.WST RECEIVED, aginom Ship Thtar. Co/rag, 1500 sacks C. A. Salt and torsale Ly B F. A PPOLD, N 0.1,2,3, 6 and 9 Canal Bah in 2. 1856 Colombia. Sol MIST OP LETTERS DETAINING in the Columbia Put Office, JA; Julie 30, tsso. Anderson John H Addison Sue Bennett Joshua Berdon Mary Bowen John Brenizer Samuel Bence Paul Breiee C D Boyer C 'Clark H .Catlin J G Casery Sarah Cornelius Eliza C hist Carle Colford Mary Deen Marion Davis John Dunn W Dock Fisher Alfred Falls J B Fisher John Fruison S . Freze John IFoeht Susan Frey Emanuel Fisters Jacob Geast Hart Garnelt Miss Garver Jacob Herman G Harman J B Honele J B & A Hilsteman William Haug Christian Happerset William Kurtz Henry Klotz Barbara Kolun2ber Mary Kaehl Eliza Saw Gilbert Serned C C Lockard Daniel Maxon Kate McKoon Francis Mann John Maurer George 2 Myers Frederick Moore James Miller Julia Maxton Margaret Marton James Miller Henry Polsdamer 1' Plournan Warren Pennele B F Phillips Emily Prillerataugh George Rakestraw Elam Riley Isaac Stauber C Slitson Thomas Siple Wm Smith John Sweeney Isaac Shoat Conrad Schneider Peter Sboops John Schroder Carl Sackett R K Smith Solomon Stoner Charlotte Stager A Smith George Sour beer I Stapo D Stoner Levi Taylor John Vernoy Silas Walker William Wit ney Nancy Walk Jacob Watts David Persons enquiring for letters will please mention if they are advertised. A. S. MODERWELL, P. M. Columbia, July 2, 1859. £'Z'v 2101.11.9.3 LS REWARD. num.b.criber will pay FIVE DOLLARS for the detection and conviction of the per.ot. or persons who have entered his enclosure in the New Cemetery. and robbed the crave of a rose etalk, and destroyed other shrubbery. Cohnnbin, :Dna 25,1850-3 t GEO RGE I. surr" 17RNIP SEED FOR FARMERS. T Aar In receipt of a fresh lot of the above Reed—supe riorquelity, which I will sell in quuntities to suit purchasers. June 25,'50 AFEW hundred pounds Prime Soda Ash J u st received and tor sale by - 25,+G0.e 1. JUST RECEIVED, AFRESTI tot of Kennedy's Medical Discovery, and for sale by June 25.'59. FOR SALE. 200 3. 11,0 i. 5 2 5 3 .ygc . 1i0n Matches, verar.,;,7l.l:icAl.4 .1 - lIST RECEIVED at SKEWER'S Chenp BOOK STORE. the new pictorial edition of WES. PIER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY, oust lsi ne s by the publishers.) containing Fifteen Hundred illus trations; also, from 14 Ile 0111Ottood to too thou-end New Worth/Swot Mranings.sind a valuable labile of Synonyms, prepared wllhgrral care by Pior Good rich table giving the pronunciation of Eight Thou sand Distinguished Persons of Modem Tomes; the peculiar use of words and terms hi the Bible; tables of Latin, French, Spanish aril 'tallied Phrases Idioms. Proverbs, /So., rendered into Ksigli.h; Abbre viations. Arbitrary }ifritt , , ar-C, together will all the inniter7olpreviou- edaions, COSMOS: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. Vol. 5; by A legunder Yon Humboldt. Harper's edition. HINTS TOWARDS' PHYSICAL rErtrEcTIoN: o r the Plido•ophy of Humnio Beauty. showing hove rc quire and retain Boiliiy Slyrnmetry, Berh6 and Vixer. loug hie. and avoid the ItIfiIIUIt CS told De formitie. of Age, by U. H Jueques LEC. MIMS delivere tiefere the ung' Aren't. A-Kiel:dine ill d Exeter Yo Novemlier lsja to Februttry,leri9. Three volume.. .old Tale. JOHN SHP:AI:PER. 'Cramp's Buildings, North QJpcikbl. June 2, 1449 tf WATER COOLERS AND MITERS. T HE undersigned has now ou hand a large mock of Superior Water Coolers, which ale guaranteed to dive satisfaction to all who will give them a trial. For keepit g water Pure nod cool, with a swat saying Of ice, and fur excelience of inuoulac tare and durability. th.,e Cooler* are un•iirpn..eil. Also, a lot of WATER FILTERS. for puriljing mud dy or britekist water. The public ore invited ;o all and examine the stock They will lie sold 1111 whole sale or retail, at ;very lowrates. for CASH. lEN YP FA TILER, Locust lifer,. oppos H i le the ß Flll.lll.fin House. Colombia, June 25, 1556 PRESERVE YOUR FRUITS. W ILLOUGHBY'S Potent Air-Tight Stopper, for Fruit Preserving Cans and Jar-,This is n new nd is entirely ea'rend egeudi,,g it,. ”ie.— str , Pecr. ran he fitted to any kind of Jar or ran. 'Phe •uneeraln ris sole agent (or Columbia. A lurce supply of Jars and flans otalf kinds and sizes kept con stantly on hand. PFAU GPM. June In. HENRYLoenst Ferret. Columbia. Pt% Greeley's Letters from Pike's Peak. r Mr. Geeley's next letters wilt be*from Pike's Peak . and will be nand with a lively interest, as intended to satisfy the public mind in a great measure as to the truth or falst.y of the various reports from the so-called `•Land of Gold." Ills L'•tters will all appear in The Semi-Woekly and Weekly Tribune as well as In the TERMS:—DaiIy, 86; Semi-Weekly, $3; Weekly Tribune, 82. For club terms see Tribune of any date. Address, June 2S, M.3t HO RACE G R EELEY A. Co.. Tribune Buildings, New York ray= EIVICRTI F.R1212 , 1 the'new and improved air tight glass preser- ALT vingjara. SO dozea patent air tight preserving jursodi sizesinst received at June 19, lase Keep Cool. 1 6 0 0 YARDS fine French and Pacific Lawns are now offering at 6, 8, 10 and 1:1} eon* per yard. Beautiful double skirted Lawns only In els 'Rich Paris printed organdies Bereges. Crape de ample, Ternatines;lierege R obe • Tuniques, ken all very desire/tic goods for the present and ap proaching 'season, at H. 0. FON 0 KRUM !TB'S June" NM People's Cash More. Turnip Seed. 117:8 havejust received at the Family Medicine TY - Store, afresh supply of Turnip seed, and the lime is approaching to plant. for full and Winter use Tottenta get it by the pound, or In any quantity you ,WILCIL. 3 June 18, 180: CLeiunber Seed LtROM the2oth to the 25th of /nue is the time to - W plant for lam pickles. We here Landetles long green Cucumber Seed, at the Family Medicine Store. June 19,1100. Harrison's Columbian Ink WHICU Is a soperior article, permaneetle black. and not corroding the pea, can be had in any quantity. at the Family Medicine Store, aad blacker yet ts that English Boot Polish. Colombia, Jane a, asso. Fresh Groceries. ir_l.ooD Brown Sugars at a "fip;" good white reser -114 *intEllittaes at IS cents. Extra syrup molasses Ait a ulerryt. prime Rio Coffee at a ' , levy! , Choke Omen arid Wick Teas a/ways en bard at FONTIESIANLITH'S Adjoining the Rank, Jane lei. te3o Variety. °tt teem is very healthy, and as you ar c net In „antra of Medicines, we have a a reut variety or ether articles which are Inilivensable to your com fort. In Toilet Articles we cannot be excelled.— Among which are Thor.non EssigliA Tooth Powder, a superior tientritive, Dana's Camphor Tooth Soap, jt,nd Edrar's Alagla Tooth Wash. IREATII 3311.6.11 1 1 BZIALDIII BSENWEIN'S AROMATIC BALSAM, Is a remedy not tote eutelled for the relief and core of those maladies 'beldam to the summer mason. vie: gharrhata, Dywntery, Cholera ar Choices iambus, Vomiting, Acidity of the stomach, rte. Its e mellowt caratinadva powers. pleasant taste and soothing indnenee, rend•ra it a valuable remedy in jnfautile diseases, peculiar to the seennekstimmer. viz: Cholera Infinnerro, etc. It bag a mOnvigneating and tonic Influence on the ry•tem, allaying in tatuation yrbere it exists in the stomach and bowels—and. on trial will be found Indispensable to the well being of every family. It wilt be found as wen adapted to rkdalts ea Chilinsno—Try fr. Prepared only b . A MEN WEIN. Thspe•-ing Chemist. N. W. a:m.l2la* h Poplar Ste, Philadelphia. Price 23 eta. per UMW. IrrAClld .bt H. F. Green, and J. S. Dellen At Co., Colombia, and by druggists mod storekeepers generally. May 21, 1229 ly, TUE have the New Englund Soup for thosewho did r not obtain it from the :rap man; It in pleunant to she pkin : and trill take greuue a T RAVE Chia day asooelated with me au a co-part. ner in the Wheieteht, and gelid' Rope. G roeer y. Feed and Provinion Itattinena. at the Canal Basin. I n the borough of Columbia. Pa . Hum L. Uhler. The hu-i ne.+will here.:, ler be eondoeted ender the Rim or tVebh k Uhler. THUS. W ErLSU. March 7, VOL Tha Fuh•erliters *mold irvlie the attention orboat. men and ei.iren. to their erienive lIPPorIIII , 4III Ol ROPES, FEED, 'PROVISIONS, ORO. CERIES, &o, &a,„ - - _ nt the old stand at the oa..let lock, canal haftin. Co lumbia. Pa. Toey keen on heed the largeet *melt of Rope. offered this side of Philadelphia, and a r a n supply of Provlkione—Hama, shoulder*. Dried Deer, Corn. oa.u, Hay, Siraw., ate. ,A general A11400011en! ofOracerres. - • - • Columbia, April 30, 'bd.. DAMIAN & UHLER.. HILLSIDE: Artnaszity 'tr.. GARDEN, ' . HALF-MILE NORTH OF COLILMBIAi LANCASTER CO., PA. S inteerlbrr, Propriethr of the "Hillsid e T Nursery and Gorden.. offer* .for sale. at bm ;E l i r A n ill "al :St: grrirriCiA L TREES, of the choleric 'verictlea, a rare collection of m a nly Ornamental Shrubbery—everdreea and declaims*, the Inept elluthing ciente of every deee riptisw do- mended in lblo market—all hardy, many montkly, or perpetual hiortmer•, the *tendert' mivieties „ GRAPE TINES. , 1 1.1 7 1 NATITS- - k Exam, -7 Ili malt realm of nearly "? 4 every variety worthy - of cultivation in tins . climate. Cloowherries ' ' Oar *i not wahine,* alio, the Anon eedieentai of hardy times ever °erred (of sale-la Oelorablic land. entry Inspection of other gardens. be thinks h e nsay re rely *Accra. tke finest growls Mad best ampertmern now in the erneutp.. . ` • . ...I He cells attention to the Ofeell lloostairtalab, I. erowdea with the rem.' and man mimed Gm eerie. ties of Ornaments' and Piowerind llsola,ned ehak. lenges Lance ire sad IfoririCesetbse t •te. yradace • choicer or better grown rettertiou of °reins and 0., Vows • flame. thaw taw on Fend 'at she •Garges:n in order for serietrevedie...lie ears tbedi cheaper than they ran be bough( at, any ether rater trilmaratin lb..- tocount*, or ha Ore tganr: lie keep. eonnantly on hand at his P:11 , 96.1vit• r .ll77iiniF Obrdirtr, ov rite frelidelk at :ober, aenhan. every ores, minb or driver. enarteei.ast with the ben.l - offered for rah re. Ila eirsteeetipti with the Burden' and Garden, the r; v 7 i fr i fi . e: m er st ratede . .e rtake tis. thmeti lim ps agency r ef nod lye...mune, educated in England. to plan and lay eel Pleasure Grounds, madam as" and to do fecterafieltentsr in tin. line of ntaalowea. !trim (tony end jobbing o'elt wilt be wirrowirted to gore eniateettes to the most losterel and reethdliedoh and will be deal N reasoaable eaten. Columbia, April 16, M. ZfOTXCD. 1859 . . -- friLLBEIL&INPS - 1859. r01:11Mit SUPPLY, OW . opening at Ilaidemtufa Cheap Cash N Store.' the !mirth supply of Spring Hoods, We most vatted avid lieaultrul assorurteut weever offered, at UtltOttli 11V NW/ prices. ALSO, NEW CARPETINGS, TEA AND DINNER SETS, LOOKING GLASES, &c. Er-Opening something new every day. HALDEMAN'S Ap tit 30, MP. Cheap Cash Store LIST OF NEW BOOKS. JUST RECEIVED • AT Saylor 4- MeDeruild's Book Store. Lady of the Isle, by Mrs. Southsvorth. $1425. Letters from Spain, Win. C. Bryant, $1 ,00. The 'I ennui Home. or, Embers from Povertp. Ilea. thsione. 5145. Ilsok of Nutertainment, Y pia HUI Borne A must went., IRMO. In and around Stamboo I, *1146. The Cruise of the Betsy, Hugh Miller, ei1,123. Tqe Old Red Sandstone, Hugh 6101er. Together with a large assortment of rireellan Books. rs - hieb will be sold 10w for cash. Aori I 16.11.59. Brushes HAIR, Tooth ,and Cloth Brushes, Boni° Redding Combs, Rostish Hero Redding Combs, Ens.llsb Horn Pocket Combs, India Rubber Pocket Combs, India Rubber Children's Long Combs, India I libber Fine Tooth Combs India Ruliber Dressing Comb.. A (urge asoortment of the above, latest styles, just re ceived and for sale by April 9, nil). R. WILLIAMS. COSTAR'S Eat and Roach Exterminator, Comer's. Flieruric Powder, lot the demi - 1A...i0n of Flies. Moth, Fleas, Plant Insect*, he. A freth top. ply for %eieUy April 9, I3D„ R. WILLRRS. Waverly Novels. PTERAON dc 81108 cheep Edition of the We verlp Novels, received us soon es pohliikbed, at 25 etc. Per vol., or flee dollars per set 0126 vole. SAYLOR & AIcUONALLI. April 16,1859. HUMOROUS BOORS 111.?:r pablithed end for role at the Head goartere end News Depot. •• -•. Big Bear's Adventures and Travels, SIAS. K N Pepper Pa err, Si ,00. Sparrorniuss Papers, 1111.,00. nirimorittl Broterage in the Metropolis, 01:25. inrA large assortment of Cup. Letter and Note Paper, Envelopes, &c., cheap, at (feud Quarters and News Depot. [Apr. 16,'59. FOR. /LENT. TWO first-rate business stands on Front street. belweat. Loeu-t and Walnut alreet.l.ll with DWELLINGS uttached. Immediate pas inaftlon Riven. Engnire at the Drug Store et Aprul 0, %W. R WILLIAMS, Front at. Blank Books, Blank Books. A LARGE lot of Ledgers, Day Dooki.. Nlemoran a dam, lass and Copy Iktok• Very cheap SAVIOR & McDONA A0r.16,'59. fiend (Dn.:lard end News Depot,_ 4:64 V3killitliiisAooool3l;iiilo34 ODD FELLOWS' HALL. Tr?. ere now prepared to pimply the people of Co. '-mutita with medicinal (rah flan first halide. and n gra. ter variety of Perfumery mid Fnnev gs. ,lelea than we have °mauls"' 1111 d. Islmo. for table wie, Prepared Cocoa. Fa , lila, Corn Starch, Cox & Coon r (;elatt.le. for malting Serbia,. \Vines and Won dies for cooking and medicinal purpo•cs. aIIAUMII, or, Bond's Boston Craehrs, for U, ~peptice, .Im4l Arrow foot Crlichers, for lo wan& and rhalillem—new ['melee in Columbia, at 'be V.:amity Medicine Storm April 10, 1859. 20 doz. Jouvin's Celebrated Kid Gloves, IN bei•Ji.itut iipring plod billet: received, I The Luttleel ,•hould be foirlieuliar mid enquire for JOUV.4OO iini - “Jounin & Ton tawny, cull gel die genuine nr. cle. al H. C PON DERSM IT WS, Apri123.,15.59. A ejoi lung .l, Hank, AL Fresh Supply. WE know that the people of Columbia will spore. Y Cilia. our endenvors to atelier them. The Fecond invoice of Bran nud Arrow Root Grackers.frealt front the oven, have ju•it Arrived. Now is the tune to get them. Any art tele n anted we will obtain in 45 home, for you. at ;he Family kledicane Store. April 21, WOO. New Work by the Author of "The Prince of the House of David. PILLAR Or TIRE; OR, ISRAEL IN BONDAGE, TIEING an account of the wonderful scenes J.,in the Lee of the 8.11 of Phernob's Mushier. (Moses,) tosether with Picturesque dketehes of !he Hebrews under the Taskmaster, by the Rev. J.H. leartiltatn The undersigned have been appointed !meets for the above work. end ere now prepared to furnish it In fillbt.ettbett. Pace. at 25. SAYLOR & MeDONALD. Apr 23:59-31. Dead Quarters and News Depot. Fresh Garden Seeds. UAW/ . perrons think there i. fin ntleartage in nd verti.ing; now we think date rent ly• for how else could you know 'hut we hod tI fresh supply at Garden and Flower Reed. Twenty Eve choice varieties of Flower Seed. for one dollar or •ix cents a pa per. Rodi-h. curly nod late Turnip. Cocoa Nut lin.h and Morrow F.:V.3.41. the celebrated Ilualird Squash. shrilor tit u.•te ta the Sweet Potato. Ever liteett Saga , Corn. White Onion. Extra Large Lima Celan. Long Green Coeunnter Green and Mixed lama Littler litre i. u rhunce to (Mike the dull ITOLO arou nd your dwelling. mid in your heart-, green and tree 4. at the Family Medicine Store. April 41. OMR N •wank and Rosendale Cement, AND CALCINED PLASTER ' AT THE LOWEST CASK PRICES. VOk %ILI BY J. CRESSON BRADFORD. Crain, Flour. Produce * General Coninziagion Merehaat, No. 230 South Wharves. below Walnut Street. Philadelphia. Apt il SO. 1859. GARDENSEEDP, OF every kind , -sach as Early Purple Egg Pinto. ttalaify or Vegetable Oyster, Extra Early Turnip Beet, earleeat known.) While glolid Celery, Leek. Na , turlion, Combo. Cele ria e,or Turnip Celery, Adam." Early Corn. five daerent varieties Boned Bean.. Extra Early Peat., Bi.bop'a Dwarf Pelta.lavige blairrowfat Pea., Early York Cabbage, Dui-11 Cabbage. Just received and for sale by April D.. Black Ink. SUMP:MR article of Black Ink, (or sale to the kk A _Bolden Mortar Din .ore. _ . A pril 9, 1859. xx7oon Hair"Resterative, Boofind's Ger. 11 - 11 , • man litters. Jsyne's Erpectornini, A ye". Cherry Psiessral, Jayne's Altertnive, lionoWsly'o Pills and Oimaideni. CONN*YrICTIO l'iSiLitidrey'a Mood Searcher. Ra"bion do Clark's Cod Liver Oil, Townsend'. Sar saparilla. Ball'. Sorsaparillo. Wright'" indigo Vages table POI.; Ayer , " Cathartic Pill". ziwaiier Panacea. Swain's Vervollage.Tboropmaea Nye Wooer, Seeker*. qye Wl"la Italiato — nr - irita — Cherry, RqauleaCloulab Losenges.lloblualla KliSir oropiona, A large and fre"b "apply of the above Popoaar Rem eda.a.juot roetbreal and (or ~le by April 9,1869. R. WILLIAMS. • We-Hive Just "Received. 1 l: • CIPITEVE Improved Chest Expanding Improved and fzeoulder Beweee for Gentlemen, end Patron Skirt Supporter lend Brace for Untie., ,n.l the tornado that Is wanted et Mitt Moe. Come end Pee them at Family Illentirino !Lott. Odd Fellowod • Idpril9,lB6o. /meta" :Juno =cum STOILIII: PU übsollit inal4 terpeettalfy Worm the guano oieesianabia and vicinity. OW be boo opened • flair and Feed Store. tyro doors below WNW* bowel, where-be will allotropy keep as NM a barge Mack d • MOOR AND FEED. • - at tbe lowest Coto* P 11141.111. a:realm AND oATd always ea hired. ANTIMONY NITERS. Arno. waft , • 10,000 Pieces Wall Paper. SE[ is New York, all Nee and haw. Wel dears., amt ar extremely law pries, mar Mg Gam a op to 40 error-Mom wleltiarg %Vail Papers are pamlealaely {seised to mill at Apitl p.MP HALDSUAN'aI Cheap emit Stara. 02`11 -, •‘ Cll2llAffi. TIM subserfber reign's his thanks te the etareart of Cohnohia, for the roofatrore Ihry reposed Jo blot as a rearArrUoorr. lead IMOtati finber enhance It by sparing no rffort to role, to their mote. He eollrequearry annoonees that he ha. optimal/ hie WE CREAK SALOONS, _ iirtient altdelleseies of the erersto woo found. hr = itators °Certain trot heretofore to are to CO. N. If --Particular attention will he paid to fortria illl Pm-hies and Peltier, with Confretiorn, C BETNER. Colombia, April 9,19110 L rOa. =NM COMMIT BRICE DWELLING 4,1„. Roos. is Cherry street shove ThArdA 0114( and Ofts introduced iniojhe imam Apply to &UrAt 26.'0 tr Ds if. POWS. S. Atlee Bockins, D. D. S. ;.• PRACTICES the Operative, Surgical and Mechan ical Dep - artaterits diDentistry. OFFICE Locust street., between the Franklin ITOu=e and Poet Office, Columbia, Pa May 7. 1a159. - --Traveling Dress Goods. EVERY variety of Travellngdreas gouda for ladies, each as Lavellaa, new at) te. Hytaulas, Valentiar, ace ' at. 11. C. PONDERSSIITIP.A. Co!umbie, May 21, Colored Tarletons, &c. RE°. Clue. Pull:, Outrun.' 'White, 3-4 "rartalon. very ebeup—finat iu oest-o:;, tor covc ring picture iruture 0. C. VON CERS.3.IITIi's Muy 21, JSZ.O. Aniniunog the !lank. POD. sazn. inn 1311L8. -- 80 . tie De.t. t rein Pittsburg , . of the best fat Nos 1.2 II id 3 Cultrit tta•lis Aley /4, 1859. B. P. A PPOI.D. BUY HE liITAIRISIITTA PRINTS. They are the Best Calicoes yet afferrd to the Public for the money. Whole,ale Agems, DEYOREbT, Aitmsniom; & Co- New York. Apr. 16, 756-41 n. COACEEDZ.BaraNCIE. J CARTER & kt i ;&. e t BECHER, MANUFACTURERS OP COACHES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., Second Street, warly opposite the Lutheran Church, Columbia, Pa. TITS subscribers call attention to their Conch and Carriage Malang Pemblislinieni, where they continue to manufacture Couches, Car riages. Buggies, SuUtica and all other velrielea in their line. Their reputation as workmen is fairly es tablished, ns they can confidently claim for :lieu wen k .he merit* of beauty of form, deplore of finish, and strength or strtletune. Use of the dietinautvliing feat tiree of Chair work to int durability;all vehicles of their build are conmeneteri of the Lent *epPOiled to and pat together firmly and tubstautialty. They give particular mention to the REPAIRING OF VEHICLES, and vrannot all their work in Mei line to give sath faelion. In *Wino:in to their practical * experience in the liu eineas they hove the n..i.hince of the hest workmen —none other being employed. The public lo teepee:tinily Invited to call and ex. 11101110 the ntock on hand. SAMUEL CARTRI EDWIN A. BEI-IMF:It eolomltira. Ittexelt 12, PM% ron spa. I BST received, 50,000 Prime German Segars we eat, recornmeNd as the he'd ever brought to Rotatable. ror side, wholesale and retail, at FEN BRIM; BROS'. Mnreh 1^_.1850. ,_ - . . EVANS & WATSON. .. ' '('(( . 'l-( T' , No. 26 South Fourth st., ~.,, _..... .. 4 1 PULLADELPHIEL I 7 1 '. , ‘:,,•' -I; I these now on hand a large st... .; '( ((1 ..,..... . , -.violent of Fire and Thief. ,:..i...,• -• ' . ProofSalantanderSules. Abm. ,'",---- i',.- Iron Doors for 130nk4 and ----- . - - ---,-,- Stores, Iron Simmers, Iron 9it.11, on 10.11 m, of Locks, ego's! to any made in the V otitPd Bene.. Ey- Five Safe. in one 6 re. An come out right with content. in good condition The 'Salamander Safes of Philadelphia trgaltan the world. EVANS & WATSON have had the fares* demon sl ration in the following certificate. hot their canno t...A:lure o; Shilurnatuler :Safes has at length fully ever. nulled the rePre,entations whieli_have.licr.a_made of them as retitieriii,c au utidOithlea security against the terrific &valeta Pbitudetillt;%. Ap t il ATes.r., Evans A. Wat..on,—Gentlenien--It afford. urt the bighe.l .ti•frcuou to s ate to you. that ovine to the very protective quell ;e+ of two of the Sala mander S t , fm. whir Ir we purchased of you game few mamba since. we Raved 11 !urge portion of Oar Jew elry, and all our hook@. paper.. &e., exposed to the enfamitou. Ore to Renewed Place, on the morning of .he I I tit Litt-WM. . . When we reflect shut there Safe= were located in the fou oh Flory 0: - the building we occupied. and thin they fell subsequently Into u beep of bunting rules, where the reel enurement iOll of heel caused the bole. p4•tes to melt, we Callpelbut rrguttl the preeervution of•heir valuable contents ce most convmeing proof of .••e greet security ufrorded by your ttpafeg. We •hall tete pleasure iu reCOMM” piing them to men of bu:inrec pa a Cure rellainee eguito.t fire. Ur fif)af;ff, W..511/O:VS dr. SRO.. Jewelers. Who have part:based six. large Sales since. A priiD,l&lo.oto WINDOW SUADES. FINE Painted Window Shades at 371-2 ets., Fine (*gamed NV ittatow Shade. at 60 avg.. Fine Pointed Window IZl•nt'ea at 04 eta., Fate Painted Wiaalow Shade. HI 73 CI& _ Fine Gold Elordet,d 9lnidea on 73 eta.. Fine Cold Bordered Shodra only f 7 ela., Fine Coil Bordered ,ndm. only *l.OO. Fine (old Bordered Shiier. only sl.l2li.Fine Cold Boraeoid Shades only Si 43. Whne,fireen and Hair Ifollatulf, nil turea. Cord., "faw.els. Ikc. A euinplele stock', all of which will be sold very low for endh at the Ca NI ABB() MANITP. CO 's. Whole•nle and Benin Paper. Shade und Blank Rook \Yur..hoa-e. No 20 Elawi King Fl., Luncaster, Pll. April 9. f 0.59. Wall Paper: Wall Paper! NEW and Beautiful Spring Styles, at really sediment prier... Good Paper nod beellg irul Patterns only 6 eta. Good raper and Itritimiul Fromm. only 8 eta. Good Paper told brow 111,1 Pict •rte- only 10 rt.. ion() Paper nod beau iirul only 12 Fi n , Bolin papers old) 211 e 1.., Fine Polite Papers only 25 eta . Foie 'Arlan Papers only Wl'. cis . Fi ne Gold rapern only 56 eta.. Fine Gold Papers only (WI et•. Fine Gold Papers only 73 et.' ,Fine (fold l'operl .7f Fier Gott nut,' RI PO BORDERS, MOULDINGS, DECORATIONS, STATUARY; &e. A complete a•cortmcat at eon lose rotes Call and examine our itself before rairetiaier. CAMARO° !VAN UP CO. April D, 1159 Blinds and Shades Cheap for Cash. R J. WILLLINS, No. 16 North Sixth street, lla rhoadelplon, is the largest Monufacturer et Window Stint, and dealer in Window SAudics of every variety. He is t h e Origionvor of all New eirles and has a fine sleek to he •fdd at Reduced Prices Bud and alt other color, of Linen Trimmings, Piziures, Bc. eitore :Mattes Painted to order. . . frr f t. J. W. inviteu eitirt.n. of Ml* roomy . 0 c u ll betbro purrittu.ing. 11.1111-11.1.Ure their, he emu bet tor timely for the menet thou any tither alliatith. anent in Ow Cuited Stele, SI omit :IL 1t..69. Dr. Coggswell'e New Medical Belt! FOR INFIAMEATORY DISEASES ONLY New Mediced Sala New Medical Salt) IS NOT A CURE ALL. For Inflame urant ory Diseases only 12.1.'01.2(PiliVIKI.L`t , Met, ifoorkl of JJ bolog o remedy for all ill. ba. contra/ over bat One 111,11•1• Ion flue alm. and ocermiploshro but one thing. to wit: Subdues logliimonnory ever be its form or loenlity. whether in the bend, throat, abdomen, extremities or vi.tit. SW Madera! 804 L. peculiar exec/len/eel ie. N that without the or w ee d and sirenglh. It effectually corralnflammatory Dbieioiee (hp Doer.) by producing an equilibrium of all the fluids In 11te body.ilie want of which it the role court of itidausi motion? ykTOTICH to breatid.!! The killowing faro. ahteb 11 the nalodaneed 64010 eawasse, and many not here eneetirweed, that bane wore or leer fewer or pain. are an eaeily 'obliged by the New Medical itall,ste fire I. eettsrevstrhed by vetoer, to wit: Hrein Fever. Head ache. Rath of Wood to the Heed mad. Heart, Pita, M ilitated eyes,earit, now-, leapt and liner, Nei:rule.. Spinal Aireer/otre, ferrokohrs, Oritnehitte. ph.arf.e, Anshan, Coughs. Cold.. llyepeport. Goes. Serofiria, and all ticking sad, other cutarreour eruptiono. D coooswEr.ve Mawr Medical :cult ewe. hie the vaccine outer. ra extraorclutary influ ence over the veins and arieriva. wealth) dal &what of indlainutation as indicated 1 r ate pulse. which soon meanies its natural stale. brat pain and lever disappear. D• .74 ;- ri. tl tie hi di 1 1 d what it alairne to do—no more. no le•a—equallse• the Saida I. removing From the *pieta 811 arterial and venna.oltatroetion. D....et - iv/live Circular. may he obtained from any Draggy.% who has Liam valuable Medicine for Pale. I ) 11 C i era tr i° r? A !Ic L a i n .. ; 9 N ru e rgi. l4 l l =7 l lhe e l l %:;er G ;r n e3 4 - ICA Sell. A.k year 'mightier", shoal the New Alyd• teal Salt. If eick, try; if &Mk, remember the New !Iledirel Silt. DR. COUrirt.WF:I.L'S ahlophtraloor Sail. Ara porlrgra.lll; Chronic do ,Ilr2 Nk !Pamir do sent he mail, free of expenre. nn receipt of Torah& wall chronic or long %landing disease-. vitelltd alwoys order a r !storm porkaer. L. C. TA rt.OR & CO., General Aariltr.2o2 Dock ri.. Phila. N. U.—Agents wauted in every City, Too and Vi Pia • K. CoriuttWlF.LL"tt New Medico' r•ult ,n f,r sate 1.1 in Cotambis.Ly MeCORIELE h DELLETT, and by all enterpriring &ocelots wherever the "Spy" read. As it eat a patent medicine. bat the pre scription of an eminent physician.no one should tat to try the New Medical testunomals and Olfaction!' Pee circular. l'ehruath LP'S,. Stoves, Tin Ware, Gant':Ofiregi tka. • =RAM 11 1 111XES O S tzr - N. E. Comer Second and I t o este - %IRE subscriber haring eitiiely refitted Ilk store and laid in a complete new stock of every thing in his line, invites the attention of the public to hi. assortment of STOVES OF EVERT =me sr. PATTERN. ens stock is Ver; large and complete, con- shotog of Royal Cook, tVilliata Penn, Noble, National. Young America, Morni ng 3la r. Complete Cook, Cooking Ranges. Parlor Cook, four patterns. Parlor 'tour: of curry make, size, style and variety. Rar Room and Office tii•toves,&c. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. t large sock of oricteg in the shove non of linea r]. ue--,eornitri , ougeveryihingilial is munuinctinsid of Sheet Iron. kc ,for Household purposes. Htti cock la of his own munitruciure, unit hr eon Void. Cur no eiselfence and dorslUlity. Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. and f•omplot. 0 , ...5011MV11{ o e• a 1 is inrct ut 1.-ICIIIII de,agas. of ELt• four, three: and two bunter tingly, burnt., l'eaclantt. add Ltgltts plain stud otuatneta al, Ural, Burnere.,te., ttlwuye, un haud. Lids riTTINIi II all Ito brandied altuuded to wit!, tiromplactL. House Roofing, Spouting, &c. HOUSE ROOFING utal SPL/LTINCi put up in iber suosinuto.tuntial manuel, Plumbing, Bell Bung ing and other broacher of the bu•iners, earrie.4 at u+. heretofore, 011 Lila bout reasonable term.. HIRAM WILSON. Comer of Seeond and Loeu-i am, t.t. Colurnbia.S.epiember.s.lds7. PV7I3.LIC. TARS. FILBERT AND JOHN AND J. S. DEL len. as the fcm of J. S Delieu dr. Co., respect fully informs their fricuds and the public generally, thin they have purchased from Dr. /3. It Item, the Golden Mortar Drug Store, front street, and intend heaping a general assortment of Orttriri, 111EDICINI, and all artirle• in their line of has.- nese. We lievejuAl returned from Philadelphia, wt.!, a large and carefully selected stock in DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, especially for Cannily use, which. may be relied on 114 fre.th add anadalteraled Also, it In rge assortment or PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES, The business of the terra to be eornlected by I, Dellett, whose strict personal attention will he given to the compounding of Pitysiciett's prescriptions and ICClpei. They hope to lie able to *tni.factor• ily neepininocline both in price cad quality oil who tatty favor as with their Cust owl. DF.LLETT he CO. March r. In% Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire. TDOS. WELSI I9iIt. Eg ._,. Agent for the Common. wealth 110,11.11ceailapany of l'entitty 1,11110, I. prepare.l 10 Ire 001170 1iiip1,,,,,,,,,,:. to 4,01 Campy, y. II nil grain policies for In=ura In e against toss or darn • oge by fire. The Commonwealth is 0301'11..1cent . coo. palsy, tneares 111 Tr 111.0111.1110 rate:, 1, ellllllkl, Ulla 1 , ill promptly ailjicit ha 10...55„ TIM vießCTOell Or Till COMPANY ARE. Dr. David Jayne, Thu. S. Stewart, &caldera% Treasurer. 11 I. Renner, 3 hi NVlniall, J. M Duller. .1 K. Walker. Edwasd C Knight, ' M. R Wendell, II Lewis. Jr.. S K Boric. altruur3 IS, IRS 9 - Cold area a of Glycerine, FOR the 'Cure slid prevention of Chnp ped Hoods. For tole my J. S. DELLETT S: Co , Col. M0r.26 IW. Co!den Mortar Drag *lore Old WEDSF.SD %Y MORNIIIC , edit Nan".. bet-re-a Illack's Hotel end Tiltra tit MT t. cow Locus., cis Front, Locust or Tbild streets. a Cameo Eireatip,n.w.it. a land-mine design—gold sewn's , . A liberal rtnvord will be paid the fiev'er oo leavilig it at MI. °Mc.. Columbia. June 11. 15.59.* LODGE'S GALLERY, N. E. COR. FRONT .€ LOCUST STS COLUMBIA, PA. 9 1 116 snbscribcr haring added ratcosively hir facilities for taking iikenc.aer,desures to call wtontiou to hi= unrivulhed sperimeas• Ile is now prepared to take : in addition to his former splendid Daguerreotypes, the molt perfect Ambrotypes, Photographs and Patent Leathr7 Picture,. Fie feel. enithilent of clving satisfaction, end ol; asks a trial of fits skill to furore it. rrPiciures taken on most reasonable term•. to clear or cloudy weather. S A.M . '. 1.0 . DG - 17.. Columbia, Su Is' ,18S4. TO LET. 230 Parllo7uOtg7napliogoll on Voc s ,P,TV'canOnn;', , `,7; to SahlUSl. WILIG UT. Columbia. March 14, 18.57.tt DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chu, Wine's Celebrated M==i Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFITGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with. the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LAVER. Com PL all BILIOUS DESLA.NOEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui. ninc, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As spe cifics for the above men tioned d 'garc, they are Unrivaled, and. never known to fail when ad - ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PiTTszv'Rcu, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twent y Years and. they will now give their undivided time and attention. t‘) their manufacture. And being tic termined that Dr. M'Lane's Ceh: bratcd Vermifuge and Liver Pill, shall continue to occupy the . high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, .they will continue to spare neither tinir nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and, com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLINN Jab. Piltsbargb, Ps. P.S. Dealers and n_sysielswe ordertne flews cohere than reran Brea., ItUl do wry] to write their distinctly. and take iwie bat 2:W. .'tan's, meowed. by noosing Bros. Patrburgte. .Pa. To Mona wiebiod to 10%. thew a die; we will forward per mall, rot paid, to Any part GC the Belted Melee, me box of Pin. for twelve three•cent postage stssere, or owe eta of liernelltge iv fourteen threweent stamps. All order* Roar Oared& sou be eteowiranled by twenty mate extra. April 0,11Z94 XaDST. N El