The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, May 15, 1858, Image 1

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SAMUEL WEYQST , Editor and Proprie
4L17011 - 1 1 14 - ,' NUMBER 45:]
;Weems Cadre Railroad Con
Any's Buitcling, narth-toestcorner Front arid
WWalnut streets.
lerrailnrubt' criThAion.
Copy Pei arinum,if paid in advance,
" if not paid within three
*menthe from commencement of the year, 200
416 Gleastas isra.
NS Subscription received fora less IMO than six
'months; and nap . scrier Will , be diieoritinued until all
iarsearages are paid Wiltsi at the option of the pub
clir r ' i ltrney may be remitted by mail at the publish
Rates ,of
4. square (11 lines) one week, *0 39
three weeks? ' 75
each sobsequentinsertion, 10
11 [l2lines] one week, 50
three weeks, 1 00
. .1.. .. .
each subsequent Insertion, 25
+Larger advertisement. I a proportion.
I. liberal discount will be mude to quarterly, half-
Yearly oryeartyadvertisers,who are strietlyeonfined
to their business.
• • DR. S. ARMOR,
, Orrice AND Itscslos,—Second Stroct,one door from
, ,
Id 111
EYMI IF MR PEACE, Columbia,' Pa.
- tIEMEICE, .in WlApper's New Building, below
es Hotel, Stout sweet.
ip" — Pcontpt satenton given to tal business entrusted
torts care.
Novernbee 23,1857.
TIENTIST; 'Locust street, a
few doors above
3./ the Odd Fellow*? Hull, Coluratsia,Fa.
Columbia. May 3. OM.
11 Columbia, Pa.
Colleettons, promptly made, in Lancaster and York
Columbia, Ma rid,1153.90.
attprm ttitirCounsellor at Law,
.oli.xxxxlbbizi., Won,.
:Co Sotember 8, 1:3.5841 -'
WHOLESALE and Retail Bread. and Cake
Baker.—doustantli'on hatid a variety of cak,
aizenumeroae to mention; Crackers; Soda, Wine. Scroll,
sad Sugar Biscuit; Confectionery, of every description,
Ake., i.e. LOCUST sTaxgr,
iFeb..2, , 56. Between the Bank and Franklin House.
Cold Cream of Glycerine,
mon , the Care and Preventing% or Chap
.'" pd Head*. For gale by Dr. E. 11. DEICE.
Col.. Nov. 7,1557. Golden bloratr Drug glare
for Cough', Coldp, &c.. for .ale at
Fatally Illedlciat Stere,Odd Fellows , Halt.
Columbia, Oct. 31,1E137.
. .
WOOLLEY'S AR Healing and Strengthen
hig Satire, for gtatetia" - • " • • •
Family Medicine StOTC, Odd Fellow*. Hall.
Columbia, Or'. N. 1857.
PORN Starch, Farina, Rice Flour, Tapioca,
vV Sago, Ont Alen', Arrow Root. Ore..nt the
lilept,2G, %V, Odd Fellows , Hall.
_TEST received, three dozen Dr. Branon's
Vegetable Bitters, a certain cure for Dyspepsia;
Aisoia free!' lot of Sap Sago and Pine Apple Cheese,
Farina and Corn Starch, at D. HERR'S
Sept 5, 1857. Grocery and Liquor Store.
bYB'S. Jones' Batchelor's, Peter's and
tryptian hair dyes, warranted to color the hair
any dewed shade, without ildury to the skin. For sum
May 10, Front et., Columbia, Pa.
k". gative Mineral Water.—This pleasant medicine
winch is highly recommended ,as .a sub whore for
Epsom Salts, Seidlitz Powders, Dec.. eon he olnuitted
-fresh every day at Da. E. B. HERR'S Drug Store,
Front st. G 2 ' •
T LAMPS, LAMPS. Just received at
!terms Drug Basle, '
uew and beautiful lot or
Lamps of all descriptions.
May 2, 1857.
ASUMO article of bunting Fluid just
received and for rule by N. SIM) Aht & SON.
ALARGE' ot'Clty cared Dried - Beet, just
received at 11. aCIDAM 11:. EON'S.
Columbia, December 20,1856.
11400FLABD'S German Bitters. For sale at
Fsmity Medicine Store, Odd Fellows'
July 25,1 1 37 R. ,
CCOUNTRYProdpce condantly on land and
for sale by , SUYDAM a; SON.
.L.L- spuds , . Watutstsy Cream .Nuts,4te, just_ received
Columbia, Dec.
Issc U. SUYDAM & splett.
A SUPERIOR lot et Black and Green Teas,
Coirce and Chocolatedust received at
- It. earwax &setee
Sled. 50,1856. Corner of Front and Union sus.
CP RECEIVE), i beantifal assortment of
Clan Ink Sutuds, at die Headquarters and
ewa Depot.
teeltitntna', At 18,1D57.
VITRA Family, and Superfine Motu of the
„1.:1 best Wend, for sate by SU YDAM & ON.
TORT received 1000 lbs. extra ,doable bolted
Bar)ivrbent ?ilea
bee. 20.18 3 6. . 0. SUVDAM resoros.
WEIKEL'S Instantaneous Yeast or Baking
Powder, for Isle by H. SUYDAM & SON.
dilit & 1110111 , 101'S justly ttldrrated Com
•fterelall and other Gold Peno—the r.r.m in Ik e
otarket—justreceived. P.SHREINER.
WHY should matron do without a Clock,
when they eau be Pad torsl.soand upwards
4Atc olumbi - HamN"'B?
st,arriips,iss# :
MOE Importedlarlent 111, for sale at,
Dr. ti. B. HEMP* Golden Mortar Drug saore.
*quit% auttet.Columbia. Pa. • • . [Feb. 0.
"menus. AND FLOOR OIL CLOTIN, all width,
'1 and l GlM7ap% kw sate copß.,
NER ic CO.
QDri ATM ANDCAPS. suitable for the season, sad at
MIL low prises, at the Cornet of Third and Union stn
Oat. 10, 1.817. ,
I. 0. BRuNER Se co.,
0et.10,1857. Comer of Third and Union no
.101111 CAP Wblte,Red and ltelkror Wool Fiannalewd
• Wool Yarn, of akar/Worn arid qualitiokat
• °ember ILO, tßil., BRUNER'S.
b 7 the sack or busnd*l4se keret by the
a•l3 barrel or recalkat 1.0 . 1. O BRUNER &CO'S,
°ember SO, ISST. - ,
Wl[E•$BOABB ►NO TOBACCO, of diCerent
-,,j,braudir, wholesale sad retail, Ay
• ...October 10,1147. 1. 0. MIMES/ Jlr. CO.
MARLS and - Bock Sale, by the 'sock or bushel, for
alga low. by__ •
IriEL Just *tee e fired .
•AO Masai supply o this popular teasedy. and torAiale
bf • "• ' • • '• •. • • R. WILLIAMS.*
Afar .111,186/1. t. FromStramt, Columbia. Pa.
GARGR a saortmeni of Ropm all ;data and !earl's
on band/uld footpale ItIRaa,...AVEGS3B'fls
Mararlll, Ro. t. Nigl meet:
OILS, received at the stare of the sah.criher.
Stay 10, 18".4. Tront Street, Coluzahm, I'a.
New Grocery, Wine Et. Liquor Store,
TUE subscriber has opened at his old stand,
corner of Fifth and Union streets, a complete
assortment of all kinds of GROCERIE.S; where he
will always be prepared to supply, on the most rea
sonable terms, any demand for articles in his line of
He keeps also, a variety of WINES AND LI
QUORS of all kinds; and will sell in any quantity
not less than one gallon. He respectfully requests
the public to call and make a trial of his stock.
07 30
N. 8.--Country Produce always on hand. A. per.
tion of the old Stock of Dry Goods, not yet disposed
of, will be sold at 10 per cent. below cost.
Columbia, May 16, wiz.
,AIL ~.,A
.!-.....' e _
TIM ' subscriber (Alter I.- --.-- 'f.t - •
has opened and, 'l. — , ill '''' _:,-` ---„,
keeps constantly on . r_,„Fn.. i t ,. rr ,
..r _ 3 , 44 1U a
hand,a large and corn- ~ 8 0, '" , r .. v --:' Z.::, - ~
plete assortment at '., ' ^., 1 1- *
WINES. BRANDIES, --4 .0 'l' • .
WHISKIES, 64.....
and all other kinds of liquors. at his' store, in Walnut
street, in the extension of the Washington House.
sle will sell, in any quantities notices than one gallon,
,except for sickness upon a physician's certificate.) either
Wholesale or Retail. Persons desiring a good and pure
article, are invited to call and examine the stock.-
frrAttention is called to an assonmont of choice im
ported preserved Feuds in glass pm They are pre
served whole, and retain entirely their original flavor.
The varieties are, green Gages, Gooseberries, Plains,
Morino Cherries, Red Currsitits, Raspberries.
A supply of Sardines, Table Ott, Bay Water, London
Brown Stow, and Scotch Ale always on hand.
Columbia, Mayh,
Ladies , Sc. Gentlemen's Restaurant
and Ice Cream Saloon.
MRS. REITER informs her friends and the
puelle generally, that in connection with her
(heretofore well patronized) Ice Cream Saloon, eke
has commenced keeping a refectory where
may be obtained In the best style, turd ut the shortest
notice. As her nceommodatlons are very superior,
site confidently relies upon n lihrral share of public
patronage. Leery effort will by 'nude to afford her
guest* satisfaction.
Front. between Locust and thoonstreett, Columbia,
Nov. L, 1556-if.
ARE now prepared to receive and forward
FREIGHT between Philadelphia, Lancaster and
Columbia, at the following rates per hundred pounds:
First Class. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class.
85 cents. .81 cents. 18 cents. 16 cents.
Flour, 32 cents per barrel.
Pig Metal, 10 cents per 100 pounds
First Class. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class.
23 cents. 20 cents. 17 cents. 15 cents.
Flour, 30 cents per barrel.
Pig Metal, 10 cents per 100 pounds.
Articles of let Class.
Books, Fresh Fish,
Boots and Shoes, Nuts ill bogs,
Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter te Ale in bottles,
Dry Goods, Poultry in coops,
Eggs, Pork. (fresh) •
Furniture, Poultry. (dressed.)
Feathers, Wrapping Paper,
Articles 'or 2d7 Class.
Apples, Molasses,
Cheese, Melons,
Clover and Grass Seed, Oil in attslcsnr barrels,
Crockery, Paper in boxes,
Candles, Pa•tebourd,
Casks or Sorrels, (empty,) Penclie.A. (dried,)
Groceries, Priming Paper,
Guns and Rifles, Paper Hangings,
Herring in boxes mid kegs, queensware,
Hardware, Sweet Potatoes,
Hop•, Tobacco in bales,
Iron, (hoop, band or sheet,) Ten,
Leather, Type, •
Liquor in wood, Tallow,
Marble Slabs & Marble Turpentine, (ftpts.,)
'Monuments. Varnish.
Articles of Id Class.
Alcohol, Femmes,
Coffee, Turnips,
Hides, (green,) Vinegar,
Lard, White Leach
Oysters & Clams. (iii shell,) Window Glass.
Tobacco, (manufactured,)
Articles of 4th Class.
Codfish, Rosin,
Cotton, Salt,
Fish, salted, Tobacco, (loofa
Grain of all kinds, • Tin,
Nails and Spikes, Tar t
Pitch, Wluskey.
fErFor further information, apply to
E. J. SNEEDER., Freight Agent, Phila.
K. K. 13010 E. Freight Agent. Columbia.
W.ll. DIVERS., Freight Agent, Lancaster.
Columbia, August 6,1657-1 y
- - -
Chair and Furniture Establishment
I'inTIITOT'S Gay Street Warerooms, Nos. 2§
and 21 North Gay street, near Fayette,
more: where is kept always on hand, or mode to or.
der, every style of French PETE-A-TETES, in Plush,
Hair, Cloth or ft roCatelle.
French Full Stud' uud Medallion Parlor Arm Chairs,
in Plush. Hair, Cloth or 13rocatelle:
French Full Stull Carved , Parlor Chairs, in sets,
with Plush, Htur, Ciotti or tfrocate lie.
Half French Spline. Mahogany and 1 6Vaintrt 'Parlor
Chaim, iu Hair. Cloth or Pluat.
Rocking Chairs--variotta deglgatt, in Hair, Cloth
and Plush.
Stuff Spring Loanges--a large arnortmentrdways
on hand, or any pattern made or covered With any
Zoode to order.
In Mahogany orWalnut, complete, from 5..15 up.
Cane Chairs and Rocking do.—die largest
meat ready made in tiny one house in the United
Stama—from *fa a dozen up.
Bar Room, Office and Diniim Chairs, in Cali, Wal..
stator Mahogany . with Cane, Wood or Stuffed Sento
stworUnent.enthracing over 44:1 dozen.
Wood seat Chairs and Settees and Rocking Chairs
—over 16n , dozen.
Cilt and Plain Frame Leaking Claws, Of every
All kinds of lie le, Uniranitllas.k
Non. 23 and fl N. G ay at., near Fayette at.,,thall.
lune al, 1b.57.1y ,
rs> NUMB,
MOWERS of 'Brass and Toliatto,itaa
naa's Super Phosphate or Lime. 5 2 , 50 Pee
or 540 per um.
Use Loirmet , s. American Fertilizer, 53.50 per bbl., or
St.S permit. • 'Tit &V hart'beeb,racteived.three diplomas
from Pennell Yet ifia, Newlrtirk and - New Jersey State
Agricultural Societies, and Crystal Palace AFFOCia
lion for the above Fertilizers, which have been in
sneeeseful use for the raft Sae years. Orders eneto.
sing the cash, or drafts, - mailed and registered, will
be promptly attended to by 0. A. LEIN AU.
Proprietor, N 0.19 Sandi Front et., Phila.
May 31,18504 f ' •
rallner4.l3:niqn tinO Insiarpice_Cptiikanyi
( cAsficiAnnu.SAKl,ool4-SAFELY IN VEST
/iv) makes insurances on property. at reasonable
Agent, Columbia, Pa.
lion. E. HENRICE. Athens, Pa,
DAVID WILMOT, Towaada. Pa.,
,•• WM. JEISSUP, Montrose. Pa.,
G: MALLORY, Philadelphia, Pa.
` -- Colami,lC.lune Si, 1657.17- • • •
illanufacterergslnsurance Company.
perpetually treated by the *talc
v - 7 of Pliancylssuvia.. Capital, P..500.03e.. Fire, Ma
rine and I nd.Traneportnu ea- Anton S. PipPineal!.
President. -Win. A. ~ odes, Vice Pre6dent. Alfred
„___Veen Semi.
- riu • , ainccrons 7 illlMllP•trn•PArtifflestreWene A.
nhode.t - 1 4 Plaines, Waliain Neal. Mariee
se,A fie& Week a. 4. tilnulda Snell ohn P. Smoot,
chariesJ. Vield, James P. Smyth:
'Mien:No. ICr Merchants' Exchanges PnidedelPlija•
THOVIASWILL.SH, Agent, Colutanda, Pas •
April It, 1857.1 p - -
. ,
TAS' vidertigned - lAtc; been:. Ippolited
4, , even kti the sale ojeook &C ee GIITTA PER
PENS. ovarrinned not to corrodeo in steel:telly
het almottel ail the quil S l.
Columbia Jan. 17, 1957.
, •
- • - , . • . • . •
~ . .
Commonwealth Insurance Co.,
UNION BUILDINGS, Third 'street, litrnisburg
Insure Buildings and other Property against loss or
damage by fire. Also, against perils of the Sea, In
land Navigation and Trunvortation.
DIRECTORS:—Simon Cameron, Geo. M. Leaman,
William Dock, Eli Slifer, James Fox. Geo. Bergner.
Benjamin Parke, Wm. 11. Kepner, A.B. Warmest, W.
F. Murray, F. K. Boas, John B. Berrykill. Wm. F.
BENJ. PARKE, Vice President. S. S. CARRIER,
R. H. FRY, Agent, Columbia, Pa.
August 23, 1656: ' •
WOOD'S . flair Restorative. •
flunterts Vegetable Panacea.
Helmhold's Ruche and Sarsaparilla.
Costar's Rat and Roach 'Exterminator.
Kennedy's Medical Discovery.
Bach% American Compound.
Deshler's Fever and Ague Pills.
Holloway's Pills o Ointment and Worm Confectlons4
Ayer's Pills and Cherry Pectoral.
Tobiui" Veititinn Liniment.
Balmof a Thousand Flowers.
llobensack , s Syrup and pais.
TerrePs Healing Ointment:
Essence of Jamaica Clinger. -'
Bachelor's Hair Dye. (black and brown.)
Seeing and Frontield's Cattle Powder. •
Stamen" Superior Horse Powder.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills.
Dr. James' Extract of Cannabis,Pills and Ointment
Buchanan's Ague Mixture.
Hoofland's Bitters. John Run'. Sarsaparilla.
Sanford , . Invigorator. Jaynes Hair Dye.
Hunt's Linttnent. Wistar's Cough Syrup.
Katharion. Roach's Panacea.
flurry's Tricopherous. Cod Liver Oil.
Sime's Syrup of Tar. Brandreih's Pills.
Radway's R. R. R. Fitch's Medicines.
RUSEiII Salve. Dr. Jayne.s Medicine..
A. H. Bull's Sarsaparilla. Louden & Co's Medicines.
From Street. Columbia, Pa.
Columbia, Oct. 24. 1857.
Garden Seeds! Garden Seeds!
elreceived at the Family Medicine Store. Odd
el Fellows' Hall, a large lot of Superior ,t3itrilen
Seeds, among which we have a full assortment of
all' the early seeds, which we warrant fresh and
genuine. McCOR fr. DUL,I,ETT.
N. o.—Also, to be had at Henry Suydam's 'and T.
FRTrR Riff
t •
bi I p ;The
luraiietre;Peegy tnioAnstheul•ll .
tic that he has always on hand at the above,
place, a large , and splendid assortment of Boots and
Goes. comprising.
to which . he would invite attention. Bimini; mode
Ids selections in this brunch of the busineee with
care, and from the largest wholesale houses in the
city of Philadelphia, he feels confident mat all who
want good at doles will call and examittebis stock.
He has also o large nod bPOlltiful assortment of -
AND CEILDR I•:N, consisting of Patent Foxed Gal
tcrs Fi each Morocco iluvkins, Enamelled Spring
Reef Parodies, Italian Cloth Goiters, Madras Kid Tice
and in fact all the latest styles now in u , e.
Also all kinds of Dors', Youths , and blisses. Boots
and Shoes of every size and description, and a fine
assortment of Meats Gaiters, such as' Patent (Hove
Tops, Cloth, Calf-st,iii, &c., &c., iii great variety. :
The subscriber hopes byslrict attention to bus:lmes,
to merit , a continuance of pubhc.patronage. v.t.pilli
lte-nie invited to call and examine the goo 9
Columbia,May, Cr, 1957.
Stoves: Stoves!
THE subscriber keeps up _
Lis exoensive us-ornoent of
of all kinds and of every pattern -
and Aze. He sell* ut 'reasonable n.'"
prices and utks the public to examine nod try his
stock. ' HENRY ?FABLER,
Locust street, opposite the Franklin House.
Columbia. July 18,1557.
Patent Steam Wash Bolters.
riIIIESE well known Boilers are kept constantly on
1 hand at (HENRY
Locust street, opposite the Franklin House.
Columbia, July 18,18.57.
Trusses, Supporters & Shoulder Braces.
UR supply of the above articles comprises nearly
every pattern now in use, and all those who need
oily attic a.bove can have theta applied at
Sept. Rd, '57.
Family Medicine Store.
NEWELL'S Patent' Safety Lamps and Cans,
warranted not to explode. ' A large aadortme nl
of theae valuable lamps and cane.- foranle. by •
Dr. E. tt, HERR.
Feb. 6, 15.58. Golden Mortar Drug Store.
IIOLD Crtamand Amandine, a froth supply
!owl.' Rail. (Beet, VI,
T)11. D. Jayne's Family Mediciam,
For ante at AIeCORKLE /lc DEGINF:TT'S
Family.l%ledieltle store, Odd Fellows• 801 l
Columbia, Oct. 31, 1657.
DR. A. TRASK'S Vapittic Ointment;
(or sale at iIIeCORICLE & DELIA - IT'S
Family hledwuw Store, Ovid Fellows , Hall
Colombia. 0rt.31..1537.
Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' liell,,is where
Pure Ground Spices, Baking Soda, Cream Tartar,
Pearlash,Salaratua, and Flavoring Extracts, may be
July 27,
WE bare - just received a Supply of Rit
ter's New Trues and Supporter, Patented Jan
uary 7, 1557. The Trues we believe to be superior to
any now in ore; they arc' tnore readily applied, and
easy to be worn. All those who are wearing the old
common Trues, would do well to call and get oue of
the above, at the Family Medicine Store.
Sept. 2G, '57.
camormAsTic rat:missal
Of mounting, Artificial Teeth.
PATENTED by Dr. Mandy, formerly,Prefes
.„orin the Baltimore College of Detimi.Surcery,
is certainly one of the greatest 'discoveries of the
pre.ent age, end destined to work - a great change in
Meeil/Illica I dentistry-
The undersigned having used the Cleoplaitie Pro.
cess in more than fortfcases, with perfect armrest,
not one having failed to give Indite satisfaction, It
being preferred to geld plate by all who have tried
both, feels no hesitation in recommending it a. cope.
rior to any oilier method of mounting *snitch' teeth
heretofore known. Thesame accuracy training, per
fect cleanliness, beauty and durability, cannot be ob
tained by any other nrocess.
Partial sets eau ..tin inserted wish nerfeet ktecerr,
without the use of clasps which are oto destructive to
toe natural organs, and Ought to be direr:int/need by
every operator regarding the good of his patients.
Professor Thomas Bond, of the Baltimore College
of Dental .4:riflery. after using and testing Om I•Chco.
plastie Process' , for himself, Ea a letter to Or:Disndr.
say o, "lily opinion ia, Anson, palest in theJia lids of
sktlifal opMatorsoutill supersede all others now in
nee, for it has R.:vantages over all of them, but none
has any advantages over ” - •
The public are respectfully invited to eel at the
office of the undersigned who alone is authorized to
practice the Chenoliettle rillet49l its Lancaster city,
and to di.po•e of office tights in the coronet of Lane
caster, Chester, Berke. Dolphin and York.
Glib North Queen streets Ltineaster: Pa
Nov. Rt.1 , , S.
PUB subscriber has just reecived a law
lot of York Comity RSAWIIVO•6LATE, of rise
best quality, which he will - pet on by the Square, or
E. ell by Ton, on tire most reasonable sertal.. , Tise best
of workmen employed, aad all jobs warranted.
Colombia, N0v."41, lar ABm
'POE removing Crease; tar, pail; otror var
x nigh (row ottlesylatiim eloths.earpeta, Ate oleo:
ery shade awl colon without Wining the ,101.9% doli••
cute fabric.
Prepared only sit :arms .
Golden Mortar Drug Store,,Coluaribia,
Noy. 4, 1857.
FLAT SogbarelPe,
c:, idPJI` PIO rip * it D. REltirn
Omen/ Exumnion of , Wviloickgton House, Virciamt st
Columbia, Augun 1, 185,
LT RUNG just remised< Fall: Stock of
Books, Stationery, dec.. are-now prepared to
holdout inducements to thcOtblic; such as have never
been offered itithe,historyof Lancaster Book.. Stores.
,The liberal encouragement extended bribe public,
sine we are tanuslness.,tuts. spurred -us to renewed
energy. To sell. hooks as low as the lowest, and as
good as the best, is now air aim. In.conhermenee of
the stringency in the Money Market, and the ,extra,.
ordinary low prices at which Bookru Stationery,
sold at the.late Trade Sales in - Philadelphia and New
York, Teachers of Public Scliool4 will find it greatly
to their advantage to calf Mt as before selecting their
books. ke. •
We would here - 'distlifetty say thai.we'employ no
Country Agents, preferring 'to . remain ut home, and
giving the purchaser the benefit of any erne tt,e Which
would thereby occur by selling our Books, &e., at la
lower figure.
We have all the school books note in' one in the
County of Lancaster, all of which, we are prepared
to cell wholesale or 'rets3l, making the most liberal
deduction to teachers. - , •
Our Stock of Miscelinineoun4 Realm tinamnlly
Large this season, and rquith lower in price than here—
tofore. The Reading Public will pleurae hear thiti fact
in mind, when they select their books for the winter.
We have also all hest ,
of the country. both English Mai 'German, which will
be moiled to all parts of the United States.
in cur stock of Foolocap. Letter, Note, •arid all
other papers, we defy competition, as we pay Portia
der attention to this brothel' of the buriners•
'We have the most varied assortment of Gold Pens
for Ladies and fientlemq, and take great pleasure to
making the public ncgonnited with Our Own Pen, the
'•Senbutus," and only att,• an impartial trial of is, by
(Wpm who enii judge of the qualities of nn "A No 1,
Commercial -Pen," feeling assured that it is just the
thing that hus been wowed to make writing a plea
sauna.* ' -•-.
such as Poll.lllolltiatei, Purses, Curd Cases, &c., &c..
is as usnaLrieh and extensive, nod we invite the
especial attention of the ltdirs to the same. We have
also a'very fine stock oti.filliums, Portfolios, Writing
Desk.., tte. We keep cot...tautly on hand a great va
riety of Moulding for Pim. re Pratries,and are pre
pared to frame pictures of any size, at the shortest
notice and a very low price. Our receipts of goods
by Sxpress are almost daily, so that we are enabled
to supply anything not on hand, when ordered, in a
most incredibly short time. In conclusion, we ear
nestly apnea a continuance of public patronage, with
the assurance dint no 'Wort wit: he wanting on our
part. to give general satisfaction, and preserve moor
establishment the mime of the "People's Book Store."
North Queen street, Lancaster.
October 24,1557. - - " .Proprietors.
„ . . .
mIiE subscriber has just received a large lot of
BUIL D 1,40 §4AT,F.,
which he will puton by the square, or sell by the ton,
on' th e ToPt rettiolts et terms...He hue also coa
-1 ',tautly on hand an rain. light Pencil Bottoml3uilding
Slate, intended for slating on lop of shiligles. Please
call tuntexamine my peach _Haltom Slate, which7are
the hest in the murket,'and cannot be Mid' at 'arty
other yard, as T: have' glade arrangements with L.&
F. Jones, for the Lancaster Market.
The above slate had at F. al_Elleta's;Lumber
Yard, and will also he deli ve red to Marietta.
/ GEO. D. SPRECIFER; '-'•,
North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. .
This is to certify that we do not sell our best quality
Peach Bourne Gouged-Vine to any-other.,person to
Lancaster city, titan the above : named. •
• E.& P. HMOS;
Manufacturers ofyeault Bottom Roohug Shale,
(Mu/Jerre, 1557-ty • • • • , .*
•.„ SILS:**ELIVS:, - •
lendit, i r .ttio4i!
Mich 'Silverware! &c.
HE subscriber has just opened a new stock,
fresh froM the city, of
• • . -Duplex, Lepines (tattlers,
all of %void, he will se/t ou the
most reasonable terms. Also, on entire new -sleek
&c, alive latest styles.
of every description; together watt a thousand and
one other articles,
Watch and leirefry Store, Front Street, Columbia.
April 15,18574 f
To Lumbermen & manufacturers!
11VEY 5 S
MIR subscriber having perfected the
JIL above machine, offers to cell State, County and
Shop Rights on reasonable terms. -
The machine saw+ and planes Shingle* to any
width or thickness and produces a very uniform and
clean article, which has given perfect satisfaction
wherever tried.
One of the machines and specimens of its work can
be seen at the Susquehanna Planing Al ill, Columbia,
Pa. For further information, addrena,.
at. Rte'
Columbia, Lancaster eo., Pa.
n'The construction of the paw and frame, admits
of use, separate from the planer, in pawing all Mods
of straight and bevelled work, such us Flooring,
Columbia, May 23,1657.
Second Si, below Union, Columbia, Pa.,
TS prepared to execute all orders for STEAM EN-
every variety or Machinery, in the moat 'thorough and
improved manner. Imo and Brass Castings. of every
decerint lon, made to order. Repairing promptly at
tended to. .
Caub paid for 01.11ron. Bruit. and other metal.
Orders by mail should be addreered to "Columbia
Manufacturing Company, Columbia, Fa."
.Z.SUPPLEF. }Superintendents.
' ' T. R. SUPPLER,
,Columbia, 0nt..308.57.1(
..analar ciooms..
W •
E but opened this week; on e east new
style Merrimsek and Coeldeo Calicoes, beanti
flit goods and reliable colors ' at 121 cents, 20 pieces sew
stria and toed goods, at 6.6 and 10 eelltS.
The best bleached and ntibleselted muslin selling at 6,
9.10 and 921 cents; 4, 5.8 and 101 bleached and' un
"6* at
p l r l ic Zi a '. .Pg i D at hirrte .
_ Feb.B, UPS. ,- People'? Cash Edeee,polumbla.
Till.B/RBER'S celebrated remedy is m
i., nutted ':to core Hite loathsome disease. • AU who
ant afflicted with chronic complaint arc invited to call
at the Drag Store of- H. F. Green, Prom sueet, above
Walnut, and procure a bottle.
" irritfr. Green is sole agent for this coedieliie in Lan
caster county.. [Feb. 6, 8.,*341
' c Jut :Received and For Sale,
UTHOLERALE and Retail,* fine lota liaerina Se
-Ilr gam, such es
Cebennas,., Coeftenre. -
Empourme, Ruter°, -
_,. • , Prineux, Compromise, ,
• Ambrosia,' Missouri, • •
, • . ~
3enny Lind, Messenger°, .
Lomb's+ Adeline. •
At a maws Grocery and liquor Srorth
Extension of the Washington Mouse, 'Walnut at.
' Colombia. December 28,1937.
. r ritt. b :eggV,lrsi e lt ri g.T. s t. be n i c e =lie
old stand, lu Second street, smarty opposite Up Lu
theran Church. -
vriii be made and repaired. in the mood aelioCaetnne
manner. at short acfisee, and on the nest ,rea.onable
teens: By.doiregsood woe t ant! attending to business,
ha bopes tenant and tea live the_ public patronage.
. .
11,1 0: 7111ibielit Prouti's thinblelliell•
- , -win Sad mot Sabo°el.ood rrostrir Castro Droll
.M. Mote Plows are, eottettorted
o icienti e l greiple4, to es to tire *ad Pulverise
ground uttmeoperattoo... Ilt tpok OweitallirenaiOnil
t tWeWorltro Fair, Loften. *pion all 'ectoptelitlou.
LAthedtirtortinoistes at AlliollmitiowntAßotoil.,..,
N. E. Cor. 7th and Minket sAreeloplighodolphts:
NAtilleall "Wit aJt : • 1 r.r- - - ~ -..
DUCK Bteomi,iet
a, :0* seiLuoit. IL. PFAHLSaIi,
Dm 12, 1857. ' ' Ltoeust time.
Gone Away.
I-seethe larra house, red and old, _
Above tie roof its maples sway;
The hips behind are bleak and cold,
The wind comes up and dies away:.
I gaze into each empty room, ,
And as I gaze a gnawing pain •
Is at my heart, at thought of those
-.Who neer will 'pasathe tloorti again.
And strolling down the *rebind Oak,'
(So wide a likeness grief will crave.)
Each dead leaf, seems a withered hope, .
Each mossy hillock looks a grave.
They 7111 not Iteer me it I call;
They Will not see these tears that start;
' 7 Tis antatnn—nnturnn with as all— •
.And worse than auturanin toy heart.
O leaves, so dry, and dead, and sere '
I ea:specs!! some !outlines hours, • ;
:When summer's glory lingered here
And summer's beauty the flowers.
* AdOwn the slope a Winder shape,
Danced lightly, with her flying eurlal
And manhood's deeper tones were blent
With the gay/augh of happy
O stolen meetinga nt the gate!
. 0 lingcrjags in the open dear!•
Qmoonlight rambles long and late!.
My heart can scarce beiieve them o'er.
And yet the silence strange and still,
The air of eadnest and decoy,
....The moss that grows upon the sill,
- Yes, lova and hope hare gone a may:
. So lite, so like a svorrpoat heart,
Which the last tenant 6nds tort cold.
And leaves forevermore, as they
Rave left this homestead, red and old
Poor empty house,. poor lonely beach
Vwere well if brat•ely x side by aide,
You waited, till the hand of time r • •
Eackivist'arnortay wreath supplied. , • '?
• ,
, .
I lean upon the gate and sigh; •
Soma paler teurirwill force Vseir way.- -
And then I bid the place good-bye_
'For many a long and weariday.
I cross tits little ice-bound brook;
(In setnmer'tis s noiey stream.)
Turn round, to take , a lut kind look,'
And all has faded like s. dream;
[Househoid Worda
-374:ztning. Wife.
bei. , altiints . are
tiaiii.iii;' , o4co4,liy a delusionun4er . which
ire 4insiina, gionies,
vadtpires;oi what not, in our house at night,
and that it is trip boUnden duty to leave my
bed at any hour or temperature, ,and to do
battle with the same, in a very inaudequate
apparel. The circumstances which attend
Mrs. B.'s alarms are generally,of the fol
lowing kind. I am awakened by the men
tion of my baptismal name, in that peculiar
species of whisper which has something un
canny in its very nature, besides the dismal
associations which belong to it, from the
fact of • its being used only in melodramas
and sick-rooms:
"Henry, Henry, Henry."
Ilow• many times she has repeated this, I
know not; the sound falls on any oar, like
the lapping of a hundred -waves, or as The
"Robin Crusoe, Robin Crusoe" of the par
rot smote upon the ear of • the terrified is
lander of Defoe; but at last I wake, to view,
by the dim fire-light, this vision:—firs. B.
is sitting up. beside me, in a listening atti
tude of the very it:densest kind; her night
cap (one with cherry-colored ribbons, such
as it can be no harm to speak about,) is
tucked back behind either ear; her hair—
in paper—is rolled out of the way upon each
aide like a banner furled; her eyes are rather
wideoopen, and her mouth very much so;
her fingers would be held up to command 1 1
attention, but that she is supporting herself
in n somewhat absurd manner upon• -her
."/Anry, did you hear that?" -
"What, my love?"
"That .noise. There it is again; there--
..The disturbance referred to is that caused
by a mouse nibbling at the wainscot; -and I
venture to say so much in a tone of the
deepest conviction.
"No, no,- Henry, it's not. the Attest like
that it's s file working at the bard of .the
pantry window. .I will stake my,existence,
Henry, that it is a file." . : .
• Whenever soy wife makes use of this par
ticular form of words, I know that opposition
is useless. I rise, therefore, and put on
my slippers and t dressing -gown., Mrs. B.
refuses to /et me have the •candle, because
abe will , die of terror if she is left alone with
out a light. She pats the poker into my
hand, and, with a gentle violence, is about
to expel me from the , chamber, when a sud
den thought strikes her. .... -
"Stop a bit, Henry, she exclaims, "until
r have looked -into the cupboards and
places:" which she do most min
utely, investigating even the short drawers
of a, foot and a half square. I am atlength
dismissed upon my peeiloue errand,' and
Mrs: B. locks and dottblC•lockatite door be
hind me with's celerity , that almost catches
my -retreating' garments.- My -expedition
therefore combines all the dangers of a sally,
with theadditional distadvishage of haying
myxetreat into my 4?yrto, fortress cutoff.—
Thus. cumbrously,hut : ineffectually, capari-
*melt, pe r ambulate the - .lower stories of
. thahonee in darkness, in search of that dis
turber of Mrs. B.'s repose. which, I am well
convinced, is behind-the wainscot of her own
iparttim antnowhere else:- -,Thorpantry,
VnesiThotsiay, isms silent. 'tithe grevevand
about as cold.. t The mat clookisrtbekitch
eiiclooletripectrotenougirby the light Of the
From Chambers's .fournal
$1,50-PER-T-TAR-nr Joy
expiring embers, but there is nothing there
with life except' black beetles, which Crawl
in countlesi numbers over my - naked ankles.
There is a noise in the cellar, such as Mrs.
B. would at once identify with the sup
pressed converse of- anticipative' burglars,'
but Which I recogitisein -a moment as - the
dripping of thesmall-beer' cask; whose tap
is•troubled with a nervous disorganization
of that kind. The dining loom is- chill'and
Cheer/melt ghostly arrn.chair is doing-the
grim hotioirs of the-table to threct-: other va
cant seats, and disperiiing hotip' rtality in the
shape of a mouldy . oiringe and some biscuits,
which I renienitier to have -left in -some die
gnat about ----- Bark!-''the clinkihg of a re
volver? No the warning of the great clock
—one two three - - What's - frightful
noise it makes in the' startled 'ear •of night!
Twelve ' o'clock. - I left 'this- dining-room,
then, but three hours and a - half ago:- it
certainly does riot look like the same-Mora
now. -The' drawing-room is also far from
wearing-iti usual-sung and comfortable ap
pearance. - , -Oould' we possibly have nll been
sittiug-in The relative position to one anoth
er Which these' chairs - assume? • Or, sinceve
were there fins some spiritual company, with
no eye for order left itinong them, taken' ad
vantage of the - remains of our fire to hold a
reunion? They are • here •at • this -moment,
perhaps, and their gentlemen have not-yet
come up from the dining-room. I shudder
from head to foot, Partly at the bardidea of
such a thing,, partly &Om the naked fact of
my exceedingly unclothed Condition. They
39 say that in the very passage ,triiich - I
havenor to cross in,Ordpr to get . in Mrs. - B.
again, my
. greabgramlfathei. "Walks:" in
compensation, I, suPpose, fot r . haiing been
hy gout from taking, that species
of eiereise while he 1i9.8 alive. ' There are
More 'things in bee'Ven tinCiarth • thanare
dreamt of in your philosophy, I ' think as I
approach this spot; but ',du not c for
I am well nigh ; speechless with the coldt--
yes, the cold: it is only,my teeth that chat.
ter., What -a scream that, was! There it
comes again, and there is no doubt this time
as to who is the owner of that-terrified voice.
Mrs. B.' alarms, have ,evidently lakes some
other direction. ,‘Alenry, flextry,,'?...she . 9ries,
in tones of a. y,t4,pl4Ttblq,-pitch. ,I A lady
being in the case, I fly.l2 . ,Ren z ithe„wingspf
domestic love_ along the precincts sacred to
the perambislations of my-great-grandfattier.
I arrive at my.wife's chamber; the screams
continue, but the door is locked.
"Open, open!"- shouted I. "Whitt on
earth is the matter?"
. There is silence; then a man's voice—that
is to say, my wife's voice' in imitation.of .a
man's—replies in tones of indignant ferocity,
to convey the idea of a life-preserver being
under the pillow or the speaker, and ready
to his hand: "Who are Ton—what do yen
"You' very silly wcman," I answer; not
from impoliteness, but because I find that
that sort of language recovers and assures
her of my identity better than any other--
"why, it's I."
The door is then 'opened.abont six or seven
inches, And I am admitted With all the pre
:caution which .attends the entrance of an
• .
'a 1 I y into a 6esieged garrison.
Mrs. 8., now leaning upon my shoulder,
dissolves into copious tears, and poinii to
the door communicating with my attiring
-'There's sur—sur--somebody been snor
ing in your dressing-room," she sobs, "all
the time you were away."
This statement is a little too much for my
sense of humor, and although sympathising
very tenderlywith poor Mrs. 8., I cannot
help.bursting into a little roar of laughter.
Laughter and fear are deadly enemies,•and
I can see at once that Mrs. B. brill the bet
ter for this explosion.
"Consider, my 10ve.".1 reason—"consider
the extreme improbability of a burgliti . or
citlier nefarious person making such a 4se'Of
the few precious boors of darkness as to go
to sleep itt them! Why, too, should be take
a bedstead without a mattress, when , there
were featherbeds unoccupied in other apart
ments? Moreover, would not this be a still
-greater-height of vecklestmess in such an
individual, should he beret" habit of snor"--
- A slight noise in the dressing-room; wen
sioned by the Venetian blind tapping against
the window, itere•causes Mrs. s:#o bury her
head with extreme swiftness, ostrich:like,
beneath the pillow, so that the peroration 'of
my argument is lost upon-her: enter the
suspected chamber—this time with a lighted
etindle=and &id lay trousers, With the boots
in them,banging over the bedside, something
after the manner*. a drupkMcmaumoder,
but nothing more. Neither is there anybody
reposing under the shadow of :My boot-tree
upon the Boor. 'All is peace there; audit
*Sixes and serene, as I left them upon 'nth ,
ing r -sta I had hoped--:-to - rest. ,
Once more I stretch my chilled and tired
timbal:Ton the conch; sweet sleep once more
begins to woo my eyelids,
.when "Henry,
Henry," again: dissolves the dim and half
formed dream.
"Are you oartain, Henry; that you looked
in 'the "shower:bath? lam almost sure that
I beard somebody pulling the etring.7
No grounds, indeed, are tooinauffmient,rno
sropPooltion.too inoompatiye , With-reseon,
for, lira . to Build heislarinit . ipoh. 'some
*4*, elilleei* we le4ie l 4.e t. so l3 i,leo_
story; she imagines that tincwindow being
aitteirptialf somistimenaltheasglilheregiater
,ifiattur is'ecitifitlepit Martini
neiciasW'retserlsa:iliZi 7 eaiii"tit:gEtss.
O'nee, when we happened to be in Lon-
'• 1, rv • • • - - ' 4,
-E W OLE NUMBER,-1,450;
1 don—where she feels,fiewelver,ngood deal
safer than in the had a:real
alarm, and Mrs.. If., since. I was suffering
from a quinsy—contracted mainly, by my
being sent about the : b_ouss,o . ', sights 49,0"
usual-scanty drapery,:had:l . o rt ibp . .Mni in
culler own special eons able.. 1 ,,, , , ~.., i
"Henry, lleary," she4hispeultipmt ;Is
1 occasion, t'there's , a dreadful., , est y irt : tho
`room.". —' . ," '': n. - .... , 11 ,_ •ii
'Pooh pooh!" I. gasped- ";t's only, iu. the
street; I've heard the wretches r Perhaps
they are on the tilei." l ; : . , .
!...ce; Ileniy. - There,, I don't want ybu to
tfilli;"sineelt inalies YOU'fctiiihil 'only lieten
tome. What di'n Ito do:llenrYi I'stake
. .
my existence . thati , tEt i ere's , a tfgh;
What's that?" , -
And, indeed, some heavy' body'did
and then jump upon our bed, and off ag in;a
at my wife's interjeCtion';' With • .- Ottiiine
agility. ' rthoughtlbri. would have Had
a ; fit, - birt' she bbdiet: She' . tot & 'me,
soul, upon 'no account to venture intetfic;
cold with my bad throat. -She wortirti.irii
out the beast herself-'single-handefil`riVis
arranged that she yiss , ,to: vile hold:of-my
fingers, and• retain thed, until Übe zrea'ched
the fire-place, where she would find withers'.
or kither%offensive for the occa
*lion. During. the, progress of this .expedi
tion, howeler, tio•terrible bit eater*adling
broke,forthi-as it iieenied,!froMtlier inimedi=
'ate neighborhbod of the tender, - -thil 'my;
disconcerted helpmatd - made: a mast.precip
itate.retreat. :She •managed;:affer this :mirk;
hap, to 'procure by:a circuitous
route; constructed .of. tables •and% chairs, to
aloid . StePping upon the' fiiior,4llrs.l3;•ob,
taincd'-thei desiredtwoapozi:• it 'pas :then
much letter thah a play to liehold: that he
roie- woman defying - •grimalkin from 1 her
eminenoe, and to listen to the Changeful din;
rogue richich. ensued.'hettlecin 'herselfi•and
that-far from .•du 133 thoiigh •inarticalatelY
speaking animal.. : .
"Pass,: puss; pussy—Lpoor
"Miami, Iran; the. linked
shrillness, 'long drairm - out, of the 'feline
repty. , :10 , .
"Poor. old puss,,then;'ws.s :it-111? - • Puss;
pus®: Henry, theihorrid; iseastie me!' -*Whist, " • 3
•'Pazazign,:ps•a-a-a, inian; pas-ab '.replied
the other,in' , a , voiaelike fat. ire. the ffre.
; 4 1113 , 11mm lot e; tried• I, alniost suirodated
with a 'combination , of laughter andlquitisy,
"you have never opened the door: , where is
the poor thing to' run to?" : •
-Mrs.: B. had all 'this time been 'extitinii
the bewildered animal tO frenzy , byher . cortl
versation and shovel, without giving
opportunity of escape, which; as min •as
offered, it took adiantage of with an exprest
sion of savage impatience partaking very
closely indeed of the character of ' an" oathl
This is, however, the sole instance of MC
B.'s having over taken it in hand to subdue
herown alarms. It is I who, ever since'her
marriage, have •done -the duty, am:l'room
than- the duty, of an ' efficient :house-deg,
which; 'before that epoch, I understand vies
Went to be discharged by of her pillager
sister.: Not- seldom, in these Involuntary
rounds - 4f mine,: I- haie become-myself the
cause of alarm or: inconvenience to' abet*.
Our little foot'page, with. a eoarage beyond
his years; and' a spirit worthy abetter
cause, 'very nearly transfixed me with-the
kitchen-spit, as I was trying, upon 'Orie
casion, the door of his own:pantry. Upon
another nocturnal expedition; Iran againit
a human body in'the dark—that turned out
to be my brother-in-law's; who was also in
search for robbers—with sCitteek: in befit
our nervous ayatetes,snch-aith,#'liiiv - vint
'yet recovered from. 'lt fell - to•ttiylott = tfpon
'a third; to discover one of the rarid'Pdliee
up - in our attic, who're, in spite 'of Alio
creased powers lately granted to the county
constabulary, I 'could scarcol:l'r think ; he was
entitled to be: "I once' proven fed . royeelt'tin
uninvited guest, at a ebliiet'vrieining nail%
tairtinent—it was aehttlf-Past - one - ci'eleeleA.
M.—given by our hired London' cook"'tle
nearly' a l dozen" of her - male featile
friends. - NO Wonder Iliat .= Mrs:l3:AM
"staked her 'existence" ths.tnight l iheeshe
bad - beard' the' aieti gafe
consider the `e'x'tremely' free" did
strained' Wes iideiied,
poker ear bYthat
surprise is thae•they'dia" not: 'Signify iteir
airivehi liy double kviocks'il the frient,ditoi.
On 'One' 'memorable night, and ovione
hare'l found it necessary'to use that term i
dable ireapcn which habit hits rerldeAtnis
faMiliar to my hand as its flower te e tti#ef
the °Queeli of Clubs.
The' gray of morning had ju - si,belait to
steal into our bed-chamber,'
ejaculated: . with Unusual vigor," "henry,
henry, they're hi 'the. trent drewinerTntiii;
find they've just knocked do;ilcAli`e plirrot
screen." ' 8 "
"My love," I was abLeba
imaginative powers have at length arrived
at a pitch of 'clairvoyincs,";
from the rootti beneattivai as if all-the- fire
irons -httei• - goiiii-oir , togetherl with . w bang.
compelled nie to :acknowledge; Ito myself at
hawk that there was something in Mrs: B.'s
olefins at last. =1 trod down stairs asnaise
lesslitts I could, and in almost utter dark
ness:- The drawing-room door was' ajar.
end iltrtingh-the crevice I could•disqgandt.
despite the gloom, as many as three Muffled
figures. They were all of them in black
*Gibing. and each wore over his &cask:cask
a crape, fitting quits ali3sely,4oltie,feptures.
klestolserstr been oonfrontedaty.anything so
dratdful belbro. Mrs. B. had cried "Wolf!"