S'USLIC SA.LE. rfilErE subscriber will offer at pub'ic sale. on Saunalay, 'I October 13th, at 10 o'clock A. M., at his re-idesice. (F • airvieve.one male below Columbia) the following ersonal properly, to Thirteen Beds and 13erlding. Breakfast and Dialing Tables, Wash eland. and Bowlq, S dozen Chairs, 3 Settoes,3 Canon Stoves. 2 Cooling Stoves, one Chamber stove' one Dialing Extension table—new—a lot of oil cloth—nearly new—Lialr.ronna •Funitturc, a lot of Barrels and Kegs. two Wagens.4one single and one four horse.) and u guttural lot of house „bold and kitchen furniture. Also, at private sale. a Two Story Frame Double i house. on Locust street, second door below Fourth • Columbia, fronting 44 feet on Locist at . and extending 14:11 feet to ahi feet wide alley. if net disposed be fore said day of public Bilk it will then be offrred ut public sole to the highest bidder. For terms apply to the subscriber, in Fairview. one , tulle below Columbia. 14. E %VoLpE L. Tasammuus, Auctioneer, (Sept. 10, '59.0t C. It ET.NERIS PC7OWW"Me:S7U2Oae - MPt..4, , Front St., above Witlma, Columbia, Pa. subscriber keeps con.lantly on band a largo .1 4 and varied u+soruuettt of Contlonioncry. . Cakes, &c. Ile iu site, alleillian to bin ONION COUGH CANDY, And other Candies for Colds He keeps Fruit Cake. Lady Cake, and a variety of randier cakes always , fresh. Handsome Cake. of every oe-eruption, with , choice Confection, curefully prepared for Parties, ate. Columbia, September]. G, ISbP. STOVES: STOVES!! 41111£ oulaseribee would call atteation to his rtocl; of 1 New Stoves. lie can e.peciully recommend as .worthy of notice Shremer's Air-nettling nod Cas- Doming Stove. The unrivalled William Yews Cook- Since with !IMPORTANT• GAS-BURNING IMPROVE •• MENTS. Ten ALMS of Ail... Tight Gag-Horning Parlor and Office Stoves. He 1.4 also about ham' different pattern. of Stove., suitc.l to every requirement of beating and cooking. He is the sole agent for Shreiner , . New Air. Heating and Ons-lloraing Stoves. whielt aill be Quern Weed to operate us represented. nt. Shreiner and \Valium Penn Stoves can be seen at all 'lilies ill operation, at the establisinnent of the subscriber. HI RAM WI I.SON, N. W. Corner... Second and Locu,t etreets. IIACCI), , 0111. rnl a vviy lov uar. The . 1 . 01,1C1 . 0 11 fir•2•1:11.• urriele, manuraeritreil ure“ly for rlii+ inur het . Tlie Oriel: and solid. rind Ike tobacco entirely tree Ilona airy daie;ericu• s PEN 1)11.11 . ,11 A. ming Aug 13, '39. Front zireer, Cu:urulrra. l'a NOTICE 11 7 1 0 1 e Ti .. l: . :V ° „ l-" ;!1 " !!• ' " ::f n ' 1Va i" „:101?. C i (7011111 V. lmve been gr,rated to Me nole.ettlier.rettaloor .11(reb.11.1; :I II iter.ot, itolettted to the . 00 l 15,1a1e t oe retittet.tetl 10 111:i ll' ormooliale pa)1111111, ilit VI 11,4 1,10111- or clemand. ogatot-t F.-Itott of Me tattl tleemient will make Itoom.it the •1111 m. vrol t o t o tleltly. In 51A1'1111Art W SMITH. ktig. 6,1,50-7 l New Agricultural Settlement. TO ALL WllO WANT 'LIRE opportunity in a delightful and healthy ehtitate -Cu1)...1.1 of I s ;,,)“,),•. pile , ou tine Camden acid A Cantle 1:mli °ad, New Jer•eY Au old rotate erah-i-thar aeverid Ilion-tital , of acre- of praltative ha-. been IliValed 11110 1%0110: of variolo.l..l/.0. In the yforelaaer A j0.1.111:11/0// or tone lateen hundred. loom sal or the 51 kWh, Sm.., nod NION E !VIVO pa year, atoprllVeil their place, mid erop=. The price of the land is al tine lOW -MOM •;.1.5 t0± . 20 per ter,. the .oil to of the be-I 1 1 , thl' 1 r h. , the produelitot NVlteat, Clover. GOlll. P 1.10,11,.. , 11 11 VaO.oll.lt, II I- tool-oh-red the FlllO Still the 11010, 'line Plana ,. a- pci feet); ,eetoe from de-ti dative elleofy of the 1.1 roe.. r. Coop.. of prni n, g raa.. awl joust lure now gro.iite and can 1... .en 11. 13) exam moon Ihn Wore tt.rlf. o correct pnfp;. uu•nl COO lot. 00110.0 or line prodoetivene-.. of lb.. land Tinr term,a le in anti' ea-y .0.1,1110 OW 1,010 [llOlO,lllOlll Of the load. \\ hick Id only -old for avianl tap rovefileilf. 'l'h, re•ult been ili.it aviiLi 1 the pa-I ) oar. .4/1.• N n WV baud rrt) ereeied. two mill. tolle 1.14. .1101 r ,done-. -lona ht. t) V.lll.)ord- nod orehttill-, pimpled 1111 d ti large Humber rolother 01101•014,111...0.. mak tog it a de-ar.th:e nod .teti 1a010e... 'I . IIE AI A 11KE1', IMO.. read., ma) peitmVe 110111 n. 10V:10011, I. th• Be-I wthr Orion.ll • l'inntiee bringing double the prie,• ob., i t , I nn wi ntt ., away (tom the C 11). 11 111 i ITIOIC lean 1110040 1 Ile 0111 , 111110 the We-t. I..»nven Owl th e runt be-t (rim, and vegetable.% latitude 0011111 from NON• Jeri.e). nod tire annually ex pOttril 10 the extent hr luenting here. the fetiler tot- rultny tttivtott•tge, Ile 1.1.V111.11/ .1 few hour. , role of the grew con.- 01 New land and Middle he I. net, It ,- old (ingot- nod 11. 1 .11e11111011n, Ile in 111 11 .1 1 1111,1 Voili111) Where every 1171 p Mveinr,il of loin(f I II ritl 011'11, -1101. in 111 11111111 11e ewe Iniyevery 31 .11e1c ur (1 .11,1- 1,1 the citexpe‘i price, tool -ell hi- piothive for the high e.l.(ot the Vet rover-ed.) he r hi• children. divine vice. and .111 ....)ly bull Oren VVIIIIer,IIIII.I &III:11110 1111111.11 e. wherell,l.l•3ll.oller ly unknown. The reztilt nt the eholo4e 1111011 1110-1• from the north. ha.: gene'rally been to re-ture them to so. excellent ante iltilellllll. In the wily of building and improving. Inirther enw he obtained !II the mill. no tine rate of 4110 no 415 per thottesind. 01 . 11.1. a tOllll the brick cord opened in line pl•tee, every nrincle can he IrrOCUred tin the place. good eatpentera are ait band, and there I , I/0 place to the Uaanu where. bU , lttliqp4 a.) Itiiproleuittlls can be made cheaper. The reader will ar once Nc ntniek st , illt the advan tage. Irene pre-clued. and ste.l. I -elf why the pin. Purl/ . not !teen taken up before. The reanont Wa , never thrown in the market; and unleno there statement., were correct. no cur would be invited to examine the hood before purehn.. g . Thar all pre ex peeled to do. They will 'or land under eulttgationn •uch in the extent of the nettlennent that they will no doubt. meet per-on-. from their own neighborhood; they will WIIIIOO,O llm nutprovttnent- and eau judge the 011111111.101 . 01 the population. If they 1•01/0. 01 1 / 1 view 10 /0 , 1110. they ,11011lt/ 1•01410 prepared ID •lay tinny or two read lee ready to pureltatbe, a. loe.atiOnts ai it twat be held on refu•nli There arc Iwo daily train, to Philadelphia. valid tr lettlera who iiapr.we, the Railroad Company free lie Let for elx mouth., lialf.pliee ockei for 1111 , *. war,. _ _ THE TOWN OF HA:SIMONTON In room...non with the agricultural •retdrnrrnt. 11 new arid thrivang town has ur. runrlly arisen, which preseote itialocrincot , for any kind of busomoi. p ,r, ocularly mores arid tnialillfactorira. 'Phi Shoe bp." aces coold Ire carried on in this place and swathe: In good advantage. also canons liusanees. arid niumarlam forms , of agricultural impleanimis or fouodries thr cooling sonar' unieleg. The improvernem has been 1.1111-ure n rnn.nnu and pennaurni crease ot loos of as good site., we do riot •ell +.111.1:1 ones. n, a Would taco the improve ment of the place, call had art from CO:land upw•..rd. The Illanunonion UMICI, a month}; Ilicrurt . and agriculture I -hem. maintaining lull anformaima of ll:uu• Manion. Call be ol.tailiCd at VP cent. per annum. Title indi.pulable—warrantee deeds giver.. clear of nll rue umbr:ui•c . wliesi money ra p.ud 'lonic so the land: leaVe Vine street whoirf. Philadelphia. for Ilairmionton by Railroad, at 71 A. 11i .or 41 P. M Fare 911 era's , ra there linguae for Mr. Boarding ensarenlenec. on bond. Porn, bad better stop with Mr. Byrnes. a principal, mild they hatreds , ceded ns to march:or:lig, rok he will show them over the land in hi. carriage. free of expense. Letter. and arthisCalions r•rtn lie addressed to Landis A: II) roe•. Ilanwaollloll P. 0 . Attai n ' co. New Jersey, or A. 11. Coughlin. Zig South Fifth street, Philadelphia Maps and information cheerfully furnished. Spnrlling (telatitte for •alc rt tht Gorden S Mult.tr Diu; Store, Erma •••• IVXELPES' NITB.OGMNIZZD SUPER-POSFIEELTE OF LINE! ONE HUNDRED I'OUNI)will rpm] in effect 111141 power, ONE HUNDRED and EIGIITY FIVE POUNDS or PERUVIAN GUANO It hue am experience of 11:2 - TEN YEARS, and all who have triad tt, pronounce it the bept ferliazer 110 w• in use. R. \V. P. A 1.1. EN. 14 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. "Sole t,Vholetale Agent fur Pentleylvaina, Del aware arid Southern part of New Jet-tel.. Auguit 13, 1559 3m. (AN hand and for sale, wholesale and re ik_r tail G Idtd New Orleans Brown :=ugar: blAs. WlllO. Nagar I. 1..7 F. SHUN lat. July 30, at:P. 3rd a: Uuiou t.trects. Fly Paper. Astiprxwi It article of rty (or the Oestrue num 01 Fltts , &e,. ha- 3u,t t•eett ireetvvd 111 the ttg Stole of R WILLIP.MS, Grout-treat. Columl,gu, Sul} '30.1e:59. THE LARGEST ri" 40. Tc. ca. 4=3 c: €::s ~ tc> - ir 4:z, WEST OF PHILADELPIIIA. WE call attention to oar unrivaled sloe]: of the brat brand, of Cht,rotg• 'Tobacco w hich We Will sell at vary tedta ed rater. Good sweet Congres, at tr3c. per lb.. worth 31e.; good sweet Hooey lien'. at 3fc north doe.; good see eel. C.Velldi+ll.lLlt.'t'C.. w orth Sir.; good Peach Leaf (nivel, dish, to :Pte worth 37c.; good ' Temtect Cavendedi, at :35e. worth :Ale. We also have 500.006 SI:GAIL , . of daTerent brand,. which we earl sell cheaper than: the) can tie said rat UM' other ,tall:1-1trucht in the country. Good Sixes at r..is'l.oo per thounnal. worth $3.00; good German Sixes. et $5.50. worth $6,00; gcod German Saxes rat Snutt.wer.ll 87.1`0. The !ingest and Kest it,sorrnert of Tobacco. Segars, t'F.aulTs.lll4.l ever) :bug connected with the trod, at 111NDItICIIN, BROS , XVl,olesalv and Retad Tobacco, Segar and Stroll . iquelu factory, Floral tuaet, five doors above f.oen,t, Cohan -IJI.I, J uly oth, troll llitiT Received another beautiful lot ni Vainlla t.) Beaus, at .1 S. & CO'S Golden Mortar Drug Store. Front street. Suffer'no longer with Corns. AT the Goloci, Altai:lr Drur; Store you curl procure un latielu %%loch t. wal rattled to remove Colts In 4+ lotwuhont ji:1111 or Bridgens' County Nap. T \OW forget to act a copy of this map. Map just 1-11e11 1.• 1.01 n 4.11111011 01 all 0111.1 (11111 WI It W 111 4 .11 16 4 . in6ubit,udc Or ille county have been Itmit.ta ft.r mon) )eels 11 ba, been enthelli-Letl whit via..., tied plum+, whielt 5.0100W6til 10 11..1,1)e:it:Ince. but it to incomplete mid bQIOII.III te, and t- eontteueued by every -till-NO.ler (vim ha- Ot•1,1-.1011 10 111•I1.e 11(4. 01 1t IL. a rereiviire. Not , Alths:no.litte the pain. 16:11 ashen have Lahr, to 1111.1 , 11V-vIII 11111•1111011, 011.11•1. 11l PP. p 11•••• 111114. 11.011 Iwn 11111.. S beg 10:151. 111 Pull) lo u .nom.e.. 11,01 ogre•- ha+ntrvul t• made 11111,1. the 1.1.11ve., 1.1111 that it 1101 r..pre... 1111 11 \. Intention to 1111:tmlon uO(l4.rW 01 . 10.111 11,4 up ta 1111111 or I.ltnea-icr county. ' Elle 'Sort. wLeu ili-betl will be .4 1 . ..11b101 10pOIZI re! 1. -1,1.0 1100 Or /be whole county. 01111 -ball not. tiler dr!, t• t. the )wetly mcrntd Cale orolll,- 1 1 1,111:1 CODW2IIIIII`d by the public It , being nit II(1p0 , 1:14/11. /I. Plab/I-her. title I-li-htt are :sugar at Cuba 11 reeeteed and going tat : lOLL 1-. 111 fined ‘'h,le zing', .11 In e 1.., per pound; :2 ion- 1110 put iiie.lllle2e. %Ire 01111 lip lit 11/ 1.1., rup, at So a eta. gallon I,Vilote-ii/e ur flirt 1,111'013,1n C:111 alvell, gel more for 110 ir moor). ttl ' 11 11, I , ONI/1•111: 111•11's reopli. , - Ca-Li Columbia. A ugn , t G, 1-iO rinr: INSURANCE commo.Ary CP QTATEII ENT e f the Assets of the Company on 1.) Juno:trs I. l'iabh-lied 111 1,1110r1111” with the proviz , iott of the sixt:l4ectiollot the Aet Of Apt - 05th, Ib.lY. 31ORTG.‘G.ES. tir•t mortrAtige,ott real e..tate. Indio City tintl Count) of l'ltiladelphia.exeept 5'104)5010 Aloud goner)'. aoil Ica ,,,a, j1 . 59D 5.19 E. EA f. ESTATE. Parel”,%ed of she, ill ,alt•-, under) tool s I:lght and 1.'1.70 h% 1:31) feet. on •-•,,,0/h-,er•l ite YU: Ci/ez /141 atitS Scs . villeeitlli , 11 . 4.1 . 1, , . ' A I,ollse .11. d I•il. 27 by 71 foot on North I .I,la. ,ii - Zi,iliVe ..lieel. ‘',"t2 , l of Llev enin ..1 ro , I, P.ll Tv, 0 1,11.e.:11,,1101, on oh 1d I,yrCl tee:, I E; oi, ,ouilt -tile of Spg ore nlte e I, Heing : , ,x1,...11, .1. ~,i. , Pp, lion-e• slllif 101, ..1.1•/1 17.6 by Do 1. No-. 1511, Ibl. !GI, IGS alit! 16i = 1)11,) it ...l , I 'nu, 1:ini... , . :tr.l 101.4' 1 by 51 fool. on [ 7,- AI e^'-1• 1'..,1•1• . .1 . 11c: , .. , l . :111,121/01 '410,1,10W/1 _$: 1 •=_I 1111 of I'mo-r, llotel utia I,,i,:at 10 ' l l 1". , 1.011111,: •4 0l31.1- ^.-. ...1 voloorol Chi-nut Glee Iwo-, • :Ind lot. it 1,5 ot.oo Nt•ttl, Goorge Vet of I .1-10 on i.e.." :Ind lot. _.I Icy 117 lee:. ott I E.I-1 ,Ide• of 11,.,z It street, -outb to ClO.-11t11 -hterti. r 1 hs, 4101 101. 1 ,1 by :10 foot. No 9C, 1 , ,1-1 to Ninth Sttent. A ~,,n nd rno, o:S rAVA...tong out or o lot 13.1 10 (rel. nn Noith sid t . ni (1,,,r1 r.ll , ct, Io It .2;11u-1 , 0 1.. f.rtitcl rlrect.) LOANS. rellll4,:irs Oil tioch-d.. Collet ME= STOCKS, 610 0011 A 1111 , II ou , e per 0001. 1111 ,u) :21,1, Shoe-Balk of v. 17 Nol !Item 1:1t16 or h . ... Murky. 100 • 1 01111 1:016 01 'Venue...cr. 10-to a out . C011114.111y of the Shalt' Of l''•IIIL-1 lon Ill.'. ;PHI al I, 1 ad 141.141 CO. :17 '• COOMIOI OM) Itailrond Itauk. Cn•6 -hot I.f. Penn-V)c:rnll tlllrofi (I Co., •• 1-,,,,k1,01"11(./11`.0111114,1 CO., wile 1. , In a 1 (70, 111111 COll/1 , 1111 y, 111 Sehlq 1 1..1 1 11.111 tool Co, OM/ Novh °.+d , 1, , ..17 011 1 C • .Illill 5:141 l'I1'11:i•'llllll City I,lot, Am... tool Ito!. revvlvablv. (lash lull 11,11+1. Call u, lood,orAgont, LOSSES BY FIRE 11f... W 114,1.114: ihr U.) tootle, tot the Board. t.311A1 , 11.F.: , N BANC:KKR, Pre , ident Atte , •( SII•Li..S.•••"‘ Pro cliAs N. 13AN4ICER LI)W1). C Vier Chic N.ll.lllekt.r.Tolplit.: Wagner, S.ttlitlel Grano, .1:1,201. I:. Slllllll. C. o liicluord-. pluulrr•:.i U. hem- 11.,:t1 S. I; ruin Len, Edward C. Dale, pen ti in. Titus. 1.t.0v1). A quill, Columbia. oril 0 I 5.19 Now for Bargains at Fondersmith's sfr ru so td Co 111131ke room 1111 our P:o I inn e a Lass 11. 6, S. and 12 rl•; ul Ducal. at 121, IG, .10 and . .1.5 et... wort 11 - .22 and ei- , .11.1 Palley 11e w•lhe u ru g!. rd ,o-t. riffle thi+ jar ant Ching like suouner 1),.'..G00d., and you wall get ;14,11 at your o tell yrar. IL C roNnurtsm Aug People'. Ca-It Sum., Cole oil,us. New Merrimack Prints CA . 41.: new fnll tAyle Merrim.elc wnr r.Aik•cd 01.1 rah.. pieet, and c o tim, lileuehetl and onlileaehed Shnung Mu.,iipt. Cu, and 104 Sheeting New (Ainghain, Cheeks, TieLlitp.; reeeittAl II C. FONDERSMITIES., Colutulon, Aug G. Adjoloing ilir Ban/. 100 ' 000 Simitioll Sego r.. 1 t2j.0004i,. i n Woo,' :old will be .old at /1 low fig Ore by I O.& Iir:CNER, Ann'. 11, 1,19. Cor. of Till Ilooto t`flrf _ _ A Teas. .1 Jen I. 0. 11. I , lulus re. A ug.G•'SO coneer ol Third and Unmet I,lreel-. Hans. 3 lot of So;.ror are offered (Or I .41i...11 dog, Ct.,:;9. Cor. of Third loot UlllO4 Si-. Soap. Eloxea of Dulttl• lir.uon Snnrw on tOtrol and for ..tle low nt the col net Of and Coto. August G. VILN JUST ARRIVED, g A BE; LS Extra Prmily Flour, awl for .nio by It. I , APPOLD Cobanbun,July Z. 1 THE lIAMMONTON FARMER.---A newspaper termed to Idle.lure nod Op . ..et:tore. -tt ttcg forth 101 l ;recount. of the new eettlemeet or Ila m mullion. w New J er,y , too Le Enthserthett fur at only IS cent. per ammo. pro.ll4go moult. for the atnount. A.l.lre.tr to Edoor of the Ear.rner. !farrow...ton P. 0 . Alla ono Jr" , el. Tho-e vesf.long, cheat , toned. of the 1.e.1 quality In one of the Imultlneo and mn-t dettglst tot rhoeute• to the Caton. and when.• crop- art. never me doe.o by hn-t.., twoorre of Ore 1,,111 .r krlver•,• m • , vf.t 1141111n,m; .. I.at .1- Wake up "Old Rip•" 1"111110TELITar t r; 36 I I Al 163 5..1,1••-i)(11 7,1 SEEM Segars FOR Till!: GUITAR AND VIOLIN. Tu. , ..r received a getteral asz.clitmeut of eupe,ior J Ulltpr :tad Vtolitt Sit leg., by .1. S. 111:1.1.ETT & Cn , Golden Itiortar Drug Store, rl out ct., Columbia. July 16,1850. 11.7r•1' Iteeoirod a Ire-I,oopply ol Corn zqurell, Arrow lloot.ut tlic - Goloon Nlonar Drug Stun, 1 its IF A. ALI, ILIV'S 14111 r Drersing, the Left pre 111. puronon now rti tile. for the beautifying the hair For sale only et the Golden Mortar Drug store. CRAIN GROWERS can carry on thtir boa s.ibeAs 1110n1 -ucce.efulip ut ilatnatocton, free it Mil fl 0 , 1, 60111 C fon y villeyardi int out the pn•t -co-nu. See tiverti ,, etneill of Ilatamoutoil I t u:/12.6. another Column. peßsoNs wanting change of cliinate for 111,11111 Sce .11iV111.1,111C111 ollla nnnoniou 1,111(1. TO ALL WANTING FARMS, See advertise• mein of lamenollton Laud,. July 2.15:416.n PERSIINS wiNhing to istablish inunufticto. 1ie..., a Ilea' and Itatriog ploce When - 1111.1, SS s- good Sue Llvesis,tn,st of the 11:smillq•111011 ,et lesswist. Put) Y. 1H59-mu • 11ARM LANDS for MIN 25 miles from delohia It Railroad .11 I lie 1,-1.10 *4 New Jersey Soil among the be-t for A grieulial ul pUrpOrrer., turning good Wont •oil, with a elllg 101:1010. The 1:1111r1 14 large trart, divided into -mall fd, trio. and hundred.. 1,0111 all p.m, of the ecumtry• ale 11010 and building. The clop, pindueed are huge turd eau 1,, growing. The ellinat.e 1. delagltitul. and -retire fro l / 1 103-1 . .. Ter/0i - from 10 ..f.eJper twit'. pug a lie within four yea, by n••lalluieuie To 1.11 the place—Le.n•e Vine ...treet whaif at Philadelphia at 71. A. :V. by N.i.itrond for HMIIIIIOIIIOII, or :oldie-, It J. 1115 rue., by letter. I lalaillfrllloll tic County, New Jer-ey. See full adyeilltellieol lit :molter column. July 2.1,::9 blur Harrison's Columbian Ink TVIIICII Iv rr ,uperior untelc,, prrrnrur.•mlt• black. YY Y rnrd not cOr.Odill7, %Lr• reit, 11111 be had in inn quantny.ait Ilre Family Mt...1...we ,lore, and bldel.rr lei 1- that Engli.,ll that Columbia, Jane 9, 4t,30. PERSONS wishing to change their business 10 11 rapiJij eut.iiiry, a new -vide meat where limidred‘ are going. lVhere the climate is mild and delightful :...weadverii.einent of the Ilam -1110111.11 Ja'y t 2, 1,30 tin PRESERVE YOUR FRUITS. Turn.r.ocininrs izlopper, for Fruit Pre , eiviag Can+ and Jar-. This is la now patent. und e:s, lading tine Tbe toppera call I.c int"l to any load of Jar or Can. Thu r sole .c.n-at Columbia. A large Jara.llll.l Calms 6/ ell :,/lids and hove con :aant;) HENRY PEATII.I 7 .II. Jan. , 12.1f-29. 1.0P11 , 1 street. Columbia. Po FRUIT! FRUITY, FRUIT! (1171' 1111• 111'W arid 11111, oard light pre-er pits £0 Ell, /ell 1 , :i11,11 Wr tight ptc.a•t viol; j.tr,, Olt ti/e,ju-t tacaiY.d u; FON us 1 , I ai.l Col otnbui. BUSINESS and factories can be car 0., zee adver 11- , 1114.111 ui 11:ffianonitth July 2. 1 -.19-:; n : • Scrofula, or King,Evils is a con , titational di-cia , e, a viaroption of the blood, by which this fluid hvcillol, vitiated, weak, mid poor. heiug in the citcnl.uion, it pervadcis the whole Loh:,, may lamrst out in di-ea , e on any part ut it. \o cagan is fm cc from its attaches, nor i- thet e yne which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is via iously caused by merciirial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure Mr, filth and filthy habits, the iiepressiug vices, amid, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending •, from putcnts to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Ilim who says, i• will visit the iniquities of the latheis upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, end internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the gland.:, swellings; end on the surface, eruptions or sores.. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other dileases ; conse quently, vast numbets perish by disorders which, although lust scrofulous in their nature, are still renthaed fatal by this taint in the system. Mo,t of the con , umption which de cimates the human f unify lies it, origin directly in this seroful.ms contamination ; and sunny destructive disease- of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise front or arc aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people in e SCI ofulons ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is up chrmined by it. To cleanse it from the sy , t-in Nee Dlllht I enovate the blood by an alto:afire mei:knit., and in vigorate it by healthy ilsod and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound ENlract of Sursuparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined tram the most active remedial , that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder front the blood. and the rescue of the system from it, destructive consequences:. "fence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affees tions which noise front it, such as Enorrivr. and Sats; Disr...sns, Sr. AsTitosv's Pune, lion:, or Envi.,crEr.,s. PIIIPI.I • I'VSTELES, IltAixc and hotnes s Trmons. Tnrriut and KILT RIII:r3f, 11Iwlmoium, Rum - naps% S'll'llltorte and Mance ma DI , - aksrs, puonsv, Dvsraesra, DainraTY, and, indeed, ALL COII.I . LAINT6 AIINING MOM VITIA TED Olt Is:Pt:um lit.oon. The popular belief impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. 'hue particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purity and regenerate this vital Bind, without winch sound health is impossible in contaminated eLtis tit utions. - MEE MEM Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, arc so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or made them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and imigorate el ery portion of the human organ ism, correcting its disca,ed action, and restoring its healthy titalittes. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid, who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restuted by a cola). at once so simple and inviting, sot only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous discaes. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificate 4 of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: Costive ness, Lim thurn, Ileadaclie arising/rout disordered Stomach, Sausea 1 ndivestion, Pam in and 2110, bid Juan limn of Me Bowels, Flatulency, Loss rtr Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindled complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction c" its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOIL 7111: 1 / 4 t GLEE er Cough., Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and lbr the relief of Consumptive nrtients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu- MenaUl ate the eases of its rules, that :almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who hme been restored flout alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority oser every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While mane inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded. thi+ has gained friends by CS cry trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous: and too reutarkable to be forgotten ratrAmo 111 - DR . C. AY ER & CO. LOWELL. MASS Sold ••t• I S. A CO . Co un not. Gros• \T:rr:••::,,. 11 . rt I.as \lMctn•vn. Grn.. u•r. I•hr oholootvo. MUSIC! MUSIC! PROFESSOR PRIEM offers his seri ices to the °Wren, of Columbia and vientity as a 'Pearlier ut Vocal and liourumeutal Mu.ite tie is prepared to ;Ave le.-011h on the 1.12110. Vioan, Melodeon, Sc., und w ill instauet in till the brunches of cocalrzaaaa lie ill visit selto , neA uttltcir re-idences us fi cquently as required, sad willeceeire pupils %silo arc without iu• ;ailments at :Ito rooms of the Cecelia :ioetety. S. E corner of front aid Locust sires', w • herc;a fiat class I3ostrin Piano +ken] be at t h e i r serv i ce. Jul) Oth,lEsll-If LIFE INSURANCE. 11101NAS WELSH, Esq., has been appointed Agent of the Penn Mu,ual Lire e Com pany, of Plilidelppia, for Columbia and neighbor noo..l. Thin i. Wm old establi.hed Company. PCl'follm wo.hing io provide fo r their fare'lle• w en•e of dead: had baiter roll on the agent widget iiibut ed. Cohlinhin.July IG, Vanill a Beans. Tusr eceived fic-,11 supply of Vanilla and lor %ale by H. WILL! 01S. Columbia April 1P59. UttISEM3I Waverly Novels. I I;TERAON R InICYS Cheap E,ll:ton of the il'a• veil) , Novel., reee;ved a, cow! :15 et, per vol. or live dollar- per •et or 2C vol‘. ri,1.1 . 1.4)1{ S. 111t.DON AI.D. April W, 1 H UMOROUS BOOKS US."P publ,lied and for Fate at the Quarters J :tad New- Depot. Piney IVuod, Tavern, or, u Stray nice iii Texa ,, 31 23. Rug Ile air Alive') IllreF and K N Pepper roper, 51.410. Sur., wg MSS Paper, $l,OO. Alialrirnotthit LtroLenlgr• in ate M'etropoli.. SI 21 ') A large It—ol.ment of Can. Letier and Note Paper. Antelope,, 6. , at !lead Quarter. News Depot. [Apr. 16. 'CU. Blank Books, Blank Books. .A LARGE lot of Ledger., 1).,y [look, Alemoral.- duet, Yuen and Copy (t 001... Very eltenp SAYLOR& Ali DONALD, ilevd (4w/riot...id Ness-. berot 1/11111E1 rt Wade tio.lp, White Wiad-or SOJI, in bats. A fresh A.upon of ihe shove ha ju-t been received at the Drug :•tore of It. WILLIAMS, April tn 3 1 g:10. From .1 reel ILEADT. READ!! ILIELELDLI! ESENWELVS AROMA TIC Is 0 remedy tot to be excelled for the rettof and Cure of ruttiatttes lofty:cut to the .utntner -enroll. vi,: lharrlice 1, its •emery, Cho!, ra or Cholera :11orbus. Vomiting. Acitttly of the blotnnelt. Itq Item a urminuttve 110, tr.. We:lx:int lacer and eoothing !mitten, e, rrud..ro u a vaMMale remedy 111 Intuit. e the, peculiar to ,cemot e.totnner, viz Cholera Infaittunt. etc. It ha , a really:gm - Lamy; nod tonic Inatome,: oil the .y-tern, allay log tollattialtoo where Ii c..t lit the s'otnach and botvele—and oa trial %SW 6e bound i11,11 , 1 1C11,1.1,11, to the aell In.to, of %,•ry tanttly. It Win be bound as wen ntlapt , c7 to Adult, as Clal,"reo —•l•rg it. Piet:tired ohly by ESEN %P I' ' IV. IV. nor :I.toth Pht'adetploa. V nee ii et.. per Uottle. 1`,.7-, , 0 , 11 by Creep, nod J. S. Drllc❑ & Co_ ColLlllthia, nod by drug:lL:A , and storekeepers generally. 1,7,1) I y LIST OF NEW BOOKS. JUST P.ECEIVED AT Saylor 5 MeDonaltrs Book Store. I.ady (tithe lele, by Mt-. Southn•orlh. RI 25. Win. I.lryttot,*l.oo, 'l•he Teonot or e noltert I"mm ectry 'P. SI 45. •.„ Hook of R.utertaunm•nt, 7; . is, 1001 /tome Amu, oneitteoilet O. 1 11 41111 around t.inint.oul, $145. Crut•, olthe Hugh :11111cr, blip Old bled Santletulte, Hugh Msller Together with it large n-eortment of :1 i.,cellun /100/s. as loch teal he no Id low fur ea-it. Apn l 16 110. FOR SA LE. 200 CROSS Friction Alatches,:very low for utc 25, 3U. It. 1V11.L.1 MS COMPANY. CHARTERED BY TIIE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, I Money rrcelverl over) day, and in any atnnun't 1“,44,11 rive I't•r Cent. interest i. paid for nioney from ilio. it it out in. 'rho mooch I•::lnny= paid bark in g old, when ever n 1- C.llled for. tnid vv,tarnit nom,. 4. Money I- received fro,. Executor.. Adt -Ira - tor-. Cu train.- and other- sv afe•iie (4 . ll:lt'd It In :I PI:11 . " of 11,1 , 1 -aletl, and where interest can hr• idoained nor it. 5 'rlie rnr irev received from inveq,,l iii E-1 .I. Irrnl;.:grc • Crnitird 11, :11.d oil,N; fit. , :I , dre eltarin fir. et-. (Ule, 1101.,—E,ery doy twin ti WI sk. and on 1101!..) ft and r-thil • lid flit! 111Y1 HENRI' L, 111-:NNER Jo' )13EHT: , El.ntIllf P,r,./tfrin %I' • . J. It V. DI E T 011 S. I lenrt f. tleinni.r. Car‘oil I'd Bran! 1.. i*.tot,r, Jo-tpli It Bail), I,re. 5,11111.11 I IC A J 0,141 Pei Id I • 11,:ov OFFICE.-IValnut Str,et, South-11'es, Corner of Third Slice(,l'h:2ade Iphza A prt f ft , I 1: Rooks of the stibgt ribcr have been placed in the J 10001. ii.Ebor. .woh outlnoity to collect all m.co«nt, ontehted iotl .. payment to hit, tint., having I.thns %sal Wen, resell thew for A•rttenl. L, 1 , 11-LtERT. 31.1) May ran. SALE. 100 1111 800, l) .t trorn l'itiAl urr.. of the Leg quill .ut :sub 1.2 ..ntl Camil lfa 111 1111 . ) . 11. Ii7:)1 1 . 11 r A P1'01.1). CST received, ;MOO Prime Vermin Srgars .) —?-ixo•—a. loch "C eau I V{ . ollllllo ad u+ Illy Let eve I too light to Culuittlo,:. utlsulesule um! feillii, . _ =I Dr. Coggswell's New Medical Salt! FOR INFLAMMATORY DISEASES ONLY 21`cw Medical Sala Rite Iredical Sale IS NOT A CORE ALL. For Inflammatory Diseases only' I)Ir. tVEI,7. , r, New to.zercl 0 IV lagl rl.llloliy for all ilk lan- r nntrol Oyer but one illha-lain owe non. 11.11 to•eottuill.bi,. but oil.: those. to Subdue. Inflanountory lh.e.i-r. lint- CV, 10r111 fir Inru lily. 1.010110 - r 10 the baud, h mill, tolodornen. extreirlillt, or -kin 11.1' ,11,11,1.1 II- pt. c01t.., ettoreltelit e t•. IN that o In.. of !tined and etTeztuail) eures InLituntutoty of er-I by 1,011111 . 111 g 4n ••,11.1iilirtom of 411 the fluid- in the hotly, the a Out of It /Itch is: the veln etiu•e of 111(1111.1- 111L11,01i V ILA% to ltottititt.". I 1114111• Nlllrll the uribril.ttreeri 1t...0u1e, nuns} 1101 here 111.111, , lied.11int hoot. mere or I,s- lever or parr,. :tee ert-tIY '' ol, ltted lip the New Methertl Salt. es. fire l elittygot-ltril bp Wittvr, to wilt Brom twee. 'Head :l4'lW. Itio-lt of Wood ro the fletad told Ileart. Vat-. lir flamed eyes, ear, Itilitt. and liver, Nett Atreorrost-, Er!, -speirr.. Itrrotelort-. Pletm-y. A-thina. Cough, Cold, lip-wp-rtr. It hetortati-ou. 1.001. rterOl . uht, and all IlVloug oilier t LOAIICOUs r1)11111011n. "(.7( Ttttt-IV 1:1.1. , s New :k1,,i t ,•••1 e'er , .I Vt. lit, tli•• van, ine matter. na extraordinary tiirlu eiwe (701 . the V 4 .11 1, and artero•-• retalgia d tial decline 01 intlioninaion a=lodiensed I y the pule. wt,mh non (4'.111...4 nl. /111111(411 t.:(114, htJI pain and fever di-app,tr. jCia.th,Ci . ll:Ll:ei New Salt doe -t / but n al.our, to do—no mar, fluid.lhr l ,l 1....vi01.: 1, OM the ..y-tent all arterial vraou-ilh-nu. not.- Der.eriative Circular., IWO, ..titained Pr," nu) Mag..; t-1 a Ito hat. list, valusibla Nle.ll-11a2 tor 1)It . t'llt•t :et hletitetti St,lt. Get vy I CI.. la 1./ r. A.k nity Itrugg,i about the New Meal -4-01 I:1. .1. ynw oe 1E1,1”.... nbot,, the No sr Mrd- It .1 .14 It ct. II L, the New I IR Anioph Ina :•w• A.• I / rq...uPs. 4 1: ebrooi , do .6*.!r+o; rnnoly dn.. $3 , ut 1,5 111411. fire of ripeol-e. on feet lilt of pro. e. Invend- u p rit4ono• or long .14.1alsos ah.ariaaca, -240u7d ailts . ...ra °Mc, .a U. I: TA VI.? OR & CO General A aride.aC2 hnrl. N . Pinta. N ‘,1111“.1 In CYO!) Town and 1)R Ctß:l;SWlll.l.'zi New Ilr•diral t• for fell,. in Colutril.m. by MeCORKI.R & by ail druggiqs vrbetevur the ••Spy' , 44 rra4l. A• It la ur•t a palest niediriae. t ut - f(alon of au I ....au nue ..1.0u1.1 'N...r di4 l'••• I, -1.,err..tl- aad SAVING FUND. NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST J ULES INTOTio E. ron SALMI rr:sainicii k DIZOS' of . . BANE NOTICE. THE.Coluurbia Bank, at Cotumbist, Lams ter ..011111V. and a I.IIC ut Penn-vivani.t, Al JI un ply at Haul kaS,Oll of the e of..a,tlz.ioo• tor a renewal and exten-ion of it- Charter and Bunk ing privileges, nub the capzial of li v e Hundred Thou- S.lnd•Dollurz, tx, at °present uuniorized. and until Om tape name, style SA rigrEIL.I.IIOCIf , Cti.hter of Cohnnkin Bank, June Ytl, ira9. Columbh, July 2.1.551).Utn LL wanting farms in a delightfal climate, rich god, uad accure from frot-IF. Sec .2.verti.o. merit of I.lainmoiconi.Lacd,l2: Jcoz: c. column July 2, 16::,13.3111 WOOD: Ntroorn! 1 1 .0() CORDS of primc Ilitkorr and Oak kj °ea fcr fic:c th" v..1.z.7!' Cohunhm App "lay P t-11.1.Lrn New Arrival of 200ICS AND STAELTIONEIRY. , AT HEAD QUARTERS & NEWS DEPU JUST received a large and varied steel; Blank, hientornadusn, Pnv and Copy Dochh, Lehloe, Cap. oati Note P-uper. (very eneop ) Letter and Legal Envelope. ot all qualltueo rune robleo, fly ran cut.d Tray it Baal., in cooly au)le of Inadit.g. Poutfollo., New St:, le ruckci. Doak - tut Glau , loam 'lubber Inlr,Latitl.. India Rubber Pro, a net , uuroole. 'Together unit tx large ~tuck 0: Fancy Ash l elefi, to all at which ne call the atichinhoo ut the eta zeths m r•ohantuat and yiettaly. (stuffily ,Jtirtied dart to Cal 1.1.11 l ut oualtuy and of nun,. IIeDONALIU. Cohnithid, .%prt I 1 1 , NEW MUSIC STORE, No. 93 Market st , Harrisburg, SHEET MUSIC, ;Instruction Books,: MUSICAL MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY, Pianos, Are/odeons, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, .Acco.- des us, &C., dr. Jane 4, IFLP. O. C. 13 cAnTr.s. Stoves, Tin Ware, Gas Fixtures, lizts. WILS N, N. E. Corner Second and Locust Streets. rr it Nubseribrr hying entirely refilled hie l siorr end lard in a erar.plete new -lurk of every. Ihuig ~‘ l it ., !me. of Oz. pubis,: .o “..-nrI111(.111 ni STov Es OF EVERY s'rYI.F. & PATTERN. Ii t‘lock I, serf large and complete, con nt Koval Goof. \V‘lliam Peon. Noble. Na trO tt .l l o . Von lig met lea ,Alornia7. StOr.COMplelr. Cool., r;"Jor Cook. fottr st.ott•tti , .. e.tove, of ever) make, -I) .1!Id ; 1100111•111 d 01r/CeSIOVC:.• &r. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. large steel, of :wicks nt tile above i/Ol• Or 1,,1- ; ever} (bin that Is manniactutea of Sheet 11'011. 4.1., • for 11 011..C110ili -1014. 1:.• of Lie own mania...tut c.:tiid lie t rotieh 104 eXcellence and Jura:JO:l y. Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. ,the complete n , AcininenCof elegant Ga., 1L Attire- of 14-icibl dr.tgna. tion."3.itng of tome, and two burner CiLindeltere.single burn, r link Pendant, Side Light. plain cud orimmentul, D rop always on hood GAS FITTINU it all its brancltcs attended to with pros - woe., Rouse Roofing, Spouting, Rze. OlitiLl ROOFING cod SPOUTING put up in the IL incc4 sulcaviitia! manner, Plumbing, 1101 II ang i lig and roller briiiiel, of the bu,ine-,, carried on a, heicicifure, on the most icusonnble term.. 111 RA Al WILSON. Corner of Second and Locw,t ,treet, Columbia. tieptenitier 5, 1857. LODGE'S GALLERY, N. E. COR. FRONT L LOCUST STS COLUMBIA, PA. TILE subscriber having added extensively o 1 his facilities for inking likrnesces,desire• to call attention to unrivalled 9,ertnten•. He is now prepared to take. in addition to his Cornier splendid llagnerieotype-i. the nici.t; • •r••ct Ambrotypes, Photographs and Patent Leather Pictures. lie reek en:laden' of givlng salit , ruction, and my atk. niriel of ti.s ..1.111 to insure it. /o"l.letures tueen on 'nail tnuconable term.. it ele,Ar or cloudy steadier. Columbstk, Jab 31,155:3. DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE .A. :. , 7 p LIVER PILLS. W E beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chas. Inane's Celebratrd Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFITGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &C. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with tl:e directions. Their unprccedcnt& popularii has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been succes• fully engaged for the last Tw„,nty Years, and they will now giye their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being dc termined that Dr. M'Lane's.Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pill 3 shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com - pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLENLYGI BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P.S. Dealers ani Physicians ordering from ratters thin Ilektog bros., will do well to write their ordm, di.tin-4:y. and mks Amu bra Pr. WS/trek prepared l / Ftextng Bro. Pittsburgh, 11%. To aloft wishing to giro Vicin a trial. we writ forward per snail. pest laid, to snY tho United Stater, nu box of fills for twelve. ro=t-qrn latriunr.i. or one vial of Ternilfttge for vamp,.. All orders !nut Canada mull j t,tnty teats egll3. Ay-. a. SA NM I.ODCI