I E• ! " • =-_ !Mil 13: 0 _ainers, Merchant§ `and!Others. STE have now in stork, and eonstantiv , ~,, ',cu. New rank anti Philadv'pt.ir . t. tont ni our 11111,fIrUIlliI/I• ~,, 411 OW I.llesl Pilll.l VeiVels. Alttrt,ellturtu. Bonnet at:thou-. Plittn. -,11111.11111 NI/11111/11 BiUllti.. 1.:1C..4. 11iU...1011, . w .. the u.uul !Mee, litter:4l di-count to bU3 Cr' irrorc, No. nor. sood, Second Street, (-eernul Dl) Good- Store. IleielW 0:10111`r 9 1,5.-4 m Ei II:3 amrrztasonT norsil THE subscriber has taken this well-known .111111. 111 P•out •treet. between 1.01 . 114 :Intl and invite- the patronage of lii, I i the Fluidic Ills pas: experience a- proprietor of the Frolikliii House, is .olie..lt warrant for hi. eapa b,lny in hii bo.,ner, lie will etilleaVOl to kr . ..11111- BAR STOCKED WITH GOOD LIQUORS, and to provide rail -faciory eutcriationent fur Cll-1001- er•. Ilis iou-c is well calculated fur the U 1,01,11110- 4:01011 of regular boarders, and he tt,lis a &hare of public support in, October 2,1.594 y SECOND OPENING OF FALL GOODS TILTS DAY. 13222 H. C. FondersnilTh, AT TIIE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE A NEIV and magnificent stock of Fancy una Staple. D.,• (;(31,1i... at REDUCED PRICES, Our r.tork will lot ./.111 , 11.1// , iiiis ilimg in Columbia. in t h e f o llowing Good-, to which we re-pectfully in vile She 10:V1111011 of hover•: Bound ilorner and Plo-h Bordered Siero fzhawl , , B r oche mid Sqnare Shutt!, Blanket Shanl for LUMP,. in ru•h medium-priced hire , . Silkq. rich block ylu-•y sill, at .Me to f( tni per yard. learnt bargain: 11(.11 prinm•-d %I:not Itrlamne•, rich primed :llciniocc, rich French Chislizn. for wrrp pper•, with horderntq In Ir l / 1 11,111 Saxony and French PluirP, Prem.!! NIPI - 111. /11111 (111 1 / 1 1rg,. 11V1111111 . 111 printed in 111 ha • 1 11 .1 /1/1 t l l CLOTH CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 8.4 11.1eltune+ for Munn Is. lielt (luua•A . 0 4 Ve , mm: ,, , new• ~.1} le Cn.-un• re., mid the Cheape-t Cloths it Colombia: 1,11.inhe , .. Floonek, Gingham., rongNrle in.-mime:a at Prices Suit the Tunes. from 25e to $l,OO per yard. Cull and see our good-. I:0 Liu, floober 2. 1854 NEW STOCK or FALL GOODS. Just Received AT 1. 0. BRUNER & CO'S. Third and Sireo g . AVL H , a i v r 'e e „ 1 , 1111 ...1 1 d ~a , t teal o n ing nr CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, vEsTiNGs, LADICS' 1/1:1,-, 6001, Lome , . Cu-hnerer 1l erintie, All \\ * col ever) .Isle. Ai.. A e A full ii-soriinent of Alen'- roll ond %Vent . in Cloth-. en nni,gly le Llul nod Lines A neat coil he.eu niul ecicellon of e,l.lgi• nt 1110-1 n a.intnlile purr. 1% 0111011 rtoooorotooz the gond. compo,mtz our t•toek. u•.• 111.11 :he} ore of tln• hey qualoy nod -o Vol If d I II le :out oneo n. lo every to-te anJ Vg'Ill” %%ohm th.• oie.to- of every pm eha•er. %Ve believe that we east ehedper than the ehenpe..l In Colombo, Our 000 - have heen purelm.ed at low rate• and w•r otit.r unequalled bargain, to our friends and ells toniefS. Our u-nil exeel , ent vine]: •r 1.45 n real .1). kept up, and we Pell ItitTl-11 ••11- rt nor Sugar, Mai Calree. Ten hr . at a very low figure 12r'. We invite an ClAlfallalloll of our new +lock. 1.0 BRUNER. H. I'. BRUNER =I TAKE NOTICE Alt persons indebted to the Columbia %Vab•r Company for IVlver 110111 prior to th, Ju r. will plc hw make pa meat on or lteforo the 15tIt OF 01:T0111M, I \ If they de.tro that at of the water for the etiguinw term. Ortn6cr I to Jan. I 1 N't9 NI D. WILSON, See'y and I roan. Columbia Oct fl, Administrator's Notice. LETTERS f Administration on the estate of Matta Cole, tote of the Roroimh of roloniton, decent-rd. huvme lain :It :moot to the Ittlat•rntittat d ell per-oil 4 indebted to -aid e-lute are hereby notified to make unmedruc payment. and dm., hoeing eludris ore reoue.ted io present them for ttirtlitalatill. to WA 1,1 ER 1. REES, Adonia-trator. Colurnb;:i. •=ept. 2t 1-5- tit cCORKLE & DELLETT'N Drug Store is the !Wild ) our pre.ellptioll have• lisi F!ZEE= WHY SUPPE WITH PILES Finley's Vegeta. l . - , le Olaf znant. TUIS medicine, a remedy fur the Pi itt. 0..11..• I loi.11.•..11:1- tie, es bets., Iseesi to the %white. 14 t• 1101 I itleildssa a. It mire all, Istst for that felle it•r.t.t It I. the Ise.l 10•111 , 11 y 110 W known or that ever before• I losnilt!lst lessole Ilse sol/bile 1 will w .ntl t• ia •a ba pdi. , w.,,' tilt Ain• s•nrv. =ll BM=MM== i s .. IL 11E110 IVItolt , •ole Aceol ro- the Coltt. , l State'. All of del otklit••st ti Irr Imo will lt.. prompt!. htitt.ttiltttl to, All C,lllll/111/11,11101, adds IL/ lion will ult. h.. l'/..• .•i. CERTIFICATES Ito eerits that have 1001,1 nrri•vit•4l )elll allec u-lopg soiir Pile 010111 , 11 1. , . a iew II elotilelv ewe., mai havolt...; had .ILfil of aiciliro -11 ..... ago I 101,1,11 , 1111 II /I• lite retli,d, ur 11011.nnilloesotuo vw;i:.•11-,1111.1.1) wt. utlevird...l4•l ali!:el,d to u.,e 3uur Ointment. _ COlOlOlO.l. A,;0.1 10. I-5.4. 15. 1 7 INT.EV—.1 have •ao.•red for nv. r (our )r ar with the rdr•. and have tried remeghe, hi ut 10 110 Ite , oUIII: syr.t• 11111111,oludolet•al iry a Lox your 1 . /miff...lll, alai Wier mak 11011 s. 1 1 - 011$K1 a to Whet, I ,111 short nmr, when I WI.. pr.! Welly 1. ono five ) ear. Foam, mot I ma had Ilie 1,,r• I -0411 01 a retie re of the It tie) per-oo doithi the troth of 1111, er,111.1‘,10•. udder.. 110!e :111d I will give all lit" ottoilibtimo irquireil I elle, oill) recommend the Oimaimil a. nn 131171111111131., remeil) for ilio PileQ, tote 1311% 01 It 111.,C 0115 01111 it affected. rtll Ike 11:11.i they ItaVe to -itflor a- well a 11011.ii, and To all of nitwit I eie . / . 111111) .I.lll , Cribe L. 6.I%IINNICLI. September 11. 1059. i - SS. LANCASTER COUNTY Agricultural & Diecha.nical Society. SECOND ANN UAL EXHIBITION AT LA NC AS rEu, I's., On Tu , sday, Wednesddy, Thursday, Fi id ay & Saturd 511), Gth, ills, SO, and 'Air days o 1 oironElt, 1828. %%111.`i 9 . 11 - K - 11TA, Al)lls:_qtlS EMIT BITOIZS MUST BECOME MEMBERS 01 the SinlYty. arid have their ann.:en+ and stork cnia• red on the Secretors'. think. on or ...tam, Monad .y noun. October 4th. I fORSI:, alit be ret eased oni the morn ing of 111 , ' EXIIIIIIIIOII. 1011 1111141 10- entered larevianonny. II ANti A Wss dl i.e form-lied ernnti+ for all 01110114 s clorred for premium-. and Or inn will lie fur -111411..1 nil eOO price to I hose sviahnnie, in onirchat‘c. 2U ACRES OF GROUND are enclosed. well a-opinion] with outer:anal as neces,try convenience's for the Elhilation. wtalon the omit, of the city. CO3IMODILTS BUILDINGS' will he erected ou the 1;roond. for the °l.play of Me cham° Art, Dooto•ote am! (nod.. Furotiog mad (•arden hoolotne. Fro°, Vogt? °ides sold 1 low cr.: Al-n. , OVI:111:1) , TAl.l.$ $lll :Dr , .. for llor-e= rattle, :She, p, and CNt uw, and T.abh r• fur Coop.. .4)( Puultr). A Splendid Half .11iie Ch7l I'SP ix providcdfor Me Trial and Speed Ilurecs. TlJoro w II in n C: ,lal Cava'end eof all 11012' 4 1:S nod N V 171.1.; on ExlaLlouon cuch day of the rtnr. at ill k. d..M. STEAM POWER will be turiudied wt the Groul.ii for the trials or Mn clndes. N 14,1.1114,1 6nciur War! ue. In exhibit. are particularly Invited to avail ti1e111.2%e4 of this opporiu- . GRAIN IN TiII:STRAW% will be furimlied on the ,Ground for the Trial of 'rlire-hinz nelihn•••• Mills. he • end every Pro,ticable Incduy will be given ear. a trial of oilier Agricultural Implements oil exhibi ...loD. I`La Ili vri I 11,e open to the publir on Tueday, .7. l .Veduesia), Thur-dny, Friday Je.. eniturday. • ILiberal Premiums Offerred to Exhibitors. ne ti.eg - eo are remtetted to meet the Otbeer• of the St the titt.,l6e. Waco, on t h e Show (treilMt.t. 011 Tuesday mort.toc. at II o'c'oek to Make arral•t(e- Metats f.sr. the KYattan,Uons. The Judges wig! corn aliCl.C.C.taear eXatatout.soa. ut 1 o'clock of the same du). The trial of Agricultural implements will be on Wedneadny The tweed t f Iforme.e frill h. on Tlmraday. PLOWING MATCII ON FRIDAY. After which au Athirree will be deltvercil by an able Orator. After the address, the !Lepers. of the jug, w oe h i . anewuneeel.p4 Saturday at 11 Welork. . the Pa r will close. when percent% bowel: articles on exhibit' le mum take charge of thew, na the Society Cannot give at ention to them, further than to give them over to ex bileitnret nu. 11 pertona intrsidinst to exhibit stork or tiny other aniele, Inlist signify their intention on nr before the 4th dny of I letaln.r. to D. G. 1 , 44H11.1iN1A N. See} or Gen. W. R. WIT IVER, General x's'upeoutendent. MANAGERS Samuel N. Beecher, Mari. tieop,... Mork Connell Jr. MEBEMIIEMI P. 5. racTAIIIIVEI & C 0.,: Are now opening anew stock of PALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, ; AND lIP,AI)Y-141,11)E. CLOTHING, i At the Chrop rush Store, in their New Four- Story !loading In Locust Street. A COMPLETE assorhurot of and De- A t- ....lob, Fall rind N% inner Glad-. eon:pi-tang in pan of CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, Neliion , Il rier. l'reniell elm.- aridado i celebrated make- I:ingli -Is Blue and Brown Cdotli-. Mack and Farley C.:-.•illteres. Soli 11,1:-. Jena., Cantu rO),. for Man arid bay.' Weilr—Vagt , elreap DRESS GOODS. Black and Parley Lae-- Loran-, rronolt Mr ro nor-. all wool de lidtarni. I'a ramend-. all vinod l'i.ind arid dr Crge-, l'argir-li and Anima MI PI 1:11,-101 grade , arid at very low flininre-. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. Broerre. bordered la all edllo, arid sty 1e..; liror bri l l Iu I,rlnoon Clod, :•••1111.v1.. Lout arid Bynum '-didwr-. Grallenierri- Cloall 31114 111 an .tie. DOMESTIC GOODS, HOSIERY AND TRIAIIIIN G. lite:relied rind liiiiblraennal rlinteenirm , ., Pillow Co-a 1) 1 l'l.l 11 lia) , the Lair-1 brand- of , lireling Siodirm. Ire-la Lunen...Man- serge. , 3.11)1 I,IOCII Shirt Ittoiriar, I,:orreid arid (war area's Mas COl 1011 11 11 11 IVouirli Ho grand ar the Lrwry pro re. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Cloth Fria,. and Ore—. Coat-. Mae •11111 I iiney -11.1ara Coat, Over Ca. 1t021,1 )atal Valley Ca 4 -11riere. P.illl , t...)taani gawk and Edney Santa. 1 . 111-11 told Velvet Veit.—.lll all aver) V.l I 1013 01 is and ware. • lar go a—uritutair of II AT , AND IiSI lilt IN. LA), al & CO:II 1111,10,5ept.25.1 - ron nip More. HILLSIDE NURSERY, COLUIIII3IA, LANCASTER. CO., PA. lIE subscriber having purchased the nur• i-rry enandill-Ilin . m Ininoiy owio 41 and carried 00 mat-tali near Caitllll rue, Lin ea-ter rounly. t'a ale public an exien-lve -Mel: of ORNAM EN'I'AL, `IL ADE & FRUIT TREES, S'iruldwry, Vines, Flowering and oilier Plants, .nd 0-•Orlfileal of every Mood' onion . ..teal yy rib a Minima:nand arid Florreallural Ile h., added 10 aloe -arm:. of -lauJ.rrni arre. gnitvn in 'hi- ituri.en . and lay UM ogerneitt w lilt the more exietruive ilorramlnuri-to ea., ...apply at -hart nonce any rree. i•biabitir flower dant I- rosined in the enrairry. (le lint. thsrawdlik T..-itlleit earamodtml - “rel l a Ilou-e, uudha , in fi l led will, an lame •vOilely eliorre ANTS, FLOWERS, &C. rainy of whaili arc) rarely 1011 MI 1-111). 0 ell) ) Guru Ile would call particular illiellt101) to In, 011eal 101, of 111 A RTLN FR W IN NATIVE dr, EXOTIC GRAPES, • a very cx . tett-tve taQ-W , -ortment of 11:11he most "ft .lestrulde V 11110•110.1 k 4 He ha- al.o revettily . porch:l-cal the entire stock of the welt-known Gorden and Ner-rry of Jo. tie ph Vewdall Cherry Street. Columbia. which will be added to hri own 'Mr. lia. been 1.10.1a7.1.11 10 lake chat of the Florid and Nor-cry Department of the Nor.ery, and h:- well grounded repuncton 11. , at our-ery aunt and flon4 will lie taltlitiolial guar antee for the condition of the -lock S 11. PURPLE P. N —lli connection will: the Nur-ery the otoprte. tor will undertake through the agency of Mr. Vets. nlto•e -kill t. ttio.d. favor:llos 11110W0 1111 . 11• (11 . • wit:tent. to plant and lay out ground-, garden., toe , and do general matting 1111111. hoe of the bra-inc..... Columbia. 143'3. OUSEKEEMIIS in laying ttp their winter ilm i good pose 'moll .r- N141..14111 St••• 11. OA 6n,• or I,l•iiii,„l Cori iandi Clove- All. re•ppo s. ulineg, Cinnamon, Cu Or Jilin ilea Ginger. ale .v.trnnued to Lc WllOll2 11r g, mind. h 4 1l1• num, ni pound. at :11e1:1/1: rarmly pied,, is., tore. Odd rellc)..v.: ("e011.111.,” Sew FLY PAPER.---Fur hale at. McCorkle It Del- N11.1)1‘ 1).1.-•141121,.. ,rl,B VB-8; Odd ' , chow.' 11111: eCOIiIiLE & DELLETT's Drug Store is the 11,1 1 81.1e8, 8o pro. uo lo 88 1 8 Port MoBBBBllBB-.. 11.88,e, T Itlttorkle & IleHeirs on can purchase \ :;011 1140 1,•••• 10 .10, 11...1101,. Nept rzcotricr. IR heresy given, cf ,„,„ 1%1 .urn 11. till uMI, I •I•• I , i i'l• of 1:10Wn. ,1,,,, 5t It ' A' , havii3g, ..41.1 •Itt 1 . 4 .1,•1111411• VI/Id I , (11:611 . 11.1)111111i. 10 , % t. ii01.1./N10 . •\5 41:: VIII 1 0 . FAL', AND WINTEIZ.-- E subser brrs will exhibit on Monday, A. um, OM! ,••• Jou lo• 1, • ~,11 .1 \l' 1'ii.. , 011,:? h Cli 12= Paris 6:Eilpoa•Etstes, 1858 =1 lEn:de:limb's Cnt-o El 12ZISaS more, A CIMP1.1:11 Fhs:orl!livid Of Er;; anti drhi- MEti's AYEA 1111 1 :11111 Al/11.1 to 010111, 1.1 Xl . l •Illd ti 14, it, 1:41.4.,,,11 :10.1 Atilt 11..111 VESTINGS. wiv.q. ,t.....• I. lintere , . new :1111i Le.... 11111 le.; 11. •1'•v••.•d• V.lv. Is ace. DIt.ESS GOODS. A follmul v4lOllOl lc ....mitt. Id. to ;ond. sit all the I),A :111.1 11.• , 11 . .1g11, 111.0. 1.01)111 ' . C/11.0 ,.. . 111 I.la, A nod 11-sortvit r01,,l i• 11 11111% .if I vt 5101 0.1•11iic- 111 andll . nh prtiott till,l(11/I et)lr tall 1/11:-., ..•I Vr. &e. ISSB . _ BLACK SILKS. A 11.11 line of 10..rk nn,l 1)”... r. 01,, the. very Onnorleil 0.1..01r4. ,n.. 1 Eng and Atueriv...l SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS. lirtiche I.rtlert 11. iii uli gi 1. Sontl (.010,1. 131 . 0eile tong -quire Thilwt twk. I.l.teh ttolta- will, -ilk 1111,11.01/1 11.1 p l'l.lor long silid -qtmte ,oti n •re.l ,N1:11 ..II the oily r 11111,1•111 V./10•114.• In the 1111121,1/ (110111 1/1111 N 111111111,.. 01 the tatett. Pull- r.. 1 I -I% e. - $1 .00 25 Nnnkrt c. COI/1 , 1" M.1•••.•111... (;tllll-, NVOniell a • ees varle•l). b: w•,, rldotv r. Niti-1111, l'oriklitire-. woolen 'I •ti•le 111J1 . r.. brown bleaehell and btows• color Table C 4.1114. Toweling...A, • Ace.: the be-t of MO-1111.. fre-11 Ltnenu and Siurl 110-om-, to linen will war-vit.,. AND ;1.0 —A new sup P's Of un•tln4 - , ittf l'lnor nod l'.11; le 111. tloili• China, (tileel,wure.:l fgt.,. 11 lid lull it comfy-len!. lb% 1.1/1,711.1, Coltotalim,ttept 11. 1,59. Cheap o. lIS Sorth Eighth Street, above Arch. Plal.tilelplint7llll4 j a,t opened Out large and hmul.mn,• at...ortatent of Fad nod MffilllCry.lll whtelt •he itlytteo the anemic,n of ladies from the country. ‘t-It stg the ray to call and eu aim., her ,lnek 04 ,;ooii. 0114 .410iihl they oat at-o ctet: to her line. ,vould be glad to .etl them. N. 11.—Feathers. RI id,oa. and Preach flowers on fra - 110,0:ETS. bleached nitd pr....kea to the h t te.t stslitott Dept 11. 2111. - • - f — FIRE: PROOFS% FRTFORSACE: - ANEW Herring's Fire Proof Safe, No. 3, for +ale pp:) tit this ottice. Columbin. Seiermlicr I I. - INDUSTRIAL Stove Works, 50.12 North reond •treei. oppostie %.21i•-• Philaclephia. The .ult•crilter forms frtead. and the pulls Tette.lty that he Ito. Takeo the chore. at No 3.1 North i•tre"sul where he waill,e pleased to see Ilk old euototner. and Ile ha. anw oil hood a splendid as.soritneat of Par lor. (tall. ()flit,. Story :11111 Cookairc Stove., of the Intent and most approved kind. at NVl.olesale;atal %V C N KNI AN. • • • N 11.—Your nartocul.tr attention a. awned to W eer'. Paten, Ga.+ Bunting IVarmtuu and Veto:dawn! dove-, tar Porinf•, Urire.. Store., Well, Cur, IL, valurb for economy. purity of Ulf, WO Cure of in In :lcemen' fin+ no equal C N frrOald Coon log• for all kmds of SIOVOS, on hand. Sept 11.1 , re; Polo+ T HE Passenger Trains on the above road .11. now run 0. follow.: Leave Colombia fur York and Baltimore at 7'll A M •• I Infl I'. M 4. .• SG 7,20 I' M York for 4., 4 411 A. '1 .. 957 A NI. ' -.• 3 311 p NI Arrive at Colombia from York at 7.13 A. %I from York and 81,11. P 2.13 I' NI. .' Baltimore at hOO .; NI _. 1 1.5 I'. NI 13 25 P. Al. All the alwove Tnan• r•nnnern w.lll Ilse Pa.vn¢er TrainA on the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad. both going and returning. A. X Bower. . P. epelicer. D. F. GRIFFITII, Co!umbia, A nun 14, ti 7. Agent CLOAKS MEMMW=M =I IVEIV FALL GOODS. Now "pening “t, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS F E ATHERS Fall and Winter Millinery. miss M. SNYDER, Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!! No 33 North .reond Northern Central Railway. NO SUNDAY TRAIN Fancy V.l.'s- -£l, L7ilicmt F.11:11::‘ & Co., p o rL••••., 4'1.1 ' 1 •._ :•••••I• • - 1•• r 1.•••111 , ‘ Ulll/ C111 . 1I11 • 11, rii..”...1•• • /11 ' . 1 . 111.. I //:' (6.04•1 • • I 1111110 , 1 01 * S1:.1 1. •• •11..1 ss••• tios • ••••.: 1,•il 111 OW For i./11•111• tI• 1111 11 Vll.ll,ll ll ltli ru•-.1:o::• 1.. r pr..; ••• 4e11•••.11i) 1,•••••••• Iloit•tirrl•rots: •••••,...• 11111.61- uri ....... _ •(1y 1.; ❑- IR. 4111)11r.1:11 11;•••1 11..111 111.11 u•• Live • •••5 el, c.•• 11 11111 :1-...1.1 • 1•:. I.; 1 . ,111 ‘1 r ••• 1.111,...1 .6111• ` 1111. - 1 br 11,1 Vll - : 1111 . .. rtcl 0, t• 11,1 1 1, 1 ).i r Vito 4; I vi• .1.1 •••• mglrun II *•••• 11, i; l• ‘...1 , 111 m. 11• 'AU...WI , W $ . 1114 01:111 :a. 1,• , ;•• • -• .•• 11111 e .111/ I111‘. • :1 141. 1. • 11, 1;11. 111,1 rll v..1,1..rit• 1., 55. .• :.. • •• • 1411:••• • d ••. ••• 1 1111,11 :11 •Er 11111. .• 1.1 1 10. 1t1...1 111 1/.• r• ; 11,1,1:11 ,1 11..1.`1.1111• .1.1 1 / 1 .11 .1 111 S1(11,/.. • p. 4%, I' ,1•• Ihr., fill , / Ike 1.000-1 11.....1•1111/e•11 /10111 11111i/0 cu) ; isti •a 1 iii••••10.:,.!•1.1•••••!.- .111,i\ 1 , A1:11.11i.% & No -ire* t, abuse tqa, Phil., .epielnher I. 1.-f, 2. 1 ::121.0 12:1:-1...1:1::1: r.:;.'4.4• No. 1131 North Nitab st., 7 doors above Arch, AGENCY for the silly of Mrs. b. t'. 1111111,,,t1 !.I.lmill a I Saappar, lea Tr u --e— anal Itatiaal 1.. Da 1'11.01.•- C. Ile, allay hr laatal maul val aril at -• •-alrainetal oi Female Supporie,. Should, Brave-. attatt Iliaaadalge., tar .at pate,- twea l a :a live pea Celli. lower Ulan ul I.llly 111 11it...11) lir. Rate.:lo•, etalrlaraaleal netlaead etare T. 11.1. Vlll,ll 11111.tht•13-• WI/VIC WIWI-. ha% C Dr RasslengQ 104 lreeteil sueees-fells maw: cl ea,- , 411,11111 e d..raw 171.1$ Fem. Hew Leg Ll'e:/6 Ankle-. ssell ilesv letieoved ..:1 pArelles (or the., ilisen-e.. le %steels v.e.e. il•P•14,1••• e.el e;teettlenle *lei/ ELl.and efli'oll El:1.11e ,101 I. c , Ant. el-. Kee.. taps, said abdnunu..l rteeree—or , . at lesser pia,- eel, be leseelli Cr 111 1 .1 1 ,... :1111 , 1 vs riot y of 50rg.0... u. lily It•t:111•1,1 Ir1:11, of _nod- ti rrnoli or AI. 1,:odoe• a11...10d ill invite N.111..111 4 la . the ..1011. by :11r- it C. I.vrr.•ll Yalti.ul..r .131‘ 1111.11 11:1111 in I ti-1f1.111e11 ,, Grr d.• 11111111) 111 I IIIIIII( . 11,111d 1,111.1.i..11011 to a V. 1.1.1 1 .111 1 ., I:1". I 11. I,i , -31g10- WINCHESTER & CO., G ENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Store, and Piarnt nlitti 11 41.1/1•1•,101,. •.iOld e.t..ttd. No Cite.titkl opl. 1- i.t• 10. A. VVillelle.,itr will give in heretofore. lio• ge,oti I .-ura•rvi-lull of ill.. I'l/111.1 .111 d m 11111lIVIlli,¢ depa r meisi+ Ord.., for 111.. rtd(dlll/1•li .0) of tihin-:nui Collar- filled al the moo,. 1 . e•I de.,111 . 4 W elder 0.11 br -uppli(d WIIII ale 1 - 011111.11 a for .111,11C.111011 CooQtaolly on band n v:o led and se'.ect qtoel. of Gentlemen'- Vuto,loog Gond. %% hole-ale 0rN1,5, led on liberal terms. Sept. 4. 1..54 I y GIIN ATOTICII! A, I'iDREW WURFFLEIN, linporicr and mann e I or GU Nr , , “(11.1., North t411I11V1.• :WV.) l'hilatt , iphia wlit•re lie ker•l • coo-1.111 , 1} 111111411111 11 p.1'1141411 a--or 1 ine I or fine donlde find -fin.:le I,llll'l SIIIII 61111 , 4 1n Durk I/un, 1 - tilie- 14,1111 1111 . rest-rd in, the poinh•d Lull orh, rm. istakv; Rtfle Beirr-1- Sll, Bag-. l'ouelle-, Av. II: Instil . - pei-oil good. 111 h 1.4 1111 e 10 r.dl instil ex:mow k before el-ev,ll , •re. ii- lie I. deter /mile,: In -.Ohut 11.1 . 1110-1 1e41,111111111. 1(.11111. uttenition paid to Itcp.iit nig iu nll 4 ,, 1t1• 4. I-5.n :tin 11.1-1.1:e-- enter- the e•tith, And I: ro— Dert.ne— the Peo;th COX7NTB. VIZERCIIIINTS • NH all others, will take notice: that EI ,_III, v.in .llPp.y 16.• m-ri v ,. in an) 1/11.10 , f1,e. FAIL I' 011:1) \ NON EXPLOsIVE KERosENE OR CoAI OIL L 31 P.S. Al the W 1104,1111.111.1 1 1,11 S//111i1 Sl,lllll/ Phil ideopl.l.l. The onl} I Isw.• a heir ex 8.111,‘ e I'll oh4n n , 11 In r Ise 51.11114 Nvw ui:tl 1..00so• givo :itno goo! iotoo-O3 or n .1111.,1 III( I' Ili 1•/.11111•II In lo• -op 111/I II) o io,troloo Inns I. f ,. .“ " 1.1 4r.o•o , • —V • .1.1 3 01 , 1 I— • I , loe .10,i .1. I, Sok Ag,:icy •d-o, ror : t I I ••• 11 t 111 - rz••roce PO 1 A D A'V LA 'NT : 1 4 11)1: , S ir b • 41 111 . 1 a. 1ei.... e- .111111,h, -.•,• he el .1.1. -.. • 111.11\1.1 . -\. ~ .1 .11 lore •111 1111 . I•11, 1, •,II I ri , •• :MO etonl 101.1 0. Ni II 1.1 •1 N II ,1:0 1 ,...!.“1 P. 40 - 0..1. kVO op!. it d • , M . 1.1 .• I) J o••• 1".• 11.1. Ile :.; • ~.„ ic:z ~ni- il•-1 nuo •••• SII /i l`W:t'A I lI.N ot 10• I 1,•• ~!!•• ,zOO- 0! •!NI :10.1 0. 0 ~,,,:••!! ,SI -It 1 . 1 II 1.1.11,•• t;- t 1 Il.pt.llllllN \ I.ATI Ml' C() 11 o •L o vv ()rove. at . 110 )I,v 1'). 'LI; ))) I. %%'»t11)-1)••.trSis: some 'tole 11.1 v 10.1.tee't to it, ..oete ot oes r I:e .i0t.11,.....1111 1 . n• ,•• ilt oitztilt • ptli t . l• .1.3 olf cl 10 , 1111 t " 1 1 1 ' 1,11 • •• •• ,,, • • • he 1 , 1 . 1.1 . •,,lor wow .g 1 he . .. 0 per. vro , ,r• 41 of. .1o•ti -010 , 'I 10,01 'I 11.• 10.1 r 41/110, 1 , 11 , 111'1%l'atilt • /oil ylle %,ii••1 1 111 , no:. -, • 1 •teller , o • 2. I • ion 0-e It. •lil , Jt /.. 111,1 •0 1 • 11 1111/, lift, 01 .1/1 . 1 . 4 1,111 10 01/1 11111 ost 111,1,3-.11 1,1) lo•y, 11,111/11- 1111,0 , 11 . 11 1.1, 111,-, .1., 11111. • Iy. 1111,1 11 11, 1 1 111.11 1 1 1 / 1 /11111,1 t a 11.111 0111, 11,1 i.,11 1111, •• 1 1, 11,1 ,1 , 111 . he t . .1 . 111(1. ,1111 1 1- .11x 1.1,• , P1 111 1 ,/ PI( 0.. orier t• 101.1 %% 1 •• 01 iti , , •. ore, nit, I, re • • 00110 , 11.1 )01, 11,...,11,1'. f :1 1 , 01114 . 1 1,•11,.11{ 11,1 - 110 :1••• • ••• Of 1 11, • •1 • .1111 .11:1111. t+ 111% v )0 I r i1.(1111.1: \V iii4;(.l•ll(Eru xm, t - Lktt..kit II rllOl , 0 J ‘Vo , th - 1)...1 il:/111. ID hol. Ile. of Priol..or iit . .ll•l elm lculy •a) It I- ry Ike .Igotl.ro/I . i 1 , 41111: Ole 11 i.r u.nou O I o tutu of -rvo•nly . Alt Inn. 1...• I.IIW alialia (111- 011aia 11 color Von can 0 . 1 . 00010 101 10 Illy 1.,011,1 s. 10101 i 11.1 . 1t . .1.i 11,10 . VII., N., out of the scar-1 Auld You, 11,•-rweittOl• C) .1 NV()C)9 & Co.. 31.2 lit r 411,,. I% NI , V YlOl. (11. 114 , . N 1. N\ lie It .11.,2 ,re. 1...1-. M.. The First Fire Al•ing the Line. FuNDErtsmiTtt IN ADVANCE: OF ALL. CV \ll'F:'l'l I OR.S. WILE reeri;r, this tlay his first supply of how. Pali good- froOl 10 . .2.5 A ell!. 111 WIII . O 1111 d 1,11 WOO! un0d...11 . 20 111 4 1 25 veal- SAT NETTS AND JEANS lIP y and , bt Si oit'll.. -often., ~,o, 0• .001y :710 50 al3O 10.1 0 . 21,10, wield Jean. 111120 10 25 cell.. 4 11.:1 at-0 runt - 111 1,1 : , il/-illl-. &n. • 1,1 s y lots prief • Ilßb pound extra/ %VOW klll4 V.1(11. Jo , ' rt velvet,. New No , I and 2 N1.,1 , 1,rfe1. the of the rat-oat fat and ju-I 11 . 1 01Weti. 11. (1 F IN:.1:1Z . :%1 1 I 11. Ca-ti Snore, lot., Cnl arnltoa. Ae oq 2 ,1 1,-r4. Come and See Otr Glassware O 5 r .1 .t 3, ( d i ; 1 , 7 e. d e n l 7: onl.le r. Ac . Who:v.l..lllld retail, ..:11 per cc at. ill., I' 01111 114ual. Ju-t received 11. C rONDF:RSAIITII'S. Cnl umlol R. A tictl•l 4a. 1.5. One of the Greatest Discoveries FOR the benefit of mankind is 11011111:IVS TONI(' NI I xrur.c. :.:. Inf.: Ib7c remedy for chronic Marrlora, 1) 3 .emery. :old nil Bona el col.- Omni.. For ante to Dr. I: 13 1 Ica', Alceorlle 3, DO lent. T. 1. .Idea ..nd 11.1'. Green. A u . g . u.t 7. 1.3,...210. I. ) i'* FOR E SUM NI Eli SEASON-AT THE CHEAP 800 STO RE. ORD MONTIGCS' PiGE.---An Historical Ro mance 01 the nlll 1;01001). IP) 1.. 1 . . It Leeture4 of 1.01 t Nlontrz, ineluil•olg her A oto lo,gn.oht Tor Atioul.l Th_e-t or 111, I,nor• of rooncylo being o -1111,ole Ivirlit to Viir the LIM- .1 oh" s:.ite Ir. Tie by yila,rd i. Brook %V, lon on'd r•nrnher, nil n‘tr,ll,,, in the.•l, -rfeet 1ite,,t1..• -h. , . • - .I 1 I .i 1 J.‘ •- \l,rr• 1 ,,•••il .7 • r ' ,t 1,•.• .11. :01 &lb..' We I. It 1.611. d 1 . .: , Store 31 e Inv (If• I 1 : ,,- u. 1.1 pr. , t II • .r 'ln - •.( I, •••,..,'• • VIIV••• Sail a cloonre so Inernmr: sni ' Sat., in 31,1 tnimr. Dior in nod Ace ihr Innen j , , , , n i n i 0: „ ;; ..„ .. a .F 1 :: F • 1 4 . 1 1 1 1 3.. nine mew firm of Sucotoooro to Murray , Young S. Co July 17, 1833, ;I!qtlre: , 813, w no I lit •i = MIMI =BM zAraps. ,7% I:\V r:%t; L 4.) SETTI,P.IIICri T. OPPORTUNITY.---TO ALL IVANI'ING . a a „.. 1040, ei OVI,IIII . 11,, 104 t•• I .•01 • ; llle lepled .\ Itsnote iss• tst. 3e...-•01..0 A 4.411111010 WI , relteutt t , •• s. out si • est! .1. Gr.. r•ins. 111.01,0 1.1 01) j. 10 111111. 01 les aid ( * lie ton.ol) for the produetne. 40 1 , 1111, :,10111.. Ace 11,.. 011 C, fluty $I:. 10 " .v• I .' itL4 r 1) •1110.1 a 1v•It0 lal 5 o.t, 1011,0.4 Ttle• 10101 1,0 t . O 00.1 t o .sr ter so in 'llO 1.11011 1111;110, - •.1 1 .0 'lr.• N • 11.1h1111 00101 11010.1110, 111:1. 0 1.114 15 I ...11 It litr , n Isetsstr stuproced leoo., •„11 500112. Inv best final N. I '1,...1.1atel the 1114.1..11e 7.1:01 , 0 revievoteg large t un s r e c, et , so , Is s• n-1,0. of Ow gorair..l I111111017r ff.& 1.101111,1 1 . 1:1 :Well - 41111 Si•V0111,-live 11111:.• .•• lino rinviti•al f.trine•. and 1.13-1 Eto f.osu the. le :let.l dela lerteollth of der U •,, important lot,lin••. litai•o• oat, •ul . %I- I , ta .41,0 .11 t 1:‘ • I], peep .e• 1.0 e ppop al. I.llllt lin il/1111V1/1. o ' I• 5.,111 . 1 1•• 11!. :111d 111)-urn a- tec, I- k11ni)'11 'lllO .oel // 41: 11 tiny bottom 04, 7./int/o.'ol 014401110 4 - 111.41'et 1 111 nar1.04.10411 0.1.11 4 4 4 ,4110 41 II 4 tl•tmlill- 1.0,011 /11• p -.11 4- I t - 't 11141 1:1141 Ir. 1411• 4'l 1,11011 ,10 1 10 ' 11 1/ 4 •01111i144 1 4 11 41 .11t: ..r .• 1111J/011111g 140 , 1 , 1 . 00 111 .11410 11 V 41111 0• 000 0 1 111 111 141 111 . ..X0Y/1011 111111. • 11. • 1 , 11 1110 1004'10 1(011 01 00 , 11- 11 1 141 /1- 1,14/11.4.0 i" .I,aw 11.10 11.11 lit• he, jer-el ,% hr. or.• led 111 the 1,111,11 , oi "I'l,t• 1 , 1111. 1•••••:11e- ..1..-.II,I.• t , r t , t (.•.ittt/t•tt.. It e...tti .xlstAttdallt -apply 0' ott tt tit omit, 2. WO fl eon ht. had 611 ib• -Waal p ;rat •tte .tit • (PIA , 1,1.12 ally 11. 41...11• :e 1,•1••• )•11 , •••• Itt•it.4 slat •, , t1 ft, ,Ito• g.to•ttt.l I.t.t.t.t. ; tot tit. tt I,ttartitio 1... ttt tott,• tytto doll,. 11111 ttit• ttittO.titott. ilit• etur-t• tr , put •tttILI a. .1 lii.ot t• I,t itvi. itt Cat tot .ttg•i ur t. .It.t but art.• ,ile h.til•f 10 1.1.11 up tpr the lie. -11 1 11,tit ••.11,1 11/4 navl/11 II.• tots arj6 ~, : , I- Ile 'llOll I• .11111 i••••• 1 , 1 •1.41,11••: 11 , 6. 111 %.•111 091, P,l •-•• • • S 1.0 .1111: ••••11ii r il• 1 I 1.. 114/4111' I 1..0 'l,l I. 0, l• 1.1 ;I 11, 11'..••• • .1, 11/ ./ 'lll.ul r.-11/ . .! . tl , I: '4.1.14111'1 •11 11 q• a.•t•iiit• ;.;- 111.111 1 1 0r,,. .1 F.l , I 4.1 . . it , 1 ill ~..1 1, ~11 111' 111.01,:11 • 1 •• 1,,, ..... i.. 1 .4-1. ~1)1 lite vi, m. • eirl lip lii e r • `-•,' 11. 1,4 l i o I. it ..... -r• 1 Hit iil• ciii I el, riiie In, iir Ile ! lie..f' .1- 111 ire'' - us .10 ,h.• Irr.l 011., Ile 4 1 i r ss ill r • ir 11./ /111111, Vsui. ii‘Vo :1ip..44 .1 v.. in :41111 41 ill 11/ 4• 14. 011.111011 P 10.01 1 1 . 1.10•011 11111, 1 1 110 , 1 0 1 1111 01111/11 11.1.1 1 .1.. 01 011) ore lin Nl.= Mill ere ll,' lit riii 9'ht• IS.nuuuuiiun I',,m , r.ll 11111,1111 1.11. r.ll 111111 A0.11.'11111114 1 , 111 , 11111111,1 11111 1111111111.1111/11 • 1 1 11111:1r/1th/11 1.%111 .1111 1, I. 111(111/1111 . .1.1 v.lll , p. r 1,11111111 1 . 116. 1,11.j.11t:1 0 •11• ‘‘. II I.. 1.1•••• 1 , 1•1•.:. given. cle.or nf mon, I- p:1141 Ito., to lb.. 1.110.-1, Ville t.h.n I . 111.1.1 •.01Itt. t,.r fl tlll,llll, I .t 1 11. 7 :4 I. bp :Iv P 1y11. r• tor II r 11 voilvente•m..-- 10-ttet- 111111 11.1111 catloilz .../11 br :1.1•Ir, --,• I: II r(IL 1,111.1%.2111 r. 1114.11 1 , 1,12 •io.•••I. \1.411110. N.ll, mid LI,. 1 ,(1.11) :0, B. F. .A.PPOLD. Forwardir g & Commission Merchant DC.11.1:II IN ,1100:1 . 1 4 11{ 111 ,. I. irrel Wlll-1, I, the sorrel. (i.oatoi I.y the !sorrel (:. 1.5 the A Dr.11.1.1Z IN kinds n, Cool, by the Cargo, Car Load or To”, such us C'ompall>, are Red 111.11, LI, Wl.l , AO] Shari \lo,llsSnin 'zlnve must TAimp, 1•11.1 . 44 - ' N'.111.1 do. da Tll,Ol l Oll 410 ,to. ' l ' l, • tibLelibt, boy, hp. Coal lor Cash and offer in -s• stir Low, -I ea-Is Vile,. It. P. A P1'01.13. No-. 1 2.0 and .0, Coital LODGE'S GALLERY, 1.•1:0NT & Loru oLulimA, PA. UV, qll)N;rithr hat lag addril rxtrnsively e t I, • .11l1.11111 • 1, llr ttok% 4 ., .1; •Intbrnlgp.a, Phone: nphe and Patent Leather I. iorq 11, I, C ..../I...111(•1,011 ,Mi) l`. • . I I 1.1 / • =I EMI 11E10111111=1 SAVING FUND. Al A I.I.ONAL 4-.zeso. A oT S 12 1. F y I L 1;1 . 4 • • • " TRUST • " : 4 ; A 4C-• I.; Utti; Y ;rollout Si, , IV".si l'ur her if Third Ph bid, Iphiq. neonnw‘Tro BY NT VIT 111: PEINSYLVAIII. VIVI; l' ER CENT. INTER ES'l Iltreooto.o to I. o lit'. Oil, i lt, t .. l t l t. •l ' 0000- , t • • Io ; 0 1 . do: to. , A.I/1111 I, 61 1.. t•v••,,. •Ot•I,,o0, inIL ~, 5,, ••••,, , • 11, 4,1 111 Id T.lll. ••t` I ..2.• 111~\ 'I I. \ 1'1: , , V.: r• W` .J. 1{1.1,:t • . 1)11ZEL Ileur I • I.lo'l olf. !”.1, •••• 1., ~ 1,1 „„„-..r 1.1 , 101 111 V . l ..1 MEBl===llll •Ii• 11 • ' • I .l'1; r • „ N - I:: it; Oh .o- dir e• • ,!• 4 Alv4ii, 7 1— ••••• Irt7 Tr 7,7.: fit, lw of Ow b , NI tal, al; byV , Am; . 1-5-•;:n N. , A L'l N T~OI~ hL uv r ._ STA_sL3 Stcund strret,odpantoz Mr Odd 1411ince 11,111 (7tJ1.1:111;1,1, h ,w 01111 .100/.... • if • Old 1 0 0/11 0 1 1 0. ...II I ..00 1:X1 0 11•11. L . , 1% ‘, 1 :..I ' l /0• le111•111 iiiii I. 111% ICI. il.l- ....ar“.... 111•11 SUPERIOR AcColl A 101) ►TIoNs Ile .1 ei• l).• ~ I t. i• 4 ell hr Len la ..;$4l •••1:1111•14/1 lie a an -••• I/ ANI)S()N 11 VEIIICEJES, 11111111.1;111..-1) 0 , 1 01. 111,H/11/. ihr WllOtt 1 11, C. 11 1 .11:!••• are 11. iliolotiglt reptli^. and l.lll r',.11111114% 10,11 TlO. ll /0 . in 1:14 • care or necommodatisT .•11,1 fior.sEm / . .% 11 CON V! T \ CAN RI.: HAD AD ALL OT TUC DAY GIL NIGIIT Ti:um— 11.1. 01111 he iloot 111 , 111 1 ,11.- 01 11.4 rolthir. and 11 ,h•po-,nou til. ..o.lloller, V6lll ,CCUIC 1111101 1113r:al -Imre of yubhcfallot ell RI:V/14%N 1111:P.SIIEY. Collital: in. ugu-I Easkeil's Calori Capi lli RESTIT UTOR.. TIM article restores grey hair permanently 10 11- OrIyIIP , I • olor aoil coatiilion. It re.oll OI ihe lirteicaiire 1,11 Ull.ll o ,illly ileiiieil Ti,,. pr 011 4 .4•1•4 tiV 0 , 1. io IL It 11.1.1 i ..1,4•1V111111%.: Oit • tow. 'lm re-tering lie 4. :ova la the . ..alp andlnl ont, eau- The II or i • ie• Niue 11111.',1131 hoe, bot pr peoill 00,1 11101•'Ore.:1S111 of 11, bro.h. a 1“-lie “lii• w-paralit.o. canary: give Warn.. a io tine @I it..” or Mont . % retina:lea For ..Ile oit't I.) Nic.lls Aag 1 lot] re d0...* null Coloonlon. For Sale—Family Coal, .SVC •is 111 , 11tre.re I` 11.ykrmo . Plfle Is rove; .1.0. s•lr hos e toil is kept under „ 1,01 l• N% tor n.: 1..00ti and I‘l J••• 1. i0111i..11 'I ot I \III• le. .11 the Lowe-, Itrir-, arp II Arpt.l.D. r Inul 8,111 COlllllll.llll 0 1 - 11u10../.4. ••••.. , •11a ., e , 11.1-a- TOIL ar,zais. A TWO-NTOitY FIUME HOUSE. - - chair an.l Furniture Establishment IN THE UNION, Extending from Gqy to Frederick Street, being 40 fret rind', 170 feel deep, and 6 stones high. Al in I'S Gay Ntrett liTurerubm;, NON. 25 p•s.• I, k. 4.1111 P, .1, or tss o•s• lu t , r• • res .15 to of I rrlss•st 1 . 1. r10.5•41.:TES sss If fir I'.• , •110 mot N:etl.11:1011P.IriOr Arm Chat,' tt II •li, l'reolvh 1 , 4,1 I'dsior Chair-. ill cct witlt Mill. Cloth or 131 .... Ili.lf Priireli Wiilout Parlor t • lrtir. Cloth or in Hair, Cloth InrgU ur coVri % , ../;11 uuds tuord,r _ _ _ Cif AMBER SUITS, In Mulingully "r \ %%ono', from (7.111 V Ch.tir- and Hot king tlu —il.e laree-t --girt lieni re id, Ili.. tr. :III) one hoe', 111 - the 1:1111C11 •r..,. —111 , .1t Jl_ lot a LI, • “o• Room. i nlieo ono lholog 17.11 sir.. io 0 \Val got or N 1,01.4.• !. %Ito, %Vood or S• oiled rx .11 euit.r.soto4 Dorn iii,l•ll. %VOW' lir , and Sen., Itiwkillg Chat - ov, i;111 nod Flame Leoking Ctocu•, of ever All kinds of Ile ;4, 11,tir and Mourn A. MATIIIOP. Nn . and t 27 N. Gay ...I— near 'le 13.4 7. I -.5-- I y cum SAVE THE COM MONW EALTH zHz.rarivs p.a.ocz.amswiortz . Of the General Election for 1858. f N pu rNint ace of the du lies imposed by the I I. 11.1.1 101 11 . • of ihe $lO , O 111,1 iv. 101.1. •F.N./ N. It 11%% ' , II, lir Of LAI r..-1•r .;.i•,. 1111 Ii• r.•lq 1.10,1-11 p.llt. 00/11 . 1.1 10 1110 .111 , 1(0 1 1 1 cleelni- 1/0 1 P1 1 1:1 1 ,11 ar.1... ti 11,.11111. Horim,ll:ni Ibe 1111 :11 111111 0 1.. u•11.,•.11•1. vim. b• 1.141 01, Tr I) V. , he I. h d•:) hi i/t7 11 , x1. :It ..0%1•1.11 I I.:r•.- h , •:ri:.:firr tiC.,4l/.1i1(1. t 11,1 for ?ht• ofnue of .lu.'g e . of Is, 11.• per -10 J11:1 , dill I '- ‘OllllllO-0•11. r 1).,4• •-•0 jrlo :%Irio.,el of l'ortor- , • 1•r,11 -gott- (0.1:1f101 ror :%18,111...r- of 111.‘ ; 11101.11011"1 , 1111111/3•-io,, of Lais- p , Jo.} d for Di p~i• ,, n , 1 . 11. gl.nifi • d fur 1'11••11k 10 - •••1.1•••1111.> p , •1•uo ilia ) ‘, 1,111fit.41 (Or Audoor of 1-i 1/...11.1--Coulpoo , •d nt lhe four Word- of • Toe qua. 111•11 vroci , of 11, Not ,ol hold ilonr nle1.01111: OL1:1/10 1100-0 01 A 110.1.111 1.1,10 ii, 111 1;1-1 Klll, .111,1. 11: 1 --0 in the Nor. /rd Ille p.thbr hou-e occupied 1, ...1.,111 '1 low, illll-0 0f Ibr 1..1.11-11.•1 %Va. al lit , puldit • 111111• II I/i 11 II VI, I; Var.-. 111 Iht-t hloq -orAllei. 1110 a• of !Ito ~t 0111.1% c , t Wzittl. at the iniblie i rot Join, A. lit.. . 9 d 11 1 .., 11 -.l—D, woo". In„ n-hip.lll the N 0.2 ,11001 110,1'11111W 1,1:1.1:20 0101e-111111 Level. ail Ih , ~n t 0w.," /1 of. pall ul the In, ...hip of \lour; .10) .11.1 too , hole of Dont.g.li• 11101111,11 at F.,1/.llt. 111 1 0,11. II Ihr puhhr 11011-1. note 011'110011 1i) C. mge tr• lioy er, 01 the ...lough ul 1:1t.lwilllow11 Distoict—Eull tam:n-11'1p. hotsce ne In the vsll,.ge oiNcsv Hul lowa -hip, at the [table how..• now aveapoal by Cearge Beat.", It Bi t Ler Illy. le ...MI 11,.V:1•1110 0.0 1),•o•t—ltomoo, o. izir,l,llrz, tit the 'Ali(' hour II.) oeettpleil I)) Hem y Bear I. Ille:1111111.4 lill• 110 roov,ll of 11111illeint :1111, publiv ocLopled b) Ilit Imel It lute. Io 1 ,11 01 Ilu• 111,11, hou•c unw (11 . 1 • 11111• III I‘ . lllll . 1101 111. 111 -.1,010\S:1-hip Co.llth Ururt•l-1{n•I alien lowa-hip. II Ilse iudil.e now occupied lip Andrew ftcaln,lii Ihu soli nl Heani-lowo it -roil Inovi.,lllll 1011, 1).....0t—10u50g a ' , sr. of Ow totwo-liip Dialegal. at the 14111/10 •f•Ill/UllIULI-e 111 lIIC 4111.1ge of NI:.)loW11 111 -.Pi 10W1,1ow. i 111, 111•1111q—C.1111.11,011 10,V11-111p. ;1:111111. 11011..• nit,' Ore[WWII Alia Alta village lieCliiireh.o, n in sold lowit•lisp .1h Pl.lnrt—\Lune tooo.lais. ai the 110.1,, ono iseelipted I.t George Robin-0a.... tosvitsloo 1/1-I..ei—Bart at the ablaut boa, no, iieellpied 1/3 4dunt Rllllel.lll -11111 10W11.1011 l Gill 1..)1•11/1.1-1'olf•roill , towll-lop. at ilie puhllr tiOW OVellllll,l by Fiala', tie. In ,111.1 11111 to.vo- , ..11. at the pal,lie Gon-e no, 01,111,1.4 i ti) Jteiepti iti ...id lowa...lila leak k 111W11-1111, 1114. 1.1111,11. W.1.,' 01,111.1. ti lis S mite I of -lit % 01 LI.: In slid ioo I 7.1.1).•i1i,.--i'olopo-ed of Hie ItornistOs of NI - Arlen:l. ud p.int at the paiiiie -i•liotil Lou., to leer ialoollol of A1.1,11 , 1a. 11l -.Mit 10, IM2I 1:111 Borouvii. ni the Town 11,111 in -,1,0 liorough 11l 41-11011' lowli•bip. IT 'be pubbe Lou.- now ",1 by Alit . ..mitt 1:4“, la‘s 2001 11-'. lel— Lealflork 11. ..Olin .41..011, In -lila al , ll•hy. 914 i lii-Irtet 7:r. t I,nt•k to, it-bip, lloW Orr Opted layJultn Cfrcln . w -411.. 10,1, 2.1 fli-11.1—Compn-ed of oat:, of IfIVV/0•111p• al I? 0 ‘0.0 , 1 , .1101 10111.4:Ii. :al 111 , pubht 10,1.. It,. v 711,, ,n ‘1,717111.1ny ..;141 4111 11.•1,111,1(1 1777077 -101, .110 44/.0 110 V, 10,11;111 0) I; 1110 • 0, 1, 0 i •111 11 .4. tvz—Wt•-: I. ims.elt•r lna. ti-11.;) 1111•Illill. 11.• I.—• cicupl..l by 11, the u•••.: in iown-lop Yii 1./I.[ltei-17,1ne-to,m 10.‘11.111p. nI the puld,t , 1.0•1 1 11.0. V 01 t•upiell Ly ..101111 G. I'l el.. in ',till 10,11 I= _ poll or Niallor at du• Lowe ill Ilse hoiougli • ALI r.,•11.111,1 pitrnta Ii John 11* :11 loWst-11410 - di 1)1-II 11,---011111/ . l Intvn•l!gt. sl'llf .44 111,11•1 • 111 the • 111.1 g.• of I;orli:ilitige 111 -Ill!! 111.1111 . 1 •itillt • 1411 11.,./111 • • 111/141, 1/11 1 1.1 1 1.1 ./01111 jr illy II X11;c •1,111 %I.wrtntvll-1111. 111 the Pgehsi. il , 'l/... liotv ,11 1 / 1 •11 .1% 11.1.therg, r. ...I 1,11 ,11 the peithe 110.,” itoW euelthled II) (i. 1:0:•11.1, w Eadl.llle. Ili the liwththip 94u1 Inri, —%Vn-t ni dn. on In• how occiontni o) John kendng. ut , a.d 11:n insvo-b.P, POW , i1..11-e• ilo , A• 01,11[11. d by Jl.Artin lln r, 111 the botougli allh 11,-It 1, t—IL tett pltlt or Malin. town-hip. 041111. 45101,:k 4.14:1011 10.11•Oh:41Wi, /14.1n01 ••.1 11,0 111/01 10111-4 .r$ - ocl 011t11.1.5 the 11.010 . 01 Ito, oi 11711 tt Dt-it I—%Vest 1741,01. 41 111., 41.1.41: :a: the Nth -1,,,11.4 Ito 111•••11/11,• , i .40114 ‘‘. %1...0i1er 111 the SI r M. 411.50411,,,V11•15441 1•11$4 !:I:141 1„,„,_1,11,, 110. 11111/110 01:1, 1:4.,A , .:4•,•:144 41 1 .55 NV11:111111 001111. 14. 6111, tie ;7 , 10 tn,ll-1.1) nt ih. publit I . bLOYY (WO by .1.0 . 01. 11,11,Z y to-t i ll{b...k ; 1 .1 n part of r. Ilompfipld . ~ poI•ju• I.'ollloll-r Illy ‘1,,,,gt • 01 Ila lul._ , 1 111 p .'' , 1,1 , 1, 4 10 , ,V1,111,1 ilo• 111,!..it• ..••SV u, 1., D.1.11C; 11:111111,11. :111.• , 1111-1; Limll , er Inwa-hir nt the -.• e, „•d II) I lent) how ; . ..43, m %IA Ii 11.•.11 , 1111,, 10,11.-1.1p../1 Ihr 11011, .1 ()ft, 111,1. I.•t I.• ti 014 111 Ow it I:. lA,it I 1... An-lop rti:.ll4l II r tit ..t.l 4;,is 1101.0igli 01 .kll.lllolo, u, 01111 e ,010.01 1.0100,1 i 14-nu I--.*l ❑n* whip. 'II orr; , •nrtZ. "41,”111. It (1.1 . 111 , 115. Joule Uri;• ) ur -aid CuM•n 41 1 i 11 111.1rn qt.,w lownOnr. in the pubhe :,We n, - old icrWrt-htit 47 I h 1/1 , 1 ee low...nip et the how-, filers s:ani In tr.,up 4-01 11.-ne et the 'whine hou-e -;iie to, 11-1.1, I he General Election. oi ult the Ward-. Ph-Innis wul norot. g t.. of the county. ore to 1., opened to Issteit the hour. 01 right and teh u e 11l the fur. - mum and shall coottnue ylllhotl rtiptuni or tol lunrotnent uuul sesi ~cruel' 11l the CCUillitg, lthCit aq thr poia 'llll he closed. e Every perttoll CSC , . J u lc es of the Pence. who shall hold any other of nppitoortie.it of profit or tril..t rower the eovernoteot of the 1:1111eli or of ,1411 C. Of of tiny oil er my o. invorporniett distru t. whither n coma...son tittl oilier r or ot here ISC. a col or dinate oifieer or agent. vt hu is or 0,111 In• euiplo)ed un der the Leetttlutive. Executive Of y doTafitticOt of the : 4 1/Ile or the finned r•iIIICA, or of lily city or tn . °rpm...nett thstriet nod also that every Nlerober of COO- Cro.•^. CO of the Slate I.eltedtiture. unit of the tsetet I nod if :toy en). Of CLIII,IIO.,IOIICr 01:10) illeorportited 131-met. is by In lineup able of lioldurc to ex. reistotz nt tile rtarne tune the ollwe or OppOICI. Meta of .1 uldge. to-peeler ur t lUrk Of HO) ClCcliOO Of 011. CO 1111 l 101Ok Mot 110 In-W . 4 . 10r puler or nth, , Aleer of no) tacit eleetwo ebe.,l be elept.le there to i.e • cried tor. The racrectorg and Judie* of the e:rrlton• ~La:! Inert at the reset t live oho ent appoialoal lot holthott the 11011 in in to ts loch lb. y r.•.prrltvrty l•rtt before aloe o'clock lit the morning mid raell of Fait' ur 014 I.h:di apittaat one Clerk, who shall be a 1.i.C1- lied older of cacti di.tr,et In a tae the perwil who •Ita 'I have received the %Pr , nod Inellest number of vote 4 tot I.llpeetor, hall not nit the dry of airy e'reelltre. liren the per-nn who shall hove 0 cry, ed the PeCOllli lat.the..l 1111,11 Lee of t oleo f r j•trltte at the neat precerdt. ¢ elt coot, .111,1 oft n. otspector ~ l ace A nd in en , e the per-mit oho la tve received the hichedt twon ter of vote , for 111•1 , 1 . ... Or trot attend. the C . 1,1,11 Jody - .le.. ••1 , - point lo.,'ec roe to hi. ['lore—mid arl per.tomt elPeled to• to tee who Ino amend Oleo the iroper . t,r st Ito merited the lotrire-t bond, cal tote* shall tipinnot tit t e e m inn e—or if out vat tows er.ol , in the onord tor the Apse. • nine hoar ref Pr tie t, fr ,ed by hew for the or e •Ine of 113 • e ern .It.!it 4,11,1 bed totems of the towtodno war..l. or tit-Irret Tor yew. n such °dicer. nhn 1 have tanni le, nett ttre•ontt to *nett . riect tale ut oumlu•r ID VII ray. 3. tar /1137.11 t are t4l make thetr return. for the eottot of 1,,,00..10r. the Co,,n 11 011 4 4• lii the t it, of Lao a•tet. 00 Friday the 1301 Asir of f tetot.er A. I) 1 - 5- al 10 o'eltbek. A 31. 111::C./. I'. 1{.(1%% rill . . LaliatCf 9 OSYR.S ~ Ltaroalor. r °.lt44 il a r. Arroto-. TUE LARGEST SOFAS; CO-PAJECTNERS=IP. ran nr.N - 72, rrliE undersigned having rnif red into ! BEMNESS STAND, Frant ,.. a . u"d", or I ati ,„•,. ..s.eo reol ....d 1,01•••••1. Oh- , (I,lre h!e•III the •111,111011 01 the pulele to 11.11111. w "" tAIof WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, -toekhe• •• .e.e. led Willi g•F p ; svllll reg 10 h•ttele 1 IA %%art' e-r X"' . art . .. l ent Itnre In feet,. ) aurt of fn. p ~,o , •p • "." n". l •IN ..th I'," Wo aeavur 10 plea, ;111 who v. •• er •, •to m.•t'• • • •1 1 , ' A. , 31. 1!:4'..11-1%1N Ptlll.ll l ,11 1 11 1 \ 1 It, 1,0 1 1. 2.1 1-11111.1 •1""-J7 o.l't.rol/1.1. July 11 11 ; „,al,l -X- 111,t1: 'TONT, tn t'relit stm I, rontain iwpOri unity of lolurellog 111,1rti.a it, III) 1 114 •,• • 11 . I , ‘A.k .% • r r.• -, ,•••• d and ..u-lolocr- fur Ilk , 1 , ty 11e 'or n+11•.o•• - 4•1-' an t0.p.,•1n,1 ;_ 1) ~1.1. 1 1 , , 1 11 • • S u 1110 e What fur the /levy firm. 1'llII.11'.9:17:1:1N1Jf:. I r. 1,.." 1 Colmoluo July 31. l'-!;.-tf ;nil, I COLUJYIBIA IRON I.VORRS, oProsiTE., TEA C CAN L S N, COI.O M !HA, PA. TilitE subscriber has re: oled to thr, v. 1•0 tll Eli t , tt- (V,Ol/'!, / [lon Ir 1111 1.. 111. , h.t. El ti. ."(1 r• 11,111 1:11!:1111 , .111.1 Pomp, .ot rt ern. qolio.lt, Ai /,•1..1et V to, I t.r.ove t Olt Olid iir.l••• 1,11 111 ii011 , :111d Llt UCT — lleiwirt:pz ruin aoltt•Ii• r 1/i\ DrANEV =I TTESiJ 13.1"1 1 .11.11.CT:ZON! "V AV OPENIMI choico lot FNory IN 111,-- lkwed !he— aln ILr lbe•1 ever odevd m C4011t.1; I t. A'!' Till: 1 . 1:‘,1'1.17S Coe Coltolikia 1;.1111.. AND S 4 IVl.ite atu.l k rt r.vl stage- ju-t it ti,tl 11. C. I'll\UCCSlll'l'll'S, 13.):.ttul 1 - 1:1 01, t II NIA 1" , ibt I. Elt••-• 0r,41 1: no p I 1., II ful 11111111,1.:..! topt • 1111,: C. \ 1.4.4:i.1e•5. 1 . 51 . 11. ‘7l, 1n I "r, illt• 11,1 ler I ~11, :ti II C I 1)\1 , r1:.-1:1111% , , th- MOURN IN G GOODS 1)1,%CR 1;., a.. SIR :i7td lo 1.11,14% ii4l4. 401 , 1 I. 11111 •, /itil 0111 l • ( • 1•11.,, l • VLik. A/01.1111.1g l • ..... !11. ll' .it II t; WHITE GOODS—m:Er cool.: A I• 4 •1,•11. : . 1 e.r . lwo II I ON 1)11:,111.111-.. I)lNlC,lisse sTrerts and I'll 4 T.stl , loll v'srs t tor co, t-11.111dt.'It•rs. look's:4 "fu-1. rece, et: at =I I'RENCIT:PERCAIES .kNH CHINTZES. 1 1) 1 . 11...1, .41 Ilit•-t• 1.111 I 4.11,,. ' , it I% • ..se ,1: I===Mil I. C. r()Ni•r.:Z,\IITi! IMMEINIZI Does Disease Origir.ate in 132-43 - arity of the B.eod? rrIIIS is a r,ur,Sica of imp3rliturr, nl 0., h c nr 1,.. `,PI-11.•14•11 , , 111.110.1'1i 1.1 IP 11.1 1 , 11 fie .rt .111:11 111 1.•:10, 1111, 1110 on: idev.ineiele---111 111 t• line. 1.1 ihi• n.I Writ ;i ll evell 111 11111111,n, WIWI' .1. VI • nihnerslS hat t• thrti oligiii.tierio 1.1 limb 1., -ol (11 !Indy Thiel ihn 1,11., pre 111111111 11... how. vur. fixed :11111111,!, ,e• .1 J, 1.1 , 1114.11,11 kte,l Ih ,I.llof Ow I.'. 111/111.111 11 , •..11 1. 1,011 1 1 11111. IMPURE STATE OF"I'llE I;Loon! 11,1,1., lii 141•:.!(..11./11,-,1/1 h r...• n reit, • I:, I, 11.•;. , 11-. . /th.•LIIII I/.11,•.. 1.1.111 If .141, F.,. 11...• ...rot 11 01.1 had 1. 1 ..“.1—,,111:•• 1110 .111 , 11•eollte- .1.,..irt• 1111 1 11111.1 It ‘1.1,11 11, 1 . •1 4 , CI li, 11/II 1.11 , .• P/C/A , 11.1,1 1 1 itl I 1011, 1 • 11.1,I1'01. • 11 CPI 1.0 U1.1.1 1• ...0 . N. 1 Ili., ‘• or II 1,11 .111,1 1,1 j111,.1•1 III 1 •1.11 , .1 ,t• 11,.1,13 ,•1/L =MEV P un I 1 , 1"1'11 r. nr.voi) 104.1111 ,4,1,1 1., rOrr , .lelollit it, ht. it 11.\ 111,1: .111:1 vt ktioA fi bolt ./i,• p I:01 emt .111 t,l H.? I 1,1 %toll loltt‘tii t 111.1. it °rait - II svi , l vow .111 th-t. 1 cm . 1 I tit,ll sl.itr• of ttit• lite,. ditto, out lrl illir 11 111 I' e.til pi od l'Utltir. ill'. Old) .1 V.ll, ..., II IiI•or1V,1•11 01 ),•1 I) :411,V11 111,1 .11. Mc .1 1,11 , 111.••. .11 .11 iI" L..11'011.01,1i i• 111 .•Nple 11It• .1 LI I.:t . 11111111i.•I 1,1 Irv, , •er0H4.,..1,1 111..:111.1 1 1 1/1: -, :1111 • 1:11. 1 L Al. 'l , l 1,17.A1AN1,! :erey r•;nidld 111.111 Ili, Ir -.T. V the %I, did .01 all ni /.! !iv propneln, 11,1Ve• fruit oil, to! ite..l,lt ,1141 ....11111Nag 111 Ow 0111111114 W og ni.,14(.1111` 1111111,, II ' ) 4401 .• -I.i: 1111 A.{, 1111, 11( I -1111 %VIII) II 4- i• r 11- 4 Se, 4... he r 4, 4 1. 444 1141 4 4 .e. • \du 14 4 4, d 1:1.1.1t .I.l'll 1111.1.1 ‘l , J e' eNee h Ce) .e.e. e. :ed le, Uldil ,1•111 . .11111 C T2i/ 1,11 .1-10U.5.T.7 - 70LD WORDS, ---- CON I.)lji- TED UV t.:IIAIZI.bri ht . .NS, Atahoi if "Pt.( wt, k i'ftre is," ••,\,rhob4.l rluk Ithy," y Sou," fir. ItE . -PUMA:AII...I) A 101111,1) by ll.' , 11b.erl bet", hunt advdtsve -.beet.", 1111,1 4 r ,diluttm Of ;kW ••I, al pI 111 , 111. suth thlltl. Each ['undid) . 11U111'..,1 cut: 1.1111,1 FALES, srouiEs, & ()HIER 13y Cho,. 1)1c1,, \V.lll..in 110, it t, Hunt, Daily Color, .111, tinpq err,y cuirpicuuu, 1:E123,11 tviltri, Thu rt by 1..1 - the inobt Yu. irtb, and tirct,trthy Ihr k..sT 1,1•1•;,,t.t pu:nuoi)tcA in the l•'oat.h No aurk of k nut cool itoltes so socce%slully doll ooleil to the lioatlng literature of d. , v; cii-p, dflicles, and its adwii.blr •Toni.• al.• toot, eXlrn.lce ly copted 1.1 COll terrllol.tl) plibloratiOns 111411 Those' of any other anti. loilsoeVer. 'X' rtMVX . 25 cTs. pER I'EU ANNE:M. •• A prompt reinit'auee d %%i cure a lekrulai y, pmt-paid. I El:Al:, JO CLUBS, Two copies for one year, Si 00 Hive •• L..% Pil " Clertymen and Teacherq c,ipplird at $2 a yl.ar •I'n.• VO:1,111t, Of Ihni-.•hnld %Vatut. COIF1(711.(1,0 with liar Se•pfrrnber mid Match mmdmi=,but sub , rnprtoun may br•gm %%Oh any number de- SELsOF HousElioLD Won Ds, Ir, VOLS„ Can now be bad, bound w cioth, at ;1,7.5 por IMMM6 •,.• Sent free by Express or Mail, by receipt of price Clubbing . with ether Magazines. eve toll crud nnue , ehold Wordy and either nne of the lullow•utg Ilagazinec for ohe ear for $5. Godey's Lady's Book, Frank Le , he's lilac kw ood's Magazine, London Q Jar tett y, Graham's Magazine, North Bt it Re% I,IA %Vest rnm•ter Re, Lew , , Harper's New Mont hly, Emerson Putnam's, Edinburgh Re% ew, Atlantic We '1.% in send 11 ou•ehold Word, it 'b ant two of the above Magaziors or lierteur s, for one year. for :7,50. Back numbers of t•llotiseho'..l Word." ran i he furnished at the office of publication, p; Ice 25 rent% each. 1 .-1 All rw.r.on. to ‘Cords throng!. an An,lr lat lOU or 800i:•••11..r, mo=t look to thorn for the .11pply of thr work_ Addre., 1111 . 2.1)EIZIC A. PI:ADV. No. 1'26 Na. , SUII tree:, New Yolk. Jun. 24. 15r.4. TO TRAVELERS. rrHE sithseriber would roll the attention of et .F 111 ..... e lb% 1.104 (ONlNiitr- w hi,. 1.11. , 1. 1 . 4 0. Ste, ore - , r•lr .10.11 • 11.. 1...1. 11.•..1 . 1 1 1 .1 11. It• ••..1. , 1.1..• r botrel—... nlee.eiV , - 4, 1,1,1 ,, 11. la. , 10 I` ,rtea 1.1 1.• 1.•...11.2 to,, oil% e, , lee• 1r tl .1 HI Itl I rselr , ir r, le% 11, 1 . 11.1ril r. I. le I. Is, e. tr I i,•o• 1 . MMEMI=MIZiM irrT• ..”rro,n n 1 .1 r ,•... ..1,0 :1101/ ear-frec of rharLe .17.0.41-. HERB Oehnet'mw. %w;:.v..! 7, •t: t.,,.11.. , e 1 LrLy 01 J. 40i A` I= I tit) ts•vi•c!irr i,i!„ 101. .. " 4. „ —", . 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