paid the interest in aelx,,ssane at the rate of 5 and L & I nc gent. # *zit, and who always repaid ,the pencipai on call. Fortunes .accumulated rapidly in Carnot; slay laborers became capitalists; xlegetable *enders bought country seats. ItioneT rpsb ed upon the widow from all sides. ' how ever she did not use ii to improve her way of living, or her . ono,ide appearance; she eunti!?ue4 tq vtoick. her little farm, and Went' ra -market av she always did before, to sell her ilk and butter. There in the market many offers of money were made to her; many lenders would place in her hands or in her basket, comsiderublo sums, without stipulat'ng any terms, and even without telling her their names. A confectioner handed her 400(1 francs; others Kaye her asi much as 1¢.0,Q0 francs in cute sum, The ,[riving of a receipt was always out of the musseion, as the widow could neither read nor write. She allvays pain upon her sim ple promise. Greed at last knew no limits. One lender stated that in consequence of these loans he already enjoyed an income of 500 franks, I but that he would not lie satisfied until he could raise it,to 21,000 francs a year. During ten years these °petal:l