The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, April 23, 1859, Image 2

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    IF er t
i 1,1 j•
SA.TtitilAY. APRIL 2:1. LSS9
!SINT' . 1 5.11Vr11T19E1131'. 1 1T A. M.
I!ltitt.),Ct -0 F/lI.LSWS' Ilat., IS TO-li.LC:s
riicT Tir - C T A vtoTtNr. ---W e .11Te a:Altar/zed
t grallollpee 4t)SE I.'ll \V. EIS II E IC. E , Q., of
t lant'oi a, 'will be rt eantliante for IY,triet
.turerey at the ensuing: goaera/ clectiosi,
subject to the tleel,ion el the Pe0F1C.1.7..u,.t.
AND ilium' !tool - CRACK CR..—These
tceilent, crackers, tienigned e.pecially for
anti clFspeptics, will LciLand k I)1•_
.7 4 Family Medicine Store. See
2.lvertlserne•M. We are indebted tt , the I),T
-tt..r for R very liLeral sample which we pro•
..tince amtb.ona.. "Chet - Ili , rry
at r
t; Le for the ill Ta lid --not.tri,ltitt:!, nppeti,:jug
and eacy iif dig-P..:ion_
Li. or TRITI. --There will he a +ale
ruit, Shwolt and Ornamental Trees, Shrub-
Vines, Flowering Piants, &v., at the
4.l.rket house, on next Wednesday ilieroing.
The trees, are from the extensi%e ntu•-
t- •ries of Ihiilingtus & Co., and Jackson &
Ches , er county, and among thmit are
Milli)" choice specimens. The sale will be
ell worth attending. See tAaveztistmient.
F 11( E.--(in the morning of Tee.d:ty, the
3 , •th inst., a fhe. uncured in our town. Lc
hielt the house and but' ae of Mr.
Joseph lteselt, near the Corner of Vifth and
1. oi••n 'us., were de,.troyed.. In the slaugh.
•r house was the eareasA of a steer, .laugh
t•::'ei the previous et ening, which Was eon
'owed. In the stable were burned a valua
-I).e horse and a line dog. There had been
Ti • fire ithout the premises during the cc cu
i• and it is suspisete I that the tiro was the
r- ~r !milieu. The were protnlo-
Jj at vrurk, but rould only sueeeell iu e.4ttitt
g the dames the builtling in which it
hrel.,..t out. As there was uu insurance. Mr.
3 , 03e1fe hiss will prulnkbly he no elialit um,.
Tur: rtirEi t .--The lust week ex
fe.ided to the lie...thvaters of the Susoltichatt
ril, and raised the stream that a eutisid of lumber was run from
ii')ove. On Tuesday aim W-doesdity, m num
ber of rafts re:wiled, this place and others
L.ase since arrived, The shore looks lively,
~•1, 1 our streets have again been dotted 1,3
red shirts. The supply of lumber thi.
ha.; koLli short, and the first arrivals
!in.; at an advance over
r a e present supply will
of this season.
BAND.—It had
to hold
Tb E. Co
Z•btn ;;I t , 14.0 tit
ILS ti , ,tice , l iu Lin'
.. ''.l:
uuL tl ling pre
tti,te.l it. Tiny ha., e
i: platy in a mare d11r , 24.-t 111.11,r,
'toll: , for
utfair has uL,:ert:.lien eauil.als h.wn
vitr . .l the p l l,',llllne of en
f , r tho 1,11,1. I'. e
wv . :e advise , l of t1:1..,
:1, ....tcntim", of the pre
\Vt hope the int.nmittt4l may
ui,t.tinilig a lilY;r;LI suliscriptlon.
Let there be peace! The horrors of a
sanguinary war, have, by the triumphant
er.ercise of American Diplomacy (that
mysteriells gift with which every dimp
p dined office-sucker bee.onie) miraculously
; endowed at the, it 'moot when the tally pa
pers of the ballot are footed us adversely to
Lis c:cpectations) been warileil off, and the
people are again safe from the foot of the
ruthless Sioinisli American ilicalkr. Com
missioner Bowlin dispatches to the Depart
ment teat through the mediation of Gen.
Cie perfortn:LlW.:n of the circus, the theatre, nic PreAi ' leet. of
Ai ' . "tine
end [he E dinfeteretiou,
plan (i'rera. color
.rotti portion of the circus is ilis
hang the "hands" with the tow-lines and
peosoil kl , llh, but the other re:lit/FOS of that e .11,1-it:ate the "ineweis" for the benefit ,
institution retained. It is the play id' 3la•
eimunisariat department of her army. The
reppa, with the part of 11 ,, r.v. omitted. The
country has again been saved, and .1. 11, C:111
],arty t.r.1.111.4 by having fitted up a
begin to look around for a new griuvance—
lar_o b. ,at fur die transportation of the es
another one horse nation to bully into a
taldishmeitt.tilt' course she Company ex
brief peace and a long hatred.
Itibits eel). in towns on the line of the can a l
„ r „ i h er c witlet. The War! War! Although there be peace
e01111.r1:4111g the troupe are celebrated abroad there is strife at home. Internal
in their line, and the pert . iirmittice twill lie dissensions distract our unhappy Common
sure to give dirtily saris silo". if you if you wahl wealth—at least the Denateratic portion of
1;. „ 1iln, to see El seii li se , it. The Anti-Administration men hare
lisettictit hell their convention at Harrisburg, and
4)„ \ - 5 , A
resolve .1 that they are the Deinocratic party
in its original purity. They organized a
eeluhrated Menagerie and Circus will exhib- State C a
Central Committee and hold under
it 1 , 16,
advisement the propriety of nominating, a
well litiown hero that the 111111oUeeellleia o f
ticket of their own, to share the kite of the
its milting is certain to put the to Ver." of fill 0110 settled by the "Soap" Democracy at
and el,lll.lfulelit tiptoe. It emit bities goo,!
gout!goodfineOnar convention in March. It is n difficult
matter for outsiders to determine which is
leetion of animals, and other attractions, the •'rcg,ular" party, as both claim that
Th ere i s mu d, l ute betwe e n the
routitry. It is knovrit through the length .
Prom abroad we have "wars and rumors
and bilia Ith of the land, and futurably
fixtieeti there
will be
.7.. of E toil) succeeding steamer brings
contra liutory advice.; now l'iutee rises to
. "I.l•JUbue" to see dm sights. The advertise
the surface, awl grim, fier.;c, merciless War
me a t will be f:411:11.1U
gurgles in drowning agonies; but again the
8.:.5.; our Ill! ft/ II it
nbout ;ivties :Ltid
Tun sel,ttat a.,t tut to opetf --gct. ready your
••dips." fl, l )4(m lay Heft the bail open
viii "Bran 1 aml vado 1 do.p'my of 1 ;yin.
nastie, Terp,iciforic, Guns-eln,tic,
I ;utta. l'erehnie, Ethiopic and birtountl turd
lofty E ttErttragaitt.,!," by El -EN w e ir:
Tr,,ul).^_ of performers. Val, 141,:ei ail,-
2.1421. t i, a u,,‘ el one, befog a coml....anon of
nt this time attaches to this favorite period- the top nave, with sword bare and torch
iral from t lie controversy regarding it be- lighted. The great nations ore alone tetttl•
tweeze Mr. I tiekeW, tile and part ing a pow-woly by which a pence way be
owtier, mid Messrs. llcadbuiy E,ans, paup for a time—if the opposing. in
partnets in the public:La disagre^:- terests of Austria and France can by :my
merit between the partiqs has let to Mr. means be reeonciled. :It the expense of
withdra.v.tlfro-o If nvir.Lolki Word.. Italy, the bone of contention, they will not
however. Itradhury S L ails will ,1 1 . 8 w t h e sword—hut the tight must be
and the :tiroonturentent eventually fought, and as well now as again.
" r 'eriat tinier ['rine(' declares her intentions to be pacific,
"ii,„J -Ail She Year I:. mml," with the
ao motto "'foe story of our, aml continues to concentrate immense
ai Year to veor." It advertises' arnianients oft rho Italian frontier. Austria
. 40 , 1 „..,, 1 .1 the Ist of May. awl weekly and is very desirous of peace. and quarters di
"t'l"' "!' l vision after division in her inisgcrerned and
peddimos as. hoe will cont ain
pi:“ ' 14 . .t new r„i -I I.v oppressed Italian provinces. Sardinia, the
Wbetlier IL. -o• .thdrom ol :11”. Ilkketis nun ke,t of the helligerents. pronounces for
.o.ti ur Pi.: root I,.;! 1100-enold Words Ove war. and if she can attain it will fight the "Alla:" chuckled the humeree s ‘' i d den
old i e 1..,ti. ti: oo its divi is for timer,
~ , , , ,,,u1,,,,. . i ... ,, Ne.r
repuidi.her, lictrrul out. With the lia.e.king, of France eon. "you tamel little fool, I knew she
1''',611. , ri , .: . 4 . 1.:.-,;.,1y. 1.44, annou nce B hC l"." " 0 filar 4.1 thu result, and that sup- ' would, and she'll give ye a trouncing every
~- , ..e,,,,tie ‘ ) , ,uce ,L 1 a releiiir. hie h e doe,d.: sots
port once 7.,uaranteed we may expect to see ; time she undertakes it: and I advise e to ,
Terti,,e t•fl 41 - I , olgelltellt with the Etigli-h : the Italian battlo-fields of Napoleon the Itch a% e yourself in future." I
Tyniii; her f:o tae I. , sue fr ,, fia issivaiece sheet , . I c ..c.t. ICr TC the traLnenclOni struggles John hegnti t•r have puerile perception of
t 'A:: Ihe Year liJund." 'lle new 14triul j * ** p ale ' u
~,.: i, , ...,„„,„1 : -, r „.,,,,,,.;,.. i r t , wi , i , it an tit t w". 11 stire'.s- pior...p: 0:1 that el' ..141.!'11 - 1,4 father ' s motive, and rt-er hfter lras a
•J.i..5..; , ,,, and the old ./11C no ib.rrillient. Igr ' , in.!, 1.. therm oho 7 , roat p , ,w.•r.. I: k•:! iFa I Ivr :ill IV% i#,er hoy -.1. , ,0rf00k /'sole's-. '
P.RTRAIT or RolIF:t:T BoNNErt.—TIIE N1:11'
YOnls: WEEKLY.—ThiS 1)11,111:1r Story paper,
.if April _3, contains an accurate the
, lily) likeness cter publii.hed or Robert
13. inner, the proprietor of the Noe I:9rk
Lecl ! ler. The Meta 37,r1,- Weekly is without
exception the-best story paper published.—
its list of regular contributors is graced
sith the names of the most sparkling writ
ersyf the da - y._/n the present number we
perceive that the opening chapters of an ex
toting Revolutionary Romance are given.—
ft is from the pen of Dr. J. 11. ItottiNsoN,
.tt.thor of — Nick Whiffles," etc., and is en.
"ONE F.YEI) SA.CL; or, The Tory
Le.agueilr Seven; A Tale of South Carolina."
SAT' I N 6 FCNl...—Ttre National Safety Trust
Company, ..1 Philadelphia, ueeupies a con
spicuous place amongst the provident insti
tutions or our land, and multitudes can tes
tify to the safety they have found for their
treasures in its e , ffers. We say multitudes.
for the number of its depositius swell up to
the ;'rand total of 2.;•::,8;19,.. Prom these have
I , PCII received nu less 1 sum than.slo,2l3,-
-Ittil. 10! Millions that have worked out
tilissfnl results. Up to March Ist, lis'so, the
sum if t:itscAp:.; Jy w 4 s M aid out fur later
The above is from the last number of
Tuel:e tt 's itisn riznct journal, of Philadelphia.
Our reaiers arc also referred to the notice
of this old and well established Instituto,
whiell appears amongst our advertisements.
The World through our "Spy" Glass
The Sickles trial is the great event upon
which the eyes of a nation now turn. If
our readers are like ourself they have more
than enough of it in the °•enterp rising'
anil do not look for it warmed up
in the .s . pu. We cannot but refer to it,
however, in admiration of the aforesaid
eitterprise, A stupendous Telegraphic feat.
is it not? Ilere we have the splurge of
Mr. Graham, the exquisite wit of Mr. Bra ly.
(he dues sav such fini,ny things,) the brow
" beating of 31 r. Stanton, the personalities ef
Mr. Ould, the sharp-shooting of 3I r. Car
lisle, the tours of es-Governor Walker, the
agony of Mr. Sickles, the shame of the
pour wile served with our daily bread. It
is generally conceded by the "enterprising
journals" that the public appetite fir this
condiment is a sadly unnatural one, and
one to be discourm,. 1 and deprecated. In
fact they do discourage it—by rendering it
unbearable to every one who can be wearied
by intobtrable prolixity, disgusting clap
trap and a general seeking after dramatic
and sensational effect. But with all this
the particulars are eagerly sought after, and
spite of their virtuous condemnation of the
public craving for excitemeat and scandal,
the papers continue to publish the minutest
p trtiettlars of the trial. What would you
dare? The public want it and we ine,t
give it them—beside which it pays'. Never
before has - enterprise" been carriW to so
fearful an extent, and as a surer by the
ex:divion from our daily all more legiti
mate :natter, to make 'l.3orn fur this arrant
w as hin g :en huinb....g, we protest that rather
than be subia ,- .el to a fmnre of sensation
trials, we W.:10.1 g.) back to the titne when
the te i .eg mph was not, and "enterprise"
no faster than a horse express. For
Ire shouting of Key it is generally conceded
1 that no expiation will be exacted; but, in
tire name of a suffering public, cannot some
lune be hanged for the trial of Sickles?
uiictee "r
waters are troubled and Peace grasps only
unusual interest at a straw while the gristly monster rides
land holds off and meditates. Ilusia holds 1
4otf and laughs quietly. We hold off and
keep our eyes' open for chances. ith the
wise policy to be expected from the experi
ence of our Administration we have noth
ing to look fur but benefit- from a collision
between the ruling povi•ors of Europe..
Their loss is our gain, and without desiring
their loss we shall be quite reconciled to
the gain. If our progressive friend J. 13. I
will be satisfied with the present area of
Freedom, and Rot seek itt extension, peace
ably if he can, forcibly if he must, in the
event of the apprehended outhreak cf hos
tilities in the old world, we may look for
ward to an increase of means at home and
credit abroad. Of course we have an opin
ion Of Vie prospects of peace And war—
what enlightened editor has not?—and that
opinion is that his Imperial Majesty of
France is "spilin' for 1 muss," and will
"sail in" sooner or Inter.
Opp FEt.t.ows . ANNivEnsAny AND LECTURE.
The Odd Fellows of Columbia, Wrights
ville and Marietta, will celebrate the forti
eth anniversary of the institution of the
Order in the United States, in the Lecture
room of the Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbia,
on 'Tuesday evening next, April 2C:, 1859, at
ldf-past 7 o'clock P. M. An address, illus
trative of the principles and aims of Odd
Fellowship, will be delivered by Lev. A. B.
Grosh. The members and citizens are re
spectfully invited to attend. From the po
sition of Mt. Grosh in the Order, and his
ability as a public speaker, an able,and in
teresting address may be anticipated.
By order of the
PB.4:F.EI):NGS 01 . CoUNCI —Ow:3mA,
April ti, Itis9.—Cunnei I met: 3lernbers pres
ent, 3lessrs. Felix, Fraley, llippy, Hershey,
Pelan, Walt' er, Welsh and ]lletz, President.
A petition was read representing the side
wa:k on the upper side of Fifth street, from
rniun to the alley at the old church, to be
in a very hail condition, am?. asking; the same
to be paved; referred to the Paving Com
The following bills were read and ordered
to be paid:—lbirid Nlullett, $7,75; Henry
Culp, $3,75; David Evans, lllrani
Wilson, $16,00; Wet. $1,25: C. 3.
Pusey, :$4,50; Geo. Geisler, $3,f5; 11. Wil
ton, 53,52; N. Bineliour, $8,75; Sarn'l Boyd,
$3,13; P. Gardner, $0,2.5.
The following bills were referred t , ) the
Road Committee:—AbrAharn .Thjers, $3,50
11. E. Wolf , $ 12 ,7 5 ; Isaac Pusey's e,cate,
Ga:i 'tall, $45,42, was refertetl to the Gas
S. W. Mifflin's Lill for $15.50, was mferred
tQ the President, to report at next stated
The following bills were referred to the
Finance Committer.---P. Shreiner, 318,00;
S. Wright, ,',45.435; do., $'39,12; J. Ilogen•
o filer, $69,t57.
Ou motion of Mr. Welsh, the Market
CI k was directed to give notice that on and
after Saturday the Nth instant, the matiket
would open at 20 minutes before sunrise.
Mr. Welsh offered a market Ordinance,
which was on motion laid over until next
stated meeting
Mr. rraley moved that two bonds be drawn
in favor of Conrad Swartz, for $l,OOO and
$5OO, respectively; to be dated April Ist,
1559, and payable 12 months after date, and
prescoto I at next stated meeting fur appro
val, which was agreed to.
1). Evans' resignation e ra Supervisor NT3S
handed in and accepted.
On motion Council proceeded to the elec •
tion Of a Supervisor, whereupon I). Chalfant
was elected, and on motion Mr. Hippy was
requested to notify him of his election.
Mr. Welsh moved that a special Commit
tee of three be appointed to examine Pot
ter's Field, and re•>urt its condition at neat
stated meeting, \Thiel; was agreed to, and
the President appointed Meesrs. Welsh, Fra
ley and Hippy, said Committee.
On motion Council adjourned.
Wm. F. Id.orti. Clerk.
J K sem Sue Mull:b.—Deacon W., was a
staid and honest Dapti-t deacon in one of the'
interior towns in this State, who had a vein
of dry, caustic humor in his composition.—
The deacon had a boy of some dozen suer I
mers, who was somewhat inclined to be a
little ugly when not under the parental eye• ,
In school, especially, John was a source of
constant annoyance to the teacher. One
day the teacher punished him for some sort
of )16:demeanor, and .John went hum°, cry-
Mg, to enter his complaint, and told his
father the mistress had Whipped him.
''What"" esclaimed the deacon, elevating! ;
his eyebrows, "been whipped?"
"Ya-a-s," sobbed the boy.
"And lid you let a woman whip ye!"
shouted the old deacon.
"I'•a-n-s. I could'ut help it."
John, yin! little rascal, you go to
school to-morrow, and if Miss— under
takes to whip ye agin, you jest (itch in;
don't let a Woman whip ye if ye can help it.
Don't take any stick to strike with, but ye
may strike, scratch . , bite and kick as much
as yc're a mind to.'
The next day the boy went to school, and
emdoldened by the permission given by his
fi.ther, was soon brought before the tribunal
of violated rules. The teacher undertook
to correct him, and he did as his father had
told him. The result was that John got a
most unmerciful trouncing and was the-
roughly subdued. When he went home,
he went to his father, crying:
"Well, dud, I got an awful bad licking
"‘Vhat!" said the old deacon, "have you
let that stoma,, ship ye again?"
- "Yu-a-s," whimpered John. "1 'kicked
her, and struck her, and fit her all.l could,
but she lammed rue orfully."
WHICH G. G. iiVA NS, TIM Focstei or inn Bus.
'NESS. COSUCCTS rr.—.Jl general denunciation on
the pall of many persons and presses through
out the country, 01 that branch of the publish
lug business denominated the "Girr Boon
TitAric," has induced us .to devote a few re
ks on the subject, and to Speak particular
ly of the business as conducted by Dlr. G. G.
Evans,439 Chestnut Btreet,r hiladelpilia, with
whose principles and practice ha. the trade, we
have made ourselves acquainted.
Because swindlers or ignoramuses, in any
trade, subject us to loss, we are not therefore
to censure men engaged in legitimate trade;
because "Peter Funk" traders in watches de
ceive and cheat the public, honest watchmak
ers are not to be denounced and avoided; and
so, because a number of "Peter Funk" con
cerns in the Gilt Book Business, encouraged
by the great success of Evans' enterprise,
sprung up in various cities, and for a time
cheated those who were deluded into dealing
with them, there is no reason that a fair, lib
eral and energetic publisher should be con
demned along with them. No injustice could
lie greater. People must deal with tradesmen:
they must have watches—they must have books
—and let them take care to seek the place
where t hey can procure the articles they want,
without deception, and on the most advantage
ous terms.
Mr. Evans originated the Gift Book Business
in 1631, and his great success in it is the re
sult of the energy, the integrity, and the lib . -
erality that lave characterized his course from
that day to the present. The sham concerns
thatihave from time to time arisen, in imita
tion of his establishment, have now mostly
pet ished, while he pursues the even tenor of
his way, giving satisfaction to all who deal
with him.
The fairness and honesty of the business is
not to be doubted, and are easily understood..
He is an enterprising man, and setting out to
do a laige business, he purchased his books in
large quantities; in order to increase his sales,
he determined to give part of his profits to
purchasers, in premturns. The principle of
Premiums or Gilts has been adopted in many
branches of business, and, perhaps, every news.
paper that has spoken against the Gift Book
Business has recognized the principle, either in
deductions to clubs, extra copies, or gilts of
eng.r.a I gs, &c. Evans purchases whole edi
tions of books at the lowest figures; sells them
at t he regular retail prices, and gives a premi
um with each book; in every $lO,OOO worth of
books he appropriates $5,000 worth of jewelry,
watches, &ie . ., which are given away with the
books, purchasers often receiving gold watches,
costly 'cameos, &c. In every case of sale,
Evans gives what lie pleases—and surely the
roost fastidious moralist can find no fault.
On the same principle, iI a man buy a chest
of tea, is the grocer to be blamed or commend
ed, if he gives his customer a few pounds of
coffee into the bargain? The question needs
no reply. Ills encouragement to American
authors, publishers, and manufacturers ; is very
great; ill a single year he purchased from one
manulacrurer alone, $36,000 worth of jewe,ry,
and thousands of persons engaged in
book-binding, watch-making, receive em
ployment through his agency,
His assortment or bo,,Rs embraces the stand
ard works of the I .angnages, and every depart
ment of Arrericau literature, and through his
agency, vast numbers of useful books have
spread through every part of the country,
to the great advantage of the rising generation,
and in this respect he may very properly be
held to be a public benefactor.
In short, in Mr. Evans we find an enterpris•
ing man—the originator of a business which he
has followed with the greatest energy and
strictest integrity, until it having a vast extent
and importance, a host of imitators (some of
them honest, perhaps, but ignorant of the bus
iness) arise and cisappoint and cheat the pub
lic, bringing down condemnation not only on
themselves, but on the man whose wade they
were counterfeiting. To rescue Air. E. from
this unmerited censure, and to state what we
understand to be the nature of the Gift Book
Business, as established and conducted by him,
has led to this article. No one who deals with
hum can he wronged or disappointed; not only
...ill the purchaser receive the full value of his
money in hooky, but with each book a premi
um, or gilt, and :hat very handsome and vela
able.—Cecil Whig.
Ti) V.TIT iu the Cart rf Common 1'7078, of
Lioneosicr Comity, commencing _llouday,
..I.fay 23, 1859.
Adam S. Dietrich, Manor.
.1(.1111 C. Lefevrc, l'aradise.
Levi Bear, Carnarvon.
Thomas Robinson, Paradise.
Davis Gyger, Strasburg leirutigh.
John Evans, Washington.
Reuben B. Johns, Upper Leacock.
.1. C. Worth. Colerain.
Bernard S. Mann, 31anor.
David Styer, Carnarvon.
Matti Diller, Earl. •
Itei.jamin IVittner, East Earl.
ll og h O'Neil, 31artie.
Samuel K. Gran', Earl.
John Nagle. Pro%iilence.
s ainue l D a ley, Elizabethtown.
Joseph McClure, Bart.
Samuel E. Fairlamb. little Britain.
Timmas R. Neal, Di titmice:
Peter L o ngenecker, I'ettn.
Diane Livingston. Salisbury.
Henry Cottesto,,, , a.
Jacob B. Eshleman, Manor.
141(1.11.11 IViMinns, Columbia.
Jiteob M. IVestlinefler, City.
George Salim, l'enn.
Jacob S. Shirk. City.
Jam.l) ‘Vest CoenEc).
Jonas 11. Nolt, 111anheitn.
Adam K. Witmer. Paradise. •
Samuel Book, East D i m eg i a
Solomon NVarllel . , Salisbury.
Jacob Fisher, East Lampeter.
Samuel Bess,
.lolin \Varner, Salisbury.
Charles W. Cooper, City.
To gerrc in the Owe, Commonn l'lors, rf
bun - aster County, venUnenrinq ifonday,
MI, 1859.
Henry Carter, Fulton.
Henry Wissler, \Vest Ilemptield.
Justus gray, West Hempfield.
John 1101li;tger, Carnarvon.
David Herr, City.
Henry Breueman. West Donegal.
Abraham Good. Martie.
Christian Hinkley. Eden.
Jonas Label., Clay.
dolm Kessler, Manor.
Levi Kautfroad, Carnarvon.
Andrew 31eltaffy. Pcquea.
Simon Eichler, Warwick.
Joseph B. Scarlet, Sadspury.
Isaac Contiard. East Latmleter.
Jacob S. Hershey, East Donegal.
John A. Brush, Washington.
Henry S. Nissley. East Dunegal.
David Cockley, City.
Joseph Bowman, Strasburg borough.
Martin S. Landis, East Lanspeter.
John Cranford. Martie.
Jacob 11. Keller. Ephrata.
I'. W. Housekeeper, Drumore.
Andrew Brubaker. East Ilempfield.
David 01,er. West Donegal.
Henry 11. Fry. Columbia.
Lancelot Fairer, City.
Christian I.iistiser. Lancastor township.
William .1. Iless..l)runuore.
David Bender, %Vest Earl.
J. W. Cottrell, Columbia.
Samuel Petersheitn, Salisbury.
John Strohm., Providence.
John Eider, City.
Erastus Reynolds, Drumure.
.01:37 - There is a. plirenolog,ist in Lonibm
rho can tell die contents of a barrel by es-
itm head
CeleilratMl cook who died recently
ha, had hia epitaph written by RUllle encl.-
ttey, 'Peace t.. his
yliE SPY oppicg, has been p Removed
to CARPET FLA,LE, N. W. Corndr of
Front and Locust Streets; entrance by
the outside stairway at the north mid of
the building.
Prepared by Fleming Bros
jr7'The following.from a customer, shows the de
mand which this great medicine has created wherever
it has been introduced:
Illon,burg,Tiogn Co. Pu., Mnrch :30, 18.56
Messrs. Fleming Bros --Gentlemen:—lii consequem,
of the great consumption of your *Worm Specific" in
this place and vicinity, we have entirely exhausted our
stork. We should teal obliged by your forwarding, via
Corning, N. Y.. 20 dozen. with your bill, on the recep
tion of which we will remit you the inoney.
From the wonderful affects of raid "Specific" in• this
neighborhood, there could be sold mutually u large
quantity, if to be had, (wholesale :11Id retail) Bain some
local agent. If you would compensate u person fur
trouble and expense of voiding. I Batik I could make it
to your advantage [O.lO so.
Yours, respectfully
r . i l'u c cliacer: will be curctul to ad: for Da
WI.ANI7S ATE') ViP,Mir•U(K, manufac
tared by FLEMING 11110 S.. of Pittsburg. Pa. All other
Vennifuge4 in coutparkou are worthless. Dr. Ml.:nick
gettuine Vertadage. also his celebrated liver Pills. rats
can now be had at ad re.qwelable drug stores. Nouns
genuine ?tit/oatr the signature al
April dd. P-59. fa]
In all ;es iollammation more or predotwi
oateo—oan• to aliay al the root
of di-ett=e—heoee no immediale core.
Dalley's :Magical Pain Extractor,
intl nothing el-e. will :flap 111111.1!lin:Ilion at OnVe
and [Hake a et,taill Cure.
lit Hay's Magical Pain Extractor
will cure following among n great catalogue cut
Huro•, Scalds. Cuts, .11:1 fe s, Sore Nipple.,
Cnrn•. Brui..e.i, Sprains, Cite., Poison, Chil
blain., Miles, Sernfoln. Ulcia,, Fever Sores, Felons.
Ear Arlr.•. Pik..., Sore I:ye-, Mien-,
inatism, Scald llcaJ, Sall Rheum, ItaiJuers, Erysipe
li,i, Ringworm. Barker's Itch, Small l'ox, Measles'
Hash, 'cc.. &c.
To some it may appear incredulous dint so many
Ili-ea., should Ire re:mite? by one article; :melt art
idea will vanith when reflection points to the ri,el,
that the 'nice is a combiartion of ingredient•, each
and every one applying a perfect antidote to its Oppo.
-it, disorder.
Dailey's Magical Pain Extractor
in its eff•ctC is mitviettl, beenutte the time is so short
between di, 111(1 a perninneut curet 11111.1
extractor, 03 it draw. , tail disease ton 01 the tact:led
part, leaving nature art perfect as before the injury.—
It is 'carrel)" urte4;ury to a sy that 110 house, work
-hop, or ionitulactory should be one moment witle
nut it,
Is:o Pahl Extractor is genuine unless the box ha
upon it a steel plate engraving, WWI the nanie o
Henry Dailey, Manufacturer.
l'or :sale by all ;be Druggists and patent medicine
dealers throughout the. United Stales:and Camillus.
Prineipal Depot,l4s Chambers st., None-York.
Sold by Mag . :zoo' , in Columbia
FAnnEg, lIEItRXI G s.L. cols .
LATE nEE AT .1/I.:l3lr(tUE.lO \VA.
nOloolur, 1 . 59.
Crm. , : , I am reque:leit by Mr. T. A. C. Corti ram.,
this plisee,lo say io yew that au the ItiOrtillOr Or the
41h 03.1ent, obuol a o'e'oeli, hi- took fire, and
the entire pOrol-w: The heat
heenote .0 qlledeoly Otienw 011 !Moe Of use g00d.4
eotild po,ohly he .:rued; hot roeltillately
Mot Tower, Which Were hi one nr your Cheolpioll
Sale. , Were ell per-erred perti•eily. And well they
Our: he celled Oiesuieun. or !farina; tl.e whole eon.
ilag.alimi there sea. ooe ' pOtiriog or Home
directly 01100 the Seee Which eoge:linee no•le And
[WOO Open. , ! u, the ie•hle wu, rolled to he
.reel)' wa.oh While the out-isle overtly
..core lied. Your- tialy.
~:\. Nocl.unr..
11/1.1.ri11g../.1.11/1•11/ Clll/01111itill /11111 Fin" :111/1
Procd ialt 11a114 V.nent 1 1 eo•des Pt 101 l 1..1.1,.
atrool the .vrtttlet , l qe it} of Tilly Sale iii the world.
ALn Solelloarel tool l'orloi Sow, of elegant ,vulli•
otan-lit and fini-11. tilt
Fa rod. Llerrneg k Cu. In/ve reinoVell from 31 Wol
hto .treei, to illeirNnilg4l 1:11e•lina
.1 a yllt!'f ,Vll/,./ . the Inrge.t /15,411 . 1111.1,10 f Suje,
/I the WWII/ rl.ll Lr 1011111/.
['Alt RI:I.. 111'.RISIN1 - 1
Che-lind -treel..(layne'e 11.411,;
,larch I
Furs! Frrst viTs
Persons laboring under this distressing
malady will find Da. fissices Epileptic Pills to
be the only remedy ever discovered for coring
Epilepsy or falling Fits. These Pills possess
a specific action on the nervous system; and
although prepared especially for the purpose
of curing Fits, they will be found of especial
benefit to all persons afflicted with weak
nerves, or whose nervous system has been
prostrated of shattered from any cause what
ever. The dyspeptic patient, whose stomach
has lost the power of duly converting food into
n lute sustaining element, is relieved by a
single course of the extraordinary Pills. The
gastric fluid re•accquires its solvent power,
and the crude n utriment which was a load and
a burden to the sufferer, while his digestive
organization was paralyzed and unstrung, be
comes under the wholesome revolution created
in the system, the basis of strength, activity
all li health.
Sent to any part of the country by mail,
free of postage. Address Seth S. Fiance, 108,
Baltimore street, Baltimore. Md. Price—one
box, $3; two, $5; twelve, $2l.
Batrhrine: arid Toupees surivaiir all. They
are elegant. light. easy and durable,.
Fitting too chum— ao turning up Lrhiud—uo-I,rink
otr the head; indeed. tiok lg.:ben& y e-taltho•htnent
where thr-e thing, are properly unde r,toott and made
N0v.13, '233 Broadway, New 1-mk.
The great standard medicines (If the present
age, hare acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in all eases; and the
people hub! pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered
firer or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a
reputation surpaseiny that of anp similar pre
paration extant. It trill cure, W171101:1" rAu
the most sercee and long-standins
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and haft performed the moat astonishing tures
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses will also at once cheek and
cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding
These medicines are prepared by C. M.
JACKSON & CO., V. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 74 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. 31. :Ltasnos
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called EVEICIMODY'S ALMANAC,
you will find testimony and commendatory
notices from all parts . of the country. These
: Almanacs are given away by all our agrntr.
prt/ 9, 1.:e1.
prepored frnm a prrspription of Sir J. Clarke,
M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
Thi• silviliOnLOt• medieilke is . unfailing .he cure
of all threw painful and dahgerans di ruses to which
the fernale con.litution subjectil It air:Mei - ate. all
execs. and removes all obstruction., and a epeedy
cure way be relied on.
it i. peculiarly .uited. ft will, in a short time, bring,
on the montlify period with regularity.
Each bottle. prier Our Dollar. bear: the Govern
!neat Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent counterfeit..
These Pills should not lie taken by lemales during
the 1 , 1115 T THREE 51ONTItil of they
are sore to bring on miscarriage, but at any other
time they are safe.
In all eases of Nervous and Spinal AlTeetions
Pain in the Hack and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exer
that, Palpitation of the Ileum Ilysteries and NVlsites.
these Pills will effeet a cure when all other mea t ,:
have tailed, nod although a powerful remedy, do not
contain iron. calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful
to the con-titution.
Per \V. E. Porter
Full direction, in the pamphlet around each park
tge, which should he ea reftally pret.crveal.
Sole Agent for the United Staten and Caanda.
(Late I. C. Baldwin & C 0..) Roche , 4er, N. Y.
N. 11.—.1,00 and 6 po.tage eticlwted to ant•
nuillorized tigetit. will insure a bottle, eontai sing Su
by return instil.
For sale by Dr. H. It. ilEtcrt. Agent, for Columbia
T W. Dvorr & Agruts,
May 29, IH.iS.
The Original and Best in the World!
All oilier' are mere should be avoid.
ed. it you wish to etteape
Bray, Bud. or fiti,,ty Hair Dyed inmanily to it beau
tiful and natural Brown or Black, without the leant
injury to Hair or Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Dierfornas bare been awarded
to Wm. A. Batchelor since and over ,-0,01:10 up
plicaiions have Wien made to the Hair of his patrons
of his famous Dye.
lYnn. A. Ba:chdor's Hair Dye produces a,color not
to Le dk'llegni , lied from nature, and is warranted 001
to injure in the least, however long it may be COlllio
ued, and the ill effect. of Lad dyes rensediel4 the Hair
invigorated for Life by this Splendid Dye.
Made, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the
Wig Factory, 21; Broadway, Sew York.
Sold in all einei and towns of the United Slates,
by r.ruggistv and Fancy Good: Dealers.
.ri — The genuine lia- One name and addr,s upon a
elect plate engraving on four of each bnx, of
Nov. HI, 'Ai. 2: Broadway, New• York.
Sold by Druggi‘b , s in Columbia. It. WO
,~.~?s~~ .~.-?,5_'..r~ a' fir'' c,
On the 1901 . by the Rev. .1. H. 111eng,e s. Ma.
Josern lIA OILY, to NI Os AJ ELIA li"ltN, bOlll of U a rieva.
lln the lOtiot, Illy. I.y . the ,0111, Mn. 11011EkT Count.
Ai Lanea , ter, April 1 hh. by Rev. Waller Powell.
JOOtt•II BOWMA of Lancaster, to ELIZA JANE
Lisvis, of l'hihnlelpina.
Nov. 13, 5y
d in Norristown. April Ist.. FRANCO KNoTWELL, of
Davenport, lowa, aged :IS years.
The above is one of those mournful bereavements
that fall on ;Ice heart with peculiar sadness. Mr. Knot
well was favorably known to many in this region, us
former Superintendent of the copper mine at Volley
Forge; but for the la.,' two or three )(Mrs, lie hiis been
residing hi the Far IVe•t. Ile left his wife and three
clahlreu, with two sisters,'a few weeks since on lots.i
nes,. for New York, in good herdth, nod reaching the
residence of his brother-inditew. Stephen ltawden,
of Norristown, where he ,ickened nod died. for uwhy
from his loved one.. Ile seas interred nt the Montgomery•
Ce mea•ry. (ED Rt:t'.)
II7I"T'ERS of Adminianttion upon tho Esitit.• of
A Isabella Stuith, lotr of 'lir Boom:J. of t'ufuosh.a.
deed.. In ring ht eu grauted to the tool••r-1.12VICII, p.• 1,1111 1,
11111Villed to -aid c•tame ore h .reby outilied 1.1 amike
mrdiutr pllytneot; ilOte luivitta pre,.eot
Oulu (or not;letnettl, to ‘V11.1.1.1
1:+.110.13t Atlietioi.tnour.
AjritS. CALDWELL will open on Wednesday.
11`11 April :I:, u 111r,p, 10.011111eill Of new Ulna
I.l , llloitable
foal would be happy to have lair
nd exuanoe lwewit street n few
doors above Second. April 13.
New Wjak by the Author of "The Prince of
the House of David.
BEING an account of Ihr wonderful srelics
in the Life of ilie Soo of Plistrantli'•
togoilicr with l'icititeopee Sketch,. iii the
Iteltrow• under the To,ltina-ter, lu the 11ev. J.
The ooder.ivirtl hove live., no:mimed itgettt- for
:toil are prottarott in iitrsti-li it
to ,u h.ct titer-. tor. SI .25.
SA 1 . 1.1)8 A. MoDOSAI.I).
Apr.:KC:O.IT flood (ton it tore and Nom , Depot.
Jt'ST received a fre,li supply of
ler ,a le
Columl. in April .23,11,59.
rIENUINE White CaNiile Soap. White Wiad-or
Soap in Inlr•. A Ire-b -iipply of 11le above bits
ju-t been received at alit Drug Shire Or
From -trer•t.
April tn.
NOTtIFIIt Ica of Sapolictivr. or Coneentrutea Lye
LI jt.i reveived Mid for hale lip
A pr.1:1:511,
20 doz. Jotivin's Celebrated Kid Gloves,
N beautiful apritur, and Iduck.)u-t received.
I The 1.11. 4/1011hil pullicular 1.1141 enquire for
Jouvin' , Wove, ant ••..Inti vin &- You id way,.
can get the,genuilie urtiele. ni
A djoiuing the Bunk.
April 'ZS. IS:19
At H. C. Powiersmith's. Columbia.
it, E are now reerivisil our ilitirth .apply of Sp ring
Yr Good•. 1,l fatly tell per real. lower in price than
purelito.ed u month e.,r.ire
Now i+ ior nine Ladle. mid Grof.lemen. We offer
Mot. de Lain,. :Mil 'trim..e de Laioe, pi t• cent. to
93 Cep*, per yard, good g.iod• and leintl.mine slyly.;
111 piece* new nu Izeriar• iii fill color-, only 19; ci-.;
. 10 pier... 4.4 Engti-li Chnitzr, 4•I Figured Brlfianie,
Heal Freitell Lawie‘,.&.c., at the low price 01 121 et•.
Dueiik and Pereal--90 glee,. of
Dre.f. Good.. in magnificent coml . . and new
-price. from 0110 21 et.. IVe lu•ve lint the ..once
here to enumerate sill the brie noveltie. iti
Good•. w•hirlt we will be happy to chow to all who
may favor 41. will, rr roll.
Rim!. Plaid Eou:arit.., at
the lose prier. Of 69 ci.. per yard. Fancy
Di rs+ Silo• at vunnu. peter•, Ile it remembered Ave
alwri ye have the bent dollar Black Silk in Columbia.
shawl. nod full line of sill -Lyle. of
Shaw l.—price. from AO rcpt• to she hen ut 111,1 cr a p,
Shawl at it.i. The Lathe., 'ore particularly invited
to our beautiful Lace Matitilla.—prices limn S 7 to
Now for the Gentlemen—Our new bilk Quilted
and 51a r.eil ben Ve.tiag, Silk Mixed
site worthy their early iilleiltloll g I A.-unhurt,:
['alley Seek Tie.. Stork-, Su•penderc, Ilandker•
chit-fame! 110-iery.
jaDint't forget the Sun Umbrella., all color,
.iZr. mad price,
IiROCEIII ES —flood 7 emit SliCar. 'leer" Coffee.
and 11l rem Syron. al FONDERSMITIPS.
Columbia. April 94.
f p a m i e r.igued .rII nt nuelion. ON iv En-
N I- 'DAP. APRIL. 27. 11 , ..V. at the sbirket
n the ',oriole It ofroiarol.ia.a twee n.snrtment of
Evergreer, some 3MO in tairither.
:AO Evergreen Tree. nod Shrubs, inelurtiog Norway,
ig.,mni tV lu e. Cor-iron and Sewell from 3to
7 fee. io height; Cryotnineiin. Dvoil:or CV111.1,, Pi ne ,
A t blur Vita, inn iper, Tree Box. and Box Ecl,gingo by
in great Variety. A Slllllll% land PlantA in
It 1.10111.1.1rii a. ttfl,P, PC111611:15. VerlMll2,. : 4 1111 , 11,
DiA,erra Sprelabilia. a splendid bloominz plant (ruin
.:•••. A r.
Dwarf and Standard retire, Cherries, Apples, Apri
cot•, Nectarine. ke
Strawberry. Plnit N, Currants, tiuspleertie•, Goo,
Items,. Rhubarb. hr.. .
From the mill-koown and extert•ive NTor‘eriea of
Onrlitorloo & Co . tVe.t Clre.ler, unit Juckoon k Co..
roil...tootle. Clie.orr ( . 011111V.
axle to cmauo•nce at Li o'clock A. U.
S. Ci
T1t1,10.,11,, Auctioneer. Apr. 91:59.1k.
Vanilla Beans
A Fresh Supply
rnvoprerudfiloi I i. r ; Col e
1 1 1 i t rit tt ii .
in vol., or linto niol Arrow Root liraelteri.fri•Ali irnut
ovest,liiive ju-t arrived Now 1 theilitni•
them. Any nrue le wa Melt we'wi II otifuinin 4ti hoar,
10t you. at the nitnily Medicine ttiore.
April in.
1: U L,ES
1. Nlnney i< r;..evived every tiny, null in any utnnu.ltt,
rg . e or -until.
:!. Five Per Cent inter,' i: paid ihr money from
the (lay ii i=Put ill.
3 9'lll. inoirey iilwayc paid hoeic in gold, when
ever it called (or. and without ontieo.
4. Money reeeived ("rain Es:velum+, Adetini , tr,
tor , .Guardian, and oilier+ who desire to :lave II is a
111:11•e of perfect •alety, nod where iliterert eall
obtoitted for it.
The money received from depo=itri, i+ iuvrrrrA
hi Reril E:tate. Itlortgages. Omuta' Rent., nod stioll
other firt-eitti.+ securities nq tiro clue rier directc.
G. 01lire I loin ri.—Every cloy from till 5 o'elnr.k,
and on .111ontluyst and 'Ph undo o'r
• !tor; Ill.:INKY L. BENNEIC. Pl'l,llll'lll.
WU. J. HEED, Seeeeeiry
Ilenry 1.. IT...otter. V. Carroll 13ree,...--
Edward L. Ga net. Jo-flat G. Harty,
Hobert Selfridge. Vriitlei. Lee,
smoitel K Joo•plr Vet
G Lomb..lli Mono , . Henry I)iileoderfer.
OFFICE:—Walnut Street, South-West, Curamr
of Third Sired, Philirdelphia,
April 13, 109.
• -ELO3 4-7;:_ - r? fig 3
Ethiopian Burlesque Opera Troupe.
Xovel Undertakiiiy! Unique Petjhrmalice.y:
Unparalelled Combination of Talent.
Eisenbise & Co.'s Celebrated and In
imitable Company,
Beg leave to announce that thsy will - give
ON MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1859,
1:-VD.11: le A WA TER-I'lt OUP PA I'ILIA).7I
Capable of comfortably seating.
2 . CO 30 MIL 5 0 Z.T .
Thi. novel undertaking has been wojecteil and
, tiet•e,folly carried 001 Ily the caterpri-ing
tact; the company, who have 3 , 1331,3 t
Ileilller meant , ',or 11110310 reader it woriliy line 101-
11'03111ge of . an appreetative public.. The 'inv. per
fortnattee,; of the traveling Cirea,•4 throat:limn the
trailed 5011,3 heel,. 301133 3.31113 0 r e 1331,313 to ,111:11, old
31.10313.0 line 13113313.11re-,e1031 . . wail i 111343 beet: voted
“hoar." , its °ilea 31+ Knowing the , c fct-.
the I . toprielor. , have ili•prit-ed will, all tech
peicormatice , , and in lieu thereof It tve Comment
happy a ad plca,ing comb; tt t 110110 i rare a rti.tic tal
ent. among which will br 3 - 011111 i Ibr 01110Wille:
their Olympian Gum,: and I; ie rent , of
lat Perrhe. 1.11 Tilipey.e. tool their ocw
prrfornuuie.•e of the Corde do Vulain—at truly wor.-
s irr fits lierform:o olee.
In Ittgatiflizent Fonev
Gre•ul liliinpi.l3ll:l , pw.: um! Je,i,r, in hi , funitv
doing; and queer The• flitinio,i iNf t•
The man of rmley wt
1?11111/lif Mall, in hi. , ellon lied - % vitt.
clelir On top of In , letider pole thirl v fret high le:11.1 I.
the Amerie"e 51 , 11 in AN.
I%IR. JOHN 1)0 (JC El F.WI'Y,
The far-fhlueri 1,1•11 rim! YOll
11 , 11.4 I.lllgil if you -re him
Messrs. Eisentnise, Reese, Smith and Lewis,
111 tern: of Eillirriihrti
Tire. whore ittrini ri ell:r•le enter la ithrichl. rn rely
erithellerl Th, 111111 eau nlfcud the rho, rehired. htr hewn i-: Pun witlt
Vullr:orory \ !loth Exle.iv:r4:mee
1.1,1'0111.11C, roll. ;tele xviW 15 hatighrlhle
E:44.11 n it l 00 , It ccilll the Cr:tilit
zlpeehrehl.e i. 1,1
111 E COURT 01 , CANTON.
3 7 / 1 1)1f1.1 It Y 1 Drelli at 1 . 0 /land
finir new and
lit•sl :411 , 1
.•-1 Os,•rlurn.. Air-, :mil Vu-ival tient- of the
Admittance, 21 Cents.
over, Ili and 7 l'clock riorli...ta-e
10 t!I :01.41 1 . 11.1 . k.
jr,r'For 0. 2411 , 111'11i hill..
Iteur ill MIMI CVVryilsintg I/II Lill , Will Le
EISENCISE CO., I'ropri•mr•
......... 410
'-- - 4 , \
A. ,
4, / il
," / , ', t , , '4:‘
, /, ' /,;.' .-- \ V
. 33. -- - -
:1, -C - .
----,---- - ..."." 2' ' /14 I' f : '
4 N.Z ' P ' ( Te," -,
:-.e- '%. / OVli' ' ' :: 9 ;,-
I ..1 -- :4 ''''‘- NVRA
' •'V zY 10g 4 :4 •-' -
•;ii : •• . t.C.•I; . t,./Atir4A- :-,-,'-'-'
1 ii.,:: ''',o 4 :-14VAN .-,-*
i .):..4 '',"; .ld'Ot j A,V.,l% - -;: .'-
''..g,'f"'"•':':!Lt_'.4l.lA'z:..::4'l-ric.:r,:;474,..,,t;i '!,..,
'':-. ,;(*r: -.. ', ;:- . ( 4 4 -,V0=2,4 -I .'..''' ,
~;~~~ t
^r */
In tln World, =POO SA.7B
Royal Bengal Tigers!
In :tlB.l th.• ..vcr ~ukcu :Airy,
rl•ortitill_f ith
It.$111)).\.1.;i 1 ), 131 E
Under e. • 111111:111.1 ?hi. Garh i•ror. I.ANG
ho Enters the 4..lnges..
rcf_rr* 7(, "To ;t, ) 1- 0 (f rfr
if) 2 -r).. al, .371 L 3 Jj
Ciniapiplked ,if a fall
Equestrians, Gymnasts,
DR. d. L THAYER will istrishiec hla
TOM ntvl .110:1:1"
M ". For a 1.1,1 of r 1,4 :170 I'n:rem:co:co,
See Pictorial,. Small 1:111,,
Two. rerformuotc Wily
Will exhibit at Columbia
ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 4th, 1859.
Admission 25 cents. Dour! open at 2 awl
7 o'clock, I'. M.