, A,±„t, muzlemAit, itutiNixt , DicKiws , N h the Avv iru;42 have ent P e i r c e li d B into o a f ri a Li n geco nc ents v. 4 • l3 it a li t ,Cuarles.Dickens, for the issue of new pub ..llCatiOn, entitled, ""All the Year Bound," each ..week, in New York, simultaneously with its issue in London, plates being taken from the English edition„ and forwarded to us sutticient ty fa advance of publication for that purpose. '1"-ce first number will appear in London and :Nett York on Wednesday, May 4th, and will contain the commencement of a new story by ,Eharles Dickens, to be continued from week to week during about eight months. Thus, it will be seer that American readers of "Ail the Year Round," will obtain the stories and other contributions of Mr. Dickens, and the stair of writers associated with him, embracing an arrayof distinguished talent with mtucti no other publication can compare, sev eral weeks to advance of their reaching this country threugh ordinary sources, and at the same tone they are given to the public in Lan don. We will state that this arrangement has been consummated by the payment of a large onto of money to Mr. Dickens, yet the extra ordinary interest which the announcement of the publication has excited in literary circles, the assurance which Mr. Dickens has given ihat.he shall devote to it all of his best ener gies,, and the appearance of a new story from hie pen, cannot fail to command for it at once , rr large.circulatiftn. •The following announcement from Mr. Pickens, will convey an idea of the character ann aims cif The viorki ADDRESS. Nine years of Ifoueehold Words are the beat assurance that can be otr , red to the public of the spirit and objects of "All the Year hound." tai transferling, myself, and my strongest en ergies, from the publication that is about to be discontinued, to the ; publication that is about to us began, I have the happiness of taking with me that staff of writers with whoml have labored, And all hbe literary and business cooperation that can make my work a pleasure. In some ,important zevects, I am now flee greatly to advance an past arrangements. Thsise 1 leave J.o testily for themselves in due course. That fusion of the graces of the imagination with the realities of life, which is vital to the welfare of any community, and for which 1 have striven from week to week us honestly as I could during the lest nine years, will continue co be striven for, .fall the year round." The Add weekly cares and duties heroine things of ,the Past, merely so be assumed, with an iii ,creased love for them and brighter hopes springing out of them, in the Present and the :Future. I look, and plan, for a very much wider cir cle of readers, and yet again for a steadily ex- Tanding circle of readers•in the projects I hope to carry through rfall the year TOIII/Cl." And Teel confident that this expectat on will be real ,tz•d. tf it deserves realization. The task of my new journal is set, and it will steadily try to work the task out. Its pages shall show to good purpose their er.otto is re rio..rohered in them, and with how much of fidelity and earnestness they tell The Story of ,our Lives from Year to rear. CHAALES DICKENS. T F.: R IV S Copies by an News Dealers, 5 cents. One Copy One Year,.per mail, (52 numbers,) $2,60. One Copy Six Months, per mail, (26 numbers,) $1,25. ive.Co;:ies One Year, per mail, $lO,OO. ;I:leven Copies One Year, per mail, $2U,00, and at the same rate for all over. It wit/ also be issued in monthly. parts, put up in elegant tinted covers, at 20 cents each, and by the year on the same terms as above. Back numbers always furnished when de aired. Specimens will be forwarded to any address, post paid, on receipt of two letter stamps. 47 • N. EMERSON & CO., .Pabliahing Agents, 37 Park Row, New York May 14, 1859, EI.A.Xkii.IVtAIq3YER S.A.IMS. EVANS &WATSON. . .. (tii f . -. .j... - : - i No. 26 South -Fourth at., ;I I PIJILADELPHIA. •Q... =Oho •• .:' ' , • • , N 1 Hale now on band a large as l., ..tt.i I' . ,:;,.l.t. • , -orimeni ot hire and Thief. '' j "'"• ~.........-''''‘' PrOOISCIIIIVIIIder Salo., Also. 1 '...41" --- "- ';-,. ' trout Doors. , for Hanks and =='._-_,,._.-"- .. -------- Stores, Iron Slim:cr., I rot, zastsh. all make!: of 'socks, rtinal to any made to the illaitsd Stales. • • ccr v Saes in one G re. All ecuue out tixlit with 4011te ]❑ good C41216110;1 rbe alarm ander Sates of I'hi lad.•lpi.:a against the warld. KVANS & WATSO7t: have had the .ttiext demon Atmllon in the follawillt: certificate, that their 111:111l1- 111CIUre at V, , barnander antic ha- at li•agilt fully war rhnted the repre-etitatioac which have tie,' made 0 1 them an rendering ah undoubted .reach} acanthi the Atrrific clement: . . _ Phi ladelph:a. April 12. 1856 le•wra. Cvana k Watron.—Gentlemen—lt affords 1t• tire highest satit.fuelion to slum to you. that owing to the very protective qualities of two of the tSuba launder Safes which we purchased of you some few months racer, we saved a large portion of our Jew airy, and all our books. paper- &e, exposed to the ealamttous fire in nonmetal Place, on the morning of the 11th IV,arn rettect html these located in 'he fourth story of the building we occupied. and that She, felt subsequently lain a heap of burning where the vasi entice carat ion of heal paused the brass ;dales 10 tact , , we rititillathisi regard the prePerVitilfia 0.1 . their Villiialde rillilvels a• most pritiVlllll:4.l proof inf the great security afforded by :our inks. NVe all rake pleasure tit re:mum...hue them to :urn of ut:.tnrp. us a sure Pei:Nape azllll.l tire. r.i1.N1e.f.1"., NV aill(•V+ At 111111, Jewelers, Who have puieliazed •i.c large :Sums since n raSOFm COA4RIVIZLEINI2. CARTER & r4M . BECKER, MANUFACTURERS OF UCIACHES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C Setae?. Street, nrarly apposite the Luihtran Church, Cotumbia, Pa. TEE subscribers call nitration to their Conti! aad Cnrriaze rth.ki;nz where !Ivey continue to reJna , ".ietaie Conrhec, Car• tinges. ilitg.7,ll, 1111 d all miler veLieles iu Ihelr la,. Their repulean, as workmen t, fairly e.• t.ibliahed, as they can confidently eloiN for the., work the merala of °caw) , of form, a le;ance of fint-11, x id ottea;th of ttruelate. One of the dt• and ether l'isiols.a ad all kind, of Knivt.a, of the bc.t manufacture. Strnn attention wil the given.as heretotore.to the repairing of clocks, winches a ndjewelry and all work will he wan anted. continuance of orme r patronngein respect Cully xolicned• JOAN Colorrbiot.Allll.ll.las7. A. CARD. A GOOD CANAL BOAT for sale, very cheap, En q uir- ol J. G. II ess, or John Kline). Colutu bl, or the IL II LONG. Fra ;33 I.:meager. yoRK COUNTY BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, in Large or sol!! quontil le., for Fair nt the Gm cer'/ Store of HENRY :..I.,YDAM, Nov. IJ. Vag Confer From and Union streets. Burning Alcohol and Cara t' ' plieve A I,:tyb to be had el J S DELLETT & (DO'S, Golden Aloriar Dreg Siam. Just Received and For Sale, 200 300 bue. Ground Alum t.tliL, by I= =ENE Cocoalu e. 1 - 1, preaerving and hermit') ieg the hair and render !' lite it dark and gloaAy. h k the heat and chespeei Hair Dressing in the world. For ante at J. S. DELIA-MT !a CO'S, (:eider Mortar Drug St.re, Front street. March 26.1159. Cmlaminae. DATENT refined Sparkling GeWarne. For sale a 1. the Golden Mortar Drug SHIM. m — COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, OPPOSITE TOE CANAL BASIN, COLUMBIA, PA. THE subscriber has removed to the exten sive i•hops connected with the Columbia Iron Foundry. which he lies thoroughly fitted up, with new 111141 fir...t•rate msehinery. slid is now prepared to manufacture Steam Engines. and Pumps °fever)! de rription. Machinery for Furnaces, Forges, Mills. Faciorie, Car ‘Vork. dec. Iron and lira. Castings furnished to order. Bridge bun and 131., ck smith lig in general. LE7Repuiring promptly eitiended to. JOHN Q. DENNEY. Colombin. July 3. SHAVING CREAM, Sharing Compound, Cold Cresin, Aniundine, Pomade Divine, all fresh, just received by Nov. G, R. W/ 1 . Crop Baking Seedless Raisins.—A if supply constantly on hand, at HENR Y SUY DAM'S titorery Si ors. corner Front and Locust its. Colombia. Nov 13.1838. Cranberries. J'MST received, ■ tresb lot of Cronherriev—te prime el article. HENRY SUYDAM4 Nov. 13 1r.9. Corner Front and Mao; Went. NOW OPENING AT THE Corner Third and Union streets, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF aIi`MCDTMEM! s , GROCERIES OF ALL RINDS, c;?= mar VET .ELXRL 3E4 - w i' p r u lic l luT l 0 e c i u l r a crx !Ixigama f ine o tt a r t r l . c .; r 't/ te in l V e le f i e h e e l confident p ubli c we re noble to sell o ' s lock . eheart as the cheapest. 1. 0. & 11. F. BRUNER. Columbia, March 26, 1250. Books from the Spring Trade Sale AA RARE war:unity for those In want of Good Books at a .ntall coal. Never Lave Books .ohl cheaper titan in the fer:0111 Philndeiphiu Spring sole. The proprietor of the Cheap Book Store host availed linmelf of the opportunity to pdrehnse A large stook of the most vaned somnolent of vniuttbm hooks o f every Moss and det.teription. I-le now orrero to die' public the same t nt propertianaLly and unusually low Those In want or valuable !!1: 1 / 1 a.trd work•. for the improving of it well-selected library. will find it to their great 1,19 image to call and examine the exten sive stork wt hand. My object and wish is, us it always supply the wants of the community with anything hi my line, on the most reasonable terms poemble. This we find the better and moot ad vnutageous course for all parties. The Political Economist tells us "the cheaper an article is, the more universally a can acid will be used." Then the COLIC:ORO:I la. that when we buy cheap, we must sell cheep, simply SIVOLViIIp (111Tarlveg n rea•nnnhle profit. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. I would cull especial n amnion to my large assort ment of Srndny School Books on linnd, of every va riety wanted for 'he inc of Sunday School-; and sell at the Sui.ilay School Union priCeS. I have the agencies mr the publications of the American Sun. day School Union, Aklle dean Tract Society, Metho dist Book and Tract eoriety. AI•o, the Lutheran, Prep hyteirian,Epitcopa 1, end tither denominations are hem on land. FAMILY BIBLES. Those in wain of u nedit and che a p Quarto Family Bade. will Mid it .o their advantage to call and ex- Palate Lt the Cheap :rook More, the largest stock on hand. miming flora $1 to 823. put chasing elsewhere, call and examine the huge and cheap stock oh JOHN SITEAFFER, Succe , sor to Murray, Young, Lk Co., North Queen st., [Apr. 16, 1F.59. BScrap Soap. il.e finest. nniele now in :ie for •aa•lneg or oLoviuq. rcr sale at the Golden Plorfar Druz [April It, letil). VANII..I. : t ItEANS, for sale ut the Golden Mortar Drug Store_ [e% prd 0,1850. THE COLUMBIA MANUYACTURING COMPANY, Second St., below Union, Columbia, Pa., prepared to execute all orders for STRAAI EN- S. GIN 13011.ERS. PING, PULLErii , , PUMPS, IMACIONERY FOR lILAST FURNACES. ROLLING MILLS. iiirzAW AND FLOUR NULLS, end every mole]) of Aluelimer).. rn the 11/V-I iliorougli nod improved manlier. Iron and Brass Castings, of every pima, muds to order. Repoiriog promptly at moiled 10. plod for Ohl Iron Bracy. Bud oilier metal Order, by mull should he addressed to ••Columina filunufaciurine Compony. Columbia, Pa." sUPPLEP., T. R. sU pei.er,, }Superintendents. .1. LLEWELLYN, Columbia, June 19.11357-tf tiiiTaiXtres — terTtEreansurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia. PI TA L. 5500,000. Chtirles e. Lmhrnp. I 4:!:1 lL'alliutstreet; Darittig,lsll) Pine Areei; Alex %% Ii Alerehain. 18 North Fourth street; 11rt21ehur•t. Anomie). nild COO ii.rllori John C Huhu:l..of Wright. Iluutrr & Co : E Truey. of E Troop & . Ilan; John It. McCurdy. of Juicer, While Se McCurdy; Thom 1.. rtilleepic. & ZMler; Jn. IL : 41 1,01h of Joint, 13 Smith & Co; E. limp... Jell rie,of Wm. 11. IJrnwn & Co ; John It %%edge-. corner 71h end :: I :infom streets; Clutrlce 13. homp-on. 413 ellegolut street; J. 510cum.226 South rd pirce.q; Alfred Tuylor, officF Cairo City Property. CIIAtH. C. I.ATIIROV, rrenident. Wm. ClArtu:ra. Vtee h. K. IticuASID•ON, Sreretury. 117' DA V I Et , . 1.; BRUN Ell, Ageilt, Cnlumhirt. Lnn cn•lrr county, Pa. [Aprtl 17, 15,58. 33. r. APPOIRD. Forwarding Et Commission Merchant Ilamr, Shouldern, Flour by the barrel Win:44y by the barrel, Ground Nagler by the barrel, G. A. Salt by the Sack ALSO Dr:AI.F:IIINT Ali kinds of Coal, by the Cargo, Car Load or Ton, such as Baltimore Company, l'lttpton, Sunbury Red Ash, do. While Ash. Short ..loutonin Stove and Lump, I..yken3 , Valley do. do. Trevorton do. do. The subscriber buys. hie Cool tor Cash and otters to sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. B. F. APPOI,D, Noe. I. 2, 6 and 8 Curial lhoon Columbia. Aup,uct 2.. lASS, LOCAL FILMIC lIT NOTICE. TILE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY ARE now prepared to receive and forward FREW 11 i betvieen Philadelphia. Lancaster and Columbia. at the lollowing rates per hundred pounds: BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA. First Class. Seeped Class. Third Class. Fourth Class. 25 CCM!. tlt cents. Id cents. 16 cents. Flour, 25 cents per barrel. Piz ftletal, 11l cents per 100 pounds BETWEEN PIIILA. AND LANCASTER. First Class. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class. 23 Cents. 20 cents. I? cents. IS cents. Flour. 20 cents per barrel. Pig Metal, 70 cents per 100 pounds. Articles of lot Class. Books, Fresh Fish, Boots and Shoes, Nuts in bags. Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter & A le in bottles Dry Goods, Puultr , n cows Eggs, Pork. (fresh, Furniture, Poultry. (dressed Feathers, Wrapping Paper Articles of 211 Class. Apple's, Nola sees, c heeoe. Tlclotis, Clover and Grass Seed, 011 in casks or es, Crockery, Paper in bores, Candles, Pasteboard, Casks or Bowels, (empty,) Peaches, (dried, Groceries, Printing Paper Guns and Rifle., Paper Hanging., Herring in bores and kegs, Queenswrire, Hardware, Sweet Potatoes, Hops, Tobacco in bales, Iron, (hoop, band or sheet,) Tra, Leather. - Type, Liquor ni wood, Tallow. Marble Slabs & Marble Turpentine, (opts.) Monuments. Varnish- Articles of ad Class. Aleohol, Potatoes, Coffee, Turnips, Hider, Igrcele,) Vinegar, Lard. White Lend, 0) tiers &Cl erns. (in shell.) Window Glass. Tohucco, (manufactured,) Articles of dllt Class. Rosin, Salt, Tobacco, (leaf,) Tat, Whiskey. Codfish, Cotton Fl. h, salted Grain of all kinds, Nags and Spikes, Ptich, Plaster, Kr - For further information, apply to E. J. SNEEDER., Freight Agent, Phila. E. K. BOICE. Freight Agent. Columbia. W. H. al YERS Freight Agent, Lancaster Columbia, August 6, 1e57-Ly - To Lumbermen It MantLfacturifir PATENT SHINGLE ITIL HINE. 9`IIE subscriber baying perfected the above machine, ofrern to hell Slate. County und Shop Rights on reahonable.terms. . B. F. A PPOLD, No 1 and 2 Cunal Basin The machsne saves and planes Shingles to any width or thickness, and produces a very uniform and clean article, which has given perfect satisfaction wherever tried. One Milts machines and specimens edits work can be sera at !be euriquehatina Planing illlli, Columbia, Pa. For tardier information, address, WM. HUEY, Columbia, Lancaster co., Pa. neTbe construction or Ike saw and frame, admits of ure, separate from the planer, in sawing all kinds of straight and bevelled- work , such as Flooring, Claphoutdinu.Ste. . • Columbia, May 91,1857. - NATIONAL LIVERY - STABLE, Second street, adjoining the Odd Fellows' Hall, COLUMBIA, PA. 9111 E SUBSICRIBI:li, basin Sited ago and stocked J. sr tll good Horses and commodiou. Carriages an giten.tve Livery Stable, would call the attention of his friend. and the public to his SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS. H. srillguarantee his glories to be safe. Well bro ken to Saddle and Ilarness,and in Brat-rate condition. lie eon offer several HANDSOME VEHICLES, Indic enprer.ly fur hie establi.drient, end the whole of his Corrine* are in thorough repair, and kept clean nod neat. The noble will be intim care of accommodating al iestdanit, and ROASTS AND CONVILTANCTAI CAN lIC HAD AT ALL THE TERMS WILL. BE REASONABLE, and he confidently tippers abut the merits of his Stable. anda dispo.rtion to please hi• customers, will secure him a, liberal share of public favor. CHRISTIAN HERSHEY. Colombia. Au st 14 lariel (RANGES, Lemons, Citrons, Prunes, }tablas, Dried Fruit silo*, Walnut rnd Tomato .Cat um, and Piektaa of diderent kinds, for sale at Jan 8, fIIWNEW:S. AT CHEAP BOOK STORE Finn Snap AND DEALER IN IIUICY'S moors or T 8 DAY o NIGHT LAY IN YOUR COAL. TR subscriber calls attention to his large block of every variety of eon!, which he Iv pre pared /0 111 , 111 1 03 - 10 all puny of the town at the lowest market pricey. Shamokin Red Ash• first rate quality; Lump, Egg, Stove and him. - - :wn Mountain, Trevorton, Balt!more Company, Diamond White Ash, of all sizes, and Superior quuliiy. Pine Grove Lump, Egg and Stove—an article in general favor for do,n..s.:e use. Plymouth and Pittston White and Red Ash, Limp and 1 , 4 g. Bro.id Top and Allegheny Bituminous Coal, for Blacksmiths. Cull and examine the largest assortment of Coal kept tit ::olumbia. Coal of ull kinds will be fun imbed by the Boat. Car or Ton, at the Wharf, foot of Canal CcPunibi o, PH. •• • • Coal wed iron received and ehipped on corn 311+..0ti. ' J. U. HESS. Columbin,Novernber 5, tes9. TOILET SOAPS In great variety, such as I,lyeerine lino Camphor Soap, for chapped hand., Pea•h Almond Soap, Rose Omnibus Soap, Nlandl Soap, Money Soap, Poneine Soap, Low's Wind , or Snap, for sale by Nov. 6 1.55 S IL WILLIAMS. or Sale- -Family coal, SITCH as Baltimore Company, Pittston, Lykens' Vufley. Sueil,ury,Trevorton.and Pine Grove; also, Sulphur Coal. All the above Coal is kept under cover, clear from dirt, slot is Warranted Good and elran, or the money will be refunded. Those wish ing to procure a Good Article at the Lowest Rates, will please apply to B.F. A PPOILD. r.:t05.1.2 and 6 Canal Daein. Columbia, Pa Columba. Oeuther li3, I a. 53 NOTICE. ALL persons indebted, on the Books of the Livery Stu ble, irom the Ist of April. I 057,t0 the unuer9igited, are requested to make immediate pay inonir and those having claims will present them for settlement, as he is desirous of closing his Liminess without delay. Oct. 8, I COSTAR'S Rat and Roach Exterminator, for mate at the Galatea Mortar Drug Store, Front street. Columt,:n. alay 7. IK9. lIMIVIOVALL or JOUN SII EN BERGER'S FURNITURE WA E 00MS. TILE undersigned having removed his Fur allure Ware Booms and Manufactory. to bus new brick' buildings. on the south side of Locwit street. lie tween Second and Third street', reepcctfully invites his friends and the pubic to give him a cull. A large and iniperier stork of CABINET-WARE AND CHAIR-WORK, of nl l deseripiions. will lie Lem constantly on hand, which will he sold Oil lilt, toast rea sonable terms- As he ninnufuctures his Owl) wood he is enabled to warrant every article to be what Die represented; a lid to he as goof; it is cheap Ilisstock is very large,and tis part elllbrlleClS Bret sing. Plume and I. alley Bureaus; :Sideboards, Sofas, Card. End. S.ora.Cc»tre. Dressing. Dining and Break fast TA 13LES; Common. French and other BED STEADS; Common and Fancy CHAIRS, and SET TEES of every style. together with a genarw 'assort ment of all kinds of FURNITURE. Funerals will be Intended with a Splendid ',curse, on shell notice and all necessary attentionglven to UNDERTAKING. Jle rovecifully solicits n share of public patronage ai wolf u..t continuance o ftlac custom with which he has been liberally fa vo red. Coluinliin, April 11. tss7. COMMISSION =MINIMS. THE subscriber bas made arrangements and - is now prepared to receive on commi,sion, za wharf. North side of Walnut street, Columbia, Pa., COAL, LUMBER, WOOD OR TIES, Ile will be happy to receive commissions for buying or ECIIIHr, the above articles to '111) . 1ton:tom. IF,oln his experience lit the Lumber 1.3u-tae-s he lielievea anti he will be attic to render snit-fiction. Strfet at tention will be given to all bu.inetry entrusted to his care. A NIOS S. (.; RE.I?,N. Colum!lia, I%Tarell.l7. 1:95S WASHINGTON INSTITUTE. Mrt.IVX. A T a meeting of the school hoard of the Washington Institute, the following were agreed upon as the terms of tuttiom STRICTLY IN ADVANCE: For Primary English branches, 84.00 f each quarter of It weeks. Higher English branches, $6.00 per quarter. Latin and Greek. 80.00 per quarter. A discount of 81.00 on each of the above branches will be made to citizens of Old Columbia J. W. 11811 ER, Secretary. Columbia. Dee. 5,10.57,4 f COLUMBIA. F14017R TIIE undersigned having commenced the MILLINC; ItUSINI:SS. is prepared to deliver FLOUR AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, At the shortest notice, free of charge, on the mast reasonable terms. The FLOUR being prepared from the lest wheat. and by an expermared miller, he feels confident that be can give .uttgfaction to ilto.ie who favor lam with their patronage. CtlaS.J.-rusEr. Columbia, A ugu.t 29, 15:741 rrlIE undersigned have been appointed 11 agents for the gale of Cook & Co'. G UTTA PER. CIIA PENS, warranted not to corrode; ill el:L.llcm: they almost equal the quill. SAYLOR & 111cDONALD. Columbia Jan. 17.1557. B. r. .A.PPOLD, - te7 ""` Wilts: GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMIS ~...itmEalz SION MP,RCHANT, COA LAND PKODUC IE, And Deliverers on any point on Cite Columbia and Philadelphia Railroad. to York and Baltimore and to '':lisburg; DEALtIi IN COAL, FLOUR AND GRAIN, WHISKY AND BACON, have just received a large lot of Monongahela Rectified Whirkey,from Pal taburg, of whicht hey willkeeptt supply constantly on hand, al low prices. Nos lot and Cana :Basin- ColuniLia,Junuarl WASHINGTON IT.OI7SEI, DANIEL HERR, Proprietor. THE subscriber will, on MONDAY, DECEIII- illirt.2l,lss7,resume his position of landlord of his well and favorably known old stand. the Washing ton itonkr, corner of Front and Walnut streets, COLUMBIA, PA. He offers his lone experience in humors, nod the past reputation of his house a% guarantee for the character of his future accomino dationS. The esinlilislimebt is thoroughly furnished ' slid equipped, and will be maintained a first class hotel in every re.pret. An efficient corps of good servants will be in attendance. lie asks the patron- age aids old friends and the public. DANIEL HERR. [The well known Washington House Rebind rant is attached to the notel. Columbia, December 12,18L7. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF SPRING GOODS. WE have just received and opened our THIRD surrust OF spnilm comb . , cow-10[n= of Finn Engqish. French, and American Cloths, Cassi merest and Vestinc-; LADIES' DRESS GOODS; such an Fancy and Bleak „Ik•. including many de. Kimble !ivies. of the Inlet!' Import anion*; Ortnine•, (Amities, Puul de Shire'., h ucn H, !. Calicoe., &e.. ill of which have been *elected with great care and will be sold at greatly reduced price.. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. In This Ime our stork is compiete. anti cannel be by smy other store in the coutuy. Peyton., Sheeting.. Cheek., Tiekingv. &c., Will find st to their arlvrinlige to give ut a cull, as wr have everything in this line that can he asked for, and we are determined ihetto be undersold, Oil C lot Curpetinc,i i Mats,Druggets, &c China, Glasii, ;and lattennovrnro GROCERIES. Sugar., Cotreet , ,Teno, Mackerel, flerring,Salt,&e a large stock, at the lowest WALL. PA PERS. $20,000 Pieces New York Wall Papers, 0(1leW find beautiful designs, ranging in price from itt cent• and upward. As we get all of our Wall Papers, Flre Screens. &c.. direct from the manufac turer. we C2ll eeTT Them at the inn nutimuree, prices We hove several hundred dittelent designs on hand, and we feel confident that a selection can be made from our Siot.k, with & - reater satisfaction to the pur chaser than can be given by any other store in the counly. In rnnnlu•inn. we ornuld ray nor Stock is FULL & COMPLETE IN EVERY BRANCH ■nd we Mier greet inducements to purchasers, it the price and quality of our goods. GIVE US A CALL. FRY & HAGMAN, Locust street, directly opposite the Bank Columbia, April 17, 1858. C 0 -PIULTWEIRSUIP. MBE undersigned baring entered into pertnerphlp, wider the flan of Shreiner & Son, denim to call the attention of the public to their fine noportment of. _ WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, Their stork ins, Leen selected with great rare and with due regsi it to style and quality. Every article is warranted to be as repreremed. By strict attention to uuaioeaa they hope to retain the patronage of the old establishment, and wall en deavor to gleam all who wall favor them with a call. kiHRFAINIER, EDW. M. SIAM:VER. Columbia, July 28, 1958- _ _ _ In entering Into th e above arrangement f would take opportunity of returning my thank, to my former frienda and eu.tomera for the patronage heretofore ati liberally bestowed, and respectfully solicit a contin uance of the tame for the new firm. PHILIP SHREINER. SW" U 14.11317 mt,iess•it aENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Store, and Patent :shoulder Seam Shirt hluttufaetary, at the old standago 706 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, oppo— site tbe Washington House. A. Wi nchester will give as heretofore, his personal supervision °film catnap and manufacturing depart ments Orders for his celebrated style of Shirts and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Persona desiring to order Shirts, can he supplied with the formula for measurement, 013 applicanon by mail. Constanily on hand a varied and select stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode. ID-Whole.sle orders supplied on liberal terms. Sept. 4, 11858•ly VITENSIVE CABINET IVARE•ROONS ANB MANUFACTORY, Locust street, Columbia, P 2. The subscriber would call the attention of the cit izens of Columbia and vicinity, to his large and se lect Impartment of Cabinet-Ware, comprising some of the finest Dressing Bureaus, Sofas, French Bed. steads,Jenny Linde, &c., ever offered for sate in this place. Re Colllillll , llB to manfueture Furniture et every description, nod 14 confident that. he can give antisfoetion. COFFINS made and Funerals attended to either in town or country, on the shortest notice. CASPAR SEIBERT. Columbia, June 6,1E57. WINES, LIQUORS, 111 E subscribc;'y(l en all has opened and I Ilm." -- )1 keeps constantly on hand, a large and Corn. , eig , " pine assortment of ‘k. WINES. BRANDIES. WHISKIES, and all other kinds of liquors, at his store. in Walnut street t ti the extension of the Washington House. ie will set, in any quantities not less than one gallon, ~.r. kr tc e l p e t i f a e ire solrCkireetzuport:eurlothiss:icci.aiur:,sigceartgoccittuedli pure article, arc invited to call and examine the stock. DANIEL =1 E. Attention is called to an assortment of choice im ported preserved Prints in glass jars. They are pre served whole, and retain entirely their original flavor. The varieties are, green Gages. Gooseberries, Plums Morillo Cherries. Red Currants. Raspberries. A supply of Sardines. Table Oil, Bay Water, London Brown Stout, and Scotch Ale always on haul. Columbia. AI ay 9. 18.57-tf A YOUINSURXID? West Branch Insurance Company. TIS Company was organized in June, 1853. Noun but the •nre•t business has been done. und the prosperous financial condition of the Company is evidence or its stunning. Whole amount of Property Insured, 51,137.048 00 Lotees hind. 5.3:14 00 LEWIS TREDIMNK. Columbia, Pa., iv the thorized agent.und is empowered to make surveys and insure property ut the regular rates of the Corn. p•uly. Dec. 5, 1857 ALARGE LOT of Children'a Carriages, Chgs, Rocking Horses, Wheelbarrows. Prepel ler,, Nursery Swings,kc. GEORGE— 1. SMITH. April ID, 180. Loctistatreet. CITINA and other Fancy Artieloo. too numerous to menuon, for stile by 6..1. SI. ITH, Locust street, between the Bonk and Franklin House. Columbia. April 19. 1956. Ladies Boot & Shoe IViaaufacturer, ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Columbia and the public generally that he hus removed from No. 1 Locu , t street, to the Brick Building, opposite the Franklin House Locust street, Columbia, Pa., where he bopes to see his old friends and customers . and all who desire superior work at low prices. Ile respectfully lenders his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage he has received. and would announce to his patrons that he has constantly on hand a large and choice variety of materials. and as prepared to make up, in addition to his large stock of ready-made work on hand, Ladies. Misses. and Chil dress SHOES, GAITERS, BOOTS, SLIP PERS, ke., In the latest and best styles. He ip I solicits a continuance of the favor so liberally bestowed by the public. NAMES SCHROEDER, April 3.18.59. Columbia, Pa. JAMES PARR, MARIETTA, PA., lIIS resumed the above business at the old stand. nenrly oppo.otc Olter'iii , s Conch "ac tory, where he will be pleased to meet the public and turn out snen work as cannot fail to give entire Sat ',faction. Decem her 6. 1656 yIIOI.I.:SALE nod Retail, a fine lot of Havana Sc gam, such as Cannotins, Confienza. Empourme, Esinero. Diona. !IL:tiers, Principe, Compromise, Ambrosia, At i-souri, Jenny Lind. Messenger°, Londres Adalinn. At D. MUM'S Grocery and Liquor Store, Extension of the tVasiiiiimon noose, Walnut M Columbia, December 96, 185?. PEOPLE'S MARBLE 'YARD. SHOP in North Queen street, half square south of the Railroad, and and door north of illiGranti , s White Horse Hotel. La»coster city. LEWIS HALDY, Marble Mason, respectfully in forms thr public that he has nosy in his yard the far gest and best assortment of ITALIAN AND AMER ICAN MARBLE ever offered to the citirentoll.an caster,andgreuterthan any otherestablishment west of Philadelphia. Having made arranyements in the East to receive marble at reduced prices, he an nounces that he will sell much cheaper than any odic restablishment in this city orcounty con do. lie is prepared to execute in the best Style, moNu„ MENTS. TOMBS AND GRAVE STONES. MAN IIiELS, DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS,STEPS, &r..ofevery variety and price. Hisfacilines for furnishing articles in the Marble line are unsurpassed by any other establishment it the city, while he assures all who may favor him with their patronage that his work shall be execuii d in the very best style and on the most reasonable terms. LErrER CUTTING in ENGLISH and GERMAN, done at the shortest notice ; and on the most moder ate terms. He renpectfnllyinvitesthe publicto cal land exam ine his work, being fully satisfied to rest his claim io public patronage upon its merits. Thunkfulfor the many favors bestowed upon him, hehopes bystlictitttentionto husinesstomeritandre ceive a share of the publicpatronage. 141.11CR•leis April 28.1835. TENIIN'S Celebrated Black and Green Teas' Itaiter'A Cocoa and Chocolate, at Corner of Third and Union atreetit. [Nov. t'2o, '5B. FANCY TOILET SOAPS. finest Deportment of Fancy Toilet Soaps, ever offered to Columlnans,at BAR nY GRF.EN'S. Feb. 19, '59. Opposite Cole. Bridge, Front St. OLOGNE WATER by the pint.quart or gallon C Elena's Extracts for the handkerchief by th. ounce or pound, or in any quantity to suit purchaser' at BARRY Ganzu'r, Feb.lo., '59. Opposite Cols. Bridge, Front St. REMOVAL OF 11. F. GREEN'S DRUG SWORD. TIRE subscriber having removed his Drug JIL and Perfumery Score front the old stand to the hence formerly occupied by Jonns Mareure, one door above aleTrlgue & Store, now offers bathe pub lic the fine , , PERFUMES AND FANCY ARTICLES, and freshest Drugs ever offered. To denier, he will muke it :My:tin:won. to buy tic him in preference to sending craning ro Phelnderphiu; a nimble riz-pence is better thou a blow chilling," is the motto of Feb. 5.1839. GARRY GREEN. The Columbia Ice Company rvn.f. commence the delivery• of Ice in the borough, 1 Y on MONDAY,I6th inst. Families wishing to be regularly supplied will please give notice to the sub scriber. Arrangements have been made for furnishing a full supply of lee during the entire season, on reason• able terms. SASII. C. SIVARTZ, Agt Columbia, Mai 14,1541) Cantargo Manufacturing Co., NO. 20 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. MANUFACTURERS and Wholesale and Re tail Dealers in Writing, %Vrap ping, Printing and Wall Papers; also, Transpare nt Window Shades, an immense stock at the very loaves( rate•. Picture and Shade Tatsels, Patent Fixtures, Cur tain Fixtures and Cornices from the Manufacturers. White, Green and Buff Ho:hinds, all widths. New and Beautiful Styles Wall Papers at 6,8, 10. In. 15 and 1.5 cents per piece. Fine Gold Papers and Decorations, at eorre•poudingly low rates; Paper Window shades, Fore Board Prints. are. Blank Books and Stationery. Envelopea, Cap. Let ter and Note Papers. wholesale and retail, at 20 per cent. below the naval price.. ID -c.ll and examine our stock, at oar Warehouse, N 0.20 Emit Xing street. O. FRANK URENDBIAN. C. H. BRENEIS-Cti. March 28, 1850. TEE subscriber haring opened his house, corner of Second and Locust streets, Colum,ia, Pa., sus a hotel. is prepared to accommodate the pub lic, in good style, and upon reasonable terms. lie has spared no expense in fitting up his room!, and will give his table careful attention, hoping to be able 10 satisfy his customers in all respect... His HAH is furnished with good liquors, and the favorite Restau rant, in the basemen', will be continued as hereto fore. always supplied with amlicinable delicacies. A large and commodious STABLI; bus recently been erected opposite the house, adjoining the Odd Fellows' Hall. whets • careful Hostler will he in attendance. 13-4. share of public patronage is reapectfully so- Rested. GERHARD Bite/WT. C 01... 44 y June 90,1857. WINCHESTER lk CO., C. WEIZZERT'S Just Received, REMOVAL. Z. SIEROEDEB., Just Received and Eor Sale, NATIONAL soTr.L. DR. HOFFER, DEDENTIST,---OFFICE, Front Street 4th door front Locustr n eDoald's Book store Columbia,lta.! Plotriutee, _between the Book and Dr. Herr's Drug owe. [duvet 21, Isar THOMAS WELSII. JUSTICE OF TOE PEACE, Esiontbk Pa. OFFICE, in Whipper's New Buttesag, below Black's Hotel, Front street. ID — Prompt attteution given to All !osiness entrusted to ht cure. November 28, 1857. ' DR. G. W. DENTIST, locust street, a few doors above ilio-Odd Fellow,' !tall, Columbia, Pa. Columbia. May 3. 01.56. 13. M. NORTH, A MENET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Cl Columbia,ra. Collectione4romptly made,(nLancalterand York lountleft. Colon bin. May 4,1850, J. W. FISHER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, C>111.2.3:13L - k)iii, a. COlumbia,llepirmber 6, 656,_ ATIr ar, BUTCHER'S Magic Oil, a new sup ply jus: received uild for hula! by Plovrmbe re. 1E59. QUAKER CORN.---A fresh lot of Shaker Corn, for Pale by HENRY , n IjYDA 31. NOV. t 3. 3t 4 38. Car nor ) • • • trees. PROF: E. 11. FLAGO ' S Instantaneous Relief. For .nle by R. WILLIAMS. ==l= AFRESH supply of Extracts for the Boha kerchief, such as. Rose Geranium. Jnsmin Honey 'Suckle. Spring Mowers. limiso,ma. Winter BlOSfM:ffilf Tubcroke. Frangmaimi, "Km* me quickly," rind u variety of milers too numerous to tneutiort, ju,t seeeived and for sale by Nov 6.'55, ASUPERIOR assortment of Puff Boxes, ust received and fur rule by Nov 6,'53 R. WILLTAMS. GEORGE J. SIWITIU, WHOLESALE and Retail Bread and Cake Baker.—Constantly on hand a variety of Cakes, JXI numerous to mention.; Craokers; Soda, V. Scroll, and Sugar Btscuit; Confectionery, of every description, kc., 6.c. LOCUST STRNET, Feb. 2,'50. Between the Bank and Franklin HOLM. JUST received, three dozen Dr. Dronon't Vegetable Biters, a cercrun cure for Dyspepsia; oho. a fresh lot of 2'op Sago and Pine Apple Cheese, Farina and von) Starch, at D. IiERIt.'S Sept 5, 1557. Grocery and Liquor Store. JUST RECEIVED, a bcautifal assortment of luk Stalndß, at the Headquarters and Acw. Mani. Columbia, A116118,1E137. Preparations for the Hair. FIANGIPANNI POMADE, Vegetable Nutritive, Dam'ohne, Beary Oil. Haul's Eau Luhirole, Lyon'' , KuMinot', Ito , e l'hmeome, Dent's Weave, Antique Oil, Harry'a Toroplieroug, Wood's Hair fievtoranve. Oldridge's Balm of Colombia, Just re ceived and (or sale by Nov. 6, JUST.IIECEIVED, AT the Golden illorlar,Drug Store, an extra. quality of Lyo n 'u Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy- AltiO, purr Pearl Starch, lb-Carbonate of Soda, Olive Oil for table aye, Cose'v Sparkling Geluntine. Heck er" Purina. Oswego Corn Starch, Cream of Tamar. All kindcorSpiccv; Garden, Hemp and Canary Seed. March 27, I CAS CHEWING TOBACCO. A T PFA I 11-F4l'S Locust greet. opposite the A Frunkhn House, ens lie bud CUBA LEAF, CON GRESS, and several other brand• of the beg Chewing Tobacco, to which the oiler:boa of chewers is welled. Slay 1.1858 11l PORTED nbo, Glenn'A Double Extracts, for the huildkete bier, ut HARRY 6121'.F.N'S. Oppomiic Colo. Bridge. ("rani St 131111131E3 NOTICE (Z.O TO FENDRICII & BRO'S for the Best A—A Tobacco. TLc Beat Sweet ravels LOOM con be bought ellenper of Fendoleh s lii on .than elgr. %where. The on.) e.n,l)le-13ed whojeia!e ntd resat} Tulmeeconi,t. en Columbia. ritoNT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. March 13 1:-.5S. Commonwealth Insurance Co., UNION BUILDINGS, Third street, litirrhairg, CHARTERED 'CA PITAL, $200,000. Insure Build 11111r1 Properly 14101.0 :04A or (1.1nOlgO" by tire Also. of the Sea, l:r- Imul iSavteation anti Transportation. lllltECTllllt:—Fnmon Cameron, (;eo M. Lamont', WI tutu Dock. Eli Slifer, .I.ltries Fox. Geo. Bergner, Iletipmon Parke. Wm. 11. Kepner. A.B. Warlord. W. F. Murray, F. K. Bon., John li. Berry F. Packer. OFFICEIts - :—SIMON CAMERON, Preeident, BENJ. PARKE, Vice Prepitlent, S. S. CARRIER, Secroure. H. 11. FRY, Agent 3 Columbin,Pn August a tba. BAGLEY'S GOLD PENS. A FRESH lot of lot A, G. Bagley's Gold Pens, o f different sizes sold prices. Just received, at sAYLOR d, AIcDONALD'eS, Mad Quarters and News Depot, Front Street, see and door above Locust. Marsh 27. p11001113.---JOU Doz. Brooms, at IVholesale I) or Retail. at it. PFAHLER'S, Dec 1:2, 1857 Lneu.t street. QINE'S Compound of Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and tloa named, for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough. Crnup.&c. For sale at cCOft I.F. & DF.I.LETT'S Family Itiedictue Store, Odd Fellows' October Wankßooks: Blank Hooks!! T EDGERS, Journals, Boy Books, Cash Books, j Receipt Book, !tuna Boo Ls. Tune Books. Note Books. Puss Books, Memorandums, &e. A complete stock otsrays on hand or mode to order, and sold at the IOWC.I. 011.13 prices. by the CAM ROO MANOF. CO.. No. 44 Emu Ring at., Lancaster, Pa. April 9. 15.59. Patent Steam Wash Bolters. rrt 11ESE well known Boiler.. are kept eonotantly on baud at lIENRY PFAIILEK'S, Linnet eirect. opposite the Franklin 'louse. Columbia, July 18,1857. lots for sale by the bushel or larger quan ut). by B. F. Al . l'ol.D t Column is Dec. 25,1858. Canal 81/8111. Ti`XTRA and Superfine Flour, Buckwheat KJ Flour. Corn Meat. and whole Corn and 01i10. at Corner Cl Third and Union •heel!. [Jan. 8, 't39. THORN'S Extract of Cepa iha and Sarsaparilla, for cute at the Golden Alortar Drug Store, March 27. 1858. 'l'O&M° and Segars of the best brands, whoie,ldee wed rewil, at Je • '59. BRUNER'S. A/I AcHEREL, Nos. 1,2 and 3; Shad and Iler JIL ring. by the barrel or at retail t at Jan N.'so. BRUNER'S. LALT by the i Saek or Bushel, and Potatoes tti !Urge or c 11 quttntities, for sale In the Come: orri,ird and Union streets. [Jett. 8, ,59. FRANGI9ANNI Extracts and Soup; an everlasting, perfume. at HARRY GREEN'S Feb. Opposite Cola. Bridge. Front St. Just Received, A LOT of Step Sago Cheese, ... Pine Apple " Switzer " At D. DERRB• Grocery, Extension of Washington House, Walnut at. Columbia, A UgUpt 1,1857. rin - eikarrilly Groceries. AA SELECT assortment of the best Family Groceries ever offered to the Columbittps, at the Wine sod Ltqoor store, Walnut street, adjoining the Washington louse. NIEL, HERR. 17 - Congress Water In quarts, DA Bedford Water in, pinta, just received. Columbia. July 18,1857 B& and Fatty Cloths and Cossimeres & Fancy silk and Velvet Vestings. All kind* et goods for boys 'wear. lIALDEMAN'S Cheap Cash Store. February 1E41839. NEW RAISINS, Prunes, Citrons, Currant and Dried Peaches. Apples and Cherries, at HENRY SUYDAM'S, Corner Front and Union streets. Nov. 20,'58 FOR SALE. AT the Liquor and Grocery' Store of the subs her fine tot of Sap sago, Pine Apple and Spritzer Cheo‘e and a fresh lot of Sardines. June 5. trip. S. SERA CISTERN PUMPS. THE subscriber has a large stock of Cistern Pampa and Rams, 10 which lie calls the intention of the public. He is prepared to put dam up for woe in ha substantial and enduring manner. PFAHGER, Locust street. Detemberl2,l337. LNOTHPAT. lot of Soponetier. or Concentrated Ime. jest received and for sale by Apr..lo, , bfr. • WILLIAMS. R. WILLIAMS, Front street 112212=1 R. "V‘ ILLIAMS, It. WILLIAMS