DAYS OF APPEAL FOR 1858. TD the taxalile inhabitants of Lancaster county. I'or4oftot to the provkinits of the laws of alt. Commonwealth, the Untlet,igliett Cuttanim,toner. of Le',feeler Collet) hereby glee notice to the otxuble 111 4mbltunt 4 within the reveetwe city borough and tom,- ships of the ,uld county, that the day of itt.tiettl Iron, the A t .•.6lttelit for IXtS. will he nt the Cnntni+rion,•r' Office, In the city of linnea4tir, on the clays following to wit;-I , or the towsciltipi of Adamstown, Burt. Brut:knock, Caraurvon. Cocaine" l:u•t. Contain° West, Colman. Columbia, Conestoga, Monday. r.bruury TM, ISSB Clap. Donegal East, Donegal West, Drurnore, Egglgruta, Earl, Earl East, Earl IV,gt, Elizabeth. Elizabethtown, Titesany. February 23d, 1359 Eden. Fulton, Ilemittkltl East, Tempfie Id %Vest Lampetar East, slattne,tee West, Lancaster, Leacock, Leueuck tipper, .Littic Brittatte, I'Vecluesday. February - 24th, tea? Manbeim, inartie, Manor, 'Mina Joy. Mount Joy bor., Marietta bor I%lanheirn bor., zParudase, Penn, ..Pequea. Thursday, February 22.ith, IgB. Providence, 'ue isbury Sudbury, SI ratiburg, Slrn shun:. bor, Vetrvvick, NVubliington bor Friday, February 2Gili, 1553 'Monday, March 1, 194?. WM. C. %WIRT 11. DANIEL BRANDT, JACOB F 1 , 13 Y. Commispioners Lancaster city, Jun. 9, I .7,5841 t N. S. LAWRENCE'S New Paper, Printers' Card and En velope Warehouse, NO. 405 COMMERCE STREET, Cavle lenyery will find it fur their interest to cull. Philadelphia, 31111. 2, MS. . _ FOR RENT OR SALE. A LARGE. rime Iwo undo half viory MUCK DWELLING !MUSE, with extenvive nrel,A LL 11111 t ONE ACRE OF ". •GROUN D. vitimic ut the velleige of Millervville, only a few hundred yard- from the Normal Selicol. Pot•ve.v-ion given immediately. Apply to Dr E It DERR. Columbia, Jan 2. '57-31 or, DAVID HERR, , Aldienr. - - _ AGENTS WANTED. VXCELLENT Business opening. Wanted a _LI fess. cue rgelic, teidmetriou. men. to svll A green]. ei rill hunk-.among the farmers. Very rllvorable sena will I.e given WIIII proper attention. more than Sinn per month. clear email, above all eXI/1 . 11,05. 01111 lie reedited A one I:1111110e 10 mke money venhou I ri-Ic For portico liar-, apply immediately In A 0. MOORE Agreeieleieral Book Publi-her. No I la Ful ton street. New York. pan. 2. 1 Srr.e eit COURT PROCIAkIVIATION. INTHEREAS, the Hon HENRY G. LONG. Presi- T Y Jean, lion A. L. Mint. , mid FVIIRKE Bnivrns. Esq , A-,same Judges of the Court of Common fleas, in and for the county of lainca.ter. nod A. , 1,111111 Jicasces of the Court of Oyer and •I'ermniner and Gen. mai Jail Delivery and Quarter:fee...Hlsor the Peace, •iu nod for the comity of La neu.ter, have t.siatil their Precept to me direeied. requiring me, among other thing, to amt. e Proclamation throughout my Bailiwick, Mtn a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Al•n. a Court of General Quarter Se.-inn. of the Peace and Jail Delivery. will commence at the Court !louse. in the coy or Lunen.- ter. in the Conimonwealili of Penns, iv,nnub oa the :Id ;MONDAY IN .1 %N ii ARY. In 5•: In on r.ini nee• of which precept. PUBLIC NoTtoß lS II Eli CRY GIVEN. to the Motor and Aldermen of the ciny ty italletli.lar t 10 Altai comity, and ail the Ju•ocec of oaf Peace, the Cormier, and Cotislithles of the Cilia and tumid) of Lmica-ter, that they he then and there in Ihclr tiWil proper perma., wolf their roll, rettonl., and examination.. nail inquimmii, nail their oilie r ritintualtrances, to do thn•c things which to then of fice. lameriaiii, in their Iteleill to be done: Had .11+0 all rho, who wit:filo-crone itailiant the prisoners who tire. or then riuUl Inc. in ilie Jail of nine surd county °I - L:M1.4.0,, are In lie then and there to prosecute again.' them 1, shall lie just Dated at Lnuca.r•r. the tintli day of fIENJ A MIN irOWK. Sheriff N. —Punctual allendm.ce ofJ urn,. and Wotue, will hereafter Ile CX Peeing! and required on olor fir-t day or the Aldermen nut Ja.toet, of the Pea ee are rconno ed by :too order of t!mori. dated Nov. ell. I- 1 , 4. to return their recogetizant•e. 1.1 Samuel Evan., Clerk oi Catiarier ow, week from olay of final 01.1.401 111 ininn t until in de• ult there...the logo , inote..' coo.. Dill not be ..1.11111.w% 2. 1-(.. UST rterhed. a lot of 31alaga Grapeg and • 1.1 , 111' rut' .1:1,1 Catici•etiot, , •.% .10. 111 , 1.1,11). iN , 4T iII I EH'S New Colateutooliery. From DIIIIMEM NOTICE r IIE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of Ibc rohnoi. 04 . 11 i held at the oiliest of for C ,1110011 y 011 MON DA V../ N VARY 11, 1,1.4. between the hours of mo and three is'eloek. P. AI.. for Inn thithose of electing one President. tool Altitingers. for the ) ear. "l'he ity-Lit, proposed by the Board of Managerc vvdl be acted upon at the above meeting 'l'. It 'I.II;PPI.F.I:, Secretary. Columbia, December 20. 1z.37-31 Just Received and For Sale, ITTIIOLE I -A LI; sind Iletailot two lot of I luvaiin So I V gurc, such as CILIIIIIIII:I., Confielua. I:inpournie, J)uoero. Minn, LI liziennt. Ptinville. comprotni.c, Antloositt, A1t.....0uri. Jeini.t. Lind. hlt.,,etigeirit, Londrits Maims, At II HEIM'S. Grocery and T.iquer Store, Extensiott of the Wa.htegton I bet”e, %Velem et Colutnbia,llecember Agricultural Implements & Seeds. /10EMAN'S FARM MILL, for grinding all km& of grain. of any cleired finenr44. DANIEWS HAY AND STRAW AND FODDER CUTTER. for hand or horse power—these nre un.ur. passed for eflieieney. snnphrity nail durability. NEWSHAM'S PATENT POR CABLE STEAMER dot cooking food for stock—a great tmproneinent nay that have ever before bred DCDERECICS HAY PRESSES, CORN SHEL LERS of cope nor quality and finish. 1'I.0111(AIS in great variety and of the most ap proved patterns. Root Cutters. Sugar Mulls. Lime and Guano Spreaders, and all other maplemeins needed by the twiner or gardener. Orders solicited and promptly attended to PASCH k T.L. MORRIS & CO., N. E Cor 7111 and Market streets, Pliil.tdta. December 2.6, 11,57. _ Whisky! Dried Beef! A FitFie,' II !et of kuperior 11 A lot of prune bugged Dried Ucel. Jul reee,r d by Aug 8,1,... , 37. LI urns. fUEB.R•ING'S SAM! TIIE ACKNOWLEDGED CHAMPION. The recent teal- lit Rending have endor.ed the current o public opinion, and eonfirgni,.l the verdict of more than 200 occidental fire., proving Con. clu•ovely that "tlerroite." the 0,11 y Safe tin will not born Extract from the Committee'• Report on the Tina of Iron Safes at Reading: '•On the gbilt of February all the member. of the committer Met 10 wane• One :tale= unit bent:, null paper, (Inherit in them.) nod were perfectly .fird Abut ail wioi right. 'Fire do)• toliowing. the burning nook place. under the Pupernitendeiler of the COM. moire. Alter u fair nod impartial burolng for five the Sore Ryan,. h. Wat•nn w•o- Cirri opened, he Sate bein g on fire in.ole, and the coil. trill. partially cno-umed, while the coittesita in the Fared-d. Ilerring Were in good COW d 1 nn. mill no fire t0.m....1 Reading. March 2.'2,57. (Signed,) -----... .4...w,r. -7 1 rs.l:7-7,:r147M. 1 .....ji___l E- 1 t 14411 I , . 4 t . .!:'' 75111 I: k . ' ,i I liti II i ~.' :,: , ,, , ;', r g vs, i.tyil ~_ °j, 11. P. PF.I.IX, P. N. COLIENT AN:I-Committee. A. II PEACOCK. Aqd endorsed by over .50 of the beet men of Read ing% The above ?Wes ran be:inorteeted nt AValnut Street. where the pubhe CIIII 41111.ry liteme,ly,,,,f. the great fUjierlOrily of the '•llernute.s I•utent Champt.m,•. over the defeated and wed up •ut.tde Iron Door Sala' EMIR/MS h HERRING. 34 Waaltaut Street. Plot Isetrn Only rnakfrslta this State of Ilerrirsg's Patcnt Ckampion inf.. The mtg.-opt math, by other panie• to hot-ier up the reMaation of a Safe whteh has failed so rognally in art., 4 14.1 „Cow 01 Pluladelphia. 4lCau•arad Place I by Inking gne out of an tagent'o -tore. (111 A 1...11.) made double thirknrw, (fifretent from Chow lhry rail) 10 ••hnrn upaptte of Iferrotg'•, (half a• thick) ha• (net with lie true.....uward .Urrnng'• Safe could not be burnt. proving rottel u.,nrelp shut the only rehAhle Safe now made i• "Herritteq." of winch over 15 (MU nre 11011 r in xl.lOOl U., and filflre Lau by (Ire testhout n Single 411, Jnnn• Ituitti.le. Ageo l , Culumbi4. / 0 ./u p 71. 11137-1 y Blackwood's Diaga.zine and the British Reviews. L. sco & CO., NEW YORE., Continue to publish the lollowing leading British Periodi cals, viz: The London Quarterly ( Cunserratire.) 2. The Edinburgh Review ( Whig.) The North British Review (Free Church.) 4. The Westminster Review (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood'sEdinburghliagazine (Tory.) These Periodicals ably' represent the three great political parties of (heat Britain— Whig, Tory, and Badical,—but politics forms only 011 t feature of their character. As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, Litera ture, Morality, and Religion, they stand as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, leing considered indispensable to the scholar End the professional man, while to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. _ _ TERMS PEP. ANN. For one of the lour Reviews, $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews, 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews, 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, For Blackwood's Magazine, 3 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 00 For Blackwood and lour Reviews, 10 00 IV — Payments to be made in all cases in ad vance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING A discount of twenty-five per cent. from the above price will be allowed to Cluba ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Black wood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for 530, and so on. POSTAGE In all the Principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered Free of Postage.— When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but Tw69TV•FOUg CENTS a year for "Blackwood," and but Vona- TEEN CENTS a year for each of the Reviews. N. B.—The Price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is $3l per annum. Remittances for any of the above publica tions should always be addressed, post paid, to the publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Gold street, New York. December 26, 1857. Adjourned Courts for 1858, TT is ordered by the Court, that adjourned court- for be Beal for the trial and tleee.itiO of etNe in the COllllll.ll Plea, Orin}lull: Court and Quar ter Se,ion,, as 10'..,0w5: = One lveek connavacolg . oil .‘loutllly, the. 15th of March '• 4 Strict J 1111 e. ill •• " `• . 2.1111/ Of Still. •4 c• 4 ' “ 91.1 th of Dee. To continue one week f•orn the said days rospeettvel3, unit us mach lonzer a. the I,ll , lllesc shall reontre All the cases on the 11-4 for argument 111 are Orphans' Court shall he token up on the Inr•t (hos of said term-. and proceeded with until dtsposed or, unless conautied by eoaseut or cause .hots a. ca-e. on the urgument Ikt in the Quarter Sec .oini-4 shall lie taken up Oil the. Weilne.tlii) of the , 111.1 term., if not prevented by lii i 11 1 ,1111,, of the Orplinti.: Court. mid it no tun cri.t., in the (twiner rre.,iota. m be commenced at the termination of the Orphan. Court hip,itiePS 'rue argument of the rice in the Common Nen. In be ennimeneett ott of the week it not prevented by thu Orphan.' Court, or (Muller Se...ton em.e.. III:11 coca;co. the argument list of the .ailettert latsett tip at the teramtatant of tire ca., itt the other court, and proceeded itt until divo....ed of. unle:,120111/11t1.1 coll eat or came shown. It i• further ordered that thee nle:eneo of coon,' nt the uppototted for taktog tip ea,s nuvmuncd iii the orectultug n1,4,4..1;141 ln• uu r:une to .u•p•ud proceed ings therein. hp cuu•eat or Ingot ground lor cunt:nu:owe be .hoaeu. Jury Trmi , It ig nolered by the court that :ulpmnu•d yourts for Jury trials in the Cutattatth Pletts s iii be held as tolltnest One week commencing the I -t Monday, Ist of Fell p. `• 1.4 " 1.4 01 Alnre I 44 •lilt " •21th ul Aloy " 5111" 30:11 01 Aligust " 1,4 t " 1111 of Oct. 4111 " 25111014)cl. •• 5111 • 29th of Nov. And Ruch other period. it. way 1,, 111Wanilto tl W. the “fort,:itli court, c), al Ow, regular tenor. The toro , zoiliv, In hPf• puhh.hrd w 1111 111.. newspoorr, Iti ilie ril) (.00011 4/i I.:lnca-let. Ili Ire ...111,,•% , “ I` lino, In t.itch at Ihe eXpet,,,• hic pre,cattal at the Cotiotto-soo. other. A or-4: .1 1;0\V. I AN. Prothottotor!.. Deceialwr 1,37.:ft List of Applicants in Lancaster County, for Licenses, January Sessions, 1858. A PPLICANTS FOR TAVERN LICENSES. Columbia Borortgli.—Jueoli S. Miller. Gcrliard Brandt. • John Slack. Jacob Wall. 31:trietta Borough —Benjamin 'l'm lor. APPLICANTS MR I.:ATI ifoL'SE LICENSES'. Caomt. a 80, Jacob Wall. '• Blurb Vogele. '• Julin Ilfetrienn Borough --A hilt, Ale:Melial. ll'e‘t 11. migii 1,1 Thr , ,i.hip.—ltabert Arpt,ll i's FM{ LICEN:-I: To SIiI.I. Liquoit Inv GALLON. —Atizustal: .11art+ttot Borough.-11 I). & A M. I h Edviwil P. Tranicr Vial I:injoitlil & Myera. Ata st• SA 111 . I :I. V.V.ANS. cri gaartrr tiftsittn3. Lancader Decerulrer Christ tams, Christmas. "Glad come, and every hearth Make.: room lo give him welcome now, E'en wain will dry Lns teal, in mirth, Anti crown him with a holly hough." And our friends will welcome trim ii4joyouidy a. ever and celebrate 1,1. (mining t h e d ear one. of the firt,ide , nine token of frientlitiato or alfrii Where can such be found in neuter anti more appropriaie form than at SAYLOR h McDONALD'S !lend Quartergand News Lepel, Front street. December 19, 1e57. L 0. OF G. T. HOPE LODGE, No. 45. AlBOE't7.l3,„TliEtitstY„ten3lls„DolltirthEeVJElNrG4or 7 A it - torten, over Mil,' Hook Store. Loeu+l Circe,. be• low Second, Columbus, Po. Dv Order of the Lodge Colombia, December 19.15'57. GIFTS FOR THE ECULIDATZS AT THE CHEAP BOOK STORE \ V 11(;) tft , 1 1 1: . oul an g d , nii , i t he t, a ll i d nor 4 e g a i d lp h r t op k ri appropriate Look 14 a token more durable, more refining in 11Q te,,,te t ,ey mot more healthful than anyilung that eon he given. The sali.eriltern have just renamed from the city with a large vartety of all alma mould deNired in our line, in addition to the Hirenny sleek nil Intild and Tairehmed at the late ran Trade tt , utlea. ‘Ve will enuinerute briefly some of the varieties on hand. ANNUALS, largo and small. hound in the moot gorgeolto -t) leo of binding and superbly illu•truled -Teri and mezzotint engraving.. MILES. Inrgr a rid of all .Iyleo of binding. and at all micro float 50 coat. and leas to S27i. Al.111 , :0• 4 . a fine rind varied uti•ortinent. JU VENI LE., rta large no assortment a. ever kept by one book .10re 111 hilllCAaleri some of them quite new. Il is to be retnenthered flint we lm, e the usenet,. for The Amerfolia Sunday School Union, The Tenet Society. &v. &e.. and have a large vtioety of then- Books, Toone,Cued=, and all sorts of gills on hum!. 111 - 11 NS AND PRAVEn 4 . or all denommitimite. in nll et y of towline. Our oitiorinient of eeivet tiound Unok• 14 fine and I.trge. I:AMES. of the moo nmu.ting and in•tructive elaurneter. clone up in fine hose.. hr. D1V.t. 4 1 , :e1. AND %YORK ROSES. n new lot expeeted tin• day, mode of Papier !kindle, Mo hnen:ie. ito•r PORTFOGIOS, tile fine Morocco, full gilt and plain to •on PORT rjONNA IFS. Leather. Gauze svire and Pearl. the eheapest lot we ever had. Those de-trout .onteittentt rater (or money, should call. zaTANDS.Oroomental and Plaice, de •egned for present-; !hey are fine. A number of film and valtrelele new hooks ju•t pub li.bed. are nil Inloil..nsch t.. the Poet. of list 19 th cru for). The Bible Gollegy. Illongropliy of DeOlnanoshecl 1P omen. by Mr, Ingslon'•Travels nod Ile• .earebe4 ut µ0,,, Afro,. In a4l.lillUil, we tire dud) n:I llent is ioew• and t.eful To .üb•rnbe m .one good Alag.tAine of new Paper. wooed he a de , orul.:e Now la your n.,11. to ...feet and purcLaso your Holi day Gifu. At the Cheap Rook score .1 .51U1tRAY VUCN(;dt CO. Lancaster. Pa. Dre , mber 10,1,57 Sausage Cutters. EXAMINE 11141.1•111,11 5.1111.11 p. Cutter at rEahler.! No family *.hoold Le o ahout one Dec.l2, 1 ,57 Nov is the Time to Subscribe for the Monthly Magazines. SUBSCRIPTIONS received for the following Aloe, lean and Foreign Periodicals; Emerson ...:. Putiaan's Mag ißluel:wonst , .. do., Ha rner's do :No; di Dritedi Review, Graham's do . Edinburg Review. (lodes's do., London Quarterly Rev., Atlantic do.. London Lancet. Knickerbocker do.. London Punch. I,..'ir - vdo . London Illustrated Newt. M rs. Stephens' do ~London Art Journal; Also. all die Ra=don, New York and Philadelphia Weekly New-papers sold by the year or .ingle ropy. SAYLOR A: McDONALD, Front wt eel, Columbia, Pa Columbia. December 11.., ISW. Dazuerrentyires, Arnbretyneo, Me lainotypes. THE subscriber has returned to his old ruiner of ' , root uud Lnetza otfreo, nun offer- his ,r vice- to the citizens of Columbia nod tri Hotly.:i the oo!y Dattuerroto operator now in the Borough THE CHRISTMAS SEASON 1. line •enson on Gift-. and noihoig more appropriate Than a good Dagnerreni or. or Alidirol)pe Irk cue-. ea. lie rillereil ton frn•ud or rellillve Otil I then and nbmw one 01 the beautiful :aid corn eel picture- whu•h will lw Wurriiiied ,o give every •otiklartioa, Father.. mul6rr -t-Ice brother., iinny I.llw lime In ',anent,• One of ihre:e imperfilioble A intact ypen, and thus pre .erve Ike fn :dole- of beloved foetid, R I.:NISEI:: the old .laud, gOrlier of Front and Come- taken from D.tguereenb•pe+. rind wart - amen accurate. l'ictute,mt Mtn- aad All Ilauuerre•oty Amtiretyl.e.. , and Metat ants. pa taken at fin- eQtalph-litnent, wart anted its to idde. The afternoon I-Me hum 1111. e. (Or Cillidleio 1 . 110:4 L :NUM 11.. Columbia. December CHOICE AHD DESIRABLE GOODS 1 00.70 ?,.. -‘l . 2 .11 E $ 4 , 1 1,57.''' I'6. 8 8 00 Rich Dress Stlks at $l,OO, worth $1,25 French-Work Collars—very cheap. Elegant Setts Collars and Sleeves Handsome Gray and Black Cloaks. Fine Black Cloth Cloaks—very low Broche Long Shawls at $lO, worth $l5. Bay State Long Shawls at $l,OO. Rich Chenille Shawls $4,00 to $lO,OO. Silk Chenille Scants at 51,50 worth $2,50 With a Large Stock of every description of Al Low Prices Cur Cash, At HALDEMAN'S Cheap Cash Store, Columbia, December ID, 1857. "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever." HANE you examined The exquisite "Blur and Ili.- ',whet cal./11.0i Limglei;OW, rt•IIII) -"It Leigh lloot, (Arr. Ald--e), :Old (It heltottsol 11111— 'rat , d Gift Books. Itt Sa) lor ,t AlelDonnld , .! ' A t Ad 11111:, more 111.11• , 111 has t•Ver lieu a offered to Colima oats. of every vanity from the• Holiday Uottk. tor tlt , • rLild to 110. immortal w nr6• Or the (i,lll Mil , cr. Of Port'. fiow the runple• l'apter Roth. to the elttlotrately lln s-hed Ludt,: N•ot l Ito v, It, he (4.11ti.t at V Ll lit R Nlt - D0NA1.1) , .. j~rDi.%Uc,s of t• ) .1.••eup110' Evet Mall -41010111..1V , 011, 1ive,.1.1,11/.1,57. w.a. s rDrGT 0 TAT 0 'USE, DANIEL HERR, Proprietor. TIIE subscriber will, oil 11101\•ILIY, 21.1,57.1 e-time roiiiitoil of l oollosil known old •iond. too How., 0 , 0111.. r of Frain :1111/ \Val:lw ..tree,'. 171/I,IINIIIIA, PA. Ilti off,: Into. expellent, i ts no d the pl.l 011111:L11E111 of 111. 110 U, 11 411111 . •1111Ce 101 newt' 01 - Itt.t fultilt• aveorman Tia. eslallll.llient is thor0.0 1 1 ) amt .•tialilt•O., nud 011 Int' mr,i nt ‘iarif via-- ltto! 111 1'1 . 13 re in A. ettwielll rem,- of good will lie in alto/id:owe line ',moo age 01 hi- old II wild- :mind :he piddle ITESEUIE DANIEL R 1,77 - The well I;nown WaQlllll,llrin Ilou.e. It ..-11.111ra, ot:.telled ,” liott.l =8 SALESIVIIIII WANTED (INK %\ 11() lIA I) 1 , XPI:It11:N I'l, AN 1) 1 , 111loori,11,4;„) , 1 . 1111 01 , 111111 n pe• In ma vitt .11 111111011. %1 1 L lilll . eollll3ell.tllloll. Is) nppl JIl at (me, 131=1 =I HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. THE teNlimuny of Prof, Booth Hod Ilr, linnekle ong preOnu-IY bee , . l'uto , `h , d , U.' tollomilE: Front Prof. Mel':lo-key forrnerl3 prof.--or of Tln•- or}' nn•l l'eaettee of lettleitie to the Pere:tle el College 01 PC1111%)1V1113111. and hie Prote“or of - .or ger} 111111 e Amer.:lto College r," 191511dei1.11111. Nnc.!27. -56. Mn. Jn.eett G 14oecte—A. It tel of 1,011011 liner D 3.. well eonvolve the mod 'het elegant nett elheatelote, prep.traitoo l7talthe 111:10) other, It ha;m-lu•d them. arid the eXtell , 11,delf1:111.1 fir-t erealed, l'ollttilued uninterrupted until the present Ilddre- , ed to the Al.inuilietory. No 41(1 Rine.. -uteri. above Fowlli, (old No. (44 ) Philadelphia, will receive prompt II twillinn, by JOSI;l'il E. HOVER. Nltmufaxturer December 11/.1 , 57, to April 111 second supply of Alr arc now U mud). for ill. lovection of the Indira, nod our PRICES ARE 20 PER CENT. LOWER thno eau he had at no) other -tore in Colombia ID-Cull and judge for pour•elven, nI 11. C roNDEßtzmiTirs. Dec. PI, 15.57. People% Cn.h Stoic 10 PER CT. S ILVED ON STOVES. (1,111 at Ptahlces and examine I►is ‘_) wrrmrru 01 STOVI;'•lor Itor. for Cook. /lull. ()thee tool Cooking t‘itive. 0111 R:ange. of ibr Inlr.i , i) le- and of 0 vet) P ar . et ill find It to their itilvittooge fo .elrei from Mt , (till nod exeelleiti .tor k. irloclt will Ire oilered us ino-t rea,ottable railed. Remember' at it PrAI11.1:11% 4 I.oru.t rt, oppo,lte the Fruitkiln !louse CWOIIII.III, Dee. It!. 1,57. WrIERE,IB, Letters of Administration to the e.tille of Andrew Grout,. late of the Bo rough of Colombia. Imisen.ter county. ileeensed. have been granted to the subscriber residing iu Al moot town ship, nil persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment. and 1110. e having elnim• the same, will present therm duly authenticated, for settlement. to 1:1'11RA13111211.11! , y. Lee. 11. 1:757-7t Administrator. CARRIAGE FOIL SALE. Toll - Pt , for .ale naecond hand Car 1. nage, in good repair. Apply to D. 12, IS;i7 HOLIDAY PRESENTS. A FULL line of beautiful Embroidered COI.I.ARS. SLEEVP:S. srrys. Gtr, lit Re dured Prrees.sla 11. C. FONDERSAIITIPS. December Tunltcu.erther ha. a hug, stork of Ci.lern Pump. and Ram, to uloch he eat:. the attention of the Ile is prepared to put them up for u-e in a sulmoutial and coda:tug manner. H. PFAIILER. I.rteu.l 'octet. Deeember I^.l =L7 FXTENSITE CABINET WIRE-ROM AND MA NU Flan'oll V. Lory=t .trert. Columbia. 'l'll, vutiveriber would cull the attention of the t•il rsene of Golunthia and vielllllg. to kin large and -e -;eel avvartment of Clthinet-Ware. ernnPuettnt •-Ome of the fitieva Drevvltiat Bureau.. Sofas. French !fed -lead. Jenny land, he.. ever offered for vale no On; plate lie continue. , to ninnfiteture 1 - armoire of every drvcroption. and iv confident Ilia: he ennui give eativfartnia. CIJFTINS made and Fonerol. attended to either in towel or c.uninry. on the aJtorirat notice. CA: , CA It S. El ERT. Coturulna ; June 11. PPAIII.ER. Locu.l street FOR Fine French Alerinoes at 75c All Wool Plaids at 50c. Gold Medal Black Sills Figured French Merinoes. SeoullßA Merino Robes, $1,50 All Wool Paris De Laines FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! Largest Assortment in Columbia, At Bargains to suit the Times. Best Kid Gloves at 87'L.c. DRY GOODS GIFTS! GIFTS!! GIFTS!!! =9 Or Good. Siore. Col 05t,11.. NEW runs AGAIN NOTICE. 11. Locu4t CISTERN PUMPS. C. SEIBERT'S Bittlo3lB.---1110 Doz. Brooms, at 'Wholesale or lier..ll, 11.1 TAIILEW6. Dee 11, Iqs/. Loeu-1 f-trees. PEOPLE'S' BOOK STORE TUE OLDEST STAND. NEW EST STOCK J. 3. SPRENGER. W. M• WEETHAEFFER. HIIVII\G just received their Fall Stock of Book-, Stationery, &c.. are now prepared to hold out mdueetnents to the public. such as have never been °tiered In the lastory of Lancaster Book Stores. The liberal ritcourngement extended by the public, some We are in bo•tittess, has spurred as to renewed energy. 'Pa sell books as low as mite lowest, and as good as the n 4 now our alio In consequence of the stringency in the illoner :11arket. and the extra ordinary low pares et what), Hooks Stationery. &c., sold a: the late Trade Sales In Plutadelphist and New York. Tearthei- of Pulshe Schools witl find it greatly to their advatitoge to call on us before sclectiog their books, , . LL'r would here distinctly eny that we employ no Country Agent-. preferring to remain ut home, and atetug the purchaser Iliebriiefit of .uty expett-e wlttelt wouid thereliy occur by -eiling our Bootie, he t 11l a lad cr figure. e hove all the whool hoof.'` now in u-e in the Cnuuit of I.:Men-le,, mill of whwi., we nre prepared to -ell wholesale or retail, maKing the IllOst deduction to loaellf., Oar eitinik oi MeierHawn.. nnok 4 . it unt , ',""llY I.iree -1,1.1,11 .111$11 11111,11 lOW,' price Ilia. here— The Iti ailing Vol• .. will plea., near tln , fuel in. Milian when. illo•3 -I It, I iheir hook, for the winter. NN e nil lie.i MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS of the ettutv n. :11g.,11 sow/ Germ:to. W/ 111 I .01 of t!l , In I iir -Irwk (ii 1,.-:ter. Note. :mil . 1.11 ttniwr, w.• 4.1 . a r :111v1111011 to tlt, lit, lu 11 ft ii,- 11• c ha% t• ilo• too., vi rind.l•.m onoto of Gold Pen= for Ladll, .ind t,rntlrmru , Mid Mkt' great I,:ea-ure to w 01, 0 ,74 the pu'du• uryumuird avilh Our (Iwo it. the. Srrilooos zoo! roily .i_l, an onparn II trial 01 11,11 y those Whir C:111 JUd4l` loi the yu.dnie. of an - A No I, Gnoou•icili Pc o," feeloog a—lrctl Mat II I. jl,l Ihr 11..11 W. 1111 1 .11 to make a•uuu; a plea p.ant .k OUR STOCK OF FANCY GOODS, 1'0ri.1110011.11,. Par. • . Card ease-, &e. &e 1.• ii-nut itch and 1•11.•11.1VC. Mt . iuvue 1110 e-pecial aitennon 01 the ladle- milli- -ante. We have itko a very line -lock of Allows-. Portfolio., Wino.; We Levi, eine-tautly on hand a peat va riety of Aloulding for Thai re rfalit,, and are pre pared to frame priori , of any 10 tine eborte-t motley and a very low lira, Our receipt- of good , . by Expre-- are alanii-t Ilint we tire enabled In i•apply on) thing 110 • 00 1011111. wbro ordered, in a inereddily .11101 0111, 1.1 0011010.1011. we ear ns-thy . 0011011101•00. of public patronage, with tire a...alum , 111 110 effort will be a awing on DM part to give general i , iite-n4 turd pre-erve tor ow , 10-Inneio toe ihnsie of c it . H oo k 33 Scalia queen-Ire.: Lillie .1-ter ,112ENGER wEsTiIAEITER. October :A. 1 , 57 Piciprtetor, cmaxdomaL! 't 'IIE undersigned constantly on hand 1 awl tot 2..tte. liohininre Cnmpany 'lnd Dumont; Wlnie A.-h• Egg I{:kiiv•. ;11111 Cci .I—the imttip eqts4l ti ”,>: •t 111110 •lIINII/11/1 to the couillry ;lon 0f..! lannn I: o:•t1 Nut, Or line he-t quo: non, -.;g•int t Ira ven KggC0a1.•~,.•1t,..~ .•~,.•It , ..~ dult••-r, • womcr u..; (.tour holm), 1:;! ~ superior ;trto•lr so, -io••on 1i1110...e.-; nnouni and Pnt..'on 1%. In.e dud Crd A-11, Lump 1:.414 trout T.,p and Allegue.l3 nomninou- Cool, of the qualim•-• fur 1d:wk....111.g; Th.• 11:,e v.• general .I—nrini,lll of Cool, con , umeN nud Ow public:nr mused io ca 11 .111. t clatollt, and twat tile low,- I Am ptn•VaiLd 10 11.11111 , h U.! Ink , ove la) the Car or rut, my 11 hurl, foot of Canal 111•111 Cul mu, I.E Luutnrlrt f•Outil y, Pa. AI-0. 17.0 a I a till 1:011 reveloed and pdlipped on corn sue -am G. 111i5N., Oct. 111. P-57. IVlEnzczrzms, 21eLEMICIINIMS. \;\'DOD'S hair llrslaralive. ii,111:1•1*- ge table Puunaven. tielmtuntur- hurl ut nod rinr-avartlln. re-in l'• Pal and Itmuell Elteriantator. Di-erwery. A 111 1 .11 1 .1111 COMPOUIIII. De-filer- Fever and Ague PM-, ()ailment and Worm Confections. Ayer - - Pill- and Cherry P..ciorul. Veintma I.lltittient. of all:nu-mid Plowerg. I lol.en.nek'. Sy rap and Pill, Tel reP , Ile .1 itg Ihu to tent 1 .. .- , ettee of Jalltalg, tottger. Ittiehtlor', I lair Dye. (black and !grown.) linvug and Caine Powder. st.lineit' , Superior liar -I' Powder. 1 1 ..1 12'4 V _ table 1 . 1114 Dr j.i0r0.... l :),11,‘,1 Or CatuLtlit.. Pulls and Ointment 1;111 . 111.111:111 . • Agn, ;%1 loom tt I itnet Joint Snr•aparilla. Invi4orator. Jay tte'- lint e. fluor- I,ll.aletli. cotelli .4 yrup. 1,30 n% ILnlba riot]. lloael.'- Panacea. nal TI 11,1 , 111,011. COII I.lst, Oil - Sy rap oi Tar. Brandt , ih'm It. It It. Foyle- Alediente.., 1(u--1.t Dr Jayne 314,11..11w, A II Bull Cute Med wows. CIETIONE DR. E. D. DERR'S GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STOR E, FrOal Si rev , . Colum 11,a, Pa. Coin m c 1,57. ALM: 8017 INSURED?, Branch Insurance Company. i 1•! IS Company II as tirg - anizeil in June, I NOIII. VIII Irts.due.. don, mid dte Ittlani•wl COII,IIIIOII Of the Company I. eVitielio, of 11.. -11014110 g. Witolt• .101.11111 W Pup,ly 11,ured, $11,1‘.7(31i? 00 1•111 d. 5.V.1.1 011 I'U DIM Ct., the ott• themett t..ent. lota n etopowere,l to make curve} . :old ot-are toopetly at the regular role- Or tlea COW [Dee 5, 1e57. PROFESSOR 0, J. WOOD'S 11.116X3. It ISSTOILII.TIVE. I: 4 1 1111 voilaring hair on Bald 'lnds, and lie ) I Lill iou. oalOr.el color HO- .1-., , t11-11111,4' prriiiiration hit+ vowlll on flak! 1 to the torn hair hark r rt. int aiier haying tit d t al l 1.11.411111 healili he" mill :[1 1111 111 °nee AO . 1 .u1f.d.,„,1,“// uJ 0011:011.:011111 . :,10Z. /eve, vat. .1.1 v. It 11-n iiiairt•itt. llltlf 110111 /00001010,2 0110, 110/i 1•.111 to mr. anti .11:1.• :1. a 1101 101 I II ur I awl 'Emile. A gel of wrime• to la- foam] in New It diold do, Tu ..,01.1r incitoriv, 1 woold frOIV.III.I 1 when 1 Bra 1 . 0110111 lived 11-1101 Vrott --or N ttotrtt Half Ite-lOrtit. livt• nn juror watt nOOO-1 while. 0101 had ao fur 0. 1/ 0.1, tot I II Wat. mere 000 00 1110 lop i l l awl %el) 100-t• ull pallrel ntll hal 111 It littfore I tad uii Ihr :•ecobid boule, (whsett 001;10 Week.) OW 1101 r to1010:l eitotitztd to 11- omitstott I ••oilll 11,011 1110,..1.1111 , 1 I• 111.K' 011t1 titlittt 1001-1 I lulu juud III) littlr ;Olt five ur ttlX -.teethe ettalige. and leave !Wye, -eel. like win'.' 1011 r p. 001004 Inuu :hr root, and a I- 110\v I. 1,11 I'VV( MOI t3,- 110: 001110 0111 at till. 1110Ved 111 lily COI•C It I 10111 I eould wl.ll 10 a-k July 1.1,33. Yuan+. etc.— = 'ONILTIIINO WOIIT7I KNOV.INIs —l4 u-ong Wood'. ll.tor Re•toratove. rt.t pair coo. he Ipellti.l - I v-iored to II oro_no.d volor. The -.MT - noted treritforotte (roil, JOh/1.01 1 t Stone.Cartioner Montle, 1.• 1,111 tole oo tpr 111.1/1, I ii, ..rt• dal!) vont lii; to out kototv , edg, of W.Ilir•111/1 rifer Ito /0,1;:.•l 1.1,1,4e11,111,11. th 11 4 hundred. 111 OH. I !!!!!!! 11/11 1 1 , (,111te•toiy. (...hirer 11.1tue. Juote 1•:,5 I/EAR I linVo• 0.A•0 Jamie- of 1 . r00...0r 11 oo‘r. 1101, It.--lor.ttis c•ta truly •as It t.. the. glen it•-t -4,0 tige tor 0 , :orlog, and 0 . 1,:in !lig the hair I:rio,e 11,02 it I %v., rt III:1110( "I N hair I", 000. l ❑ You 11, v. 011,1 ,1111111/I thiC len-t tear 4- tot rd., • on.. 01 OW VlO.-1 , YOll 11-.1,4,11011,, I/A \ 11:6 N Prole-.or 0 .1 Wood 11l DKA 111:11iC.1 otal of }Our 11 mr li••• •oorottve. Inc plea-Ille toe t Clint Pile, lent ,•xce,leatt mt retool:tog 11111/11111111110a. .trtstr, tool a cotoottot itching 1, toleoc‘ Nitlt wholl 1 have hero trouhiell from clittlihwtel: ;IA Inn. al-o re- -turnlmy 111111 Which WI, cooler groy to al color. 1 hove 1144.4 -to like the plea-ure untl prokt Your,. t roly, J K 11R %GI:. Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Itrooldielil. l'rofer-or Wutri. ===l WeloD - itt II AIR l; —Tot. ti.tttruble article t rapidly improving the win,' No aortic', of tt imtailur keel. now hewe the pindte.einoy-n lo.tter repot:not.' •se ie.torinive and lIIVIgn,:.Ong hdrt 101111' It. pr. /lave tt Item•tie oil etreet upon the growth and char.feter of the hair. gtving t. 111.1 I KM— , texture no thin! winch ataw formerly of ti co..r-e old dry nature II his, n!.o, ave mules-weld. a tendency to pre.erve the youthful color and up pear:ince of the hair. and ile.troti log or counteract ing the et1e,.1., 01 a g e. With cud. Tecornini-ndiiinni.. in lc- favor, We boldly perceive /tow oily lady Or gen. Orman should be is Ithout to valuable nu adjunct to then" tot Ict. C) J WOOD BCO , Proprietor•. 31:2 Broadway ri . and 114 Mar1...1.1.mi, St. Louie, 1110. For •ale in Colombia. P.r . by Dr. K R. HERR; in Nlmrtetba. by J. J. Lll3ll/113T, and by all retTonstble December 12, Wheatley's Arch Street Theatre, A Sur r ,rid, ..I,llglll 111.1 c a „, t ,,, j , t hr retoiore curried to Ille The ',meal Public., tvi,l agprur every aught in. Drlirom. Vrou.levelr., Hu rleite. Ace., to. R • heu vistirog the city, go there. Oetoberlo. 1,37 Cold Cream of Glycerine, 11, oli the Care And Preventkm of char. lyv pr. C. II II lii:R. Col,. Nov. 7, 1N.7. Golden Muria r Drag ISE 'WONDER Or TEE AU,: M. LINDSEY'S Greta Medical Tfixcareryl • ui.,ei.... a ourel) rtgeloo:!c prri•arattott, for ILe phrityilig of tile Inuoil,givitig vigor to the liver, -In- Illot il (Old 11 , ..W1-1.-. rliod eXpelillfg troth the ..> All-In ad morlial iflailer.ltlld Stll,lllUlll/Lr hi in• •tertd a utalth lid activity through all the rune:tm= of life. HOW IT WAS DISCOVERED: In the fall of 1,5-1 a daughter of Mr. Lindsey wit. suffering from a malignant attack of Caneruni Orti (Conker of the mutate I she bad previouelj been pro.troted by the outlet, of Dy =emery, Ilifluturnolion of the L.ung• and lieetie Fever, eucce••tvely. whirl recalled in the above unmet] di-eage it, its wor-t form Her coodaion wfla most deplorable—hes mouth tutu cheek were literally ro.ten—the attending phytleiun pronounced the eu-c a hopele.i. one Everything in dicated a =pertly mid hortible demli—the Math of rotting out of life! At this rrtt:eal Juncture, Mr. I.‘nd4ey prepared u compound for the purpo-e of al leviating, if pos-gale. the punt , of the aulferer. She was made to a=c tt freely. and to a •port time to del.ghtfut there can. a very perceptible etialige for the better. The mouth liegita to put on a bright truth hrnhhy appenrinee—th. toul liremli became appetite wa- re.lue e d an d the child =retried to parnike of 0 new and fre-it life. (lope wav In-pin-if, and the u•e of the compound wit- faithfully coutinned. the re-nli of whirl,. with the Idr , e-ing of God. wn. , her complete re-toranon She t• now perfectly healthy! from thi- eireumaance. Mr Litub.ey W 11.4 led to prepare with greater eare and exacine--. whit t laid so a-tonealingl) cured 1n.. , hi el, and e01:1.111.1ell experimental elfin until he .41, ,ceded in bringing to perfection In- great Ciotti liAnz• edy fur Elm, ,1111, h lure u. rare!, 1111,i• been :111110 , L 11111lielliOU4. Hundred- upon hum have been +inilitilled 6010 tin uninuely grave and to-tared in the -v •r 1• of the endearment.. 01 mends Tile ming uud old have ie-ted ta..aving pOWer3 11111 -erg 4411.0/ victor-. Say' 011110 Lind-0 , , Improved Blow! Searcher, we felt 31, II a clove 11/ r e vs,. -tirring our vein-. nod under God we owe to it inure than word. , 41,131e:Cpre , • =2, Rut hear from:heir own lire and then judge of it , valanbie effect.. The few le•timonial.4 that follow -how Mat It I. devervrilly qyled M-cov try of dos or cloy other age. J. M. 1,IN1)5IW. Holliclu)shUrg. Blair count), Pa. Pationvil;e. Itedfot d eo. lh*l I rkir. J. A1.1,:ma.i.v.-1/ear Sir:-1 v, as -everely in flicted with (LW n WiIOIC 1•11(--nine 11.01101. Of Which, time 1 wit lint aide 10 leave :0) bed —when hearing of the wonderful effect. of )ow un proved I.llood l-waryber.l oi...ter:limed to procbre...ome of it and Give it a 'air trial. After using One,: bottle, Iwa. aide to walk around Imam a. t . aa l , a „,l 11111 now wholly rand. 1 Cali reeornmend it In all ut ho ar e ~..t oo larly ntriarted, arid believe n I. •ill It 0.11111. 10 tie Your.. tru li• JO}IN FI , E/{. A Deaperate mite of retlera Irarber'-liell,. tired I.y the 0.11 01 1.11.11-e)'.: Blood :icareher 1. the t in. deliagned.,vine time in t‘la reit. swa" I.l.leLed wnh what we. proimudced by - lily phl-letaii. to Ile 11 eel idi4l Lind of Tiller and Barbee. Iteh 010111011 W., Oat' of the greale•l tell-erg, In) (.11•C V 1 i 1.1.0 1, l... 011•11411 I) runinng wnh 1::e lonl con ill. non that epcapeil from the itiliele;re., by winch .1 alino-t comps felt' covered. .Mier bro.: under Ilic cal e of trl) -11.1:1/1. fui near two month`. %, 11111111( i/a.l 6enctd I wit. ludurrd to make a trial of )'- 1111,1,11 Se:m.l2,r and the re-lilt wl, aft 111 n-ivy one lionlo and .1 111111 I tomtit a peil - cet cure :41.0 -ay 111.11 1 eageil) tried whatever(f, e/1.1111,1,1 1. 1i .1. a 1,11 l•. .1. 1,0 wietchettne... .:•••it I eseit d to the ilaugeloo. eapetioleat of 1)1)0. •tlg pure eigo•ote 0010, tat., .11)11 n 4,1. but all to no l•us ~ ,t •e—the 'flood r-rari her 'a.,- the lir.l ;inn did itienay good. As a blood portlier it Is and hove great ree.on to lie MI that Math , a 1114/I Of 11. '31111,1,11.1 a lit who 11143..11i ter 11.111 Tf•lit'r...r art-ing rruw 1111 1,11,111 r• -1:11I• b1 0 (1 Dut.EiluNr. 11.1111111}-burg, Pa., July :19. An intereplole' ell. , Of -e:01 - 1.1 111 cured by one bottle of latal.ey', Blood searcher, TllP,ert die, that about one yea, ago our little colt aged tour year-. a.t. mull notch) .011h:•n•d with what the phy Oran...teed lo lie -erowla. and Velk,lrealeal for nearly a year. but withou: the hllghte-t betteht at- eye. were running 0111111 waiter) Willa, 01100-I ewt-tantly: winch shook.' ettetu-t eye- , lieyolal the po,ver ut opening theta until they *yeti. w.e.hed :and cleaned ity tt.tit and Water. About the same lone nil lilt-re.., formed Jtva below the groin, which 11.1 due tone broke nod eollaoneetal II (ll...barge. tonsil titipo.- sage to ill) up or heal—ate lord would be very much quitted and the elotintig of the elithl per wetly -u•hen ing tun -wglc ulglnb Irate AfierhaVillathe utlentiOns 01 l ph) tar to lane, 1111 d Gudmg Ilse child to be getting worse, we determined to try the etreei of Air. I.iinhey'. Blood Sea reher. •I•ltie .I.larelt—tatid liefore two weet.- li.ol pu,stl away the change wan mantle-I, and I out 11011,.) Io ..ay that 111 Ille l, of it lattgle bottle our little boy ha. been per fectly to health. We eallnol -peak 1001118'61y of Bit- invaluable medicine. it :Would he In Very Iniiii/1-11011e should lie without it. Ac a pliffiler al blood It le hcy'mm all ~flee. DA NIEI, 13OLLINGER. Iltoliulay,.burg, Pa.. July t29:lt. Ilollids,).4surr..,. Pa, March 19, 1‘.17. De..l. 11. LiND-i.v.—Dear 1I r—l !taco been tIsl: g your Improved Itsuad Searcher :01let ,Otatt 1.1-4 .-1/11111101. 111111 1 1100111 11 to be a matter of .lu4) 10 bear say le , tiatioty to It, tov:gorallog, Wood 1 ,1111 1111 Vt: virtue-. I have bees.. COI a 11111111/er al) estr4. f.evesely troubled wsils atal geheral delolst; but -ieee 1 0111 under thr Influent, of our lnt proccd Illood .-eareher, 1 find 11 la•r) 00( . 000 suprove• 1111'111. Indeed. toy acquaint:lace , ttetioently restairk, that I look /..o int 11111 i hearty; sisal kouw nt lot otters 1•1112," 1111111 the 11-0 or)011 I Improved Mond rein Judging troth toy OWII rsperiesser, I helseve that Oh s- one of the rand valuable ntethetstem that W//111 11l 11 a u-e, e-peetally rho-e who a, ot have 011101 • 011 upon the der:hose of life. (Frosts 40 in al yeas- olage ) I fee! that n would 1111 been above sags.ststude 011 111) pall 10 flaVe W 1 1/11101/1 1 1 / 1 , 1,4111100 y. am! 11l 1/11- 00,1- sellllllg 10 appear a- a )1,11 110. , lirlol, Ille public. 1/115 0 10,011 at touted .oloty with reterraer W sae voter of 00.1,10111, nail duly. Ino oar Isbell, to make ach.tevrr are 3011 assay deem properl of slur -hoe mom. I.IVC r CORTI:ISM cmrd Ily Luul=ry ' s Improved 131.10 d Se.l relive: Blair Coono/.53 --ref :limmued before me. one 01 the .10.11Cei of the Peace, In .11.1 Or Blair count) .t.corge Komi, Will, bring Dull urn at t opt ing to tioth ticitope out. .41). TWO y cur. zsgii nu- led WWI 1111i/I hciwvru thr •1101.1'11e1...1111110.1 CO/1.411111 COOl2ll in.. of :yll/rule li4. it and eery eubicei to mkt/ cold-, I tit leogth I relleir -o weak i hal I could hard!: work; illy ;•113 ulc to good. Solllellllle lit-t lull 1 eolllllleileed I.illll-ey•. Improved (flood Searcher. uteri II) the r. aftwo Irottle. %vs, pee icily cured. I Wel. to ',emu 114e red it to jilt n ho .ult - er Irmo liver dewit-4 s. gem -+ll dela 10-. appetite. anti other th , ett.e. a ...nog 11 . 0111 impurtly ill Ii blood I wouldllol like 10 d0 %%111100111. rounder it au excellent I.utttt) "tette 1,1g,11..t1 ) (;1'.1)111•Ii IPI , S , A 0111 :111t1 .1111,11 bed i 1.1) 01 .111 it ell. A 1,17. 1/1.101.• .1 (.70111.1:1 . J n n•-ulrnt 01 Frauk-00.v unJ Is 1%1.1/ kilo , . 10 110 . elll/1•11. /11 11,0 I hlol ili . 0:0111 1..1111111 olz a Mail of eXutllctit tLrractet alai A lit . - p•`r.ile c.r.c of Agile Mid D 3 -pep.- eurvtl I) tile u-a of I.olld-r)", "Improved Blood seurelti t Muir County. ss. — Pcv-.tinny oppenred before the -ult-ert het, u c 01 OM JU , IIC, , of the PC:1( . 1 . ,1/1:11111 tor ,aid comity , John Moran, as hn, being July sworn artan ding to law, dot', depo-e say. Iltat, in lint of was a 'ninon lothat wor-t at ...lowa,- -tl)•pcp-tai. and that la Ity merit form My sippeide was completel) gone, and when, in order 10 pre-erve Me, I would lore,. in) •clito .wailoac a mouthful ui food. the stomach would immediately loathe it. sand coot L . tutu, wlJi Ihr , vittle I Itatlat-o been p.utrernig with the Ago.': each tittaelt lasting al,outiiine 111.11111 r not or liVelVe. -o that, %SIM the Ague tinil U} =pep -1.1 1 Via. reduced a. I littotlglit be) mid recover), I thought I must die, ill) ph) .I.'l an could do Inc ito good. : 31, e 11 was nil' condition, when plr Ltud.rf supplual sae with a bottle Iti• lint/roved Mood Searcher, a— •o, sat, lie II Would work a cure I commenced it.e wall but little confidetire; but. in one wet:We itine - -o great was its testi/native power.—l Mumd uppe • ite to return. my , toinach recut wed a now lolls!, -0 that I could cat :sat) thing without the sligh . - e•I /11 . 10IC IP" 'Willing (OM slaw . 11 , 11 u. (rum it i . 1.1.1 in; nor Illy, heel. troubled wolt near Of 4{).11,1” ..we I eteity u better -late nl health I hod dour for 6itreu ) beano. I aura t.irong and lioart). mad 1 feel confident that. under the lioll. l oWe all to the fill. 111 . 0,41 10.11 5141,114'1' I 10 . 11 CS, II not to be Old) a care lor ague, but all 1111.1111.111, preVeillsva. and. a. I w ould recommend 11 111 wltd - e bu• -me-- halm, Cr te-tdette..., expo, 11.011 10 dre.lalllll pelt of inttn,,tott. -pep.iti e.lulint s ) ,the Moon. cal 111 014 a , cti relier ylot.ei It 11,11. I ,t III) dull I.lplolllt ill ,lst.s, tiller to this ull lug 11.1,t ICIII4. ) JOIIN NIORAN. Swoi:. am; -üb-rrtbeil dui leili day of dl.rrrh. A I) 1 c 57. brio, mt. Jolly COX, J P. 6121111=i! I'or4aie l it1;1101.1'11 1V11.1,1 %MS Colombia Nov 21. 1-1:7-Oul S ecie Payment at Fondersmith's People's Cash Store, Columbia. Great Reduction in the prices of Dry Goods. AMES' DRESS GOODS, of all kinds, Cloths, Citeek alMs, ev,•r%th us on the DM' al GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH. A roll yr 1t•10r+4,41 iill:\ OVER BUCK 1.1.0 V Evi AND GA UhTl.l.7l'S on lin od. ID - Porelm-ere. of goods will fi id no ditileully in Nov. 14, 18L7 SUPERIOR CORN SHELLERS. OFvarious sizes and patterns, for hand or borer power-Vegetable Cutter,. (force Pow ers owl Thiefrters, Ilatol and Power Grain Mills, Farmer's !toile... Grain Puns .Griodsinne. with fric tion roller,,. Darn Door Rollers, Null Ring. of surd. Copper and Suit/et Plate. Bull Nippers for leading, lior-e omit OI Mauler, Patent (low Pia., rrig Yoke. and Dow, Shepherd. Crooke. Rock San. Foie Pro long Saw.; also. Pruning S.n*s and with everrhing wetted by the farmer and gardener, at V1i601.441C or PASCHALL. NIOR Rl. l re CO. Implement and Seed Store., 7th and Market, I'hi!r ;tiny. 14. 1,57. There is no use Freezing if the Times are Hard. .1 - 4 Cr FONDERSMITII has just received his A f ~., .11rOR Of--- - - --- ---- - __ r i nArli_c ru e Rock : 11 a1t., hy the sack or bushel, for NEW AND BEAUTIFUL FURS, 11 italr :OW, by ~,,5,..i,g of Stone and Silver Marten. Flo.h. Fare. 1 Oct 1 0 , Ivs:. man Sytarrel.lroarw and Mack 1. \ iii flaproi. VinlA- I - maid. Muff. arid Maffainii, ad LadlCa and :Masco I Alin T.C.: 4 Nrn r,l , 111, 111 M.. art l 1-:loi.likri o hint will lie -Old Cheap far C.•• 161 'l I illii, , li , •i l'i i , lived awl for ...Ile li, Coll.inh.a, Noroolie! 1.1,1z,X:. , Id 2. 1 ..:7. 1 i . Z , I 1 11.0:. .i z ON CERTIFCATES Vonr re.pi•etiuliy. SIA EGA C DONNI:LI it. C. F()NDFIRS7‘IITIPS Locuot reel, Columbia WASIMINGTOX INsTrruTE. I'r a :nom ing of the school hoard al the Washington Itkm me, the tollou mg were agreed 01.011:4i the terms of tut dna. STRICTLY IN ADYA NCF:: ror Primary English brunches, $4.1./U lot mull quarter of I t weeks. Higher English branches. $B.OO per gainer. Latin and Greek. 59.00 per quarter. A discount ot $l.OO on each at the nhoce branches will be made to citizens of Old colgrifi.l., J. I .I fSllEl4,Secretcry. Columbia. Der. 5. 1557-tf STAUFFER & riArrf.r.r. CHEAP WATCHES CI JEWELRY. T 11!IyS11E9?R ~tJ:O.I ~ and Jewtdry Sinre, No 11, 4 (Old No OG) North Second h.:rect. corm r 01 (Juan), Phil.nletidnn Gold Lin:, Watches., full Jewelled, 1., I:. cii..c ,, ,52- , On Gold I le. I ,,, irei. 211111 ,dver Lever. lon Jewelled, 12 (HI Silver 1.. t-pow. jewel=, 9 (1(1 ' , oiler/fir gd.tallet+, 7 CO adld Spertatdo, 7 (HI Fin,. :silver do, - /LO 1 Brae. lets. :1 lill I.iiily'. Gold Provik. 1 11l •-ilver Tea 5p001... -CI. 5 I/II Gold Pert,. with l',•iti•il nod Silver holder. 1 00 G•,lif ridger 1011g-1171 et- to ~ - it. , S,iwlt (11.t...,-.. plain 1,14 cis. iia:voi teL 1.1111r125, outer "'ld esl in pi oportido All goods %.II raffled 10 i/i• NViluil they .the .tthl for !...zTA I: I T VS. A: IL\ 11 I, EV 3. . — .1 - ()ii 1..ii.11 .Imi. (;o'd . d.l I s ... [... Vl , .111 d 14, pin.-s ..1111 . 0,, Id.. the 51.nye pr,ve, l'idthylelithm Deeembet .1,1-57 ly SAV2NG FIL'4D Natioaattl Safety I'r:lNi Company. OFFICE, Walnut street, south-west corner ofTlirrtl. A rr.,114e1r.....i. Inrrnl g :lie ! .. FI,IWII-1011 Or Z. 111.1•11., 1',.3 1.3 11., 1:1,11,.. 1. 1)0110•11... )01,11,0 )11.11 )))110181. Mai!, clnily. . CU, rt•lit Batik Not,.. Chem 13, .1.1.1 0.) 1.1)111 Le arty r.•d 111 1111)0-11. 13:silk N Ir).. nr 1: 1 / 1 21.4.4 W1:1 be 11;1111 Inset. uI current bunk N 4. Depc,a- made is God or Silver will be paid hack in enia INTEREST 5 PER CENT. PER ANNUAL lIENIZY I. 1;I:\ l'rt Wm J. Rt,i n. J.. 1,57 Cra 0 SWIC .t‘ ........ Of Mounting Artificial Teeth. piITENTEDD. randy. formerly Proles 1. to the Dahon r ore Colo Du-222 Surgery eethonly nue of IlieIr• 01 the pe r-ellt .11.., 11 1141 10,1 10 work .2 gi tat ch.tiv• 111 Ifirl 11.11111.11 The 1111.1..r...e1eil 11 10114 u.rQ r•u• Inner 1 1 1:1,1 ton) WWI V. , I 1101 011 , ' / 1 3,1 1 / 1 Z 1. 1 0 , 11 11, t• •ati-`I canni, II I brs11;1 prei - erred 10 :void .lute 11.1 110 Irina 1.1.111. Seel- nu 11.....10.1a1l rl, rt./an...0, 0 1 tur II -up,- nor TO ally other me illott I.i mou,thog 111 I.ln lal •1110(0 1,00,, Tee ar e ., e la nom, per.j ert . nlOl 1 / 1 1 1,11.11 I I), ea 11.101 Ile ob. Ile tiny other llrlort , s, Punta. ' , el. 10111 he 1....ernal WO 11 perfeth r•ureecs. evil 11001 the oe.e eltt-p. Woe), are so desill2eliVe In the ualu rat urn nu.. a oil 01,0.1 10 be 01-2,222 mum! by , 2 „ ever , o p. r Ow good of I/1.. pallenl4. 0101. 01 Ilie DJ ll hoow, College of 1).•22222 .urger) tic. n''111: and 1 , -lung lor 111 a lee, 10 Or Ithooly. -22 3 ...•Niy opinion N. 1 lor 1 3 nor Pl. 1, 01 11, Ili" bands of skthful 11111-1 ' , lr all I - .. holy 11l use. for •t.Usw u.;eam.21....,, over a:' Di them, bon none aIII) o:er The imbue Are re-preitully inviter. 10 e 3 ' l rtt the operate rally, mriillibly recto,l ug na irregulitritieo Lind et• lecivall) euultc 1 Heti/ ttuut>,nud alt Ilie rut letie - of rIt•CA-r generated C(111d/11011 of It. IVII.I.IAMS, (Tout t feet the bowrl. perform thetriutlehoo. properly . the tt hole body , u'rer•. Ten• of thoo.atitl4 die vti nuttily 4.1 10).,otetv, Dioriles,. Citrons,. r 011ettp14• 11011. it •lal ntht r the-r. ..•M+lr MP , . of tlrr The ette t t 01 - the I'lll* opt. all une• elt-or.ler+, whether ca4ultl or eptilelille. I- o phettoot rtelli in m••dn•iltr Ily 1.,110W11.17 the pruned - t low. the 1110.1 at.. rtol.q; eupe.. of Ito., cl 4:multiunit We promptly 1.01111nr...1 A 1V0111) 'l'o rE:IIA 'LES. The local debilay and irregalortue4 which an the .pc I.J 1011110 .11.,•. a: the weaker sel. and which. horteu lite, are relieved fur the uuu• heing. a .141 prevented (or the time to 0100. by u e our:, of this wild but thorough allcrative ra- , the best 'remedy Liao' in the iror/(l . t . or the following di.sraseg: A •liseri FA I:0Wr :Colllplaill MEZI 112011 Clir-1111-ru“, 1..111“,:a Co.w.c.r-s 11110 1:11.10 113,pep.i.a lJtv.tirdWen‘ner, 4tritti 1)e, ir•-4741-1.1-TlON:—:t:nns -are rename us sta ian.d• -11u!lotray. ,Nrre• York and Lnne-ws„^ are tr• eeroble •• n Irister-.llorl in et rry lea{ orthe hook • c.ilreellna• 0,0000 coot. pot or hot: the •arne may he plainly lay ha tor„ the k..f to At bet A h.1! . :- .onne reward wlq heroi n in ins one readsr.He 10101111111/011 11. leOJ d. ,he :Ear rem i.r pettier. cool.ler:e1111... d.r . ".? the same. •.1100 . 111Z 161.11110 be K 101103.1. .• ',lll tt, M. 1,1 nvior! *1 17 - S1 LOO.. New 8,4101 0: 1, •eoplets 1. Itruttga•t. end Iles'Ats to A - •41co tit tt:t.1 , • 044.1 • It. 003 •hr • i•olir t el_ • • eitt. t. 2, od f',4l. =2 V -0- 1 . 11. v.' 1-.1 c 011%...Cra In rg•4z ,- *• 7% t Ittreelinn• Co. 0 . 1— • t MEMI FOR SALE. mAxTrrs Colombia. September .2G, 1,,57-ti- ;n. 19, 1,57-11' FOR RENT. = fol:ittbia, :Urn, 11, 1 Cutter, ~ _ I , PECiAI. MESSVIGER CENZEINES =MEI PIIILOSOPHY AND FACT. Tl OLLOWAYIS PILLS THE NATIONAL COM PI. AIM =1 relllliie plamt+ revel and Ague rile- M/MMI 1231= 111=1E1 :,:eCtllllll. :.,11,11 Venereal Ara: non% Coniplassit,Worrn• of t Loss leso kinds. Er= MEM MEI