21 0 11.11 1 011 Mr 2- Gomm ENTLISELIe NEW. Latest Arrival of the' Season. rill'', Subscribers have jest received and opened a large Stock of floods, suitable for the .seas 4n; coustoting in nun of DRY GOODS: Nelson's and other celebrated makes, French Black Cloths, Ettaii,h Navy Blue Clod.; ain' t Brown and ,Olive do., black and fancy Cur , unercs, mixed do., Jean, Linen and Cotton Paimaloon Stuff., in al! varieties, DRESS GOODS: tillack•Gros de Rhine stilks, all widths. fancy striped and Plaid do.. Chia! lie-de-Lanes, Ducal, Mous de Laines, Lawns. Gingham* and Prints, in all varieties, and at all Priers. ROUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. Sheeting, Tickings, Cheeks, TsLle Dtapers, Towel 'ings, /Rusin's, llo.iery, Trimmings, &e., &c. CLOTHING: A complete assortment of Ready-Made Clothing, .00111.1iStIng, in port. as follows: Btae&und Blue Cloth Dress coats, Black. and Slue .Cloth - `Frock Coats; Cassimere, Tweed and Sommer Coata;stf all qualities, Black and Fancy Cusolniere Pants, Black and Fancy Saltine*, Tweed and Listen Pants, Black and. Fancy Satin Vests, Black and .Fancy Cassimerc and Plush Vests; flats and_Cupt. ITrunks. :BOOTS AND SHOES: A large assortment of ladies'' gentlemen's and boys IThotaiand ilhoes ; of all qualities, which are all war 'ranted, they having been manuthetnred in Reading, .and will be-sold at low fig ures. for cash, at McTACUE & BELO'S., Front street, opposite the Bridge. ColambiewMay 1, 185.3. .HAIR BRUSHES AND COMBS. 1 T the Family Drug Store of HARRY GREEN, Front street, cart be had Fine Tortise Shell Red ding and Pocket Combs, Buffalo and Horn Combs, Ladies' Puff Combs, Fine Buffalo Back and other Brushes; a superior assortment. Only good melee kept for sale, which arc sold at the lowest prices. AT NO 3, WOLF'S ROW, FRONT ST. NOTICZI WHEREAS, on motion of J. W. Fisher, application has been made to the Court of Com mon Pleas, of Lancaster county, to grant a charter of of incorporation to the "United Sons and Daughters of Rev. Richard Barney," a beneficial society of Columbia; Be it therefore known, that the said Court will, on the FOURTH MONDAY OF AUGUST. A. D., 1r59, at 10 o'clock A. M., if no sufficient reason be shown to the contrary, decree and declare that the . persons so IlllFo - shall become and be a corporation or body poli tic, according to the articles and conditions in their ap plication set forth and continued. Attest: WILLIAM CARPENTER, May 1,1856-0 t ' Prothonotary. DR.II.JAMELS,GENUINEMIXTUREOFCANNA his Indica, for the cure of Coughs, Colds. Bronchi tis, Asthma and Genera I Debility. Price SO cents a .p APe.l 24 For rule al R. WILLIAS', Front street. Apri, 185.9. M SELLING CHEAP. MRS. C. CALDWELL il s--n,Asortme now on hand an entire new and large na nt of SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY, which she will sell at the lowest cash prices; and will be happy to have her friends call and examine her stuck, Walent street, between Second and Third. Columbia, April 24, 1858-3 t• 4`.'4. (q' ) iliq ,11 ' I - V- 11 ;2'AL/. OtiD) A MRS. JAS. H. HUNTER 'OULD inform her friends and the citizens of Co il' lumbia, that she has opened in tlecond street. next door to the Lutheran Church ; a ealoon, where she will serve ICE CREAM. STRAWBERRIES, RASPBER RIES, &C., IN SEASON, She will spare no pains to make her rooms a place of pleasant summer resort. and she can confidently assert that her ICES, Occ., will be of the best quality. She asks a share of public patronage. Columbia, April 51,185.8. The Largest and Cheapest I'OBA.COO ZANIIS'ACTORY AND STORE, WEST OP PHILADELPHIA. TEE subscribers would respectfully invite the citizens of Columbia and vicinity to cull and •examine their large clock of .TOBACCO, SEGUES, SNUFFS, PIPES, Snuff - Boxes, Seger Cases, and a large variety of ar ticles not enumerated. The have now on hand a larger and more complete stock in their line, than is kept in any two wore« outside of the pri ncfrial cities. They have 500,000 SEGA RS, of 35 different brand.; also, 13 different brands of Chewing Tobacco, all of which they will sell at the lowest city prices. Bear in mind that the store in a branch of the well-known Tobacco Warehoune. Joseph Fendrich dr. Bros'., No. 155 Forest street, Baltimore. FENDRICII & BROS.. Front 'tree:. 5 doors above Locust, Columbia, Pa. April 24. 1858. - • WE SPEAK. TFIE TRUTH: ' IF you don't believe it call and see' for yourselves. tweet Congress. Raw Twist, Sweet Black Fart, Fig Leaf, Sweet Black Hawk, F.I Dorado, Sweet Peach-Leaf, Natural, Honey Dew, Virginia Brag, • Sweet Twist, Fine Cut, • Plain Lear. Anti-Nervous, Chewing Tobacco, wholesale and retail, at FEN DRICH lc BROS' , Front streq, 5 doors above Locust. April 44,1858. F=MUTRM 7 M TILE undersigned assignee of the Columbia Water Company of the Borough of Columbia, will expose to sale at the public house of Col. Daniel Herr, in said borough. ON SATURDAY, JUNE 19, at 1 o'clock P. M., an the personal and mixed estate, rights, liberties auJ franchises of the said Company. The property of said company consists of ABOUT 27,000 FEET OF IRON PIPES, of different calibres, laid in the ground; also, a quantity of iron pipe on hand: 17 FIRE PLUGS, in different parts of the Borough; AN ENGINE HOUSE Si ENGINE, in_ good working order, a lot o(. erzociziams oviaush-T., at the Engi n e House, TWO RESERVOIRS; 18 years of the lease of a lot of ground. on which the Engage Rouse is built; a perpetual lease on a never failing Spring of AVater. and a contingent lease on another never-failing Spring, (a very considerable quantity of pure water is derived from these springs;) and the water rents assessed by the =arisen and assignee, which may be uncollected at the time of filing the account of the assignee, This sale will arord a rare opportunity to capital ists to make a safe and reliable tnvestment,as it has been estimated by men fully competent to investi gate the subject, that a revenue of 82300 per annum. over and above all expenses for keeping up the works can be realized. llq an Act or Assembly, paned at the late session of the Legislature, all the rights, privileges and fran chises of the Columbia Water Company, were tmns (erred to whoever might become the purchasers, and thaperson or persons purchasing the !me are, by the aetrto be invested with corporate privileges. , This proPerty will be offered on accommodating tenon. Any further information may be had by call 'Mg on or addressing either the undersigned, or J. W. Fisher, Attorney, for the assignee. Terms will be made known on the day of sale ' THOMAS LLOYD, Assignee. 'Columbia, April 24, 1828-ts (Lancaster Examiner copy t. s, and charge advert'r.) imio os.,* E.r.‘-s,jl EXTRAORDINARY ARRANGEMENT! T HE undersigned respectfully informs his customers and the public generally. that he has ma e arrangements with several competent persons in Philadelphia, who are well acquainted with the wants and tastes of mankind generally, who will de vote their whole attentlod in the selection of choice and desirable goods, which will be received daily or oftener, if required, for all who may favor the Pao- Weil Caen Smis, with their patronage. The great advantage of this arrangement over those who have but ant person engaged in the city, will be apparent to all, and we feel assured in saying to the public, that novelties as well as great bargains may be ex pected In every description of Dry Goods. Another special opening or New Goods next week. For further particulars see "our book.. Very thank ful for past favors, the undersigned asks a continu ance of the same. H. C. FONDERSMITH, Apri124.185111. People's Gash Store. ZrOTZCZI. ALL persons Indebted, oa the Books of the Livery Stable, from the Ist of April, 1857, to the ArrnSeptigued, are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims will preseet them for settlenseat„ as be is desirous of Closing his business .ffitiout delay. pet. Iffil-a ,ONIONE TRUTH THAN POETRY . .. 9, TR "eoples Rook Store contains as good a selection of Books. Stationery and Pitney Hoods. u can be forme anywhere, west or Philadel phia, which am sptd mate lowest prieee Per sons desiring waything ih 'hip lbw, will coastal' their jpterest her by baying y where, the best wdeotion band, ' wiarbo SPREPiI3I3I3 k WESTIFIAEPPER, • Marsh C 33 Sortie Queen Street IffiGhprS GOLD PENS. APL $$ J of lot 1. 8 Bagly%Beb P=s, . el - different typ es and prcee. jam received, at /SAVIOR & NeIDONALD'a, Head quarter* and. News &Pepin, rem street, acc enB diet above Lewast. . Marcel 17 - Glass and arpet ueensame. and Cheap Cing! 11/101LISEICEEP84E4 and dam ocaseenelair Hower ImeimillS. will had a goal assortment of dee above Clioods, smith a general assmataleat of lioustsFasalsbiag Goods, Cheap fer Cash, at 11. C. FONDF:ItStd Feb. 6, 1131. People'. Cash :Rote, Columbia. riERUAN PIPES of all kind;. at laholefale.ocre ..11 - mil, at FKIVORICHAir. Front strect,:6 boors above Locust. April 21. tasB. THE OLD AND POPULA.R DACIIMILBILAN GAraaralit, RE-OPENED., SAMDIEL LODGE respectiliDy in formi his old friends and the public generally that he has re-opened his old and favorably known gallery, on the north-east corner of Front and Locust streets. Columbia. where be is prepared to runtish DAGUERREO'FFP IO , In the finest style of the an. His pictures have been acknowledged to be superior to any taken in this section; and be Batters himself that he can maintain the reputation of his gallery.— The light in his operating room is superior to any ever before bad In the place, a double windo w having been placed in front; by this light he Is enabled to take the finest pictures in cloudy as well as in clear weather. He is determined rIDIL to be excelled In the superior quality and cheapness of prices of hls pic tures. Call and examine specimens, and bear the prices. The most favorable time for obtaining good pictures of children In from 9 to 12 o'clock, In clear weather. Park dresses are preferable for producing a good effect in the pictures. trA hIIL LODGE. N. W. Corner Front rnd Locust streets. Columbia, April 24, 19.52. FIVE OR SIX GENTLEMEN can be eeeom• niodated with boarding, at Mrs. J. W. Hamtl tou's•, over 11. F. Green's Drug Store, N 0.3 Wolf,'s Row. Front street. Colombia, April 17, 185.9-3" LOST! $3.0 XLIDIXTELV.D. LOST, on Thursday afternoon, supposed between the Office of the N. C. Railway. Columbia, and Wrights ville, a PURizE containing about 525.00 in Gold and Silver. A reward of SlO,OO will be paid to the finder upon returning the purse and contents to AprillB, 1858. 2to • JAMES BENNETT. TBE subscriber respectfully informs the friends and customers of Haldeman's Cheap Cash Store, that the services of a competent person has been secured who is well acquainted with the wants and tastes of the patrons or Hademan's Store, who will devote his daily attention in securing cheap and desirable goods, both in Philadelphia and New York, which he will forward daily. The gratin advan tage of this arrangement will be plain to all, in pro curing beautiful and cheap goods, and the assortment will lie always full and complete. The subscriber takes this occasion to return thanks for the liberal and increasing patronage received from the friends and customers of HALDEMAN'S Cheap Cash Store. Coiumbia, Apr 1117.11858 Great Western Pire Insurance and 'rust Company of Philadelphia. CAPITAL $600,000. DIRECTORS. Charles C. Lathrop, 142.3 %%Win street: Wm. Dar ling,lslo Pine street; Alex. Whil'den, Alerchant, 18 North Fourth street; Isaac Ilazlehurst. Attorney and Counsellor; John C. Hunter, of Wright. Hunter & Co; C. Tracy. of E. Tracy & Co. Goldsmiths' Hall; John R. McCurdy. of Jones, White & McCurdy: Thos. L. & Zeller; Jas. B. Smith. o flames B. Smith & Co.; K. Harper Jegries, of tVm. 11. Brown & Co., John R. Vodges, cornet Seventh and Snneom streets; Charles E. Thompson. 413 Chestnut street; Jno. J. Slocum,22o South Third street; Alfred Taylor, office, Cairo City Property. CIIAS. C. LATHROP, President. Wm. DARLING, Vice President. H. K. RICHARD.ON, Secretary. 117 - DAVIES E. BRUNER, Agent, Columbin, Lan caster county, Pa. (April 17,11'58. Sheds from the Patent Office. JUST received direct front the Patent Office a few choice Garden and Flower Seeds, among which I would mention, GARDEN SEEDS:—Eclipse Hybrid Turnip, Crys tal White Celery, Large Early London Cabbage, White Globe Onion. London particular long scarlet Radish, improved long prickly Cucumber, yellow Swedish Turnip, Zetneau's Rhubarb. White Lupins, Guernsey Parsnip, Early Wakefield Cabbage, extra curled Parsley. Puttees Teasels, Sperry, purple curled Kule, Hides new dwarf mammoth marrow Peas, London Horticultural Pole Bean, Early cham pion of England Pens, Early Tom Thumb Peas, Ref ugee, or One Thousand to one Beans, round leaf Spinach. Red Dutch Cabbage. (for pickling). FLOWER PREEDB.—Ponulacea Aurea, or Golden Portulacca; this a beautiful little Rower and should grace every garden, Corenpsis Atrosanguitica. Am. broeist. Integrifolia. Ricinms Comments, Begonia Semperflorens, (a flower of Brazil,) Ipomea Globe Amaranthus of India, Helich rysuin Clementine or Everlasting Flower a dower which does not fade, Euphorbia Vuriegute, Nigella Damascene, Argemone Burchyanum, (from Mexico.) hlimbiles Ipomea, or Marvel of Penn, Cecelia Coccinea. or Venus Paint Brush, Hybiscus Africans. %fatty of these Seeds are imported from other countries by the U. S. Govern ment, and as few are distributed, seldom such sit opportunity for choice Seeds is offered. I have but a small quantity of euelt variety, :herefore call early or you will be disappointed, at R. WILLIAMS. Coulumbia Seed Depot, Front street. April 17, 1859. SPRING GOODS. WE have just received and opened our THIRD SUPPLY OF SPRING GOODS, consisting or Fine English. Frenrh, and American Cloths, Caul meres and Venting.; LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as Fancy and Black Silk•, including many de sirable 'lvies. of the latest Importances; Delaines, Puul de Shivers, Dumas, Lawns. Chintzes, Calicoes, &c., all of which have been selected with great care and will be sold at greatly reduced prices HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. In this line our stock is complete, and cannot be surpassed by any other store In the county. Persons desiring, Sheeting', Checks, Tickinge. tee., will find It to their aderninge to give us a call, as we have everything in this tine that can he asked for, and we ore determined not to be undersold. Oil Cloths, Carpetings, Mats, Druggets, am. China, Glass, and Qaesuswnre GROCERIES. Sugars, Coireen, Teas, Mackerel, Herring, Salt, &e a large stock, at the lowest pricer. WALL PAPERS, $20,000 Pieces New York Wall Papers, of new and beautiful designs. ranging in price from di cents and upward. As we get all or our Wall Papers, Fire Screens, kc., direct from the manufac turer. we can sell them at the manufacturer's prices. We have several hundred different designs on band, and we feel confident that a seleetion can be made from our Stock, with greater satisfaction to the pur chaser than can be given by any other store in the county. In conclusion, we would say our Stock is FULL & COMPLETE IN EVERY BRANCH, and we offer great inducements to purchasers, In the price and goalies of our goods. GIVE US A CALL. . FRY & HAGMAN, Locust street, directly opposite the Bank Colombia, April 17, 1858., • Gela • ntine. ASUPERIOR article of refined Gelantine. for at McCORE L.E & DRL.LETT'S Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellow's Hall. April 17,1835. Geneal Pain Killer. DARR'S Pantygenie Liniment, A never-failing , emedy for Gout, Rheumatism Toothache, Neu raisin, Sprains, Frozen Feet. &c. 'F or sale on ly at McCORKLE & DHLLETF'S Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' Hall. April 17,1858. MBE finest assortment of Fancy Toilet Soap•, ever orered to Columbiana, at HARRY GREEN'S, No. 3 Wolf's Row, Front sweet. April 17, 1958. Bath Brick, FOR Scouring Knives and Tinware. This is prefer able to the brick sort. as it does not cat the ma terial, and gives a finer polish. For male. by March 20 1858. Front st,Coloutbia, Pa. PASTILIRS, for the sick room he., for sale at ATcCORKLFf& DET.LETTte Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellow% Mall. April 17,1858. VANILLA BEA NS. for sale at the Family Medicine V store, Odd Fellow's Hall. April 17, 1tt5.3. RICE FLOUR, Arrow Root. Farina, and Corn Starch, for sale at the Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellow's Hall. ,(April,l7. 1859. IMPORTED Lubin's, alw, Glenn's Double Extracts for the handkerchief, at HARRY GIINISNII, N 0.3 Wolf's Row, Front street. April 17,1858. THOMAS GROOM IPEIRANGIPANNI Extracts and Posy. an everlasting petioles, at BAILEY G April 17.1858. No. 8 Wolfs Row, Front street. BAY RUM, Cologne is Toilet Bottles, Hair Oil o every Wind, Wood's Hair Restorative. and Barry's Trieopheraes, at HAIRY Gamaa's, April 17. 18il, N 0.3 Wolf's Row, Front-street. COLOGER WATER by the •tit,quart or gallon; Meares Eztracis for the handkerchief by the ounce or pound, or in any quantity to salt yurebaser's at HAW GIRMICIAS Apra, fq, we. • No.! WW I , Row. Front street. 'EM MA Harming Fluid (stantifactaned daily)mr•a- J; riaatly for sale at tie chidden Mortar Drug atom Match ISW. ALARGE lot of Nos. 9.9, 11.0 and 90 baths Robber mg set Parka. Dans, br sale at the Golden Mor tar Drat ewe. Later. Cf: V& ALARGE meek of all kinds of Drugs. Choodaals, Medicine*, &c ,&e., for sale at , the G.Uen Mor tar Drug atom. laser. 9, •511. NOTICE. BOARDING. AL CARD. DAILY ARRANGEMENT, ANOTHER SUPPLY OF FANCY TOILET SOAPS. .I,4om.toals — and Pettuner,: rrafidinfiribilitayifig plarrettuta' i from phil-dripm.; has on: hand,.andia-Atilly reacts. ; log, as: Rosh, if not the k:t.::of::.Thaigs ever offered to the public. fizo„cathithesof the citizens of Colombia afidisarrofinalitig.conntrito his offers. As to dealers, be wilimaketit -advantage ous to them to bug of him in preference-Uploading or going to Philadelphia. "A attablealm - in.-better than a slow shilitag,” is the mottoof-' 4 13.1tanTercitaff; Apri119,1859. N 0.3 WolPs:Row, Front street. 0021.8, 2111 W ay, Young & Co's. Perey's Retinues, American Female Poets, British Female Poets, Tapper's Works, Ossian's Poem's, Slontgontery's Poems, Crabbe's Poetical works Cmly's British Poet's, Hood's Poems. Just received at M Shakspeare's Works, Beaumont and Fletcher'. Works, Ben Jonson's Works, Milton's Poetical Works Byron's Poetical Works, Scott's Poetical Works, !Boors's Poetical Works, Borns' Poetical Works, Pope's Poetical Works, Cowper's Poetical Works, Dryden's Poetical Works. Rogers and Ca in pbell's Po. elical Works, goldsmith's Poetical. Wordworth's Poems, Thompson's Pollock's Course of Time. Mrs. Norton's Poem's, Bryant's Poems, Longfellow's Poe.ns, Lowell's Poems, Sage's Poems, Whittier's Poems, Holmes' Poems, Bayard Taylor's Poems, Tennyson's Poems, Mrs. Browning's Poems, Alexander Smith's Poem., Robert Browning's Poems. But ley's Fenton. Kingsley's Poems. Ballads by Thackeray, T. Buell ananan Read's Poems, Ilosmer's Poetical Works, Angel in the House, "Be trothal" and ...Espousal," Young's Night Thoughts. Gray's Elegy and other Poems. Keble's Poem's. Works. Coleridge's and Shel!rto Poetical Works. Mr•. Heman's Poetical Works, Dictionary of Poetical Quotation., Mrs Hemans. Dictionary of Sacred Quo tations, Weld. Nation's Poetical Quota tions, Great Truths by Great Authors, Howitt's Millmans and Kent's Poetical Works. Shelly's Complete Paoli- cal Works Chaucer's Poetical Works Bailer's liudibrais, Dante's Poems, TessaUt Poem's, Herbert's Poetical Works, Kirk W bite's Poetical Works, Spencer's Fairy Queen, Sothey's Poetical Works, Lockhart's Spanish lial• Bloomfield's Poems, lieges Poem-, C Fenno Hotrman's Poems Ballads of the American Revolution, : the Passion Flower Poems. lads, Any of the above Poet, unusually rates at the the MU • North Que April 17. 1859. teal Works may be had a ar, bookstore of • itAY, YOUNG CO, en street, Lancaster, Pa. CATALOGUES SENT FREE G. G. Evans, Publisher and Origina tor of the GIFT ROOS ENTERPRISE, 139 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. TIE unparalleled success which has at tended the subscriber in' hisaistribution of Gifts bile ,indaced him to make large and valauhle additions to his former extensive stock of new and popular books. Ilia new. complete and classified catalogue of hooks, embracing all the de partments of Literature, is mailed free to any part of the country. All books sold at publishers' lowest prices, and all the new politica' tons of the day added soon no issued. 0500 worth of Gifts with each $lOOO worth of books sold; among which are doily distributed,the following: WORTH FROM Gold Hunting Lever 'Watches, 85000 to 100,00 " Anchor " " 35.00 to 50.00 Silver Lever and Lepine Winches, 12,00 to 25,00 Parlor Time Pieces, 5,00 to 15,00 Vest and Fob Chains, 10.00 to 25,00 Ladies Guard and Chalteloine do, 10,00 to 25,00 " Silk Dress Patterns,. 12,00 to 20,00 " Gold Bracelets, 5,00 :o 15.00 • Cameo Sets, 10,00 to 15,00 " Mosaic Sets, 12.00 to 20.00 ' 4 Florentine Sets, 10,00 to 15,00 " Gold Pencils and Pens, 1,50 to 10,00 u " AI inint are Lockets, 2,50 to 10,00 Gents' Gold Pens with cases, 2.00 to 10.00 Gents' Bosom Studs & Sleeve Buttons, 2,00 to 5,00 Ladies Breast Pins, 1,50 to 7,50 • Ear Rings, 2,00 to 7,50 " and Gents' Gold Rings, 1,110 to 5,00 Gents' Bosom Pins, 1.00 to 3,50 Ladies Pearl Card Cases 3 2,50 to 5,00 Portemonnuies, Pocket knives, &e 1,10 to 5,00 Articles of Gold Jewelry. and Gift Books, not enumerated in the above, worth from 25 to 25 00 One of the above named gills presented to each purchaser of a book at the time of sale, although all books are sold at publishers' lowest prices. The complete and classified Catalogues may be had with out charge, by calling of sending your address. Liberal inducements to country Agents. Orders roil, the country promptly filled and the goods for warded by express or maul someday. _ Address G. G. EVANS, 439 Chestnut at , Philadelphia. [a — TO THE PUBLIC.—As there arc many Gift Book Stores advertised throughout the country, Alr. Evans deems it just to homse , f and his duty to the public —inasmuch as he originated the Gift Book bu siness—to state.as evidenceof the instability of many of such concerns, that they conceal their real name rob the public, and are advertising their business under'assumed ones. Mr. E. is aware that these va rious concerns publiebcd , as Gill Book Stores ' are calculated to bring the business established by him self Into disrepute. He asks of the public a correct judgment in regard to his Gift Book Enterprise for the honor, integrity. and saucers, of which be refers to all the prommeist publishers lit the United States. Read his Catalogue. April 17, 1858. NOTICE! WIIEREAS,•Letters of Administration to the estate of Adam Lichieqberger, late of Co ney township, Lancaster county, deceased, have been grunted to the subscriber, residing in Fairview town ship, York County; all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pa) ment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent, will make known the same. without delay, to JOHN LICHTENBERGER, April 17, 18.5.9-43 t Administrator NEW SEGAIL STORE, Front in., one door above Locust, Colombia, Pa. THE SUBSCRIBER would cull anention of the citizens of Columbia to his newly opened stock of TOBACCO, SEGARS, SNUFF, GERMAN SMOKING TOBACCO, Six. ilia Seguin ure of every Choice Brand, and big Tobacco and Soon - of all favorite Varieties. Ile will furnish all articles In his line at the LOWEST PRICES, and the quality of his stock cannot Nil to meet with genera: appreciation. He agars of hin friends and the Smoking, Chewing, and Snuffing public, a share of patronage. . _ . OTTO STEINER Col umbii,'April 10, 1858. •' • ilrrnmnl RE undersigned would inform the ladies of Columbia:and vicinity that be has taken the we I-known Shoe Stand, oppo.tte ((sideman's Store, where he constantly mnnullietures Ludic.' and Chil dren's Shoes, of on kind 4; such as , • French and Id Boots, of latest styles Buskins and Slippers, Cloth and English Listing Gaiters, Calf Skin and Men's Alor cco sewed and pegged Boots, with every article that belong. to his brunch of the Shoemaking business. 131./.11 ordem executed at the shortest notice. .rR. HIXSON, No.l Mechanics' Row, LocastaL, Columbia. Pa. April 10, tt1.16-3m "Jtrgt ItECEIVED, BY TUE SUBSCRIBER, at his Forwarding and Commission Warehouse, 19 Casks Ham • , • 5 do. Shoul ders. • For sale by dm ,Cask or in smeller quantities, , 11. F. A PPOLD, N 05.1.9 and &Canal Basin, Colombia, Pa April 10, 1858. Perfumery. lINAIIEjuId received a tot of fresh and choice Per (emery; Oils and Pomades for the hair, Extracts for the handkerchief, Shaving Creams, Colognes, Fancy Soaps.lec.• " lIVIILLI P 41 3 ,, • A ni 10 1858. Front street. Brasher, .134mthes: UAIR, Teeth; - Nall,' Shoe ilia Shaving. firtmbem,ol 11 ell nylem modpriees. at'' R. WILLIAMS', April 10, UM. Front street, Colombia, Pa. itNEW lot,of Tolklind Plea Casaba also, "Tow Hill" Combo', at WILLIAMS. April 10, 1054. " Froth street. THE bull frogs raised their tails on high, And bounded over the plain: A humble-bee went thundering by, • ' And then comedown the rain! ' • " Chian lightning split }peanut's name, • And killed a yearling calf! Loud o'er the bellowing thunders rune A shout for "Russian Solve?' For sale by A. WILLIAMS, April 10, vas. . Front PITIMM trim surest and safest Pills'. of the time s &Dr. Fen:on's rentals Regalntim Pills. Price, 30 cu., for sale at R. VVILLFAMS, April 10,1858. Front street. nuct INE-1 Evertor ' &dick of Black Ink, for sale by the quart, pima or bottle, at IL WILLIAMS , . ' Apnllo, TIMM • Broth et..Colaathhi, Pa. Dogs Genus lhtdc Lea to polishing to., far "Werior•M nisaY fUsekinia done op in prpon, For enlist WILLIAMS, Aprillo, • Drag Mond, From greet. CIDPENINGS OIL CLOTHS, IND LOOKNO Gu A ss 111 .7 zy • on getWAp s ti r stAl , Lt March 134 1838 itiboining Ibe Bank. sours -fluid Ilitraet oriaelisrabrsals' al I 2 lb. Goldea Mortar Drag Sian. Mares 27. IBMS. Tj r 'INTER'S Vesetstable Parteeesjihr teie at the Mt Golden 111Foesterare Mere..... -17.55 h. A FINE lot of Bazia , a and Waste* Illarlbant. Soap, for salts at tate Goldoni Nona Ding Store. 11Iarelt27, - TO RIVERMEN. • TEgREBY notify all. Allmon not to land any lumber or timber at my island, On care of String Waits.) as I want it this season for my own use, and the use of those persons with whose I have made special agreements for /andimriamber at said Island. E. HERSHEY, Columbia, April 10,1859-41 . NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to. the late arms of Smith & Whipper, and Smith, Whipper & Go., are requested to make payment. and all those having claims will please present them to the under signed, for immediate settlement. WPIPPEA. Colombia, April 10, 1568.10 t • NATIONAL LIVERY STABLE, Second street, adjoining the Odd Fellows' Ball, COLUMBIA, PA. THE SUBSCRIBER, having fitted op end stocked with good Horses and commodious Carriages an Extensive Livery Stable, would call the attention of his friends and the public to his SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS. He will guarantee his Horses to be safe. well bro ken to SaddMond Harness,and in first-rate condition. He can offer several HANDSOME VEHICLES, built expres.ly for his esiabli.hment, and the whole of his Carriages are in thorough repair, and kept clean and Pleat. The stable will tre In the care of accommodating attendants, and HORSNS AND CONVEYANCZB CAN B HAD AA' - ALL HOCIRR OP THE DAY OR NIGHT • THE TEEMS WILL. BE REASONABL.E, and he confidently hopes that the merits of his Stable, and a disposition to please his customers, will secure him a liberal share of public furor. MILTON WIKE. Columbia, April 10,1859. THE undersigned will elill continue the VICTUAL LER'S BUSINESS, at hit old stand in Locust at., between Second and Third. He will furnish custom ers with all kinds of Aleuts in Cason.r and serve fam ilies at their houses as heretofore. MILTON WIKE. April 10, 1859.1 y X = it.EMOVgL. a. SUB OED, Ladies soot dr. Shoe !Manufacturer, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Columbia and the public generally that he has removed from No. 1 Locust street, to the Brick Building, apposite the Franklin House, Locust street, Columbia, Pa., where he hopes to see his old friends and customers, and all who desire superior work at low prices. lie respectfully tenders his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage he has received, and would announce to his patrons that he has constantly on hand a large and choice variety of materials, and ,is prepared to make up, in addition to his large stock of reedy-made work on hand, Ladies. Misses. and Chil dress SHOES, GAITERS, HOOTS. SLIP PERS, 80., in the latest and beat styles. He solicits a continuance of the favor so liberally bestowed by the public. JAMES SCHROEDER, April 3, less. Columbia, Pa. SPRING STOCILI Suet Received AT I. 0. BRUNER & CO'S Corner of Fifth and Union Streets. WE Have just opened and call attention to n fresh stock of SPRING. GOODS, consist ing or CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, • Prints of every variety. Beregea. and a general se lection orarticles in our line. Our Goode have been purchased at low rates, and we offer unequalled bargains to our friends and cus tomers. We would call especial attention to our stock of light Cloths. &c., suitable for spring wear. Ladies will find that taste and judgment have been exercised in oar selections of DREGS GOOD'S, and we assure them that they can be supplied by us at as reasonable prices as elsewhere. Our usual excellent stock of 4131.3r0 4cp x• so jeugi is carefully kept up, and we can famish su perior Sugars. Molasses, CoXee. Tea, &c. at a very low figure. 7We invite an examination of our new stock. 1.0 BRUNER. H. F. BRUNER. Columbia, April 3,1558. SPRING PASSIONS. ga, At the Fashionable IR RAT EMPORIVM. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he haft lust returned from the city, with a well Selected, and entirely new ntoek of 'SATS AND CAPS, of every description, which he now offers, at hls new store. Front street, adjoining the Washington House, at the lowest earl. rate Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.— The stock is entirely new, and of the latest styles. JAMES D. GRIFFITH. Also, a first-rate assortment of newest style chil dren•' Fancy Hats and Caps. UrTarticular attention given to ordered hats. Colourable, April mess. CODELWEISILION 3317SXNEISS. Tim subscriber has made arrangements and is now prepared to receive on Colll.lllAbioll, Wharf. North aide of Walnut street, Columbia, Pa., COAL, LUMBER, WOOD OR TIES, He will be happy to receive commissions for baying or selling the above articles to any amount. From his experience in the Lumber BUMIIt.4 he believes that he will be able to render satisfaction. Strict at tention will he given to all bunines• entrusted to his care. AMOS B. GREEN. Columbia, Ma rch 27, 1E49. The West Chester Academy. J'°CITED at West Cheater, Pa. The übo- Jamie year is divided into two sessions of five months each, commencing tespectively on the first days of May and November. Tne course of onstruction is extensive, thorough. and practical, designed to prepare boys and young men for any class in college, or for bu siness. 'ix teachers aid the Principal in the duties of the school. The F.e wit and German languages are taught by resident native teachers. Catalogues, containing full information, will be sent upon apploct lion to the Principal. Nom F. WYERS, A. M.. March 20,19-fit West Chester, Pa. r!rTrril T ECOMPTON AND ANTI•LECOMPTON appears to be the exciting topic ofthe day- -but the . .solter second thought of the people" is unanimous In favor of the People's Cash Store, Columbia, for buying GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS, - - - - Our Stock is large,and assortment good, and no diffi culty 1 i being suited. We offer another lot of thorn cheap Deheges at 8 cm. per yard; good Derailing, at 6, B , and 11l cents; the beet assortment and cheapest blasting, Dish Linens, and Linen shin Fronts; and the greatest variety in styles and qunlity of Fast Col ored Calicoes,with a full rock of bleached and un bleached blasting. Sheeting. Tic kings, Checks. Ging. hams. Linen and Cotten Trite Clothe, Table Diapers, Tovrehttgieevelepkins,Atc. Anything aged esierythrrig for Housckeeping,you can find. at • z • H. C. roNDEnsm !Tom _ Ativeh-f3; oat. • • Adjoining Columbia Bauk. V. SZEBERT'S VITENBffB CABINET WARE-ROONS AND AL/ MANUFACTORY, Locust street, Columbin, Fa. The subscriber would cull the attention of the cit izens of Columbia and vicinity, to his large and se leet assortment of Cabinet-Ware comprising some of the finest Dressing Bureaus, SOfsta. grouch Bed stends,Jenny Lindsoke., ever offered for sale isthis place. Be continues to manfacinie Furniture of every deem:dation, and is confident tint: be can give satisfaction. - COFFINS made and Fanerols attended to either in town or country, on the shortest notice. CASPAR SEIBERT. Columbia, Jane 4,1857. • • JUST BECEIVEbr T tie Go Dreg ; Blore, au extra qbality bf Ina.. Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy. Also, mar Pearlfiunth, BrCerbodate of3oda. , BOve Oil for table one, Coxe , • Sparkling Gelamine. Hoek ere, farina. Oswego Corn Starch, Cream of Tartar. AU kinds of Spicen Garden, Hemp and Canary Seed. March 27,1858. • ,NOTICE TO FARMERS. • JUST received ISO bbls. No. 2 Land Plaster. S 6 u Fanners twill 4o well to give attention to the above senor/Wog manure For exhausted land•. Asa tried fertilizer, plaster is unequalled. Porvale by B. P. APPOLD. Nolk 1,2 and 6 Canal Basin: Kareb S 7, IE6B. Wall Papers, Bordering, Sic. prassat beasiffid onerireret .will ,be refreibed daily daring the seams, with the nw. eat designs—es they appear in the eaatega "Pietts..ll tents per piece and upwards. Ilafeb 11. C. FONDRASSaNi. liammium r i Rum Quality of trmpo,;simo.yow Crop Sews, fine favored Meek wed Gratin • caw we iniet aterrespfaalfsi O.C.FONDERIIIII ITN'S • .Mweb 13, Mg. People's Cask ewe. White Granite, China and Glassware, A PULL STOCC sad New !anent., in seam to suit parehitatirs, at the right priatur—sail quality guar. autos/. Try se—at Ike ?WPM'S CASti SPORE , March 11,1858. athitiniag tbagalmobia mammoth Cabbage. wt haws Cabbage Seed which la maid will attain, with proper caltivatioa to the 'ammonia ailo of aizty pounds to Om beta. All ahom , wishing Mataimotht ebb. re theored at . . 11403011ILLISM DIOZETTIC, Family Midielao Stare, Odd Fellows' afar Cora. _ . .. . itioli . iiiiiAtti, ' - FimMENEM STIAD, on Front .IFJL street, between Walnatsnd•Loensl, 11_4- join og the Jewelry store of the undersigum Pos session given on the first of April nest. Apply 1%. JOHN EV , • Colunibin, March 6,11E99.tf LET. ATHRKISTORY BRICK 11013 E, in Union Street, lately occupied by Vincent Smith, Esq. Also, one on Front below Perry street. - Apply to -Jan. 30, 1858-If A. FIRUNM. FOR RENT OR SALE. ALARGE. Fine two and a half story BRICE DWELLING HOUSE, with extensive 3 ard, Stabling, ont-buildings, -and ONE ACRE OF GROUND. situate In the village of Millersville, only a few hundred yards from the Normal Febool. Possearion given immediately. Apply to Dr. E. H. HERR. Columbia. Jan. 4.'57-if or, DAVID HERR, Sr., Manor. FOR SALE, • EIGHT DWELLING HOUSES, in format parts of the Borough. Terms easy. THOS. 01t0014. For information, enquire of W. F. Lockard, Agent. Nov. 28, 18574 m roa RENT, NOS. 3 and § Ramilton's Row, oppo site the Washington House, Front street. Columbia. Apply to R. HAMILTON. Columbia, February 2108574 TIIE BLUE FRONT, on Front street, contain ing two Store Room.—two do. for offices or other like purposes—and a HASEhI ENT— all fitted up with gas, kc.,—also SEVERAL HOUSES, for rent or sale, In different parts of the bo rough. Enquire of WM. WHIPPER. Columbia. February 14, ISs7•tf TO LET. 2g FEET OF WOARF, on the Susquehanna river, 0U adjoining property of J. SAMUEL Vanghen Co. Apply to WRIGHT. Columbia, March 14,1857.11 CARPETS. ELDRIDGE'S CHEAP STORE THE nubseriber being under very light -• expenses.' has. as is well known, always sold goo ds very cheap; but this season, having availed hint: self of the recent great depression an price of material kr,, offers at lower prices than ever before. a ve ry l arg e assortment of Tapestry , Brussels, Imperial Three-I'll, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets, and Oil Cloths of nil widths, in great variety. Also, Canton and Cocoa Mailings of all kinds, with a large stock of low priced Ingrain Carpets at 25 to 50 etc. per yard, Stair and Entry Carpets at 10 to 50 etc. also, Rag Carpets, Cotton and Hemp Carpets, Rugs, Mats. Stair Rods, 80.. ike. H. H. ELDRIDGE, No. 43 Strawberry et , one door above Chestnut. Ey-Strawberry is the first street west, of Second street, Philadelphia. [March 27. 1858-3 m IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. TUE most valuable Manure new in the market Is Mitchell & Croasdale's Improved Am moniated BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. It not only stimulates the growing crop, bat perma nently enriches the land. It is prepared entirely by ourselves under the direction of one of the first Cheraj tots in the country, and is warreuted pure and UM form in Its composition. It only needs to be seen by the:intelligent Farmer to convince him of its intrinsic value as a permanent Fertilizer. For sale in large or small quantities, by CROASDALC, I'EIRCE & CO., 104 North Wharves, one door above Arch street, Philadelphia. And by most of the principal dealers throughout the country. [March 27, tittsS4at Farmers of Pennsylvania Attention. YOU can supply yourselves with Chemical Manures, warranted pure, which have been in successful use in New Jersey for she past seven years—they have received the Diplomas of New Jer sey, New York, Delaware, and Pennsylvania Agri cultural Socienes,• and have been used by the Presi dent of the United States, on his garden and on the lublic grown?* at Washington, D. C., and by the fol owing gentlemen, viz: Z. Locke , F.pq ;.A. P. Lasher,J. L.Reeves , Clarks bora, New Jersey; Senator Roberts, Win. Miller, Chas. York. of Cape Island, New Jersey; Thomas Mulford. Es.q., Camden, N. J; Dr. Berens, Dr. Knight, Mr. Field, Mr. Atkinson, and Levi Johnson, all of New Jersey—they ray it is the cheapest and most re liable manure now in use, being permanent and im proving theland by enriching tile soil. It is suited in the various crops you raise—Corn, Potatoes, G rasa, Wheat, Oats, &c. By enclosing a Mire lc, on tiny New Jersey or Philadelphia Bank. or reference to any good house in Philadelphia. or in exchange for Pro duce at fair blarket rules here, your orders will be fil led and shipped to you, free of cartage expense. 117 - Every article sold by me is guaranteed. ' Super Phosphate of Lime, 840 00 a Ton. Bone Phosphate, 30,00 n American Fertilizer, 25.00 a " A barrel is sufticleut for un acre of ground broad cast. Pore Pone nest. (500 barrels now ready,) at 63,00 per barrel, or $33 a ton. Poudreiter. No. 1, (500 barrels now ready,) at 82, to 33 a barrel. Land Pinter No. L-1,000 barrels, at sti to $2 a barrel. Pot Asb,so barrels. Peruvian, Patagonia and Chinon GUANO. GEORGE A. 1.1:1N A U. Proprietor, No 21 South Front Street, Phila. city, Pa. IlJ7•Wholesa le Dealers allowed a liberal discount. Pamphlets can be had 011 application to wy °Mee, or of agents. Al arch 13,184844 • N. S. LAWRENCE'S New Paper, Printers' Card. and En velope Warehouse, NO. 905 COMMERCE STREET, PHIVA. Cash buyers will find it for their interest to cid!. Philadelphia, Jan. t 1,1858. STAUFFER & HARLEY. CHEAP WATCHES &JEWELRY. WIIOLESALE.AND RETAIL .- 0: , -, ~- ' ,ot die Philadelphia Watch .- •---.; 4 . ..,e -, ..." . and Jewelry Store, No 149 (Old - ' '-- -," ''' • •-.. No. 96) North Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled, I 9 k.eases,S24 00 Gold Lepine, 19 caret,, di 00 Silver Lever, full jewelled, Id 00 Silv' Lepine. jewels, - , Superior guartier., 7.00 . Gold Spectacles, ' • • 700 . _ _ Fine Silver do., Geld Bracelets, . . „ Lady's Gold Pencils. ve r 'Tea Sp oon.. set. 500 Gold Pens, with PentitnactSilver - • 100 Gold Finger Ring. 371. CPI. to 860 • ,Wstch Glasser. plain 121-eta.. patent it Lutist-RS; *cirri. 'artistes lit proportion. All goods worronted to be what' they are sold for. STA UFFER & HARLEM. t a-On hand POMC Gold andSllver Levers-ma Le pine. still lower than the above prices. Philadelphia:December 15, 18.57.1 y ' • .• - 33:ECIEUILIWG'8 S 111111! . . • THE' ACK NOWI:CDGED 14 --- " ..r ,t, 17 1 :; r., 1 - .L . CHAMPION. ,• • • l ' 3 -- - "' - `‘,: - {4 '• The recent trial vat Reading •i I'7 --' ,'..:.:.,,, ' - hart' eldlar.ed blit.timirrist o it,,...' ~...,- Z taq . i public opinion, and confiritkA 1 .1 0 ' f 1.- 1a.'70 . the verdict or more than 200 '1: :, • ',.. accidental Ares, planing a n on' •'l' ,. ~:::ti: ti 1 elusively that utternngS is 111,:', AI- : ' r ' , - the Only Safe that will asthma i • it,J,."' , i '' 'I Extract from the Committee. 'l--,---2 , . '.- Report •on the Trial - of Iron ''''"' '" .. --" Safes at Reading: . ; • 4 0n the 26th of February all the members of the ecnnmittelf feet . trewitnees the•Snles ad brooks and papers, (placed in them.) and ware perfectly satisfied that ail was right. The daygnitowlog, the burning took place, : upder the nupertabendence of.the Cont. mince. After a fair and impartial burning for five boom/he Safe otridemors. Evans inWalson was best opened. the Safe being on fire inside, sod the con tents partially consumed. while the contents le the Sete of Messrs. Panels & Herring were in good con dition, and no fire inside.. .Reading. March. 3.3447. - • (Signed,) ' H. P. FELIX, P. N. COLEMAN,l.Committee. . A. H. PEACOCK, And endorsed - by over SO of the beat men et Read ing The above safes can be:ln•Pected at 34 Walnut Street, where the pairlict can satisfy themselves of the great superiority of the "Herring's Vatent Champion,. over the defeated and used.up..inside Iron Door Sala mander.. EATLET & HERRING, ' gia, Staffs of ri= g i r.tdeen, TCAampien haw. : , Sces. The attempt made by other parties to bolster up the reputation of a Safe which Aar failed so signally in accidental Ann in Philadelphia. (Ranstead Place.) by taking one introit an agent's itore,(ll.A.LanM,) made double thickness, (afferent from those they. sell) to "burn up" one of Herring's (half as thick) has met with its Mir reward. •Morrini's Salle amid mesh* bone; proving conclusively that the oply reliable Safe now ondlais.liikovinies..orwhich everls,ooo are now in actual ere, and osone tlaafoopvebeektrid by Are Viellognie•abtztelarr. JONASMUMPLA Arun. Celtuntds. - May 43.1857-Iy Spala's Premium .Ainopsgagia. Charm innipredict marginate from a girea ILL tity et cream Oran any Omni be sae.— Skeen sea rorbalesala sad “IKIL - PASCHALL, MORRIS & CO.. N. Cot. 7111 and Illaricet.os., Pidladelpida, February !0. 1868. Plead, Flower and Garden Seeds, Is great variety. Warralled Fresh aid Omani. 1:111AP/O, Mapes Nittopettiaibd Soper Phosphate of Lime. Poodreete,ae. .PAOCHALL,SIORIOS CO Pi- E. Coe. 7th amid E. Mad= Ma, Philadelphs , a. February SO. IOW A( y 0 nnitt an math .14 Aiwa 1.11, at • ! FENDRICn Front trCIM Oasts above towast. Aprillti, VAR. • — WASIEISCPPON INSTratrilt:;" • TriII:EraMLIEL. • ,•••• • A T a meeting of the school board of the 'Washington Moult:ft, the followingwere agreed upon as the terms of toWion, STRICTLY IN "ADVANCE: =For Paimerp English branches,B4.oo Sotew.htpunter of it weeks. - • Higher fto, fell breaches, 56 . 00 per quarter: • - LIMA and Gmeek,flB.oo per quarter: A discount ofBl.oo on each of the above branches will be roadelocidzensatOld (Mumble: . • _ _. • W.s7,9l:ls24 S eetstary. Columbia, Dec. 5, ID5Ait • • •• • • • nanny's 'Reaper and flower. THE saburibers harlot teen . appointed SOLE A CENTS iaPhiladelphin, for Mann re Com bined Reaper and Mower with WOOD'S IMPROVE MENT, are now prepared to receive-orders. Persons wishing , to secure the best Combined Machine in use, will please apply early. as the simply i. limited. PASCHALL NORRIS & CO, Seed and Implement Store, corner of 7th & Market • streets, Philadelphia. [Jan. 23. lEL94. Davierreotyyes, Ambrotypes,' me lainotypes, THE subscriber has returned to his old 1. stand, corner of Front and Locust streets, and oiler• his services to the citizens of Columbia and vi cinity, aslthe only Dagnerrean operator now in the Boroogh. THE CHRISTMAS SEASON is the season of Gifts, and nothing more appropriate than a good Daguerreotype or Ambrotype likeness can be offered to u friend or relative. Cull then and obtain one of the beautiful and correct pictures veltir h will be warranted to give every satisfaction. Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, now is the time to procure one of those imperishable Ambrotypes, and thus pre serve the features of beloved friends. REMEMBER! the old stand, corner of Front and Locust strews. Copies take n from Daxuerreotypeg, and warranted accurate. Pictures set in Rings. Medallions and /*ins. All Daguerreotypes, Ambretypes and alelainotype' taken at this establishment, warranted not to fade. The afternoon is the best for children. THOS L. SUMMERIL Columbia. De eember 19. 1957. . New do Cheap Cash Confectionery. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! mT WO DOORS ABOVE THE BRUM ROUSE, Pro street, COLUMBIA, PA. ' he subscriber bus constantly on band, at this es tablishmentn most splendid 51... moment of CONFECTIONERY, PARISIAN BON BONS, (recently pure! seed by himself in the city of Paris.) Toys, Oboe°totes, Bon Folio, Almonds. Crystalizid Work, and Plain Candies, manufactured under his personal supervi.lon. Also, Foreign and Domestic Frtt'ts., Nato, dr.c, in larger quantities and , better manuals than ever before offered to this public; to all of which the attention of Country Merchants, Shop Keepers, and Retailers generally. Is particularly in- vited. He guarantees prices which cannot foil to give satisfaction to all. The subscriber will pay particular attention to the department of Cake Baking, the erection of Fruit and Gum Pyramids. and Ornamental Work generally. MOULDING ICE CREAMS! Designs brought by himself irom Europe, and hitherto unknown its this county. The attention, therefore, of the Managers of Bulls. and those giving parties, is earnestly invited to this department of his profession. By strict tatention to business, and a disposition to please all, be solicits public patronage. CONST. BETNER. Columbia. January 23.11359-tmayl4 Books from the Spring Trade Sales. At the CEEELAP.BOOMSTOB43. ‘A KBE opportunity for those in want Good Hooka at small cost. Never have Books .old cheaper than at the recent Philadelphia Spring Sale. The proprietors of Cheap Book store have availed themselves of the opportunity to purchase a large stock of the most varied assortment of valuable books of every class and description. They now of fer to the public the same, at proponionably and tw openny low rates. Those in want of valuable standard works, for the Improving of a well selected library, will find it to their great advantage to call and examine the exten sive stock on Lund. Our object and wish is, as it always was. to supply the wants of the community with anything in our line, on the most reasonabie terms possible. This we find the better a.:J mast ad vantageous essence for all parties. The poi . :cal econ omist tells us *the cheaper an article is, the more universally it can and will he used." Then the con clusion is, that when we buy cheap, we moat sell cheap, simply allowing ourselves a reasonable profit. SUND t%,Y SCHOOL BOOKS, We would call especial attention to our large as sortment of Sunday School nooks on hand. of every variety wanted for the use of Sunday Schools; we sell at Sunday School Union pricei. We have the agencies for the publications of the American Sun day School Union, American Tract Society. Metho dist !look and Tract Society. Also, the Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and publications of other denominations are kept on hand. Family Bibles Those in want of a neat and cheap Quarto Family Bible, will find it to their advantage to call and ex amtne at the Cheap Book Store, the large mock on hand. ranging from al to pain. Ertirfore purchu•ing elsewhere, call and examine the large and cheap stock of MURRY, YOUNG do CO.. North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. April riutruntzmirt JUST Received, at the Family Medicine Store, the largest and finest nesosiment of Perfumery ever displayed in Columbia, which will be cold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. The following list comprises part of oar assortment: EXTRACTS FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF Frangi salmi, (everlasting perfume.) Musk Rose, Up. per Ten. Prairie Flowers,. Sweet .Shrati, Verbena, Violet. New Mown Hay, Jockey Club: Sweet Prs, Mille-fleur,.Geranium 'Rose, Musk, Magnolia, Hello. trope, Jasmine, Rose. he. Pontine, Nymph, Honey, and a variety of other SOAPS, Patuaturns, /cc. , • McCORKLE k DELLETT, Jan. 93,1839. • Odd Fellows' Hall. 1 0 4:1,40!A9i0i0#19;ki:sa4.11 A A(001 • PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. OLLOW.AYsS PILLS. TUB exciting enuce of. glances. The blood it the life.enitaining agent. Ii furnishes the ,cOmponenta of.nesh, bone; muscle , nerve and 'menu. mutt. The stoma mita manufactory, the veins Its distributors. and , the intestines the channel through whirbohe waste matter ;ejected in ha productions is Expelled: • Urion the'etomach, the circulutiou and the bowers, there Pills act simshuneodoilyoelieving in. digestion, purifying the guilds, and regulating the , exeretitrria. • - : • THE NATIONAL COMPLAINT. I ' 1, V, .• Dyspepsia is the moat common disease among all classes M.. this eotlitury. • it 11RettI11101' o thousand shapes. and is the primary source of innumerable diligorougsnalielliesg huh whatever its type or symp toms; however ,obstinate its resistance- to ordinary OrepaYitions, it` Yields readily and rapidly to thin .sear4ingoeld6thrTriltz remhdy. • BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. The'sYnninli l and quelny of the bile are of vital importance to Isea Upon the liver, the gland which aecreles this fluid, these Pills operate. ft eci6- cally, infallibly rectifying its irregularillea and ef fectually curing Jaundice, Bilious Remittent+, and all the varieties of disease' generated by an unnatural condition of the organ_ • itOWELCONPLk INTS.' the Oa bowels pdrform their &actions properly, the wbole Mody.sulfers. Fens or ihonminds die an. llosilY of Drsertlery. Dia/rhino, Chronic Constipa tion. and other diseases of these warm pipes of the gyve*: Vhe'eirect of the opon all intestinal dworders,whether easpal or epidemic, is a pbenom -enon - io medleine.. 'My following the printed direc tions, the mostallarsaing caw* of bowel complaint are promptly controlled. A WORD TO FEMALES. The local debility and irregularities which Are the special annoyances of the weaker rem. and which. when. neglecter:4, &Inouye...shorten Mk, are relieved for the time being. lad prevented for the time to .come, by a coursed this solid bat thorough alterattsfe. lirottowarfa Me' arethe but remedy blown in the world for the following dieeemee: Asthma. Female ,Corn .Fever and Ague, HowelCinaptartils plaint! ' 'Piles Coughs • Headaches atone and Gravel Colds Indigestion *kneader,. gimp :Chen Dliwasits • billuenan • toms • COMIWCIlt•II Inflammation Venereal Alec- Dritintrht inwierdWirakness lions Diarrhata ifer Complaints Worms of all Dropsy - Lowness of Spir- kinds , Debility t • • • go. . inrCAUTION!—None are genuine unless ti.e words "Elellemay,- Nese York and'LeaJ n ere die . Aemible as a Winer-Mark in every leaf of the. book of directions around each pot or bofi 'the same may be plainly seen by Maim. galas,' re the light ,A hand some reward will be given to any one rendering such isfoninnion as may lead to the *tatting messily party I or parties eossuergiting the medicines or vending I same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the Mannfactory of Professor Holloway, ! 90 Maiden Lane, New Yost. and by all respectable Druggists and Dales* in ;Medicine throughout the rinaill Vilifies and the chilled world, in boxes at gi cents, mll testa, and II sags. gr lrrTh gareles.rit Ls a eassidarakle saving by taking the A. he B.—Direetlons for the guideacte of patients is every disorder are egged so each bar, April a, nem JAMBS PARK, • midsm i adf i lmic - ze-mt, HAS reamed the alone baslatu at the old stand, nese, opposite Obeeto's Come* Pao wry, she.* be will be pleased to mom the giallo and urn 011; soca wort as cemoot tail to Sire cadre eat isDetiee. December 8, 1856. • . . Wheatlers Arch Streit Theatre sll3lll,lltrert obey* StithiMdiddlpitiii. Compagry, Artkos is doe oseli. sad 4Mil ' sad Welt say !MirCimabisatios *Ursa i• Um Tbs. !Wm. win - at 41•• TY sight is Clemity, =y. Die*ical en, Whealla slMty. Ss IbIlls• October WOW. THE 11TONDEWOF - TIM'AtIE! T L'LINIMIT'S Great Medical Discovery! iv • ' , Web In a parely . oegerabk prryaretion, for the poritying of the blood,mvlne vbger to the liver, sly -mach and bowels. and expelling Tram. the system all morbid matter. and entrntitiving in Its stead a health ful activity through all the funettone of life.- -' HOW IT-WAS DISCOVEREDf•-• Irrthe fall of 1854 a daughter of.M Linssey vista suffering from It tel anima at attack of 'Csnerern Ons (Canker - of tqe eloolht She-hod •prerioasly _bat* PrePtreted IT the attacks o. Ofsentety, inflammation of:the Lamps - end Hectic Fever, successi rely; wit lel resulted ID the above named direase um it. WOT.I fu fro. Her cessation was most deplorable—her mouth and cheek were literally rotten—the ultendrng ph ymetats pronounced the caber' hopeless use.' Everything In: dicated - a speedy and - horrible denthhe death of rotting out of Itki At thin crtimal juncture, Mr. 'Lindsey prepared a compound for the plapeum of al leviating, LI possible. the paln4 of the bub• sufferer. 'abeam* made to use it freely, mind in a shun lime to his mom del ebtfol astonishment. there wen a very perceptible change for the better. The mouth began to - put on a bright and healthy appearance—Me foul breath became sweet—the appetite war re•to. ed no d the child seemed to partake of a new and frenh hf Hope wan inspired, and the use of the compound wasfuithfullyeantinued. the result of which. with the blessing of God. was her complete restoration. is now perfectly healthy! From this eireunistanee, Mr. Lindsey Win led to prepare with greater care and exactness, whet had so astonishingly cured lus Haul, and continued his experimeatal efforts until San one reeded tit bringing to perfection Ili. great Great Berns dy for Blood Impurity—since which lime Its eirems huve been almost miraculous. Hundreds upon hut,- deeds, by it, have been snatched fidm an ontimely grove and restored to the sweets of health and the endearments of friends. The young and old have tested iis saving powers and slog aloud 4ts virtues. Say they—t'after using Lind-ieyts Improved Blood Searcher, we felt as if a new life was stirring our veins, and under God we owe to it more than worsts can express" , But hear from their own laps and then judge of its valuable effects. The few testimonials Ilium follow show that it is deservedly styled the Greate-t Diatmv.: cry of this or any other age. J.M. LINDSEY. Hollidaysburg. Blair county, Pa. ' CERTIFCATES Pat:olivine, Bedford en. Pet.. Oct 14,1957 Mr. 1 . M. Lmusits. 7 oear Sir:-1 was severely M aimed with Moorman.= for a whole y ear—nine months of which-time I was not &dem leave my bed —when hearing of the wonderful erects of ) our Un proved Blood Searcher.l determined to procure vome of it and gave it a fair trial. .After using three matte. I was able to walk around again as maul, and tun now wholly cured. I can recommend it to all who are stmllarly enlaced, and believe ii iv alt io els its,* to be. Yours,truly, JOHN.SIIA • Desperate case of Truer and Barber's Iteh eared by the use of Lindsey's Blood Searcher. I, the Id 14.• dersigned, some time in last March, wa• severely af flicted with what wits pronounced by ray physicians to be a certain kind of Teller and Barber's /wit. Z 147 condition was one of the greatest misery: my More was utmost constantly running with the mut corrup.. tion that esesped from the tubercles. by whirl, :t win almost completely covered. After being under the care of my physicians for near two months. without the least benefit. I was induced to make a trial of Lindsey's Blood Searcher, and the result was that in using one bottle and a half/ found a perfect cure. I may also say that I eagerly tried whatever was re commended as a cure. Ouch was my wretebedness that I even resorted to the dangerous experiment of pouring pure creosote on my face and neck. but all to no purpose—the Blood Searcher was the first and only thing that did me any good. As a blood purifier it is unequalled; and I have great reeson to be grate ful that I ever made atrial of its healing virtues., nod teen confidently reeontmend it to any who may suf fer from Tetter, or any other disease arising from an impure state o f blood. JOHN UMW I UNT. Eliallidortharg, Pa.; July 29,1957. An Interesting vise of scrofula cured by one bottle of Lindsey's Blood Searcher. This certifies thin about one year ago our little son aged four yearn, was most sorely afflicted with what the physicians pronounced to be serofola, and was treated accordingly for nearly a year, bat without the slightest benefit. His eyes were running a thin mousey humor almost constunity; which would encrust his eye* beyond the power of opening them until they were washed and cleaned by soap and water. About the same time an abscess formed just below the groin, which is due time broke and commneced a discharge, which wan found [trim's. sible to dry up or heal—the bed would be very much stained and the clothing of the child perfectly ate tree ing in a single night's lime. A fter havingthe attenti ons of a physician for so long a time, and finding its child to be getting worse, we determ ined to try Ow effects of Mr. Lindsey's Blood Searcher. This wanks last March—and before two weeks had passed away the change was manifest, and I am happy to say that its the use of a single bottle our little boy, has been per fectly restored to health. Wecannot speak toolugbly of this invaluable medicine. it should be in every family—none should be without It. As a purifier of blood it is beyond all price. DANIEL BOLLINGER.. Hollidaysburg, Pa., July 29th, 1857.' Hollidaysburg, Pa , March 29, 2957.. DR. J. M. Lull:misc.—Dear Sir-1. hare been using your Improved Brood Searcher since some time last summer, and I deem it to be a matter of duty to bear my testimony to its inv igorating, bMod iedtomtive virtue". 1 have been, for a number of years-, severely troubled will, erysipelas and general :debility; bat 1 since pot myself ander the influence of your Im proved Blood searcher, I Gad a very decided inprove mem. Indeed, my acquaintances frequently remark, that I look so fat uud hearty; and know of nof other cause than the use of your Improved Blood Searcher. !edging from my own expenence,f believe than this is one of the most valuable medicines that woman can use, especially those who are or have entered upon the decline of life. (From 40 to fat year. of uge ) I feet that it would have been shove ingratitude on my part to have withheld this testimony, and iu thanes's.- senting to appear as a winless before the public. I have been actuated solely with reference to the voice( of conscience and duty. Yon are at liberty to make whatever use you may deem proper of this state meat. Yours, respectfully. MA litGA R. ea W. C•DONNELL Liver Complaint cured by Lindsey's Improved Blood Searcher: - Blair County, cr.—Personally appealed before' me. one of the Justices of the Peace, in and -for Blatt. county. George Kopp, who, being duly sworn accord ing to law, dots depose and say: Two years ago was afflicted with pain between the shoulders, alrno.t constant cough. Joss of appetitc'ellils.'night swivels, and very subject to take colds; I at length breams so weak that I could hardly walk; my physician done ate no good.. Sometime Mot fall, I commenced taking Lindsey's Improved Blood Searcher. and by the use oftvro bottles was perfectly-cured. I feel, to ream& mend it to all who suffer from liver discuses, general debility, loos of appetite. and 'other dioceses arising. from, impurity of the blood. 1, would not likeno do without n. I consider it an excellent family medi cine. (Signed,) GEORGE KOPP. Sworn and subscribed this 16th day of March A. D.. 1857, before me. J. GORLEY, ' Nora. — Mr. Kopp is n resident of Frankstown. and is well known to the citizens of Blair and Bedford counties as a 14211 of excellent character and innut ence. A desperate ease ofA sue and Dy - •pep•ia. eniiaely cured by the u•e of Lindsey's "Improved Blood Searcher." , Blair County. ss.—Personally appenred Iseforitioe, the subscriber. one of the Justice,. of the Pence,Wand for said county. John Moran.. who,lieing duty sworn according to law, doth ,depose end say, that in the spring of 1856, I was a victim to thnt worst of diseases —dyspepsia. mid that in its worst form. Aly appetite was complete)) gone, and whet., in order to preserve lite,l wools/lame niyaelf to swallow a mouthful of foo, the incomsich would immediately loathe it, and east it forth ash h the spittle. (had also been suffering. with the Ague; each attack lasting aboutnine instattia oat of the twelve, so that: With the Ague and Dyspep sia,' was reduced es I thought beyond receiver:A thought I must die; my physician could do me no good. Such was my condition, when Mr. Lindsey sawilied me with a bottle orbit, Improved Blood Searches. aa. swing me ii would work a core. I commenced Ps use with but little coofidence; but, tit one week's time—so great was Its restorative powers—l, found my appetite to return, say stomach received, a. new lone, so that I could eat anything without the slight est inconvenience, and before its heeling teach the ague fled as front a charm; nor have I been troubled With ague or dyspepsia since. I chicly a better state of health than I bad done for fifteen year. before; am strong and hearty, and I feel confident that. Hader the blessing of Clod, 1 owe all to the invaluable , Imi proved blood Searcher I believe it not to be only is sure remedy for ague, but an infallible prrvemive, and, as such I would recommend it to all whose bu siness habits, or residences, impose them to this dreadful pest of humanity,. Dyspepsia cannot stay where the Improved Blood Searcher is properly used. I feel it my duty to point all who safer to this &Sliest. ng medieine. (Signed,), JOHN MORAN'. Sworn and subscribed this 18th day of March, A D. 1857. before me. Joss Cog, .1. P. For sale by RUDOLPH WILLI ISMS, Colombia. Nov. 81,1857430' COLOMBIA ILARBXR YARD, Corner of Third and Want Streets. THE undersigned invites tke attention of citizens orate Soroug b Columbia sad vicinity to ot. ?garble yard, where he is prepared to emectstc in superior style all &se:induct of Work in Marble., G senate. Sandstone, be- as. konoments, Tombs:taw, Steps. Door and 'Window Et' and Ornamental Wearer every kind. Hiawerk will compare with any other sdlitalml la the .tint,-; and be feels satisfied that ha min kiss salisfiletialt to cusv , tongoirw, bulb in quality astepnes. Ile will famish Ids waken woes maaintable terms than eau be obtained elsesibera. 5bab.10,111564y . D.117010X. COLTIVICIE2A. FLOW& 31M:U.S. hair* eameeseedthe 1 1 11111114N(VstiESS.46 angered to &lbw FLOP& AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, At tie akertset 'Mike, free of Aare, es the emit seasetehla Sanaa The FLOIJ& being , from the best swamis, swab, ea atperietwed it feeds easideas Ore les top isiesteetiatection se these whet favor him with. theirPatrequili& mac J. ruscr. • Colansbia, Amos% 111, 1et.741' • • • 2 . . Volt ; EMAI WINE WHIT FIER, by ung banel or In Isfiger 4pNustilich warnuned good or do nosey 141 ae resollad. - • • Id• APPOLD. - Nos. 1, lend S. Canal Bran. A ussE Mof luketst bOO% h adaa smug., ifrc., for sale by H. SUYDAM a SON.