3t4rirg. , EPPENIEST DIVIWG H oL.;B.tu erri i.trcet lihuve 111i14.1. -;.1 As: r .u 44 Out loroduo.:d luT:.e. Apply lo u 26. '59 UK. 11. ;MN. S. Atlee );SockAus, D. D. S. I)ILACTICIiS the LtperetorOi tt-urgieul end Xteelten• heat Eteriertnp•uet'ut Detail-try. riFyice , Loeu-t wheel, 601WCCII Ihe Ffa.131.11.11 40U -it .I.d 1.0-t 011iee, Columbia, Pg. lley 7 1159 THE vaIEILY MEDICINE STORE, ,ODD FELLOWS' HALL. Air P. are now prepared to ,-upply the penplt. of Cu 1t Co. kinthiti with ittedtvitte, Ire-h Iro2, ht-t a lid II rester yariet) . I'v:fernery ml4l I'mter Ar le• 111,1 we hove U....11j had. .1.6. 101 WWII Prepole I t7ueo.t. rarllll4, Cunt COX & 17,311 licia , lllC. !Or 11`..kilig jVilltf,. .Ll/I.ll.ilail 104 4,001,11 q; 7.411.0 114.114'10.1 purpu-en. altllllol, or, Bond's Boston Bygejters, for U, .pcpura l ..d Arrow Rout Crock -n, tar LOU ettildjell-110Ay LLOCa fu ellhPithl., at thr 1 7 .1.1 i))' NeJtelitc April lb. IS. 1. .".19.1,11 MEM 1ir.E.9.8. If.triTATD." DICKENS' NEWt}'EEKL Y. INTE have the pleasure of announcing that we have entered into arrangements with Ch.irles Dickens, for the Issue of his new pull ication, entitled. "411 the Year Round," each week, in New York, simultaneously with its Assue in London, plates being taken (rote the Alnglish edition, and forwarded to Lis sulhcient y in advance of publication „tor that purpose. The first number will appear in LOllllOll 111“/ New York - on Wednesday, May 4th, and will euntain the commencement of a new story by Charles Dickens, to be continued from week to week during about eight months. Thus, it 4%11 be seen that Amet wan readers .of "All the Year Round," will obtain the stories and other contributions of Mr. Dickens, and the staff of writers associated with him, embracing an array of talent with which no other publication can compare, sev eral weeks in advance of their reaching this country threugh ordinary sources, and at the same time they are given to the public in Lon don. %Ye will state that this arrangement has been consummated by the payment of a luige sum of money to r. Dickens, yet the extra ordinary interest which the announcement of the publication has excited in literary elides, the assurance which Mr. Dickens has given that he shall devote to it all of his best ener gies, and the appearance of a new ably Horn nis pen, cannot tail to command for it at once a large circulation. The following - announcement from Mr. 43ickens, will convey an idea of the character and aims of the work: A DDR Nine years of Household Words are the best assurance that can be orl..red to the public 01 tie spirit and objects or "All the Year Round." In transferring myself, and my strongest en• ergtes, from the publication that is about to be dis Continued, to the publication that is about to be begun,l have the happiness of taking with me that statT of writers ur it b a horn 1 have labored, and all the literary and business co-operation that can make my work a pleasure. In some important respects, I ant now free greatly to advance on past arrangements. 1 leave to telittly tor themselves in due cow That fusion of the graces of the imagination with the realities of life, which is vital to the welJare of any community, and for which I :lave striven from vfeek to week as honestly as! could during the last nine years, will continue to be striven tor, "all the year round." The old weekly cares and duties become things of the Past, merely so be assumed, with an in creased love for them and brighter hopes springing out of them, in the Present and the J . u u e. 1 look, and plan, for a very much wider cir cle of readers, and yet again for a steadily ex panding circle of readers in the projects 1 hope to carry through "all the year lound." And I feel confident that this expectat on will be real ;zed, if it deserves realisation. The task of my new journal is set, and it will steadily try to work the task out. Its pages shall show to good purpose their motto is re membered in them, and with how much of fidelity and earnestness they tell The Story of our Lives from Year to Year. CHARLES DICKENS. TERMS: Single Copies by all News Dealerg, 5 cents. One'l Copy Oue Year, per mail, (52 numbers,) $2,80. One Copy Six Months, per mail, (20 numbers,) $1,25. Five Copies One Year, per mail, $lO.OO. Eleven Comes One Year, per mail, $2U,00, and at the same rate for all over. It will also be issued in monthly parts, put tip in elegant tinted covers, at ill) cents each, And by the year on the same terms as above. Back numbers always furniulied hen de wed. Specimens will be forwarded to any address ) post paid, on receipt of two tette/ stamps .1. M. EMERSON & CO., pohlishing Aretits, 37 Park Row, :New York May 14, 1959. r7T7rc7r,N•rm-4.lnrii 1 -,.... 1i i :*-.. -•'--- - - . . EVANS &WATSON. (, ( . -. 1 -. • No. 2G South Fourth st., 1 . 4 , '.. i a .'..l'. . C j i, I PIIII.ADEI,I'HIA. ''''' 46 , '""! ' :::,1!' i 1, II: v, now no lo.:110.1 a Lir,. n-. `' .t_(l . t .c,r'' • .., ..nrlrnent 01 l'sre nail l'lei• J .,-'zi. -'-`- 1- -'. - • '''''' • , Proof Snlionninler S..ie- Al.. f/.", ,IF-- -, ,r , -- lron Dont- for Hank. :old .- --r -. _..:-..- -- .. - ,tole-, !101l Shuveo.,, Iron -- .. — 1, ,111 m..1.e. of Loci.-, equal lo ally Made In she 7,0t..‘1 ,4 t0,... 117-I'Jve Si. le. in one fire. A ll ensue 0... t right WWII. .o:tient. in good condition The Sulantuuder lia.C., of Philudelpl.sa ag,..ssi-t Ilse v. nrlrl EVAN: , & %V.ATSCEN: have 4.. the demon klialtnn to 1 - o eenntiettle. that their n; omi t...lore o:taherntlmlc7 S.u; 11..- at lenntit 1.111 , war tattled the Int,. Inn, made nt Went Wt- rendering an uttaimibteii necusit 1,1r..1111al thin Aerrtfie clunent: Philadelina. dpril 142.1?:A. Cool. d Wot..nn.--(,entlemen--ft adord.. Ilk the loglse...‘ 4111.1..;14011011 to rho , to 300 1 1, 11 An the very prolet•hye plain.... of Iwo ad doe Sala mander Sale. %Ica h plot ',sped ou -011/ , It Sr 111M1111 , -Mite. ,1% , 11 .1 large 110111,0 of oar Jew elry. and all our honk , . paper., &e , lo the 1,11111111011. 1 011. 1.1 li/111.1e411 I l laer. 011 the4lol'lllll4 01 it , I Ith 111,1.1111 %%lea rellert that itte.r Se.c- were tl Itt tee I ills %tory of the ItkithitteA WI 41,rupi.41 aitui carry fell -oltpequetttiy urtll t 11,1 p Of 611111111, 11111, Wilt le the va-t I I d the lira plates 11l 11101. Her iot b." ri•;.,411 their valuable 1,...,1- .1- I,n-1 on:•116 . 1.1g ynw 01 ill, great ..er • Urlly altiondeti II) :.,ttirr . .stte... %Ye ...II lake plea-ttte bi rr. • arnrr u • ndui¢ them It San of IttPatte, , 4 4 A -sure rel.liiirm 61:nut;i; v ?:r %MN-. & 1:1t4) It., Her-. Who have purchased large ttet• Anr:l I y _ _ _ •iit C .- - C CARTER & BECKER, MAN V PACTU "MRS OF COACHES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, second ...;,•`ieeet,nrcriy oppoilf the Guth , i in Church, Columhio, Po. T.eug snbseribfrs ail allentiou to Mei co—i, and Corrt.tee 1 . :- , thh+litia re they eontinue to milituraetare Coach,. Car rinpr•• lisigt!tee. Soli.te, need ail other vehicle+ i their liar. Their reputation sic Workenell la fairly r t se they rust er,efilleel4y for 1:0•1 Wo.le :he meta+ of ',rattly of 1 - 01.01, elegititec 01 tins-I mot -tortigla of Crag I,T, 110 e 01 the •11,20r111 41 / 1 11 (futures of th..ir it. 111/11111111) . all vehicle. , . tot C al .ire 01 the 1.0-1 .e.e.re1e.1111.11 4 Tat, seed pelt together firmly .itid •olotatinally. The Lint pa. {wolfs,' nilen.,oll 10 lie. kEPAIIIING OF yEil/CLES, ■nd warruut uU thaw wc.:l , . m ibo. la.: no anion. In nthhtion to :heir experten,e rn the ton rents. they lime thewft- I -.l.illef• Of Itv-t worLuri —agree other tmetenz ernvlo‘el. Th e pill.iit• i c-p...1.11y invited to C4l) 00,1 CS 1111 1 / 1 11e the Ott rohmilrin. 7/1:41,1; 12. 1,70 Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire. WELSII, Esq., Agent fur the Can:tale/4- j , ) 11 4yrwnee t.:ollfp.oy toc I , prepared to reeelve applicanon• in .•n ,l 1111 , 1 I[l,l ell polietea for In...ranee zigto "It.' , y 4 , ••• The 'nintreopwra!t 6 tea p.m 4t l wi. 1,111 ;/:111V, 1 1114111 ,4 1111 7. 4 11401141,10 C 114e 4 , 40111111..1...1 V.ll omiol y stn; 0-1 is. 1°,4E4. T/1116 Ittaverns• O 7 7111 COMPANY ARP Dr. Du vitt Jayne, Tlin• Stew.trt, Presarost. Trtas4 11.1. liesuirr, .1 M WI.11.1!1, .1 NI 14.01., J K %Crd I. er. Aro I: AI It 11"ewle•11, 11 r.. a K I! rehro rl IV, I (' LENN'S Sllperior 3'erben4. Water and Es Inlets lb. the 111.1.11....70.1c1- 7 .14-1 feNelVell 111 . 111 10- i ti-to. It.WII.I,IANIS \ ALL lot of Family Honey, superior rjualtt) for sole by R. NV)I.I.IANS, :217, 7 59 Front street, Celoolion. Garden Seeds: IDil l: eul, r in. received hit , u , 13:41 well a4t.orted -loi•k 01 Garden Seed-, wlttelt lte will all ss-I,olPcoie or retail., t 0 suit pureha-v Feb. 18..59. It. WILLIANIS, TuF•T nncEivED at th, Inutile Drug Some of el BARRY GICEEN, a large .A-ortinent Lithe (int.,: and be-t Parket Bitty, in Colanit.ia. ll i- confident ly believed that Oil. I. to. leenl lot of Lin ye- , ever offered to the CI:I./Cll. of titt , place. Tito-e desiring d really good article, will call at reb If). OppoFibe Cola Bridge, Froot St. Drugs, Chemicals and Perfumery. rfill subscriber having just returned from j_ Philadelphia, ha• on hand, nod Is: daily receiv ing, if not the frorlic.tt lit of Drugs eve, ofTettql to the public. Ile call, the attention ot the e, uzeti of Columbia and -orrounding country to Ore,. A. to deitlet, he will !make it advantage on. to them to buy of 111111 111 preferc , tice to rending or going to l'hiladelohni. .'A nimble l=isttelico is better than a -low -lulling,' 1a the motto of Manx flar.EN. Felt 19. Oppo-iie Cola. Bridge, Front tit. Auicricau Life Insurance and Trust Company. I CA PITA L STOCK, 5500,000. COMPANY BUILINCS, Walnut Street, S. E. Cornier ot Fourth. LIFE IN~CIt.I NCI ur thr o‘uni Murton) rnierr, or. .kraut :sun I I are- at :dam 7:0 per cern. or To;a1 M.0....km.11,e lute-, the Icrwe-i or the nl Id. . 14 11l LIIIN, Pre-ident. J sn. C. SI NI , ec re in ry. lasll.l y '29 1..1:1. Columbia Toba - c - conisis Ahead of ail Competition. F ND RICH k BROS. have just received a I.N rge MVO ale Of fine Seen r.; akin. Sweet and Natural I.i•at Cliewinz Tobacco. nom their Tirlinlol . o Warelloll.4 . of .Ic,rpli Vend iteh & Imo-., No. IZS For %l'r re-neetfially invite all who drill in our line 01 to eall our Mork before por. el-ewliere. If we do not offer aritelv• in our Ills' u• elietia a- Hwy ure sold ill our principul eine t N ill not ta-k you to purefinsc. JOHN & BROS. ICeboil Tobacco. segar Wel i.llllll Fr 011( eel, Five doors above Lo va-1.1;o l'a. =I sr.rrratsoN ROUSE. THE subscriber has taken Ibis well-known . w Flom .t reel, belweeti Lora-t and l'n 1011. anti lltVl ie. Ilse plittoltage or hi. (Item]. anti 'he public. 111. p.t expel Jr 11.! It- ploprtetor of the llot,e, is .1.11111 . 14,111 warroolt for 11, 11,111a loillIV 111 ill, 1111.1610... Ile will endeavor to keep 111. 11.‘ STOCI: EU Wl'l'll GOOD LIQUORS, .1111 i to pill VittO -all.hit . lol y trllll,l.llllllie 111 lilt C 1,1.1011 1- , l ii- 11011. 4 1 . I. V, VII e.tletiltinttl fur the aeettolopt th.tiott of tegrolal boattlei -, :tad he a-1., a .thatre .1/Vitt/IL. MARTIN FR WIN. roltlittl.l.l. ()cif)her 2. 1-3 , I y HAIR B RUSH. lEg AND coluns: Ilse F.uiu ly Olin; Sleets 01 II ss (IItENN it l'soni .11.•(. ran I.e hat s llne lisse Shell !tell sissig ;sad ksa .1:snlliln llnol (7011111• C(111111., Flllr Ho ir.an and Diller Inr .1%.0/I.lsent. Only good articles. Iseni kn -so le. :Ire. .old ul the !MVP-I 'Mee, Fol. 19. 1 :9 tippo-19. C0 1 11.11114 , e. Front St ARl s- Corn Nlarch, and llommony, N forsplc •.i BRUER'S. 1.111. I I,'XTII,I and Superfine Flour, by the barrel ...1 or 4pt.titer. emit Uat.. Colo. :said I'vetlul t;I ttzll.. :et \0...11 f`orie r r of and Union -5 reel.: CAAN ri V. Hemp and 1(:11... Seed. for ..le nt J. S. & (O'er April 9 :9 1859. SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW SEEING GOODS portarr nt Lowest Cash Prices, and to kool.vo repot:llion to el•calp, •••• ill oil', al 0 very -mall advasiee on 04. • . Now opcnto,T a , plendol _tuck of itvw SPRING oui,D:.:...mted to the ..-o.on NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS. l'auvy IS:0;141,e aIA., 11.•-i mLLoilyd 1:1.80‘ ...ilk. Weill wad E..gle lilllll.l, V. 1 1 ,111•1.1.. DVI:11111 , , 1;11111.01W, It 6,11.111. lid A.... 01.1110111 0i I , r,fieli and Engl.- 1 t'lltist/e.. _pli•ndid of V.lll A. Co bC-11;14,1 cal: attention inl r urn, 11111(1 betlll , lllll alder 11011,111 ut Nc.' York. con•t-4ul; ut Ilan 01 Ilell Worked Colloi, Si....ve• 1 . 1111.- Jr,,, •I lid 1:11.2.111g, Iktottl•, Flouttettsgt, Luc,. and of kind, MEN'S WEAR. 1'ti•.•11:Inkl Engll-11 Iltac6 mid r;liwy Cloth-. French and Engl,ll Marl, and Valley Ca—tinele, beautiful tow Tpnm_ SI , . Ve. , BOYS' WEAR, in every variety. 110USEKEE1'ING GOODS. In 111, i•Verl. 1 . 11‘ . 14. 111 . 1 ,,, ,11v to 101 . 111 Ow nlik i• Otlllit of tho•e. coma:encl.:4 Lou-inc, 1 , 1111 enli L, irld 10,000 YARDS CAIZPOIINGS. wt• ATTE :•Tio• io ul.l corer 101 -I) quota). 0110:100•.-.and tire 001 ild- -111. l'ldtadtdidd;t. 41111 . 11 , Aell• 1 . .1 Iv. rolls -e11•0100 1.) al 0004,00 judge,. \e,1. 1 V.I. alit I'lnladelplll.l.tit the verytont whoth wall hr .01.1 ai 11 Vl . l y , ma II nth. ant, 0/1 the 11 intdor quirk -ale-, tit. the ttatteh I. ter} !owe Con -otting 111 part or raper. liruw•eit..Yttiter. 'l l ape.oll Stiller. Imperial 'lint, Ple. P•114:111 Ta pr-tit lu,rjtu, super. ingrain. Super. Dlata 11111 Twilled Venetian, lattlturt; anti i?u , t•' Suatd. Hemp. l'oena 111.11l::11.1111 Flaor .curl pito:get. V 1 lyl.l Rag-, Door 111alltop, &r, Dano Uri Cloth-, in ttlieets t" rd. wttle. w h.rh svtll Int eat to ..1/11 It ill-tot our 1:111.1. 1111.1 e, 3.1iil all the ottelitietli ate wdth., down 111 our yard Wide I'm 'mare lid Cloth. In great variety GI - pattern-, al. WA LL PAPERS. .1 Laroc .N..nrun , ”l in Now Sono. , W INDOW Sh ADES. A large a--oilmen:. new Nino', front 50e to :?..1,00 r.or wide 11.nles'- Pate.. FIX rune. BIIINA, GLASS AND QUEE.NS‘VARE.. tWr• 11-1. .nn•ullnrt to our CllllOl. G 1.15.1 0101 4./110.'11- iralle. 100111. Ullll - 11 conl:lit, hu t large-1 :nut nin-t urd a—ortlncill we ever olkredr. of entirely new tin -Ig,n-,Lool ut 1111. 1 , 10110.!`- LOOKING GLASSES. FEATHERS. 5110 1 ,runnt- I's nn.• Gee-e renther , , warr.inted flood, dull:, I=l UN Hair Dye, Balrhelors Bair the I'h.dnu • - Iluir D)C, NV I 1..111 4 A irno-pli..rie flair U 1.•; oil Ow and for 11.11 7. 1...".11. IL WILLIAM,. 11ALli lot of Genuine Glycerine Cream. wr Ih, 1111 . 111 . 11111111 311111 cur.. lip t. 11.1. It, the 1)rog More or :%1:.1 11. WII.I.IANIS, From FLAGG'S INSTANTANEOUS RELIEF. I)ll,vl'Es. 1: 111Elt $ Alatm. 011. Alloilter lot 01 the .11 , 0ve r0p111.41 rt..cuivo.Al diol for -dle I.y \Ln 7, 1-54 R. W 11.1.1 ANIS. QUER L"S COD LIVER JELLY. LOT of the oUnvr jn-t rereived and for -ale at IL.• liro2 store 01E. William-, Front .treet. M..) 7. le:Y.) I)RATT & BUTC111:1;'S llegic Oil, for sale at the at,141.•il Mortal Dr u:; N 11.3 New Work by the Author of “The Prince et the [louse of David. THE I'ILLAILIt Or DIRE; OR, ISRAEL. IN BONDAGE, 1INI; arrouul of the wonderful seem% j o lit Ilir Lite .11 the Nom 0( Pharaoh'. Daughter. 110 ) I.,eether yvii/1 Pleture•que sl.elcht, of 111.• I lebre,. blider I. 'l'..eklba-ter, by the Rev. .1.11. luarah.lai rho utotor•itttottol have horn oppronted :1;4,0- for tile whnv.• orlt. nod aro now• pr.•pared to tot t o.ll to twit-v:110 :SAYLOR & :110110:c %I D. Apr.2l 11,:td ltilurlrr,and N*.w. Drl,ol DRS. FILBERT INII JOHN ANI) DEL. st. rLr II: an of J. S Dollen 1, Co . ro‘prot inily informs Dina. friend. , and ihe pntrhe generallt. lea; Ow, 1,..ve Inter 'rota Dr E. II Derr. the (roldnn ,Too rte...‘ .1 wet. 1...i.0nt. 1 4. sleet Lvelow: .1 zruerahl .e6.orooeol Of :111.DD•IN and all oriole,io Ilwir low 01 1.1.1- 11 , ... e ...turand irnrn .1•1C-!1. 1111 i •••I vet t led .00. of i)il UGS AND CII EM ICA LS, LoWIN 4. 61:415.1:it 1.. 1.101/i, II•V. ii/.1% /1I• 1. Il• :14 •• .r.zi.:l--rirlnvesil PF:RFUNIERY AND FANCY ARTICLES, The litio.itie•c of the !Iwo w hi. • J. :.••• D • 11,1. who., ioiriet picor•icio.ll ~,,, will to riven pt cortmlicwolditiit 1.1 nnmly 141,31.1.•. 1/411.r 1n tof• aloico . onnt, 01..1v tooth nt vice and qutahly all w lin micy list J DEr.r.rrr co 1-4[C. Gold Crown of Glycerine, Fon In.- Care avid Presirotion of Chap 11.11111, 1%, tsy Col Nlnt CJ 1•5 Just Received, POCKET KN I V-ES Bird Seed =I HALDEMAN'S SHAWLS AND .:S,IANTILLAS r , priskg 7,1) Ice, Jou EMBROIDERIES =MI , Ur -1111.1. HALDEMAN'S C.oiti Stoic TO TUE TVBLXC. .c• Di.t.ETT butdets Nloolar Dru•:•:ore Newark and Amends.le Cement, AND CALCINED PLASTER, AT THE LOWEST CAS'il PRICES. FOR SALE HY J. CRESSON BRADFORD, Gi °in, Flour, Produce .Sj General Commission Merchant, No. 230 South Wharves, below Walnut Street; Philadelphia. A Nil nO. 1,59. JUST RECEIVED, A Fu:sil lot of tienned)'b :11eelical Dkeovery, uud fur sub: by J 'LLP. R. WL1.1.1-IATS. nUlt town is very healthy, and as you arc not in ws.lit we have a great variety of other articles which are lailispeic.ulile to )'our com fort. Iu Toilet Articles w•e ClllllllOl. he excelled.— Among which are Thor-ton Tooth Powder, -uperior driorifice, Camphor Tooth Soup, and Magic Tooth FLOUR AND FEED STORE.' Tilt', subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens ucColusabia and ',lethal, that he ha,. °vetted a flour and Fred Store, Iwo door, below Black's hotel, es here Inc will aim aye keep out Laud a large Eguel. FLOUR AND FEED, at the lowe-t 01.41 PrICZ6 • IJD'CORN AND OATS ulwny% 0,1 [mold. ANTDONY AFYF.IRS April 9. 1539-6m_ CT/DUO SKINS, a beautiful lot, just re v erived at J. S. DELLETT & CO'S Golden Mor tar Drug Store. [May 7,'59. BROWN'S Essence of Jamaica Ginger. Just received vi the ()olden Alortur Drug Store. ne•sit bupply of the Gettut ate Eit.eitee of .littualeti Uiu qep Ditty 7, 'W. \V E. hatve er at, ,, pie o F f aa r tily , M i. e_dicine ancy,iSdtorei er a ety Sol p- dole was ever offered for sale in Mo. pl ace.— A fine white Soap. by the pound. very cheap, fur Lau miry pa i poses; (mine and judge for youn-elven, we promise nothing, but Zia -I.luuner" saye, we in tend to perform!_— __ _ [Apr. 16,'50. 1) AY RUM. Cologne in Toilet 11/poles. Hair Oil o JJ every kind, Wood's hut lie,lorative.and Barry '5 TrJeopliermis, at 11anut GRLEN . S, Feb 19. '59 Opposile Cola. Urblee. Float Si. _ TOR SALE. XTRA FAMILY WHEAT FLOUR, by Itnriel or in large: . onannio.n, vio:runied goutl or rice money will be I.;G. AP PALM No.. _avid 0, Citilul _ . - TEIE LARGEST Chair and Furniture Establishment IN TEI UNION, Extending ft am G'.y to Frederick Street, being 40 feet wide, 170 feet deep, and 6 stories big!, ATI1101",S Gay Street Warcrooms, Nos. 2:5 and Norsis tiny sioret. near I , u) elle. essoce: where is kept saw. hnod, or made in Or de.r.every st) Ic of l'resseh TI7VI:-A-TEl' ES, its Plo,ll. Ifs, - ':ls or flroessielle. Pt Medullicss Parlor AruiChair., !lair. Cloth or Ifrnesstelte. Freoels Full :!;h off Curved Parlor Chair, with Clods or ICI 0111 , elle. SOFAS; Half Precch Swing A1..1 ... go.t) and Walnut Parlor Hair. Cloth or I'la-11 I:oektota Clt.or,—vat too- hair, Cloth tool a-lt stair la r a4-ng went nlway in. hand, to p,t:h rat made or coveted is tilt an) ;loud- to unier. CHAMBER SUITS, In Mahogany or ‘Vainal, eouipleie. from 21.1 up. Onto. Chair.. anal Reeking do --the ii--nro meld ready made io any uric lieu-e Ili the United slt a dohs a: , Mir Room, Office arm Dining Chair, in Oak. Will. rim or Mahogany. wail, Cane. %Voiid or Stalled Seal -Anii--ortinent embracing over 50 dozen. Wood =eat Chairs and r,eitec, and Reeking Ciltill, - over tondo/at. Gilt arid Plain Frame Looking Clas.ie., of every variety All kind of Deis, hilt unit 111,1. Mattra , ve.. A. NIATIIIOT. No-. 25 and 07 N. Gay et., near Fayette Dalt. A 7.1,52-1 y 1859. Stoves: Stoves! IE subscriber keeps up T' Irk extell,ive .1..1111111e11t • '` ruoli AND l'A It I,olt r•TuV • of ail k L•Vet y patteot turd , 1/I`. 11. ••I•11. :it (1,1.011.1bie... ••••• and ask, the puffin• to e-xl.tnioe and try' lit, lII.EIt, 1.0ct,1 -dent, open-Ile lime Flaunt C01um1.1.1..1 tl) GREET VAILITAVir STORE. I UST RECEIVED, a larger and finer stock 0 01 Toy- allii laoey good- Mall ever besot•. My mend. and oulte,.ire Invited to rail /lid examoe the -Inek Lebow per, Ilasiai.r, e•Jsrwiwirei. a. they Will hail all outwitted a-..olionetil, -tamable for pro-- eat- to per-on- otevery age :old lunle. An 11 , ..011.111C11101 PUrllllOlllllll,, Poe Pket Bonk-. Sre 1;1:1 /12C:li J. I'll, c. Lord st rect. bctween the Uallk ;cal Franklin llou-e. Cultimbiu,neeembei 1.1, learr. 10 PER cr. SAVED ON STOVES. CALL at Pfahlers and txaminc his- 01 I , TOVI . :S. Po io. Cool, 111111. (Wit, anti C0ti1.,11.4 Z‘itlVd , 1111.1 01 tile i.IIC-1,11) y pnurrn. ror. •• ill !toil It Wage lo firm, Mi. full :Intl earelleol -tuck. whieli v, ill lie otTe,eil at •110-I rea-miable rate, Remember' 111 II l'FA111.1:11'S .I,opao-itetlie 11 auklin Columbia, Dia, 12 1.57. B.r.ivrovikz. FEM, has Imo NI k Watch, 0 Clock and Jewelry bl , tablt•loneot to la. new -land on nOOl -I third door below the Amerman Ilou.e. lie ha- oil band a large ,toek of WATCHES 011=a1CLOCES,ANDJEWELIIY, I. lie i- 0,1..141 to , 4•11 4.• than limy 4 . :111 he bought 111 eily other C. 1.11.11-11111 4 .1.1. 114. Is p 1, 2- pared to oiler .2reall int rgtitito.. and lie re-peetia.l:)lll Vite.lllCatlellooll of put ella,ef LC/h.—lock, W1111:1 1.1111110,•••a. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, o (every kind; all Ititi. of 1.3.0 C liS.from -‘1.50 ward thetavitesilleattesiiiou oilloaitmeii to his large A 10146 of LEVER BOAT J EWELIt V. c on. .I“iing of Ka r itt ag., ' , lager Meg. Urett.i 1 . 211, al lkintolsillverztpoolt-; fluted Soup,i.:.dtcu, and Tea Spoolis.lrork..S.e.. svit mimed to wear nearly ego:0 to Silver: hold Hull Silver Pell. C arid Penn-; (.old and SLlverqpeetatele. with the tt'rettle , t variety of FANCY A It'll ever lie fore ode red. a .uarriora , “.orialeill 01 Re volver , and other Pi-iol,s.und. all &lad of the Le-t manufacture. Strict ntteintoa will be given • k e.retolore o the repairing of cluck•, ventelie.s [abut j etvelr) mid nil wai k will lie wart awed. A ctultioleauce of °ruler p utronsigrla reFpect folly .1011 N X. = A GOOD CANAL BOAT for sale, 'very cheap, J. 1.. or John gooey. Colto -1.1 $. ar Ilse r, 11. 11. LONG, lii 91, VI I,.nuctister, A rtlltli COUNTY BUCK 11'11EA'r FLOUR, in h.r g e Or +.111.111 (111.1111111 ,, . 111 r ,111• 111 tile Gro el 71 ',lf 're of 1110121 . VI/A Al, Nov 1•:. Corm rFroot dnJ UlllOll .1r1 . 1 . 1r. ER FSII Bllrliillf.' Fluid. Alcohol and Cant ' ht• b.' nit J S & CO'S, t•otilvin Ntaortar Drug Store Just Received and For Sale, (Ann tiromid Ptu•trr, .4(1 1.1,1... Extra Family ZVII flour, :251.1.1, No. I Lord Oil of bem guido); :All/ bur. (,round Alum by . _ . EME=I Cocoa inc. FOR par•erving :111111111 1 111111fyivg the heir nod render• 4 Joe it dork nod glo•cy. It i-th, Ile.t and elteope-t 11411 Dre—tog 111 the world. For .111 e at .I.s & crod,,, mortar Drug - Sturr, Front street. Ma reit . .141. I 1 ) ATI:NT retorted SparLtuttr Gt . hatable. For utt'f' the Gotttelt Mutter Drug Satre. ut get. ,59 COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, OPPOSITI TO P. CA NA L COLUMBIA, PA. rrlIE stihscrihrr has removed to thr exten t-Imp- enttott.n...l 1111. 111:1 Iron roo.t.tt. t.• loelt in. ilaorooft1.1) Inted nrw iiti 1),1-1,10 orta..loorry, saint In onw rrepar...l to no • n0.....t0re Engin., and Pontos of . ..very 4..- WIWI/MI. M.ll . lllllery for FurfiltlCeal. Mtn., I ' M in, Car %t ork. ttotl furra.lm4 to order. Brtdgt Dolt-add Ittmdt-ol.tittotr Item I. tr_ r - : ppa, r.n ; ; 10. JuIES Q DENNEY roluml.m. July n. 1-5? SHAVING CREAN, Ebalins Componnd, Cold l'rev in. AmAndme. Popo,.le Div inr, ull Ire-b, lust Ti e,ved by Nov. 6.':.a. lt . 1 1 .11.1.1A111?A._ F m crop Baking Seedless Raisin s.--A supply ronstueltiy 0.1 am lid. at !INN It V ?-1. 1 1 - • DA Ws I.rors.ry Store. rorner Fiala sad LOVLIP: , IS. Colunibli. NitlV 13. I.T.s. Cranberries. Jl - :="1 rrecivtd, a 1re.12 lot of Cr:, olwrrir=-11 :If, le IIENRY 41YDA11,1 No: 13, 1-5- Connor Front anti] rblott -Iser, Variety. A. CAB.D. APPOLD, No. I and 2 Canal lla.ni Gelantinc. NOW OPENING AT THE Corner Third and Union streets, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ,r_De GROCERIES OF , ALL KINDS, i'aVX7 ARC, cF:I cp wITHouT enumerating any further we invite the I public to call and examine our Stock. We feel confident that we re stable to sell ox cheap an the cheapen'. 1.0. S. H. F. BRUN Frt. Columbia, Ala reit 26,15 M. Books from the Spring Trade Sale AT CHEAP 1300 K STORE A RARE opportunity for those in want of Good Boni, ut a "tmidi cost. Never have Hooks sold cheaper than at the recent Philadelphia Spriest Sale. The proprietor of the Cheup Book Store has rvailed lainiellof the opporumay to purelatitte u large stock of the most varied te,tortment of valuable hooks of every elu a and de-cription. He now offer- to the public tits Faine.ut proportionably and unusually low rate-. Tho , e In want or valuable standard works. for the improving of a well•selected library. will find it to their great advantage to call and examine the even -eve stork on hand. My object and wish is, u■ it alwa)•s w•a•. to suPPIY the wants of the community wall anything in my line, on the 1110 , 1. reasonable term, po€,lUle. This we feud the better and ino.a ad vantageous course for all parties. The Political n 1.0110111.4 tells us "the cheaper an article is, the more universally it can and will be u-ed." Then the eouclusioli is, that whet we buy cheap, we must sell cheap, i-irrialy n Hovt• lig nor-elves u rea.nnahle profit. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. I would call espeeial attention to any large assort nent of Sunday School Books on :1111111, of every va riety wanted for u-e of Sunday Schools; and sell at Ike Sunday School Union prices. I knave the agencies for the publications of the American Sun. dry School UlllOll, Amerman Tract Society, Mcthn drt Hook and Tract Society. Al-o, the Lutheran. Pre,Mynernan, Episcopal, and other denominations are kept on hand. FAMILY BIBLES. Those in want of 11 neat 211111 cheap Quarto Family Bible, will find it to their tdvantage tr. ettU and ex amine at the Cheap Hook Store, the largeat atoek on hood. ranging troth $t to *25. n'lleture purclia.mie ch.cwhere, eon and examine the large and cheap mock of JOIIN SIIHAFVF:R, stieem—or to Murray, Youtig & Co., North Queen itt., I.:wcurtrr, 1 . 41. [A pr. 16, 1c.59. Fine Soap. AZIN'S Sernp Soap. the finest ;article new in u4e (or wa.l.ilog or =ha drug. For sale at the GOldell 51nrhir Druz Score. (April 9, I sf 39. VANILLA BEANS, for sitie at the Golden onto V Wife Stole. [Awl! 9, 1P51). THE COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Second St., below Union, Columbia, Pa., I ' prepared In execute all order. for STEAM EN GIN ES. 111 II S. SHAFTING. PUI.I.EVS, PFAU'S, :MACHINERY FOR BLAST FURNACES. ROLLING 11.1.5. SAW AND FI.HEIR MILLS, nod every vaiiely of 111aellinery. bn6e otn.t iliomp l di an d ialproved iminner. Iron 4,141 Bra.., entrings. 0 1 every to order. Repairing promptly at tended to. Co•h paid for Old Iron. Braot. null other traria). llidee. by mail -Amold hr nddrru.,•d to ••Coltosibta Manutikeiurtivz Cooppliny, V.oluloilnu, Pa." Z. SUPPLEE, 11. SU PELEE, •:iuperintentlent , J. LLEWELLYN, Coltitzthin. June 1!1, Great Western Fire Insurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia. CA V' L 5500,000. It Et:TuRS. Chit rie• P. Lathrop. 1.1e3 %Viahint ~ t reer, Darlnez. lu ll Pine -twig; Alex Minden. Merchant. North .trcei; kilac Atinrney :11111 John C Hunter, of Wriglii.llunier A. Co E Tracy K & Co .Glil,l•lniih.' 11411; Jolt It. McCurdy. of Jone, White ar. Ti to , tolle , ine. of Wile-pie A Zeller; .la- 13. Nuuth. of Slllllll & Co j per Jellric.. of Win. 11. Drown A. Co; JOlll3 R. Vocige... corner VIII and -leech.; Char!, E. 41:1 eel; JllO. J Slocu in 410Soutli +I reef; Alfred T. 13 or, °dice Cairn CII Property. CiIAS. C. LATIIROP, President. Wm. DAnt.iNn. Vice Pre,4llent 11. K. roruma.,N,rieerelary. 117 - DAVIE:, E. UR UN ER, Agent, Columbia. Lan e...ter county. Pa. (April 17. 1 , .5 4 . B. F. APPOLID. Forwarding & Commission Merchant AND DCA LER IN )lion-, Shoulder+, Flour 1,1 the barrel Whi-ky by the barrel, 1. wood l'ia4ter by the barrel, I. A. Salt by the ALSO DEALI:H IN All kinds of Coal, by the Cargo, Cur Load or Ton, such us Baltimore Company, Sunbury fled A.ll, 410. \Vied• A -10. Shun Mono:oil SIOVIi lull Lump, L.} kett•' Valley' eo. da TreVorloll do. att. The -ule.etiber boy , lllk Coal tor Cto.ll and oiler to sell at the I,owet.a Cu• 11 Pries=. _ U. I'. A P1'(11.1), N 04.11. I!, 6 um! enloinbut, A totTit.t 2 4 . I LOCAL FILMIC rt." NOTICE. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY A RE now prrpared to receive and forward Ftti:1(;II I. 1., I..ceik Philadelphia. I.anva.ter mu! Columlim. at 11, tollu.. utG nite. BETWEIEN PHILA. AND COLUMHIA. 6,c0,1 I Itn.. 'fluid CIIIB.I. Futiril: c.. 111.. .21 ...la,. I 1,111, Ili cents. Finer. • tIZ Cent. per 10.111. • Ale 111 4.1.11 i. per BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. Gtr Chins. 1,111.0111 i Chi., Thin%4l , e, Fuunl, Cho., eelits. 1.10 costs. 17 orrilt.. 111 , rents. 111111 r. :01 rents per II;11r1 Metal, M. en', per 1011pulintl, Arlirles of Ist Class. Ronk, Fre-II l',ll. 800. :mash...A. NIII% 111 long-. Cedar and Wooden Ware. Porter .4. A it id honks Dry Gouda, l'onitr— n coop, I:geg. l'orl..(irer.h. Forndure, Poultry .(dre.-et: reallturs,_ Wrapi , ni Paper . .. . . ... ..." . .. . Articles of hl Uluss. Applea, N1°1....a.ea, A1e1......, Clover awl 1:N1W, ...Well, Oil ill eu , k , or c s, Crockery, Paper ii. 1... x...., Condit,. Paatehourtl. Co-ka or Itarrel-,(easpt).) Taael.eg.(ctriall, (Zrueenea, Printing Paper (lons and (titles. Paper Ilulapag., I I. rang of box.. nail kegs. 4 itmels•N'ilire. iiillrliWarl,, :`‘ , 1•11 1 . 011111•1 , , I lop, l'oloAceo 11l isilk, troll. (hoop. I.unit or alive ) 'Eva, IA Illii., T)lm. Liquor ii wood, Tallow. NI arida Slab, &. Marble Torre...at., (.11i , ..) MOIll11114:111, Varoi-1. Articles of ld Class. Alcohol, Prinfine., Turnip, Ilnle%, (green.) Vinegar, Lard. 'White Lead, I)) • , (er.A. Clam, (in +11e11,) %Vindow tullaccu, onanui.o•tnred.) Articles of flit Class. Ro.in, Salt, s'oli:wen. pear,) lEll=l = Grim: k 111414, Natl. and SpikcA, Pitch, MEE 11.1 - For lumber information. apply to SNEEDEIt, freight Agent. Philo E. K. 11(91C1 Freight Agent. Colombni \V. 11. hi YERS, Freight Agent, Latteneter Columbia, August 6, 1h57-1 y To Lumbermen & Manufacturers! 1111 E Y'S PATENT SHINGLE NA HINE. TllE subscriber having perfected the above intAchthe, facto to sell State, County and Seal , lr oat re...nimble term.. The inartiine .avv. and planet Shingle. to a ll y width or ihirkne...istid producer a very nen fnrin natal eleuit amide. Which SMr given perfect sntisfartion iteiever tried. hue oldie 111111111nr. and specimens due work eon be %cell 31 the tt , e , ticseltullott Phoning 111111, Columbia, l'a. For further 11111.01111311011, Ildtke•O %ViH. HUEY, Columbia, 1,1111f01 , 11 1 1 . CO , l'a. j•The ennstruetion of the sow and fritter. of to-c, .Clll.llll l I the plutier„lo ull of •Iramnt nod bevelled work, weld as Flooring, Colootlian.llloy 91,1857. Black Ink S171.1:RIOR article of Mack luk, for sale to the 11 Glint., Mortar 1/rug :Atom. ANSI :S s 1`,729. NA/'ORD'S Hair Restorative. llooflami's Ger , man Sitter, Jill Expeetorant. ein-rry Ps elOr.ll. J 1311 1. .• Allrrutrvc,ll/11 1 / 1 %,.... 11% ;ant (liniment. n.) NS —.LindLey'. Woodiirr. & Coll Liver Oil, Troro-riiir. Sor• 4:1p.1/111:1. s‘ll.aparilla. AVrtgfart Ind,. V. ge iabir VT Iv. A) re. Cullot Pfilv. S'N•fierr Pon:woo. Verrstifime.Tfoonrioriev L'.3r Her Ler'. r f vfor. Illfsivoin of Wild Clierry, LoArolfr.i. Air Alolo'v glirir of offoloo. A iiirge and fre.b I/: ilir sitiovr Voiruiiti (test.. mrertved toil for vole by April R. AVILLIAMS. We Have Just Received DR. CUTTER'S Improved Chest Expanding Lpeoder and Shoulder !Imre. lot I.eatle Ines, add Patent rtAut Sapporler and !triter far Ladle, ja•gi the article flint in %tallied al thi. tam. Come and -en •ti Fit l y ll ulieurr Salo. (10.1 all. I{ l i i! 9, 1.,;•11 LAW IN WODB. COAL. THE subscriber calls attention to his large , ictek of every va rimy aerial, ♦which he is pre• pared to deliver to all part., of the towu ut the lowest market price , . Shamokin Red Ash• first rate quality; Lump, Egg, :Stove and Mut. :Nikon Mountain , ire cotton, Baltimore Company, MIIIIOIIEI Wink: Alll, of all Slice, and Superior quality. Pine Grove Lump, Egg and Stove—an article in general favor for domemic Plymouth and Pitt-ton White and Red Ash, Lump and Egg. Broad Top and Allegheny Bituminous Coal, for Bloc Call and examine the urged asaortmeut of Coal kept in Colunmia. coal of all kinds will be fun ished by the Boat. Car or Toil, at the Wharf, foot of Canal 1331.111, Columbia, Pa. rirCoal and Iron received and shipped on corn rni—ron. J. Ii MESS. Columbia, November 5, 11559 TOILET SOAPS in great variety, such as Glycerine. and Camphor Soup, tor chopped hood., Peoteli Almond Soup Rose Otnotbuw Soap, Nlwph Soup, Hooey Soup, Soap, Soap, Low', itl-or Soup, for .ole by Nov ti 14.54 R. WILLIAMS. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted, on the Books of the Livery: 4 lo.de. from the Got of April, 1e57, to the otidempled, ore iequested to make imtnethute pay ment. mid those Ituving cloutr will pre,ent than for seidetneld, us he is desirous of elo,aitg his bu , iness without delay. Oct. 3, 1357-tf TIMMAS GROOM. COSTAR'S Rat and Roach Exterminator, for , ate at the Golden Mortar Drug Store, F 1011( Columbia. May 7, 1t4.59. REMOVAL Or JOI-IN SIIENEE.RG ER'S FURNITURE WA E 00XS THE undersigned having removed his Fur allure \Vu re Honor and itlanumetory. to his new lirick tallithim,. oil the south -ide tot Locust street, lie ncrrn and Third street-, respectfully invites n mud- unit the public to give lain a cull. A large ud itipitrattr -lack of CA BIN ET-W ARE AND CHAIR-WORK, al all detteriptions, will be kept constantly oil hand, which will be sold on the frio.tt ren -onalile terms. its he manufactures his own wood lie is enabled to warrant every article to be what it is represented ;and to he as good Ileitis cheap limo +lock is very large,il noun mart elabraeen Ore. stoic. Plain anal b :too' ltu reatts; Sideboards, Sofas, Cat d. End, Sofa .Ceittre, g and enk fa-I TA B1.1:S; C 0,11.1011. Prencli and other BED STEADS; Contra oil :told funny CHAIRS, and SET TEES of every .ty/e.lngetlier will. 11 gen4ra!assort nimit of all I. ind - of I'URNITURK. Funerals will he attended with a Splendid Hearse, Oil shore non., and all aeee•-a rye attentiong,t veil to DEnTA Ile re.peetially -ol telt , : a share or public patronage hid Well a..r eriniiimittiee oldie CUatEMINVIIII which 11C has been liberally in cm et/. Colinnhin, April 11. lis37. COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE' subscriber has made arrangements and tIOW 111.'1/died 10 reeelVe Oil 1.7011111115e1011, \u, 11i side ur lrrilmit street, Columbia, COAL, LUMBER, WOOD OR TIES, lie win be 11:11.10 nr reerive COl/11111.011.. for buying or ..•11111g the isbove :trawl, li, 4111 y riom expel...lll, 111 Illt . I.IIIIIiWr believe, that Ise %, ill lie aisle to ItoolerFliZI•lat.11011. Slfiet tel3iloll evil Le givens to ad] Isu•soe-- esorts-ted In lii rate AMUS S. CH EEN. Colton! in, Mar.•llll7. •.5.4. WASHINGTON INSTITUTE. T moron_ of On• -cl:ool bnurd of the \l'a-Innginn rtlioqullle. lho lulluu Illg , A ere ogre,. ti upon a- the tennis ul tuition. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE: For Prtulary ;44.00 I?, 1,11,11 quarter of I I 111;.ther 1.:111:1N1 LrnucLr.. S=l; NI per watrier I.:111111111d (srcek_ r,.. , 1 , 11 per qunrd•r. .1 d:`.:•000l u1i.../.010 on eileh ul the whore launchee ttdl be made to eiliteiss 010111 l'olionloitt MIMEEMMIEMI COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS. ri'llE undersigned having commenced the Ail!.l.lm; BUSINESS, i, prepared to deliver FLOUR AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, Al the shortest notice, Pee of charge, on lire 1110•=1 ren,enable tern,. The VIA/Lilt being pre]. let' lima the 1.e.4 IA beat. quid by all eAperielleed Miner, he leek 1•011fitiellI1114.1 Ile coal give ..lll , filelloll 101110 , e WIIO favor 111111 WWI their Pal fOlillge. Columbia, A ugu-I 4 29, 5.7.7-11 rrllli iißdersiguil have been a ppo i n led up.mii- for the of Cook A. Co . - rilrl"PA PER :3IIA PENS svarra toed jot to corrode; in c they a1uic....4 equal the quill. SAYLOR A, MeIIONALD. Colombia Jolt. ?7.. 1n57. F. ILPPOLD ••••., - •,‘ rrke • 1 .- "Oorr", • .r r. •••6•Lwz:ie sa3 yM*- GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMIS 77 SION M ENCHANT, 411 Q 61 itEei , ,iV DE CO. LAND JP RO DUCE, And Del ivei ers no any point on the Columbia and Philadelphia Railroad. to York and Baltlll4oet and to "qtsbarg; lAEA I.1:12 IN COAL,I , I,tiI,R. AN 1) GRAIN, L/ Milts:KV A N 1.0 BACON, 111,r jll,l received a large lot of Moue ngalwla Rectified NVIn-hey.irom 01 whivlo lie) %%OM...Atli , apply coo-tautly. on 11RWL:ilk/N. price , No- I, Y and ti Cum. I 'Luella. anta,to 27.1,34. NATIONAL LIVERY STABLE, Second street, adjoining: the Odd Pellulcs' !1011, COLI:1 lIIA, PA. rpm , . lilted up nod L with gond 1101. e. v,,,,, Cal , Even-lye Livery Stuhl,. would cull the utttiotiou al lo- 111 v poni.c to lig. SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS. Ile will ettor.lislce lint.... to lie -ate. well urn 1,11 io fir,t-rateeotntlition Ile cue, oiler -rerrul • A N 1)SONIE VEHICLES, ,tilt ior e-tahli-,twat,nal the whole 01 hi, Carnage , are la thorough repair. aial hept 14101 neat. The stable will I.e in the cart. of accommodating ktsendants. llor.,Es /.ND CONVEYANCES CAN DE lIAD AT ALL DOCKS OF TIIF. DAY OR NIGHT. 'l'll : S WILL 111.; II EAS(./NA solid he colthdelitl 'cope- Hoot Ike mew. of StuWe, :sod is do -190-11 1111 l hi. eti-toiner,.. will -cruse htin Ithcrul -ht." IA public I.IVOr. CIII2ISTIAN Cf41.31,i.t. A isztt , i 14 1 , -5.1. O IIANCEN, Lemons, Citrons, Prunes, Raisins, Dried Frod "1-0. %Voloalt tot Tooolto nod Pt. Isle- of dilerciat kindp, for %air. :It ANOTHER SUPPLY OF SPRING GOODS. WE have just received and opened our t•121 . 1.LY OF .sPRINL. GOODS, =EMI I'sus• Ent;ll-11. French, and Atuci lean Cloth,, Cass,- 41all LADIES' DI: I.:SS GOODS, Surh sl+ Fooey and lilac I. SI tacludttog tunny dc• shle.. Of tlu• 1at...0 Importatiou,, P.ll al dc SLtvcr+, Duca I a wu, lee., all of vrhsch have lirett 'elected w•itlr i... 1 care and will be 2-old at greatly reduced 110 USE-FURN ISIIING GOODS. In 1111- Into our , tnek plete.and Lamm( be by a ny 01111. r name to the county. Per-on. firming, Sheetnig., Cheri, &c., will Mal it to their ifelv Village in give a call. a. We have ever) thing oil ilia. lute that ran lie .ftked fur, and we are fleteroliar.l 1101111 he under-oIA. On Cloth., Ca rpetinga, Mat.. Druggett, &c. 0112110;kt,, and 011ef.11 , WIlre GROCERIES. Sagar-, Mat•l:rrel, I !erring: 4 ll4, Ile., a large ,to(-4.,1.1 the Iow•c-1 WALL PAPERS, . . $20,000 Pirces N.w York Wall rapers, anew and lienutoul rsugang Is pate,. from eeit:. and ay. ard. As we get all of our Wall Paper-, fire. !!!ereet“. tr.. direct from the muntsfae- WWI'. WI. 1,111 eel! Mess :It the 111.61uvullacturre. ‘Ve have -everul hundred different ile.igto. 11111 11:11111, sad ter feel eoofttleut that as ,eleetion rats be made f our Stock. wilt p rester ..tti-fttetton to the our ehte•er than earl i.e gives by qtly other Store /II the county. 1=:3131==21 FULL & COMPLETE IN EVERY BRANCH, we oiler prrut toiltweitwot. to purcitn•cr•, nr the price acrd qmilily of oily' ',end, GIVE US A CALL. FRY k 111ACNIAN, f,nrel.t dirrylly oppo4ne Ilie Bank Columba.. ApIJI C O -P ARTNMILSECIP. undrrsigned baying entered into ;4:4'i...1 . .111p. limier the In Li nt" Shrenler a In rail the allenlion of the public in their fine a—,nehneut I=l Their •turk liven .e;reteil woh great ea re and With dar r.•Kanl Io •q y wttrf:11111 . 11 ho Its , Iriet 'toroth,. If. onrur•a+ they hope to retain the pair/IIi:WC of the nld e•tabli-hment. and will ro d. tts . Or to who will Roar them With it Pall. 101111.11 , sitimrsrEft. EDIv. 51. SHREINER.. Cobunion, July :M. In entermg Imo the above arrangement I would take tint. noporn n nit; of relltronon my,lran la to any former fniend• rand en:tamer. for the anniroeuge heretofore t.o hberally and re-peenfully ...Eaten a £OllllO - on the .ainne for the new ie.' 1 , 1. PHILIP sirrILINEn. 0.- .t.t.Jillv GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Store, and Patent Shoulder Scam Shirt Matturitetory, at the old Fraud, No. 706 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, oppo— site the AWushington A. Winchester will give as heretofore, his personal supervision of the cutting and manufacturing depart ments. Orators for his celebrated style of Shirts and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Persmn: desiring to order Shirts. can be upplied with the formula for measurement, on application by Constantly nn hand a varied and select stock of Gentlemen's Famishing Goods. Mr - Wholesale °rants supplied on liberal terms. Sept. 4, Itl5?•1y EVXTENSIVE CABINET WARE-ROOMS AND { MANUFACTORY, Locust •ireet, Columbia, The nub•crnber would cull the attention of the eit itens of Goluntbia and vicinity, to Inc large and r.e leet accortment of Cabinet-Ware, eumpricing come of the finent Dreccing Bureau', Solos. French 13ed 'grads, Jenny Lund'., &e., ever of•red fur sale in (Inc place. He continues to loan fueture Furniture of every deceription, and in confident that he can give naticluction. COFFINS made and Funerals attended to either in town or country, on the SbOrle,t notice. Columbia, June 41, 185: WINES, LIQUORS, &c. ( • , l'.. 1 ?••• diti lilli ' i ii_ t' THE snbscriber( g ( , / grz ,irint. - rogi - r 1 has opened U.IILi , 11. 1.. "7 ? - 1i : - keeps coinstantly on F!,,,Es, i - y ,-._4 itir hand, a large and com- \ Blr c ' - 0 -" Jr• ,t plete assortment of , I r r , __, WINES. BRANDIES. WHISKIES, and all other Lands of liquors. at his store. in Walnut litre., I II the e ctenmon of the %Vashlngton House. Ile is 111 sell, 111 any quantities not less Wart one gallon. ?except fur sickness upon a physteluu's certificate.) either %N. holesale or Retail. Persons desiring a good and pure article, are invited to call and examine the stock. 11.7• Attention is called to an assortment,of choice im ported preserved Fruits in glass jars. They are pre served whole, and retain entirely their original flavor. The varieties are, green Gages. Gooseberries, Plains Morino Cherries, Red Currants, R aspberries. A supply of Sardines, Table Oil, Bay Water, London Brown Stout, and Scotch Ale always on hani. Columbia, Alay9, 1557-if AIM YOUXINTSITILED? West Branch Insurance Company. TliIS Company was organized in June, lt-55. None but the safest business has been done. and the prosperous financial condition of the Company is evidence of its standing. Whole amount of Property luau red, 81,107 648 00 Lo , -e4 Paid. 51;54 Ott LEWIS TREDENICK, Columbia., Pu., is the ate thori7ed neut.:and is empowered to make surveys and insure property at the regular rates of the Corn• Dee. 5,1957 ALARGE LOT of Children's Carriages, Gigs, Rocking Horses, Wheelbarrows. Prune:- lers, Nursery Swings, dec. GEORGK, J. SAIFFII. April 19, 1c36. Locuststreet. CII A and other Fancy Articles. too numerous to kJ mention, for sale by G. J. SiIiITIL Locust stieet, between the Hank and Franklin House. Columbia, April ILI, 1U56. Ladies Boot & Shoe Manufacturer, I) ESPECTFELLY informs the citizens 01 Culumbui u l the public gemerully that he has relgio‘Cli Irvin Nu. 1 LOCUM. Street, to the Brick Building, opposite the Franklin House Locust street, Columbia, Pa., m here hr hope° to see Iris old friends and customers, and all who de-ire superior work at low prices. He respectfully tenders Iris sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage he has received, and %%cult! :miniature to his patrons that he has constantly on lanai a large oral choice variety of materials, and ,is prepared to make up. in addition to Ills large stork of read)-111Mie .work on hand. Ladies. Misses. and Chil anvils $1101.:sr. ItAITERS. LIOUTS, inn the latest and hest •tyles. 1 sobers. rt continuative of the favor so liberally he-towed try the puldic. JAMES SCHROEDER, April 3. 1 5.5 0 . Columbia, Pa. JAMES PARK, P T_T MP IVX A. 33.. .M MA RI E'1"1:A, PA., FJAS resumed the above business at the old -thud. nearly oppo , riie Coach Fac tor ), wher.e he will be irlevored to meet the public and tut n work as canna: fail to give entire sat t-faeiton. Depeintrer CEINOMBM Just Received and For Sale, 1171101 ,: ES , A.I.: aad Retail, a line. lot of lluvan a Se clt as Calnai:l%, Coafienta. Esapou role, E-aucto, Diana, lllig aera. Primaim, COlllpfolllli se, Ambrosia, All-•oliri, J.:1111y Llllll, Al eA,eage ro, Loadre. A dahlia. At D. IMR Grocery tool Liquor Store, Extencioo of the tVzoglotatton l loo,c, Walton st Coltunbiu. December :!13, 1557. PEOPLE'S MARBLE YARD. Sllor in North queen street,•lialf square .081111 of the Railroad. and 11rd door north or AliGra..., White liars., lintel. Liiiite.ter city. LEWIS II ALLY, Na rile Mason, respeettullyin foonstbe public that he list. now in his yard the for hest and hest it.sortinent of ITALIAN AND A .l I'll. ICA N MARBLE ever olfered tothe citizens°, Lan easier.itialgreatert hail any oilierestublishmeni west of Philadelphia. having made arrancemenis in the bust to receive marble at reduced ',rives. lie aii nottnee• ilint lie will sell much cheaper lima any otheresinblishineni in thiecilyoreouttly can do. Ile is prepared to execute in Ore hest style, MONU MENTS. TOMBS AND GRAVE STONES. MA N lIELS.1)0011 AND WINDOW SILLS,STEPS, &e., Se. of every variety - and price. llisfacilittes for furnishing artiele3 in the Marble line are unsurpassed brany other CSlllbriAllllatlll ill 11 ,1,1 3', while lie a...arcs oil who unity favor ICtn wale thel, patriiiivee %lint his work shall he execut. d in the very hest style and oil the most reasottable lei ms. I.Krrmit CUTTING iii ENGListi and 0 ER 'IAN, done :lithe shortest notice i rtlition the inoeintoder. ate term.. Ile reApectfilll kit tiv nest he pu 61 ict o ca l In nil ox un tile work, bring fully oat 'shed to rest hi • claim io public patronage upon iis Thankfa liar the many favors lie.loweil upon him, hchapeo liv-ti lemitentionto Itu•ine,s tomer, laud re twice a re of the public patronage. Lanes...ter. A aril 25.1855. JF,NKIN'S ecicbratcd Black and Green Vas, Baker'. Cocoa and Chocolate, at Corner of Third and Union ~.treetA. [Nov. 20. At. FANCY TOILET SOAPS. fine.l ...ortmeitt of Fancy Toilet Soup., ever offered to Columbian:, ut BARRY GREEN'S. Fell. 10, Opposite poll, Bridge, Front St. nowtINE wAlcit by the ptrat,....r4 or guilt". kJ Mena'. Extracts lor the hatalkerelliel by the nailer or polltld, or ill any qUallilly In I.oltpurehlibeep at 11,4,141.1' Feb. 19, '59.44 Opposite Cole. Bridge, Frout St.• - - - REMOVAL OF H. F. GREEN'S DRUG STORE. MINI= TIRE subscriber basing mond his Drug and Perfumery Store from the old etund to Mg. liou-e throne fly occupied by JOlllll Mu reuse, one done.! :drove MeTitgue if. Jiro'. Store, tiow offer, iodic pub lic I hi- fiii,..l PERFUMES AND FANCY ARTICLES, and Ire-hest Drug- ever odered. To dealer- he will make it advantageour to buy nt lam in preference to eeadu•g c r gulag to Naiad.:!phis.; "a nimble ax-pence I- lamer Mall a OD,. Je the mono of Feb. 5, 1e59. HARRY GREEN. For Sale—Family Coal, O VC II as Baltimore Company, Pit man, liykenn' Valley, Suithary,Trevorton.and Vine Grove; al.°, Sulphur Coal. All the above Coal in kept under cover, clear from dirt, and in Warranted Good and Glean, or the money wail he refunded. Those wish• me to procure u Good Article at the Lowest Rates, will plea-e apply to . _ B. F. A rrot.n. N 00.1.2 and 0 Canal Mem, Columba., l'n Colton, Lm. I r 23, I Kfifi. WE have the New England Soup for those who did IT not ohloill it from the Soup Man; tt ie pleaim ut to the and ma take grease !pots from Wooled timid., it is therefore no humbug, for you get the worth of your money at the Faintly Medicine Store. Columbia. Jule 11, ItZ9. 'FHB Arrow Root Biscuit are still in de viand. We mewed is fre.h mpply lost evetotig: now i. the lime to get them iat the Family Medicine Store, and im where elm. Columbia, June 11, 1859. OPENING TIELS MOSPIENG. A SI'IANDIIJ assortment of Lace Mantillas, s.: Masai!lax, Dostere and Taltna , ; Traveling Itnetera w great variety; also ibe lest assortment of good* c ever offered, all at exceedingly low prices. 11 1.13EN1 A N'S May Cheap dash Store. TIIE subscriber baring opened his house, corner of Second and Locust %trees, Column it,, Pa., no n hotel, is prepared to accommodate the pub lic, in good rtyle. and upon reasonable term.. Ile has spared no expense in fitting up his roomy, and will give In• table careful attention, hoping to be able no satisfy Ins ensiomers in all respect, hit. DAR is furbished with good liquors, and the favorite Itesiau rust, in the ti-clot-111, will he continued as hereto fore. always supplied with seasonable delicacies. A large and commodious STABLE 11.114 reeently been eremed opposite the house, adjoining the Odd Fellows , Hall, where a careful Hostler will be in attendance. ,n - A share of public patronage is respectfully so- GERHARD ARANOT. Columbia, June 20, WINCHESTER & CO., C. SEIIBER'Z'S C~ia~!y~TitlbTFL9 DANIEL HEIM Just Received, REMOVAL. J. SIIROEDIaIt, Pif-Gardnefs Soap ‘ , /til.S 3-1. 41 DR. HOFFER, DDENTIST.---OFFICE, Frnnt Street 4th door how Locust. over Saylor & McDonald's Book store Colombia, Pa. ID -- 'Entrance, bonuses the Book sod Dr. Herr's Drug Store. {August GI, Ifkld THOMAS WELSH, 1 - lISTICE TIIE PEACE, Columbia, fa. 0.1 OFFICE, in Wbipper's New Building, belays , Black's Hotel, Front street. EU'Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to nos care. November 29, 1857. DR. G. W. MIFFLIN, nENTIST, Locust street, a few doors above the Odd Fel/owk' Hull, Columbia, Pa. Columbia. ➢lay 3. POG. H. M. NORTH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Columbia, l'a. Colleetionba.ronimly made ,i nLaileasterand York jouuties. Columbia. Ain MEM J. W. FISHER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, au. Columbia, :epu•mber G, la3G•4 ' ATT & BUTCHER'S Magic Oil, a new sup ply jug: received and for sold by R. WILLIAMS, Front street. November 6, 155.3. QUAKER COIEV.---1 fresh lot of Shaker AJ Corn, for sale by HENRY z uynAm, Nov.ll. le118• Corner 1 1 4 I I treets. 1 ROF: E. 11. FLAGG'S Inslaniancous Relict For bale by It. WILLIAMS, November 0, IPSI. Front Mree AFRESH supply of Extracts for the MlMl kerchief, such as, Hose Geranium, J8..111111 honey Suckle, Spring Flowers, llediosma, Winter Illos.oms, Tuberose. Frusigipanni, "Kits Inc quickly," and a variety of others too numerous to mention, just received and for sale by Nov. 6. '5B. IL W ILLIAMS, ASUPERIOR assortment of Puff Boxes, uet received and fur eule Ly Nov '5B. R. WILLIAMS. GEORGE J. SMITH, WHOLESALE and Retail Bread and Cake Baker.—Constantly on hand a variety of Cake., iao numerous to mention; Crackers; Soda, Wine, Scroll, aid Sugar Macula; Confectionery. of every description, S.C. LOCUST S rimer, Feb. 2,'56. Between the Bunk and Franklin Rouse._ JUT received, three dozen Dr . Brunon's Vegetable Hinters, a certain, cure for Dyspepsia; also, a treela lot of Sap Sago and Pine Apple Cheese, Farina and Corn Starch, at D. I lERR'S Sept 5, 1857. Grocery and Liquor Store. JUST RECEIVED, a beautiful assortment of eGlass Ink :Stunds, at the Headquarters and News Depot. Columbia, April 18,1857. Preparations for the Hair VRANGIPANNI POMADE, Vegetable Nutritive, _u Mandoline, Hears Oil. II Luvtrule. I..you's Kvaharion, 110,C Ph i I lA•ar's Grea.r, Antique Oil, Harry's Tricoplierou+, Wood's Hain lieviorutive. Oldridge's baba of Columbia, Just re ceived and for vale by Nov. 6, 'As. R. WILLIAMS. JUSTAIIECEIVED, AT the Golden Mortar Drug Store,*aa extra quality of Lyon'. Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy. Also, pure Pearl Siureli, Hi-Carbonate of Soda, Olive. Oil for table we, Core's Sparkling Gelainine. Sleek en: Parma. 0 , ..weg0 Corn Starch, Cream of Tartar. All kind.of Spice.; Gulden, Hemp .11.1 Canary Seeds March '27,1,49 Ch EIVING TOBACCO. AT lIENRY I'FAIILER`S. Locust st rect. opposite the Fronklin House. call he hod CUBA LEAF, CON- GnEss. and several other brand+ of the hest Chewing TObIICI.O, 10 which the attention of chewers is invited. Ala} I. 1,58. Im 1.0 wr I.uluo'-, uL o , Menu', Double F.atruet., lUr the hatinlkeieluef, Lt TARRY rat rso.iie Colo. Bridge, Front Si. I NOTICE. (2.0 TO FENDILICII & BRIFS.for the Best Toloneeo. The Uc4l Sweet Cavell Twist, " Peach Leaf, Can be bought cheaper of Feudnch & tiro% . than eke where. The onrp eolllilll.iled whole...ale a•td retail Talmecontb. in Columbia. FRONT 'STREET ABOVE LOCUST. March 12.1e52. Commonwealth Insurance Co., UNION BUILDINGS, Third sired, Harrisburg, l'n. CHARTERED CAPITAL, $200,000. Inure Build Inge SIMI other Properly Be , . or damage by fire. Al.o. stgainal perils of the Sea, I:s -hoal Neale:mon and Traneporititiun. IA RECTOR S:—Sinion th 4111,011, ( M. Latnnstn, Hock, Eli Shirr, Jame.. Fox. lien. Bergner, Itenninna Parke, Win. 11. Riper r, A.R. Warlord, W. P. 111.1.111 y, F. K. Bou+, Julio Berry hill, Wm. F. Parker. OFFICERS:—SIMON CAMERON, Pre•ldeut, BENJ. PARKE, Vice Pre.ident, S. S. CARRIER, See rein 11. 11. PITY, Agent,Columbiu, Pa. August 21, I old, BAGLEY'S GOLD YENS. AFRESH lot of lot A. C. Bagley's Gold Pens, ~ I L11111,1'1:11: r.I/.1•. :Ind !Meet, JII,I reeeived, at SAYLOR A NU:DONALD'S, I Qoarters 111111 News Depot, Front stret.l, out dour llllllve Loeu,t. Nardi 27. 111100318-- .-1110 Doz. Brooms, at Wholesale 1.1 or Retail. at 11. PFA II LEIVS, Dee. Id. 1H57. Loeust street. - QINE'S Compound of Syrup of Tar, Wild Ai Cherry and lloarbound, for the cure of Cough, Cold., Whooping Cough, Croup. &c. For aale at ftIe.CORKI.Ea. DELLKIT'S Family bledicine Store, Odd Fellows' !101l October 23, hew'. IllankilookS: Blank Booked: TEDG ERS, Journals, Day Books, Cash Books, 4 Receipt nook.. Rank Itoolt.,Tinie Books. Noir nookr. Niontorand non, &r. A complete stock always on hand or made to order, and sold at/ the IOWC.I caih prier.. by the CANA ItGo MANUF. CO.. No. 9.0 EUM King at., Lancueter, Pa. April 9.15:;9. Patent Steam Wash Bolters. .L IIESE well known Boilers are kept co n stantly on !sand II liN ItY PFAIII.ER'S., Locust street, opposite alas Franklin House. Columbia, July IS, It 7. clots fur sale by the bushel or larger quan k_holy by B. F. A 1.1.011. D. Columb is Dec.2s, 1359. Canal Bain. LXTILA and Superfine Flour, Buckwheat Flour. Corn Meal, and whole Corn and Oat.. at Corner cal Thad and Unlon .areeir. Pan. 8,'59_ T'RHIN'S Extract of Copaiba and Surpaparilla, for ...ale at the Golden Mortar Drug Store. March 27.1658. TOBACCO and Segars of the best brands, WIIOIP.IIIC and retail, at J:a . 'u9. BRUNER'S. MACKEREL, Nos. 1,9 and 3; Shad and Ilrr rin g . by rue barrel or at retail' it at aurinn , s. Jun. 8, 759. QALT by the Sack or Bushel, and Potatoes itt large or small quantities, for vale nt the Corner atThird and limoat streets. [Jan. B,'W. Tfli ANC.: IPA N N I Extract., and Soap; an everlasting perfume. at I I A itRY GREEN'S, Feb. 19. '39. Opposite Cola. Bridge. Front St. Just Received, A . LOT of Sap lingo Cheese, Pine Apple lilivii7er " At D. DER.R4 I I Grocery, txtewiion of Wnsliingion Douse,Waluut Cl Columbia, August 1,11..57. - ----- Fine Pa-milk Groceries, ASELECT assortment of the best Family Groceries ever offered to the Columbiana. at that Wine and Liquor 2...t0re. Walnut street, ud]oining the Washington house. DANIEL HERR. irrCongress Water In quart., Bedford Water in pmts, mat received. Columbia, July 18,1957 RUCK and Fancy Cloths and Cassimeres t BI Fancy Silk nod Velvet Vestings. All kinds 01 goods for boys wear. lIAI.DE.MAN'S Cheap Cush Store. I MEW RAISINS, Prunes, Citrons, Currant and Dried Peat,bee. Apples and Cherriea.ait HENRY SUYDAM'S, Corner Front and Union smog. FOR SAXE. EECM A T the Liquor and Grocery Store of the subccriber, • hue lot of Sup :in v. Pine Apple and Switzer Cheece and a fre%h lot of Sorthisca June 5.1c:c1. CISTERN PUMPS. THE Rubteriber has a large stock of CiPlefil PUMA and Rams, to which he calls the attention of the public.. He to prepared to put them up for use to a substantial hod enduring 111111111OCI. H. PFAHLER, Locust street. December 1'2,1957 AICOTHER lot of Saponeficr. or Concentrated Lye, fort received and tar pale by Apr t`-'1,..740. II WILLIAMS D HERR