The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, September 18, 1858, Image 2

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    signification to n,y ears—with his mother
in, and in the bosom of his mother
earth! Repeated experiments and appeals
to the spirit . , still brought back those dread
e 1 wurd•: and I began to think the woman
know moec than she pretended to do, end
11 id .;au me 'Miry the c9rp.,e on the fatal
few days after, a comrade of mine, who
land served abroad, came to Nisit me unest
peetedly, with a f:icnd of his, \whom I had
never seen befote. 1 could. nut, however,
resolve to lose 'i^•lit f the grass plot, and
as it was a line summer's evening, I tuld the
servants to bring a table au 1 a ho
Wine into the garden. I then placed my
own ehair over the orate, and thus, fooling
sure it could not he tampered with, I en
deavored to make myself easy rind to enjoy
)ny glass. My conmade eNpressed the hope
that my wife W. 1.3 well, and 1.c.14 Lot keeping
her room, and that she had not been driven
away by their appearance.
wa. ohligol to sh1.111:114'r out in reply the
story of the eluld's di,appeatam-e. The
soldier, who teas a stranger to'n.e, did o u t
look me in the face, lee kept his eyes fixed
on the ground all the while I v% as tallting,
which caused cc tho Lr,reate.-1 uneasi:
I fancied be smn cted ti. o tint:..
Itint, abruptly he thought—Lot I
broke tl'lWn OLI Iti-Trim, t e
Whe.l.:2or 1:1 , 2 t tour
dere:.l?" he with a u.lid look. "t -)h.
wizat. cool.: ally 111:1.11 :4,1111 hy 1.1 , 11:1g a
pour innoeLtit
1 coull Li.ll ;;• is 1
by such deed, fin• hu of c wI • t;• :• ii. i I
did; but I rentait,ed :ilcr,t, t'acu;;li 1 .....,:r
-ed as if I bad the nw.l2.
Sceing the acute of •ht 1 W. 1.. I: ,
they eudeavored to e ,1111 , it aic •„ith tho
Lope the child might et I,e, round Len :\
suddenly lied:l a dtcp eo 1 a , ouple
of large dog, le,t:•ed tr,e \tun let ,tt
"12:;00,11mml-:" exclaime:l i s ;.; , 10-k.
Tlicy nee,l w,t Lave t., Id l'a• zimmAll I
ha .d. i,cv.r in my hal I Lmcd t, any
dogi of kin i, I In,tinoive..%
tnulkt :1:1 , 1 i folt one
already eon,leni:) , .,l aral gr.:-1 , , 1
the ,id( e of the e!lair c,or, th 'ugh
neith,.r 111 , r,..".t! nor \\*Ord
- 'l'hey are the clue I," üb.-erve 1 the
stranger, -and have I,en ,-e
and haNe e,ear.el
on trial
And as he aa.l hi, 111,-ad tarnad
Leads, they t•aw tho dog, tlio gr.y4ittl,
and rulinilig round atcl toand, I;kc mad,
without noticing a., and fr,cr and anon rais
ing their hood., uttcring a .rolnn^ , •1 howl,
and then again laying their mu../.103 c l o ,c
to the earth if to got as the tight scent.
Presently, intt,nnl of turning round ,n large
a circle, they isceinel to CkUt,letli.V;V: o ! (IF their
efforts on one point, whi,dt they i-niffed more
diligently d•uing which they ap
proached ii chair, when they cot up a lucre
frightful howl then licCore, r..ttentluing at
the same time t te:ir awry ito leg , . NV/I:e!I
prevent_d t.r , ‘”•••,t, at 1112 wound he
They evi lent
cent game," erled
•"Fhat's crte.l. I.
"For he 11.% ell's st , :ol the one I 1t , ..e.A1
get up, or they'.l tear y,,u to piece-.''
"Let them," returne 1 1. "I'll not .stir
from Ihis spot."
"The (logs nm- t not he e11.e.-:ed to bait
people to ,lortth. Let'.3 hew ttteni down,"
sail he.
"There is sour! secret
under all this, - said Ole ,,4e.r, drawing
his sword.
"In the natio of Om law, help me to talto
thi+ man into custo,lv."
They then seized m nnl dragge.l me
avrity, although I fought, n..d hit, and 1,6.1
about me like a 1:1;1 , 1:ann. Alter ate re
aistanee, 1 at le w.ic obliged to sull'er
them to lea I me o'l, arid the eseited blood
hounds began te..t:ing up the earth, whieb
they flung about as i:• it 1.a•I beer' t.o much
water. l\ - Lett more need be tail! IVity
lnerely that I fell on 1.1 . y kurte.,4 and et.tifct—
bed the truth with clattering teeth, and 1, 4 -
ged fur mercy; that I afterward., dnnle 1 the
deed before the tribunal, and now :17,1;:i ONV:1
it; that I ram tried, found guilt y,
contle:nnea Itt de :th. 1 ta.ty all that. I
have found ite tier tr coulf,rt,
hope, and It.t‘e I,: a't it, Ilo.t Nt.toll---
tny wife, happily t. lter, 1.. n i r n •
ed with teTanorarr In , an I 1,-I:,t_t is
ignc.r:s.r.ce of :ac
that I am al Inc
M QUIT Jr..;
crogsing the t I:•,• 1.1
itztble ❑t 1.1.111. r
I ,' 1• i
`that srl
crell to
every spear of g-
of families Or , I
agreeable c
ivrti.le. I 1:
gallinipper an.', the C.Liro
Specimen, but the tn., 1 , 11;
has a cross of both the r tilmro n., I NV ,11
in him. He don't ham mcl sipg
your ears, but It• howil P.r.•l Mice r:gh:
hold, and in pulling ]tic: loose _rest
Should be taken or eke you will 011
his bill like a pine stem, leaving a I:1,101,
mark or stump sticking n ywlr floc", 1,4-111,.%
in large quantities make; the plain,' tra‘.
osier resemble a tato )el New 7/...11;r1,1
You can't bar them out, for they ele—r teNile
fabrics right np, aml thP.II
the least, although I em crc
from a source in which I plaer the greate,t
reliance—one of our m 110 -Irivere—that fire
well appliel has licnn km:wn to 'Ail!
of 'ealaauship. T'ae
ale 1,24 utirully :in are e, aal
the autheor,
must at once take a place in all :ala n,. ,
where tl, y cammt fail to laecome imp :Ant
atal . .larici to the tear:tcr. They to 1: . ; I,e
par Tile IlriCs!: f•:7,l:eri f 'and in
nil:idol w m
frith lar,:e diaotc _
levog. That idol 11 " d " u"
_ _
was thc gho-t or Hamlet's father.— i A c .
Lat. ron raxr .!.:-..a.-v:-.lln. :ratable.
It had speculation in its eyes. ! 'ammo anulu , ly may I.e cola
1. The 1`..0 , t , n Post says the papers give h,ll - a I. t
nn cause for the suicide of Mr. Harper, of \VIII Cherry. Al! l!atir,u r throat
Oris.kany. New York, encept that he was a: and hrorachial -trashes nt once under
ju-tice. of thp i N ve. :ts soothing inflecncc.
zer lre hear appre:l , : i , i,,l:: enprz,s , cll
new. 4 contiv, Atlantic
graph acireq, through .2,01_; , ) milos of .alt
water, will nut I,r.
.fir ,•71 wirvn it acts here.
~~;~TE ~~~Iii:?~11'tT~ ~ tilt.
Camp W. eetir.g.
In consequence of a number of Canq ,
Meetings going on we haae concluded to
eorr.cit our IVood, Meeting into :t Cala I.
lla,2ting, and eontinne it ave.... Sunday. A
number of oar a Idest sneakers will be pres
ent. SonS WutTE, Treasarer.
Marietta, Sept. 16. 157,.5.
SIIINGION r institu
tion (Tette,' t.n Thursday, i n et., with
I. scholars, number .. in one week's
time, has been lucre:l , ml to 70, with ;1, good
prospect of farther important additions to
both male and female departments. This
evidence of pro , t c ciity ene otr.tginct to
the irietod, 4,f edneation in ColunCuitt trh
hate at 1/0:1:11 the 1-11eeezin :111./ perlllllllell l
establi-lintent of.: st.hool in i n n town.
\%e Laic aa,:11.4..1 the 41. -Lin o ; of the pres
ent ses , Lat of the Institute t‘1;11 impativix ,
:1, by t 11•2 silcaur.ig .. or
tr . I:- tol.
a... 1
t'.. 1' : -iii.
; h
In .. Al- • , 111 the .1
I -
;.elzt thcef2
r . l` I. :url
ti.ctw•n; :II Spy tL
:ncet ihi. e,o,.iug nt th,
11 , 4 . . 1:1:1Z1•1 ; 1:1/ 'Oll
.1. c , •ln pally NN 1:1011 NV,1.16.11)u.
it, t%
z.,ucce•s or thf... ;L:ten)pt t , , 0r,?;.1.17,-2
I:v tir a'
1;:i.y,11 , r10n , ..11,
P. ill-H.lle or
,ler, No, 1 a:1 , 1 2, it the
alrea , ly I
are to c , ..amr at NV:Lbanic. on Tu. ;ay. :2 t
We w,tiee that our t.o,v.t-inan. i
pretute.i t , , Iv:1!1 the ulii.2e
firig.tde Quarter 111:1 , tor, and o•tr ut•i;-ICuer
uf the 3Lu•icttian appointed Brigade P.y-
Ina , ter, with the ~a nte rank. 11'e I,uk
fur a la:lliant turn uot on the t2.rth.
I:nollanan l t•-ed
tlirotngl, Coleinbla on Thur—liy, on Li- v.iiy
to IVl,...itland. oonlingmas uni,e,•,ll , le 1
tool he \yin. i•e:lnatao,l t the trauslt
with as little per•toution fro., 1,1. friends as
the nattire of the WAIL' ,t,jmit. liiind
to the chart:l'4 of hoar. , Tho.rt, in our
znil , t he deehitel NValt.:ll4 1111!
:11,1 took carriage at dud; point for his
e,untry teat. liciii unfortunately engaged
in a brief sitrugAle whit our dinner Iwo mis
sed the opportunity of payin.4 our re:Tea
tu our s otlerahle •trate. lie..
d esc ribed looking well and benevolent_
to the ads rrti,ensettt ~1 Mr. S. 11.
who ha, taken tilt.: MI
l'.4ul4l!Jia, :1:1,1 odors the mit:or:L:oi
lira cla , s t the puh;:c. ile
has aalel 11crially 1 , , the con‘enienee,
antl a el: „Fli r iser, at, i \VIII
cult;tal:on :tad •.:;e „f tree-, -ItraLs,
Li. to: lkiLell at:enthm. iLt ha; em
ployel 31r. Vewcl.lll, well knonm as a florist
tturser . , man and gar , lner, vI Will 114 , 1 to
the Sneer; the advantage of his practical
e.:p,riertee in the lut , inesq.
'We arr indoldol to Mr. 'Purple fur some
Ile lily, in Id, grei , ndiou , e soine cf tlic ra
re.d rarictie. and A li Lcpral , arydhr:upplc
of all the Itati; , J and I,,rt.ign grape , .
Nur•ery i , eol.veddently
and .por con tl,et
•;ent to rr- •0.-
~ ( ,
0 10'. , t: it , t
% fl ,
: • , • ••
1..1%41.w:cut: i cxpro—ly t.w hi
arid hi. brand., NS ccirlt C.lll
Gl.l t . 1:1; iol•nm:nri
t ',it 'i."2:l . , :rent
4.!1 the
..11 t)e Lave to :Lid
s the itull'oor are :11:11 , ,-t
Ys - 4: I.,_,,tlt:tte:vi them, en uut
own trittl. t , the
LAIAL , P1.;.1:A - ...:fri . .-IVe hare received T. of the
Co LUM B pA.
I, .0,1 v
Ir. LI • .
101% a-
- Ilur u ty ;a
11;1(.,Tv •ritirr. 1;
;1 ;,
1::Li tnoit
r •
•• ~,~:_
1111 M
eol I,IN (A% iw
PnvuteezmuNrs.—ln our "Police Items . ' of
last week we gave particulars of the rob
bery of the Adams Express Office, iu this
place, suppressing names and circumstance ,
which might interfere with the detection
and punishment of parties implicated. Up
to this time no trace of the burglars has
been discovered, but by a curious chance
tile raid upon the Exp:ess Office, developed_
a criminal project of which oar town was
to have beheld the Ailment at its own pro
per cost. This contemplated crime, to a
greater extent than the burglary, has been
the subject of investigation since its discov•
cry, and we give particulars with result.
The burglary was diccorered on the morn
ing of the 7th. On the evening of the Gth
a small hox was left with Mr. Ziegler, Ex
press Agent, fur shipment to Huntingdmi,
addies, , etl to Patrick McAteer of that place.
On examination next morning, after the di,
co: ory of the robbery, an.r.n . ;! other Express
p.tek,l42. v. filch 11:0 beon taut; , 2rol with.
t:1!! ! it I:,!'t ht 'n
C tht• .17
-,•h you tv.o
. a . / 11)
11 1111 , P. Nr,ul all
pr y.• 11 I p•L' •11 1111 . nur 1;
. o .`, it to P:lt I Vial
j a ..t h o w door No t ;loi•t to send it
Inc I'l , l 1; no danger Pat,
it to Columbia
Dit•eet it to Abner Diak , on
Lato•a•tor rwatlty Pa
Pat -o‘ol oRt ) 4 , 1.1 call for I will make
it at: 1. 41 it
C. S. Bror,km
I regidar for it awl t-etta tilt
I ,Z, l ,in ‘ti;ll S,tin Steiner he took Inc I.•
thou 1 I , 'I; the pa,singer train to; 1
Coluntioa 01 1 .. 0 owl tell toe all the news in
and what thvy al,•ott 1110
it.t; (holt tr,;l ;t I call .ell lit e thous-;
1:01 dollar , it 1 had it her now am! Bite
011 .1 gr:. , .1 pi. lit Am it
Itio,,ks the writer of the letter, and the
of the box to :11eAteer, was seen
after tie iotelligenee of the night's exploit ,
of the hurglars a.s nuit;ed aLont, lultcr
iury the 11:,:vrecti Office. an,l arrei,toti
~t, Leing implicated in the
,1,1 ,ry. Ile WV, brought, before ,Jm•tioe
lti" , I , li \rhea :llr, Ziegler testitic I to the
10.tving cf the box by Brooks, and hi
tom:ging ruund the oflitat. The accused, to
ot the chaxge of burglary,
the autitur of the letter
conch in the Mike, which, he accerted 1,, d
0 ,nt.titiel'„'.23 in gold. Ile was eonitnitted
to 14;1 for trial at the November term of
In to !or, if po ,, ihlo, to :li:scorer the ttaltt
e ,untorfoit doubtless rende.ttousio..:.
at Hunting.] in, a piece was elli:10 , e , 1
letter atol with the box: it wa.; tot •
t, it tldleo Tele.
o.):rnotioication was hod
enter, District Attorney of
linntin;:drin County. and watch was put
upon :McAteer. The hoped fur return of
bogus inuney riot I oing Ina:le, by advice of
Mr. Cromer, .7u-tire Welsh and .1. IL. Meek
pr:000 led to Ilunting,:lon on Thur,tley
9th, and sutured eoloplaint egainet Mt:A:tour,
WU , erratal. His hont,o, a tat ern,
soerehetl. hut no calonee fientil on the
Premises. lie hall a hearing heroic , . Esq.,
Snare, but, a we learn front Huntingdon
pap ni en.i lelLe being pre:As:iced, was
Liery i,recaution wa. taken at this place
to py, , ,,ent intelligen, , t: or tile a.rrect, of
1:., , ,:ks from re,oddag ilootingdon, but it 1.,
I tha• a,!,enplic,i. present :it Ids
he.iring, before 1:-1.1,1'e1111, walked to Lan
caster and gave the alarm. McAteer
strongly protested his intinocence. He as
•erted that Bro9ks had stopped at his house
and in revenge for being turned away (on
ae,m-ation o 1 Count&rfeiting being made
gai,:st him) had written the leiter with a
iiew to Ids (NliAteer's) injury. Au at
tempt hal 10 en male to arrest Ilrooks for
pa-sing Lorin} coin near Huntingdon, but
he had elude I the otlieer. A dispatch was
re,:ci , .e , l ti:tt of Blair County,
1,, ;II • eq,:t that Br wante,l :it
11 ,, Ii.i.ty , ')arg, ti starer tic cliarg,!
r or ;lie Escpt.-!,
, • 111V f•ry fort tnia' , • onm for cur elll
- 11 11: , ‘ of counter
, , n re,tiAci. Culuntl,ia vi-
2e . i , i , c2,1 in a currency
t.I . li.lntinglon, which, frmn
• . };,n.l I
nifsiltione.l in
1.1,1•Wly iutrnilt••l Cr,,
~•.;,•;,,i). 'with tho ~11;,torn•iter
:11 111 , 11 , r11 , C:Itpl proh
-6.:v i it ',lle t • have the expetekl
,:iiloood iu lik tare
"Ev CoNINIUNICATIONg," &c.--On the
c‘ening or Wednesday, Silt inst., Henry
mer, White, :111(1 William Steele, colored,
sten., acre•tol and brought 'before Dopfirc
Wel , li. on suspicion of being concerned in
the Lite burglaries at the Expreqs Office and
elsewhere. They had been noticed prowl
in,; roldol the together for set cral
days pro:ions to the robLery. but after that
oeeurrenec. up to the time of their arre.t,
could not be found. They made a state
~,, of their 211,u - clue:at during the titne
they 1,-en ruis,ing, into the truth of
hieli the iti-I,c prond , ed inve:stigatiun,
Cot partie , . much to tliPir
\v.:re (iii:trtcrel in the
Nu•-,t 11,-fling thoy 11 - 11 C l•rmiglit up, 1111,!
hating in the meatiltitne, (oh
eridemm, iMormed
em that thoy wore ftce to 41.1:tut
this Lo
nnt,h. The white man humped
atel talked prm.ecutim for- fal-e
ment. darkey looked
it I'll 7 Ju•tiee spopathized
i::: the 1 Mad read 111111 a ;waxily 1111
the ilatirmletwe rf commrtim.; with4loubtfill
cLaraxtels. doubt. that if lie, Steele
Police Items
!li.; ug ictic
Se: , te::ll,er G 56
0 ril iT 1,% 11,
VlciutlN ill the CY.
was seen in Columbia again with Wormer
they would be brought before Esquire Welsh,
of the. Blue Front, tt ho would most certainly
send them down for 3U days. Co in peace!
And they went.
A MlsuNntisTANDlso.—On the 1.-Ith inst.
Miss Madelia Green, of the 11111, appeared
before Esquire Welsh and entered com
plaint against Roland Patterson, of the
Washington House one-wheeled Coach, for
violent assault and battery. Roland yid
unteered an appearance, and tendered him
self at the Bice Frout in trepidation. His
earnest prayer was for a short term ut the
hands of Justice and absolute forgiveness
by the indignant Madelia. Ile explained:
" 'Squiab. 1 did'nt mean nutria; I on'y hit
de gal one little lick on de motif. 'l"want
no barn; I oren dues dat to gals; it, a lit
tle way Ise got—doin' de 'greeal:le, you
know, Madely you doesn't mind
it, dues ye? Oh, Madely! Lawd,
of I goes down who'll wheel de trunks?"
The last appeal did the Lminess with the
Magistrate, while the gallant poly's whole
ad Ire , - appealed to have a mollifying effect
v je.l The fair (me
un,te,l nitli Itrr kni:zht in a Larrelt.ll
mer..v, wurr a
ST:ire lrgivene,. llc re
the.n wit h :,!nwtiti L ; and theatii
yi.. my eliiI,I,•1•11."
\ R.-1)0111iS C11•-11°11
•i ,1 delmny we. 1 ec 11a1110
WO' ' u ia. \Vet -11,
115r4., charged with v..i.ralley. They repre
sented them , elveß 11,41,.1 out of
friends, out of motley, out of spirit.. (and
let us parenthetically add, alas, out of jail.)
who \Vone sadly in need of 1..4(mA , , which,
if 11„t prtrlldell, they would ar4stirolly s toad
quire hooked them for looms at the
Caravan.eri, v; here they enjoyed
;be municipal etit , rtainntent t*,,r mart a n d
e•ileei:thly Lest. In the mornin ,, ,
on rrenii,e ef quitting the.e sh,,res forever,
they were di:.L.lntrge,l, and immediately in
,tittited a Nig:m.ow: fur breakfast.
tit \ I..—Craletin for Octo
ber lid, been rceei‘eil, with its monthly
freight of good thing.. Grahani':, editorial
dep ar tment took rank when !ilr, Leland as
sumed the pea. and is now an ini , titutitin.
The inearitnitel contents of the periodical
are fast taking tone from it , editor's taste
end litetary ability, and we now confidently
look thrctigit Graham fer tis l linntant read
ing as nittg,i4ine literature affords.
lit C.,UN'I I the
We ine•ilay la , t, the ticket wilt.
I‘l. I.l , pkins, Dru
/•L,•.4 Y.,enply —ll . (•;,ry :-Throiner, Nlanitoini
•1:1,.. 11. Eronoonto, Mount Jo:,:
E S wool !1011. Earl.
A o•o./ ltvin:101.1,
Coo,i;:oo: Iloory Itorho.
Doe, ior: Row, East
..Iwhtur.—Win. F. Jool.inq, Fulton.
liOMIS of Hews
:;ewleals pttp,.rs of Tue , lay hare been
I,l'l tl' . l 11 t Ile tb•taili, of the
adviee , . Tampico w:l+ en l•
[tired b 3 the Ititieralit4s with four hundred
fts,i,t,l by the rcrelutioni , t,
inCole. I iv:ter:ll Vidaurri, with telt thou ttiti
una ;",,l pie„-: of artillery, left San
eat iy ia Cu: toroth, t 9 morel] agaiii , t
tivanatuato anti the, city of Mexico. A
trtin.-aatbat wa- tti take plaet,
bet .a en oral Vitlaurri. a lid tit e Governor
it iris thought
Vidaurri would be placed iu ample menus
to insure stitiee , q. An empress tirri‘ed ut
San Luis on the IGO", with the report that
the foree, of Aratuberti had defeated the , e
of .Mejia; that th e se of lltierta had defeated
tho.e of M run-an, stationed at SAlM:lslea:
that 3111'31W/11 was 011 tllO Vl33' 'l.O the city of
3lexieo, and that the forces of Aratoberri
Lad gone in purNuit of the tli.handed one.
Mejia, and that the latter had entered
( . .tieietaro
A Du:vli ship imq arrived at Iltv;trta. with
three huit•lre.l an I ,ze%erity-ei.Alit
Site lo.t t lutt. , ir , 1 tol,l tot-other,
101 111,11,1 , ..kge.
The daily 'lumber of deftil.: in New Or
lean+, ft!iper...-101111,.•
1:y 01 , 2 atri‘;tl a: r!:
tho Wr.d. fr,,,r. .1- I , inv. - :121. qtr
t 11:1 -
brit ac:uly sl,7nrypni. 121,0-
curs :0 , 1 , 1..1 ,, I t,
yond plc, I. II 1:10.%111
,:t....1*.wt. , ry.
!...d 111.1 , 1 k• :111 -olio I'll:it.,
01.8-, it. th.• 11.
‘,.‘` • 1;:11 I •II ( .0 11,11 :It ;1
dirt 1;c1,1-di whp.
p atille\iii4 it to tiv.! l•poluitu
The r'-ult of Ow Convention ~f iI ulr iad
Pre%ideniv are a g(.nvral advaiwe of the 11. l
• faro 1 role air w.nipeting points to
New York, of three dollar., and a slight ad
ranee on the fareq to Philudelphi.t, making
the ram- to Ir nh point-4 about the same t.
pre‘iout. to the reduction. The-43 rate-,, to
gether within) nh-am:eon the rate:4olTc eight.
g into effect rlter ratification by the few
ent , 4 intere.toi.
113roit A. Kleber de 7.llallogny„ of t 1
French c•op-, of Zottate., who lia...juNt ar
r.ved at New York., pa1..11.11c , ,in the Coitrica
.l,l.74., rois, letterte , tifyit.g . that the %veil
-1))) Riviere really wa. ti mem b er o f
that corp., thut all the French army knew
hi 4 in the Crimea,
that 110 (f 1e ii.11 . "11) gllaratltet'i them, and
~ .h•• t.,:pe:r...1
jute a ,lolE..ront What twxl.l
Oa the lath in.t , there .ea. n e . ,re,it I . e:e
itrati.e) at Pat-itt 17t.ty. Lake Etie, in 1,111
inetitt.r.ition ..r l'orry'evict ,ry there iu the
war f I 12 . There were pre , ent at th.
vi,4llt at,
the Uslin,' StAces , tennicr am]
thi,u , and pers“ns fruni tit.• vari.ti ,
lake rx,rte. Govoruor Chnee, of Ohio, was
president or the day. A monumental as
,ociatiun vas funned.
On the Steubenville and Indiana Iktilroad,
on the evening of the 16th inst., about thir
teen miles west of Steubenville, a bridge
brake near the first tunnel, and a passenger
train of ears felt through, breaking both
legs of one man and seriously wounding a
number of other persons.
Dr. Thomas Rainey, of New York, has
been appointed by the President special
agent to aeconirany the recaptured Africans
and deliver thew to the authoritic•of Liberia.
A communication in the St. Louis Repub
lican informs us that Longfellow's great
poem, Hiawatha, has been set to music by
EMile Karst, of St. Louis, and is now Lc•
ing sung at the hall of the Mercantile
Library A sQoeiation. in that city, by a troupe
comprising a leading soprano, contralto,
tenor, and baritone. The accompaniment
is in part orchestral and part upon the piano.
It is considered a great and striking novelty.
municipal election in Leavenworth,
Kan•as, has resulted in the choice of a free
Mate Democrat as Mayor, over two Repub
lican calididate.i.
Judge it is officially announced,
has accepted the mission to Paraguay,
tendered hha by the President,
Intelligence from Arizona says that law
lees violence prevails there generally. A
new military post will be established on
the San Padre, to keep the Indians in check.
'li t e agents of the California Overland Mail -
Company were, at the last accounts, lie y
esta lilkhing stations west of the Rio Grande,
and making arrangements for tie regular
mail service.
Adviees from Salt Lake say that Dr. For
ney, Indian agent, outamong the tribes,
making treaties, and was pretty successful.
The Mormons were orderly, and the U. S.
government officials attending to their duties .
No arrests had yet been made, but the trials
for treason would be commenced as soon as
the asociate judges should arrive. About
Salt Lake City the Indians werevcry trouble
some, and hail killed several Mormons. One
family was massacred while moving south.
President Buchanan has ordered the post
ponement of the Kansas land sales until
.July next. Ile has also located at Santa
Fe the new land office ordered to be estab
lidied in New Mexico.
Three deaths from yellow fever have oc
eurred in Savannah.
The U. S. liedrict Court at Charleston, S.
C.. has refused the motion for a discharge
on habeas corpus of the crew of the slave
brig Gen. Putnam. The prisoners, who
acre in court at the rendition of the decis
ion, were remanded into the custody of the
NL, rt h.,d, 'a ho took them hack to the
jail, where they had been previously confined.
Tim party of the Fifth emigres
-I)i,trict or this State have nominated
a. their c tmliddte for Congre ,, , John IVood,
an iron manuft.4ur , r, of Montgotnery
county. hams-, Balch, Esq., of the Phil-.
:tdelphia part of time di , ttict, declined in
favor of Wood, and will stump the district
for him.
Hon. Owen .1 es has been renomi
n:kted ('ongreis tho Donverats . uf the
Fifth I)i,trict.
We :earn from the Loul , iviile :Journal that
a young gentleman of that city, o. few weeks
ago. explored the great deep pitat the end
of the longest avenue in the Mannnothcat e,
hitherto o ppos ed to be bottomless. Ile wa
lowered &ma with and landed safely
ou the bodoia at a depth of one hundred
and ninety feet. It is circular. and the
descent is very :btu gerw..s, ioxitig
st,,tieq. Midway there is a cataract, which
renders itvery' difficult to keep a light.
The Lichen lndependent has a letter from
mie or Col. Pope's party, dated eal/lp Paces,
July:2Bth. lie thinks the work attluttpoita
must be temporarily abandoned, and that
the next c. , :periment will be in New Mexico.
The formation of the plains about Pacus,he
cmarks, become , : more peettlittras the auger
rocs down, anl the more difficult to pene
trate. Ilse cruialding strata constantly
caving, rendered it almost impossible to
keep the bore iwificiently clear for ‘,.orking
purposes, and the friction on the tubing,was
so great that, with the :ipparatas hit use, it
Was :11111o,t 1111]A)ssi l obt to rare or lower it
another inch. It is singular that, although
the depth pezletrated isseveral hundred feet,
no solid xtrata could be found.
llv the arrival at Nc.,v York oftlarsteam
shit. Vanderbilt, from Liverpool, we Intl
three dais Liter foreign news. The peace
news from China is confirmed by a telegram
from ::.iron. Gros, the Ft ambassador.
Tice treat% secure.: the tetn , , , erstry re-idenee
of fbrebs,tt cat and the freedom
of the it hole empire to foreign trade fuel
I`lui tiara mi,sion.trie,. The British East
India Company has come to an cud, termin
ating the III , )st remarkable career ever run
by a mere corporation. Notwithstanding
the separate organization provided fur the
kotultian principalities, it seems that thc
,ontcmtion agreed upon styles them the
"united principalities," recognizing the Ro
man nationality.
CHINESE DWELLING llorsrs.—The architec
ture of the Chinese is unique. What we ex
press by the word house, for example, finds
no corresponding term or idea among them.
From the palace to tho hovel, the tent•type
pre% ails: as well in temples as in private
dwelling.. Dwelling houses are generally
of one story, having ft either cellars nor ba•e
ments.and fur the most part withouttlormer
,Altalows or attics. They must net have
urn amenta appropriate to palaces or temples.
or aspire to the height of the former. The
common materials are brick, but wooden
houses arc not unknown.
The general arrangement of the interior
4 a Chinese dwelling or the better sort is
that of a series of rotasva of different (ninon
-ions, p-eparated and lighted by intervening
courts, accessible teeing a covered corridor
cmuniunieating with each, or by side pas
sages leading thr.iugh the courts. The eus
tom of cram pi rig the foot, and thus disabling
the women in a degree from going up and
down stairs, may have had tin effect of
making buildings low, and causing an est
pansiun on a level, in order to make the
nece. , -ary room required for large or wealthy
families. Door-plates and numbers ate un
known: a- , a substitute for which, under the
[lnjecting caves, hang paper lanterns, in
forming pricers-by of the name and title of
the household, which, when lightedat
sect e w illumine the street and designate
Lip liabitatiun.
The entrance into large mansions in the
country in by a triple door, leading through
a lawn or gaiden up the hall; but in town:,
a single door, usually elevated a step or two
above the street, introduces the visitor into a
porch or court. The intervening space is
occupied by theporter. Passing behind the
movable screen inside of the doorway, a
paved open court, commonly adorned with
flowers or a fancy fish pool, is crossed upon
entering the principal hall. The floors are
made of square tiles of brick or marble, or
hard cement, and matted—wooden floors
not being common on the ground story.—
'lie rooms are dim even in a bright day, in
the absence of carpets, and fire-places, and
windows, to afford from it a prospect abroad.
The kitchen is a small atThir; for the uni
versal use of portable furnaces enables the
inmates to cook wherever the smoke will be
least troublesome. Warming the houses in
the latitude of Peking. is done by blosingthe
crevices and constructing flue: under the
rooms, - which are heated by one fire.
The poor build a sort of brick fireplace,
which is used for cooking by day, and by
night fur a bed, where all the family sleep
on felt carpet, placed on the warm bricks.—
Fuel is scarce and dear. The houses of the
poor are dark, dirty, low, and narrow tene
ments, with neitherfloor nor windows,and but
few apartments, wretched in the extreme.—
The door is a mat swinging from the lintel,
and the whole family sleep, eat and live in
a single apartment, and pigs, dogsand hens
dispute the space with the children, who arc
apt to be numerous.
The best furniture is made of a dark,
durable wood, resembling ebony; but the
rooms are filled with ornamental articles,
such as large porcelain jars and vases, cop
per tripods, stone screens, book shelves and
stands, rather than with chairs, couches and
tables. Though some of them are not des
titute of elegance, there is a want of what
we call comfort. The bedrooms are small,
poorly ventilated, and seldom visited, except
at night. A rich bedstead is a massive
article, made of costly woods, elaborately
carved and supporting a tester, from which
hangs silken curtains, with musquito nets
attached. Mattresses or feather beds are
not used, and the pillow is a hard square
frame of rattan on bamboo. A wardrobe
and toilet usually complete the furniture of
this part of the houses of the ChiaNte, who
generally care little fur their sleeping apart
men ts.
The grounds of the wealthy are laid out
in good style, sod, were not their tasteful
arrangement and civersitied shrubbery adeut
dotted to neglect, sometime ,, to nastiness
and oink, they would please the most fas
tidious. A n open space within the enclos
ure is set aside for the necessary recreation
of the women and children, and something
o f this soil is secured, even though it he
only a plot of flowers or bed of vegetables.
In the imperial garden, as well as in others
hero the owner is able, the attempt to I ilake
an epitome of nature has been highly suc
"Sir," saitl a burly fellow, of no enviable
chat - vete'', "I have the large-4 neA of any in flit,. city." "Very likely," said hi ,
neighbor: "and I saw ye,ter,lay the largeqt
rope in the city---put that and that together.
Cures Bronchial Affections and all Diseases of
the Lunge.
I'mi Ow Moto', Evrmit)g Trarrl'er Jun 0
'lt IN pet amp. hat at ..tutple net of insure to the pro
prietor.. of \Vl.tnr'. nal.nan of \ViIJ Cherry for U. to
nay. that our per.ontil expvree•nrr 111 the IP, of tau+
trill 1 1 .. h a , aa p re .... a l no favorably. One• of the pro-
r noon. of the Tr teeth, xvto. rntirvly Curd of n %evrtr
nnOt of four months' vontlimmtre. by the a., of the Ibtl
on, ..nti -eyelid of [Par tetend... nod newt:tint:lnce.. ho
lin,. the article. have found it of rrent 'Crewe in
P . '1 , • , 11%.; them of •ec ere comths shorines.s or
brentlmp.:. with which they hod been sthheted
No./. ge•ii,guir .I'e...sinned I inn rs on the wrapper.
',old by ..t...Tent+ every where.
Agent.,, diet 011 Ii 1.1: S DEI.LI7rF. Columbia.
Jo-tun Lender Mount Joy.
Holloway" x P Armed with ibis great antidote.
the traveler us pi rowed to encounter sill ranchr. of
,11111,ite. for he Im= the mr:ui. of eradicating tienrle
..•ry .pt•co•. of internal th , eri...e. The emileinies of
the nr.litrial drinrts of the and the miasmatic
of the ' , mill, and the epidemic. which at por
ovular .en.oll , tlecoltsate the popul moo of our crowded
raw. urt• ....1 , ,,p11131M of hetne romro.led by the ptir,
tt me di.unecu n^, °CHOU of the pill, upon the omitted
'hod, svlide th.en..... and injuries ore rapidly
and thorouvily cured by the ttttlt•ittllatttnlntory and
Rey of the Ointment
iEr'Sve advertiwonetit of Dr. t"unford's Livm Dc
rOl, iunuutlur column.
1(1111 p01.1.A [is 11l v.A 1211 will lie pniil for any
uu• Itiot will r xer 1 PILATT ik BUTCH PAU:-
NI .10 1011. for the following ili-iin•ais:.--Itheirnin-
Neuralgia...lrina! Aireviton.,Coniriii•leilJnini,
('lu•h,• in Side or 13ar•k.
and all 1J,en..e..01 the ',Am, Muiailec nod the (ilninJ-.
Von• trruiue without ale , igninlaire of PR VI'T
111711:1:1:12 lo toe 11 , .1 to each label Principal Office:
l>roolilyil, N. Y.
arVIII I,OllllWr niperQol, thail halve been imrne.
In all the Ville. :11Id 10V111 , . ashrre it
heel! SI. wi•Il io 1111:rily.guctain them in
in 1111 e:I/1410r, that it the gree , cst cure in the
world for pain. ever .old
Dr. E. B. Ill.:1112.Snle Whole.ole Agent ferColum•
Iris Sold I.y all re , peelolde D Ih•oughout
he Dolled Si ate , : and Co nlo. (Oct 17, 1H57-1y
- - -
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke,
M. D., Physicia n Exit aordinary to the Queen.
This invaluuti`e medicine is unfailing in the curt
of all these painful and dangerous diseases to which
the female constitution is sulnect. It moderates all
exedras stud removes all obstrueLious, and a speedy
cure may be relied on.
it is peculinrly suited. It will. in a short , ime, bring
cm the monthly period with regularity.
Earl, brink.. price One Dollar, bears the .Govern
uncut tiltanip of Urea, Britain. to prevent comiterfeits.
These Pills should not be taken by females during
the FIRS/"FII lIEI NlONTlits of Pregnancy, as they
are 1 1 100 to b 1 .110: on tniscarriage. but at any other
tune they are safe.
In ull cases «r Nervous and Spinal Affections
Pant in the (tack and Lutth., Fatigue on slight eget'.
11011. Pulpit aeon of the Heart, 11, steries and White,
the., Pills will client a cure when all other means
have tailed, and although it powerful remedy, do not
coot". /roll. ell 101111,1, antimony, or anything hurtful
to the eon -tquilon.
I'llll direr.loo. in the pamphlet arou ad each pack
age, wlltell •hottltlLe carefully preserved.
Sole Agent: for the Cooed Staten and Caandn,
308 SIOF.F.A.,
(f.stif. I C. Baldwin & C 0.,) Rochr‘ter, N. Y.
N. (RI and it po , :n Cr Elamite coclo4ed to any
atvliattird agent, will a bottle, containing au
r,IL, mail.
For role by Dr. E. 11. HERB, Agent, for Columbia
T W. uytyrr Wholerole *grins, Phila.
May 9J,
v ail:for:. 10 efiligNile la, ditoute.. rood
A , 1 4 1Vcrieieire,11 of tl.
ninon /.11MI, (Aug . .1 ., 4111,
11l It mild ale, ....d
[l. mild -oil. and ;Cie hula rt. et. •or it-eirwm
1111 l loot. 1,1111-
A g.i. lo to It
toil, ,11/I title aillaikei, mrnt of If 'm
.lollloll Lived.
[Aug i2-'llll
A i.t. 10 n miW elitmilr. gen 4
it_ -ell tell tune 111,11 k rl, •-et fla
[A it,
t 1.1. w.... lug 10 1. 010411110 10 It 111T1201110:00 _rood
-oil. and Ilse trot [ - hot, allvellt-pineot of il.lw_
1110111 mi
0 !: 9 -, 1104
oalllllo4 vinigralr 10 4 . 110000 good
ond lone m:.rk,•l, advcrti.emrol of 1111111-
moo loot
L oC.
rni cc all yr 11toiT17-
T 1 11 A 01 1 1 ..1 0 . 1. 1.vI n o ,, 1 , 1 1 1 ,, o.; 1 . .11'111•-re a — d v 1.11-e.g.11! 1..f.:1111.11;
1110 ALL. wannog Warm., otiVoro-r nova id .
1110,11,M Limlld,
0 Al.l. wanting -cc ad worn-einem c" I NOT
mOIIIOII Loink. A 0g.2,4.1tn
ALL. r.k1in.4,,e.101Ver11,111.0010/
[ UtT, 273-31,1
fp(l A 1.1. lug Errol., tee adverii,oleot of limn.
Jl nlOlllO/I I.oncl, [Ain!, 2:3:411
rrilir. HAM NIONTIAN 11e4v9pmper de.
J. Yowl! In loteruruie nod A gireulture, ul.o -rIIIIIR
torn, full urvouni- of th.• new ti nloureni of IlanunOn,
1011. in Now Jrr-ey. can be ,ul,-eril.ed for at only 25,
et-. I•er Intim in.
11100- no-Ingo -tamp% for I lie amount. Addre4llo.
Editor or Hie rumor. Ilunouoniori, Atlantir Co , New-
Jer-ry nn• nuanly
In 011•• of the 11,111111 r -I :Ind nlcn•l 4,,110.11n, crnnute •\
in Ow Union..rc nil yea ieninen I of Ildinlllo/110,1 Lan!),
Augu-i tid ant
%IC/NTON 1A MAIER, a new-paper dr
ooled to I.vermure and .Igroezi/Inre,
font: :ie.:mutt% nl the new• .el.leirteilt or if am-”on-
J..r-f . y,ean Lc snl,erthed for iit only 2.C.
et: per annum
ro-la7,e , tainpQ for lie amount. Addre4.‘
I:L11:or or the 1 - ,11 - 114,. 11.11111,101110/1. A 11:111Ile CO., New
9•ho-eIAI-1,1, - ; r6rap 1.n1141. o(IL.•
Io one Of arid deli: Mind cilium!, I,
the ...•...3.1v , 111-einclil of Hammonton Land..
..N0t.a..1 3,11
TIAIZNI LAND', )11 i'sA LE . ..15 nide.. from Phi Ma
de phi. I.' Itaihood in :lie Stole of New Jer.ey
among the 111.-1 fir Agrienti oral pu.po•e., being
a good 10,11,1 ...nil. with cloy bottom. The fund 1,
~,rUe h lei. divided into stool! Lorin, and hundreds
loom all part- of ilie coital!). art. now ,- e cu ccc , and
building The crop- eon lot. -ern growing Terms
from . 0 15 to E.JO per ai le. payable wit lino 1011 r veurr
by 111-tlauleut-. To vie' the place—Leave Vine it.
Wharf:it lit 7f, A. M. by Ilmirottil for Ilicounon
too. or addre-o It J. !Cyril.... by letter. See mil ad
vern-eineot coi another eoltmon. [Aug
FA. It NI I NIS VOIC SALE Lt.; mie- trout Ploinidei
ohm by P.ailrodil in the State of New Jersey
Soil oolong the Ire.; Agiceolairal b „
a gond loom -oil. with co elny hotioni, The land co i t
!mee irnet. divided 11110 form, and hundreds
loom oil part: of the Country sire now settling nod
building. The crop.: eau be seen growing,. Termr
front Slit to $5O per rue re, payolole wahin for genre
lov ne.idiments. To YI•1! pinee—Leave Vine Ml.
Wharf at Philo. 01 7, A. Icy Itiiilroad for Lisionmon
ton. or add re.. R J. Byrne , . by letter. See full ad
ye rii-einvot in intother erotical:l. [A rig tH
Finley's Vegetable Pile Ointment.
9 lliS medicine, a remedy for the Piles, as
onoic unpin..., ha. never before been offered
to ale public. L i- not intended n••• It cure all, ion for
:hat one de.ett-e it I. the be-t remedy now known or
,lint ever before been bronchi before the public.
I will worrout It Core In' fotlnwinc nn• chrevtiono.
A liberal ti-Count to the mote.
E. 13. IIEI2II. IVI:ole,tle Agent for the mater'
State-. All rude:. mlthe•seol to 6itn will he proanntly•
111 te11110 , .1 to. A ll rotomunteation• nthlre,....ed to Imp:
will lwdi-111wh
Colombia. May n 18.5 0 .
Alr 1 7 . I'iNF.l:l - -Thi. I• 111 verify tllnt 1 have liven ,
till ilie tell yci.r, after iiig I'olll
- h i ,: day it comely eurcit the:
cop hay l i lt; had of n reiurii
year- 11-.1,11: . tie remedy for
that 111,1,1111111
ffir,l,•,l ou'd ad: i-c al . pi eon- -o afflicted ,
y nut Omuta:tit.
Coloodon. 10.1.5. 1 .
1" , 1,11,4.41r,ver four tenry
Wl,l 111.• :111.1 Iris, 1 I 1,1 thin, 1011 re•ifiedier, oil
to lln 1,,.. 0u0t; In I, box of
your orie, •vver , ll
110 ,1,1 it lo rt•lievc voliiinllo,l for a
111111.. t, 11,1 Ipr.lle II It I. now
five tear- 11d ` I 1 : nol th, of
rviosll :I ;till fir-no •Itrluid 4,1011 h t
hitt• II t•I:t add; ow a note :111111
..t 111115 11 1.111 ro•wiirvii (1111 Y
it /4 lio • 01 .
,10 .:1ric 111 li. an 1n5.11110.1,
co, 11, "tut 1 e.O of 11 111.1 y -.5 0 ntly Doe ,11r,
...1 :ill Ili , pm.: Lit • io -1111,1 .1. Act' Ns
0,1 ar , t: , l , or' vL hipl, I elievrfillly
:••• I it,' her 11. I vim.
'1 Ili?, Nubirribir purchased the nue-
I ••• •••1111• . ,11trl ,11 I e'••. \ Nerli,tl on
to•or Colmubw, Lun
n-tot eoutt, 1 . . , . oat., to Me public ail eXtell•iVe
SLruLLrr,. Fines, Plover ing nd other Plants,
:.nd ..•iol Too, t of ecor!.illitig onolimiled
I:.• in hie i -Ti, . hf trio, grown
nir. moot ihr M. , n
xi. o-.vt 1:111.1. -hum umtrn
...• r 1.. 'nod sib,• enuilify
11., r voininnil.nio.lirei,,
flcio - c. oil , : I- h 1•• if IVe,t. Snr , iyufcliosen
nn t llni 11.•
t01v,1111.4 k 61,1111 ottl-I,lr .1 , 110 nceett
0111.1 rail raillt•111.1r 1111,111011 1.3 11111
y VXI,I-1%,
, ori mem of .111 r• Vg 41 ;
6,1,11,1,11.1,m •
ha.. 1,, eve,. ly -•
-Inek of the %%elf-known l'orilen :11111 \u•.rrp of Jo
-eph Cherr!, $I rein, C011111111:.1,
be n 41414,110 1,,
..\lr beettengaged to tnlo
!oral Nar-vsy I),par . topent of' the
11111,,1e Nor-cry. aud Ill• will ermuutrd repttutnon.
-n nar-cry m.;11 1101,1 I.V1:1 be ad /I iintlal guar
:lmre fur the eutoittioa of the -.fork.
P. — lll ( . 01111CC114,11 WI , II I lie Ist atr-ery the proprie
tor will under,. ke through the .1r.r.•111•) of 9lr. re•V
dal!. who, -kill t• tutt.t.tavoralt . e known in Mor de
pa • rumor. it, plant tind lay our grourvi, garden..
and do genet al roldolii: in 111, line of the bromic*,
Columbta, Noir:ember In, Ind , . ,
Iletal quarter-. tAI ISngadr :hl Divi•tna. M
I..,orto.ter. Sept , taker -. 5
1. In accord:titre ith the laovi...ion- of the strut •f
it the riatalatawrallt of letot , ylt mon. and
by VlllllO of the coaltal.,lna to tutu alma ted. Itrtgallier
f.eneral Llartraut A. tt.ltutteq it+SUIIICY the committal of
'n." fol'owtatt ttetttlemen contrt. , ,c the Brigade and
Stall ("hiker.. under eoetni,lon. and la ill take rank rc
vertive!) Iterorator. Intl, Art Af rellevre:
WI Alt 1101% 1:1.L. . 01 the city ofiLuu
canter Aid tle•Catnp unb the mo.: of Captata.
DANIIII,II , I{II, E.II , of Col utnbiu,LingutleCitttler
master. o oh the rank of Capt.on
FREDERICK I. HA If Kit. of Marietta, Brigade Pay
eria,frr. th , of Captnat.
GEO 131'11(1. NI I).. of 11 - n.latationßornagit,llrigndo
rata. of Nlator
f) 3 BICHT.V. of the city of I.nnewner,Ttrigade
Judge Advocate. %volt the rank of Major.
3. All order- and oistrneiliatot, eminariniented by 11,0
above named oilreers, in the name and by the authority
of the Commanding Ceiteral. nil! lie re.pecled itirl
Brigadier General, Commanding 2tl Brigade ad Dtvih
ion, P. M [Sept. le. lee.
Egad Quarter,. 2d Brigade, 3d Divifioll. Y. M. t,
Lnucn.ter, September r, I SSA'.
The , everal companies of the Brigade arc hereby or.
tiered to parade and encamp for theciplinc, uo-prcllm\
nod review•. al WAIIANK. on the hanks of the Cones
toga. ou TUESDAY. the 2,.th day of BEBTESII3.Iig.
A I). 155 e. The encataptnent will commence ut . 1*.2
o'clock M , of that day, to continue until FRIDAY. the
let day of OCl't)l3Klt• at 12 o'clock M., mid will be
called ••Cmnp Com:cops?'
1. All Commanding. Officers of Companies are re
quired to report isrunesbutely to the lingade liispecrbi•;
the number of men in their respective commands who
will be in attendance.
2. The lirntade Inspector is directed,to issue bia re
quisido.. to the Adjutant General for such equipuft ne
eet.ory for Camp and Field duty no shalt Le minisdu.
occordtut: to the report, of the l'0.121111:111111117, officers
abort, ref/tared. null is ordered to main to Hood (lode;
tors for furtla r 111 , 411(.1am+ ord'i . ,r of
RTRA3I A. I , IIA EFT:Ert. •
Brigadier General. Commutating. 2d Ilrigudu.
I. 31.
CIIARLII, NI llowri.L. id-de.CAnir. NePt. Vj'k''
I_IOUNEKEEPERS in laying up their minter
-tarok] remcrinter that good pu re
such as 310.0.trd Seed. (watts or 1/1:n1;0 CorrlsOlder,
Clove, All•roce., Pepper. Aince, Nutmeg... CotommOra.
Ca!,.easie, nave or la mama Gtitger, are warranted la
he sold whole or grourt.l. by for ounce or pouts?, At
/1{11:1.1: At 1//3.1.1'.T7"S
Family Medicine more, Odd Fellowe t Hall.
• Columica sem P.,
ce ORELE S. d
iptionDro;- Store ve is the
ri 110 . 111 ero your pre-cr lo ha ahem
Perurierlr fil (Sept. lb,
F LY P:IPPR.•--For sale at McCorkle
Sep! I-. Odd
ITcCORKLE DELLETT's Drug Store Es the
Ce il/ on tic Pont MLlg‘l ' ..,it a, MIT Pe.•
c. Pew. IN. T 4.
A T 31c Coale k lltlt's you can purchase
Tools:, oust /kit lilu4hest al
pritcs to Full lite 11/11t