Assessment Na. 1.2 of the Lancaster Countylflutual Insurance Company. rflllE members ef said ,Company are hereby notified that an assessment .of 4 per cost. oil the amount of premium notes deposited for policies 'issued by said Company prior to tile 11th day of November, 15.50, has been made, to pay for the . 1 oltowing losses which have occurred during the year, vie Jolts Siale's Cabinetinakeee Shop and contents. 5400,00; Christian Overholser's barn and contests, $1.100,00; AL'and W. B. Kern's Mill and contents, $1,511000; Jonas B. Martin's Dime ling and Store House, $1,906,00; Robert Maitland's house and contests, $5511,00; Moses Brinton's house and contents $1,000,0% Jacob High's barn and contents. $1.000,06; David :Styer's barn and contests, 811.21/0,0u; Jacob Bushong, rporttal loss tobis house, $12500, and David Rohrer's barannd contests, 22,000.011. The said assessments is made payable on or before the 15th day of December next, at the office of the Company at Wil liamstown, to the members of the Hoard of Directors to Joseph Clarkson at the Banking House of Gyger & Co., at Lancaster, and to all the authorized Agents of the Company. Members are requested to be prompt in their payments. Section 12 of the By-Laws. Reseleed, That Members of this Company neglecting or (saucing to pay_ their as sessments within thirty days after the publication of notice of the same, will incur the expense of not. exceed ing 10 cents per mile circular, frost the office of the Company, payable to a..eollector duly authorized to col .lect the same DIRECTORS. Thomas S.7Woods, Adam E. Witmer, George L. Eckert, John M. Buyers, Samuel Slokom, John !tannic, Moses Eby, Henry Keneagy, Nath'l E. SiarMaker, AGENTS OP TILL COMPANY. I Dr. radios Kinzer. Lancaster. Frederick A. Zitzman, Litaz. .Jacob S. Witmer, Manor township. Joseph McClure, Bart township. John Stouffer, Esq . East Hempfield townsnip. -Thomas S. hlcllvain, Salisbury township. Christian Engle, Conoy township. 'Henry A. , RoLani), New Holland. Wilfittso ihreulmen, Esq.. Upper Leacock township, John McGill, Salutary township. Francis McClure, Salisbury township. hlartin E. Stauffer, East Earl. Jacob S. Shirk. Lancaster. Mercer Whitson, Bart township. Jacob Kemper, Et' Ephrata. Isaac Bushong,Esq., Ea-t Lampeter township. Jacob R. Hoffer, Esq„ Mount Joy. By order of the Board. Nov. 20, '52. NATIVE. E. SLAYMAKER, Seer Farmers' Mutual Insurance Com- pany. fr HE Members of the Farmers' Mutual In surance Co. are hereby notified that a tax of SO CIA. onevery thousand dollars has been levied by the Direc tors, to pay the losses sustained by Haary Galen, of Mantic township, and Joseph Buckwalter of ELIA Lam peter township, by the burning of their barns. which is required to be paid on or before the 20th day of Decem ber next. Full duplicates will be kept. up to that time, by Joseph Clarkson, at the Atinking [louse of Gyger & Co.. in the city of Lancaster; by John Rohrer. Treasurer, at his residence in %Vest Lampoyr township, nod by John Strohm, Secretary, at his residence a Providence town ship, where any member of the Company may pay bla quota of the said tax. A partial duplicate will be left with John Myers,hard ware merchant at Mount Joy. where members residing in the townships of East and West Donegal, Mount Joy,slonoy. Rapti° and Deno eon pay their tax. Another partial duplicate will lie left with David Wit mer. in East Earl township. where members residing iu the townships of Enrl. East Earl, Ephrata. Clay. Brecknock. Carnarvon and Salisbury can pay their tax. Tho-e who neglect paying their quota of tax within the period above stated, will be charged ten per cent. additional. in pay the expense of collection. Ig w o . rir o r ,,t,.io the Board of Directors. i, I N STROHM, Sec'y. HIAWATHA LECTURE. COL. JOHN W. FORNEY, Will Lecture in Odd Fellows' Hall, ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC.], 1858 Subject: "TILE AMERICAN STATESMEN." ADMITTANCE TWENTY-FIVE CTS IV — Tickets to be had of the members of the Hiawatha Club, and at the Book Store of Say lor & McDonald. The Lecture willcommence 7 o'clock Columbia, Nov. L 3, ta58.3 Two Hundred Dollars Reward. MITE Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company hereby offer a reward of Two Hundred Dollars to any person or persons who shall apprehend and convict any persen or persons who shall wilfully and intentionally set fire to any building or buildings, that are or may be insured by the said Company. at any time between this date and the first day of Januar), A. D, 1560 By order of the Hoard of Directors. Nov 13, 'SP 4t JOHN sTRon Mll, Secretary. TAEE NoTxcEi. jHEREBY - warn all persons against pur l.. ehasing of Sarah Yonne, a note drawn by tne, for Fifty Dollars, dated. OGTOBER 11. 1955. payable on the first day of 'APRIL, 1859, a- I have an ate-et agsinet it. JONAS DE LONG. Colombia, Nov IS, 1959.31* ZEPHYR WOO LEN GOODS. JUST received, the largest and most beauti ful assortment of the above gond, we hove ever offered, at very grant bargain,. eott-kting in post of Ladies Nobles, 1111 , ,e5 Nobles, Gents. S I rt., Opera Hoods, " Tatman, " Drawers, " Gapes, " C a per, Setter,. " Shawls, " Hoods." Mufretles Hoods, " Gauntlet,. " he at Gauttlets, 11 ALDF.III AN'S " Scarfs. Cheap Cash Store. Columbia, November 13, 1858. SRAKER CORN.---A fresh lot of shaker Corn, for P ale by 111-INRY 811YMa Pd. Nov. 13. 1858. Corner Front and Union ntrreta. Apples! Apples! TVST received at lot of first -rior Apple... from Tlrnd el ford county. Pa , et. 11HNRY SUYDAM'S, Nov. 13, i. 54. Corner Front rind Union streets. YORK COUNTY BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, in largeor small gunmen's. far tale at the Oro ce_ yr !More of HENRY eXYDAII.I. Nor. 19. '.39 Corner Frimit a n t Munn ntrems. -4 F IIESII Crop Baking Seedless Itaisins.--A A sAa(t);:r7 Ig:l cr it e ' y e n o r n n hand, er r. n i it I , ' . I , l ,Yrt.o"clu . stailisi: - Columbia. Nov It. 18:.8. Cranberries JUST received, a trash lot or Ornnherrier—a prime article. HENRY SUYDAM N0v.t.3,1859. Corner Front and Union •treeto. TOILET SOAPS in great variety, such as Glycerine and Camphor Soap. mr chopped lands Peach Almond Soap, Rose Omnibus Soap, Nymph Soap, Roney Soap, l'oncine Soap; Low's Windsor Snap, for sale by Nov. 6, 1858. R. WILLIAMS. ASUPERIOR assortment of Puff Boxes, received and for sale by Nov. 6, 'S'. R. tVIIIJJAhIS. Brushes ALARGE assortment of Hair Brushas, Cloth Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Silk Brushes. Infant Brushes. Shaving Brushes and Tooth Brushes, just received and for sale by Nov. 6,7;9 The New 'Work Tribune, 1858,'59. THE New York Tribune, now more than 'ley enteen years old, which was the flost)ournall11 the world that appeared regularly on an imperial eight-page sheet at so low a price as two cents. and which has at tained the unparalleled aggregate of more than :200,000 subscriptionn. respectfully solicits its share of the pa tronage which the Metropolitan Press is henceforth to receive. Within the present year The Tribune has provided itself with a new and faster Press, at a cost of 8.10 000. merely that some cf our subscribers may receive their papers a mail earlier than they otherwise might do. With correspondents at the most important pours throughout the civilised world, nod a staff of writers chosen from among the best in the couotry, we believe that even those who dislike the politics of our sheet concede to it frankness in avowing its convictions and ability in maintaining them. We appeal then, to those 11 who believe that increased 6 circulation of the Tri tbune would conduce to the political, intellectual and moral well-being of the Republic, to aid us in effecting mush increase. The Daly Tribune is printed on n large imperial sheet ; and published every morniug and evening, ;shin day excepted), and mailed to subscribers for six dollars ,per annum in advance; 83 for six mouths. The Semi-Weekly Tribune is published every Tues day and Friday. and contains all the Editorials of the Daily with the Cattle, Horse and General Markets r.-3- ably reported expressly for The Tribune; Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, and during coming session of Congress it will contain a summary of Congressionsl dooms with the more importaut speeches. It wilt also contain a nrstselass novel, continued from number to tumber, thus affording a fi rst - rate family newspaper to hose who prefer not to take a Dully. TERMS: One copy, one year. s3Five copies, one year, 811,25 I Two Copies, ss 5 Ten copies, to our address .20 The Semi-Weekly Tribune is seat to clergymen at $2 per annum. The New-York Weekly Tribune, a large eight-page paper for the country, is published every gioturdoy, and contains Editorials on the important topics of the times, the news of the week. interesting correspondence from all parts of the world, the New-York Cattle, Home and Produce markets. interesting and reliable Political, Me chanical and Agricultural articles, he., kr- TER %I 9: One Copy, one year. $2 f Five copies, one year, $9 Tbree copies, one year. 5 j Ten copies. one year, 12 Twenty copies, to one address, at the rate of 51 per annum, 20 Twenty copies. to address of each subscriber, and any larger number at the rate 0151.20 each, . 24 Any person sending us a club of twenty or snore will be entitled to an extra copy. We continue to send The 'Weekly Tribune to clergymen for El. Hubscoptions may commence at any time. Terms always card in advance. When a draft can be pro cured it is much safer than to remit bank bills. All let ters to be addressed to HORACE GREELEY & C 0... Tribune Buildings, NIIOI4II street, Hew-York. lITTbe Tribune Almanac for 1550, containing the .Pleetion Returns and the usual matter, will be published about Christmas. Price 13 cents: 12 conies, pod-P . old, for 61; 100 copies. stpaid 5 5 1. Address as above. October 30, to;ss" -dteow LAY nw HOITZ. COAL. TDB subscriber calls attention to his large I stock Of every variety of coal, which hn i• pre pare(' to deliver to all parts of the towuut the lowest market prices. Shamokin Red Avh first rate quality; Lump, Egg, Stove and tut. Short Mountain, Trevorton, Baltimore Company, Diamond White Ash, of all sizes, and Superior quality. Grove Lump. Egg and Stove—an article in general favor for domestic ave. Plymouth and Pittston White and Red Ash, Lump and Egg Broad Top and Allegheny Bituminous Coal, for Blacksmiths. Cull and examine the largest assortment of Coal kept in Columbia. Coal of all kinds will he furl ished by the Boat. Car or Ton, at the Wharf, foot of Canal Basin, Columbia, Pa. 'Coal and Iron received and shipped nn J. G. HESS. Columbia,November 5.1E59. JUST received a large and beautiful assort meat of New Furs, con , isii lig in part of hLnly Stone Martin, Silver Martin. Rea: Fitch hehtee Fitch, Brown Sable, &e., all or which are offered at the lower :it H ALUESIAN'S Columbia, Nov.B, 4358. Cheap Cash Store. DLITT &BIITCIIER'S Magic Oil, a new sap ply just recemed and for said by R. WILLIAMS, November 6,1553. Front etreet. PROF: E. 11. FLAGG'S Instantaneous Relief. For sole by B. WILLIAMS, November 8, 1854. Front street. AFRESH supply of Extracts for the Hand kerchief, such us. Rose Geranium, Jilts:nits, honey Suckle. Sprint; Flowers, Hettiosma, Winter I3lossoms, Tuberose. Frangipanni, "Kist; me quick ly," and a variety of others too numerous to mention, just received and for eule by Nov. G.'S& R. WILLIAMS. 200 POOH Prime Live Geese Feathers, for sale by °rt. :30, 1819. H. C. FONDERSOWTII. Groceries and Dried Fruit. eIUST received at the People's Cash Store. a lot of Fresh Groceries. sit Reduced l'rices. A 1,40, a Prime of of Stlll dried Peaches and Apples. H. C. FOIsIDERSMITH. Nov. 67859. Adjoining the Bank. First Opening of NEW FURS for the Winter of 1858. Wwould inform the ladies that we have just received nor first supply of NEW FURS, which have all Leer Itianui.aciured expressly for u• this se soil, therefore.purchnsers can rely upon get ung 1 , 111: , •111 , UHS, free from moths. We are happy in say our price- Me much lower 111/111 sensop. The I•AUIE are: respectfully invi.ed to call and ex amine our assortment. . _ Nov. 6 '59 THOS. W. EVAN'S dr. CO., WOULD respectfully inform the residents of has via unity, Out hey hove now (men lit their new shore the largest and most varied assort mem of they have ever offered. Their stock is meetly of their own importation, having been •elected person ally by one of the firm, in the principal market In Europe. at such prices AR will enable them to sell on the most ren•nnuble terms. Brocade., Robes a Le., Robes double Jupe, Holies two Floance., Pi un, Figured. Plaid. ;tinned, &c.. ...nth a full a..oriment of Black Silk. of all kinds. Particular attention lin. been paid to the selection of this Stock, and II wall be found complete tat its assortment India, Stella Bordered, French Cashmeres, Printed Broche, Long and Square Woolen hlainillo &c wok a full sleek of all ;tie newest styles of Shawls amporieti this CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Cloaks made and trimmed in the latest 1 3 13riAstyles, in Velvet, Cloth, Plush, Plaid Velvet. &c. The stock this PeR}IIII I. expensive elecant and lit-hinnaltle GENERAL DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Itterumes, Cashmere.. Moo-line., Va!riming, Pop ling, Salta de Clime. Velour Poplir., Clunmes, &c. wtdt ull the nrwe•t fabric. imprnne . cl in tine tine... MOURNING GOODS DEPARTMENT. Bombazine.. Saralee Cloth.. Alpacas, Velour Pop- Thibets, Volt:items, Crapes, Collars slid Sleeve., /SS , with an entire stock of all goods suitable for ',moraine. EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT Lace Sets. Collars, Sleeves, inserting., Edgings, Flouncing, Cops, lierihan,Capes,Gloves,Mlll ace.; with a full assortment of Embroideries of all kinds, ineluailna all !lie Iseteat Puri. NevelaeA. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. A complete line of English Hosiery, for Ladies. ,Slieses. Gent• and Children, will be found of the beer and most approved inabes. T. W. E. & CO. confidently invite inspection of their stock, as they feel assured it will favorably com pare WWI any other, in ne.ortment, style or price. UP? & 6 , 20 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Columbia Nov. 6, ies--2m. DENNIS & JONES, Manufacturers ana Dealers in SPERM, LARD, SEA ELEPHANT, WHALE Tanners' and Miners' Oil, ALSO, SPERM, SOLAR SPERM. AND ADAMAN TINE CANDLES. Warehouse—No. 24 South Wharves; Manufac tory, Christian St., below Seventh, Mita tl'a. ()weber 30. 185t+-3in The Best, Cheapest, and most Successful Family Paper in the Union. HARP 1111 L'S VirEEIV.Malt. Pr ice Five Cents a Number; $2,50 per year. WF would not so often call attention to Harper's tVeckly if we is ere not well satisfied that it is the nest faintly paper published in the United :mates, and for that reason. and that alone we desire to see it uneennine arid root out n certain kind of litera ture too pre, silent, which blunts the morals of its rend ers. vitiates their taste for sctenble and is alto gether had in its effects.—New London Advertivr. As Harpers Magaznie has done much to drive °intim yellow covered literature, so we should be glad to 'etc this new Weekly take the place of those papers which depend for excitement oil poor, tracing novels.—New York Ecangrilst. Harper's %Weekly abounds in original matter, spicy. piquant. insiroctive and eaten tuinwg. Jr Ilan. and de servedly, a very large and increasing circulation. It Is n tip top faintly paper —Boston Journal. It (Harper's Weekly) is ilie proper size for binding. and all excellent opportunity is afforded for any one who wishes to preserve the history of the country a. it in made. to do so by !Mug Harper's Weekly.—Pontiac (Mich.) Jacksonian. Its fresh leaves. its clear type, its entertainiem variety, it.eevere but just crincisms upon the fol lies of the times, its elegantly writtea and instructive tirticle=, arid ma able correspon fence, all combine to make a the model news paper of our country, and one that every family must ;true. Its condensed weekly summary of Foreign and Domestic intelligence is altogether superior to thut con tained in any other partial. Being published too, in a form for preservation and binding. 11 taken care of as it deserves to be, it will be found its future years as wel come a companion for the family and fireside as the day on which it wan first perused.—McConnriseillz (0) quires. Its illustrations ore far ahead of any journal of the kind in the country. Its pen Iportrrats of disunguished living men are of themselves worth the price of the vol. ume.—N. Y. Christian Advocate and Journal . . R WILLI k Nig • . . - -• • Prenb.. sparkling, and vivacious. In circulation is probably the greaten success ever achieved by nny publienuon nt such an early period of its exlntelice. Brocalyn Ragle The best family paper we ever saw. Its pages em brace a great variety of rending molter, and an articles on the lending topics of the day are written with an ability which would do credit to the t'Thunderer" of the British press—the London "limes." In point of Illus trations, it is ahead of any of our pictorial sheets.—New Lenders Advertiser. 4 •Flarpees Weekly" gains readers and popularity with every issue. because it aims nt Rlld hits that average re quirement for family reading winch this enterprising house so well comprehend Its snicks are Mid, timely, and devoid of partisanship; it is as versatile an subjects as It Is even in tone, besides being marvelously cheap. —.Boston Transcript. Bnek numbers of flamer'. %Veeklv, as well as Covers for binding the volume Just completed, can be furnished by the Pubh•hers. TERMS: One Copy for Twenty Weeks, 81.00 One Copy for One Year, 280 One Copy for Two Years. 4.00 nye Copies for One Year, LOU Twelve Copies for One Year. 20.00 Twenty-five Copies for One Year, 4900 An extra copy will be allowed for every Club of Twelve or Twenty-five subscriber. Volume I. for the yenr 1858, of "Flarper'4 Weekly." handsomely bound iu Cloth extra, Price $3,50. is now ready, (Oet. 30, 1858 HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT-411e Genuine eel ebrated Holloway's Ointment, for Aele at IIIeCORKLE& D ELLF:IT's Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellows" Hall. Oet.t23. lerd3. LYON'S Magnetic Powder for the dectrue -11011 ° Withnot notion, for rale at MeCORKLE /kr DEI.LKrrs Family Medicine Store,Odd Fellows' Hall. October 23. Ii .°. PkiDtS.—Jast retelied a large assort mentor English. French and American Pomades, at MeCORKLE &DE L ETT'd Ott. 23. Famde Medirme Store. Preparations for the Bair. pRANCIPAVIVI POMADE, Vegetable Nutritive, Band°line, Beare Oil. Haul's Rau Lu.tralc, Lyon's Ketharion, ROPE Ithiliconse, Bear% Grva.e. Antique Oil, Harry's Trecopberous Wood's flair Restoranve, Oldridge's Balm of alurnbia, Just re ceived and for sale by No.. 6, 'SS. R. WILLIAMS. SIIATING CREAN, Shaving Compound, Cold Cream Aroandino, Pomade Dime, all fresh, 3‘ , 0 ~,e, . .tved by Nov 6,'S+, R. WILLIAM 9 NEW ryas. U. C. FONDCRSNII Prople , tt Cady Store. Colurnlia. LADIES' DRESS GOODS SILK 'DEPARTMENT SHAWL DEPARTMENT. Compound of Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and iloarhound, for the erne of Coughs, Cold*, Whooping Cough. Croup,&e. For ride ut - ItIeCORKLE & DELLETT , S Fondly Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' Hall. Oe lobe r Y 9, lEte"id. BRANDY. --Just received a cask of superior 0. K. Brandy, for Medicir purposes, al McCORKLe. a DEILLEI - I'S Oct. 53,'59. Family Medicine Store. $5 SEWING. MACHINES A PItAtTICAL Family Sewing Machine for 55. Performing fully equal work. No missing or ripping of stitches. No gentile out of order. Any body can use everybody will have u. (Secured by recent grant of kites parent ) Exclusive Rights for a few dimes and Counties will he placed within the rereh of nn enterprising business man. (ti. portion of thererriiory already secured ) The proprietors confidently feel they now place be fore the public the greatest chance for a profitoole inve.dment ever offered. A Sewing Machine con . mining the requisite que ities, which, by its astonish ing simplicity and low cost. will at once go to the 17....5CA, who hove beco anxiously waiting for the Machine to come within their rgrai.p. 11. Parties wishing to purchase, are requested to call at once,examine thismost wonderful achievement, and secure a monopoly of the State or county desired. NOVELTY - 85 SEWING MACHINE CO, Office, Bartlett & Ce., Needle :Manufacturers, 421 Broadway, car. Canal st.. N. Y. ED-Call or send for a Circularwith cutsof machines. October 23. 1858.4 m For Salle—Family Coal, UCFF as Baltimore Company, Pittston, Lykene S Valley. Sunbury ,Trevorton.and Pine Grove; also, Sulphur Coal. All the above Coal in kept under cover, clear from dirt. and is Wnrrnnted Good nod Clean, or the motley will be refunded. Those wish ing to procure a Good Article at the Lowest Rates, will please apply to B F. AP POLO, N 05.1,2 and G Canal Basin, Columbia, Pa Columbia, October 23, 186.5. Price Reduced to Suit the Times. FIRESEI Burning Fluid olovoys to be hod et AIcCORKLE & 131.11.LEITT,S Oct. 9, 113581 Enmity Medicine Store-. Good Books for Libraries and 'Win- ter Evening Reading. MARE your homes happy. Form a taste for intellectual improvements. You will find nothing more at tractive 1111111 vu riot y of good books. No pleasure is more refining or useful Man the plea sure of reading good books. Time is money Seek it. pleasures any emptoi mg it and your patients.— Reading, stud:, mg nod improving. until you have laid up a treinmre worth a loi MOP through hie We will here add a list of good himk.s for those in search of knowledge and enieriamment. Websier'sDietionury i (Un I.lla of Napoleon. abridged) 2 vol.. 8 vo The Encyclopedia of A- Abbott'. History of Kings merienn Literature. By arid Queerl .1. 24 vols. 16 Chninbers. 2 vols. nm. The Religious Eacyclope- Reeollections of n Life duo 1 vol. Tame. By Goodrich. 2 The Encyclopedia Ameri- voh. 12 mo. coati. 14 vol.. Picioriril Geography of the 11 pleion'. Encyclopedia Werld. Hy S. (i. Good. of Moro:why. I voi.e vo rich 2 v01c.9 vo Mogi opldea I Die- Natural 111-tory of the U. !loamy. I vol. n an. Stairs lip Lo.swg and The C) elopetha of Useful Willtanic. 2 yak. S en. Knowledge. Pietorialfli.oory of linked and ihc Brazilians. the Wm Id. I vol. 8 vo. vol. 8 vo. Brand . .. Encyclopedia of Travels in Bc.cuce. Literature and Africa. 1 vol 8 vo. Art. I vol u vo. Perry'. Expedition to .111-Hire's Dictionary of Art., pan. 1 vol 8 vo. Manufaetuies & Daria's North Central Af- 2. vol., nen. 2 volx 8 vo. The Coy of Ole nrent !Ling, Hy Barclay La4d% Nineveh and iu . ~ Remain.. 1 vol. IBn lie rofi'. 111-Ivry of 'he Bitynrit Taylor's Complete' U. Starts 7 vole 8 vo. Works. 6 vole. Ilona:le II isiory of Eng. Humboldt's Cuionos,s vole land. 6 vole. to mo. Mitealulny'.ll6.tnry of Eng- Hugh Miller'. Complete land. 4 cola. 18 mo. Work.. 7 vole. __ Allsonla 111.1nry of Eu- Gold.mith's Animated Nu- rope. 7 vols. 8 vo. tare. 2 vats. 8 an. Prescott'slete The Library of Nutural lomat Work.. 14 vola History. 1 vot 8 vo. 2 vo.lity hound. But Ton's Natural Iltvtory. %Vel.i.ter's Complete W'ke. 1 vol. 8 vo. O volq. 8 vo. Rochenberger•s Natural Levi Woottloury% History. 0 vole. Igloo. 3 vol•. 8 vo. The Laierniure hLiteritry,' Hi-tory of the Con. Alin of Great Britoil' and stitution of the United Ireland. B. A Mills. 2 Staten. 2 vole. 8 vo. vol.. 8 vo. The Dutch Republic. By llelleth's Literature. 2 Motley. 3 vole 9 vo. vol. 9 vo. Lord Bacon's Works. 3 Hallam's Alid. Ages. 1 vol. vol.. 9 vo. vo. Thier's French Revolution Hammes His- 3 vole. d vo. tory. I vol 9 vo.;Types of Manhood. I vol. Irving's Complete l'Vorks.l d vo. including his life ofllndigenous Races of the Westin!lion. Earth. In addition to the above we have many valuable Books 011 till subjects, the mot of which we bought at the Trade Sales. A larger or cheaper stock of Books has :lever 1 een exhibited in Lancaster, than sun now be seen at the Cheap Hook Store of JOHN sHEAFFErt, Oct. 30, 'SS. Successor to Murray, Youag & Co. NEW AUTUMN GOODS, OPENING TILLS MORNING, the most splen did neiortment of New Pall Goods we ever of fered. Every article eutied to the seueon.purcha.ed for mill, ut the loweet figure.,nd will beii6old nt email advance: our motto, ••'mill profits and quick ru le," Our Agent tending in the city, torward us goods daily a.• fast us cheap and demulile goode come into market. HALDEMAN'S Cheap Cash Store. Oct ober 9 COLUMBIA MARBLE YARD, Corner of Third and Walnut Streets. 9 , 11 E undersigned invites the attention of citizens of the Borough of Columbia and vieurit to kin Marble Yard. Where, he in 11. cpared to exeeuie ill superior .tyle all description of Work in Al:tail, Grattite, Sand-boar, kr_.. Monuments, Tombstones, Mantels, Steps, Door and Window Sills, and Work of every kind. 11, work will comps re with any other executed hi ilw enmity, and he feel.: ...tidied that lie Comm give satisfuction to cut tom-rs, both in quality mid prier. Ile cavil Ilk work on more ren.onahle terms than can he obtained elsewhere, e'eli 1858-1 y IZ:VOX. WHY SUFFER WITH PILES Finley's Vegetable Pile Ointment. THIS medicine, a remedy for the Piles, as Its mime implies, has never before been offered to the public. L is not intended as a cure all, but for that one ili:eage it is the beet remedy now known or that has ever before been bronchi before the public I will warrant a cure liv follawtic ITV direetiniii. RETAIL PRICE, $l,OO PER BOX. A liberal tli.rotiot to the crude IiERR. ‘Vhole•ale Agent for the tithed State.. All ordeta addre•ned to him will be promptly attended to. All commummttiona addrerbed to him will al•o be attended to _ _ CERTIFICATES. Columblu. May !24. 1859 . . Mr U. FINLEY—This is to certify that I have been affected midi the Piles bonen years; after urrng }our Pile Ointment for a few days, it entaely cured me; I not having hod the least sign of a return stare 15 years ago. I can recommend it as the remedy (or that troublesome direuee with which so MOH y persuas are affected, and would adsiseul! personsso afflicted to use your Ointment. (1 STRAWBRIDGE. Columbia. August 10. I S5B. U. FINLEY—I h ave nuffered ler over four yearn with the Ihlen, and have tried different remedies, all to no ainenuni; I was finally induced to try a Inns of your Ointment, and eller making •even! applica tions, I foot.' a to relieve me, anal conneued for at •hurt time, when I wan perfectly cured It pi now five yearn mice. and I have not had the leant nig., of a return of the distant. If any per-on chould doubt the troth of dna certificate, addict , . me a note and I will give all One information required. I cheerfully recommend the Ointment as nu tuvalunble remedy for the Pile.; one box of it may rave only nine wino in ltireCifill. ell the pert they inure to sutler an well a• many dollars and cents, 'to all of which I ehrerfully cuhncrilne. September 11,18.58. To Milliners, Merchants and:Others. WE have now In stock, and constantly receiving from New Turk and Philadelphia Auctions, and tit our own Importation.. goods of the Intent Purl. litsliton. in Bonnets...F.lllw Plaid Velvet., Satins, Velvets. Plain Salk., ()farceMiles. Florences, Bonnet [Milian.. Plitt ft.:Safi n and Alanitia do., Ruche., Quillings, Blonds, !.aces, . which we otter much below the usual prices. Er A liberal discount to Cash buyers. WA Sti BURTON, No. 306 South Second Street. (second Dry Goods Store, below Spruce.) and 1004 Chestnut street, god door .!rove 10th Philadelphia. October ti 1159.3 m SECOND OPENING OP FALL GOODS THIS DAY. 11. C. Fondersmith, AT THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. ANEW and magnificent stock of Fancy and staple Dry I:rood.. at REDUCED PRICES, Oor stock will far -urpass anythmg in Columbia, in the following Goods. to which we respectfully invite the attention of buyers; Bound Corner and Plash Bordered Stella Shawis, Broche Long and Square Shawls. Blanket Shawls for Ladies and Mimes, rich medium-priced lire•• Silks, rich black glossy Silk at 50e to it 00 per yard, a A real bargain; rich Pans printed Wool lielaines, rich printed liferinoen,rich French Chintzes for wrap pers, with bordering' to match; Saxony and French Plaids, French Merino and Gobi: rgs, beautiful printed Delainee at 1Ri.10.15 :PO and RS cis . CLOTH CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 8-4 Merinoes for Shawls, rich Quilted and Plush Venting•, new style Casstmeres, and the Cheapest Cloths in Columbia; Blankets, Flannels, Minoan., Gingham•, Caliecres.&c., u complete assortment at Prices Suit tiSe Tomes. ajr•Satinetts from 2.5 e to $l,OO per yard. Call and fir oar goods. Columbia, Ortober 8. 15.50 HILLSIDE NURSERY, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA. THE subs lber having par ase e I ur acry establishment lately owned and carried on by Alrgar , Mouaton & Mifflin, near Columbia, Lan caster county, Pa., offers to the public an extensive stock of ORNAMENTAL, SHADE Sc FRUIT TREES, Shrubbery, Vines, Flowering and olher Plants, and a general aseortreent or everything connected with a Horticultural and Floricutotrul establis•hrnent. . . Ile has added to the stock - of standard trees grown in this nurttery.,and by a rrbagemeli t with the more extensive liorticulturita• ran supply ut short notice any tree..luub,orflowerthati.raisedinthecotnnry- He ha• thoroughly re-fitted his commodious Green House, and has 11 filled writ a Inree variety of choice PLANTS, FLOWERS, &c. • - many of which are rarely found outside n city Green lion,. Ile would cull particular attention to /us collet-um*. of NATIVE & EXOTIC •."'N ... (-*? '... -•-••• -FP- r -` GRAPES, ,-,,, -• ,- , r, -. - io - • rr _,.. X....... a very exien‘tive ac. ''''''' . .....: 'it' ..., , „ sortment of all the woo. ' 4 - , -,-- _ _ - dent rubl e vnnettes ,1. , v... , i l le ha. ul-o recently rurcha , ed the entire stock of the well-known Carden and Nursery of Jo seph Vem.dall, Cherry Street, Columbia, which will be added to Inc own establishment. Crltlr YEWDALL boo been coca:red to take charge of the Floral and Nursery Department of the Nursery, and 1114 well grounded reputation asa 1111 r.eryinan and florist will be additional guar antee for the condition of the stock. S. If. PIM MR. —ln connection with the Nursery the proprie tor will undertake through the agency of Mr. Yew doll, whose skill is most taro rali!y known in this de partmem, to plant and lay out grounds, gardens, kc and do general lobbing in thy , line of the business. Columbia, eicptentber IS, I/36C. COLEMAN Bt COX, Grocers and Commission Merchants. IV. Cnrner of Frank:in and Pnea x•lreets, Bald- L.: , • more, keep eon-la:illy on hand a well i.eleeied stock of (4rnverw, NVine4 and Ltquora. Qc tober 9.lR59•Gtn• P. S. Macir.tiGUM, de. CO., Are now opening anew stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, AND READY-MADE CLOTHIN G, At the Cheap Caul, Store, in their New Four- Story Building in Locust Street. A COMPLETE assortment of New and De. I.irablc Fall and Winter Good:, consisung in purl of CLOTHS AND CA SSINI ERES, Nelfoll 7 . Clack French Cloths and oilier eelehrnted makes. English Blur and Brown Clotlt.., Black and Fancy Cat-tinere,Satincit., Corduroys, for toe., and boys' wear—Very Chen p. DRESS GOODS. Black nod Fancy Ore-. I.lll , illiA, Prone), Sir n one-, all wool de, all wool Plaids and de Cege., ton! Ainciivon Prints—all grades and at very low fie are., SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. Droelic. boideled to all colors and otyle , ; Brecht., - 1 lithet and Cloth 1 . ...baw1, Long and Squirt, shawl r•cialeniciF , Slotwic--Latlici.' Cloth and Satin Cloak. in all tit le., DOMESTIC GOODS, HOSIERY AND TRIMMING. Blenched nod Unbleached Pillow Case Ticking.. Table Linens, Sack Flannel+ the hite.t brand- of ...heeling Muslink. veilles and Linen Shirt I.tidien' nod tient', inen's Merino. Cii.liniere, Colton noel WOCTIeII , icry—a gland 11. , 011111Clit UT the Inwe.t priers. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Cloth Frock and Cry.. Coat, flock ond Fancy Can -iinerc Boone.. Coal. Over 00.11, NalUmali Black 111111 Fancy Ca ,. .inrierc Pan,. SAitorit Pant, Block arid Riney Sault. Plll , /1 arid Volvo Vexts—all in every variety of -tyle and price. nrA large an-oration] of II OT AND 12iN1 nn EL. e.S :tIcTADUE er. co , Columbia, Sept. 05, 155 . 3. Cheap Cash Store. 11112111 Fancy Furs—for Ladies & Children. I OIIN FAREIRA & Co., No. 818, (new no.) 9J Alarket street, above Eighth, Philadelphia—lm port, Manuracturers and Dealer.: ill Finley Furs, for Ladies mid Children; also. tient'. For., Fur Col lars and Ii oven. The manlier of year. Mat we have been englgeil m the Fur liit.iness and the general character of our rats, both for quality and price is «o generally known ikrouglinut the country, ilitti we nook it ls Lalitee,titry for us to say any thing more Manilla' we liaVe now elicited our of Furs. per Mr Fall and %Vim, Sale., of die largest and moil beautiful asmrtment that we have ever of fered before to the public. Our Fora have nil been imported during the present season, when money la - us cearec and Flits latiell louver than at the present tiale,aral have been inanothemred by the most corn permit vtorkineri; we are thermore determined to sell tacit! al 'met, prices a, will continue to give us the repUtattiolt we hove borne far years, that is to sell a good article for a very small profit. Storekeeper. will do well to give us a call. OS they will Emil the largest its.ortmerit by far to select from in the city, and tit atanufactarer's prices. JOIIN FAREIRA n CO., No Flq Market i..-treci, above Sib, Hula. September 11. I.:it. 4ino. ruzLAlDELrlixa SURGICAL BANDAGE No. 837, Arch Street, one door below Ninth, AGEACY for Iltc side of Mrs. B. C. Ever eti'h Preeninm improved A I•lanii3l.lSupporter.. and liandage.. Dr. Clurle+ C. M. itawlingic. Principal, where may he had a full and varied as• comment of Trit..e, Female Supporter., Shoulder liriice., and oilier Bandage r, fur sale at prices Iwent y five per cent. lower than at any other cstabitsliment in the city. Dr. linisibee celebrated radienl cure Trues ha. cured Iminlred, of cases where others have failed.— e 54 00. Dr. 800'11111, ,,, hue treated gueee..fully man., bed 01 - Spine dt.ea , e. Club Foot, Bow Leg. Knock Knee, mid Week A nt Willi bw new improved op porolog for the, filsl.ll,O, 10 wluch CO.OO reference eon be ghee. Pelee. rangier from *l,OO to 51.500. Sok and Conon Ela=tic Anklet., Knee cup., rind A bflonnuol Compre-sors, at lower places haul Cllla be bouttin el,where. . _ Crniches. Sprtt, and every variety of Surgical Appl::111CC , at greatly , reduced pricer, pluct ng the Lest nt.ol.e of goods within reach of all. Ladle- tioroded in private upaments at the clone, by Mrs It C. Evelcti. Puroeular town:ion paid In in•trumente for de• forrnoy 113 childreo,and natteraelion to al/guano:teed. Sep:collier IL. 15.5.3-3toos WINCHESTER & CO., ENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Store, and Patent G Shoulder 5Y.1.1 whirl Manufactory. at the old stand. Nn :Of; Che-inut Street, Philadelphia, oppb— ar.e. the Wn-liingion llon.e. A. Winelie , ter will give ue heretofore. his personal superassion of the cum.', and manufacturing deport- PIVISIK Orders fin celebrated style of Shirt. and Collars filled zit the -horie-t 1101 Ire. • - • Verso... destriug to order Shirts. can he supplied WWI Ole fo rlnti 111 for mee•urendeut, 011 uppireution by . . Constantly on band n varied and select stock of Gentletnen'o Vuray.latar Good. [U , AVlatlecale order• l\S.e•' Ba:ques. new paiterne mud Fringes fur munnag, now open onn 11. C. lON DP:RS:MIT/PA People's Ca.ll riEcEs !nor,. of Ihoke ettqnr.ite Fr•ltch II din LtiwnK—rother h.t r.glo curler than thourst wt— arc now rcac.) ter ;Me Lndre. .t 11. C.. E-ONDECtSrtIFf .t. 1 ;031/tog tXO Be oh MOURNING GOODS BLACF: 'rAMITEENS, Crape de Spa lk.t bilk sold wool Ca!lacy, Loma's Car Wool de Bon.- DUCIII, he. Al.n, Crapes, Lot e :llourmag Cullut., &e. a great ~oricnen tet H C. AL\ DU:SMITH'S. WRITE GOODS-KEEP COOL! a...suriment pa -t re:,l%ra. at very low prlce..• at 11. C I'ONDERS)IITH'S, Peoplc•n Cabal :Nov: DINS, blur. green and but! MI Irmo Murhns. vrry .1 cheap. rtitiable for en, rrillg. chandeliers, lookinr giasses, Ac ,:uht xteelved ut IL C. TANDERSNIITH'S. gFRUNCEP ° TERC AILS AND CHINTZES. n ES a 1 C111,....T150 Drees Good., ju.t. 1 V received, and will be sold at a greet raerifice.— Cull and see thent,at IL C. FONDERSMITH'S Prorte`. Cash storA =I SPRING DRY GOODS! ENTIRELY NEW. Latest Arrival of the Season. TIM subscribers have just received and opened n large Stove• of hoods, satiable tar the crams. consitaing In putt of DRY GOODS: • Nel.on'e end other celebrated makes, French Bluets Cloths, English lacy Blue Cloth: eltto, Ilrow•n. and Olise do, bind: and :,aired Ca.ssenaeres, mixed do., Jean, Ltuun and Cotton P.,ditaluon Stuffy, au vsnetaes. DRESS GOODS Blnek Grog de Rhine Silks, all Iridtha.f.,ney 'ln red and Plaid do.. Chahie-de-Lanes, Ducal. Mows de Loitnea, Lawns. Gingham, and Friutt.,:ii all vurtet4e.n and at nil prier, . . HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. Tiektng., CLr, kn,Lk Ihuperm, Towel MIO.IIIII, IlLozlerl . ..rn,nincrilc, he. CLOTHING: A. complete nssoriment or Itc.ttlytYlade C!othing, consisting. in part. as follow•: lark und lilac iliotin l)rr.. emits, Black and fine Cloth Frock Coal, Cr--inure. Tweed and Summer Coats. of nil qualmr•, 1.31.tek and fancy Cos-tmere Pains, 13lark and Fancy ritilitet, Tweed htld Linen l'unitt, Mark and l'aney Send Test., Blarh ttud Fancy CII.3.IIBCTC and I'lu•h Vests; fiats and Cups. Trunks. BOOTS AND SHOES' A large asortment ot ludir•% gentlemen's and boys Boots nod Shoe.. of till (online% ninth are all war ranted. they fleeing been manufactured in Iteadni, mid will be sold at low figure• for rash, s t bIeTAGU &BR O'?, Front street, oppoaite the col umbin.llTriy I. 1r41,3 LODGE'S GALLERY, N. E. COR. FRONT & LOCUST STS. COLUMBIA, PA. THE snbacriber having added extruively o trio h,rilnies for lark ing bruit Intention to his unrivalled specimen- lie is now prepared to take. m athinton to bit former splendid Daguerreotypes. the mo-t perfect Arnbrotypes, Photographs and Patent Leather Pictures. ffe feel• confident of giving , initisfeciion, and My asks rtrial orbs skill to insure it. r f Pictures taken on most reasonable terms, tat clear or cloudy weather. WL LiD DGI-1. Columbia, Ju1y31.195.9. Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!! NDUSTRIA L Stove Works, No. 33 North t li , econd street, opposite Christ Church. ithiladelphtn. The suns critter respectfully in. forms his friends and the public generally that he has taken the store, at No 33 North Second street, where he will he pteased to see hisold customers and friends lie ins onw oit hand a splendid assortment of Par lor. flail. Office. Store and Conking Stoves, of the latest and moot approvea kind. at Wholesale and WM. C NEM A N, No 33 North Second street,Philadelphm. fl.—tour particular attention is invited. to Mn gee's Potent Ott, Ouraitig NVermitig and Ventilailt.g Slaver, tor Parlors, Offices, Stores, Halle. Cars. disc , which (or economy. purity of air, and care of mei, ogement has nn equal W. C N. ro^odd Catalogs for all kinds of Stores, on hand. Sept. 111, 1856.3m0s NATIONAL LIVERY STABLE, Second street, adjoining the Odd Fellows' Hall, COLUMBIA, PA. rpm: SUBSCRIBER. having fitted op and steekod I. with good Horses and contrnorl.ous Carriages an Extensive Livery Stable, would call the attention of hits friends and the public to his SUPERIOR ACCOMAIODATIONS. lie will gunrantee Horse. to be sate, well bro. I ken to Saddle and Ilarnees, and in first-rate eonditiau. lie can offer Peverni HANDSOME VEHICLES, built expres-ly for his cslntd,hment, arid the whole , of his Carriages are in thorough repair, and kept ele.ui and neat. The amble vi ill be In the care of accommodating attendants, and 11011.883 AND Co?iVZSANCES CAN SC HAD AT ALL Timms of Tug DAY OR NIGHT. THE TER:II - : WILL BE ItIi;ANONAIII,F- anir he I col, iidrutl hopes that the nierns of his Statile. end a ill.podition to rum...rills CIIIIDnICIA, art st c ham liberal allure of public favor CHRISTIAN HERSIIEY. Volumbin. August 14.166.4 Woes Disease Originate in impurity of the Blood? THIS is a question of vital importanrt, and one watch has never been iialistaetertly dt-posed of by the professors who teach the healing art Seine nmintain—ruid e•pecially the old school physieinii.—flint life livea in the blood, and therefore all diseases originate in it—but modern 'wiener avers that nihnenta have their ortginattott to both the solids and :folds of the body That the Inner preponderate, however, in a fixed fact. and umiltral skill htutelearly denteneinned mat at !exit two-thirds of the Ills that humus tli••h is heir in, lin., their anueee• it. an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD? A., (or IIII•Inflef.111 the long ramlogue.surh as s,rot. 'fetter. • ltarber'e Itch,' l'implea, Motchen, Fat • rtpeln Ulcer.. Salt Rheum , discharges tram the Ker.:Fever Sores, or eruptive dkcase of any kind ore aticertniticd by well known medical laws to nine frown tmd blood—while tile highest medical authorinee declare that moat fever• ortglitate in the sante manner, and more particularly typhoid and searlet—the former !acme an Internal, and the latter an external eruptive chaeui.e, and in all permna at. tacked by these insladn s. the blood la found to be either coagulated, on of a dark unhealthy color. To w aryl Ott a lo fr. 111:.),.#11,y of disease.. a. well as to Cure it number which have already eriaird upon the system, or...epee-eery in PURIFY THE BLOOD. Lindoeyte Improved Blood Searcher noes not claim ro be is PANACKA for every disease known, but the proprietor. claim for ti the power not only of draining out all impurities of the blood. but by the•kttlful combinetton of welt-known vegetable will rune all diuretic. ariaing from a de• ranged sinte of the laver, dime out dyspepsia, cad give renewed toile and vigor to tbc atotriarh. That the Mood Searcher is all that an clammed for It, the pc...praetor can produce Tilt: PROOF. It is Only a few yeare since It was ditienreired. and yet it hits grown into such a butane.* that a large Laboratory ha• been built expressly for ha manure,. Lure —a large number of men emplored in rutting it up. and stilt the SEVII'LIi DUES EQUAL THE DEMAND! We ask any eandld man eou'd tide he so. if the Medicine did not posses. all the virtues claimed torn? b ,. proprietor. have hundred. of certificates from men of probity arid ...Ind.'s.; In the•Vi ing shsl the medicine a doing daily for theauffering Issi any per.on who lien ever used the Wood Searcher vi heiher tenet was experienced. Let the nditeted give it a trial—a eingle bottle will rnny aster th• most •kppiteal Pt on , efficaey. For sole by 111.71101.P1i WILLIAMS. COlumbta, and k CO, Laurawer, and Druggist. generally thronghosit the tutted gates. June 213.155 , fim _ _ _ IVorthern Central Railway. rrilE Passenger Trains on the above road more run um follow•: Leave Cslumbia for York and 806010 re at 7.30 A.M. 100 P. M 720 P 11, 440 A. M 0.17 A tit i 30P 1.41 Arrive at Columbia from 'York at 7.15 A M " from York sod Pali. 1^.15 1' M. 45 P. IM NOO A M. 1.13 P. M. 6175 P. 74. " Vorl, for Baltimore at NO SUNDAY TRAIN. All the ahem. Train. ronneet tortilti the Piteateerer Tratinit Ott the Philadelphia *ad Colombia lllatlread, kith going andraturning D. F. GRIFFITH. Co:umbta. A tarpt 14 1 0 57. A tent Mammoth Cabbage. wE hiree Cabbage S. rd which is eald will attain prnper cullivartno, to the enorraoaa •i? • lor Pi=typounds to the head. All those atiabsog mammoth cabbage procure at !tire( itt IL 1,1:k ItgIy.I.ETT.S. Faintly Medicine Store. Add Fellows' 11.11 Cora.