizers of every other description, for the following reason,: let, It Is made from the night soil of the Cies , . of New York, by the L. N. CO., who hove a eapirat Of 8 100.000 invested in the buslneis, which is at trek should they , make a bad article..... _ - - • . • - :id. For Corn and Vegetable. it is the cheapest. neat., est and.handiest manure in the world; it can be plfceir in direct contact with the seed, forces and ripens vege tation „ two weeks earlier , prevents the cot worm. don '•••Q, Ides the crop, and is without disagreeable odor. Three r". dollars worth or two barrels is ail sufficient to Manure ~-;: lin acre of corn in the hill. ~,,,,,, Psacz-1 bid 1112.-2bta5.1113,50,-6 Mils. $B, end over , f',P' 6 bbls. 111.50 per bbl.. delivered free of cartage, to vas '. tali , or railroad in New York Cit y A pamphlet containing every informe.turn. enddent {6cates from framers all over the 'United State.. who have used it from two to seventeen years, will be sent :. . free to any one applying for the same GRIFE'ING IMO riir.Rs k. co . • North River Agricultural Warehouse, 60 Courilend it., , ' , • New York, or 133 South Delaware Avenue, Philadel phia, Pa. [March 3.'60 -Cm '-:i POD. COMSTABLIII. .;, ..,, Mlle subscriber volts the support of the voters of Co 4;i .1 tumble borough for the office of Constable, at the ensuing election on Friday. March 16th, 1860. He ent. .2 gages, if elected, to perform the dune.. of the office to the best of his ability. JOHN N. REALO. 1 Cela.Feb. 25, 1860, td , ar rCIIII. miff: subscriber offers himself as • candidate for the .1 office of Constable ? at the election to be held in the borough of Columbia, on Friday. March 161 h, 1860. He can give assurance that be will, if elected, per form the duties of the office faithfully and to the best of his ability. He asks the support of his friends and the public generally. SAMUEL HOLLINGSWORTH. Columbia. February, 25. 1860.31 FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. ITHR subscriber will be a candidate for re-election to the office of Justice of the Peace, in the Aouth Ward of the borough of Columbia, on FRIDAY, MA It' Hl6 h. 1860. lie respectfully asks the support Of t h e Ideals and fellow citizens. EL DIMMER. Columbia. Feb. 25,18664 d ram. witrig. A ronvenient RRICK HOtl'E. in Walnut street, !Asher. Arc•atd. now ov.eupied by rhos Welsh. EN. Possession given on the Ist day of April next. Inquire 'Bl .1. H. MIFFLIN. Cola. Feb. 25th, 1800, M. POWs, mss. ITHIP: room in ttie Blue Prom, am. occupied by Thomas Welsh, Esq.; aim,. several bother Ap. fly 10 WOl. WHIPPER. Columbia, February 2s, 11392: FOIL SAWA ilt the Columbiwous Works. four hundred hu•hels of time, pe•sessing excellent quslni.• for immuring, at eents per bushel. A. CA LbWEL.I... Columbia Feb. 25.'60. tf. taeeretsry. AURORA. OX.L. ITHE following are the re.ulta era careful teat ofthe 1 Lamp• for burning Aurora fbi: Compared with Cold Gau. 'The bond lamp give- a Than roma tol and 13th diem burnerc. 4 13th nix feet gin bunters tort per hour. 2 eta, ani 2 mills. Tort of burning hand lamp one honr.3 1 4 min.. 137 - Diiferenee in favor of Aurora Crd. 1 cern and - . I-3 Mall , . Compared with Coal Oil A. lamp hurtling Coal Olt coat per hour) 82-3 mil 1.- The Aurora Oil Comp. giving the same light tort pe. hoar, 31-3 tuillcyt Irrnitrerelice in favor of Aurora Oil. S 1-3 ,hisrora 0/1 bourns 'tn) two houra longer to the gallon than Coal 0.1. Call and purehrwe un Aurora Oil I.amo, which will burn all land. , or oil, but fi the °llly lump that well burn the Aurora Oil. The chrupog tight now m w.e. 1.0. & 11 F. DRU NEIL r.oluzubia, February 25. moo. PM. =USX% w,A TWO•and-• bolfinary BRICK DWELLINOtt HOUSE, eituated on Union arm, between j=7.d . a cr „,5 ..,. . ,...; ,d,:,,, ,i t 5t he b i orough j o o f N C A ol s en: s la E . Rs. 'alienation given on she firm day of April next For • ,fii• \• e; 1 ISORE bags-of that Good Oaf- A.Q:O3*. orwhich we have a portion irate d every 10 barrels oregtra Refined Brown Sugar. ....Clare6ol Coder Vinegar. tltl boxest.Dutry Brown Sosp. - - boring. Hams, Shoolders,Rldes, Dried Reef, of t hi's year's Hershey's Extra . Farttlly nide, bt the quarter or tbarrel. A general assortment of Fresh tiftteselp s of the I iiept grades. I. 0. & H. F. BRUNER. I kohnnbla. Fehmary 2S, - NOW ,OPENING, at Corner of Third and Haien areas, a talent assonment of Dry Good.: A. - halltes• Detainee, alpaca% CaUooe,. &c 4 Blank 'Oni W ntl Fancy Clad's, Caindmerea. Jeans. Tweeds, Ake r. e l vet ,slll4 uhiparmatiere-Vestings. • • AsdP Heatr-a bmerw nd4Blteent Siers,'Loadiev! Itintee, Breen, Doty ail Hats and Oapt,adt singsvisex Chien, Wan and Qoarnaware. Aadtbdtiarataa ofAttrora Oil Larva. 6. Coltpsliti, Febreier i 3, I. O. rJL F. BRUNER. tom. • — Carpets. BRUNZlL l Sareasilitar their Carpets at the follow. • - Wisea lnir ttlrordtatp33 - !Jarboe wide, for 31 as. per , Turd. 311 1 } o 13tege s t u te e ttgro w Lf.arpdt. woo , Two pieted.tweradip Cttrpet. all wool, rich camel. dle tents_ per yard.= inches wide. Cobnobia:rabruary SS, Ise6. Esentereirei' Tat ay& WCmut Naptha , -7=E; ,TS the BEST , . 1 t, latittiterhl,lo3he Career Cough. and Cold*. Clean. Broachitine theie t nineuhv in Ttreuthine,Tittonatienfor then:Mitt st.id rdr the refiefor *lents ih the.adeuniuid - itaigetkor, =Rion, together unto' at rdisenses ofdhe..tbrinn- ect,'nnticvvhicls,ueedivposs to, consumption..-‘ attseks, tfin root ofdsease, stud makes lite !ell de. dem rayer mace mb to he influence. ' It. alao.prOduces 'free eitiertthlullen. hod induces healthy action in the 'direared hitieouahlepitintnes and Ti.seet.l. It is pe cullarls gibtpletl to tee sedmalsare of Militate. One done of tbil - invalunble 'Sirup often gives cese, end consequently !deep, which the peculiar nature of that disea.e denies him. It is very pleasant to the taste, and prompt in in, effects. Try u, and be convinced, that it in valuable in the cure of Bronchial &ree -1 Lion.. r2r Price `5l: rels per hoille. .Prepared only by A.-EBRNAVE/N, Druggi..l4 - N.' VP. Corner of Ninth and Poplar eta., Plitholelphia N. B.—For sale by U. F. Omen and J: d. fSei!elt di Co., Columbia; 1 . 4: P. Fowler, Tantalus; C. A. Ke. neugy & Co. diratborg; John 7. Libber*, Marietta, and iorekee pert nod Drugglsegcners y. October 15, 1859: ifittlifATll • EICECOOt.'• Trim, vlafiFelibei Will open On I.lo 4 slllPir. APRIL 23. IBM, In the Brick School House, on Second street, a Private School for both sexes. TERMS—Two and three dollars per quarter. The support of the public is respectfully D. ft. BRUHARER. Columbia, Februar - 18. lsco-id SELLING ELT COST! MITE sulo , criber desires to close out a stock of fi rst .1. quality Liquors. BRANDIES, WHISKY-5, GINS, WINES, Ste,. .46.77? 463i1:210/E5 0 3?.. lie otrers them for said tit iris have. meat ei the lynairnWion House, where theft wanting Good Liquors ut moderate priers are invited on cull. M. ifl. S'IrRICK Columbia, February 18.1860 ti 'PENVIL Olie HAS , Olt* D RUNrea /thy( rot' of ii ii riare t ille 11.1111.3-11 re roily ow, no le• mr nun will burn thr 411r0,"io Oh. They elbrbe Oen burning. ever) evroult Auree•. (Vil 6 04011eNT. 7to/1 47140. Tire. wily oth aged. and burn• with u vi.•ar, white and eteud•• light. without clanger orrinoking. Kero•eue or Cool Oil Lamps ettn he altered to burn Aurora Ifil. Price or Aurora Oil St.oo per gel. lon. Cull and ere. o. ae. n..p. BRUNER. iThr Tido d and Utt , ni, reels Feb.lQ:6o. Spring Goods at rondersnsith's. ~~,' B will open for the inxpeotion of the Ladies. pn WKDNE DAY nest 1000 piceea choice Ptinpith one American Chintzes of new and inalittifieent perteetl- faki colera at lel eta. Alto. 20 pieces new patient ShlriStic Calipo,"Shirt ing hlutnitt.:- Irish Linens. Ike.; idle ahntliVeldt of those Glinghomo. This idly fof gootl tiltitds, ale More iutvl/Jyft•--ciinrining new sot - Cr C. P'ololllEolSliftlffl'S ieb 11,1000. • People's Cl.lk Stole. Assigned Estate of the Columbia Water Company. THE undersigned. auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, to distribute the fonds in the hands of Thomas Lloyd. F.sq.. Assignee of the Co lumbia Water Company. of die borough of Columbia, Lancaster county, hereby notifies all persona inter. oiled that he will attend for the purposes of bin ap pointment at the Franklin House. in said borough, on TUESDAY. March 27. 1860. at I o'clock P. M. ROLAND KINZER, Auditor. Lancaster Union copy 4t and and bill to Auditor. Febrility 11.1820. iitigA.V, Woroester's Aluittac ilittrpted Royal guar . to DIMI TrrE are tinnily 16 flaw:it:Mee that we are prepare'd in YY fornivh the public with thtv excellent Dictionary which ha. received the commendation of mo-I of the eminent men tit in the la , .d. All who desire In know the English language, es it is now will prefer this Dictionary. ELI A 8 BARR &CO.. Opposite the Court Howw, 'Lancaster. Pa. Feb.ll.l* VALMOINES, VALENTINES. SENTINCitrY, Connie. Literary. Funny, Venerable, Youthful. Prices to suit all purse. ELIAS BA RR & CO, February ll Opposite Court House, Lanetoter, Pa. I, ISO. LIMES' PENS at E. Barr & Co'sf Kelly's (AM Prat , A large invoice of these excellent Lava Pen- ha 4 ju-t heart recel'ed We will sell them at n little more than hen the price at 'Which (64 have hercrofOte been's - ad. MIA'S BA RV el. CO., Feb it. Oppose Caen Hou.e. Lancaster, Pa. fM Conestoga Pen. ENCOURAGE Home Enterprise. The best steel pen tit she market. We now offer the public. • steel pen which must commend itself to every person who de.iree to write with onse and clearness. and for a length of time without chancing his pen. We have selected our comEsTotin PEN as one combining all these ndvantages. after a lull test of all the et) lee in the trade. It is specially manufactured to our or der; every pen in sniveled, and we offer it for sale with a full confidence that n fair trial will satisfy the nurchaser thnt is us near perfection as steel pe n s can be made. Ask for ELIAS BARR & GO' 4 Lancaster. Feb. 11, 1880. Conesingst Pen. TUE FATE OF SIR JOHN the au thorized edition D cc:Unlock, Price, 161,50. 1•ootfnll. on the Boandtery of Another Price. jl. Iremorrs 6fOoriosso. 'Price. 40 cede. ELIAS BARR & CO., Fel, 11. Oppe4ite twin Hew... TON'S PURE C iTLWBI BRANDY.-1 very superior and genuine article (or Inedieinul pur poses. J. S. DIO.I.XPIP & CO, Feb 11,'60. Agents for Columbia. COAL HEADQUARTERS. —Beware of vspu rious Coal Oil Owing to the large increase In the consumption of Coal Oil. the market to full of bo. gut oil. The premium article can always be had at J.S. DELLETT & CO'S Golden Mortar Drug Store. _AM?SI aetettred al UM Reid. en Moiler Drug Store another fresh 'locket Coat Oil Lattips. Shades. &c. The bat assortment fn Co= tumble: ckli and ekamine ottr assortment betere purchasing elsewhere. You'll be satisfied that there is 25 per cent. caved by procuring your lamps et J.-S DELLETT & CO'S Golden Mortar Drug Store, Front st., Columbin. Feb.l 1.780. DVISPILPSIAL .11-13DIXIDY Dr. Marian Hanes AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This medicine has been u-rd by the public for six yearn, with increasing favor. It is recommended in cute Dyspegvut, Nervousness. Heart-Hurna. Colle Pains, Wind in the latterdirh. of Paine in the Rowel... Headache. Draireine.. Kidney lloinglafuis. Law !Star ha, Delirium Trumann. Intemperance. It Stimulates. Exhilarates, Invigorate. but will not Intoxicate or :apart . ) , An a medicine. it is quick and effectnal, caring the mo.t aggravated case. of Hyspep-in. Kidney Com plaints. and all other derangements of the Stomach and Ilowel. , it. u apredym.dmer Perna. voin.froin the injudicionn twe of licnitrth. have become nejeerat, rte.( their aeyy.ma nysteni•sh,aered. C •10-Illotirms rok &wit: and imbjeni to that b orr itd e Cur.,• to haw ity the Deli. Tremeitn. will. home dsaiely feel t... it 417 ...pa healthy invigatattrig efficaCY of Hr. 'is ispire , itte t. IVIIAT briLL tiOXR.- Ole fl One &Me .ernore all Pao Saint. One dcbe will core Hettr , Bottv Thrce dittSes *id care bid's/41'101f Otte dose will glee %tin :nail Apnea'. One dthw dill area the di.rrc—inc pa lc , of It v. 611,1421. One date will teomrr the di.sm.sttle and Si.aerce. able; kreck of Wind or Omelette... end as soon as the striffhfch receive. Mc Intrisaritting Spirit tne 4inst lodd and all feeling. will i.e rentrArcd. One dose Will retnore tias roost dcrre.iciag pains of Colic. either in %impact, or bowels. A few dates will remove all nastier-lions In the Kidney. Bladder or Urinary Orings. Per.ons who are ..eriaudy afflicted with any Kid• neyermaphdats are assured speedy,felief fry Oboe or two. and a redical core by the n..e df one or two bottles NIGHTLY DISSIPATION Peranna. who. from dievipating too maeh nrer Men, and Feel the evil etreetv of prn•onons liquors, in violent headneliev t Actor*. tit vtornaeb, wen koeva, Oddities., dre..,will Gad one dove will remove all bad 'hogs. Ladies of weak an; airkly constitutions. 'borsht take Ike iavigenttina Spirit three times a day; It will make them emote, healthy nod Peppy, remove all obstrueliona and irregularities from the 'penetrate or guns , gad reetore the oloom of health and beauty to the careworn fare. • Daring pregnancy It will be &and an invaluable medicine to remove disagreeable 'emollient at the stomach. Ali the proprietor asks. is a trial. and to !adore Ibis be has put op the Invigorating Spirit in pint bottles, at 50 et 4 quarto El. General Depet. 49 Water Street. N. V. For sale by .1.8. Dellett ,& . Colombia. Dr. J. A. Wolf, Wrt i titstritte, and by druggists generally. HOPPER, Dlailill'o-OPPICE, Front Ntreet 4th door train Locust. ever Backe& ideDonald's Honk store colootan. Pa. Srliatranee, between the Book and Dr. Herr's Drug More. (August 2L, 1869 THOMAS Wslllll. ESTICE Orin PUCE, .Colombia, Pa. OFFICE. in' littdpitees New Building, beim" IN Howl, Front greet. to boo jErPrompt *minion given to all bosinetg entru.ted cam •November le„ 11957. H. M. Nownr, A TTOINEL ND roots IT LAW UL Colombia Mu. Colleettleas:i.reatptly made , i n Lanes's:el and Tort amithes.• • 4,1830. riiiretaitTptitrtifiti' TIENTIM Mist 'Mese% 51€11 the odd Pillows' Hald r ecdombta,ra: Columbia. shers; .• ; - $ W. FISHER, . Attorney and Counsellor at Law, -4:::c00n..332.1::.1", mist. • Columbia, September th ttSS6.IC S. Atle&Boiklw3; D. , D. S. PRACTICES lie Operative, Sur gical and Mtclan,„ icsf Depanmeins of Venustry. , reet, between ilit"Fcanklin Howe and Pont Office, Columbia, Pit May 7. ISM.' CITE [I TOBACCO. T lIF.NRY PPARLER'S. Locust street opposite the. LI. 'Muse, can be bad CUBA LEAF, CON REO, and several other brands of the best Chewing Tobacco,to-whicla the attent ion of chewers is invited. May-1, 1816. - • ,• ' • IM PORT ED La.in'i.,,alro; Glenn's Double Enfant:, for the handkerchief; at • 11 ?inn's'. GEBEITS, Fell. 10, - .;9. • Opp . °Win Cola. Bridge.Froni,tsi. pt 11.001115.--100 Dos. Brooms; at Wholesale LI "or Retail.at IP. DrtiFIVEIVS. Dec.l2, 1857 Locu.t ',treat: SINE'S Corhpostid; dff Syrup of Tar, Wild cberry and rb atlicaad, (or the cure of Coughs. Colds, Whobpiug Cough. Croup. &c. For role at . , greCORKL.H& DELLKIT'S 7PrnilY bThdiciuu Store, Odd Fedows' Hall October 2Z. MS. Patch Steam -Wash.lloners. nee! known Boiler. nre kept conmantly on hatid at' HENRY I'VA 111. ERV, I,oetNi .trees. opposite the Franklin House. Columbia, July 18,1837. (Jots for sale by the bushel or larger quart loy by B. F. APl'Ol.O. Columbia Dec 25.1&59. Cauhi [Witt 1 MOWN and . **iv oft hit likst 4 Urn& %lush:wale utsd result. ut Js. 81113NFIR'4 UST id atelti7Tarrah lot of Breimg & rronfield o 'e calla Poode and for u Fal S. e by r•ept. Prdht stit Cd'urnbla Soap. .L 5 note low nt time cornet of Third and Uotou its. August 6.1859 • Suffer no longer with Corns. T the Golden Mortar Drug Store you can procure a all article which is warranted to remove Corns in Ad hours, without pain or soreness. Fly Paper. A SUPERIOR article of Fly Paper. for the deotrue. ft non oft Plies. Re.. Ince been recetnd rt the Store of R WILLIAIRS, Front street. Columbia,July 30.1859 Harrison's Columbian Ink. WHICH Ir a superior nrtielc, permanently black. TT and nnt corroding the pen, eun he had in Am quantity. at the Flout!) Medicine More. and blacker yet tu that Engliuls Boot Pali-h. Columbia. Joule 9. 159 AIAIRS. AVINSI.OW's soothing Syrup. which will . gren;ll furiiitute the proceit , of teething by re. ducat% inthimatio3l 2..1;”, log p.giii •yo.a-orodlc oaten, 2lce.ritt very ..hoet. lime. For .tile A : r% . A.I.IAIV: 5ep1.17.11-5.13 Per•Til ~,e 4q. Colombia' j 2 EDDING • &CO'S Russia.; Shi've! This ex tremely , of Ole Cure of externs. sauteing It , SCOW for ..y .ept. 24; tbscl. s.ZiLi l by Me Sort or Bnsbel' f oott Potatoes kj in large or 'mull 4.1111111,, •1•1 tie., inlier orrhiod and tr • •or..turr. nu 9 '59 FRANGIPANNI I Xtfllelf o iiel r , oIIIN. sa evert...imp pertleme. eC 11 A ART 4114E14M5, Feb. 19. '59. Opposite Cole. Bridge,. Front St. m ilE subscnber has a large etoek of Cistern Pumps .1 and Rums. to which he culls the attention of the public. tie is prepared to put them up for use in u substantial and enduring manner. H. ppA HLER, December 12.1857 Locust street. 1111191 finev 6 t 101 I . .1.1• • • r./1i , e 1 vioaps ever offered to Coalinblanv UV Hi; et A? tiMP:s. Feb 19, Opposite Cola. Bridge, Front St. COLOGNE WATE R by the pint, quart or gallon Sterne- 9:itrneur tor the handkerchief by the ounce or pound, or in any quantity to 'tali purchuserle at H A EAT GRIECO*, Feb 19. 'Mk Oppo.tile Cole. Bridge. Front St Just Received and For Sale, : .6-"" 1 1P• r I . Pt trn FgTitjtOo , Inur;2s:t7l,i rLara Voeal quat; . . . . . 311 U hua. Ground Alum Salt. by B. F. Ar POLO, March 26, '59. No t vote* etellat Ilimirr. JENHIN% Celebrated glad and ilreei feat, Jlda icor' s etwou and Chocolate, at Corner of Third and (Niels streets. (Nov. 2/I'sB. (11.11 BAN, or, Bond's Boston Crackers, for Dyppeptie., uNd Arrow Root Crimk..rs, for in valids and ehildien—new articles in Colombia, at the Family Medicine Store. April la. 18•'+9 NEW CROP . SEEtYLESS RAISINS. THE best for Pies, Pudding, :e .fresh supply at H ofUYDAM'e Grocery Store, Corner Frontund If Mon Stkl NOV. 19. 1859. Seedless Raisins! ALOT of very choice Seedle,s Raisins. just receiver.. at R. F. ERERILIEIN'.I N0v.19, 'M. Grocery Siore. No. 71.1.ocust st. Ti a first rate ankle of Prunes you mum go to S N. EBERLEIN'S -N0e.19,1959. Grocery Store, No 71 Locust st SRAKEP. CORN. TUST te e e i ved . u frr.t rut,. 101 of Shaker Corn H. SIPTCIANPS Grocery Store corner Timm end Union xi. Nov. 26.1859 "Unquestionably the best sustained' Work of the kind in the World." NE Asrl:s. , s DITAGAZ X NIL THft popular Moulthiy the world —New York Observer NA tthlauzitie 3n Bun.. or Amenra 1. so arr.' kilownt none ha. in1 , 111.1•111011y reNdereq mat We Trol safely •4y. non. hu. receivers es large a trilnur 01 ud. ml moon 11'01111the cultivate.' ellou.re, that delight in bra II by, dive•-16rd. elevating ,periodical literature It to the forrino.l MAIVIZiIIe at the day. The fiterude never hada more drltitlitlat entoptution nor slur mat. ion a mare entrrtaitung (rlend than .Naga. zeta.—.llfahottisl Protestant, (I:alttmore.) Twrnly-five ran• MO. 11-112...12.212*-1 rirhe•t, no d me ., h...ong luxury use the money 141.1 we know Three dnllurf reetire.it fnr one )enr. unit whin three &Mare ever weta •n fits? Pin the :erne ernorldt einthee. eating. 0(42212g, forreilitre Writ Frew indeh of n 221,2 in 21121 Thing us obtained? If life., O.NA. .11 , A -eatitar•ut+ I.u'a• it 111111 l eltiry 22121,11 bore all, if Il,e herrn, that ref, e.hr• the plent.nn that litlirg It gentle ...mile unit brighien the rl.-anne ni o trail. to )nut is hl.i rid the happy entol•ino 11111 l of the real 241 the 121.4.0 .A 1.121.,, .21 . 1.2 ems. liven lute nlnive the animal. are 10 1, ps, inn. he •oxlo 0220.1:e 12401125. and rent.. dirt, you ..n) tette:h. that 1( (Intr... Meese three Or 2,11 r in. deaf. it Would mini) rt, pf tee. 11 5. 2 a/202. zlO2 power, with the oleo tool puerto-e of is Nlinil7.llift —llOl 2 honk ,1121 a wrirllllll . o perindien ir nor .dppli€t and ettaity dateelereinn s . Ninriaine 11.1 hiker every form ni mu•n..uua. .4t.• se I , 0 4 nn tfteilye literature in sum graki.....Sortthet4 Thad.'" Tie. volume. Infiniti r•on•tilute of thenl.elven bray) of tniorellaiirona reedssia. seek 2. entinoi be found in the entire corny.... in nitV 0112, rd 111,2,11011 tlOll, 120 r 22.0 220 e. tut" Coiirier It,U n• ifEe-nn Ulmlnitiation!) it t. this hen au-midi walk of ilia kind in Ile langting, Inns It to any, in On Worm * floe .pleridid monthly ....tiro from the Editor'. '1 ohle are above prier., The present number i.equal lo nu) yet iSelle./. and there-hi ittli 1..11.01110 &lON a tang en. reer of orn.rcrira to the orock.—X. Y. Virealan Ade*. eau and JeurrleLL We moot refer in him. of eulogy to the high tome and varied virellenr.. of 11.artireA , lagaziote. a jour nal whit a ntOtiltly eirenlatinot nt alma, 170 1010 in whoqe mtge.. ore to lor found imme of sir. eie..t light and general reading or the day. 11 - , apes% cf *hi. work st. nn ry idetive or t he American pt, pte,, the popularity it ha. intqatrett i.mertted. Eat tirorn bee contain. folly 144 'lova ap . proginately iho.trated with good wood rota , and it combines in tl.elt the rue) month!) and NW, c h ar• pbtlnvtlthienl gunnerly. blended with the , be.t fea ture. tit Ake deity journal/ It Iwo great power in the creation and ilk...mm.lkm of 55 Imre of pare liters. tem. , — Trainee* Guide:a American Literature. Lennon, The Mager: de map be obtained or. Bnektellert. Agnew. or trom shatTebilabierlhotThree Del lam • year, or Tammy-Plan Cr ms t Number The tenit-arinnal volatile... NS completed. neatly bound in cloth. are wild et Two Dollar elleig, and Meelin Cm, eraare Itratehed to those who with their back num bers uniformly hound, at Twenty• Free Cents each. Nineteen volume* are now ready,bound in Cloth, and aloe in Hall'Calf, • The Pablishere will supply Specimen Numbers graminmatly to Agent. and Pnwans, and will make liberal arrangement, with them gar circulating the Magazine. They wilt nine tapply thigh+ 'of two persons at Five Dollare a year. 01 dye penent at Ten Motiert. eiCfgj men and Tearhe re tunntied at Two Dollars a year. Numbers from the commencement can now he es pnlied Wm ballad Talcum.. The hlegazine weigh. over eaten and - not aver eight 01/31eM The PCMllige opal each Thurber. which maw be paid quarterly In admirer. at the Ogiee where the Magazine is received. it Three Cent. " RAIRSKR & BROTFINSS, New.llll,'"A. Franklin Square, New Turk. On Hand. =1 CISTERN PIIMPS. FANCY TOILET SOAPS Turkish Prunes! A.m.. TI:EllIS task , . (14)0S; - 1860. trAGER: dr:BROTIRMS have soivin"F•tore stock.offtaxonable anodx.connistincor HOUSE-FURNISHING pops. Linen% Towslingo, Damasks - , Tictiingi,. Sheeting% Checks, Quilts. Chine, Glass and Queentrware. 75 Cemented Pack• ages comprising the largest and most complete stock we have ever offered. The Qtwensware is of our awn barpirriatioh. and the Glassware Is purehimed direct (rota the hlantsfactorers, enabling us to 'offer great ioduee ments to purchasers Spring, Hairand Husk hgaltrass. es. 1000 Ibs. Prime Fathers CARPETS: CARPETS!! CAAPETSIg Velvet Carpets, Musses Carpels. Venetian'trarpols. Tapestry Ingrain Carpet.. Soper Ingrain - Crewel: Rug and Hemp Carpets. English and American Sheet Oil Cloths, from 1 to 4 sards wile. Catriege, Stair.and Table Cloths. Cocoa and Jute Malts, Raga and Drug gets,Wall Paner. Decorations tuAllicerecre: Gilt Painted and Paper Window Shades, Btfill and Green Curtain' Holland. HAGER It BROS— Eeb.4.1%0 West Ring street, Lancaster. . . FLOUR, Gitbcgili2s, Isionsioxs, &e. FLOUR. of best quality—wholer•ale• or • • *l—Gro cerlea lb every variety, Provisions -of all kinds. kept conatantlyon hand at H. *UYIMItItt . Grocery *lore, Corner Front and its. . .. N0v.19, 1830. . • . . , New Crop Figs THE very best article of Figs can be lied at S F. ESERLEIN'S N0v.19,1959. Grocery Store, N0.,71. Locust at COAL OIL.--dust rtctivaa superior article of Kerosene 01 the beet in town or,country, at 31 cents per quart, .r. IiEGLEIT & CC., • ake 21.'30: noltlen %Income Dri.e. 41nre et. FOR 1121.1 M. reiNgER-YARD IND ,. OFFICE, fbrmerly L occupied by smith, R bald. stud Smith .at the lair. er red (Columbia; it wilt be rented vrry tow, and in 14efell -iZod Int% 11. will sun per.olll wl hill, to rent. For tern-enure of 4. E Rztli EY E Jue..2s. - Ga tf Fairview. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. (IN Saturday, MarchlO r lB6o, the N,. "undersigned will expose to public sale, at the Franklin House, in the tiorough of Columbia, the fol lowing r e al estate. t.l John Cain. late of the Hotough of Columbia, need: A . Ceintin l.ot of Ground. 'imaged ids* stigigt, near Unto.. containing in front 40 feet, and ..XtiAldlilg IA depth IMO feet to an airy. with a good two-story , FRAME HOUSE, thereon erected. Also, a small one-story• FRAME HOUSE, Sole to commence at 7 o'clock P. 01., when terms will be made known by . J. W. FISHER. Jan.:18,1850. tr. .ficrentor of John Cain, dsed. TO LET. rrE BRICK DWELLING AND STORE, Ordre tontmerce and Second street. THE OkICK DWELLING HOUSE, on cernm , r,... -In el. 1.. It 11 , 01,1111 11 THE BRICK DWELLINIV HOUSE; on' %value. attrri, above ' S. c , nd. now °reamed b% “re. Ham .Icee The Building in %lamb I have my office.—= The elole wr•l be repelled 11311 i 111.11.0Yte n. Cull tier u•mmt Tlt•• b t ek pu rt Mid lite Kul rdral nail be lei y if'd• • .re.t. 10111 veil be very pteoieant and desirable to a kind Canby. Cidumida. January 28. IP6O-1( QPALDING'S PREPARED CLUE.--The want of fel% ih void now Lt co , he -iipplicd; for mending lu. insure. eldnic at , a nmeieltiol tvor4. to)-. Ace . thew ic nnihing igliee.Ml.l . We have. round a ...rut in repairing most) 4,.e...e- which have brute li.elra•C Alf •111011011/.. You •1111 I/011411 . it at the . . Jrin US' NIII. I I %I svntur.. YON'S PCRE'Oirfo }Maw IJ r ?I + • CRP. WlNti.s e.11..11 . 11 y for Medicines Siterameinal ptirpn-e•. ni Jusl.29 .N 1 dif.llll.:lNßS's ORE. COL 11:121MBIAL ICECOnecpA.relr. r 11111.: Hon-rs of the Columbia Jr.- Company are now filled with • FIRST QUALITY ICE, which can he furnished to consumers at very rra•ona ble rates At the opening of the season the Ice will be regularlyrserved to mconmers. Persons desiring a sup ply to large or smell quantities. in the meantime, can obtain it by applying at the store of H. PFAIiLER, Columbia, Jan 21,1860. Locust street. 1860. 1860. ISOIEPSEICEEPING GOODS, IRE subscriber • will open this du7 a line *now T ment of Housekeeping Good.. blaroeilles Quilts, Counterpanes, Burenu Covers, Cloth TubteCovers, Blankets, Condownbles,• Ticitings, 00111.1,Urgo. Furniture Cheek., Furniture Calienert. Linen Figured Towelings. Bleached and Brown Sheeting., I yard to 3 pond. wide; Follow Ca.,. Niut linit. nit width.; Blettehed and brown Cloths, Blitatehnd and Brown union Table Cloth', Floor and Table. Oil Oath-. WINDOW SHADES, LOOKING GLASSES, Om, Glass and Queenswaref 0:7 - TRIM GEESE fErt H trtiS4Cli in t.1.1e depurimriti will found 11,0 linty In form die roliri• innfil or ci.o.” housedieiipiug.und of Ihr inwresl p. F1A1.1.1111 S'S Chem, Cupli Store Columbia. Januar) -21. 1.11.1t1 TUB OLD 041.LLERV, N. E. COR. FRONT & LOCUST STS. COLUMBIA, PA. T"}'•etbseriber having retuned' to his pO.l. ilnt,tvds eying his personal attention to the producing Cl hrs. rote DAGUERREOTYPE, AMBROTYPE AND MELAINOTYPE LIKENESSES, at his bis old estnblishrti Csoilre) come, I. Locust Mirtt, He will guersattbro grand 1. produced in the United Santee, to all .i1trr....1.4. I: established prices which every one wi I 1,4.0:viz, reasonable. For Goad and Choap Pictures, Go to Lodges. lie returns his .iteerre lllulihi for the pu.n :11..•r.1 support of the public, and asks a conenuanee a pa. Volume. SAMUEL, LODGE. Ctilafftbisi Ja neiry 21, .RIO. 1 , 4 , '. , •1.) 11 ?_ 7 -s , :r4—L.J!kirvt , J , otirp•2!=ij SAPONIFIER: The Ready Family Soap maker. tarrni *Oath every family. widt tame ordinary yY •arhen Rrrn•e. eon make all their hoop with !ifilt Or lit. :rout. e—Hard. son. or ' , Wiry. 1. w.. 1 make lasird wulor •MI. Mean Palm, remove ren•r. ace 10 prrlertinol. A I,Uodu in nivorof the Saponifier. aril Colt And unto.. ble rereigis ror mnking ditrerelit kind of Soso ee. by with...sing Olifies or the Com pony. N 0.396 Penis Street. Piiti.liurg. Pit.. or JA Al Rs k CO . Agents. ' Phiindelphia, Pit. rir lie Sure yoe get the origival and pntetoed omoutoe.hred by the Pembllenttitt Suit Mitre. litelesing Co . Rae: •t'ureutu off A Ileglietty Co 4 Pa. liec.lit , 'fift-Tm __- .-- —.....- _ BROWN% BRONCHIAL TROCHES...Me have been ‘etling the 14110VC Cough Lozenges at the Family Medicine Slam all minter, and they have given trellasal satisfaction to all that have 'toted them. The Rev IlenryWard 'leeches says..fo firms he has had ups opporloolly or eomopri.o. Brown's Troches It, pee emitmuttly the drat of the great Lommge nelson'. . ri,....:- 1., Olt THE 11A111.—Bornelt's Com:mini, from the t'ornaind OA for prererving and beautifying Vie ha r.nttd rendering it dark and anis'''. Pliolo..'a Coeint Phalosea Cowin: Phalan's Conies! W. Orieniin Oil of Ro.e•. Itha S. Zilnlialramain and }lair Untamed`, nt do ramitt Mrdrenie State. Jan. 2.4. Great Exeiteta Id at Harper's Ferry TR E g... hrmr milk the Lflrge..l nut, mast Splendid o.noininein of ILITS AND CAPS MITI a„• ever herse of. retell in Coassmhen. Tredeniek he. she fineon shr Coln ly TI 8.1. Tresteeirk ha. she arsam : • •, meat ot rtmott RS tr , lll. to It Te.;4ceirk he- Ihr Z . Dml. Trrtfreick en. the Cricket Cep. ==== Trscl.hiek bow the Cott. Solnt Boot_ Tr,ttrtisch Mn. the ICame-Pmof Boot, Thnettirk hoe the finr.t pima of Otrer.,Shoert and Lunt- in low" Tr,french ha. all Ono i. nrened for men. women .. 1 1rhiniren. (rani the head to the foot. matte In Treeentek`. to get your money bark; be welt. An ebrop sod a little cheaper for mutt thereat= Ire .nin4l alneo.t any ether place in the country- - Call an d yet. hi. .trek at the. Sign of the Big Hat, to Locust mrem above Front L. TREDEFLICK, Agt. Colombia. Dec 17. 11821. E. K. SMITH, LUMBER DEALER, C01.1111181.11;-11140.: Office in Northern Oentral- Itailwa Depot Building. foot Of,Wo4nG . Ras on hand a Ocreeivil Allhonment oI White Pine mid: wsrrs PUS mass, NATION Lilt, ha Geed Qualsties,st *ha Lowest Market Rates. Dee.lVtes• SOIMETHILVEMNI'fIN , COLIMa 3 W. ~.e '7.1-7-A-7, - , - - lif .....* ... . : c.. , , -.;-:: ~ .4::: - .. - " . .,, b • - ,r ; ~ . ----,•,' . - , f,-.7.- ?..• _.. , ---.4 , , : _-.. r , _ • ~. 7: ,J, : - .7 .' :•:•_ ._,,„. . ',- -, , - ,,:.:4 - 7,',.. , .,„;-: :: A 'lrairliglGM' • • - • THEAubseriber respertfttillf atria , the .gt- J. nntion-of the public to the kit ihat beluga. oiened a first class PHOTOGRAPH4OVAsfiIuay, is Front Street, above Locust. where be is fatty prepared to execute all kinds of Likenesses - Pt the best style of This Gallery is supplied with the'very best instru ments nom the German and American rasChularlerles. Persons front the country or strangers passing through the town. by calling at Jolley's Gallery Can have their pictures la a few cairn:ter. and neatly pot op. in any . kind of weather. from 94. hl. timid 4 P. M. Ine" . Toinsure good pimuresof children the; should corns 'tithe forenoon, on a clear day, the sitting re. quirimeone second only. I am fulls prepared mese Instructions in all the emirate branehcs of this beautiful art, and furnish apparatus ikleslred. All are invited to cell to mill. whether they want pictures or not. Gallery opposite the ' , Sue Office. N0v.:20, HMV. .1. JOLLEY. dB PIECF.S the Most beeistitful;sy les dark ground -, •ip Bouquet Wattles, at the price of .25 -eertta per yard ; • 30 Long Blanket and Dontde R ere t•ible hawk., and pieces choice Merrimack. Nints. Just re , eeived in time fru Holiday Prememx. at ' HI C FONDICASMITIPS` reoptels Cheap Cash Store, Colombia. Bee. 25.1859. - .1 NT ;evolved u- additional lot of the beat pod Intent improved. Kerosene Lamps of various putter:is pod IdEPII. Mao: ropply of the real grimineVerd Oil tenure in. the above Jsittrps; all of which can he bought ot the Drug Store of R Wil liams. as cheap if not cheaper' then at any other ea tablishment in the place. Dee. 31. 1E59. DIA R E. 9%, DIARIES, DIA RIES% DLAR IFS for 1960,in every st7le, and a; prieea fcom 20 cis. to 75 eta. each. Call and examine them. Columbia, Dec. If. 1859; PATENT -LABOL—We have fast received a large stavonment of the Muesli went. Kerosene, or Coal Oil Lumps, to which we invite the attention of those wishingto purchase a good lamp, that only consumes a bait cent's worth per hour. 'J s. DELLETT tc to. Golden Mortar Drug Store, Front Dee. 24.1840. NOTICE. A". per.one are hereby fo‘rhiiitlen trerpti.sing on. or dumuging in any way. the property Lnown "Big Island." the du.onehnienn River, above the eolumbin Bridge. under pain of prosecution to the ex. tent as the Jun.. .1`.% Waif:llT. for ertate ofJno. Wright. I < ,1.V. , A114 , 1 , 1.114: f.mertate of Juo. E. Mifflin, tr. , ttlitthidtJtecOlr,Ths9-tfi • Itoliviagor :••r - • a • gookNondengd u PI v e•i for one twitch/7s via dit*rtiiii'llijes /111 , i pat,. Embroidered Collar.; rich EMbrOidered Sm. itiol Under•arettett A 1.... 140.ptecep-uarreof Mo., sten ettesto Cambric, ItuAlings and Hdiernio., to wi. (eh we invite the atteotiou of everybodyla - ieareb or eliettp good:. - • H. C FON IDERSMITH: •": Der.' 0.'59! People , o CaPhlool.o. 13313=111 Gifts for the, Gentlemen.' hove added to •raii hieur stock O choice lot or ST Isiew Valencia uorhqullied Silk Vcsiiiigy, Plain Hod Fancy Silk Mixed CO.I.IIIICIVP, Purley Tics, Scuff, St aS t t .Oloves.6owtdets, llociery, he.. all ofoilleh vce carer ut reduced price*. For the holidays, at ' FffisI . SVRSMTTIVS Dee.. 0,'53: Peoples Cash Store. NJW CROP DRIED Ca/RRANTS. A Good article, clean and tyre from gritjust received of H.. YDA Grocery Store, Corner Front and Colon its. „Nov. 19. 1859. GROCERIES! GROCERIES!! PERSONS desiring Pare Articles in the ClT eery hne will cull at No. 71 Loco.? street. Just received n (rind' supply of the knowing arti cle*. warranted pure and fresh. New Orleans Sugar Syrups, of sill kind*, beta Bolting Melatatex.Coffee., Tea. Spires. Fruit—such ex Dried' realchha, Currants, Ataxia*, &c.-xiat Ibt of richt S F. EBS111.R1N: No. 7t Locaat Sucet, Columbia, Pa December 3, 1839. (1011, Off Globes, Wick, and Oil' Cans, for ..tie at Use GoWest hlunar Drug More. Front In Columbia. • (Dett.24,%59. f 'OOTH •IVASII.- - -Zerman's - Ann-Scorbutic k Tooth Wash, Ziebeea Vegetable. Aromatic Troth Wn i& Da VOinida We.it Italian Tooth nab, Wheelerle Teal...fay Tooth Waoh: onto. Thomp.olite Ail ll4eptie and Aromatic Tooth Snap m opa.t.F.TT & COs Golden Mortar Drug Store, Front %1., Columbia, Pa. Dec . I DST RECEIVED, direct from the mann tne e torcr..it lot of lone* , Poem Kerowne or COO of 13 dill rent potter's% unrimilled iu Ite.tuty, cimplietty. wifely or economy. They ure not It.thle to euptodu, ttoOtrencive. odor while burn log, very etottly regultiled, ham without .anoke• and tie 'Min 1 ' intuit r'hfltP l ' , limit tiny other now in um rre•li .mintly of fleituine Whim Kerowne or cult ttl, cutinttle to hurl to the above bilapeoall of vttlicri cult tor procured on very reavostubte Iron., to ihe (bug store of D.... 3 1 f. 9 It. WILL/ANT:I GB.E.A.T VARIZITIr STORE. Us? RECEIVED, a larger and finer Mack • g..... Shale rVer hellbte Mg • , eiwr/Ipere..sw they will In o. ~,,, •,l rt—orintOM..ditahre foe prcs •,• .60 ,P. • • •00 r. ..y.6 nod tame. An touteen,,. .1••••••• el Men] 1 . 411.10 , 14.1.1ef, Pocket Hooka, icc,/kc• CHINA Miler Po 'try A rilelea. too numeroue to mention. for •ii le by I; .1. HAI ITH. Locuat at reel, netweott the Honk nod Franklin House. Dert.3, 1850. CRA N BERRIES! CRANBERRIES! t l7 A BRA VII./ I I'min and eourd. in large or *mall Y 1 continue., at 11. SUYIIA Girneery - more, Corner Fruits slid Vision SO. Nov. 111 1e.59. {]XT ANTED for cars yrar. f•mw forst of Apra next. Two TY Thong/and Do Pos. for which will he given n 'Ft mortgage on property worth limo limes thin pm° Enquire nt tills office. ' " [Drs 24,VM4f F OLD CREAN OF GLYCER I NE. —For the cure and prevention en chapped hand., &c. For "ale at the (OLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORK. Dec 3.18M1. Front street. C.olutatila. 111111F.Rt: iv nothing more acceptable and uppmprinle I for a gift time a good 'Set of Furtor n nth. Broth, Yhowl, eathe: of whteh we con furnloh at a lower priee and 'killer good. than any other eonlili•halent in Columbia,_ • for the proof of the above ashertion. urt Ilse ladlea. Call and judge for yonr•etveo. . : 'li,C. FONDFCR3hIITOFS. ' Dee.lo.'sll . Cooonban. FLATORING.EXTRACTS.--Ilighly Concentrated Estmet Vunilla, Pine Annie. Lemon. Almond, J 8. DIe:LLETT & CO'S Dee - . 3.11350. Golden Mortar Dena Snore. . For Sale. 1 0 0 0 CHESTNUT N. RMIS oftto.t qunlitv. K. A PPOL D, Count Busin Columbia, Dec. 10. 18.10. PURIFY THE BLOOD. 1124,1111thi VEGETBX,MI MIXI3 AND PHCENIX BITTEN :4W TILE high and envied celebrity which ibese prrwmtnent kfrdirinen have acquired for thine. ownrinhic .fficiicr in all the flowage. which they pro. fro n• r.nderrd the 11.41111 pracuice of pur • rn hinter y. hut unworthy n( t nn w n hr their frnit•; their pod work. r and they thrive not. by the faith of :In • re.nonn. In nit ewers of Awhinn. Acute and Chronic Rhea. alreetiont..of the Intender ani Kidneys. toes Fever. and Liver Co aplainte..:-In the south and went. were these di,wasett prevail ihey will he found inifulanble Planters, Farmer, and others, who Mice rpm Medicines; will - never afterwards be wrth ou, them. Drrrerma.—No person with thia din muuting ..houtd delay wenn there mediciner .nameduttelY.-- Eruption. of the Fein, Eryalpeltia. Flatulency. Feuer and Ague. For ths* scourge of the western country there medieme• will be .found a ortie.speedy.und rer. tam remedy. tuber sumneister leave the specie rub. keel to • return of the diseure--• cure by there med. Mine,. is permanent. Try them. be ratirfied, and be eared. . blascattai Daramnaa--Meyer fails to eradicate en. tirety all the effect,. of Memory infiaitely MIMIC, than the meet oseeerfal preparation .4 Pamporrilla. iVteht sweat.. ?feriae. Debility. Nernme Cont. plebe. of allAinde,tOrgenic Affection!, Palpitation of the Neon, Pe/intent Cholie...- Pium.—The original propeetor of thew medicine. was cured of rite. of SS rear , . randhinrerir nee of ohne Lto Medicine. alone. Worm. of all WM. are efeet.aliyexpelted ay thews -Medicine.. Perrin. will do well to adminnner them whenever their exit. worn I. *wormed. Relief will ne vermin THE LIFE PILLS AND PH(ENIX BITTERS Purify ;he blood, and thee remove all direare Aena the spawn'. A tangle, tilaVatillAdiee the Liar Pith In ebramix ttera beyond the roach at compeution In the animation of every pattern. Prepared and sold by „ „, "DR: 'WILLIAM M. MOFFAT, Ihnradway, roe, Worth NI., reeve Loth. e F tr s a lel by aillyptu=l". JUST IN TIME. SAYWR• Ic McDONALD =I 2000 Dorabie.as. Pars and Shawls ) t :-Ikt . :I:4 ,' - .:t .-.., -, .- ..- * " tt ''" T- tsbaer:,....ss_lust_pat up-,in . the asidngtoa ..L. - liouseVadWamg-libtilasmatrant.a, ._,.. ~,,. A - FIEMT-CLASS_PBELAN BILL lARD TABLZ - , •- r ' with aDtm accesioricalor best vial*. This is .tite best table in anntown 'or city In the state, out id Phila delphia or Pittsburg. Lovers of the game are 'invited ' ' . to call_ D. nom • . . Columbia, December 24,152/. ' For Fale. 50.000 PICKETS, No. and 2, made of the Lest $ Lumber. APPOLIV PMrs N0.1,2;3, 4,5, 6,7 and 8, Canal Basin. Office at Fire N 0.2, - Lam. 1 0 059. • a4l Virla re told that he alto - neglects to provid i for his. iortalund is .levorsethatt. the heathen. , - There is no doubt of it. When In health t h e provident man will provide for his ch rice.stal whilst that health is im tact his prudence should prepare for solace in the dark day, for the boar when the sympathy of friends is as heading braise. This can he alone by Life lnpnrance. Every marinate this duly to hissfamily. The uncer tainty of life in a eonstantlhann which' teaches the fact that be who today walks In the pride of manhood. may fall to-morrow, and the plans by which tidies and honors were to have been 'brought to the loved one...vanish as the morning mist.: Let every matt in health to-urn to his family the comfort of knowing that should he be culled from them the wolf may kept from the door. The United States Life Inntiancei &Tract Co. effect this end. For, pamphlets.. terntr . and general infor mation on the subject, refer to F. ,X.FIEGLER, Agent, Office, basetut.ut of Black's Hotel. N0v..26,1859.1y TOLITO PlllB.—Extraet of Tomatoes; 'a cathartic and Tonic. For ante at J. S. DELLIETT& CO'S Dec .3. , .59. Golden Mortar Drug Store. ,LOCARAPILIIICZCZ 2701 I ICLIL TRE - IENTHLMAINft 11OILIOAD COMPANY •A RN new premed lo.noelcia forwaid FREIGII 1' on th e Philadelphia Division. to and. 'ARE stationt,arhere they hare agents, at tbalollow. ing ratesper hundred vto ands: " BETWEEN PHILA. AND.COLIIIIPBFA. First Class. Seco"d Class, Third Class. Fourth Class. 25 cents. 21 cents. Id cents. 16 cents. Flour. 29 tents per barrel. Pie Metal. It:lce:its per 100 pounds BETWEEN PHILA..AND LANCASTER. Finn Giiss Sheond Class. Tblid Class. Potinh Class. 63 cents. 20 Cents; 'Teems. 15 crate. Flour, geicentirpertharrcl. Pig Metal, I2Vents per 100 pounds. Shipment. made to Pluslthrg slid all Intermediate station. n. herr.l.4ore. RATES FROM COL'A TO PITTSBURG. First Class. Second Clans. Third Class; Fourth Class. 75 • _ • 00 95 35 '- Flour per barrel. On cents, lErFreigtit consigned to station' where the Com. patty hal no agent* Inuit be pre.pnid. Articles of lot Class. Books, Fresh Fish, • Boots and Shoes. Nuts In bags. Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter & Ale in bottles Dry Goods, Puskr , n cosy. Eggs, Pock. Mesh, Furniture, Ptiulvy. (dressed Feathers, ' • - littepplirg Paper Articles. atitoi; !It 84/4. Cheese, Melons. Clover and Ore's Seed). Mil iire ' mas or Lose', Crockery, Pa( te in boxes, Crafts, Pasteboard, Casks or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches, (dried, Groceries, Printing Paper Guns and Rifles, Paper Hangings, Herring in boxes and kegs, Queensware, Ilardware, Sweet Potatoes, Hops, Tobacec in bales, - Iron, (hoop, band or sheer ) Tea, Leather. Type, Liquor In wood, • Toilette', Marble Slabs & Marble Turpentine, (epts.,) Monuments. Varnish. Articles of id Class.. Airobeh, Potatoes, Cabe; Turnip*. . Hides, (green.) Vinegar, . lard. NVhite Lead, Oysters & Clams. (in shell.) Window Glow. Tobacco, (manufactured,) Articles of 4th Class. Codfish, Rosin, Cotton, Salt. Fish, salted. Tobacco, (leaf,) . (train of all kinds. Tin, Nails and Spikes, Tar. Pitch, Whiskey. Plaster, [l7'For further inforniallon; apply to • R. J. SNEEDER, Freight 'e .., Phil* , E. K. HOIC.E. Freight Ag • .... ColumMa./ W. IL AlVERS.Preight Agent, Lancaster. Columbia, Nov. 203.1959 z _ More New Shawls.' OWING to oar very largo sale of Shawls thl• we son, we hove another addition of new style Bro. shit Long Shawls. Reversible Blanket. &r , to which we respectfully invite the attention of ladles. Gent's and Youth's Long Shawls. very cheap. al H. C. FONDERSM IYH7S. N0r.7.9.1559. Peoples' CAM Store. TINT received a fruit supply et all, Abe u Popular Pa tent Mrdiesues of the dug, whteh tqe werrusited genuine, et the • 0 ILDEN mortTAR znuo STORE. Dec. 3,100, From street, o:thimble GEORGE J. WIIOLES&LE and Retail BretealAd Cake_ Daker.—Constantly on hand a variety sittira, coo numerous to mention; Craokers; Sala, Wine. „ and Sugar Biscuit; Confectionery, of every jleacripticm, /se. LOCUST' STREET, Dec. 3.'39 Between the Dank and Franklin Haase. • COACZUMLAZING. CARTER SE.BEORER, •:•'o,;„,,gef DIANUFA:CTURSRS or COACHES, CARRMOES, ECIGOIES, &C., Second Street. nearly opposite the Lutheran Church,Colundio Pa: SILVER MEDAL —lst P REMIUM-1&59. BRON2tE MEDAL-Ist PREMIUM-1859. Awarded by the Lancaster County Agricultu ral and Mechanical Society. 'UPS subscribers call attention to the fact that the Piro Premium. a Silver Media, was awarded them by the Lancaster County Agricultural and Meehan leaf stoeiety for the hest Shirting Top Bor g. y exhibited in the Pair orate Society in on to h nn tiago; a 1... a Smut Aledal—First Premium—for the best *Sleigh. At their Coach and (ferriage. Making Raabfish• meat. they continue to manufacture COUChe.. Car• sines. buggies, Sulkies. and all oilier vehicle* in their line. Their imputation es workmen is fai r ly en. tuldished, es they Vl4ll confidently claim for their work the merits of bentny of form. elegnnee of finish, and strength of structure. One or the distinguishing features n(41..4 wink in tin durability; all vehicle, or their build are roost rurted of the I,e•t sensoned mate rial. and put logetherfirmly and substal.t.uLy. They give p■rhrnlar attention to, the REPAIRING OF VEHICLES, and ',antrum all their work in this line to give patiq (lotion. In nactivon to their provoke! experience in !bubo. nine. they have the ne.kinnce or the berg renames, —none other bring employed. The public I. reopeeduily j u vb e d to coif n o d cx amine the siock on , _EDWIN A - .IIIOCKV.R.' Coiumi4a, Nov. 24 ISM. NIERS. urzerszow; An experienced Nurse sod Female Physician, pre sews to the attentoon of makers. her SOOTHING SYRUP FOIL CH IGO REIN • TEETH I NG. whichgrenity Ineltintic. die prone.* or wenn'''. fey ronening the guroo.' reducing all teitinmmution—will uilnr pain sold sPs•modin nelinn....l SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon ifi'mollierilatirlirgiva `Oust so poor selves. and.' , _ RULIZT AND HEALTII TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put np and !told obi. aciete f o r over vn year,. and can any. in confidence awl truth o. it. what we have never been able to my of any other Medi rifle —neves , ha • felted in a .ifivie inelante. I, pert.% n rurr, whets timely tdnd. Never did we know an tu.intree of, di•rato•the doe enyone whelped it; On the contrary alt are &, deliehted wait it. open.. ti.n.s. and epeal In term. :7 of Itighe•t commrsdstion edit. magical effects and Br_ met teal virtue. We •peak in rhos matter W **what we do know,"vafier ten Team expenenee. oe and pledge our reputation ford e fulfilment of what f a we Isere declare.. In al. moat every immure where the infant I. SsUrer jug hem pain and ex- g bownien, relief will be found in ailestroctwellip kr minutes after the syrup' N MIST - • - 4 A Thin valealble plrpatmina in the pre•eripeion one of 'Jae moon PXPelli o_4 eneed and eltatl(al leur•re in New )(..gland, and bat been tared with never failing Awe... in THOUSANDS 0 OF CASES. II not only relieve, the 40 child from pain. herintrai °raw the ttomeeh and a, bowel*, frolt.Wl. and sive. tone and en e , erry to the whole ay - tient. wilt almnot Invismlr relieve • • GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIINDg COLIC. and overcome coeval a Wow. wbieh If not aer.l - remedied, end ie death. We believe It the bell and rarer! remedy ma se the world. in an ease. of Di...mom and Dia,- rhora In eldidren. 'wheth er it attar. from emit IP leg, or OMB any canoe. We would may to every, owner wit= a child suffering from sT, any of the fonegeter eem piment.—do not let Tomas pniudieey. nor ILlt_e_zerto. dice, of other.. nand between yea: reetertolt child and the 'other that I% will be sure—yes.. alwee . Weir •01,0—to *Mow the oar ref ibis medieter if mutely ered. Fauelineetioosthrwwing will seettm% pany each bottle. Nola good nt% so k -lo Si. fee eine .M. 1.01 1114 & Ferias*, New York, it do outside wrapper 140 d bT Iftliesehowit flop weft. Prinelym Io e. Net. t 3 Cedar wirM, Nrw York PRICE ONLY in CENTS 1 • 11M.IROTTI.11 Panel.. by K. IVILLIAMR, Columbia. 4 kreq. VeSe4 y ITIHE eubsciiintemagieiliarerini ro! eekbraled ins eini tOr,./M -PURR; oLD RYK WHISK.T. - 2 : wmsrr. PURE commonr wHt3KY,oa.t • all of which he will warrant As be-boturreprisesad -arst.nnearkiclha ‘2z1.:1: A 4 S. IIrESZAND. „ • IVillow Geese Distincri, Yerkeerlaiii rarl; *. ROBERTHAMILIVS, Agent kit CelumDta: Jan miseo-ir • ~ , 7 y 13DRE.CATAWBI Jake* pleasure in informing rbysielans.lnvalids and other?, that he has Just teetered (ow lie•equie , ter. (Cincinnati, Ohie., 12 ease* L. lefon'a peep moat, tawba Brandy, which is the only article. teeny eetirtt ble foe pp rity, now in the country.. As a beyerage" it. is superior soda sure retard) , for Summer Conroldttni= Ilyspepsia. Cramp, Colic, 04sterni Debility, :Cert,me-. nes.. I mil sell it for medicine: purposes in on; rc..cio,:rF.S„ quantity, either by the bottle or care. Dee 31. 1;53. FM.lt •Iro•ot, • SANVORD'S Liver Invigorator; and all the popular Itatent.l6ls4llCiair* 00 freQUEIIII V Us. 4 this reutois of ibuTcor,jult rpeezet . l2 . ll: 4 7 . : I ejr by Colutr.,. Dec. 3114851. gm Lux =HAI". 300 =Urn t.egnr'llogeri (lsoireeof one' titimilteie and two hundred and 'tfiy,) all in goad parr which will he sold at 84,90 per hundred. by taking.the - , whole of them FICCDIIICH h ItltOta.. Wholesale and Retail Tobacco and Sega r flu nafre•~ tory, Front at: fme &wore above Loetr-ti Novemher 5. 18511. TOTCI4I - 01 - 17PIMP 7--- rillfIOSE preparing Christman good things will--find - 1 first rate Amick: of New Citron sit nr.b;tvoltml: Grocery Store, corner Font and Uniumet.' N0v.28, 1859. The Best, Cheapest, and Most Sueeessinr Fsuaily Paper in the Union. - .11"41.11.PalL'S 2188 Price rive Cents 2Na-idler; lie= per . 3 ' (From the 1V". Y. Ewan, Pen. 1.150.1 • ' Illastran's Witwa-Y.—The fifty-two numbers of this attractive and entertatniug publicatiorki.suest Wattle the last year,havc been gathered lino a•ingle volume. and stow that we see them together, we n'T 0 3fPri . . 41 at the variety. the sprightliness. and me•valne . contents. There lan complete, hi-wry of-nearly ,4 1 l the public events of the year—there err ample dieser tendons on the leading topics—there are the ((recent!' tailings (not always trivial, however. hut profonndlr instructive) of the [saunter—there ture.the tries sut'S stories of littlwer. bickers, l'haekeniy, he.—there rellte recant' ofjokes. new and old— and , above there•are those striking woad cnt repre•entntlon. of contempantry men and things, of follies and fashion.. and of customs and countries—all contain...lyrists% single volume, andlo be had for . 0 1m. It al n grindr pieturi.bonk of the human life of the nineteenth ef.ll , ' wry. in all its phase., and in nearly all narrate.: tßv cry rla.a of readers. mareover. may tic ,interested by it—the old aturthought•uo, the young and gay; the e , mite of busbies.. the child and the woman ' tee would not on often cult uttewlan tn (teepees • I•'rekly If see were not well faii•Ged that it isthe best family paper published In the United :suttee. ;11111 for that rea•on, and that alone. we de-ire it undermine and mot out a certain kind oflltentinte ; too prevalent, which blunts the motels o f In rand„,,,.„ vitiates ibeir taste for sen•ible reading. and i. alb.- • gether bad in it. effect. —Nem Leaden Adreekii e. Harper e' ha. done marl, to drive out the. yellow-covered literaturs..ro• we ainturd„belskied a to are ibis new Weekly take the plat a. o(lhr...elm:a...sr which depend for excitement on poor, trauhy itosel;. —Nero Sort; ongelia. Harper's Weekly abound. loorieltal rastieropiry.. , siquata, instructive, and enterteisting. it mein de-ervedly, a very large and letereweng circulation. It is a 1ip.4011 family paper.—Hostorrlournal. " It (Harpers Weekly: 14 the proper Piot for Lindhar, an d a n expellent opportunity alLonled fir atiT 0/1.2 I %vb.) wishes to preserve. the history of the coware-a. it 4. made. In do so by filing Harper's Weekly —Pea. nee talich.)Jacksearan. /is fresh leaves, its clear cry.. its ettleasiniug vit. riety, its severe but jiwt criticism. upon, the, Ibliie. of • the times, Its elegantly written and Instreetierldsi • el.!, and ha able earrespondettee, all combine to •- make it the model newspoperof careen:tatty:and vas that every family must prize. It. couden•ed weekly summary of Foreign and Domenic Intelligence 1. al. together *lnterim to that contained is 41111 oth•rjour nod kleing publi-besl storm of pre•erfation I and binding: if talon care of as it d to be, it • will be found in suture year. 04 welcome, a compan• ion forthe• family and firesidi• teethe dam an whiekkit was Grit perused (01 .11reguime. flamer. Weekly is eleeimarwed, and bra hers can be furaishan at any time. • On Copy for Twenty Weekvi er.OJ. • . . One Cory for One ) ear, - . 1.;.4:. One Copy for Two Yearo,• 4 to.; Five Cope. fur One Year, .. . V EN. Twelve Copies for One Year. , ' ' ' .., - i'4teoo. ~• Twenty.five Copira for One Year,. , .- , 40,47:. An Extra Cony will he allowed tor_ evety Wob.Of Twelve or Twenty Ore lPubperlhert: -"' -" -' Vole. I and Mint the yenta lIIST and Ifela, of “Ilieli- ' pees We-kly.” handoornely Irouud in- Cloth •eann.e. Pore 63.50 each, are.nnw ready. HARPER /10/tOTIIEfIw. -- ' Franklin ilgoare,,!V•ent )or'.: N0v,19;39 DR., M 1414, .E.!4 CELEBRATED i AQDy r'. LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave to cakthe attp - -tion of the Trade, and , more espeCially the Physicians of the country, to two, of .the most ; pope= lar remedies nor beforethe public. We refer to , Jr. Cbas. - 11'Lune's Celebrated Vermifuge.and Liver Pills,. We do nor recommend them as universal CUre-alls, but simply fo'- what their name pmx)rts,-yiz. THE VERMIFUGE; For expelling Worms from the human system. It , hat - nisi?' been administered with the: most, factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For tfr. ctnr.. of X..pt all Bitrous E AICGEM SlCa_ HEAD-ACHE, &C. In, caspp TEVE:R. AND At preparatory to Orftelr . nine, they almoit inN4riably make a speedy and permanent.cor,e . : • As 'specifics for the abo ve men tinned diseases, they are Unriviled, and never known to • minliterid in aecordahic t:.c directions. Their unprecedented. popularity has inducedqhd-propridonrs,,:: FLEMING' I : r3R6iiiERS ) PlTTSBtritetl, PA., to dispose of their Drug in which they have been succe fully engaged-for the last - ni.enry Years, and they will now giV.C•tfeir undivided time and atrentic!i lc; their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's COL brated Vermifiige and Liver Pills shall• continue to occupy the high position they,pow , hold among tide greit . :xentetfies 415'; dr-fi"4.c will CO:i6VetO spare r.eillict nor expense in and Purest "..materlil,..led' "WM:- pound theM th e . . mo st manner. Addiets'illOrdels ELIE32;11111.1 ?Altair/141% ".11. amet, rheeelelart*eidertur Wow me...* &An Pler.sight Pica, tett do'iviasll6 wale. 4141.1.43 r. tire "osess-404-40r..JrZoliert gnat riledsteg Area. AlishieZ ..e ,pr , otoUour so• de.% trid, lert 141 per arlll. - 0.4 , 001/1, so art' ewe, ee thilate 441/41.0. weer 'Knot pm. Poe telnle. 1,1 " 'mums' ineemor. stomp% ovesio WLupNwesillap Nwr• All as 1...r.•21 .ac! ANIMI twirAy *MI • 11 P456,- =1