DI c CORKLE & DELLETT; r6zezzL-7 raEDICIPIE STOW E, ODD FELLOV7S* HALL, COLUMBIA, PA. hI:ALIAS in Deus, Medicines; Citentienis, g.,,r,4ll,4ortotent Pet le , .!lery, ;00,1 C010,w.1 g. y 1,77. 031.311 - ,k WORRELL, 3'CaIANTTAXLOI s, No. 4. MEcH tmc.,' 114 m Oppo,de 1 lohlerm ta's .More, Lootst sired, Col am bia, Pa. t l .- share of the public patronage is re spectfully solicited. ell/Ullllll.l. J S. SITACMDMIX, Lndies root t. shoe IVlanufacturer, No. 1 Locust street, Columbia, Pa. fltli ES the attention of the citizens of tlluniL is :uid 1111- loildo• generally to los %upe .or kthe 1,1,,e bu-then. Ile uhrie tonal r. t.okerro tlatoLb [or the 11411.111,e lie hue ree,aved. tool WOLlrli Wilm , lll , wIII .- 1,11(01, 111111 !IV ill, eutootttl) Inool Jarollo ti oti Nallety ut otatt•rinta. two Ls 1.1.1..1.11 tu~wate lip. It :Odin°. to lai,o bowl: ot .t.l) tJk ssort, ui I..tott. and Clot dr,to, 1. %ATI:IU, 1:0t , lit list 1.111-•1 311 , 1 lo:t Nit It,. lit, vootoo.Allt , 111 1114, i.t.ot 00 111. :..11) Moot tl pol,he J.V.\II:S SCI11101:1)1:11. Columbia. 111111=i1 EzzlzrarTracs Splendid Jewelry ! Elegant Watches! Rich Silverware ! &c. "I'llE subscriber has just opened a new stock, 1.,.. 01 TA COLD LEVEP, Lr ui ties & Qua rt ers, 0110 . 11 ,111 ,I 1 011 nor ove.l 1-811.1.1.• I, 111-. A I .•,.,,,.•.•,.,,,.• 111.1. k C.0 r. 11.(1 114 1:131:Ar51'1•INS,11.a-1:tow, , or CLOCKS! CLOCKS! of every d.•-+ . lI,IIUII. logethel wu6 u IfIGU 4 :l111111Illi $lllllOOl, p. 4, 11111 Inarh nn , / r, tt,try Store. Pront.Nrret, 0.0:41.1,ta April N, _ _ _ JOHN W. SIIIDIAN'S BOOT AND snor. sTonm, t,4• a 1.11 p.• alt.! ol 1:ool. 411.1 V,11111,1,117. FitENCII NIOIZOCCO, KIP & 01111.:1: 1;()Ors & SHOES, In.. I, li. Wtllllll II IS lit' .MOIIIIIIII. vtin; In .tld. 1,14 -el, elion , ',ran, II of the bll-Ine•—. .111 i care. 11111” III•• r_•••1 wlinle-a'.• 111111-.•. In Ole 1 - 111 111 1 . 11,1.1111 li , l/11 Ill• 6'4'1.. 4,111101,1 111.11 .111 wlln W,llll :20011 •11111.11•. IA 111 C .1,1111,:111:1111. Ile 11. i, .11. n TI 13,1 . .1 1 1 1.1: 11,111111 .1..i1t,5).0,1 01 MII = %NE) 1'1111.1)1:1:N,(;„.. :%1010 , 4•4. l'o-k 11.,1 I.•r. Kid Iil••• .untll I WI :111 the i.111C•I uflW w 11.1.. All I. I.nl r111111,..11.1 .11111 Tar. or evei t •••/.. nil line W o ve Cloth. reni The alit, l!) -met .1:1:•11:14/11IU11.. ne4c. .11)1•11/ :IlllllllWe rll lie .tic int iu L:111.01.1 i Colombia. \ I.ly. 2. 1=57 Northern Central Railway. E l'assruarr Trains on the :tbove natl 1 110 N, run eultnnln4 lu: York :tad :n lII'. M 11. to I'. NI L. ‘• 7 :CO P. M. •• 'York fnr 4 M. An: se at Colombia !mom York :II LL 7.49 A AI nom York nail ilull. 1 . 241/ I' NI. ‘• 7.45 P. M. NO SUNDAY TRAIN All lie vv.tli the Pa...L..14er Trait, on the l'htlhoetplit.t dud Columina Itat Loth ;;owl und returntlig Ititnllia Sept llMR"axrircvs SAX= raars---1 -.7) V • ri ; t i! 11-- TIII ACKNOWI.r.INIr...D CILI II PION. I The 1,1 . 1,11 II I•ii. n l. 1:1,141111.1 hare emlor.ed Ore eurteol o pet.lie opinion. nod truth roll a 'Ow veoloo of mow tutu WU neeolentol fire', provoeZ eno elo•ovely On: •Ilerrolg'. - O , , 1110 (till) S.fle 000 us /Iloot !own i:Xirael from Ow 1 . 0111011111 . e. !:. 1:4 . 1,01I on lin, T.,141 of Jroll ale, at Ile:olio:4: , •0o nine 21.11, of rein - nary 111 tine mcnolno, of the common, met to w m t (placed In them.) nail were perfect') .nitn-fiell ON 'III lii lollowntg. tine introing Inn', place, nuttier the rtmerintentlence of Com muter Anner I.or :tin! 11111,1 flt.ll horning I,r live Inonni , .. the S if ‘Vm..ont wrti. oprocnti One •-•nle hem.; on fair nw.ole. 1.1111 eon. tem- ;van:illy conr.tone , .. whole the content., in the s,n e ui Me.--r- learn.'..' 11Cfralig wCIC in good con, (1111011.14111 i un fare " A1.,h1 2 , 1. 11. l'1:1.IX. A. 1 'r.11.1.:111N. :-Corttnzter. A. II ) e.lor , raby Derr s (} DI the Le,t 113,11 Of 11,•;‘,1 I hr. vaa la.perz,4l ul 31 Wallitn -.net s, 11.••ri• ',slaw 4. ..i1,1% e. or Ih.• lonn Of I ,r 111,:. l'a teal 1111 ..liver la. ..leacaled and u%../ up •at-lalt• Iron Door Sala- at cm!, r• 1, th, , iI.. rro 1%1:, oil eiortnipimo /1,1 : 111r: 111.11:./ I. 1:11 :1 1 ,P111 :1 / 1 . . 111 I/01-I,llp list f0t01.,1 1.1 r. , ;tel! I.', Pi,' 0.1:11.1 .ti it5...v.4 , 1 ) Irt .111 .1 1.13/1i ) ,I„,d ,t .1L,•t .1 . 11) Itr ::: rititf•. st. lisi. 1.111.. int ilk 1,1 st•, 11 1: 11111t4% ,• 1 1 V1,01114 nor httrul t ...... It lii. Ilit• 0,0 Is ei•. , o. I I 1111 t% 11, Ilif: / 1 1111, :11 /11 11:1 .... : II 1111 11 1/) IL.. Ilie arr .111 N 1:1 11/'1•1: 11:13 tn I -.;;" I rz.n.ridiEas, 21. , ..rwEivaixorn (;rtl.s mai Ttitntrco. Ilse I,tl tit • , Lll,l PhIP-pll,ll , tol /AMC. '72 pri bill 1,1,1 GI:o1V E 1:; OF CORN 1) PoTATon:, • .lolero I,:d ihroe 11., ro ere., iloe•• 1 1 / 1 1 101:111• 1,0,11 PO 11. N , Viii. l /I , i Nf,, .11 41,1 W , ',11 S.KIII if11.,.011 not 1 fot the ,•lo,l• I o i 1 hove been -111iitI o-e lor the I. t-i Neat- /)I.vr- eoelo a-t. or 111 .1:-. 111.1111,1 .lilll il; II 1,11,1 01 :, 1111 .1 A 1.1:1 nolit .r., :St 13 'II, 1VIIED7.C1111:15 1 IVEMI)ICIINTES. 11011'S 11:1 ir 1 . (1.1.gt•• IL it .11.1 1/...• I:Nzel initiator. ;;.111,...1". 111111,11 11,....88....ry 018.11'. Itn -I wan 1:oar,..•4888.1 -8.14•4'• I'. •.r .11.11 11401(N 1',1,0,1111...tt1 ;81141 Worm 04888(1.841i0:148. 118, - • 41.181 1 . 0.84i481 - .81 Ve...88.888 1.1.11488.4.41 It ...to .488 Ttara-8.1141 s• rap ...al l'•1r. I • /18.1881848. t. ••81. 3.188141.• It If !Irle.C. I I.tir Ihe brow-n ) 111.1 I tio.11:••11-.1'10111. r l'oA.I. r. \ Extoatl 111 ear1it4'..,P111..,,d Oinnnrul it,„ .1•1!..1 1 it • C , bl/0‘ Cod I:r.olotre FY:, J.,111, - 11...114 Loorlvit Co'. • ow•kr, • 1111111 ' . 1. 1.% MI% r‘. l'" 11 11.1. r)•. I MI It .11 1 II Itti =MEM D. C. B. HEIM'S (;01.1)1;:si :NIORTAR 111:1'(.; STI )12 rrom qtnbia. Pa =I THE EOLEMiII.I :11,INLVACTTIO1XE CII3IPIIT, Second St., below Union, Columbia, Pa., rs prerArril In vxm•ut.• nll ,r'rr. or S rEtm I t:1,41: , . R011.1:11.. 111 11'1 iNG. 4:7.71N1:121: 111. A ruasAci.:s ittpi,LlNG r•A \V AND 11.1)Ull um. vv. ~ .inr.l3 of llm•Ittee.•11, 1.. the up , •l iiisC sorrrilvr•it fll E•or suet:reg. Ca - n„ of ••ver% Immtplon. m irle to orth.r. itrii.Drmg pronip:l) im (Oa !root Dr.,.• nod other MI I • 1, !. .12rmlul I. i , 11.,-ml '141.0101m ..,"111• %IL Z 1 • 1 ' 1•Ell. } .4 Uret . i•ifeCal . o 4l . • I It 1•1.1.1:1:. 0, if JAmnm YARD, L 11/K X.' TV I Xr... 3FIL 1.1 A 1 . 41E1 . TA, PA" I I ilS ., rea:at‘i i:, l.tit. , abov . e. , husi , nr . ss c at t h he r old s. - „I t•ral In meet the pul. If nil.. 10. II lA. Mtlaak lad La got....”aa, .a, Deernitper IS,W -- - _ ...-. . PIIILIDELPIILI Iltrinufac u , .. 1 17 , 4 . ; Lured . SA . L4:IIANDEIt SAFES I "i7 ,1 I. .4. , -,.. INo 26 !.. :, 1• , ourIli streri. Phila. ~ .....r; , '''-. -,'--, " Truth .3 rnltriir§ cad must pre. e r II i II" I. tats. .; , , 4 ill.: t‘,...r. , Report of lbe.. Committee 1 . p ' . ''''''' -11'-'7 ..: 17u ' r ' a . t ° u ti g b lr f i'; 511""!"1, lII' r e I ro n SII lit •, at -....... .. ~,•••-..7 . lteadrag, Februa ryl7, tri.s7. The untic,ieued. member= of the colnintnee, do re-peellidi t . report, thai elaiv, tile two Safe.+origi toll!). verve., 011011 be Farrel Herring. nod L:vaint W:d-oti, ithieed ~ de by -tde 111 It Jimmy°. VI, The Safe in ti-e by the ytnit=ter of the Ph iladel. pion :ilia Reat'ing Kudrund Company, in Ilia of ice oI Ileadiutz. manufactured by Farrel, A, Herring. aid the Sale in by 11. A. I.allll, 111 hit more. manu factured I.y Evan= ,Sc NVat+oti, and put its book+ pre ei-ely alike. Tbe lire vett.. Qniried at S o'clork A. M., anti kepi up ulna four north- of green Itickoiy, two cord.: dr) oak and halt chin-rout top wood were etitorly eon• -utried. the whole ender Ihu -upenntelldcnee of the her+. wrtubrl. of the emnnu.nee. 'rite 5•1Ie , were then, cooled tor wtill water. alter which the y wt re opetird..thd the hooks out ',per+ taken our by the committee tied +vat to ll A. 1.1.10,'+ store to , r/1.11/111, eX4IIIIIIIIIOIII. caner they weir fir , t cimuulyd and 01 11ked Lc the Commuter. The book , and 11.1 taken froin the male 111:111ufilelured It) Evan- nod ‘Vot , ott ' , elf; I/111 ....!4•1 . 11y alre.:l,d hip the noeti-e w lisle ihn-c 1.‘1.4 - 11 flour the Side tkionuminii, , o 111 our Judgment thou nerd fully Wirers per vent. too": 01.01 1110-e Laken Horn & -01.-• We beilei. 'he :0;0,74,10 have been a fir mai tin parna I ti Jul ill the In-peell%e IlloliOleA Or both 'ale- J ACOII II 1 / I ".telElt, DAN lEL, S. 1111 %i Llt. 11:telliz been nt...etit during the burning. we iuth eoltiett:e wilh the ahto.e -ititemetit of the COI.IIIIOO 0 the 1.1 kt,, arid Look- tt.kett out or the re.peetts. The follo,ing 11:11fled gentlemen. re-ttlentii of Rend tni; nail vinntl4...i Int -ow the u'oive tire. hove tnent), tgin iron. & kVat,ott 1111. 7.111111114 ur to Ala} I-t. II .1 No o/I-. I, Lenintl Iltralt, I: I-.tae Roth, I: BnA & I, & Sou. It 11.11) %V Ml-smg. r. 2. Dr. t% in klitote. I, solonton Ithuad-. I. to, I. S. min, I. nigh .l• Cling. I; VI, to. Kiwi. I. liauttnan 1. Nlenti tier. I. two J Eel.- ell• I; J AI & 11. %V. 11.u-lo,'k, 1, Etra kltron. I. 11111nn•),'r. I'ullun•r Jr. Cu, I, Janie. 1..1. It. .I A It. Winer. I: Jiteolt selentueiier, I .Vitt hine., I. V Seloolleoherger, I, R It C ply I; II IV. C. & P. P. E1111411(rOtil ! USl..llgalie, 1. EVANS -& WATSON 300,000 POUNDS 0/' thr abort. FPS, t\ - 6i.•11 IheY other ilar on better wring than au) ol!..,SlialloCae1111,1 111 Pl.ll.4tlelphla Ma) y s'2. LAWEirtravt. XOTEL, 2ss eliebuitt steed, Philadelphia. Will. S. C„t P lIEL L. PROPRIETOR W M..y 17 rrnm lIVSUNANCE COMPANY or LZTATEMENT of the ANsels of the Company 011 .1 , 111..11 I 1.57 111 coulos mile vulL 110. proVl.loo of litr f,1.t.r.1- . ..C11 . :3;101 the ,1,1111 4....11g1.1) .01 A01150,0;14:2 MOIITG.IG ES. Heinz 11,1 ItiorvAd v.,•• 1,11,4:110. 1111110 ..m11.7010,1) 01 1 . 1111.01e1111•1:1.e .\l4.sll4.utavt y.lllll )I -1,1!1;id ileght•el) 1.011111.,,1.1,1111.) P. EA 1, ES7'.l.l'E. u...kr 1 111(SI Natp . 11. / . .1811/ 11.1.1 . ,..1111/ 11/1. 70 by I.sii the 511.111,4 ...1 comer 01 Clir,stut Istl EMMEM ..11. 111111., 11112 tot. 27 I.) 71 feel ott North • oce ot :spun C 311'4,1, 01 vain street, Itou-r nod lot, 21-7 by 100 fret on I %Vest .111 c ut Penu c.7uuth of filch street, 'l', u hou-r•tilld 101 Q, V . 1. 1 .11 IS by qU feet, 0" SUIIIII ',lc of :milt uee cti eel, two. S1).144,101 -trert, Five lotus, and 1014, each 17.9 l.y 9ti At ro.t. feet, \u.. ISO, PH, 11.L.1, 16.1 ace, 16; 2 $,2,:51.13 Itawy it .1., Three h00t.., :111(1 101.19 Ivy St fret, 011 2. Sevroteculla 1.1(CC1,•01.1111 011 . 101.10, Hole/11112 tot,so I. ) si fret. on the South- ett.t ( . 0111,01 Clll . -4101 :1112 ilettelt •1.4 3 I . IVC 11011-V.11112 101. 121P1 . "61 . 1,1.0.11u. N 1011: •12.• of liCOrge all eel t West of Ashton .beet. Sr Coo boost-4 10t.2.11 by 117 Iraq. ott the Haut -.le of Bench street, 210(1111 nl Clor,sl.l vitt! lot. Is by an feet. No. f.. 16 I D. P. GRIFFITII. Agent .41rvel. Glkt 01 Nllllll street. Aground not of 1...W0g out of a lot 1:3-1 I.y 411 It 011 Non. sole of Otter elrCel, :0 tent %). 111 Wert, j WA NS. Tetrpo - arc LC/11114, 011 ...stock. as Collat eral:s..lM), STOCKS SI 0.11011 Alma /louse 1,00.0, 5 (Ina. 004 2011 Shores Bank of Kentucky. .• Nor them flank or Kentucky 100 " Union I:ailk of Trilue.-te, 13 " In‘orance Company of the Suite of Peini-ylvaina, .2110 - Southwark. Railroad Co. 37 Caliilncreltil and Railroad (Bunk, Vicl,l , ol,C, 3110 l'l3lo-5 ivania Railroad Co., .JI Franklin F . o . olll.airillier Co , 2 " Library (10 , e:01.11 Compoity, 10 l kill 1141110:‘,1 N. 11.1,110111 IV,rrool.. ;•11‘1 71 111-titiled Palo 1 2111 54 C.., I,a hand. 92,71).•1', t 7.0,11 in hand- of Age 111 a, '122 10 LOSSES nv Fltiai r , ... •••,, ow • r 1,56, W5301,63S Ri 03 order to ilo• J, N NCRER. ite- t CI I ALI., ,:A,( AN( Seer,tar,, —C11.... N. it ale her. %Voglier. 'ollllo.i (;I .1.1,111 Ceo Ilichat(l -\ Itooe.•••1 I). ol 1.1• C T LLOYD. Age n t, Columbia. NI 11 4 1,%7 PO 1";:ft CT. S ILVICO ON STOVES. ( - I.IIL al Pia and examine Iris .1..011111011i 01 " :NT(l%'l: , Par l‘a ererk. Uttar stet! Corrirree I:rrire. 111 :lie Idterri •131 - arei 01 ever) irairere //.1.0.i. \II/ 111111 i1111 . 1,1111,111..11V. 10 .rl. et trill rir, ell exeelleiti •rirreir. whirl, will I.e tiller,' as reeri rea-orriable fate. , Heine:giber: al II P P.l 111.1:Ws Lori-I n:po-ite the l'itt 111.1111 house rolutidt/.1. Dee. 111 THE ADAPTS EXPRESS COMPANY 'Oll the further r ooreuirme of the public, I,v the A.•eatnaaw,tata 'Prole la.la vett Philadelphoo vht t:o!talthitt, lettvlatt I'hil:W..llth. at P M. ittalt ,•.xerrt t•tttlas Glaak for Ole Eq., ota-I he doh Ve I. 41 at nee rah, tieeare Y tit loch. P.M 1.1 the NVt..t Itektrr It P. M. COLLECTIONS, Drain. collt eted at all 'mats, and prom pt re urn. A SI'ECIAI :IE:SSENCER. with Thief-proof Sa6•. wall 000rrolop0 00 y ,op r ol, T ra i n. rl,o f to,. of Alone‘. Valuable., toetl freight iutru•trd tr. Ihr rare tti the Cump•iny. null toll go, •prrtal Rl - the prop, food •ttle tlehlter) lIIVITUf. at all Slalioll< nu the (Wive lo Ita•rn,rnl of chock•. eohoulon. Nov IL 1• , 57-Co. N ZIEGI.I:IC. A erni. Farmers Union Insurance Company, OCATED at Athens, Bradford county, Pa., (CA lICAI IEA 1. , 941111(0. ‘ll:ix I.:1)) make. lururuucer on proporly. u, rro.on.alOr rale, (4,01t(*: Ack•at. Columbia, Pa 1:1 - 1:111:\ Hon. r / Athva-, DAVID %% IlaNlOT.Townmln.rn., ‘• Mom rn-r Pa . " MA1.1.4 I'/111..1..101,a, Pa. C 011111 0 ,13 June 6, 1t..:,7.1y Manufacturer's Insurance Company. ( Penutual. Granird by the Stale k_J of l'estin, I runt.. C.tpn.ll, :111.• rine n not Inland Tratt•pnrialion A•oroto S Itlpponennt. Pre•nlent. 111. A. Rhode., Vine Pre•itlent. Alfred %Ve•k•. See' retary. D11:1:C —Artron S Littpinenit., 'Wm. A. Rhode.. 11 or. It llllln•. Wlllt ith P•ettl. Chnrle• %VlA...Alfred Week...l.i loaldn 5.1.1 t . -., Joh!, Simon., rlttirle• J. Field. Ja.. Stn, th. )1., F:iellafigt. 11111\i A 4 tV1:14,11, April II 1-57 15 Commonwealth Insurance Co., UNION BUILDINGS, Third street, Harrisburg, UNION CHARTERED CAPITAL, $200,000 lo•o, 11110,11. g., ttml mhr, l'roperty nzoittat '0•• or fire. Al-n ng.tirott prirtltt tile Sea. t ou t 7S, V:011011 ..1,1 Olopllorl 111 II 1.4.: II 'RS:— 'Minn Came ron. (.o M. Lnumon, Eli Skier. lame% lox Firli) 101111 FAA, Wm. II lirpo,r. A 111 %V F 11.urrn),r. Y. nowt, Jolt., II Berry lien. Wm. F. Parker —SIMON C A111:11:0 N. Pre.reent rtrAJ PARKE, Vat I•rewlenl. S. S. CAKICII:I{ Et= Mf.en=sl A NEW and fresh lof of Spires. just re *t.lll,ol DeC.l2 O , IE3I. 'EVANS dc WATSON, 11111!111 MZEZ= = ===M! rIt.II.r3I3.LI'M COAL! COAL! rHE undersigned has constantly on hand and for s.tie. lial ithoteC panyand Diattiond White A.h, Lump. Ent. ..stove. Range, and Nut Coal—the Lump t• equal if tatt.upet tor to un,) tiling in the country ibr smelting iron; Red A=l:, tizg. etovb Ilka Net, of the bent 0..111y. 1101[1 the rthuttaoiLlit region; , Short Mountain St4ve. nod Trevok6i, Egg Coal— .tnexcellt•tst article for dotneAtte •unlrnef die; Pine Grove Lump, Egg and Stove en, -upertor .1111elt• lar dainr•tie and ..tram purpo-r.; • pj,itiotilli and l'ilt.don White and Red Ash, Lump Sire Coal; Broad T,,p nod Allegheny 13itumitioui Coal, of the r,unlllie•, for Idaek.entilone; The a:ieve general n....ortmetit of Coal, Coll +IIITIer- Ind the public ore tovited to en II nod ttnine. um' hear the pi tee:. I am prepared to furniele the nbovc by the neat. Car or .utgle 'Port. at in V.' turf, foot of Gnarl I;,iti, Colombia, L.tinea-ter comity, Po. Cual and Iron received and slopped on rola .l. G. 1111 . :SS. Columbia, Oct. 10, 1557. IL P. APPOLD, _Efiat_ 4.9t, GENERAL FORWARDIXG AND COMMIS SION MERCHANT, ItECEIVEit OF C E.A D IL 0 C E,ka And Deliverers on any point on the Columbia and Philadelphia Railroad. to York and Baltimore old la Pittsburg; III:AU:It IN C 0.% 1., 11.0C11. AND GRAIN, IJ 111: 4 11:1" AND BACON, hove jot reertved arge lot of III(toottgabell, Hee I,fied I ron , 0111,110,g, of n lite,' will) et• f> .opply von.lantly /II al low prices. No. I, d and b Canal Lta ColooiLot,Januat) Specie Payment at Fondersmith's People's Cash Store, Columbia. areal Rolnction in ilic liriLcs qf Dry Goode. I AIIIES' DRESS GOODS, of all kinds, Cloths, Ca,.sitnerc•-,Salineti, Jr: Flatincls. ,:lo 0.-.(.ough A 11,1111... 1111)111115f, cv , rllllllllt w lie 14, C11..11.. GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH. A full tooorilurid of the celebrated II A NOvER BUCK I:1,0V A ND (;AUNTLETS ois !mud. t rr 1 , 1,1r1i0....rx of woods will fi Id no ththeutiy iu ei.lug change ut :inv. 14, 1:=57 Ladles' & Gentlemen's Restaurant and Ice Cream Saloon. REITER Informs her friends and the yurhe vii... 113. hurl ill ettlitlef•111011 will/ h.•r ,hen u.pnr • etl pulroiun•J) etetitst Sttloott, ttltirt It,- i I.llloleirevd 1,1411111 g it frleclon• wh.•re olrsTr.xts .&ND 'LIAM ICINDS or RMI'IIESTrIIIMNTS tit:ty Ite Ulrlawul nr Ilte be.l 0) le. tint.l al Ihr simrle.l nitre f 1111 l 11101141 MM. :ire very Istipermr. •Ile .11f01e.11% relit , . 111.111111 liNeral share of public .41...1ves Ceery effort %sal Its made lu r R ,TAUE it ANT ANDA I.( ON Ilona la•i wern Locust 11/1.1 UlllOllll 1,,1+, CO11.11111,1:1. =I IL .E IttOU lINISUILED? West Branch Insurance Company, 11111 S Company was organized in June, 1 1%5.1 None 1.1.1 tl!e. fia4 hero lino. pon.prroo% liuenri.J condition 01 the 1- I, 111,1 re of A noir amount 01 Pinp.l3 lts.ared, St,ts76l4 141-• c• 53.14 ( M I EMBEDZI 1,1;l% J. , TIMM:NICK. Col hitt, I• lie :11.1- bowed tegret. and t• rottem ern) to tietke .urvey• trill tit•tt e property at the regular rain• of the Cone ;tatty [Dec..',, 1:,57. BOARDING. (, IVE OR SIX GENTLEMEN can obtain board t h) npplienzioat lo Sir+ i.:1111,101, 1.11 No.l Cur vet Hal!, Front 'Meet, ColUlilbla. Ma. ell 1'5 4 if CISTERN PUMPS. 'lllll , ..4ll,ember Itti• I.irgr moek of Cit•lerti Dump% L In VI illl . ll he cur. the totrotion of the p o l, Ile ,ft prepared ho put ihttot up for u-e -111..1411111.11 rod rod u: uig uuuutrr. 11. December 12.1927. Locust .oreet. Trusses, Supporters & Shoulder Braces. () ritev ... s oy .1 uritelett commit,. nearly ert mottero now 111 u.r, 11111131 i thot.e who need toy at the ttlootte can !InVe them (111 plied AI ceORKI.I.:& liEt.r.rar•s Frond) Mettle... Store. Dlusitf Mi. *cil 'I I: lucre mutle arrtlngt•ruent. ssitli ono of the 1.1r4e.t Philudelphe,, 61 which we call 111 ral-1, any ntu.te pnblioned to thl . . country. n I II few day* houce. Net ntu-re received .01. n u. puhh.hcd. Arm' lb. SAYl.(ftt tpIcUONA t.n. Su 114.1 Fine Family Groceries. SELECT assortment of the best Family r Cup.. rips ever offered 10 the Columbian.. al the Wine and 1-innor Skirt, Walnut street, adlunling the IVt.llington (`nit. 9 DANIIII, ItErm. fry-cm,cre.. lrater In quail., Bedford 'Water in 310.1 ro , uttil.tn. July I", 1.57. To those who want HATS AND CAPS, Latest Spring and Summer styles, at 10%, .y. p.O 111 n••• 1 •• illllllll,l 1:11r11 . 11,, • • 111111 )011 syttll hr aeototottoll.sted tOll .vane it rote Nlitle•htio Ilk 111.e1 4 tro elteup 11.1 i :mil Cup Stole. %here you elm get 0111.110 1,1 1,111 (hear, than ttit3 other Oat, 111, •ule llur ett, =I 11.. 0 . .IN it:/: o - C..1l C:o lo IL ••' IL.I II 1/111:W101 . V. MA/t . re 31,11 1.•.1.. gel ILrm •110,111 1 1 . 111.111 14111 lothri place n. Coltolon. 110.101 or Cop for 81:1k or 0101. do 1 1. Fo.loonlble II o r whr.r NMI 11 • , .. "It . 1.14 , -1 ..1111 . 1. 141 •1 1 11,1 (fnlll l 41.1,1 can gel t- to role-I.vv 4G 411 a. the Soo aan , )oor e tlr.-cell op free of • It 1it..•'1 . 11.4111/11311111 /1111 /111,1 Cap Sao, on I' mu wet, a few door, :soar. lb.. In rotentinkgr !Ina, li.n. hit% 11..1- 0.411. 11111LiViOly NS . I/11 fr1.1,1 , 3 .ettl , :•1:,1 :-.ltooe. lier, !,ou cath gct them muck lit, if. order ‘ll v.4lnSnonber Ulm.' Cull at the •tsnl n I rt., 41.. i. :•ne. Iliad., ets1:111 one, Linn. In,. ay nt.l. 54.11 wnni 110111.1 I. ynn gol lo 11011 ..... I 1 .. , *V110 1 e• riltenz, gn 10 rn-Inntinble Ilat and Cep Stole, N. :i `himiim . . now. Columbia. Pa. mil 14.1,57. HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. THE letiniony of Prof. Boolh and Dr. previou-ly !well ptibl,hed. the bollamtltt, now MI•Clo-key former] Profe..or of The ory awl 1 . 11. i lice of Minion." in the Medical C0110.4e or mail limit Vroiefornr of :Sur ii liar. AIM-11CW) e1011y•Ce of :11,11..10, A C. 1 • 1111111 1 C1I 1 111/1. N0v..27. 14.6. Mn..ifn.ren E fiord of your Loon! Ilan . r will inniliiier ilie 11111.1 okepliesal,ll,lll 11 1. a plegnill .1 114 I eche. lOti• prrpor.atlOSl. Cnhkr runny othrr, Ii 1114. in -eyeful in•iative. proved `rervleerible ;lie inure 01.olor villa...five eruptions on the head. and I have no ))))) I,t conintentlitig it to 'bore requiring funk all 1.111,11c..1 Vt•ty re•preffally., J F. X McCII.O:INFX. NI D.. 4:5 liner street. •hrive 14ovef •, \Vilna; llotreerf %Vining. nlllll.llllll 11111 , ,... I:olrlllhlr 1.1 I/I 111 :1111'1111 Itin t high vinc,.o ter. whivli them 4" the e ale u.lar 41011.110 fir4l elreoied, has continued 11 111111.,n/ple.l II 1.1 the prefent. "'der. riddre ...et] to the Itlimisfartnry. N 0.116 Rare roorili. (old No. HA) Philatlelithin, will receive prompt mlOllllOlll. by Jusrrit E.ltivEß, Nfanufnelurer. Deertnl.er In. to April IS. STAUFFiIIt Sc HARLEY. CHEAP WATCHES &JEWELRY. W1 4 1 . 111 , 7 1J:=1 ,, 1 . b h 1.00 .11.0.111 . 1 RIM,. N. / 14 N° WO Second 51101 . L. curl. r 01 Wu., ) Walci,, lull Jc welled, IS I. Ml 1.411,1 I,llllr. 1 , errei. I , llver Lever Coll jever!led, jets,:•, sttprm, (la istier., Flele ',lwo, . silver 'llll . . .5 IR. 6.1141 Veh• %%WI Pentl nA Filvel - hal/kr. I Id/ Gold l'i,Arer lime.. 371 et. to " . .tch 6113. " - • el}. p..teht Intel 17; other torlteler• ,rroporthul. All goad. w orr.ented to he %Viotti ate) ere -old lot PrrA cormic t 11A lit.nr. r r t." •of"elfinhlt..gl Solver Liven. anJ t. :11.re prittl`l. 1 • I:11:1'1 , 11..1.1111,Pt y Sausage Cutters. EN MINI: the r•milra g e 31t "'AIM ar'p falmlyl.lt %a out One 11. PFAIII.CR, IN, 1.0eu..1 .ireet. A LtItLE lot of Shaker Corn, from the r.r ul. FRY 1c 11.11:3LAN. Cole April 12 1S 6. PEOPLE'S IVI,O,REZE YARD. QllOl l in North Queen street, half square .011111 of tire Rai;Tom!. and 3rd door 1101111 or WIIIIr lloroe Hotel. Lane...ter city. lIAL.DY, Marble Altman, re•pertlnlly in form. the public that he tin. now in lox yard the or gest and lieut nio.ortmeot of ITALIAN AND AXIEId• WAN AIAICHLE ever °tiered to the eiiireitmor Lart grelitertlian airy othrrestalrb•lnncnt west of Philadelphia. Iluving made arrnngrna•nt• 111 the Eu•t to rt , relte niorlile tit ri dared price.. he an. nounces that be will ill much cheaper than am, other e•tatilieJimeist ur Ibis city orcomity can do Ile oa prepared to exacta.. ill the hr•l style. NIONC NIF.NTS. TONIIIS AND (IRAVE sToNms. MAN •I'1•:I.B. Door{ AND WINDOW SILLS, STEPS, !le. every variety until vice. His faellithes for fitriii.hing articles in the Ma OA.. litre arc toodirpa..eil ii) any other c.tablisliment the city. while Inc a..oire. till who may favor him with their patriot:l;e that his work .hall be eleellled in the very be•l style and on the moo term.. LE•ri•Eit CUTTING in F:\t LIWI find (1, - .RMAN done ni the ehortett notiee,and on the mo.tnioder lute term.. publicto call and exam- Inc inn work, bring fully Patiptied to re.t his claim no public patronage upon itP merit.. Thankful for the manly favors br•lowed rpm; him, hehopc.byrtairinttention to bu.fae',etn mernand re. cenve a ',Mire outhe public ;Patronage. Lanett -ter, April 2S, 1t,55. New and Cheap Groceries. TIIE undersigned take this method of re tuntomr 'metre than Inc to their numetnun (nen& for the liberal pa:unmet. given them Miring the rant )err. and re.peetfully a continuant, of the name. They hay* mat returned from P . llll3.lelphus with a very large lot of fine Groeene... Confectionery, &c among winch may be found the (oI:ow/rig: Loire MIX', Syrup Molanne•, New York tsyriiii Pinne bukme 11aIu•-rn, Sugar llou•r \loin••e., A large lot of Sugar., Coffee. Air. A I•o, n Int of foie Halting R 1.1.1114. only 121 Celtic. Fine large bunch and layer Rat-tan, 11. whole and quarter hoxe•. 25 box.. Figc, different grade•. A Int of Prune., In fain.) tinge+, very fine. A urge lot of fancy and erninnon Candies. Also, Flu Marmalade, Jelly Cake% Sup Sago Cheer, K•nebnp,and a great variety of oilier articles. suitable lur the pre•eut irr - Pbcast.: 311, 1: 5 A CA LL. II 9U VDA h SON. Cornet of l'rout and Union storet•. Columbia, Di-ember 13, I ',NI. MVEN7I7 AND NEW GOODS. TlMunder•igned having token the store latelyelern pied by hi• brother. in Lociin •treet, opposite the Colombia flunk. and having ii..soriated will, bun nt Ini•ine•s. Mr. F. 1,. 111A(:M AN. will erititinue line In; *iiiie•s wider the arm of FRY & HAGMAN, where w will open in a few days. a very large assorunent new goods. ene•lomeof DRY DODD'S, GROCERIES, Queensware, Glo••ware. Carpets. Oil Cloths. Wa Pape,. he., Ar .hr all of whorl, we ore determine. to sell in the VERY LOWEST PRICES. As we tn. trod dome on EXCLUSIVE CASH HUSINF.BI, will be able to compete ut pneen wnh any store in the i:onotty. re•pretrul!F •ollctt a tall from •ur friends 0114.1 Cur pYlitle georrally. tl 14. FRY. Country Produce always taken at the hieheat mar ket price+. [Colutntos, April 6,1E06. THE LARGEST RMWZOVAZ GARDENING. IMMtIEM GREAT BARGAINS. FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, NOW UN PACkI NG AT 331 cTAG 1J E & 13 ROT II ER'S', Cheap Cash Stores Front Street. Good.: lin 7 9 f1g "e'n ptirLho*.l idr Oaoh, at the time of No hook pte....aie. to Phritaiklploa and :s:esv Turk, and having beLoi s÷:Stl St!eclat!, wit) he ,old at ulto‘itr:lly low prki.,. I'. S.—'r!fe Nott, of ~to.i.eittituf lta:en at par, hut it will he e.: , :peeted that per..ona will woke the' eliatogr their power to do e.o. October:! I r. 57. Spain's Premium Atm9apheric Churns. ILL produce more bllticr from a given quantity of cream than any churn its U.e.— Seven Size 4, Wllol,Elie and retail PASCHALL. NIORRISk ca. N. E Car. 7th acid Market a 0,., Philadelphia; Fehrno ry 21). lerpi. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! -Ic, err tsTAN so the Bank lI.IVC su.pended. I. 0. Bruner & Co.. 11.1 e received a choice lot of DRl' GOODS, Con.i.ling of Delantes.Ca=henerev, Culicors, Canton Funnel.. Woolen Flannel all colors, Cloths uud Ca- , nne re. of every Lle=eroptlon. A veleet Imortntent of nuars AND SIIOEB, of ull I.llnla. Thr ileltlf.rcjerned sikvnya )(perm n 11,11 n••nnmenl of GROCERIES, QU EENSW ARE, mid every thing in fact, that ti kept Ma well regulate,/ Store. We ore thankful for the priwonorre we have re , crived, and by rtnrl alleation to bu-iners, hope *C meth a conlioloown of Ilse .anw. II 1 , 11111011.111. 1. O. BRIPIEIf.- 04.11.ber 111. I-57. GREAT VARIETY STORE. JUST RECEIVED, a larger and finer stock: of Toy, and taney goods than ever before. My friend. and othern are invited to cull and examine the crock before purelia.-ing elsewhere. an they will' bete find an {llllu - inlet/ ii•%oriment, •uitrible for pres ent% to per-on. of every age arid taste. An tininen , e' assortment of For tmonoulti, Porker Book+. &r., &c, GEORGE J. Smuril, LOCII' 4 I Street. between the Mt irk rind Franklin lloure. Columbia, December 13,15:13. FRIISII DRUGS, MiIiDICINMS, PERFUMERY, &C. IE subscriber haying taken the Drug store formerly occupied by J. 11. 11 . 11(11,1111.11.111C T 1 • • Bow, Front mreei, COIUIIIII.IU, calls the atten tion of t:u• politic to voinplete Qtocit of eve, y ar ticle tit hw hue. Ile has on hand it -apply of pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and n earerully •r!rcir, n , xortment nl PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS AND FAN— CY ARTICLES, generally, whirl, lie niters 1/11011 ree.onable Ile will ireipiently renew le. stock, and endeavor or keep it of tee fre,hest and be-t. Prescriptions be carefully compounded, and a strict personal at tylition to lie liusnie.. Ire Riven. A share of puirlier patronage is revreetfully solicited. HENRY F. GREEN: Cobenbia. September !ZG. 1557. NEW BTACHXNE SIEXOP. THE undersigned offers his services to the public. in the manufacture and remnr of all kinds 6 irmllliirry. _ _ Ile 1.111 taken the Shop attached to the Samuels:imam Planing Mill, and Is prepared to (mild Steam Enigma,. Machines of every ilen.criptiyin to put up aunt repair till furnace, 'tolling Mill. (;rpd Saw NI ill, or other ma chinery, .le. lle en manufacturer of Huey'. Patent Shingle Machine. Having permnitil experience inn till. litiainean. and thorough workmen in lit. employ. lie feels warranted inn olrerning, to iinfitcrinke any work in Ida line, with confidence of turning out good Juln, and giving entinn au-faction. The public Is /1,114,111111 V ravir.trd to gIVC hint a trial. JOHN Q. 1 / I :NNEY. Columbia. Septcmlier 10, STOVES! STOVES!! T'IE subscriber desires to call the attention of the public to he+ new and complete asoorteneni • of STOVES, now ready for the foil trade, eon• aim ow, of Conk Stove.: Royal Cook. Will ea to Penn. Noble. Nation:O. Young Agoertett, Moroi:lg Star. Cog:11)14.1g. Conk, Cook tog Rouge.. Pao for Cook, liter p.itterem Parlor F.tore4 of 'very make, Fite, ..tyle and variety, Bee littoral mid Witte Stove, &e. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. stockargeitr l of ieles in the shove line orbugi- A eoinpri-ing every thing 'hat i% inanitinetworl of Tin. Sheet Iron. he , for iton.choht purposes. His dark 1. of Ins own iiiniinfactore, and he eon vouch fur its excellence and dor:tinkly. Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. I 111111 complete tt.....nrimem of ,I rg , tu t A 1 : 1X1111,. 01 int-letal tleolgllt. ron,stlng. of 'IX. limy, three :tad two hunter Chandeliers. single burner Hall readmit, Stile I.tglitg plain and ornamental, Drop Du me r•, &e., al way , . on hand. GAS FITTING to till as ht . :melte. attended to with p7ompluese. House Roofing, Spouting, &c. ll ousE nr, itoos sporrim: put up in 1111.1 11110•1 ntannet; Plumlong, !fell Hang ing and nther brallellt, of the Inytitar•tt, carried on as herinuture, on the must trant,onnitie tern!, Cooper's Gas Regulators. nl-o stdent for COolleei (;114 RegulatorP, and 11 prepared to attach them to Int•ier, lIIRASI \NILSON, Corner of Second nod I.octi•L Columbia. Sep,enober 5, PRIME GERMAN SEGARS. T HAVE JrsT RECEIVED 200,000 MOIM I or tho... 1'11E111: SE1:AII: 4 , which I will •01l CHEAPER ilinn any Slore in uln. or any other tows. itc>x - 4.31.r...0czan,c,r05t, ,nold raherx will do well :oy glvtag MC a call before parelia•alg rl.rw•brre. above meat soned Segar• eno be •rein nt J F. %Whole.mle Coarettomtry ectabli •hotr:tt. Frani mtreet, %%%%% dont, I Ilou,, Columbia. Cottion hia. 1 nz• 3 0 . 1"30. JUST RECEIVED. 20BOXES ORANGEB,IOOP Cocoanuts, and a io, 01 Prime Nuts. For sale by .1, V. rtMIT/1 Wliolt,tle mid Retail. April .1. 1°57 xt.r.nr:.ovilL Shaving and Mair-Dressing Saloon. TILE undersigned 'laving removed to llama- Intl% flow, opposite the Hotel, In vile- iittehiloo to !ODD. where all perxon • can receive in DI.I:A AND do NV ADA V ontl Wive. tlieirlotir col nod dres-ed to the :odd ex quisite rntnuu•r. There i• •mnelhntq good .rive: if ally urr ll,romed in doubt oiler them tr) ine,und 1 will fully ilemon•traie the L•tet. WI LLIAAI CLEGGETT, C.l.mbin. A A rils, 1 556- LIIVIE port SALE. THE subscriber lakes this method to inform 1104 puhhr, that he I% preparrd m lenu•h the BEST QUALITY OF LIME, ill quatiiitirii to -ail purchaser,. at Ike idiotic,' nonce. Llm e piirticularly Ml:Wird for idakiering and white•wailiing. It will be delivered if dewed. JOIIN rebruary 21.1555. if Wrieln•wille. York county. DO 1/017 ViTISIX 3341.13.G.ELN5? GO TO THE FARM F.ItS , CASII STORE, Locusr .sr. COLUMBIA. PA. AVE take this opportna ity of annonneing, r rho twe It:wept-% re eel tied ti new and oplendid c.-ortmen tof and 11111 l re pluck .ernithoing Dry Good..l;roceriett.queeitsware and Gla.ttware, Table and Floor Oil Cloth.. I.'ol:tag Glit..eti. he. FOR TOE LADIES —Rich sttile4 of Palley and Black Silk., all priett.; Challtes., Beregett, Detain/2a, beautiful )'run.; and, in fact. every article of dretett gooda that will be fa,hionable du rani; the coming sea.. .on. FOR MEN AND BOVq—C.lntl... Croton Cloth, Tweeik,Coltoundc. , & 0.,0 cc .1 Silk nod Mar•niille. in great viirieir; and all ends •mla I ble for...drown'', ',couplet(' out . fit. ParisiAlong o.ll,lburg. le , kr ; ingetlier with a large SP-.