The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, December 31, 1859, Image 2

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,n it 1.,) , fr.T.1,r.:7 or e'r.terpri,wl., ever -
cno crvrhict: stliceek,
. .
"It will trle about firo years to Lear
•`ism off . ," said ar. observant niester nn
cat,r..l bent, alluding to thi scaring
Mat influences on the boatmen, who Forked
on Sabbaths, as ciipther eays. As
to the boutint,z and firemen of the steamers
westi.rn rivers, which never lay by
art SabLatthe,seven : years is the average. of
The 00sec:once, therefore, et' the sev
at 4 rnrtion co nor time,. for the purposes
of reet. in demonstralAy a physiological tie
Of!q.ll.V, a law of our nuture.--Era.ll . s Jour.
. 7 ' , lit Cathmliiii -spij.
t.i.5 M 13141, AL.
SATURDAY, DEC. 31, 1859
criii be pres,thittg at the The-n
IL in <in t''.:l2 )rroo,. itf...9:noun,
2 u'e:u-.:
r.6,a551Ve nre g;ite unties
r.ev. J. 11. :SIQ:IgeA will pcciteii a nirewell
,ortrinn Church in
tu-Imorr.r.y (Stinda:y) fit 10
ntoetin;:, of Itisittg, Scar S. n
C. T : , bei,,Ll in their hall on
'I the foil , ,win7, per-
vies were eleuted officers to serve the C/1.11-
Ist,4 ti.. 1112
W. A., W. H. 4.„ C. H,
:J.:Ciao/L - 0c S., C. 11. t:1 . ,,i41er; 2.. 5..1. It.
()ark; T.. F, T., Hunter; I'4- It.
17_ Kce , y; N., J. 'f'yAon;
.21_ \V., .1. Hozentagior,
:":1'11:r1ING F.% Motor,
Pot) rorilq Hill i :lve u.. othibiiiiin of the
„ii , l”ni•e or sp,rring in all Frl:•nc3' [fall
lio Rile i;!rstrai•: t:li•thod
prrricieory in the "manly ar,." The
evenining'ti onter'..iinittetit s:;ried by
niutgtbe tin, p7). , 4 baltud singor , , :11.1 don
t thrc:r celebrated jig
perfot•nytnee eonclittl.!..citli ii;.,4i!y
tii" between two 4cie»titii.
will be worth a dollar at
Everything will he conducted in a re-rieota
tile nod orderly manner., ?I r. Elintoti
nothing: offetirivo r., ;rood
er rrotirlriy Fl.`rn rit•riittel
Act.:ll/— , :to the
1 , 1 truing (f St:tut-Jay. 24:h ituu., thu f.att
e,,,ter 'Train. ill ba.tkitit , up to l\lariettu,
rim ttytt , r and instantly killed Elliott Cloud,
yr ”.1:o Sitapsun't4 lint Yard, near the
B line. Ali itriac:4 was hold by
._.,-r liollin,tsworth, and a yer
,t..; 1 attlt i p:o ; ty:tlt the eir•
p;,e,:.ri t t:tNch
uf the 1 - u:11'1:110r. 1), c e. 3 ., : t1
of re,i,lea
Ns ;I'.l-2::*-
7:1 nud nor .14P/ Co:tit/1 1 ,1a ec.:l ye
1 7 . e has figured frtamently iu uur pulieu
Pyr: aA a confirine 1 drunkard argil vagrant,
niu , t life in:1111g the dregs
T itv 11111, r.1:11 ougli it wlilte man.
w fts iiriglnitliy t reddest or Chester
:0, thcii known ap a Irian nf
r Pr. , l rliara-ter. \VII buried
of in Potter's Field.
1iort(Per":1; no,riay next an
;ion wi',l held at the Town 11 , 11,
t••t'een the hincg of one and six o'clock in
fhe .f•err. c,u. fir a Chief flarges.4, Assist
nn: 1/4:Li! Ineinberi of Tenn Coon
, 1 ti three year., , , and one to serve
fh! unexpired term of Isaac
I ,r three ti.:hool Directors nod
Collstztl..lo. Ai it is uiten a moot
gia,;:da r.,3 to :t ho is eatided to vote at
..or 131-.114h elruti,li We sul t join the 2nd
act to irw-wparte the Town
of Colutr,',,it jut. a 'rough, tJ wit:—
That th , . inha'ails:ntn of the said Borough
coo UV i tote for tro.intfers of the 4 , ,eitet•al
h lug r.”.idcd the ti;_frotigh
one year immediately preeeeofitig
• 1 , 1. eleotion, Rod within that tillTA paid a
T 4 ,rough tax, shall have power to rote at
N , tot elerti.nt f Calef Bur4ess, .Assistant
V tai ml,ers of the T.r.rn Council and
Can.; B it pr:fion. to the open
ing of said election such of the inlinLitants
as are present :n the place for holding the
eleozion shall PleT.t two citizen. n. Judges,
,ill 3 I ti-p••otor and :Ivo Cierk e of said
11, Ch C',l/..IIIC:P:i and rag
,•leted throughout t. , ) the tir.ral
i, of the Cotmr,caiwotilth.
A reeetio;.; ( , f citizenq, of
'arty, votA vailei on Wednevloy last, to
} , ; eet at the rotrn !lan nn Thursday evening.
nt 7 e'el9c.c. for the pu:p)n .1 nominating
a ticket fr Lnrntgit offk!ers, to he rated for
Pe! :lie 41) 'so H,cly I>n the
nlin4l , Qr of ,ur most
s;.“ •,z, t , ;:. 7. , ,ws and plaerd in
t nuih,at:"n !Ii•: t,:.ranlha~Ui:—
r; irV
412 fi.+l,:qe :qcprpi
(A.,inci7.--ll.nry Bre eMan,3 yeare;
13rm.9.r, Sr.. 3 year.; Wm. 31c.
C;leq:/./y, eir.s: .7 • 31. 11'.,1t5, I year.
Dircenrx.—Wm. S. Mt.:Cork:9, 3
soarq; J ,eph W. risher, 3 years; H. M.
N•.rth.l ve:r.
t , j l;;;A of mares, rt ,, t enter into
I`,o ft I,Cir ,-, 72:h c'e . t!!'lne: hut
who m-tlte the I , IN - yr of the
matter how far remr,rrd front politi
influence tho que4tion; will find
t.,,3.t 1)+11 rci,l nro represeat*l on the
ti-I“.t. The men nro nll good and
tmez.ccp•i ,, nolde citizen., and the inter'-!e
f the otlr 7,1.1,11 e echo .14 can
well Le tro.ted in their hoode. ire know
of no othr.r. 111 the field, hut as it
would tierer le! so important an elec
r:on its tho comine: '4l" gi nocontegted era
ez pelt t i seeliti fli•r , 51 , 1•111 by Monday. next.
.1+ ecnteente choice of citizing Ashl
party Untie in their "erection. vre ndrn.
cee the n13.,v4 ti , ttet, hn‘vefer. No norni•
rati•mtsa% matte tyro
vcd•inteer cm-Aida:es Lelng alreedj , In the
t51 , 1 , --tw4 old eitizcnn. one the present. the
ohl-er an - ex" High , Conotahh-4 both t r i e d
f 1744. Citizens aro entirely competent to
judge tee a n the respourive merits and
claim" of the tvnn,„3vititnut an ondersernent
of either I,y the ine.ttn:rhe ch o ice lie,
Vets% n Li..:l.nt a D.rriclg - `1.14 Samuel
Ex:Sibssm snY Teirost,Le ttn3.—There
were sent 02.V.INkLiedal over the svires of the
Italanticrinti tlio telegraph (Morse)
•ffrtendiiiC between this city and Pittsburg,
fire hundred and seventy-eight private dis
aitches, over five thousand words of news
for the Associated Press, and an entire copy
the President's Message, containing over
ifteen thousand words. to the Pittsburg
Pest, and all during the regular business
hOurTof th'ir day'. - The . President's Message transrnitted;on• two wires; in five hours
Lud fiftecu minutes, Two thousand and
..igley-three v: - crtds rerc irs'.nsmitted by one
•perator—Mr. ZieglPr—in an hour, Mr:
Viewing, of Pittsburg, taking it dawn by
'the tick." - -
We copy the above from the Philadelphia
Ledger cf Thursday. The Mr. Ziegler re
ferred to is A. A. Ziegler, a. Columbian,
brother of the veterna• operator of the
National pace at this r.lnce.' F. X. Ziegler,
Esq., under whoge tuition the junior Z's
wonderful dexterity was mainly acquired.
Ambrose A. Ziegler is undoubtedly one
• , f the most efficient find speedy operators
in the rountq; and we are glad to add that
Isis talents are appreciatid by the National
Company, in whim) service he occupies a
foremost noi:iCon.
Tar CtovmoN BoaT.—The bunt "Ida
Roll," of Falmouth, Captain Di..ler, from
April Plth to December 12th, 1800, carried
over Um Feansylrania Canal 200.14 tons of
Coal, and two boat-loads through to Balti
more making more trips and carrying more
cual than any other boat running tho Canal;
thoreby gaining the premium of $lOO 00,
utrered by die North Branch Canal Company
to the boat carrying through their Canal
the grea test amount of coal during the season.
In carrying the above freight the boat was
nut run on Sundays.
The President's Message
llo•sage wit.l,t,in. to the
In t
ses of Congress on Tuesday, '1,•7 cl‘ , inst.
lie Senate it n•as readmod in tile I.lJuse,
that bo.ty not having yet organized by elec•
of ft Speaker, it was laid on the the table.
We give below such abstract of the Message
as our space permits.
The President after expressing his grati
tude to the Almighty for the bles;iings re•
ceived Curoughout the year, refers to the re
cent bloody occurrences at Harper's Ferry,
lie implores forbearance on the part of
both North and South, arid the cultivation
of good will between the two section's of the
country; but.heindulges its no gloomy fore
ho Islip, and thinks the Harper's .ferry af
fair will be the means of allaying the exist
ing excitement and preventing further out
e->rdiallc congratulates Congress on
the final settlement by the Supreme Court
of the question of slavery in the Territories.
The rivjit has been established of every cit
izen to take his property of any kind, in
cluding elacus, into the Territories, Whing
ing equally to the whole (uniederney and
lr , ve it; protected there under the Federal
rna tiro
, 41 IS USWII,
In referemi to the slave trade, ha says
that all the lawful means at his command
have heett entploycd against it.
In reference to the Chineee treaty the
President :says that the ratifications have
been exchanged, and that two u pplerneutal
conventions :ire pending in relation to the
rights of Americans in China, and transit
The Paraguay difficultiea have been aatis
t,Letorily adjusted.
Our relations with France, Russia and all
the Continental Governments of Europe,
Spain perhaps, excepted, continue to be of
the must friendly character.
Ths President recommends that an ap
propriation be made to meet the demands of
the Amistad claimants.
The President's opinions in favor of the
arroisition of Cuba by fair purchase, re
main unchanged; and, therefore, ho again
incites the serious attention of Cungretis to
t;ii 7.;.'nt subject
it: reference to our affairs with Great
he says tilt:t! End
,good reason,
till recently, to 'believe that he should
able to announce that our difficulties with
that Government, arising out of the Clayton-
Bulwer treaty, bad been finally adjusted in
a manner honorable and satisfactory to both
From causes, however, which Great Brit-I
stin has not anticipated, She had not yet Com
pleted her treaty arrangements with iLin
duras and Nicaragua, in pursuance of un
derstandings between the two Governments.
It. is nevertheless conGdently expected that
tlis will be shortly nccomp/ished.
In relation to the Island of San Juan.
the President says he entertains no doubt
of the validity- of our title; and ho says ho
is nappy to state that what was left to
Lieut. General Scott's discretion in the
matter, could not have been placed in be:-
ter hands, and that he had successfully ac
complished the mission. There was no
lengcr reason to apprehend i. collision be
screen the respective forces there during the
pending of the negotiation.
The President regrets that Mexican of-'
fairs are unimproved. lle speaks of the
subject at length. Outrages of the worst
description have been committed on per
sona anti property„ and there is scarcely any
form of injury which has not been suffered
'my cur citizens there during the few scars
we have been nominally nt peace with Mex
ico, But as far as the interests of our corn-
coerce or iiur citizens there, in any private
capacity ii concerned, we might as well
have wor.
The President recomMends the passage
of a low authorizing him to LI41i)loy sufficient
tn , litary force to enter 31exi':.:d for the pur.
pose of obtaining indemnity to the past
and security for the future.
lie recommends the Pctnhli.fhirentof mili
tary posts across the NlPxiedn lines to So
nora and Chihuahua for the protection of
lives and r ropeety of AmeriCad citizens
against Indian depredations.
The President recommends the establish
ment of.n temporal government in Arizona.
In reference to Central America the Pres
ident,. ants he thinks the provisions of
the receett.• treatit.swith -.Nicaragua cannot
.5.11 to Lc P at i r.fa c tory . Ile recommends a
law authorising the employment of- a re:Tal
foe for the rnrp*se of protecting•:A'Mer
dans pe)sing over : : the Panama, Nfoitetia.
and TeiAnntepee'ioutei.
Again,'• he recommends that authority be
gireti to employ a naval force to protect
AmeriCthn . commerce against seizure and
confiscitio:i by Mexico and the Spanish'
Amer/coil gtates.' 7 He 7 is:fcre to the failure
of the Von Office appropriation bill's,
cormieinle the-pasiage'llzi - bill at-the-ear—
liest day to pay the amount, with interest,
due to contractor=:
Also to make necessarycf.protThtvftions•
for the department fur the current year.—
lie recommends the Pacific Railway for rea
sons heretofore given.
- He says it appears from the report of the
Secretary of the Navy that it is extremely
doubtful whether we shall be able to pass
the present and neXtfistiad yeah without
-1 ditional revenue. Should a deficiency ee
-1 cur, he recommends that the necessary rev
enue be raised by an increase of the present
duties on imports.
In conclusion the Preii!dent . reconimends
to the just liberality of Congress, the local
interest of the District of Oulimbia.
P(iliob Items
A 13erreallm,F.—Cm Monday. 26th inst.,
Jacob Miller (colored) , appeared before Jus
tice Welsh, and made complaint against
Elizabeth Jackson and "Gallus Jane," both
of like complexion, for assailing mansion of
deponent with' intention to raze to . tbo found
ation. Through perSiiiieiun of Hollings
worth the offenders, were induced to appear
at the Blue Front, with the usual accompa
niment of Tow Ilill evidence. From testi
mony it was shown that William Jackson
Perks county,) husband and nominal rims
ter of Elizabeth, had just returned from an
unsuccessful predatory excursion to the
country, on Christmas day-, bringing no
or turkey for that festive occtotion.
Elizabeth, scaly indignant at this unprece
dented failtire, '4(4 . unit:erect personal elms
tisement as n corrective and stimulant.—
Called upon her sister-in-law, Gallus Jane,
to hold her bonnet, "sailed in," and put
%Valiant through right rartly. "Carried"
him up the alley to Sawneytuwn, down
through the dominioms of Queen Louisa
tq Elbow Lone, down Elbow Lane to
Fourth Street, thence S. 30 deg. E. 29
perches to place of beginning. Burks' wind
had now beconic exhausted, in yells n»d by
the fearful time he had made, and he took
refuge iu Miller's house, securing the door
against his ardent spouse. Liz thin as
saulted the refuge with sticks, stones and
ranch hard swearing, Gallus Jane still act
ing as bottle holder.
Elizabeth* took high grouralsi in he'r de
fense. "1 ax flat hasn't a pusson got a
right to do what She pleases with her own
property? I conten's dat dat Berki County
isn't wuth nothin' in (re, fast phice, an' he
ought to lie lac - it'd—an' here's jis' What kin
do it; yo' nee , )'t be shakin' yo' liensd
me, nigga, yo' a'n't dumb enough not to
know dat by dis time—an' in de secon'
place he's mine—shut up yo' o'n'ry houn',
didn' I pay fo' yo'?—Yes, 'Squia I bought
do nigga, mid socked de money fu' hint; I
paid ',Split). Hunter fifty cents fo' marryin'
him to me, an' a mighty sorry bargain it
was, tcc. Now jis' pay nto back my fifty
cents, and I'll let de nigga',ff' de balance oh
Ihis time, an' git a man dat kin fin' chickens
'bout Christmas. As fu' Jake Miller, he
know'd de nigga deserved a heatin' an' he
had no bus'ness to let him in his house."
The 'Squire decided that Liz made too
much noise and fuss in thrashing', one bus•
hand, and he so inferior an article; so sen
tenced her to sixty days at hard labor in the
county prison. With every disposition to
make "Gallus" particepe cr;rr:igis, and pro-
Adds; for her as for her sister-in-law, the jus
tice was forced to admit that Blue Front
law did not make holding n bonnet in a do
inestie difficulty a penal ofence. Elizabeth
went down; nut alone as will furthtr
Bt ACS..-0a the Fame day Sarah Smith
(Welsh Mountain Sal) appeared at the Blue
Fro and instituted proceedings against
Georgo 'Washington, eharging him with
burglary. During her absence in the coun
try in the exercise of her avocation, (collec
tor for the house of Smith—"cold wittles
—") her residence in Sawneytown was en
tered and despoiled of a large proportion of
its plenishiog and garniture. Sho had good
reason to beleve that said Washington had
been tile depretlat6r, and asked fur his ar
rest and examination. Geor,te responded
to a call of II Aling,sworth, and Wee 6:an-t
-ined in the matter ofthO raid upon the
Smith demesne. He in tt yellow "dark." of
evil antecedents. lied served a term fur
hurglary—shortened by a pardon from Gov
e:nor I'oil,;(ig,deorge having evinced a true,
heart-felt and edifying repentance—and got
another term fur an inroad upon the hen
roosts of Washington Borough. With
Warliingtcu was
. prociliced r. quilt—a guri
ously spotted glint—which Sarah fully
identified by a certain spot. That immacu
late female come down very hard on the
culprit, and "read his pedigree," dwelling
feelingly upon George's well known disre
gard for the riglit,i'of ownership in personal
property. Defendant deprecated Sarah's
fearful imperiling of her immortal soul by
these indiscriminate charges against
Ife did not care for himself, but he trem
bled fur her hereafter. Ife implored her
to the "worthlesness of a paltry
guilt ceiriipai-b1 vcitti ri Conscience.—
If the 'Squire felt it his ditty to send 'him
down he would submit Murmur;
hut as a humble, strivihg Christian he was
The Justice was sorry, to extinguish so
shining a light, but in consideration of
George's previous career would have to
c ommit him to answer at January term.—
lie ordered the prisoner to stand aside and
wait for.the waglns.
BLAClLElL—Succogding Gtarge IYashing..
ton came William Brown Welsh Moubtain
Bill) arrested on 4hat day by Constable
Hollingsworth on rl warrant issued in No
vember, on complaint of Mr. Jnn. P. SUL-.
man of Wc. ,, t Ilempficki tuwnehip, who die.
.." 321 "'
covered defendant andmtlier negroes estrous
in`glnder the- ; 4e of vse tar-his
being ordered toleavegthetiltderim
usedthredteding language, id IL . . Ste
rnaW`call4 ir(the ' maghirni
self searclkbet wag`- finally Overtaka and
jerked by Constable Belli ngSwerth njra bore
related. Prisoner; offered in r teicuse for his
violent and threatening language,- that he
was drunk. His Cousins, Benjamin McCoy
and spouse, — of Lebarroni virrr rour for their - I
health, bad arrived in ; this ; nei . r . )thorhood,
and taken lodgings utilithe stack as airove
- Stated: - TRY; "gin a treat" - in - comnietridra:
Lion of their visit and invited their relative
to participate. The whisky being plentiful
William was in, and the three held high
jinke up to the time of the intrusion of the
owner, alarmed for the safety of his proper
ty. William urged that he was pour and
did not often get a chance at whisky, so
what. wonder if Ire took a drop too much on
the above occasion. ll° worked hard at
chimney-sweeping, and used to- make tv
living until became cut up and .
detriorated by intrusion of "de d---d Dutch."
Before that none but respectable Diggers
swept chimneys, but every branch of trade
is cut up by these lager beers, and a gentle
manly darkey has no show fur realizing a
comeptenee. lie hoped the 'Squire would
take these facts into consideration, and use
his influence to bring back affairs to the
old groove, when everything would run
smoothly. If he Would reform the Hill he
had only to introduce'in Codneil a resolu
tion )linking it a misdemeanor, punish skis
with fine and imprisonment, for any' Dutch
man to sweep a chimney within the bo-
rough limits.
'Squire W. would take these matters into
considcra.tion—in the meantime he: thought
a term of ninety days seclusion at Cadwell
vine might be of benefit to William's pre
carious health. He ordered him too to wait
for the express.
Bt.AckEs'i. , --.giter disposal of George
Washington and "Welsh Mountain," lb&
lingsworth made onq,laiut against Francis
Jane Cook and liebecca Jane Cato, evo
nymphs of Gill, fur vagrancy, and war
rants Were iSsned for their arrest, The
girls ware, presently 10.0(111e:ed. Francis
Jane stated that she wits fifteen years old;
was from Lewistown, site was; had lived
with Mr. Washington until that gentlemnn
h;,,r ;old her to Mr. Brown fur Sitl cents.-
31r. Brown bartered her against a quart of
whisky to Mr. bell - LIM, with whom she re
mained until he ran off, when she reverted
to the original proprietor, Mr. Washington.
Rebecca Jane claimed are neighborhood of
Chestnut Level as per natal spot; and vol
unteered a speedy return to that locality if
the 'Squire would let her off.
The magistrate gave Francis :Jane sixty
days in . the County prison, at hard labor,
in eunsiiteratiMl; or her exceeding bad char
acter. Rebecca Jane received ten days at
hard labor, the sentence being modified in
consequence of a solemn engagement on
the part of prisoner to enter the borough of
Columbia no more forever.
thillingsworth's expresß went down the
same day, loaded down with the above
gentle freight
Petit Jurors
To serve in the Court of Common Pleag, com
mencing on Monday, January 2.3 rd, 186%
Cyrus Brinton, Salsbury.
Urialt Clatpunter, Wariviek.
Wither 0. Zvaiis, City.
John Evans, Little Britain.
Samuel Ehy,Wn Bor.
David Frantz, East Earl.
Samuel Filey, Warwick.
Belay Graver, Conestvg l a..
Levi (1. Getz, East nen:Wield:
John Fielithium, Adamstown.
Silll4lll Hostetter, Warwick.
David o.llerr, 'Manor.
I.lettry 11•41 - man,East
juhn V. IliEktittid, Strasburg.
Martin D. !less. Paradise.
.Lmite Kreider, East Lampettr.
John Kurtz, Carnarvini.
Thomas Lloyd, C.launhin Bur.
Benjamin B. Myers. Straslirg.
Julio W. 11Ietitzer, West Coualied:
Henry Nlusselnian, East Itunegal;
Jecub Markley, East Thaegai.
Israll Mentzer, West.
Jacob nank, LeacOje.
John L. Patterson, Little D'iitain:
Almer Peuples, Strasburg.
Adam It. Rerun, \Vest Cocalied.
Samuel Spiehltnan, Strasburg her.
George W. Smith, Earl.
. • David Stamm, East Litinpeter.
Richard J. Rutter,. Leacoek.
Nathaniel Trout. Paradise.
lsaae Walker, Stlbln36 . .
Day Wood, Fulton.
John S. Wallace, East Earl.
Benjamin 11. Witmer, Providence:
Petit Jurors
1b Serve in the Court of Cowman Pleas, rout
mencing on Monday, January 234, 1360.
Daniel Altie, City.
John S. Ilre'nettfan, Canny.
Samuel P. Dower, Strm3burgt Bor.
Benjamin M. Barr, Pequea.
Levi Brubaker, Warwick..
David Brubaker, Rapho.
George L. Baker, Mount 3,1 y.
Elias Bach. Warwick.
penj i itnin Rrenoinan, West Donegal.
Isaac M, tonklin, West Hemplield.
.A.a:ron L'i!'isinger; Elizabethtown Bor.
Diller, Cit 3.
Peter Eckert, Leaueek:
Isaac EVILI , S. East lienapfield.
Joshua .1. Gault, Columbia Bur.
Christian Good, Conestoga.
Henry B. Grabill, (Vest Earl.
John J. Gond, Manic.
Jacob Graver, Warwick.
John W. Robley, City.
Jacob Heitlifbach. Eden.
Benjamin Herr. Le:mock.
Christian R. Herr, Pequoa.
.11Lirtin 11. Kreider, West Lampeter.
George Long. East Donegal.
George Martin, City.
John Nagle, Providence.
John G. Otlher, Pnradise.
Abraham Peters, Manors
Ilenry Pinkerton, City.
Cyrus Ream, East Coeitlico
Jacob Reiff, Manbeim.
Robert P. Spencl...t; Stiaiburg.
Conrad Si!chins, Cit-c.
I'l illiam Sprecher. Fart EarL
J. C. Worth, Coleraine.
/tar Dogs arc enitl. to ".peak with thCir
tails." Would it be propor to call a shott
tailed dig a stump ~rator?
eaprtelieve isi.fortmie quickly. A. inns sktl op--.tile hici.,ter he is ktopt its but
wfttcr the linnkr b. i 5 Nilict! trticii 'mt.
. ,
rte—The Washin,, ,, ton correspondent of
the Pittsburg Int 170 gives the following: . —
"I vial,eir eatly edifiedii4ocilniF.."Thud.!'
SteventOustitilchtion of hisfvotC foiltfihner,
on Frido last, fol. Speaker.: A frfaVdrutih
ed up q.v.:him, in 'breathleis haste, jast
the - ' 2 Was about being announced by the
Clerk, and while Mr. S. . had yet time to
,dote, and eiclaithed: "Why Mr.
Stevens! Votin for Gilmer—the largest
-slaveliiiiiler the liousel Ire owns over a
hundred ncgroesl ll "Certainly—certainly,"
dryly reppid "he is just the MELD
for me. You don't suppose I would vote
for a man having just one old s - pavined nig
ger, do you?"
Its—When an Irishman - goofy to a wake,
does lie eve? golo Bleep? - 7 -
1115-. P: C. trozier.Esq., eaitor of tlie • Pe
dee (S. C.) Timvi. recently fell into tin'old
welt in the court hotie&Yail: thirty feet.—
Ire Si/rislied find kicked considerably, but
didn't "rick : the Sii . 6l,:eti.'—.Louisrille Jour
SEF. Ny.w . ADPEitTISi.SIEN'is OF A. M.
Is one of the mo-t commot as well as the most loran
dable of disco -es known to American phyiiicians. It
hail for years an ratted closest attention of the med.
icfn faculty in till parts of the tinted Sillies, and :jet tip
io . the time of the discovery orDt. Mel.zitno. great Spe
cific. prepared by Fleming Woe,. of Piitsbijrgft.
it was almOst beyond the reach of tinffiical -kill. Thou
liad Perii,hed without even' a hope of relief, and
alitiough thouinmds may yet be de-tined to feel the
direful effects of thin most complicated disease, it is now,
thanks to the search of LUr. McLane, most completely
broJght within the scope of medical control. The pro
prieiors. Fleming Pro.. Phisburgh, l's.. of the Liver
Pills feel confident that they offer a remedy which has
beim fitly to 'ted by lime, and which hae never failed
of when 16,1,
11: — ./."Purchileer4 will tic . cor - A.l to Rut; for DR.
turgid !.IFI.I4NiiN9 ititoS..of Pitteuure. Pa. There.
ore other'Pill, , iiiirpoitbig to laver Pille. itoW before
lie public. Dr. ‘l'l.nue Liver Pills,
celebrated Verinifuge, can now he hod nt all re
pectable drug ;dares. Moue genuine without the sig
nature of
Dec 11, 1,59.
DR. 1100F.LAND'S
The great standard mediciies of the prinitt
age; haie acquired their great popularity only
through years of trill. Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in all ewes; and the
people hare pronounced them worthy.
Liver Cotifflaint, DySpeisia, Sainilice;
Debility of the Nervous System;
Diseases of the Kidneys;
and all diseases arising from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digeeli've
organs, are speedily and permanently eisred by
The 'balsamic Cordial has acquired a
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre
paration extant. It wit/ cure, WITHOUT FAIL,
at most nesse and long-standing
Cough, Cold, or hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the moat astonishing euru
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses win also at once check and
cure the 171.031 severe Diarrhcaa proceeding
These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. ?.I.
JACKSON & Co.; No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 76 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. JACKSON
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called EVERYBODY'S ALMANAC,
you will find testimony and oommendatory
notices from all parts of the country. These
Atrnanacs are siren away by all our agents.
No. si. be ..h titthtto., in Its Country.
Art! 9 1 t:iS-I) •
experienced nure atm female tilllsiciwn, tine n
South/44r Syrup for children wincing which greatly
litellitates Wit process of teetlitit:!, sof - wain the
crims, redacting all inginicmotionwitl ullay nit petit.
Midis sure to reoltric the bowels. Depend croon it,
mothers, it wit/glee rest to yourilve , t,:lllll relief and
health to your infaitis. Perfectly -ale is
rice nitvertrsemerrt i 'iloritothei rof min
0ct.29. lets9•ly
1 . 111 . hcavcncWere 1.111,1111.1111 . 1,1 ell the eveittiog or
b" ,.41 . by the most splendid Alamo
Itcvoiet ever in the Country. j• of pan/i•
cul .ad Irght,flo , hett uero-e the ,Ity, and the change. ,
were hroi41):ol ui Ihr r'Xirvnit•. AI one time it rapt
oh-raver retn.trtted. that he lanciral he. enu:rf see die
forin them-civet into the ',Lowing
Wero 4 , fiat. all your gormettf, 51 The 1t!eW11 Stone
Clothing 11511 of . ani;kl"i; & Wit4ou. Nos. cill) ulld Itoh
Che-teat Sixth), ritiludelphia.
We do not think a person can evince a more
benevolent trait of character than being moved
at the distress and soffering of others, and fur
thermore, anxious to do all in their, power to
alleviate by every possible means human suf
fering. in this view of the case, we ilo not
know how the humane and benevolent can do
an action more in accordance with their philan
thropic viewo, than by calling the attention of
their afflicted friends and acquaintances to the
(act, that Dr. Seth S. Hance, of 108 Baltimore
street, Baltimore, Md., has discovered a prep
aration, which is put up in the form of a pill,
dial has a specific action for curing Epilery,
or falling fits, spasms; Cramps; unit sill forms of
nervous diseases. Amongiluise who have been
permanently cured, we might mention a mem
ber of the family of Jade_ ' H. Beadle, Hunts
ville, Alabama; Mr.. M. P. Sledge, Cabin
Point, Sorry county, Va., and 4r . M . P. Li.
gon, Grenada, Mississippi. We might go on
enumerating others, until we had entirely filled
up this colbnin of oar paper; but ore think we
have said sufficient to satisfy every person
that the subject under consideration is one of
Oita iffigiortance to every one. Headed if yhif
are a well man or woman, and have hi , need of
a remedy, perhaps you know sorne.person who
is riot equally blessed as yourself, if no, cut out
this notice, and send it to hiin or her. It will
cdsl you but little troUble, and probably it will
make you idstrurnental in curing some poor,
afflicted mortal of that dreadful visitation,Eip
ilepsy, or falling,. - Maness.
Dr. Hance trends his pills by mail, free of
postage, to all parts of the world, on the re.
ceipt of a remittance. Ifis prices are; one
box, $3; two, twelve, rat. We haiie
given his address above.
Election Notfcd.
flllll memlrr; trf the t.nnea.t•r County Mutant i
s unmet Cout)papr. are requentr,l to 'nett at the
afire of .uid Company. in :Cillinm•town. on far
serraalTire-day,. flit. INh flay. of January.? Itetweeo
the hour. r.l'lo A M anti 4 n'rinrlr I'. Al. for Ole ritiT
qt.... of atierlioc nine tit tert or• to tterve .aid C,omriny
for ii. rori,;or rear. Itv m drr of the iintarti
n:••: , NATI' I:. si..‘l-mAKl:it.see'y
plin Annual Meeting . of th e Stuckholdera of t
L Columbia alnourociurtntreompiftri4witi Ita , ,,beid Ak
the office of the Company, on Al Gape y.
1,60, between tlte hour. or I and o'clock P. Al., to
elect one Peet:dent 111111 siZ , Alan_agealt to serve the
entag th
11ee.31,'50-nt T. R. SUPPLER. Seer.
11 0 AS " ;
IgiHr.undersigned present•lns Icdge-
tnerns in In , iritod. of Ore choir of the I , .nglisb
Lutherun Churels, for ihei* very,occeptable_Qtrist
mo4 Gtit
Dee 31.'59-II :',.-4iirm*W2NattEn;,
three-story BRICK HOUS. with two.
story Buck Building, now occupied by Rev. A
JOMOiI Mayer. in Front street. For terrw i ap
ply to or utldress
7.0 L. BROWN,
417 Chestnut Street, Philude:plua
OE ' : S. •' 0 ' •
TOR 31,113 NT.
irAT large mid commodious
liltICK lAVELl.lislbl and Piece al Ground.
situated on the uncutaasieioemse or Second rind
C0112(11 . 0111, /.110Wir 11. the 'll.llli 11011
PrOperly. , L4,olV occupied by Ileury Wilt-ae-olfered
for reid trom the first of April next, 1960.
The buildilig Was put up egprersly.for a first-class
Boarding liouse.comainiug 24 rdoms, fined up iii the
be-t style. and ever_ytbeirgemiecjaeni,y.iithfilli, Hy -
drum Water. !Jail' ProcYn, Zee. 'Poi terrils apple to
Public 8330 - of Neal Estate.
-DY virtue of an Orals!. cyf the Orphans' Court of Imn•
.1.) eager county. Ire of the
minor ehibiren nfJoha b:i4tler.,,, deceased, wjlt salt at
public nt the ;Cabe house of Daniel Ilerr. in the
Borough of Col utrltthe, on itiATURD AY. 7rtitiattry i%.
1,60 an Waft-two-story BRICK D%V.SILLIttIibtA
140esP. and Lm of Groped, all tb.c north stile
of ! oeuid street;between 4th mid" Mil' street
'anointed b riven; of Alitten Wtke, 'Pima. 11
Dunbar :nut Other+. The lot coututtts is front 30 feet.
sod in depth 191 fem.
Sole to commence at 7 o'elok P. M. of said day,
when berme will he made known by
SA:kIUP.I. USCOTT. Guardian.
Columbia, Deeember 31, /ofi9-ts
I k 11 &I
The Ready Family Soap Pllaker.
AviTo which every rurally. wall their ordinary
kitchen grease. eon make all their soap
little or lio Soft. or Panay.
It will niake hard water soft, clean Paint, remove
Grin,, &C perlectioa.
Alindunt n•-iiniony in favor of the Saponifier.
LIII and valuable rerripiA for diirereiii kind.
of Snug, -rot fire. by add Ciffire of the Com
pany, N 0.390 Pen. strati, Pitl t org. Pa.. or
-13 r Be sure you get the original, and pateitt6larti
cle. InatiLlfiletUred by the l'enet-yl vapid Salt Menu
(amebae. Co -.Env: Ta rennin), Allegheny Co., l'a.
PURE CATAWBA BRANDY. The sub s criber
hike- pleasure to Mitirpsom lava lid,
and tithe r-. Mai he lia- )it-t received from Headquar
ter- Ohio.) 12 eat,: I.'s pore Ca
la vima which it , the only utiiele really relia•
ble for pu rip y to the enuttiry. As a hove rage. it
Q./fierier 11,i41.n sure renjetly for Summer Complaint.
nyopepsia.Cramp„Co/le, Gederal Debility, Nervous
& C. •
n.r.miNG BROS
• .
11 will .211 it for 10' ele1 4 1 . :1: rpplei i . n any required
quantity, either by lire bottle Or eii.Ne.• • •
Fnnn 'trees.
[UST received anadditional -lot ofilierbeat
0 and late.; improved lierogene Lamps of variou.:
pattern- Hail Also, n rre.i, •9.pply of the real
geitoine Coal Oil to burn in the above lamp-; all of
which cart be hottllt at the Drag Store of R \Vil
le:4m.. ;14 chenp . if not cheaper than at any other es
tabli-Innent in ;he place - .
Dee. ii. 1,59
QANFORD'S Liver Invigorator, and all the
S,J popular PU(1,11 Melii&tle• so frequently U.eti at
season of the year, Jag receoyed fpr sale by
11, WI L LTA M S.
Dee.3l, fr:s9. Columbia.
PIIOWN'S Bronellial Troches for th e ailevl•-
.A., .lion of It ronehttis, Caught,
Cold,. Catarrh, and all disorders of the breath
and lungs. For sate Gy r
Era ix stredt.
Dec:.3l, 1850:
. .
BIARGArtgr FRICK bY 1 Ili tie Court of Corn.
her friend John Reimer, moo Henn of Lunen , .
1.1 , ter county, AupPit
W3ll. FRICKE!. ) Term. IWO: No
TAKE :twice shot the depoßition.of witnerwii nn the
port of the I ilieltint very he token at the 011iee of
'Thomas ‘Vel-11. , u Ju-tire of the Feuer., in the
Borough of Colutnlitu. on SATOR WAY, •ttlllmO' 13,
1960, between the hour, of to A. M. and 0 I'. Al. . ut
which lime and pluce,you rutty attend if you think
prone,. S. W. riSill:Sti
Dec 31,'50..3t Attorney for libelant.
ON SATU RDA V,Jonu2ry, al 2 o'clock P.M.,
oy virtue of sundry' writs of Ventlit.ohi Exprmti., Facia 311E1 rivri'Facioa vtsued nut of the Court
Or Common l'/O.IIIS of I.nocut.ter county unit to um di
rected. 1 will cxortwe to puhtle oute or obt-cry, at the
Court House in the city of Luoeuster, the foiltrvflog
Rent Eslotr. viz:
All thaq mensuage.ond lot of ground in the borough
of Colombia, Latittioner County. l'a . dencribed in the
general plan of ?aid borough us Mt number 77. having
in front I/II Vllitlll street 7itt feet and extending buck to i
llle I Aliletlelet turnpike, the wee.ern boundory being
1211 feet, and the enbleell I feet; bounded at, the Went
by lot iminhered 79. owned by Daniel Pearl. and oil the .
eit.l by It noin'ie red 7G; being the name premises wh•ch
George Pari.field by Jttretn.all Itrowit hi, litionley in
fact. by deed tinted the 21-1 of May. 1E53, r, corded in
Lancaster c...unty, 11l deed book C. .col. N. page ?Ma, etc,
grinned and conveyed unto A rebilmld Wright tit fee.
No. 2 . All that vet min menounge or lot of wound, t•it
mite in the iiotouoli of Columbia, .tforcs... l, on the ..Crib
-Mt of Union meet Cr its intersection with ill's I.nitens..
ter turnpike, hounded on the north by tile instil turnpike.
oil the, nitudi by Union street. on the west by lot Of Sitin•
uel W. Mirtlin, containing on the said turnpike 100 Grit,
'in 17 ~ t,, 0 street 1911 feet, and on its %venter. boundary
128 feet, and &signaled on the plant of Colombia ellelttl
ed as tnt No 7 1: Led”:: alf , Silllte premise. which John
1.. Wright and Ann K his wife. by deed dined the 12t1s
kin yo; July, A. D. 1554, a nd feeolnlell in Lancostur
enmity. in tired hook K. col. 9 poge 11tH). Ae.. slanted
41111 eallnilil IA unto Archibald W ii . }Pit in fee. . , ~
' No. if. Alt Oini certain lot of ground. ttilutite between
Union.* treat and the Lancaster turnpike, above Sixth
street. ill the borough of Cointsibin sifoicsonl, de-looted
on the plan at said borough by ti n e number 72. bounded
oft the north by the Lancaster turtirikti,on the east by
Ist of John 1. Wri ctn. C . ll . the .Huth he tillioll shred. and
nit the went by lot Of Archibald by right. contabliog in
width 70 fret—the wentern line of said lot in IN feet in
/eolith, Elnd the eastern one 123 feet; bring the saint
premises which Samuel W. Mifflin end Elizabeth 11.
It wife. by deed doled the---day of J nip. 1E54. rettOrd..
ill Liallell3Wr tiolltl , Y i 111 deed book P. vol. 9. page 397.
erne.. vatifecrund conveyed 01110 Architoild Wiight fu
As lig' proper'y of ARCHIBALD WRIC; HT
tef.r.ior, tit the tonne lime nod place, a lot of ground
fettmlwred 4 tit froinio2 on %Vaidlineton -treet, 40 feet
(111,,M0r 10,) in Lhn i,torough of Monello. Lulleaster
coven?. mid rAtelidteg fit depth 200 feet (more or lert•)
to on alley, udjoitung property of Emanuel Ka' tin on :he
WePi rr lirld piddle Wort or, the elm
As the property or JAMES' McOLO'KY, deceased,
and SOitN itLi,'rON, administrator, soh-Muted on
somfrstron of (totem:font's death, and }IANNAH BON-
.?:11 nt vithiCh sr!' iciied nSd taken in execution nod
to In cold I.y. UENJ. I'. ROtVE. Sheriff .
Sit era - . aster. Dec.t26,'59. [Dec.:II, '59
TI 'l'hou-nn.l Uuilurv. for which will be given a Gret
mortgage on property worth Ihree 1111k/111:11 11111150111 --
I . :aquire at that office. [D,ot Is,'3U•lf
r 111". nutineritp4 Imo; Just put up in the IVaillingtou
Hour: mliontmg n
vrOfi all the acerworiee of best qusli.y. This is the
i•sin..tuine m utly town or cby iu the smut, out of Pbilu
delrinu or Plitinitirg. Lovers of the gune owe invited
to cult. 1.1. /lEttit.
Columbia, Dveembrr I:4M.
DVHING the Holiday Season and until Jan. G,
we will lit
a yeell elected stock of Presentation and Altacclinne-
Doak., Emnpri.iag
itible. of RI: sine mud ta„rler,
blpi.enpitl Prayer hooks;
fkmlith tired Cremate Catbeffe Pilferer flooki;
Methodist mat Lutheran If y rim !look.;
Album.. Portfolio. ' Annual.; .
llookti of Ili-tory; Wok. of Poetry;
Bona. of It01111MCC; Rook. of FICIiOe4
fkiokr.of 'fru ve/A /look• of Grkat Al et;
Toy ItOok &c., &c.. for chiaben.
Panama intending to celebrate 1111. bnApy retuten by
ciakiag appropriate permits. mid rtudetc. ter.Aiiir fe
6 , 14 r o r.h the .helve. of their Librarielt, will find ri to
their iatersat tepee us a cat I.
11A RR & CO.,
Opposite the Cori House, Lancaster, Pa.
December il. ISS/i.
An Ordinance Relating to the Market.
Titf: it Ordained end Enedird bythe , CCiff Ilargene.At
si.ant Burge,. and Toan Council of the lit:trough
df Colthmhin. end ft is hekby ofdained and enacted by
authority of the ...time. That it shall be unlawful for any
huckster. storekeeper. or other person to purchase any
article or oriels* whpirciever, at the market place, in
the Itheatiah of Columbia, daring market hours, far the
;mimosa of mrsti ling or bartering away ord.- same.
AIT viol anon of this Ordiunucs shall subject the of
fender or offenders to a penalty of ten dollars, to he th
e/wet...ea far the u-e of the Itormigh as penalties of like
unmoor are now by lOW rseorenthie
Enacted into un Ordinance. November vq. 1e59. •
T. J Ills HOP.. C!Ort Markets. s '
P.,1 HLETZ, President of Conseil.
A it,t: NY'st. V. Liorrn, Clerk. Dec.21'.19-21
t C. FON 13ERSM rrii,
people , : cam. sun,
Li....wit::AMES N. CO ~Agenta.
l'nthidemtia, Pa
ACIMIMITZSTR/171' 011 7 - & ma
vft . :dir Kan ruler of' rte 04itans , acibrt of L0n
.1./ caster cbitttY, the aneftntigned. Administrator of
the estate orlohn W. Shuman, dUevd, will lien sit pub.
fie sale, at the public hp llte of:Daniel Herr. in the
Boroudy- of - Columbia. on SATURDAY. JANUARY'
21. 1869,01m-findivided one-half
.of the following de
scribed property, situated on the east Pick. of Front st..
between It ttlinit and Gay streets, in tbe Boroomh of ;
Gnitimh/a. consisting of a I.ot of. Ground containing
I feet on said' Prom street. and extending in depth lit
feel, more or loss;adjoining the property of Mrs. Zeters.
-0164 Of 9 . . Breoeman. dec'd. and Michael S. Shuman, •
on winch is erected is BRICK BUIL DINU.'3O
h by
38 If ±te
ilti'whis ri5t 2 1. 4111 2 2 f_isOltdlng 27' feet;
two istarhrdThigh; sail building haviag
m bam
meat roo in the cellar. arid Awe). store .tooms,opy,
thefirgtfloitz the reel 'of . the 4onvenirttt''
mid comfortable dwelling. There is also erected on
this.lot a Frame Store. one story in height, IS by 26' r
feet. The store rooms ore all furnished with shelving
nod, which belong to the. buildings. The
stores onfidwedling arc now peetkpjed by:David 111111.
seer. • •
Sale to commence nt.7 o'clock at, yhen vous. f
will be crtedelrnown by
~IfCF(AF:I ' S. SFiUAMAN, Admini•trate's.
The ondersitnecterill:olato at:the mime time 'offitrahs
other half of the shore dencrilted property at public
sale thus giving oily person artsbleg to purchase she
Witole property, an opportunity to :16 PO.
riPC..24..L9-13 MieliAriL R. SirUiNIAN:
New Hems. I"
TIRIED rhave .j..t,t received the first ith oCt
Mew. iitlf7l4 end' fleet, which I guarantee to give
rumilrac&lityclAtcfre,Odi 'PM low*. flap.
Dec. 10. 11359. . . ,. • .. " •
Old Style
,Sttgir - Hotieff.Wl4l.lBgi:';!'"- •
I°VP:RING and Pennsylvania .yrupr; a too, cokr,f ,
J Sugar I lonac 'ygup f0r..1121; cis. free qaart. et —• ..
A. M. II ANI 110'S
Family Grocery. Stgre; WO Fello ws' Hull.
Dee. 114. 1550. ' • .
TUSCOrff'S'fine flavored Oolosug,Tea roc which
we ore filling orders a/mmi druly for ibis place,
York. Ilarri4nuryr. Mifflin. AlMono. ke., he.; Choke'
Imperial. 14,,53h intrGunpowder Team. All warrankA
Of Ilk new crop andfri...ll and Genuine, as a trial will "
'A. M. RAMBO'S '
Family Grocery Siore, Odd Fellows'
Dec. 24, 18.49,
VLUID LAMPS altered for Coal Oil. • Wo•aret
prepared w niter Fluid Lump. to burn Coal elk.
J. S arCO.;
Golden Mortar Drug Store, Front at., Columbia. -
December 24. 1E,511. .
( 1 0AL Oil Globcm, Wick, -and Oil Cans, for
at the Golden Monne 'Drug Store. Front' wt.;
Columbia. (Der.21;50.
PIECE? of the mot beniniful styles durk ground * "
J Doutinet Delainea, pt the price 'of 21 eenta per
yard: 30 Long Blanket and Dodh:e Stwori.,
and 1,6 pieces choice , Mcrrimnek Prints. Juai red
cei;red in time foi . llollday'Preseniii. at "
11. C. PCiPiDP.R.SMIT IPS 1 -
People's Cheap Cash :310re, Columbia.
Dee. 25 1859.
• .
AROY to help in a store. One from the country pre
ferred anti who can talk fierman. Apply at this
office. [1:1ec.17,'59.0
WY AGREEMENT this day made between George.
I) W. Wand), Executor of Samuel Brandt. Inte of
Cuinberlitint comity. Pennitylvonia. deceased. and Hen
ry Ltrandt, of Columbia. Lanenster county. and same
state, the Agency of the said I len ry in' manufacturing'
Grain nukes, under the will of the said deceased. in'
now terinimited. mod the busi ness will be rinsed at once,
i.y the said Executor whis resides at Carlisle. Pa.--
Tho,c ?mere-tell will please take notice.
Dee. I. 1850.
Dec. 17, 1839-31.
The eolciFfnhfshiti heretofore existirvr between John
K $ n h. Daniel !Mood. and Edwiird
bering tinder the firm 01 .smith,ltimatls & smith; is this
day dissolved by Minolta consent.
Coia.Di4. 4,111031 EDWARD K. SNIITEI.
The business of said firm will he Fettled by B. K.
E. K.
De d. 17, 19.',9.3i)
Once in Northern Central Railway
Depot Building. foot of Walnut et,
on Lund a G•nleral A,.ortawnt of
White Pine and Hemlock Lumber,
Good Qu'shttes, at the Lowest Market Rates.
Great Excitem 'tit at Harper's Ferry.
Itot , J ust gut home will;
the I,urge-t and invent ••• -
Splendid anew mien! of
1)301.'4 ever keen ol- _
red Columbia.
fe .d:17; .
Tr , drmelc hit , the fittest f f . 13 - T•
Silk 111.16 ill Otte coon- • „,&
ty vet ...,-
Tredreliek lin• the finest
vorieneree of Cop. in the P rices from
.25 cent in :A•! Ito.
Teteeleniek le a • the Zonav e
T'redeniek lean the Cricket Cnp.
Trrdrniek lint the Znedeve lead Alorphy Cop.
Tredenick has the Cork Soled Hoot.
Treelcnick lens the reter•l l roof Boot.
Tiede:MCl: lin. the fined stork of Over Shoes and'
Gum. in 16 . . vie.
Treeleniek ha. all Ilene in needed for men, women
need relied rest,. from the head to the fool.
flD'Go in Treeleneek'n in get your money tench; he
ehenfe and it little cheaper for mach Main ens
he told at nitnn l any other place in the country
Coll and nci• mock at the Sign of the Big flat,'
tee Locust street above P/0111.
L. TR EDF:NICK, gi.•
Columbia. Dec.l7.lBAD.
4; T4"l-1 , 7 -
szoraaarcim GALLERY.,
THE Subscriber respectfully calls the at
j t :nth). oi - the pubic In the (net that he has opened
n fir-t einx- tiA11.1.1.:R4, in Front
Street, above Locum. Where hr is fully prepared .to.
execute ull kinds o(Likenetees El the bent aiyie of
the art. 1.,
This (ialicry in supplied with the very bent instru
meuis jrom the. German mid Ainerienn manufactories..
1 7 C 1,0114 from the country or strangers passings
ilifnugh the town, by calling at Jolley's Gallery can
have their pictures in a few minute,. and neatly put
op. in any kliid of weather. from 9,A. M. until 4 Y, Mil
iniere good pictures of childran they vitould.•
(mine it the (Minoan. oil a Clear stay; the lilting re•
quiring rite •ccond
nm fully prepared to give. I:l•4tict:Mis in all the
vasinut brunches of this beautiful my-and furnish'.
appnra um if desired.
All ate invited to call to call. whether they want
picritres or not. Gallery opposite the Office.:
N0v.:40, in 439. J. JOLLEY.'
heinerobers of the Farmer's Mutual 111:
: 1 .
T-,,save Comporty. wi7l White take notice Out the
annual election for 4-alive, of COMPIVIY,IrIf
the enntinl [ enr will lie held on SAT en DA Y. ibb 31st'
dal of DP:eft:PO WF.R. het oven the boor% of I find
4 o' clock.ot the public. hours of Jacob •Leltmon t
keeper. in the city Of linen-11%1er. et which- time MON
More. five Director% and six Approi-tere are. to be elec.l.
ted. Members cif the Computty generally are requested'
to n new , . By order of al,' lipoid of Directbre.
Dec. tivai .1011 N STILOIIII.I, Secretary. -
Thc tat becritrai.ofiera. at greatly retraced pricer.
in Collaro,Srt4.llnadkrrrhiet Waista,Etbriagn i
I r.sart tugs, dc., M. Just rrcei reel from Zia w,Vatlt .
rarities, SontaGa t Hosts. A m o w /. a c , t
Brach°, Long and Square, Fterreh Blanket, Day Rate,
&c., ter.
Black .Cloth Cloak a, from 32.0010 Isls ,
Ural) do do and otlwramor styles.
A rplendid s!..tOrilm-at rf daserlptibn,
all Wool Pavia Primed Hagar.) fielible a. all Wooll-Parat;
Printed Merikarr. Mark and. ' , nory eiti,, te.
n new and full Nock.
Floor and Tnble Oil Cloth!, ,
tuna rnmplele
(bear Cash ?late.
Cola. Dee.17,182).]
hoice Tele
Executor of Samuel Brandt