POCKET KNIVES RECEI VHD ut the Family Drug Sto i n of HARRY GRENN, a large assorts:uit of the line , . and Lesi.roeketWnives t o Columbia. I: is erilident ly lielieved•thal this is the 'best lot of knives ever .offered to the•cltizens of ills; place. Thoist desiring a really good urntle, will cull at NO. 3. WOLFS. ITOW,FRONT tt.t. CHP.NVING TOBACCO. A T HENRY PFAHLF.R'S. Loetekt strept. opposite the A •Frun-klin House -r_.tus hr 3. r C“13..4. LE A. P. CON .GRE.St.4, and'iticrertf.l other brunDi 01 the beet Chewing' tl'Obaceo, to whielt the utteithcitt of chewers ig :11111ed Aluy 1, 1853.' NOTICE! WllElting, on motion of J. W. Fisher, application ling been 111:1110 to the Court of Com mon Pleas, of Lancaster county, to grunt n charter of of incorporation to tha "United Snits and Daughter" of Rev. Richard Barney, - a beneficial society of Columbia; Be it therefore known, that the said Court wi It, on the FOURTH MONDAY OF A MiI7ST, A. 1), INS+„ at 10 o'clock A M., duo sufficient reason be shown to the contrary, decree, and declare that the persons so übm ciated, shall become and be a corporation or body. Pol itic, according to the articles and conditions hi their up plicatton set forth and continued. Attest: WILLIAM CADTENTF,R, May 1.195?-0t Prothonotary. SPRING. XIICIr GOODS! ENTIRELY NEW. . Latest Arrival of the Season. 1E subscribers have just received and opened n large Stock of hoods, suitable for the -season; consisting in part of DRY GOODS: 'Nelson's dhd other celebrated make., French Black Cloths, English Navy Blue Cloth; ut.o, Brown and Olive do., black and fancy Ca.iniere., mixed do., Jena,Linen and Cotton loon Stull-, in all varieties DRESS GOODS Black• Gros de Rhine silks, all width.. fancy fuiped and Plaid do- Challie-de4..nne., Ducal, Nous de Laincs, LAW/15, Ginghams and Prints, in all varieties, and at all price.. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. ,Sheetiag, TicicaligN Clicck., ToLie Diaper.", Towel Musliiii,aiesiery,Tritnreunge;t4c., CLOTHING: A complete assortment of Ready-111adc Clothing, •Consistng, in pan, as foliOW£: Black and Blue Cloth Dreni Coats, Black and Blue Clo' Frock Coots, Cassimere, Tsveed and Summer 'Crsts; of all Qualities, Black and Fancy Caspitnere rants, Black and Fancy suuiuet, Tweed Hod Linen :Pants, Black and Fancy &Hitt Ve ti, Black and Thncy Cussimere and Flush Vesta; flats and Cap, Trunks, BOOTS AND SHOES: A large assortment of gentlemen's antl Ito} s Fools and Bhoes,of all quallumt, wlnelt.pre all wur ranted, they having been munufacturerMi Heading, and will be sold at low figurer., for cash, at ItIcTAULIE & BELO'S., Front street : opporue the Bridge. Columbia, May 1,11358. , e , p., t. DEIVI,eov,6, CHEAP C 3 -A. la MX se; iii ics Ft. X3I . MODE OF DOING BIISINESS:-.Buy our Goods for cash; sell our goods for ensli; goods :nursed in plain figures.; have but one price. A com petent person gives his dully attention, in Philialel phut and New York, to the purchase of cheap, utile and useful goods, at aucibm, ns ihey arrive front Europe, and they are forwaided terry day. TI/14 anode of purchasing good. 11115 out advantage over every'other. lly being constantly on the -pot. bar gains ore picked up. and a new and fail mo.ortment is always kept up. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, In this department will be found every article in forte an entire outfit for those commencing Housekeeping, consisting. in part. of hlurseilles Quilt., Connie manes. Bureau Covers, Blankets, bleached and unbleached Sheeting., one to three yard. wide. bleached told un bleached pdlowscuse Muslin., all widths; a variety of Table Covers,'Fiekings, Furniture Cheek.. Sack inif-bonoins, Osnaburgs. Towelings : T a bl e 0,1 Cloths, I' HUE GEESE FHA PHERS. CARPETINGS. 'We pay pa rile ale r u tieution to this important b runclt of our busine.s. Pureltat..era will find it to their ad vantage to select from our extensive stock. which we are conmantly tnereaqing. In it will be found, hope nal Three-Ply; Superfine Ingram; fine and medium. cotton chant, plain mid twilled Venetian: tint, rug and hemp Carpetmg-; Velvet Hugs; Floor and Stair Druggets; Mot hints; MATTES .:1-4 and G. 4 wide. Floor Oil Cloth., ovc to four yards wide, cut to any size for rooms and halls. Looking Olassett in great variety. WINDOW SHADES Gold bordered and iruihtpurent Shade s. from 50 els. a pair upward.: Buff Linen. Green Oil Gloth Shade,, ruinanda fix tuts, the held article in :Ice. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. At this eouou•r will be found a vo riod ii.,sortinent of rich French, Worked do. do. Sleeve-, do. do. Cult; Collin and Cuff.i In match, Collar-and ellecce, to match, Cliemi•ettes and Sleeve, to match; Jaemiet and t. 4 Wirs Ed gings and Insertings, do. do. 1.14110. mud flouncing; Luce E.lginga of all kiittl..; embroidered, benbettlelted and primed border liandkereitieli. CHINA, GL ASS AND QUEENSWARE 'e invite particular attention to our C 11111.4, Ge is, and queeneware Room, which contains the largest and most varied stork ever brought to this marset. Jay U*3. 1957-I STAUFFER & BARLEY. CHEAP WATCHES &JEWELRY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL vw? at the Philadelphia %Vssieli and Jewelry eitore, No 14 , (Old No. 66) North Secosid vsreet, comer of Quarry. Philadelphia. (Sold I,e ver %V.lsches, full Jewelled,lB 4. easess,s2 , 00 (told LepLie, l enrol. 21 00 Silver Lever, ftilljewellcd, 12 00 Silver Lepose, Jewel's, 14 00 Superior Quartier.s, 7 00 Gold Sprcmcleo. 7 00 Fine :diver (In , (Wild 13rneeleis, told rrnttil,. I 00 Silver Tea tipoon=..et. 500 Gold Pens, with Petted and fi dyer holder, • I 00 Gold ringer Ring*, 37 eta to Welch Clarrea, plant 1:11 cis.. patent. Ira. Li/net 23; other articles ut pi oportion. All goody svarr.l mrd in he Nrhat they are %old STA LTFER $t I lAILLEY. won hand •nmc Gold and :Meer Levers and Le pie...lM lower liana the above prices. Derember 5,1e.57-ly JAMES PARK, XT 'l%/ICSE R A : MARIETTA, PA., - ETA S resumed the above Wallow at the old to nd. ne•rly oppo , ite Olter'in's Conch Fac tory, whe•e he will be pica.eil to meet ;be public and turn out itnen work as cannel fall to give entire sal i.fartion. December 0,1k:i6. Wheatley's Arch Street Theatre A Reif street above sixth, Philadelphia. The Star Company. eotapneed of the be.t Aru•tel In the world, end exeretlintr, in ?dreamt! arid Talent nay Dramatie Cemnidoehon heretofore °detect to the The atrical PUbl le. will appear every night in Comedy, Tragedy. cteno•Comte Drama, Vaudevilles, Maximal nu riegtes, &e, ke. When et. wog tlae city, go there. October 10, 1,357. GERMAN PIPE§ of au kind, all whoievoie or re 'ail, at PEN DRILL 6. hubs'., Front rtreei, 5 doors above Locust. April 1,959. THE OLD AND IiOPULA . It • DAGIIIIIIREAN GALL ERY, RE-OPENED QAPIUEL LODGE respectfully in- Li forms his old friends and the public generally thin lie has re-opened his old mid favorably known gallery. on the north-east corner of Front and Locus: Wet... Columbia. where he ig prepared to iurnmli IDAGEEHREO VI - I'ES, tit the finest sty le of the art. lib: picture, have been acknowledged to be srperior to any taken in flits section; and he flatters Min-elf hat lie can maunuiu the reputatton of his pinery.— The light in Ins operating, loom Is sittlerior to any aster before had in the place, a double window baying been placed in troll, by this light he la enabled to take, 'lie linen( pictures w c tautly on Well as in clear weather. lie t. tide, mined not lo be excelled it the superior riOnlily and cheapness of prices of his pic ture• Cull and ex:Home spemmens, nod hear the prices. The most favorable line for obtaining good Piet urea of elltldren is from 0 to 12 o'clock, it dear weather. Dark dresses are preferable for prodstellig a good effect In ale Metal ea. M'L LODGE. N. W. Corner Front cud Locust easels. Columbia. April 24, In.1:11. -BOARDING. FIVE OR SIX OBTLEMEN can be mom moduled wu6 boardni F, ur, Mrs. J. W. Honig ton'-, over 11. P. Greens Drug Store, Dir... 3 Wolf,'s Hoar. Front Columbia, April 17, 16.-A-11- LOST! $lO anw.a.B.D. on Thursday itfturnoun, supposed Lem ccu the Chhee of the N. C. Railway. Columbia. and lVrights vi lie. u PURSE contauuntr :donut :',',25.00 nit (.old and Silver. A reward of titltl.ttil will he 1• and to the lender upon returuing the purse umd contenth to April IC, 1533.11 5 JAMIE'S BENNETT. A CARD. DAILY ARRANGEMENT THE subscriber respectfully informs the 11 friend , . nutl VW-tomer. of !Amide. Cheap Co.h Store. that the .erviec- of u competent perzon Ito been aecured who to well actin:111110d moult the Wattle unit Inure. of the patrona of Harlemiiii', More•, Who will devote ht , daily attention in •eeu ring elleap Hod de-Arable gond, both in Philadelphia and Not YorZ, whielt he will Utrward (olly. The, great advan tage of Ili, rirraligt-itielit 'AM he plant in all. ori tig beautiful and rheap good-,and the a,...ortment well ee alwiq a full trail complete. The ..oh , eriher tahoe Ili- oeen-fun to tetura. thank , for the liberal and ineren-ing patronage received from the frtend... arid eu-Buret, of VALDE:IIA VS Cheap Ca -h Store. en.umhia, A pri117,15.3. Great Western Piro insurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia CAPITAL 5500,000 Dilux;Toitt;. Chn rlra C.f.:lolmi,, 11_:3 Walnut .trees; Win., for ting. ISIS Pine Axed' Alex. VIII intim Ale, bunt. 1. Noi tl, rourtli street, Isaac /fork/oust. Attorney and Con onellor; John C Hunter, of NVright. Hunter RE Co: E Trany of C l'tney X. Co . Gold•ortitho Hull; John It. MeC'artlv. or While &McCurdy: TIIO , Zeller;JaQ H. Smith. of.fam,, 1.0 ; E. llarperJellrie•, of Win. II Brow!. Co . John It. V 0014...., comet r;o1,0111 Charlie. I; Thoinp•on. Juin. J Third •treet; Allied Tut lot. ()thee, Cairo City Property. CIIAS. C. I.AT I 1120 P, N1,1(11,11. WA! EnntENA. Vice President. I I.E. 12 , CITAnDsos, See rotary. NT - IL\ V us E. 13R UN EN, .Agc.iit. Columbia, lan ma-:or roomy, l'a. [April 17, It-5.1 Seeds from the Patent Office. TUST received direct front the Patent Office In few clime,. Gaitlen :tad Scedb, among which 1 %%until inealion, A 11 DEN SP.F:DS:—Eelip.c 113 hod Turnip, Cryg ial \Vint., Celery, Large Early London Cabbage. hoe Globe Gluon. Loudon particular long Cearlet Radi-li. improved long priehly Co cumber, ellow Sv.edt-lt Turnip. %idurnu•- Rhubarb. NVlnle Lupin, Gitetn-ey Partial', Early IVaLefield Cabbage, extra curbol rullet's Sperry, purple curled I,"ale, '- new• dwarf inallllllolll Ma 1 row I'H3-, I.OHIIOII llotatealiural Pole Beau, Eat ly chain aim, of Englund Peas. Early 'foul Thumb Pea,. Ref. ogee. or (tire 'Thor-and to one Mune, round leaf Spinach. Red Uuna•h Cabb.tge. (tar ptel.ling) FLU \\' ER (St.:Eris. —Purloin eca Aare., or Golden Poitulaeca; this a beautiful little flower and "...hoold grace every garden, Coieopsis Atro•nuguine•n. Aut bro•na Intr•gulidin. Communi.., flegonia Senipeillore, , , (it dower ol BraviL)lputuea Cot:cute:l, Globe or ludo, liclieltry.uto Clacteanna or Even Flower, a Sower w•hnch doe- 1101 l a de, 1:111111011.3 Variegaza, Nngella Damn-ccna, A rgemune Eat, liyatatin, (float Mexico.) Al:J.:tildes Iputue.t, or Marvel of Pena, Cuealia Coecinea. or Velitvc Paiat Ilru-11.1131.,:etan Air walla. %lan) of the-c Seed., are imported front other enunirie. , by the R. S. Govern eat, Had as l•w• tire distributed,'ii- ..t•hloin Cacti 3H oppoitututy tar choice °tiered. I have bat a of each virtely, therefore call early or you will be 1.11-311110111ted, at It. WILLIAMS, Cotdurnbia Seed Depot, Front street. Ipri: 17. I ‘,5.:?. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF SPRING GOODS WspLY i v eFd oSPTUNpenedoonu,r coli.aquintzof Fine English. French, and American Cloths, Cassi metes and V.-•nna.; LADIES' DRESS GOODS, tluch nu Pu tie y attd Black Stik=, l ucludmg ninny de• t.trallic shit... of the latest Importations; Deiaines, Chnll te., Paul de Shiver.. ! nu un. (Bantle., cui t eoe., kc., all of which hare been , elected uilh great cure and will he sold at greatly reduced price= DOUSE-FURNISIIING GOODS. In thi line our ~toiik t. complete, mid round be curpn.seil I.y oilier store in the county Per‘on , Cheek•. &e., will find It to their advriniege to give u• a we have everything in the. hue that nut Ire neked for, and we are determined lint to be und,•r,old• Oil Cloth., Cni peaingq, Mat., Dr uggeti, G Qaivn.w•Pfr GROCERIES. St,gar•, Coffer:', Tea., Herring, Salt, &c., a large stock, at the lowest prices. WA LL PAPERS, $20,000 Pieces New York Wall Papers, or new and I:sannfal ili ign.. rnogine in mice from 1,1 cenls we get sill of on - \V:111 Fire , direct hum the Inuoid.te inter, we can se . l them at the aminniteterer's prices We have severul hundred thifet,nt designs mini hand, and we feel confident Mat a SefrPtloll can hi! libido treat our Stork, with Veal( r sal-fuenon to the pui rhater than eon be gwcri by any other store au the rustily. ]O conclusion, or would v our Stock is FULL & COMPLETE IN EVERY BRANCH, and we oiler great Inducement.i to purchasers, in the price and quoit tr of nor good , GIVE US A CALL. FRYt. HAG MAN. imcm.t street. directly oppo-ne the Bank. Columbia, April 17, Galantine A SUPERIOR PERIOR article of refieel Gelataine, for sa!ri Ncentilil.l:& DEl.l.lil"l"ct Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellow's Hall April 17, Geneal Pain Killer pAR R'S Pantypenin I.nornent, A never•inilinc reined). lot coot. Itlieuntawoo, Tool Iniehe, Neu :i.-'proins, Frozen Feel. &C. For .ale only ut AIeCORK LE OFT.LETT'S Fnmilc Medicine Store. Odd Fellows' Hull. April 17 - ,1,3i. _ - FANCY TOILET SOAPS. Tr: fitte‘t e‘ , toritneld cf l'uncy Toilet Soap+, ever offered to Columbian..at HARRY GREEN'S. N 0.3 Welt's Row, Front en eet. April 17, Bath Brick, FOR Scouring, Kohn, nntl Tinware. Titio is Dreier fill!e to the Wick - duo!. no It deco not rut the ma tertal, and glees a finer polt , h. For Rule by it. WILLIAMS. March 20 I SSQ. Front st., Columbia, Pu fill1:1116ATING PASTRIES, for the sick room, Ike., for hide MCCORKLF:& Dr.l.l,liTT'S Family Mediethe Store, Odd Fellow', Hull. April 17, VNI ',LA W.:AD:S.4er wale nt the Family Medicine t , lnre, Odd Fellow's April 1) ICI: FLOUR, Arrow Root. Farina. and Corn Sittri.ll, for rale at the Frunily Medicine Store, Odd Fellow's Hall. [April 17. 13.5 e. IMPORTED Lubais, 01,0, Glenn's Double Illituetr, for the handlicrehief, at 11.11111 Y nnr.r.vs, N 0.3 Wolf Row, front street. April 17, leTaiti. T-I,RANGIPANNI FAxtracts and Soap; nu everlacting .1' perfume. at !TARRY GREEN'S. April 17,195 q. No, 3 Wolf. Row. Front .tmet. DAY ROT, Cologne in Toilet Rattles. flair o 13 every kind, Wood's Mir Resiorative. and Parry's Tricopin•rou.. sit ti A IlItY angsvos, April 17, 1. 4 :13, N 0.3 Wolf's Row. Front street. (10I.OGNE 11' ATril by the pint, quart or gallon; 1./ Glenn'a 'Extrocti for the handkeretnef by the ounce or pound, or in any quatuity to !Alit purchaser's at Itattus Gasuale, April 17, Mg. ICO. 3 Wolf's now, Trona mreet. RE.SII Burning Fluid fninnu(ictured tinily) kiantly for rale at the Golden Mortar Drug Store. March 17, ALARGE lot of Not. 2.5, 10 and 20 Mora Rubber ltxt and Parlor Dant. for tale at the Golden Moe (tor Drug Store. [mar 27.1'e LARGE stock of all kiads of Drug., Chetnicals, hiedrethem, h c., Ac., for sale at the Golden Mor tar Drat Store. 'mar. 97, Drugs, OhemicalS and Perfumery. TIEE subscriber haring j list - returned from Philadelphia, has on hand, and is laity revere- Dig. as fresh, if not the freshest kit of Drugs ever offered to die public. He culls the retention of the eiticens of Colinnbra and sal:1 . 0000111g country 10 his offer:. As to dealers, Ire will !nuke it advantage ous to them to buy of him rut preference to eending or F10111:r 10 Phi lielelphia "A nimble sixpence is better thou a slow is the mono of I 1 AT:II7 No 3 \Golf'-;lino•, Front ,treri J 1 4‘61 17,155=! NEW LOOKS, Just received al ifarray, Young 4.f: Co'a. Percy'. Reliquec, American Female Poet., Ltriti.ll Fr ma M Poet., Tl.ltper'. Work., sionitgomeryo. Poem., CI a 1,1,.e's Poetical Work., Cro Itriii•li Poet', [II ootl'.. Poem.. ll'ordworitsts Poem., rho In p.ott Poem.. 'Pollock , s Course at Ti mc. Mr-. Norton's Poein'., 13r) ant's Poem-, Imagfellow's Poems, Lowell' , Poem., sage's Poem.. flit titter'. Poem., Poem.. Bayard Taylor , . Poem., Tenn% Poems. 13ronming's Poem., Alexander South's Poem.. Rohe rt Ilrowatog's Poems. Itatle)'s Pe-tus. 6m;-fry's Poems. ny Time kerny. P. Buchanan:ln head's Poems. I I o•nittt Pamir:it Work.. hazel to the Hon,. "fle- Itoilla I" .t.,1 ••E-puiwal," N'ottag%. Night Thoughts. Etegy and other Poe 111 . Poem'.. 131nom field's Poems, C henna 1 totratan',.. Poem= da1:411., of Me At:tette:tit Itevednitom Elle Pu....tott Flower Potns. real Works may be had at ttt hook-lore oi tit AV. &CO. en illeet, Latteaster, Pa. Sli Ir.peoll'A NVorkg, Rea unmet and Fletcher Work., Den jOIIFOIOI Wert, A, Milton'- Poetical lVorkz, roil'- Poe teal Work., :,..ecat', P 0014,111 Wort,, Moora'... Poetical Work., Barn: Poeveal Pope , . Poetical \Yorke, Cowper'. Poetical V orloi Ile den'. I'orßcul ‘Yoder.: Hoge, anti Caraitheir,Po eacal Works. •ioltl-tnith'i Poetical NVork+. Colt-ridge's and Shelly': l'oeueul 21r, Ilcsnan's Poetical W0r1,4, Dict In ry of Poetiral Quomuon.. r, Diellonary of sacred Quo taium4. Wat-ote, l'oetleal Quota- Great Truths by Grua; A 11 Ilowti is I , llllmatlrs and Nesit's Pocileol %Vol 6, ===l cal IVortr4 Cliaucer'4 Poetical Work IJutler's Porot.i, 7a--o',. Poem'-. I lethert', Itenil \Work. IGrI Wlnte, Poetic:, Work, Speller. c I•airy Sothey• , Poetic_ at Work, Lockhart', :spani , h Bat Ali} of the above unusually rates at the eke, Dt CI. North 0,11,., April 17,1E:5.1 CATALOGUES SENT FREE. G. G. Evans, Publisher and Origina t)r of the GIFT BOOK ENTLIRPRISE, 4J9 Clic:4llla .trvet. 19u ~aJc•lphtn rr 11E unparalleled success which has at ,.ub-eillwr 10 I:0• d 1.1.11,1411011 of Gut t° the AlllllO. ha, Eidoced lilin In [nuke lorge iwd %{ll.lnbit, n0E411021% 10 111% forgo, exi,•ll , lVl. .lock Of 11 ,, V Mid popular Loos.-. Ili. ro,v. voloplrtc o,od eins•died calolottue 01 t•lilbi:telllg nil lime pan uicuis Of Lite Mali L., la 111,11li . ki lice to airy part of time coil nary. All b0010,.01tl at pubh-lwr-' loLvert a , tl all the IJewlllll,lloolloll', 01 010 0.1, added /-0011 04,1.•111 . 0. 3'01) tVOI . III 01 (.111- ,11111 . .../1 width of boob. nitiong cc bleb ate duly Lhedibutetl,ilso, following. WORTat r 1.12 Gold (lowing, Lever Watelte 4 , $50.00 to 100,00 ‘• Anchor ' 4 :13 00 to 311,00 Silver Lever and Leoine Watehe:, 10 00 to 23.111) Parlor 'Pune Piece-, 5 01/ to 15.00 Ver..t and Fob Chat n , , 10.00 to 25.00 Lodieitt Guard and Chattelniue do, 10.00 to 25 00 " Silk Dre , s Patteno, 1200 to 20 00 `• Gold Bracelet, 3.00:n 15. 0 0 " Cutneo Set., 10,00 to 15.00 " 1110-ate ..., , tot , , 12.00 to 00 00 ' Florentine Set., 10 00 in 151111 Gold Pewit+ and p,,,, 1,3010 10.1.0 •' m,...1,,,, 12001010., 230 to 100) Gents' Gold Pout- with ,•a.e+, 200 to 10 00 Con I- . Gletoin stud Sc. Sleeve 110110 no, 2,00 to 5(10 Ladle:. Brete , t Poet, 1.50 to 7.50 •• I•:ar lima-, 2 (111 In 7.5 U " nod Gent,' Gold Ring., 1310 to ate Gent.' Ito-otti Pil.. 1 Ito to 3.20 I.ddo•s Pearl Card Ca,,, 250 to 51111 Porten:on:tat,. Pocket Witive-, le 1,10 to 5110 Article. 01 Gold Jewelr3 . und 11,11 Gook.. Itolentunvraird it: the above. tvoch from 2510 25 00 Una of the above nanu•d Ob. , pre...owed to each pnre•h.t•rr of n book at the mm• of kale, alcholugh all book. , Ore , old at outdo-het.' lotve , t price, 'Phu contp , ete and cht ,, thed Cantlovou , c t ny be I,„ ‘ i with out clung, le) culling or -endiati your addre.A. /.1100,11 111111leeIlle1111 In 1,1.1110 y Agrnri. Older, runt the country promptly It lied and the goods for scalded by exp.-, or 111.111,1m0 dui•. Add... d G. EVANS, 439 Che.tnut at , Phtludelphin. 117 - TO TILE PUGLIC —A- there tire many tail Itortg :own•. :ulcer Ned thtuoghoat the, enUllllr. Mr. 1:011,1 01,1011. It )11-I 10 1:1111-e.1 011.1 111- duty lo the puhhc—unt•tnurl he orletnnied :he Gat Hook bo -tne-s—to Mote, uo wide Ilellorthezlihtalnlity of many of corll concerns, thnt Colleolll their rent trot. the public, god err 1111Vel lining their hu.no•-. ontter'asstuncti one*. Nlr. E t< aware that the, co ma.; twice. o.t 1/.11,11.11rd if.- tint Gook are r:rlr•uancd to hang the Inc.tac.- est:11,11-1.d by him +elf 11110111 , 40001 e. 11e 01 1110 1/111,11e 11 correct polgun•nt 111 regard to is, Gin Gook Enterpri-e. far the honor, tittegrtty, turd .nroe•o+, of Which he refer., to till tire prominent publisher- in the lilln1:11 Rend C:011:0g110. April 17, NOSaGE! WIIEREAS, Letters of Administration to the e,lale 01 Adam ',elite.Merger, 6ucol CO 110} 10w1,11111,1,alled-ler etaml),deeetv,l•ll, have beer. giailled in the -Lib-crib, r, it -tiling la Fairview town- Yr. k Como); ill peiwn= indebted to said e•lnte are reour•ted to make I nmrJulte PO} Meld. and thane liaVlll , 4 claims Cu delll,lod. ag - diaq. tilt elate 01 Ille •aa/ 11. ecJcut, null snake. herons, !lid -atm. WlllllOlll delay, to .10/1N 1, April Achill um tor NEW SEGAB. STORE, Float st., one door above Locust, Columbia, l'a. Tim t-uic•citiunit 1,1011111 0.11/ 1111C1111011 of the 0111 Le 1, 01 Cl/1011101a 10 1111 , newly orworil %kit. I: of TOBACCO, SEGAUS, SNUFF, GEIBIAN SMOKING TOBACCO, &c. Segtiro are of every Chmro Bnmd r and hie Teti:wee:tad Sistitrot all C.o.orde Varieties. lie will lutist-1i all arts^_lr•• In sue liar :it lire LOWEST PRICES, and the eta:Oily of hit. ,lurk oannot l.ul to meet viib gr•r11 . 1:1! :11 , 1•1 , C0111011 11 i• o.+l, of bin iro•11+1. +lllll 111.• Z . . 11101,111,:. Chet.% tug, toot ttinaiin public, IL SWIM of patronage. OTTO ST'EIN Columbia. April In. 1+,58. LADIES' SHOE STORE. THE undersiEned Avould inform the ladies of Colt nth", y that he hoe token the rd•known Shoe Stand, oppo-ne Ilaldrnnut'• Start, where lie enn•ttnnly and Chil dreiCe, Shoe , . of all kind-: -eel; Ma French and laid fools, of 1010.1 Rtylrn, 110. kin, nntl ! , lipper4, Italian Cloth :01i1 Englt-11 Gulter-, CAI - Skin and Me:C- Mnr yen •e wed and peg-zed Root.. with every a rovle Ilmt beinol.74 in 1.-branch of Ow Shollmikingt/0.111C.5.i. r All OrdelS eXC4NIted HI thr•Iloro•-1 110111.1. I? HINSON, No. 1 Meeltnnieq' Row, Locu•t Co:LA.11,11, 'a, Apr e. 10 JUST RECEIVED, Dv TILE ST:I3SCRIItI 7 .II. ur hub Portrordiag and .1) Comm "4011 Worehou.... Man, 5 do. Shool.b.r.. For Pale by the Ca•k or in .tord!rr rpmntilie I: I' m.por.r). No. 1. :1 and C Canal I%.t•in. Columbia. Pu. April Perfumery. IHAVE Just received n lot of Ire-11 nod rhoire Per foiner , 004 nod Pomade. for the hoar. Exirneis fair the lootilkercluci, tthAving Cre/11114. COTOL!.IC., Fa Hey Soap. ace. It. WILLIAIIII..*, April 10,1•45 F. Front street Brushes, Brushes TJAIR, Teeth. Nail. Shoe and lalsaving 1.1. nil , -15 lea and price., at R. I\'l 1.1,1. April 10, 155.1. Front strtet, Columbia, Pu. ANEW lot of Toilet and Fine Combs; also, "Tow Hill" Comb.. at It. WILLIAMS. April 10, Front gimet. - fp TIE hull frog. rui.ed :heir mill on high, And hounded over the A bumble-Lee went thundering by, And Own inure clown the Tarp: Chain ligiltomir 6plit a pr,not'i 00-e, And killed P yenrling call! Loud o'er the be ilownig thunder; 1 . 040 A shout for "R For gale by R. W11:1.1.1:114, April Pront •Irert surest and safest Pills of the limes. j_ Dr. Fenton'; Female Regulative Pills. Price, 50 cis for ..nle at April 111. Front RUCK INK!---A superior article of Black ink, fur talc Ly the tourt,P i 'r April 10. 1P.5.3. From , Columbia. Pa. PURE German Black Lead for polishing Sloven, Ae , fur .inn•rinr to the many 131acking done up in paperi , , for vale at R WILLIAMS', April 10,1454. p r e, ritnre, rTnnt .Irref (11RPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, IND LOOKING GLASSES •Iwaym on hand, at price.. at THE PEOPLE'S STORE, March I. A djoinium the Hank. HEINTDOLD'A Fluid Extract of Bucho, for sale at the Goldra Mortar Drug Store. March:Ml.9s:l. ITUNTER'S Venerntahle Prinmeenjor enle nr run Golden Mortar Drug Store. ;nun r.... 97 A FINE lot of Enzin'p and Glenn'• Barber,' Soap, !1 for pale at the Go:den Martar Thous Store. March 27. IS:id. NOTICE TO RIVERDIEN. THPIERY notify all rtverinen not to laud k any I omit, or tiirilwr It lily eitre of 1 ant It ti:- ,:1%011 for lay own line. and the Flee of tit ,47 rierson4 with %%limn 1 1.1%, made Eperial agreement, tar ,11111 Colutul4.i. April NOTICE, A LL persons indebted to the late lion, of Smith S. IVllipper, al,d :-.llotll, ‘VO , OIO A. Go., are reqae•zieil 10 make all Raving elem.. please piece it them lir the emit" signed, for immediate settlement. Colombia, Atoll 10. 1=',71.-Int NATIONAL LIVERY STABLE, Second sired, adjoining IGc Odd Fellows' Holt, COLUMBIA, PA. fIR STIRSCII I Wilt. h.l vi (died up =end .torketl NOM! I Inr,m and COMITIOdif,,, Can 1.“ 4 ... 1%.104.1t-tve Invert' Stable. would edit the attention LA WI it land. and the pubic to lie SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS - - - - Ho will Rom - noire Hor-os to ht. rnli•.:cr•li !Pro lotit to titultlltt mitt 111 fir.; r.iicoltititiott Ile cult offer Pevero I HANDSOME VEHICLES, built oxpres•ly for Lt. estahli-hioeitt, and the sylio;e of lii. Carriage.: are /I. thorough repair. and kept cleat, and neat. The cuthle cviii Lc in the care of accommodating attendant,. and HORSES AND CONVEYANCES CAN DE 7IAD AT ALI HOURS OP THE DAY Olt NIGHT - • THE TEI01:4 11.11./.. lil:Az 4 ON A8LE.,11,1 be confidt nth' hope , :bat 1111• merit- of 1,,. Stahl, and a .1,1 , 0-11,ot1 to plea -t• 1 . 11:1011/e1.s. xllt '-eel/1 e /11111 II liberal -hate of pul.lte favor. Colamb.. Aprd 10,1-53 tuettor•ivn.4l Nt enuiii:ue the VIr:TI - Al. I hi.. old .lam! In Lot.tt-s bvtueeti : 4 ocorit.l and Thlll. lie udl :11.111.11 E 21.141011/ er. , A1:11 hind. of :11,..tt- rn ,t,t-ott. told curve fan' lit Jr 'mote- buretofure. Ipri I 10. 1-39.1 y 37e. Zvi ."1„ SZ-111.0.MLL'It, Ladies foot di. Shoe Manufacturer, s of 1, removed Iron No. 1 Locit.t .treer, to the thick Building, opposite the Franklin !louse, Locust streci, Columbia, Pa., where he hope- to ...er hi. coil Ii cuJ, and ett,tornert. and all N‘IIO tur work at low priet, Ile rettpeettally teml.tr, hi; r.meere thanks for the very liberal 'vitro:mire he line reeeiverl, nail mold {1111111L111t•C to hi- r:/11011, 111.11 he 101, con•tanity nu 1181111 n Lir* :nit ehotee variety nt TI11111 . 1i:OS. prepalleit to make up. In nthlition In hi. forge rut, It nt rem! -In.ttl.• flail. Alj:4••• • and Chil dren. SHOE:, I:uuTS. 1 , 1:1[S. S, .1.) 1111f1 Intedt Iteql3 . h•.,. II .nl,,,t+ a ..0,‘10,..e, of the tavor bar liberally I br,wtt rd 11) the public. JA.:111:S SC111101 , .1)1:12. Apt it.). -.;•=. Colombia. l'n. SPIZIPTG STO ern Just Received AT 1. 0. BRUNER & CO'S. Currie,. ( ? f . l'uih and ('union \\openedTE irave just opened and call attention y to 0 litt-ti 01:Wit INC; (lOUD:t, eutt,t,t mg or CLOTHE, CASSINI ERES, VESTINGS, of eve, y vane', Berog , •-. nod a al trent,' of unie Ie in our hue. (for Good , hoot, hrru lulre lia=rll At low• race:, and e oe:or unequalled I.utg.uui to out i tend, and 1.0111, W.. wroth! rail ...Teem! In,lnnn to our 'tuck of Itp.ht k.....ottaitl, for • otter.: Wear. Ludit , wtil fold tit it ot.tepel“metti have !teen exeret-ed w our ...elect tot, 01 1)1f 1.001.)S. and .117.• lin•in 111.1( they ran 11 , ut tett.ottultl.• prlee. tin .•1......1tutu. Oar ti-ual expel:via. of rOg-x•cr::; 2 3re. 31.0.13 , varertilly Lept op. and wr: pop 11/11 . 1-11 .11- ;10110r None-se:r., Coat,. Ten. Ace .at a volt lacy ligme :pi ex:milli:molt of 0111 new -lovlr. 1 0 BRUNER. 11. F. lIRUNER. Colianbtn, April 3, I SPIitInTG P.ELSIZIONS. lilt At the Fashionable A 'll EiTli PO It 11)111. THE subscriber respectfully informs Inc motile, Mut tot hnn ittitt returned from the city vilth a well -elected. and entirely net, it toil: or iB 4iTS AMID CAPS, oreVOrY de.enplinn, which he no., "In•r-. at Ilk hie, 4 1Cife. FrOOL aejtillllllB the 1101.1,. al ill" IolVI.,III:1•14 Cull Iti 1•X:11111111, l,v:orr roreltn-itur el-ewltore. 'llte rfoek t, I,IIIIIGiY new, nttd of the laic-ItoFtt , . J.VAII:S 1).1.1211 , 1 , 1111 Al-o, n fir.t•rno , n , ..nrinlellt of nerve-t st) Ic dot &et., Ftotey 11.11 q nod it t7l ,,, r_-I•l'ordettlar given to ordered lint-t. Culuotin, Atm' 3.1!..5.4. corarazzsrow nusrur.s.s. THE subscriber bas made arrangements and now pi rpaictl 10 retail. 1. on C01[11111..1011, at Li• :forth side. of 'Mama ,Ireq, Columbia, Pa., COAL, LUMBER, WOOD OR TIES, Ile svill be nappy to reeelVa COMMI , .IOIIs for tat) iimr or selling we above articles it, any 111110111 n. 1 , 10111 hp. expellent, in the Lumber !Io•in••s be believes that he IN be able to relater •ail-t:,einrt. Strut t.t letinou a/ ill be given to all bu-nn•-' entre-tett in rare AMOS :S. (Alt I:1:N. Columbia, Atareli97. 1.5 The West Chester Academy, T 4 OCATED at West Chester, Pa, The lastic year is divided non two ve,tion, of live months each. commencing, re , peenvely on the first day of May and November. Toe emir..., of instruction t• extersive, thorough. alp practical. de4i_ntell to prepare 1108 turd 101.11111 men for any eln, in collet,. or fur Ino teacher. tad the Principal m the drip. of the school. Th. Preset' nail (;01111:111 ludgattiem tire tane,ll by re.alent native teacher. , C.daloeue-, en:a:mime hill Information. will he sent spun .~pphculiuu to the Ptuu•apnl. WY1:13.... A. NI . March tiff, NVeq Cia,ter, I's. ZCLLNS./1.5 f ECOAIPTON AND ANTI-LECOMPTON appears to he the exelt,eg topic nub,. (I.ly- the ' thought of the prcplr• I> uhanunotis fascr of the Peoph•'.., Carl. rr • Columbia. for buying GOOD AND CIIEAP GOODS, our Sloci, N lorge.and n,ov town! good. and ino thin rung n being -oiled. We offer another lon of 'ho, ehetip I/elvege+ ui n eat.. per 3 ard; good De/iliac-. an n, ?and 11l cent.; tine be-t o“oronent and rl,pr, Mu-1111..1,-h Linen.. and Litlen Shirt Front., and the ;error-t vurn , ry in gtt nth! girth} - of r..-t rot or,,f C”ljeo,a, Wllll. a toll oet. of Ide.lehed and Idetighed Ninuldiv., Sheeting:, Ticking-, Cheek, Cu litino+• 1 4 titeo and rotten 'nide Cloth, Palle. Diaper-. Toweling•. Nnploo4, &e. An)thting nod every bung (or I lou-dine•pling.you vim trim!. :II Aejoarifitg March VI, C. Sr.Xllr.Rws XTENSITEINUPACTOI:I% CA BINET WARE-ROOMS a. AND :11.1 Lovit.l 9olutul.u. The fulp , erther would call the iiiietoion of the eit item. of liulmnhia .nut vicinity, to his largenod .0- leer att , toitinriit of Caltiort-V1 are, cornpri4iint •nnie Of OW fige•t Llorenuf. Soft.. French Ired. >tend, ditty &t... ever °tiered for .ale ill this place. 110 vontinues to to:ant - urn/re Fitiniture of every dc.cription, and i- confident that Ito can give t.nikftection. COFFINS trade and Funeral 4 nttended to either in tonsil or country, on the itiorte-i uent Columbia, Tune G, 1637. JUST RECEIVED, AT the Goldrn Mortar Drog Store, an extra quality of I.) nn'- Pure 0:n, C.tin.bn I 3 mull) Also, purr Pearl Sin, Soda, Olive Oil fur Whin ii.e.CoXe'• Spark ling Gelonline. ors' roman. (i.wego Corn Starch. Cream or Trlrlar All kinds of Spires; (harden. Ileinp anti Canary' reed. North tr. NOTICE TO FARDIEns TUT receivedlf u o o Land Pla.:ter FnMers will do yell to zisrr :Inentlon to thr abovr tenoranng manure for exhausted land.. A. ar Inrd re:Want, plater is mu-gunned. l'orsnlr liv 11 F. APl'bi,ll, No-. J. and G Can .11 IL,Ir Colo Minn. :111rell 27, 1-5-1 Wall Papers, Bordering, &c. OUR present beautifull assortment will Le real eiased daily dulint;:lie iteaeon, with the new line) appear ill the ea•teril Price., 6 renta per theLe rind upward Tildreh 11. C. GROCERIES. 1 - fork Eltra Quality of Syrups, Prime New j_ crop E m hne tlaror..,l !Park and Uraen Teals,. we can't be beat—so %h.." sal. at H. C. l'ON11)1:111 , NIrl'H'S March 11. IPLQ People's Cash Sloro. White granite, China and Glasswaro, !‘ f 171.1. STOCK and Sew I',ltertut .in twit. to .nn purrhtt.ert. at the right price--and qu.dtty guar amend. Try im .—u t rcori.r..-s CAS(' START:, March 13 157...?.. Atlnnaing the Co/unti.ia lank. FOR SALE T i ` Xllll EMILY WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, by the h. 1 or in larirer quitnian a t warranted good or the money will be tet•qded. A r VOLD. 1.2 ood It. Cana! BUSINESS STAND, Gil Front 1nme.• 11 .411 joining Oil, JeoeirV lii.• 11, 1, ,,,Zu1t it -es.loll given on the Brat of April lit It A ppie In JOHN kI:LIX. Columbia, March I A THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, in ;r 1311.111 517,21 i.tlely OCCLIp/Ca e) Cwrrin SII/1111, Also, one 011 Prom below Pt.rrs, greet Apply to J,ro 30 A I:11 fIN Eft. FOR RENT OR SALE, \VM. Nvill Prim t rAl . l: ‘, ( l ; , E l i v v IC ttr, K , Si‘rillll/1' •,i1 11c, an.l ()NE ACR E tinOLN D. ,-nuaie W 11,e vsil:r4, of Al n;t:r.,ll;e, only f•,,, 11,1'111, r, id , I,rm d NDI 1,••• yen la/IIII,)/.1 tel) • App/y In 1). r. II HEIM. Cc1it...1.1.1. 1.... t2..37-if or, D.:. ID 111:1{1{, , Al“nor. FOIL SALE, Frig' DIV CLING Rol SES, in torcift pdrt, of Iltn. Eozooglt. Tt•ro. v .4"4. Tii, r;I:00V In.orolntirm-enclutre of W. V. I.oLl.tod, Arc. MEE noclerNivietl offers for sole the two bair-lory 196VELLEXG ECOUSIO, ❑ll.llll 011 11, .nlltlrl•a.r eofllef of Cherry aiiLl Third Ifeel 11110 pkg.,. the Iwo and :1 half .tory 131:1Cli DWELLING HOUSE, on i It.• north -lilt- of Cia•-a ry cei. -t•c(nnl dnor frenn 'Thid The howl- laa, al an .11/) Le,. .111 d Trroa- 11.• ananla• an , t.nt run lm ihtr unouunlwu,;ll.l , ls Iu MILTON '.IIKC :"..1:11:11, 31.‘x-ro:N.- NIHOS. and 5 lininiitoit's Poly, (mpo-1 -- A r Ll ire the Wa.lliagiu, Flom , ut•rt 11A3III.TUN. ColotiOna, A111:1 - ON WI 1 1 11 F, BLUE FIiONT, on Front strcrl, contain 6!ore Itcoro , —two do for or other 111, fopo-o.:1111/ n I;.k:.EIII:NT— tiH lined to, w.th gnc. lIdI. A 11()11,1: , .en It•ol or a.rle. ua dale. rot part- of tio• roitzlt Eoo,ritt• of Will. I; HIPPER. Colombia. Frfiro try II I';7-I1 TO LET. 6)(% FEUT OF NVII on the StlAqtttthamm t) AICI niljoiniag prof of ,T. Votiv!o•o d Co Apj,l) rotomhia. Ar.rcih 1, 1,57-a CAP.PETS. .EL1)1:11)G1-:'S CII CAP STORE. TIIE xtlb.erribrt biil r nullr very liEhl IX It.e lid.. to. 1.• err 1 kr.owo. C0.,11} VI•13 1 . 11C1.11.1/1111111.. ..e.1,1.11,11:trIllg 11,111011 111111 . .4-'lOl 11,1,111 gloat tlorre , .-lon to pro., of man 11.11 \o.. nil lower plow- 11111.1 ever 'P . :bre. a v,•.) 1,14.. it ronoot of 'F.loo-iry. low/ 111! I.ll2roin and VI-Iwo:to Cailw.•••• CIO Clod_ of all I • ;2re.it voroly am! Cocoa of al/ 1 •11111... Wllll at 1.111.1.../ock 1/11.e1/11t o•ii 1 / 1 , 11.1111C,1111 . 1. , at 2510 .511 4-1., per yard. awl I:1111,y HI 111 to ; - ,0 root-, COl . OO and Ihmp C 1.111.1 I- it 11,-. 11.e1-. Slau Rod-. o. II II 1:1,DICII1t7I:. No. It ••••;latA•lol•ri y , ,1,,,,,t1.0vv rite -11;Ill. Fr - t l l4trlttA . l.el IN I , the Set•(.l..' 111.11.1 , 11,1111. 51.11 . 1. 1 1 Pt • INPORTANT TO F.A.B.DIERS. THE Inohl valnuble Manure now in the mud,elt cLo,ki,t,•s ca BONE sUPER-PIIOSMATE OF 7.IML It not only ..tonol.ittet li,, Ltrowoit.t clop 100 o , 1- heol:kt too •olots 11.0 1111/11. It 14 pre nerd tin it. 11111-I.lVe•-• Illotor the th o•eiiouu I our of the first I 'I., or et- i i lie etottit47 - nott 1. Warn Wed pule 1.11111 11111 ' - 11,111 11111 , Collipo.llloll. Il only needs to l,n •-••1•0 11 V ::1;4.•111 rilrificr 101 011VIIICC hllll LI: 11 , 11111111-P- I, a pettnnoctot FeitiO/er. For .11t, in large or •111:111,1l1:1111111e4. by 1:1Z().1Si).11.E.CO. 104 North NVlntrve-. our 11110 r 11110Ve 14111..b . 111111., Alai by 1110+1 01 . 111. 1 111411,1/Itl tlooler. 111(011010M 1111. I 4011111; y. 111 trek Farmers of Pennsylvania Attention, V 01: ran supply yunisclvvs with J_ ,w l 1111,1 bll 1116 e, .A111e11111.1.4 . 1, te 111 .11e0e—f111 11-e in New .1,1-es for 1111.: eu1....-1114, hose rect . , et! the 1),plonto- of New Jr. New York. Del twar,-, and Aqrt vultos.ilSaciette•: anti hose le,n u-e,l by tho' e-i -dent of the United : , I.lte.t. tut lit- garde,, 11101 04, the 11 11. 1 , g 10 111111.., at IV:1-1111 . .V011, D C and b 3 the fol. L'entlemen I.rteke. 1;•q . A. I'. T, Reeve:. f7'n ho, tt. New Jet-re; :_ 4 4•1111141Y Hobert-. :11 tller. elht- Vol'!" 01 (3.1111 4 1.1.111141. New Jer , , , t; Thom, A 1,1161111, 1 , ,t1 l ' oonten. N. J ; 1)1 . ISeren-. litt q;ltt. tlt Mr. .11141 /.1,1 ..1141111 ,- .11. .01 of ew Jetuey--!Iley ‘ny 111- the elleape-t •1,1,1 tzto.l ~• ntante 110 W 111 11, . beittt , perm.ta,..l utol t; uu- Irot in the land bytt erieltitlq . the ...t1 It to the vortott- crop-SOO In l'01:1 1 01.-. Wheal. 041, enelo,ng a eltee:,.on New Jer-rr ar I'lltiodelphia I:ank. Or II lei . ..nee 10 oily g4lOll hott•e in l'fitlndrtoltot or in exch . ”l, , ,, far Pr,.- doer, :it fir :11•Itt,et taw. here. Sour older Will be !Wed nod , lopped to you. ftno 011 . .1411.4g , C.cj ll •ll4, ID•t:very ortiele sold Icy nut in guur.lnt,ed I- per l'ho-phate of tune, b4u 111 l a Ton. Hone l'hospit.ate. :000 to " Hilt. 1 . 14 nit For : 1 :1/er. 2. - 30/ A banes Is 4, 41:11Cle111 for on ne , e of grout.l broad ea=t. Pr!, Voile 1)n-r. (Inn 1.,.rru1• now ready.) or Ci,OU pvr 4u ucl nr $:.) a full. Poilalreue, No. I, (500 !Jarrell row ready,) to e..; a barrel. Lion.l Plu-ter No. 1.-I.OGO barrels, at $I: to 8 a bon el. Pot Azli.3o barrel, Peruvian, Poinariain rind Ch;linii GrANO. 11.1.0111.1: A.1.11:%.11! Proprietor. No 01 t , ontli Front :Vices, . 117 . 1V1iole-ale De.ilein nllol.seil a liberal Paniplifet•enti be had oil application to III) tuber, or of my 117,e111, Ma I eh 13 N. E. 7.1.5..V.71.1EL1C22'7.; Blew Paper, Printers' Card and En velope Warehouse, NO. 40S COMMERCE STREET, co-!, Lugs r - f. u 1 it tor tlu is ititer,t 10 Call .1(111. Itianny's Reaper and Hower. THE subscribers having been appointed r... mai1...,. 1 1 or M0TT0... , COOT -1101,1 ITI•OITTO and AIoWTO Oil ‘1 iIYS INI Pit 0‘ I:- NINN T. tit e flow pri•Orired TO (I,T•.<<• 0111 . 1, rer-Ot, To -mu, CouThiard Alactitar u. urn. will I.lca-C apply early. ae The -apply :%1C11:1: IS & Ctr , Implenicut 0, 7,:1 [Jan. 1,1•-,. COLITDIRIA MARBLE YARD, Corner of Third and Walnut Streets. rtitule itrt ites the tiiteßliult of oriliellornezli of Cnlund r I.illti jf•j, :py to his Marble Yard. where lw Is prep:lied to execute hi , .. h ipe h ,c hhi) it all ile•orirhisohi of NVoik ri .11.1161, r;rriiihte.: , trid-telw, le.. a.. Monuments, Tombstones, Mantels, Steps, Door and Window Sills, and Oinntriertiol Worl oh ever, hind vtill eohnohire her hih one other exeeitte.l In Ili. enmity. who' Ile leek .raiirlierl thin lie chili pier` •111C1i011 10 00.- 111111 •I hiti /1;1 e Ile .111 turn)-h worl.nu ionic ieleonalihr term than v.. he Ohlnliled 4,1,, Ler, h eel. Lhi I - s+-1r le KNox - ricriacm. ALL persons intlehtell, on the Books of the Livery , tiihle, fro, ih 1-t oi Aril! 1 - 57.1, the uoder-,iir.i, hire iequeoterl to-rnaLa uninediate 11, in,. I Mll.tr. r iil pi ni lot,. fur .entement. a. lie is desirous or closing his bo-iiierr without de titr, OeL. J , lies-ti THOMAS GROONI, "MORE TRUTH THAN PE OTRY." T IIE People's Book Store contains as good of Hook-, l....t•ittaiiery awl lz,k,wy cola be found airy wt o' ninth :Ire sold thi lac. lowe , l I rice. { ' 'e t• •on • d 1.11, 11/11, 111 I He, wlll eon-11'1 iheih inieresi by baying where, the best selectioa is f 00.,!, i.e., they will le, it SPHENGEII & ‘VESTHAEFrcir, Lonon.ier.Murela n. il North Queen Mr rel. =313 Spain's Premium Atmospheric Churns. \`J ILL produce more butter from a cirrn quantity of oleo:a Ilion any ylolln 10111010.3.• :1,141 7.ionr; . N. & Cor.7di and Market rebrunry 20. Al - r: hive r,lbba g rS II 151/II I/•.,11 WI/ . t o. proper cultp..tr, I. 111 enoignot, • of .-txl3 pett.l. to It 1110 SC 111.111111/1/01 cabbage NIP,' re I rii Wei 111 :1.1.1:'1' s. ratrttly:ll.4lirtve :Store, Odd 11.111' Colt. Field. Flower and Garden Seeds, Tn !Teat sanity. Warranted Fresh and! GrANO. Nitrol;caucd :up •r l'ho , phate of LIM, 1 . 6.11.1,1te, &c. /I .1 h. :11 OR Ritz S. Co N 1:. for 7ih and rellrann :20 China, Glass and oltneensware, and Cheap Carpeting! li OU h:5 snA 61..aeo.oerttnnernnot.thIlleNnobT:7; hoods.ssah seener...d . us-ortauriet llouse-rt.rmichzn g (;04.1,1, Cu, • Lit MEI= YOB. ILEZ.ZT, TO LET FOR. SALE rap, :112-21-2' Mammoth Cabbage Ir C renple. Pf WASKI I NGTON INSTITUTE. T of ,!,^1 I.nnnt of thn Vt - n.hinorrn /11 n.w,n :I,,te, 1.1 on as. the Lein:la of Inn ion. ST II 1(711.1" IN ADVANCE Fr,• 1:11,21,11 LOU :or cntii guar to e• 1 I' , • • =11(n ppr e.u.trlrr. A dl-1 r r, le ol I no, pi.uve 14,111C1105 v. ill 1/. of l ltd r'r 1,111,1 J 1e 11,11 LI: f,-,re'ary. .5. 1:57-:1 I e coLii - vq:2cs F6ENI! Ibt t 1 lot A. C. y's Gull! Pens L 01 LI at, en; 0,00- ref ri ed. al Uchd Quoil• Dei.4.l, I % Clllll lIVIA abntc Luc“-t. r.:7. r.'issolutiou cf Co-partne.rslaip. rI I IIE u nderQgllNl, drains in 1175111 ER and ill , Cit.. l'1:1-1 , 1e , ph.n. ('nom tout, r 11,, fit. 1111'11. I'. 1111'1'1,1: S CO • (.11 nintltal the . UI Col.:, will In• •GU: •1 I y & IMO I I CIJ:.111‘011.1 1p ,TEP I I EN 11'.11 %% 111 l' VIDA( 'Onr,ll I. C.ty nl Pht:alle!phia xrill lie ran mar 13 I 111 Daguerreotnres, Ambrotypes, jahlotypes. T nE 5:1.1 . 11 , Pr hns 11'1111L1M to Lis old ttl rit1•11 opt! i.rreu-I er,• • Ott, t t • tr, • ••i.'• tk ttt 1 . (1 vltt 1):1 , •Itt•rit . :1 , 1 Ort•tt1:01 110 W 111 the i'llE CIIIIISI'.I7.IS SE.ISON I- lily , ra-ml or l; 1.101 , .1;1 rrprin r,ll I). I' .N to , ,ic r .• . l • iLe Mt 1 pw•fult , 111:,1 t,rro . e,er, - Poi-L.(111,1%. Zulu r.. toooo,-. ioo ).,v: i, Ilit• um, 10 ploeu r. OHO Janal. n'i/IC.‘14111(111.%, and ILu , pre. 1114 . I, a Wt . - 01 - 1•••.”, t .1 I. IL IMME=EII=I Cul•al.lkr . ll I - 10111 1),,,t1c1 - 1 , 01, re- nrlil wnrral ,, ed liel•11,1 , •. li, 11 , 1 - ,111. Ih u g lirdulliun , :nul 1,41.1 , •rit \ 1•••• lailtrAype I:6r n lull- urn in lade. The alit iuuwl it ;Ile toe-I 11111, Col cloitett. T .". I!( , I, ' , CAL Coltunlii I Ile•Prizlher New & Cheap Cash Confectionery. NVIIOI.I7.SAI,r, TIVITAII2 TWO 1)11(10 .11111 TE ME BELLE% UE 1 . /0111 CULL NW/ %. 1'h•• 1 . 011-I.loily an hand. nt thus em I )101-1.,n, 11l n Inn.? n• , orltoetil SI l'l4 )NERY. PARISIAN P.ON LIONS, (vr•t••••111) e'i :1-I.tf 1,1.11-, if to 1 . 11•• el( Pori,) Cry.tolizi•it IVAiii. tinder ; Xi, foole,tc . (pi 111.1,1'. .111,i bitter ',Ho winovi to all 1 . 0•1,1,011 (II C, -- Short 1•... r= vi•iii•r u:driy oi o•in r Ltiottot tailto Io nll 'J'he :•••1 riv lriirolor nttentino to the 1, , C p .1,10 nf C./Le It 1:.:• , Iton of rrott attil Outo :1 %\'i, mnr - T.DING 10E C 1 EA,NIS! brt0.,, , 1 L, lor., 'non Vattopt anti Illtiterto inkno,n 1 . 111.1,1',. ;11:1,111011. i:lrrrfOlt 01111 P Mlth.t.rer , rtf •tml ;ht4, etttrnet.ii: , l4ll,lle•li it) till. til.p 1 , 1111 , 111 1.1 p rot ,... tott , I,ty 11!1,1111011 In Iko-inot.4. not! .11, he . . Jrlll,,arr 1 , -I..ltriqx 11 Books from the Sprir:a Trade Sales. CIIMAP Doan STORE. A CIR E opporfu,lilr for those in want of G.,1 nook-:it en-4. Never Ivo", nook c11011pc•r at the rt. , I.;11 I ' /111•Ide11011.1 $l,llll The prop. it of eh honk Store li lye lien lied orporluF n to purt.ll.-e !urge ..int.k ai it, itto-t v. 11,11 a --nrtmetit nr valu•th Sr 1,06- t0(4 .. .. , r3 rl tz. tio•ri,rttrut `they now or -10 lb, 1•111 , 11.• ut proportituul.ly and 1111- 4,llaity Tlkkr-t• Nynrlrkkk. for the. timl!‘lt.; of:k !Ak•II -1 , 0 - '4l Hr try. wtll find It to 11,11 go , It .;,:telage c.III Dull el . :l:him. ;he evel," 1 • -Invk k‘l7 I .:1 ad. Our kolkik•ek ;iiikl Woill 0. :1! . . it - .1- Ikk -IT; 0,1111- of the eohlhamoy ‘s kkill line, kill 1111! 1110-1 Tell-011.11k, nu- ,t• roil the Li. 1100 :11111 1110,L ad k•Lturk.o rol kill porlie-.. The pOlitikkal red/I:- 0,1,1 tell- - 111? I reaper all amele h. the more 1 0.111 kind a.lll lII' ! - Ti.ell Ilie, k.O“- k•lL , lkkkkl th.li whrn ue hey tleeiv. arc ma-t wit I lit :tiluvviog o.lnrl le a led•onaL•le SUNDA„Y SCIIOOi. BOOKS, WUU 10 roll e-peel it attention to OUT 1117 re un e.lloll.lll 01 . i,d.ty SOllOOl 110,1!... un luuul. "I eve. V uariely vt ntr•tl tar the. t.e of Sanilny School.; vv.. tit Sunda) Selinol Union liners, Vie have the .•n,•a•- tar II,.• 1111:11( . 111011-I Or I It., A 111061,01 SIIII - Schnol Umnn, American Tract borte•r. Menlo -11141 Itool, and '1 rue: H-Oru tv. -11.0, the Luthermi, Pre-11)1 , 1h , , Cpt•ropnl, ami publication. or other denoinitintione ure Leta oil lialut. ram ii - oibles4 'rlicr , e in want 01 a neat am! elo.stp Quarto FIIITIIiy roble, v. ill tttal it to their tolvattinize to rail nail ex u une at the Cheat, Haiti., store. the large 2.tuck on hand Iron; to $23 ei-ewhere. cull and examine Lag,: 1 . 01:\G & CU. North Qt...en teei, Lanen.ier, Pa. IMEIEJ rmaruznExt - flr! TEST Fold i cd, at the Family Medicine Store, the 1a1, , ,k•51 111111 •%o , llleilt of I•criumery Crct di:placed 111 C01111.:,ist. :1 Uhilrli kill 11 , Fold at PRICES I'o SUIT THE TIMES T lir 101 l cm i,.g . 10.1y01111/11.e% NM of OF 11-snrtment EvriLkiri FUR Till: I El: F. awgq , .."‘ , • (t.veon- , mg periumr.) Ilnse, Up- VII. PI all If: t.we..l shrub. Viole;. New :down 11.1 y. Jnelo-y Club. Sss erl Pelt, (.ernuluni Atugutma., llelfo trope,.ll'minr.lto-e,.\e. 11".011. and a vnriely of other SLLIP: , , row Mc:t7111:1,1: & DELLETT. o,ld re,lovt 11.111 J. :LI ISA" "Iqo Ss u Ca" r.A70.:111) A RESISTLI:Ss 1:1:AIEDY. JLIOL.K.*ITAT's CIRCULAR TO THE SICK. flr-1 i. 1,1111.41 , urlzorin , 111,1 111,11,31 pUbliei,li of• th, tt , Jr..r nu 11,1111qZ In op, 11, -.of government, o , t• in tht and JJJ.I:I Jr) •ervic,-; and th , eouri, nod thinughout Ihr world J,1,0., the ton,, , i eonlich . o, e it- eurato. , !L rr'r thr r , nor; :1,1•1 13114:, lir tar t•Ile1111.1 cot e ire , 01' t-r.r,l ir,141,11, 1:.•• Grip elLalelas o I , G /41 - lid per ,•,• 0r.z!,1).. = 11.1 -I . Ull2 .11(40/1 . 4 :11(1 , 1 sinil ir• Ihlol :I,ool7ing th- 0 .4 - P , "I ;lie 111:1.5 lla• 11 -} Io , re 1111 d 10 , - . . 1, 10; %el J./ if 55 01 s 1 Wllll, allti ,:,11...,1111/Ig/Y I at Ilra il•tt !hi 1.1 11/ider SI p.,,Vering upp,4l tof to, ,11ok:./., 6 , 001 i 44 , 44 . 10 p. 4111 all I 111:1 ,s /o'l SALT FIWER SORES, STIFF JOIN 1 in c,-- 11',•:11,1 1.1 , 01,11 watrrc, 10. 'Jr.,' i relp.• of ihr pa irni•leoper l puce t!tf' ntn In•conas , l-i, nlllOO - ell, Ir, cr Syr, antic, ii.. tndu curr 0,1 I.•!1X111;`,. :reel upon contracted sinews a• nut:, anode, IllScf111:GING ULCERS A 1:1021 rk.Lida happy Change. a. prnalur•ed I,i OW(lc (11a1141.1” u. earn ;akar a ta w up plo• 1 . .0i I/1, 1:If s -urrowling r, e11e..% 1,1111.1..-. :11.11arot I: • , 11 begot to Hal, for p'.uL law da....ll:togeil matter. Tlll,l prorea.. nit zoo, a r 1,.. ra,,at.,15 ulattl the ontaer a- filled up with .to.d ono ow Pr ujed. A 'WOR) TO 'rlie youmr I, lb, 11•1 , 1 , from Olt theirnoir et..era' Inniner should nt hind. It :in ainsnittle -pa rate I for Sore h r ,,,,•,, t id qw,•kly r,olosi•- 111 r C. U.. •Ol• sometimes 1.t..p.'- •.• 1 orel MAGI'S nintt",•,C..V . -••41 1 , 111.4)nra the At hinho Itetl Methe vs - 1131;11g ; .•el aq n core 4.r your ..• I C lie`i trilled) fur :Jk 2.- :11.1 ' , I - f• .:10,1/len Of hove re . eutle ',pep ordered hp of Tolley for ho.- itrpo-, - • itoth Nu, Out tarn, and l'ilis sboald be used in r Plowing cases, S.re TL roatq, I:1i n 1 . • r.,. SnrePt Qt all Lands I:‘,Lim, Swam!, r II , Ir ri, i', a,J, b. 1.1 f.),,,,...,.. T,•ttcr, lio'll. SWOh`a (4.141114:1, UNcr.. i, , , , ,.c..1,:0. " t- , , , 1, 7.-. V..ierral tzorrr, Nt I ~krial l:,up• St.,. !twit -14, \C. , uud• or .01 11 ,,, ,, Sure Ilrad•, lindg. P.'t -. cArTus:•—•\:,,, grrniloe on'ee• Itie tt mot. •".tiollatec v, Feacr Vert and I..orsdari." are •1 r eat, 4. ill cAer . l.. :rot el ihe Lk or of or Lot: the ro d ., Fool. toe r,,1, 0 f to :4, a n he. A blood roote ten :I t.l wftl he or yen to iart nor rerderine ottet. Eritorrrioiron ar. to iv 1e.1.1 in ;Ire ilvt , etiort of do patty Or pririre, couetero,trir, the intuit aor veadirig the Mr no., tot them to tw.rtirrou. ,11, .1 , 1.'1 of r - -r•-•or t , oe. New Vol k.rirof .yell re•reet nl,l.E. Druggr.t... and loe.a;etri - 11 Medic. Ire throughout :lie d Sm:r. •00l it,,e rthz.-.1 o•so ill put. at 'l3 veto:. and ',lt fl i ed. re :a a r wr-1.10r:ILIe eavryg by taking the lolt.rr N. II —ll.m.er (Or I' r ra' , % every drErrEler ore ,ffirec! to each pen .n.. 11 n, COSTAR'S Lill line Exterminator; IVeicr , tt to to.t. c'7.tTh Is I,r: .0., DTI !,1•117ki r. tri 1•••• 1(411.- Arr.' 1:17TNIIR of patients in