The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, December 24, 1859, Image 2

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    Est: yo•tr righte.op•ineis. yon can
do has no merit', and will never procure ti e
Favour of Him from whom above must etia.e
the blessing ;
Jas/ at you are; for he waits to be gra
cious to you. Ile has invited you ICT II sin
nor; why should coo wish to present your
self in any other cloaraetzr?
As: as you .ore; for his graee is infinite.
nod cannot fail to cover the whole extent
cud emerr"..ity of your guilt. Did lie nns
kanr: Osa wlia% zasu of ruined. sinners whet,
1 , 1 undertook the work of rederuptiCo? Hue
ho not all fuluess in himself? und ten there
te a case so desperate that he cannot rescue
and save?
Jute as you are; for it i 4 on:y as a sinner
saved that you will bare any disposhion or
capacity to rejoice Or t' join in the blessed
anthems , ef the redeemed. Olt what i
tle theme of 'their present and their eteritai
tvaiscs, brit the the grace that has made
Vicrn I,hite in the blood of the Lazuli?
FiJirAl ua 7, , (.41 are; for he may not wait longer,
if you delay. Oh: hell is peopled with thuao
who hare refused, until the" compassiona:e
Saviour has turned from them. Lind wept
over the infatuation that desddcd their ruin.
Just at yore are; for l
you 'loth i eiSr
to give. Penance.; are of :o•count
hivf; Lill your . righteArsness is but ac filth.,
and hunen
tatio»r, 7lntl selireproaclie , , reader coo n, :
411410!"0 tleCept:ible in his S , ight. It itt nnl:
'your polluted soul that he wilt:. ,and ohl,
that hare you to give. O. ti.ct, wait in.
longer, bat make the resolve t g to Jc,ll
- a:1 you 3,i - 11. Give yourself up to Lin.
to he siiveil just Ai he set= fit to 5.:V(.;
I 4i,,
'p.. Id! anc
"For I am conic to eall ,
I.a einncr tc repenterwe..” 1::
n 1.1 -
:•t life
6 1 aE Catumbia ~:-",..1jii,.
12p,: t .Atev. G. Clawges, pr,wil in
clock I'. M
arc itpl,t)tt.t , to 11,,
Mt:Pherson, f. , r a op), a the 1,
or ff. ,a. A. Nekoti, ~t
C.3.1R:11 A PFIE, , .— Our Carrier rr:P.
:.I:,.:riburs I,n New Year day as
per eu.t.nn kith Li,s 1.11111 1 / 2 11
Leopeali for a hint n gener.a: reception.
11e "Fix TOE Tli.iCki.."—On Monday. 12th
inst., a craft arrived at this port, from Ilav
re de Grace, with a cargo of gunpowder,
etalafiiglled in the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company Corr shipment t. , the West, a n d c as t
imehor in the Basin. Coompholm. was soon
made before Esquiro Welsh by the boatmen
.1 adjacent vessels, against the crew of the
powder boat—lour men nod three women—
as endangering surrounding property by
their riotous and reckless conduct. The
'Squire in his magisterial and official ('!'own'
Councilman) capacity immediately repaired
too the anchoirage and ordered the list Is no
get up steam (modes) and moor their highly
dangerous eralt, ahoy° the tunnel, where, an
explosion would he secomparrie.rl only hv
comparatively trifling daitiage—extermina
tion of the worthless crew. 'floe motrioers
greeted this pr position with gibes, and de
clined to "move on." The 'Sroife peremp
tory insisted and the offenders were equally
positive in their refusal. A collision woos
imminent, when one of the Airriozons at•
Cached to the vessel volunteered an amica
ble adjgstmeilt. She asserted and backed
olio her dictum with a variety of strenuous
expressions, that her sister navigators were
drunk nod worthless, and that tho whole
party Might as well go to 11011 together. If
she was competent to judge the capacity of
the casgo, and she thought the assumption
not unwarrontuble that she wits so qualified,
she would give it as her decided Opinion I Tits RutiAL .I.N!atrAt, AN:11 outlet:utast
that thirty toms of gunpowder was equal to Disco - prey FOR I.BG3.—The puldisher of the
the task of :hoisting even the pendor". hood I Genesee Flittl , !l"Zetg out eaeli Veal . a ¶llOl
- iniquity at that speaking in and arcuiod some little volume of
the boat, higher than a kite; whereupon she , desigom I its a ha o 1 to sok f rr the farmer and
descended into the pit of the craft and re- i fruit-grocer, We have receiveol the /opium ,
turned bra ndishingit coal of fire, with cchiob; for li.tfid, It is lille I to overflowing with
she advance 1 towards the hatchway over i useful an I iiiteresti rig information—joist
the p owder. The crowd "squandered," notch 'natter its at faroner rind gardener noels.
the chivalry has it, and it was a beautiful I It is illustrate' with ma htioilre,i, nod ACCCII
Sight for a sporting man to see (from a safe heittitiful pictures of trait, evergreen and
distance) the ego/client time made. The I deeiduonts tree:, insects, pigeons, oi.e. The
I",:qiiire•ls gig/7100:4i. is u /flooded point book is a gem, and wow' 1 be an ornament to
whether one -..lfoirciezr:l" bore refers to the , any Coroner's library or part or tulle. A-
I lob. magistrate s well known pl u ck, o r his yarns , 1 ming its contents we mty mention, trooti-
Lazitts' rtait.—The Fair for the benefit eggntsiss Caat'Sflt..—Cnt.f.WD7.l
The q iiestion suggest. itself -..o
woonloho't etc o:o the Planting amt Management; 4.1
t; Epis,:orp t 1 Church opened on I,Qc. 16, la,s9.—Crouneil Met.—Mmothers
g i
uosoday evening, and emotilloted during the present. Messrs. FeliK, Fraley, nippy. H er _ I he have sloped had his mooing ear been Fruit Croo,es; I cotta Injotrious and Ilene
t f..):IUViIIZ days llud evenings. It Iva , j hey and Welsh. In the alnenee o f th e presi.:, i n orilerr'—hlo.l prevented his retreat. rind ; ficial to F, i rat , -do, nn I Fr' (Irowers; „on
lie charge 1 t coe oiv with el 111. LEStilrit D Apple.,Petire,
1 - 117 a:Led/del and eacaurage.l. 1:111! dent. Mr. 11 , r.hey was called to the chair.
receipts of oincia evening exceeded die co:lcm Minute- of last meetitog read and op - I -lora:tat ors stood petrified, awaiting t
ca• Po o,oio. :us. I C oorrics; on the :f morn
tastrophe. The tigress strode towards the; n ,k /.doloorry; on the C;outp ositioni of
/,:tlons of the most saiogoine, and the total proved.
hatchway, murder in her eyes, lwandishing Fronts, Troop+. ,F,; Oa the manage neon and
profit will forma very laandsoine addition Road Committee
reperteol the expenses
the funds of the em/iety of ladies inatiog- I for last moth $53.5-1. the glowing coal; she held it almost. over the ; Varieties of pigens; out Plrnitirm Ever.
iio,4 the Fair. 'lnc proceeds will be a pplied I 'Cho following bills were nr lereol to ore magazine, when with a sudden t w it c h she I greens; via Dise.i.esail Horses. Cattle, Saes !
be the society to the benefit of the Church. pail: 1). Jlulerr, ,F,•,9,80; J. II i lingler , sent it hissing, into the basin, arid soothe:11"a s
'Sopiire let that 'mat re
her smirched liii;tters in her mouth. 'We re- D e md a ,, as T r e e . ; miesti.; It weipis,
Tve di:pray of Caney work at the opening $ G 5/:: C. A. Hook. $22.0'...h. N. rotoehour,
of tbo fair was very handsome. and the Ur- r;il,lft; C. A. Hook. $1.02; I'. Gardner, $4.- i-' ,114 " that the
main until aidrstoled, and was kll.l7Ca ill that
t.•• ICS Calll:m/nded ready sale. There was a 15; C. I: ,;tern, $2.70: I). S.
numhor of large and beautiful cakes, montri- reairt. $2, 4 5' CIS: Grabb, $l./:0; Jno. rinig.hloorh , / , 0 1 rn, mere during her stay.—
hated he citizens and from abroad, and the flegentrogler, $5.40: Wm. F. Lloyd, $ . 2.0.00: Molicirais torogoes are not wanting to repsin
r :Credo:lents generally wore offirst-rate qua. Gay Committee, $4.67; 11. Profiler. S..3.o2;that he made very good time towards the
the thlitannd testided. During the ' •1. v a ug h ert Co., ;5:4.17 ; J. A. Hook 4: I Blue Front, but we regard this as a device
Id the enemy. Too nasal, prods° cannot
cr. of the Fair, the room was the Co., $4.12.
resort of a large nuarzher of ladies and gee- Mr. Welsh offered the following reso2u- omeordeol the shippers of the powd er or th e
tie•aron, aril made a bu.y. pleasing show. Lion, which was adopted:—
owner of the lilt for the appropriate selec•
We an; ream .red the lady managers
Revolred, That the Borough Trettsurer riot of a crew.
of the Fair to esprii•-• their )crateful appre-anygiri'L'i,r;l:,eui,iilhie,rrdelytd, paying
of the Id; ;ral enem ne
rsgeent es- l oe foci soul ‘ t , r , i1"1 :": I I .:
tomle•I to then, is tlieir e'fort to s..ontribute. the t'onek ot the order a receipt in full ot all
t* the tuna: of their Church. ley the eititens riew.ands,
Mr. Fraley offered the following resolu
g ,r: 'racy rc.iorn their sincere thatok:,
tlan, which wen adopted:
Resared. That the Borough Tressurer
rAtvuetait.l OF 13t:NYAst's i'D/satst's rr.o- .
s hereby i nstructed to reserve one half of
aeries. of Jloving, nithlaux rep-, moneys paid into, the Utorough Treasury
resenting Bunyan's Pilgrita's Pregress, will on account of 11 oromrh tux. from the Fres
be exliihdoed in 01.1 Fellows' half on 'Cues- ant time up to the first day of May 1860. The
cy+ to he used boo the p:tyuaent o}'
day af,erromon and evening, Dec 'at at :3
i I T 0
i r
and 7j o'clo n ok. The exhibition will olubt• pro i ;as r 0 the droy of March hi fu
well patron/zed. It attract- in 011 tool f r tr, ~; ;ice
interested at tentiOn wherever it it. 0 , 4 ral 4.1 an
o. s-so ...nom—Luxe U. C Artoo, \Vet, I'. Clerk
Tex PrP.ANCE..—Ott TLlOrldliy evening, 20th
u of 11 , ,pe 'remperaneu
NV:IA 'l . .' I i/II wi;l, 52
:nember4. Ater to., itdL . c.-6, delivare 1 by
of rucoul,er of tile G0,,1 e•-•
uffloor., wurc elected. 11,e 13:14d 1,
110 W in a fair way of doing much
thSTIIII3L:T/UN OF PILuVi-.191U5.5.—We lizst-t•
I t nea r lueael t*ltnti,l,4llL:e th.Lt iL
1,1 “ar tatiZells have Calltraalle.l is moue,
pr,,visi , m , , fuel ie., to turn dept of uea
eic.laries r,L.,llstributi,m to the poor. Th,
expeiii.le:l itzid
ali other contributi , ,ns, are giv
~ 1 1 out to all needy applicants at the "Belle
au.) Restaurant, - under J. J. ii.Luit's BuAL:-
vuo Ilmuse. 'li .t. ~ .e.itetit has beeu ut
rp.nit kilearis growth. irrtlirer.ka:d by ever
present syro pa oy, among cart:kin of our eh i- The Itivut.—At this vvriting—Friday of
ccoS—WuJul we might name, but 1.11:0 they ternoon—the river is running very thick
lie-ire 0 k notottiory-1 kr the surfering pour with drift ice, and partially closed. Aktoth
ur our tuw ,„ was fi xe d upon nBI er night, or two, like that of Thursday will
the day for the . e , ML;II3L - -TIULLLIL of the din• undoubtedly complute the bridge, and cover
trthatiork, uud it wit be l'et , t up ay 1 0t4; HS t Our fair sheet of water with its winter man
tlke supply of contributions holds out against tlo. The ice men ttro on tho look out, and
tits de—it:old. Aky petktuirsi desiring to a s . i from the promise teal probably hare no klif
eist in this c dullekolable charity may do e rr .scttlty in obtairtiii;; a full supply of our
Buell articles as they choose to summer luxury. Tito bays are !waving for
give, to toe I•Zersraurant. ' u sin ,nth face on which to rout their bottled
‘7,) Leiiere that we :are only to call at• up energies—they have Leon very impatient
Y•ukk L'euevoleor enterprise to se- under the delay of Jack Frost, making shift
Care the grtlioral kikeeperati , kik of our eitivens. a'r beet they inigilt with mil/Tools' thin ca
r se:tient—when every luau looks bkr war oat. Glee the V imigre!r - 4 a ellitilee g , tl.-
t HI of teeth' , itY - 101 , 1 the rap tletnanl D nft ettcser their. with a promise
eon reign of dread King Wire rf a hard frocz.e and then set rhea) back
tar, renders the Vette ;1 lAte. 1110,t proper mud again with a rain or a 111.t.M. And don't
!le.:ad.:llokt: time f r asiistaneo to the nee iv. sillijeet theta L.l the worse th k:i des ipp dia.
Those who ;ire of tt Christmasfearst ,Went of a rough, ju ;zed, rookintairtkrus pile
• , tali to contribute a portion of their pleat of icebergs in the river, l ik k.kre, t d , t t . t h e
LJ those n cle4rly ahral of and easy freeze they hope for. When you
li-oein a si,npie local 6,r thmt of festivity. put the river to bet for the SCai-ttt, lay it
ottributione sent to the Bei:or ue Etestau- ' dawn decently and cover it skno dilly; don't
3;1 , 1 w ,t ; tau „, t y an d pitelt the wraps till in 4, unsightly pile, 11...
t-aiutt: with care and to the best juttit,e .:Y" "1" tla 3l !'' 4l ;''"" " f T'lur jilverin"
ty ant of tire gontlektiken ku idkoovik. w,r,hipperd.
To W 11,131 IT MAT C"secv.r.—A must an-
noying juriuus practice has for some
years prevailed in our town, growing
gradually until.. it has attained the di
men...lolll4'er an intolerable nuisance. We
refer to the habit of tearing down newly
posted Wits, indulged in by the worthless
whelps of boys who hang around our cor
ners, doing no gond to themselves and as
much positive evil to the town—either di
rectly or indirectly—as is possible to them.
I We cannot regard the defacing and destroy-
I hag of posted bills as proniptoci by malice
tlwards those who mirertise,-Imt-the act is
loons the less, in the eye of the Law, mall
einas misehief, and we hereby caution these
destroying devils, whatever their age or
condition, that in any case.where we can
bring home the charge of interfering with
posted bilk printe I at this &d co. to one of
their number, we shall prosecute the °Ten
ter to conviction and punishment if possi
ble. We request of all good citizens to
give information which may lead to the
qb.ttement ..f what has grown, for want of
rebuke, to be a positive private injury and
a crying public evil.
A C ItT) - -The members of the "Colum
bia Natien4l Band" return their sincere
thanks to the citizens of C.ditoihia f,a• the
liberal support estended to the late Fair
held for the ben e fit of the I;and. ae
1111Wielge espeeially their indebtedness and
.deer their graieful acknowledgements for
t di-d,terested services of the Goronittee
f Ladies ci..,,i,entleineti havintr, the Fair in
charge. By OaDra aio Com rTss.
C , dunibia, Dee '24. is 4t.
AN lut.aov oteNT IIY TII
Herr of the Washington is always on
the alert L , l keep up with the dem:tails id
Cho times. HO has just 0110.erted two of the
et,re re.intS in his elocution of the Wash
ington (louse, ail:joining his Restaurant.
into a Billiard Saloon ; nod put up one of
the best l'helan's Valeta ',Valdes, fin• the aC
mititodati•Ak of his enstonir.rr , . 'Phis tablo
i. undoubtedly the Lest public table in the
,[fate, out of the lorger cities—at least we
have never heard of a tulle of the salllc
quality, even in the cities of Lancaster and
RowlittA. When the Colonel makes an im
proveinent it is thorough. His room, whet,
C ompletely fitted up, will correspond with it,
beautiful piece of furniture, and will be n
credit to the Wa.ltington llouse and to Co
ltead the Cobatel's advertisement
iu another column end give hint a call.
‘ 'in cv 1 , r
TM: CA:ii:At,..—The water
tva , i let out of th„ canal at this point in last
Saturday, but after the weather matkrateit
and the rain ut Monday at in, or le'rs wiate
given to r:gtin put the work in navigably
condition, in order to give cud: boats as
c...t Id avail themselves of it an opportunhy
to reach their homes. The water was ac
cordingly let in on Tue-lay, but the very
evere weather of rriday terminated all
farther hopes of navigation, and .he water
was again let Out yesday (Priday) aftermem.
!ItOrne o f tho boat,, succeed , : lin getting away
from where they had been caught hy the
' first ice, hat a maj , wity them still lie in
their old quarters. Capt. Jacob Streit;, of
! this place, took a lvantage of the, tempifrary
!thaw t t run his ho it with it hal to Safe
Hari, r. Ile left hero on Wednesday, awl
rotui nod on Thursday, reaching Colomhia
at 1.0 o'clock P. 'l. of that day, having
made his way taroogli the i.te of the canal.
I and palled through the heavy drift ice un
the r..e[—a good and plucky tight.
CIIRISTMAB.—WC don't expect much at.
tendon this week. The Spy c..cris.s inoppor
tunely the day heAtre Christmas, and we
cannot ask motheris. -to turn from the mys
tery and anxiety of pies, 'pudding's, and the
thousand household - kickshaws; fathers to
emerge from the profound and' bewildering
study oitoy and candy shops; and, least of
all, children to
..give up their delightful.'
dr=ams, wherein are comingled Ore' subject
-cares of both parents, to seek instruction
happily blended with amusement in utir
ever versatile columnl:. We don': loeh for
even decent courtesy.this week, and_ come
before you, beloved readers. prepared and •
resigned to be kicked into any corner out of
the way of the genera!
and liiiiCidnesti: — Net7erilieless we trust that
the excitement over and 'the reaction com
menced--when the anxious "worrited"
mamma shall sigh "Thank goodness, Christ
Imes doesn't come twice a year!" or the pa
ternal sufferer shall dejectedly descend into
the depths of his truwsers pockets, like a
direr, and vainly search amid the wrecir for
treasure; or when, feeling worse than all.
the juvenile party, for whose especial and
exclusive henetit the festival of Christmas
seeing to be honored and held - , shall repeot
him that he over ale himself, and look fir
, ward with feelings of despair towards the
1 coining r.f . a . nnther feast day—then shalt the
,\py he bullied up and our cordial greeting
to oar readers he received. I:'e have a very
!hvely recollection of what Christmas used
Ito be, tlrotrgh of late years the elityrac.ter of
the day seems sadly to have deteriorated--
As we recall it,- it tra , + - the IICT:14.11 ~f
,- , ,
ritltirlitittll , ll weekc,
ettj,tyinent (gustritoti). g'r gineAay, irrtdifted
bliss for a week, then of rttitetatitt regret fur
an tindetermine . ti period. 1"..e saw it ill this
light some, years since: mere receitily it has
ranked in our estimation in it festive point
t.l view, with the Fourth of July, and other
1 holi lays when Young America is supposed
1 to be j ust geed as the old f.g:y portion of
the community, if not "a little hit the darn
dent sigh: bette'r." Wet!, we cunt S:atiti
the ira7 of said t. A ; and we would s T ar,,,,
ly hare heart na• it it' we had the mllVer.
()tar fling is about over, hi the character or
sportive juvenile, aadd we won't begriulge
our strecessors their Iwiel Tittle •lay of grace.
them a Iznitil time:. is the
season for enSoyinetit, and they shoold — get
over the gronnd fast." As for our seni,ds,
they have their balm in a thousand bone
nil we won't insult them tt ith
our advice. So we wish or friend.:, min
and all, a very merry Christmas, and hi due
time a happy New Year.
Police Items
"REPORTED fly 4,1711 srEciAl. 3roterisrm."
I, pf r:4' M tGAZTNT:.-1 . 11i4
M,.. 4 azine has been receired
It is a far wile with the i ' , lies. and certainly
is sell cal,allated m cnntinand their sup
hart. It g,ve+ them the latest norelties in
cr , wk, fashions. Ice. The literary
contents are entertaining and the illustra
GoIDET . . 8.10 , K.—G , .117 for Jinn- and male my ..heek.. Imre by their land - Ong
ars emnit•otee the year and yoinme with !. - -ommont.4 upon the chitalty 44 the Smith.
e?.....e1h0rt noy a Lor. N•ot. is the time to!! n remmoher that I Wa+ ever incline , l
t., thi+ favorite rwri , , , ii , •3l. It 1•I ' n vio.•.y My t,irrh 7,14/./. / but if one
ono of the moct popular pliblieation4 of the then Mot ItAICR , I roe at that partieol ir time
.Iwc. %There I 'tn' from, I think should have
New Books, Periodicais. &o
The pre-8 of udversi,eateofs anti locals
for the la-t two weeks }IPI crowded cotit inn
bookuoticcs. We bring. up arrearagea this
Ltotvet. LtscotN.4;-This is the eleventh
voluitte of Townsonite beauti:f4 edition of
Cooper's novels. The puidic ha l. .Jong been
farniliaY with this pale (if our fleVolutiott;- 1 -
The scenes laid ii, and around Boston dur
ing its necupstiMi by the 13AtiSh, and same
of the most stirring eeenos uf our great
scrugglearo described asCooperonly has sue
ceeded-in describing thom:-TiVireettnurre
commend the novel, anct the bunk if seen will
:T.:mum:rid itself as a perfect speciilleti of
typography. paper, ntwl above-NIL
Darley's vignett , s continue unap
proachable. They are specimens of Amer
ican art of which, every citizen may be
We received this work Ervin Elias Bnrr
Co., Lancaster, agents fur this I ulilieation.
IlAttemt'4 MAGAZINE —Harper for Jams
ary is a 'mae! number halt in its pictorial
and literary dep.rtinents. 'the
to Mettglier's Central American airney
ings are ad iratdy out, an.l :Su , a Cum,
iry Semie. are iilteg , /.1:13 1.. Thu -N,g4er
Baby" i. a masterpiece. Strlther in aopy•
jog Nature and ltural Art takes very few
artistic liberties, cotisetpiently his country
scenes are as avUratt: as photographs. Any
one who has ever seen it Virginia barn wilt
at once admit that the raa. , ll of that
(to Lancirster'Comty eyes) phenomenon had
not its it igia in the artist's imagination.—
The stories iu this uuutbet of lhirper are
more than usually interesting. ••Miea:
tots of failatia-see," and - Ilow the Snow
Melted an J l.,uo t t, /1,11.111 - 04.1 i ," are very
,Al.l. THE Yr.% tt
of the firs! •,1
weeltly uumhor., it wc,
by :Slessrs.
repilllhl hers, hl e n 1.1 o r e io
t o,mibly lints . ( y .mo.sonee•l tilts in
teiiti‘m 1111 lill . [ll/ weekly
number: hot we mi.( n..t notieet.i t erufil , In
our iiiip:itie•we st ihe.ipistre,itly inmee.mot
itble delcy in tile appearance
visitor, we 100 l writruii them Ik,ilasuliilg ilt
si:mt nel W••
hereby :apologize.) Tlln in.iiithly form peas
bes.t, for we 01111 mew give it appr.,.
pri,tte tritice :is it :IrryvalN. StlecTiQtrr
II , i , 011. , 01 Is. it :he
514 5..1 111 that till,.
it. i.
The old writers are still reeognize.l iu it.
columns, whilst the Walsa the /11:1,ter
Spirit is iTiLvel over tl:e whole, and his seal
is set on it. Wli .ever wallas it genuine un
adulterated, monthly-recurring pleasure
lIIIV seettre it t.y a subscription to All the
CostiortmiTast ART JtICRS.4I,.—We have
received the lle-teailter moldier of this
Quarterly, It is eery handsomely illustra
ted, and the eutire volume, whiclr its fur
nished ti the subscribers to Costnopttii tati Art
Association is abote worth the wive of stile
seription. In addition, the splendid Kftterett
gruiel rig from Feed's picture of "Shakspeare
and his Friends," which we have already
spoken is tarnished, and each sultscrilter has
a chance of reevivii.ea caluabl work of Alt
in the annual distribution. Ths subscrip
tion is loot three ilttibirs mid the en;, -eating
al lie is worth ten, if purchased at it print
shop. Win. F. Littytl is Secretary of the
A- , , , teitition fir Columbia.
lIEV r.w receive both them 2
rerrhtts fram the ed Cram
Laniard &t. C the New I.", k re
patilish,,r‘. ft waidd he presumption to
eriti e i;e, nn l impudence t.. pair these work-.
iVe eel oaly our re:alers to he
thankful for the . Olives
witai:. their ‘-.teit sa much ftr.4fehiss litera
ture to i:•1 trifling a c"-et. EgLeh of the fmr
reviews is pi:Misfiled at $3.00 per umlaut.—
The vriatle of them are furnished far $8,00;
including Blitelswaad's :Maga/dile, for
We %co
im,r e .g.. 1 ~, nr ..11 I t ire .f
the impr vent ~f the c:ntntry, to
for a copy. Price only tkve ,ty-li cent-.
The pulilisht.r will send it, prr-paid by re
turn m ril. , n the rrccipt.•f twenty-five cet.l,
in Oree rent postage stomps.
1 .•ern 11 %%RA+. pu!.lisher Glued, nenic•
ftwile.?er, N. T.
" •1. (;Isms''. (*.innerly Unite ;
4 4 , r, , In Ain lolinn. and at pre•
cot e lit.rr „1 the Nle.ii phi,. (Tenn.) Enquirer.
Far, in a re.eit letter to that paper, dated
t at Philadelphia:
i "A nornher of country girls, *ho had been
to a weddinm. entered the same ear in which
;1 a-a% eittin;:., at I.tacamter, Petiapylvatiia.
answered lowa. or Minnemfnr or perhaps
Oregon. Of course. all this is haentless, and
the stories so current are wild exaggeretions.
At borne I should laugh at them as heartily
as any one . , but I do not like to hear them
here, and nothing but the fear of 'making
myself ridiculous by getting into a . passion
has peeseried me seyerid tiAno4 front:retort
iniot witticism-by instant:: -'Besides. when
I it down and think over it calmly, I am
forced ityconfess that it ie nn-thing more
than a fair retaliatien for this blustering
I threats in which' oar ,copse aro so prone to
indulge. We talk about _whipping . the..
North with as much sk3l64iimpin elicy as if
her whole' poptilak;ini iron:4 not itinre than
solace fir a. eren.krast fpr the.unlitia
single Southern State, - and yet John Brown.
;tided by , seventeen white tneti and seven or
eight free negroes. seized titiational Armory
in a thickly Rip,/hoed portion of a S:nultern
State, and was only captured by the aid of
United States (nal'iiies rn , lll Washington.—
Since the arreSt erffiVicrion or this in
significant hand, we haVer had Southern Leg
islature', anti Governors going through the
ridkulous farce of tendering aid to the Goy-
ernor vir g ißia to prevent a rescue no - Inne
,nan belio'es to be possible. Scarcely a elliy
passes but we have some startling disclbs
ure, and the telegraph is kept busy in re:
cordiog Che imaginary movement of the res
cuers on the one hand, andthe'venalike prep
arations of the guardians of the lot on the
other. No wonder we are laughed at."
itAstivis, ODD FELLOWS' lIALI., ry TU-DAY'S
To serve in. the Court ,j Quarter Sessions,
Jo altar!" IG, 165 . 9.
truer Bare, Lipper Leaeoek.
finthill hare, .Nlaolieio. tutorship.
Jelin 'faker, Saltsbory. ,
A. N. Breouorat., Cay,
4.4, , rge Beat., Cow.y.
Joilo 8u•h,...g, r. a t LO.topOter.
Curpeoter, Earl.
lle..Qr M. Eoglu, Ets-t
14 rII ala U. lira, City.
hist pollegar.
Ma Irias S. I Eva-cm:it.
Joh.. 1.. liorour, Elt,t
Lethrr, borough.
Itfl'l 1e.., Jiiy borough.
Pe 9.leN,
I.2lirsta... E.szabeth„
Re.kec.:er, East Ouilegal.
Jacob S. Shirk, City.
Jae..b K.. Slielik, Manor.
Christ:lto Strusburg township.
Levi Steiner, Elizabeth.
To scree is same court':
P. K. Broneman, City.
John B. 13n/imam/A, iiaphn,
Adrrithain B411,111:111, :Bailor.
Smauel Brubaker, Itapho.
Datriel Boid, jr., West eucalico.
J. I/leiLey Clendenin, Fußoa.
Joseph. Bart.
Christian !LIMA°, Mount Joy township.
Juba W. Clark, M,artetta.
Solomon 1..h.4er. Earl.
Ilehry S. Erb, Penn.,
51111 ,, 11 Ehy, Ittp111).
Samuel Pry, East Coe/flit/Y.
Frederick Pricker, Ranh', .•
Alidrew M. Frantz, East Larliptiter.
Chri.tnitt plus.
Henry Gareeth, City.
Baud. Martio.
Nicholas 11 Gillespie. Colerrin.
Jeremiah liastiirsh,lerain.
David 11.,sielter, ' Peosi.
Martin llel I ty. Pl4llll.
Joseph 111...1, Bart.
Daniel 11nim, Strasburg: township.
\V, Hamilton. Paradise.
.1..1... Ressler,
:"t WU, Pinta. Eli I
Sit nu,•l L F, le".
J •11.1 N. Krone It'. Paradise.
Vineet Li .tie Britain.
Jae..ll 11. Ln,nli Manor.
Ehjah Lea is. Smlshui y.
II M Iler, City.
I Mericloy. Mount J..y township.
Peter Eph ra ta.
Cliritintiti S., Earl.
Samuel Patterson, City.
Frederick Smith, Count.
S; iii tel Slolhn, Swlsbury.
William Shaler, City.
John S , Pllttlall, Penn.
Nathaniel Urhan. Washington:
A. 11. Witmer, Manor.
William Witman, Caernarvon.
Christain \Vidiuycr. City.
Abraham R. NVitmer, West Ilenip6ehl
Jelin R. Zook, West Earl.
t Piper:raced MIN.' :TIM 1 . ..111111C i•byiticinn. has n
,jrup kw children iceicing which greatly
t',eilliate. the prove.. of by anfieniag the
!Urn , . reducing all allay all pain
i- "I/re in le.tutitie the bowels Depend upon is.
mother-. i• will give rest on your-ulcer , . and reilet and
,rOllO 10 your infant=. Perfectly iare iit 1111 rtISCg.
see ntivertiternenilli another column,
n ie I, c .vrap. were i:ltimmated ell the evening tot
August 2,11. by the must itylendid Aural n
I . :CO(3:1;1a eV., .1 . 011 111 t he CIIIIIIIry. RII)e of milli
rdl 111.11111.1.71 ed hero-. the Atty. anti the othatsgt,
were 7teeritii/ul.ol the extreme. At one lime a rapt
, u-over ll):1{ he Cl/o'd 5•IIE the
•pa,tcllav foroi th,w-riveg Into tollowiltg
44 . 4.1 . 11.: Hill all ymir ggarmeotU at the Brown Swim
i•Milititir 11..11 of It...kilt!: R l\'ll-nn. Nos. 604 mill WO
Che-mat -1.. aho e Sixth. rMladelplua. la 1"311
We do not think a person can eviuce a more
benevolent trait of character than being moved
at the distress and suff,ricig or others, and fur
thermore, 811X1011S to do all in therr power . to
alleviate by every possible means human sof
tening.. lii this view of the case. vie do not
know how the humane and benevolent can do
an action more to accordance with their philan
hinpic views, than by calling the attention of
their afflicted friends arid acquaintances to the
tact, that Di. Seth S. Hance, of 1118 Baltimore
street, Baltimore, Mil., has ili“,ivered a prep
oration, wine!' is put up in the form of a pill,
that has a specific action for curia Epilep.y,
or falling fps,, cramps, and all lorms of
ner cons ilisea-es. Among thine whohave b een
permanently cured, we might mention IA mem
ber of the faintly of J..rnes H. B attle, Hunts
Alabama; MI. M. P. Sledge, Cabin
Point. Sorry conrity. Va., and Mr. :M. P. Li
gon, Grenada, Mississippi. We might goon
enumerating others, until we had entirely filled
tip this colilmn of our paper; hut we think we
hose said stifflerent to sat tidy every person
that the subject under consideration is one of
vital impfataime to every one. Reader! if you
I I %11 , a well man or woman, arid have no need of
a remedy, perhaps you know some person who
is not equally blessed as yourself, if so, cut out
this notice, and send it to bum or her. It will
emit you but little trouble, and prObibly it will
make you instrumental in curing some poor,
a Mimed morial 01 that dreadful visitationa.p
ilepsy, or septic sickness.
y f II
Dr: Hence gend• hi., pills by mail, free of
rio.rag.. to all port. or the world, on the rp
r,pt ol a rem Its.lee- flit privet are: one
n. vr.-tve, $24. We bate
gl rn ..!drers above.
Der .1
Grand Jurors
j " 1- a querpio d .ily and pourlyAtak:eti by ptirents„ ;
ettliong for the 11C31111 of theicehildi*ia,:: Alt who are.
tt ull with the iirtielar,Wili irtirneiliclely an
tiwar. Pr. Ml.une'. Celebrated Verratfuge, prepared by
Plew.fite '
Bum . Pia-burg, Pu.
It has never Lee known to I'llll.4'nd:l4 one of the
safest remedies :hut cull Le ustitt. fi Gießd of ours
ly handed us the feflowing stilement in reference to,
this Verinifugc
Nca V01X1.5.1riern1.24.1451
(iESILEMMI—A routs: lady,of rui• neqtroiniance had
I ildvbetl her to try It, APl.ane , Cel••ltrated
tute. prepared loy Fliumitl , 4 Bros ,o( Pitinhurgit, l'a. +she
uccordittgly Purchased and took one vial.selneh cult-ed
mr' - ovitgotirk• - cid - ininzuarait,etiii:iarry 'of "Wortns. - -
She was immediately relieved of lot the dreadful t.yutp.-
1 0 • 01T.pall:. d 101st. a. d rapid!. reeirrered.
it, usual It • ,I.h Thu , 0 , r4 :uth doe- o.•I svi-11 her
•rt ti iceif; t' - i'e 7 iitTectie. vitiTikb'2o - ilftit
.street. nod she reters to Mr-. I larthe:‘ I.othatitta p:ac••.
t 1 . 7 . 110 • 11 I ••• %VIIIIre .iul pi • l,k 1,1 Dr.
NeI•.%7 , ;F:S VC' , V gtlHPLTlartlllll
- l,y FII t7lXr: l'a
/IOW; Ves•trtiruges cm:wart-on me IT.•
Veretiluge:ll NA' tie . (elfinted
Liver Pill., cad 1., hod nt re-pert - ible drug
tdorec. I. , ,,ttuine Without the stgnolore of
Dec 'A. 1-,70 (17 1
The great standard medicines of the preseitt
age, hate acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in all cases; and the
people have pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are rpeedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial- has acquired a
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre
para(ion extant. will cure, WITHOUT FAIL,
the most severe and long-standing
Cough, Cold, or 32fonrseness, Bronchitis, In.
fluenza, Croup, Pneunionis, Incipient
and has performed the most astonishing mires
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses will also at once check and
cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding
These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M.
JACZAON & CO., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. Itcr.soN
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called EVERYBODY'S ALMANAC,
you will find testimony and commendatory
notices from all parts of the country. These
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
A. 1••• ill 1111: %.61.1111i) .
/11,81'9 I- 59.1 y
91; a 5-
On the •l!rd inat., nt qtc rotitlence of the l‘ride. fath
er by the Rev. NVAaargarrota
Pero, to tlt•nt tt.t rate Mae, u❑ of York crusty, Fn.
For kind remembrance of Inc printer. the happy cou
ple wi , l plense art, pt our icenoa•tedgemants,
s ei.thes. for their.futitre. .
In this pine, 011 Vti 'Hy moving. Dot 2.3 d, Ilbmtv t.
Gnat:S. in thr, Nth ytbr 4.1161. apt.
The funeral Will Ott - fqtfre in-morrow (canttny) at 2
n'eloelt P. M. The fri..llo.lSof the Jecrused tire invitoll
20 0 0 I) OVL EVELS
rn-•rizz:•gt• n ,•tnpr•riy aniii.l.l,
ni otlie. F I) •kr.:24.'59-tf
rtiltn 11,4 Wa•hincie.,
1 10 „. t ..
a!I the ncre , ..n les ill hest rioni.v. ThiA i 4 the
Itth , e. .tly I ,V 1111,(" et y in ?ott seine. out 0! I.liihi
delphiu ur 11l the game
D. I lERIt.
Cwilenlqn. D-cember 21. 1-59.
TII7IIING Ilidtd:,:. Sea.ll and wail Jail.G.l-130
LI we sit
wen it cted Ft efi of P.e.,ltaw ion and Miser.flame
cu. Book, uoinp , l.ind
Ifihle. of FiZ . eS all , l on Oar;
Troyer Hooks;
uh•d rnoan roiholie Prayer Brooks;
itlelliod..l and Hymn freaks;
Alhurn•. io.. Anoint's;
Itook of 11i Tory; 13ook. of l'of•try:
Books of Itorrinoce; 'tongs of F.clion;
nooks of Troy. Is; Iford.n of Great Met,.
Toy !fool:, &c., roc. for chi d cat.
PeNouts horildilog to ••••irit•lite OCHAOIIIty
rot,king h yp.opri•ne pleseirs mad soulcols wedlinc to
replenish the -10.1Velli of their will find it to
their interest to give us u cat!.
7',13.1S 8,11111 & CO.,
Opposite ;Inc Court !louse, Laikca-t,r, Pa. •
DecrntLcr U 4. ;KO.
An Ordinance Relating to the Markel.
E IL Ord.iiited tool I . :minted by the Chit( Ilarg , ss.Aeo
ci. • tiot tturr••~+ nud Town i'ostocit of the iture t ech
of I'ojittullin. cud it is hereby sire:illicit umf enurted by
atithiony of the ~ne. That it shall he uo twirl for arty
huckster. •tar ke per. or wirer per•on to purchase any
11111 , tle or 11r 1111-s Wlllll l .O , 11 , the market piece. in
the itoroonli of Colunilda. dal lite mnrl.el firer,. tot the
purpose• 01 re.ri or 1111r , C , 111,. AWIly or the Mettle.
Airy Viol •circa of thin 0 diuutte• blot!l nuhjerh the or.
fonder or to it prnnl•y of lett dollars. to
-covered fir the U .,- of the 1101,11101 11 11 ornallies of like
memo, ere now• by r rover.• In
LllllOllll /110 .1111 1 1rditturice, Novenit , er 19.1959.
T.,1 141 , 1101' Chief Flsiges•
I'. ItLKTZ, President of Council.
Attetit:' vv).t. I'. 1.t.ny0., Clerk nrc.2.4Z/£l.lll
lIV virtue of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Lan-
I) cost• rro y. the and roignnl. Adminirorntor 01
the C-one of lohu W. ShotOlio. dee'rl. Will ern at Nth
he sole. at tile 1 1 061 , C souse or Daniel Ileer. put th.•
Borough of Columbia co. SA'l . l.:l<f).%V. JANtilt KY
21 1 , 1;11. the undivided rote-lot:1' of the rollcra fog dr.
ibell proper y. nsuateJ on the Ca-t side of Front -t..
between Willow end Goy ar.vd iii the Iltorou•A of
I:ol...ohin.rown , ime of a last of Crotind enutnii•Ont 52
fest sm o:lia 1 100 sinel, and odlOg in depth 1 11
feel. moor or lee.. nojoi..M.ithe proprr.y of .11 s. Zr?
v.; oL ii. litell• Ili•c - 41 o J N.churl S .11111111011,
vvls erected n 1111:11,1'1N(L 221.y/1
:VI lest. WI h bark Instating ID) 27 fee .
nvu 510 1 100 111011; tai t IHH.HIIII4 11111, a
.... w t h e co.lor. nod two store rOaala 611
the flf•I fibor: lire rest of the I:ioldine, it cow/
od 1,,,111 r. 41 . 111, dwelThere is Huta ,reeled at
hp. lui a I , l , ine one ~ t ry it. he gilt to by 21
fret. The .1- re all fur igloo! With Sid ving
drawer, vrhieh beirrorr to this huildlng. The
-.otos are now oc,upicd by David Dan
,uo, to enmmrn. e at 7 o'c!oelc I'. M.. When te , ma
H• 111 lie mutle kll , •N' , •
U I,IIA .111; %lAN. Admvti•trutor
The uodemgord vk nil oleo et the saute time r line
other buff of the "hove dracrioel property tit public
stile ( b us Firing tin y ',loon trashing to pureloow the
ve.•ole property, tin Orpori,,mly on do
Drc.2.4 7.44-tm MICHAEL :S..s HUMA d.
New Hams.
laiErint:gr. i ha••• ju-t ree.ived tbe frret lot of
Neer llama had beet, which I guarantee to give
Monly Grorcry Store. Odd Fellows' Ha
Old Style Sugar House Molasses.
ovviii‘u nod Peuuoylvaniu. •-yrupe; nS. good
II wear ~ )rup for I'!+e,•. p r rptuo ut
A. H
, randy Grocery Store, Old Fellows' 11.11.
Oryr. 10.70.
Choice Teas
MIMS. rfria'f" itne - IDlvored . ern . tin' 7 a for 1"1,;:t.f/'
1. we zire lutbe
.010 e Anil' for Ittii• plat, .
• Jleirext*rg: Vtilihr....ll. home. &e., - . &c.; Choice
loVertol. notrekttlypdattd,r,Totts. AllWorratet. , l
of the new crop and I'o4ll at.ll. trial
--- X., M. R.T4BO'S
"Fotttily Grocery Store, Q&I F c ficvo, ,
• 'Per. 24 116511. ! !,;;•!
„W ow
following- real entulet
' viz:
- A LOT OF GROE - N-Di.r - - - -- Tral,E
in ihelD;iough of COluinbilr:'4ll - tiliteiroe SCCOn 4i ,'
between. Cherry nod -Union Whets, attioining
TV a -11ItiOnn Righter and Cyril , Ii 7att , ribii,
having 0 front of 31k feet on said Second street, mid
ext engine it feet to rt'eei fee% wide:elleA4lii
which i•-•••rw-tee 4 -4I • 44"111—th "IsV "
-'_si,r - ,ith. : i•,;,i. - ,nr,,r.euz;tii , 6.f,i . litiii'e.g , iltgikfa'f..-S 2 -;• i •!F'-
inns 45 feet in depth. having a buleony the Whole.,
tetitly, ; Wal4li Hoene. Smoke Ilritaiie..Dokte Dv-eh:lce:4
all mole). rOcif. 'rite front in of Baltimore
prensett brick, and the inieriOr in divided inio.rionve
itietti room-. -with-bath room Oa. anievtitier sire in
}lonia e el: the former liei og carried- ihralighout '
', oh ., T h e e olh tr e ore deep soot airy. There in a
I ;t artlet, 111 .itit s . 4lll,uttijiee.2CMeri..
g rimen. hid tee s - in Cult beti rim. '
Per-on- dent ring to examine the premkes beforethe.i."'
sate can call ,nn the •-uli-criber residing thereon.- • •
Ponnuniti to, :out all inilinputithle lisle given on 11ie,124
of Affil. 1,60 . Term- ot'-ale ,-t-y.
sale tit erimme . tiee -at o'clock M . ofittud day
when tenon will be mode-known by
Culumhia. December N. 1.9513:• •
I.)ATENT LAMPS.--We have just - received,*'i;
of ),••
„ r c „,„ ()II Whieh.we4roviteotte--rotentio ta
of Ptcoe lot to poretra•e.a. good lamp, thatironly
vc.bumer a hail rent's worth per hour.
J s & co..
‘lortor Drug :..‘tore.Frontret., Colutntna.
Dee. 24. 1.759.
COAL OlL—Just received a superior article,
o n 'hi, the hurl in town or country, !IV
a (Milts per (prom
J. S DEL Err dz. CO .-
(:nldrn Mer,n r
ILA. .
, I LIIIII MPS altrred for Coal Oil: - We are.-
.I,,lniered to utter noitt.L.Amp • to bum flontlhic,/
- • DEGI.ETV&:CO.:
Golden Morlit r lfrug Store, Frottl,A., Col umfiic.
( 'OIL MI GlobeN, Wicic,,and ~gil•,,Canm, for
%, ) a k !Ike Gi)bir'to M .t tar Drag
. • " ' Cier,llosl):
PTEC of mo-t beautiful -Wes INK kinutiti
v 1).•Ialor, pro, of 25 ce•a,.. per
a til .„„ g
am: 15 pie.•e (bete*" pfetitteekt.,Prillls. Just re
ceived in tithe Alt
WC: 11 , D;S:DER. 4 •MITIPS
PeOple's Chem - , 'rt..h More, Columbia..
Dec. 25 1,59
• •
ITW in 'Fielp in n iitnre One from thy country pr.:,
(ccrcd and who can , alk Germ:tn.' Apply at Out
)(Flee. t 0cc.14:594(
DF AGREEXTFST ;his day made between George
111 W. Ileumh. Executor of &Linnet Brandt. late of
Cum/p...11;nd eon.. y. remixylvania. deceased. and lien
ry Itiai.dt. of Colombia. I.nesenster coun'y. and same
oat, the Agency of the said Ileno iu manumeturingc
groin 'take, trader the will of the said • derieused. is
row terminated. and the hi.inesit will he closed at once?
by the said Execrable who re • WC!, at Carlisle. P..—
'rho-e inhere-led will please take antic,.
f.:EG. W. HAAN Tyre
r,xecinor of Samuel Bruncli.
Dec I. IS3O
Dec. 17. 1n9.3
Pr 6 4 tq.PI
ca-mirinerimip be , etotore exislin: between John
1 K Sumb. 11autiel It howl. nod E4.1,:ar1 K. ~e raolla, torn
ber uY oatader the farm of - , ,nit' , . ft bowls le Smith, is this
day disrsotva , d by suumat consent.
role Dec.10.18:0 ) EDWARD K
The business of said firm will he ...tiled by E. K.
smith. JOHN K. SMITH,
Dee. 17, 1F4.51‘)
E. 14. SMITH,
co ItU.rtl MIA, PA.
Office in , Northern • central Railway
Depot Building. foot of Viralnat'st., • .
Ha- on hand a General A., , ortment of
White Pine and Hemlock Lumber,,
. .
Good Qoahties,at the Lowest Market Rates. .
Dec 17.'49.
-- _____—___
Great Exeitem 'nt at Harper's Ferry:-
- . .
Jun got home with
nic I.strgeo and itto , t < -',. :i41 1.* :• • •
smfeniliil It.o.l.fir`ekl Or .'
. • ' ,"•1. ' -,,,.•• .
.9 .S _."„ ..... 4..
i.,........ 3 „„.....
HATS AND 'CAPS' , 7. ' : . , r ms ., ..- 3 „.
. r,rlis,
ihei .1,1. ever I•een 01. - ... .
rerellio Colutultut • . -- 0 1 1 ...- ;.- "A t-I
Triuhmickb.,llie finest *-- _. - - 4.-- , ;-... ..
Silk Hai,: in flits COU3 -
.1. . ' 5.... , .
Tretlettrrk Ims the (Pm,' _
r••iirtnient of Cap+ in the county. rflees from.
25 rent. in &Lon.
Tr..tleiirek has the Zaturve flat.
Tredetti'clr tuts she Cricket Cup. . •
Tr...dr...lick b,i. Ilse Zoo.nvt• null NlorPhY Cup..
Trrdeoiel, lion the Curk Soled lino!.
1 4 ,,,1e0;ek• II:, I.e Witter-Proof Coot.
Tiiiiiuiiek lea. the Ifne4 stork of Over 'Shims ant?
(forms ni town.
Ttetle.oet for., aril ll,nt is neerlett for men, women -
iiiiii phi:area. from 111011.11110 the Mot. .
frr-tfn to Tredeltirk ., in gel your money.linek; he
..!14 1.• :1,141 a little cheaper for rash Mutt can
iie -old 11 :4 lerio+t our other phiee in the coooory.
(7,01 ~,,,i .ee 4i. onek o ti Ole Sign of the Rig I}7ll,
oi LoeuO ~tree: above Front.
enlorollin. nee 17. IR'9.
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THE Subscriber respectfully calls the at.;
i I •01101, 0, .it, 1,01. I. 10 Me i ncrll u .. hr hint opened''
a fir.l el,.- P I 10T0f: It %Pit IC (i AMA MI - , in, Front
st reel, :those Loco-'. Wil,r lie i• luny prepared to
eesonte a 0 hinds 01 . 1...1iiC114 , ,s j• the, bert my', o f'
the Uri. • •
TM- Gallery i.t .upplett With III! terY 'ltem instro—
ments irrim Iliii german MIA A Ine'titnii man'ufnetorieS.: from the 4.01101fy Of ..lritligeff, mooing
latotteh 'lre town I.y e drops in .loitey'. linliery eon'
have their rir-w.r< 111 u ten, 11l Hint nesnly put
up. In ntry hrro,i o,1Wa.:1111e, from 9 n. Ai Milli' 4 P. Ai .1
ir) - 1 . " WIMP' , gi,tel pie• ores or ehtirlreh i Mr.; should
-1 collie in I lir inrerionti. or. it eleor tiny, the sitting re-'.
' quireinr • iirmmil only.
I ~rn rulh. pr0.p..,J1 10 give itom.netions in nil ,the
vnrinu. braneas- of •thr- In:Manful art, •liti' formals ,
apphrans" if 41,.,t-ed.
All toe invited to rat( to coll. whether they Wait
picture , or n o t Gallery opposite the. maps" Offices'
Nov 90, 1,-54. .1 J01.1.F.Y. i
The members of Ibr Farmer's Mutual la
,.tualter • ompooy. win piens.. tale notice Ones 11,0
tohoarrl • le. tot DP , of line rend Cootpali) . for
the ro•onog ear IA lit 5•.• I...trt on -.A I'll/1/M tbe3l.l
njoy o f La; Em.o;l2 i n. to re.. the hoof- 01./ rod
4 cefor.k.nt the hot., of Jocal. I.ramon.,
k „. 01 ,, n . in , the ~r Lnn alter. at ,w hit!. time rod
fee p n pro.•er. or. to be elec
ted Mr.r.Ger• of line rompany grel , prull) ore requestre,
ID ahem,. 14 order of le limo rt of .131 f, tI9VO.
Dec. 17.'.n931 JOH:\ : , 1110/1111, Sec.elary,
reduced prices,.
The sub.4eritaer na greatly
Blia r1DKR111 , ...4
in Colinrar..cretoilundkrrellief •.Ininutre Wirinan.Erfeiragrl,
ir.neniugn. be.. ar. e. furl r. craved from New York,
NubiCS, SOMAS*. Hod do A •rte . ..t•, erc., &c
Ilrocha„Long and Square, Fre.rdi Blanket, Bay State s
Illsek Cloth Unsks. from Lid UO to VS 00,
orals do do dud ov rr or st) as.
A rp'endid AusnrunPnt r,f r4er% tit mriptioa. .
all wool Paris it.oriert Pell:immix NVerelnib
Printed Merinors. l4 l . rk and Perry dike, sc., &c.
a new •nd full •tor'. '
Flonr and Ts%We Oil Clot
Ti 111 enmpiee uppic
fI A 1.1.4:31 A ?VS
Chomp Coot' elCore,
Cols. Pee. V?, 1.74.1