Tir.OTICP Tolley of Insurance tor.sl.ooll, No Qtrt. dated May 4 -p .14th, 1847, Mille Delaware al maal In-mance Co., .hiladelphia, being lows, 1 bave applied to wild Com pany fora new one. Said Volley wag, in the name of S. B. Ronde, tratiFferred to Jacob Collin.: and by Ingt to J. NV. ;Mutant). MICIIATIL SFIVAI.t.N, oft. {V. Shuman Sept. 341 t ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. OSniurtlay,Senternber 17th. 1.159. will I.e so!d nt public •ale, ut the paid ie house of Cornelius Tyson, on Front street. in the Borough of Columbia, the following per.onal property delle estate of Ann SiXtteti, deaM. viz: 5 Share• of Columbia flank gttoe k. n Shares of-Stock 01 Columbia ClOO Company, 30 Shores of Stock of Odd Fellow.' Hall A1..0f211111011. one Bureau.otte pair of Card Table., eight CIII1C• seat Chairs, Looking Cda.s. Bedding. I lon.c. Lilll,ll, Silver-wore, nod oilier article. 1101 Cilumtrttied. R&M to-commence at 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, Whill tenths Will be made known by TIIOAIAS LLOYD. ELIZA BE TYSON, Admini.fmtor+ Sept. 3,15.59-2 t 859. FOR FALL TRAIE. 1859. camargo Manufacturing Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Wall Paper, Window Shade and Oil Cloth Warehouse. ~ NO. 20 EAST RING ST., LANCASTER, PA Fall.styles of Wall Paper, o n ly 5 eets, eall sty's, of %Van l'apet only 6 rents. Pall styles of Wall Paper only 8 cents. Pall styles of Wall Paper only ID re n t*. r >rall PlYleS of Wall Paper only 19.1 cents. Fall styles of Wall Paper only 15 cents, •Tall styles of Satin Paper only 20reals. Pall styles of Satin Paper only 25 cents. } Fall styles of Satin Paper only at cents. Fall styles of Gold Paper only GU cent•. Fall styles of Geld Paper only 65 rents. :Fall styles of Gold Paper only 75 cents. Fall styles of Gold Paper only $1,60. Vail styles of Velvet Paper only $1 no. Fall styles of Velvet Paper oily S. I .'l5. Pall styles of Velvet Paper only 51.50. Fall styles of Velvet Paper only 51.71. Wall styles of Velvet Paper only $2,00 Borders) Mouldings, Decorations, Xec. WINDOW SHADES WINDOW SHADES!! Fine Painted Window Shades 371 cents. Fine Painted Window Shades at, cent,. Fine Painted Window Shades 62; cent.. Fine Painted Window Shades 75 cent.. Fine Gold Bordered NVintlow Shades 75 rent•. Fine Gold Bordered Window Shade. 57.1 real•. Fine Gold Bordered NVIIIIIOW Shade.; *lmo. Fine Cold Bordered Window Shades *1.25. Fine Gold Bordered NVin..low Shades $1.50 Cords, Tassels, Fixtnrcs, &c. OIL CLOTHS! OIL CLOTHS!! New and henuttful Pattern: Floor 011 Cloths 37/ el% New and henntiful Pattern. Floor (111 Cloth•, 44 eta New and beautiful Pattern. Floor 0,1 Cloth. 50 ets. New and beautiful Pattern. Floor (10 Cloth• 6211.1.$ New and ben uu Gt Pattern. Floor 0,1 Cloth. 05 4.14. • Floor Oil Cloths from one to four yards wide; Tame Oil Cloths nll widths anti euultiotts; (;reel Ott Cloths for Window Shades. Please cull and (.7C:1111111C our aback before purella-ing, as we are determined to sell at very lowest rule-. it. FRANK BRCS KMAN, •Cpl. 3. 1839 Now is the time to Subscribe. Tll I: Novo "12 - ox - 3s. 'VS7c)cas_3L3r, A UANDSOME QUARTO PUBLICATION, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED, is now universally acknowledged to be TUE BEST STOB. PAPER IN THE WORLD. DEEM= REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS Will be found the numes of some of THE LEST MALE AND FEMALE tVRITED.B IN THE I= I=l Justin Jones. (Harry Hazel.) Agustine .J. H. Duganne. William Earle Binder. harry Hazleton. James Reynolds. Francis S. Smith Mrs. Mary 3. Holmes. Helen Forest Graves. Mary C. Vaughan. Margaret - Verne. Anna Raymond. Ilkla Mayville. tv.itp (or it regreorh% whde n .gore of other well. known writer+ occa,onally eotittthuto to tin col ninth+. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY Lug now engugred n toree of talent that etutont be rivulnd by any etattbit.hment 111 the wo.1(1! NOTICES or THE PRESS Never before lin= any new candidate for public favor in the irlie int ry %World rterived -.nett flattering notice,. Irota the Pre.s From all (4141111er , . our eel tonal brethren have elierred u. 00 by cwud Street, next to the Lutheratn(Thurch: Everything is leech rind of good quality. lie the public 16 give Mtn a chit. tug. tel"-;h The • New Amerletn Cyclopmdia. : SONS FOR BUYING IT. AND YS AND MEANS OF BUYING IT • • Ameritt.ia Cyclopedia is popular with , • superficial. ;earned but not pedantic. ve Inn sufficieutly detailed, free from e and party prejudice, fresh and yet ne n complete L....dement of 1111 that very important topic within the scope t litgence. Every important article in it dally writett for its pages by men who t e• upon the topics of which they •pe..tk r qutred to hring the subject tip to tlie t neat; to et.ite just how it stund• note. All r al information is from the latest reports; phical ;terrine's keep pace with the tritest 11-; historical mutters Include the frc•hesi the Lingropliie.tl notices not only speak cud, but also of the lining. the work tseheapr three dollars a volume; and gA volume contain- more—we have earefully Corn pitied the coirteit , of both—moie than the whole six volume. of Untieroft'• history, which are :sold at two dollars u volume, mal,ing in all twelve dollar.. Every Wilily ought to pO+I.C.R a copy of the New Cyclopanlia It i• a library in iineir.:Let eltelijmart once sweat y-five t.ent• a week. and by the rime the work i• complete Ire run not only awn the fifteen volume., but also a handsome book.easc to keep them M. Save u half done n day. (a little self:denial will do it.) and you save enough to buy a set of books which will give you snood information upon all points about which you wish to inquire. School' children—certainly the memiter• of our High tiehool•—can all have It Save ihe pouffe• which are given to you. run errands and edo chores , when you can. and thus earn It quarter of a dollar a week —and the task Is dwie. slechttnicr! you have not much time to real;11114, then. is just the work for you; it will help you upon till points of in quiry. and three hours' over-work per week will buy It Lawyers, Physicians, Clergymen! it wilt give breadth and accuracy to your information, and add largely to vour influence nod income. THE NEW CYCLOPEDIA! Votirmes NOW READY.) Will lie completed in 15 volume , . royal . Sit per volume. in cloth; .350 in library leather; St halt morocco; 54,50 half rtUS , ia.extra. ELIAS BARR & CO . RE\ THEW 11%111 le 11 111111 comprebea. arr-onal pig i•Unkle. It known upon of human int 6114 beret ap are au‘horit They are r pre•eal the i4n11.1, ille grOV eXplorati 30-1 vie of the Rook.elters and Stationer., is.s..aeaster. Sole Agent. for all the. subscription Book. pub. Itshed by B. Appleton & Co. E B. & Co. are prepared to receive at der. for any of the College. Sehool, and Isliecelluneou. Books published by D. Appleton k. Co„ TIIIS IS TO CERTIFY Ts AT Rlersr.. Elias Barr & Co.. of Lancaster. Pa. are the exclusive agentr. for the sale of the Life and Adventures of Kit Catson, in the counties of Laneass ;or and bauphin, Stine of Pennsylvania. Shottlil :he agent learn of the .ti.e of this hook lip any other person ti said territory, lie will confer II favor upon the publisher.. by reporting the same. and if possible,. the name of the person so selling, as •uelt sale will be unautholized. W. R. C. CLARK & CO. Aug. d 7, 'it/ RIP Broadway, N. Y. Jan. 21, 'FrO. TI-lIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT Mra..r. Elias Barr & Co., tire our Krclusire and only tuitions in! Agent: for the , dtle Illu,tratett Edition of flooper . • Norris, in the City 1111 d County of I.Ullebt.O.or. gale of ( . 1.11116)1,11111t, 1111 d co 1011 g a. , then continue to work for them, no oilier party will Or allowed to 'ell the same in the oho., 11111I1Cli tern- W. A. TOWNSEN D & CO, 1".35Ug."27, per W. !lama \. i 177 Broadway, N. V., Jan. :it, '.50. C. 11. BRONENIAN Philadelphia Warming and Venti lating Warehouse, NEW GAS CONSUMING CONE 11:ENACE. Fri SUrcn Q tooQUA Lir ICA TIOSs. Ti.y are made entirely of east iron. No crite4iog or burning out. No theet iron to rll , l or born out. No leaking of wtc or intake. No yet! hot iron to tor They lire pnwerlkil raihalor. of heat. The elit4ler at 011.... C 011,11111 ., the ga.. They are great of fuel. They give a mild and eqUable heal. The fho-I pet feet vennlattnit ceetired. No danger of aiming fire to 11 is the late.t mot tom.s appioved pattern. Two Ihno..and -old to IWO years. The people wilt have Mein. They give the uto-t it never-al per-tuna! attention given to warnitlig and ventilat ing bin ldniFt. Sittoonetion guaranteed and price. moderate. hi iiiiiifiletured ninth told wtiole-ule and And put up to silo the people. 111 . AICNOI.it Sr, NVII.SON. 1010 Cite-mut , treet. Philadelphia. B. :B. FF.f.TWVI.I.. :apt. (Aug 211. H. PRANK LIItENF.NIAN. C. 11..13111,--Nb.:ll/k.li Wall Paper! Wall Paper! N TEW ativ and a Be • l u t . iful Spring Styles, at Good Paper and bean; nl Paiterne only G eta. Good Paper and bean' t itt Panerll.- eta. Good Paper and 11,11110(111 Patt •rne 10 eta. ;raid Paper and he:ton:al I' mem. only eta. Fore Stout Paper. only tilt ele., Fine ...min Paper , : only :RI et-. Fine Sault Paper. only 311 el . Pine Gold Paper, only SO Pier Gold Papers otO 6:21 eta • Fine Gold Paper- only :5 et+ . Fine Gold Paper.: r t ., Gold Paper+ oak 9.1 all. BORDERS, MOULDINGS, DECORATIONS STATUARY; &c. A romplelC acqorlitient ut vorov-pailtliiiilly. low Call and eXamitie our to rK before purrha CANIAIt(..O MANUF CO. April 9,1839 ..„•-•1,. 7 . 4 - uv-z.:.-_t,,,,,,,,„ ..,,......-,...., L..., .... t .„tv..,,, ....„...i..pr . .::•." x& --, ,Z•:,,v2.W - f- - z..-r-i' i:-..1.-T -- - - -- -. 0 - Et-- 4.--- A GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE!! an per month rind till expenses paid. Agent• G u Wl/flied m .very' iurvn told courtly 11114111.41101 a the Grilled Store.. to engage inn light hod arty ewe, in whirl' Ike flilaVe profit way certainly he realized. For par. quint+, Dr. 0.1.111'.1.t'S BROWN, Aug G•I In] No. 9.1 Grand -trees, Jersey City, N. J. WASHINGTON INSTITUTE. This Itimitute will he reopened no MONDAY, I .sth. The courne , of in‘trochon will be arranged with reference to the %vamp, a thew., who wi-h to oh lain n 'borough education a the eillq.4Cs and lluthc. antic.. nod nil other hranches usually touttbt in Hugh Dchonls nod "terminate?. be toot:lnt by at experwitcell in-nrinetor. A few boarder, w•dl be re ceived into the family of the l'inneipal. Jr...lz". D. NICHOLS. Aug 20. '59 if. ITITANUFAC'I'OIi 1•:U ~.toom,n.rl:ic'.l',.'%'iv.ninni.':lSa i ' n li n S o( i t' n l richest and most rare Ecypilan. Spanish, Vera) n• 1/qUe. Sienan and oilier tleso able marbles. They are highly polo•hed, will not slam or discolor by Oils. Gas or Smoke, are times strong In+ mar. lilt and are sohl womb cheaper. They have beet, ii-rd in Ibis country for the 111•1 fineen and no Europe for the last forty years. whir ;iiercii,tl sari-caelloo Architect,. Ituildrt s and till in want rem:en:les-lipoid not Nil to CXaMiIIC IiWITI. UVARNOLD Manuraelored and for -ale. AR & 1010 Chestmo Street. Philadelphia. S. NI. FF:LTWEI.I.. Soot. [Aug.: 10.'50.3m The First Gun. • • O Clioiee t‘ Steq Er.Erii-11 chi • V and 10 piece. real Ala ni;tie-ter Ginp,hon,„ be:m odal gond, at die luw price of:P.2:, cent. , per yard, jail received at 11. C. PON DERF•NIITII'S Aug. 20, , (0. Poop At the Corner of Third and Union sts p VIIA Conr, I;roineit Slicer for eesus. ll puunaylvnitin Tfrf n.J While, 11l eta. Britt 001011 u Tea, in original China pricknge*. A fine lot Regain,. find Opera Sou...Sega,. 9 Brizea Amaranth CovendiAiTitlinveo. Alan. n large a,ortnicet of A No. 1 Spice*, &c., lc. for *ale lib. Aug 20.'59. 1.0. & 11. F BRUNF.R. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. lIEREAS Gerhardt Brandt. of the Borough of I Cola:alai, lons made a voluntary aq•ightuelit to the andertligued. re,.aling is Cottonton. of all hi. coal' real. per.oual nail nit Cell. for the benefit of likereitoors. i.l therefore to ewe notice to all per.rok indebted to iraid (:erhardt Brandt. to make pa)ment immediately. maid Alone lineine CI:11(1w will present the stone without delay properly autlieutivated i•or CAIRN. S. Assignee. tig. 1 3,1 Pip! Pip!! Pip!!! KEEP it before the people. Ills. we hove jut re eel veil S laid , good clean dry brown Sugar. per feCtly free from non-, a:HA, he . for preaervinc, fruit. =uch as Venetic., guriec4, uuA Rneutio'.. Ib btob. more White Suenr at 10 -un .01 II C. FO:s:VERSMITH'S. roturniiin. Attrii.i .211 '5.1 TIII: offer• at pelvale , ale. one first-rate 1 Ore 'Satz on We. two horse Wagons, I one hors- Wagon. n new Carl. a Trolling Wftg'... *iX SCSI. of R7nt Ilariles•, six sews of Carl Its. rues, tell seas of Cur II o me“, 5,7 lN"lieellla 'rows—for roll— one first-rale hoisting 'Crane and Chino..—tn good °Mei. R. lIA3III.TON. August an. New Brand of Chewing Tobacco. Tiw..o...er.ber Ju•ii received 40 Wan. of their celebrated brand ItAI.TIIIOItE MACK FAT FUMING TOBIk4itCO.” which they offer at a very low rale. The Tobacco ttr n first-rate article. manufactured ex prewly for thitt market. The plug. are Hoek and *Mid. and the tobacco entirely tree from any deleterious vuhainnce4. FENDMCII k rims . Front week Columbia, Pa. Aug 19.'9 J. H. 111"NTER Enameled Slate Iffantels, GREAT BARGAINS PRIVATE SAVE. NOTICE. T rIILTMAS, learns testftnentary on the estate of t Charles Lockard. late of Wept Ilempfield Town ship, deed. have been arnittedito the undersigned; there fore, all persons indebted to the said estate ure request ed to make immediate pay meat, and all persons having ennuis will present them properly nuthentiented for settlement. 11EIS - RY Angmt O 1.59. Prerntor. NOTICE. TAm Tirtr:As. letters. of administrntion to the Estate V of Al 'thee' !lawn, Into of Bainbridge, Coney Township. I.micaster County, dee'd. have been granted to the sub-critter, residing in lininbridee afore:aid , all per.on- tntlebted to the Card Estate ore reqs,led to rooke immediate payment, and those having c:niin: or delnund. agont.l the of the , aid decedent will make knot., vi the same. without delay, to mArriiiAs smtrit, Aug. 6,1559-7 t Administrator. MAPMS' NITROar.mZED SUPER-POSPHATE OE LIME! ONE HUNDRED POUNDs will equal in effect I,t4tina power., ONE HUNDRED and EIGHTS% FIN B POUND.; of PERUVIAN OUANO. It hn, the expertance of jp — TEN YEARS, and all who have tried it, pronounce it the he =I fertilizer now in use. R. AV. I'. ALLEN, 14 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. r Sole Whole ale Agent for Pettneylvaniat, Del. uwure and Southern purl of New Jersey. A uguet 13, 1 0 40 3m. NOTICE "WHEREAS Letters testamentary to the Estate of Jamei Stanley, late of the Hoinugh orColurnbia. dee'd,llace been granted to the culi•ierther, all pet .ost. Indebted to the ktud Ditate are reque.ted to make immediate payment, and 1110`, claims or deunand'+ up,ainq the e , titte of the mid decedent will make known the same without delay to D. E. Bruner. Ju s ce atilt react, Odd Fellows' JACOB WINKLE, Executor, York County. Aug. 0, flti hand and for sale, ulloiesale and re „P tail 6 /d/tl=. New Orleanq Brown s u gar; 25 bids. Whyte Sugar 1.0 & 11. F BRUNER, July :30, 1E39. 3rd & Union streets. Fly Paper. A sur.r.nron article of Ply Paper, for the deFtrue• of Flies, &e., Ln. Pe.: liven received :It the Drug Store of R WILLIAMS, Front street, Columbiu, Jury tO, 18:39. THE la.a.liGrilbui: 70a5toro WEST OF PHILADELPHIA.. WE call attention to our unrivaled stock of the beet broods of Chewing Tobacco, vt hich we will sell of very tcdoited rates. Good sweet Congress nt 250. per lb- worth 21e.; good sweet !Mary Pew, at Sic., worth 10c: good sweet Cavendish, at 2rc.. worth 35e.., good Peach Lenf Co Veil dinh, at fate . worth :17e ; good 'Ferniest Co vendish, at 35c.. worth 50c. We also Itatle 500.006 ;si:GARS, of different brands, which we can sell cheaper than they cart he sold nt any other establishment in the country. C:orid 6 . 1.00 per thOinatial, worth 05.110, good Genital, Sixes, at s,.s.Cia. Worth good Gerooto Sixes at $O.OO, worth $7,00. The largest and hest us.ormeot of 'Tobacco. and everything COlllicalcd with the trade. at FENDRICII & 'mos , Wholesale nod Retail Tobacco, Seem nod anti factory, nom aired, five doors above Lorost. Colum bia, Po, July Mb. I p5O JUST Reed red another benunful lot of Vanilla Ikana, at .1. S. DEI & CO'S Golden Mortar Drat.' Store. Front stern. Suffer no longer with Corns. T the Golden 17ortoS Drug Store on can procure an article at !deli is warranted to rtmove Conic in 4-+ hour-. V 1 ithoutNita or vomit..., A cit.nn rjAVING been repeatedly complained to by ciii7mis of Colombia nod %V right.ville to r^Litird to the fillud, 4;0111111111(41 by boy., peddlers or Nr..go. vor,ioo, &e., who repre.Mit their worthies , . mid toipolatuble ware+ n. the product of the 11,11-ids Garden. In nIY own defense mid os a protection in the• politic I would state that I have enemseil no person or persons to Intialir produce of through tie -tree, on to this dote. 1 CnillitlUe., tie heretofore, to deliver Vegetables. &e., to verso', previously order- Me them and is it safeguard hereafter. rill nia,keting from my garden wlll he delivered in linsketu or ye.. eels plainly marked °tithe sides with my name. S II PURPLE. Hill-We Nursery and Garden. June 30, 15h9. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. 1xT11.1% be pant for the arre.~l and rouvietinn of any porcno ..tale or unmarketable null, Ilen. Tie.. or Vegrothle.... nu the fake pretence that they have been •••11 , not IDV roe for nule. nr Gott they %vote rai.etl at the !Minnie Nursery mid Garden. S. 11. PURPLE. Cnlotallia. .lulu_ Bridgens' County Map. DON'T forget to get a copy of this map. The 111:10 1` , 410d 1 . • 100 a patehed up 14111100 Of an old one with winch the inhabitant. of the conittv 11111, 110(.11 famnitar for tunny years It ha• been embellished with view. tied plait., which add• somewhat to II- appearance. but it to ineomplete and tentecuratc, and I. cola:cloned by every tdite.erther who Im. ocea-ton 10 Wake 11. e of it a. a reference. otwithatamlinc, the pain. that other. have taken to 1111,1 , 1110,011 wy intent:out.. in order, at the precut time to aecompli•lt their unit 0111 N. I beg leave TC -1.11C(.111111y to 011110111100 110 1.01/000111111e, proare. hao alr.ady been male with the .tirvey. and that it i. not Ot. repre.ented) my intention to abandon tiny pre.c tit undertaking of getting up a rump of I.llnetcdcr county. The work when fint•lted will he in faithrul topogrameal repre•entatinn of the whole county. and shall 100, /I.o,Vrry. •lIIIIC the justly 110011.0 fate of other. in being condemned by the public Il• being tat impo.atiou. 11. V. Mt IDG RNS: 3 July ii. 1559-flgn New Agricultural Settlement. TO ALL WllO WANT FARMS. A RIRE opportunity in a delightful and healthy clunifte 2. , 5 t nuilica-i of l'itiludel• phis. ou the Camden Had Allmon; Railroad, New J er - eY• All old Palate coal-line of .everul thontintrla of nere ., or procloviive .011 Int . *: been divided 11110 Farm+ of varinu• tin•a to -lull the purrlmcrr. A poptilanon Of QOMr fifteen hundred. from valor]. into. of the state. and New England have smiled she gnat year, improve.; their ploce, am: ran.ed excellent eropl. The price of the land or the low -moor PIS to 520 per acre. the toll it of the beer tpialny for the prod tietion or wi.,.., c10y...-. corn, Pesiellet. (Ira pea and Vegerablet It i- con-alered the heal Fruit Soil in the Utim t. 'rho p.nee is perfeetli .eettre from de•tructive enemy of the fanner. Crop• of grain. gra a rind (suit are now growing and east lie cet 11. By exam' tong Ilse Wm, rlarif, n correct judg ment ran he formed of ilie protlactivenea.: 01 lite road. The tertn . ‘ are made envy In .eCare the multi lan proveinent of the bind. only for sternal 'nip roveineill. The re4olt 100 , lovers Ilea whia, the let,. ,0111, there hundred iloll.l`. 11nVo been ererled. two one ileum. War -lot,. come forty .6m.y:ft (1. and Peach orchard., planted. and n large number of other improvement.. coal, mg it a sleet ruble and oeuve place of THE MARKET, as the render may perceive troni it= location, is the Hest m the Intim, Produce lirnicing double the prier , than in Ini•at inns osay nom the CM. Had mince t ha n double the pare Moos the %Vest. It i. known that the er lie., and nest fruits and vegemble• than c reme from New Jer=e), and are utintially exported to the extent of tni thous. In Mewing here, the settler has entry Ile i= within a re,- hours ride of the green eon, of New England and :diddle Stnies, he is near Ins nld friend= and 114.0etat1011.. he i= in ri settled enuritry or here every improvement of comfort and C 1,11.7 .1101. is at hued Ile enn buy every article he want= in the cheapest price, and sell In- produce for the high ii.t,(lll the West this is reveried.) lie has schools (or hiv children. divine service. and will enjoy an open inter, and delightful climate. where (ever-tire oiler ly unknown. 'rile re.ult ol the change upon those limn the north, Iris generally been to re-tore them to nn exeellein stare of health. In the wiry of building and improving. /umber can be obtained nt the mill= at the rote of $lO to stil per thousand, Orteks trout the brick cord ripened In the pls re, every article eau lie procured tit the pinee. gond ear petite, tire at band, and there is no place in the Union where butlinagi, and improvements can be Made cheaper. render will at entre i,c strinik will, !lie oilcan ince= here pre.ented, rind ask wh) the pro peity leis nut barn taken tip before. 'lire reason is. oilwvra never thrown 10 the market; stud unless these statement= were correct. no me would be invited to eXtinCee the land before pUrchn.tttg. This nil tare ex pected 10110. 'they .re land Under cultivation, such it the extent of the settlement shut they will no doubt, meet person+, Irmo their CAVII Iteighl/011100d; they WIII Willie, the improvements and can judge the character of the pout:10,10M If they come with n view to settle. they .110111 d COMIC prepared 10 stay n day or tiro and be ready to puichabe, as locations (mimeo lie held on refusnl There are two daily train. to Philadelphia. and to nil %rulers who improve, the Railroad Company gives a (rye ticket for six mouth., and a half-price hake* for 0r.... vett,. _ _ THE TOWN OF HAMAIONTON In connection with the agriculturnl witlement. n new and thriving town hunt nantrally mitten, winch present! , 111dUCC11101111. for any kind of Monne++. par neulttrly +tore+ and manufarionen. The Shoe nett+ could lie carried 011 111 thin place and market to good adanntnge, aker cotton lonattle••• and matador torten of agricultural implements or (01311,11 . 1e+ for cawing smnll article+. The improvetnetti has been to rapid nit to waine a conmant and permanent M ere:ow of bunnies+. Town lot+ of a good itiee, we do ion +ell Small 01110 0 . M.l II would effect the improve ment of the place, can unit at from $lOO and upward+. The linmmonton rm er, n morally loternry and ogricultura I ' , fleet. contalniug lull information of Ham monton. can be obtained at 2.lrent• per annum. Title indi•putoble—warrantee deed+ given. clear of all iiirumbrinirc when money in paid. Route to the land: leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia. . - or Hammonton by Rnilroad. at 71 A. M . or ft P. XL Fore 90 rem.. WI en thew inquire for Mr. Byrne . Boarding convenience+ oil hand. Pastry had better +top with Alt. Byrne.. a prtnelpal, until they hove tided a• ho purehno:ng, n, lie will chow them over the land in by enrrrage. free of expen.e. Letter+ rod opplier tion• can be addressed to fmndin lc Byrne+. Hammoinott P. 0 . 14.1100710 co. New Jertney. or S. B Coughlin. 4ir2 South Fdth +inset, Plitlndelphta Maps arid information cheerfully furni•lted. lITIED Spark lmg Geldline for role at the Gohleo S Mortar Drug store, Front :Mreet. Wake up "Old Rip." TITS are selling Sugar at a "Pip." 2.1. bbls. Cnba I , V Sugar.ju..l received and going at 01 CIS.; 10 lib k. Refined White Sugar ut 10 cc, per gonad; 2 tons Rio Coffee, a prime article,' which we °fret' by the bag at II t cis; 3 hlit/s. Penala Syrup, ut 50 a cts. gallon.— bolesale or retail purchasers can alwds get more for their money by calling at H C. FONDERSMITH'S People's Ctvili Store, Columbia. August 0, 1352. VILANICLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PLULADELPIIIA. STATEMENT of the Assets of the Company on innuury Published in conformity with the provision or the sixtlisectionof the Act of Asgembly : of ApriLlth : l942. .11ORTGAI3 88. Being fir.t morignget-on real estate, inthe City and Comity of l'hillidelphiu, except $t10.950 in klnntgomery. Bucks , . Sainty' kill and dl I eghe uy counties, Pennay ly REAL ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriffs , gales, under incrignge claims, viz: Eight houses and lot, 70 by 150 feet, on the South-west corner ofehesnut and Seventeenth streets, . A hone and lot, 27 by 71 feet. on North side of Spruce street, West of knee- cant street, Two houses nod lots, enelt 18 byBOleet, on South side of Spruce street, near Sixteenth greet, rive houses nod lots, each 17.9 4y 00 feet, N 05.159, 161, 163, 165 un4, 107 Dilwyn Three houses and lot. 49 by 54 feet, on East side of Seventeenth street,south of Pines!. Hotel and 10t,501 y SI feet.on the South ear? cornerof Chesnut and Beach ate., rive hou.e. and lot, 42 I.y 50 feet.on the North side Elf George street, West of Ashton .treet. Seven bou.es and lot.• 20 by lriteet. on the East side of iieach street, :WWI/ or Cheserlt street, A house and lot.lB by 30 feet, No. 14 Fitzwater street. East of Ninth street. A ground rent of $2O. Issuing out of a lot 4:3-4 by 411 fe.•et. on North side of Oiler street, 40 feet %Vest of Leopold street, LOANS. Temporary Loans, on Stocks as Collat eral Sec urdy, STOCKS. sto,ono Alms House Loan,s per cent (Int oil.) 200 Shale• Rank of Kentucky. 17 Northern Bank niKentueky, 101 l " Union Bank of 'Penne...en, " T 11.er:ince Company of the State of Pclinsy Ivitma, 200 `• Southwark Railroad Cn. 37 . 1 Commercial and Railroad Viek.burg. 3 .011 `• Railroad Co., 01" PllOll.lOl Pirelm.uraneeCo., 2 " Mercantile Library Co., " Vision Canal Company, 10 " Schuylkill Rlrotitt (001 North Peitint Railroad Bonds . 1 .42 47 Coy Warranic, 22.000 1311061ga'. City Water Loan, :2700 Philadelphia City Lima, Note. and Bill• receivable Ca.li on hem!, Cashiti Itands °I-Agents LOSSES BY FIRE ocee. paid during the yeurl.9s7. 8203,750 :4 lay order of the Hnerd. CHARLES N. BA NCICER, ['resident. Attest W. A. STFUL.See'y PTO TOIL DI RECTORS. CHAS. N 13.A.Nt:KER Prrei tens, EDW*D. C. DA.LE. Vice President. Clot, N, II:1nel,, Tobin. Wagner, Samuel Grant, bomb IL Smith, Geo. W. Diehard., Mordecai D. Lewic. David S. Brown, Pane Lea, Edward C. Dale, Geo. Vales. WAL A. STEEL. See'y pro Item. 'I'IIOS. LLOYD. Agent, Columbia. April 9. 1859. Now for Bargains at Fondersmith's. S1111:11mn Pre... , Good- must he sold. to make room for our Pit 11 porehn-ea LIIWII4 6. 6. 10 and 1:1 eta.; bentiti;ul Duenlu :II I a 16.00 and 05 et•.. Ararat 05 and 37 eta Plain nod Fancy Bereges, without re gard to coat. Iradie: come thi4 way for anything like Summer pre.. Goode, and you will get them at your o ten price. 11. C FONDERSM ITII, Au 6 6.,`59, People's Cash Store, Columbia. New Merrimack Prints CAI: new fall p.1)10 lerrintae tlalicora, war !. called 1111. t color=, 20 puree. It I and Cimino Umprr.. ltrarhrd and uoioeuched simtmg 11o.' law Ca, and 111.4 Sheeting NI tight,. New (iinglaun=. Clieckg,Tteking4, &c..just received at 11. C. FONDERSMITIrS, Columbia. Aug 6.'50. Aeljoinitig the Bank. Segars 10 0 00 o r)e g - a nrl ; at n low figure 1 O.& II f , IIIOiNI U. Aug. G. Cur. dUnion Str“.ta. Teas. I'RESII supply of the eelehrnted Tenc of Jen & Co.. fln dodo phin for enie be 1.0.811. F. Aue.o,'3o Corner of Third and Union Hams. N ~ .xlra lot of Sugar Cu I'd floma nre offered for .t 1 ..ule m I.II2LINEIrs. Aug. G. '59. Col. of Third and Union St, Soap ISOXP. or Diary Brown Soap on hand and frr .:110 low la the Canter 01 Third Mid Ullioll Stn. IN u gO , l 6. l'=s!) FOR THE: GUITAR AND VIOLIN. — ju-T receivml at viler:if ii“.ortinent of superior Guitar and Violin:mime...by . J. S. 0gt.1.17,Tr & co., Go:11., Mortar Drug tstore, Viola Si., Columbia. July 16,1-59. JOST ARRIVEE 3 --- 5 0 13131.9 Exira Family Flour. 1.111117 D oltnribin, .7 oly 4. 1.359. THE 1131310ICTON FARMER.---A newspaper J.. devoted to I.lleintore nod Agriculture, al-o pet ting (Mill toll neerolob , or the new settlement of Ham monton. in New Jet con be subscribed for ut only tri rent= per nIIIIIIIII. Incht-c ro.noge =lumps for the nmnunt. Addrei.s to Editor of the Former. Hammonton P. U . Atlantic s.. to 4•W Jer-cy. llto-e tvt•tlttlig cheap laud, of the be=t quality to 4111 e of the heatihi,.l and mo=t delight 10l elution, in the Limon. and where crop. , are never eutalown by fro-0. the terrible peourge of the north, .tee advert-emetit of Irmionouton Land.. July 2. tt,sl..titn 1 Vel•iVed R (moth apply nf Corn Starch, Arrow id Root at the Golden Mortar Drug.t.,,tore. .Af RS ALLEN'S Heir Drrxrung. the life.' pre ll rime ill thie. for the beautifying Ore burr. For sale unit ul the Golden Mortar Drug Store. GRAIN GROWERS can carry on their basi emr.• mo-t -Imre...fully at Hammottion. fret Iron fro-t<. dome flirty vmryardr art out the pe•l sell-nn. a anlrertittement of Hammonton Lands. another coin 1111 l . PERSONS wanting change of climate for health See 3 tdve rii-eunrin of Ilammoatna 1.<111,1t in another column. poly 2.1 , 65 Gm To ALL WANTING FARMS. Sec advertise ment of 2lammouton latutb. July 2, ten!) 6m PERSONS wishing to establish manufacto .e• in a new nail 'mime ranee where husanesse 04 good. See adeeraetnent of the liammossion Set. lemeat. [July 2. 15:19.6m FAWN LANDS for sale 26 miles from Phila delnhin by Railroad the Sinte of New Jersey. Soil among the hest for A al.:cultural purposes, being good loam roil. w•nh a clay bottom. The land in Inrge tract. divided into email farm.. and hundred. from nil part. of the country are now nettling and building. The crop. produced are large and can he Cecil growing. The climate is delightful. and secure from 'root=. Terms from lltri to *2O per acre. paya ble wsthin four years by immilmems. To the place—Leave Vine !Meet wharf M Philadelphia at A. P. 1.. by Rnilrond for Hammonton. or noilrcox It .1. Byrne., b}• letter. Hammonton l'o•t Office. Atlan tic County, :sew Jer.e). Inec full adcertioemcnc in nno•l,er column. July 2. ISLIMirn Harrison's Columbian Ink. 117111C11 a superior article. permanently block. VT and toot corrothag the pea. e.n be had in arte quantity. at the Fans ly Medicine tatore, and blacker yet t• that Eng losh Hoot POll.ll. Call UMbill,/ ant 0, 4.259. PERSONS wishing to change their business to a rapidly inrrra•iag enuitirr, a new ,rettle ment where hundreds are going. W'here the climate ts mild and delightful See ailVertirieinent orate Ham monton Settlement, 0001.1 Cf July 2, 1P59 Gln PRESERVE YOUR FRUITS. ITTILLOUMInrS Patent Air-Tight Stopper, for Fruit Preserving Can. and Jar., This is a revr patent,and IS entirely effectual to excluding the air— The stoppers rail lie Intro to any kind of Jar or Can. The iialiscribrr ante agent for Columbia. A large supply of Jars and cans an all kinds and sizes kept con stantly on hand. 111 NRY PFATIT.V.R. .Tune 13. 1 4 311. I.nert.t wrrei.Coltitnbin. ft XIXI7I - T! 111.172 1 2! 113.171 T! U\ ET the new and improved air light chive pre,r• vinir jars. re) &men potent am light pry serving WI 1 , 1=3./111.1 rrcured at rsII:RSMITIPS ce!umtna Jvnc 144,1F.59 SHOE BUSINESS and factories can be car• vied on profitably at Hammonton. tee udver ti•.•mcnt of Hammonton Laudd. July 2. I`-50-6m PROFESSOR PRIEM offers his services to the citizens of Columbia and vicinity nc it Teacher of Vocal and blF1111111C11:111 Nlakic lie is prepared in give :as-ons on the PI:1110. V10:111, MOM/I'ol4 &c.. and hill instnitct in all the branches of vocallarilion Ile will vhrit scholars at their re-idences as frequently as required. arid will receive pupils who are without in. .trurriciits. nt the rooms of the Cecelia Sudety. a. IL corner of Front and LOCUS! RIM', WherC.o first class Murton Piano wig be at their service. July 9th, 19:.9.tf LIFE INSURANCE. THOMAS WELSII, Esq., Elan brrn appointed Agent of the Penn Mown I Life Insurunee Com pany, of Philndelppia. for Columbia eon neighbor hood. This i. an old established Company. Person. wishing to provide for their families an case of death had better call on the agent and get insured. Columbin,July 16, 1859-If $1,596,625.19 Vanilla Beans. JEST recri red a fresh supply of Vaiiilln Bemis. and for %air by It. WILLIAMS. Columbia April 150. Ayer's Sarsaparillt A. compound remedy, in whieh we have la bored to produce the mot turd altelath that can be made. It is.t emieenti atvd eNtrat of Para Sarsaparilla, ro combined with othe substances of still gicater alterative power a to afford an effective antidote fi , r the Elbea ,, Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believe, that such a remedy is wanted by those wh, suffer from Strumous complaints, and that om which will accomplish their cute mint of immense service to this large class of on afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely thi compound will do it has been proven by (-gun intent on many of the worst cases to be fornal of the following complaints:— SCROFULA. Jotn Senorutous Court,litsrs, FaturrioNs AND ER171111'1: DisrAscs, 171.enns, Prumts, BLOTCHLS, TUMORS, SALT RaLUM, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SYNIILITIc Ar- PECTIONS, MERCURIAL DisEAsE, DnophY, .7!,.TEV 11.ALGIA on Le Docr,ountex, DuItILITY, DYs- PEPSIA. AND INDIGESTION, ERY , IPCLts, OR ST. ANTRONy'S nap, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from .I.3lreitilY OF TM: BLOOD. "Atco.t, - C674,2z0 93 101,0%0 Co•i, : 3 /74547 97 This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the sluing, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves form the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sorer, through which the system %\ ill strive to rid itself of corruptions ' if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you tind it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings %till tell you when. Even where no particular (rpomer is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there eon he no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machintl y rt life is disordere or overthrown. c 1,707 00 36 225 00 4,430 48 40S - ,.; 4S 51,88: 4 .914 74 Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. Put the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts (.1 it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one .Thist of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sinsai a rilla, but often no curative prop( tics hates.- er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the maikict until the name itself is justly despised, mid has bcc c me synonymous with imposition and cheat. Mill we call this compound Sarsapat ilia, mid intend to supply such a remedy as shall reserve the name from the load of obloquy which re upon it. And we think we have atomid for believing it has virtue: which are irresistible by the ordinary tun of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In older to scenic their I. omplcte eradication from the system, the r cmcdy should be judiciously taken act:Lading to directions out the bottle. DR. .r• C. AYE 4C A CO. LOWELL. MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle ; Sir Mottles for 65 Ayer's Cherry Pector a l , has won for itself such a renown for the 1111 . e of every variety of Thioat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely 111111Vef , A111 \. for us to lemma the evidence of its virtues. where', er it has tel em ployed. As it has long hven in constant use throughout this section, we net d not do mote than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may Le Idled on to do for their relief all, it has evo been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR TILE CURE Or Cosareners, Janne - 11er, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Klonuu ysipeletA, Duran. he, Piles, Phemnatisin, Ernighm.s and Shin Melfces, Lice,. Complaint, Drop.y, 'letter, Tnincns min Salt Rheum, 11 . 0rtns, final. Neuralgia as Dinner Pill, and for Pnri . f?liny the Blned. They are sugar-.mated, so that the 111051 FCI , I Live can take them pleasantly, and they ate tht Lest aperient in the world fur all theltutposcs of a family physic. Prico 25 cents par Pox; rive boxes for Great numbers of Clergymen. Thvbelan., St ates. men, and eminent pet son nea. haNe but filch name% to certify the unpat :inch d usefulness of remedies, but our space here will not pet nit tht insertion of them. The Agents below numed fin. nisi* gratis our Atitrute tte A Mtla 17,t.tv s.ikli It the) arc given; with also full description , of the abm, complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their core. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they matte mote profit Demand AVI:It . S. and take 'no others. The sick want the best aid there is fur them, and they shoula have it. All our Remedies are for sale by Sold ov J. S. DELLI:rr & CO.. Colombia. Grove & Roth. Marietta. 11. S la} maker. Mit)lown. Grp.- & Crow... Elizabethtown, J. Leader, lklt. Joy, and Lt• all re•perlahle TIATR. Tomb and Cloth Chenlo 'Redding combo. Enzikh Ilrrn Red.bog Comb+, En t rioth Horn Pocket Condos. f mho Rubber Pocket combs, Indio Rubber Children'. Long Comb... India Rubber Pone Tooth Comb., India. Robber Dre.oting Comb, A large ris.CortMeill of the above, !men ttlyle•.pt.t re ceived nod for *.ale by April 9,'i9. It WI/J.1.1315. COSTAR'S Rat and Roach Exterminator, Comae. F./erine Powder, to, lire de.iruetion of Fl:cc. !Wolf', Flews, Plant Insects, &c. A fresh sup ply for .rilVy Aprll 0, %,,9. n. WILLI VtIS. Waverly Novels. I)I•TRRSON h BEMS Cheap Edition of the Wa verly Novel., received a., .noil ac pulili.hed, al :fact.. per vol., or five dollar- per ret of 21i vole. SAVE,' IR S AIeDONALD. April IG. I E•SII. TUST pull o4ord and for ..ole at the /lead Qoarterr 4) nod Nettro trepot. • Piney Woods 'Tavern, or, a Stray Yankee in Texas SIPS litg Itcar . . A dventures and Tracelv, K N Pepper l'opet, SI .00 r+parrawgra•r Paper•, 51,00. Crokerage in the MrtropnD•. II 25 ' - "A large. ac.sorsmenl 01 Cap Letter and Note raper, Envelopes, &c , t. heap. at lle.ul rluurter• and News Depot. I kite 16.':!t TWO first-rale Inisinrsl stands on Front siren. bfliorror. nod Wall., •Irre,, otvcr.l,lNas• irrlfArlf IN le pllO -AIL C fl. E.:ll4,:gre nl 0, prim 3 , 101 e 01 Apr.l4, 'rl.l R. WII.LIAI.Ie. Front a. Xllank soaks, Blank nooks. I.A R(111 loi of Ledger• Day Ronk•. !41e mnrust dum, I•a.0 •e nd Copy Mink• I".iry elerap SATI.(iII 1 NI rlION; %LP. Bfir.lG, "I'4. Mae Quarters and Nevis Miro. ZaIISXCI DIVSICI =iS Brushes lIMKOROUS BOOKS To RENT. GENUINE WhiteCastile Soup, White Windsor Soup in burs. A fresh supply of the above has been received at the Drug Store of 11. WII.LIA ITS. Treat -Ire,' April 21 READ! READ!! READ!!! E SRN' Wi I N'9 AROMATIC BALSAM, Ia a remedy not to he c:,...e11.41 for the relief and cure of those maladies metdent to the simmer , erisott, N-1.0 Diarrhoot, I ty.entery. Cholera or Cholera Ildoruns, Vonottng, Aridity or the stomach. et, Its e t 1.0.0011/ earminative rosver4, pleasant laslo. and -oothing toflnence, renders it a valuable remedy an ladnute disco-e., peculiar to the second summer. viz. Cholera Infontum. etc. It lion a reinvig,orattng and tousle influence 011 the system. allaying intiamalion where it ext. , . iat the stomach and bowels—and on trial wall be Iol.ltollacil4pco.o.ble to the well brims of every family. Ii ill be found an well adapted to Adults as ClulCrem—Teo it. Prepared only by A ESEN WEIN. thspen.ang Chemist. N. W. cor. Ninth A. Poplar Ste., Philadelphia. Price 23 etc. per Bottle. flreolil by 11. F. Green. and J. S. Deficit dc Co.. Columbia. and by druggists and storekeepers generally. Me} 21. 1059-1 y LIST OF NEW BOOKS. JUST RECEIVED' AT Saylor Fj 111iDonald's Bud: Store. Lady ()CAW: Ltle, by Mr'. Southworlh, S.l Lemer4 from Spain, C Bryant...l On, The 'reliant Hou.e. or, Embers from rui..e.rl3's lleattbsione. 51,25. Rook or tett ai =ern, 73 1001 Home A inu , emeal., In and around Stamboul, The Crui., of the Bel Hugh Miller. 51,25. Tiie Roil snod Ftmm, Hugh Miller. Together with a large u..ioriment of :I' izeellon Conks. which will be sold low to, ea-11. Arc 110, 11,59 For, SALE. 2 I 00 .; HILLSIDE NURSERY & GARDEN, HALF-MILE NORTH OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA. TILE subscriber, Proprietor of the "Hillside N ur-ery and Garden,” offers for sale. at lire uiemivie, n getter:o tz ,. .oritnent of FRUIT,HIADE&ORNAMENTAL TREES, of the choler-I vinwile., a rare collection of Hardy iThiamenial Shrubliery—evergreett mid deciduou=s the f i „,.., e h ai i iiii g plaillA of every de•eription de manded 11l 1111- of riket—all hardy, many monthly, or perprtual bloomer,. the vtainlard vavieurit " bvi,7 7 1. - .'.1- - yvi GRAPE T - .rAF,s, ~:..., •'. -,. ~,,,,,..-, --„ ~ ....; NATIVE et, EXOTIC, . VP'-',.. , ,,..- r — .....' 5,7,:f A .,..., small .... — i . .r.,t;'...''', ' 7 '..; • ~ '.., every Variety vvarilly "oi 4r - '' ' - !.."-$. of cullivaiton In slit% .0." o.m:tie. Goovelierries that trill not milder; also, the finest rolleeliori ni hardy "i.e. , ever ollered for sale In FOlumbin. and. alter tit.peeiton of oilier gardens. lie thinloi he may . ...rely as•rrl.llre fit.e.,t grown and beet it.i-oriment now in lie enality. lie i :ills 11111,111011 10 the Green House. which is crowded with the rarest and moiiii 'might for varie ties or ormuneumi and Flowering i'lliiiiii, and 01.1'- 14,11 e,, liiilleaider 01,11 York Crailliiiiii lo rod., a elioleer or Letter grown collection of Green and lint 'llon-e Plant, than now on hand tit the ullt , l-ide Gitraiiii,' , in oiiii•l mr Sorilig Trade. lie offers them cheaper th.iii they rail lie bought fit any oilier evinb -11-hitieni to the above coutine= or in the ante. 11, oil hand at 1n. ...1.71” - - *..cry and Garden. or yin folio-1i at short limier. every tree, •In rob or Rower. eolitireted will. the bus,- ne.. , °tiered fur •ale In eonneetoolohi the Nur.ery and Carden. O n e ',opt left, out w hire ugh the ngeney o r %var.. sinfrord. n ..•tenlifie Vartiriler and Nor-eryninii, eduented in Englnild. to plan and loy no Pleti.a re Groilloha. GArdells. do , wld to do genvial jobbing in line 4,1 f.onry nod wnik Will he ....r.rrnoted to give to the mo 4 tia-tefol and (a-odious, 1111 a will lie done at reirsooalde rale- April If, IS.SP ii.:pti.o< 0 1e o; en li t ee tar y t o olall Per.ote. indebted will make pa) ineist to him. ctn., having a faults w it prow preset tbrm for selliement. L.b. I'ILBER.T. M. D. Mtu 1‘5941. FOR SALMI. 100 8111. 4 .1. Drum Duo from rittd , urg, of the brat (1111.11 y. at Nu , ' I. t 2 and 3 Cal Ito to Nlti I. 1,9. It r. APPOI.D. FOR SALE IST received, "..5 0,000 Prime German Segars e eau it eonitnelili n. Ilse heat ever brought in Columbia. l'or •alr, %%holes:de and BIZOS' :11:tt:111:!. Dr. Coggswell's New Medical Salt! FOR INFLAMMATORY DISEASES ONLY New Medical Sall! New Medical Salt! IS NOT A CURE ALL. For Inflammatory Diseases only 1) It , New Medical Salt its.te , tl a lo tag a remedy for oil 111. It.t• eantrol over but one last nue atm. nod nerotot•ltche , hut one ilitng. to Wit. Subdue. lt , f3.3:montari wlott ever he m (orb or Inr.ellty. wbelbrr 111 the head, renotte , or .k __________ .1N !'' Aledtcu I : , “1 , . 1 , . i... 0 1,,, _ rX, , 1. ,. .. ,, 1.. dint Willn.al ilw lo.ele“10...orlylontl mid P 1..1101 it clie,tuAlly cures Influttim:flory nl- , ,,,,.(0n other-) by produr ma a. 4 qui sirloin or oil the 11 ord. in l'e body. the want of la htch tt. the colt I{3lU-c of ittflaia tour:on? No it i.iu iaval /11,2 tie anion lag term.- tatnt.ti the unt..,laneed and many lint here Mentioned. that !tittle mote or le.• fever or pain. are t. ett-ity subdued oy the Ncw• Nlcilicul Salt, a . lire 1- erlinpin.lied by water, to wit: Brain Fever. !lead :oche. Rush of Wood to the Head and Heart. 1 , 11. , , In flamed rye., dart, Ito,. lung. and liser. Neuralgia. Sound Affection•, ErYgillel. v . Broneltin., Pica n-v. Aetlttna, Cough•. Cold-, D)*llete.tte. RheliMaintin. Gout. t.erinula, a lid all Itching and other cintalicou. ertipliOus. TO. COGGSWI:I.I.'S New Nludierl S.lll lake the vat , le Mll/10r. 3111 lf,1111111rdltillf) 1111111- cure nver the vein• and arieriev.repalips nd oaf flecttav of ',Ma'am:mon 04 Indir.mv.ll y titt. whirls 40011 re•llltte• a t., natura l tr,tun. ltuJl pain Puri fever 111.1Ipppor. Ciit,Gr,WEL.l, 8 ;NewAlranal Sall dor- an.i vk hot t I nla lean In do—no morn. no le.--equahzeo the remnvine from the .y•tem all arterial and vennuAL rito4l lue non. De.irript Ice Circular- maw be obtained from any Druggiet who ban Uri valuable Medi:Atte for-ale. 1)K C(II.I;SAVIN.I..ti New Mediznl FAIlt. Get n Csreular. A-k uny Il twzgo......i.nui :he New Mpg!. icll Sall. A‘li your netchbo , • ahout the New Med c:a ir try, ti ctek. resnenitrer the New i 31edoral C0(.6 , WV.1.T.%4 A Itl , p1tIocioo• Salt. AC u r ”. Lttite• thirollte do . dO Sent In mnil. lrrr• or ex-N.1,4,0Ft rt retro of ;Mir. Mt.:. or Ion: 6toodlog dv , racr-. •11W.15 • ordt_r .1 t 1 , ...1.t1tt • T‘vi.or. &co. G'• nr ra I A ge1.1•.:102 fork •1 .1 . 1104. N 11.—AC^111. 'nllll.'ll nl evegy Coy, Town 00.1 V.1..0gr„ I) R rof:(;SW1 - 1.1.'S New Me4lienl gall i < for pole tol.olornboa. by NIcCORKI.F. h DELI.KTT, and tr, 1-1 dr1170.1. wherever the ••• , iry — sa read. A. , n f. nrr u patent h.t the pre .. .1p. , 0!1 Of On 1 .1 111811,111.r.i1l T1..13e1 ane chfUl , .l 111 e Nev Medical S .0.• • ,r10:1". MANIC •NOTICE. TUB Columbia Bank, at Columbia, Lancas ter county, and Slat" of Penn” Ennis, Will lip pi yat the next ses•ton of the Levi lain re of-said Slate ior a renewal and exten- ton of in^ el:airier and think • rag privilege., with the tapita I of rive Hand red The, sand Dollars. a 4 nt present authorized, and With the -nine, nnine, sly le and locution ANII - Cl.l.lloCif, C,i.bier of Columbia Cmuk. J V, 13.7? Co'uffiM.i Jn'y 3.1=.:9 Gin LL wanting farms in a delightful-climate, ieh , 011. aad aceam 'ram fro-t=. Sec nillmmnoinon Land- in autothor column. ju y WOOD! WOOD!! 1 1.00 CORMS of prime hickory and Oak ‘k 00d for Qato 11 M. hurt adjoining ttia UOllllO 1:I Wat,:r House Apply to AI ay 1!", , , if EN RY PFILALEIL 30011 S AND STILTICONEILIZ, AT HEAD QUARTERS & NEWS DEPO JIJST received a large and varied Mock --/funit,-Memorandum. Pass and Copy BOoke Letter. Cup, and Note Paper, (very cheap,) Letter and Legal Envelopes or all qualities Vine Bibles, Ryon and Prayer Rooks. in every sty le of binding. NW/ono*, New , Style Pocket Books. Glass and India Rubber Inksinnibi, India Rubber Pens, a new article. Together with a Jorge stork of Fancy Arti cles, to nllot which we call the attention of the eiii cns otlGoluintati and vicinity, feeling rati.fied that we eau sun in quality and in pi ice. & MetiONALC- Columbia, April 9,1559. • NEW MUSIC STORE, No. 93 Market st., Harrisburg, S El XI T MUSIC, Vastruction Books,: MUSICAL MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY, Pianos, Irdockons, 1701 ins, Guitars, Flutes, ccor dcons,cf:c., &c. J.lne. 4. I SO. O. C. B CARTER.. Stoves, Tin Ware, Gas Fixtures, Ike. EEIXLILIVE WILS N, N. E. Corner Second and Locust Streets. rr 1I subscriber having entirely refitted his •tort and laid in a complete new .rock of ever,- thing in 1114 lurU. lIIM , the attelllloll of the public io h.. n•:nrinlrnl of STOVES OF EVERY STYLE & PATTERN. i• very large and complete, con imug Ro} ill Cook. William Penit.Nolite,Nalional. young America, Nlorning Star-Complete Cook, Cooking 11 ane. , ., Parlor Cook, four pattern.. Parlor Ito or. of every ru.i .tyle and variety, Bar Room and Ctilice Stove.. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. A 1.,r„....50ch of article. in the above line of ne--, romp ri' fig ever} Ming That manufactured of Tot. Sheet Iron. Ace., for Ilou.eltold purpores. Ills .10 , k t= of hi. own inanufaciiire. and be can vouch for tts excellence and torahs lily. Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &a. LA and eumplete a , Sortmcni of elegant (;03 Fistilreii of iie-teful designs. non•ir.ting of 'bur, three and two 'turner Clenorleiier.. single burner Hull re:Waal, Sale L•glan- plains and ornamental, Drop Burnt.rs.Se, always on hand. GAS FITTINti a all an Lir...ache attended to %%Ith promptucti. House Roofing, Spouting, &c. rtoonts“. and SPOUTING put up in the Il most substantial manner; Plumbing, Bell flang ing and other branebes of the bushiest., carried on .4 11.CIOlute, on the most teasonnble terms. lIIRAM WILSON. Corner of Seennd and Locust streets. Columbia. September 5,1857. LODGE'S GALLERY, N. E. COR. FRONT & LOCUST STS COLUMBIA, PA. TUE Subscriber having added extensively a L faellitie- for Inking likene.egolesirep to call attention to in.: 111111,41.1 •pectmene. tie is now o repurrd to take in addition to ills former splendid Daguerreotypes, the mo.t; ' •feet Arnbrotypes, Photographs end Patent Leather Pictures. lit' feel+ entifolent of giving .zoi+faction,nnel my .t-k' it trial of his skill to insure it. TYPIt•InCeOI taken on flout rensonikb , e Watson .le.t, or cloudy weather. LODGE. Columbia, DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. • ____ WE beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chas. M 9 Lanc's .Celebrated - - Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend theta as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, - For expelling Worms from the human system,. It has also 'been administered with -the most -satis factory results to -various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, S. ii. PrIZPLF. For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent .cure. As specifics for the above ;men tioned diseases, they are LTnriyaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordakce with the directions. Thcir unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, F LEMING BROTHERS, to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been sti.coe!s,s fully engaged for the last Twentv Years, and they will now give the,i,r undivided time and attention : to their manufacture. And lbeingde termined that Dr. M'Lane's,Celc brated Vermifuge and Lives Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold Among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEXING BROS. Tillibtagh. Pa. P. 9. Dottier. aril rhy,iciant ordering brut utl.era thin Fleatin, wilt do well to Write them It,l teke +vow.. hat Dr ..trZacte . .t. prepared 61,1 r:rwer; ARMa. r4ll..entrO, Tr, To thole wiabior to aita we will forward per mgt. ran Taut to wry part of the United Etntne, on, box cf fins fco 'bi-,' r,t3Cr Hoop., Cr Mr dal of rerlrafdeV fix th, eta mama.. All ardcma from Canada mult •-nrlne.l by twenty cents eltra. ApFLO. New Arrival of A. "2": PITTSBURGH, PA