HILLSIDE NURSERY, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO, PA. THE Nabseribtr having Purchased the por t --_ry {141..ty ow rd and C-NVISCii on near Columbia, Lwl rY•ter roulay, r.l , offer,: to the public dll exten.sive *dark or ORNA%IENTA T„ II ADE Sp FREFIT TREES, Shrubbery, Vt4e4, Flowering andullter Plants, 304 a hr•.rrul 0r even ihihig connected with . n..rtirultural at od Flo:it atiural cet.il.ll-binent Ile oa- added to the of -zulal:ird Iree• utown in •hn oor-ers tirci.ogroirol liti the Inure cxten-tur liortn . utlttri - t+ en. supply .11 .11011 un u a•r. WI) Ir ,-t , ub.orsa.vr shut I- ros..ed to Lila country. ha. 11i4 eolnitoodiou- (irecto ileu-c,14t54 1 ii.i• II PI 'I vurirly uiclwoce I A:i FLOWERS, &c. in:uq • Ntl:Cil ii r.l r. 10“1111 rite Green Ilv .would rail p...s.ivul.ar :Litentimt to 111. r0.1.....e10r. l~iVIVI; & EKOTIC -7-Y4 &R&PES, • or ~, very extun-ive„..."el4 ..ortalent °Cul I the nowt f's vhetetle- He ha. I-o recently . purehat-rd the came seock of the v. 11-h 110,./1 (1 ii riles and Nu•-ery of Jo %op!: Ye..cd.t It Ch..rry Columbia, t.o added to In. own e t.. I di.;lotra t. -o r Mr. YI:WDA h.t+ been en:to:ea to lake clitartit_ of flit- Flom; .a•td N 11, 1 .4 y Dew.rinaent of the -cfV. rind 11,. well pounded repuhthon wa nor -roil. to a tot Ot.to t-t o it ot. udPubonalgunr rutee tor the eut..l.;.ott of I;n• _ --fialolllle, irh the Ntir•e ry 'Le iitoprie v., vet!: Jodi. the of :11i% %Sew lAN), I triir-t ithirsvii in Oil. de I„1.1 .41 g . l44fra,+. Ice ddu, k . ! , ithe w the I'oiuml 11 -t, " V . S. IVI. c T ..1. GTT r. & C 0 . , Are now opening anew stock of FALL AND WILiTEI LY GOODS, 1:!..1317 1.131:1 C L0 . 1 . 111: 4 4 G. .41 the rhrnp &are, in lin it Nelo FLAW y flu ad, a,: tit Locust SI, e cL. COMPLIJE aNNto.tmeot of Nt.ll ,- and De #.•..i GJU4I., t •1 , 111/g . pal vt CLOTHS Ni) CASSIMPr:CS, Ne:•••• ti i• ••• I r .11(1 0 orr 400 kra I;,, .h 1,0 • I.lou t`,‘ 0,11•0. rt, iul I - us CY • II .u iJu SOS I ~ c ys t.—• • t. Dl2 ESS UOOUR il , avk I.ld F.tnrp to(r•- 1 - li • 11..11 !M..... iC 4/ ,•• •• 1 ' . 4.1.1111. 11.1 4 uan,. dr Cr,r-, Ail,vittoa l't atl , l .1 :••r, ti. I,t SO A SA - 1.-S AND CLO.\fib a .I et l l,; Elf.“ he. I til .r t .i,,rt~~i..1. phi Low,. .1 ~,,, - DOM EST/C GOODS, 110: 7 4 ERY AND rttl3lAll:\ iitrarhek: 1:4+:4 . 1 ne V. 1 1 " ," Alu-I: [.1 , 1••11•k thr lair-, LlO4 't. %i 0. 1 111 4 111./I +lllll Mem," t•M11111 iat lVoolert 114,- *.Lc C , MI .11 1111.11,,e.11.111,5. READY AI ‘1)1.: CI.(11111 • •I. .1111 t Falbey I /.. I a r 3 1%111. y: • .11111# . 11 /.. tuns k .1 I , Pt .Vt•l 1:1 .9. R • iti t:{J• tr•'„f A D fl fl EL j.A P :11C1' IGL:1; & . CoIUM 72.1 1- " I R 1'...11 Xlll r. BY ROY L 1.E1"1' EEGS T ENI = HERTS, BROTHERS', AMALGAMATED IRIDIUM, ZINC AND PLATI NA PENS. W A Ilft U Vurr" Cl ERTS'having Vern many , 11Z.,0 - 11 /II /1/.111.“.“ 1/1 :4/ICI 14 1./ it II 1V1J,4 ilewoleil Client ull - -Jug 111Zet.t.0.1 IU uupiue:u¢mid pi rteeilett 111111 411. 1 twee . ..air) .11: •1,1):1 if,..jr un elf.tai. at .1 I uitai• ex Pe . 141111 . 11110 ha , IW,, 1 . 01,11L.1.11 0' pareu . 0/1 it 1111/.,ple /11{110Y arty elmlatael.taz .1 I al,: .1111r...1.g...a da( the etc.. ;eel tate.lrleattate... ta( mraala .lllattte.. the ilaarta- Net) or 11, .14.1.1 au: Ow- W.VI 11111 g the laltialrato c11•1td Lilo: the *, . p•f0111111 loirl!u Il ie arnele in Of. tre.. a. ihet tint, r herd vt !ping; ht.° to Bunk , :inn twitunl• .4. in. y not -pain r. tior eta the tionnerO rrnper. and are a-art . .. 11. d n ill enrun•ice. CAI. DIN —The 1.1111V1.1.0.1 1 elt•laAß of the , ' P.'ls'• 4s.otag aalliced pot.a.le % , ake•r•• In 1.11-1 411 Ihr oaohe :pa rinli• a 'Ala he . 1 •••erv••I IttllvaLO Lztillie pea l• -moped • little, Hoolteo' Patrol. ISIS and goo hoz of ;zealot". until ••ottlain a ati a hae•slaalle ol the .Shonuraelorer... name hp he limt *1ta1....a1,. at the Pliaittral Depot, 1:41 Urn taw•.ty Newt Yo rl. and Retail from .ill Stuttottera to Eagl sad, rrattve, and the VttlLetl Statt••• rnee i.c.l dnl-3,2.5 IPDX EcelXiber 11, 1,55-6. .TErrEßsor: HOUSE T UE subscriber has taken this well-known 1•1 Front .t reef. between ni,el Union tat,d ins ,no ptnenna2e fr tend- and Ili pa.: I 21/nriellee prOlifleler of Iliv Irfunikina Ilna.r, no stillnilein w rrr.nit in lit. ettpatt Niel) tit thi• I.u-tne“ Ile veld °cleaver to keep Ili. BAR ST()Cfi EO W alt GOOD LIQUORS, as.al 10 provide plvt-tatt.nr3, enterntintnent lor vex. HI. nent-e t. will roteulatetl tor the •10- &nine fir fneiniti 31111 lie Li•li • a -hare on public o.ppui t. nelCilifiie 2,156c-1 y TO THE PUBLIC -- THE satheri bets have eanklantly on hand at %herr .lute. whirr or Tlntd CORM fidumht. - A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW .A.NO CHEAP GOODS of Ilte cl,luu. of Our 64,0.41....ita , x ..•111. STOCK or 1)1ty (.oOns; Pr • • C 0.• A 1.1•.. .1•.. .1' -lot if . * .111 I .it:. A s e• Wrirto r CO •-lnie re•, ami .1•60. it or. of of i..sdivX . lisildfen'. Frikoe•; Mod. Niuroe-0 A . al:or ER lEs. • No ,norner.4lloll .t." ise:/ in nrpii br rroa.le..a• •140. IN .4 .1 y.. dm/ price, LW or. a. 44e . low. .et roam, 1.e., are. inn .a hued vp (or the noun 1/ I. LL AA tivt,tl.rte lt, A here Cgt, I, .yp_ yard I 0 & 11. I'. A. CARD Phllltlelpioal. Pa Tr. onei.r.•lhr.l round., ahtl Pubh-her ol V... 01:111 . - I t,urlielf,•, „. ewz , rnm I'mriuich hi. rne,grti ihat •-•,dos hvgi uco/I. 1 , 1 ill. i'opulor .111. ISione ruf), 1 . 1:4•F I•ril .111,111 gun 110, 1-'l9 'lee oildel ',pied reit" =I .14•••• iLe UIIVICIInaI. I bill iro I.:. I;•• H ak Hiiporieir V 6,11 re lay,rll..l.ll 111,4tC1,a1 tit 4plao, 0. rernlier CO. In:. NOTICE A 1 In 111 LA MCKNELLI3 11 INK :VOTE It El'OR'rER e' o :01V ‘ll4, 1.• Ihr /1.111 'a. , • 1 . 141.1re..1 ~,,, pi, w o od I.llr 8111.. , •..i14,1 ,p• 1.01,- 10 o,••••.sir, ,nine. 411 ro•ople ovor 14111111 Of Au.rn• • '1'111; COINS or TILE W 01; r,r), ec Bic k nel I. wid Le gave?, grn• :•1, .111 $1 Coin Norf., I.oltic- $ onl,s.lird arty cc. per. il.lll/S. To the Semi•llonthl v, SI SG per annum Shwa! v, 1 OU • . Stns'e Cowes, at the Counter 10 cent• 11114/IrIG 11 •' Aok!rt.". 111 GA V h mcmNRI.L. Hole 1150. Poet Oti,e, Phl:Adelplat.a. 1•u. J y ... IsSi,3o MO. OUR FERMI' ARRIVAL OF 1859 NEW SPRING GOODS. VOW Doming n large nod complete assort j, m... 1 of New Fps sog Goode.. ettretutiy I.llvol. :or re-h. oi 1 1 which will sold at a very stne , l salve see, •a quit k reioro. of I hr !volley: ecrs.s•ttng It pars o l'Afwy fir.- Silk.. 1 / 4 .^l''Y 4 (..7.1 Itosirs: !Shirk tfstk, Phu A.e. tr II %I DCIIAN'B Cheap C4a.li February 10 I-Lo Housekeeping Goods, t d Piim , Il •Itd ii:oct , • , :n•. I 1 Ii 16661F0w 11,6.11 1 • 16111 - the beet a S ..ver r.frered, brosnd of t 11.1,111 g 'll 4.4161. I. I.r rot yri.b l .le , 6l tour /1,64 I tile Ud CIOUis L:e.rt 11 1 Ctieup Cash Rion. February tO. ICA*. HA.I9 BIZUSII ES AND 1- 0151158. A 'r the Family Dra„," Store or HA,.... (.12F.EN Sl Front .Ifret el". be Lid Vt., Tom., Shell 11.,1 dmg rocket Cowl . , 1111Thalo 4:1€1 Iforq Comb.. l'Atche.. noir C0n.1.4. role Hunk, Itlek ..141 r Bruitter;a ropertr•r ar-ortrur to Only good urzeck. kept foe..3l l e•witscii or. ,olcl at the lower% prier.. Feb. 11. , :9. nopottote Colo. Midge. Front st. 6tIOTY BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, in borge or sivalk quauttite•. kir safe at the I ito cert !Core of HIiNHY SUYDAM. NOT. 13 Cosner rrutit 8,1.1 rilit , ll RI Not TS. THE GIANT OF THE AIONTEILIk-S, Harper's New Monthly Blagazine. VACII number of the Magazine will contain X 14 4 octavo huge!. in d01.11.11C mach year COSIIKIM.Ig newly two 0011.1111 d Nigee of the choice-t i.cel Mammas Literutu re of the day. Every number %odic/nation rminerout Pima l jai Illuntrution, net unite Platen of the FOSiIIOIIF, a copiou+ chronicle of current event, and tmpu. tins nonce. of the ammo.. !mu book. of the mouth. The volume. commenee wola the numbers for June and December; but out..- .M.llll/01M 111:iy commence with may number. 'I taxa —The may be obtained of 800k ...11er, Periodical Agent., or (rain the Fulda-lam,. alt Three Dollar[ a ) cur, or Twenty•five CCM. a Ilurn bee. The octrii.atiouttl volumeo,no completed. +moll)* bound an Cloth, are cold at Two Dollars each, sand stimaltis covers are furni.bed to those who wish to halve their buck number, uniformly bound. utTwenty- Pi ye Cent, mach. Fourteen volemes are now ready. bound an Cuth, ut,92.00 earls, and oleo ha Half Calf, tat eurll he Puhiushavrs will supply specimen numbers gru b/atoll-is to agentas hod ro-taioers. mid will con he laberali at rrivegerarlit.. with them (or eireolamig the They ,uppit violas, of two . er . al rice hail lar a 3 1,11 . ..1.4 five per 4 Oot. at Teo Dollar.. Cleo g) men and Teachers -upplwil at Two Dollars a ye.ar Nuniber• horn the commenetosein now be supplied. Also the bound volume's. The l'ilogoinse w eiglci over NPVell 111111 )11ut over eight Ounces. The pOnlage Oil Pitch 111.1111 her, Which MU"I by poad quurterly ill advance sit the ontee where the NI:Igo/sae a- yet-raved. is three cents '1 he moot l'opulor Alouthly its the word.—N I' Ob server. No Magazine in Europe or Amerieu is co well , IIMVII; liOne /111+ nail a% many reader., Mal, we may . -uy, none ho. rre. vrd 6. large e. I ritual. al admaratton ruin the cultivated em--es, that a healthy, asver,lied, • ',ruling perluilli•al Illerclll. , IL I+ the tureinooi Magazine of the day The tire-lee lieVer had a more dehphllnl erpliputilial, liar Ole ttil lOU a Mare eiltertaiiiiiig friend. than 11.1rilera Maga /Aar --1/rOamfial Prouslant, (Cola Mart . I . a.elitychlre cent: hay+ it—the eligare+l. riellect, arid "MAI luxury tor the moony that We /now Three dolllir+ -err/re-It far One year, /hal gl ha, three dollm- ever Oen? fal Pill the_ .one amount In clothe,:, exotic chinking. lulu/11"e and how Inueti ill (1.11..111/Itl/11 ttlilig 1. 061.0 lied If Idt a.. (.k1•1.. /Ind •r11:11[11.11l. 11:1)r 1 inalletui y all, I haulm that re ite.lte, the th n Laing a geulle ighleil the 01.• runt. la ) Our lir,hu, anal the !mar) couthtua tan, Milne .val and ! the om•Mitaitve t•ietneut is Land I, 110 111 lilt about+ i.el ore to he put nn,. the :wale apao •ete d.• 11.11. and !.//l1 inay he eel that it nal per viere nave or lour two - . a. dem. 11 wou'd arleM; repay it. prier 1: I. a Alugarang mope, wall Ibe Men and parpo-vol .1 ' , lag ez•ite—nut t 100 )4,1101 ,Cl,lllfit. peraaheat. ma • ea a -upplier al .1p nod ehatf• Mlle.—hut .1 that take. 1 eve.) 101111 thgadeeet. neat mitamave gral• T(1 ,4 .ty le toeether gen.ira•a,sort !nen of .111 k toil,. of FU 111 l'uttera will h.—wended with :i Splendid 011 .10111010, 110‘) all necessary attuitiongivest to KING - - 111.1t—it,e,t11) -olittiic a %hare of public patronage w.• 11 voaltnuanett rt f the custom with whitylt 110 VOlrli. Aptsl it. 1,57 Blanny's Reaper and Flower. TIIE subscribers having hten appointed .1.1: ...1i:1".N 1 . 1,11.4,1011"13., Illi M,11111% . • e COM -1:4,trl :atul ‘let.,t, %% . 1.)00'S rtt hyr. 1,01. v illy ii. 1 1 ,1,110 1 .,1. 01E4.1 , P1.1.01/5 10 -Pell, 1111. eoll.lllfied MaCilille 11111,, lole.t.e 31 , 1111. -opith 3101t1iN em! 1•11,11V1/11•111 Sane, coiner 01 7th & rket rt-. I 1,1,11g•Iv6ot. p NOTICE A LL persons Nth:bird, on the Books of the 110.11 lhrl of April 1t57.t0 the ...hi-IL:ord. nit legur.led otahe p.ey 11C11'..id loovoig ok ill pie-rot Ihrof 101 -el:leiti , lll. a% he Is dr•lrtals el elosiogbeanc-s heal th•L.y. Oct. 3 1- . .57-ir TtiomAslißoov. £OB SALE. VXTRA FAMILY WHITE WHEAT Plmun, by L. 4 rio. lo,r re! or 111 larg,r N...::11111ed goo d .1 th,, mom.). be I 11 r. A PPOLD. Nov 1.2.0011 fi. Canal 11.1-i,,. THE COLUMBIA DIANUFACTURING COMPANY, Second St., below Union, Columbia, Pa., Ts pte•pared to exeenie order.. air sTEANI EN -1 (TINES. 11011,ER SHA TING, PULLEYS, PUMPS. Al ACH IN ERY FOR BLAST FURNACES. ROLLING MILLS. SA W AND FLOUR MILLS, and every varieit. at Alaelonery, in the ino-i thorough mid uapi (IVeli manner. Iran and 12,2<5 C'astion;s. of every de-in iplam, made to order. Repairing pi omptly at tended to. Cash paid (or 01.1 Iron. Bras,. null oilier metal. Cale,. by ma ll <6ould lir addre•sed to •'Columliza Manufacturing Company. Columbia, Pa." 7.. SUPPLER T. It. SUPPLER, }Superintendents. J. LLEWELLYN, Columbia, June 19, 1.557-1( 10 00 20 00 Gioceries and Drieri Fruit. 3 ” t , ll,i tc l:r u o c t: . l d e' i g ,, C , : e ...li S a t 0 i r .. e . ..1 1 1 1 , 3 r t, , cLf . ut ul -tot tined rcaeliel will A pplee. 11. C. FONDT:RF4NIITIL N.lv It 1,3 E, • Adjottling the Hunk First Opening of NEW FURS for the Winter of 1858. WE would inform the Pantiles that we 1a.,: Just lee,i,,Elolll. fir-4 supply el NEW FURS, which have all been manufactured exprexcly for us ilea -e therefore,paielm-erg can rely aim+ get , une Fit 1:•411 FURS, free from moth.. We are happy to .av our air much lower Man la-ft sen,on, The ifADIES fire respectfully awned to call and ex am ne our ....aliment. II C. FONDP.I2S:IIITH, Cash tztore. Col umlita EZIEZM Great Western Fire Insurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia. CAPITAL. 5500,000. Uf It V:OTt Ch.. rI r Lot !troy,. 1.1i2:1 Walnut :trees; Win 1.).4rti11e.. 1510 rine ..treel; Alex N‘'lsilliteit. Merchant. IS North Fourth street; A tiurney and Coniciellor; John C Itunter,o( Wright. Bunter H. Co F. 'rruey. of V,' Tracy & Co Hall; John It McCurdy. of Jolter., White & McCurdy; Tlicei of Gille-pie & Zeller; Ja. H South. or Jame. , I; South & Co; Harper Jeflrtes.of %Win. 11. tirown Sr.. Co ; John It V mtg.., corner ill, and Santulli , 1T , e19; ChArlef. Tloono-on. 415 Chesnut Wool; Jon J Sineoto .72116 Soolli ,reev, A Med Till or. ocher Cam. Co) Prro,rty. C tuv. C. I.A l're.tdent. Wss DA.ni.cso. Vier Crei.telens. 1.. K. RICIIA nn4ON. Sec relary. trj — DA V ;ES Ell, Agent, Columhin. Inn. ea -let comity, I'.. !April 17.105, The Largest and Cheapest TOBACCO MANUFACTO Y AND STORE, 1V EST.OF PIiILADULPIII A. i'llE subscribers would respectfully invite the tolfzens of Columbio road vfelifity Io call and exornme these Intde . 1 0 ,1 of ToßAcco, SEGARS, SNUFFS, PIPES, s..,,,tri:oxr, Sega r Curses. and u forge variety of fie- Iteles not enurneraled. The have. row off band a lager and Incur complete -lock it limit Ifile.llmal is kept molly 11010 .1011 , 001-11ir 0 , the VII, sills! effie• have Cdru rrllb •,..1 - .G.f,11.ft, of ofi tiftiffrefif hrofftls.l . al-11 13 dttretrot brand„ of Citric trig l'otmeno, foll of whmlf flfe) wIII sell 111 the Iffwesf city prim,. lien( p f mtl shot fi f e font, is a Woolf h 01 the well-known Tolfaven \l7lfrehouse. Jo-eph Fend rich t. fir."., No 153 Fete,t rireet, & Front 'tier:. 5 donra above Lmethl,Columbia, Pa. Apra:A. iszA• n. P. APPOLD. Forwarding fit Commission rderchant AND DEALER IN MIEM Sholll.lotP., • ElanEluur by the barrel Wltt.ri.y by the barrel. I.round 1 6 1x.rter try the barrel, G. A Salt by the Sack ALSO. DEA LER I N An kinds of Coal, by the Cargo, Car Load or Tan, such as Baltimore Company, Pittman, Sunbury Red Arth, du. %%Mate Ant,. Short Mountain Stove and Lump, L.) ken,' Valley do. do. 'Erevormo do do. 'PJ,e .üb•ertber bur. htr Coal for Cash and oilers to nett at the Low•t.nt Curl, Truce•. B. E. APPOLD, Na'. 1.2, G and h Canal Colutuloa. A again 2. 4 . I Keg. - _ COLUITIBIA IRON WORKS, OPPOSITF: THE CANAL BASIN, COLUMBIA, PA. THE subscriber has removed to tile exten ,„.„h".. eon 4t eord with the Columbia Irga Foundry, hr has thoroughly fitted up. will, new .8181 fir..t•raie macho... Ty. and 44 now prepared to mu nithor , ure "rum Engines and Puinpm of every ,1,- ..11,11141a, Machinery for Furnaces, Forges, l'aelOrlP., Car Work. &C. j r .,, ;ma furnished to order. Bridge 114;184:and 111.,c k.rnit lung w generrl. try-Reputrtng promptly attended In. -Wing Q DEN N Colombia, July 3. 1P3.?.. Dried Fruit, Raisins, &c. A FRESH Kupply of Dried Fruit, new LI f1u.... Curran.. Prune.. &c. All kind' fresh pure ground z4picea, are rrady for the holidarr. nt IL C. FONDKHSNI•TIWS : SLore. For Sale—Family Coal, orco as Baltimore Company, Pittston. Lykens' 0 Valley.Sinibury,Treitorton.and Pine Grove; .100, !sulphur Coal. All the above Coal in kept under cover, clear from dirt. and i• Wa mauled Good and clean. or the money will be refunded. Those wish- Ina to procures Gond Article at the Lowest Rates, please apply to _ B. F. APPALL). Nn..1.2 and 6 Canal 13254 n ,Columt.in, Pa f.ctober JOHN W. SHUIIIANI.S BOOT AND SHOD STORM, Pu ° u N de T rsit T u ß ed E r E e T 4ec e t o f l u ti ll in y P . a tle gr pu h blit he that he has always on hand at the above place, a large and splendid assortment of Hoots and Shoes. comprising. FRENCH CALF-SKIN, MEN'S MOROCCO • KIP & OTHER BOOTS & SHOES, to which he would invite attention. Having diode his selections in this brunch of the business wit' care, and from the largest wholesale houses in the city of Philadelphia, he feels confident that all who want good articles wilt call and examine his stock. li e has also a large and bentnifula•snriment of FINE SHOES FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, eunpisting of Patent Foxed Gals Mrs French Morocco Rushing, Enamelled Spring Heel Parodies, Italian Cloth Gaiters, Madras Rid Ties and in fact all the latest sly es now to use. Also all kinds of Uoyss, Youths' and Misses' Boots and Shoes of every size and deverlption, and a fine assortment of Idea's Gaiters. such us Patent Glove Tops, Cloth, Culfsskin, &m, &c., in great vogiety. The subscriber hopes by strict Eaten:lon to bus'ness. to merit u continuance of public patronage. VA. pubs lac are invited to call aud examine the gone J. NV .Si OMAN. Columbia, May, Z 1857. uliberole, u : : •, HUEY'S PATENT SHINGLE 1YI& HINE. THE subscriber having perfeeted the above machine, offers to fell State, County 9114 Shoo Rights on reasonable terms. The RIM:11111e vaw.r. and planes Shingles to any width or thicknetts. and produces a very uniform nod dean article. which ha given perfect satisfaction wherever tried. One °film marhint, und Tremens ants work can be seen at the Susquehanna Planing Mill, Columbia, Ila. For further Timm:ram, address. AVM. HUEY. Colombia. Lanettmer to., Pa. trThe con.trurtion of the, saw and frame. admiis of use, geruiruie frost, the planer, in ...wing all kind. of Amin:hi and Levelled work, suck us Flooring, Claphou•dmg. Arc. Columbia, May tl3. 1957. C. SEIBERT'S r`XTENSIVE CABINET WARE-ROOIIIS AND ILI MANUFACTORY. Locum street, Columlsin, Va. The subserther %vault! Cull the Otte alias, of the en- Oen., of Columbia nud vieinity, to his large and se lect 11...erionesit of Cabinet-Ware, comprising some of the hue`, Df1 , % 111 4 Hercuus, :Seim,. French Bed .teani, Jenny Lind., ace., ever offered for pule in this place. He continues to mattfurture Vanilla re of every description, and is confident Mu: he call give saiiiia mien. COFFINS made and Funerals attended to either town or country, on the shortest notice. CASPAR SEAUERT. Columbia, June 6,1557 COMMISSION 33USIN.ESS. TILL subscriber has made arrangements and is now prepared to reed ye on rocumt,,lolll Ut lii. whit I f. _Verdi side of Walnut street. Columbia, Pa., COAL, LUMBER, WOOD OR TIES, Ile will I; e happy to receive commie=ioii. for buying Or •rl4ng the above artiele,. to ut.y anioulo. From .11 ilia Lumber 1:u-tae-e he believes that be Ot 111 be able• to reader =ell-faction. Strict at irlloll will be given to sill bi.ennie-v elm wore to AMOS S. (3 REEN.. Columbia, Marehtl7, NVASIIINGTON INSTITUTE. M1=1.3210X15. T a meeting of the school hoard of the Washington (I Institute, the tolloming IA ere agreed upon tin the terms of than..., - - sTrucTLy IN ADVANCE: For Primary Fng 11,11 brunelleft. $l.OOlB each quarter of .veekt.. 'lather bra el 5000 per quarter. Idol. and Greek. St. 00 per quarter. A dowonnt of St .00 on euell of the above branches .rill be rude to eio,ens of 001Colarnaiu J. W. visit Erc, Secretary. Columbia. Dec. 5. 10574 f COLITIVISIA FLOUR MILLS. TIIE undersigned having commenced the MILLING prepared to deliver FLOUR AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, At the shortest notice, free of charge, on the trin=t rett.ointhle teen, The FI.UU It being prepared front the he-t wheal. am] by :in experienced nailer, he feels confident that he can give rati.faction to thole who favor him with their patronage. CIIAS. J. PUSEV. Columbia, A ugn.l 29 2 IS:7-tf BOARDING. FIVE OR SIX GENTLEMEN can obtain board by uppity:most to AI I.:Mb:tel, at NO. I Cur vet Front street, Columbia. Alttreltll.lstsQ tr rrillE undersigned line been appointed J_ :agent. (or the xttle of Cook heo'l , GUTTA 011 A PENS, wn molted plot to corrode; in they alincht 04u:1111,0 quail. SAYLOR h McDONALD. Col ambin Jac. 17, 1°57. IL F. 11.PPOICID, . o '4-2. =araf 6 ' GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMIS SION MERCHANT, mit l al l t RECEIVER Or COA LAND P ILO DUCE, And Deliverers an any point on the Col umbia and Philadelphia Railroad. to York and Baltimore and to "' 4 itslairg; TEALF.It IN COAL 1 7 1,t)tin AND GRAIN, Li WHISKY AND BACON, have just received a large lot of Monottgithelu Rectified Whiskry,from rat burg, of whichthey wilikeepit supple con.uurtly on hand. al low prices. Nos 1, 2 and El Coital Basin. WASHINGTON HOUSE, DANIEL HERR, Proprietor. THE subscriber will, on MONDAY, DECEIII- ItER 21, 1h?. resume his position of landlord of his well stud favotably known old viand. the Wu-hing toil lion-e, corner of rront and Walnut sireets. COI.DAIDIA, PA. Ile offers his lone experience 1111•1114,,SSII the past reputation of his house as a gualatitee for the character of his future vicenmino• dation< The establishment is thoroughly furni.hed and equipped, and will he maintained a first thins hotel to every re•peet. An elbrietti t%rps of gond 51.rvi1111. will he in attendance. Ile asks the patron age of his old friends Sod the public. DANIEL DV:EE. well known Washington [louse Restaurant in. au: shed to Ike hotel. Columbia. December 12, TfiZ.7. MEW GOODS. NATE have just received a choice lot of new Callimed, from 6 to 12 ,cis. per yard; ako. 2(1 pieces atilt,. extra Shirting 51t111 il oh. sit 10 and 12 et-..llrown and Bleached Stleelings. troll 4 4 In 10.1 wide; Cliecky, ' Tolvding. 'Table Cover., C,ltitterpa lies, and everything in the line for lion.ckeeping; a full rpoortinent on hand, whir t ore now sellieg 10 per cent. cheaper than the pt lag prices will be. Now is the tone arid the place 11. C. FOND KR:01E011, Jan. 119, 1859. People's Cush Store. Stoves: Stoves! TIIE keeps np his exien.ive ft...rumens COOK AN() PA litOß STOVES , of an kind• and of every pnliern - •ize. fie Fell. itt retisaintlile price. nod asks the public to PXlllllthe awl try htr stock. I'EAELER, Lece.t. !greet, opposite the Franklin House. Columbia. July IS. I&'7. dII.IIAT V.0.71.X.ET1r STOUXI. PST RECEIVED, a larger and finer stock of Toys and fancy goods tlian ever before. My friends and others are invited to cull and examine the stock before. pureltuattn; elsewhere. as they will here find an unlimited assortment, rumble for fires. combo perttont. of every Age and tante. Au tonireentte assortment of Portmonnuter, Pnekei Cook.. he .he. GE.:01101i J. SAI Locust street. hetweeu the Dank and Franklin House. Columbia. December 13,11136. 10 PER CT. SAVED ON STOVES. CALL at Pfahler's and examine his a..ortment of vrovEs. Parlor. Par lor Cook. Hall. °dice and Cooking troves and Ranges of the law.t sty le , and of every hatters. Par. chaser. will find 11 io their advionage to aeleci from 'bit full and exeellent Hoek, which will be offered at mo.t rearonable tared. Remember! at _ H PFMILER'S Lorum Ft., onriorite the Franklin !louse Columliin. per. It! 1.57. xE OVAL. TOIIN FELIX, has removed his Watch, tJ Clock and Jewelry 14 4 tabli.hment to bin new etund on Front ptreet. 11.1 rd door below the Allletlesll llowte. Ile lion on band a large stook of WATCHES AVEZCLOCKS,ANDJEWELRY, wimrh he is prepared to •ell cheaper than they eon be bought at any other establishment. Ha is pre- pared wearer great bargains.and he respectfully in- VI/CEI he attention ofpurehasers (obit. stock, which embraces GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, °revery kind; all kinds of CLOCKS. from 81.30 up ward,: he i nvite• the attention of Boatmen to hi, large •cork of LEVEII BOAT CLOCKS;JHAVF:LFIr. eon orEar Rings, Finger Ringo Brener Pin,. d. c. all kindoofSilverSpoon•; Plated Soup Ledle.,Tnl.le and Tea Spoons. Fork.. &e.. which are warranted to wear nearly equal to Silver; Gold and Silver Pen. eal, and Pen.; (told and Silver Spertnelest togeiltei with the greatest variety of FANCY ARTICLES ever before offered. _ • . CUTLERY—AIso, la superior a truest of Ire solvers sod other Pistols,hoti all km" of K"iV", of the best insiturseture. • • . Strict attennon 'Pill be given .an heretorore.to the reparrtn j e of clock*, watches andjewelry and all work optll be warranted. A continnunce of f cents. 15 cents. Flour. 30 cents per barrel. Peg 111e1a1,. 10 crve per LOU pounds. A - Aides of Ist ClaSs. Books. Fresh Fish, Boots and shoes. Nuts in bugs, Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter & Ale in bottles Dry Gocde, Poultr , it wary Eggs. Perk. (fresh, Furniture, Poultry. (dressed Feathers, Wrapping Paper Articles of td Class. Apples, Molasses, Cheese, Melons, Clover and Grass Seed, Oil in casks or e.s, Crockery, Paper in hazes, Candles, Pasteboard, Casks or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches, (dried, Groceries, Printing Paper Guns and Rifles, Paper I longings, Herring in boxes and kegs, Queensware, I lard ware, Sweet Potatoes, flops, Tobacco in bales, Iron, (hoop, band or sheet,) Tea, Leather. Type, Liquor in mood, Tallow, Marble Slabs & Marble Turpentine, (spts.,) Monuments. Varnish. Articles of 3d Class. Alcohol, Potatoes, Coffee, Turnips, Hides, (green,) Vinegar, Lard. White Lend, Oysters & Clams. (in shell,) Window Glass. Tobacco, (manufactured,) Articles of 4th Class. Codfish, Rosin, Cotton, Salt, Fish. salted, Tobacco, (leaf,) Gram of all kinds, Tin, Nails atul Spikes, Tar, F i nch, Whiskey. Plaster, [D" for further information, apply to E. J. SNEEDER, Freight Agent, Phan. E. K. BOICE. Freight Agent. Columbia. W. 11. MYERS, Freight Agent, Lancaster Columbia, August 6, 15`57.1y PIMPLE'S MS.RIME YARD. QIIOP in North queen street, half square south of the Railroad. and Drd door north or APGrann's Wlitte Dome Hotel, Lancaster city. LEWIS 11A1.D17, Marble Mason. respectfully in forms the public that he has now in his yard the tar gest and best assortment of ITALIAN AND AMER ICAN MARBLE ever offered to the cid:sensor Lan caster.and greaterthan any oilierestaldishment west of Philadelphia. Having made armaments in the East to receive mantle at reduced prices. he an nounces that he will sell much cheaper than any otherestablushment in this city °venality can do. He In prepared to execute In the he.' style. moniu. MENTS. TOMBS AND GRAVE STONES. MAN. VMS, DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS, STEPS, Re., &e..of every variety and price. Hisfacileues for furnishing articles in the Marble line are unsurpassed by any other esinblishment tit the city, while he assures all who may favor him with their patronage that lair work shall be executed i n the very beet style and on the most Trust:unable tsrms. LETTER curriNG rn ENGJ.ISII and ce.ftrisAN, done at the shortest notice ,and on the most moder ate terms. respeetfrilly inviteathepublietocal land exam tne his work, bring fully satisfied to rest his claim io public patronage upon its merits. Thankfulfor the malty favors bestowed noon him, hehopes byrtiienittentionto hu.anesstomentandre celve a share of the publiepatronage. LltlClll , ler, A pri I "-8 ,1855. WINCHESTER & CO., aBNTLEMEN'S Punishing Store, and Patent li.boolder Seam Shirt blenufectory, et the old stsrid.No :On Chestnut Street, Philadelphia °pp,- si:e the Washington Howe. A. Winchester will give as heretofore, his personal supervision of the, coning and manufacturing depart menui Orders for hes celebrated style of Marts and Collars filled at the shortest nut ice. Peron., deputing to order Bhirtq. can be supplied Wil h the Commie for unlearn retn ent, on application ley Constantly on band a varied and select stock of Gentlemen'. Furitoshing Good•. I Whnle•nle °Nets supplied on liberal terms. :Icpt. 1. 1 E59 I y riutvrazizzr FIBS INSURANCE COMPANY OP PECILADELPHIA. ' STATEMENT of the Assets of the Company on January 1. 1557 Published in conformity with the provision of the mixthsection of the Act of A ssembly,of Aprilsth,llB42. MORTGAGES. Being first morigngesost real estate, in the City and County of Plidadelphia, except 850,95 U in Montgomery, Ducks, Schuyl kill and Allegheny counties. Pennsylva um, 31,519,932.73 REAL ESTATE. Porehmied at Sheriffs , sales ; under mortgage claims, viz: Eight hooves and lot, 70 by 150 feet, on the South-west corner of Chesnut and Seventeenth streets, A house and lot, 27 by 71 feet, on North side or Spruce street, West of Etat, entn street, A house and lot, 21.7 by 100 feet. on West aide of Venn Square, South of 74, Htglt street, Two houses and lots, each IS by SO test, On South side of Spruce street, neur Sixteenth street, I a . Five houses and lots, each 17-9 by 90 , At COSI, feet, Nos. 159, 191, 163 tv , 165 and 167 *5 2 • 784 . 0 3 Dilwyn st., c Three houses and 101,49 by 54 feet, on I g- East side of Seventeenth street,south of Pine st, Hotel and 10t,50 by SI feet, on the South- I •-• CLIO, corner of Chesnut and Bench sts., S Five houses and lot, 42 by SG feet, on the 5 North side of George street, West of m Ashton street. Seven houses and lot. 20 by 117 feet, on the East aide of Beach street, south I of Chesnut street, A house and lot, IS by 30 feel. No. fJG Ft tzwster street. Ewa of Ninth street, A ground rent of SJU. issuing out of u lot 13.4 by 40 feet, on North side of Utter street, 411 feet /Vest of Leopard street, J LOANS. Temporary Loans, on Stocks its Collat eral Security, STOCKS. sio,ooo Alms House LO•111, 5 per cent oii.) 7200 Shares Bank of Kentucky. 17 Northern Hank at Kentucky, lOU union Milk of Tennessee, 13 " insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, 29U •• Southwark Railroad Co. 37 " Coinincrciul and Railroad Bank, Vicksburg, 300 Railroad Co., 91 " Franklin FirelasteranceCo., Alert:wade Library Co, 24 " Union Cunul Coflll.lly, 10 '• Schuylkill Railroad Co., Stlt 001 i North Pei:Wu Railroad Roads, e'647.47 City Warrants, Notes and Bills receivable, Unsettled Policies, Cash on hand, Cashin hand• of Agents, LOSSES BY FIRE Losses paid during] he yeuil3s6, By order of the Board. (MIA itl.lrit4 N. BANCKER. President Attest CrIARLE9 HANCKER, Secretary. Dukkere/o , .—Chu, N. Hanel, r. Tot, Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob It. Smith, Geo. W. II lel) a alp:. Mordecai 0. (Aal,. David S. Drown,Dene Lea, Ed• ward C. Dale, Gee. Fa lea. T00:73. LLOYO, Agent, Columbia. May ISS7. ANOTHER STIFFLY OF SPRING GOODS. WE have just received and opened our THIRD J LTPLY OF SPItINt, (WOOS, cou , igtinaof Fine Englinli. Prem.ll, and American Cloths, Cassi mares and Ve•iine LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such no Fancy aOA Black including molly de. sirable oi‘ len. Dr the. 1411etztillIp0M111011S; Chaillaes, Paul de Shivers, Ductal., i nwus,Cloutze., Calicoes, &c., nil of which have been selected with great care and wall be sold at greatly reduced paces. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. In *hi , him our stock is compete. anti cannot be yurrinyseil by hay oilier Yinre in the county. I'er•tnw dr•tnng, Sheeting.. Cheeky, tee., will find it to their lady:lunge to give n , a call. ny we have everything . iii liii, line that can be asked for, and we are determined text to be undersold. Oil Cloths, Cowan., Alatc,Druggeti, Sc China, Glusqy and Cturei,ware GROCERIES. Sagan:, Col Tee,, Tr:l , , Alec kerel, lierrinp„Salt,&e a large stock, at the lowe=l prises. WALL PAPERS. $20,000 Pieces New York Wall Papers, of new and liimanitul defigiot. rnne.llls in prove from ( 1 1 cents and upward. h= we get all of our Wall Paper•, Fire Summit. Ac., direct front the mnnufre• turer. we can cell them at the int.nudieturer'. We hove several hundred different de , ign+ and we feel confident Mal a orleetion eon lie made tram our Stock, with rrenter snsi-fitetion to the pur chaser than can be given by arty other store in the county. In roneliseinn. we would •ns oar Stark i• FULL & COMPLETE IN EVERY BRANCH, tied we offer great inducement+ to purelmeers, in the price and confine of our good, GIVE US A CALL. FRY' k HAGMAN, Locust or feet. directly uppo-ite the Bank. Columbia. April 17.185,4. rp ßo llTiPS Subsoil, Prouty's Double Nilehi nSegl nndSubroil. and Prouty'z Centre Draft 2="..TaCIVIC7CTIES. Theze lire convtrueted on seintntnn u ,, ,t0 tut'n and pulverize the ground at nue ape ration. Lt took Ibe fi rzt p remit:to lit the ‘Vorld'a Fait, London, siguinvi all competition All the different site , at Whole.ale and fletntl I' ASCII Al.lz. 1110/1111S h CO, N.E. Cur. 7th and Market streetr, Philadelphia. February 20. 1,59. CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned having . entered into pitruieriMip, under the firm of Shreiner & Son. derrire to mill the attention of the public to their flue aftiortment WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, their stock hag berm selected with great care and with due regard to style and quality. Every article WltrrUllled to lie as repregeoled. lly strict attention to they hope to retain the patronage of the old estaldashment. and will en deavor to please all who will favor them with a cull. SII EINE.E. EDW. M. SHREINER. Columbia, July 96, 1459. In entering into Me above arrangement I would lake this opporittittly of veto sting My lb:111/0 , 10 my former friends and customers for the patronage heretofore to liberally bestowed. and re•pecifully solicit a comic• linnet of the same for the new firm. I= rot,mwo. ale WINOS, LIQUORS, &a. Vg v TIIE subscriber l k j, L has opened and .1 -.- keens ron-stantly on r • -- 421# _ hand, a large and tom- plete assortment of %,'ll • - WINES, BRANDIES. t . " -- -• • y WHISKIES, and nil other kinds of liquors, nt his store. in Walnut IitICGSA n the extension of the Vs'ashington House. ie will sell, in any quantities not less than one gallon, tascept for sickness upon a physician's certificate,) either ‘Vhalesale or Retail. Persons desiring a good and pure article, are invited to call and examine the stock. DANIEL lIERR. 117" Attention is called to an assortment of choice im ported preserved Fruits in glans jars. They are pre served whole, and roam entirely their original flavor. The varieties are, green Gages. Gooseberries, Plums Morillo Cherries, Red Currants, Raspberries. A supply of sardine.", Table Oil, Ray "Voter, London Brown Stout, and Scotch Ale always on haul. Columbia. Alay 9, Ih.s7•tf NEW OYSTER SALOONS. THE subscriber will open, on Monday next, al hi• hone!, earner of Second and Locu.t streste, Saloon• for the ' ale of OYSTERS AND REFRESHMENTS, in every style. Rooms will be expressly fined up for the accommodation of Lndies and Gentlemen, where they can obtain Iterreabinents al all hours. A separate Saloon will he kept for ladies which will be strictly private. No effort or expense wilt be spared to furnish the best srtieles in the n.arket. and the sub scriber hopes to receive u liberal encourrgement in hi• enterprise. Oysters on the shell may be bad in the basement. Gentlemen's Sn loon on the 4rst. floor—Ladies' Saloon on the second story. Columbia,Oelober 2. 1554-Bm, F r, is 16. - .4111'.111. 4 i‘ West Branch Insurance Company. T IIIS Company was organized in June, None but the eafe et ',opine.. hen been done. end the proapermsa finnncial condition of the Company in evidence of it. •tanning. Whole amount of Property In.e red, $1,157.648 00 Loses Paid. 5.35.4 00 . , LIMP; Colombia, Pa., is the an thorized agent, and In empowered to make survey. and insure property at the regular rate, of the Com p•tny. Dec.s,l 857 CISTERN PUMPS. TOP. anbrenber has a large stock of Cistern Pumpa and Rama, to which he calls the aitennon of the lle is prepared to put stem up for use in a substantial and endunng mariner. December 12,1557 Just Received, ALARGE LOT of Children's Carriages, Gigs, Reeking !tortes, Wheelbarrows. Prepel- NUrAerr Swings,&e. GEORGE. J. reallTft. April 110,10:A. Locust Street. CHINA and other Fanny Articles. too numerous to mention, for sale by G. J. FAITII, Locuiit sheet, between the Ronk and Franklin 'louse. Columbia, April 19, 1 &34. AT the Golden !briar Drug Store, an extra quality of Lyon's Pure Ohio Catawba Stan ly. Also, pure Pearl Starch, Hi-Cu rbonate of Soda, Olive Oil for table use, Core'. Sparkling Grin/nine. fleck. Farina. Owego Corn Starch, Cream of Tartar. All kinds of Spices; Harden, Hemp :Ina Canary Seed. March 27. InZi2 DR. J. Z. HOFFER, DENTIST. --OFFICE, Front Street 4th door trout Locust. over Saylor & McDonald'e Nook store Columbia. Pa. 117 — Ed' Entrance, between the Book and Dr. Hrrr's Drug Store. [August 22, 1858 DR. S. ARMOR, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, COLUMBIA, PA. Orricr AND Ilizster.Nez—Second Street, one doorTroen walnut Match 13,1858. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Columbia, Pa. OFFICE:, in Wlapper's New Building, below Pluck's Hotel, Front street. 117•Proingt ettention given to all business entrusted to his once. November 2.3. 1957. DR. G. W. MIFFLIN, DENTIST, Locust street, a few doors above 'be Odd rellowo Hall, Columbia, I'a. Columbia. May 3. 15.56. • NORTH, ATTAVEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Columbia ,Pu. ColleciwnE,F romptly madc,in Lancaster and Yak :Gum ieg. Columhin.llln J. W. FISHER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 4ccaumazdzik., Co l lll4lbll/, SVplelliller 6, Istki-if PRATT & BUCHER% Magic Oil, a new sop ply job: received and for sold by R. WILLIAMS, Front strevt. E 9,114.18 Novembrr 6. IS 53 FOR LADIES AND MISSES. TUFT received for the holiday. another .upply of em s) tt tly lICW style Opera floods. at all prices. to which we respectfully invite the Intention of the Indies and gentlemen. in makrug selections for holiday Gifts. 11. C. FONDERSISIITIT. A djoinillg the Bunk. Co•*. - 1 '471,232 79 Dec. 25, 1259. SHAKER CORN.---A fresh lot of Shaker Corn, for enlo by HENRY SUYDAM. N0v.12. lesB. Corner Front and Unman etreets. P- ROF. 11. FLAGG'S Instantaneous Relief. : E For sale by IL WILLIAMS, November G. I P5l. Front sues $a,'222 70 1 210 50 49'..300 12 322 10 54,GEF2 36 A FRESH supply of Extracts for the Haw. 1.1 kerchief, such as, lto.e Ueranium, issmin Polley Suckle. Spring Flowers, Illediosma. Winter. Klossoms, Tuberose.. Frangipanni, "Kiss roe quickly," and a variety of others too numerous I. mention, just received and fur sale by Nov. G. '56. - 51,827,185 SO 5301,638 84 ASUPERIOR assortment of Puff Boxes, it., received ond for mule by Nov 6, 'SS. WILLIAMS. GEORGE J. WI(RESALE and Retail Bread and Cake Baker.—Constantly on hand a varlet) of Cakes, no airmen,. to nteidion: Critokerg; Soda, MC, SCrOn, 11111 Sugar Bisellit, COldeCtiollety, of every tleneription, &c., 4e. LOCUST S MEM, Feb. 2,76. Between the Bank and Franklin Mouse. JUST received, three doter Dr. Brume& Vegetable %tura, a certain rune fO7 alto. a lreali lot of tQap Sago and rine Apple Cheese, Farina and Corn Starch, ut D . IIF.RIt'S Sept ft, 1e.57. Grocery and Liquor Store. PST RECEIVED, a beautiful assortment of ey Glace luk Stundet, at the Headquarters and. New.; Depot. Columbia, April 19,1957. T?RANGIPAYNI POMADE, Vegetable Nutritiye,, Oil. 111/11.11't , EY° L110.111111C., Lyon'slairion, Hove l'hilicome, Bear's Urra.e, Aenique 0,1, Harry's Triecniberm's, tVood's Hair Hmdoraiive. Oldridge'e Helm of Columbia, jam re ceived and for colt by Nov. G, +by, 200 POUNDS Prime Live Geese Feathers,. for sole by Ort. AT HENRY PFAIILER'S. Locust street. opposite the Franklin House. con be had CUBA LEAF. CON GRESS, and several other brands of the best Chewing- Tobacco, to which the attention of chewers is invited. May 1.11159. Spain's Premium Atmospheric Churn- WILL produce more butler from a given quantity of cream Ilium any'ellurn in use: sisee, wholetille and retail PASCHALL, :WORMS /a CO.. N. E Car. 7th and Market di., Philadelphia, February i2li, • Field, Flower and Garden Seeds, "rn great variety. Warranted Fresh and GUANO, Nape'. Nitrogenized Super I'ho•phute of Little. Poudrette.&r. PASCHALL. AIOR IfIS & CO. N 1 Cor.7th and Alarket sts.. Philadelphia. Feb ruary 20.1058. Commonwealth Insurance Co., UNION BUILDINGS, Third strecidlarrisburt, CHARTERED CAPITAL, $200,000 Insure Itaikhags and 01Per Properly against !0.• or damage by fire. Also. against perils of the Sett, In land Navigation and Tritasporiatina. DIRECTOllB:—Sirnon Cameron, Geo N. 'Asuman, William Dock, Eli Slifer, James Fox. Geo. tierkiier. Benjamin Parke. Wm. 11. Kepner, A. IL Warlord, W. I'. Aluiray, F. K. Boas, JOllll 11. Berryhill, Wm. F. Packer. OFFICERS:—SEIION CAMERON, Pre•ideut, BEM. PARKE, Vice Prelndent, S. S. CARRIER,. Secretary. H. 11. FRY, A gent,Colunbia, Pa Aug Ilia 423, IS b. AFRESH lot of lot A. C. Bagley's Gold Peas, cot - different sizes and prices. Joel received, at eqt,til..Oß & AIcDO,NALIVid. fiend Quarters and News Depot, Front street, sec ond door utiove Locust. Mundt 27, 145 S Patent Steam Wash Boners. mil ESC well known Boilers ore kept constantly on band at lIENItY PrA FI Locust street, opposite the Franklin House. Colombia, July - lA. 1837. 10: fOrg7-11 - 11 - 24 116 K -brooms, at Wholesale _LA or Retool, at 11. I.FAIII.P.rvs, Dec IR, 1557. Locust street. SINE'S Compound of Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Coarhound, (or the cure of Coughtt, Coldr, ‘Vltooplng Cough. Croup, ice. For pale at e CORK I.E & DEI.LETI"S Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' Hall. October 23,1858. Grocers and Commission Merchants, SW. Corner or Franklin and Pnea streets, Batti more, keep constantly on hand a well selected stock of Grorertes. Wines and Liquors. October 9,18.55.6m* Oats for *sale by thc bushel or larger quail "'Y I,y B. F. AI'POI.D. Calarnbln Pec.25,1.859. Canal Bolan. VLOOR d ANDfor TABL EcheaI OL b CLOTHS, just re, calve and sale , y Jan. 8, , 59. I O. & H. F. BRUNER• - 7XTRA and Superfine Flour, Buckwheat Flour. Corn ?ilea;. and whole Corn and Oyu, at, Corner or Third and Union .trees.. [Jan. B,W. Apples! Apples! LST received a Tot of first.rsie A pples, from Brad fotd county. Pa ,at ItENRY ISUYD&M'S, NOV. in, tna. Corner Front and Union streets. IMIE! THORN'S Extract of Copaiba and Sarsaparilla, fop sale at the Golden Mortar Drug Store. March 27,18. W. TOBACCO and Segars of the best brands, whole.ale and retail, at Jan.8,%.50. BRUNER'S. MACKEREL, h Nos. 19 barr and 3; retail Shad and Rer. roc by te el or at , at Jan. 8,'59. BRUN SALT by the Sark or Bushel, and Petatara In large or fmall quantities, for rate nt the Corner efTki 'I) end Union streets. Usu. 9. YiHANHIPANNI Extracts and Soup• an everlasting perfume. at HA RRY R Feb.l9. Opposite Cola. Bridge. Front St._ just Received, A. LOT of Sap Saco Cheese, Pine Apple Switzer " At D. lIERR:IS Grocery, Extension of I . l ..ashington llouse, Walnut S. Columbia, A wgurt 1,1957. H. PFA FILER, LOCUkt street ASELECT assortment of thebeet Family Groceries ever offered to the Columbiana, at the wine and Liquor Store, Walnut street, ad)oining tba Washington liouse. DANIM HERR, irreonitrese Water In quarts, Bedford Water at pinto. Just received. Columbia, July le, 1e57. JUST RECEIVED, THOMAS WELSH, EMI R. IS ILLIAMS, Preparations for the Hair. R. WILLIAMS IL C. FONDERSMITII. CHEWING TOBACCO. BAGLEVS GOLD PENS. COLEMAN it COX, Fine Family Groceries.