-DR. ROBtNS•ONV; - ON 'TL • - Northern Trapping Grourds! - Nitk Whiffles "In.lbaPisotiliretvgliaper3 by_Mighty!" NEW YORK MERCURY FOR S.-I.TURDAY: JUNE 25. 1339. ,X42,17:w ready at 411 the IS:ews Depots end booket)re9,) :onroln the initial chapters of a new Z.'e,tera Ts:to, from the graces? aui L'uu rwr. DR. J. 11. 11.01>INS01, t,13 been enzn: , , , el tki write ezelueiNel2, t.or that journal f,a- a tern. of ."earn. This btory i et,titletl II NW • IZE THE MOUNTAIN OUTLAWS' a A TALE OF THE NORTHERN TRAP PING GROUNDS;" dud i, considered by the Author to Lc the eery he,t which yet pro- 'nose ho know the dramatic power ru:d Elegant Style, the luterestiugsituationq tinti Ilca.uty of Incident, 1N 11 . '101 hate rendered totutt. all the writings of the .116IT'1 1 1101 1 L 01' "..O LTCE BISON," mitt but hail with tle:ight this new ema- I , 7ition faun his pelt The Tra2;:ng Grounds of the North ani West, - f 'rot a pecontarly fat orttltte Ct. 1,1 Cre the anti worLitiA Ltut of a rnmenee, and the ebaractrrs t but rodent through that Flow ery ire r;:pest2iall.t fitted Cru in- tzuluctimi into it: page, ri.:l er and admirers ..f ML ROBDIS3N , 3 WRITINGS •omer . , r pleasure the character of AVIIIPPLES," stem or that name, recently published, ,r I wit I gla.l to learn that the same per- I..nilge Viii ki7nre itt P "1: \W I Furruunled et Qt. lNith many "Diffikilties-," nod lending to the romance a rein of. sym pathetic finrarir rind quint drollery that will render it irresi•tihle to the lever of cull and the student of I.nninn nature. 113 n.laition to this attraction. the pl ,, t will he funnti more Intricately )lysteriou., zrJ tho , :itet:ticals inure replete with the fire viDrornatic Intel c.st, than in any other story t author has ye: written. It is fail cif WILD LIT-J,' &Oa crx.vlel with stirling incident and Perilous Adventure, and thr. - .ugh the whvle story runs : n under interwcoVei n. Golden Threaded •,Vo ,, f of :ienti:vent, tinting, all with the ra ,Cant light of the Gentle Charm of Tlic meat exciting and picturesque scenes PATJiA WAY, br) el1 , 0t) as the therne, I,r a serie: BEItITirIIt.II.IIISTRATIGMS y lb ill ami.ll the la(r.t rr-Ivi,ratra or 1.1,1 , r1 c•art FELIX ©. 0. DARLEY, 1,Y1.1;:c drat ink, have ma le THE T\ \1 YORE :211 cl tIV , 6I : IiC Nt i 11 all - vie) ni t elle Tlie elenr aid , tv'er of Dr. lf, ilcqur;i.ti%e t , u,111 that the artiest cau Slile 1/14117 Cr6.1,11,21,S una thie, the p,tl , :r3 AND PENCIL 97 , 1'1%41 ; . .0. I'. tra'r gplit 1/11:t" . :n1 it U.:till\ el , - Ai 1 is i by nne Vie ' f . .‘l.l:llrrft Y ,re rt u l n C t;.6. 1 ,, .i 11.1vity N‘ll4-.11 eLci , 3 ,, arnal attained, and earmo4 . but t4Cie relit t‘.. themselves lot' the go.yi c‘hich they believe they have done iu carrying out their first intention--that of tuaking the , NEW YORK MERCURY a medium for the familiarization of the read ing public -with the linst works of the most lIISTINDISREII ADMAN AITIORS To ..iccuro titir cud, they hare sparc,l no c. , :pew.c, and whate;“r they hltve thought thz J' wand: thoy 11. , )ne ithk,:lt TIC'S either the 1,11)ur ,r oxpcnditare e- tic ex-lusive to the moll:: of Dr. J. H. Robinson, they pay a larger sum than any -Anierictln r Jraaticer hay ever Lerure received from arty nut% an•l the pubile are already a.,-,ara of the Feat outlay nr.••eN,ary for the ,i3gagernetit It-, - BAYARD TAYLOR, FELIX o. C. DARLEY, GEORGE ALBANY, rtrri others. Yct it- iq kietiova that the ill (' re....tsing 14R:en:cal qj the_Euptelar tie t.iatids such men: _and the :21ercitiy is in tvfoie,l t' keep up with 'the..progrerts Of the n,e .r 31 , , r., 1.4 Nr]tiO'ELTTR will appear in the cnlun►ns of this' 01 AMERICAN LITERATURE, In rapid eA.:eesiion, and while the proprie tr,r, t.r. eminently well sati4ied with the share (f popularity hitherto aneurded them, they are determined to deserve still more by using erery means possible to in crease the nttrm•tions of their paper. THE NEW YORK MERCURY, FOR JUNE 25, Containing the V:rst Chapter of `,ZP Ca 13. Lta E 33 "s* Eke. 17 0 I OR, I'ME IIOtJNT.UN OCTLAWS,' DT DR. J. A. ROBINSON, is DOR ready at all the News Depots. SUDETRIPTION TRRSIS:—S2 a Suer, three copies $5, eight copies, $l2, with a gratis copy to the getter-up of the club. Address, CRULDWELL, SOCT.RWORTII &WITITNEY, Proprietors New York Mercury. N. Y. City. June IE, 1859-3 t LEIN'S Superior Terbonatatriiii Inters for the Handkerchiefs, jaat reeshced and tor gnie. L> liets-tai,;slll.] It. WILLIAMS. Just Received, A 5, 0 .% : ... , 1 ,1 1. , 10 . t of Family Jt r. P 111,10 IA t C4U -7Erollll;tr."et-eeluvuhlft• 'Ciiirden: Seas! T fiF, Rub.crber ha. received his usual well arsorted of fre.h whirl. Im will Yell rich—r who:elate or retail, to suit purrfm.rr.. Fri. 19,'19. It. WILLIAMS, OCKET ES 1: 4 7 Pr.CEIVKD at the FamiTy Drug Sto.e of J HA HUY rdtEEN.O luny. us-ornnent °CO, fi.m.. And Ll,l Pocket Knive• Colomtd... It i• confident ly Ile , ie-ed that .• the lot of Luiven ever miered to the ...age,. tot 111.• place. Thu,e dewing u .call goo k ) anitn., will call at ren Clopo•ile Cola nrittv,Prolit St. Drugs, Chemicals and Perfumery. r 1 lIE subscriber having just returned from Pito“dopinv, lie. on hand. usid is dully revel, lee-ti. IC 1101 the f 1 e•Lleal Lt OS 1), ogs. (n-rt-d :o the Putnie. lie calls the anemic.: of the emzen- OS Co:111014.1 and •urrowoding vouosq. to s% off-, a. As to de:tic's, be wilt 11111ke it advantage -01.0.10 111,0 to Out 1 , 1 11101 111 preference 10 sending ot Intor, tot'A atmlne sixpence is better 11111 lt LS the 111.0110 of II A ORS r: Feb 19, 1 :9. Oppn•ile Coln. /El nlgeo Froso Si. American Life Insurance and Trust Company. r O.LPITAL STOCK, $500,000. rO.IIFANY BURINS, Walnut Street, 4. 00. - r of Votioh. I.ll'E INr.slifiANC:E 311.• Mutual rate*. or. loon Stork - Tit les at tamilt 30 prr rrur. le.s. or Tulul cute., the losne-t ii. th.• wArtd. A. IV 11l Proklria. JNo. C. Slim, .cere tory I 1•3:41. Col=bia Tobacconists Ahead of all Competition. FENDRIgIi 5; BROS. have just received a Inree rovenee of fine Segar.; ako, Sworn and Nunn' it I.eur Chrw tug Tohoer°. from the, Tobeeeo Wurwhou-e of Joseph Feedrieh & No. 165 Fer rel -t rrel. iLilumore. IVO re•rn•eituily muse oil Vt•ho elerd in our lino 0( vail and C . 3(811111111. 01, -100, put. ee: e1.e.11 , re line ('0 not offer ninety. , 111 nor nue a, r Fon(u n....iney are .11.1 111 nut principal cult.- , •0 nil; tot li-k rot nn unrCli.t.,.. 31)/it FEN1)111r(1.1 WI,01,;(!e and I:rnol Ttlieeeel, Se.:.to unit "-Wig! etreel 3 Five IIiJOIV LLote Lo ru-t,(;nlnnitli.a. 1...59 J r ..Eit'd - .Itir.SOIV .13.41 J .X 1 TRE subscriber has taken this will-known ••I.tiel. rn rit/Itt ',reel.loo•en hort,•l tad I: nine. u.d 10, ae Ore juliloooge ot ti tend. otot F..• pohtle put.: mlin . r , mr, OA. plop/Iv/Or of Fr•llskil. I •11111e1V111 w.trrant tar to. ,•opo- I•ilits to 1bi.1 , 0-01e..4 lie will endeavor ur I,ep hi- HAI{ STOCKED WIT!! GOOD LIQUORS, In provide ' , a:l-far:goy enlerholooeni tar rut • er, 111- Imo, 1 well totteuOilett tar Our nl,OllllllO - of r..ph tar 6uat derv, Hod 6e u.Aeu elute ot poblie -uppto L. • M RTI.N ER WI :V. nmober 0 , If , 5S- 1 y iLtIR LIRusiXES - AID (*lll ifs. Drutt Stns.. of lIA n... . It front .t.ret eon Le h .11 inc. Toro 44 Shen Red .sad t Itodillo nod llorn Comb-. 1,413,0 C rig, litdrrlo Rack nod other I:ra•hes; n yuperior 11,-Orlllll ut Only good ;track, kept I - 01 . -11.V141V11 C •il the lowe.l rel.. '9 '. 1:n. 9 t hwn-ite RI Rigs, Front. St . Corn Starch, and llominotty, tursple J E. I,XTRA and Nurrfinc Flour, by the y11.1nll•l. Coln Alcul, cult. C and Peed of .4 1TrDAM'S', '39. Corner F' mI and UOlOll -71C1•H. Bird Seed GANA HT. Hoop oat! It..ite ror J - 1/1: or CO'S April 9, 79. ttoitlett Minter Drug more 1859. HALDEMAN'S 1859. SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW SEIt.XNG GOODS BOUGHT at Lowest Cash Prices, and to ...I. oar 2:11,3,014'n repuurtion to sell el,eap, 1,01 rilfer 40011.. al u very ailvaiwe ou cog. N ow or , mug a v 111 4 ,111141 'tuck of new SPRING 00/ , 115,....0•11 to toe cp,,. 0 . Nr_v%* sTY LC DRESS GOODS. Poory Sllke. 114vailere It'ztott Silk. Seinper !dem itint Eagle Ilrund., Vat 11)111 a, Delooloo.. BrOloooro, he. hr .0 heuuu luf 4--,talitteitt of French toot Nogft..) rhootos. SHAWLS AND Al ANTILLAS. A .plegOioco....orlrocot of iteilvest: Spring Si; lea, Jolt vol K ENIBROIDERIES. eat: :mention In our new and beautiful tin •troolorioa houzltt to New York, Cow:wing in part of I t.Sleeves told Joronet oo Frcoe.. Flouncing 4, Laces and MEN'S WEAR. roooll and Evortv.h Blue': and Pitney Cloth. Clench I an I and Palley Cusiiiinere., Ittpritt, BOYS' WEAR, in every variety. ItOtiEIir.EPING GOODS. In 04, ,t , ;, over} article new-.arc to forts le• eti le oi 1110.0 co:motoring hoom.l.reptag, cull 10,000 YARDS CARPETINGS. +am Si'l7l7l tL ATTENTIO‘ to our carpet room. Our .lar•k of Gorpefing+., for new tid he.sule iOl tet., .110.1 cartel), are 1,01 • 11 , .. .111. of I . lllLldOploiii. were Ca re• } ••• . ,eted by .1 competent judge. in New Yuck a oil the very 1.1,e4 pt Rtes. and which -rod .ti .1 VOO .1,1.1/1 iid VIttIVE MI the eo-t, to tot ,. ~„ the .trick t. V. ry Con ; 1,1 p.,r of rinper 1., a...e1...Pie,. I ope-iry. loge ridl e Silf tr. 51111111 . .... Tit• . 1114T.111,. Soper. and "tt'ett.t.. , o,l.t4turAt anti Rag. Scoteli Hemp, Coen., .11.11 Q.OlOll Alonta.z. Floor and 24, air Door MAtotegr., Ace roor Ott tr. r.l •11, t s aril- wide. which N 11l he eta to • ott one elan, piece. laid all the ititernimii- J• t• ,14110 , tiON'll Fermi.' re Oil Cloth, la great variety of p al, Wilt. WA LL PAPERS A Lurce kl:eorm•nt 100 Now . 4 nritlr .41vIeF WINDOW SIIADES. A large a•-orimtno. new oottrro..from 50c to 5 5 ,00 a pair .-.t. ItaiT. pstte.r. rut, °rot BD IN A, GLASS AND QUEENSWA RE. NVe wilentino to our China. and Queens. ware rnmm who, tr ,he hi,ge.t and mo-t Va. tied :I.—oriole.* we ever otTered of entirely item de: -1 7.ni and of trnnnortntin, LOOKING GLAS S ES. FEATHERS. 400 nnntl- , Prlmr Orr., l'entharo , ,wernanied (Jun.,. d. ty Il 4,I,DrATAN'A tnc.t, cuph _'tore (1.4um11111. Nl.trrl, 111 IF. ONES Hair Dyc, Datchclor's Hair Dye i 7 uuid t•- ; _apiitoe 11.. tr D3e. hingle 11., Dye, Wrir Aimo-plieree II r Uye; all 'Me obav, ci•cd anal for .4!e by Th.) 7 I.L'A. 12. WILLIA • ,4k 511.11.1, lot of Cenuint Clyerrine Cram, I, 4 tr vie nievrrtttoll Itt)d rare of rharped 11:1111:111, &e. It t•ju.t been teeet vett to the Drug Store of 111.. y 7 '7;9., H 11'11,1.1%11.. Prom kt. FLAGG'S INSTANTANEOUS RELIEF. DnATT .1. I.ll:TcHun Mimic rid Another lot of 1. above popular jun received and l'or it by _Mee R. NV QUERC'S COD LIVER. JELLY. I.(yr of the d.v.• j.,-1 r , crived and for oale at VIM: t`torc of IL Wil.ll.lnis, Front anraci. - - M., 7 I PRA TT A: BUTCHER'S Magic Oil, for sale ut 1. the Ciulden Mortar Drug eore. Olay 7, "St., (711AMOIS SKINS, a beautiful lot, just re v e«iia..l at J. S. DELLETT rk CO'S Golden Mor tar Drug Store. Dia) 7, 'W. BROWN'S Essence of Jamaica Ginger. Just reverevri-vi ILo (7 olden .Ilonar _Drug Store. a tae•th z opitt) of the Gettuisto lieechtee of J 1141131.• G iw Nay 7. 7itl. NOTICE! F you Omuta go to my neighbor Tinoitio'p Family I e•y. In the Odd Fcltotve Hilt , and rnntie yrnit.eit irk n• 1113 the good he k rcpt, jut'