r_l,le Ciatinittia 43. PIANSYLVINIA :NDEPESIVENT /01;11NAL COLCNI±A. SXTUJIDAY, )lARCII 27, 1858 'rho 11ev. Jos. S. Grime. Pastor of Presbyterian church, will preach on ath morning. services cunimencing 101 • act—The Unity of the Church. '.'Oe house is open to all, and the public t. I.espect fully invite.' to attend. - ',1,/:31111 t, Mltrd: ,Ew A IiV}:ItTI 4 E:MENTS.—SayIOr MeDOTI ~,Dayley'N Gold Pens; 1)r. E. B. Herr, fpt tt* iferrieine.•:; B. F. Appuld, 'Land : • Mr; 11. 11. FldriA : 7,-, Carpel,: Cro,, •I;de A Peirce. Siliqr Pido.t.phate Lime: Alri,ei S. I;reen. 01111Ill:a,;,11 .11,tvineYs; Geo. lle3berger, Fid,trty de., 3.1111‘2 , Bicte. , :,,n /tit/ 11.11ing•-woith, -A? Coron , r; 'l'. F.. Stirnmezil, Persnliu7; M. Claw:="4, If. Fraley, Chief Burges., H. A. If. ,ek-itield, .11.11theim 17; Joint 11. ,hrer. I itrn n a - .v' Mutual r CI pol ay; C I P IOCIdlItatiUll: rs.r. 11.#11•AV:IV C.a." Ointment. 'f:tE 61' .‘ mans of out :.b , cribei.i It'd! chargt. their re•i- JtiCeri un the 1;:•,t of .11.1:1, they • "I:1 that tliore ntay be or ;11 delk;.ry vP tbu SjoY• Irr.ll- , .—With the first of April :•te change= and improvementi in the of the tewn, which nr rite for the the roteler, nt . the Sly in‘ite atten 1 ,, ~f A. S. e.reell, 1.1•11,) :tater :14 prvpari , l hi rec,i% fui and ati,n ‘vhivli fmliii.trity wit:: certainly o.c,erNe. R E3i n v ten,ive 'fuhaeem Segar s,,ffir Auita..,,tory ofJolm fendrieli & bros., ha, made a temporary migration to Carpet Il.all, preparatory to IN permanent Im:ation at the old —Head Quarters and News Depot. - The Me:.-ra. Felidrich are ,011" about renovating und relitting the store lhoy propo‘e C , mlpying, and will nut only add to their bu-dne,s facilities but to the tippearamee of our busilm—; thoroughfare.— Their enterprisdefirves e4ntmendation and encuara gent o.n t t. 13 let X: McDonald remove crLin the old stand tru long occupied as the "Head Quar• tro . s - under it: various proprietors—frum the reign of Spangler down—to the stele 'Teen v vacated by Feud rich Brothers. The new premises have Leen altered and most conieniently fitted Up Cor the incoming tenant. by Mr. Wikon. adding another to the corinnudiLm: business stand , : of Front 111.ty the oil custom of the "News follow it in its removal. ME emxt,,r, or Pintentt:rutts.—The übl 'Mack milthin4 stand un Front strttt, npposite the 11 , Junt Vernon House, has paused front the h,ttnis of Augustus into thOtt of nes Irwin, who is determined not to be ~:done by and• vital, either in cheapness or tint-ability of workmanship. Oise hint a call. LT week the river rose to a good rafking r.ttag,, and on Monday the up country ertjt began to arrive. We have riuce had ae6 , —icns t,i the fleet, but up to the pre.ent time tin; nmnber of rafts nt this point on any - one day ha , been suudl. Me.srs. Smith. Ilhodes & Smith, of this place, hare been the prin.dpal receivers thus far, and, Lr,iii a more general freshet, we pre• sume that little buying will be done here. From the small quantity :umber received at this masket, scllii g rate- , eau riarcery be determined, but will probably not 'Nary 4,reatly from tI eof last season. Our frieleb; the ri%ermen hare been :clout in brill:1 , 15 through the week. 1 the grand on,laught upon Smith. and INlathim, hat, not yet commenced. If the rarer d, ea not fall, , wever, peanuts mutt go up. The shelling wa: n trifle in emnparb•on to t td . 1.1..rr . , pave mem, WW hen the ,t , a•on k fairly opened. Let tb e i ri y a .le r : • th.....01,k on hand b., large. atn,l c'l.;+ the city t.1..! 1 "1 1 / I.i flu;; h int, tie , with the Le. ronlpti Srnc.tc on I.i-t Lea %,te or Ito 2. 1 . Mr. delkered a great speech again , t 1.);II on Monday tuning, tthich wa. 'i , Coloroldm :11tircli PERSONAL THE ckutleinnit mho took u Lad) 'n A mbrotype hum my Gallery. a few days ago, will please return it. or Le ..ill be elpowit. Columbia. March 27.1.53-It BAGLEY'S GOLD PENS A FRESH lot of lot A. G. Ilagley's Gold Pens, of rued prieett. Juni reeetved. ul 5A11.012 & :11cDONA qUilriera :11111 NV Ws Verot, nirett, nod door above I.umi,L. March 27. 1,5; JUST RECEIVED, AT the Golden Mortar Drug Store, an extra q mthly of 1.3 on'. Pore Ohio Claim,ha 111111;4. A ko. purr Feud Stow!, lii-Corlmonte of Sofa, 1/6 rc 011 for table 040, Coxe's Sparc hog Gel:twine, I leek er..' Forma. 0-wego Corn Starch, Ceram of l'Artnr. All L. m h o f Sp ice s Garden, hemp ammo Canary &led. M....eh 27. 1-Si NOTICE TO FAustetts jusT received 150 No 2 Land Plo•ter 50 Farmer.. will •lo well to give attention to the alinvo IeIIOI7IIIIIIX manure Inc 1.111,14. As u tried• fertiltzer, PL•t•ter 1• unequalled. Pot ' , ale l,y II F. A PPOLD, No.:. 1,2 and 6 Canal Col uinloin. Morel, 1,32 irj EMISOLD'S Fluid Estrum of it ueliu, for sole ut Uir Golden Mortar Drug Store. rtrnreli :17. I ri.sB. UNTER'S. VegetntaMt. Paliacea,,for C:111, at ills I. Golden Mortar Drug stole. ;mar !.1,7 A FINE lot of Ittizin'td and Glenn'. Duriteptt Soup. for atilr at the Golden :tlortur Drug Store. 51zarell tr. Ixw. I ~t Burning Fluid (mutittistetured anab I (ton t.ttstly for suit ut the Golden Mortar Drug Stare. Nlareh 18:17. ALA ROB lot of Nos. :1 5,10 and 20 India Rubber Bat end Parlor Bulls, for sale ei the Golden Mor tar Drug Siore. (mar. :27. 1 54. - LARGE tioek of all kinda of Drug.. ChenticulA f Metheioc., ho., &e.. for sale at the Golden Mor tar Drat; Store. [mar. 27, '5`1... TEziruct of Coptisha unit Sur.upurillu, for 'ale thrf;olden Mortar Drug Store. Morel, Q 7, Intl. COROIgIIR. Tralmeriber has been appointed. by Coroner Sum my, of Lancustrr •nunq. DeO111) COMO,. for 00 101.VIIS11111, of Ert.t Donegal, %Vent flertipfield, end Manor. 111010111r,le boroughs Of CohuuLrr, Airlfiellll. and ‘VOShllltrtOrl. 011 the ther, find enti be fotwd hl the ofliee of liavies I'. Brauer, lisq t Nt here all nonce. urn requested to be rem. C. 1101.1.ING9'WORTII. Deputy Coroner. Marelt:27. 1-..5.4-31 fa - Wrtgllt.tadla Star and 111artettitot copy 31 0114 aurae ad verticr. COMMISSION BUSINESS. TIIE subscriber has made arrangements and . now prepared to receive oil C 01111111,1.1011, at 1114 whorl: ,Vora .vide of Locust street, ColumNa. Pa., COAL, LUMBER, WOOD OR TIES, lie will lie happy to receive cmnmn•mns far busing Or •elltng the above article. to any amount. Prom his experience 111 the Lumber 13u-me.ft be believe, Mat he will be able to render anti-faction. Strict at tention will be given to all bu-ine..entru-ied to hi. Mire, AMOS S. Columbia, March 27.1559. BLELCICSMI'Z'EUNG rpm: subscriber hnvin pureltased the shop and ISX tures lately occupied by Augustus Holum I , ttuuttel in Front curvet. oppostte the CIIIIUI MAIO, is 110,V pre pared to do nil knots of BLACKSMITHING, CAR WORK, HORSE.. SHOEING, &c., &c. work will be übelnntml. tool terms rennoticible. A share of public custom r revectfully F °heated. Columbia, March 27, 15,5 .3t Farmers' Mutual Insurance Comp'p rpm: Members of the Funnier.' filinual Insurance 1 Company, arc hereby notified that a tux of one-tenth of one per cent. or OOP dollar on eileil thoinnial dollar,. of the vithintion of the propert) insured. has been levied by the Ihreetors in pity the loss sustained by Cyrus !fresh. of Maitheent township. in the harming of bin house: by Fleury Shelly. of Itapho township. try a fire which occurred inn his house on the first of February Inst. and It) John Fraitte. of Manor township. by the burning of his !nitro 011 the 2.1 of February lust. Full duplicates nee left viol. Joseph Clarkson. at fh)ger Cr,', Banking Ilaute.in the city of Lancaster: with John Rohrer. Treasurer. 111 West 11.11111111eler 10,11011 p, and WWI J 15,111 Strohm, Secretary. in Prod] , car township. where any meinher can pity his lax. Pt rti I duplicates will be fen wnl. John :A) ers. I fordware Merchaint, in Mount Joy. winter members resoling in the townships of East and West Donegal, Conny. Motion Joy, Ranh° and Penn. may pay their quota of tax: told with Maul Winner. of Kan Earl township. where members residing in the townships of Carl. East 11:orl rphrolo.Breekn o or Cartiarvon and Clay. may pity their tax: with Andrew Metrger. Fry . of liust I lemplield township. usher, per- OM rellllllllg. 111 the townships of liest and West Motu. field. may pay their tux. Those who do not pay before the first tine of Alay next, will lie charged ten per cent, in addition for collecting. JOHN RO It MIL Treasurtr. Iterch '.r, lESS4It COURT PROCLAMATION. NVHEREAS, the Hun. HENRY G. LONG, President, Bon. A. L. hates rind Fermat. Aarociate Judge. of the Court of Coot ! mon elem., in and for the county of Lanca.laf.•nd A.-istatit Juoices of the Court of Oyer nod Terininer i nd Genera: Jail Delivery, and Quarter SexPiOna of I the Peace. in lied tor the county of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me directed, requiring me, among oilier things. to make Public Proclamation throughout in: Bailiwick, that at Court of Over and Teroniner and General Jtol Delivery; Alan, a Court of General gnarl, So•sion• of the Pence and Jail Delivery. Will connnent, at the Court Douro. iii the city of Lancaster to the Comnionarerlih of Penn•yl• rani, on the Till BD MONDAY IN ATRII..II...Sin In purr none of which precept. PUBLIC NOTICk: 11 4 HEREBY GIVEN, to tile Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Lancaster. in said county, and all the Jar ' dee, of the Prime. the Coronar, ntd Conetablea o v the amid city and County of Lancaster, that they he then and there iii their own proper persona, with their necorila and eXaminatioint. and inquisitions, and their other temernlinincee. to do those thing, which to their odice• appertain, in their behalf to he done; and also till those who will prosecute •xitinst the prisoner. who are. or then ahnn he. rn the Jail of the •aisl es linty of rmlll.ll.‘Pr. are to be then and there to prosecute against them is• shall bcpist. Dated at Lancaster. the day of February. laSg. BENJAMIN F. ROM; neriff. N. II —Ponetual attendance of the Juror. mid Wit man will hereafter he expected and required ma the . firrt day a the ••evbiori. Aldermen and Justices oi the Peace are required by an order of Court, dated Nov. 21. P.. 1.1, to return their recognienntes to Samuel Evans. Clerk of Quarter Se•stoni. within one week fromthe day of flout action in each case. and in de fault thercol, the AI agnninneo 7 off,l• well not lir: al lowed. Plareh 27, 1e.5.Y.31 11 =3 M. CLAWCES M=U32l