Farmers' llllntnal Insurance Com- pally. ?FITE Members of the Farmers' Mutual In surance Co. are hereby notified that a tax of SO cis on every thousand dollars has been levied by the Direc tors, to pay the losses Suqtallled by Hoary Galen, of Marne township, and Joseph Duct:wafter of East Latils peter township, by the burning of their hams:. which is required to be paid on or before the 20th day of Deeetn .ber next. Full duplicates will be kept. up to that time. by Joseph Clarkson, at the Aanking Deese of Cyger & Co.. an the city of Lancaster; by John Rohrer. Treasurer, at his residence in West Lamprtt•r town-hip, and by Jahn Strohm, Secretary, at his residence in i•roviili•in e town slop, where any member of the Company may pay hie quota of the card tax. A partial duplicate will be left with John Myer, hard mare merchant at blown Joy, where members residing sin the townships of East and Wc•st Doi.egal, Mount Joy, Conoy. Rapti° and Penn can pay their tax. Another partial duplicate will be left with David Wit mer. in East Earl tOWnSillp, where member• residlag in the townships of Earl. East Lail, Ephrata, Chi). Brecknock. Carnarvon and Salisbury can pay theirtnx. Tho-e who neglect paying their quota of tax the period above stated. wall be charged ten per cent additional. to pay the expense of collection. By order of the Board of Directors. • N0v.20, - 58, sTnoHni, HIAWATHA. LECTURE. COL. JOHN W. FORNEY, Will Lecture in Odd Fellows' Hall, *ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 1, 1858 Subject: "'THE AMERICAN STATESMEN." :ADMITTANCE TWENTY-FIVE CTS o:7'"rickets to be bad of the members of the Hiawatha Club, and at, the Book Store of Say. for & McDonald. The Lecture will commence 7 o'clock Coluantito. Nov 13, 1i5.411-31 Two Hundred Dollars Reward, THE Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company hereby offer a reward of Too Hundred Dttliats to any person or persona who shall apprehend and convict ony person or personas ho shall wtlfully at d intentionally set fire to nily huildrng or buflairl7,%,llll.l are or may be insured by the kali! Company. at toll time between this dote and the first duty of January. A D, 'SOO By order of the Hoard of Director.. N0v.13. , 59 4t JOHN STROHM, trecrt.tary T11.8.E NOTICE 111 ERE B T warn all persons against par ehasmg of S arnh Yonng. a now drawn by me Mr Filly Dollars, dated. OCTORF:R 11, 18,58. payable nn the first day of APRIL, ISL 9, on I . hove an off-ei agoinot it. Columbia. Nov 13. 1t=5.3.31* ZEPHYR WOOLEN GOODS. JUST ref - dyed, the largest and most beauti ful aasorizneeti of the above gond% we have eve, offered. at very groat bargam..eon-oolog io pout of Ladies Nobieg, Ma-gec Nobler, Gent-. Ali, ri, Opera flood+, - Tatlimo:, .. Dr a wer., Capes, " Caprc, , t Sr,. rig. " Shawls, " flood., " ,I uffrties Hoods, " thaualtlelq. " he . 'cc., at " Gauhlets, lIALDF.NI AN'S Scarfs. Cheap Ca-la Store. __ . ._— Columbia, NovemlorT 13. IRS 9 QUAKER. CORN.---A fresh lot of Shaker Corn, for race I.S IENRY SUYDAM., Nov. 13, 1 R 53. Corner Front and Union streets. Apples! Apples! JUST received n lot of firsl-rune Applev, from nrad ford county. Pa, at tIENRY ,UYDAM'S. Nov. 13, ~ 55. Corner Front and Union stre.q.. YORK COUNTY BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, in large"or small quantoiea. for an lent the Gro cery Store of HENRY SUYDAM. N0v.13, % . 33. Corner From told Union ,treet, FIIESII Crop Baking Needless linisins.--A supply couslozoly on loold, at HENRY' r1:11'. DA NI'S Grocery Slorr, conic( Flout awl Loeu-t Pls. Co'timbal, Nov 13, 1953. Cranberries. JUST received, a Ire‘h lot of C.nnberrler—n prime article. lINNIt V SIJVDAM Nov. 13, 1553. Corner Front and Union rtreetrt. NOTICE! WATER RENTS for the Quarter ending Decarnt,erfll.a, I , Kin are 111,V dire and payable to the Superintendent. bets% vett the lona, of 6 lied 6 o'clock, I'. H, at the Unice of 1). E. ItavNert, I:sq Odd Fellows' Ilall. All Water ftenta 111Ur3T POSITIVELY HE PAID wrrifOUT FAIL. on or before ihe I:Olt day of Novem ber. If a continuum, of the %Voter r, de AI II WILSON rec. and Tree!. Columbia, Nov. 6, lolie-th. NOTICE! c i IDLUMBIA BANK, November 2m1,1855.--The lltrector+ of rite 11.1:MI1011 1111 , .., t1:1.. day declared :1 hvid.ind of three per Cant.. payable °II and sitar the 12111 inst. ti.. , 011.711:1, S.IIOCII. Colton', in, Nov. ft. 1359 Ca.hier. LAY XN "SrOTIII. COAL. TUE subscriber calls attention to his large oek CI ever) vuneq•nt r err, which lie pre pares to deliver to all part, of the town at the lowest mar Let prteet, Sltataokin Red Ash fir-t rate quality; Lump, Egg Stove arid Mut. Short Haunrrut, Trevorton. Baltimore Company. Diamond White Ash, of all P ize s, and ;superior quality. Pine Grove Lump Egg stud Stove—an an tele in general favor (or dome•ur it e. Plymouth and Pittston %Vane and Ned Al..sL.inso and Egg Broad Top and Allegheny IThumisious Coal, (or Blacksmith•. Call nod exatnine ihr n..01'11,1(911 of Coal kept in Columbia. 0 1 / 1 1 of 1.11 k Intl% will be for, i-heft by the fleas. Car or Ton. al the %%lima', fool of Canal I'n. 'j-crial and Iron received and chipped on cora 1011. J. i• I= NEW runs JIIST received a large and beautiful assort meet of New Fore, con.ishae al part of Mink, Shale Nn roa r Silver Marlin. Rea: Fitch I.u.ire Filet,. Brown Sable. dr.c.. all of which are offered at The lowe.t price , . at ILIALDEMAN'S Cheap Caeh Siore. Columbia, Nov G. 1559 TOILET SOAPS in great variety, such as 13 ("MOP nod Cum pPOr Soap. lor chapped hands, Peach .Almond Soup, Ito-, Oinnibou Soup, Nymph Soap, Honey Soap, Poncine Soup, Low's NS incisor Snap, for sale by Nay.6„lSsd. R. It assortment of Puff Boxes, ed and for sale by R, tVII.I.TATOS. EdEEM Brushes A LARGE SlPxortmeill of lime Druitha., Cloth Brushes, Shoe Silk Bruinie.i. Infant Bruitbee. Shaving Itru.hea and Tooth Bruldies.3u4t received and fur /tale by Nov.C.'.s The New Stork Tribune, 1858, '59. THE New York Tribune, now more than SCl' Suiten years old. winch w•ns the Oral J011111..1111 the world that appeared regularly on MI hopenal eight•page sheet at so low a price as two cents nod which hue la. tained the unparalleled aggrceate of more than 2011.000 subscriptionn. respectfully coheirs its share of the pa tronage which the Metropolitan Press is henceforth to receive, Within the present year The Trillium has provided itself with a new and faster Press. at a cast of $7O 000, merely that some cf our suh•cribers may recem it their pa, ers a mail earlier than they otherwmc thlglit do. With correspondents at the inot.t important roams throughout the civilized world, and a stall' of writers chosen from among the hest in the country, we believe that even those who dislike the patines of our sheet concede to it frankness in avowirar its convictions and abilit)• to maintaining them. We appeal them to those whit believe that an increased circulatton of The Tri bune would conduce to the political, intellectual and moral well-being of the Republic, to aid us m etlectiag such increase. . . . The Daily Tribune is printed on a large imperisl sheet, and published every ntorntng and evening. (sun day excepted), and mailed to subscribers for six dollars per annum in advance; $3 for six months The Semi-Weekly Tribune is published every Tues day and Enday. and contains all the Editorials of the Daily with the Cattle, Horse and Genend Markets 1,11- ably reported expressly for The Tribune; Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, and during coming ses-sons of Congress it will contain a summary of Congressional doings with the more important speeches. It wilt also contain a first-class novel. continued from number to number. thus affording a first-rate family newspaper to those who prefer not to take .1 Deily. TERMS: One copy, one year. ea Five copies, one year, $1125 Two comes, " I 5 Ten copies, to one address 20 The Semi-Weekly Tribune is scut to clergymen at $2 per annum. The Near-York Weekly Tribune, a large eight-page paper for the country, is ymblished every Ssturday, and contains Editorials on the important mines of Use Ware_ the news of the week, interssung correspondence from all parts of the world, the New-York Cattle. Horse end Produce markets, interesting and reliable Political, Me chanical and Agricultural articles, dce. , he. TERMS: One Copy. one year, 13 . 4 Fire copies, one year, $ 0 Three copies, one year, 5 I Ten copies. one .sr, 12 'Twenty copses, to one address , at the rate of St per annum, Twenty copies, la address of each subscriber. and any larger number at the rate of 81.20 each. "Any person sending us a club of twenty or more will be entitled to an extra copy. We continue to send The Weekly Tribune to elero men for Si. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terms always cash in advance is hen a draft can be pro. cured it is much safer than to remit bank bills. All let ters to be addressed to HORA CR C RUCLEir & CO.. Tribune Buildings. Nassau strict. New-York. ID The Tribune Almanac for 1*59, containine the Election Returns and the u.ual matter. will be published nboat Chrieuniue. Price tli cent.: 12 eopice. ptwt-paid for " 41 ; Uhl cop:ea. powpaid Add ; en. ni above. October :7 1 I 65,-G; row A N Election for one President, four Mann ger, and one Trcarmrcr to the Cultontaa and Ma rietta Turnpike Road Company, will he held at the Public Duane of Data Herr in the Borough of Colutn• Ma. on TUBSDA T II; IC. rll DAY OF NOVE-'IIBER between the bons, of 2 and 3 o'clock. Nov. 6, 1,5-- Lc. J. W. COTTRF.L, Sec. PRATT & BUTCHER'S Magic 011, a new min ply ju-t ree.•lved and for ,ald by K. smut AMS, Novr•mher rront .arevt. _ pROF: E. 11. FLAGG'S Instantaneous Relief. For •air by K. WI LLIAAIS, Novernber 6, 105 1 . Front street. A FRESH supply of Extracts for the Rand- berets stll.l. a', Rose Geratimin. itoney Suckle, Spring Flowers. 14.1101 , Mf1, 117111t,r Tol,ern-e..Frangipanni. -.lilAs me quirkly," and a variety of other- too numerous t• HICIIIIOII, )11 , t received and for -ale by Nov 6. 'kc. R. WILLIAMS, I.IEIOAININ9 in the Columbia Post Office, Oc. 31, 1 Persoutt enquiring for letters will ph rise mention if they urn adverts-en A. ¢ MODER WELL, M Columbia. November G, 1:5,9. T"Epartnership heretofore existing be twPell the solPwriherA.nk the firm of Kauffman. Shnefl , r & Cn , in the making and vending of mom II:L -illis day been the slithdrawal of II Al. North 'rho hunt egs will Ile columned 1,3, the remain ing partner, nc the firm of }Caltihnti 8.; Sinicifer, 'Alio will also 'wade up the hu,uters ml the hate Grill. . . 13 !S. BAIT FFAJ AN. 11.AILTRAM A. SIIAEFFIiIt, Lnlicaster. Cord..lla Furnace•, Dear Colombia, 0ct.1.1E58. 0, 'O. 155,51. 20( ) POUNDS Prime Lile Gene Feathers, for •tt'e by Oct. 30. H. C. FONDII2 , kIIIII Groceries and Dried Fruit. T received at the Peop!e'. copli Store. a lot of Fre-.11 Croccrie4.l.t Reduced Prices. Ali.. a I 'note of of suu dried Peaches and A pple +. H. C. ro:crmns ITU. Nov 6 1859. Atlintilmg the thank. First Opening of NEW FURS for the Winter of 1858. VIT would inform the 'Ladies that we y have dun r , ' elevc I 4011 r -upply of NEW FURS, EMEII=I wine)] have all been to.tout.leturell expressly for us ;LI , son, therefore, purelno=erz ran rely upon get ting HS. free front mo:111.. \l'e are litippy to -to, our pill,. 1110 lower ilina 'I he LA DIE , are respectfully illil . Cli to call nod cx afloat. our aebortment. REI=1:1 MEWS. W. EVANS & CO., NIT ORD respectfully inform the residents of 16tc vicinity. that tey hare now open tat thrtf new• atone the Jarge.t and alo•.t vaned 010011. mem of they hm•e ever Olirrrd. VlOrk iv mocily or their ow•n important., luvinc bern •r loch d roor• 01 the firm. ill the 111.11 kel In l'AtrOite. uI Such pi ter+ )14 wlll autlrle them to •ell on the 1110-t rea-011..1de SILK DEPARTMENT. li rne.1,1,.. L.., it obe - ilouh IC -lope. Holu•v ttan Flounc.• I'l .m. l'icuted. IA iii n toll tt , •-ornittint of lilac&• Silk-at .nil kiln!. l'arin War attelmon Mac heels 1:11.1 to the •rlartsau of 0,4 Stew's, and 11 vtlif he found complete ill It+ m,ottincol _ _ India, Stella Bordered, loreoeh eti,donele, Pruned Ilrovite. Long :it'd ',c0.., Woolen :11 ntdl.. Shawl.. , 1%1111 a full 'leek of all the newe-t of tt•lave,ls 110101 I'd CLOAK DEPARTMENT. (`lem), tinnini iii i minim,' in the lit Vel, rt., Plaid VI. ler I,Aiti. Tete iiituck el., int GENERAL DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENI Ne r Co-lonore. V:Ii4•11(.1.1, Pop lop.. alnli de Plow. loot Popla•••• 1:11 oev,o-i falo loripolo•O 111 111 I- liar. MOURNING GOODS DETAICI'M ENT 13111111./111r, C 1 1 ,111... A f 11.1,1, Vi•i(111 r 1 , (111- Crope•-, Co:t.ors >rod :sleeve, ith el ull guoils curt:il,. for "Poo ro.i:u _ _ - EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENI Lave Seto. Collar.. Sleeve, uim•ruin-, Plounrm,, Caps. Ilerilia,Cupc..lilovv., ',I, A, aauh u full n.-ortrueot of Eitihroiderw+ of all ludlna all 11., Ni.veloy... IIOSIF:flY DEPAIZTSIENT. A complete line n 1 I:otthtls llortery. tor Lotto... 311..te..(tt 11111: C . /II: . I( n , will be found to the he-t and mn-1 o ppo tt opot T. NV 1: A. CO,ecathilppily ipm•lP• lompectirat of i heir .100, it- they it-•I a..—oroci ti will (tool - ably 1111 pare with pot" other. in p.,•"ripputt, ,, r."lo or prim e . nal aoelpilia. Colutnbta Nov ft 1-s+-9m. SPERNI, LARD, SEA ELEPHANT, WHALE Tanners' and Minces' Oil, ALSO, ..SPERM, SOLAR S PERM. AND A DAM.AN:- TINI: CANDI ES Warehouse—No. 21 South Wharves; Manufac tory, Christian St., iteiato Seventh, Phtlad'a. Di:Jobe] . 1•,:e..3Fn The Best, Cheapest, and most Successful Family Paper in the Union. ME -EL B. E , s vcrximErcsr. Price Five Cents a Number; $2,50 per year. WrillVoll!ds%tl.olks, yifoftenw•e.ere call , t nttelilition nutr ,,ll nrpe r lhst ni4 ',est family paper pot/belied is) the rutted mace-. s u it tar thatt .oti. nod that alone v.e desire to it uneuriniite :and i.apt Out I. eertant ktrul of I arra tore too prey deaf, Is itch Wools the morals of its read era. 'nal., their tu.te t a r re...eloog. :old as u to gether had In its elleets le Landon Ad, miser. A.. Ilarper n Alagazote has dude much 10 drive nut the yellow eat ere.) literature. so we should be glad to -cc O tt . mew Weelbly take the place of those papers which depend tar t on pour, trushy nu York- Erattzthat. Harper's Weekly abounds in original matter. spicy. piquant, nistraeltve and cid, running. It 1t,,. and sly •cron ,lny. a 11 - 1 1 ) 1.11,11 1 aid tilt rea-mg circulation. Jt . n no top faniu s 11111 , 01 1 -14,1 1 0/IJour,no2. it (Ilarper's Veekn)) Is Me proper sure for Landing. and int excellent 0111701 amity is 1010rd1 1 11 for any 10111 1./.110 ss i.hca to preserve the history of tine country 11 tt - a. loads. tot].) sn by tfaing tiurper's Weekly —Pontiac kinch.) Jackson:nu. Its ire-h leaven, its clear type. it- CWO,IIIIIIII, variety, ilsl severe 1.10.111.‘ ( 1 1 1 1111,0 1 1114 0001101 C 101111,01 the tlllll , , its elegantly written and 111 1 -1(11C10,1101C1C, 0011 its able corr:spoit lenee. al; corn!., are to make it the model news paper of Our 00111101. until 011 e that every finally must tirade Its conde lised 0,0.11 1 sinimmr) 01 Foreurn and Domestic anteldgentre is altogether 1 1 11,1,10 r In 111.0 0011- t.lllO d 111 101) other permit. kleinia pt hits Led too, m p 10011 for preservation and t/1110111g. It taken rare at ad It deserves to he, tt will be t 0.11141 ut fature year+ us ss rl cnme a companion for the fainry and h resid e , the (lay 011 which it was first perused —ltlceonrathrille (I) rer. Its Illustrations nre fur ahead of any journal of the kind 111 the country Its pen !porn., of distinntri,lned laving men nre 01 themselves worth the price 01 the Chrtstron Ain ovate Rllll Altrollti. . I= • . . . . J'reah, ,Park:O,g. and %/VaelOn, 11, circulation is probably the greatest success es er achieved by any publicnuon at ouch an early period of its existence.— Braella Engle 'rite beet family paper we ever sow. Its pages em brace n Arent enruly or reading triner, tin a Welt 5 00 the leading tallies of the day are nrnien w'i'lt tut nbdny which WOO d do credit to the -Thundi rcr" of the British press—the London "1 eme." In point of ilia,- it to ahead of any of our pictorial slieeis.—Neta London Adi trust-, • I lurper's Weekly. gains renders and popularity with every Issue because a turns nt : 111 l I Int. Ow average re fit:are:nem for funitly rradine; wloch this enterprlsing house so well comprehend Its articles ore brief. to,ely. and devoid of puru , anskip: it as us versouta In subjects us It is even uI tone, besides being marrelou-ly clomp. —Boston Transcript. Beck number• of ffarper'a tVeeklv. a. well us Cowers for btuding the volume jun completed, can be furtu oiled lt) the Put:tither, TT:Rai& One Copy for Twenty WeLka, el.oo One Cops for One Year, 250 One Copy for Two Years, 4 00 rive Cornea for One Year. 0 00 Twelve Copies for One Year. 211.00 Twenty-Bee Copses for One Year, 4000 An extra copy will be allowed for every Club of Twelve or Twein) -five .üb•rriber• Volume I. for the year I Efirt. of •41nrper's Weekly. - haid•omely bound in Cloth extra, Price $3.20. is 110,V ready, [4 , 0.30, Itr-fit, HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT.--The Genuine eel ebrated Ototrnent, for ante hIeCOISKLE;& vEt.t.urrs Family Medtetue Store, Odd Felloert,' Halt. Of: I. RS, i .S.V3 . - - T _ TON'S Magnetic Powder for the &strat i! 4 lion of 1111 , CIAS. Withetlt T.. 11011, (Of rate at MeCORI:7I.F. 4r. DEI.I.,Errs Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' Hall. October 23 I-50. POMADES. --Just received a lame assort meet al Coaltsb. French and Amerce an Pomades, at 51cCORKLE & DELLETI - S net. 23. Formly Mediethe Store. FRINGIPASNI PONA DE. Vegetable Soffit il', Baridoline, Rear.. Oii. Miura Eou Kothorion, Rose Philiceme, Bear'. (ire a.e Alllnve (111, B.irry'• Tricopheroit., %%cud'. Baer Restnrarive. ()binder'. Bohn of Colombia. Just re ceived arid (or sale by Nov. 6, '5B. B. WILMA M. QIIIVING CREAM, Shaving Compound, Cold Crr.m. Vointade fre.l,, v•i freeived No: 6, —.4, ZILMWMION. LIST' OF LETTERS NOTICE H. C. FONEMESMIM. People'. oa , h Store, Cot um It to LADIES' DRESS GOODS SILAWE DEPARTMENT. DENNIS & JO .N 1,7. S Mannfartnrcrs ann Dea:er4 in Preparations for the Hair I=l Qnd for INE'S Compound of Syrup cu of e Tar, Wild LI Cherry nod kJ oarlsou, tbe r t Cough, Colds, Whooptag Cough. Croup.A.c. Nor ...le rut cCORKI Er DELLErrs Family' Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' Hall October 23, 1.85 i. BRANDY. --Just received a cnsk of superior O. K. Brandy. for Mcdtrn n 1 purpose.. at Funnly Madman. Shore. Oct 29,•59 $5 SEWING- EGACNINES A PRACTICAL Family Sewing Machine for LI S 5. * Perforimnr, folly equal work. No int...ine or ripping or N n init of order. ny body can lice it; everybody will have it. (Secured by rec. of grunt cf /titers patent ) EXclasi ye Right, for it few Suttee and Cd , tlllll4, will be placed willstu the rerch of all ententri-trig mail. (A portion of the Territory ud read y oret. ) The proprietot• confidently feel they noWilltinir be fore the public the corniest vintner for a profildtde investment ever uttered. A Sewing Ml,lllll, eon luring the regular aim:lnc.., which, by it, siztnat-li (rig ..tinpli•ity rind low cop will at once co to llie ho httoe been anziott-ly waiting lor the rtlachive to come within their gracp. fri — Ptiritc• to pUft - liase• are reepiest•-d Coll :Al Olin mid, fit; wrJ ' vett, a intolopril ' of lb, -loil•• county i ovp,upy , - ,...ssti.;‘Vrs.f: MACHINE CO. °Me, lAutlra h Ce, Needle Nlanutaeturere, da Broadway. nor Canal or . N V. LD"Call or -rod fort Circular with rats Of illaellinen Oioolier trl t•-re,.l For Sale—Family Coal, cluCif it% Baltimore CunipmiY, 0 Valley. Sunbury ,Trevorton.and 1:10%,r, al-o, Sulphur Coal. All the ulmVe Co:II IS kept under Cover• clear from dirt. awl 1. Warranted thtotl ;1110 (Ile ail. or lie !Holley ss 111 lit- 1 , 1“11‘1,1 toilet - H.llre It (hood Artie IC al tile LOY, st Rates, ...kill plea, apply to It I , A r NITA). ;No. I owl 6 Cal nal 13a....Aii.coluir,W,. Pa Columbia. Oiitolier 33, I-5.3. Price Reduced. to Suit the Times. F R In be had nt 1)E1.1.1 , XT , S Oct. P. 1.'7:P.! Family All•dietiz.• Store. Good oohs for Libraries and Win ter Evening Reading. 1\ I A i li your s forma nothing mole one .11eve hooka O.ll is 15 so' gemil look. No plea .um I. more refining or u-slut Mart the pie., sure of reading good hoi... 'nom Jo money ii. plea.ore• h 5 1,11110,1”4 11 111111 tour and !olionvolg until you have laid up a lieu-toe worth a Ito tope Ilirropali Wo will hell' odd a I i-t of pond for in -en rob of knowledge 0110 COI( Wl•ba • ••ra DICIIOII2IIT.t 1:n I Al/1/011% , life or Napoleon at. idled ) I 2 vol' ii VO The Em.)elopeilin of A-lAbhon • - Ifi-lore of King. m,• aturc. By I and Queen, 2/ vols. 16 Chamber, 9 vols. The Religion.. I , aii.;elope•!Reeollee:ion , of n Life ilia I vol I 'l ' t one. lly Goodrich. 2 The Viwyelopetlits Amen- vol.. 12 o) cana. 11 vol.. !Piciorial Geography of the Appleton'. Encyclopedia' IVerld, 14 S. G. Good. of lbog,raphy. 1 vnl. vo I rich 9 vol. s. vo flakes' I.lmgrapineril Ino.iNutural 11,400 or the 1" lintinry. I vol. 0 vo. Tile Cyclopedia of Useful! IVilliarn• 2 vial-. vo. Bums {citric.Pro.o- 1 11. , nr, 8r4711 and the Brazilian- I the %Volld t vol. a vo. I vol a so 111.iiiir. Eno) e . opetha of Living-loo'. Travel• nil ar.enee. Lm rams, nail Atnca 1 vol S vu. j An I vol a vu. Perry , . Expedition to .5a- (ire'. I)ietionavy of Art-. pan. 1 vol nvo 1 NI an u fActu Mines. Mirth', North Central Af-I vol rica. 2 col., S vo. I'llo• City of lhr Brent 1:111c, Laird'. Nineveh 01111 ital 111 Iltart las I sot 8 so. Ileitis.... 1 vol. I 11.irierolC. 1 1 i-loiy of the Hai ard To) tor'- Complete I.' 011111'. 7 vol. 8 vo. \(o,{,, 11 vol.. Of Eng, 11 ninbuldCbCo•stio..s vial. i land. 6 von. 12 ono. I.llacattliis'-1 I i-tory of Eng lor. 11 Gompletel 1011.1 4 vol.. 19 inn. ork.. 7 sok.iAltrani's 1 11.toQ. of Eu- Gold.mitli'. Antinmed NI. rope a vo. tore. 2 vol., 6 via. Coruplet. I.rbsury of Natural. W torten' oak- 14 vOl, 111-turf. 1 vol 11 v I 2 vo. Lil4l [mood. 1 li-Lorl. , lNr, itiplete 1 vol. svo I 6 vol-. vo 11noliesiborger's Nut anal Levi Woodhur)'s Work: 2 ants ICmo. :1 vu. The I.:tor:lmre A. Literary ,C1.1.6-' 11.1ory of the Con- Alen oi Gieat 1 main awl; •Inti•lon of rile Unit, d 1,1...1. (L .A. hit L,. otatr 2001,8 vo vol. so The Dutch Republic 11 . s Hallam'. Literature..2 l lotley :1 vol. 0 in. vul -via [land Ilarois'N %Vol 1.-. :3 1 I.Clion's Slid. Age. 1 vol ' vol.. ovo Revolution 11.11111111II's 11,— 00 tor)'l vol vu :T}p ,. . of MalillOod. I vol. Irvine:. Completea v.. including his ol'lndfcilou, Race. or the I 1:.,.111 10 10 the abase Ise have man) v 11mik. on all .111.4001.. 1110-I 01 Vs loch we lionglit us tl.e 1 saile•. A lea t or clo.aprr ,lock Hook, I,- r 1,11 es bo gt ut. d 111 1,111:1•41 . 1.111,111 I.IIIIIOW l.c seen to the Llicap Book of .1 1 IIN Sil 1 . 1.(1 , 11:11. Ocl.:30, Suree••or to AlurrsQ.,. Voisin; & Co. NEW AUTUMN GOODS. OPENING THIS )101INING, the most splen --olitnritt of Now ( iond+ we i•vf•r Esely eiitled 111 11, for 1,1-11. 41 IO; 111.1 0.1 11,4111 e. •11111 r Will be: -1 . 041 :It 111 -01011/01V0ner: our motto, --mull profit% und (pock %ale •. ' flu. AP . lit 1 0 •0:101.! 10 the i•u}, 4 uru..iol u. unod... daily a• cuutop tout Uo•o.tolo LOlllOllllO market Cep Cush Store MOE COLUMBIA MARBLE YARD, Corner of Third and Walnut Streets. rI I IIE undersigned invites the !Mention of ilti•l;cirottßlt oh Coluttoltin and lin 1111 v in hi , \ falloff. Van!. wlo•rr plentin f/ to nxnnuin uf intnernor In all dr-t•npuuu of Work in Mot lan. r.raurlr. Saint-ion, h ti Monuments, Tombstones, Mantels, Steps, Door and Window Sills, - - - - - nod Oritittoeooll Wort- 01 ever) 1.001 111--Nvolit vt di oey pet re willoilwr eXPI•I/1 , I 111 ilio• he feel , that lie riiit give tiali•faction to to— te-0.--f, boll, 111 111.111% :Ind pill,. Ile IA 01 111'11141 Urk 011 311n1 e rensnnable ct•rn, th"li Call be 0101010 J el•cwiiere• eel 20. 1-47tb-1 y I) KNOX. NVIIY SUFFER WITH PILES Finley's Vegetable Pile Ointment. TIIIS medicine, a remedy for the Piles, as n. nurne unpile., 1111, never before I wen r Its led to the public. 1i i. tint nitende.l u. a Clll , :1;1. Inn for !hut site dl.rn.e ae , the he.t I emetly now I, note nr t h o I ha. ever herrn, n bro. eht before the I) oblle I wtll ‘snrront n our.• 1.1 Inlhin too tit% RETAIL PRICE, $l,OO PER BOX. A lihrr•tl ill-r0t...1 to :lie mitt, h. IS. 111 7 .1211. \Chnlr~ulr• Agent fur Ile Untied State.. All °Mee.- uddru•Sal to loot will he prompt! .1,1.1,1 to All calotoutot . aitoo. tachlte--ell to 11/1:1 Wllial.o Lc ottert.ltut to o till dnpntr . h. CERTIFICATES. =I Nlr U. i , to eerily that t have In, it „ with Tire for ten year-: nfler u...tutt nor Pile Ointment for a (cc,. /Inv, it enifiely cured inf.: I not havoc.; had liar len , t aigif of n return Tinier 1.-111- 11ZO. 1 frill recommend it it. the remedy Mr [hot tinnialecione dnra.rWl:ll QOlll3llO p..r.111, are fifreeied. and would adviee lilt person-+a afflicted to I._e your Osuuncui. rzTI: A IVISIt Mr; P.. Cohindon. A typist 10,1,54. 11. I'INLEY-1 have etinered for over four year with the l'iles. mid have tried different reniente.., all to 110 Heenunt, 1 wii" , finally induced to try n lox of your (liniment, and tiller making eeVerill bpldma iunts,l 101.11111 II to relieve me. and I . ollllllllrd for n •hors time. when 1 wn. perfeetly cured It i. how five year• noire. and I have not had the lent .1,1, of n return of ore If sine per•nn ‘lmilld doubt the truth of this certificate, uddre+• me n note :1111.1 will give all ille informaiinn required I cheerfully recommend the• 01..tinent n• nn itientualtle remedy for the One box ni it may mice any One ',ht . nff•ete.l. all the pal, they lin, to 4 1111, u• well a• ninny dollars and cent•, To all of s ht•h I eh••••rfully •üb•cnbe. II G. 111\NICII. Septenther 11,1953. To Milliners, Merchants and:Others. AVE have now in stock, and constantly receiving (rota New York and Philndelphiii. Auction•, and of our own Importation., good. of the itteat Plaid Velvrta. Ve!eets. l'lnin Silk., hl nreelline• Florence., Bonnet Ribbon.. rim n, Satin null Mantua do., H uche, aitillinge, Wand.. Lace,. lila...ions. 4. e Ittt In me offer much below the usual price.. liber.ll difeotint to Ca.], buyers. WASIIRURTON, o DOG South Second Street, (account 131 y Good. Store. below.pruce) and 1004 Chestnut IlieCl. Cnd door above 111th Plid.idelphin. Oe loiter 2 left,:lin SECOND OPENING OF FALL GOODS SIXES H. C. Fonderemlthr AT THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. A NEW and magnificent stack of Fancy and Maple Dry- (roodir, at REDUCED PRICES, Our stock will far , iurpaaa anything in Cohn°lna. in the following hood., to which we re.pecifali) invite the attention of buyer.: Round Corner snit Plush nordirmd Stella rihnarbi, Brodie Long and ....‘quare .bawls. Blanket r.-liawl• for Ladies and Ml4-ric, rich medium-priced lire•• Silk.. rich black glo•iiy Silk at 50e to 11 OU per yard -rent bargain, rich ran. printed Wool Del lilies, rich printed Merinoex, rich French Choice. for wrap per., mill bordering to 011.1elo; to rout) and 1 . 11,11. b Plaid., French Nl,llllO and Coburg.. beautiful printed 111.16.1 H. '2ll and 05 ri. , CLOTH CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, Merino,. for She vele. rich Quilted and l'ltnh Ve•intea. new •t 3 he Ca••tmerrlt. and the Cheapen C.othe in Co Blanket•. Finnoel•. Mu.lm•. ritostarn..Calieoe•.&c . a complete a•-nrtmrul at Prices Suit the Times. IlUW Iw fF A._unIETlr.l MMIEMII=I HILLSIDE NURSERY, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA. TIIE subs iber ha Ting pur rise e ur- I_ miry loirly owned and carried on by Me,re. llou , ton near Columbio, Lan cu-ter county, Ps , offers to iLe public an exteueive mock of ORNASI ENTAL, lIADE & FRUIT TREES, Shrubbery, Vines, Fiowering and other Plants, and a general ti. , orttnent of everything connected with a Homey:lora( and Floricultural eatablisliment - „ Ile ha- added to ilte -to, t orllidlirli trees gtown in 1:01-ery.•atia by urtiorfentent with the min• exie 11-1 Or llortivulturt-to 1.111 %army ut 0.0,1 110111, any tree. •Inah. or 00,1 r rat-ed 111 line eowilry. Ile ha. ilovroughly re-fitted hi+ coffilnOthou , (;reeu lion-c, alit 1/., n fiikt; with a tree variety of choice PI ANTS, FLOWERS, &c. • many of wlorll are ru rely foam! outside a env Green !Inu•r. Ile, would call lineman: to Lis volleonnn ni NATIVE tt, EVOTIC GRAPES, , • - a Vc ,Urn v.. .nrtm, Ili of t4lllll, rr.-i •It 7 lt . - • rn r• it I-. .1 the elm," e • -on/. G lib, mod Nursery of Jo- V.•.. 1.111 Cherry Streei. Coluiirbio, which will be 0.14 , it to 111 , own eliab'o-lorient 3'f ]!r 1:1 , .%\'1)/kl.l. Irt- , bet, enonfretl to tike ellara, of ifie Finialrid Nur-el 1 Depoi iineni of the r-rry :out iii, wen ;roisitilt•tl seput•ttiOn wilf bo nOdionenl r :Ant, :or the tun:l:two of :he .tort.. S FT. PUT PLR. P. c eolleeellee tVidl die Ser-er) die prOplle tor 11 i uncle lin i.e 111101101 the Li gem.) . of Mr. Vet, •Adi 1. tleed elVelaiey nown rn ill de -1,71,1111,01.1n 1.1 lit nail lily mit qloolltl, p.ti tlen, Ice ;laid Jobl,ing In 1111- hue of the I. , IIICSS. loiter COLMIVILLIV & COX, Grocers and Commission Nerchant,s. W Coin, of frail Lv and l'aca eels. RAU- L ' • mole 11 p nn 6. [ld C// -elected slod k of I, roverte. alitl Liquors. fob, fl 1,5-• P. S. in G 57 .ei. Gu r. & C 0 . , Are now opening a new stock of PALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, AND READY-:ISADE CLOTHING. At the Cheap Cash Store, in their New Four Story Building in Locust Street. COMPLETE assortment of New and De suable Fall NVinter conh.ung an part of CLOTHS AND CASSIAIERE,S, I'n•url, el,nll , and oilier relehrnted make-. El.all-11 lila° :1 k and Fancy C.i...anere-. , attar..l-..leanu, Corduroy, ' for nl,ll awl boy n' vl . l y cheap. DRESS GOODS. likek and Pane) Die— Silk,. Lamm:, FrParli \irrt un.•-, all WOOl de hato , •-,l 2 .4raaa•tta s. all wool l'l.ada and de Cege-, Eag:l-11 mid American Print.. —all grade. anal al very loa• Inure.. SIIAW7.S AND CLOAKS. boulored to all volors and Cloth . ...11:1Wk. I.ollg a n d S4llllll , 'II:I WI, (..1,110m111.11 . - C:0111 Zlllll S.llill 111 •It DOMESTIC GOODS, HOSIERY AND [RIMMING Bleached Und 1:111/11.nelledISe 'lle6 nlc. Tldde• S irk Flannel:. the 1.1:111,/- nl Sh. rung lit-h Mar ... 111., mit! Linett Shirt end lienile -111,11.• NI. nein COIIOII end WOOkli 110- sler)—U eland prices. I:EA D Y.:kl JJE CLOTIIING. Ciatlt I'mck dud Vey-, Cualn. Rluek Fancy Can ,lnere 1:11-int ,4 Coto-. Over Cont. , . Itualan Snek , . 111 :/i.l re Punt, Suiiiwtt Punt., I:l.auk mid :,11111. :Ind Velvet Ve.ts—all In eve ry varlet) and ',live. lalgea--orimeisl of HAT , . AND 171111TIEL -1,A,. MeTAGUE & Cttutnton, Sort.2s 1 il, /'hoop Ca-11 Store. Fancy Furs- -for Ladies & Children. 101 1 N FAREIRA & Co., No. 818, (new no.) • Nlarket ahoy.. 1:1:211:11. porter.. Mann., to n. r , 2ni4l De.tler.. ill rattey rtir , for I,ot tea mud Citildrent; ako. (tent's" 1 . 11,, Far Col lar+ and Wei., TO , Ulan'', of yea , 4 that tve have hot, etitiat.Ted to the Fur I.t.inr“, anti the general rhor.tett r Cl our Fur, bosh for quala) anti wive generally line enliotr. that we Itooeeez,lry tor ii• ou, mo t , roan 111 at ur have too, opened our a.e.nrtirient or Fur-.1.1r lin- Fall :Ind \Valler .ales. of the largest and nu.-t a—oelment that we have ever reren , I,elore In rtlr• 'love all been Imported thou, pre-rut •eo-On. w y when toont. ,nret• and Fur- ' ell lona e ',neer than nt the pre , etit mite. and bair Loci teaout:o lo red Ii the ino-t coin perent ten. hrnrn, we ane therefore aelerinisietl to tell [heal al •Ilela or. 51 01 vool:at.t. to glee US Ike %se have I oree Olt ..41 , , that I, to -ell a .40041 aril , le Igo' a ler% -no t II profit. : , 101ekt•I`pel 111 i ziye u: a call. a,: they tims ll.t. Itlrge•l a--fotint•nt by far to eelect from ill Ilse etly• :A.: 111:111:/111,111e r . . 1 prlerrE. JUIIN rmcnizA & Co., No Slq -trerl, :above &111, Itha la September 11. rnlzADELproux SURGICAL lIA.IVDA.GE INSTITUTE• No. 637, Arch Street, one door below Ninth, A GEMT for the sale of Mrs. 13. C. Ever- Milli - need Abdominal Supporters. Teo•e+ Vlbirle. V. I. 1 , 1,1, Promp.ll. a here nia, to. Itad n :u:1 nod smiled rein, le Suppoi ler., Shoulder .u•t , told oil., ILitolage., a. • de at jo lire per tent. hie et Omit at any oilier csiiiblisloncill I/I El, 1•11) IA KotabV. ' , eh our. Tr,. lin. c urod 'monied- or ca,- whelk. cohere tutee failed.— br. Ito who,: 11:, Irl 11 ,, t 111:111V had 1 . 1.1, now lo•tr Ktinek va ilk 1:11 lit- new. mmtnvell :or 11:••••• lino 4 retert•ttet, I„. a ",.” ...tint: . trim, 41(111t lln .15 .1110 I'l,lloll I]la-'n o slol`l..g, AO, rt.. Knee lelette let I t inpre-soe-, RI 101 A ef pure , Zit m el., be bote4hi et-eek be re. eriitelie.i, Hail CVer} variety or sotpc.,l Ara move- nt greatly riallievil met., pliteing the t.e•l Make of gain! , Within 1,111 . 11 of all. lank,. ant lakd in private upnm. Iml nt the dinfe. by H C. I:ver , ll I . :lineal. , alit alma pmt to Til.l n.ntnn. f or oe. (Waal) lion to all filmrateinl. ' , op:. to? , r II _ _ WINCHESTER & ENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Store, and Patent :It the old Ft ito. No 706 rile-milt Street, Philadelphia, oppti -1:e 1101/,'• A Wlllei`-ler L:igll,-.l.llrreinfore.his per.onnl 1.1.1 snailufartuong tieputl nwto.(tries= Writ, et irhr.itrd .1) Ic of Shiris um! fi Lls ci nt the -belie-I votive.. Per4oo- tle-rang in order can be on r phed kith the fon:mill for mo•a•orrment r 021 application by Cmwunn ly nil L:unl n Vat ird nod select stork of (34,1 it rtintil-luttVg. -uppned o•t li lreatl terms. t•ept. 4. I y GUN NOTICE! A NDREIV WUREFLEIN ! Importer and mann taetiirer of GI , Vs. . No. 20, North Sreonil street. (shove Wm...) Philadelphia. where lie keep: on !mod mi cenersil n.iort• 'neat of floe doolde nee Pelgiet.nrrel Shot G 00... burg, Durk Rine, will. iiirrett-rd twt re.pentfully. tteringeS) DANIEL. LAlllOlll' & CO. =MEI=I3 . . PROP. (1. J. WOOD—Dear . ..sar: t-oinc roar laht •throrner ,e were Induced to zonic of roar It fir Re-forative., nod t s eller ts were -0 %code t feel duly toy no :rid the a 01, :e . g.! to report 11. Our little ..on's head 'or tome tune bud been per fectly covered with tore... and ,oine culled la -card head. The hair :limn.. entirely came oil /II enh•e• Vnliel n frlellth •ertng of. -,tiler.g. r• le ore your Rh•forulive, we dad inn" m'lol link inopr .uree.., but. to onr hnrorlh.. and that 0(..'1 out Mead, a very few opptivu.ioti< retook ed the ili.est•. entirely. and a Ile w ,ll-11 lux:lf:ant erep or hair soon •Itlrleni 031.11114 i we fail no. ans rur Inn) h n nne henl:h3 a Pray. Orals n, Ittrur,hr.l rs cron of It :1r as any otter shfld. c eat: therefore. mud do hereby fen PITIMelld )o , lr it e•lOraili•e. nOn It p