XffOTIC7M 11 person; •nre irereby forbidden empty ing or throwing litter, runbish. &c., on the ve - Ann! lot on Front street, north of Abner Dic@in•on,s •Green Tree Hotel. Ally one no trespassing will be prosecuted to the full extent of the taw. Columbia, July 30, 1850. c?N hand nad ter Bale, wheiesnle and re Sail 6 hhdo. New Orleans BUM* Sugar; 25 WI lte Sugar. 1. 0. & H. F. DRONER, July 90,1&'2. 3rd & U 131012 streets. -Woods Temperance Mass Meeting and Pic-Nic. FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE AND nu .MANITY AWAKEI AWAKE! A, Woods Temperance Mass Meeting will be held in Elugh's Grove, 1 mile east of Al ouinville, on the Lancaster and Columbia Turnpike. and on the Pennsylvania RaProad, between Columbia and Lan caster, on 'I•IIEsDAY. AGULIST Itch, k-59, commen cing at 10 crecick, and continuing through the day. The followang able and eloquent speakers are en gaged for the occasion: Profeosor M. P. Gaddis. of it:boot:mall; Dr. John IWCrini, of o.4timore,• Nicholson. E.g.. of Philadelphia; James Black, EN, ofdaincoster t Rev D. :meek. of Lancaster; Rev. Win. H of Lancaster; liev..l H. !Menges. of Columbia. All per-ono interested in the cmi-e of temperanee, and the oupprension of the Liquor Trade, are cordmlly invited Families who may not wish to lake prey'. Long along with Mein, can be furnished meals conve moat toche ground. At suitable limns the ;lee club mill entertain the audience arab vocal music. Come (fiends, the evils of intemperance are great Mom; us, and widening every year. The experience of the fast four years has denims:rated shut neither .she "License System," nor ..the letting alone policy, will lessen or extinguish the evil. And it is full time that families, Whose happiness is being de.t.oyed— vehpse fathers, brothers and sisters are felling victims to this vice,—that lax payer. who have to hear end to pay the increasing marten of crime and pauperism, produced by the rum traffie,'should counsel together. Tickets Ott the Railroad from Harrisburg and Down ingtown, and all intermediate steno:ls, will be issu. d atlialf fare; and two trains in the morning and evening, will stop at the ground to take on and Leave MT pas sengers. Signed on behalf of the Committee of arrangements. I NEWTON PEIRCE. /•1113ea.ler. EDWA RD NI r 4 /1 REI ER., Columbia. C. WM. OIROD, alunettn, JOS, D. ATLEE, Mount Jay. July 30, 18.59-15. Fly Paper. SUPERIOR oracle of Fly Paper, for the dextrin.- .11. Mon of Flies, &c., hug ju.t been received at the 'Drug Store of R WILLIA,(IIS, Front :wee!, Columbia, July 30.184 NOTICE. TIIIIE undersigned Commissioners named in an "An act to iticorpornte the Henning and Columbia Railroad Company.! , approved Aim) , 79th, 1837, will open book , for renewing subscriptions to the capital Hoek or said company. at the public house of Daniel Herr. in the Brit ough of Columbia. on Monday, the Bth day of August next, at HI o'einek. A. M. The books will lie kept open six hours each day for three consecutive days. Five dollars must be paid on each shore subseribed. JOR. KONIHMACIIHR, H. M. NORTH, JOHN S. RPM 41113 , .. A.S. °REF:N. PHRDHRICK LAUER, M. M. STRICKLER, 901111 McMANUP, S. W. 1 1 111'11.1N, %Amur& W. A. AIARTIN. Jaly 16, 1b59.4t LIFE INSURANCE. THOMAS WELSIT, Esq„ has been appointed Agent or the Pellll NIUMW Life la•unt ore Com pany,loo o4 .h r o bLia ti d n elf l rga e . n fm i ti t d tb o t i t in t p a a 7 , r y t neighbor hood. Thin to provide for their fatollteq in ease of death had better ran on the agent and get insured. Co;umbiu,July 36, 1859-tf COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the Hon. HENRY C. LONG, Pre...Went, lion. A. 1.. DaVka nail Festiva Aston Mir Judge. of the Court of (:out loon Men.. in and for the county of La newsier. nnd Ju.niee+ of t he Court of Op,. and Terininer, And General Juil Delivery, acid ctintrier of lilt Peuce. ill mid for the county of lainetwter. have iaaued their Precept to me directed. rroniting mr. among oilier Ming, to make Pulidie Proelutnation 'throughout m • Hainwick. Out a Court of Oyer taut 'Terminer and fienerol Jail Deliver); A I , m, ri Court .orGenerul Quarter Seisitton. of t he Prove and Jni, Delivery, will commence ni the Court ti n , ' the 'airy . of la at ntriider. the Comm.-mu-ru lilt of retie, I -truffle. on the 'nil 11 I) 11107:DAY in ATJ6I.IST 1F59 tin puromnee of which precept, Pll 131.1 C tIS II H:REIIV GI VEN. to file Mayor 'lllll Aldermen of the eit) of I.tineit.ier. id roomy, and all the Jumf itiees of the Peat,. the COrnlter• and non +pittie4 0 . 'the said oily mid county of I,dilen,er. tbut tint be alien and there in their own proper perunns, 'toll. ....moll. owl Ulu} 'their other rentemlirant•e.i. to do itinow I.IIIIIV , tAlttell 1.0 their °Mee , tipper eee i ; in their hehu 11 . to lie dune, nod ul•m-all Ilimm who will pro-esmie against the ,pritiotterit who ore, or then rhull be. tat the Jail of the muted county of lottiest.iier.nle to be I lien and there to Ihm•eeutemiguhlal them n+ Mtn,' beiust. Dated at tdaltellSter the limit day of April. IQSO ffSNJAIII IN P. RI t‘VP, Sheriff. N.D.—Punctual ottentlutier of the ,furpre ppd diettllett will hereafier be expected awl required nil the tfirßt nay of the emmion, aldermen Mid Justices of the Pence sire required by an order of Court. dated Nov. 21,1843, toreturn their recognizasite•s. to Samuel Beaus. Clerk of Quarter SetiSialle, Wit hill One week from the day of final notion in each cu.r. stud in de fault thereof. the Nlngiatristee' cons will owl be ul- Jawed July 16,1858. w 833 I,Ai-r.--a--T -ir 4=, - k..a, c!, c:b st c>x• .0 WEST OF PHILADELPHIA. WE call attention to our unrivaled sloth of the ben broads of Chewing; Tobacco, which we will ' , Olaf very reelui.i-ri rrete, Good sweet r'nocress at 23c. per lb. worth 31e.: rood ewee , 111 , mee Dew, at 310 worth 40c.; good ewe-t CaventOM. at worth 33r pond Leaf Coven db.h, to 3ne . worth 37c; good Ternteot Cavendish, at , 35c.. worth olfc. We also hove .100.00 U ::•EGARS, of different Mande., which we earl sell cheaper than they 'Cull he sold at tow other enaloodonein iu mo country. Good :quo; at $4.00 per thoumnd. worth SAM; good German 1-txra. at Sgi.so. worth s6,Ctr, good German Sixea at $6.00. werM The Mogen and beet as , ormeM of Tobacco. Score, Snuff's, and everything connected with rile trade. at FENDatieli x BROtz' Wholesale and Retail Tobacco. Seger tad 'huff ;Manu factory, Front Str; et, five dam- above. Locum, Colum bia, Pa. July UM, !fat JUST Received another beautiful lot nf Vnndla Beane, at J. ItELLF:TT Jr CO'S Golden Mortar Drug Store. Front street. DANE NOTICII. TDB Columbia Bank, at Columbia, Laneas• ter county, and mate of Penn.,lvania. will on. ply at the next seat•ion of the Lep r i-Inture of .aid State for a renewal and exten-ion of it. Charter and Ilank• ing privileges, with the capital of Fine Hundred Thou. .sand Dollars, a+ at present authorized, and with the same name, style and location. SAMUEL !mom Caahlerof Columbia Bank, June 28, 1859. Columbia, July 2.1859 Gin ILL wanting farms in a dcliglitfal climate, rich soil, and secure from twos. See n.iveruse ment or Hammonton Lauds in another column. July S. 1 0 59 -Gm FOR THE GUITAR AHD 17/OLIN. received a general et.toorrment of ouperior a/ Guitar and Violin Strings. by J. St k. CO.. Golden Mortar Drug Store, Front at., Columbia. July 18.1959. 8 , ier no anger wit. Corns. AT the Golden Mortar Drug More you can procure an article which is warranted to remove Corns in 48 hours, without pain or sorenert. muszct ZVLI7SICI PROFESSOR PRIEM otters his services to the citizens of Colunthia and Vießid,: as a Teacher -of Vocal and Instrumental Must° He is prepared to Ora lesthns on the Piano. Violin, Melodeon. hc, find , will instauct in all the branches of vocalization He , will visit ache ars at their re-idenees as frequently as required, and will receive pupils who are without in struments. at the rooms of the Cecelia eoctety, zl. E. corner of Vront and Locust stree•A, where fa first class (Boston Piano wid be at their stroke. July, Dth, 1839-tf 'New Mackerel-11359. teD /1 PACKAGES New No 3 Mackerel just received The first of the season. st H. C. rolvimmturTivs. 1859. Adjoi n ing the Bnuk. Groceries -os.7IIOI,ESAGEe RETAII. 6 kihda. prime N. O. IT sugars, 25 bbls. While rt agars. .5 rihds. extra Syrup Molasses now in .itore . which we oiler by the hbd. or bbl., at Philadelphia prices, at M. C. POW DERS mrrirs Peoples' , Cash Store. Soly 9,1951) A. CARD. 11/YING been repeatedly complained to by citizen. of Colombia ant NV raghtsville in regard to the frauds committed by boys, peddlers or Woe tables. Berries, ice.. who represent their worthless ■nd unpalatable wares an the product of the Hillside Barden, in my own defense and as a protection to the public I would gate that I halm engaged no person or persons to hawk produce of any kind through the 1/IfPelP PPP! , this dote. I continue, as heretofore, to deliver Vegriableic.tte, to persons nreviou•ly order ing them and ts a safeguard herentler. all marketing from my go Melt will be delivered in Itheket• or yet , - sells plainly marked.on the .ides with my 11.111 P 1,. II PURPLE. .hillside Nursery and Greaten /one 80. ISM). FIVE DOLL RS REWARD. -ttriLl. bepnid for the arrest rind conviction ni goy SS promo selling mistle or utoinAslieu oble Fruit. Her- Her. • or VegrAuble- on tier .1.14 e preiriff.• that ihry Uwe* ber”..rnt on; by roe int role. or - that Ihry vre.e raised at the Hillside Nursery suld Gorden 23 , /I..PIMPLE. .Cotarstbia,.inly 2, laZo. The New American Cyc ((Mg-Sixth Volume is now ready for delivery. Igo .1. one, who has any ambition to keep up with the progress of the age. can do without this important work. which is conetse without being obscure, and which lays before the reader literature. the Arta and :sciences. the Learned Prnfessionsi and Agriculture. just us they are, with all the 'Latest linproventente, Ditcoveries and Inventions tit each branch. ELIAt , BARK A CO„ No. 31 East King street, Lancaster. Agents for the New Alnrrirati Cycloptedir. for Ileitton's Al.ridgement of the Di bates at Congress. Mandell's Life of Jefferson. the Memoir of the Life of Q Adorns. Cooper's Novels, illustrated by Barley. Audubon. Itirds of Aineriva and for all the popular publahnig houses in the country. 60 B. r. A. SONS O. :k7 EVER Appletan's New American Cycle paadia. 1 .-- I t is ft great. Notional Work. 2—lt 14 truly Amerienn in it. character. 3.—lt meets the dern..ndst of the age. 4.—lt is a work which everybody need.. s.—lt is a work which everybody .hoold have who haanny book= at nil. G-11 is a library in itself. 7—lt is in.truelive loan. 13.—j; I. Oar nnapied xolho scholar and the man of buotine.o. A—li is the highest standard of reference 10-1 t k perfeetiv 11.—It i. learned and compremnsive, yet clear and succinct 12.—h to new and original, 13.-11 iazirh in biography of the living as well as the dead. b a complete storehouse of facts and data on all branches of knowledge. 15.—1 t excels , all other works of the kind, in tick- nets, vnrirty nod extent. 16 —lt is the hook for the Planter and the Farmer. 17 —lt treats on Agrieultu•e to all its brooches. W.— ft supersedes the necessity of purchasing many books. AliVeS much time and labor. fnct• without uttempting to bias the judgment. 21 —lt !MAMBi ! perfect neutrality in all matters of mere operalat tort. In -It In:ma of entertainment as well an of in. mruciints 23.—Its article*. mans of them, !theses, the charm . _ of a novel of romanre 24 —lt t• n trra•ury of knowledge in all branches of Ike art. and .ei.mt.ea. 25—It is WI intere.ding fireside. companion. 28.—1 t has on immediate bearing on the seCTIC3 and necessities of doily life. 27-1 t is n entripleie household book. 28.—1 t is Mike interesting to the son and the sire, to the matron and the maid. 2A—lts religious articles nre truthful, and tree from bigotry and partiality. 30.—1 t observe! ri strict neutrality in treating of the Brent political gne.tion• of the age. 31.--It IS the young mule+ guile and the old inane ata 11". 32,—1t1..the teacher's a...eimant and the pupil's pre- center. 33.—1 t is the scholar's companion and the basines•- ma n's ho ltd-hook. 34.—1 t i• the politician's nom book and the lawyer's rade mecum the physician's directory and the u.inis. ter's common-place book. 80.-it indicates n proper appreciation of the liters• lure of our oven county. 37.—1 t is the ea-te-t way practicable of securing a complete Itlrrnry. 39 —lts mechanical execution is elegant and perma• nem. 39.—1 t is exceedingly cheap. 40.—The pone man may cyjoy its advantages at we! n. the rich. H.—Thousand. have examined the volume• already m in have expre..ed grent antisteetinn both a. to the maner and the manner of exe mien. • high eharneter nrthe publishers guarantee* it..stisfaetory cornalettou. 43.—There •hnuld be of least one copy of the work in every bou.e. as a book of constant refer- ence. 44.—N0 parent can bequeath a better legacy to his children. 45.—Its daily perusal will contribute more to the in tellecitml advancement of the young than al the novel• in the world. 46.—Thouttli not bolt so candy as the farvfrttaed En cyclopedia liritannica, it is ten limes better for Atnerient.s. 47.—The public pi generally is loud in its praive 44 —The publisher. , pledge, given in the prospeenkt will he promptly nod folly redeemed 48.—The work wilt be found to I.e s erimplete em bothineni of nil the grand and wonderful re sells of original investor:won whielt eo bnl tundty dtviingul-In the presem erolory. 00,—All the above rett-onv tire good and true. n• ex uminalion will vhow D. APP/ EON etc CO., r ubn-h,.. & 348 firoadveny, is.. Y. ELIAS BARR & CO, Book-Fellers, General News &treats and dealers In all .11111111dd publications. 31 Post Kate Stoeel, nearly 0p ,0.1,e the Court House. I.naeaster. Pa AGENTS for the rub-criptiod Books of D. A ppitimil & Co. and nth, pOlll.ll, r pnbl I.lii lig Dous e s. E. 13. & Co. nre prepared to receive orders for ony of the t'ollege. school and Miscellaneous Itooks pub lished by D. Appleton & Co. Catalogues gratis. ecittimlti.t.Jtifs 2. Icis9 Bridgens' County Zap. 'VIVI forget to get a ropy of this map. / The >lop jugl o•.ited I. but n mooched no edition of nu old note with which the inhabitant• of the i•ointry have Mom familiar fat mom yet,. It hit , been with view. nnd ohm, which odd .oinewhott in type:l,6l'er. lint it it incomplete mod itinee brute, nod I. condemned by every .olt.erilter who hit.ocen.ton to unlike u.e of it n reference Notwithstanding/he pain. that other. be ye 111•1(001 to miarepre.elot my intention.. in order. nt the prromd time in necompli.ll their own 0111, I beg Italie en trolllllllllly 10 alainlinee 110111 enot.iderottle prove— lot. toreutly hero matte a• 011 the Aurvey.g. n11;101111 it lint (Ii• reptet,nied) Inc intention to toltotidno lii) prrswa undertuking of getting up u mop of Idmenster county. The work it lira font-lied will he it ftithful lorlngrapallol tvlartelsitlinii of the whole count)-. anti shall ant, tiller delivery. shore the justly mennJ lute of other. on tieing condemned by the public an bring 1111 imposition. 11. I'. BR IDG ENS, ruhlt.her. July Q. / New Agricultural Settlement. TO ALL WHO WANT FARMS. A RIR opportunity in a delightful and healthy clonal, 2i mile. woollies-1 oflel phiti, on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, New Jersey. An old estate mitigating of revernl thou..] oda of storey of prodoefive mil ha. been divided inn Parma of vortoll= tire, in evil the purelm.er. A population or come fifteen lowered. from various t ome of the Middle .State. and New Ragland have aetiled the pact year. improved their pi re.. and raived excellent trap.. The Pfirr of she Nod ins to the low at 815 to $2O per acre. the soil i. of the heal eunllly for the produetion of Whew. (lover. Corn, Peoehe.. Rothe. and Vegetable.. 11 i- coll.:tarred the bent Fruit in the Vigo The puttee to perfectly. !Feriae from fiesta—the destructive enemy of the farmer. Crop. of gram. gra., and ri nit sore now grouellid and ran In. cor n , soy expm,,,,,,pc the Otter D.Arlf, n rerrreel mem can be ((weirdo( the productivettea. sot the b te d. The term- tire made may to secure the repic im provemelit of the land. winch i. only raid for actual improvement. The result hea been that withiv the peat year. romp three hundred houses have been erected. two mill•. one ahem. four amnia, come forty vineyard" and Peach orchard', planted. and it large number of oilier improvements. making it a desirable and active place of THE MARKET, as the vender may perceive front its location, is the Best in the Union. Produce bringing double the price than in location• away from the City, and more than double the price than the %Vtpt. It t• known that the earliem nod hem fruit. and vegetable. in thi. latitude come from New Jersey ; and are annually exported to the extent of million.. lit locating here. the settler ha. many advent:wee. lie in within a few hour• ride of the great cities or New Flngland end Middle Penes. he i. near hi. old friend. and OPPOCitilintlil, he a settled country where every Improvement of comfort and eivilizion i , is to hand. Ile con buy every article he want. at the cheapest price. and sell hi= produce for the high em, (In the West thin I. reversed.) he hit• .rhonls for hi• children. divine ..ervice.and will enjoy on open winter, and delightful elima tr. where fever. are titter. ly unknown. The remit of the change upon them from the north. has generally been to restore them to ran excellent state of health. In the way of building and improving. lumber can be obtained at the mill. tit the rate of RIO to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from the brick vard opened in the phew every article can be procured in the plsee.gond rainenter. are at hand, and there is no place in the tinintl where buildings and improvements can be made cheaper. The reader will at once be struck with the Lamm. rage. here presented, and ask himself why the pro- ! perry ha. not been taken up before. The reason io, it was never thrown in the market; and artless these statement. were correct, no cone would be invited to examine the land before purchasing. This all are ex peened to do. They will see land under cultivation. such is the extent of the settlement Mot they will no doubt, meet per-on., from their oven neighborhood; they_ will witness the improvements and can judge the eburucter of the population. If they come with a view to settle. they should come prepared to stay a day or two and be ready to purchase, as locations cannot be held on refusal There are two daily trains to Philadelphia. and to all settlers who improve, the Railroad Company give. a free ticket for six mouth., and a half-price ticket for three wears. THE TOWN OF BAMbIONTOIC In connection with the agricultural settlement. a new end thriving town has naturally arisen, which presents inducements for any Lind of bantnesv, par. mimeo and manufactories. The he bind• ties. could be carried on in this place and market to good advantage, elm cotton bUslnesa, and num f le - Ironies of agricultural itnplements or foundries for casting email amities. The improvement his been so rapid as to insure a constant and permanent tn- Create - of bwinesa. Town lots of a good sire. we do not cell small ones. as it wauld effect the improve ment of the place,,can had at from slN)and upwards. The Hammonton Farmer, a monthly !heron' and ngricultora 1 sheet.containing full information of Ham mm,tnn. sun tie obtain...l a t as nem , per omen)) de,„„),, given clear of nil ineumbrance when money I. paid, Route to the bind: leave Wine street wharf. Phitneelphist. rot Hammonton by Rnilroarl. at n A M . 0,41 P. Al.— Fn re 110 cent. WP tit there ingutire fur Mr. Byrn e ., Bo ne di e g convenient.e on hand. Partir• had better mop with Mr. ilyroe!.• prinnionl. until they have de tided tit. to purebas.tig. n. he will Mitow them over the N e d i n hi. cwt ringe.fnee nf expert.... 'Leiters and net. iler milt be adote...sed to Lattlam .v. Byr n e.. Hammonton P.O. Arttrfttie co. New Jenwy, or at. B. CoMatilo. gth? South Fifth effect, Philadelphia.... Maps and lad:trammels cheerfully furdisited. NOR ST cPcsinirm TOR yoi ARM LANDS far sale 25 miles from,Phila- delohia by Railroad iii the 'Stare of New Jersey ...l among the best for A gricultural purposes. being a good loom soil. with a clay bottom. The land in A large tract. divided into small farms. and hundreds from all - p.n. of the ecuntry are tiow smiling and building. The crops produced are large and can be seen growing The elimme is. delightful, and occurs from (roars. Tesnr• (rem 815 to ggio per sere, paya• ble within four years by iitionlmeitts To visit the place—Leave tae street wharf sit Philmlelphist as 7k A. M. by Hatiroul for flummizotion, or address It J. Byrne., try letter. Hammonton Post Office. Attain its County, New Jersey. See full itdreritseroeut in ono' her enhitTlll. July 2. tSCAreon SBRED Sparkling Gelatine for Pale at the Golden Mortar Da ug Store, Front Street. Jl3+T Received n fresh 'wordy of Corn Latarch, Arrow aloof, at the Golden Mortar Drug store. mR. S. A ALEN'Lti flair Dressing. the best pre 171 paration now to use. for the beautifying the hair For sale only at the Golden Mortar Drug Store. GRAIN GROWERS can carry on their W titles.. Most PUCCettSII.IIII m litiMMOI:10,1, free from frosts. 80111 C forty vittertrd4 sex out the past season. See udvertigement of Hammonton ImuCa another column. PIERSON& wanting change of climate for bruit!, Kee aolveni,ement of linnomotoosi nnothcr column. 1. 1.5 6.., TO A.ll WANTING FARMS. See advertise- J. mein of lIUMIIIOIIIOII July 2. WO em PERSONS wishing to tslablish mannfaeto• rICS in It new mill olinvilig ptu•e wilt,. Itu-ille-s u. good. sce adver&cirwol or the ilemmeefee Nei le meta. [July ti. 18494 m k.)QIIOE BUSINESS and factories can be cor rird on profilid•ly ut llndsmontoit ,re /*dyer -o...mem of lisemmoidon July Y. ISSD-Dm 31ST ARMS , 5 0 EELS- Extra EamilY Flour.aud for ...Ile by B. F. APPOLD Columbia, July 2, 1859 THE HAMMONTON FARMER.---A newspaper devoted to I,iteroture nod Agriculture. nioa feu. tlng forth full account. of the new seastetnena of llama. mouton. in NewJerney, can he subscribed for at only 25 cent• pet :mown, Inelo•e pomage stamp. for the nmount. Adder... to Editor of the Farmer. Hammonton P 0 . Atlnnna c. 0.. New Jersey. Thofe wifhittg cheap WO. of the Left quality In one of the healthiest nod moo delight• eillTelfee ill the Union. Bed where crap• are Steller ell: down by frosts. the terrible scourge of the north, see ad ve ru••ment of Ilummonion Land•. July 2, 19Z9-0m JUST RECEIVED at NIII?AFF6II'S Clirap mot: STO It E. the new pictorial edition of WEB STER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONA RY, ;ju-t maned by the publisher..) corm Wog Fifteen Rimilreil :11u.. nations; also. from nine ihominnd in wit New Words and Meaning.. and n Yalu:Min table of Synonyms. prepared withgreni cure by Prof Good rich; n table giving the pronuneintion of Eight 'I hon. sand Distingalshed PrrrOnu of Modern Times; the peculiar use of words and terms in the Bible; table. of Latin, French. Spsnish turd Lotion Phrase., Idiom., Proverb.. Ae , rendered into Eitgli.h; Abbre viation.. Arbitrary sign., ke., together with ail the inniner7orprevions editions. COSSIOS: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. Vol, 5; by A lexander Von Humboldt. [harper'. edition. HINTS rovvA R PHYSICAL.P Eftrgcnn:v: or the Phitcr.Ophy of Ifutonn Beauty. showing brius ae quire and retain Bodily Symmetry, Heidi h Ullli Viffor secure lorg life. and avoid the infirmities mud De formities of Age, by It. If Jacques. LECTURES delivered before the Voting Men'. Chri.fian A...ociation in Exeter Hell. November 1958 to Februmry, 1659. Three volumes. .old -rpn rute. JOHN sIiEAFFER. Keamp's 13uildlogs, Punk Queeu•el June 25, 0 1 59 if. WATER COOLERS AND FILTERS. T H E undersigned has now on hand a large stork of Superior Water Coolers. whieh are guaranteed to give ,aii-fitetino 10 all who will gtse them a trial, For keeps g wilier pore nod void, with a peal saying oiler, ilea for exeel;eure of miteut.te lute 111111 durnbthlt. these ront...rs an , ii . ur rta....eit. Also. a 101 of WATT IC for poriftilie 1111111.. 11y or lortiekish water. the puha,. ore 111 , Illed 10 eep nod rxamute the stock They will be -old .11 , Vl/0 1 t.- Outs or remit, at eery !ow rule.. fur CASH. HNNRF PFAIII.V.R. Locust street. opposite the Fruu6lnt Ifou-e. Colombia. June 25, ltdiS, MORE ATTRACTIONS OPENING Al Fondersnath's. Othird eapply of he , utifn! black Chantilfa Lace mnonf are now lentil - !or the Inepeetiott of the lathes. TNu may be the last ell tone for these gabd. this season. owing to the t ery great tern owl in the cities; therefore ladies will please re RI r. I/. C. lift oCltsilllTll. Adjoining the Batik. :gay 21,1858 NEW MUSIC STORE, No. 93 Market st., Trarrisbnrg, S ZI T MUSIC, Inseruclion Books, MUSICAL MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY, Pianos, ffelodeons, Gnilars, Flutes, ccor deems, cfv., cr-c. June 4, 1850. 0. C. U. CARTE'. New Arrival of BOORS AE.ND STATIONTLICIE, AT HEAD QUARTERS & NEWS DEPOT !UST reerived a large and varied stuck • Monk. Aleinnranclinn Psi,* min Copy Ilo o k.. Leifer, nrd NOV. Paper. (very eileop.) and I.egni P]nvelnp,•+ of nil qtrililieo rine ItiOle4. 113 mn anti Pinyer Murk, in every .0) le of bmdiug. Neut. :41,1r l'oekei Ilnnk. (no.. and India RnbU.r 10.1.01;1-, loam 1[t11.1.,, P. a sea• ..rliele 'Mimi's,. with a Lora,. .I,.rk of ranee A:l l. 10 ill 01' Wide]. is, rail ilte 1.10,0,00 of do. ooj. Zeit. of GohlOgiiiia i. 1.1 grn•fied that we Can .011 in goofll v. 111,1 io Ito Ire -AYI.UII.&,IIIcDONALD. Colimbitt. April 9. 1959. FRALIJITZIN PINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. QTATEMENT of the Walt or the CompanT on L) 1111111,111 I, 1 . 5 e. PUiloikiled ill 1.0111011 . 1111) %VIII, t he provinioll of the nizlhecetionofthn At., ‘..emiol) of hprllst.h,lS42. RTGAG ES. Being brat mortgage* on rep le.dnie. in th City end County of Pittlndelithits, rice 15:30.95t1i1l Montgomery. Iluek sehtly kill and Allegheny tountiee.Pennnylv niu, REAL ESTATE. Purehneed at Sliertirtd hale,. under nterugage viz: Right hou•ee and lot. 70 by 150 feet. on the South-went earner of Chesnut and I. 4 eventeenth 01111,1%. A hnu•e and Int, 27 by 71 feet. on North side of Spruce street., Weal of 81e v.. entn Wert. Two how-e. and loin, coed] IS by SO feel. on South •ide of Spruce en ee4. near Sean...nib ...erect, Five hou'ee nod tato. each 17.9 br 90 eel. Nos. 159, 161, 163. 165 to in: 197 110Iwyn rd., Three lhoanen and 141.40 by 54 feet. on En.; 141dC of Seven teen! lo ul reel,sout le of Finest. Hotel and 1nt,30 by 81 feet.onthe South es..l cornerof Chesnut wool Thearl. ste . Five houses and lot. 4d by SO lemon the North side of George street, West of Ashton street. Seven houses and lot. 20 by 117 feet. on the Kum side of Beach street, south of Cheerio , Street. A house and lot. IS by 30 feet. No. Iro Fitzwater street. gust or Ninth Street. A ground rent of WIN issuing sot of a hoc 13-41 by 40 feet, on North side of Otter street, 40 feet West of Leopard street, TRANS. temporary Loans, on Stocks as Collat. oral Security, STOCKS. 410,000 Alms House Loan,ls per cent. (Int. on.) /00 Shares Bank o f Kentucky, 17 " Northern Rank ofFrentacky, 100 " Union Bank of Tennessee. 13 " Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. 500 " Southwark Railroad Co. 37 " Commercial and Railroad Rank, Vicksburg, 300 Pennsylvania Railroad Co., at , t Franklin Pire Insurance Co., 2 Mercantile Library Co., 24 Union Canal Company, 10 Schuylkill Railroad C 0... $lOOOO North Penn'a Railroad Bonds. $4347 City Warrants. *2.000 Burlington City Water Loan, $7OO Philadelphia City Loan, Notes and Hills receivable. Cash on hind, Cash i u hands of Agents. LOSSES BY FIRE. oases paid &Irma , be yentl9.s7. Br order of the Retard. .41A IS 4 N rgER. Presiden t Attest W. A. *TIM.. at..asy Pro Teat DIRECTORS. CHAS. N. RA Ni 'KM Pre.sdPiti. EDIrD (7 DA Vi, e President. Chita. N. Flanetter.lN•bi.. Wagaer. *animal Gram, lamb R. armpit, G.. 0 W. Aiello rd., Itlordeemi U. Lewi.. Iltrown.t.aar Lea, Edward C. Date. aro rate" W3l. A. iSTEEL. See's' Pm rem. THOS. LLOYDpAgant. Columbia. ArorS. A lON. • WOOD! INOCKXI!! IDo CORDS of prime Hickory and Oak ooe.tor stile al the to hart adjoining the columbla Wat..r House. Apply to May 2a, "59-If. HENRY PFHALER. TAcinch n •uprrior articte. permanenlir Mork. VT . a id tint corroding the p•n. ran be had in nut Quantity. at the Family kladiri»c thore, and blacker t• 1111,1 Rnglirh Boot Poliab. Columbia, Jane 9,4659, Brown ~ugnn nt n •'6n good white p etrr flurOvOinDs 01 it , •levy;” prim« Rin ("offer nt a "tray" Choler Omen and illuck Teua Cana r iA igv i., t , ws /WIC iP.IPS9, Adjniuwe the flank. JUST RECEIVED, FRESH lot of Kennedy's Medical Discovery, and a for sok. by June :2.1. '59. R. WII,LIAMS. nUR town ia erre henlihr. nod na you nre not In warn of ItTeMeine.t. wt. hare a 'trent variety of other noirle. wideh are htdl•pea.oble to your corn ow. In Trate, Artie!, we entmni fir rXrell.-d amoog which nre Thurtdon ragllt.h Tooth Powder. 3 *uperior dentrofiee. Dunn 's; Camphor Tooth Sono, trod Cdgne. Illogic Tooth IVa•h. New Dress Goods. NOVELTIES AGAIN. Rrirscr. Napoletano lientinifill good' for ladieid /dynes; as cool Its,, lierece. mid a• durable and !terminil ao n silk; u ith aiiiiher supple of rent Liavens, selling at 12i ets just received nt C FtINDETISACTH'S. May 21.1859 Adjoining the Colombia, Hank. PERSONS wishing to change their business enumrv. n new +ellie- Merl' where hundred• are going. Where the elimme is mild and de tiglttrul. See nilverti.ement or the Ham monton :z.ellemet4t, another columo. July g . I-59 Gm PRESERVE YOUR FRUITS. T7i1.t.01.70f113r$ Patatot M lr-Tight -narn.r. for Finn rrepervoig Ct.n and Jar:. This a new ;Ivaco'. mid IP entirely rtr-r , uni in exelinti..g the nir.— The Flapper. eon he fitted to any kiad of Jar nr ran. The •ulocriti• ri, ante ngant for Colombia. A large supply of J ars and rand of all kiln* rind 3/Le! , kept con glumly on hand. HF:NRY P fl I .F.R. 1°59 . ..root. P/1. FRUIT! FRUIT: FILITIT! V,T the new stud improved %Air tislts glow, n te , e a villp:irfrS lip 1141.71. 4 11 ns•tent liar tight preserving jar. reeeiveil 111 PON 11ERSNI TTIV: 4 June 19.1659. Columbilt. I 500 VAR," French and l'neiSe Lawn.. n ,e now nßrtine lit 6, S. 141 :Intl IV} rent. par ',II, if,llllllilt tintiftin Crtrd m ay Itirh rn ri. printed nrgninliea. Ilerege... I'rape tie tr:nne. 'rntn•.ll liegetTe Rube n Tunigne., is II vei y de—irsoltle goot!• for the prr.ent one, op pronelnor ren.mt, nt 11.0 roN lIERSNI IT I I'S June IS. I g 59 Penpl.'4 Ca.ll Siam. 1:171 7 . hnvejtoh rerrivell at the rnmily 111orlicine Vr 11 - I'l .upplY of Turnip Seed, awl the %into apprhuchithr 10 phut. for rut and winter nee. You rem get it by the pound, or is any thholtity tnu wino. June 18.1859 At H. C. Fondersmith's, Columbia. v. 1 4, 1 r n e now oseriving our foorth supply- of Spring • Gd -. is fully inn per emit lower sit price Ilion purelmsett st month it.tr•ief. Now is toe lime Lathe. told Gentlemen. We offer Mot. de [mine. nod liereze de Lanes at 8 cent. to 25 newt- - per vitt& good good. and It:meld/me styles , : 10 ronre. new Itoltesio,.. to till c010t4,031y 12; els.; pa•re. , l-1 Engli.llChintres..l-1 Figured Rrillitinies, Heat o-nch nt the low pritte of IA Dural. and Perrulo-20 pirreator benuliful lire.. Goon.. n, magnifinetti ecrotr• 111 d new designs Irvin . 20 to 31 rt., We Gn yr 1101 111 ,. snare here Io routnerlot. III! late novelties ill Dress Goods, which Ave wilt lir happy to show to nil who ty favor with II nal'. 5t11,..! yurd+ Rielt Plaid Fon'nrd.„ nt the amll.l,il.tle lOW price of 62 0.. per ystril. Fumy Dip... Silk. lit cnrioit- pare., lie it retto.ottlo...-11 We iiIW,I)• have 1111. 0,1 doltur il. l %dumbiit. I , llnty9- mid :%1 iili 1 1 11,—A full hue of nil -13 les of t , lintets—hti, no from 00 rent• to 'lie beautiful Grupe Shawl at 4,25. The Lodi... tire partteulutly invited to our betalliftli I.3CC M1111111111..-pfiee, 110 m S7lO 823. Note for the Gentlemen.—Our new ?Pk Quilted aim Afar... Wes Ve.ting.. Sill: pltxed Caspimeres, do, nre worthy their early intention A good Ag•noriintott Nick Ties, Stocks, Su.penders, linindker chief. mid Hosiery. E'nnu'i forget the Sun Umbrella., all colon., 0101 peer. Glloll'.ltir.sa.—Good 7 cent Su¢nr, "levy" Coffee, anti 11l eelii Syrup, lit FOISIDERS:MITLI'S. Co l umbio. 23.18:10 Wall Paper -3000 PIF.: 4- F.SI or gull Paper will be sold witl.oul regard lo cost, st II C. FONIDPITISMITIPS Aln% 21.113:;10. Adjoining the Mit& XXTE don't forget you; our work of Clotho t'otteimere. V V awl Ventitigs. hove ounin been replrmiehed with choice good- in your hoe, nt retitle..: priers. Coll nod tee wt. if. C. f'OVDER-4111T11. Niny ^L 1559. People', Co-lt e,titee, rr Book% n( the paharriher have been placed in the I hall. h. tI Eltar, E.g.. with .lathot it}• to collect all ereattata. l'erAoac indebted wii) make p ty t too t t t o him. lb.e having rlntms will p'ea.e pr• them for 6rlttvnterot. 1.. J FiLPERT. Al.ty 2 4 . 1,59-tr. T""' now 'nub. Ci.llnr. on Linen Cnmhrh.., end eXlrllO dIIIIIry Chen(' C mh , ic F mincing bat me, With gene' I tutor union:: the is dies .A few mire left" nt :51 .}2l. 1E59 Tday lig-net:ol.ot with me Ito eo.port I per tit the 1Vhole.:11e 211111 Newt Dope. Ctoeer) • reed toot Provi•sno 11...itte., 1.1 the 1N.,. it. Ifte for/mgt. ot . Ilmrry I. Uhler Th.. Ith.tite... m.lll Itereuiler tuttier th e fi r m or Wel-lt A: Uhler. Thu*. WNLSII. Murch thso. Thu cubwribern would SII I e the :me ni ion of Imnt• men nod w'? u , In III", ..yl,..ive ROPES, FEED, -PROVISIONS, GRO. CER I ES, , Ar.c„ tit tbe oid •to It the ton-1.1 foil.. §,trw I 111,j5,. Co luutbm. Pn 'limy keep nu 10t...1 tb.• I.‘fro.l nine lc of Rnpe• offered no. •ido Told n .apply of Prodl•lon•—Hunt•, r‘loodder, DIP d neer, Corn. Oat^. llny, W raw. 14. e. A general ntonfirneof of 1 iIIP1.1.1•11•A A P.. , 3. 3 . L.F.1•1 & SI .5D6 E 25.1.9 LIST OF NEW BOOKS. JUST RECEIVED AT Saylor 4 Mt Doradd'a Book Storr. 1,1,14 of 110. I.lr. by Mr-. Sol/Ihworil.. lamer. from Spain, Wm. C Itr)oo..}l 00 The Immo , Ilnu-e. or, Vrttherf from l'OVVrly'! SI .1 , 5 11001. 01 Cowrminm.mt, It 10111 Come A1,,,,-, mr01...A1 10 roundoll.2!#. 1.1„. I ih , IMO, Miller, SI XS. Tm• 111,1 SsiliotOnow. %I ier Togr,tv, WOlit a Mrp7 mwortopmt of 6 irceilan llookg. gOl4 low for ca.M. Apo f 16 1,50 A toe t .r. .4.74.2-0 FE) FOR SALE. 200 CROSS Friction Matches, very tow for cash. Pine 25, '1.9. B. WILLIAMS 101,048,17 r Cost. 1'401,647 97 40 84,307 00 aims on 4,030 48 40,SCS 48 61,888904 74 8203 7r , 0 74 Harrison's Connubial'. Ink Fresh Groceries Variety Keep Cool Turnip Seed Gentlemen, NOTICE. Our Embroideries H. U. !1)%. Aojoi..il.g The MIA NOTICE Vanilla Beans. • J9 - 1* received a freak supply of Vanilla Beans, and for aule by 8. WILLIAMS. Columbia April 23.1859. GENUINE htte cantle eon), Mite Windsor soup in bars. A fresh .apply or the above has just been received at the Drug store or R. WILLIAMS. April 2 1.1P59. Front erect. ILEAD! 11.11.42111 ZDADIU ESENWEIN'S AROMATIC BALSAM, Is a remedy not to be excelled for the relief and cure of those maladies Incident to the summer season. viz tliarrhosit, Uyentery, Cholera or Cholera Moan:3, Vomiung, Acidity of the stomach. etc. its melte:it carminative powers. pleneant taste and soothing inflnenee, residers it a valuable remedy in !Otani e disea•es, peculiar to the second summer. viz: Cholera I iitantum, etc. It be. a reinvigorating and tonic fad:mace on the system, allaying indamation where it exi.4 in the siomach and bowels—and on trial will he found indispensable to the well being of every family. It will be found as well adapted to Adults as Chile rein—Try it. Prepared only by A Fk'EN WElti. Dispen.ing Chemiat. N. W. cur Ninth is Poplar Sit, Philadelphia. Prlee eu.. per Bottle. [l7 - so!d by H. F. Green. and J. R. Dellett & Co., Cniumbia and by druggists and storekeepers generally. Ma), i 659-137 - ::.:Jl. ua, or King's Evil, = a constitutional disease, a corruption of the ,lood, 33,- which this fluid becomes vitiated, .vcalc, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the Nvhole body, and may burst out n disease on any part of it. No organ is free :rom its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices. and, above all, by the venereal infection. \What ever be its origin, it is hereditary its the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him lam says, " / will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofuloas in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons arc invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remeciials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Enua-ii - v and SKIN DISSARES, Sr. ANTRONT'S Frau, ROSE, Or BRYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, PUSTULES. BLOTCITES, BLAIN'S and Dom% TUMORS, TRITER and SALT RIIETIM, SCALD BEAD, RINGWORM, RR E1:144.215X. STPIIIITTIC and DIDECURIAL D/S.- SASES, DROPS?, DISPEPSLA, DESILrir, and. indeed, ALL Cost:mantra a.ursnm fltON Vrrta. ran OR IMPURE BLOOD. The popular belief is " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate thisvital without which sound health is impossible In contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties,the invalid who is bowed down with pain or pysical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and hot only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their Jaye in the following complaints: Costive ness, Hem thorn, Headache athinglivm disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inartron of the lioceets, lqatutency, Loss °Trims tile, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOIL SITS RAPID CURL OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bron chitis, Incipient Consump. tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So nide 15 the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the eases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persona pair Lich• knonn, who have Lcen restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of it s kind is too apparent to escape e'•.-..rrntion, and v.hcie its virtues ate known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the milmonly organs that are incident to our climate. ntarty inferior remedies thrust upon the community hare failed and been discarded, this has Fantodfriends by es ery trial, conferred benefits In toe afflicted they can never forget, and pro dueed cures too 'numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. J. C._ AVER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Snld .A• J. S. DELILHTT & CO.. Colambin. Crewe & Roth. Alt...fella, 11. Slay maaer. alaylown, GrOPA & Crnu.n. gliennethinven. J Leader, Alt. Joy, and Lay all reopeelatae rnereauntr. Brushes 77 AIR, Tomb and Cloth dru.hes, Bunko Redding II Comb.. English ficrn Redding Combs, Env/irs Horn Pocket Combs. India Rubber Pocket Combs, India Rubber Children'. Long Combs, India Rubber Fine Tooth Comb., India Rubber Dressing Comb.. A large es.ortuactit of the above, latest styles,just re ceived and for sale by April 9, '39, R. WILLIAMS. COSTAR'S Rat and Roach Exterminator, l'o.osr's Missies, Powder, rot the dews...dos of Flies. Moth, Fleas, Plant Insects, kc. A fresh sup ply for sale by Aptll9, ;39. R. WILLI 1018. Waverly Novels. STERSON Ss ORO'S Chesp Edition e! :be Ws. P vedy Navels, received as soon as published, at 95 eta. pet val., or five dollars per rei ass ewe. SAYLOR b.IUcDONAI.D. April lb, teat. HUMOROUS BOOKS TUT pablisbed and An Bale at the Mai Quarters e? and News Venat. piney Woods Tavern, or, a Stray Yankee in Texas $1.23. Big Rear's Adventures and Travels, $1,93. N IC Pepper Papers, $l.OO. tsparroargyass Papers, 21, 0 0. Matrimonial Brokerage in the Metropolis. 01.23. ErA lame assortment Cl Cap. Letter and :Sale Paper, Envelopes, *e., cheap, at Plead Quark,. end News Depot. (Apr. 16,'59. roz anwr. TWO fint-rate business "lands on Front meet. tietween Locu•trnd Walnut street* orsth DrVELLINGS sdlnelsed. Asilm3diale M" , ` session Riven. rassinire •t aloe Dreg Flume of April 9059. It. WILLAANILds Freda Slanklitooks,Dlank Socks. % LARGE lot of Ledgers, Day Rook*. !Remora*. .tum. Pam and Copy Root. V...y cheap sAytA3a moboN • 1 4 1). Aj0r.110.19. Ffred Queters etkelNewslrepat THE VATELLT lEDICINE STOW, ODD FELLOWS' HALL. WE are now prepared to rupply the people of Co. T r lutr.lAs Witt medicines fresh from East hands, and agreeter variety of Perfumery and Pency Av. ticles Mee we havexsaally had. Also, for table cot, Prepared Cocoa. Farina, Corn Starch, Cog & Coop er's Gelatine, for miring Jeltiea . Wines and Bran dies for cooking aad medicinal. purposes. aRAILit or, Bond's Botta Cratkert, for VI Dyspeptics, and Arrow Root Crackers, for in- - valids and children—new articles In Columbia, at the Family Medicine Steno, April 16. 18.59. 20 doz. .Toutrin's Celebrated Xid. Gloves, IN beautiful spring shades, and black.just received. The Ladies should be particular and enquire for Jouv Mrs Gloves not "Jouvin & Co." You always can get the genuine article. at H. C. FONDERELMITHI3, Adjoining the Bank. April SM. 1959 C. D. HOTTENSTEIN, M. D., Q IJRG ON AND PRYSICIAN, Columbia, Pa Office in the rooms lately occupied by Dr. L. $ Filbert. May 14. IPSSI.If. TURNIP SEED FOR FARMERS. lASI in receipt of s fresh lot of the above Aeed—supe rior quality, which L wilt cost in quantities to out purchasers. June 25,'59. R. WILLIAMS, APEW hundred pounds Prime soda Ash jun received and rrsk try ie R. WILLIAMS, Prof. Gardner's Soap WEbuvestse New Englund deep for those who did Tr 7202 01110 in it from Nan; it i. Plea.a ot to the Flan. and will take grrnse epote from Woolen Goode. it is therefore no hoeing. for you tirt the worth of your monry of the Flan'ly Medicine Store. Columbia, June It, 1859. TRH Arrow Root Biscuit are gill in de mand. We reetved u Creel% .uprily htet evening: now i. the iimr to get them at the Family Medicine Store, and no where elec. Cothinitimitme 18.59. OPENING THIS ItIZOLNING. SPI,NDID aisortrazat of Luc Mantillas, Dush.r. and 'retina.; Tr. veang Duvters in grea. Variety; also the ',ern avvorlinknit Cl goods we ever offered, all uteleeedinsly low Prices. I AI .13V.A1 A VS May V. IBM cheap those. SODA WATER. IM rottfe.t. puree and brat ?par/clink Soda iVater. T Nvtih every kind of t.a.Yrup,, von be bad, fresh from the fountain, ut C. EIRTNF.R'S Confectionery, Front street, above Walnut. Columbia, July 2,1229. HILLSIDE NURSERY & GARDEN HALF-MILE NORTH OF COLOMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA. THE subscriber, Proprietor of the "hillside Nursery end Garde' offers cur sale, at his r1".(111cf••• 11 armor:ll assortment of FRUIT, S ADE Sr. ORNAMENTAL TREES, 01 the chokes% v u riettee, it rare colltetton of tturtly Ornamental iAhrubliery—evergreen and deciduoue• the finest climbing inutile of every neseription de• nottideit iu this merket—ull hardy, many monthly, or perpetua I 01110Mer4, the titundard varietiestv J , 4A . GRAPE VINES, „. 47" NATIVE & EXOTIC, lit rW. .1111111 fruits or !warty • every variety worthy' • •• ..• i or ouit,voloot in this eiX r Clorist•lierrice Ono will not mihitar; nlso, the finest collection of hardy rows ever offered for sale In Columbia, and. liner in-pretion of other gardens. be thinks he may .‘st rely assert. the finest grown and best assortment now in the county. He culls totennon to the Oreen House. which is crowded with thernre.t and most sought for varie ties of Ornamental and Flowering Plants, arid ehal. lenge. Lancaster and York Counties to produce o choicer or better grown collection of Green and Hot lipase 1 . 13111.1, bait now on band at the “Hillside Garden: , in order for *pring Trade. He offers them cheaper than they can be bought at any other *stab lt-hment in the above counties or in the stale. lie keeps conianntly on hand at his Extensive Nur sery and Garden, or can furnish at short notice. every tree, shrub or flower, connected with the busi ness. offered for sale to Philadelphia. In connection with the Nursery and Garden. the Proprietor will nadernilie 'Omagh the agency of William Stafford. a scientific Landscape Gardener and Nurseryman, educated in England, to plait and lay out Pleasure Grounds, Gardens. he y and to do general jobbing in this line of hastiness. irrAll fancy and jobbing weak will be warranted to give satisfaction to the most tasteful and fastidious, and will be done hi reasonable rates S. H. PURPLE. Columbia, Apr 016.19514. OPIIIII7IIII---XCZI cnniumr. TUE subscriber returns his thanks to the ei,izeu• of Columbia, tor the 1 o,,tiacitee they have reposed in him an a rotifeetioner, and would further enhance it by nouring no effort to eater to •heir tante. He coneequenby unworn:ea that ho hue opened his ICE CREAM SALOONS, where nll dolly...cies of the seat-on will be Conn& he side. flavors of cream not beretocore in use in Co lu , s. N. It —Particular attention will I.e paid to tarnish ill Ptc-Nics anti Putties V•ith Confect i C. 00. DETNER. r•olarnbin. April 0 1050. Traveling Dress Goods. T VERY variety of Tr.weling drel.ll roods for Indies 1.1 such' as havellaa, new slyie Hymalns, \retentive ,kc , at H. C. FONDERSIMITIPS. Co!utehte, May 41, ISSV. Colored Tarletons, &e. 13 ED. Blur. Pink, Malted White,l3-4 rerletone very rhenp—firet to sett-on, for coveting velure frames, loofiing-glassra, e at C. FUN DEII:3 3 SIITH , S Mey 21, IBM Adjoi n ing the Dank. FOR SALE. 1 11131,!A. 'Bone Duet. tramPetsburg, of the ben UUquoloy. at Nos 1,2 and 3 Calm Irwin May 14,1E59. B, Y. APPOLD. BUY TUE WAIVESIIPZE.A. PE.4IISIVS. They arc the Bra Calicoes yet veered to the Pu blic for the ni. e 3 4 Wholesale Agenis, DEFORP:e,T, ARMSTRONG Ar (1 , .. New York. Apr. 16, '3D-Ign. WOR SALE. 1 UST receired, 10,000 Prime German Srgnrs —aixr--orhtch v. roll icrummend os the br•t evri t.gought w Cotumbirs. For *oh, WilUIC6oIr ft.! retail, at rENDRICII t BROS , Marc)) 32.1559. Dr. Commalre New Medical Salt! FOR INFLAMMATORY DISEASES ONLY New .Medical Salt! New Medical Salt! IS NOT A CURE ALL For Inflammatory Diseases only 11 R. erMitSWl.ll.l.'e , . New Aledirol io•frp4 of jJ Ite linen remedy for nH tOlv tem. ronero) over bin one ill, bug but one aim. and nerompliobro but one thing. ID wit: Subdues logyinniniory Di‘enrei VC'Ml ever be 11. form or lomelny, whether in the head, throe,. nlydnmru, etti remise, or rkm bW Mechem Mull s Its pi:cub:is esteelmteets 1., that without he uselessloss of blood and strength it etre:malty cures Inflammatory Dmenses.(no others) Producing an equilibrium of all the fluids in the body-the want of which is the sole cause of iutlaw maroon! Nu I tut. to invanu.:t The ouliowing tonal atiord the unbalanced guilds assume, and many not here mentioned, that have more or lens fever or pain. are gm easily subdued br the New Medical Balt, as fire Iv extinguished by water, to wit: Brain Fever. Head. oche. Rush of Blood to the Head and Heart, Fits. In dented eyes, ears, nose, lungs and liver, Neuralgia, Spinal Affections. Frysipsiao, Bronchitis. Fleenor, Asthma, Coughs. Cold*, Dyspepsia, Rheumatiom, Gout. Scrofula, and all itching and other cutaneous eruptions. DR New Medical Rah exerts, Use the vaccine matter. an extraordinary indu rate over the veins and arteries. mania ad. eel Adeline or Inflammation as Indicated ly the pulse. which Noon resumes its natural state, heat pain and fever disappear. CartilGSW DLL% New Medical gait does jos' JLP whe t it claims to do—no otore, flakiest—equalizes tpe fiakitt by removing from the 'Teem all arterial anal 000011, obstrvetions, .Deseriumro Circulars ma♦ be obtained from sing Druggist wise las this valoithrie Medicine for sale. . COGGSWGI.IA4 New Medical Salt. Get ■ Cireutar. A oft any D ' , ogee* about the New Med. ioml Salt. A•k Tour nelabbore about the New hied teal salt. Zr stet, try; it sick, remember the New Medical Salt. DR. COGGSWELL'S Antiphingiatic Salt. .Ac a packages. SI; Chronic do IS SA FataiN do., $4 :lent by mail. free ore:pease. on receipt oil:ides. Invalids with chronic or long standing diosareo. should always order a chronic package. D. C. TAYLOR & CO., General Agent...2og Dock N. R.—Agents wanted in every dCity,Town and Village. DR.COGGSWEL•L' New Medi - eat Salt fe kw ode in Columbia. by McCORKLAA DELLIFrt, and by ell enierpri.ing druggists Wberevai the "ear , fa wad. A. it I. nets patent inedieine. bat Owens se - iptiati or Cu eminent physician. no nue Amid tai - W7tbe New Nedieal nett. Per teinienapiela and e ~hand weenealitr. Penn:web MUNI. TIM ZIEEDIPZ. CONITENIENf BRICK SWELLING pi t . 110 USE, in Cherry street above Tinnl. 'Witter and Gas introduced into the house. Apply to March 26, 'sfi.tf Da. B. JtAIDI. S. Mho Boektuß, D. D. S. D rtnances the Operative, Surgical end black.an• .1. teal Departments of Dentistry. Orrice -Locust street, between the Franklin Daum and Post °thee, Columbia, Pa May 7. 1850. XEINDOW SHADES. ut Painted Window Shades at 3714 cis., F Fine Painted Window Shades st 60 ate . Pm* Painted Window Shades at 6411 cts,FtaePainted Window Shades at 75 eta. Pine Gold Irord.red Shades on 73 ets Fine -Gold Bordered Shades only 87 cts, Fine Gold Bordered Shades only aura; £la Gold Bordered Shades only sl,l2;..Fine Gold Bordered Shades ..nly $127." White, Green and Bei Gotland', ill widths: Fix tures. Cords, Tassels, icc. A complete mock, all or which will be sold very low for cash at the C:ANIARGO MANGV. Wholesale and Rejail Paper. Shade acid Blank Book Warehouse. No. 20 Eu►t Bing at., Lancaster, Pa. April 9,180. 4 Wall Papert Wall Papemt rdr and Beautiful Spring Styles, at reduced Gool";a u p l l r ran artif% e l l iatterric only 5 ets. Good Paper and beautiful Patterns only 8 eta. Good Paper and beautiful Pats erns only 10 cut. ;cod Paper and beautiful Patterns only 12 ets. Fine Oaten Papers dryly 23 eta, Fine Satin Panora only 25 cut . Fine Satin Papers only 311 cis.. Pot? GoUl paper* only 53 els.. Fine Bold Papers only M cis , Fine Gold Paper* only 75 etc . Fine gold Papers only tai 'Si-.. Vine Gold PRDProi only 81.00. BORDERS, MOULDINGS, DECORATIONS, STATUARY; ISr.c . A complete assortraent at corre•pondinggle low rates Call and examine our at.ea I..erare purenislns, CiaIAROU MANUF. CO. April 9, 1374 Stoves, Tin Ware, Gas Fixtures, Sr.c. itra.apec VIITILSI N, N. E. Corner Second eusd Locust Streets. Tsubscriber bating entirely refitted his and laid in a complete new stock of every thing in his line, invites the attention of the public to ...eminent of STOVES OF EVERY STYLE & PATTER'{. Hi. mock is very large and complete, con• 4 * timing of Ftoynl Cook, William Penn. Nolile,:ent tonal. Young America, Morning Star, Complete Cook, Cooking Ranges, Factor Cook, foot pattern.- Parke Stoves of every make, size, style end variety, bit Ram and OfilceStoves. ate. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Alarge stock of tinkles in the above line of bast. nest, coMpris I n g eve ryas Mg that Is manafactaze4 of Tin, Sheet Iron. he , for Household purposes. H.+, stock It of his own mustaftictuse, and Ito can rosiest For its eteellence and durability. Chandeliers, Si; Fixtures, &o. ALA ROL' and complete assortment of elegant On• Fixtures of tasteful designs. consisting of six, four, three and two burner Chandeliers. single hornet' Hall Pendants. Side Lights plain and ornamental, Drop Burners. 4e., always Ott hand. (CAS FITTINts n all its branches attended to with promptness. House Roofing, Spouting, tr.c. Hovss ROOFING and SPOUTING pat op in the most substantial manner; Plumbing, bell Hang ing and other brunches of the business, carried on as heretofore, on the most reasonable term.. HIRAM WILSON. Corner of Second and Locust streets. Columbia. Septet:thee S. 18.47. LODGE'S GALLERY, N. M. COB. FRONT Ac. LOCUST STS COLUMBIA, PA. rrHE onblerlbor .having adde,i alcnthely o 1 his facilities for taking rikenessersdesites weal' anentlon to Ma unrivalled epee/weal. He is now prepared to take, to addition to his former splendid Daguerreotypes, the most perfect Anthrotypea, Photographs and Patent Leather Pictures. lie feers confident of giving sullsiketion, a a =' asks a trial of his skill to insure it. r Pictures taken on moat reasonable terms, in clear or cloudy weather. WWI. LODCIS Columbia, Soly3l. 1855. TO LET. 23 0 FEET OF WiIsILF, on the Susquehanna mstr, adjoining property of J. Vauutten Jr. Co. Au , to SJOWEL WRIGLIE. Columbia, March 14, 1857.11 DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE A.24'D LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer. to Dr. Cluit. Inane's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz. : THE VERMIFXT.G,E, For expelling Worms from tl.e human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT", all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when 'ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedested popularity has induced the proprietors, • FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA„ to dispose of their Drug - businass, in which they have been success fully engaged ,for the -last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And beinkde termined that Dr. Ml..arte's Cele brated Vermifuge and ;Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the hie' position they now hold :among the great remedies of the day, diey *ill continue to spare neither time nor exponse in procuring the Best and. Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all milers to HMO .31103. PlUsbulk, Ps. P.IL Dodoes lad rejlfehfrfs seaorbjf boar 'Vasa* thus Ifloaled Eros, srm do well 10 sumo nokessisto , ana ado osos isd Do. !mi lt, AI wrap Dot & PftforA As. To Ow_ iir eIPO - s Wed, vow seta birside ugh U s = oset of din Voltod PM% s loe oe of toreoesot pod , or ass Old of Ifs. ammosiedflosDes foolooo.diroossat swaps. ' All amilalimeimadase•Dd 6s amass mild IT impinv ono lops. . _ t _ AO*. =I