The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, September 24, 1859, Image 2

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    terser abuse, and et ea in tLe Protinces,
Mee. Moriartris lawn:age had. petaed lato
smarretscg. The dJetionnry of tubliii slang
had leen•consider s atdpenlarged by iherostrl
her voluble impudence 'had almost ' , become
Tprcrverbial. Some .uf O'Connell's 'friends,
ihowecer, thought that he could beat her
in the use of her own Isla:pone. Of this,
however, helmet' some doubts himself, when
he had listened once or twice to some minor
spicimens of her Billingsgate. It was
mooted once whether the young Kerry bar
rieteroatl.l encounter her, end some one
of the company (in O'Connell's presence)
rattier too freely ridiculed the idea of his
foeleig able to meet the famous Madame
Motiacty. O'Connell never liked the idea
of being put down, and he professed his
rendinesa to .encounter bar. and even backed
himself fur the match. Bets were offered
and taken,--it was decided that the match
should come off at once.
The party adjourned to the huckster's
stall, and there was the owner herself.
superintending the sale of her wares—St few
loungers and ragged idlers were hanging
round her stall—for was a "char
acter," and in bcr NFU, was one of the
sights of Dublin.
O'Connell was very confident of success.
lie had laid an ingenious plan fur over
coming her, and, with all the anxiety of an
ardent experimentalist, waited to put it into
practice. De resolved no open the attack.
At this time O'Connell's own party, and the
loungers about the place formed an audi
ence quite sufficient to arouse Ilrs. Mori
arty, on public provocation, to a due exhi
bition of her powers. O'Cunnelj common•
ced the attack.
"What's the price of this walkingAtick,
Mrs. what's your name?"
"Moriarty, is my name, ands good (me
It IP; and what LAM you got to say agin it?
and one and sixpence's the prico of the
stick.. Truth, it's 4 cheap as dirt, eo it ie."
"One and sixpence fur a walking-stick!!
whew: why you are no better than an im
poster, to as]; eighteen pence for what cost
you twopence."
"Twopeoco your grandmother," replied
Mrs. Biddy; "do you mean to say that it's
ohoating the people I am! imposter indeed!"
"Ay, imposter; and it's that I call you, to
your teeth," rejoined O'Connell.
"Come, cut your stink; yon cantankerous
"Keep a civil tongue in your Lead, you
old diayonal," cried O'Ounnell, cal
"Stop your jaw, you pug-nosed badger, or
/'II make you go quicker nor you come.
"Don't be in a passion, my old radios—
auger will ouly wrinkle your beauty."
If you say another word of your impu
deuce, I'll tun your dirty hide, you bastely
common scrub, and sorry I'd be to soil rev
tete upon your carcass:"
Whew buys, what a passion old Biddy is in.
I protest, as I'm a gentleman—"
Jintiernanl jintleruanl the likes of you a
jiutleratin: Wishe, that bangs Banagher.
Why, you potato-faced pippin-sneezer, when
did a Madagascar mnnkey like you pick
enough of common Christian decency to hide
your Kerry brogue."
"Easy, now—easy, now," cried O'Connell,
with imperturbablegood humor, "don't choke
yourself with tine language, you old whiskey
drinking parallelogram."
Wines that you call me, you murderin'
villaiu:" roared llrs. Moriapty, stung into
"I call you," answered O'Connell, "a par
ellelog,rarn; and a Dublin judge and jury
will say that it's no libel to call you so."
'0 tare-au-oune! Oh; holy that an
honest woman like mo should Le called a
parrybellygrums, to her face. I'm none of
your parrybellygrums, you rascally gallows
bird, you cowardly, sueakiug, platelioken,
Oh,not you indeed!" retorted O'Connell:
"why, I suppose you'll deny that you keep
a hypotheneuse in your house."
•*lt's a lie fur you, you robber: I never had
such s thing in my house, you swiudling
"Why, sure, all the neighbors know very
well that you keep not only a hypotheneuse,
bat that you go out to walk with them every
Sunday, you heartless old heptagon."
"Oh, hour that, you saints of glory! Oh,
there's bad language from a fellow that
wants to pass for a jintleman. May the
devil fly away with you, you micher from
Munster. and make celery-sauce of your rot
ten limbs, you mealy mouthed potato
"..1.12, you can't deny the charge, you mis
erable subroultiple of a duplicate ratio'."
"Go, rinse your mouth in the Liffey. you
nasty tinckle•pitcher; after all the bad
words you speak, it ought to bo filthier than
your face, you dirty chicken of Beelzebub."
"Rinse your own mouth, you wicked
mioded old polygon—to the deuce I pitch
you, you blustering intersection of a super
"You saucy tinker's appreatice, if you
don't cease your jaw I'll—.-" but here she
gasped far breath, unable to hawk up any
more words, for the last volley of O'Connell
Mad nearly knocked the wind out of her. I I
"While I bare a tongue I'll abuse you,
you most inimitable periphery. Look at
her, boys, there she stands, a convicted per-1
pendicular in petticoats: There's contami
nation in her oircutaference, and she trem
bles with guilt, down to the extremities of
her corollaries. Ab! you're found out, you
rectillineal, antecedent, equiangular old hag!
'Tin with you the devil will fly away, you
porter-swiping similitude of the bisection
of a vortex."
Overwhelmed with this torrent of lan
guage, Mrs. Moriarty was silenced. Catch
ing np a saucepon, she was aiming at o'.
Mauna's head, when he very prudently
makes a timely retreat.
'lron have won the wagtr. O'Connell,
here's your bet," cried the gentleman who
proposed the contest.
O'Connell knew well the use of sound i n
vituperation; and having to deal with an
ignorant scold, determined to overcome her
in volubility, by using all the suquipedal la
+Pemba which occupied Euclid ; With these
and s few significant epithets, and a. scoff
ing impudent demeanor,- he bad, for once,
Imposed silence on Biddy Moriarty.
einimbia gn.
COrti&ftlA. P A.
SATURDAY', SEPT. 24, 059
RAKBO,ODD rzzzoirls' HALL, r. ro-D4.y's
A.Noruzs. "Mt Luns."—We are again un
der obligations to those enterprising young
caterers, Hunter Fisher, fur a deli'zious
Watermelon. They keep up their stock,
and at their establishment may be found
every fruit and vegetable in their litte.of
business. Our citizens should encourage
their industry and pluck. They are a cou
ple of boys with the enterprise of man.
YORK. COUNTY FAILL,—We AM indebted to
W. S. Roland, Ecq., Secretary of York
County 4.gricultural Society, for compli
mentary tickets of admission to the exhibi
tion of the society, to be held in York, Oc
tober 4th, sth, Gth and 7th. The coming
fair promise* to exceNll in interest all its
predecessors. The sc,eiety has reematiy ad•
ded to the ground 4, additional bui4lings
have been erected, and no pains will be
spared to make the exhibition one of merit
and a means of usefulness.
Ova ISlxu.s.—There is a screw loose some
where in our mail arrangements. By a pe
culiar hocus-pocus we have for some time
been chb.eled out of our Monday morning,
mail, receiving the letters which leave, or
should leave, Philadelphia on Sumbty night,
on Monday at eleven o'cloeck. This is bad
enough, but in addition to this nuisance,
there have been two failures in the morning
mail tluring, the present week. The fault,
we believe, lies with the parties transport
ing the mails, and it is time that the atten.
that of the authorities of the Post 01lice De
partment should be called to the manner in
which services, for which the people pay
roundly. are rendered. There .Can be no
excuse where there is every facility of rail
road communication for these failures, ex
cept accidents, delaying the trains, and we
have heard of none such between Columbia
and Philadelphia Ia the present instances.—
There is scarcely an imposition to which an
American public will nut tamely submit.
Uncle Sam's mail included, but the temper
of the most stolid and long buffering com
munity will be be ruffled by these irritating
failures. We shall notice them properly
whenever they occur.
Rice, the great, come* with the Elephant ,
he traveleth this way: with the Rhinoceros
he arriceth; with the "mu•els" he sojourn-
eth amongst us fur a day. Daniel is mak-
jog his first last appearance before his
thousands of country friends, this season—
may he continue to make last appearances
for many seasons to come—and will be with ,
us on Wednesday next. Those who have
encountered D. R. face to face will not be
sorry to meet•him again, though it be fur
the last time; end whose has um er taints
seen the inimitable—if such there be—bed
better embrace this final occasion, and save
a life-long repentance and regret of wasted
opportunity. We read of sad loss to Daniel,
by fire, at Easton, but his best horses and
entire collection of valuable trained beasts
were saved—the performances will be none
the less varied and interesting fur the dis
aster. The Elephant will appear as M.
Blondin, crossing Niagara river on a tight
rope, carrying his trunk on his back. Du
ring this pet formance Dan will deliver his
farewell address, and the tears of the mul
titude, it is confidently expected, will very
creditably support the delusion of the im
mediate vicinity of Niagara Falls. The
crowd will be "around" next Wednesday,
and Dan may look out for a "house" that
will stretch his canvas till the scams crack.
The exhibition will be given on n lot be
longing to Mr. Hippy, in Cherry street
abore Fourth,
Sept. Its, 185'1--Council met—members
present: 31essrs. Fraley. Felix, nipper,
Pfahler, Welsh and Bletz, President.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Road Committee reported the expenses
for the last month, $134.
The following bills were ordered to be
paid: Jacob Ilogentogler, $101,20; John
Shenberger,s2,so; John lingentogler, $5,60;
E. Derrick, 75 cU.; D. Chalfant, $24,43;
Sam'! Boyd, $7,14.
Mr. Welsh moved that F. S. Bleu's bill
for $366,75 be laid on the table, and called
for the yeas and nays, with the following
Yeas, T. Welsh. John Ilippey.
Nays, P. Fraley, J. C. Prattler, John Fe
Hz; the motion being decided in the nega
tive, Mr. Fraley moved that the bill be paid,
which was agreed tn.
On motion of Mr. Fraley, the Road Com
mittee was until:l.l..lml to have part of Union
street and part of Fourth street piked.
Mr. Welsh moved that the matter of
grading Fourth street from Union to Mill
street, be left with the Road Committee,
which was agreed to.
.1 petition was read signed by a commit
tee from the Old Columbia Fire Company,
representing their engine to he worn out,
and asking for an appropriation to enable
them to purchase a new one. Mr. Welsh
moved that it be laid on the table, to which
Mr. Fraley offered the following amend-
ment, •"until we have funds sufficient to
warrant an appropriation." The motion as
amended was agreed to.
Mr. Welsh moved that the Committee on
Bravo Engine be instructed to purchase the
fire hooks from the Fire Companies, and
have handles put in them; also, to have
them placed at convenient points in the bo
rough and if they cannot be bought to have
new ones made, which was agreed to,
Oa motion, Council adjourned.
Attest: Wu. F. Ltovn, Clerk.
Lantrs' AnzetcAN.MscaziNE.—This Mag
azine, successor to "Graham," preserves
the traditional features of that departed
monthly, and gives the ladies a large
amount of interesting and valuable infor
mation about female knick•knackery, &c.—
The October number bite bee* received.
Police Items
MEYORTED 131" 011.1,V..13,P5C,1A1, ' '3106T HARD."
Vith inst„ Sylvester Vogel Wade complaint
before Justice Welsh against Mark Blitz,
)ao relation to the "'Signor,") for assault and
threatening to kill Mark was brought to
the mark by Richard, and investigation
made by the 'Squire. It appeared that the
wrangle bad occcurred immediately under
the nose of Justice, but from the fact of its
being conducted exclusively in the German
tongue the Magistrate concluded it was
only a friendly invitation to lager, and did
not interfere. Interpreted into English the
language became vituperative and threat
ening—Blitz had called Vogel hard names
(what Dutch name could he call him that
would not he hard?) and Vogel returned the
compliment, when Mark threatened exter
mination. S 3 lvester was out mach scared,
but be sued on account of his customers,
that they might not be deprived of the atatf
of life through his sudden taking off at the
hand of the rash Blitz.
Mark vram bound over for good behavior
in the sum of $250.
Wag tvJEW r.—On Tuesday, 20th inst.,
Mark Blitz, above honorably mentioned,
made charge before Esquire Welsh against
David Hanauer, of "Little Davy's Clothing
Emporium," and Otto Steiner, of late duel
ling celebrity, for assault and battery, on
the evening of the 19th inst., complainant
being at the tine under bonds to keep the
peace, consequently not in his ordinary of
fensive and defensive eondition. Hollings
worth prevailed upon the belligerents to ap
pear the same evening at the Blue Front for
a hearing. Both parties were assisted by
counsel, and the hearing was conducted on
strictly professional principles. From the
evidence it appears that the collision oc
curred between Davy and Blitz, who are ri
val clothiers on Front street, at "Andy's,"
where they accidentally met in pursuit of
lager. inspired by the unaccustomed bev
erage, Blitz spoke loudly—above a whisper.
Under the same inspiration Davy consider
ed the tone should be lowered, and grabbed
Mark. Blitz fastened on Davy'a finger with
his molars. Steiner put in his oar and ouk
a pull at Mark's hair instead of at his lager.
Blitz kicked Davy's shin. The allies
"downed" Mark and Davy put his boot on
the eye of his enemy, blackening it. Stei
ner hurled two brick-bats after Blitz, who
made schedule up Front street. These were
die accusations of respective parties. An
dy's testimony did not establish much. lle
had riot seen first blow struck; heard Blitz
cry fur help during the row and thought he
was calling for lager; arrived on the ground
with the beverage nod found the party
mixed up in a general muss; exhorted the
belligerents to "git his house out." David
and Otto were held in the sum of $250 each
for appearance at the next term of Court to
answer charge of assault and battery.
In the afternoon Davy had sued Blitz be
fore Justice Bruner, who put the latter un
der $3OO bail for appearance at Court; thus
we have a pmentdouble acting, reciprocating
A Baur/a. OUTRAGE —On Friday, 23rd
inst., upon complaint made before Justice
Bruner, Bri utott Davis, of Williamsburg,
Captain of canal boat J. S. M. Gibson, was
arrested and brought before the magistrate,
charged with brutally outraging the person
of a respectable German woman of this
place. The woman had been on a visit to!
Safe Harbor, and with her children gat on
the boat of Briuton at Lockport, •)n Thurs
day afternoon, to return to Columbia„
About dark the Captain made improper ad-1
vances to her nod on her repelling him
commenced a struggle with her, which, after
being continued fur home time on deck,
ended in his forcing her into the cabin, the
door of which he lucked. Here he com
pletely overpowered her and accomplished
his infamous ends. They arrived here
about 1 o'clock at night, and the boys of
the boat accompanied the injured woman to
her home, carrying the children. The lat
ter had been left .sereaming nn the deck of
the boat during the brute's struggle with
the mother. The evidence of a small bay,
one of the hands on the boat, curroberated
the statement of the woman, although
he evidently testified under fear of the Cap.
tain. Two other boy-, of about eighteen
years, were employed on the boat, one of
whom was asleep in the bow and heard
nothing of the struggle. The other boy
could not be secured, having concealed
himself. The wretch was promptly com
mitted to await his trial, when he will
probably receive, not his deserts, but such
feeble approximation to justice us the se
verest penalty of the law provides. Ile was
taken down the same morning.
Enron OF THE Srv:—ln your issue of
last Saturday, I noticed a statement you
made concerning the origin of the fire on
the 2nd inst., which yon was prompted to
by the request of Mr. Wien, in which you
stated that you obtained the information
from me that the fire originated in the house
of Mr. B. Barr which IV. Wien occupied,
and was so published in the previous num
ber of the Spy, which is, probably, correct,
but, sir, I do not think that I did say, posi
tively, that the fire originated in Mr. Barr's
house, yet .1 presume, I told you, as also
generally to others, that I did not know
where, or how, the fire originated, but told
what I saw with my own eyes and heard
of others from which you must have drawn
your conclusion.
The first I saw of the fire, was from the al
ley in the rear of our lot, at which time
there was probably twice as much or more
on Mr. Barr's house than ours, and a mem
ber of our family told ins, that, being in
the roar of the lot had seen the smoke on
the roof of Mr. Barr's house, and presently
the flame, and then called to Mr. Wien who
was also in the rear of their lot, that their
heuse was on fire, at which moment Mr.
Icien started and ran up to their house.—
But, how Mr. Wien knows that the fire
originated in our house is s mystery to me.
[The above communication was intended
for last week's paper, but was crowded out,
We !care the dispute with the parties. con
cerned, but
. are almost tempted to exclaim
"A plazuc o' both the houses!"—En.]
For the Columbia Spy
The Farmer and Gardener.
MIL EDITOR.-. 3 have been much -pleased
with your frequent references to the value
of the "American Agriculturist" a maga.
zinc which I have taken for years and should
be sorry to do without. When the "Farm
Journal" was discontinued I was glad that
soma of its transferred subscribers would
hays a taste of something better in the Ag
riculturist. Our Pennsylvania Journal had
become a mere advertising medium for cer
tain Implement warehouses, .nursery-men.
&c., and was a humbug. But Pennsylvania
the great agricultural suite of the Union
needs a paper devoted to her own special
wants—appropriate to her own productions
and to her own climate—acquainted and ac
quainting with the particular taste of her
people. In short 1 think with the Editor
of the beautiful magazine the "Femme Jain
GARDENER" which has just reached us, that
Pennsylvania, with .her 150,4)00 farmers,
ought to have at least one agricultural jour
nal denoted to the advaacementof her great
leading interest. Will you not, therefore,
urge Pennsylvanians to come forward and
support a paper of their own. I shall not
cease to take a New York or a New. Eng
land agricultural paper, but I have found
some of my neighbors occasionally a little
misled by the peculiarities of a paper more
particularly adapted to soil and climate, and
to customs, a little differing from our own.
I will read of the treatment of vines in
France. if I can find the volume, and ex_
pect some benefit from the general princi
ples to be deduced from their treatment ;
but I would depend upon following with
more confidence advice from nearer neigh
bors. Our state, with a population of ren
ders large as an empire or an Empire state,
should not look to another country of anoth
er latitude for the record of agricultural ex
perience—success to the Farmer and Gard
ener of Pennsylvania. M.
1:1_7 - This great medicine has supplanted all others
for the cure of 1.11,111 , CA of the liver. Its eIT, eta are so
salutary and speedy, and at the name throe so perfectly
safe, that it i. out inapricing it should supersede all
oilier•. Invented by a very disungui -lied physician of
Varmint, who practiced in a region of remain ut which
ilepans. or er Complain, is peculiarly formidable
and (101111[1011, HMI wino had spent years in discovering
the ingredients and [import 1111 l ing their quantities, these
Pills are peculiarly adapted to every form of the
dt -ease. nod "ever fail to alleviate tine most obstinate
cases of that terrible complaint 'lite; have justly be
eome celehrsied. and the r, aenrebes of Dr. APLane
have placed his name among the benefactors of roan
kind. No one bovmg ey mpionot of Uns formidable
romplaint .hold he without these invaluable Pills
!tut e you a pain to tire light side. tinder the edge oldie
ribs, w Mein iniereaten with pers.:are—unable to he with
elite on the lets side—with occasional, sometimes con
.tant, pain under the choubler blade, frequently extend
ing to the lop of the shoulder!' Rely upon it. that al
though d"• latter poins are sometimes taken for rheuma
tic, they Olt nrice Bain of the Liver; and if
you would have relief,go instantly and buy u box of
Dr. 51.1.aar's Liver Pulls, prepared only by Pleating
WOK of Piiinairgh,
Purchn-er4 will he COTefill to ask for DR
tured by PLC.:BING BROS.. of Pittsburg, Its. There
are other Pills purporting to be Liver Pills. mow before
the piddle Dr. NVl.ane's gelatine lover Pills, also his
celebrated Vermifu•ge. can now be had at all re
pectable drug stores. None gen ll ill e triihev t the sir
nature of
s.p. 1q.19 [1:1
In all iiillainination more or Its. predonii
mile.—itow to allay inflammation 'Rik es at the root
of ili"eare—hence an immediate cure.
Dailey's Magical Pain Extractor,
:rod nothing eke, will allay inflammation at once
and make a certain rare.
Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor
will cure the following among a great catalogue or
rlorearer: Runt', Scald., Cu:s, enare4, Sore Nipple.,
11111110 its, Braker, Sprains, Biter, Poirot',
Bile., Scrofula. Ulcer., Fever Sorer., Felons'
1 Ear Ache. Pile•, Sore Eye., Bout, Swelling•, Rhea-,
l manna, SeAld Head, Salt Rheum, lialdnera, Eryripe•
Ilingotorm, Barber'. Itch, Small Pox, blencler
Ra.h. ,&e.
•ro .nine et tray appear incredulous that PO many should he reached by one article; fuel, an
idea will VA 111-11 when reflection points to the fact,
that the onive et uu combint OOP or ticredients, each
and every oat; applying a perfect antidote to it. oplio
Dalley's Magical Pain Ex tractor
in its elTeett is antasmeul, because the time is so short
between mind a permanent curet and it is an
extractor, as im draws all disease 0411 of the affected
part, leaving nature as perfect us Picture time i nju ry.—
It is scarcely necessary to a -3 114111110 house, work
shop, or /1100Litaelary should be one moment with
out it.
No Pain Extractor is genuine elders the box ha
upon n x •reel plate engraving, with the name o
Henry Dailey, Manufacturer.
For rale by all the Drugginm and patent medicine
4icaler4 throughout the United Staten and Canadair.
Ftineipal Depot, 163 Chumbern et., New-York.
Sold by TruggrdP • Columbia
R. W11.L1.01 4 . Agroi.
Of all the varions ills that detract from the
enjoyment of human life, most of them may
be traced to a disordered condition of the net.
vous system. The horrors of Epilepsy, or fal
ling Sickness, arise in most cases from this
cause. Our readers may remember, on sev
eral occasions before, we have alluded to the
wonderful cures, or modifications of Fits,
made by the Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pills
invented and prepared by Dr. Seth S. Hance,
of 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Aid. We
feel fully satisfied that these Pills have cured
some of the most stubborn cases of Epilepsy,
as well as the milder forms of Fits, such as
severe Cramps, Spasms, &r. We now record
the fact, that persons will find these Pills
equally efficacious in curing every form of
of nervous debility:—no matter whether man
ifested in the acute and excruciating form of
Neuralgia, Tic-Doloreux, or Nervous Head
ache, the misery of Dyspepsia or Indigestion,
the sufferings of Rheumatism or Gout, the
melancholy hallucination of depressed spirits
or hysteria, their effect will be equally happy
and certain. Persona in the country can write
to the inventor, and have the medicine for
warded to them by mail. The prices are, one
box, $3; two boxes $5; twelve boxes $2l;
and sent to any part of the country, free of
postage. Direct your communications to Seth
S. Hance, 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, tdd.
The Original and Beat in the World!
All others are mere imitotlons,and should be avoid
ed, if you wish to escape ridicule
Gray. Red, or Rusty Hair Dyed surtamly to a beau
tiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least
injury to Hair or Skin.
Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye producer a color not
to be d wanguished from nature. and is warranted not
to injure in the lea,t, however long it may be coma.
ued.und the ill effects of bad dies remedied; the Hair
invigorated for Lt( by this Splendid Dye.
Nark, aold or applied (in 9 private room.) at the
Wig Factory, Broadway, New 'York.
:Mid in all estjes and towns of the United State.
by Lai/Rests a stfl Paney Hood. Dealer..
117 - The genuine ha. the name anJ address upon a
*Mel plate ewer■ving oa four .ides of each box, of
No•. 13, 'la. TB Broadway. New• York.
Sold by Druggists s in Cohnabla. $.
Batchelor's IV.igs and Toupees surpass all. They
are elegautt,Bribt, easy and durable.
Fittinglos charm—nolo:sting op behind—no shrink
ing off the bead; indeed. thitis cite only establishment
where these things are property nude r. rood and made
Nor. 13, "58. teC3 Broadway, New York.
The heavens were illuminkttod 011 the evening of
August .*9th, loaf', by the =am splendid Auyora
liorealia ever seen in the Country. Rays of pant
colored light Rotated across the sky. and the change+
were beautiful in the extreme. At one lime a rapt
observer remarked, that he fancied he could see the
.parkling lig4t• form them..elves into the following
worcia: Buy all your garment. at the Brown Matte
Clothing Hall of Roc khilt & Wllaon. Non. 6U3 and 605
Chestnut en., above Sixth,
September 10.1959.
The „great standard medicines of the present
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through years of Pied. Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in all eases; and the
people have pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and an diseases arising from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial has aspired a
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre
paration extant. It will cure, WITIIOtT FAIL,
the most severe and long-standing
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the most astonishing cures
ever known of
A few doses will also at once check and
cure the most severe Dlarrha3a proceeding
These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M.
JAcicsox & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cent:
per bottle. The signature (IC. M. JACICtION
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
1' In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called EVBIIVIODY'S ALMANAC,
you "will find testimony and commendatory
notices from all parts of the country. These
!Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
rot. side by all druggists in the Country.
Apr 09.1559 ly.
Z* , ? ..\ 5 - ",.,,, - 1 5 - • a r . 1,,' S - r . ~.
In Wsettington. on 'Need ay,•20111 lust, by the Elev.
Mr. Wolters. or I.attra -ler. C Wstrn, of Columbin,
to Mtas NiAGOIE SUAUTZEU, of the former borough.
The pnnter WUR not forgotten on the above occasion.
The health of the happy couple watt duly called in the
satictain NVe wish the flames n long and happy hie
tourney together.
On the :21 st of Aortal, 1,3. the Rev, J
CHAT:ALP% Dvivits, L.Q., to .3112.8 FANNY IlAtss, both of
On the lith inst . by the , nine, 111 n GEORGE W.NEW
BERT. to M iss MARY U. 1.1.1116 H
Oo 7hc Ined loci.. by the .nine. Din Grottora
Youtio. to Ht•e I.tzzre 11 7 ,u75. oil of Cohontoo.
111 this pluee. no Sunday II th
aged 61 years. a months. 2? nays.
On the rooruutc of the 17th tart, ELEA NO •t I IncgroN,
youngest child of met - then and Martha M Gteetuo, aged
13 months and 23 day,
raTI 7 .I2S ICPinmeimivy on the e%tate of Pm..
NM of the borough of Color - ohm, deren-ed.
hero grom.•l in I hr.
aid borough of Colombia. ull rersou. ooleMe.l to
cod deeeOem are regoe-ted make immedime payment.
MLy hag vlaune vvIII
e.pi 21 1 ,1 59 Gi•
Barrels for Sale.
0 0 Barret., 'ail:dile for packing. apitltar, potatoes
Hour or tallow, for sale at
AM BA 1.111() , !:
Family Grocery Store. CMS rellows'
24. 1859.
Cuba Sixes.
TEN Thousand of the, flue flavored Sugars for sale
Cull nod get boo, at
A. r: A :%1
Fu mil,. Grocery Store, Odd Fellows' 11:111
Sept. 24, 1e54.
Groceries Cheaper.
CALL and pen fnrm A. M. RANIII(I`3
Gr.erry Store. Odd rel...a' Hull
SepTirenher 24. 1F59.
Grand Opening of
THE Proprietor of the People's Cash Store,
Coliimbo, hint py.t reit, riled from the civil era
cities, with a large and varied it ire non n( Ore•S
Good.. embraeing all the worn lit tie eii.t•
enn to which we le•pectiulty invite the /MM.
11011 01 the ladies and gentlemen of Columbia and vi•
et oily. We cost oiler you the Phi Isidelp hilt sty it
winch you can find iu every hture. and we 1.71113 r
you the noveltw. or New York and ito..ton which no
other store (AM show you nut of Philadelphia. lien.,
you have the advantage of a greater variety rind ilif•
It trot }l} Ir. of (iOO4ll by tanking your purchase. at
Ilse People's Cask :Num. Our clock COIISI-In 11/ pert
(Nor. 13, '59.
Choice Patient. Printed Merinos,
All Wool French Del:tine.,
Plaid nod rlalit Valenesa.,
Plaid Poplin.,
Very Rich Figured Paulard.,
64 width Par: meow, equal 10 French Menlloer, 1111
eolora and very Cheap.
so diffarent inytea Fancy Lire, say, adapted In
Fall and Wmler, the heat uaadaiment ru t Colombia,
come beautiful pattern, at 50 eta per yard. A lways
and oilier grade• in proportion.
A P we pure huse our t_showle trout the importer. we
are prepared to retail them at i e a ht to per rent
cheaper than nay other clot, in Colima:to. :AD differ
enter:les on hand. Cloth Clout...sand Itu•ters And hew
style cloths to ',mho. up.
Clothe, Cneeimeree,mottnette,denne,&e.; }limn.le,
Cradle, Cr, and Bed Blatikete, Wool Coverlets,
in great varlet y at the Ineve.t rod, Denote,
of every grade, Shirting., Sheeting", 'risking."
Cheek., Gingham', Calicoes, r Xira good. at GI cent.,
m abort, any thing and every ilimg us good as the best
and a. cheep a. ihe cheeps."
50 doz. all grades fleecy lined sbockibgs. tce. The
Te —sbnon pure"Jouvuel Kid t: ggeilt for the
celebrated &fallout r (;loves. Ladies' new style Op-
era Caps, Noble... oe. The beauurul Balmorel %Vat
ter Skirt, for Ladies. and many cuhr..r Ws" too nu
merous to meta ;on, can be had by ai,u ay
People's Clicap C.sti 2*.tore, Columbus.
Rept. 24. 002.
ASUPERIOR arlst le of Stove Polish, that requires
Mum labor, •ud produces a unsnailied by
say other.
For sale at Om Golden Mortnr Drug Store, Trott st
Dept. Yd, In 59
Ground Black Pepper for Butchering.
PuaE, 6round flinch Poppet cult alurny* be had el
the Golden Mortar Drug Store.
''C turelhinse :he pepper whole, tlenn, and grind
n iroari.e or fine to Mit the roisuomer.
nept.24, 1849. J tl. DELTA:Tr dr. CO .
HOLLOW Pills and Ointm For
en le at the Golden Mona, Drug Stow, ream ot.
•ript. 24. Dan.
Rennin Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills,
for .ale at the Golden Mortar Drag store, Front
atreet.Columbia. leept.2l, ISM
Mapes' Nitrogeniaed, $5O per Tan.
No. 1 Phosphate, 45
I. Super Phosphate„ 40 r 4
R. P . A LLEV, Sole Agent.
No. 14 South Delaware. A venue. Phil.delphic
Dealer In CM., Scam Candle* pod Condensed
LTC. 1859
Confirmed Consumption.
e ] 5 2~ti~~
Stove Polish
A YEWS Compound Concentrated Extract
Sarsaparilla for the cure of Sere/it/a or IS:og's
Eei I. nod all serufulous affections, a Creali article just
received and for Pule by
R. W/LLIA MS, Front at , Colombia,
sept, 24, 1859,
D RROING & CO'S Russia Salve! This ex
tremely popular reanrdy for the cure of external
ailments IC 110 W for 4.sile Ly
R. WILLIAMS. Front st., Columbia.
seer. 24. 1959.
JANE'S Expectorant, Jaynes Alterative,
Jayne's Curminntive Balsam, Jayne's Hair
Tonle. Javne's Liniment, Jayne's Sanative Pins,
Jayne's Aguc Pills, mud Juyite'sollie rerun/age; all
the above popular remedies are gunrameril genuine
and fresh. For ante by 11.‘,VILLIAMS,
sem. , Front st., Columbia,
QOM': SOAP!: SOAP!!!--Soap Maker's Sa
ponifi,•r, Oda Ash, and Sul Sods. (or •alr by
Front at.. Columbia,
Sept. 2C, 1539
FBIDAY, SEPTEIIBE4 89, 1899, at 9
u o'clock A. Al., by villac of oundry wills, Nut of
'Emil Feels.. I will expose to public sitle ut the store
of Fry & Hagmun, iii the Borough of Columbia, Lan
caster county. viz:
A Lot of Dry Goodg, cotillkang of cloths, qucii
mere.. Seamen,. Vestings. Calicoes, Debility.. A
pots.. Mu.lius, 'fable Matteis, Tiel.ings;
a lot orQueenswaro. Earthenware, a lot Of Gracer
les, consisting of Sugar. Calico, Ft-11 Solt.
',ho t , spice , Lo ;Wall Paper..., Alamo+, Otper.,
and it large variety of Quods apitatilly keys in n Dry
Goods and Grocery Store, Also, 2 Fire Proof Safes
Seized and int en in exeendnii a- ihr property of
and In be bold by
131 , .N3 F. ROWF. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Laueasier, Sept 22, 1:459. [..ep :11
will give Two Grand F.xhiliition‘. internee,' and eve
ning. at COLUMBIA. W EDS P.:sl)A Y. SEPT P:5l LSER
:IS, on the Vacant Lot in Cherry Street, between 4th
and sth.
l'erfnrmanna nt half-pant :1, and half-pact 7, I'. 10.1
Admis•ion only 25 Cent 4
'llts reduction, less tham it has hitherto berm is made
uniform in order to afford the public the ooly opportu
nity they will ever have of setting the greatest 01
This being
Thn.e who never 5.1 w hun, !choutil •ee hint now,
Before he wakes lox hog and farewell Low!
This establishment returns thanks for the generow
pint r ge which bus already been so frequently be
stuwad while under its previous manapement, and is
gratified 10 •,y, that while the series o f entertainments
are multiplied to almost nn incredible number., its new
resources of Artists and Appornum•nis are undoubtedly
of the best and mostmdicious seleetiou—eucb artist be
ing himself a slur—the whole forming
Every narnetive fenture known in the palmy days
of Greta Show, will still characterize it. exigence.
The diounguiehed HUNIORIST,
po‘sifively flppezir IA every performance, and
to add to the effect of each lie will lecture and give ap
propriate commentaries upon the topic: of the day.
To illustrate the graceful and rapid st Mies of the new
school of Lady Pique-truinism,
will appear on her favorite RACER, DANIEL. WEB
STER, and the Ni ILK Witt I X STLXT,
A tiothe r taterermat: feature of the exlithition in the
Reduced from their native willlnea. , to the docility c h a r.
anierniing domestic favorites of doter •peetr+.
.1011 Y MURRAY and GEOnfir.
LAND have jii.t returned from their foreign tour
crowned with laurels mind will appear in their Clanwe
unit Strilsing grouping. power, unit tutifeuux.
The arvomibie
Will present has farcical Intel ludo, and peculiar od
The nrueli admired inset tie equestrienne and ell:trilling
Lend, of the IC ey•tone Rui n !— totetputleel nR of Chief
d'Otellemt e—otiette tile (tepee of Jllllllllllllll MIIS ord.
CU ItIOSITIP.S eoneill of the
"Gen Putnam,"
Which in ull Moe-, "has been considered untamable 't
Living,totte, the great African Explorer. endorses
this opinion, But this uaaual will Int turned lon-e two
the wen., and perform rnerr•drblr• fear.. proving by itr
tame submtsmon, that what could not be done in the
punt, in uccomplirlied.
7,0: 7 47, : vi: EP 1..i.:: : :: ::T, ,
V.. - , . Atvle ;'4
' V
I I0 :"! : • -i
0 .
~ ..'lL,., _ -..-e."2- T .t;::•.:-___..7.-..
Another nr•innre of animal Nog:icily ; rendered evict.-
flll by mulling; 'lle svi.lpot•mcely \V 41. K u: t rr
The various Breeds of I lor4cs will crake special at
The performanee will open with n cavalcade, en
titled the 4 QUAIL l'El{.2ltil , 421.01. M.
The Talking Horse, Excelsior,
The various reports to the contrary• not xithstuitihite,
will perform those wonderful acts, which, to believe
must be seen.
The American Mustang, EUREKA,
Or the Wild Deloizeo of the Toilette
LADY MARI:ADP:T. w6nfe superior beauty and InIlAeU•
lite development, sold tmponllljt tictiots are exhibited by
the expert Kentuckian, CHARLES REXD.
SIX DAPPLK GRIM together in the Arena, under the
control of ]min Fl. eItRAT.
. •
ItRIBECCA and RACIIEL, guided by the skillful youth,
Pere 911141 BARNET licreroire the only animals of the
kind that can perform all that it claimed for ihem It
en., Mr. Rice years of training. and a rigid course
of discipline, in bring them to their present condition.
They are The (heat comma of the age.
Consisting of the entire retinue of the Fettablishment,
and the Animals' GREAT DEN. drawn by twenty
black Pennsylvania Horses will enter town about 10
A. M., accompantod by the Keystone BRASS !SAND. led
by the exquisite bugler, Prcf. Cunbam.
C. H. CASTLE, Agent.
This Company will perform at Lanca.ter. Tuesday
SePt. ta; Aliddletowa, 'Thursday Sept. M.
Dept. 24, 1659.
For Bent
A Comfortable Frame House, in Walnut St, between
A. Second and Thor'. Apply to,
A. M.
Sept 17.1859. Odd Fellows' flail.
A FURCHA teER for the stock and fixtures of a
I 1 first rate Family Grocery Store, now doing a good
and paying bouness. Apply to A. M. RAMBO,
Sept 17, 1859. Odd Fellows' 11,11, Columbia.
No. 2 Narth Fourth Street, Philadelphia,
Manufacturer of a superior quality of
Has now In his stock the moat Complete assortment.,
embracing many styles, some of , which can be found
in no mires esiabli.hinent, and which he is prepared
to offer to Cask and Shunt :Nate Purchasers, ut very
satisfactory prices.
September IV. I &V.
On Hand.
AiRB. ININSLOW'S c, o Mug Syrup, which wilt
greatly facilitate the process of teellioug by re
ducing intimation, allayiltg paut. cpacmodie action,
very.,sliort time. For sale by
R. WlLLlAM, no tt c..treet, Columbia.,
TUST in store, n fresh lot of 13reinig & Fronfieldts
el celebrated VegetaWe Cazite Powder. and for sale by
Front street,.Cobartabia.
Sept. 17,15 9
NOW Opening and daily receiving a new
and choice assortment of Fall and Winter
Goods, consisting in part of
of the very newest and moat beautiful styles,
such as
Foulard Robes,
Printed Cashmeres,
Printed French Mernioes,
Plain French Merinoes, black, and all the
different shades,
Rich Bouquet pattern, all wool delaines,
Plaid Velour Ottomans,
Poll de Chevres,
Satin Faced Valentias,
Plain Irish Poplins,
Figured Irish Poplins, &c., &c.
Black• Dress Silks, very glossy, and the very
best make imported; a splendid assortment of
Fall Fancy Dress Silks, of the newest and
most magnificent designs, the moat beautiful
goods we ever had. Handsome Fall Delaines,
very choice, yard wide, French Fall Chintzes
of the latest style, "louvin's Systeme" best
quality Kid Gloves.
Brochc and Stella Shawls, with black, white,
crimson, blue, mode and green centres, superb
French Woolen Blanket Shawls, Cloaks and
Mantillas of the newest and most fashionable
styles. Cloths, Caseimeres and Vestings, a
very largeossortment,!Blankets,Flannels, Sail
netts, Union Cassimeres, &c. A full stock new
Carpetings and floor Oil Cloths, from one yard
to four yards wide. China, Glass and Queens
ware, Looking Glasses, Feathers.
Sept. 17, MO
North Atlantic Steamship Company. 1
EGLILA It illiough line to - , utt, vin
I . ll.l3lllllSRaiitroad, and connecting only with
Steamer-Golden Gate. Golden Age, John f., Stephens,
and Sonora, f tlae l'aeifie Strarn , hip Company
at Panama. direct to Aspinwall. The splendid Steam
ships BA I:TIC. A GR I ATIO, and ATLANTIe, having
been namely refitted and tidupled to the California
wade. will herenefer run .me leaving tins port
on the sth and 20111 of each month, from the foot of
Canal •tieet, North River.
No half price
Pa=.engers and Nail. will be forwarded by
Panama RU111'011(1. COlllitel PSIIII.IIIII with the
Pacific Al ail Stetun.h up Company's magnificent
Stearretlops whirl, will be in madames.., :tad leave
ly for Fan Prunes-to 'They will be em
barked free of expense frutn Railroad, by Company's
Steamboat 'FAIJOGA.
An experienced Surgeon it !attached to each ship.
Stverage loom) in cooked pro vi•iona,
I•edcling mid itilveidasice. It in bereved that the ne
ceinonnantiolin :dint dint hy the uhuve •hips ore Ullcllf
p.t.-ed by any in the woilit. 'rile pubic lire In
formed lhoi the P. M. S. S. Co., :then> n have one or
snore extra Steamers, Icing at P. 11.111.), ready for ern,
trio void uny po—able detention of Pii , ..eniter• or
Mails lipid einbork their pa-sengerm by
For pew•rigs apptyni the only ogre ofthr C pan y,
on the IVlr.irf foot of Cattail ntreet North River, to
1 4 epl 17, IPSD-3en
'j l llE Largest Stock of Coal in Town!
Now i• the tune to buy your Cool! Call and ex
amine for I,our-elve, ly cool 1s prepared ea-prep...-
1y for family purpose•, k clear from ditt nod .•tale,
nod to kept Undercover. Ii I. of the beel quality. nod
range. in price !root 32,50 to .$301) per ton. I have
$2,50, $2,75, $3,00 & $3,50 PER TON,
delivered tit tiny part of the tow..
N. II —Who! ...a I e purelot.ers °Mod. be the cargo
or car load. will find ii to their oily:image to call and
examine my large sleek before peireh.t•itigrkein here.
Coal Yard tit Nos 1, 2. 3,1, 5, 6 mid 8 Canal
IL I'. A l'1.01.4).
Columbia, Sept 10, 1,,50
DESPERATE cases require desperate rune
die, ladieviag the .ante roineiple to hold good
111 roomer-. the un.lor..tgoed. having the fear of Judge
Hoodlum's vi•lt. before his 030.. linv ortured the
Nice...renal To the lollowtoz low roler.:
$2,25, $2,50, $2,75 & $3,00 per Ton
of 2,000 Pounds,
2 potitid•! yes: errinitsly—i• i 1 not on,
Cit A? \Il•I u..• tiredly. Now i 0 the time. all yr
liirnd• of the old coal touri.ui the Main: brunt your
along, (or the vblta to the Colottehs other have
been trey Gent
1.00111, F.q.s. Nut nod Broad Top Coal al price, to
cone-polo! J. G. 111:83.
11`0)001001. Sept. 10. IFJO.
God Save the Gommonweall.h.
General Election for 1859.
In pursuance of the duties imposed by the
Election Laws of the State of Pennsylvania, I,
BENJAMIN F. ROWE, High Sheriff of Lan
caster county, do hereby publish and give no
tice to the qualified citizens, electors of the
several Wards, Tcwnships, Districts and Bo
loughs of the City and County of Lancaster.
that a General Election will be held on TUES
DAY, the 11th day of OCTOBER next, 1859,
at the several places hereinafter designated, to
elect by ballot.
One person duly qualified for the office of
Auditor General of Pennsylvania.
One person duly qualified for the office of
Surveyor General of Pennsylvania.
Four persons duly qualified for Mentibers of
the General Assembly of Pennsylvania.
One person duly qualified for Treasurer of
Lancaster county.
One person duly qui lifted for District Attor
ney of Lancaster county.
One person duly qualified for County Survey
or of Lancaster county.
One person duly qualified for Commissioner
of Lancaster county.
Three persons duly qualified for Directors of
the Poor of Lancaster county, two to serve
three years, and one to serve one year.
Two persons duly qualified for Prison In
spectors of Lnncaster county.
One person duly qualified for Auditor of Lan
caster county.
Ist District—Composed of the four Wards of
of Lancaster city. The qualified voters of the
North East Ward will hold their election at
the public house of Anthony .Lechler, in East
King street; those of the North West Ward at
the public house occupied by Adam Trout;
those of the South East Ward at the public
house occomied by Fritz & Killian, in East
King street, those of the South West Ward at
the public house of John A. Urban.
2d District—Drumore township, at the No.
2 school house in the village of Chestnut Level,
3d District—Composed of the township of
West Donegal, including the Borough of Eliz
abethtown, at the public house now occupied
by George W. Boyer, in the Borough of Eliza.
4th District—Earl township, at the house
lately occupied by in the
village of New Holland, in said township.
sth District—Elizabeth township, at the
public house now occupied by George Bentz,
in Brickerville, in said township.
6th District—Borough of Strasburg, at the
public house now occupied by Henry Bear, in
said borough.
7th District—Rapho township, including the
Borough of Manheim, at the public house now
occupied by Michael W bite. in said borough.
litth District—Salisbury township, at the
public house now occupied by John Mason,
White Horse tavern, in said township.
9th District—East Cocalico township, at the
public house now occupied by Andrew Ream,
in the village of Reamstown, in said township.
10th District—Being a part of the township
of East Donegal, at the public school house in
the village of Maytown, in said said township.
11th District—Cternarvon township, at the
public house now occupied by Mrs. Ann Al
bright, in the village of Churchtown, in said
19th District—Martic townshipoit the house
now occupied by George Robinson, in said
13th District—Ban township. at thepubllo
house now occupied by Edwin Garrett, i n said
14th District—Colerain township, et the
Cheap Cub Store
WI 1.1.1A51 H.