KANSAS AND CIIIIISTVA 4 ,--lials s nn ntrtir•-, %%nit all their importance. have lteett t ,ttipciled to ) icld prece dence to Christmas matters. Tins is its it /01.11111 be We note. too, that tlantg...l /111110 r important, are yield ing, of hue, to the stubborn (net that the lit--I and to be found 111 the ell) iS that matte mid kohl at the Drown Stone Clothing 111,11 of that hint! tend Nog. 4g i until MIS Chestnut reseet . , above Philmlu. December Ili, m El*FT:Crc OFTII/1.111141 A 1it:A1.7 , .—FTP . ..11:i117.,bc a beat tdul brunette belle of an Illinois etty, a friend tieetnnto. for the lirmenne4: of her etattplexuat. by tit. fuel that she had !tee. so often uolst+4. SIP. syn., We 1.1114/use "don., bra, n," which itte,tv.ests the fact, that tit the .41 y of coat,'. vents tint the toast in Itt%ltitlllllilie is the giallielll*111: 1 4 1 4 at the Sro. n sto tt e Clothiuu lintl of Rot:I:hill & Wll.Oll. tom. 6U7 and lithi Chemiut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Nov. 21, .-a.A.Lta a_' - 4, a 5--. k.. IV On the loth hist . by the Rev. A. 11. }Coal= it, Mr. Wx. WAN to tlisn 1 AN:%I a //INNS. on 01 Washiugton borough. On the 20th inst.. by the mune. at the house of Henry llogcnilobler, Mr. LEONA ItD 2•t•orr to Miss gLIACCVA HO oiBuoetfilt, ell of Chestnut 11111. [UST received, a lot of 31alaga Grapes and .0 Freph Fruit lind Confectionery, fur the holidays. CONST 11F:FNER'S New Confection , r. Front st. Dec. 96,1 Sl7 NOTICE. irr HACKS MEETING or th e Stadholders of the Columbia Manufacturing Company. will be hake: the office of the Company, 011 MON JAN :VARY 11, 11856, between the hours of two and three o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing one President, and six Managers, for the emsuing year. The By-I..aws proposed by the Board of Managers will be acted upon at the ablte 1110C11111: T. ov SUPPLEE, Secretary. Columbia Decemberle.sl,4lt G K A.N II ZNSTRUIVIENTA.L CONCERT. PROF. F. 1L LAS will give a Grand Concert on wEDNEsDAy EVENING, DECEMIIER :kb at the Odd Fellows' Ilan. CoMania. On which Deco - srlon he will he assisted the by following talented per formers: W. ft KEPFER, Prof. A. setimir.n. nod Doctor LONOENECKER, of Lancaster, Dr. E. HALDEMAN, of Chigoes, AND Messrs. HORACEHALDEMAN. N. McDON ALI). and A. ZELLER, of Columbia. The performance will consist of Solos. Trios, Quar tettes. and Concerted pieces by the orchestra. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Concert to commence at -o'clock. Tickets, 25 cents, for sale ut lor & McDon ald's Hook Store and at the door. Columbia. December 21t, 1e57-1t Just Received and For Sale, THOLES-ALE and Retail, a fine lot of 110VD.1111 Se. gars, such as &haulms, Confictria. Etnpouruic, E.nicro, Diann. Pruicipc, Compromise, Ambrosia, Jetsay Lind, Ples,engero, I.ondres A &Oulu. At D. HERR'S Grocery and Liquor Slnrr, Extroazon of the Washmoon 1100,0, Walnut at C Colum4iu, December t.ki, •;',7' - • Agricultural Implements Sc Seeds. pOLDIAN'S FARM MILL, for grinding all V kinds of grain, of any de-ired fineness. DANIEL'S HAY AND :silt sv AND FODDER curplat, for band or horse power—these are ull-I.lr passed for efficiency. sinq,heny snit tbrtabiltiy. NEWSHAM'S PATENT I.olt sTEA:tiNri foi cooking mod for ~ .toek—it great improvement all tiny that hove ever before been ii4ed DEDEItbCK'S HAY PRESSV.S, CORN SUM.- LERS of superior quality :old PLOUGHS in great variety unit of the most stp• proved pinterits. Root Cutters. Sugar Mills, Lime and Gomm Spreaders, and all oilier implements needed by the owner or gardener. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. P ASCI I ALL, MORRIS & COO., NE. Coy and Minkel ...reefs, rhilini'a. December 2.6• 1-ei; Blackwood's Magazine and the British Reviews. L. SCOTT & co., NEW Yalta, continue to publish the following leading British Periodi cals, viz; The London Quarterly { Cunscreatice.) The Edinburgh Review ( Whig.) 3. The North British Review (Free Church.) 4. The Westminster Review (Liberal.) Blackmrood'sEdinburghMagazine (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent the three I: great political parties of Great 'j Tory, and Radical,--but politics forms only one feature of their character. As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, Litera i ture, Morality, and Religion, they stand as they • ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of I letters, being considered indispensable to the • scholar and the professional man, while to the .intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES The receipt or ADvArsoE Suee•ra from the ." British publishers gives additional value to • these Reprints, inasmuch as they can HOW be / placed in hands of subscribers about as soon as , the original editions. TERMS. rest ANN. ;. For one of the tour Reviews, - 83 00 For any two of the four Reviews, 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews, 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, II 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 00 For Blackwood and four Reviews, 10 00 07 - Payments to be made in all cases in ad . -ranee. Money current in the State where . issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above price will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Black wood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $3O, and so on. POSTAGE In all the Principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered Free of Postage.— When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but TWENTY.FOtft CENrs a year for "Blackwood," and but Foca- TgEN CENTS a year for each of the Reviews. N. B,—The Price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is $3l per annum. Remittances for any of the above publica tions should always be addressed, post paid, 40 the publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Gold street, New York. December 26, 1857. Adjourned Courts for 1858. TT is ordered by the Court that adjourned courts for I be held for the trial and decision of cases in the Common Pleas, Orphans' Court nod Quar ter Sessions, as follows: TOR A ROVNIENT. .One sveck commencing on Monday, the 12th of March ' ••• - 's 21st of June. 20th of Sept. , ii . 's 20th of Dec. . To continue one week from the said days respectivOY. nod as much longer as the business shall require. All ;the 'eases on the list for argument in the Orphans' Court shaillie token up on the first days of said terms. mid - ~14 . .cded 'kith until disposed of, unless continued by • consent or cause show - it. The cases on the argument list in the Quarter Ses sions shall be taken op on the Weditemlity of the said terms, if not prevented by the bumbre.b. of tire Orphans , ;Court, and if so tne cows in the Quar.cr Sessions will be commenced at the termination of the Orplitins' Court boobleue, The argument of the case in the Common Pleas to he commenced ou Thursday of the Week if not prevented by the Omitting' Court. or Quarter S:cssion rases, iu that rose th e argument list of the said court vein be hiker, up at the *emanation of the tate. lu the other courts and proceeded in until disposed of, littlest comi.cd by con sent or Caller shown. - • It 14 further ordered that the absence of coined et t h e time appointed for tithing up calms mentioned in the preceding orders, shah be no rouse In suspend proceed. snips therein, unless 4y car,,f4ltt or legal ground' for a continuance be shown. Adjourned Jury Trials. It is mitered by the court that adjourned courts for Jury trials in the Common Pleas will be held as follOwir One week commencing the let 31onilay, Ist of Felry. lst of klatch. 4111 " 124tWof Stay, •.1 " .sth " 21st of Slay. • sth" 30th of August '• Ist " 4th of Oct. '• 4th I.ritit . of Oct. SiltZith of Nov. -And such other periods as may be Appointed at the bforessid courts, or at their regular terms. ' foregoing to be published in all the newspapers tp the city and county of Lancaster, three PUCCCOPIIC times in each at the expense of the comity:—bill to be presented at the Commissioner's 410 e.. Atte.a: .1 BO W3I:OS, ,Frollionotury. litTember List of Applicants in Lancaster County, for Licenses, January Sessions, 1857. APPIACANTS FOIL 'PAVERN LIC.F...NSF.:4. Calitlmmt lierveAlt.—Jneol, S. 111iller. Gerhard Ilraadt. Julia •- Jueol, Ilbriorn Fornazh.—lienj: 'Dr!. lar. APPLICA:\ TS FOIL CATINC; IJOUST: LICENST.S. r ee mligh.—Actlrow Reiter. •• W I Voirele. John Goll. Abtreeifit Pccougli —A -I mc / slichill. IreAt if's/0/dd 1: / /1/1/.//ip.-11//bort flair. A PPLICA:s rs Fon.1.111; I.II'ENsE 'NI , r31:13. LIQUOR. C.; A Los Marietta liortorgh.-1 1 . D. & A \l. Ileaptalln. Edward P. Tr:att.,. Trio H... r iiild rorni, hip.—W nit r h KVANS. erk Quarter StssionS. Latietoter December 12. 1,5744 Christmas, Christmas. "Glad Cliri-tinascome. , , and every heard. Makes room to give hint welcome 17C11.1112 will dry his tears in mirth, And crown him with a holly bough " And our friends Will welconic Gnu an jopoudp as ever 31111) celebrate his coming by litdewing on the dear ones of the fire,ide some token of friendship or um, lion. Where can cosh be found in neater and more appropriate form than nt :SAYLOR & Mt:DONALD'S Hem] Quarters and New,, Depot, Front street. December 19, L 0. OF G. T. 'MOPE LODGE, N 0.45, MEETS EVERY TUESDAY EVENING, AT 7 O'CLOCK, in the Ilan of the Junior :Sons of Aorierten. over Miles' Book Store, Loco.' wee', be low Serood, Columbia, lie Order of the Lodge. COII/111bill, December IS, 1.•257. Now is the Time to Subscribe for the Monthly magazines. SUBSCRIPTIONS received for the following American nod Foreign Perimlands: Eillnrinnil & Put 1111111 . 'S Aing il3Lickwooil'ir do., fill !pees do ..North linos), Review, f;ritloon's tin. Edinburg Review. Godey's do.. London Quitrterly Rev., Atlantic do. I London La 'wet. Knickerbocker do. London Punch, Les'ie's do . London illusiruted News. Al re. Stephens' do—Lontiott Art Journal; Also, all the Roston. New York and Philtidelphin Weekly Newspapers bold by the year or stiogle ropy. SAN 1.011 at AIcDONALD, From street, Col umblu, Fa. Columbia, December IS, 18;7. Danerreotyyes, Ambrotypes, Ile lainotypes. THE subscriber has returned to his old stand, corner of ' , tont 0110 LOCII.I street., null offer% Ins services to the cGitru. of COILIMIMI and yr u.:the only iLtguerreun operate, now in the Borough THE ctuusTmAs SEASON • i, , the .eakon of Gift-, and 11101111. g mare appropriate than a good Dague . rientype or Ainbraiype can lie offered in u friend or relative. Call thee and °lama oue nft4r beautiful anJ correct pici ore. which wiil he warrnited to give every .uti-faction. Father., inoiherv. >i-lee., brollsei , , now i,, the time 10 preen re om• of tho-e ypes, and thu. iire• verve the fellth or+ of beloved friend.. lIEMEAIII3EIt! lie old stand, corner of Front and LOthisl streci.. Come. toloot from Dagnerteotypee. and warranted Vll.llllC..eltll !tinge, ^eanMon.. ttnd rut All IJoeuerreoty pc.. A othretype. and ttlelamotypes taken :It Ott , eAttllll.lonent, ',warranted not to rade. The afierooon is the I/0 , 1 11111 e for child. en TDOS SI.:MMERIL. Colombo., December 19, 15:57. CHOICE AND DESIRABLE GOODS FOR s.s\o,Vc) N-1 Plt Li , , 5.4 1857. 4 P r 6) Fine French Alerinoes at 75c All Wool Plaids at 50c Rich Dress Silks at $l,OO, worth $1,25 Gold ivledal Black . Silks Figured French Merinoes. Beautiful Merino Robes, $7,50 All Wool Paris De Laines French-Wolk Collars—very cheap. Elegant Setts Collars and Sleeves. Handsome Gray and Black Cloaks. Fine Black Cloth Cloaks—very low FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! Largest Assortment in Columbia, At Bargains to suit the Times Best Kid Gloves at 87e. Bioche Long Shawls at $lO, worth $l5 Bay State Long Shawls at $4,00. Rich Chenille Shawls $l,OO to $lO,OO. Silk Chenille Scarfs at $1,50 worth $2,50 With a Large Stock of every description of DRY GOODS At Low Prices for Cash, At HALDEMAN'S Cheap Cash Store, Columbia, December 19, 1857. G/VM'S PON. TZLI3 Btar.l7/41.1ES AT Tilt CHEAP BOOK STORE. WIItIT AVUUId make a more appropriate Gift than a neatly bound and goon Hook. A book I. a token more durable. more refining in n• leildeiley and more healthful than +loafing that e.til be green. The sub-VW/ors hove tust returned from the city with o Jorge vollety of all that could doiared in our kite. Ili addlittot to the already extensive clock nit hand and purchased it the law Fall Trade We will enumerate briefly settle of the vitro:two on AN large mid 'Mall. hound in the moot gorgeous -13 les 01 binding and superbly illto.tra red steel and ineiZoinit eitgrartogs. BIBLES. large anti small. of all styles of binding. and at all pries, from :Werth. nod lesa to $2.5. A11,111 1 :11 , ., a fine and varied assortment. its large an n•S011111rIli .1n ever kept by out hook more in [mite...ter; sortie of them quite new. It I. in be remembered that see have the agencies for The American Sunday School Union. The Tract Society. Ere. A.e•, and have a large variety of their Book., Tract., Card., and all /on. of gins or: hand. HYMNS AND ritAl'ims of till denominations, n till -tyle. of hindong. Our U4sortment of velvet bound Books in fine and large. GAMES. of lire most aintt.ing and instructive char:alter. done up in line boats. &e. wiciriNG nEtlis AND ‘VORK HONES. a new I nt expe ,., e d mode of Papier Macho, Ma hogany, 1t0..e Wood VORTIFOLIDS, the fine Morocco, full gilt and plain. to suit customers, POUT IKON:IMES. Leather, Gann . wire and Pearl, the cheapest lot we ever had. Thoiie de•tioos 0' something lore tor money should call. VINE INK gz I'ANIDS Ornamental and Plain, de. signed for presents; they ore fine. A number of fine and valuable new books just pub lished, ore on hand, such us the Poets of the 111th gen tory, l'he Bible Gallery . 11togritalty of Distlngutshed Women, Ity Ales, tiale,l..tritagsinit's Travels and Ile. seartilie. m Smith Africa, In addittoth we tire Judy reversing all that in new nod woeful. To su It-critic to some good Magazine or new roper, would he a desirable Gift. Now is your time to twice! and purchase your /loth day Gifts at the Cheap , Donk Store ,r rounitAN . , YOUNG &CO. December 10.1957 latihromer, •'A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever." HAVE you examined tllc exquisite 'Tine and Urdu" pocket Inc or Lom4l - ellow,l'enoy Leigh Duni, Gmsild tool the benotifol Ilion. 'ruled (nit Bonk., ot Saylor & MeDooold'e? Nothlog more tusteful Min ever Lore offered to Columl. HUM GIFTS! GIFTS!! GIFTS!!! - - of every variety from the Holiday Hooke for the child to the immortal work• °in" Urrat Nineel . f. of Poe-y. (rout the eimple V.mier Knife to the elaborately fin iMed Ladle: Work llox, are to be found 111 ~AYI & McDONA V'S. 117 - DIARICSof every deeeriphon foriShi. Every titan should !Inn! one. Dreember 19. 1957. WASIIXNGTON 31.0175 E, DANIEL HERR, Proprietor. THE subscriber will, an MONDAY, DECEM 11E1[21, leliT,reautne Ins poeition of landlord of his well and favoruhly known old stand. the Wanditin.t. toil corner of Front and %Villain atrecto. COLUMBIA, PA. Ile offer; bin Iniir experience in liumneeg, and lire paid repatittion of his 'IOU., as n guarantee for the character of his furore necorronn- Illiiloll4. The eotatilli.hinent to thoroughly - fur lit-led and equipped, nod will lie maintained at form class hotel every re•pect. An efficient corps o f good .ervnitto will be in attendance. fle milts the patron age of line old fittettila and the public. DANIF:t. CDP - The well known Nralltington Muse Restaurant to attached to the hotel. Coluildna, December SALZSINZAISI ONP: Mato HAS. lIAD CIiPERIENCE, AND IS thoroughly cOMpcilent, can cnn ointsin a per4enent ont• Un , inn.woh fair cOspren . Laop, by aralY l 9R al with rereirenCeo, at Dry Coq& t'!.iore, Colutpl,lo,Ta. December CARRIAGE FOR SALE. THE: offer; for •nle n second hand Car Tinge, in good repair. Apply IS. rrAitt.Ett, we. 1e.1..57. NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to S. P. Lindemutb, for Groceries,,te , IA ill please cull at toy office mat pay "P eolumbia, December If. Y. Iji.c,irl'9)''-iwA6 j. " 100 Tons Pittston 8c Trevorton Goal, FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. THE Pittston Coal is offered at a lower rate Mail it ha, Leon bold for Ilit...en.ron. A poly to JOHN NV. BRESER., Wiwi below the Bridge. frrOrders left al the American blouse. Front .acct, below Wulitut,will be promptly attended to. Colombia. December I:2, 11‘.5741t HOLIDAY PRESENTS. AFULL line of beautiful Embroidered COLLARS, SLEEVES, SETTS. &e Re due.ll.ners.ta H. C. FONDERSSI !TIPS. Devember El. ESTRALW. IME to the residence of the subscriber, at CJ the upper end of kite borough of tVushingtoti. Lou curler county. FUCK HEAD OF without marks. The owner will come forward, prove property. pay charges. and take theta away. or they Win be sold acetic.hag to law. CYRUS 6. SHULTZ. Washington Boroazzli. Dec. 12,1,57.31. BROOMS. ----100 Dot. Brooms, at Wholesale or Reliall, at 11.1TADLEWS, Dec 1.2. 1e.57. LoeuQi reCt. cisrEnw runes. stah.erater ha. a large wrath of Ci.tcrn Pump< und limo, to which toe cog. , the attention of the public. Ile I. prepared to put them up for u•c in a trub.ittatial and enduring muwie r. 11. PFAIII.F.R, December td. 1837 1,0141.1 ,treet Sausage Cutters. I'%AMIINE the patent .."..tushge eater nt 1..1 No family e hould Le w about omit 11. PEA 111.1.:11., Dec. 12, 1,57. NEW FURS AGAIN. /VCR second supply of NEW FURS, are now V ready fur the to-peetrou of the ladits, awl our - - PRICES ARE 20 PER CENT. LOWER than can be had at any other more ut Columbia. (Call and judge fur your-elve, at 11. C FoNIWIISMITIT9 I , pec.12,1957. People , : Cash Stone._ 10 PER CT. SALVED ON STOVES. CALL at Pfaltler's and examine hiss ac-ortnient of STOVES. l'arlor, l' r• lor Cool:. Hull, Office and Cooking emit, mid Ranges cattle 1tite..1%15 Sc- and tif every pattern. Pur clia-e, will find Ii to their nava/nage To ...elect from ilii , full and excellent -lock, which will lie oireled :It most reatonable rates. Ilemember: at II I'I'AIII.I 7 .II'S 1.0(.11 4 1 Ft, OPPO.IIC lime 1 . 11111/.1111 iI,)I.IQC. Columbia, Dee. huh. 1,57. NOTICE WIIEREAS, Letters of Administration to the estate of Andrew (intuit. lute of the No rough of Coltimlnu,l.nnensler county, devensett, have been grained to the tsul,..erMer r, siding 111 Manor tow.- ship, all persons indebted to sinful ‘...tute, Ore . tetjtler•ted. to oltd, tommennste payment, nod nn, having elatins attniust the same, will present them. dale :111111,11tleatcd, fur bettleinent, lo EPuItAIM liEit-I if-X. lice. P 2. P-117-7t Administrator. AN ORDINANCE, PECULATING the speed of Trains and Loco _LAJ ltVes through the Borough of Columbia. Is:norms I.—lJe et ordained and enacted by the C/ of Burgess. Assistant El4r.,Wss and TO It COUII ell .!/' the Bo rough of Columbia, an d it is hereby enacted by the au thority ajoresaut, 'that front and :suer the pa-sage of 110 s Ordmaisee. the train, and engines oithenit trains. of the Penns% Ictinta It It. Company, shall he perilialed to run through the unproved limits of slue Said 13orottrit, lit U rate of epred lint eXeeetlittr. nix 11111 es per hour; and it henever thr Peunsylvunm It. It Compully !hull run too of the through passenger trains. running bemeen Philadelphia nod I larrisbunr : tlirough said Borough. the said passenger trains. shall in consideration thereof. lie perlialled to filo all a rate of speed cot eXeeeiliog eight lath, per hour; l'rovided, that the engine attached to stud trains shall lie required to carry a bell, which shall he •oantled by the person or persons having charge Oi the engine, throtteh the enure unproved part of said borough. :!—'nhal for ally violation 01 thisordinance. the violator or violator.; thereol, shall pay a fine 01 NOT LESS T/I AN FIVE NOI2. AlOllll THAN TRN DOL LARS, to lie collected by summary process, before any J a•tice of the Pence of said Borough SEct. :I.—That all oulitinnee• inconsistent with the foregoing be and the same are hereby repealed. .1 Pree't of Town Council. Attest: 3.';. D1:1.1...F.Tr, Clerk. December 1:1. 1,37. HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. THEof Prof, Booth and Dr. testimony Itrinekle hosing' previously been publi,lied, the lollOwille in now Viol. McClo-key formerly Profi.v.or of The ory and Praelice of Medicine in the Female Medical College ol Peini‘ylvtinin. and Into Proiessor of Sur geryut the American College of Medicine. ho Philadelphia, Nov. 27. 19,5 n. MK. JonIWIT E. Mourn:—A troll of your Liquid Hair 1).- will COnVince the most skeptical, Omni hi In a elegant and etlicacion: preparation. Unlike foully others. ha+ill severul in.iance. proved serviceable in the cure of come cutaneous eruptions on the head, and I have no hesitation in commending it In those requiring, such an applieoliort Very re.peetfolly, .1 V. X McCI,OSKEV, 475 Rare slice', shove 1.3111. • llover'A Writing ink', including iIOVCI 7 6 Wr11,11:: Phial. and 'lovers Indelltltle Ihnit high elntractcr, wittelt ha , always dc4lngiti-Ited them. and the extent-me demand ftrst created, has roll tinued uninterrupted omit the preaCIII. Oiler- atltlres.ed to the Mutreactory. No 416 Bur , r•trcet. ahoy Fourth, (old No. 114 ) l'hiludelplitu, tvdl mcetve prompt ottettitam JostWil R. ((OVER. Manufacturer. Deecmlmr 1. 4 :): to April Id PROFESSOR 0. J. WOOD'S 13.A.X.13. RESTORATIVE.FOR producing hair on Bald Brads, and reitioringl:rey Hair ton. natural color and iineconilled preparation Intr , never failed to produce it growth on iltald Head, when u , eil according in the thr,1•11013, and turn hair hark io it. original color, liner having become gray. inal rein-tore it in al: ii• original health. lu-ire, 'oh-- SW-F.lll beauty 11..1110Ve, nit once all =on rf.ilandriill and unpleutiiiiii itching. •icrolida, eruptionri and fever i-h heat Irran the ccalp. It filiirt prevent- the hair from becoming unhealthy and fulling ow. and benne acts SIN ti perfect !lair Invigorator and Tonic. A ern:leen:in of 'Boston writes to la, friend in New Urduxd tiro-: To ;our inquiric4, I would reply., dud when 1 lira! crunmeneed tunug Pi-oleo-or Wood'u Re-iorti.. rive. my hair Wan illiao4 While, and had Leen PO for the In-1 ten year*, and it wan very thin on the top of my head, and very lootie, and pulled out freely; but I found that before I hod mt-eit nil the t.ecrond bottle, (which wu eight week.) my hair entirely changed to it. gianti color, IrglU brown, and to now free from dandadr and roue tool-i. I have had my hair cut five or ox unities .tore the change, and hose 'lever ,een nos thin like while hair , taillag iron, the root-: and n w now uk tlur k it ever wa-, and doe, mist come out ut till. h has proved ill 111) cone all 111.1 I could to a-l. July 1,1;v53. From ml flo.lon Ilernid So:wt . :11M: KNovvo.O.—Hy uttlog Profe"or II Jr Itet-torailve, gray hair coat be orally re-loved lb ins on;uuJ volor• lie front John-on& Stone, Garittner. Menlo, it bat one of the ninny in.ltitice. Owl lire Jaily C tog to our kitoWedgc. or I Wonderiiil rlpertr. II it no longer proldeinuitesil, but a cell-evident Until, Us hundred, lit our contnithitly eau testify. Ganittier, Nlnitic, June :22. 1..935 Deka Ste: I hive u•e•d two holtle• of Profeaaor Mood's Hair Reatorative, nod cull truly any it ta the ytteute•t doeovery of the age (or te•toring and chang log the hair. Before toing IL I wa. n man of ervcitly My hair has now aitailted ilia °rigout color. Von run reenioniend it in the world withont the leuat fear. al toy civic wan our of thr Wee-11.1nd. Youra.reareeiftilly. DANIIa. N. MURPHY. Proleasnr 0 .1. Wood. Brookfield, Itlissauebusetts. Jan. 12.1. , /. Dana Eta:—llluv;ng made a amid of your Bair rte. •torative. rt givea me ples•ore to arty that it. effect has been excellent in removing infleminiiiion. dan druff, and a consinnt Itching ichtleney with which I have been troubled from childhood; azd bus al.° re •tored my hair which wa.necoming gray. to ianngin al color. 1 have used no other article with anything like the pleasure and profit. Your.. truly. .1 K BRAGG. Pastor attic Orthodox Church, Brookfield. Profesear Wood. From the Mi•Rouri Democrat WOOD'S lIAIR DYE; —Thin uilininible article is rapidly improving the hair. No article of a annilar kind, now before the public. enjoys a better reputation as n restorative and 111n1g0f111111g 111.1 f 10111 C. Itrr pe culiiir chemical quo lilies haven beneficial effect upon the growth and charterer of the hair.giving a silky and glo•i•y texture 10 that which Wan formerly or o 00..r.0 and dry nature. It Ilan, 8:00, we understand. a tendency to pre.erve the youthful color and ap• penfallee of the hurl.. and desirosing or counteract mg. the effect.. triage. %Vett each recommendations in it. Giver, We hardly perceive 110 W tll* lady or gee. rlemini should be without 60 valuable 1111 adjl.llll,ll to OW 1011 cl. 0 .1 WOOD dr. CO , Tropristoss, 312 Broadsvny Y. V., mid 114 Alarkst sirrei,s3t. Mo. For •ale in Columbia. Pa . by Dr n. 13. mum; in iron, by J. J . I.IIIH ART, and by all re-vonsible Drurgi.ls, December ht. 1937,3 m Wheatley's Arch Street Theatre, A twit Street above Stith. Eltiladelploa. The Star a. Company. composed of the lion Aminee at the world, and exceedtag in strength avid Talent ally Dramatic Combination heretofore offered to the The twice! Public. will appear every slight in Comedy. Tragedy. rterio.Cotnic Drama. 's'aUiteirt'leit. Ma.teul Darlene., . &c. ‘Vhen vi.inng the SID% Co there. Oi-taliei It, 1,7.: THE WONDER 'OF THE AGE! f T Dl. LINDSEY'S Great Medical Ilixemtry: whid, Ir a purely vegetable preparatant. for I lee pierit)ing of the blood, giviiic vigor to the liver, -lo ta:lets and and expelling irons the •ytiiern all inorlod maticc, Arad a neultlix ful activity through all the functions of life. 110 W 1T WAS DISCOVERED! In the full of a daughter of Mr Lindsey was sufferiug from u malignant attack: of Ca scrum Orts (Canter of the mouth ) She had pie vinu-ly been prostrated by the attacks of Dysentery, follionma lion attic. Lungs and I leutic Fever, illleCClwively. which resulted in the above /timed di-ease /II 11 , - worst forte Her condition vvas most deplorable—her mot/ ill and cheek were literally widen—the attending ph) •ictuu pronounced the case a 1101/e1,4 one Everything' me dicated a speedy nod horrible death—the death of rotting out of life! At this critical juncture, Mr. Lindsey prepared u compound for the purpose of al leviating, it po-•ible. Ilse pains of the litde sufferer. She was matte in use it treely, mud to a short tone to his mn•l debolitful mfoni.ltineot, there was a very perceptible change for the better. The mouth begun to put on a bright and healthy appearance—the loul brettili became sweet—the appetite wit. re•larcd. and the (-Mid seemed to partake of a new rind feed, life. Hope was nil - tired, mid the u-c of the compound was faithfully continued, the re-tilt of Wlllo,lWtlit the ble , sing of Cod, woo her complete restoration. She I , now perfectly healthy! this circumstance, Mr. Lindsey was led to prepare with greatercare rind exactto-s. whit I had , rs astonishingly cured los...hind, and continued Ids experimental efforts until he suc ceeded in bonging to perfection his great Great firm rdy fur Blood Impurity—Pl/lee which Dine it- elfeets have been almost intiaeulous. Hundred- tipan bun dreds• by 11. have. been , nutched (tom an untiinely grave and restored to the sweet, of health and the endearments of friend,. The. }mate and old have tested it= saving powers and sing aloud its virtue•. Say they—• . finer u.mg Litithey's Improved Blood 'Searcher, we tell a, O . n new life mu- stirring our veins, and under God we owe 10 I/ 1/101: than words can express'' But Incur from then own lip• and then Judge of it valuable effect•. 'lite few testimonials that follow show that tt deservedly styled lite G retire-t Discov ery of this or any oilier age. J. Al. llollidAyoburg. Blair county, L'a. Polk:011.111r, Bedford co . l'a., Oct I Mr. J. NI. 1a:511 , 65' —Deur Sir.-1 wan -evetel) at. dieted with I i1e11111.111410 fOr a whole 3 ear—.lll,lC 17.011 1 / 1 , of It /1 - 101 1/If/c• I Wll. 1101 lo lea ve my bed —when hearing of the wontlerfal effect. , of )our Int • proved Blood $l,l eil.rl. 1110,1 111111 Cd to 1/101,111,.! Shine of It uud give n a Calf trial. Alter 11•111 g three bottle , I W 11.4 able to walk mound again an usual, ind none wholly cured 1 cat, tee 0m mead it lit ill who arc similarly :Mimed, and believe it I. all it claim, to be. Yours, truly, JOHN SflArrElt A Desperate race of Teticro nd Harbert.; Itch, cured by the use 01 latid-er. , Blood Searcher I, the un dersigned. some mite in 111.1 March, was neverely af flicted as MI what was protrouticed by my phy•iciunn to be u cell:no kind of Toter arid Barber's Itch y 1:011,111 1011 W:1, Oils of the greate.t int-cry; my face wits alino-I comuintly lNllll the fool corrup tion that e-c aped train the talrercle•, by taliteli tt Wil 1111110.t eO/1/Melely VIIVerI.II. After being under the care of my pli•lelans for near two months, without the lea-t tiettatit I ',an induced to matte It troll of latithey' 4 Blood Se:welter. and the I'r•-alt u-titg one bottle mid a half I 11/Ullti 11 111'111,1 ell:, I may al-o , ii) that I em4,l tried Willl lt•VCr 15.10 re• commended an 11 cure. o uuh 55a. toy Mal 1 teen u •-01 It'd 10 the dangerou- elpet 11111'111 of pournig pule ciamoic on tat face Mid leek. 1,01 till t 110 11111110-e-..AM Lland Se. 11 hurl' Sean lie firs! nod only thing that did ow 1111) good. An a blood purifier it is utiequalleil; and I has a great rev-oil lo he grab, Cal that I ever made a [lllll or inn heallog ell rile-, 11111.1 01111 confidently reemoutetid it to any 5010 May ...fi ler from TV:Iel. or any other di.rit, ri-mg Irolll 1111110 re -lute of the blood dttl IN 1.1 Holliday-burg, Pa., July 211, 17.57. All interestnig cu-c of cured by one bottle o rLi n d nes'. Blood Searcher. Thin certifies Mat about one year ago our little son aged four years, 55.1.5 MD-1 sorely afflicted with ts 11111 the pliy•icians pronounced to be -erutula. and ova, treated accordingly for nearly a year, but without ;be slightent benefit. His eye, were ruining anon matter humor almost cowl:Intl); which would enciu-t Inn et en beyond the power 01 opening 111011 UllllllllO Were wat.hed and cleaned by amtip I water. A.,1111 the 0111110 111110 all sibsees. formed jo-1 below the groin, 1u due time broke and commiweed a di,charge, which nun found impon• %dile to dry up or heal—the bed would be very much .mined and the clothing of the child perfectly sicken ing in a 11111 e. Alter having the attentions 01 a phi steno; for to long a time, and fitidlag the eln lll to lie getting worst., we fern rtnitied to try the effect-. of Mr. lama-ey * - Blood ;-archer. This wan in la.: March—and before two week, bad panned away the eliaoge WU...m.0,1, and I hin !nippy to nay that in the use of , aagle bottle our bale boy has been per fectly re-tined to health. %Ye l'l.llllol 'peak too !uglily of Mt , invaluable Illedleine. it tdiuuld be w every farad)—unite .11011111 lie 'DIIIIOIII It. AS u purtlicr of blood it IN III.) 011 d ill price. HAMEL noi.LiNcnn. Holliday 'burg, Pa . July _ails. I1011.d.) nburg, , March 19. I 557. Mt• J. M. I.viusr.v ,—llear ziir —I have beel4 U-11 g your luipioved Blood r . :ellreller . 11 / l er SOale little het -Warner, 111111 I decal it 10 be a matter of duty w bear my tesditimity to ill tavignriabog. ['loud ic-iorative virtues. 1 have been. for a number Of) ear ....everely troubled Wall ely,prlaa mid general deloniv: nut 'once I pat my , cif under the intlamilie of your lta• proved Blood ,carcher, I hind a very decided inprove , meni. Indeed. my acquaintance+ fromently Irma, it, that I look ko fit until and know of uol other eame titan the mit: of your Improve/1 Blood :Scalene, Judging frvtut my own v.\ peLience. I believe Mat 'lnn. in oae ui Ille 1110.1 IJa 111.11):1 . aa•aa•loa . . Ilial WOiliall eon 11. e, e.vectully 1110. e WllO are or Ilawe entered upon the deelineof life. I Ilum 40 0, )ti year- of age ) feel that It‘voulA have brco above ingialitisile on nip part to have withheld Ili. le•11111/oly. Mid 111 11111.1.,011. iontuag to appear a- it Wilae-• la•fOre the public-I Hare been ovulated ...Mily with rely recce to the Gave of ton•eleilim and duty. You to liberty to unite whatever use you !nay deem proper of MI, *date 'neut. Your, reVeciftilly. :MA !WARE l' 1Y C DONNELL. Liver Complaial cured by Lnid,7ey'a Improved Blood Searcher: Blair Cent ety, sr.—Personally apperoed benne me. one of Oaf Jl.l-nice , of the peace. in oast for Blair county. George Kopp, who, liming ditty ',num uecord• lag 10 law, 1.101:1delloo.e and .1): Two )cars ago I wa- afflicted with ;min between the .boulderq, almo-t constant cough of appeine.ehill. meld .event=, and very eutoeci to take cold.; I at length became -0 weal. tint I I could !Had]: wink, my idiri.etaii done rite 110 garld. Solliellale 111.1 lull, 1 e11111111.•14,41 taking I.lnd•eyl- Improved Blood ISearctier, and lip die u-e of two bottle.. wit• perfeciip toted. 1 fret, to el:0111. Mead 1110 all who liver dint a. 04. gene al .10,11), he.. of appeal , . bud ul4rrlll-ea-c -from liciputtly of the blood. I would not like to do ouhoui n. 1 comoder it an eXceileol erne. (Sigurd,) Gbh /HUI; KOPP. Soimil and i-ula , cribed this loth day In 'Morel.. A. D. 1.57, 110 . 10fe Ille. J CORLEY, J NOTE —3lr Kopp it a re , ident of Frank:nov:li. and is well known to the ouzel, of Blab and Bedford counties as a 11111/1 111 eXeellent Chaldeler uud lona- A desperate cane of Ague and Dyspepsia. entirely cured in the u-e of "Improved /hood Sea rc her.” Blair County. at.—personally appeared before me. the suli-ierthen, one at the Justices of the Pence, lotted for said colony. Joint Moran. who,lnetng duly sworn uccordlng to low, dodo depose anal say, that, in the prtttg, at 1x30.1 isatAtt viettni to Mat worotofdisen,c -tt)spep-in. mid that na its tsar-1 form My appetite Was C01111 1 :elel) I.lolle. 01111 worn, ua Older to preserve Me, I would loree myself to swallow a mouthful 01 Mod, the :stomach would immeiliairly loathe it. and cunt rt Mirth with lilt, •putte I liad 111..0 been suffering ssith the Ague: cacti unlink hooting aliOUtialle months out of the twelve, .n that, seuh the Ague and D)spep• , sus, I Ved• reduced US I thought fie) 01111 recovery, I thought I must die, any physimani rottlil do me 110 gOOll. such was, my COlllllllOll, Odiell Al r. Lindsey supplied flit, with bottle or if Improved Mond *ooreller, curing lilt 11 14 1 0111 d worts u cure 1 rounnrueed 11, 1 11 , r scull but little coulideave. but, 11l one Week's butte--n great tea. nil powers—l founnd uppeitie to return. nay .0111110 . 11 teCtlecd 11 11ew 1011 e, •0 111111 I could cur anything , Idtmil the `light est 1111•0111/enICIICC, 1111,1 brims heltlllig 101161 nine ague tied 0. Iron a charm, nor have I been troubled won ugue or dy-pcpsta sinter. I enjoy u better 51400 of heutlh that, I bud dune tor fifteen ) car- before; I 11111 strong und hearty. rand I feel Confident Mat. under the blessing 01 God, 1 owe 11 1 1 10 the 1111, 1 11110111. e 1111- proved I•lood Seal relies I belleVe It 110110 fie only sure remedy for ague, Inn an mtallible preventive, 1111 d, 111. 1 •10. 1 11 I wound reCollonellil II 11.1 ull whose bu -hie-. halms, Or rcod.olllc.,eXOO, them to Iha theadful pest of humanity.-persta cannot -my where the Impros eat Illood Searcher In properly used. I feel it my duty to point all Is lm culler to this oil heal ing medicine. Osigtocrl.) JOHNMORAN. Sworn and subserdird this day of March, A. D. Is:4,ln:fore ine. .10110 COX, J. P. ror Pate by ItL;DOLPII WIL,LI Calutubta. Nov. 21, 15..57.ti0n 1=1!11121 Specie Payment at Fondersmith's People's Cash Store, Columbia. Great Reduction in Me prices of Dry Goods. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of all kinds, Cloths, Cinosnneres,tistioietis. Vesting-. Jeans, Flo une , ., Checks.Gitighitm‘, Calicoes, Alc., anything and even dime nt the Ors Honda line nt GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH. A fall as-nrimeni of the relent tiled HANOVER BUCK GLOVES ANIS GAUNTI.E'I'S on hand. Eta-rose of good, will fi.id no difficulty in getting change at 11. C. FONDER3IIITIrS Nov. 11,1E:17. Locust street, Columbia. SUPERIOR CORN SRELLERS. OF various sizes and patterns, for hand or horse power. Vegetable Cutters, Horse Pow. era and Thteshers, Hand and rower Grain Mails, Farmer's Boilers, Grain Faits.Crionlootortes with Hie. non rollers. Ham Dour Rollers. Out! Rings or Fowl, Copper and Silver Plate. Bull Tipper. for leading. and Ox Muzzles. Postern Bow Pons, (Ix Yoke. and BOW, Shepherds Crooks. Rock Salt, Fine Pru. O.IIT, Saw.; Prunong Saws and Chisel, will. everything needed by the farmer stud garJener, at wholesale or retail. PASCHALL. MORRIS Br CO, Implement and Seed Store, :(11 and Market, Phila. Nov. 14. 15.37. There is no use Freezing if the Times are Hard. HCr FONDERSMITII has just remind his e fir