BI XCIi ` 77JS , NICEDICIXTIMIS. WOOD'S flair Restorative. Banter!. Vegetable Panacea. tieltabohl', Raclin and Sur.apurdln Comae.. Rat and Roach Exterminator. Xeninedy'. Di.covery. Bach'. American Compound. Deii lever and Ague. Pitfa. Hallowitl'. , Ointment And Worm Cua(ection,. Ayer'. Pill. nip! Cherry Pectoral. Tobias' Veitittan Raim of a ThOcanad PloWer 4 . llotienimel,"• Sy top :mil Pi It.. Tenet'. E. nee J3taa:rit I.2agcr. i.n iiie loro Ilan. I)) 4. (black and brown.) Itriiiiig and riitittielit". Pivi, der. S.t•suieit. Superior 1111ar•e l'a Vegetable Pill, Dr Jame.' Extract of isainiubt.. ill= and Ointineut. Ague Stature Is uodumr. 11 , 11irr4. John Roll'. Snr.tiptirilla. 8 intord'ii invigorrior• flair e. n 11.1 1 .• L;111,11.,C. Comm it ")lop. L I ore- Entharaal. flutirk'• PanaLex Pa. i y'. Tcaoraparrna4. e nd Liver Oil BLalc'• 8:.,1,11 tit I.lvindreth'-- R 'ft IL Jay ii' A II Bull', Snr.aparilla. I.oivilen tr. Co >Nem...cues. Volt SALE .tT e.. B. 11 ERR'S GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORF:, rr•••.1 Oct 21 0-57. CELMOTLILSWXC rit.oczss Of /Totalling Artificial Teeth. I),ITENTED by 1)r. Mandy, formerly Profes j_ .or m the ICailiolore Collvg, of Dvioal sumeery• 1. cermiuty on.• of ltir gr 0,10,1 d DI this pro •tut 11;,.. 11,1 r tit • 1.1 to work. u grea:chattg, fo.•‘.l,•tits,‘' 4-11“-.11 • . Tor utelerrtgueo It tying 11. Ni thy Clenhigttle Pin ' , note than With p,leet ./..x; .3111" hiving failed in 210 e retire -ait•tartiott. ti • Uestit; tred in gold It title by ail Who have tried Unlit I. ri- un he-no.lll re1 . 01111114 . 111i 11 11: 11 11 , .upe gtor to atm . miter un • lhuJ of Ilifltl 11 1 1.,t! nridwial teeth tvtg , ..rt- kine.vit Toe.note Iteenr et w alum!. per. eet el. I,enth) I.ll.ldurah.l,iy, eon. 111. 11(1. ohl• ~111 ed 1,7 ito 0111, "1 - 01 • • • • , . Oitre.l .et.. 1,11 be 1 11,11,11 1.V . 1 , 11 retti'rt wohotti the. tte of ela-p: e"lt ithe italll 1 11: utgninod 1111:111 11/ I/Y lilsrllll unurd h• 0114'1.110i iega lig the good of hi. -inre•—or 'rune. t. ot the lOoloinore College .ut Delon'Sol g 1• • t l>. .111di ;11.,111 . Prove.. or h i 10 Or Mundy. nay , . .Sl y Oflillll, N. 11,1,1 . )our in the baud- or g.1,..14(111 operator-, 11111-1 •upei-. de o:het. now Ilsr. Int h 1... el all of 'heat. but itnhe h.,. hog Nita athtze. ,r ottbite are telt. ,tttiltv incited In rail nt the odtee LI: the untittrtignett st lot ..tone vannon/rd u. .2•••• hit tlienititt , nt 1 . 11,1 1.1 ell) u..-4 ( 0 al unit, tittltitt In the routote- Lail ort.abler, ('he-ter. nod J1)11n: %%Al 1,.1`..1) 1) ttt Ilt . l Nat 111 street. Lanett-tett Pa. Nov ta 1-t.s7tbltt MUILDIWG SLA.TE 111111 E hill)Striber iIIIS just rreeirrd a large 101 of Not:. l'ouol ,LATE. of wr be.l quidit), .11 pm r. I, Hie Stio:ire. or 1.01 lq Too. oil llo.loo , l.lrlntolr Wpm.. The br-t of NVU11.111t11r1111,10),•li t -o job.. nrranit ci J. W. ciantEm. .r•o'umlito. N0v..21, 1,17 SHE COLC:11B1.1 MINUFACTUIZING COMPANY, Second St., below anion, Columbia, Pa., 77 pr,prili . ll OTYCiltr. all order- lnr STK‘NI FK- A ` HO11.1:1t , . SII PUNIPS. FOR BLASI' !Tit , : ROLLING %V AND FLOCK \111.1. , . anti ,VVrry Vtlllet) 01 Mat•liint ry. ~1 the improvvd mann., P.m? noul Prrtsv ea , ll7lgs Ot "very . de•r•ripnun, made to o: dor. poll - wily at leaded to CuAll paid (or Old Iron aud Miler out J. by road -11011:t3 br addres•ell to "Columbia Mattslfueturtag Congruty. h uluwbta. ra." DECULAR, Z. :••• PPI.V.E. T. It NI: Columbin. ()t. t. al, I ZANIES OIL IVO MANES ! FONDLEtSIMTII WILL take, Bank Notes at Par, and COLD and SILVER re. •hou/ dorount, ui 11,1'0,1111r r; FOR NEW AND BEAUTIEUL ])GETS GOODS, NOW OPENING; =E= "WeTory' ‘ . 313-Cnaa: Yore Illxck or I'mwy milk Uiss•; r====4=lM=M 11:1.1..011w wcloi Calicoos C1.00k.. or rrigh.on, AT REDUCED PRICES; Tor I.i. NEW s PYLE CUD/WIDEN 1r..; !'or Clnlh*.('.l-.uu , • r-, and Vtslipg. Blatt krt•. rotniot fir ; Por Grocews.Ql:l•,V:l,, no moitl4.c.rr,t,,,g , ie.. &e .31 tip- -wire, = . _ 11tT.It33.1ING SLATE. Trip: .ille,riber ha+ sti.4 received a lere, let of REAr!ll 110"1"1'o11 AND YORK il l BUILDING SLATE, lvhirh lie ~st puled lay the or OW by the toe • on lint nut-t Iron-. 11,. ha- itl-o on 11.trld nn lethi Peaelt Bodoni Keildieg talatie, intended for oil tee et" -1,1,4,4. plea, al.and Pe.ieli are lie.t i the tearkei. sett extend br h.nd tii ney other tanl.n. I Leer m id, ail nizetitent, ..Ntilt It. S. F. Joe,. for In, Lane 1-n, 1/iii 'l'l, alit e %lute lim1:11 I' S Lumber and an ill Lil-o be del t. ert.ll in MI. ri,,1:1 Grc , D spicrxiii:rt, North 'i i rt.!. lmilv,ter, PA. Tlot. rerlif th it 0. , ,1ni10t -ell Sir be, rrnch Bottom Gone. 41 SI to •mlo'r pi r`oo to Litrellgier en}. than Ili, .Ibuve 1 , 1 & ManUrn , l.l ,, of i'e•telt notioin Hooltng Stile. fle [ober (0. I y NOW I.IXPACKING: CLOTIIING, BOOTS AND SHOES, .aL.•37 7z. CAP S. A'l' NicTAGUE & BROTIIEWS, rtord Street, opposite the Caumbia 111 idge. columbiti, Ovicebeer 3l7cw Cloaks! New Cloaks!! i op i r t 9e i d ci a , 9o , l l ll , er ,. l9rge It lien• in irnintung• loch Ittuvk Cloth In 0 111 iti lot are ninny C:nnl, aI inneh finer 11,..i ei n ow. all Al ,Il`rtfi, e furl •o -h, Mir. ix II Clo err in witrii Al-o rrictil‘ril nor hr-1 .111ppl) CHOICE A AIA DE FURS, =SETO Rums Marlin. Stt , ...llll:,litirrn-1, ' Cape-,V1.1,,,ne. Pvt.:Tine,. (t I . ell, . ii, Cud., &c. "liver :\1. r I.ln. A r , ) Uhiril be., been ..elerted avll ,erell rare. and nre now uttered 01 IWO h lON)Cr Of. r. 14/1111, nn WM. Al.o. ma nv• new Barg .it in Dr, Cond. OW Vto 1, /now' 11A 1.111:v1A Coilinlinn. St,. 21.1-37. Own). Cu-h Store FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, NOW UNPACKING Al' 31c1'AG BROTH FdrS, Cheap Cali Store, Front t t reel. rcrtE,E e. 1 ,11. 1 Ihr mite ni the 1:,101. pre—ot r. Pil I ::11!1•Iri11.1 :1111 net:. mid irt% tte, hr.. weft st'a'ted .ttt Lc s0:11 at tinoool.} 10 , 0 1,-, e. P. S —'l he ;',4oe. or .0-I.elefeet 13.101- taken 01110 r tutu it will cp.,tr.ll 11,1r•0, 4 I 131.11 a, the Sr iloWer to 410 00 3 1-57. DO YOU U7ISMI. ZIARGAIIVS? ll' 4 (1 TM: FARMERS' CASI I STORE, 1.0r1:.•,7* NT. i•oI.L.IMI i P.l lITE tahe this opporttittit of ;thonmirint. 111n1 11:11.Ppi•C new and eA•ortotro t 01 -puoa Dr) trootl..Grorcrie. (Flee. w.,re Tow.. meta Floor 011 I.lnktog POI< TUE I.A 11,(,) .t, Iv- n. twrt Mack nil .set, 01.1e:e of ore— I=l E(Mi MIN A\l) Irt(tV.:—C:oot4. •••ttoorrr , .C.l , ll nl•rrur e , toUtt , Clod, Ton e.. At• v. told Mar•.to k.....t mg t!Fe.41‘ . :11.1..11,• and .111 ,0, 0 0....0,,0,te to r IsoillifRO•11 . . laplrlr outltt rtroo•long zotol-.Sloottot, Ttrik I Po,' I t•tottotrte. At.. Ar atilt a large .t.- a.,rltatrui ot Quern- ll' Mil/ t r .:A.041i,, 1 . 11101 . t Moor Oortottt toot .1 if ••••it ot overt.• nod t 4 pse..n. oil or ho .otti e, e.ll/110t :All to p.ot Oar erod. r. •t•ler.,l 011 rzrrnl enre. andln thr lot-n udv,unncn. •0 gill /II urn, nrnlquailny. luLunli,tle R ill! u.h, %tole ill COILIM• 1)/(1 Th• Pael . 7• , e , C hn• n' wn% • hod reput,ltinn of the ('/(5.41' N71,1:5 11111 i 1111% 1.11 1 1 wna by kw, leetu the lip.. nfmt r ere We I) in •I tie. 1.1.1 while we sellAo irrnee rte. a a, the) en. he sold. with nut It t 0... vte e:e.l Ni•eb •••.1 Dry Good. as che a p u. ow% otli, ken). 11 11.111 117 - A. ;.f1t..1• or • ottitTry prollore 111,16 , 11 in nx.r . 1.1112 , hin.l Ike 'WO ;4 , 1 tn•krit, pr,re ,n :01 the.. T J t: H. Stor, urvn.a.t. the rr.Anh In. HOUR, ColumbrA prel 4. I-57 JAIIIIOS PARK, Ws 17 x=P nex 33c. x - 4„ , 3iALLIETFA, PA., pAS resumed the aIiOVE business at the old plan& ne:.rkw oppo..te W.. Coach Far -40 alert the pub,tc. and tarn ,C..) teen 4Qit 4 4 eactlot CA,: to pl't 4131:1C fe1.44.104 PSCCIIII , Cr 0, 1F;40, THE ADMITS EXPRESS COMPANY FOR thefurther convenience of the public, have arranged to despatch Veat.engera by the Accommodation Trent between Philadelphia and via Colombia, leaving Philadelphia at 2.3 U P hi. daily. except Sunder'. Gond. forth', Eopti intl.t be delivered at our Mike before 2 o'clock, P. M. for the Wc.d. before G P. NI. COLLECTIONS, Note*, Drafts. Bills and Accounts collected et all and prompt returns made. A SPECIAL MESSENGER - - - - - - with Thief-proof Sure, will ueeomptiny each Train, nt churee at Money, Voloahleit, nod freight intruitted to the cure of the Company, and will give !recutl at leution to the proper told •ate delivery thereof. at all the Stiiiionit on the flottLf. Office Ili.entent of Black'. Mittel, Colombia. Nov 14. l F X ZIEOLEIt, Agent. Farmers Union Insurance Company, LOCATED at Athens, Bradford county, Pa., (CA , II CA PITA L OM 'SAFELY lir V F.ST maker lutUritilee. on property. ai r,orontatile ral 1 Wive. No. IU Merchants' 1.:x.14/40f, Ph ilndelpirin 'FIRMA:: NV K1.t. 4 11, Avnt, Columbia, Pa, April I 1. 1.!...57.1y Commonwealth Insurance Co., UNION BUILDINGS, Third street, Ilurrishrg, 1.:. CHARTERED CAPITAL, $200,000. 141111.11.1 n 1110 other Properly nga tint on 01 thitliage I, fire. of the Sea, Im nom N.i.rmlinon and 'Prammorin DIRECTIMS:—Smion Cameron. Geo il. La uman. Wiiiianit Dock. Jame.: Vox. kr. V. II K. jotter. A If. tVarimtl. F. MUrniy, F. K. Boa., Jolla 11. ilefolull, %Vol F. (II rtcErt , :—.SINION CAMIIRON. Pre4litent. 111.17‘J. I'.\Uli B, Vine Pre3tileut. S. :3. CAIIICILIt. , ertel to If 11. FRY. Affent, Columbia. Pa. = 111 C 0 RILHILE b. DELL Inn', FAT arvsr PIXEDICINE STORE, (3.1)0 FELLOWS' 11 ALL, COLUMBIA, PA. ALILEHS in Drugs, Medicines, chemicals, cte Spier. e . ec,ll-1“11;::, Oil 11:11111 a gcliCral al—orloseut of Perfumery, Fano Good-. &V. CO11111310:1, May COCHRAN & WORRELL, MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 4. MEen.smeN' now, Opposite ILAlemon's Store, Locitst steed, Columbia, Pa. A share of the public patronage is re spectfully solicited. cffluint..., July I. 1.-57. J. SIIROMICIIIER, Ladies Boot di. Shoe Manufacturer, No. 1 Locust street, Columbia, Pa. NUTER the ntlention of the citizens 1 of Colombia and the public generally In his :Wile. nor stork lit ale :1111 /VC 11111• of t/11-liner,, f ir respectfully 1 , 11111 rs hi• sincere thanks for the N erg liberal patronage he has reeeis enl. nod nonl.l announce to It, patrons illat he has constantly on hand a large and choice sone!) of materials. and , prepared to make up. in additton to Ins large .rink of rood)-tnatte wolf: MI 11:/1111. 1,111111,. 4111.11i1, , , and Clot drensGAlTEßS. LiltTS. PERt 4 . kV, .111 the latest ztinl hest sty les. lief •rtlteltsmin.:nice of the fuser nu Itherally 111,111,1,1113 111(1 JAAIES SCHROEDER. l'altualnit, Pa. MIES suararamvs Splendid Jewelry ! Elegant Watches ! Rich Silverware! &c. INubscribtr has justopened new stock, 1 6,11 non. the (• y, of GOLD LEVER WATCHES, Duplex, Lepines & Outlet's, nll of winch he •Ail I %ell on ihr ino.t re.o.onalio• trnu.. Alsr. an enit it new ock nt CANI VA) and 1110SAIC BR EAsTviso, , of the West styles CLOCKS! CLOCKS! of every de-eription, together WWI a thousand and one other articles, P. SARI-!NEIL tratch am{ Jewelry Store, FrorstStreet, Cotiontio. April ii, t057-tt JOHN W. SH UMAN'S BOOT AND MOE STORE, F 110 N ., , C , o , uil e—tire .c ff he that he 1.0. 141w11)% on hand al the 31.0, 1 place. 11 It, rge and 11 4 -ortineot of Boot% and _ • FRENCH CALF-SKIN, MEN'S MOROCCO, KIP & OTHER BOOTS & SHOES, to which tie would invite a lt•nrynn. 11.ivinz [nide hi• •elerlion+ ut thin branch of i.e: v. till care. oral from whole,i'e h00..e- in ihr city of Philadelphia. he feel.. confide,i that all wbo want naiad arttele , will call and exattio‘r Inc .toe 6. li e i t , ruin, n Torre:owl he:tom - al A—0n0...111 of FINE SHOES F•OR LADIES AND riiii.mtp:N, con•,-).t: of Y+nrnl Foxed ter 1",,,,•1) orrmen Ennint•P,,,,l SpnuC urn Parodic., linloin Cloth G.titer. and ut llnint rill the I:0,4 •1y :e•1100. 111 IP., p0.. 0 rill Lnnl , . of 11074', Yowl,' and .11 1•.x• 7 nnol• .1,1(1 Shale of every ,o/e and and n Hine :1. , n111.111,11 of :11 , 1% Gutter.. -pelt Sinn 1 . 111.411 e Tno , , .111 errs I en net y. The ..1/11-ertl.erllop ,. • In) n•lriel Itllellllolllo bin• im•a, in intern neoontoonnee of iniWte pot roluogr, 1 / lie arc invited to call and eX.,onlne the none J. W. SP.C), S. Columbia. NI ay. 2, I ,L 7. Northern Central Railway. rrlIE Passenger Trains on the above road k mist. roil Leave Colombia for York and Baltimore RI 7 40 A M 12.11• P. M. .• 1 . York for 4 A M. Arrive tit Columbia Irma York 7.:111 :11 from 101 k and Balt. 12 511 P M. 7.45 P. M. _ _ NO SUNDAY TRAIN All lie above Traini roomer, rovveogee Trin. on the l'hiladrlrmi.t and Columbia Railroad. both going and returning Colo mina. Sept 19,1,17 HERRING'S SILT= THE ACKNCAVI.r.IICED CII 111 PION. The ',vont troll. al Itefld10;.• y.• elillor•rd Ihr 4.111.,01 0 01 , 10100, cod eonfiron.: the verdict of more titan arroletonl fire, printing eon clo-tvely that Ihr 4)111) Safe Owl Wilt 1101 hunt EX.f.let 6001 tlrr ('uncannier'. lirport on the Troll of Iron Sate. licattot;: r'l WRE N . 1 11 .4. -1 . t I. 44 M }:.+ t!•1.c.4 1 r --. - 1 , ). ,!,,- 4. ••11 i1 the huh of relnizar) 11 1 1 list members , of the rornmltire met to unite.. the 1111,1 h0,.1. ottol limper.. ((shored in them) and ivere pet - feet)). toti•fieil th.ti ntl inght isnrisitin took ;niter. under the •imertntentletti e of the Conti sinner Anti, ii f.str nod Implant:ll burnin4 for five lion,. the Sate of Me•itsris E • van. Jr Watiiton ,01.0• tiro open rd. Ilse S•sle (sting on fire ,n.nle. flint the roll• roll pnrinslly ron‘innett. whtle the 001111.112. In lilt +O, of Mea,o. l'Artel•& IJerrt 1.,: were nn good toll d.OOll 110 fire 111•111 e Ftethilitz. :%Ittrt. 1.2.57. (Sts•lntil.) r COLEM A N. ).Commatice. A II PI:At:OCR ) And roar/1...1,11.5 over an of th, be,* men of neat] The Omer eno 1. inarreereel NI Wnloot ••rtreel. m here the polthe ran entr-fv tnern•er ere nt the cr....,opertorir} of Ole IlerrLor.C. t,or ell °Korot." over rite dete.t.ed uud used -121-ale Iron Dour SJI,t. tna eider" rAnnEt.F. Wa,itut ret t. Phti 0.111, 1,1 0.,. Swe •, 11 , , , ig t l'arvt: Clouottplo N4I j• X ssurrnrs ma.l+ 1 t roll.. r Illy , . in bol-irr 01 In esr, - .4lenial fires in 1 1 11$1.1driplua. ,1t. , t.1,141 I'm,. )1, tug one nor .foro,(II A L it „ ir. ) mn d e flweldr tOrk msg. hum I lin.••• they ~11) to "bon. LlO'olle of arrntle•, Ibnl. tie 11,1ekl its' met nth 31.4 I Me feW.lrd ',are rt0.14,i nor b• burns. proVillg ennelo.ively inns rite Only r.-1.41.1e star oow 11114 do • . /ferritig ,, , ' of Whirls over 1.1100.1 OONO 111 art UN] ow. and snore than 200 bate been by Ene trroSnus is iincle lots JONAS HI Ageso, Columbia. 10)• 23,1 - 57-1 y I".49.ILDIVELILS, ATTENTXONI aROWERS of Grass and Tobacco, use Lei. :••11p., l'Yonlhair of Lime. sl4'o per btil Or ..4O per twk Gl:cwt.:as OF CORN AND POTATOES, ie 1,111.1% Aft , rll,ll Fee aver, SiliO per Iphl. or ha • ..r.•.ved three diploma. into YVIIP, iv.altia. New Verk and New Jereey State A vio•uhural .4iberelo and Crypt:o A...0d. en -1.11 Cot the above reokhrer, which have he e d 11l ...ieeeiiftil ov ior the p..t hoe y ex.,. Order. enelo ...wr the 00,11 or Cr11(16. moiled arid regooereA. will he prom oil% otheroird m I v II A LEIN AU. Vri 3 Or.":or l i%ii lY tiOhth Front rile.. Mu) 71, 14.... X-1, HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. THE testimony of Prof. Booth and Dr. Brinchlc having previously been published, the following is now addedl— From Prof, AI cCln.key, formerly Professor of The ory and Practice of !Medicine in the Female Medical College of Penn.ylvanin, and late Professor of Sur gery in the American College of Medicine, &c. Philadelphia, Nuv.l27, ISSIL Ma. Jonf . rn r. Hogroid—A. trial of your Liquid Hair Dye will convince the mon akepticul, that it,. a safe, elegant and efficariou. preparntlon. Unlike many oilier.. it ha. in several in.tance• proved serviceable in the cure of come cutaneous eruption an the head, and II have no lie•natirin in commending it to those requiring such an appliendon Very re.pecifully, F. X. McCLOt. 4 KET. M. D.. .17.5 Race iitreet, above 13th. Mover's Wriiing Ink•, including lloveits Wriiing Plaid. and flower's lade Ode maintain their high character, which ha+ liownyF di•tingui.hed them. taut iheexten•ive deinand 111 , 1 crested, has continued uninterrupted until the pre+cut. Oder• addre••ed to the Alanufnetory. No. 410 Race •trees. above Fourth, told No. 144 ) Philadelphia, will receive prompt 'mention, by JOSE Pll HOVER, Manufacturer. December 19. 1857, to April IS. STAUFFER. & HARLEY. CHEAP WATCHES &JEWELRY. WllO , , L I ES p /nE d AN , .Nekr,' and Jeweils' ehore, 143 pllln (rliltl No. 90) North Second street, corner vi 4.l.Loarrs Philudelph)o. Gold Lever Watches, full levrelled,l3 k. enses,s2, l 00 Gold Leprte, it, caret. 24 00 -laver Lever. full jewelled, 00 Silver Leptae, jewel., 9 00 ...41perinrClaaru,r., 700 6,11 , 1 Spectacles, 7 01: Fine Silver do, 1 50 Gold Itrucelevs, 3 (St Lady's (;old Pencils. 1101 lver Tea Spoons. or?, 5 111, Gold Pro, volth Pencil and Silver holder. 1 00 Gold Finger Kings :171. cis W itch Itt•se, plum I2i cis.. patent ',met 25; other 31,11,1 ,4 iu proportom. AU goods wort toted to he what the) .fire for. TAI.7I , FI•IIt t 111A121.F.V. E - roo hand some Gold and Silver Levers and Le puu.-till lower thus the above. prices. Plolactelplon. Ilecenther 5.1'157.1y Ft ---- --,'=i . PHILADELPHIA Alanufac -1 ' I(.Uq , I. 1 q ".".., ' tared SA LAM A:\ OKB SA Fl.: , ..1,4 , ~ ~; , r . 11 o :26 s 1 . ”(1111) •Irrel. Ithlll. 1:2!. .;...t ,., :i' :' ! . Truth is mighty and M2l3:pre• 4 77 1 l 'i - 1 i " t i t .. ~ . , . a general 11.1 , 01iment of Queenr ware Glun•wurr, Carpet., Blind., Looking Glasses, Drug gets, Mulling.. Rugs. WALL PAPERS, CUMEEDIE In the' everythong kepi on ot well-regulated .lore. Call and •ee our a•4.orimeno. am we feel 'unshed that none will go awny do-appointed, 11. we SELL EXCLUSIVELY YOE CASIO and Tor...thereby enabled in zellgood• lithe eery I.OW EST FIi:VIIES. FRS t HAGMAN. Colt — nbia, April 12 UM, PEOPLE'S 11 0 1.1112.1113 YARD. 110 P in North queen street, halt square to south of the Railroad, and ffrd dour north of M'Granh's White Horse lintel. Lancaster city. LEWIS HALM', Marble Mason. respeennlly in forms the public that lie has now in his yard the lar gest and beat assortment of ITALIAN AND AMER ICAN MARBLE ever offered to the citizens of Lan caster,and greaterilina any otheresiublishment west of Philadelphia. having made arrangements in the East to receive marble at reduced prices. he an• nounces that he will sell much cheaper than any other establishment in this city or county can do He is prepared to execute in the hest style, ItIONU NIENTS. TOMIIS AND GRAVE STONES. MAN. TELS, DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS, STEPS, &c.. &c..ofevery variety and price. Ills facilities for Cu ratshing articles in the Marble line ace unsurpassed by any other the city, while he n•+fires all who may favor him with their patronage that his work shall lie executed in the very best style and on the most reasonable LEn - rEtt currisc in ENGLISH and Of.RNIA N. done at the shortest notice,and on the ma ittnoder ate term•. lie resp , Wilily Invites tbepultlicto enl I and mm inn hi• woek, being fully mati.fied to rci..l his claim io public mitrolinge upon 11. merit, Thankful for the many favors I,,rowetl npon hi an. he hopea by et irmltention to 110.111,, to iiirimnd ovine a share of the public. patronage. Lancaster, April 2'6,1955. - - New and Cheap Groceries. THE undersigned take this method of re turning...omen, :hank. to their numinous friend for the liberal panminge given them during the p.i.n year, and respectfully ask a common:ice of the %nine. They have just returned from Philadelphia with very large lot of fine Groceries. Confectionery, he . among which may be found the following: Levering's Syrup Plola.rres, New York Syrup Molasses. Thane linking Molnsres, Sugar Mouse Molasses, A huge lot of Sugars, Coffee. AA... Also, a lot of fore ISnkrng Raisins. only 1121 cents. Fine large bunch and layer Raisiuson u bole and quarter boxes. 25 boxes Figs. different grade•. A lot of Prunes, in (Arley boxes, very fine. A large lot at fancy and common Candies. Alto, Fig Marmalade, Jelly Cakes, Snip Sago Cheese, Eleveltupond a great variety of other articles. suitable for the present season. Er.e - PLEAFF; GIVI, VS A CALL. St:VD&M & SON, Corner of Front arid UlllOll StOccl4. Columbia, December /3,1 C. 36. NEB!' FARM AND NEW GOODS. TllF.undermened having inken Use -tore Wel y °ern pied by iti. brother. 111 Loeu.t intern, npim.ote the Columbia Bank, and haying PAMICINIPIi wnh JIM. in bu.rners. Me. F. HAMM AN. will ronnuu. the lin .itte.a under the firm of Fitt' Ar. HAGMAN. where or will open in a few day.. a yen large 1 1••orlatent new good, en 0.1.11, of - - DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUeenaarate, Gla•.wmre. Carpet.. Oil Crib. . w n rapo-ra. am. ate . all of Wil3di we a.. er,Zr In .1.11 at the VERY LOWI.I.'STP/I/4E4 .t. tar la tend &Dina an EXCLUSIVE CASH BUSINESS, we will be able to compete in pr. , * t y store in the county. We reapectfully *Mica • cal. from •t,r le.teit. s tot tic petite generally, if if Pk 7 Country Produce ihrajg tak•ri • ,40•••••af ket prices. [Coto:la:a. A 1 .., S. 1,,,V1 THE LARGEST CHAMBER SUITS, RMDMOVAII. GII.RDMNING. GREAT BARGAINS. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ATOTWITHSTANDING the Bank. have vugprttded, LI 1. 0. Bruner & Cat. have received a choice lot of DRY GOODS, lug of De lames, Ca.h mere., Culicoes, 11iu Flub Canton Flanuela, Woolen Flannela. all colors, Clotho and Ca-simere• of every desorption. A Select usnirtment of BOOTS AND 9110 ES, of all kinds. The GROCERIES, QUEE ned nliVnyl , imPp. n (0 NSWAR E 1 n..ntiment , of and everything iu fact, that is kept in a well regulated Store, We ore thankful for the patronage, we have re ceived, and by etriet attention to lu-mess, hope to merit a comittuatice of the same. 11. F. B RUN Ell. I. O. BRUNER. October 10. 15.57. FALL paszrzonts alit At the Fashionable II AT EMPORIUM. TIE subscriber respectfully informs Inc ph ht te , that l i e lin4 tuSt returned from the city, with 31 well ,eiccted, end euu rely new •lock of HATS AND CAPS, of every description, which he now offers. at his new MOM. Front street. &adjoining the Washington House, at the lowest cask rate.. Call and exurnine before purchasing elsewhere The stock is entirely new, and of the latest styles, JAMES D. GRIFFITH. Also. a first-rate assortment of newest style chil dren.' Fa soy Huts and Cops, ryTarliculor uttenliongiven to ordered hats, Columbia, October I 0. 1537. The Largest Tobacconists , . JOAN FENDRICII & BROS., would respect— fully inform Orr citizens ofecilumbia and vicinity, that they have the Iu rge.t Mack of Tobacco, Se an, Stuff; Pipes, and German Smoking Tobacco, offered in any two esiabliollinciii• out of our principal cities. flotel and Storekeepers look to your interests! Be fore parch:omit elsewhere.e.tornine OUT lurge assort ment. %hick we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest Baltimore prices. We warrant to dispose of any of our stock. cheaper than can be bought in Philadel phia. All we ask is, that you shall cull and judge for your-elves. We offer any of the above at whole sale or retail. Notice that our stock ion branch of the well•known, extensive Baltimore Tobacco Wore house ofJos. Pendrich & tin,... 155 Forret greet. JOBS FENDRICII & BRO'S„ rx,i4 rd door above Locust Columbia, Pa. GREAT VARIETY STORE. JUST RECEIVED, a larger and finer stock of To), and fancy . goods than ever before. My friends and others are invited to call and examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere. as they will here find un unlimited assortment, suitable for pres ents to persons of every age and taste. An tininen•e assortment of l'ortmoiouthr, Pocket Book., Ace .&c. GEORGE J. SMITH, Imenst street. between the Bank and Franklin (louse. Columbia, Decembe r 13, 1846. rallszr DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, &C. 9 1 11 E subscriber having taken Mc Brag Store formerly occupied by J. 11. 11,1demanoa WolC= Row, Front Street, Columbia, call., the atten tion of the public to his complete 'lock of every at, tiele in Its Rue. Ile ha, on hand a supply of rum DREGS AND MEDICINES, rind n carefully , elected acsoriment at PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS AND FAN-- CY ARTICLES, generally, which he offers iipriii reasonable terms.— Ile will frequently renew his stock. and endeavor to keep it of the freshest and be-t. will lie carefully compounded, and a strict Personal at tention In the business be given. A share of pubic patronage is respectfully solicited _ . _ HENRY F. GRERIST. Co'urnbia. Septeinber New Grocery, Wine Sc Liquor Store.. THE subscriber has opened at his old stand,. curlier of Fifth and Union streets. a complete assortment of till kinds of GROCERIES; where he will aiwnys be prepared to supply. on the moil rea• satiable terms, any demand for articles in his line of. LW-131M,, Ile litterta also, a variety of WINKS AND LI QUORS of all kind.; and wtll .ell in any quantity not Ire= turn one gallon. lie respectfully regtmits the public to call und make a trial of 111....t0rrk, GEOR3E T 11111,17.. N. B.—Country Produce ;fleecy. on hem!. A porn• tion of the old Shock of Dry Good=, owlet ilicposedl of, will be cold at 10 per cent. below co-b Coluntlito,May IG, 1`157. ll#'z $ !) A THE undersigned offers hiß.servicon•tollfter public, in the manufacture and repaimuf :41.1cinds of machinery. Ile Init , taken the Shop attocheil to tine Sin , quclumnt, Planing Mill. and is prep:mut to build Steam slnclance of every deEcripuyni; to put up and repuirull, Furnace, Rolling Mill, Gri=t Mill, Saw Mnil, or oilier ma chinery, Ace. Ile is manufacturer of Ilue)'s Patent , Nlachine. Having perNonal experience in this business, ands thorough Ss orlstneu m lits employ, he feels wurrained offering to widen:ll,e arty work in his hue, withr confidence of turning out good labs. and giving entire sntisluctton. The public is respeetfull7 requested to'rive• him a trial. JOHN 4. DENNEY. Columbia, September 19, STOVES! STOVES!! TIM subscriber desires to call the attention of the Public to bts new alai complete assortment of STOrES, now ready for the fall (rude, cons .taring of Cook stoves: Hoy 01 Conk, Wttlta to Penn. Nolo le. National. Yount; America, doming Star. Complete Cook, Cooking Ranges. Parlor Cook. four patterns. Parlor ; s to v e s of every make, sire, Style utad variety, Bar Goon, and Office Stove.. &c. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. t large stook of articles in the shove line of bust comprisl rig everything that is of Tut. tzlteet Iron. ice , for Ilotmehold purposes. Ills stock Is of has own mannfarture, and he trait vouch for its excellence and durability, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. ALARGE und complete assortment of elegion (Ins Fixtures of tasieful design.. ersimsting of nix. fads, three and two burner Chandeliers, single barrier linll Pendants. :Side Lights plain and °moment:a. Drop Burners, he ,nlwnys on hand OAS FITTING in all in branches attended to with promptness. House Roofing, Spouting, &c. moot •u h.UnnuJ mo rifler; Plunihnig, Bell 170 l n ti ' e g m g and other Inrunehr, of the 1 / 1 1 , 111,1•", earned on 112 heretofore, on the most ream-nimble terms. Cooper's Gas Regulators. IIF: is al.o agent for Cooper'. Gus Regulatory, and prepared to attach them to tueler• 111 Itl WILSON. Corner of Second and Locuo. Streets. rO/1.1171142 SerllClliher 5, 1857. DR. H. XILDiTES , E XTRACT or Cannabis Indica for the care of Con.utimiion. Laver Complaint, Bronchitis, A.thmu, Cough., Cold., and Nervous Ala En-t Win Prepora bona, nod the only cure ever disenvered for di.rn.e. of the Lungs, Somme), nod Nerves It a. n Bea hag 13111.1011 for nll internal 50„,,, Ulcer., Tubercle... and Inlirtionation; an un wig...table Tome, en unexceptionalde NerVitie. a Purifier of the Fluids. nn litlerant„ a Stimulant whack produce. no renetioil. and a builder up of wasted Mire and muscle. It is Alan a Fulisittute for ordinary sick-rosin nourishment. Price, $2.00 per bottle. D r . If Tunes' Regulating if' Purifying Pill. An antenna, rollerlitnllloll winch elenlines the Ara i, keep. she bowel. In nntnrnl mminn, without eco,tring and wobout drai ning the Sourer., of Life. no „th, ardtua.spt.., •IP end thereby prevents and cures thnu•aud. a{....9 nein ill Ur 11 J El.-1011 tiINTNIENTof India. and Pmn Rai • 5.„. • • •nr,c,re....ioliof paw., the Lain ....lnen, of f...rnn.110314 , the perfect and •predyrurn eif 0,1 ~,• .ropliOn.,WßECLinirthinOtßßl ulcers, tualor• NnUtiß•, brilif‘Ps, DR.'', .1 A NI F.S, No Ili f street. Jerre) . (iffy. N..f. Crnddoek k Cn . ?Li N. iNeennit .ireet. Phi rlclukiiie whnlr.ule Aptriii• for the United Stairs and lirnish Proviore.. Dr. E B. II ERR, Golden Mortar Drag Store, Sole A cent for Columbia. September 12. 1` , 57 Gin PRIME GERMAN SEGARS. I E JUST RECEIVED 200,000 NORR, of thove snt:Ans, which I will sell, CHEAPER than any Siorc 111 nit, or any other town. Ei torcar.copcm - es, anti other, will do well by giving me a call before pnrchaving elsew•herr. The above mentioned Segars enn lie wen at .1 F. 1. 4 J11/Til'S IV/lole.sle Confectionary Front PtTeAt ‘ Iwo door, belOvVllle ‘Vx.llington House, Columbia. Colin., Aim 11.41; JUST RECEIVED. 2n BOXES ORANGES, 1000 Cocoanuts, and a ‘../ J ul of Prime Kurt. For ante by J. F.:I:111Th Wholerale and Retail. April 4 1457 REMOVAL. Shaving and Bair-Dressing Saloon. THE undersigned having removed to Ilamil. ton'. Row. OppOADe the Washington lintel, in• voe• attention to his Saloon, where all persons can rvc,a Yr acts.,,. AND !EASY ADAVIE, and have their hate cut and dressed in the most fashionable and ex couptile manner. There it something soothing in a Rood ve tlf any are disposed to doubt it,let them try Inc, and I will fully demonstrate the fact. WILLIAM CLEGGETT. rninmbia. April LiZITZI POB. SALE. TUE subscriber takes this method to inform the, pulthe, that he la prepared to toroi 6l . the BEST QUALITY OF LIME. n lu•ntit , e. to•uit purchniiert, at the shortert notice. Tint Lime in particularly adapted for plaiiieringi and wilste.washing. It will be delivered t( deiiired. JOHN ELWIN. rebniary24,lB63.ll Wright.ville,Yerk county,