33LACIESIVIITEXIDIG t -ul.-erther lot-. re-opened Li. slop. al lienl4l .turd. ou Fiiih -trcet. 111 the corner of Lu. u -I. wlere lie will curry on the of lILA I K. oil u. lirranclar•- ite 6,t , cowlnted vu experienced S1101:11. unit ;411., :menthol to gunner. work, wtigon work,:ke. Ile ruin ili.tor good to till who into ; ...tapir., loth. A ..11..re ol the cu-- .tom of the town and tielgl:borliond JUIIN D. KLINGLER April 3 Books from the Spring Trade Sales At the CHEAP 3300 E STORE. A 1.111 1 ,. : opportunity for Ilion Di wont of A Good Booke at mnafl ve-t. Never have, Itttt... 'old cheaper thou at the reeetit Philadelphia :pang The proprietors of Cheap Book Store Lave ncaded themselves Oi Ilse opportuany to part:llll%a a large stock of the 111051 varied it-snit ment of valuable 'books of every dust and di•scriptani They HOW (li fer to the public the -ante, at unspoilt totality and un usually' low rate:. Those in want ofv aluohif, standard works. for the improving of a well selected Itliras,y. will bad it to their great advantage to call and examine the exten sive stock oil hand. Our object mid W.• 11 is. always Was. to suppl y the want• of the couunuuuy with anything in Oar bite. oil the Tavel ressonallie terms possible. This we find the better and most lid- Nantageous course (or all parties. The politieal evon annist tells us -the cheaper all article Is. the snore aniiver•ally it elm and will be used. , Then the con .clesion 1,, that When we buy cheap, we must sell •cheup, simply allowing ourselves a reasonable profit. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS, AVe would cull especial attention to our Iyrgn as sortment of Sunday School Bunks on Instal of every variety wattled for the use of iT ,, undity Sehools; see sell at Sundry School Union priees. We Mier the agencies for the publication.: of the ut Sun day School Ullioll. American 'Fract. Store! t. Metho dist Book and True; Society. Also, the Lutheran. Presbyterian, Coisenpal, and publication. ot denomination. WV kept on hand. Family Bibles. Thofte in V 1•11,111 of u neat and cheap Qunrio ramily Bible, will fold it to their advantoge to call mill ex smote at the Cheap Book Store ; the large mock on hand. ranging from St to jcl.s. Urßefore purelt.t.ilog el-ewhere, call :11111 CXlllllllle the large and cheap clock of NIB It ItY, YOUNG & CO , North Queen street, I.utacuater, Pu. April S LIST Or LETTERS, PEMNINING in the Post Office ut Colum bia, March 31.193.9.. Loney Martha J M Loney-I:Mles Ludauhcrgrr Currole Lee Joseph Leader D II Long Joseph Marini 11 K McCommie Robert 2 McCartney Wlllium 11Iet2ge r J neat. S Mills Mitchell B Moor Henry Miller George A Myers Mary Ann 51e Mullet. Patrick Miller Elinibrilt Miller Julio I) Nichols William Ntlinfibikelt AI urim tindeaberg Adam Oelieneli Jacob Olegmfburg Bernhard Rations James Selimidin .1; Co Shrum P Schenk Cliri•tian Shook John Solomon E Smith Ur Sold: Frederiek Sawn Brenner Stephens Smarr Smart 11 13 Semple I Sell John Striae Caroline 'l•lmre Daniel Taylor SnntLn Tay for Munsele Urban John Undegrove (leorge Ullman Lewis S Vinislyke M V 1 il•uu A I. Walker Charles WanLirk Weaver I fem.). K Winter Evu J II York Sophia Atkins James Area Samuel Illroonke Davis Anna BaMinch M Bard 13arbura Bowers 1 Drugler I'etcr Brown Elizabeth Burnell John Brown Sandi littlest Jacob Coffman Ann Cramer Michael vowel's Maria Down■ Mary Davis Edward Davis Lewis Davis limitialt Dougherty Reuben Elmer Mary Edwards Morris Freeland J B Funk Mary Fisher Abraham Fates J 11 Grinley A Gramm Josiah Glusitiyer Andrew Gussaway Isaac Gomm Dr. Geiney Patrick Grove h Bra Gardner 'l' Ilarinagle Margaret Hildebrand F Ilorsidule Bernhard Iltldntli Lanni• 2 Ilaynard Therone Haines Veronica Hindyinire J A Ileistand thenlumiu Hambrig,lit A Hale George Iluzzard Charles Jackson Dr A J Jones Jaines Knotwell J li Keen Alms Kane Mm Knapp John Knipe John Eisha Joseph Per *.on* inquiring for letter*, will plence mention if they are advertised. A.'6. 1110111:11lVE.1.1., 1' .\l. Columbia, April a. SPRING xvLsznows VIE At the Fashionable `- #"""11.A.Ir EiIIiPORIIIIJIIII.. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has Ju=t 1-11,11,1 front the city. with a well selected, and entirely new stuck of ILtTS A 331) CAPS, of every description, whu•h he now oiler, ill his new Fiore. Front et reel, udjoining the lit the lowest rn,4 lilies. Cull and exonaine before el.rwhere The Flock is entirely now, and of the I.lle-1 -iylo%. JAMES U. rat 111'1111 n firct•rnte I,c...ornate:it of t•:3 le Chil dren. Fnnc y 11th' mid lzr given to ordered lints. coltinibin, April 3.le.iti. CORONER T"E ..,meriber h., 'Mel, :11114/111114 1 41. by Coroner Sum my, of Imocaster counts • Depots Coroner, for the ‘0W11 4, 1111•44 of Fgoo. Donegal, ‘t?,...4 Ilempfcld, and Nlattor. tiveltninig the borough of Goliontott. Marietta soot Washilielon, on the men 111141 4,11 bt• 144111141 111 1114• office of Davies E. Bruner, lisq, here all notices are requested to he scot. C 11101.1ANG 4 2.‘VOLLTD. Deputy Coroner. March a:. - - Ua••Wnghnvdle Star and Marienian copy 3t and charge LlllVertier. CODTIVIISSION TilE subscriber has made arrangements and now• prepared to IeCCIVe 011 Colllllll , bloll, wharf, NOTik side of Locust street, o,lllmhia. Pa., COAL, LIMBER, WOOD OIL TIES, Mewl!l be nippy to receive cormnt.•mn. for but tip.: or welling the above article , to oily tonoxiiii. Flom big expeiienee in the Lumber i.e believ,v that he will be able to reotier sati-f.tetion. Strict at tention will be gIVCIIIO enitu...l to his cure AMOS S. UIUEEN. Coloinstio, 9istrelll7,l9llQ 33L.A.CrLSIVIITIIINCr THE stibperiber haying pureliii‘ed the Nilo', and fix ture‘ Intelt occupied by Aug.in‘nei .ituated in Front street. opponte the Cuual ISusuy is now pre pared to do all kind. of BLACKSMITH I NG, CAR WORK, HORSE- SHOEING, &c., &c. ilia work will be substantial, mid ternm ren.milible. A share of public custom is respectfully solicited JAAll , :iii IRWIN. Columbia, Morel' 27, 12.5.-at Farmers' Mutual Insurance Comp's , . rimin Members of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance 1 Company. are hereby notified that a tux of one•tenth of one per cent. or one dollar on earls thousand dollars. of the valuation of the property insured, has been levied by the Directors to pay the low. suntioniec. by Cyrus Hersh. of Manila-int township. in the laarmaig of its house; by !teary . Shelly. of Itapho tnwiedlip. by a fare ,which occurred in lain house on the first of February dust. said lay John Frantz, of Manor township, by the burning of 1114 barn on the thl of February last. Full duplicates are left with Joseph Chia/mai. at (lyger & Co's Dunking Douse. to the city of Lancaster; with JOllll Rohrer. Tresaniarer. in West Iminpeter township. and with John Strad 1111 l Secretary, in Providence township. where any member cull play his nix. Pair Mal duplicates will he fell with John 'Myers Ilsardware Merchant, fu Mount Joy. where members re-illing in the townships of East and We Donegal, rminy. Mount Joy. Rambo and Penn. may pay their gamin of tax; and %lath David Witmer. of East Earl township. where 1111,1111retS residang on the townnlitr , of Earl. East Earl.Eplirain. Breclutock, Criniarvon and Clay, unity pay their tax. with Andrew Metzger : Esc; , of East liempfield 10.'11.111p. V* hem per ',OM residing ill the townships of Ewa and \Vent Demi, fielal; nasty pay their tax. 'Phone, who do not pa) before Ike first slay of May next, will be charged ten per cent. fn addition for collecting. JOHN ROHRER. Treasurer. Norch 18.53-1 t COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the Hon. HENRI G. LONG, Pre.ident, Don. A. L. Ifavicon and I . IIIIIW-11 1 " 111 ' 1 I^N, 1. 1 4, 1 0..01001t. Juderg of 111/. Court of (maro on.. eleu. in and for the county of I.:menme,. and A•.i.atat int.tiren of the Court of Over and 'remoter, it sifl.GrAwera: 3tlit Delivery, situ' Quarter 5en.. , 10114 Of the Peace. in nod for the county of I.nnea-ter, have i•aued their Precept to me directed, requiting one. among other thole.. to Make Publ.. Proclamation throughout my Itioliwnek, that it Court of t tver amid Tennuaer trill Gelll,oll .1011 Delivery; A l .e. Court .of General Quarter Se -.tun. of ( h e and Jai l Delivery, will commence nt the Court D0n.... in the _coy of I..ancanner. in the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. on the That') MONDAY IN APRIL, 11 , 59: In pur•ormee of whnelt precept, PIIIII,IC NO VICE dP DEREBV GIVEN. to the Mtn or and Aldermen of .the city of Lancit•ner, roomy, and all tine .111R ntice. of the Pence. the Coroner, and C04%1111404 a' the raid city and county or Lanragier. that they lie then and there in their own proper their mita, :ecorda and examination, and itiqui.nioons, and .their other xemenaliratirea. to 110 Ono, things which to their office,. appertain, in their behalf to Inc door; and ah.r, all Vlore who .111 pro.re ate " t a t , the prwinere who are, or then shall he, tot the Jail of One fool county °Mune:icier, sue In he Ilea and there to t orcHeeptericaino•them Alm!' 1..1..1. Datedat Lancaster. ilie 2 . 2 d day of rehrimry, Insp. =EI N. —Pptmltlnl aitenduove of the Juror. told Wit. nevieg will hereafter lie expected and required on the first day of the re•sion+. A hie, tutu and .1 n.net. of the Pester tire required lir nu order of COMO. &gird Nov. 21. 1 , 4. t. to frill.) %tea fetClll:ll.nitad cu to Saltine: Lynn, Cirrl. of Quarter one weal from the slay of final ..11011 ut each cu.r, Wild in de thereof, the .11ugo.trair5* CC! , will 110; he sil [Matt' 27,1,•73,13t It;o1 , I• o Mom,Ext.r>,,..,•, or Bod., for solo t i thug Nlorellt2"/ 1,55. lII'.VPER'• ‘'''2 ,l, t l,, itit' t rottnetli • tor •C.• nlthe (.odt, NI Sint, :tli tr 27 'rt - tt FINE lot of Itmhl'• hilt I:nrb.•r,' Soap, 11 for •-:J.• II 111., (wide. Mortar brill: .Itote. NI rpli 27. - f 11•:: , 11 I.l . prmisiz l'll/111 loiattometurrd daily) volt •daotl, tor ...do at the Goldeit Aloe ar Drag Siam Nlar , It 27, 1r.,., t LARGE lot of No. 2 5, 10 11111 i 211 Intim lioldrer fl I:.tr :tali Parlor Mtn-. for .ale at the Golden More. tar Drag Store. 'noir. 27 - eant.l. of all land.; of Droe....eltrortrak, It Medicates, &c., for rale at tat:Mollie, :Mor tar leture Store.. [mar. 27, '54. MIMIC:sr: 4 Extract co Corr.!, mad for ..de at Orel:olden Mortar Dr og :More. Marcia 27. 1x79. - WANTED, f)01) FOR I%llith Bonds of the Ito v marzli of Columbia mall lie wiveu Ap ply to JIAIWORD FRALEY, Chief Burge,. Columbia. March 27. I 24"1-11 BAGLEY'S GOLD PENS. A FRESH lot of lot A. G. Bagley's Gold Pens, L i_ of ..nrerc..i ums pi icri, received, ill SAY LOR & :Dr.:DONALD'S. Dead Quarter.% and New, Depot, Front ,trect, sec ond door above Locust. Waren .27. 1,5 i JUST RECEIVED, AT the Golden Mortar Drug Store, an extra quality of 14 Mr+ Pure Ohio Catawba Broady. Al.o. pure Pearl anreh. Bt-Carbonate of Soda, Olive Oil for table Coxe- Spark hog Gel:opine. Heel:- or: Farina. 0-wego Cora Siorch, Cream of Tamar All kind- of Spierei Garden. Hemp and Canary Seed March It-51 NOTICE TO FARMERS J UST tcoeived Ito III!14. No. Y LET! Plo.ter Farmer. will do well to tilt., iittention to the 0/(IVP triiiivaiing manure for exliaii.ied land•. As u tried fertilizer, unequalled. For •ale Ly F APPOI.D. Nn. 1,2 and G Canal 11a-ht. Columbia. Morel, 27,1,4;2 NOTICE. A T a .fitted meeting of the Malinger% of the ColumLiu Manufacturing Company. March 0.. tine filth instalment of five dollar.; on cue), shore of capital stock. was declared dine. mid the to lie pt.! to fleorge Bogle, Treasurer. at Ms office. dividend of ti per cent per 111111.1111 nil till 11/011C) s paid Ili. pit) able tit the Tremitrer's office, in Columbin.up to March 1.1x32. wait declared. T. R. SUPPLI;II Secretary. Columbia. March 20. Irqi-h.fft CARPETS. ELDRIDGE'S CHEAP STORE TUE subscriber being under very light on in well known, alway.t goods very cheap; but this ,11.011, Lav Hug availed him?, .elf 0(1110 recent great depression ni priee of material he., offer. at lower prices 111.111 ever before. a vet y 'Tapestry, Itruvclr, 111111,1:11 Tl, Ingram and VCllntti.l Carpets, 1111,1 011 Clod, of all V. all.-, re grout variety. Al-n, Canton and 0000,4 ltlatiingd of all kinit., with a huge stock of low priced Ingrain Carpets at 25 to 110 et,. per yard, Stair and Carpets at IU to :it/ el-. also, Rag Cal pet., Comm and Ilenip Carpets. Rag, Mat... Stair Rod-. he . Ac. II 11. EIMIII I / 4 11.:, No. 4:1 Su siveherry -t , one, door above Che-taut. Strawberry is the first street went, 01 street, Philadelphia. Plareli 27. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. THE most valuable Manure now in the rnarl•CL & lmproved m owtotql dm lIO\E SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. It not only ..tiniolates the growing erop. hat pennu neally enriches the land. h It prepared entirely by ourpelve. under the direeiionof Line of the fir,t Cheat Pio , ill the cot/idly, and warrrilied purr nail um (oral in it.. COlllllO-1(1011. Il only nett.. 10 l.c .een h y the.inielligeiii ['Willer 10 convince IMO Oh its Mir Mall: value 1. Inc uunneut Fertilizer. For sale in large or =mull quaiddiep, by cituAsuski.E, eKtizen sr. co , 104 North Wharveit, one door 111,0VC Areli Philadelphia. And by most °NI, ormemal dealers throughout tile.•ouatry. [Al.irelk 27. 1.-7t4in FISHING TAcKLu. WAREHOUSE. HOOKS AND TACKI.E,I3c,t Kirby, Lunen,:ls. lin,roved Trout. Sea. and et ery deni,n -tlOll of RA) Hook:. Trout Flies. Gut and other Snoods, Brass Reeds. n.limg, Dods of all kinds; Canton Gras., Sink and Lines. Nets. Gillum, Twine,le. %Vrapping Twine, Phila., land Dulcimer %Vire, Violin Strings. GENUINE HARLEM OIL, An effective reined) for Pam 111 the Ilreasd, Gravel and similar disc:the, A 1,00 —Fun; English 'Twist Single mid Double Guns, Powder Flanks, Shut Belts and Put/elle:, (lame-Logo. and Gunning Apparatus generall). G NO. W. I IEV If1:11G rfft. Importer, No. ft?. (old No. 510 North Third Street. two door. below Arch St. and Itext door to the St. Cli.trles' lintel. l'hilude phiu March 27. 155,°-I ii The Wanheim Tragedy. WILL lie publislicil on the loth or April next, a cuwplrtc Liston of the double murder of Mrs. Garber and Mr+ Ream; with the only iiiithenne Lila and C011f. , 1011 of AIeXILIIIIer Anderson. together Wglll II correct in:vomit of the arrest, trial. cons tennis. sentence and execution of Antleision and Henry Rich ord., tits accomplice: to which cc - ill be :Appended the death warranty. lace relating lo executions. a brief ac count of all the IITCCUtIhoIIS Whiell 11.1V0 taken place in Lancaster eouutl since its organitation, and comae re flections on the consequence+ nod cau.es of crone, Sie , he The Life and Confession of Anderson tins been writ ten Out II) linascli. and will lie published sub•tanhally as detailed by his own pen. Willi the addition ot such corroborating facts. dates. :lc., as have been obtained Irmo ihe records of the thirerent Courts and l'ii•ons where lie has been tried and punished for his crimes. His lite I, nine of the ino.+t thrilling nominee, of ad venture and crime ever published, commencing auh the stea'ine of whi•kl ‘.‘ lien only six years St ago. and rail ing 1.1111 the elurtun¢ (11.1:11k of one of the most cold blooded double tragedies ever recorded In the annals of crime. Thi% Con fe.mon will be published in accordance with the hollowing agreement: Lunen-4er Gounty Prison, March 4. 1.59 I hereby appoint 11 A. Roi:afield, sole 11;4,11110 pith+ 11+111111d upply of fee‘li Gard., Seeds of the C11011'1 , 4 1•1111:., ul-o, Grass 411.1 Clover Seed,. All Seed,: Wa minted. It. 'WILLIAMS. Front ti trot, COW111:1111. l'a, Bump's Polishing Powder. rpm: best arne:e extant for polt , hiog Silver i. ware, &r. Price only tell eerli< per paekagr.— Pry• ii. For sole by 111 are It :10,1459. Bath Brick, TOR Scouring Kid Ve.t :11111Timvare 1111:e to the Mick du-t_ a- it does not eat the mu tonal, and give, a finer For sole he It. W11.1.1d31S Mardi 20 1858. Front “,Comadmi, Pa. i\Totice. rpm , . Sinekholderc of the Cohtml,i•t Pier ("mop:my 1 ore regile..ted to meet at the office of A S. t:r.•eu. nn IMINDAY, A MUT, 5. 'ISA.. tO 7 WI inek , to eke i five managers for the en -111110 'ea r D. ItEltit, PreF.ident. Co!amhia • March 20, IS - A lit Field, Flower and Garden Seeds, Tit great variety. Warranted Fresh and Genuine. GUANO, :11Ittpe'g Nitrogen:zed Super Ina...ph:no of Lune. Prou,'retie. ke. 1011121:: tt: CO N Ii Gor. 7th mid Market February 20. IK3y. 6000 Pieces of Wall, Ceiling and Bordering Papers, T UST received from Philadelphia and New• York. of more than too (111rerelll paru•ru+, rlll 01 1 1 ,e 01111 beamtful 11110V0 will Cl,lll - tit variety. besot iy, and ellerll/11,0 1 1. w • nit any n•- •unmr•nt in the cowuy. Remember tlot paln•rs ARE ALL NEW. Prtet, frotn . 6 er•u,. per :twee op. Also, a new Lot of Transparent Window Shades, from 35 cents up, With paten .1%.1 it 1,...,01115vl —urithelli of CARPETINGS, inelarl!titz a lot of the Lest rag and 1,, earoetiogq we ever hart. HALDEMAN . . . March 13, 1859. Cheap Cash Store Valuable Books for the People, AT THE CH EA P BOOK STORE. 011 T is the time to buy cheap books from IN a large and well i.elecied -took. the large..l atnek of Hooky •o he found between Plitladelphiti and l'int.lourg. It embracei a Cull variety at choice h:er tire of every eln••• of good 1 Illographte•, Travel-. the Poet.; Theo logical and Alcdical 1% . 13r1.-; Law Booker, Al b um ., F. Ay (hide. ui large (plaudit,. li)tros and Prin or Book.; School Hunk• of every prvoitble ety to n-e; Stationery. in addition 10 a general Junco... .111C{. I.llllljl. I.llld everything In the Honk hue. The .lock ha- hero bought 111 quantine• at the very Trade Sale and City prier., old thu-c of long experience in the C 111. 110111111 d :111 eye In the wanti. of the people Quick Sale. and Sll/1111 our num°, fug Cia..ll cheaper than ever at whole.nie nod retail. Every one that studies hi. intro•., 'boob! call arid eX:1111111e the of the Cheap Book stole be fore 111.1(1 . 11:1.11ig Tile 111111 , tot taaklug our heavy Spring pureb;o-es I. near lit hind and 1.111 now until that time we offer •peet.,i tttdurrun•at.. ut order to reduce the .lae lc winch will enable U. to buy to larger quontitteq amid con•equro:l) at lower Tllll•Car.inug no improve their I,lrrJlt ehr - waking vultothle hterary sicee+oole 4 t very small co.i, now• e. the tune to au it !ruin tine exieu•tvr of selected ..talidurd Book. ut the eltrait Llool, Stole of AI URIIA Y, 1 -4 )UNG & co North queen Sucet. Luifta“er, Pu. March 13. 19.14 tf Farmers of Pennsylvania Attention. Vor can supply yo arselVes with Chemical u summed pure, which boor cueeessllll use 111 New Jer=ey liar the pat -even y curs—the, have TreelVed the DlplonmS of New Jer• ..ey, New Vila:. Delaware, nuJ Pra"s)lvailia Agri cultural :•=itcoetic..; and have liven used lay she Pre.o. dent of liar Domed Stales, on hi- garden and on the pcb!it• grounds a AVltingtoon, D C., and lay the fol. ;nu nog genolents.lo, air: •Z. 11.rocke. . A P. Lalier J. 1. Reeve., Clark. , lint.. New Jer-ry; Senator Roberts. Wm. Miller, Chios. York. of Cape I=linoll. Neat Jerec‘; Tloninaq Malltoril. . Camden, J ; Dr. Berens. Dr. Kong ho. Mr. Foetal. Mr. Atkin-on. and Levi JOllll-.1111, all of New Jet cry—:hey say 111 i liar elleJpe•l talld 11 - 10.1. re 1111ble maumre HOW m Ilse, toeing pcomaneni rind liar land by enriching the toil. It ae soiled to the I/W . IIIW , crop- you raore—Corn. Poison,. t•rts•.... wheni, ().a. &e. 11l enelaing a cher k.on ally New Jersey or l'holndelplica 13:111k. or reference to nay good lion, in Plooladelphoso. or in exchange for Pro duet., at fair Ma rl.et r.ste= here. your orders wall be filled and Shopped to you. frac of cartage expense ID—livery article sold by me i= guaranteed. super Phaphate of Lione, 541100 n 'ron. 114,11 e Phnsphatr. :.111.00 American rem:tier, d, On A barrcl sulbeseid (or as acre or ground broad Pure lione (:)00 barrel. now ready.) at 83,00 per barrel. or S Li 14 tan. roadreitee. No. I, (.500 barrel, now ready,) at S 2. to SI st hnrrrl I.aod I'l.l-ter No. 1.-1.000 Lunde, at SI; to $.O a barrel. Pot A•1i.30 barrel.. -• ' " PCnIVII.II. rilttifroll la and Malian GUANO. 1:1 , .01161.: A. LEIN All. Prnimeinr. No 21 Bmnh From Siren', Phila. city. Pa. irrWliolei.ale Dealers alloyed a liberal di.einiiil Paniphlelii can be bad on appliealion to my Once, nr of my anent, Alareh 33. Ili‹,--3117 N. S. LAWRENCE'S'. New Paper, Printers' Card and En• velope Warehouse, NO. 405 COMMERCE STREET, PIIIL'A Cush buyers find st for thou; ottere.l to call. no:wk.:olm Jun. 2. Patent Medicines: TFE r; rent Patunt Med , e:ne Denot I- tit rnat 0t r'-.t. wl!ere all the Pdtelll ISletheines ul the day van 1,, had. March 2.1), 153. Onion Sets. EILSONS de-mug hole Onion , veillfind them good P uhd at the price, ut the Seed depot IL WILLIAMS, Trott rent. 11m,11 *2O. 1,1, Dissolution of Co-partnership. THE undersigned, dealers in LUMEII and C(11,. In the Cuy of l'inhuielphin. foul Columbia. l'a under the !ma 01 & CO, i. tlua day by motti.ll coo-rut The bPnmlrbe !n the City of (Nara m dl be -call,) by :1;11'1.11S Vidal, and ill Columbia by Wm. Whipper. . . Pirmau'‘. Mare), 1. 1=5,. . hu-ito•-• ui thv thy of Philadelphia N, ill ire coll. , Willed if) 511111116%. Vidal. mar TECOAIPTON AND ANTI-LECOMPTON appears _I_J to be the exi•!ting topic of Ihr lay -but alit. • noher ..rt•ond thought of the people is 1111,1/111110114 111 favor Of the People'A Ca.ti Stole, Colionloa. fur buy trig GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS, Our Stock IA large sod a—orsoeut good. nod :to 1101. tally rt Lew:; word. IVe °O'er :mother lot of ilio.e. cheap ()chew., S et , per yte:d, good Del:llse, at 41,s and Ili trot.; the a•-oronent timid A 11.1.1111.. I -II 1.111,,, and Itillett Shirt Frosts.; rind tilt' greats-I canny uI ,q 1., nth: quality of Col ored Calteoe-, wt.lt 44 ot blsoshrel told too blettehrd hum.. I.torts nod Cotters l'a'de CloiltF, ruble I:toper- • Tovvellog-, N 21. t. A Iqllllllg and every 111.4 g for 1100-ekesping you vim (Mt', tit ii. C starch A.:jowl:lg f'olotol.to CARPETIGS, OIL CLOTHS, AND LOOKING \J GLASSES nIW.II , on !mod. ot low pro, tit Tlll. PLOP/ArS /Mit the 11.114:. March 13, 15.5 STATE CAPITAL BINDERY, No. 66 Market Street, (Cunkle's Build ing,) Harrisburg, Pa. THE subscriber, having, at a heavy expense, Hued up an elate 111,V e .. 1:1!.1,11111 , 111 ,/til mate riots 01 the late-t dud 11/o , t I,IIIIrOVVII patteren, utul bay tug tnigaged COMPE11::s: I.IN. t. too pre pared to lui 111-11 Malik lucid.-. Se. Inc Hanks. Myr chunk. /W.W.11, COl/11.11 , 111, de, lOW on thry eau lie uhtatutAl hies, in , J/1.110,11 . Duckett, limit:died to order. " 41 " 0 " 1 ‘ 4 1 Prriodlcals, Nets voper Ac ; bootol to voy pollenn owl le Ihrods eau ',warded to ale by 1 , ...cpre,, with nu older .1111. 111.;111:11wer in which theworkll Le dune. hen it %%ill be culup:cieit amd re turned by 111,11, %Vt. respectit.Cl) ...tett a share of tho patronage of Dar many friends in Cohnalna as-nrant thew st e a•dl 114, all to oar powa•er to morn their encutva_rut,•ut and ,upport. 131tOoli.:s. I larrishorg. Murob AN errand boy waled. One who can speak Gerlll.lll Apply Lk:, D. rront =9 ) ItOUTY'S Subsoil, Prouty's Double Draft lliese Plows are con st nacl4a! oil actruttllo pi •u as If, halal mud pulverize tlm gralllal at °lief/per:111011 11 look illy lirsl prrmmm at the WOI I'lar,l.o;ailm, q:ta-t all eamprtilioo. .%11 the thirel chi ,1•••••• :tad Itr1:111. 101:111:4 A. C'), N P. C 0... 7:11 :tut! rect•, l'lllladelplint Febitial t:11. Manny's Reaper and Mower. THE subscribers baying ken unpainted At:ENT: 4 111 Pillialtripol3. tin Mt 1013 1., Cul::- LnicJ limper and Alnwer ,3311 W 0011.4 !AI PRO VP:- ME:NT. me vow pupan•tl in rear eve orders. I'e Noes w3.l3inti to -ei.33re the 1.3.-n Colebteed 51:303133e in use, wdl plea-e :apply' early-. n. the 3• 1331331,31. A Li,. MOit lily A, CO, Seed Imp'elloolt tOI tier Or 7113 & \l.3rkei .P.1111.1"ITIVIMIL3/1 JUST Received, at the Family Medicine Store, the largeNt dud fitle.l u.-o-Iment of rcritimery ever dl-Played 111 Colombia. wlitell scull hr P.Old ul PRICES TO SUIT TILE TIMES The loatiwititz 1,1 rotop...ea part of nor it , ...orttnent: ENTHAC'IS tall{ '1 . 111: HAM/M.:Reiml , : Fraotztpanni. (evert:wing . Altit.lt per Ten. Prattle Plower, seet r•lirtib, Verbena, Violet. New Mown tiny. Jockey Club. 'Sweet Pea. Mi/I,lleur. (wratintin Mtignolia, flop, ' Juan - one, 1t0.,,. WII.I.I.tMS, out et reel PO II din N) mph, lloney. and a Variety or oilier SOA, I'S, l'olo.ttuisi,,:ke.. 111cCOIZIU.P. & J II 'Xi, 1859. Odd Frllow:.' 11411. Meta 84 Cheap Cash Confectionery WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! rrWO BOORS ABOVE THE BELLEVUE HOUSE, rr4mt cut.umlNA, ,•A The -oh-cliher hn. von-lanuly on hand, nt this v.. tni•lt:owto 0 TOO-I . 1 0,11.1111 a..n , iumnt of CONFECTIONERY, PARISIAN BON BONS, (tree:lily purr) u•ed by hoti-elf in the etty of Port...) Toy , . “Inieolate.. Don Funs. Almond,. Cry•nali.red %%rork, and Phint Candle.. m:uuu.u•turcd per.mita I t.upervi-iiiii Al-o, Foreign awl Iltromeglie Nutt, Esc, m augur go:motif, nod better einallition Vials ever betore otTered to tltts piddle; to all of w6ieh the attention of COUlllry Merollllll , , t4ltoy, ICeepnrs. and lirtailer, generally particularly 111- Vilell. Ile guarantee-. prieeS St Inch cannot lad to give sati-laviinii to all 'rule auh•eribri will pay particular attention to the department "(Cake Ilaktileolie elect... of Fruit and Gum Py round-. and ilknaineatal Work vfierally. MOULDING ICE CREAMS! ne,ipptr bt by linu•ell nnw Europe, and hitherto in this enmity. Tit :Mention, theretule. of lie 11.waertr ul 11411... and Iho•e giving piruer.is Corny-07 invited to MI. department of ht• Ily •litei iiiiention to Ito-inneu4.lllld a dt-pu•uutun to plete,e all. lie .0:1111 , public patronage. 4 . 71 /Nat , l`.lll.7l'NEll. Cottonton, January 23.15 - i.t may 14 I. 0. OF G. T. HOPE LODGE, No. 45, AfEETS EVERY TUESDAY EI'ENIN S G, AT 7 L Iht• I[l.lll 01 thr.lomor 00 , of r Hook Store. I,oeovl'ATl: 31():311.A(.1:-.. GRouNI) It I:NT- 4 . aid ,zuli fir-t ci.,...-,-ut 111.•, mm. Ili, eli,ti ter Ictit4l;e-. re 1,11.11 :27 I -:i--lapi, CIZEO2L4 STIC Of ],bunting Artificial Teeth. I.)ATENTED by Dr. Blamly, formerly Profes i ur iii the Bait l'i)ilt ;.:4• 1 , 1 10 , 111:11 iz 0.1.• 01 gio,it•-t ul 111 r, nct,...nt age—tuff dc-inied %%Lod: gi ea: cluing,: in illy t 101011.1.1 denn.n v. Tilt . Liil,l.l,4llrd hatuiQ It