=I 1114311111 MS - - IL lIE Rooka at ttie subscriber baie been placed In the A. hands „UAW play, Ivlth authat4 hare: i.'671 lownints. remota" tudatted Will 'Wake payment to hon. ttow boxing Arbtlat . W,tvill r i,4e"premert'thrnri for - • tT; AV D. Otto:kw IS, 1.8:64(.. • (034 rrpons.kirvilisi &j, has kg appolatta ortheVnis e Mutual Life libiuriiree 'Corn rimy, of Philadelppiaofor Columbia , AIM neighbor hood. This is an old Company. kereosin vei-hing LA provide ,{or thefr Caml ie+ in ellAt of death Lrd beue, tlrTl 4, rbe gient 1. , :tf • The New American gyelope4ia. -• - - • • - • • Now st In "° gVit ‘ . x .ml-9,llpottunt ,rar .11very /lou-elsohler. 11-I , 44holaer. :I'4l:J.:very llou.eloorar . r. /t u;111:sve 11unOr,41. or S. .1• ,xilltinve 1111041,yd- o,rs $441,.. I lunointak of S. .Make ;Every NTritt 3.1m.4e. V:v.%ry Mon .£:esr) 111. p .tt'i•er. tiuppivr,nwl tiettrir. *i-rt,ajuppier, I tinier Iluptier, and tletlei on na ledge i-.l . cner. gnoveledge 14 Pourer. Knowledge 1-iKevvr bevvvhan,One Goat Pi PnY .evfttlian,Que rent n Das Lc...Athan pile grin a I)a} Wig Give You n Vo!urne in a 1 ear, 'Slit f.j.lr You A -Volume in a Year. Will Lilac You a Volume in a Year. 1 4 .xprar, buy 1)u)' I,Ernoye a pa) niVe you 171 , , , YOnnin , n Alnnr. :Will Give You Five Volume. IL Vent-. :Will Give Yoi:Flye B .'l,ltinteii'rsit • Site ilielt Mad lie Wive alien ana Wl-.2 tlie3 and F•rurr ILi. No 1.1.• NV:ork .S.srure itas Noble Work, :Secure Oh- Noble Wort. Which Cost the PublishPr , If .10.0 a, t tCbtr Cau the Publi.brrs Whedt co.l the Publishers gt.):it, Qum C" See the Shseianrn Volumes al I:I.IANIURR & rtYS Bank Store. Nu. 3L Faust *.dig st., I..apyr. ster. Pelee $3.00 a Vol. in Cloth. . face tzbe,2. CrAGENTS grantrd fur every town-hip 111141 80. rough in York nod I,ance•lrr CO.l title.. iOO4 be made bY active mid rnduarinuroun vr•-eat. Nnv inntn PRANEELEISI HOUSE RESTAILKArir, UNDF,R THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, LOCUST STREIT, COLUMBIA, PA. TE subscriber tins opt tied in the basement of his hotel. the Franklin tiet..., a RP:STAVRANT. n here he is premised .0 st eve Oysters and other Re- Pashments in the best styko. The estattit•hment hos ,haen newly fined upwith e n 6 it new to the ,1 °rem toorlittion of 1114 easterners, and no effort will he spored to properly and promptly cuter to their unto. "Att ' o,Z.;., * provided wilt be of the 1.e.: quit. i•s and Mot they maybe rooked trod I..erveel nn sperinteed person Crops our of the hest esioblish. merits in Istulodelphin, his bent engaged to tatLe charge of the cooking department. The: subset-11.er asks of his friends and the putter n ewe of ro-tors. .1. s.. :11f1.1.KH. I , rnokho 1111”.." =I W ASHIAI - 5111.11 TE. Whiz In;ctitut, will he reopened on VON I) tY. SEPT. -L sth. The coerce of imtrurtiott wi l be arranged with reference to the wants ut %hype who wi-h to oh toil; a thoracic* education it; thegelne-oc4 and Mettle. cons" and all other tironches usuatlp tatc.ir. In High "chews and Seminaries. fclic-ie will he lanai by all ril ev.eneed intnructor. A few ;panniers will he re ee., 1 into the faimly u 4 die I's wins'. JOS. I). "k11C1101.3. rain. Ang..2o. , S 9. if. SEWING SECA.CIIINES. THEundersigned bus litcn appointed agent for SINC:EIVEI CELEBRATED :WAVING Ms • OM:VE.6.IImI recommend. allot ) ears of trial hy himself. RP Om BEST MACHINES IN USE. lie hp at bni Pane in Imeaa wart, below Scrwl. it :Machine lailtable for tailonwg or (aunty purport.. which cap he examined by pecmsc, de.irtag to par titin.. Bring a practical operator no rail o;ve uN uremia:try intlruction lip the are al the mitchinee.— The public if invited to tall and examine the Machine and Work. All nett of 'dewing Nlachttie4 wupp:ieti to 'toter. Coluinbin Oct. IS. Ra.lo. 3313M-MIMO :410C2 0 .11WW".1M CITX4CoIV3EIWIIr. Front 81,, above Walnut, Cqicuribia, pd. sul.uctinpr keep. Conntantly nu hand a blear 1 and vaned u.sorrfnent ot Coll franc Jen% fruit, Cuncr, Le. Ile invliro +McMinn In him ON IQ* COCWEI CANDY, and other Camino; for Cold*. Ile keep• Stun Cnkr. L.wty Cake, and a variety of mullet tears tawny* fresh. Handsome Cakes of every er•criptimi. with rhoire Custfcation, carefully preps red for Parties, S3l; 111, be. ' roMmbia, September 10, 51.." FINN] PAPERS 14 STATIONERY. W. have jun rereived and hove for +ale. at ter) mammsble pe , ives, the large- 1 and be - t von .ty of pa per.and vtatienery ever Orel ell to Lanett -ter, eon stating japan of - Na to Rue'. 13.11 Bath, De la Rue - . 1. 10, Pe la RllOff No. 6-9 vol. 1101 e. Magnua• Potable Thiel: Cream Magna. Ivory I..urtitee Record Cap. Trench Queerille,..tlltion‘na ".160. )tome NDI. Legal Cap. Ip and 11 lb.. Rome 3101* Letter.lo Rome Milla Bath, .1. 41 and 6 1..3. Bert yilming Cant. No 3. J . 1211111 De la Rues Dama-1. /tivelt.pea. De to Rue'. Eat).* llich Cream I.a iv rovelope... 3/paque.l 3:11‘ elope., all vt,e•. nue Ei)v r Nletalkte "F.littea. Peneila—Eabee-, Pen., .1 nib. Ruitpef Pen llottler.. iN itp,TEN, G !re I.I.IA'RA6R & CO.. No. nt ( I ,llu.lte lite Colin Ito.'. 47ezotier ---:. i SALAMCVDER SAFES, ....- ii4loo / . 304 Chestnut Street. "l'i r• • . PHILADELPHIA. - IP --- :. , Another Triumph. Plnintlelplua. Sept. :W. IS:41 To TIM Plltt.lesecT 01 , AGPICVL treas. SOClleirs—The ssels.erilser., your voters, wee in einntitte the content. of n Sittnmonder Soft, of Evan. sir Wall.ols, after being PX(lo , r.i Inn .1f0•11( fi re on the ran. 43..6. for eight hour.. re.nrraful:y rorstessesse 'max after *even yard. of oak wood and three of pi or LAO hero convumed around the 1-itfe. it wn. opr gird to the prearlice of the committee., void dot enetestbs ;ellen out. a little warmed. tut net eyes, iirorelted Several Silver Media. heresolOrc received ly ilie ronnofoctorerv. nod a large qualellly of dart:melds weer in the Safe, and rain. oat entirely tditodorrd. The experiment essis-fled is. of die earsoelly of Safe. of tins kind to prose.? contemn from au) fire so wittelt they luny it The Committee stvardrd n ilito:om• and Solver ATHA. ANOTHIIR allefitainzinn, Del., sent Ilvan , dr. Watcon. Philadelphia: tllaters.xsted:—.The PsAmnatlrr Tire-rroof Safe of roartasavibeittre, parels•xed by in, from ).,r Agent. Yerricfdt Garrett. of our city . ..ewe nine month• ago. wa.iii•verrly toed by burgier• last r...aturclay night. and sit tough they bade sledge bummer. cold .bled-. drill. a algunrewder. they dot not otreerit in open intesbe dare. The lock beide one of **tidiest Powder proof.* they could not art the powder into n. hitt drilled a bole In the lower panel end forced In • hove charge, which wait Agriled, and anhough the des,. inside nod oat, showed the expire-ion DO, In hare been a •mall one. it wait no. forced open. We suppose. Obey were tht• greater port os she ,airbl sn erotic ant 1L We are murk grattfied at the recoil to tne attempt to enter it. and II the *trove then, are of any. week... you are as fib:trivial!, then). Truly, OATNARti JoNr.s. TREAT FIRES—AD:OrIi ER TR 11.7 N fin Knorr'lle. Tetinevave. Morris 13th. 19.10. Sl.-.re. }lrmo. & Waerov teen—lt afford, ow great pterware to peg to you tine the Sabenander Sere. which I pareharied trout you in PrbruetTiles9.hroveell to be what you recommended rt-,-• wire pnweetton Iron see. My ,ion•lone.e, to Veber whit revere' where. woe burned to the ground in Meech law,. The titre Lett tbreogb Wei the eallar. wed wait expeaell I . Q intenw hew 11IX oreight Padre. awl when it was taker, from the ruins sad opened, • It Ate ollultralrl ygre.follegl .10 be to • react%