%crewel! Iftratella an taus' cf :prim Hit:Rory and Oak wow for APIC al ate Lauf ¢djoitting the teethies War.-r Apry't to - May 2s. .1.11.:N I" ['FLAMM. cronua,. or Kino''s Evil 5 12 a cK - ris`iitutioritil disc.:lst% F. Corruption of the I.le:id. Iserntites vitiated, is yak., and poor. licing in fise ei ses. 7 :etion, it the whole Ludy, aud tear linrst nut di- , ease 0:1. any her: of it.. ..-No (nem is free tlem its attLaks, nor is ther.- one whieh destroy. The , rrofaions taint is variously t.mscd bi more:trial cki , eitse, lost living, wr tube:Pithy RIG& impure ail-, ‘tilth ki,f3 filthy habits, the depre., , ing rice-, and, tos,ive all, by the venereal hileaion. What ,er be its origin.. f i heredilier7 in site eon szittttion, descending "from parents to children :ito the third and fourth generation," -indeed, seems to be the rod of Him nits, sacs, I C:11 the iniquities of the hal:yrs upon children:" Its effects commence by rlepositirla from the 1 load of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in lungs, liven and internal organ, , , is termed tubercles; in the glare s, swellings; and on rb •surface, eruptions nr sores. This foul cor raption, which gentler; in the blood, dcpro.sses the encrgies of life, so that scratul:nis constitu tioos not only stiffer from scrofulous ewn- but they hzlve far . 10 - ; power to with r:.,/c: the :ttaek: of odicr con,e :.zently, ya , t Inintberc perk): by disordori nlfh:mgb. not rp:ld ree. tar .:1 by thi , taint in the t e rn. of the consumption which de •..-r.atc: tin human family has itsorig'n directly till screfulous commnination ; and many ,), , Inu e tir, di -t-sno:: of the liver, kidney , . brain, and. indeed, of all the 017/7.11,1., arise from or 7: '_• aggravatol hr the same One qualtnr of all our peopls• arc icrofislous; 'filar pers.» , ar: , inamilcd by this )la.ling cti. aid tlse:s health i, undermined by it. le clans it fin al:,Y4l9./i We must renovate 1,1 ‘ ,„ ( 1 I,y an :,Iterative meslicioo. and In •lZtt it In )11:A1111y fon.l 7:fl d cs.nreise. a, b. :a ' aee 4,11!T1y in Al' R•S t_otapoutid Extract of Sarsaparilla, tha rho , t rem-dc which the medical 4.:11 of our time, val tvcry , here. :0 al i",‘ It t, coin hilted from ill , m•tiv r.muctial..llmt t;ir th, , ximruNtiou of t}ri, tlad di-order fr.,m th, iii ii rl , and tho rc-mic , of the , -tent front it- de,timtive it ,lionld he employed for •tht• cure may ~.., r ofnia. hut at,r, those other affec tions uitich arise from it, ,uell a, Etturrivr, 1/1,;,t,1,,;,, Sr. Or 1:11(V , 1rr.T.% V1M1 . 1.1.0. 7.111,t INS nlld TL.'":ol:,i, 'FETTER. :OA Stl.l. flat Pm. SCALD I[LAD. lii uti at. I; iiM'' , l Vll,ll, :n rlll Lill, anti 3f Etu:1:1; DrSl9:ral.:‘, DucluvrY, and, .11.1. COMTL.IINTS r.C.41:4 I t.ti Ott IMPURE 11LU00. Thu 'popular beliff in .• impifityqf the /dock/ " i, founded in truth, tur sclufula. Is a dCgPalr.ol , ll.4llWlArtaal. 'flip purpose and virtu.: of thi. Sar,apa :llia is to put ify and rt•qcm.rat e thi, lit al u hoot which sound !width is impe,,ible is •-eat.nninated Ayer 's Cathartic Pills, TOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, rr- entripar , ..rl that ri• - ;,:rro*e vvifhin the vino-a', of lbcir action Can riirOy ,11" etadO 11W/11 panctrating proveries search, and elvi,r, and int tvrate the bunion aUga)l. i• 111, correcting its GiNeascil action, and restoring it; healthy sitalitirs. As a cini,ilitictive of thr , e - OrnP"tie', the 111V.1111(1 , qlO 'IS bowed clown with pain or phy,ical ilchility to find his heal!), Or eller* rr storcil by a once al/ simnle anti inviting. :`‘`ot obly chit they et.re the every-day rmnl,lainhs •i , r i.vLu holy, lint ml,rty formid:al,l4: , and li rout The agent Lo low mimed is Ifeio.cti to forni..li Gratis thy American Almannc, etintaihinv or the ir cur es and dirrctiohs fur thi in in the fullioin,g complaiuts : Cost i tc (l-us. Ilan thtern, I !radar!, e alieing from diAcwderpd .arc 1,, lwily, l'et:n itr nrrd.llnr,id inartioi, of ate 11r-tv F:andeney, 1,0 4 s ,af _1)1)4- .latt,di;:e, and otltcr 1.:1111..ca compl:ciuts, from a lour state of the Ludy cr obstruction I 1 Ayes Cherry Pectoral, en) cunt: 07 Cold , . Ii netern. finarAeness., Croup. Pronchiti. Incipient Consuinp.. tion. and for sheit - elief of Consumptive Patients in - Advanced singes of the disense. syiJ, , i. Iln. , field of it, tr , rfo/oest and sn nu tocrol4s are the macs cri its cares, that almost very sectim, t , f conotry r.bounds in persons Isuou a, who Itnie leen rest ored Crum alarminz art} even desperate diseases of file lungs by its Who]; 0/ICP trie . h its superiority Over every , 'her rocalivine of its 161,1 is too apparent to escape O lu-ery:uinn, oil where in, throes ore known, the irmscr 1111ellinte , to employ for the distre,intr th,nct.ron , nfreetfono.of the pulmonary organs that ore ineiclent to our Oita:rte. tile many inferior remedies thrust lipon 111..! onmllll7llllV h:lee filled ;11,1 1,, , r11 (I.ICaTILAI, this teas :rained friend, by e 5 cry trial, conferred benefits an the ainietr..l they r:111 bu•rer forget, and Iwo ch.ee.l cores toe nurnersos and ?oo retuarliabio. vtt be f.Tri.; Ott(1). rit.r.r.kann rr DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL. MASS. 5.1 , 1 ~. .1. S.. 7, CU.. GrrA.r. I:o./.. 1•11j....:a. 11. Slaytrmkor .‘1,1!,t0v.0. (in". , J. Mt..tuy. :411.1 Ls' r4••-peri:sl. , t• nirt..;ml,l•. Iravitha. Beans. rrre•ivftr: irr.-!k -:;;lpF.,' of Vau 110,1,0.,,j ft.f ArMI Vtjaver:y ATovels. 7)c - .TI - ;1: -")N 1:11( nf the IV,. I "or NOV , • rP-1•••,,,1 , s.. IsVt.nf 5.Vi1.1 , 12 A.. ]lc lit iN ALL), ituntortots 800 KS Vrrer 1 , ./1.11.1te41 a nd 16r •a le at Or Head Quarter! 1.) :oat Wow! , To V.. 1,1, Or, Stray Yankr•r iu Tv„THA lt,•at'. A :Ivrtonr ,,, F1,;25 11 oiler 1,11,41mtvg1:1.,. 111=1 == Cop. nil Nolo rta„.. , ... Sta, , :at Vendrt.,. moat !". It.•plat (J o r. 16. '59. Tilank rooks, Xllank rooks. SAYIA , ft& 11,,d ((,rnt u.l Nen,. Depot. =DIM I\F; 01..tt., Soup. While. Wim!..or r bayv. A ti r.h ..ipptc of lbe. above .rt-t !wen r..c,.11.,.d al liar V. S:ore WIT.I.IA •Ireet = AtliEltEL, Nos. d,.1 alit! Nliul and Ilcr j_ Loy iiieLurrcl or at rciatt.at NOTICE. ?rrtr, the xuhsrril.er 1.,r1 plarpd it, the II 14,11 , 1 , 11 f, f 0 c.)/rvi m4(:e hnrmq Onitu• 11 . e:i.e preFeo•l ihrm fo: ,'ltlf 111. F/1.11/111 . . M. I) 1.70.1 f. Won. SALE. lOorl'of l'.ll.lnirg. of t), bect lIMIXEMEM 701 t. SALM I - ST rectirvcL :iv.(vul Prime Grrinn Sears --i,r.--wll,ll , rnsl d...1,•1 1.10,414 i to Colota/ 1 / 8 .4. ,me u od Di= I= 6,11(1F, PUNINESS und fae'orirs can be ear fi,l n,l pin;i•tibly fil liammomon. ,re 0111..anrrankton Laud-. .1 sly 1-59-Can Teas. A or the r elelartterl Ten. of Jen A Fit iihkleirnio. fr,r ..kte tre k 11. r. intIJNER. Auc. C. Y. Corner of Third n :11 tThimt St reel, Hszns N O r (.1 I •cl Ifam. are fr.".l Cro "' BRUN ER'S V Thure 3!..1 SA.Li:irMANDELIZ. --- , EVANS*Wit.TSON- No. 26 South Fourth st,, P HILADELPHIA. i~tor, , Kan. now On hund &large. aa r,:rii. -ortaient of Fire NMI Thief =At P" -- • Iron Poor. for Bair!, ono - tittorev, !eon Stole:era, Iron tilt make, of L.oeho, 01:1110.1 10 any - rc.udo in the United Stint , . I:l7'l'ive t.. 4 ufc• in one fee. all come oat riga: with itontentr in good condition The StilarnonCgr ti_to'cicof Philadelphia egging the wror d. Ey A :stA h WA , rsoN hove hod the lurevt demon Aftlligil in to fnltowing rerlifieni, thot their mann o: Sit lornantne.: Safi, hoe at length fatly f ramed the repre-ronitinire coach hove heen made 01 Atem 0. rendering a:rondo:lL:ea retard}' ugaiitei the seethe Phii111101011;11. A pril 12, 19.56. Mee‘,. Eva', & afford. glue higne.t von-fang:la to viol,' to .you. that owing '0 the Very protective quittiiir , of two d f the Sato- al:m.ler Soitir, with+ we purchneeit of you 'ionic few ' uou I it. 01. r, we red It large portion of our Jcw r rind ii:l our boot,. paper, &e., expowit to the lire in Rultrtecti Mee, on the morning of he 1 Iltt 10..11,01. When we refieel ;hot cafes were. %enter] in 11, foorili story or ilie ure occupied. nod 111111 ii. It'll ~u1, 4 ,100•1111V join :I h,11) of turning where Ilie 0:1 , i ePtleVillfril inn of heal enused the brissd Ttleil. wt' 01101011..A1l Tt•plrd the pr.eservisiiosi ofiheir oulihd, I.ollleltle ,1,0 4 1 eollVineilig proof of the areal :ecurily wrordrd Ly ynor :Srvies. We I:.ire plea -me in re,,Mitilt . ll4//410 Iberia 10 Mel) Of 1.1. , ///t•gs ii. n sure re:ivice iignilhq fire. C.E0114:1 , . \V SIMONS & 111111.. istsivelerh. lI:LVr purcliazcd id:c large . 4. 4 afei cinee. April P. 1, , :d1 I y Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, TIIOS. IVELSIE, Esq., Agent for the Common- Coloptoty of I'rnatt I volt's]. t- CrCt•lVe. IMl:i,Al,loit , 1(1 , attl ettottp.ttrF. :tut! , 2r.tot polivie, for In-urn...o t!gteito.l In.. or 11;1111- :og. .y 14, Tite • ottoorn vrett coto ;IN o t*. I:t•lrre , I ,0/.1110, :11W ;114).1 , 011y :11 , j11.i [11..0.. ~. .1,,‘: 11,10. t: ro n o . ca: till , : CoMi.,. NA: Ara: Dr. 11.. yid Jayne, ',rho , . S. SII,Vo CI. 7 . ...Stirf r. II / • 111,111,, .1 AI %%'1,11:01, I NI itit, ler. 3/ K. \Vall.er, Vtl,-,8.41 C K.11 , ..f.:1, M. It. ‘\.lllloll, II Inc.. , /,•• S. K llorzle. rehri., 11i. IsZit FIRE IN SUIZANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPII/A. LTATEMENT of the AsNtlx of the Company on PIO/IN./WEI t/I rillefOrlnity With prnvi ;ion of the inn 01 l h,• A tutur A .01 a pr i i.ahaa_l2. 01ZIGAG 11, , 1 mon of en! V , 1:111 . . ill 11 0 1: i`j•v ~ 11.1Ctoil,.1y 01 P1111:141p1111,10 . 3,,pt • /1 St• I/II) I. lid A y cou Pour-)ltu ura, REAL r.sTATE. Patella:et, at She. 'l.' Jen. under) Itilorflap• rlvirn vii: 'POW , . uud 1011. 70 by 150 feet. nn SI/11111•We , trelf Ill'r 01Cile , 111.1l and., :t 1(11.'27 los 71 A•el. on North = own Two /mune, a lad /mt. IS hySTI/,,,, on : 4 0M It .itlet Of :7•irrttv e street. nrur r/Ve 11011.1 . . .1111 I ni. • ev,•l, 17.9 t.y OO I:)9, 161, It1:1, 165 111111 167 DIJWVI) rilree /M. .) by 5I Ilet . t, nn M=MIMSI of VIII , 11010 :toil Ini.:51118V=1 ti•et.onlhcßatth i.tlnrll i'lle , nut and Itt•arli Ni v. , 11 , 11/ , C,1:1 41 140.17 by -r9 1 . ••••11,nillbr North, of thrn7ge st rrea,ll , e,l of A -Inns We/. yen ilOll, , ni;,l 1,11.20 by II; teel. on lll,ptl of Che•IIUT A hot., •and Int. i•d by b 1 G•oot. No !Ki, Po/W:ller -Ir , •••I. E:1-1 of Null)) site •1. A grnoml 1,111 rit'SP , •i....irtg' Mil Of /I 11,3 17• I by ,PII NOr.il -.1.• of 4111, (vrtrtrvel. (.0A N'S. y Lnnu n), Sinchs a.,1 Collut trial y, _ - STOCKS, $1(1,0(10 Alen. 1)oll 4 C J,0.1,5 per eelli (ha. au ) 2 , M:4h:ryes f •• Northern lion k oiNentaPky. Hit " Iln-tuk of Tennecsee. I:Y'` L...nra art" Company of the Stale of Pe alt.!, 1,1111.1, !ul, mnh.vark Itnilroatl Co. Coatrhervia I and Ituil mad , Munk, \' tel.-burg, rum •• Pe an..ylvo [tin nit i)lnnti 111 " Frani:Mt Firelti,ttroneeCo., " Alereonuile Library Co., I Uttion Canal Company, '• Itailrond Co., kin till Nor, li Vetan'a 11,11 road 1501,7 h '•"19.47 City \I - arrant, ...7.llaillturiittelutt City Water Loan, e%! , 0 City 1•111.11, Not,. and Bill, recervable 1;:,•11 1 , 11 inruNi. c..,ltt of Agonts LOSSES BY FIRE 0..(4. paid Ilye yerrilr:s7, ny ord.. r of t he. Ilnorrl. QIIAIt N. RAW:KKR, President A iit•-t VV. A. s'r y Pm Trnt. • DI RECTORS. Cl lAS. N. ILA NCI: F.R. Pre•cidelo, LIDIV'D. C. Clia, N. lloorker.Tobiw, 0p.,. .14c06 It. Smiih, Geo. W. Melva rd 4, Mordecai D. I.ewi, Dania S. Brown, ',Hoe Lea, Edward C. Dale, Gen r.iles. IVNI. A. Sle.o'y pen rem. 11114.15. 1.4.0 A D. A gem, Columbia. =I SAVING FUND. NATIONAL OMPANY. CHARTERED BY TOE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1. Money i. received every day, and in any amount inter C' • rive Pr, Cent. interest ig pnid for 'floury from :he 41:1.• r ot in. :1 The rnnw.r. T”.i)l burl( in gola, whet, ever it i. e,rtetl fur.:,lN! VI 6111 , 1111 not ice. 4. Nlooee W,Clvecl from Ext-votor.. tele, I ;el'of , ii3ll.:mq other: who tie•ire to:lave it in n rim, of 1 1, 14011. .11 /fly, awl) where iTlete,l ran hr . "1,1.01,1 for ti. 5 T 11.• 10•01,y rereirerl born .1,r1.40n r , it iut•r.ird in Rrnl E•1:tle. ;\ll/rlgilgeS. lend .1.18,11 let her for-t •rla,t• riiieA nt Ihn ell:1m, direct., 0. 1011er. lllour.—Every Alloy from 9 lilt 5 30.1 011 )11 - 00lity: anal u'r fork Sit Slit IiON 111.1 N ItY 111.1:CNCR. 111 /111.11C11' SEI.FIVIDCII.I. V.ce Pie-Went SV l '. J. II E(iI). tREcToRs. henry 7.. Hr in nee P. On troll flrrvero.-. rthelird L. Carter. Jn.ep 0 1). Marry, Self".l,lzgr, Froorif. 1,1.. Samuel .A. 110311. Jmrpl, Vo.ltes. 0 1,....10,4 1t1.100... 11,11 r% OFFICE.—Ir.,Ine t Prod, Sorith-Trcsi Corner of Thud Sireci, Ph;ladelphia. April LISTOrNEW - VOOKS, UST RECEIVED AT Soylor 4- 411cDonold'9 Book Store or Mrs. Sou iliworth. "1.25. from Sp:un. Wm. C. 130,5,11, 41 III). Tile 'I it! I lou,e. or, Erflbrq., from ('overly o'"l:(to.rt,O^Oner:f. re.. lOW Home Amu-. 1ne01,c1.40. oroolol stmobool.ell.Vs. The Cull., of the 144.1 . .111.1,th Miller, "1,25, Tfie Old lied lloglt Tag,, h, Mil), a lorKe o+•nrloneof of tocellon wlilelk will by sold low for emelt. • nr. I lii 1,5!. min= (!ltAtl.l3l, or, Bond's Boston Crackers, for k_A •p... ( 44. a, :#ko Arrow /rnall rind Mulch 1 . 11--.11.w urlselill ill Columbitt, ,he Rannlp Nleilicine Store. ANC M= • • MAMIE NOTXCD. THE Columbia Bank, at Columbio, Laneap 1.111.11 c. 1016 Seal of 1'e.1111” Ivan', will Mr• ply I 01 Ihe oreqsid SHIP" nor 3 :•,111 +x.r”- in. 0, Clintner and It3lllll. ogr :~ Z«•, wnh Ihr ,urnul of 1 'NV?' II tlrlafl.ft Thou aulhorizrd. 41141 will time -nine 11:1111, sly le and locution. 5.4 3114:f. SHOCH. C•Onmbia !Sank. Juneoi 1 'ai9 • r;0'0m1.,... lo' y 2.1054163 n ILL trautia, farms in a delightful climate, •nil. awl from fan I See n.lven..e mrnl of 1-1 mu", 1111 l 1-Tai,J*ll. istiothcr July 2, - - Segars. 00 ODD Vi j nonCi x .• • is .(01•• nett! v.' I .t • Incv figure. I 0 H F lIRUNER. A ..1.• t; 1-.59 Cor . re 'no J 4.eal l niou !.tre.t, FRAN ILLIIV I=l 1 ten.% 9. 93 101.1)-.17 c c.oI. '* 1.34 r 14,307 00 16 '2 .. nil 4 r.../5 43 4 0 ,55.5 4S 5. 4 . I ,Z,',±.91 , 4 74 Z`.1113,7=9 7f AFETY TRUST MOM 4 'ALL TUE 2423 X. fit VITIVIIIV D.:CR-ENS' REM WEAKLY.- WE have the .pleasorevf announcing this: we have entered intoarrengements with Charles Dickens, for the issue of his new pub ; tication, entitled, "All the rear Round," each I week, in New York, aimultaneousty with its I issue in London, plates being taken from the `English edition, and forwarded to us sualcient ly in advance of publication for that purpose. The first number will appear in !London and New York - on Wednesday, May 4th, and will contain the commencement or a new story by Charles Dickens, to be continued from week te week during about eight Months. Thus, it will be wren that American vet:ldris of "All the Year Round," will obtain the stories and other contributions of Mr. Dickens, and the statf of writers associated with him, embracing an array of distinguished talent with which no other publication con •compare, sev eral weeks in advance of their reaching this cutrntry thrall& ordinary sources, and at the lame time they are given to the public in Lon don. We will state that this arrangement has been consummated by the payment of a large sum cf money to Mr. Dickens, yet the extra iardinary interest which the announcement of the publication has excited in literary circles, the assurance which Mr. Dickens has given that he shall devote to it all of his best ener gies, and the appearance of a new story trom his pen, cannot tail to command for it at once a large circulation. The following announcement from Mr. Dickens, will convey an idea of the character end aims of the work: ADDRESS Nine years of Huutehold Words are the best assurance that can be offered to the public of the spirit and'objects of "All the Year Round." In transferring, myself, and my strongest en ergies, from the publication that is about to be discontinued, to the publication alter is aboutto be begun, I have the happiness ol taking with me that staff of writers with whom I have labored, and all the literary and business cooperation that can make my work a pleasure.. In some important respects, I am now free greatly to• advance on past arrangements. Those I leave to testily for themselves in due course. That fusion of the graces of the imagination with the realities of life, which is vital to the welfare of any community, and for which I have striven from week to week as honestly as I could during the last nine years, will continue to be striven for, "all the year round." The rid weekly cares and duties become things of , the Past, merely so be assumed, with an in creased love for them • arid brighter hopes springing out of them, in the Present and the Future. I look, and plan, for a very much wider cir cle of readers, and yet anein for a !tenthly ex , - panting circle of readers in the projects I hope to carry through "all the year round." Arid I feel confident that this expectation will be real ized, if it deserves realization. The task of my new journal is set, and it wi4l steadily try to worts the task oat. fts pages shall show to good purpose their motto is re membered in them, and with how much 01 fidelity and earnestness they tell The Story of our Lives from Year to Year. CHARLES DICKENS. TM S : Siiiqie Copies by all News Dealers,Js cents, One Copy One rear, per mail, (! nombers,) 52,60. One Copy Six Months, per mail, (26 numbers,) Five Copies One Year, per mail, $lO,OO. Eleven Copies One Year, per mail, 520,00, and at the same rate for all over. ft will also be issued in monthly parts, put II? in elegant tinted rovers, at '2O cents each, and by the year on the same terms ma above. Back numbers always furnished when de sired. Specimens will be forwarded to any address, post paid, on receipt of two letter stamps 3. M. R\l FIRSON & CO., Publishing Agents, 37 Park Row, New fork Mail t 1, 113:i0. New Work: by the Author of "The Prince of the Ilousc of Devid. Tun rzraz.a.v. or FIRE; OR, ISRAEL IN BONDAGE, BINC nu account cif the uonderful scenes is the Lae of the Son flu 1) . .t4 0 111..r. (Altlmrs.) Sicpteli,, of the iiebre ,, coder tilt TA-Uttio..t.er, by Ow Rev. 3.11. The lint,,• her., nrpointE4l n(,•rnt< for for nbntr work, slid nr, now prrilared to forokit to .nb•citier'. Prier. sAy Lop, & mebON Apr.9J,•G?-3t Dead (toarier.ond New, Depso. TD THE PT/.13L1C. DRS. FILBERT ANN) JOHN J, S. DEL lett, a• the fi •In of Y. 11,14.11 Pt Co., re•pert fully iaborm: their frietak and tire pohlie generally. iliat I hey have Powlt.i.rd tram Or. E. B. Ilea. the Golden Motto: Dvotr. Store, Vtoat street. groltanllto. and intent! 4ceriog a general a , •orlairof of Punts. .11EUICIN ES. :tad all sircieleg in 11..4 liar of We haveiu•l retunied from eloladelphia, wits a large tend rare/ally .eleeted cork of DRUGS Arco i.ii EMICA.LS, • ••prri:Jly tor flintily irmy Lc tetirel on an tre•4 a n d ntoul:ilterwed PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES, The bo4ine.. of ihr firm In tor cnihiro,ll by J. S. .4 tic% fier•olitil 4.111 . 1100r1 Will lie gi veil 0 the conipnorwhoz of Phy..ieb.oc. pregeripticiii. mod nullity tee ipe=. They hnpe in be It lib. In -toll-factor ily ileentrunothite 1.10, nt price and qualhiy all who Islay faVtir 1.1% with their et. 1 1 ,0111. .1...0. , . D 11.1.1,717 & CO. March t. •=:.l. HILLSIDE NURSERY & GARDEN, HALF-MILE NORTH OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA. THE subscriber, Proprietor of the "fling& Nursery and Gooleo.' offers (or mule. u t Ills preinis••.. n eerier:sl li-uororierit of FRU2T,:-lIA DE &ORNANIENTA L TREES, of the choices( srarievit,. a rare rollrrtion of llordy Otoatnetttol Shrohl,ery—evergreett mod deciduous, filo•-t climbing loom• of r•very tir.eriroino de mandril ill tlii•market—all hardy, many monilliy, or rkerraaoal blootner., the .toiolord varivoe. 0 RAPE 17,1"Eg, - 0:7" , ""rr . NATIVE Sr, -moll :rois of lowly / every variety vvorllip •, ' •.- of eultivolinit ire ;hr. etiolate. lino.rberries thus trill not alto, the finett colleelion 01 Mindy rote. , curt nffrrerl for +ale in Columbia, and. rifler in-pection of other garden., he think. he may tir...cri. the fincot grown and bes.l asrortinent RION )11 the courtly. Ile rink, intention in the Green Irou.o. which it crowded with the risre..t and moat .cmg lit for untie lie• of Henamental and Flowering Plant., and chal lenge. Lancii.:er and York Conniie• to produce a tinnier or Inciter grown collection of Green rind lint llou•e Plain., than now on Itnod at the Gar.len.' in order for Spring Trade. He offer, them cheaper tin,, I bey cart he bought at any other tollib. lt•litm-01 in lire altos, townie, or in Ilie•vile. Ito keep. con.tantly on hand at Ina Exteri•ive Nor -e 0 oil Garden. or inn fornith at ,bon every 11 , -,•111 . 1)b or flower, i•nitoceleal will, the bubi ne". offered for 'lll. in Philadelphia. In connection wi'h the Ntir.ery and Garden. the Proprietor writ uodertitkr: litreugh the agency or r , tattord. a Frientifie Inind•cape Gardener and IS orterynnin, eel tickled in Ktn Inn od , to plan arid lay our Pleniture Ground,, GArderi.. Ike., and to do genet al jointing let line 01 Itusitira, fancy and jobbing work will he warranted to give .86.f...tr01l to the moo ta , tettil mud firHidious, and will be done at reit,ortable rale. S. 11.,PLTPLE. Columbia, April U, 19.;4 CO,ACHMLALICINCL CARTER V. •oW BECKER, MANUFACTURERS OF COACHES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., Second Street, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church, Columbia, Pa. TEE subscribers call attention to their e..rb and Carting.. kinking k:stalilixhment. where they eontinue to month...tore Contrite., Car riage., SurCIPP. Salta,. and all oilier vehielea in their line. Their reputation n• workmen is fairly midis/led. as they can con6dently claim for Oleo. work the merit. of beauty of form. elegance of rajah, and strength of Menem re. One of the ditnincui•hing ieaturr. of Their work i. rt. durability; all vehicle. of their build ore constructed of the t.est seasoned mate ant, nun put together firmly and rtubstantially. They give particular atlentiOn 10 the REPAIRING OF VEHICLES, and aarraut ASI their work in this , sine to give non< (Artien. In addition to their practice, experience in the hu .in-•t they have the a•.i•tance of the he.t workmen —none other heing employel. The pubbe i• re.pertfully invited to call and ere amt.". the ,tonli. ott hand. !RA NIVEL CA T EDWIN A. tiECNI.:Ii =ll To Lumbermen & Ektnufrxtualers: &IVEY'S` PUENT SHINGLE AZL TUNE. rf salmerker hariag peefeeted the A . x bove much ne, offere to pea Stale, County and Shop Thesis cni r u asonable - Jenua. The inuchine envy*. and planes Shingles to any width or thiehness,eirdirroduees a very uniforms:. And Ocala orliete, wkie'S has riven perfect. satisfaction Wilt,tVeT In ed. MC °rule machines and .Mermen* ofini. work can he cern at the tluxquelniuna Plaiting Mill, Columbia, Va. For furthe chin:intuition, mhtrevs, HUEY, Columbia, Lancaster co., l'a. ing'The conctruction of the raw and frame. admit.• of u.c. cenaram (torn the planer, in vowing all kitidn of siraight and bevelled work, sindr. ue Flooring, Columbia. Ma y 97.18.57. Newark and RorrendainCernent, AND CALCINED PLASTER, AT TIIE LOWEST CASII PRICES. EMCEE] 3. CRESSON BRADFORD, Grain, Flour, Produce 4. General Cambria'ltm Merchant, No. 230 South Wharves, below IValout Street, Philadelphia. A p BAY RUM, Cologne in Toile' Hair o every kind, Wood's Hair Restorative. and Itarry's Triropberouv, u 1 Ilsast GRHEN . R. Fele. 1 9 '59 Oppn.ite'enln. Bridge. 'Front Be. FOIL SALE. VX.IIII FAMILY WHITE IVIIEAT FLOUR, by jj the borrel or in larger vr.:ranied good or the gunner will be rei-ndetl. IS. F. A PPOLD. No•. 1. Lund G. Connt JRECEIVED at NIIEAFFER'S Cheap , ROOK STOVE. the new pictorial edition of WEH. srEin.= 12 NALIRIDGED DICTIONARY, dust issued by Abe potili-hers.) contnioing Fifteen Hundred DM.- :rations; alto. from nine thousand In ten thaw:and New %‘'ords nod Meaning.. unit a V LOUOhio I 9 the of Sprony ins. preporeil wale great care by Prof Good rich; n table 'ovum the pronunciation of Eight Thou sand Di,liagui.ficil Porimon of Modern Times; the peculiar tri‘e or words and berme in the 'tilde; tables of Latin, French, Smittidt tied nalion Ph races, Idiomr. Proverbs, ke., rendered 11110 Rlll3 Atm, viutionv. A HMI try Nigns,Ae., together with all the Offilter:orpreviou- CrisAIOS: A Sketch of a Physical Dere ription of the Viiiverse. Vol. 5; by Alexander Von Ilumboldt. Illirper's TOWARDS PHYSICAL PERFECTION: or the of Human lienuty. show ihq how ne quire and retain Itodily symmetry, Health slid Vigor. recure Meg ilk, iti!d avoid the infirmities unit De formities of Age, by D. H. Inclines. LECTURE'S delivered heinre the Young News A•-ocirition in Exeter Drill. November, Irriti to Feb ru.t rf, 1x59. Three veinier, ,0141 role. JOHN SIIEA7FER. • Frump's Buildiligs, Nol 11 Quceu•st Jo ITO trs. i'":",9 i f. JENKIN'S Celebrated Black and Green Teas, Baker'. Cocoa and CIIOCOIIIIe, ut of Thud (Nov J(I Staves: Stoves! T HE subscriber keeps up ~,.. Is i s exici,4o, .1%-onturnt of ,- - •;•1„, 1'..... COOK AND l'Alil OR r•TOVI:s . 7. , ,•T •• of all k hid- :old of every punter) , c." - . , • :11,11. sue. lie ..ell. .at refl./MUNI . ....'. ....' ..' ....ape 1111,4. , und at,l, the public In ••Isi.o II r aild Ir) hi. • loci. II l'..iN It S l'l'A II LER, I.neu=i tireel,oppo - ite the Trunk lin Houle. Columbia. J•tly IS, I GREAT 17.11.RIETIC STOILIT. 1 UST RECEIVED, a larger aM finer Mork - , of Toy- and fancy than ever before. My friend. , and 0111e1 - , Invited to tall 3101 examine the %lock before pitrelta-ing el.ewlsere. u: they will here hall an anhotiled eig,oriment, for pr , . , eel. , In per , nn- of e very age atnl , 'week. A. •1/ 1 •11 11,001 . 11111•J‘l 01 / . 01'111101111:11 1 21,, 1 1. 111,kt,t 11061,.. 2r .8,. CI .. .01114: J. I.neutt street. between the flank unit True ‘4 till /10UPe. en4atltt/he,ltteentUeir 1:1,1 , 156. 10 PER CT. SAVED ON STOVES. GILL at Uder's and examine. leisg a-00,,,,“ Of sTovr.S. Parlor, 1 . ”1 . - tor Conk. 111111. Office and Cook &'lover and Itneeen olthr luieutstyle , 01111 of every pattern. Pig,. wtll Rail it lo their ildvafflogelo seleet from :all and 4 . Xerlll . lll Which WO/ lie offered ui uto-t reueOlinhle nitre. lieloem her: 01 H. 11 PAI11.11:14'S Lorna 91 1 ,01 , ,f1 ,1 1.1e lire Trunkflu ((ruse. Columbia. Dee. Id. 1.51. IftEIVIOVA.Z. JOIIN FELIN, has rovoTeal his litalth. Clock taut Jewelry 1.:•t.11,1i-hoteelt to bia clew sialal on From st ree'. laird door beim, the Autericun llou-e. Ile has Oil limal a large xioeii of W A TC II ES aIIffaNCLOCKS,ANDJEWILRY, whirl; he i- pFejonred In ...// cheaper than they Call lonne;ht at any marr e4Tabli•hun•al. pr y. prated ill offer great hn real ng. und here , pv,llnlly vilestlie :tile (put ellube,P tohie stock, which embraces • GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, °revery hiarl i oil kioJ of CSAMKS.,frorn ffit..Cia tip. tvamis:iir invile..thearrenfron lion lawn large ono: of LEVER Boni. Ci.tlC KS; .1 EwEr.ily. eon o r Ri !tog, Finger Rings lireotti alllrinilsofSilverSpnonv iPhrierirSoupt,iidloh,Thhi e and Tea Spoons. Polka, &c.. wit ich are wi t try nieit t o writ r ?wail y rooat to si.l.ver; avid and Silver Pen cif. and roll.; (ioldond rOlver 4 perilielr‘iiogeihr t with the grentetil variety of FANCY A 14.T1CLPS ever lirforr offend. CLITLERV.—AIIo. a. rurteriontutorttnrut of Re volver , hod other l'iptols.untl ull trindr of Knives, attic Ite,.t manufacture. Strie t attention will hegi yen .111 a heretotore.to the repairing or clocks, Wittehee nedj ewelty and ail work will be wart anted. A cominnurace of 0 rifler pal roAn ge is (expect fullp.nl/cited. JOIPS Aro?' • IT, 1807. A CARD. AGOOD BANAL BOAT for safe, very cheap, E,,•,,,ir,, DI J. C. ik.s, or John Emery. Colinn• lti:a, or the •Itto.oriher, R. U. t..,(11V47. l'eh VG, '59. Lonen•ter. ._... yONK COUNTY BUCI:ITREAT FLOUR, t o large or spell rnhAntnie., t n r ..le ni, ihe (co eery Store of illiNit Y SUS:O2IAI, No, 1:1.'.19. Corner From nod Union mrrei•. i_______ duct Received and For Sale, 2 n ik Groom' Tfm.ter; st) ',h....1.1mm Family l.lnar, t!:".1.1.1, No. S Lava ()LI of he-t quatit); :mu but.. Uromal Alum Salt, by . _ _ IL F. APPOI.D, No. 1 and 2 Crud Bain Iktareh •.2r,, '3l). COLUMBIA. IRON WORKS, OPPOSITE THE CANAL BASIN, COLUMBIA, PA. Tsaseriher hat Maned to the exten _a_ sive shops connected with the Columbia Iron Foundry, which he has thoroughly filled up. with new and tarsi-rate machinery, and in now t repared to manufacture Swum Engines and Pumps °revery tle do.riptioo, Mitchincry or Furnaces, Forges, Mills. niciories, ear Work. he. Iron land Brass Castings liirnislied to order. Bridge Bolls and Illneksmithing in qroproi. (17' Repairing promptly attended tn. JOHN %DENNEY. Columbia. July X. IRse FRESH Crop Baking Seedless Raisins.--A auripily om.lanily on hand, ut SUY UAll'St:rocery acre, comet Front and Locut all. Columbia. Nov VI. Cranberries ta r r:c . civet!, u iretlt lot o i r m StAto l lrg7 .6 -ziime No/. 1959. Corner Front and 1/,.ion THE FAMILY MEDICINE STORE, ODD FELLOWS' HALL. IV l' iu n ZirZitr e „Nr,l„ t e o . su irViy t f h ro e ,: e us l t e of Co a till a greater variety of Perfumery and Fancy Ar ticles than we have usual!) had. A Isa,for table use, Prepared Caton. Farina, Corn 'Starch, Cox h Coop. erls Oetaiinr. for making jellies. Wines and Wan dies for cooking stud medicinal purports. HAIR _ BRUSIIESIAN - D CODIBS. . %T the Family Drug Store of • GREEN Front Street. ran tic And Fine 'remise Shell Red ding and Packet Comits, Buffalo and flora Combs, lasdies , Puff Combs. Fine Buffalo flack and other 113ru , lics; a superior assortment. Only good articles kept for sate.vvltirli are sold at the lowest pricer. Feb. 10. TiO. Opposite- Cola. 11l Idge. Front St. IIRINI, Corn Mardi, and llommony, (omit •t • mtIINER'S. Ittn. Qt ..I:4XTIIA and Superfine Flour, by the barrel or quarter. 4:•01 n Oats. Corn. and reed of all Wm:, .1 H. SHVHAIWI 4 . 20 • efo,llPf F rd and Union ta Ltatr!.y;l I TUE subscriber has taken this well-known stand. in Front aireet. between Loca.t and Union. and invite. the patronage of his friend. and the public Ilia earierience a. proprietor of the Franklin H0n.... is sudicient warrant for hi. caps bilily in this het-me... Ile will endeavor to keep his BAR STOCKED WITH GOOD LIQUORS, and to provide enti.factory entertainment tor custom l'rv• 11,. how, is well calealsited for the accommo dation of regular boarders, anal be arks it share of public .upport. Columbia. nember 2,19:5Q.1y S. Atlee Borkius, D. D. S. the Operative, Surgical and Meehan• tt.al Departments or Denlifiry. trrlcit Loru•t tireet, between the Franklin Hoare antl i.e.' °awe, Columbia, :Vey I,Cket. FOR SALE. 200 CROSS. rrirtion Matrt.es, rryy low for en.b. !nor, 719 .PARMIMI SUPPLY OP SPRiNG GOODS- Wit have ins{ received and Anima our THIRD M.7I.'PLEr OF /WAIN& GOODS, con.ioing of Fine Hsiglieh. French, and Asnerlean Cloths, Cassl nacres end Ve,ting.; LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such 11f , Fancy and Black Silas, including mtrny•de• sirable .Irles, of the latest Importation!; Delaines, Chanies, Paul de Shivers, Decals, Lawzw.Chlntzes. Calicoes, &c., all of which have been selected with great care and will be sold at greatly reduced Mite , ROVS - E.FURNISHING GOODS. In this line our stock is compiete. and cannot be surpassed by tiny other store in the county. Persons desiring, Sheeting., Cheeks. Tiekings. &c., will find it to their advienage lo give us a coll. as we have everything in this line that can be asked for, and we are determined not to be undersold. Oil Cloths, Carpriings, plats, Druggeta, Bta China, Glass, and Qorrn•u•n re GROCERIES: Sugnrs, CotTnes,Ten., Mackerel, ilerring.Salt, &c., a large stock, at Tbe Mortal pricer. WALL PAPERS, $20,000 Pieces. New York Wall Papers, of now and beautiful designs. ranging in price from epu:s and upward. Ae we get till of our Wall IthperA, Fire Screen.. hr., direct from the mnaufitc turer. we can .e!I them at the mustufueturerbt prices We Imre Nevem I hundred dill - e'en' dettigns on hand. and we feet confident. that a twit...tient con be made from our Stork, with Treater anti.frction• to•the pur chaser than eau be given by any other store in the room y. In ronrtiuinn • we would .au our Smell 'a FULL &COMPLETED'S EVERY EAWNCH, :aid We oiler g reat inducement. to purchayers, in the price and quality °Your gamic GIVE US A CALL FRY h HAGMAN, Lactif , l •trees. directly oppo s ite the Dank. Columbia; April 019, 1952. TIE undersigned haring enlered info pn rinert•hip. wider the fit in of Shreiner & 5i,,,. desire to call the 1111ellli0/1 of the public to their fine assoritnceti4 WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, Their sinek hi,- been 'elected with great care nod • with that. repul to style and Quit lily. Every article is warranird 10 he as repro-mired. Uy strict attention to nusines , they hope to retain the patronage of the old CAlllsii.lllll , llt. trod twill ell -41,114/0r to pl emm all Wilo wilt vor them with a call. FR.11,17 :..1.1 , 13 KIN ER. EDW. 111. 811 REIN ER. Chlustthia,Jaty In entering into the a bove arrangement !would take this opportunity of returning my thatitm• to my former friend 4 and eu , terner! , for the patronage heretofore ro 'Mem I/y and fv,pe•ci fully solirit a rontin uuttee of the fame for the new firm. 1 , 1111.1 P SIIHEINER. f'4 , , I Sfiel-If Books from the Spring Trade- Sala ARARE opportunity for those in want of Good NooSi% of a -mall cost. NrVVI have lSnoka -old cheaper tha:: me the recent rhilndelphin Spring tole. The proprietor of the Chenp nook Store line evailed' hion;elf of the opponunity to purchn.e a large ',lock of the tool varied o,..ortment of vaturible hook. of every eta.+ blot deer t iptinn. Ite now °tier. to the pehlie the proportionably umd unu:ually low in tenet valuable standa rd works. for the improving of a welkeeleeted library. will find it to their great: advantage In call and examine the exten sive stork on timid. sly object and wish its, n■ it always was. to supply the wants or the cousin smutty. with silts - Minix in toy line, an the most reasonable terms preanlele. 1'l: is we fend' the better mud most ad vantageous rourse for all parties. The it:eon...list tells as ••dm cheaper MI article is, the more• universally it can and writ be used." Then the• conclusion Is, that when we buy cheap, we mail sell I heap, simply tiltowitm o,lr:riven n re:km.lll'lle profit. SUriDAY SCHOOI.. ROOKS. would mill especial mll'll6oll to my large nasort nerd of Solidity School Book+ on hand, of every va riety wattled for Ire use of Sunday School.; and cell at the Sunday School Union prices. I have the ce,eitcc. h., the publicnitons of the American Sun• day School Plaint., Amerman 'Vilet Society. M eihm. di.' Bonk and Tract eseirt 7. .414*, the Lacher:au, resinto rin 11, EpileOpul, mid other denotninations are kept on trend. FAMILY BIBLES. Thoso in want 01 n tent and cheap Quarto Family lithle, will hail it to their advuninge to eall unit ex, ainille at the Cheap nook F.lore, the largest stock On hand. ranging (rain St to Stn. ,I'Llegoro purchasing elsewhere, call and examtne the large and cheap stock of JOHN SCEA FFER, Successor to Murray, Young & Co., North Quern .1., Lancaster, (Apr. 14.1E30. Great Western l'ire Insurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia. CAPITAL 6500,000. init KA:II)I4.F, chn or, C. Lathrop. 14.2:1 lVtilout street; Wm. On cling. 1510 rine street; Alex IV bahlen. Mere host. IS North Fourth street; 1,m1.e Ito dlehurst. Attoritry and Counsellor; John C. Hunter, of Wright. Hunter fir Co E. Tracy. of P. Tracy & Co .64:1Jsmiths , 1101; John R. McCurdy. of Jones, White An McCurdy; Thos 1.. I,4llespie. ref Eidlc,pit Au Zeiler; .11, 11.:Ssitillt.eitJiiroes & Co K. Itarpr r Jedries. of Wm. It. Itrowts At Co ; John It. Vodges. corner 7th nary Stun:arm streets; Charles I. Thoorip.mn, 41:1 Chestnut sirenti- Jno. J. Storm m.:..'SlLSouth 'Mire/ street; AlfredTnylur, race Cairo City Property. CI la:t. C..LATII ROI', President. SVx. DAIILINo. Pres ident. H. It. RICHARD...MO:Secretary. ID' DAvIES BRUN EH, Agent, Crdumitio. Lna ca..ter county, Pa. [April 17, la5S. LOCAL FREIGHT NOTICE. TILE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY ARE now prepared to receive and forward roxiGit r betreeen Philadelphia, Lanenster and nt the following rates per hundred pounds: BETWEEN PIMA. AND COLUMBIA. First Class. SeCOed I lass. Third Class. Fourth Class. 25 cents. 21 cents. lb cents. 16 cents. Flour. 25 cents per barrel. Pie Metal, in reins per 100 pounds BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. First Class. Snit Clans. Third Class. Fourth Clues. 23 cents. 2U cents. 17 cents. 15 cents. Flour. 311 cents per barrel. Pig Af (Ist, theories per 100 pommies. Articles of Ist Class. Books, Fresh Fish, Boots and Shoes, Nuts in bags. Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter & Ale in bottles Dry Goods, • Puultr , n COll5 Egg , . PO*. (fresh, FIIVIIIIIOTC, Poultry. (dicesse4. resultant, Wrapping Paper Articles of 2d Class. Apple., Molasses, Cheese, Melons, Clover and Grass Seed, Oil in casks or ea, Crockery, Paper in boxes, Candle., Pasteboard, Casks or Elarrele,(empty.) Poaches, (dried, GTOCA , TitS, Ihinlirrg Paper Guns and Macs, Paper Ilnagings, !!erring in boxes and keg's, Queensware, I !ant ware, sweet Potatoes, Hops, Tobacco in bales, Icon. (hoop, band or OWN ) Tea, Leather, Type, Liquor in wood, Tallow, Marble Slob,. & Marble Turpentine, (apts.,) Monuments, Varnish. Articles of ad Class. Alcohol, Potatoes, Coffee, Turnip., Bides, (green.) Vinegar, Lard. White Lead, Oysters & Clams. (in shell,) Window Glows Tobacco, (manufactured,) Articles of 4th Class. Rosin, Salt. Tobacco, (leaf,) Tin, Tar, Whiskey. Codfish, Cotton, Fish, stilted, (kith' of oh kinds, lila and Spikes, Pitch, Cluster, 1)7 - For further information, apply to K J. SIVE:EDER, Freight Agent, Phila. K K. HOICK., Freight Agent. Columbia. W. IL MYERS. Freight Agent, Lancaster Columbia, August 6, lefAcly B. V. ELPPOILD. Forwarding & Commission Merchant Ramp, Shod/dem Flour by The barrel Whisky by the barrel, Ground Plaster by the barrel, G. A. Salt by the Sack A LSO, DP.A LER 11 , 1 All kind. of Coal, by the Cargo, Car Load or nn, ouch us Saliimore Company, Putman. Suithary Red Ash, do. White ash. Short tslouiliai &Stove and Lamp, Lyker.3 , Vatley do. do. Trevorton do. do. The subscriber buy. his Coal for Cash add oilers to sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. R. P. APPOI.D, No.. I, 2, 6 and 8 Canal Rusin. Columbia. A tratist 28.1850, FLOUR, A= MIMED SVO3UII. TAB subseriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Columbia and vieinity.thel he has opened n Flour and Feed Store. two doors below Black', bole', where he will always keep on hand a large mock of MARTIN ERNVIN FLOUR AND FEED, at the lowers Caan rr CORN AND OATS alwnya ea nand. ANTHONY MYERS WE have at the Family Medicine Store a greater variety of Toi,ei, Fancy, and other S A nag e th w a i h riza v s e o v i e p r . zfl y e i v e d f p o o r u n azi e v i e n ry t M e i Its; cr o t,..,,a rre arrover ; come and judge for yonraelvev, we prom. , nothing. but as "lionnern vny., we tend to performs. CO-PARTNERSIUP. AT CHEAP BOOK STOKE AND DEALER IN U. V. Cr/IXIEJENY.4 MOM STOW& Tsubscriber naffed , Itift Drag A. and Perfumery ; 4 tore from ate old' starrd to the house formerly occupied by Jonas Pdateuse.mtt'deor above NieTague7k Bro's Store, now offers lathe pub. lie the finest PERMS AND FANCY ARTICLES, and freshest Drugs ever offered. To dealers be will make it advantageous to buy of him in preference to sending , ergo :2w to Philadelphia; "a nimble six-pence is better that, a slow shilling," is the motto of Feb. 5,1939. HARRY GREEN. Plat ePtadMeS Ole*. -" WE have the New England Soup for those Who did TY not obtain it from the Voup mall; it is pleasant to the skin. nod wig inke grease spots from Wooten Good., it is therefore no humbug. for you gel the worth of your money in the Family Medicine Store. Columbia June 11, 1&59. rr BB Arrow Root Biscuit are still• lit de mond. We recived ti fresh supply lam evening: now. is the time to get them at the Family Medicine Store, and no where else. Columbia, Jane 11, 18:t9, NOTICE. T HAVE this day associated with me as a co•part. ner in the Wholevulc and Retail Rope. Grocery. Feed and Provision Llusinew, m the Cunnl Basta. In the borough of Columbia, Ph., Harry 1.. Uhler. The husines., will hereafter be conducted Under the firm of Welsh & Uhier. Trios: WELSH. March 7, 18:19. Tha rubgeribera would irvite the attention of boat men nlsa eitizen. to their exien.ive napertment of ROPES,. FEED, PROVISIONS, altrOt CERIES, &c., &c,, 11l the old stand ut the out-let luck, canal basin, Co lumbia. Pn. They keep on hand the largest stock of Hopes offered this side of Philadelphia,rind full supply of Provisions—Hams, Shoulders, Dried Beef, Corti. Jilts, Huy, Straw, &c. A general assortment ofti verICS. ...lumina, April 30. TM. WELSH & UHLER, American Life Insurante and Trust Company. ; CAPITAL STOCK, 5500,000. CtThIPANY BUILINGS, %Ind Street, S. E. Corner of Patient. Philadelphia. !APE INSURANCE at the usual Mutual rates, or, Joint Stock rates at about e 0 per cent. less, or Total Abstinence rules, the lowest in the world. A. IV lILLIMINI, President. JNO. C. Sims. Secretary. J raillery 23.1833'. Columbia Tobacconists Ahead of all Competition, ND RICH & BROS. have just received large revoke of flue segnn; also, Sweei and Nankai Leaf Chewing Tobacco. from their Tobacco Warehouse or - Joseph Fendriclvire Bros., No. 13.5•For eat street, Daltimore. We re-pectfully invite all who dent in our line al business to call and examine our stock before put , chasing elsewhere. if we do not offer articles in our line Its cheap ac they are sold in our principal cities we will not ask. you to purchase. JOAN FENDRICH & BROS., IVlnalesule and Retail Tobacco, Segur and :snuff Nanufitettrrers, Front street, Five doors above Iso. ust, Columbia, Pa. March POCKET KNI •-ES JUST RECEIVED at the Family Drug Stn. e of HARRY GREEN. a large ussoninenr of the finest and best Pocket Knives in Columbia. It is confident ly believed that this is the hest lot of knives ever offered to the citizens of this place. Those desiring* really goad tirtii/e, will coil at Feb. lg. 'fig. Opposite Coln. Bridge, Front St. Drugs, Chemicals and Perfumery. Zsubscriber having just returned front j_ Philadelphia, has on baud, aid is doily receiv ing. as fresh. if not the freshest let of Drugs ever rifflersd to the public, lie culls the attention of the citiorns of Columbia and surrovelding country to his offers. A. to deniers, he will make it advantage ous to them to buy of him in preference to sending or going to l'hilinielphin. •-A nimble sixpence is better 111=1 U. SIGN' Shating," is the nwtto of liss-ax Gams, Vett. 19,'59. Opposite Coln. Frotts WATER COOLERS .AND FILTERS. THE undersigned has now on hand a large J.. mock of Superior Vulrr Coolers, which nre .gutirlinterii• to give sirtisfaetioni his oil who will give then n triuh For keeping water pure and cool, with la great saving of ice, and for excel:vice of nintiatue lure and duraltility. these Coolers are unsurpassed. Moo, I. lot of WA1E:11. vit.TERs•, for purifying mud dy or brackish stater. The public are invited in cull and examine the stock They will he wild at whole sale or retail, at very !ow rates, Car CASH. lIEN NY P 17A Linuo street. opposite the nalik lin Haute Colnmbia, June t.l-5, 19.19. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted, on the rooks of tivi Livery Suable, from the I,t. ot April, 1t.57,t0 the under , igliett, are requested to make Immediate pay ment, and Matte having claims will present them for settlement, as lie is desirous of clotting his business without delay. Oct. 3, sal-tr THONI.BB GROOM. C OSINILSSZON BUSINESS. THE subscriber has made arrangements and in now prepared to receive on cornitiiss.ion, ut his what!. North sick of Walnut greet, Columbia, Pa., COAL, LUMBER, WOOD OR TIES, lie will. he happy w receive commis.ion• for buying or White the above article. to nay 11r:wain. I , lnin his expes . ienee in the Lututa,r he believe. that he will be able to render Strict at. teniion will be give,. to entrit.ierl to 1)1A Core. AMOS S. ORF.V.N Columbia, March 27,1854. COLUMBIA. 2 1 .LOITB. IVIILLS.i THE undersigned haring commenced the AIII,I,ING BUSINE:SS, is prepared to delayer FLOUR AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, At the shortest notice, free of charge, 013 the most reissnauble terms. 'rite ' , LOUR beinp prepared (min the best wheat, and by nit experieneet 'oilier, he feels confident shut he eau give falisfactiot to those who favor him with theif_ual rosmg! Columbia, A ugurs 29,18:74f TICE undersigned have been appointed ',germ. for the sale of Cook.& CO'lt GUTTA PER. .741 A PENS, warranted not to corrode; in elasticity they almost equal the quill. SAYLOR & McDONALD. Columbin 3nn.11.1557. S. r. APPOLD, jet t., GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMIS SION MERCHANT, 4 la RECEIVE.R OF COA LAND PRODUCE, And Deliverers on oity point on tk e Coliensbio and Phi/add:4M Railroa d. to York and Bottitnore and to "qtitni rg; DRA LF:tt IN COAL,Vi.oUR AND GRAIN, WHISKY AND ICON, have jam received a large lot of Nlonongahela Rectified Whixkey.from Piiivhorg,•l which t hey will k eep 31 !I p rol y communly on hand. at low prices.Nos.l,,2 and 6 CanalLltitan. Cotunibia,lanuary 27.1954. NATIONAL LIVERY STABLE, Second aired, adjoining, the Odd fellow' Hall COLUMBIA, PA. 17111 E SVIISCIIIIIER,Itttyiug fitted up and Mocked with good Horses and commonion* Carriages an Exten.lve Livery Stuble, would call the attention of his friend. and the public to his SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS. - - He wilt guarantee hie Horse' , to he raft, atll hro ken to Saddle and Harness, uud iu firat-rateconditton. He can offer revere) HANDSOME VEHICLES, built exprer+ly for his estriblitihment, and the whole of his Carriages are in thorough repair, and kept drum rind neat. The Igtnltle will be in the care of accommodating attendants, anti HORSES AND CONVEYANCCA CAN BC DAD AT ALL HOURS of THE DAY on NIGHT THE' ERMS WILL RE REASONABLE.. and he confidently hopes that the merits of his Citable. and a disposition ',tense Oils customers, will secure him a. liberal /hare of public favor. CHRISTIAN HERSHEY. Columbia, August 14,1848' ORANGES, Lemons, Citrons, Prunes, Raisins, Dried Fruit also, Walnut and Tomato ~Catsup, and Pickles of diferent kinds, (or sale nt Jun B.'S9. BRUNER'S: We Have Just Received DCUTTER'S Improved Cheat Expanding if Suspender and Shoulder Brace" for Gentlemen, and Patent skirt Supporter and nraee for Ladle., Ms; the article that is wanted at Thin lime. Come and see them at Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' =all. - [April D, MSS. V/071144 DEANS, for Kale at the Golden Mona, Drug Store. [April 0, 1850, TIM COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Second St., below Union, Colombia, Pa., TS prepared to execute •II order' tor STEAM EN -1 GIN ES, BOILERS. SHAFTING, PULLEYS, PUMPS, MACHINERY FOR BLAST FURNACES, ROLLING MILLS, SAW AND FLOUR MILLS, and every variety of Machinery, in themolti thorough and improved manner. iron and liens: Castings, of every detteriptlon, made to order. Repairing promptly at tended to. Cash paid (or Old Iron. Brass, aad other metal. Orders 11 mails/mold be addressed to ••Columbia Manufacturing Compoiny.Colutnbia, Pa." Z. SUPPLER, T. A. SUPPLER. }Superintendents. J. LLEWELLYN, Columbiudinve 19, l8:17-If by tie Seek la Bushel, set Petters= 1 +J. in large or pmell , totretitles,'far rule at the Cornet I, ofTklrd and ItToionstreem. Van. a, '69. FRANGIPANNI extracts and Soap; vn everlasting perfume. at HARRY GREEN'S, Feb. )9. fapposite Cola. Bridge, Front St. Ault' Received A. LOT of Sap. Sago cheese, Pine Apple Switzer At iD. HERR'S Grocery, Extension of 'Washington Howie,Waluut Columbia, Augurt I, 1857. ASELECT assortment of the best - Family Groeezies ever offered to the Colombians. at -the Wine and itiqeor Store, Walnut street, adjoining the' Weatingten *tome. ITERR. .ErrCemgtess Water In quarts, Bedford Water in pnas. just zee/wed. Coiumbia, July 113.18.17 _111,90 and , Fanny Clot a and Caasisseres, .) Fancy Silk and Velvet Vestbigs. All kinds of goods for boys swear. 11ALLEAIAN'S Cheap Cash Stare. February 19, 1859. NEW awls, Prunes, Citrons, Currant and Dried Peaches. A pples and Cherries. at It EN RY SUYDAM'S, Corner Front nod _Union streets. TON iSALSZI. AT the Liquor and Grocery' Store of the subseri . bit-, a flue lot of Sup Sago. Pine Apple nod Swain* Cheese and a fresh lot of Seirdines. Juntss, tele. Nov. 20,'59 THE subscriber hewn large stock of Cistern Pumps and SVetns,•to which he calls the attention of the public. lie is prepared to put them op for use in a tubstuntial and enduring manner. H. PFAHLER, Locust Street, December 12, 1.847. 'PO LET. oi l FEET OF , on . tlie•Snequehanna river, Z) I) adjoining properly of 3. Youghen la Co Apply to SAMUEL WAR; rr. Columbia, morel' 14,1 8574 f REMOVAL OX' JOHN SH EN BERGER'S FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. THE undersigned having. removed his Far /inure Ware Rooms find Manufactory. to his new brick buildings, on the south side of Locust street, be ',Neel' second and Third Streets, respectfully Invites his friends and the public to give hart a col:. A large end superior stork of CA BDIET-WA R E AND CHAIR-WORIC,Vi t of altdeseriptione, will be kept constantly on hand, which will be sold on the most rea sonable terms. As be MallUrOCLUrel his own wood' he is enabled to warrant every article to be what it is represented ;and to be assoodothis cheap Illis stock is very targe,nntlist purl embraces Brea sing. l'lnin and Fancy Bureaus; Sideboards. Sofas; Card, End, Sofa-Centre, Dressing,Diningund Break fast TABLES; 'Common. French and other BED STEADS; COMIIIOI, and Fancy CIIAI RS, and SET TEES of every sty le.t ogetberwlttta.genara :assort men, of all kinds of FORNITORE. ' Funerals will he attended with a Splendid Hearse, on short notices lid all necessary attentiongtven to UNDERTAKING. He reepecttully solicits a shore or public patronage. ne well us a continuance afthe.custom with which he' has been liberally favored. Columbia, April 11,1.857. MITENSIVB DAIINVIT WARE-DOOMS AND MANUFACTORY, Locust sireet,Columbia, Pa. The subscriber would call the summit's of the cit izens of Columbia and vicinity, to his large and se lect assortment of Cabinet-Ware, comprising some of he finest Dres.ing Utircaun,Sofitm. French Bed- Ftends, Jenny Lint's, tee., ever offered for sale iir this place. He continuue to ma tincture Furniture or every description, and is confident tint: he Cell give sal ktiletion. COPPINS made and Putters)," attended to either in town or country., on the shortest notice. CASPAR SEIBERT:. Ceiumbin, June G, 1657. 11477 z riS, ( LIQUORS, gm /7 - Ank4ii ,;-:'. Will re it -',:-!- THE suliseribs/ ~, 1 ) 1,0 _ , 9141.' A hats opened and I ' 1 ..7.,, q" .1 .:' 'teens corwantly on rte jft •"r ' 7 . -- ,a aU 4 hand,a large and com- ,V. t U4' , I-N. ' .: 'Z ' ..Z ~. piste assortment of \ I e .r . . l' . ,_ . jr,ir WINES, BRANDIES, 1--- i_ "g'' I .. WEIISKIES, and an othEr kinds of liquors, at his store, in Walnut' street.i n the extension of the Washington House. ile twill sel:, in any quantities not less that one gallon, 0.0 cept for sickness upon a physiciatettecrtificate.) either Wholesale or Hetuil. Persons desiring a good and pure article, are invited to call and examine the stock. .15-40 4 :14:r, DERN. 11.7 - Antentien la railed wean aossermeni of choice im ported preserved Fruits in glass jars. They aro pre served whole, and retain entirely their original flavor. The varieties are, green Gages. Gooseberries, /lama Cliessies, Red Currants, Raspberries. PnPtil, eftqaalines4.Table Oil, flay Water, Landow Brown riiintia, and s.entail Ade always en bans. Columba, hls7 3 4 3=-33 33 vouxxstriCED - 1 West Branch Insurance Company. THIS Company Way' °maim/ ire Jere, 1855. None but the villein business has been done. and the prosperous 6mmeiai comliiio» of Illy Company is evidence of itv omitting. Whole amount of Property' fissured, SI ,187 048 00 Lis =l , en Pahl. 0,344 00 ~ • I.FAVISTIII , IIDP.SICIK. Columbia, Pa., iv Me au thorized agem.mhd i* empowered to make purvey. taut-Maury property at the regular rule, of the Dom r,ny. Dec. 5,1837 ALARGE LOT of Cl►ildren'l* &edam, Gigs, Rocking Horses, Wlteellierrows. Frcnei ler., Nursery :zwings, he. 611::014U K. J. BM ITII. April 19, losn. Locustatreet. nITTNA mei mites Fancy Articles, too numerous to mention, For sole by li. J. SMITH, Locust Street, between the Mink unit Franklin I/OUSE. April tn. 1956. BMW= Ladies soot df. Shoe BM'anufacturer, p ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of lA, Columbia nod the public generally that he has removed from No. 1 Locust street, to the Brick Building, opposite the Franklin House Locust street, Columbia, Pa., where he hopes to ace his old friends and customers, and all who desire superior work at low prices. lie respectfully tenders his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage lie has received, and would announce to hispatrons that he has constantly on band a large and choice variety of , materials, and, is prepared to make up, in addition to his large stock' as ready-made wort en band, Ladies. Misses. and Chit drens .SIIOF.S., GArrims, ROOTS. SLIP PERS, &e., in the latest and beat styles. Her sohths a continuance of the favor se liberally bestowed by the public. JAMES SCHROEDER, Columbia, Pa. April 3, 1653 JAMES PARR, Xj. ZT 2ba 1= 1 " nor AL MC. MI MARIETTA, rA., IiTAS resumed the above business at the old stnnd. nearly opposite Olie.'itOs Conch Foe tory, where he will he pleased in meet the public and turn out, noes work as cannot, fail to give cause vat kr:teflon. December 6,1858. • Just Received and For Sale, WHOLESALE and Retail, a fine lot of Havana Se TY gam, smelt as Calmnies, Confienza. Empourme, Esmero, Diana, Iltguera, Principe, Compromise, A mbrossa, Missouri, Jenny Lind, Messenger°, Londres Adelina. At D. HERR'S Grocery and Liquor Store, - Extension of the Washington House, Walnut st. Columbia, December 24, 185,. t 41. SOP in North queen street, ball • square south of the Railroad, and 3rd door north or M'Grann'e White Horse Hotel. Lancaster city. LEW IS HA ixv, Matitit Mason, respectfully in forms the politic that he has how in his yard the la r gest and best assortment of ITALIAN AND AMER. ICAN MARBLE ever offered to the eitizensof Lan caster,and greaterthan anyotherestablishment wee; of Philadelphia. Having made arranventents In the East to recetve marble at redseed prices. he an nounces that he will sell much cheaper than any otberestablishment moth'''. city oreounty can do. He is prepared to execute in the hest style; AjON/1.. MI , NTS. TOMBS AND. GRAVE ;MONKS. MAN it was. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS,STEPS, &e n Ice•.ofevery variety and price. . His facilities for.tarnishing articles In the Marble line are unsurpassed by any other eshabliehment is the city, while lie assures altwho may favortimWritla thearpatronage that his work *hail be exeeotedinthe very best style and on the most reasonable terms. LETTER CUTTING in ENGLISH and GERMAN. donee* the shortest notice and on the mestuoder ate terms. He respectfellyinvitesthepublict *tallied exam? tne his work, being fully satiabed to teat hie claim io public patronage upon its merits. Thankfulfor the many favorshestowed epee him, he hopes bystrietattentiontobasinesstotnerstaudra • ceive a share of the publlcpstronage. Lancaster. April 26.1855. THE anent anointment of Fancy Talbot Soapy, en , otrered to Columbiann, at HARRY CI itnigmft, Opposite Cols. Bridge, Front Bt.-. Feb. 19, 159 COLOGNE. WA T ER by th e otas,quers or oration; Glenn's E.ttroeto far the bandkerebief .by Ibis ounce or pound, or in an/ gossnisy at _to essispurebaser'S Cromnoe, Feb. tO, Opposito Coto. Bridle, Front as. away Groceries. Fine CISTERN PUMPS. C. SIXIIXT'S Just Received, REMO VA L. 3. SHROZIDER, FANCY TOILET SOAPS. D. HERR.