,--,_:- EVANS & WATSON'S 1 '._•••':,;:i --. SiLILINDER SAFES, r 304 Chestnut Street, 1,- ' . _ _ - 1 - PHILADELPHIA. ANOTFIER TRIIIMPII: Philadelphia. Sept. 29, 1.1159. TO TOE PIIT , IIMIYT OF TWA PIiIL•DRLPIII4 AOSOCOL tL xa7. lf•xiwtx:—The subscribers, your committee to ex. an I lie the contents of st Sa:31111111aer Sure. of Eve • tt %Vatoon, uner being exposed ma strong fire on the ntir grounds for eight boats. respectfully repremsol: 'Mit after seven cords or oak wood and three of pine had been consumed around the Safe, it was opened in the presence of the coo:mice, mid the contents talrn ow, a little warmed. but not even scorched. Sevefal Siteer Medals heretofore received Mq the tounultimurec. and large quantity of documents %S e re in the Sofe. and coins nut entirely uninjured. The impertinent tno-fted 04 of the copoeilY or Site' or ;Ilia Littd to protect content. awls ony lire to hick they I.e expo-eit. '(ho Committee ituucded a Diploma mid Silver edtd, +•orttt•.n AVlllninvlnn. flat.. grit 17. 1b....0.—Me-kr.. Mal , ()B‘3l.gs.l , 3:—The l 4 alainondrr p.r,rrnof gn6• al ),oirttl . lllllllll,lUl . o, purrh..sed by lin from obr A gala. I orris IA tin rrell. of our ally.. ttttt e nine moniln , ago. ;du< covrrrly wool by bonen! , S.Onr‘la3 a,rtt although They ha,/ n .irligC . l,;llllllCr. enl.ll b . howt, dod. and gnapo7kder, they did not -averfol in open tag 1110 tine. The 101 l being one of - It ald'c l'ol.Ttler moor,' /!,,e3 oal.l not gel lb. ramdet iflOl i dsl untied n hole panel uuJ nt reed 10 11 Irgo• eloorge, Wblvii itrourd. and nliltromb the . 1 or. 11111 d, 1111 , 1 Cal. fliovved lhe erllo-oo: opt to ',et - Leen,. .raull 011,11 Inn. not /owed open. Wr they were rho era :Orr p al 1 1 , 111,10 al 3343.3, on or Wd ore snal . ll grnofool it Ibo r O l.lll o 1 Vie aloonrO lo cater Ir, und 11 Ow above i lell ate of any - • o r3ore, Inn Att . 171. 0 r1yoz n-o ehrto Truly, B ty\ %(!l & JONES CHEAT I.IIIEI—ATRILJMP IIa 3 4 "rttixvIlle.l'eloncA4ee.Marelt 13 h. 14.111. Sle.vrv, %VAN. & ‘VAISON, I n liila ulTottbt Mr Frent pleasure to .0 4 3 30 3011 than the Salamander Misch I pureba-ec. from yoo Al I'ehrmory, PSG, proved no i.e A hilt 3011 teenotrueptled it—a *wc procee(lnst front the Aly •torchnu.r, no genher wlth severe! oilier-. INllt iolnird no li n e grow o l .0 March hurt. The Safe lii through into the eclar. anal 1011. 1,1:110.rti no intiett , e bean for •to oreiulat blows oind Wkwit ttlken frtYrt the rim. nod opetted, al (is eonstent.‘ A ere 11 , 01:11 m be in C perfect stone. tine Look: nod llte 1101 ht nt¢ 10JUred 0113 A h.om,r. 3 eau cheerfully recommend your Sulu , 10 nine 1-0111. tnanny, bellevotg. ll• I An, dint l hey are a. i/e4l, 11 13po-eilrle for :any Safe in Inc inctde I=l . irTA largo aezorlmoitt of n• loRslor. :11:4 Clie-tuu , Wert : (laic 24 5.“..111 >Creel.) Philadt•lpllm. Novrrulrer LIFE INSURANCE. T! AS VELSII, Esq., has ken appointrd Agent of the Peon r%lutottl Life Itt.orttot, Coin pony, of Pitilegelopte. tor Columbia atte ort,ehltor hoo f. This ISMI old e•iablt,laed Compn.y. i'l•l'Vlit• ve,44itlg to provide for their furn"lte• to ra.e of death had better canon the nee.' end get ill /tired. Columttia,Juty 16. 1F4.95.1( NEW wrzrt.trt. dobbs. NM Opening a inagnifirent assortment of Full anti Wiuier N FURS from $5.00 to $6O a 1,11, Mink 5u1.1., Stone Norten, r‘quirrel, Silver Abirten, &.... &c. CLOAKS AND DUSTERS-, c New' York noel Philadelphia Mahufacture Ne w ea. rail and Winter Cloak.. a n d lon-Icr• °pert - inr I!a:la. Muck Denver Cloak.. 151.1.1 c 'Paco: 4:/oula, de., &c..; wide Black Celvel for Ciotti,. SHAWLS, SHAW i,S. Jacquard Reverlable. Lang and Sq , lllre llrac, i. glel. /3, it, I:11101. and , :olorad returcA; Super French lilankm.llay 'Matra. 1..011g and: tzquara,llllWia, and all the dotrarent makrs. GFINTLEMEN'S SHAW LS DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS. f'l Wool Puri4 printed hotionel de 111111.• , ; All Wooll.upino. Virtu,b Al echo to Wiwi; nod all color.; Panty New Siyle Part, Dre•• Sdkr, Blurk Gir,•y of the Be-i lbandn Itoported, Rouyn. I blneft and brown ground Delrune4.:2s er lois per rnril; 4-4 French elvntzes, 25 cent,; Chintzes, 121 cents. ROSIER?. Nients Alerinn nod Cotton Shirt. unit Drawer,, Lathes I:internee*, [Adorn' Merino Do-e, hind:, white and calcined, Minn,. , Merino Ilo.e, blitek. wlttle nod eol• bred; Hoy, Aberino I tote, billet:, white +tn.i rninrech Clnhirett'fit Merino Ho.c. blank. %bite end eoloied; nod Cbiltirctrn Conon Hosiery. GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS, In silk, fleecy thread, cloth, buckskin nod • MEN'S WEAL A choice andlorge o.sortmeni of Cloths, Ca.simercp, and new uod Leouhroi PI Vin Ve.ting. A very large •rock of filanketa, Woolen Covertete, Comfort+. Clanoci.. CARPETINGS. A re* and full supply. from 12* cent. un TI.OOFt CIATHS, Prom one yard to four yard. trido, rut in one place .o suit halls. furniture OIL Cloths, 4 4 to 8-4 Wide. GLASS ANb QUEENSWARE. new and •mrsolv. LOOKING GLASSES, WALL PAPERS. trsODpouni Eztra .nod Geere renthvvr. 114 [MEM AN'S Cheup Cash Store Colnmbin, November 5. 'MG. 115 PINt. CENT. SAVED. WE bate just received id more Dom of Black Fut Tobacco, from our of Write.. ma to (tractor/ea to Virgutta—much soperidr to the Brat lot manufactured for us, We Wish to oldie m regntd to 11,10 Tobacco. that we ran recommend it u• better to quality and flavor than airy sweet Tobacco before Marriftrturert thin olive or elsewhere. We call roar:inter to all wl•hing in try It that t',cy once 25 per rent. by hu) tug MIT If 'ACK FAT TOBACCO The Tobacco i• free from •tent and dirt. Made of trd/nog but pure leaf, and •weetened with Mr beet of vt hue sugar. All dealers wino sell 4.yrnet tobacco 'Mould give t 11- artlt le a trial, and if it 14 not nt. TITITFrIII ft. we WC, at any . tone refund the prier.— ti e also kerli On Lund the tollosving brood. of chew mg tobacco: , Sweet Pearti none)*Dew. Dew. Sweet Cuven.ll.lt. Sweet lilotey Niue nod sweet Twi-t We keep the best trun , l of Rough nett Ready, and a new hrund of natural railed the Virginia Rouble P d. We have the large.l •toet, of Se - Knr• and Chewing Tobacco we•t of Pl i ao t lelph,o,. , We will sell the above good+ cheaper thult they eau Lc Itougitt in that city. All who deal to the above Ittriete• are requested to call. and t( we do um offer them ends cheaper Brun the) eau be trought where, we will eel them to buy. IltSDlflillt do naos., Vel.oleeftle n o d Retail Tolmern, Snub %tnnuhrrtnry. Fetlel .1.. fire doors AVM Locust , C01410i5141, Ps. Itui•onber SHREINER'S ------ intiproved Air Heaters, Fuel & Heat Economizing Stoles, & Heaters. Tiit Mennftteturer. hove Juot fini4l,l uthl now oiler n fine rtarlor Drove and Parlor Cook A t.o. their large Hewing i-ttroner, (or the hewing of I.voldhig• with . one h!Joter. Tines 'tenter-. upon trot. inure proven thettl.elve, lb require but hot( the foe, requlrrd by ether heater. of the .o t eh, o n e . trod sines F:541, much more tin plenthillfr Invd. The fr 0.011.• tol•hy they dart •trt Moak licit, are heretos they hove Mere heating .0 titter in direct • (Win"! W. , 11 the hoe. n.ol the supply of nit over the totternal Slid extern:ll 11,01. Ce is greater cud more peavey to tole the befit tip rapidly, the:eh)* horn hold. lisp the "1 , 11e.M,1L103¢ II red hot to hum it out and renrel n T4he rue. making ti try and oppt.ee.tve The lien% not bring held, 14 not tarred up the Atte.D• it.. the ••••s where hest i• held in the forum,, herein., the sent op the smoke rotor I. the thr.(1:011 drawing It hap and the Ibroneeforethe tt hark 1 hr., drifirtth tre• ore overeotne, nod the huh t..as e,t thot a t otes 10 4roVr4 a nr heni..ra. :ehrt•ine:'e ilenfrrt nre !be only double A ir-Ifealtng rn•nneen 411 the JUNI& el nod th.refore have n grew edv.mange over nil lleatnr. to a,e (or *nv,ng Leal unit IC:lrri;. ,, ' l : 4l orer 1.6111w:11. with the te' of cute or n..try mare, ma much R. , VT, DI three or/hoary stoves rwd the) bent rnnm• op and lin% et ON,. 1;1 PAC & Y I1:' , (:. Ns. 37 North Quelm a. , nrxt to shover'. II wel t Lan. easier. rd. 11.". 10.1SV. SPICES, 3C•, FOR THE HOLIDAYS (1/TiN AMON. °urger. Clorea. Mace. Nomee... All. ‘,./ 'pee, Pepper. Corriandcr, aU ground and un grmuml. 11"..attneta of reach. I eninn, Water Almond, Canllta Ys+utre Lannon and Cinnamon Ito.. %Veter., Sweet MeJotam. Sere, 11..lcier Soda Cream 'nee tor, Illoripllorne. .E1.21U.1. Caraw•ai Vettnet Seed. Cardamom Seed, Pearl A .Is, Tar. tarn. Arid. Oa Lemon Ali the allay. sill.. Ire or. guarantord mire and a. tlta heat quStity. roe tale at the Drat Sore of H. Wff.I.IAMS. rfont wee', Colombia 1)0 r 1 '7 TA HEADQUARTER'S air SEWS DEPOT GIFTS FOR TRE HOLIDAYS. WE halt just rectirrd a !at i lt and Mir ...warm. ott of Imo/bons.ly bound Rook.. omillabh• for P..egggr for lb. holiday., among may' be found. Annanl, Album., Me..., Lutheran. zo,.,brugiug„ and ilium h. man) .1).0.. of bendmit; I:pi...opal and 1L;w1,5, ilemn Rooks, Pocket 11 blew at from fib emits to t 1 4,0C eseh. We would tan pgriehlsr atiention to our mork nt Juveniles. it being the largest and best ot.l , olllllPell vrWel 1115tMli In rids place. FA INCY ARTICLES, Sash is Pah Felice—ld.suber and Papier Melte rocket Hanks. Iteverrood Work Boxes. Glass anc Porcelain Ink Islands. he. • We lotste ibe patlfe to can and examine on, aa we ate rounded% We eat. please them bent. in Wyk and price •ATT,nR & YeDOSALD Colt, Nee rnb• r It. it'so Stoves, Tin Ware, GasFistares, Sea. Ea:AIME WILSON, N. E. Corner &cote& and Locust Streets. 111 subscriber having Minty refitted his 1 *tore end had in a enmpleie new stock of every thing in his line, invit.s the lineation of the public to hi. ns.rimeni or STOVES - CT EVERY STYLE & PkiIERN. His mock is very large and complete, con. •ining of Royal Cook. Irtlliam Penn. Noble. National. Young Amerrirt,MhYalng Sine, Complete Cook. C oo k in g 'wises, Pallor Cook, four patients. Parlor :Stoves of every make, size, style and variety, Bar Room and Office Stoves. &c. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. 'large stock of arittessn the a l•elive* !hie of bust. fl nes..comprtitingever) ding that lc inantitictu:ed or Tin. :Sheet, Iron. &t: , for liou-eliold purposes. His -.lock is of his own MatiogiC.UTC, and be rail vouch "Or it, eXeclienee Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &a. • I. La RI it: and Complete ni.eorimeiti of elegant •Crns l'isture• of inoeful designs. of rio t ,, three and two hunter Clint tidelier.. single burner Ran Pr Wants. vide Lights plain and ornamentil Strop 4tr., ul enyson Imind. GAS rfft.7.NC ii all its v.v.:m.lyd to with proinptitess. nn W.mvs.• au. .1 RUTIIIIII . OItD. Airrim S. U:s.s.s. s r. House Roofing, Spouting, &c. 1 I Ora:: HOMING n0,..1 SPOUTING put up in the mo-t manner; Plumbing, Hell Hung met el her 1 ,0 relies of the I,Usine•-, curried 011 11. lelelalfe re. 011 mist 100N1 re1..0114) , 1e term.. IflßAii W11:80N. Corner of Flecond dud I.oeu.tt streets. rotunda:, Sep.ember 5, 16.17. AT THIRD AND 'UNION STREETS, fi liA .f.4G'E STUCK OF PALL AND WINTER GOODS. w r: invite c‘pcciaLni l i z egliVo c r 101 yorrt• 1G inches , Aide Woolen 1,1.1 Corpcl-31e 119 " n• •• Wooten Filling mitt Doui.te Chnin, 37c. .170 " Ingram all wove Carpel, 513 to enc. I. &DIES' DRESS GOODS. An exfro toona moon! of yr }.::inns nll lex And notin- print,. 13.6.11 :not ozomiiir Out ia Cent lie Lowe.: .A lot of newt In of fonts. Th• I.unf romplor todtortment of Cloths. Co..lineres V 4,1. .upertar lot. 'COOTS AND SHOES. N1..11', 110 .41', Mi-sr,' Mid ChltareiiN BOW and Slx.ms. . _ Our •lock of f}rortrir. I. of the 1 , ..., 4 1, and romplete Wt can Oiler our “reeerie% at the very leave. Svfo , QIJEF.IsISWARE, GLASSWARE, &c. tV e Invite ex - moths:lmin of the stork of Queensueure it is remarkable boils for quality and ‘Vg! hnrr n .plrodol lot of No 1 511AC1:EREI.. L?•l\ ,N ill •ell our gond- m+ ntry 0( our I:0111,re, O.A. if 1 , . BRUN/ill, Co'a () :22. Shreiner's Patent Fuel and He4t Economizing Stoves and Heaters: Ar. CA ATldi COUNTY TM UM VII, A T lair. County Agricultural Meehnnica •Philip Shreiner's Silty.' Invention for •oving vvu , lr Iwon and fuel. wa• awarded a Silver Seat via• tied a: !frai. for the most novel and ocelot LIIIIICOOLCr entltt!, Inventittn, • AI•C to sinehtcr* Young' for beet Apparatus for Nunn u.y 1100-e= a Silver Itiedal. The Judges also said in their tenor' (there being no premium (or 1111. Oats of stoves) glut Shreiner h. Voting were entitled to a special notice for their unproved Ornamental Cill• flu room Pit nor and Hull Stove. At the State fair, recent•y held to Plitlndelphia,tl e c o :l o , a a , A ,„card. wera Made: To Shreiner & Young, fur lie.: Nil Steve, First l'rentium tool Diploma; for Protatin, Premium and , pentai Dinlo.llU. The ttnPrnVt'lnellit in Stole. told heaters was pro. nrtunced Ti! the State Fair, by the 111041• C leuufic men 01 our soktitry. the greatest improvement ever made In Stoves, it bring the only teienitlic Stove in the avnrld. 'inur=e t -, IOVg. and Heater- allow no wane unit up die flue, nlO.llOllll tile go• beam than any gun linrocr in the mark. Roe inn be these statements, lnaw•utg that we do not extiggerate. To satisfy kill, we ask all Interested to call aua see the Stoves in op crown'. Those wi-hang to purchase need run no n•k, as wv gionaotee Mc complete operation and great saving of tort Those wattling It client' furnace, dint Ilent. ,rill WlOl a •In+4l quaintly of fuel should call and ggit111:11i: alt PIIRENER & tovNG•fi, Nil 137 North Queen st , nen.ter. A FEW of the Books just received from the New York and Ph I tdelphia Trade Soles: Sloan's Coy nod Sybarite. Arelistectu re. continuing ossig n s and Donde. Illustrated with ouc hundred slut. **III). engravings. Slomi's Coostromise Architecture; n guide to the prtirocal builder and mechanie, in whoth us canto ned a series of Gestgtis for domes, roof. and imireis. 11- , litstrated try exiy.six carefully report d Plates. Downing's Landscape Gardening arid Rural Archi -700•111r, The latd)'s Manual of alley Work: a complete rte structorin cvnry variety of Ornamental Needle Work. liy Mrs. Pulbor. Glossary of Eintlish Words, gee., Se , by Richard Chenevig rtench. D D. New I).mi:diary of tioml follow,. from the Creek. Lat in nod Madera Languages translated into English. The TM TrUmtet; or, Heads and Tails for the Was and Waggo.h. Empire of Russia, from the remotest periods to the present time. Ity John S. C. Abbott. All About lit or. the llototy and Mystery of Com. MOO Things. fly Hugh Smith Carpenter. Seuventrs of 'Frost!. Dy Madam Octavio. Walton Le Vert, 1. vol.. Allthone's Ihmioliory of Authors. Vol, 1. 'the Harp of ti Thouiand Strings; or, Laughter for a Lifetime. Any of the above hooks will ire soltt at very low p. JOHN SHEAVI , ER'S , Cneon Bookstore, North Queen st., Lancaster, Pa. Nov. 5. I s.Y3. A Supply of Dried reniiiust received rind for .nle very eheW.fl S. F EDEIII.EIN'A N0v.11.1550, Grocery St ore. !No. 7 t I.orott et. FRANKLIN SOUSE RESTAURANT, UNDER THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, LOCUST STREPT, COLUMBIA, PA. 11111 E sub..erit,er Int• opened in the ba , rement of Ins 1 hotel. the frantasn Hon,. a RCS Ert URA NT. where he is prephrett rye °yam, and other Re rreshmeht. I the best myth The conbli•lttnent has teen ttewty filled up with a *leo. to the Ite.t ;wen n , modattott of ht. eharnmern, nod no effort will be spared to proper)y add prompt)). eater to their sea nt• hod appetite.. The 0) iLterii, ike .provided will he ;lig' the ba st gun'. and that they mar lie well ranked and *retied nu experienced err-On from °tie of the menu in rhlladelphin. Fain heen engaged to take charge of the ranking department the •üb.erilici a•k• of tvi friends and the public n dinar of ro-tom. J. MILLER. en , ummr. nm. rnaklm WASHINGTON INSTITUTE. This Institute will be reopened on MONDAY. SEPT r 1 stll The courpe of to.truenon send he arranged with reference ro tae wan , . of those who to ob tain a thorough eduenuon in the Clan•te. and Mailie malice. and all other Inane[sea uftuall} taught in 1110 School. and senniturii,, Mu-i,• will h. taught by on experienced in.trnetor A few 'pour& t, Willi 4.e re ee•veLl ttilo the fatally the Ps incipoi. JUS. D SICDOLS. Cola. Aug. 20, SD. if 511%171N% MACHINES. THE undersigned has been appointed agent rot omi.EisitATl:l) SFWI ,11 A• CH IN end rewommevd• 7Lem , a fler years of 111;; by Lim.elf. not Ilso BEST MACHINES IN USE. Ile be• et 1114 Wore in Locust Senors& a Merli n , nuinb:e Air Inhering or family perpose.. witch eon be examined by person• de•trtng to pus• ,•buse. Orme a precimnlopernior he con gore all necessary r.•truru n n in liar use o 1 the 012ehttleti.— rhe thadte 11111IVIted to ottlt and teXtlOtine the Machine and Work. All FlZeg 01 srw•tng Alechiees supplied to order Columbia Ott. SAID. F.. WOR R ELL 'C'IC:IOn2IEw..I23CW3C4CONE3r4.Iir. Front.abort Tra/nul, Columbia, Pa. e. lie in rite. wirminn in hi. ONION COUGH CANDY, aad Oth-t C1144.1r. for Colds lie keeps Fruit Cake. I,atiy Cate, and s viriely of Frisaer enkre re.k. IPuvlrorne 1,7./tr. of retry tieserlpiirri. with • heti , Cotifcclia in, varcitslly prepared for rank., .Ic.c. C. IMTXT.A. (Vueltas, Sep ember 10.1:1=50. FINE PAPERS & STATIONERY. W. hove Ju.t rereivrd and have for rale, at rer) eannnolde priors, the large-t and be.. annals of pa• Per • and nationery ever tattered to LacCa•ter, con -tome "wan of • De to Rues MI Doh, De la Roe's P. 10, De In Rae'. No. 6-9 vol. note, Nlng••sa• Doable Thick Create Laid Rath, alst;rn: ivory FterraCe Record Cap, r,itq h slos,tritir,Alltam'srit Oath. **SW: 5" Horns UiR. Lego! Cap, 10 and 14 Home Mills Lent v.lO Ws,. Home Bo th. 4. 4& and 0 We. L J. C. , * ',lest Wining Card* No 3. German Bristol Board, De la Roe's Damask Envelopes. De la Rat's Ezint nick Crean! LeiJ Davelopes. Opaqoei Envelopes, all Doff Envelopes. Metairie Malts. Pentihri—Fabers, Pena, India Robber Pen Holders. INKS. —Arnold's, Green's. Haber's. ELIAS DARR St co., N 0.31 Opposhe the Corm 'loose OetoLer 15, Let,lL NOW OPENING MBEMM GROCERIES c. DETrinize.,s Safi Sago Clidesdf L6t Of Sap Sago Clioeee Iwo arrived at LS S. F. EDER.LEMS Nod. TO; ISS9. Grocers. Store. No. 71 Locum at Rd* Shad: GO la No. 7L Locust str'ect M aprtate Shad—the hept in the market. 8. P.'ESERLEIN. N0r.19, 1.959. COAL! COAL!! TEE Largest pod of Coal in Now is the time to buy your Coal: Call and ex amore for yourselves. My coal is prepared ezpre.e• ly fdt Wally purpomv, is clear from dirt and slate, aid is Reif coder Cover. It is critic i,e•i quality, and ranges in price :Ma ' 812,50 to S 3 DU per ton. 1 have II at $2,50, $2,7e; $3,40 & $3 ; 60 PEE TON, delivered et any pert of N. 13 —Whole.le purchsitaia"of Coal, by the cargo or ear fond. will find it to their oayantage to call and canna., ins large stock before parcha.tiagelaewhcre, Coal Yard a: Non. 1,8,2, .1, 5, 8 and 8 Cantd 134.111. U. F. sikeoLo. Columbia, Sept. 10, ISO. ALMANACS FOR 1860.—Ca11 at J. N. Drilett Sc :and proente an Almanac for the next year. reatit Oct. I. '59. Segars 1130 000 ' h i" SP""ii Segnrn; 25'000 Situ n. in store and wall be Fold 'at n low figure ny I. O.& 11. I. Ufiti:lBll, Aug. 0,1559. Cor. of TM d and Union Streets. GREAT BARGAINS At the Corner of Third and 'Union sts GCHA Coarse Grained Sugar for Gi cents. Pennsylvania Reftted while, iu Se-t Oolone Tea, in original China packages. A. fine lot Regalia tun! Jpern Sixes Segura, 9 Boxes Amarinth Cavendush Tobacco, Ahso. A ia!gC A . ..Orin/CP( of .A too. I Spices, dt.c.,&c for sale he Aug. 20,t5A. 1 0 & 11. P. BRVNF:R. TU LARGEST tr ca tzs al. c 3 cs c> SEoro WEST 01? PHILADELPHIA. NXTE call attention to our unrivaled stock rof the beet bran& of Chewing Tobacco, which we will sell at,very ieducediute, Good sweet Co:wrest, at 21c. per lb.. worth Me.; good AWrel Honey Dew. at 31e., worth 40c.,• good sweet Cavendish, at 20e., worth 35c.: gond Peach Leaf Coven rit+ls, at :Pic worth 370. Mood Temlost Cavendish, at Mc.. worth :Ac. We oleo have 500 OUI. SbIGA RS, of different brands. which we can sell cheaper than they con be sold at any other estalitiOtment in the country. Good Sites at SLOP per thousand. worth SJiooi good German Sixes, at 8.5.5(i. worth Kat; good Germain Sires at Sti,tin, word! $.7.11J. 'the and, beet an.ormoui Snuff's, and everything connected with the trade. at FENDItIOII & ItROS' Wholesale and Retail *Mince°. Segpir and Snuff NI atm+ (newt., Rent Strt ct, five door', above LOCI.III, COMM -6111, Ph. July Pik. I Si 9 NEW MUSIC STORE, No. 93 Market st., Hattisbttrg, 11 111" X MUSIC, Instruction Books, MUSICAL MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, P it no s, Melodeons, tioriny, Ottilars, Flutes, Accor ikons, &c., (tc. .Tune 18n9. O.C. Ti. CART, FOR SALE. 200 GROSS rriemort Matches, very low for cosh. Jnoe 25. 'a). IL WILLIAMS DRIED FRUIT. POR Dried rtidl—Apptea. diterrie,, sce,- 1.! tLa hers intim trmrket, go to II ..F.UtiDA GloC. , fy Start. Corner trout and Uwoa stn. NEW GROCERY STORE. CBE subscriber invites the attention of the ptildie NEW aROCERY, FLOUR, FEED AND VARIETY STORE, punt opened by him at An it, LOeuet street. between Second and Third. He Will keep on band a complete -trick of all kinds of Groceries. Queetterware Ac. Ice., and inmres every - thins in i.e good of its kind and prier. He will fortit , di BREAD from the Me. ebullient littler}. fresh every evening; oho. 'rest Bit , . cult. Cracker-. &cc , ace. Tho,e desit tag it can he ' , tested tit the houses ffe wilt give the itnsti,s• his strict attention. and by foretmeing and promptly supply. airthe wants of eihtens hopes to deserve and receive is liberal 'bare of their support. SA Arf, F. Enr.R r.r.rg• Oct 6,•50. Ro. vi Locust 'tree!, CotuMbin, Pa- Dutch Herring! AM. one food of a good Iferilig r