The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, September 03, 1859, Image 2

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    to die;for their coentry! How often by the
w,'hnter tire, wad upon the high flips, where
.rhe p.uct people tended ,the .fluekt and
; herile in summer, wds tl , t . tale told with
.every little particular , .
The lasted rears. In that
lime. Appenzell redouk grum AL191611 the
inheritenee of I:Ludulf of Werdenberg,
she to bin], and then, having
gained her ;independence, respected by her
friends, and feared by her enemies, she
made peace with the duke.
The Model Dun.
Yen years ago i.was seated in my eiEtte
at No. 12 Wall F trect, I,Nlew York, bwiiiy
Ariviog the quill, when I heard a quiet step
;behind and then a mild voice inquiring if I
livid the transcript of a certain judgement
against one J. 0. O.—the prejectur of the
great Peg-le - le-with-wall Company for set.
ling Indian =edicines.. I looked up and
.acv a man whose twisted foot and palsied
arms were quite familiar to me. but of
whose name ur cal ling I knew nothing.
-Ves," i replied, "litre the transcript."
"Well, . 1 . .v.-ant it," he said; "nil going
In collect it fur the creditor."
"Going to colleet!•' I excli,jined, "aly
the judgement is perfectly -worthless. E
ecutions, and proceedings after judgement,
and all ordinary means of grace, have long
ego been exhausted upon Q. He is hope
lessly insolvent, and is besides, the most
adroit scamp of a swindler I ever encuun
' , What's that to rue?" -broke out the visi
tor, in a gruff, strung voice, qvite different
lova his tirst tunes. ' Perhaps you don't
isnow who I ato. Fin fluidity:, the man
about town. 'Yen a lawYer and net know
mel Sheriffs are good fer nothing; con
stables are Loud for nothing; e.seentiuns
and c"editors' bill, are geed for eothing.—
Give me the tralisCript—here's the order
fur it-I . ll . muke the money out of him."
I swiveled enema my chair and sf•etei
at the ill.:111. - A:4 Wilt pil o t lie se good.
Mr. Burling," I eske I, - as to tell me what
is Your patent plan for suine•se • ding el:leers
and writs, :<lld " . 1% srpteezing bleed out el
turnips, utid cash out of the Fresf lent of
ti Peg ghe-wall-wali Ooopany!"
“Bye• Ido it, you :man. Why I dim
'cm at their hum.e. , , I dun 'cm in the street,
aun 'em at the theatre, I dun 'cm in
church, I catch 'inn early in the morning
and stick to 'em :ill day, follow 'em up
wherever they ge; go to meals and eat uitlt
'cal; give 'em no peace night or day, Sun
day nor week day; stick to 'ten like death
to dead nigger. A nee on ones a debt. Ile
evou't pay it. I follow him up all the week
so he can't du any 1.11) to see
his sweetheart, nor walk in Broadway, nor
.ent, with any appetite, per sleep without
dreaming. I'm atter him with the devil to
help run him down. All this won't de?—
Very well. When he goes to church Sun
day, he finds the in his pew. ( Your Sher-1
itf's can't work Sundays—l do toy best
then.) The congregation rise, and lie rises,
ttkes out his book, opens at the place, and
there he Ends the bill I've stuck there, and
gets so mad he can't say amen,
"Sheriffs and constables," continued he, I
getting loud and fierce, "will a Sheriff go of
a Sunday morning to a parson's house and
tollew him to church and walk up the broad
aisle with him before all the congregation, I
and go up the pulpit stairs close to his heels,
slip into the pulpit after him before he
Lan shut the dour, and take a seat by his
-ide and get up, and when he opens the Bi
ble, open John Junes' bill full length, and i
itrYs it down over the chanter ond verse, I
and teH him: There's that bill of horse hire; ;
nay it before you preach! hut, that's what 1
slid--and I got my money too."
".I.nd what eumimssion did you charge?"
"Fifty per cent."
-"Bather strong," I suggested, "but still
your mode of procedure WAS strong. Do
you often get as much as fifty per vent?"
“When I earn it, I got it. Dr. C., of
Broadway, sent me to dun a fellow whu
lived back in a yard, and kept two bull dogs
that he let loose when anybody came to col-
lea honest debti. I went to him with a
horse pistul in each hand and Dr. C.'s bill
in ray teeth, and made him pay up. What
aid Dr. C. offer me far getting his sixty dul
lars?—he offered me one dollar.
'•'l won't take it,' says 1.
-" pay nu more; says he.
"'Pay me thirty iluilarq,' says I.
" me out of my ullicc, or I'll Lick you
out,' says he.
"Tay mo thirty dollars,' says I.
'clear out,' say he, and he kicked me
cut of his door and down the stairs into
atroadway. I goo; across into the ho
tel am; hires a great arm-chair out of the, and takes it across the street, and
plants it on the curb-stone right opposite
Dr. C.'s (Ace door, and 1 lays the bit 1 had
made out on a full sheet of foalscap across
my knees, pant inn' down so overyliody tliat
:sent by could read in large, black, sanded
Docroe. C
T' .T., Dr,
For collecting, of Richard ii ,e
And till the crowd kept stopping to read,
that fly:v.:: was all the while tw•o or three
10111.11'eti people id:opting on the Doctors
posement and loading; Gr•t boy bill and then sign, and making their I had
hire 1 the chair the n•hol•e afternoon, but he
nada% stood this 'nitre than fifteen mitiuto.
hefore ;le entn ,, A to the door, avil ocolq.c
here, you rascal, and I went in and took loty
thirty dollars of this :honey, and left the hill
"lint my friend, dent your impudent way,
41 en get you into ecrape-, :ire you not &if
raid some one will SJIIIc day break your
bead ?"
— Weak who's head?" lie thundered;"didn't
Co:. of Orleans, a man that's killed
i-even men in duels, I:.i ite I dunned Lim at
the Astor liettim—didn't be grab me by the
-I,ek of my breech., and hohl me out the
fifth story and shake me there a
bove the pavement, and say shall I let you
fall, and break your neck on the stunee,, or
Lake you in aril kick you down emir. ?"
Well," said I, anal fully ... What did you
do then 7"
••What did I du ? I said pay lh it monr,y!
pad didn't hepullme in and pay every coot:"
The intensity of his manlier, a+ he thus
related li;st cannot be rendered on
piper—especially when lie eselaimcd with
i•licsed teeth and the fingers of his round hand
elenehed—"pay nic in”w2y.'"
He took the transcript and limped out.
In another day the haple+s dabtor, and over
piste's for all the regular thumts , erews of
tine law, came in to !we., pitimpil y if I WO nl,l
call of the Wood-ion:ail, I told Lin 3 it was
the creditor's alrdr, mit Mine. I::ev.t 'lay I
met !lulling at the corner of Chestnut street,
looking mild and happy. and asked him how
tie succeeded. " I h avco ' t got it yet," wag
the reply. " Ile Intim': found me out, but
los has
„just paid me live dollari to let him
dine at the hood d si7n there, without my
company. We' VP t sk i n all our ate, alt [O
- for the past tr:a a a yq, ain i b e b egan
up find his appetite fail."
Whether the five dollar+ was credited nn
the jud r Ternent, or pocketed as a pcxsonsil
perquisate, .1 never knew.
Se The poorest coward may avoid
g ab
in his taboos by vraaring booti or going
Amt may sound like It paradox. yet Cie
brsaicl43g of both of an army's wings
to in tke it fly
pre'ty •••Irc w
tblle €nhtinbia kpis.
RA 31110,0 DD FEL I I.O : SI - "S' .11 ALL, TO.ELtY'S
WATER RENTS. --17e eaiLi attention to the
ads‘rtisement of tie.Culunthin %Voter :Com
paz:y in to-day's paper, notifying eons-amers
of water of the time of payment of dues.
4. discount of fire per cent. is offered as an
inducement to prompt payment.
Tl:3lrimAscE A DDREsS.—G eneral
one of the 1 ice Presidenis of the N. Y.
State Temperance Society, will deliver an
address on Temperance, in the Methodist
Episcopal Church in this place, on Monday
evening next, at 8 o'clock. Gen. Riley
bears the reputation of an eloquent speaker
and is a man thoroughly and sincerely in
ell - neat in the cause of Temperance. His
address will doubtless have many hearers.
Ile will speak in Wrightsville on Monday
afternoon, previous to his address in Col
ander Rowan, who so fortunately discovered
and aided in estinrnishing the tire on the
towing path of the Columbia Bridge, lust
week, publishes a card, thanking the 'Com
pany fur :t donation of IWO ands perpetual
free pass, for himself and family, over the
bridge, bestowed by vote of the Directors
of the Columbia Batik, in recognition of his
services on the above occasion.
tNt..E4 oN 1111: PENN.(. RAIIILOAD.-0:1
the lst inst., several changes took place
among the officers of the road at this place.
Mr. N a tha n C. (love, who has so ably and
satisractorily tilled the responsible office of
Dispatcher• since the I'. R. It. has ha•l pos
session of the old State Road, resigned his
situation, to give personal supervision to his
own private business. Mr. Clove has been
a popular officer both with the public and
N; hit the Company, and leaves his employ
with general respect and esteem, and the re
gret or his fellow employees.
Mr. William Lockard, heretofore Assist
ant Dispatcher, is promoted to the vacated
office of Mr. Cove. Mr. Lowkard is an old
Columbian and an old "railroader." Ills
experience in various capacities on the road, I
under State and Company, insures most sat
isfactory performance of his new duties.—
He has always stood high with the officers
of the road and his promotion is well earned
and just. We congratulate hint on his good
We welcome to the office of Assistant Dis
patcher another old "railroader" and former
resident of Columbia, Mr. Beverly It. Mayer.
Mr. Mayer's capacity for the business he
has undertaken is undoubted. Ire has had
sufficient experience on railroads to fit him
for any employ connected with their man
agement and working. Ile will be a popu
lar officer. •
TURA!, AND 31Ecritmcm. SOCIETY.-Thu Lan
caster County Agricultural and Mechanical !
Society advertises its third annual exhibi-
Gun to take place at the Society's ground's
in the city of Lancaster, on Tuesday, Wed
nesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
the 4th, sth, Gth, 7th and 801 days of Oc
tuber next. We published last week the
list of premiums, which shows the large
sum devoted by the Society towards en
couraging competition. The officers 'and
members of the Company have determined
to make this a permanent institution, and!
no care or expense is spared by them, to
that end. The exhibitions heretofore have
been liberally encouraged by our farmers
end the public generally. There is every
reason to hope that not only will this en
couragetnent be continued this season, but'
that the coming fair will be the best and
most remunerative, to the Soc:cty, yet held.
We hope to sec the Society prosper as it de
selves. Oar county meet eventually take
it. proper rank among the fair-holding
counties of the State and Country, and our
Society should receive the support to which
its public spirit and perseverence in the
lace of dicluraging obstacles entitles it.
A Siv,:iNC: FEsTi VAT..--Thc Eintraeht
Singing Society, of Harrisburg, is making r l
extensive preparations for the grand Festi
val which is to take place on Monday, the
13th, and Tuesday, the 13th of September.
Several celebrated Singing Societies from
the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore
will be present on the occasion. The Festi
val will commence with n grand concert on
Monday evening, on which occasion a num
ber of distinguished musicians from abroad,
and at home, will appear. On Tuesday,
there will be a grand plc-nic, for which oc
casion the Fair grounds have been secured
and will be fitted up in excellent style.
Cirri's.—By advertisement it will be seen
that Sands. N.tthans .1: Co's Circus will ex
hibit here un 31 mday, Sept. 12th, afternoon
and evening. They are strong in biped and
quadruped performers, rejoicing in trained
elephants of surpri,ing docility, sagacity
and agility. The ears of the community
will be tieliled, moreover, hy strains from
the melodious Calliope, a species of steam
hand organ and hrass Land combined.—
The company of performers includes some
oC the molt celebrated in the country.
Fine.—At about a quarter befurz ten
o'clock on Friday morning a fire broke out
in the dwelling of Mr. Benjamin Barr, in
Locust street below Fourth, a fr.tmc build•
big, and communicated to the adjoining
house, on the cast, of Mr. Daniel Ifoisley,
also a frame, and thence extended in the
same dire,aiun to a brick dwelling belong
ing to Mr. Frederick S. Bletz occupied
by Mr. G. M. Claw,;e3. All these buildings
were C3l:lSumod, the front wall only of Mr
Bletz's house remaining. The three-story
brick house luljoining Mr. Barr's dwelling
on the west, was several times o.i fire, at the
cornice in fr,..nt, but an occasional stream
from one of the engines extinguished it.—
The roof was kept well wetted, and the wind
blowing 5tr0n,71 . .. from the raeaped
a,.ma g e. Several of the dwellings on the
south side of Lqcnst street were repeatedly
on fire, but by waVhful,zatention they were
preserved. The - Columbia and Vigilant En
gines were in seriice and playing on the
burning buildings, but their efforts were
crippled by the want of "head" to the we
ter. _ The lacality_Of the fire was so'riear the
reservoir, that Alm
_plugs failed to supply
water asretpidly.tus jtyras used by the en
gines, consequently it was impossible, al
though the reservoir wasfull, to keep a con
stant stream of water cm the fire. The Sus
quehanna, a Suction Engine, was finally
stationed at the reservoir and supplied the
Columbia. The firemen worked faithfully,
and, in spite of the disadvantages under
which they labored, were instrumental in
preventing a vast destruction of property.
[Lid the fire obtained foothold on the south
side of Locust street, there is -no foreseeing
the limit of the conflagration. The frame
buildings to the south and eastward would
all hale been destroyed.
William Gabriel was knocked down by a
brick from a falling chimney, and his head
severely though not seriously wounded.—
Ws hurts were cared for and we believe he
is nut much the worse fur the accident.
There was insurance on Mr. Bletz's and
Mr. Lleisley's buildings, and we believe on
Mr. Barr's; how much we did not learn—
' probably not sufficient to cover damages.
During the fire an unpleasant misunder
standing occurred between the firemen acd
a member of the Water Company, which
led to a report that the free use of the water
had been refused, and the deficiency in the
supply of water was owing to fault or ne
glect on the part of the Company. We
have been assured by the parties concerned
that instead of a disposition to limit the use
or water on the above occasion, there was a
desire on their part to afford every facility
for obtaining a full and sufficient supply,
which statement can, and will if necessary,
be substantiated by statements front most I
reliable and disintereste 1 parties, in relation
to the measures taken to put the reservoirs
in the best condition fur obtaining water at
the time of the Fro. Much bitter feeling
was excited; not more than the alleged
facts, bad they been facts, would have war-1
ranted; but, as we have said, these state- I
ments have been positively denied, and the
denial supported by evidence of not only
willingness, but desire, OTI the part of the
Company, to use every means in its power
to furnish a sufficient supply of water. The
reservoirs were full, but, as we have stated
above, there was not sulli.ient fall to keep
the engines supplied.
New Books, Periodicals, &c
Citmass DicKE3s 7 WORKS.—Tne well
known firm of T. B. Peterson S. Brothers,
300 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, have just
commenced publishing a remarkably cheap
edition of those unapproachable works of
fiction. It is called "Petersons' Cheap Edi
tion for the Million, of the entire writings
of Charles Dickens, Boz," and will be is
sued complete in Twenty-eight weekly vol
umes. One volume will be published regu
larly on each and every Saturday, until the
whole number of volumes—twenty-eight—
is completed. The low price fired by the
publishers for them is only 25 cents a vol
ume, or the whole twenty-eight volumes for
five dollars. A complete set will be for
warded Free of Postage, by Mail, to any
part of the United States, to any one,' by
the publklicrs, on receiving a remittance
of five dollars fur the twenty-eight volumes;
or a remittance of three dollars will pay fur
the first fourteen volumes: or a remittance
of one dollar will pay for the first four vol
umes. The volumes will be neatly printed,
and each volume will contain IGO large cc
taro pages, printed on tine white paper, and
I neatly bound with paper cover. The revised
uniform Edinburgh edition, from which
this is reprinted. comprises twenty-eight
volumes, the cost of which is Seventy-five
dollars; and this edition will contain every
word of the Edinburgh edition. We com
mend the determination of this enterprising
Philadelphia firm, to furnish the complete
1-and entire works of Charles Dickens at a
' I price so reasonable, that all persons what
over may possess a full set, and direct the
e•-pecial attention of our readers to the fact,
and would advi e them all to make a remit
tance or five dollars at once, per first mail,
to the publishers, for the entire set, who
will send them complete to any one, free of
poeit yr, on receipt of that sum.
KNITTING WORK, B. I'. Shillaber's new
book, has Leen forwarded us by the pub
lishers, Messrs Brown, Taggard & Chase,
Boston. It is a collection of the sayings
of that venerable dame, Mrs. Ruth Parting
ton, with other sketches, poems &c., of Mr.
ShiDaher. The old lady's unique wit, wis
dom and humor form the chief attraction
of the volume, although the snore serious
portion will repay perusal. Mrs. P. has
come to be a character in the land, and has
her regular corner in all the newspapers.
Ilcr .quibs are copied more ,gerierally than
any other humorous productions of the day,
and will ha,e none of their popularity by
collection and publication in bout form.
boon roccived from Loonard Scott & Co.—
We note the interesting contents: Life of
Erasmus; Life Assurance; Popular Music
of the Olden Times; The Progress of Ge
ology; The Islands of the Pacific; Bergen's
Life of Tytler; Berkshire; Invasion of Eog-
The British Reviews, republished by
Messrs. Scott & Co., of which the London
Quarterly is ono, are, at this juncture in
the affairs of Europe, of unusual interest
to American readers, discussing as they do
all the groat questions that now so seriously
c 'avulse the old world, with a clearness
and ability nowhere else to be fund.
Price of the four Reviews, $3 a year;
"Blackwood" and the four Review:, iklO.
PErtasoN's Drrncrort for September has
been received. Of this work Cocicy's
(1.7'3 Book says:
4 Peterson's' Counterfeit Deteotor is err
recto] by the celebrated bankers, Drexel
& Co., and it is certainly the most reliable
Detector published in the Unite. Every
thin: is fair about it; that may be known
be the standing Lf the publishers and
! editors. The latest information is given of
011 counterfeit notes, broken bunks, the
rate's of disco,unt, &c. EVary person in
trade should subscribe to it and have a
copy. The price is, monthly; only one dol
lar a year; semi-monthly, two_dollars. Ad
' dress all orders to the publishers, T. * l3.
Peterson'& brothers, Philadelphia, and our
word for it, you will never regret it.
tember is a fair specimen of this most use
ful of agricultural monthlies. It gives the
fullest and most reliable information upon
its special subject, besides matter of gen
eral interest to the reader, It is cheap and
g,ud; it costs'but one dollar a year, and is
published by Orange Judd, A. M., New
For the Columbia Spy
Mn. Entron.—lu a late issue of your pa
per, among other editorials, you dwelt upon
the extension of the market-house in our
Borough now in operation. Would it not be
well, and add to the reputation of our Bo
rough, if a second story were erected over
said market-house, as a place of temporary
confinement fur malefactors and vagrants?
The costs of the additional structure would
be but a trifle, as the same roof will answer
fur both purposes. The present dungeon,
under the Town Hall, is not a proper place
for any human being to be immured, unless
accused of the highest crimes on the crim
inal calender. It admits of no breath of
air to visit the prisoner's face, except that
which enters through a few punctures, in
window and door, about I of an inch i n
diamter, and in the sweltering weather of
July and August is enough to induce Ver
tigo and death. The effect of incarceration
in such a prison as this, on the mind of nn
iimoceut person, or one charged with a
slight misdemeanor, is frightfully deleteri
ous. A girl was placed in this cellar, nbuut
a year ago, who set fare to the straw and
would have burned up together with the
building. had not the fact have been dis
elo.ed in good time by the smoke issuing
therefrom. A magistrate some few years
;ago, we have been informed, in the exercise
of his plenary power, committed a feeble
and harmless old man to this dungeon for
intoxication, who released himself from his
prison house—his lifeless remains having
been found next morning dangling against
the iron door, suspended by his handker
chief, attaehed to his cane, which latter was
inserted in 000 of the punctures.
It being impossible to remove the pris
oners to Lancaster immediately on their ar
rest, males and females are thrown together
in this cellar—which is about twelve feet
square—without any division between them
except that which may arise from diversity
of thought and feeling. The present lock
up answers very well fur the worst class of
criminals, from the security it affords ns
safe plaice of lodgement, and should be re
tained fur this purpose; but it is necessary,
for the credit of the Borough, that there
should ho another and better place of con
finement for the accommodation of the
crowds of applicants.
mouth Register says that the far-fantod sea
serpent has lately visited that port, and
was chased up a narrow creek and caught.
Ile turned out to Le a horse mackerel,
measuring ever eight feet in length, and
weighing 31G pounds. The Register says:
"It is the opin:on of experienced fisher
men that this is the fish which has given
rise to the belief in a sea serpent. When it
is running at its ordinary speed in search
of prey, it moves along just under the sur
face of the water, producing a wave which
rises up in a series of corrugations for about
one hundred feet in a straight line, before it
falls off into the ordinary spreading wake
produced by a body moving through the
water. This appearance in moderate
weather so closely resembles that of a huge
serpent moving over the surface of the
water that it is difficult, even for those ac
customed to the appearance, to realize that
it is nothing but a wave, and it is not
strange that, when t•een fur the first time,
it should strike the beholder with terror."
SAMAPARILLA.—This tropical root has
reputation wide as the world, for curing one
class of the disorders that afflict mankind—
a. reputation too which it doer es as the
best antidote we possess fur scrofulous com
plaints. But to be brought into use, its
virtues must be concentrated and combined
with other medicines that increase its power.
Some reliable compound of this character is
much needed in the commnnity.—Read the
advertisement of Da. AYER'S Sarsaparilla in
our columns, and we know it needs no enco
mium from us to give our citizens confidence
in what he offers.—Organ, Sgraeuee,
Dar The greatest thoughts seem degraded
in their passage through little minds.—
Even the wads of heaven make but mean
music when whistling through a key-hole.
In all dnea•ts inflammation more or Ic+• predo.l.l
- ek•—ttow to a ?Id y inflammation Ftrtkcs at the root
of ths. elt4e.—tvenee un immediate cure.
Dailey Magical Pain Extractor,
and nnilling else, wail allay inflammation at once
and make a rental!, mire.
Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor
will cure the following among a great catalogue of
th.c.i,e.: Mono, Scalds, Cu:s, Chafes, Sore Nippier,
prnjnen, SIItIIIIIII, Mier, I . olpoll, Cllll
- Rile+, Scrofula, Ulcer•, Fever Sore., Felon,'
gar Arlie. Piles, Sore h:yes, Gout, Swelling•. Idle°,
man , m, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Baklaces. Erysipe
las, Etiuguorm, Barber's Itch, Small I'ox, hiea,les
tc kr.
To mile it may appear incredulous that =n many
diseases should be reached by one article; ouch nn
i.lca will vain-la when reflection points to Ille fuel,
that the salve combusraon of ingredients, curb
and every one lipplying a perfect antidote to lie Oploo
- di-order.
Dailey's Magical Pain Extractor
elk it= rjt•rt• Itecauae the tune is no =hart
between th=eal=e and a permanent cure; and it If MI
extractor, as it draws all dkevem out of the turreted
part, leaving nature us perfect as before the holtry.-
11 k= to a sy that 110 bonne. Worl
-hap• or manulactory thouli he one snotneut with
out It.
Pnin Erirneior is genuine unless the 'box lin
upon It a •teel platy eAgravang, with the name
Henry Dailey, M 413.1 flICIIII"Cr•
For sale by all The Druggion and patent medicine
dealer thf011r,;10111 Ibe Unnetl States and Cwt.:Ada,
Principal: Dego:n.lo Chandlers 14., Neve-York.
Sold by Dr0z7,..1, COTUMLia
It itt.
ip — A.great many learned treatises have been writ
ten, explai,ning the origin of, and classfying the worms
generited In the hum.= system. Scarcely any topic
of medical science has elicited more acute observatign
and profound research; and yet physicians are very
much divided in opinion on the subject. It must be ad
mitted, however, that, after all, a mode of expelling
them and purifythq the body ,from thew pretence is of
more value thun'the wisest disquisitions as to their
Such an exPoelling agent has at last been found. Dr.
111 , LanesiVennifuge proves to be the much sought after
specific—its efficacy being untaarmlly acknowledged
by the entice medical faculty. As further proof, read
the following from a lady—one of our own eiIIZCIIS:
Nevl York, October 15041832.
This is to certify that I was troubled with worms for
more than a year. I was advitted to use APLatte's
Celebrated Vermifuge, prepared by Fieranig Bros. of
Pittsburgh. I took one bottle, which brought away
about fifty worms; I commenced improving at once,
and urn new perfectly well. The public can learn my
name, and further particulars. by applying to Mrs. Har
die, N 0.3, Manhattan place, or E. L. Theull, Druggist,
comer of Binger and Monroe streets.
117.par e lvisers will be careful to a•k for Dr.
factured by FLEMING BROS., of Pittsburg, Pa. All
other Vermifuges in comparison are 'worthless. Dr.
AFLutic's genuine Versnifuge, also, his celebrated
Liver Pills, can now he had at all respectable drug
store-. None genuine without the signature of
Dr. Seth S. Hance:-1 was in Baltimore in
Baltimore, 1854, and from a paper 1 received
of yours was induced to buy a box of your
pills, recommended as a sovereign cure for the
Epileptic Fits. At that time one of my ser
vants had been afflicted with fits about twelve
years. When reaching home, 1 commenced
with the pills according to directions. I do
not think she has bad one since. My wife,
though, is somewhat induced to believe she
may have had one only. Enclosed you will
find five dollars, fur which you will please
forward me two boxes. I suppose you can
forward them by mail. Your compliance will
oblige me. Yours respectfully,_
Dr. Manse's Epileptic Pills are also a sover
eign remedy for every modification of nervous
diseases. The net vous sufferer, whether tor
mented by the acute, physical agony of neu
ralgia, ticdoloreux, or ordinary headache,
afflicted with vague terrors, weakened by
periodical fits, threatened with paralysis, borne
down and dispirited by that terrible 'lassitude
which proceeds from a lack of nervous energy,
or experiencing any other pain of disability
arising from the unnatural condition of the
wonderful machinery which connects every
member with the source of sensation, motion
and thought—derives immediate benefit from
the use of the pills, which at once calms, in
vigorates, and regulates the shattered nervous
Sent to any part of the country by mail,
free of postage. Address Seth S. Hance, 108
Baltimore street, Baltimore, Aid. Price, one
box, $3, two, Vit twelve, $2l.
Thu Original and Best in the World:
All others are mere hastations.and should be avoid.
ed, if you wish to escape sire tie
Gray, Dud, or Dusty hair Dyed nistainly to a beau
-6101 and natural Drown or flack, without the least
injury to Ilair or Shin.
Win. A. Balt:lit:00m 11.iir Dye produces a color not
to be dwinguished (roar FlUlltrC, and is warranted not
to injure in the least, lio,vicvcr long it may he coati...
ued, anti the 111 effect= °child dyes rentediedi the Hair
invigoi riled for Life by this Splendid Dye.
Nude, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms.) at the
Wig Factory, 013 Broadway, New• York.
Sold in nll rules and tort, of the United Stales
by &ruggisis and Fancy Goods Dealer:.
fly - The genuine has the moor und add re's upon u
steel plate engraving on four sides of rash box. 01
Nov. 13, 211 Ilrondway, Nvsv•York.
Sold hl Druggists s ut Coin Raw, It. ILIUM
A Retil:
Ihtltone. Jour. 7, 1559.
ferule: I nit retitle-led Icy Mr. T. A. C Cochrane,
of tin. place, to t-ity to ou that on the unornourct or the
411 a to•tant, shout o c'uck, Itr. .'eau took fire. and
line entire stock ..;00•5% wa. , deer )) ed. ' Flue hem
became .o .odderul) in' - 11-t• that none of the good*
could po—ibiy Ire surveil; but fortunately Ilk books
and paper., winch were tit one 01 your Champion
Sur fee. were all preserved perfectly. And well they
miry he called Climurraorr. for during the a hole eon
fklgelllloll there Win.. elle IlleeS•1111l 110111'111g of II tine
do curtly upon the Safe which contained 1111411. And
.tlll, upon opening' it. the trr-ids wa, found to Ire
"earcely warm, vs bile the our-rde was most severely
scorched. Your. truly,
Herring'. P111 , •111 Clinmpion and lire nod llorglor-
Proof Nate.., 'Alit; Pnwot Powder Tina hneiss
.fr o ,d the g1e111,...1 se,iltely of oily Stile 111 the world
Ako, Sidehord nod Parlor Nnle., of elegant work•
noun-hip for roil::. Z l / 4 e
Farrel, Ilerring A:. , hove removed from :11 Wlll
- to (heir new .1111,. No 619 Che , ttiot .tteet,
J.triie'o 11:01) wheie the Intge-t to,pot Ito elit of Sines
o the world uu,t he ((mild.
FAR It El, 11E11MM; & CO.,
629,l9 .ireul,(J;i3 lies I1:11:,;
March 19, 1959.
The great standard medicines of the present
age, hare acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in all eases; and the
people hare pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre
paration extant. It Will cure, WITHOUT ran.,
the most severe and long-standing
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the moat astonishing cures
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses will also at once clack and
cure the most severe Diarrhaea proceeding
These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M.
JACKSON & Co., No. 418 Arch Strut, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. Je.cicsox
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
i.• In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called EVERYBODY'S ALXANAC,
you will find testimony and commendatory
notices from all parts of the country. - These
'Almanacs arc given away by all our agents.
For sale Ily nil druggists an the Country.
April,9, 1.504 y.
On slntlay, the '_`9th only child of Alfred
and Mary Ann CoUuts, ugcd 11 months.
Go to thy rent, my child,
Co to thy dreamless bed,
Ciettlir and undefiled,
W uL ble4sulits on thy head.
fresh MOB in thy hand.
Bads on thy pillow laid;
Monte fiom this fearful land,
Where flowers no quickly fade.
llerau, thy .mule wan him,
Thy lip mod P)P PO Might,
I:e.-1113.e. thy rrwdte-rare
r.... 11 a fond
(Nov. 11,
- - -PD.- - -e`J-. 7- = . O.
Batchelor's Wigs and Toupees s rpai.s all. They
are elegant, light, easy and durahle.
Fitt' lig to n charm—no turning up lueltind—no ell rink
ing °lithe head; indeed. thiais the only establishment
where these thing are properly understood and made
Nov. 13,'59. 233 Broadway, New York.
A Policy of Insurance for 51000, N 0.290, dated May
14tb, 1847, is the Delaware Mutual Icsumuce Co.,
Philadelphia, being lout, I have applied to said Com
pany fora new one. Said policy was in the name of
S. B. Boude, transferred to Jacob Collins and by him
to J. W. Shuman.
Sept.:l4h Administrator ofJ. W.S !infant'.
ON Saturday, September 17th. 1859, will be sold at
public sale, at the public house of Cornelius
'pylon, on Front *tree:, in the Borough of Columbia,
the followingpersomil property of the entire of Ann
Given, dee'd. viz: 5 Share, of Columbia Bank Stork.
e Shares of Stock of Columbia Gas Company, 39
Shares of Stock of Odd Fellow* , Hull Association,
one Bureau,one pair of Card Tables, eight Cane
seat Chairs, Looking Glare. Bedding, House Linen,
Silver-ware, and other articles lint enumerated.
Hole to commence at :2 o'clock P. 111.,' of said day,
when mune will be n.ade known by
TlioNl As LLOYD.
Atlt ii i .. iltruiart,
Sept. 3,1950-21
THE Commissioners of the Reading and Columbia
Railroad will attend at the politic hoagie oleo! U.
Ilerr, in Columbia, on Monday, the Coth of Sepiember,
A. H. Reist, Alrnaheim, Tuesday, 6th; Soml Lichten
thalcr, Linz. on Wednesday, 7th; Ephrata Mountain
Springs, on Thursday, 6:11; Eon:. It. Shirk, Adams
town, on Friday, Olin; and D. 800 abon's Mansion
House. Reading, on Saturday, 10th. for the purpose of
receiving subscriptions to the stock of •aid rood. Alt
such as have already subscribed, or will subscribe oat
the above mentioned days, will be required to pay au
instalment of FIVe Dollars on each share.
President of Company.
Ephrata, Aug. 29, 'l3O. (Sept. 3, '20.)
The Lancaster County Agricultural and
Mechanical Society's Exhibition.
TTIID ANNUAL FAIR of the Lanea.ter
M L.
County Agricultural and Mechanical Society will
he held at them Grounds, in the City of Lancaster, on
Tuesday, AVednestlity, Thursday. Friday und Satur
day, the 4th. sth, Gilt. Mt and Bth days of October
next. The Entry Books will he opened on Sattunay,
the 1411, day of September, at the office 01 the Secre
tary. No 36 North Duke street, and will remain there
until Saturday, the first of October, when ney will be
at the Secretary's Office on the Fair Croudds. En
tries can be made with the Secretary by per anal op
plicalioit or by correspondence. The Entry Hooks
wall he closed on Tuesday, October 4th, at 9 o'clock
A M.
11113 Premium List, Class No. 13, where the
words "Bronze Medal" first occurs, read LBilser
D. G. EsueLMAN. Secretary.
September 3. 1959.
fillE NEW ASSESSMENT of the Columbia
I Water Compony will be dale and payable on
A Ih•eount of Fore per emit. will be allowed on all
Wirier ROM paid within Fifteen Days from tint Man.
M, elec'y and Treas. 10
Sept. 3,1859.
AN Election for President and Six Monomers or the
Columbia and IVashinirton Turnpike Road Com
pany, will be held at the Franklin 800... iii the
rough of:Columbia. on SATURDAY, SEPT. 17, 1859
between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock P. Al.
GEORG IbSfIE BOGLE, Secretary.
Co September 3, .3t
1859. FOR FALL TRADE. 1859.
Camargo Manufacturing Co.,
Wall Paper, Window Shade and Oil
Cloth Warehouse.
Full styles of Witll Potter, only 5 cents.
Fall styles of Wall Paper only G cent,
Full sty lea of Wall roper only 8 cents.
Fall styles of Wall Paper only 10 cents.
Fall styles of Wall Paper only 1121 cents.
Fall styles of Wall Paper only 15 cents.
Full styles of Satin Paper only 200ents.
Fall styles of Satin Paper only 25 cents.
Fall styles of Satin l'aper only 31.} cents.
Fall styles or Gold Paper only 50 cent,
Bull styles of Gold Paper only 65 cents.
Fall styles of Gold Paper only 75 cents.
Full styles of Gold Paper only 51,681.
Fall sty les 01 Velvet Paper only /MOO.
Fall styles of Velvet Paper orly SI 25.
Fall styles of Velvet Paper only $1,50.
Fall y lea of Velvet Paper only $1.75.
Full styles of Velvet Paper only 52,00
Decorations, &c.
Fine Pointed Window Shades 571 cents.
Fine Painted Window Shades 50 cents.
ruse Painted NVindow Shades 021 cents.
Fine Painted Window Shades 75 ceitt=.
Fine Gold Bordered WIIIJOW Shndrs 7s Cents.
Fine Gold Bordered Window Sit:pls.:B7k cents.
Fine Gold Bordered Window Shades $l,OO.
Vine Gold Bordered Window Shades 8145.
VIM. Gold Bordered Win4ow Shades 81 : 50.
Fixtnres, &e
New and beaming] Patterns Floor Oil Cloths el ,
New nod lie.intiful Patterns Floor Oil Cloth., 41 cos.
New and be:toilful Patterns Floor Oil Cloths 50 els
New and beautiful l'ulteras Floor Oil Cloths 6.21,
New /11141 beautiful Patients Floor Oil Cloths 65 rte.
Floor Oil Cloths from cute to boar yards with" . '
Oil Cloth' all widths mid quntit ie.; Green Oil Clotho.
for Window Shades. Please call and examine our
lock before parch:l4in, as we are deterinilied to set!
at very lowest rates.
Sept. 1. 1559.
0.... .ICX3FIL4CICr.
• ,---,
''' Comprising the most talented Per.
_„- formers the most mligniGeent Stud
44... fp. ; I ,_" , of Horses,.ol7ll the mot wonderfill i
_ . ~ per Grimm., Elephants in the wort
S.:AI -----'. —forming the moat splendid rota
hisiation of attraction ever offered
by my traveling company in Amer
. ice
Prominent among the unpreee
tmi dented attractions of this unique cr
-;4441, Itihili on,Elephun nie thtse truly wol.dcrful
- 'r trained
-- -_- I ,•,'Z l .s.',T.c h :ls„e d ;:•irsmxtst, i nerac;i l ec b rbay -
Riclilirtl Sands, E:q , mid imported
p r j 1 c .. .: res : sly for this exhibition, by
unds Nathans & Co.
Resides there remarkable ani
mals, two other
ore attached to the exhibition, and
a stud of
i'lia. . Among the celebrated Equestrian
"li_ _ Performers. Gyttinusts, and Athletes.
will he found
. Elam Stone.
i., Alme. Virginia,
e....„. , J. J. Nialtaaa.
Alum. Charley,
J...c Sniodg,
George Sands.
1 '„
I . :hurley Sherword
Denror limiters,
Pluto Natlinns, I P,/,: - :7.7. -- 11. i. 7-: • Mlle. lila,
. ;.'i t i ll /. t': '-'''. ---a. Jon Hazlet,
fkii --: -- -- - A-, --
VV. Ashton.
Tony Pastor, the Clown,
800 llunitugton,
___ s _
Ram Lathrop, Gentleman Clown,
and a numerous troupe of Vaulters,
Tumblers, Acrobats, Gymnasts.
~ .) .t. ,
.. 7 . , Flrra.pujkilidhr.laincs,. Jugglers, Come :bug
-........',,,' : In additionito
• 44i nr c ni ti on ' i7i . eil IT). the renowned
—• - 4 ' - - 2 - - ° STEAM CALLIOPE,
- -
the most 'wonderful mid magnifi
cent musical instrument ever con
structed. This gorgeous melodic
.. -
--- ;-4.-if '%. monster will precede the Cavalcade
oil its entrance into town. drawn
,-.....;,..:„...% by. a Team of Elephants, 1111{1 per
-1, • form a series of the most popular
operatic airs• and will also play du
ring every exhi'm ton, when sill will
have an oornmunity of examining
its 'wonderful mechanism.
Otto Horsie's New York Cornet
hand. composed of picked solo per
formers, will perform ell the newest
and most fashionable selection. of
maw during . the exhibition. when
the Calliope in not used.
asti....•• • Will perform in Coluralda, MON
*--:- DAY. :.EPT. 12.
A dmiseton, 2 Cents.
Doors open at 2 and o'clock, P. M. Performances
commence Mei an hour raterwarrl,
At I.nnennter.Too-sdny Orpt 13
Columbia, rtcrd .f, 1E59 2t
IXTBEREAB Letters of Administration to the estate
YTV of Ann Given, laic of the Borough of Columbia,
in tile County of Lancaster, deceased, have been
granted-to the subsertberg,restding in the Borough or
Columbia.' aforeiaid, all persons indebted to the
sold estate, are requested ,to make imtnediate pay
ment, and those huving claims or demands aguito.t
the estitte.of the said decedent, will make known the
same without delay.
Now is the time to Subscribe.
TV4novir ""Jrcorls_ I:7[Tocar-13r,
is now universally acknowledged to be
will be found the names of some of
Justin Jones, (Harry Hazel.)
Agustine J. H. Duganne.
William Earle Binder.
Harry Hazleton.
James Reynolds.
Francis S. Smith,
Mrs. Mary J. Holmes.
Such writer.; u
Helen Forest Graves,
Mary C. Vaughan.
Margaret Verne.
Anna Raymond.
Eda Mayville
Write for it rectliorly, while n score of other well
known writers occu.tionolly contribute to in col
has now engaged a force of talent that cannot be
rivaled by any establishment in the world:
Never before has any new cniididate for public
fitvorin the Literary World rcceived sack fluttering
notices from the Press. From all quarters, our edi
torial brethren have cheered us on by speaking of
our enterprise 111 a manner to siiinulate our vanity,
and to excitephe envy of our rivals.
The WEEKLY is designed more especially as a
in which we I mend to give our renders rt succession
of the best stories ever published in the United States' rilit
aim and object of these productions will he to incul
cate useful knowledge under the pleasing' guise of
fiction. or to teach great moral lessons through the
some means. We shall never publish a word or
hue, the tendency of which is to injure the morals or
taste of the render. Every issue of the NEW YORK
NWEEKLY will contain short
Sketches of Life and Manners, Notings of
Travel and adventure,Short Stories, Gen
eral Summary of vents, Humorous
Gleanings, Poetry, Editorials, &c.
As specimens of our serial', we would point 10
RZPW,aa '_ -- -mae3s. m
n. specimens of our standing departments, We
point with pride to
admitted by oil to be the most ebrisidy written and
beautiful scriptural poems ever produced.
in which is weekly contained a number of paragraph.
of the greatest importance to housekeepers and oilier..
Oar Pleasant Paragraphs,
an interesting 2nelange, ranging •qroin grave to gay,
from lively to severe."
prepared especially for the ladies by one of the man
laillsant lady Writers of the pre,ent any.
41=1 , 1.1.1L" Mirth.f 1 Magoorisilz3.l.
etc., etc., etc., etc.
In a word. its Editors will use their heel endeavors to
get up just such a paper as will eventually find its way
to every fireside in the land—Mat shall be n welcome,
visitor wherever at goes—equally popular in the work
shop nod the other—at the preside 01 the former. or lit
the couuanq-room of the merchant—a paper that pa
rents can. with solely. place in the !Wilds at their chi ,
drClll.6lllollt Dole or comment. teelint eermiu lII.It
I.llllJellet, will be to stimulate their month, to the pursuit
of knowledge, or lead them to abhor vice and wrong.
The New York Weekly has gone op ton eirculutino
which !Atoms it second in point o: Cl,lllalloll in the h•t
of pulinentionn of the day. There as but one Weekly
publication in the world hewing a larger circulation than
the %Veekly. The indication+ are, nt 111114C111. that the
circulation of the ‘Veekly will soon reach half a mill
ion. tVlo•re the newsmen were inking y are
now taking hundred. , of copier. Thin in the generul ef
fect among the fire thousand News Agent% who nun
now regularly selling the New York Weekly, w
born nearly every post office un ihe country. we urn
daily getting subscriptions and order. fur specimens.
. .
How and where to get the Weekly
Wherever there is a News Agent. get the paper
from litm. 14 so doing, you do not run the •i-k of
10-Mg your money through tile Post;Oilice, or having
to pay or what you will never get. If the paper you
ore buying from the Agent stops, you do not lose ad
vance subscriptions. sent to a place where you have.
na 1111e1111.1 of footstag after it NVe trust the day is trot
foe distant when every town. large enough to suottin
a Post Office, will have its News Agency.
The price of the New York Weekly Emir Cents,
but where Agents have to pay extra freight or 110,
Inge, a higher price is necessarily charged. W bell
sent by mail, the price will invariably be 952.00 a
year in ads truer. riptinio , token for three
mouths. Two conies will be sent for one year for $3,
four copies for $O, eight copies for $.12 Postmasters
and others who get up clubs often and send us *l5 at
one time, will be entitled to an extra copy for their
trouble. 'rlie bills of all solvent banks taken at par
for subscriptions. Cana& subscribers mast scud
twenty-five cents extra with every subscription, to
pre-pay the American postage.
All let tern and communications, in relation to the
Editorial or Rosiness Department oldie NEW YORK
WEEKLY, in.t be addressed to
sTtinET rz SMITH.
F.dilor4 and Proprietor%
Sept 3,18Z9-2in 2'4 Beekman Finer, N. York
EMAINING in the Columbia Post Office,
lAt August 31, 1839.
Albright Elizabeth Keitsteman 111
Alexandria & Co. Kern A H.
Austin A B Koller Jacob
Baker David Keister Kate
Beller Frederick Kemper F C
Brooks Mr Laise 3 M 2
Breneman C Lewis William
Barford Samuel Landis Abram
Callen & Co Mazley Joseph
Cogley Mary Myer Henry
Drafts Jesse Moore Jefferson
Dean Marion Morrison Mrs
Elliot Mary Jane Moore John
Eberman Eliza Nates Peter
Ekert John Nevins Samuel
Parry Miss
Pirce David
Folk John
Frederick John
Funk Levi Pfeffer John
Fergum John Reinig John
Ganter John Shumy Samuel
Griffith A F Shultz J L
Gochnauer Levi Shamliner Jao
Heistand h. R Swords Mary
Hogendobler Wm Smith S
Hoover Samuel Slater Benjamin
Hamaker Erin Temple James
Haffner Frederick Taylor David
Hougbtein W H Tredenick & Summerill
Hunsicker Elizabeth West B
Bagel Peter W ise Mr
Jones Elizabeth West C P
Jackson Stimuel Ward Herman
Johnson Samuel Yewdell & English
Kranster S B
Persons enquiring for letters will please
mention if they are advertised.
Columbia, Sept. 3, 1559.
lA N Saturday, September 17th, 1E59, will be Fold a t
%.4 public sale, at the Franklin Ifoune. in the borough
of Colornbta.the following property, viz: A I.OT OP
GROUND, nituuted on Union Street. having a front of
20 feet on said street and extending in depth 46 feet
along the Penna. Railroad, on o Welt in:erected a to o
story Brick Blacknmith Shop.
Sale to commence at 7 o'clock P. M. of said day,
On Saturday. September 24.1059, at I o'clock r
will be mild on the above premisen.l Warkinnith'm Del.
lows, 3 Anvils. i Hollow Anvil. 1 Box Ailandnl. I% me,
together with a large annortmeut of Blacknouthing
tool., and a lot of new and old iron. 'P.m. of na:c
will he made known by
Aug 27, I riZie St
Ltro3 AV I:•4LAR