China, Ginss and. Qneensware, and Cheap Carpeting! TiO1'SI:KEP:19:11:4, 1.0111111..1.11.4 will [hid a good 01 I.e 11. a 1,011.'0 ivoiortniciit 01 1100-c- runiNlim g .3oodn.'C6uar fur Cash at IL G. FON DER 4\lll'lN Peoples ,tor, T e l, a, 1-3, FOR SELLS. xTRA FAMILY WHITE WHEAT FLGEH, larger ultraantell good or the money I,v be orluilil,4l. A Pl'O7,R, No. I. deed 0. ttanel Garden Seeda! Garden Seeds! luirr received ut the Faintly Alt:daunt. nun , . Odd IIoVIA' 111(g , lot of Superior It.irdett Seeds.uttioun which Nr have a full a--ortetwat of :di the curly seed-. v.i.teh vt al rata fie-0o cud . . seume~•. McCOIZICLE Y. DEL 1.1 , ;1' I'. N. 11.—A 60, to be ]mil et lien y Su) 1ii1111 . .. and T J. Knelt.... Mammoth Cabbage Ayr.: have Cabbage Seed Whiell I. :mid will nltuin. with proper cultivatioti, to the enormous ',Fe bi.i'll'y pound. to the liend. All tlio,e wiehing .raurainoth cabbage procure the .eed at McCORRII.E,V DELL - cr - rs . , 'Family Medicine Stow, Odd Fellow,' Hall . Cora, Merchants and Others Notice. . _ ITALENTINES—Cupid and Hymen! Fcbru. ary MIL St. Valeuunes Day. 'Cupid would that you would do hire reverent,. he •simply supplying yourselves. in good tune. with hi .most favored and richest inis..ive.‘, from the, large va riety of the most select lot of Valvoline= nt the Cheap hoof Scot e. ut the lowest wholesale price.. Collie one and all and get your ...Indies from Al UR A YrKING .CO., :Y)00){:3, MAGAZINES AND E .11 low prices. I.iteruture should he cheap when the provenly , ofa radon kr, much depend., upon its UM- The cheap bookstore of Murray. Young & . long known to the public a. being alway+ up to the wont• .0( the people and the nines. would cull ailentton to tire large ond arleei •loci. of literaluie. good books to suit all. and the latest publication- con.tantl!. received ut the earliest possible tune. And to th.• leading monthlies and week]) news - papers they solicit sub scriptions.atpublishers, lowest rates, /%1 Uttli.A Y. YOUNG & CO., Jan. 30, 18.5° Lat en-ter. Nanny's Reaper and plower. THE subscribers baring ban appointed _Lsof.r. AGENTS in Philadelphia. for Matiii)',.Coia.. Lined Reaper and Mower with WOOD'S. I.IIPROV /IENT, arc uow prepared to reeeive order-. Per•oas wishing to .eeure the be,4 Commented 1 , 1.111 mm will please apply curly. it. the ,apply latioett. PASCIIALI.. MORRIS & CO, Seed nod Itnplemeat Store, col nee of 7th & Market sheet., Philadelphia. Pait..23, PERFUMERY! TEST Received, at the Family Medicine Store, .the 'urges( and fin...l Verflinwry ever di=playeil in Volionlna, whin•li wvll hr al PRICES TO SUIT TILE TIMES. M==ll=!M=MX=M EXTRACIS FOR TIII: 11.‘N DREW:IIIEI , (everlaiaing perfume ) Alma: 1111-e, /flee Tell. Prairie 110Wer.... Swet•l New Mown 111, y, Joe hey Club. Sweet Pea, Mille-fleur, Geranium flui,e, Alu.k. Magnolia, Helm. trope, l I ttt Poneilie, Nymph. lluiwy. and a variety of other .SOAI'S, Poinaturn,,, AIcCOR/i1.1: & DELLETI, odd Fellow: n. 23, 1859 PEOPLE'S BOOK STORE, rr E OLDEST STA ND. NEWEST STOCK J. J. SPRENGER. W. 111. WESTIIA EFFE R. JIVING just received their Fall Stock of Stationery, &e.. are 1101 V prepui ed to diold out inducement, to the pt. Mo.. -rich a- have never been offered in the lii.tory of Lancia-ter Book Store.. The liberall encouragement extended by the public •since lire to 1 / 1 1.111e, , , kit spurted I, 10 cora ed cenergy. To sell book. ac low ns the lowed, and good W. this be-t, i• now Our 01111. In con.conenee the stringency tit Ike /11011 e) NEArReL, nun the extra , ordinary low price.i al tt Inch Husk-, $1.111011e1y..1e., •cold-at the lute Trick. Stile. in Philadelphia mid Nun 'York, Teacher. 01 Public Schools will hint it greatly 'to their inlvittitoge to roll on before celeeling their 'books. &c. , . . %A e would here ilktinetly soy that we employ no 'Country Agents, Preferring to retook] in home. mat giving the purelin-er the benefit of any expen-e which Would theteby occur by ,elling our Books, Sc , at a lower figure. We have all the school hook= now in a=r in the Comity or Lonelk.irr, all of w loch. we are plepawil lo sell whole.ale or recall : making the I no-i libeial dettuvuOt% to teachers, Our Stork of Mi‘oeilooeroo. 2321a2.122211y 'large t1i02.ea.022, 222221 snuck lower to pi ire 2211111122.2e— .t0t0re. The Re222.1222g 1'221212e 2.v2111212,2-2-122,11 1121- 1.2e2 .222 mold, when they ..1.22t their hooks, for the wittier. We boreal-0 all the he-I MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS -of the eouniry. both Ettgit-lt and Get f11:113. WitIVIS will mulled toot] parr• of the Lotted 111 cur monk of Fool rot', Letter, NOW, 1110 nil other paper., we defy competition, at= we pay pat tie utur :metal°. to Into hr.otelt of the bo-tne.., have the mom tuned hi—oritrwut of (fold Pen; for Ltudies and (;entteua•a, nod lake gi ea, pten-ttre iuukieg ILr pubhe nrlpuuap.•d w•uh Char Own Pen. i lie ••Srnbttlun' and only a-k anpai ltal trial oi at, hl Ilioce aria, eau judge of the tin., title- of nn •-A Commercial I'en,'• feeling Mai Ju-t the thing that hoc been wanted to make writing u plot Hunt in-k OUR STOCK OF FANCY GOODS, rue], at Port-oloolitto•s, Pile..., Ca Itl Cases & e.. Ste. worn!. roll tool extefe.tve, tool we 1115111• tio• ',Teeml atteotton of the lathe- to the ...Ole. Ilaee 111.0 a very fine •toek of Albino., Pot :foto,. Writ.tte. A.e. We Leer, enit.iantls oil halal a great ea tiety of Moulthog for Po It re Frator -. anal ate pre pared to (111111 e 1111•1111 e. Of all, .1/e. 111 the , 110110..? 10tIre 81111 a Velf) taw to tee Oar I' el•e1111. of ty Expre.. tire oltoo-t h illy,ll Ihal Wr ale,ltal to 1 opply no} thing 1101 011 h:1 heti tottered. to a 801.1 toeroolthly ,hurt nate. camel tAe eat ste-tly .4olte:t a coottatt.etee ui 11101 t 0.111101.1ge, Willi lilt U.. 0111111, 11:111 110 riled N 11: be V..llolilg nil 0111 301 11. 10 give geller:ll{ '111,1.111 1011 a jlre•eroe 101 011" 1,11111:1.111111.111 the footle of do...People - Is 1101111 t. 4 tore." ".:1:J North (lures -trio t. I.tottortiet SVItENGER WE:T.1'11.11;111:R., Orlober 1,37. Plow tett', I;RANGIPANNI EXTRACT, the everlasting perfume, for .11t. ot %le1•4 & DI:1.1.1•: I /n o m ly Slore,Wd Fellow,' I I“ 11, Columl.u. January 24, Iti,d. .NOTICM ALL persons indebted, on the Books of the lAvery Stable, from the 1.1 of Art 10.1,57.1.1, the .uotler.igned, are reque.tett to sioike tomictlioic y• mete. nod llio-c having clusin , will pre•ciii them for settleinent, lie is ilv•trous of hi, without delay. Oct. 1, 1:151-If TOOMAS GROOM. I. 0. OF G. T. HOPE LODGE, No. 45, ATEETS EVERY TUESDAY EVENING, AT 7 O'CLOCK. tit the 11E111 01 the Junior Son. of America, over Mile.' Boni. More. Locto.4 street. be. low Second, Columbia, 141. By Order of the Lodge. Columbia, December 18, 1857. SALESIVIAN WANTED. (INE SVIJ() DAS DAD EXPERIENCE, AND IS lithoroughly competent, can °lnapt a permornent -P- UllllOll, with lair eompentation, li%* sippls tog of "ale, with reference., at lIA I.DCAIAN•S Dry Good- Store, Columbia, Pa. December 19,1E57 New dL Cheap Cash Confectionery. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! 'TWO BOORS ABOVE THE BELLEVUE HOUSE, Front .ieret, CUI.U7tII:IA, l'A The .oh-enter has con-taaniy on hand, nt tahh.hrn..ot ton.t.olendnl or CONFECTIONERY, PARISIAN BON BONS, .1 recently purchased lip hint-elf in the coy of Pa ri-.) 1. °1••• Chocolate., Bun Fong, Alitioad-. N'ork, and Plain Candle, ma anfael wred under 1114 per-oval gapers..-roil. Al-n. Follogn and Ihnne,ln• Frul+, Nuts, tce in larger qu.lrnr tie- amid limier condition than ever before infortol to ll', In alt or whodi lire •itention of Country Shop lieepern. and Retailers generally. i- partieularlN in vited. Ile guarantees prices %Inch cannot fall to give gatthfacitoli to all. The gutinerther 0.111 pay particular attention In tire department of Cake hiking, the election of Fruit arid (luna') rainid-. and Ornameatal Work generally. MOULDING ICE CREAMS! ikgigne brought by bun-elf Irma Europe, and hitherto Jiiikauwti ill tin. enmity. The unenlion, therefore. All 111 , Manages, of Minn. and t(tore slums p.irtieg., is niveletl in 11n..1ep.0 loiton of In. proie . .sioit• Up atieinioa t and it di-potntlott to .pleuee all, Ise solicit,. public patronage. CON:sr. DILT:VER. Columbia, January 9. 1 ),15ri-ktinay It —-- - - Just Received and For Sale, lirr nous:sm.': “mt n fine; lot of Havana Se )? as. enhatinn4, COIIIII.IIIZn. Empounitc, Diann, llittern. Principe. Itnrnpr JJJJJJ +c, Ainlorttnt, Jenny Lund. Lnuannt Adalinn. - At D. Grocer} and Liquor Store • nxten.ion of the IViighingtoil %Vullint Columbia, December Sausage Cutters. k MINE tlee pltrnt`4.ett..l^e Cutler n: No family /.11ould Le woiliout IMMIEIIg 111100315.---100 Doz. Brooms. at Wholesale ()I If. I'FA.I4I.{ , ,WS. _Dee 12. 1 4 57. Lnru.t p•rert. Just Received, A LOT of SKI ?Ingo Clicear, I'uu• Apple '• Swam. •• At I) 111;12ITS/ Cr?erry.Ext,ttto:t nf)llo.;toti st l:uluml.4l. Au:111.1 I. I-T:7 - ON FRIDAY, FE 1..!,1c5., 1%111 lie init.lie - m1e..11 diG limo Vasa of Witt. -hurt de..mnee nie,e,. the Ca0..1 ttt Cr:tomtit...l. the lotion r.,.; Toucan. beiomplog to the Andrew Drunk. deer.,-mt. THE CANAL BOAT, "3. G. HESS," TWO AD:1,1..5, ONE 110111:. AND ILA fi.NESS The 13ant .11,11 Hunt Furottote. Mole, liar-e, Hartle-, 0.. e.. A.,11. an be %old l(16,111., or eemirntety.ll. •elot•er. may wi-.11. The haul 1- a 31,0 lur,re. Comb-Decked, Bout, nen,ls 11:11' tog been 11111 elle ,mennt. Any pet-tilt In examine ,he Dom before the day of .ale. wail plea-e eat: "II Vim. r.istio.vo. who v. of give all II:101111a 11C•Ireti. Sale to COMlllentre at :2 lock P. Al. of :told day. when trans Wall be made known by E 111,1N111 Y, Adtnittistiator. Cohnnlaa -January :30. IS:in-21 ( 1 ....ER1111NE Imported Harlem (HI, for sale at DI li r..111:H1U. , . , Gut Illoitur Drug Soon, Front ia -treei,Columb, lit. 11,eb _ . TO LET. r{l I Ili ree—Aory crick DAVE:I.I,INC. 111011:zE, I. oil 1.010-1 =lre • et. above. :1t.1.01111, 111•111 . Ibe Odd l'ellow.• Mill. uud now occupied .1} ror lenua. apply to Jun. 30. 1030x1 J' AJIES MYERS. A TIIREE•STORY BRICK HOUSE, in la Li 11.1,111 :7;11001, lately occupied by Vincent ,mu 11. E.g. Ako.llllV ml Font below Perry ,arect. Apply to Jun. 30. A. BRUNEI[. T WO 11003 IS suitablc fur ph ysician's; or lowyer'.. other. it the boo, row °vet,- pied 113 Henry liroodt, to Lorort -t reel, oppo•ile the Wire. Apply to SA AFL TRUSCOTT Colootlota. intluary .10.1*. if FOR RENT, ("IN REASONABLE TERMS, the fine sT0111: I{QO.I AND DWELLING sow oecoided rendnc6 & CO .un From Street ; 24.1 door tom' I.uru.t •IrVt.t. Appl) to Col. Jun. II 1,54. M. D. WILSON. FOR RENT OR SALE. LAIIGG. rine P.m() and n half .toty It tICG DWELLING wlth exten-tve l aril. TA Stabling, out-builtling., 11N1: Clt I.: 0 GROUND. ,111.111. 10 the vtllagt-of :\ u few Itnanlnal r.l- 11011141 Y NOl . Ollll $OllOOl. Poi,et-ion gi veil 1111111,intiely. Apply to 11r I: B EBB. Jan 1. 57-ti or, DAVII) I lEB , Manor MILK! MILK!! MILK!!! subscriber will be prepared on . 1110 - -11 DA V. I,lt I ,to .uppiy tlii• eltiZell. of Co lumbia milk. III• wagon will, 011 and oiler that t:l}, %%all 111.0 . 1 vil,olller, al th• - II 1101 ,, mud cold: will lie Ittim-lied inarl,c-t purr-. The. IM-r Le in, Vmended to. 141101 D one I/111 Ilit• 111 . -Inrciele -applied. A portion of the pubice eu-tom I11:\ ICY ‘VISLEIt. Columbia .11ciii-try Ili 1 2 5- , Yw Opera or Sleighing Hoods. I 771: hay, it/.4 recelveil on additional .apply of ti.. I V nbovv good-. to new -13 As. than 1/11,111 . 1i1r (ewes prercs. ..11.: , (). a full luoe of lado.- nod Lo..nCo won's KO. and C 14,111 (1:11,.., 1, ALL Tins, be-t town! in 11. C. 1 0:\ Jan. it, 1 Ca , ll Gent's Mufflers or Cravats. 111: 1 . 1 . 11 , U1, arlieleof Ill:N TS' CASIIMEIZI• II ,ery de-Arable article lur the nee sun. A lull a,ortinclit Jul. revelved. t .1:111. 9, 1-.17 New Paper, Printers' Card and En velope Warehouse, NO, 105 COAnIF.II.CI.: PIIIL'A Cali I/11)er. will 1111,1 it for their tiltere•t to call Philadelphia, .1:11:. :2, I - GarTs POP. T E .13EtoLIDA.IES AT TIM CIIEAD BOOK STORE. "\ 1 1711.1T would make a more appropriate r !Win a 111,11 y 11011111 i 11111 i good linuk. A honk i- a token mote durable, niore iefining in ii' tendency nod mire healthful than anything that eon be give!, 'fire have jii.t reitirtied frotti the city with a lin ge varsetv of all that could depiird our hoe. in MIIIIIIOII in die already extett-tve -loch 011 hand and put ellit-ed ul the late l'a II Tiaile Sale-. W, will cannier:in, briefly -owe of the varieties on hand. ANNI:.I F.M. large and Imam' in he !Dn.( gorgeoa- -I) le- of lmaliag and -lope, slltl.trated 1/1 -.WV' Mid 111/n)11111 eavr laign and ,mull. of all .tyles of binding and al all parr. from SIP cent. , and 10 111131=17==2MMII large nil ever kepi by one book .roto• 111 . 4.14' a lb. , ' gonenew. It u, retrietrthelvd th.ii wt. hove the flt!e11( . 11•• for . 1.11 , AllIt'llt•l111 S 1111110) Sell.ll 1:111011. The•l Society, &c.. 1.11111,,, it I.ige vsillety of 111111 Book-, Traci-, C.ticl-..1111 nlllOllO °t wit , OIL hand. I I nINS AND of all il , nolainanoliQ. iu :ill -is 1,••• of Chu Asp-ottmentolvdvet bound Hook- fine I.lllll.tsLw. (i.POI 1:.4. of the 1.0• I rtool , ieg and in•truetive 1 eho .leter. done op in hove-. A e. WIN 1)1.:-N , \ n new lot expel %Lt., matte. of rapier AlaeLe, !11a 1100111). Iiii•l• N\'oo.l POICrf , (11.1() , . the fine :11oroceo, full gil: and plain loon el/s1,01111•1, I'ol{l' i()SN.111:S 11.eallier.1;att7c• %vire:llW Peal!. the. elleapesi lot are ever loot "1'1.0.e de.IIOUS -ontellotia love for motley, -koala eall. INK S VAN It Unrunentul and Plain, de .1,,1191 for I.le-eo1p; liar) are hoe. A litiallo•r Offille :11,11 teller Obit. trw 1100 k. jet-I pale are on .1. the Poet- oh the 19th Cc/1 Wry, (111 Mo y. Illoglaplst - of th-litiglio.ked I%'ornell, l: Ali-, 11.41 e, Ltd and lie valel.e. nl Sololi Alma. let :abloom, 'AV are (14111,1. reel 1011h:111N Ile,'MO tn-1•1111. -111,-rribe 10 .111111. good :Uagaziile or 110 W Paper would he a II.••IraLlr 1./11. Now 1. your 00,1 pun Itabe your llott d.a} Cheap !tool. Situ,. if - - December 10. 1.-57 _ I.:lnca-terPa Agricultural Implements & Seeds. (10LEMIN'1 nut MILL, fur grinding all vv hind. of glum. of Oily de-sred NIEI,'S HAY AND STRAW AND FODDER CU r I'ER, for Mind or liar., power—the-c ore ummr p,,....ed for ,•tliciency. •ionplieny and flora loloW• SHAM'S PATENT PON VA ISLE STEAIIIER in. cordon,: food for grent improvement on uny Mat have ever before been, 11-‘1" I'll EttSES, CORN SIIEL LERS of tor ttuoloy and 1'1.0111,11z; to great variety tool or the ton-tt np. proved itattertot. Root Cutter, :..m.rar 11;4. Lime Itind rl.lllllO oilier ;rupleflennl... needed by the former of gardener. Order, -ultetted cod 100111J01) Offended to. PASCH (I,L, MORRIA It:, CO.. N. Cur "ith cod Market h.treetts, December 20.1-si. 10 PER CT. SALVED ON STOVES. ClLLst—rini at Pfaiders and examine his oent Of STOVES. Parlor, Par. lor Cook. Hall, (Riley and Cooking tt , tove. tool Runge- of the late-a .1) le. and ot every pattern. Put-- rho-et, will find at to their :My:mine to -Moot from 01- full tool excellent stock, which wilt he °lre, ed at most re.o.oatrthle rates. Remetnher! at 11 PFAIII.I4R'S I.nrus4 •t oppoite the Franklin Iloti-e Cnlnm Lin. I h •v. 12 1-37. MUSIC. 7 H. EPA It I), 'readier of Aln.te—Vocal and I. In-trnun•:nnl—ve•lll re4ll,llV slip 1111111. Of lii. pr ce•--101i. hit tN DAY. rSIARCII 9 1,57. lii-truienitd, including Piano. ruelod,.. and 5.. 11—Order. for tuning and repairing Piano•, repairoia bows, and mu-leaf liwiroments 111 ironic rat. .sill reeeir4 prompt attention. r_rit.OUMS w Lovu.4 street, firm: door above the bank March 7, IS7i7. _ Stores! Si OVCIV: TIM Subscriber keeps up . illn P 301211-11, til 4 v COOK Ni)A VA Itl,Olt sTovcs of all kind- and of eve, y pullet,. and sile. Ile kell. at ren.onalile" - -""a priers and a.. 1.04 the public to exaninie and try his cock. VFA111.1:11., Idtru.l Wert. oppo.ite the Franklin House. _OoluAll/I ~.July I. 1 , 57. To Lumbermen & manufacturers! lIEW , S PATENT SHINGLE MACHINE. trillE subscriber having perfected the L 1 ebnYc iinielitne • offer. to ...II State, County stud Shop Highs nu ron.nnablr term, The machine -ow- and p Shingle. to any ‘vidtli Or tlttel‘ne.s. and proiluee..l very uniartrni nail clean article.. Inch low given pc met herever One allot. in:whine. and speelinens of it. work ran he ..ern at the Su..quelu a Pl.ining ;Mill, Columbia, Ps. Fur further mann...won, add re., WM. 111 . 1:Y. Columbia, Laneasier leo . Va. rj - The enionrueti on of the nave and frame. titian,. oh .en.irate worn the planer, In ',II wing sill kinds of , 1f.111.01% 2\llll bevelled work, stlea tie Flonnirg, Clnpbaa~dulg he. Colonials, Amity 23,1537. Wheatley's Arch Street Theatre A It cn Street ~Love Sixth. Philadelphia. The Star sssss pally. COM[IO,II of the first A 1114111, 111 Ille world, and eXeeriling in otrength nod Talent any It, ammo. (3 Intiation lirrelolbre olTered In the The atrical P0h1... will tirpellf every night itl eninedy, Trag edy, , 1-1,10 Canine 1)i . ..n.11, Vandevstle.i. 111u.ietil Borten,. dce When t :siting the city, go there. October 111. 1,57. II PFAIII.ER, Cold Cream of Glycerine, 1,0111 the CDre and Pre v e n tion ntr Chap pe.l Mod.. I. Dr. U. IS DERR. Col. Nov 7. I V . J7. r:oMett M mitt r Drug Store PUBLIC SALE, TO LET TO LET 11. C nrsiwits-miTirs ca.h awn•, COIUI4II/1,1 N. S. MILVATB.M.NC7E'S MMEESEIMM2I33 WASHINGTON INSTITUTE. T3OX - 4-"IVS. AT a meeting of the t.ehoul hoard of the Wrinitington 1.,,t11111e, WHOM:lag Were agreed 1.11.11 as the halo,' of tuition, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE: For Primary EngleL branchc , , 61.00 for each quarter of I 1 week, II ether Emzli-11 Lru ticlic.. $OOll per ,junrter. Latin and Greek, per quarter. di,voant of tril.llo on each oh the above branches vat I be nude to citizen. of Ohl rolanthia = Columbia. Dec. 5. 155741 THE WONDER OF THE AGE! T M. UNDSEI"B Great Medical Discovery! • which t• :I purely Crgrtrr Ur Jr. jtratto". for the polity mg of the blood,giving vigor to the liver, -lo Inurh:led I, webs expelling braes the al -tole all morbid mater, and solosimaiing m in. stead a :teal th fel eenelly through all die faneuons °flue. DOW IT WAS DISCOVERED! in the fall of 1,..54 a daughter of :tlr I.lhul-ey wa.. sad - emit; from a audit:Ham attack of L;11111•11J111 011.. (Caiikei of the mouth ) ,13 had picvnia-ly been pro.trated by the iittael,of Dy-emery, Inflammation writhe ?mug. , 1111 d 'teethe Fever, ,meee.sively, v. Mei., re-tilied in the above whined tier (10111.1111011 colts 1110.01 0.111,10r111/11.1—lier 11100111 1111 d cheek were literally ro.ten—the attending ph y-hman prollolllll . l,lthe ea-e a Impel,— oat, Ever) thong in dicated a openly and horrible death—Me death of rmithig out of lite! Al this ermeal Juncture, Mr. Linikey prepared a compound for the purpo-e 01 al leviating, if po--ible. ilie pain.; of the little -utterer. she sew , made to u-e ht freely,: nd in a Mimi tune to trio-I Jebv,htful a-toni-Imient, there wa- a very perceptible change for the better. The moult begun 10 put 011 a bright and healthy appea ranee—the tUlll 111C111111” , ame --weet—:he re , toreil the child --echoed to partake Ma new and !lope iu-plred, and the u•c or the COllll/01111d Wal..l.llolfUllY continued. the re-lilt of which. %vitt, the Idr...clog of God. wa. her complete re-toiation. :She 1- eons' perfectly healthy! r(0111 tile etre:nit-lance, Mr. Laint.ey w.te led to prepare with greatercare anti exacine•-, what had , o u-tonishingly 1:L1,1111m- r•bnd, and coutinued ins ciperimental elrolli 1111111 111..111.- Ceelltql u, bringing, In perfection lu• great Urrat IL ma city for Blood lin vordy nice which tone ii have been alma-I miraculous. Hundred. upon nun dreJn. hp IL, liaise been +itaiched flout an untimely glace ulit t to the -wee', of health and the endearment- of !fiend.: The young' tun! old have I••-led it- power, una ping aloud n. vnv,.•.. they- - tiner u-ice lancl-e) • Init. lived !Stolid S,airtlll,r, we felt It- .1 - at ties lac WI.. -1111 . 111 g Mir veto anti under Goal we out cto it 11/o,e than %cod e:III expre.-." But hear mom their own lips unit then judge of it.. valuable etlect-. The few thul follow -hose that it t- de-el redly -tyled the Gteat•-t Di-voy eiy ofthus or any utlwr aye. J. NI. LINDSEY. Dollolo.sburg. Blair co 11111), l'a. CERTIFCATES ilonville, Bedfol .1 cn . l'a., Oct 11,1;5: I I Mr. J. M. 1.100..4.1 , —DeOr wa , i.everel) at- Iheted with rlieuniati-in for a whale year—nine 0.0111 ll+ Of as lnelt :lOW I OW. 1101 :1;.1e to letive my bed —ashen hearing of the vselel, fel etreet. of ) liar Im proved Illotidrel.,. I denim/tiled to ;novae,. .limeof il and :ova . at a farm ired. a•ing thl ee I WO. tibia to walk wound again a, usual, and am 110 w• WiloH) 1 C3ll let 4.111111,1 d it to .11 WhO Ole nuutial ly .111111,1, and believe it 1. Olt tt el.inn tu hr. louro, uu ly, 301 IN SI I.lFrElt. A 1)r-pr rate enae orTetler a nil 11arlper'slieli, curet , Lye ow u.,,• 111(11111 :...eareber. 1. the o del-a:4,1,41.3.0111e 111111. 111 1.1.1 Marl 11, Stile =l,, y 111- Ilivied with what Wa, 11101101110,11 by my pity -lentils in be a e 1,1.11111.11111 of Triter 111111 Barber- licit :11) 1.01111111011 W.IA 010- Of the g11.1111•.1 11.1.11 tny 1. we wits almost enostatitly runittog with the mul col rot, 11011 111111 12,11131•11 100311 1111. 11.1131,C;v, by %Stitch ,1 atmost comptetely After loving under the 00111 of my ph:. swum.. 101 near two month-, %Sillolll the lea-t benefit. I wa.. induced to make a Itial 01 1.11111.1.)'- Blood t. 4 eatelter. mid the re-olt woi that 01 using 0101 bottle 111111 11 1141(1 113111111:1 131.111M1. Core. 1 may al-0 ,ty that I eagerly tried whatever was tc• commended 11-. IL cure. r 4 uelt IStil toy WYI-11.:0.110e.• Ilial 1 is., ell le.Onled to 1111, 111111gC101.1• 1:X131,1100,11 of pouring tillre I.lco-ote 011 my lace and /leek, but .411 10 110 puipti-e—the Blond SC•Ifl 11er Wa, the 111-1 110t1 only %tang that 11111 Me any gond. A. 4 1110011 ;1111111," 111 to 11111.11111111eil; and 1 have great lee-on to i.e grato• MI that I reef 111.1110 a 11011 01 It. 111,11111 g 5.111111.., alai I can confidently recommend it in oily sslin 10.1 y nlll - 110111 'Fetter, or any other 1.11.,11.0 art-log 11,1111 00 impure -late of the blood JOIIN LELIA I LA T. llollmaytleurg, Pa., July :39, An titterer-ling ca=c of .i.roittla t•ured 1,3 one bottle of Lintl.e.3'. 1310011S...ticker. Tin- rei idle-that about one 3 cur ago Our little ..un aged tour Near- • w•a. 1110-I .11111eled Willl what the phy-u•l.nt. pronounced to be -crolula, and 1.V11.. 'flailed accordingly tor 11,4113 a 3 cur, but te1111011: the •logble-t benefit. 111. e 3 1 .- were a thill 1111‘11ei ) honor alitio-I con-taitil); which would eticru-t e 3 a•- beyond the power of opening them until they were wa-lied and cleaned by eonp and w•.uer. .Ahol/1 the nallle I/1110 all folioed yl.t below the glom, which Iu due lone (rol, unit conatineccd a do.charge.avllleli WU-fin/11d 1111J10.- ,lh'e la all y up Or heal—the bed would lie very wroth •iiiined and the clothing of tlie child periectly -le ken ing in a .angle night' , loot Aber having the attention ni a ph) -lela lor long a lane, anal hinting o.e rho lit 10 be gettill4 inn INC, we dete - alined to try the elfeel of Al Blood Sear. wa• ul la.: NI arch—and belore tw•o