=gam TZOT/CE. TIM partittrship ' be -11, the ,tAlx..vihin.ri, the ram of Katifillms: Shaetrer t CD, ill the zsgAing and of iron. thin d a y the of ii. NI. North. The hospie , uilf be o.thtlott. ti,,l Ir) the rema in -11‘,.; zi. the firm .t IC.atalmr.ll L Shme,fer i tt ho will settle op the ho.uic sof th.• lot , firm. C $ Co'thobi.t. 11.AII.THA Ni A. I.ancasler. 11. M. NOIZTII, Co:ton:ast. Coraella 1 7 u mice. near Col ortthiu. ( /et. 1. It October :AI. Groceries and Dried Beef. T 1 . 4 T r,,,ived at the ryophf% Cash store. n lot of ) Grocerie+. :0 11,:alueed Priced. M,o. a Prime lot of him null A ppir, 11. C. l ONDia.SIIITII. the Bunk. Oct. 30. 1,53 200 rOUl or ~olc ly Prime Lit e Geese Feathers, 0, 00, Id :y. II C. FONDERSNIITII. 1 1'he New 'Work Tribune, 1858, '59• TIIE New York Tribune, now more than sev enteen years oil, whtelt was the fliidjonrinal in the world that appeared regular:yon tut impert tl eight-pour, sheet at no lose a price us too cents. und which ha, :it- Milted the tittpura.leer augreuate of more than 200,000 witle,criptioan. respecimlly it., =hare of the pa 'teenage which the Metropolitan Press is liencefoith to receive, Within the present year The Tribal° has provided ftiuilf with a new and baster Press. at a cost of .5' WOO, merely that sonic of our sub-criber, may receive their papers a mail earlier than they otherwe.e might do With corre-pondents tit the itio-t sinpoitain polo! , throughout the civilii.ed world, and a staff of writers chosen faun among the hest in the country, we believe that even dose sslue dialike the politics of our sheet concede to it franlcrie , in avowing, its convtetions and ability in maunnuwig them. NV., appeal then, to 1110, wits believe that an 111C1,11•IIIII circulation of The Tfl bune would conduce to the political, totellestual and moral well-being of the Republic, to aid u, 111 elkellllg sari increase. The Daily Tribune is printed on a large imperial sheet, and 110,1,411 rd every morning, :toil et ening. Nun ality excepted), nod initil.ut to stiliserdiers for six dal Urn per annum in nilviincie ir. , ,tifor 111011019 The SeintAVeckly Tribune is published every Tues day and Friday. and contains till the Ettitortak of the Daily unit the Cut: to. nor, and fleincial Markets reli- Jibly reported expre••ly for The Tribune; l'orcigul curl DOIRC•Ile during coming session of Congress it will manna a ,11111111.1fy 01 doings with the more important iliceelies. It will 11 . -0 contain a first-class note t. cuuuuucd from nuudwr to number. thus tint-ate no's:Taper to those ,holtrefer nut to take a Daily. TE1111:Si _ . One copy . . one year. sill Five copies, one, year. $11,25 Two copies, •• 5 Tell C0131,00011e addre. , *2o The Seim-Weekly Tribune to bent to clergymen at $2 per Zllllllllll. The New-York IVeelsly Trilame, a large eight-page paper for the Ciilllltr2., i. puld,hed et La y r...attaday. and contattea Editorial,. on the Important topic, of the woe, the news of the week. tilt corre , poutletWe from all ',art. of the world. the New-York Cattle. I lor.•c and Produce two het,. itoere-inot and reliable Polatc.ll 7 51c chatocal and Agricultural murk, &c. TEILNIS: One Copy. one ye:tr.l , ov, movie-. one year, "Three coin,. one year, 5 I Vets eopte , 011, or, 12 Twenty 00100 S: to 0110 add 02,-, at the rate of Si per annum, ..s Twenty• c 014,.., to all,lre-c of enell clibzeriber. and any lager 1111111' /0e 01 tine rap• 01 . 4 1 '2O cat: h. 21 Any per,on.rtoling u. a eitl , ) of twenty or 1110 re Ulll he Cleated to an extra ropy, We eolllllllle to Seed line Weekly Tribune to elerg, intent tor.'l. Subserrptton4 may CIIII1111 , 11,•at any time. Tennis always cruh m aqvanee. %% ben a drag can be pro. cured it is much safer than to remit bank bill: All let ters to be toli.lrebecl to • lIORACII (7121:1:1.1W S CO.. Tribune DuiklingA,Na-,au ,acct. 'Aew-York ID"Tlaftlntailm. for 1.59. eniituilllWZ the Election Itetoro4 and o.u.klioatter, NVI.I I/1,11(110,11,1i abollt CAIN -utta, Pneo I 3 vows: 1 . 2 cop.., 1....4-pwal, ,4ur SI; po-traid AL1,1,4, u, above. °ember 111. 1,5,4ite-nAv lIOLLOWAY'S OINT3IFSP.---The nine ceI ;LA. ebrated Oltalllllll. 101 111 Ali•cornit.E.N.. Fatralty Medicine Store, Odd Pellet,, , 11,11. Oct. 23, TMagnetic Powder for the destrnc flan ttotsott. for Al eel/NI:1.1: tic. D1{1.1.111 - 1 . Family Metheitte; Odd I'cllossc Moll. , October :2 b I n;:c-.. SINE'S Compound of Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and IloarlsoutiEl. for the core of Cough:, Whooping COl.lOl, Crottp, &v. l'or sI, cc 111eCOU KI.I & Family Metliente Store, Odd Pc Jove' 11x11 October 2.1, 163 t,. POMADES, ---dust received a large assort -11±,3.0( Eit g l ii, French :Ind American Pomade., 1/1:1,1.1."11”S Store. IE2E3E2 BRINDY.--Just received a cask of superior 0. K.l3rand), for 111.,10.0 al purpo-ez. of MrCURKI,I•, a. I"S 1- wally : ledictue Store. Oct tn,'.s. $5 SEWING IVIACIIIIIMS APRACTICAL Family Sawing Machine for 55. Performing . fully work. No ier ripping rd .-niche, No gelling' 001 orolder. Any 'body eau .1-e ii; everybody will have it. (Securer/ by recent ~."1.10( of kners patent) Exclur.ive Right- for n less , Slice...tine Centime: will Le placed within the rendh of an enterpri.in; hied ne-e. Tuna. la porium of the Territory already secured ) l'he proprietor.. eonlirletitiy feel they ilow Ware be fore 'be public the eneite,t chalice for a profitable iniverrintent ever offered. A Sewing Machine cull inh11111: the retina-lie qii!ii kWh. II!. t,tl/111.11. ing 101111111 e iii and low ennui. will al inure gn 10 Ille masse-, radio hove been iinxinti-ly writing for the Machine io come within their gi 117" Panic. Wi-lining to porcine..., ore requierded to rcall at onee,examine ilii.nio-twontlerfulachievement, and retrure a monopoly of the State or count) de-iced. NOVEI.TI A.SSEIVINI; M i CO, Office, liar den k Us., Needle Menai:tourer-. 121 'Broadway, nor . N V. ire• Call or 'Willi for a eiretilia: with cutsoftnaeldnen October 211,re-lin THE GIANT OF To E MONTH IA Es, HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY HAG- 1 - 2 4 AC11 number of the Magazine will contain 14.1 octavo [lnge, it datable eol ninth., each year thus compristrig near!) two Ilona-anal pages of the drakes' Mikcellancon. !mention . of the if•ay. I;Ci ry number win contain imrucrouo Piciona I I 11 accurate Plate. of the I'a-hion-. a (mama- chronicle oicurreni event:, and ono:owl I lather- or tie anipar• tart books of the 111011111. The %slain , . commune e with the nutrillero tar June and Deeeiriber; but sub. teriptlOna Ina) • commence v.ldi any number. T.cans —'rlie ;Magazine may he obtained of noel, sellers, Periodical Agent.. or Gout ihe Three Dollar a year, or Twenty-live Cent- a non. bar. The semt•ionma I vn or. completed. neatly hound in Cloth, are sold al Two Delhi r- caeli. 1111.1 muslin eatt.ll:l , are tarnished to ilia., who wu•li to have their back number.. motorail) 1,0111.1,111'1 ,, 111y• Fite Cents each. Fourteen volumeo are now ready, bound in Cud., at $2 CO each, and ul-o in Half Calf, at tit? 511 each. The Pubii-hcrs will supply specimen numbers gra tuitously to ageniq and Po-tina-ter-, and will 11.. Le liberal air:am:einem , . with than Mr vocal:wag the armgazine. They will al-o supply club-, of two pet- Sons at Five Dollars a year, or five per-nine tit T... Dollars. Cling) men rind Teacher , ...implied lit Two Dollars a }ear. N Urtiliero trim the Cornmeal . ' uncut an now be supplied. A 1 , 0 the boom' volume-. The Magazine weigh. over seven and not over eight ounces. The Ito-[age on each number. winch mud be mud quurte rl) in advaiwe at the uillee where the Magazine it recerved. n three vela, Fite titan[ Popular Alma lily 111 the word—S. Ob server. No Magazine in Europe or America irr on Well known; none has half a- many render, arid, we may irately soy, none has received on large a :ratline 01 admiration (rain the cultivated c1.0..e.r, that delight in a healthy, diver-ifictl. elevating, perindieol Itleralore. It is the foremost Mroga.nne of the day 'rhe lire4de never had a more deliglitrul Campanian , . rear the mi Ir ian a more entertaining friend. than Harper ' . Maga .Profeslcrat.(ltatishoie I Twenty-11We Cent- buys it—the a:he:lre-I. lielieta, sand 1110 , 1 lasiing luxury tor the Inane) thil tsr L nnw• ' three dollars secure- II for one p•ar, anal ,1.11 :lair dollars ever went on fn' Put thi. :mine amount rut clothes, rating, drinking. noon lure. rind bow or a olith.lallitial than!, ii? 11 I lean-, lava-.:lad laciatintelitc ha) e a 11101 a -tat ) Value —olio Ce till. If the humor that restrnareo, the plea-mato , that bring it gentle •mile, and brighten the pa-..age of a truth to your brain, and the, happ) roialiniation oldie real and the liao.glnative. without which im one can live a hie above the aninial, tire to be put Imo the Mille oppo site to dollars and cents, then }ou may lie certain Mat if Harper were three Or rout time. , as dear. It Cranial amply repay its price. It is a Maga/Jae Proper, Walt the amica and purpo,c of a Nl•iga line—not a Mink, not to petentlfie periodical, not )et a .upplicr or light g ot- Sip and chatty miccilote--bill :a illaga/ille that takes n'very form or interest:lig. dignified. and antral:llWe lit erature an al.:tea-p.-4'0140a. Tones. The voluineo Inausid ante-inure of themselves a lo bran) W . Miscellaneous leadieg. ouch as Vanilla! lie found tea' same coir,ta..... in out oilier atailalittaliall that has conic nder tnir Cvlaitr. &ember aa. I For Sale--Family Coal, oven ns Baltimore Conipa ny. Piti-tna. I.ekens' LY Volley. Banbury ,Tre voiton. nod Poic Gros Sulphur Coal. All 'lie ulieee Coal ie Lela angler Cover, clear from dirt. unit 14 W.1. - rank,' than] act, Clean, or line money will be IT u ,..1 1 in to procure a (load Arttele at the Lots e.. 1 Rate Kw plea-ie apply to r. V. AP Prit.D. „Nat. 1.2 and G Canal Cat-an Columbia, Pa. Columbia, October Price Reduced to Suit the Times. FR I;:_411 Burning 1 , .1,1,1 n %VII •In he nd at 31cC09.1:1.1.1 k 11E1.1.1:1 - r$ Oct. 9, 1.9:el: 1 7 aniily inc Store COL — MiSAN Cc COX, Grocers and Commission ]lerchants. W. Canter of rrauldin and Bahl ', • more, keep ena, andy nit limal a well 1-elecied Mirk Grnerrit.4. tics au! Liquors. Ur lobe r;a0 SEEBRIPV6 SALMIS O N 1533, 0, a i t ,. tw0 Ftelll , Itnil Ventlitioto out oftl,,Court of Cottontot Lattelt-ter enuoty. 101 l to sue directed. I oil expo-c to public rule or out-cry. 111 tar Coo: ii 01 1 ,". 111 the City of Laucater, the follnAvit.or Vii: • • A LO'r OR PIECE OF GROUND, 11 . 011!1•17: all liul sireel. in the Ifornug4 of Columbian GI IN I'.\ INI NC.; ONE Atilt P., (more or le--.) adjoin ing pi opetty of Jo-cols Ulmer 0,1 the we-Land A reh 11.1t1 'Wright on the curt. deer as follow 4, vie: liegionint; at a post when: Ate north coat line of Jo -eph Clint'.e land , tr.l.es - , aol F.treet, thence Mel, ',did Mill Fillet, north 11 degree. eit,i. 17 perclte. .11d:: tenth- in the non tin corner of an abut infii of the bridge erected •ro.: Shawnee Run: thenee along the •oulti-we-t -ide of .said run, not ill 4.) ih•glee, we', II pe robe, toll po-t.thenee .outli 49 degree: w e,r. IS perelte.a lid 011 e-tenth to PO.l oil the line of Jo-eph . land, south :2.1; degree, tell per clip' arid :qr.-tenths to the place of Lo gi:ming. ou Willeil is or eeted A ROLLING MILL. • for the purpo-e oil making and rolling all File , t and kinds of Meschant Bar and Railroad Iron; said Mill tiring IGU feet oil it line parallel to said Mill it reef. by 1.10 feet in depth. all roofed wills slate, :liree Puddling ' , unlaces and Boilers, 4 Beating Partitives with a Boiler to each. A nest of three. Boiler- midi lional vi hit iwo tVater.Tanks, the Itoiler• having 1)0 inch cy tinder. 30 feet in length Willi mud drain, at tached. two Swain Engines. two train- of Poll. and -mall Mill, Olin Simee:rer. Bolls to male sal ors,' of Bar Iron, Roll% fur making, Railroad Iron, one Lathe for turning Roll-, two Saw- for -awing; 1101 If°, uric Railroad Iron Straightening Ml arhmu or Patent Pre-., awn 441J11 Pre,,-,isvo Ilin-ting MUM,. two pair of Slacars, hot and cold; two Black Fire one Buggy. a Rail Carriage. Belting and Shaft ing, with Punic, belonging sliereto.nue Road Platform Scale- for heavy weight. so Ith all other acre-wary maelliccry and fixtuaa, =eatable for ii Rolling Mill in complete and ha-t-rate order. the whole being nearly Orlo; and Vi all. anther improvement.- including it one sum y BRICK 011 - FICI-: covered with slate. :10 feet laming on Mill street, lay lii feet drop, two lineal- and a secuse maid per:lima:la Safe therein wadi a cellar under the !mailing illlll wa. completed :;boat two en 1- ago, and n. in good coadnam. li. locrnon t. Within o hundred) aril , of A re hiliald AVltglit'A two nee l'arnacer. and very n ear the Petto-ylvani.l It .ifiroad and Swninehansot River, with both of which there may he an ea.,y commun.:anon by mean.: of a Rat ler ay con-tn.:Led and owned by Mr Wright S. veil and t then in 1•XeCt111011 ;1•+ the properly of VINCENT SAIITII and 1)r. DANIEL 1. I.:RUNE:It. ALSO. at the came time and place. a lot or ground is the borough of COII.IMI/13., fronting on Locu , t , treet , above Fourth mreni, 30 feet, acid extending In depth ..271) feet, (more or le-..4 to the Columbia acid Lance.. to, tooth] ke, WIIII MINI° ....tory BRICK DW . " :: 1 ISO li Kitchen attaeed.:,noke IT; • Wood Ilou-e, and oilier Tia Dwelling Ilou.e ha , a front 0f...!.1 feet in Locu , t r-rreet, with a -even f•et alley adjoining the lot. (i.t. Fix ture, the clwelllng,hyth ant in thv yard, Fr art tree: and rubor improvement- thereon, adjoin ing property ol.lollllKidder. Snail, and oilier, A- the property ofOI,IVER II I'AXON. are -cried tutblbiken w eXt,UllOll.l.lllt/ to tit . -UM by LiEN.I F. 11011 - 1:. Odiee, lit reactor, October 11,1,:i;• , . 0.•101.1 16 1,5-1-i-r NEW AUTUMN GOODS, OPENING Tills ',HORNING, the most splen did :1.•011111ellt 01 New F.,:i Gaa.l: we r•Vt.S . of fered. Every nrirele -oiled to the -er.oo.porelm.ed for ea-h. at the la,e-t figure,•rutt will Ire 111. adtallel, our 1110110, ..-111:111 profit , . /to! quiet: 4 tu ra...' Oar Agent ten.rdrog in the city. , orward r t . rods dolly a- fa-t a s cheap and de-oalde good c g ome rum market. _ lIALLMNIAN'S Cheap C:1 , 11 Store I=lllll3M ELr.cTZOIV. A N Election fo one President, Five blana gel< and one Trea,nrer at the Culunibla end Cln•-amt Hid Turnpike Mind Company Mill I.e held at the piddle hot-e of Jai tilt Altller. in the Itnrough la Co. 11.1111111. Oil MON DA V. THE FIRST DAY OF NO vENHIER between the hoot, of :land 1 o'clock. .1. W. toTTRELL, Secretary. October 9. NEW OYSTER SALOONS THE subscriber will open, on Monday next, at It, hotel. corner of Second and Lorost tialoon.. for 11 ode of _ . • OYSTERS AND REFRESDAIENTS, in every ei)lc Room. will lie expre—ly lilted up for the acrimunoilation or anti ticatleineu. 1114.5 ObI:1111 Refrerb.u•ot-a1 all hour-. A ~ .eparnie Saloon wilt lie kept for holm- winch will be .irictly private. No effort or expei,e Will Inc -pared to lona-li the 1.e..t amides iii the ...whet. and the II0:11 , 10 receive a :Metal encourrgement 111 , enteral rly -ter. on the .411,11 may be h ad in the Ine.ement. I:violent...O.:Saloon Olt the fir.. 4 door—Lone,' Saloon on the eccond ,tory. = NEW STOCIL OF FALL GOODS. Just Received AT I. 0. BRUNER & CO'S. Corner of Third and Clill,ll Sheets. WE Have just opened and call attention to a II ,h sloe/. of VALI, GOODS, ing or CLOTHS, CASSINI ERES, VESTINGS, .AI)ICS' ItgEsS 0000.S.—Stilk-. De homes, Itle mates, Ail lVool PrintA of every ctyle, Se, Ac. A full t , tortuieut of Men', I'a 11 itial NVitnei Wear. su Chub-, Capktittere, Are, pl.tio turd holey. A neat and lsenuunil selection of Ve-tutec lu ino-t rt a-onable poetc. Without enumerating the goods contocu.lng our stark, we would -tote that they are of the be6l wodity and -o varied in Si) le, and price a• to -uit every ta-te nod ionic within the mean. of every purcha-er. We believe that we coil sell cheaper than the cheapest 111 Columbia. Ourroad- have been purchased at lOW and we offer unequalled bargains to our ftieudi and cu., 10111e1C. Our a.ual exeePeta stock •1 10191 011ielu!ly kept up, mid we eau iuttu-li pCIIOI. Sugar-. Mola-t.e., Coiree• Tett, Sc., at u very tow figure. 175 We invite au CXWOiIiOLOOI of our new -tuck. I 0 BRUNER. 11. F. 'BRUNER. Col hi:1,0001;er 2,1053. Administrator's Notice, LETTERS f Administration on tit c estate of rt13111:1 Cole. tilde of the Itorouttli of Columbia, de rea-ed. litiving been grunted to the undosigued, aII p Cre.oln indebted to id e,inte are hereby notified inn Fe immediate pit) meat, mind tlio-e having chniiiirs are reque-ted to pie-.. 111 them for gettlement. to WA I.TJi IL (1111;EN, Adnninstrator. Sept. di. 1 4 5 i fit Wily SUFFER WITH PILES. Finley's Vegetable Pile Ointment. THIS medicine, a remedy for the Piles, as 11l 1111111e11111 , 111 . •,11:1 , 'lever before been rill•red to the puLhr. L i- not intended it- it cure all, but for that one (il-4,1•1, It I. the he.t remedy now known or that ha- ever before been brought Lenore the public. I will tyn rrnnl a ('lire by followinir Inv direenon, RETAIL PRICE, $l,OO PER BOX. A liberal di-count to Ilie trade. E. IL HERR. AVliole , ale Agent for the United Sutton. An unit,. add reaped to him Will lie promptly attended to. All communication. , addreencd to him will also be attended to with dintuneli. CERTIFICATES. Columbia. May /1.1.955. 'Mr P. ruci.m - - Thi= ceraty that I hat, liven alTheted with the Pile- (or ire year.: alter uinig your Pile thlitment for a few day-, it coUtely cured Me; I not having had the lea:t sign of a return -lore 1,10- 1 2 year: ago.. I cult recommend it a- the remedy for that tiouble.oine di-ea-e. with w•h:eh-o many per-no are affected. and would ad, all per-on: i.ta afflicted to u-et your 0111Ulleut. STR A NV BTU In: 11, Columbia. August 10, Ittrio. U. FINLEY—I have ;uttered for oct•r four }ear= with the Piles. mid have tried different remedies, nil to no neentink I was tinnily induced to try a box of your thotinent, and alter making several applica ions, I found it to relieve me, and continued for a short nine, when I ova perfectly mired. It is now• live } ear+ since. and I have not had the Ioa•t sign of a return of the 111.,,15e. If any person should doubt ;he twill of dos eel addreiiu ntr n note, and I will give all the Information required. I cheerfully recommend the Ointment HA nu 111 , 1:Ii1Milie remedy (or the Pile.; one box of it may save any one who is niferied, all the par: they have to sutler as will n+ many dollars and cent, To all of which I cheerfully su li-crthe. 11. G. Al INN ICII. COURT PROCLAMATION. _ _ _ \ - \7I! I I . ItE iI AS l A lon l , y G 1 y o u NG, ch,: A“,teitite Jude. of the Court 01 Gum mail Plea-. 111 and for the courtly of Imni•a.ter.und A.-I.tota II( the Court of lifer and 'rammer, and (letieral Jail Delivery, and (hoarier Se-tutu= ni the Peace, 111 :red for the county of Lunen-ter, h a ve itimed therr Precept to me directed, requirmg me. alllntiv, oilier thing.. to make Piddle Pri....latinition throughout in,' 6ndttvtek. that n Court of Over and Trimmer atm (hetteml Jail Delivei); 11 Court ni(Mnerul (hoarier t‘ettFirms of the Pence and Jail Delivery, will COMMeilee at the Court IlOintr. in the My of Lonen-ier. in the Com inonwellth of Penn., I vaina, on the TIMID All DA V in NOV. 1-5 , In purmattee of which precept, PUBLIC N(lii Cl. lIEFIEDV to the Alti3 or mid Aldermen of the ell) aflame:loer, ill =aid mum**. nod all lire Jti-f iteo , of the Peace. the Coroner, tool Comtable. o• 11. e sold city owl Conroy of Lanen-ter. that they be torn tied there to their own proper per4rni..with their roll., 7ernr.l 4 and eXaM111:111011,1111.1 !aqui-Mon., Mal their other realetribraitee-. to do tho.e n Melt to their Mlle, appertain, in !heir behalf to be dour; and al-o all Dime who will pro.ecuie the prl , olo r- who ore. or then titian be. in the mutt of the .:11d ettnity of Lancaster, tire to he then and them to promeule ognimtlheal 11-. shall be I/ 4 1. MUM] nl Latneaster the (1.. y of N0v.14i7.. BENJ.% F. lii I\\ I‘., Sheriff'. . . N. B.—Punctual attend:on e 4,1 the J and Wit• w•dj herCafier be expected and required nil the fir.t day or the Fe-Sion. A Mennen and Jllylite. of ilie I'c.o•e are required by an tinder of Court, (Hied Nov. :N. I-4.1. to reiorn their reerizintain to Soma< Cl.•rk 0 1 Quarter se•••ion=. w•ubur one week from the day of final action in cavil ur•c, nod in de f.lllll thereof, the Aragi.trutes' coats will not lie :fl owed. Oct I NOTICE! COLUMBIA BANK, OCTOBER 4, 1558.--An Electros forTharteen threeloin for lill4 in•ututtou tll ho held at the It:lnking Ilou.e in Colum hm. Pn.. 011 WI:DNESDAY. 10ah ID NY OF NOVENI HER. betwt en the hours of 10 :and 3 o'elork. [Oci.l l , ' 3 . 1 , I t•Am•L sliocit. GLEASON'S NEW WEEKLY LINE OF BATTLE SHIP, ' I IIE object of this paper is to presofit, every week, an agreeable melange of the notable cc cots and literature c/ the time. ;Is ample column. w all alwa) s cantina a goodly seem of popedur original Tales, Sketches of Adventure Cu :jell or Laud ; and Po etic Gems. by the 13.1.L.T AMERICAN AUTHORS, Also the cream of dome-tic and foreign news CO COR den‘ca as to present the largest possible amount of Me intelligence of the day; the whole well -Heed a ills WIT AND HUMOR, To politics, and upon all sectarian questions, [twill be strictly neutral. hurt rdruuu ,cell L•• BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED with accurate engraviiii:s. by eminent artists. of nota ble objects. current events in all parts of the world, and the 16.111011a1 social peculiarities of every people. It will contain views of every importuut City, al edifices of note in the eastern and _western hemi spheres, of all the principal ships and steamers of the Navy and Merchant Service; with fine accurate por traits of every great public character. male and female Sketches of picturesque .scenery, representations of -.life on the wave," and exact illustrations of admirable or curious specimens from the animal kingdom, win also be given. Due great lecture of GLEASON'S LINE-OF-BATTLE SHIP will Cole-61 of a -broadside" of Humorous engravings. executed by the best artists in that hue and aimed good-naturedly oral iii a spirit of genial fun, an the reigning lonics of the age. and such new public projects, fashions arid occurrences, as shall stein to be fit sub jects for conne illustration. An Unrivalled Craps of Contributors. have been engaged, and every departmenr he Coll. .11.1C10,1 under tile [nest effirieill stint perfect ,3,tets that experience ean suggest. This popular Journal will be printad upon fine saliu surface paper, fruni new mid beautitul copper faced type manufactured expressly for us, mid will present in its mechanical execution the most acceptable CVIIICIICO of the progress of American skill. The size of tins clog art specimen of art will be about lan Cum:ire incest—ea:ln super-royal quarto pages. TERMS, $2,00 PER ANNUM. The first nand., of this new illustrated paper will be for sale on the first day of November next. at all the principal periodical and news atrencies and respectable literary Depose. ill for 1.53111011.7 , i111eg 1111,1 Ilw Canada.. (tLE.A:. , OV.t , . lAN I I CW-11A171,E will In mrl,- 11.11cd regularly every Saturday, at Gle.isan's Puble.lo 111411aq, t•Orller of Tieniout mad Itroinlit Id streets, Bos too. Mass . by P. GLEASON. 117 - General Wholesale Agent, A. NVINCIi. 320 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. [Ost.l6, 1655-fit WILL be sold at public sale, at the Wash mUloll Hinny. Columbin, Pu., on SATURDAY EvENENU, ucrroltEß MI. A LOT OF GROUND, situated nu T.oeu.t qreet. adjoining the Presbyterian Church. being :30 feet in front and extending 190 feet in depth to a I f,et allev. an whirl, ereennl a t‘vo,tor) FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, what two , tory liack-bundlue.. &e Sale to commence at 7 o'clock of Quad day, when term. , in -ale +A IN be nude known by Oct. it, JACOII P. S. I'KcTAGUE eii. CO. Are now opening a new stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING, Al the Cheap Cash Store, in their A'ela Four- Story Building in Locust Street. A COMPLETE assortnitot of New and Be -u Fall once WIIIT er G Mad, eolliqqing 111 'Wu of CLOTHS ANI) CASSIMERES, Clack I.n•urh Cloth. :mil other et•h-bratet! mat..'. Cm 411.11 Blue 1310,11 liiol l l, 111.ick and Fancy Ca..tittettr., Snitorit.,JeUll., Corduroy.; for uu•u arid I)() .2 7 Wear—vvry ch,op. DRESS GOODS. Clack and Valle) I)re-- I.utune, ' , rear+ rr nor-,all wool de Luny-. I , ,tiatnett;,, all v. oul Plank and de Crgc-, I.:ugh-11 and Amenean Printb grade, and at very Gm. figure-. SHAWLS .ANI) CLOAKS. S4lla, Itroi•lte.battlereil tit II II color , nod ctyle-i Brovlie. '1 hibet :mil Cloth r-Itawl.. ,11.1W1, 1.,11111 . 1111•11'. Cloth untl r-,1111 Cloak- m all DONIF,'STIc GOODS, HOSIERY AND TRIAIAIING. Blenched and I.llllllk.arlied :sheet! C air 'l':'!. nig-. Linen-, Sock Flannel.. the b mud- Al u , l in-, 1 rt -II Li arii4. Mar ...l IN- :lad Linen Shirt ii)-0111., 11111 i I einle ...W.. Merino Ca•hwerr, Collin, arid \C,olrn Ho r} —a gi and a...31111w in at the lowe.t pares. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Cloth noel; :mil Coat.. Black 01111 Falle V 0., e•i1111 . 11 . 1T.U.1012,4 Coat+. Over Coat , . t:ltielr.t. 'noel; 1111,1 1"011ey Ca.ooinere l'ant-. S.itooot Vont-. Mack ;111111 7 0m.y Satin. l'ln.ll :toil Velvet in every variety of ...1:.11.• and pi to, 9'. 1 . large ii—ornacia of II A'l'S AND USDREL• I'. S. NIcTAC & CO. = C,;lumbi., Sept. '25. 1.:r4 HILLSIDE NURSERY, COLUIVI BI A LANCASTER CO., PA. subscriber having purchase lh rime. .ery latety awl earned on by Mt,-1..11uu-lou t Alain. ucar Cultaulau, lam ed-ter eumuy, Pa. offers to the public an eXiClisiVe =Loch of ORNA. ENTAL, lIA DE & FRUIT TREES, Shrubbery, Vines, Flowering and other Plants, and ngeneral as‘nrtruent of everything connected isith a floitieultitral and Plot cultural Ile ha- added to the clock of gand.ird Ire,: grown lit nur-ery.innit by :Irrisetv . lnelit with the more exten-ive eau supply al short tattoo nnV tree. [loner raised in the country. He has thornuttlily r•••litted etuntnoiliou. Green llou•e, tutu it tilled with ri tat ce variety of choice PLANTS, FLOVVERS, &c. niatty of tr Inch are rarely found out..idc a city Green Hots-v. 1112 would cull particular attention to his colleetio., of NATIVE & EXOTIC ' GRAPES, i l•r rc ,-!.A a very eaten , ive pg,,• 4 .V „F ru nti of all flu:MO:4 ,g 1 5 .70 de-able vorictic, lle ha , al.° recently r 'r parcha-ed the entire cl.: of the is ell-6 Oaten Garden and Nur-cry of Jo .eph l'evedall Cherry Street, Columbia, which will be added to In- own e-tablishinent. YEIVDALI. ha. been engaged to take charge or the Floral and Nor-ery Departinent of the Nur-ery, and k well grounded reputation us it nu,eryina a and ilore.t will he additional guar antee for the condition of the -loch. P. P. —To connection wills the Diur.ery the proprie tor actll 01.4,1111, through the ugeney of Mr. Yea•- da!l.aaho-a ant-1 tuvortaltty knoaa•u de partment, to pltott and lily nut ground+, garde... Ate . WO do genera! Jobbing.. till. lOW of the bUsilitteOl. COlumbla, tSepierulter IS, I HOUSEKEEPERS in laying np their winter uppiw,shinold remeornoer that good pure Spicer, such as Al u•tard seed. (Mine or lolack.l Corti...oder, Cloves, Allspice. l'epper. Muer. Nutoneg4, Cinnamon, Cayenne. Race or Jainaien Ginger, are warranted to be sold whole or ground. by the on lire or pound. at McCOR LE DEI.I..F.TT'S Flintily Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' Hall. Colurnl,ia, Sept. IS, 1053. Fix PAPEII.—For sale at IlleCorkly, Da ratfue, Sept IS, '5,3. thld Fellow.' Hui!. cCORKLE S DELLETVs Drug Store is the .131_ place. to proeare cheap Vont oattaie, e. [Sepi. le, nit, To Thinners, Merchants and,'Others. TjjE;l y e .lron New \ now iiistoc. klrind 1.l constantly i and `v rcrci'l pin t. lurlrnn and of oar CM, I lnpormiinnc. good., of li t e 1.0,4 ia lirainet:,Silk.f. Plaid Velvet:, Ve!vet..l'l,llllSlikan Marcellitieff. Florence., Bonnet Ribbon.. PLnu. Saurn am' Mantua do., Kathy-. Blond, Lief..., Lte . which we offer touch below line wool prices. rrA liberal di-count to Ca.li buyer e. I'VASi1111:11TON. No. 206 South Seem! Sirert. (-recoil Dry Gocalff Fiore. below spruce,) Philadelphia. October :2, 1-se. Sun SECOND OPENING' OF TALL GOODS TITIS DAT. H. C. Fonderstnith, AT THE PEOPLE'S CARL STORE. L k NEW and magnificent stock of Fancy Lx_ mid Staple Pr) Good+. at REDUCED PRICES, Om. stork will 61( •urea"• 1111)111:11g in Colombia. in the following Gond , . to which we rerpecitully invite the tillentioll "(buyer, nrinitd Corner rood PhsLit I:ordered Stella t:ror•ltc Long and Siplare Shawl, Itlanket for I,adie. and 111••c+, rich medium-priced Drt.pa Sdk•. rich black silk at slle to *I 11U per yard. a creat bargain; rich I'an• printed %Vont Itebtino.., neb priulcd Mortinte..rirli french Chun/ca for w•rnp per-, with bordering to match; Saxony and French Planl4, Vicar!, Merino and t.nburgc, beautiful primed 11,1, 0n 0.. at 12;.10; I. 20 and 25 rt•. CLOTH CLOAKS ANI) MANTILLAS, - - Nieri.lo... for Slinwk, rtelt lbltited uud joi.4h new Its le Co.onerek.lool the CheopeAt Cloth% in Colombia: illanketv. Cultroe, Sc.. u complete n,sortinent lit Pi ices Suit hue Times. i''Sat lam I. from 2:ic *l,OO evr 'aril. Call and Fee nor good+. Col um Lm, Ociobor DR. 80. WRIGHT, laic of Dauphin county, "ill open at, otlire oathe 1411, ut4 .111i3Oraf.l.trert. Reenact door front Front Siee:, Columbm. a here lie will Le found at all lane, prafe.-1011alIV eneageil. prepared to :wead to the practice of teed...foe and it. collateral branches. [Oct.!). 1c3,11 FIRE PROOF SAFE FOR SALE ANEW llaring's Fire Proof Safe, No, 3, for .:11e.. Alloy at 11., Colnmbm. SrPtt obrr 11. It-L- it PUBLIC SALE The Lamp- give a light equal in inten , ity or mune, tr ill .molar 111 appearance to go., :anal are churned to be , isirencor to all other portable lightl, HOW in u-e. No fear of Explo-ion —No otreaeuve odor.—No smote. —Very rattly trammed —A+ early regulated 11 - 4 a gas light-Gar be :adapted to nil purposes.-Aud bent-111.ln all lot a poor 1111111.—W per Cella. cheaper than any other portable light, now to common ne. Sole Agency also, for Knapp's Patent Rosin and Coal Oil Lamps. - Cr Lamps, ods, tool every article Chea Store. lin the lane • S SOUTHLAND. p _ i. n. ruizc►.r A Cann. fancy Furs—for Ladies Sr. Children. 1011 N FARElltil k Co., No. 518, (new no.) 0 Market street. above Etglith, Philadelphia—lin porter., Al.iiiinneturers and Dealers in Fancy Furs. , Bar Ladiha u.n.l Children; al-o. Genis Fur., Far Col ' far, and Gloves. The number of years that We Ittive Lehr. eitgl4., , Cd in the Fur burmiess, and the gbiterul character of our Furs, both for quality and price is to generally kildwn throughout the eolintry, that we think it i, unnece4-ary for as to say au) thing more Than that we litivU now opened our a...nriment of fire, tor the Fall mai V,'inter Salesi of OA: Intittst and nic,t lienui.f.l ac-ort meal that ace have CvCr of fire,! lielorc to the public. Our Vori hare all been imported dining the pre.ent 5 5:i5011, WON/ 1110 ") tea.;.4 - ...aree and Furs muvli lower than at the preemit time, and have been manolactured by the mo-t coin potent workmen; we ale therefore determined to sell them at -twit prices as Mill continue to give us the reputation we have borne for years, that /510 ECII a good article for a very -mall profit. Fuorekeeper will do well to give a= n call. ns they will find she large.' assortment by far to select from in the city, and at manufacturer's priers. JOHN FAREIRA dr. CO., No bid Market street, above htli, Phila. Sepictober 11. IS:el-linos PHILADELPHIA SURGICAL 33.111VDAGE INSTITITZU No. 837, Arch Street, one door below Ninth, AGEACY for the sale of Mrs. B. C. Ever ett'. Premium Improved Abdominal Supporter., Tr.... 4 :Ind Moulage, Dr. Charles C. NI. Rawlangs. Prnicipul, where tnay be had a full und vaned .orttnent of Female Supporiere, Shoulder Bruce-, and oilier liandage ~ for ...iv nt prices twenty five per cent, lower lbw: 21 any other establorhment ill lile clip. Dr. linichile celebrated radical cure Truss ha. cured bend rerb of Cast, where others have failed.— Drire $.l Dr. Bawling= hag treated ..ucees:fully mnny bad iI•C , of t 4 pme tli.wa-e. Club Foot. Bow Leg. Knoek Knee, and IVenk Strlsle•. writ, In. illiplOVed rap. pit rtitll4 for tlte , e dt. , sett•eQ. to which tra ce. reterenee colt be given. frier: ranging. front St 00 to r. 5111: and Cotton Eltt-ite Stocking-, Auldet., knee Cur., and A itdollllll3l Compretors, at lower price,. limn ent, be bought el,where. Cratelicit, Splint.. and every variety of Surgical Apo:mace.: at greatly reduced price:, placing the be-t make of gontll within ',lava ot all. Lathe- attended at puvatc apritneuts ut the *WM. by Al ra It. C. Everett Particular attentina paid to Itt , trumeatc for de• fortuity ut eltildren.and t.ate.factsult to all guaranteed. September 11, 1-5,-.3ato. WINCHESTER & CO., CENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Store, and Patent old No :0d Chc , umt tired, Philadelphia, oppo si:e the Wa-longton llou.e. A. Wow he-lei oilpee as lieretofo re. his per , onal vi-ion of the rut tutu and in.iiiiitaelurnig depart ment- for hi- velelliated •Iyle of Shirts and Collars filled at the •liorte-t OCIWC. Maur : . •111114. Coln Ire -upplieil with the rotunda for inno.tireinent, on application by Coto-tautly on halal a vinied and select stork of (4111O•Cli•11 . .1 - 111 . 11,1011f4 GOOti4. I r.:, NA hole-alt Order, , tlpeliCd COI 1 . 11)CrOl tactics. ',q.t. 4. I •-54.1 y GUN IVOTECE! A NDREW \VERDI - 41E1N ! Importer and mann nearer of GUNS, 11l 1.1.E5. Pl.-;T01.5..1e -No. 20, North Second Stiret. (above Race.) Philadelphia. where he Lee (s eol,finlth an h:uul n eenerni a... 011- 111e..1 of hue double aunt .eagle barrel Shot Gun.. large Durk Gnu., Mlle., will, increa.ed tin:-E., no iltoot tie pointed 1.111 awn make; Hine Barrel., Shot Rag-. Pouclie•, lle tow, pet-onq wiehing to porelia, good- in he- line. Cu call and examine lie. -lock before purelm•iiig el-ewlwie, a. he is deter nulled to -ell on tile mod reasonable tern,. 1:9-1.unieular am.mium imul to Ittmuirtim in nll it.t braucht, [Sept. 4, I..SS 3m "'l•hiek Da cover, Ili, earth, And GI Dark tie-- the Peop COUNTRY MERCHANTS Alcß all others, will take notice! that thry can -ninny thent-elvt, In any quantities ,a all JONI.: , 1 , 411:•1'ANI PATENT _ . _ NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OR COAL OIL LAMPS. At the Whott,nle and Retail !lead (loaners, South 3.. :,h•eotl So vet. l'h tlattelplita. The milt• place o heir exelu•tve te4e.oele4 Cnu he 01,1.1111,t1 lor !he Stoles of l'etot.,ylvtoita, New Jersey' and Drluwnre. . . TILE LARGEST Chair and Furniture Establishment IN TII E UNION, Extending from Gqy to. Frederick Street, being 40 feet wide, 170 feet deep, and 6 stories high. H no d ATIII.OI'IL North t , ly u,, c u r et. St . reetlVarefop m s, wri, No u s. a .q. o s MOW: where is kept sherry. n . n . lttd.!tr , made to or der.ever . •tyle of Preneh'll.ll:-.1-MTE.S,iti Plush, Hair, Cloth or liMetiteile. • French Full Swat ;tad Medallion Parlor Arm Chairs, in flush. liver, Cloth or Brocatelle. Preach Full Stud Carted Parlor Chairs, in sets, with Plush, Ilair, Cloth or Woe:llene. SOFAS; Huff French Spring Mahogany and Valnut Parlor Chairs, iii llair. Cloth or Mph Hocking Chairs—varmos designe, in Hair, Cloth and Plush. star Spring Loanges—a large ne•ortmculalwnpe ot: hand, or any pattern made or covered With any Soodc toorder. CIIA3.II3ER SUITS, - in Nialiognay or 11'ulaut, complete. from 535 up. Cane Chairs nail Rocking dm—the largest assort merit ready made in tiny one house in the United tines—from $l2 :LllO7Oll up. Dar linnet, ounce find Dunne Chairs, in Oak, \Cal• :tutor Mahogany. with Cane, Wood 'or Stuffed Seals as-orimeat embracing over 50 dozen. Wood seat Chairs and Settees and Hocking Chairs over JOOllO,ll. Gilt and Plain Frame Looking Glasses, of every varte:y. All kinds of Dude, Hair and Husk Mattra•ses. A. Id ATIHOT, Nos. 25 mid 27 N. Gay st., near Fayette st.,Bult. August 7.1 , 5-.1 y POPULAR. NBW BOORS FOR THE SUMMER . SEASON-A'l' THE CHEAP BOOKSTORE. jORD lIIONTAGUS' PAGE,---An Historical Ro- J maucc of the Seventeenth Century, by Li. P. It. Jame.. The Lecture. of Lola Montcz, including her Auto biegraphy. Tire Annual Digest of the Lowe of Pen nnylvanin, being in noppleinerd in Purdoirs Digest, bringing up the laws Of the Wale to May. Irsis. The Normal :Mental Arithmetic, by Edward W. Brooks.. NVe would further van attention to the large stock select taeratilreoll our shelve'. All new publient honc are collet:tidy received an soon as published. None need be in want 01 good books when kilettall a/Wad:lt/CC is at Pallid as MUM: al the Cheap Book Store. Many of then wit: be wl.l at one-half the prieeS, which. in the d.,ys of cheap Inerature, green all a chance to become enlightened upon nil 'omen. J)rop in and Set the inducement- offered I.y the Hut,'of July SE A EFI'Elt, Successors to Alairay, Young & Co. July 17.10513 Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!! INDUSTRIAL Stove 'Works, N 0.31 North Second street, oppo•ne Ch net Church. The wb.cnher re.perifnlty In forms his friends told the public generolly that he has taken the store. 111 N 0.31 North Second street. where Ile will be plea-ed In •t••• la. old ro-tonters and friends. lie ha. plow Olt hand u •piell.ild 10.01 intent of Par lor, Hall. Offiee. Store and Cooking Stover., of the I.iteqt and most 11[11,11 . 011 kind , W:11. C. 1 1 ..1.".%1 AN, Nn 34 Nnol, Second •t nest. Phi I.olelphoi. N. 11•—Your nuritenl.ir :111011101114 lIIVIIed to Me• gee , . Patent Burning W. 0000Ogand Sloane, tor Parlor., Udn e..Storct.. !Jails. Corn, &c.. which for ( . 0011000. purOy of :Air, and ofno agl.lol-111 1111. no etpoll W.C. N. frrtald Co-slug. for all kinds of Stoves, on hand. Sent 11. I -fi.,:hros Northern Central Railway. THE Passenger Trains on the above rand I now roil at. follow.: Leave Columbia for York and Baltimore of 7 :XI A.M. 1 lin P.M. 01 7 20 P. M. York for " 4 10 A. M. .. 41 0 57 A. M. " n it :1 30 1 1 .111. Arrive at Columbia (ram York at 7.15 A. M. '. from Yol ••k unit Ball. 12-15 I'. M. M. 0 45 P. Mll Baltimore at tt On A. M. .1 1.15 P. M. 025 P. 51. NO SUNDAY TRAIN. All the alinve Truitt. entmeet wall the Parrenger Trtetar on the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad, both going and returning. D. F. GRIFFITH. Columbia, Angurt 11,1 4 57. Agent. Fall and Winter Millinery. miss M. sNvoluir, Na. 113 North Eighth Street, above* Arch. Philadelphia, loam Jttct opened out o large and lialsihenne nAoirtment of Fall moil Winter Millinery. tit which she nivitem the attention of holier (torn the country. VlRltollff the city. to emill,and ex:m.loliter Flock of Finn!, grid 1411011141 they 1.11,,,h arti cles in her lune, would he glad to 4..211 them. N. 13.—rentlaN, Ittirboivi and French Flowers on BONSIITS, bleached _and _pre•rcd to the Intcet FOR RENT. A TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE. Apply to +gyp, It li. C. APPOLD — HAititritorcrtioN TAMT.I2, NEW ENGLAND SETTLEMENT. 11i.OPPORTIIMTY.---TO A4l WANTING L v FARms—in litahley twenty-five miles (routofi Unifidtt mit! Attar:l6e !tails road. New Jersey. All Old Fran lb IntS reread; been oneited for 'die, and the first divisidn • P. 1,00) acres divided up into forms of twenty acres and upti , artic. The coil is of the. bent quality for the produettrm of fruit, grain, &c. The price iS irom to Ste,t per acre, pa; utile in tn..). Wl:Met' kellay 11*)11/111elltf, WItIIIII i 1 fa rim b!" high hilt icrths are made easy in newer In insure the rapid iiiipediu mem of the land. lay einibl.nx every industi ious man to buy n ann.r. It no tinvi being extensively improved by good roads, and collie Of the be-t eiliccas from New England and the Al iJJIe dunes are creeliog large improvements. It is u scene of the greatest improve ment our of Philadelphia. Seventysfive house. have been built in four 111 311111.. Pruetleal farmers nod busi ness men from the length and breadth of the Union are settling there. It is 1111 important business place, 011 account of at. bring In the midstof a great market. Every article raised upon this land finds an immedi ate sale. The water IS excellent, and 110 melt 111111 g, an lever in known, The roil is a sandy' or clay loam, with a clay bottom rind retentive of manures. Ills free of stone,. HMI eitstly worked. It abounds largely in the pheispliates, wed such t• its fertility that from the crops produced both upon this land and the large area adjoining undercut tit Orion, it will be found not to be excelled unywheie in the production of crop. most adapted to it. market. The reader mny 1)6 well aware twit the earlie.t arid host fruits and vegetables come from New Jersey. which are u 11111 l ally exported to lire amount of 11111110IIS of dollars. The land, besides Leung accessible in every way for fertilizers, has as abundant supply of the best quality of muck manure. Lumber curd building materials can be had on the spot um u cheap pi.ce, from the mills. Other milts are now being opened, utol brick yards being started on the ground. A person earl put up u frame itmeinent for pretelli relleetiteilee. for one hundred dollars Or account of the eXtelirlee emigraunu, this is the bt•=t eourtte to pursue in order to get a place to live in tit first. Carpenters arid builders ore 011 heed to put up houses on the hest terms. In settling here the emigrant liar:many nilvainage.. Ile i= within a few hour'= ride of the great cities in the Middle Stale- and New F:agland; he i= near his old friends and associntion.; lie no lal a settled coun try, where every improvement and comfort of civ ilrration i= at hand; he I+in a healthy place, nod i= not subject to the certainly of losing the greater part of his family and his OWII health by illo=e fevers which make the grave= of so amity millions of the yoong and hardy in for off region= away from home and friends. Resides, he has a mild climate and open wlnter. There are three train= daily to Philadelphia, and to all those wino amprove the railroad company given free ticket. The reader will at once be struck with the advan tage= here pre=ented. and a•k hits.el( why the pro perly wa= not taken up before. The rea=oil 1., it was never thrown in the market; and 111liec 4 the=e •rate. mein= were eel's...et no one would lie invited to ex :1111111c ihe land beihre porch:l=lllg. Tint- all lire ex pected to do. They will =ec the land under cultiva tion; they , a 11er-0114.110 doubt. front My If OWII neighborhood, they will attune=. this improvement+, and eon Judge of the character of the peptlhalloll — •hnuld come prepared to poreba-e, n= maul err locating, amid oc:Ilion= ate not held 011 relevant. The Ilaininonton Fortner, an monthly Literary limit Agricultural =beet. containing toll information of Ilammomon, will Inc =eat to each inquirer, and min be obtained at :25 ct.i. per Title nalt-putuble. Wort antee deed= given, clear of all inetimbranee, when purchase money in paid. Route to the land:—llanive Vine =tree' wharf. Pinta• delphio. fur I laininoinini by railroad at 7 A. Al., and 5 P. M ; Wili.ll there. inquire for Mr. By Ilwanl tug convenience= wall 1•e found. Leiter. and appli cation= eau be addre==ed to S. B. CIW: 111 AN. 21.1_ South Fiffli -trees, below NV:I Initt. Alap. and information cheerfully :mile-lied. IL I'. APPOLD. Forwarding & Commission Dlerchant AND DEALER IN Shoulder., Flour by the barrel %Vht-ky by the barrel. Ground Player by the barrel, G. A. S.th by the Sack. ALSO, DEALER IN All kinds of Coal, by the Cargo, Car Load or Too, such us Baltimore Company, Pitt-toil. Sunbury Fled Mit, do. White Ash. Short Moinnain Stove and Lump, 14 kens' Valley do. do. Trevorton do. do. The subscriber bur- his Coal for Cash and offers lo sell at the Lowest Ca.,lll'rtees. B. P. APPOLD, Nos. 1. 2, 6 and 8, Canal Basin. Columbia, August 1.959, LODGE'S GALLERY, N. E. COR. FRONT& LOCU COLUMBIA, PA. qinE subscriber having added exteniirely o Ili. facilities for taking likenesses,dceire. to call attention to his unrivalled tpecancits. lie is now prepared to take, in addition to his former splendid Daguerreotypes, the mod perfect Antbrotypes, Photographs and Patent Leather Pictures. De feels confident of giving natisfaction,2llli only asks atrial of lets skill to insure it. tul.eti on most reasonable terms, in clear ur cloudy weather. SANI'L LODGE. Columbia, July3l,lSsB. SAVING FUND. Corner •of Third Wag. INCORPORATED BY STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. wl Money ig received in nay Porn, large or ginall, and interegt paid from the day of depogit to the day of wohdrawal. 'Elie oilier is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternoon. and oil Moo. cloy and Tinir.day evenings till 8 o'clock. HON HENRY 1.. RENNER, President. ItOIIEIIT SELPItILX.W., V.ce President. J. REED, S.•e rent ry DIRECTORS. Henry 1.. Donner, P. Carroll Drowsier, Edward 1.. Carter, Joseph 11. ILirry, Robert I . lllllriM Lee, Samuel A-thoo, Jo.eph Yer G. I.uodreili Henry Durenderfer. Money i• received and pultheutr wade au gold daily without notice. . The invemineisis are made in Heal Celiac Mort gagee. Ground Rent., and suds Brat class securities tie the -barter requires. A ugurt 7„ ISiS. CANDLE MOULDS, VTARRANTED to be of the best metal, all 1 tuts, and patterns, manufnetured nud fur ante by JOHN CA I.VERLY, Aug f211,1553-1m N 0.305 ItACI.: 8t.,1.111LA D.A. NATIONAL LIVERY STABLE, Second street, adjoining the Odd Fellows' Hall, COLUMBIA, PA. TSURSCRICER. having filled up and stocked .1. with good Horses and commodious Carriages an Extenoive Livery Stable. would cull the attention of lus friends and the public to tins SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS lie will gunrothire 111* IlioNecico I.e ...le. well bro ell In N,uLllc and firel-rule condition. lie can oiler ..nverrd _ HANDSOME VEHICLES, built exore , ..ly (or bt. emnlth.huoeut,3lll4i the whole Of lii, Ca rriugt, uro in thorough reptatr, and kept demi nud pleat. The Nitahic will be In the ere of accommodating atiendantv, :tint HORSES AND CONVXYANCTSI CAN RC HAD AT ALI 110111111 07 TIM DAY Olt. NIGHT. I.RMS WILL REASON Aftl.l-1. mod lie confidently Lope that the mew. , of lots Statile. ond a oloopoootooto to plea re Li• co -Comer,, will .eclutc I a. liberal AU re 01 jlllll/111,1•1V0f. CHRISTIAN HERSHEY. Colonlan, Augn•l 14,11458. Haskell's Color! Capin! RESTITUTOR. THIS article reams grey hair permanently lo in original color mid coonliitnii, a re-tilt of whirls the pas.itolity ha• heremlore hero universally denied. T 1,.. effect it produce. hy removiag Ole 04- -tractions to the natural secretion• of the hair, iliu• restoring healthy action to the scarp. and not only causing the hal r to resume its original hue, bat pro ctoring a permanent moisture. and by the of the 1.01%11. a loom which oily preparations cannot give ‘Varrnitteil 10 give satisfaction or motley reloaded. For site only by .NIet.:MtKLE & DELLKTT, Ang. 14, Odd Fellows' Hall, Colainlita. TELIVEIBSON nouszt. THE subscriber has taken this lan-known stand. in Front street, between !Action and Union. mid ins lies the pnironage of lit, friend. and Ike public Ilk pas: experience a. proprietor of the Franklin !loam, is sueirtent warrant for hi• capa bility in thi• bustor•s. Ile will endeavor to keep In. BAR STOCKED WITH GOOD LIQUORS, and to provide satisfactory entertooonent euvionri. err. thy 1. well calculated (or the accommo dation of regular Imardere, and be asks a share of politic rapport. MARTIN IT.WIN. eoluinla.i, October 2, I‘SS C -PAR.ThaZrAS 23.11), Undersignvi 11;e:iag . Vitt.? ell into VortPer.Fip, under tire firm of Shreiner 1k fii,ire to t-all tle uttealiou of the public to their film fifeoriment WATekIEB3 CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, Their stork has been selected with rrentltt, urid with due regard to style and •luahty. Brt.•ry article io warranted to be at reprewnsed. By strict ILllelllloll to basfnes, ditty hOpe to remit' the patronage of the old estaldtshtseatt, and will ell - - dttror to ple.usa all Wlid Will tarot Ilteni with o call. sfiREINEn, ColumLia, July In entering into the above arrangement I would take orpori unity of returning my thetas to my former frinttu., and CualolflerS for the patronage heretofore to liberally betdowed, and re-pecifully solicit a contin- UM= Or the :mute for the new firm. VIIILIP SHREINER. Columlria,July 31, 14.2:1.3.1f COLITEBUI IRON WORKS, OPPOSITE THE CANAL B.A.SIN, COLUMBIA, PA. TIIE . subscriber has removed to the exten sive shops connected with the Columbia Iron Foundry. which he has thoroughly fitted up, with new and fir-t -rate muelsencry. and w now prepared to manufacture Strum Engines and Pumps of every de scription, Machinery for Furnace:, Forget, Mills. Factories, Car Work, &A.. Iron rind Bra , s furui•Led to order. Bridge Bells fluid Bine k-tmtline in general. 11,7 — Itepuiring promptly uncurled to. J Oil N Q. DENNEY. Columbia, July 3. 1:;52 ITEIV ATTRACTION! .416. t 3E'ozsdoPsmith•s OW OPENING another choice lot Fancy Dress Silk, al low price-; pace, 111 Dre 1,1 thote Extra Black 11oJcd Drets Silks, the best goods ever uttered to !..:noatthat. f? AND 8-4 White and Black Shawl Burcges.just 1./ received at U. C. FONDBRSAIITIPS, Columbia. TITIIITE AND COLORED MARSEILLES. for La il' dies' nod Misses' Ila.stues, new patterns nod Fringes for manning, now °penult! a: If. C. FL/NM:HS:III'MS People's Cash Store. PIRGES more o(tho.e esqui:die Frenrh Organ -111 die Lawne—rather hand:oilier than the 14'61 tot— are now read) for the Ludic, at 11 U. FUN IIF.R Adjoining the Bank. BLACK TANIITI.:I:Ns, Crape de Sp.in.rn Silk and %1'41.1 C.. 111.,, Lupin', fine Wonl du 1,; Bla- Int/tne-, D.:.3.14, &e. Engle-1: CraPes, Love Afoul 1111 l g Collor e, Sc . 11..01 - 100.11 , at II C FUNDERSAIITIFS. WHITE GOODS—KEEP COOL: A full as..Solllll , llt 311-1 reeeavell, :at very low 111 left, ut 11. C. I'ONDERS.IIITII's, reopic's Store. T)INIC, blow. green and lai' Tarleton MtlYliflK. very cheap, reliable for covering clialidelicr, looking glusee,, received at 11. C. FONDER:M/I'l'll'S. FREN'CII:PERCAILS AND CHINTZES. 1 11 PI of lbe•e EVF Dreb.... G 04 1 ., reresved. and will lie roll al Ir great bile rifler Call and rte lhl•111 • al 11. C. FONDF.R•z•MITIPS J • 1,2.1:153 People's Ca-li Stare. Does Disease Originate in Impurity of the Blood? THIS is a question of vital importance, and 0111, which lion never been milisfaelorily di•Nn.ed of by the profe..or: who tench the healing lilt. Some e.itieeially the old se) I lite 11/,• w 1111, I.llllod. 111111 1111.11,111 M all diseases originate in it—lint inodernseietiee aver. that ailment. 11.11, 1111,1( orignuition in both the suhdi and fluid, of the body That the latter prepondersite, however. is a fixed hie:, and inedieal skill lia.elearly di:loonier:lied (halm least two•third• of the ills that human tle.ll i. heir io, have their sourer. iii on I M PURE STATE OF THE !MOOD! As, for mot:thee. iii the Icing entlihnttle, curls as ;Scrof ula, Tenet, -Barber's !tell." Ihugdr., Blanches, Eiry. stiletto., Ulcers, Salt Rheum. dascharges from the Ear,:,Fever Sores, or eruptive disca-e of any Loud 'these arc ascertained by well known medical laws to arise from bad blood—while the highest medical authorities declare that most fevers originate in the suave manlier, and more particularly typhoid and scarlet—the former being an internal, and the latter min external eruptive disease; and in all persons at tucked by these maladies. the blood is &mid to be either coagulated, or ofa dark unhealthy color. To ward oft a large majority- of diseases, as well an in cure a nuatber whieli have already seized upon the system, it is 104,e-sail , in PURIFY THE BLOOD. Lindsey's Improved Blood Searcher noes not claim to be a UNIVER , A I'ANACF:A for every dimase known, but the proprietors claim fur it the power urn only of draining out all impurities of the blood, but by the eombina nor, of welkknowit vegetable remedies, it will cure all diseases ori-ing from a de ranged state of the liver, drive out eysitep=ia. Had glee renewed 10110 nod vigor to the 140111:11'I. That the Blood Sea relax IS 1111 111 ill is claimed (or it, the proprietor nun produce TUE PROCW. It is only a few years since It was discovered, and yet it has grow,, into such a business that a large Laboratory has been bunt expressly for its minutiae :are —u large number of melt employed in putting it up. and still the SUPPLY DUES NOT EQUAL TtiE DENIAND: NATIONAL We tick any candid rnan, could this be an. if the Medicine dud not possess all the mines claimed for it! AFETY The proprietors have hundreds of certificates from men of probity and standing its the counnuaity. .Low ing what the medicine m doing daily for the i.uffering. Ark any person who has ever toed the Blood Searcher whether relief wilt experienced. Let the afflicted give ii a trial—a single bottle will convince the most skeptical of its efficacy. For sale by RUDOLPII WILLIAMS, Columbia, and .1. F. LONG & CO., Lunen...ter. and Druggists generally throughout die United States. June 2O, 1,450-00 i HOTTSMILECOLD WORDS, TRUST OMPANY. CONDUCTED BY CHARLES DICKENS, Author of "Pickwick Papers," , ‘Nicholot Nick !cloy,' '•DumGey .5- Son," etc. T) &PUBLISHED Monthly by the subsoi l. I, hers, from advance sneets, under sanction of the London publishers, and special arrange ment with them. Each monthly number con tains TALES, STORIES, & OTHER ARTICLES, By Chas. Dickens, William Howitt, Leigh Hunt, Barry Cornwall, Wilkie Collins, and al most every conspicuous English writer, thus rendering it by far the most interesting, va ried, and decidedly the BEST LITERARY PERIODICAL in the English language. No work of the kind contributes so successfully and so much to the floating literature of the day; its sharp, crisp, genial articles, and its admirable stories are more extensively copied by contemporary publications than those of any other woik whatsoever. 25 CTS. PER NUMBER, $3 PER ANNUM. _' A prompt remittance of $3,00 will se cure a regular delivery, post-paid. TERMS TO CLUBS, Two copies for one year, 55 00 Five .s Eleven ,‘ Clergymen and Teachers supplied at $2 a year. The volumes of Household Words commence with the September and March numbers, but subscriptions may begin with any number de sired. SETS OF HOUSEHOLD WORDS, 16 VOLS„ Can now be had, bound in cloth, at $1,75 per volume. Sent free by Express or Alai!, by receipt of price. Clubbing with other Bingazines. We will send Household Words and either one of the following Magazines for one year for S. Godey's Lady's Book, Frank Leslie's Maga zine, Blackwood's Magazine,London Quar terly, Graham's Magazine, "nickerbocker," North British Review, Westminster Review, Harper's New Monthly, Emerson & Putnam's, Edinburgh Review, Atlantic Monthly. We will send ousehold Words with any two of the above Magazines or Reviews, for one year, for $7,50. Back numbers of t.Bousehold Words" can be furnished at the office of publication, price cents each. B 2" - All persons subscribing to Household Words through an Association or Bookseller, must look to them for the supply of the work. Address FREDERIC A. BRADY, No. 126 Nassau street, New York. June 26, 1558. THE subscriber would roll th e attention of Travelers in the per ai I ner(11111,101.12:10.1 a11 . ..1-ed ed by hi. 01INIIIIIS whirl. in in w.aiiing on ihe .rrt vat of every train from the Ea•t, Went mid !blotto, to Convey ra•neneer. and ',aglow.. from Ilse earn to his hotel—the Wa•lonaton Houne—nod to all ports of the town. Pan•eithrern leaving town by any of the trains 1P1 . 1:1 be vtalted upon at their renideneen by the roach, divot., 14 left at the Wawhington Honor in •r. 41... Farr tar a pa.sonerr, with or enthosts baggage,to any part of the tett:HO° Cesar. PIV - Tracclere flopping at the Washington !loom mil: be earned. wtt6 their • a , age, to and from the carefree of charge. DANIEL HERR. Columbia August AT THE STORP, Adjoining list Columbia hunk MOURNING GOODS MR.A29. TO TRAVELERS. Itisaaisas. Kt PALL GOODS. Now upening at Haldeman's Cheap Cash Store, A COMPLETE assortment of new and dal ruble compri.ing to putt, or MEN'S WEAR' Mark and colored rtentii, Eoglf , h add Atnericatt Cloth-; black and Colored French, English dild !Mer le.," CO,,oteren. VEsrlxas Mali. Velvet, Mat.d.ti, and Clichmereit.tle* Dad slylee; SulinettA &d. DRESS GOODS. A full and complete us.orniinitoi Unties' Drest tickod., lif mill the new amid bettutefui de.iyiteq Lupins t'reneh Merino,. la. black and a‘gotled edlofs, Lti pin': all wool defame+. in Wad: and all shades, extra. reel, printed. all wool Paris Delon:co. newest sty It 101 l Drees Silks, all wool Plaid. a.e., &d. BLACK SILKS. rtill line of Mack nod Dreees the very best imported l'orornetto•, De!pine., and gatgll,ll acrd American PTIn in SHAWLS Aril/ IHAriTILLAS. Stella Brodie bordered, in all grade, and colors, Brodie long unit square Sumo I-, 'nutlet : 4 :tsv4ts f black and us,.orted color., with -ilk and wool frinKe•, Bap State long and square shawls. round cornered Shu wis, N ith all the oilier tittk•rent varieties in tin market. Ladle. , Cloth Clottkl and °Cato [weft Puritt tall MlyleA HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Blanket+, Counterrinnes, quilto, 'Wooled Coverlet*, Flunnels in every varieiy, blenched and brown Cllteetings, pillow case 1%104111A, Ticking., Furniture,. woolen 'ruble covers, linen bleached and brown 1 . 111/IC. 111111111.4, blexclird and brown color Table Cloth., Toweling:, he., he.; the best bru»dut of Shirunp, 111u4ast , . Irish Linens end Shirt Bosoms, in lineup and Lunn-tine, BE= CAR PETINGS AND OIL. Cl.fYlll.S' tit* "'tip ply cd Carnet:mt.. and floor and Talde Oi: Cfirthl. Chula, Glut", and Querdtswarc, II ?wit and full as sortment. 11A1.11EASAN's = FOR RENT, MIRE BUSINESS STAND, on Front jnit meet. between Wolstut and Locu.t. stab joining the Jewelry Store of the underelgited Pon se.ston given on the firet of April next. Apply to JUIIN FELIX. ColutnlOn, March 6.154P-tf FOR RENT, MOS. 3 and 5 Hamilton's Row, oppG. itc the \t - u