The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, October 10, 1857, Image 4

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    s vz' THE Ctl ILUO \WE ALTt3 Bth District.—Salisbury township, at the pub-
SHER/reS PLIOOLAIIIATION. I lie house now occupied by John Ammon, White
Horse Tavern, in said township.
.fa the Gene roLl. plc . -Intuit for 1557.
9th Doiricc—East Cocalico township, at the
IN stiacce of the clutter' imposed by the public house now occupied by . Andrew aeam,
EL-o , on La sec of the State of Pentolylvania„ in
the village of Reamstown, in said township.
1. lj4:CiaGe..... MARTIN, High Shetitt of Lens
10th Matt:et—Being-a part of the township
setter co u nts, do hereby puhliih rind give no-for Done gal,at the public school house in
bee. le the ilmiiitied citizens, electors of the the village of Meytown, in said township.
several Weide, Township., District., and 80't 11th District—Curnarvon township at the
sw+Ktia qt tl,e city and county ofLancaeter. that; public house now occupied by Mrs. Ann Al
. General Election vs )11 lie held on TUESDAY, i bright, in the village of Churchtown, in said
the 13th day of OCTOBER, next. 1857. at the townn e ip .
si veral place. heremalter designated, to elect 12th Viet rict —Manic township, at the house
ny now occupied by Jesse Engles, in said town-
One person duly qualined tot Inc came 0/ ,ship.
tjnre: our of Penu.sylvmu.i.. ' 1311:1 District — hart township, at the public
Ooe perosl: .lily yealdied for Canal COMMIS- house now occupied by Adam Rutter in said
stoner ot Perinsylvenia. township.
Torn person.% qualified for Judges of the 14th District—Cotentin township, at the
Supreme Court of Pew sylsaiiia• public house oow occupied by Jeremiah Swish
'lwo persons duly rionlified for Senators of er, to said township.
the Commonwealth 01 l'elt(l.!,lNUlllia. 15th District—Fulton township, at the pub.
Four prison; Only qintldied fur Members of lie house occupied by Joseph Phillips, in
the General ot Pennsylennia. said township.
One persins duly qualtlied for Sheriff of Lan. : leth District —Warwick township, at the
vetoer county. !public house now occupied by Samuel Lichten.
hie person duly' qualified for Prothonotary , Thaler, in the village ot Litiz, in said township.
of Lancaster enmity. 17th District—Composed of the Borough ot I
,(sue 1,,,,0n duly qualified for Register of , Menetta, and part ot East Donegal tow nehip, I
1.411C.1 , 1•9 county. l at the public school house in the Borough ot
One person duly qualified tor I:Reorder of Harietta, ut said township.
Lancaster county. ; 19th District—Columbia Borough, at the
One person dely qualified for Clerk of qual- fuwit Hall, in said borough.
ter Session:. ii: Lancaster county. 19th District —Sadstsury township, at the
One person duly ynaLfied for Clerk of Or- public house nosy occupied by Miranda flow-
Couit of Lancaster county. ' lend, in said township.
One person duly qualified tot County Tree
sent, Dstnet—Leacork township, at the
xwer of LACC.lsti.r Cullt:Tr. I public house now occupied by John. Sheaffer,
One person doly qualtfied for Commissioner , townsh ip.
Lancaste: comity. 2lst District —llrecknock township, at the
Thrvr peremis duty qualified for DiiectOrs Of 1 petilic house now occupied by John Fr echt,
z`ie Poor ('i.e 10( the unexpired tot M ut J 01111! caul
]l. tliu-1 et, resigned.) , 2:.1 District—Composed of parts of town-
Two person: duly qualified fur Piison ln. • ships 01 Batik). Mt. Joy and East Donegal, at
.[sectors of Lancaster seemly. ' t he public school house it: the village ot Mt.
One persou quelitied Tor Coroner ot toy.
Linea-ter county. 231 District—Being pert of East Ilempfield
Out persoi. duly qualified for Auditor 01:1,„.riship. at ths public house now occupied
Loocaster comity. t by 11. G. hi,h,a, iii the village of Petersburg.
iii said toe iiship.
2lth Distract—West Lampeter township at
the public Millie now occupied by Henry Mil
ler, w the s !Bilge sit Lampeter Square, in said
District—Conestoga township, at the
public house now occupied by John O. Preis,
in said township.
20th District—Being part of Manor town
ship. at the upper school house in the hot ough
o r 5en....1111141mi, in said township.
27th District—Ephrata township, at the pub
lir house now occupied by Jtio. W. Gross, in
said township.
29th Distriet—Conoy township, at the pub
lic school house in the village ot Bainbridge, in
saint township.
29th District— Manheim township, at the
public house now °erupted by Joho Evans, jr.,
in the village of Neff,/tile in said township.
30th District—Being a part of et anus town
ship, at the politic house row occupied by
George liorsiberger, w 31,11erstown, in said
toss ',hip.
31st District—West Earl township, at the
public house now occupied by G. Roland, in
h:arlville, in said township.
32,1 District—West llempheld township, al
the public house nose occupied by John Ken
, dee. in said township.
33,1 District--Strasburg townshiPi at the Pub
lie house now occupied by Menu] Heir in the
borough or 51.1'3,11111'4.
31th District—Being part of !Hanor town
! ship, commonly called Indiantown district, at
; the school house in said township, by the name
of floral Hill.
i 351 h District—, -West Cocalico tow iiship, at
, the public histise (lOW occupied by John W.
Mentzer, in the village of Sel:check, in said
39th District—Feast Earl township, at the
public house now occupied by William Colman,':
Blue Ball, in said town-hip.
37th District—Paradise township, at the
public house now occupied by Jacob lieneagy,
lin said toil nsnip.
35th District—Being a part of East Hemp
field township. at the public school house in
the village of Ilempbeld, w said township.
39th District—Lancaster township, at the
public house now occupied by Joseph Ditlotv,
in sans township.
40th District—East Lampeter township, at
the pail], house DOW DeCupieil by Henry Ke
neagy, in said township.
41,1 District—Little Mit oin township, at
the home. 01 Joirailsan Hamilton, 0.,k
42,1 District—Upper Leacork township, at
the public house ot elichael Bender, in said
tow iiship.
43d District—Penn township, at the public
house of C. Hershey, in said township.
44th Disnict—Borough of Adamstown, at
the school house rn soul borough.
45th District—Clay township, at the house
of George W. Steinmetz, (lortnerrny John
Ei Wee in said township.
40thD:-tact—Perplex township, at the pub
lte house ot Betijamili Roe e, in said township.
47th District—Prov oboice townelim, at the
house occupied by Mary Miller, in said toss n
herel.y make kievan that at the same
r 1,11.• dr,il ;dare the tollowiht proposed amend.
moose to the Constitution v ill be soled upon.
11/ arvoidance with an Act of Assembly, ap
proved the 1.2111 day of May. IS:V7, as to 10 , A . •••:
.4 .d ml.r rrnr, A joint re... Mutton a4reeil to
by a majortly of the members elected to each
douse of the Lestislatine, At two successive
dt,SlOll4 of the some, the first session coin
meneing on the li,,t Tuesday of January, in
the year of our Lord one thousatal eight ham
dred and fifty-six, and s eco nd session corn
'neuritic on the first "L'ilesday of January. in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred and filty.sevrii;
And ichrre4d, It 1.. provided in' the tenth or
title of the Con•titution, that any amendment
so agreed upon tie submitted to the peo
ple, in sorb manner and at such time, at least
three mmiths direr being sn altreed to by the
t wo Houses, a. the Legi.datures hall prescribe;
SserioN 1. —That for the purpose of nicer-
Xaining the sense of 'tie cot izens of this Com
monwealth in regard to the adoption or rejec ,
3 ion or said amenehnents, or either of them, the
A;overnor of the Commonwealth shall issue a
writ of election, detected to the nbenfi of each
and every county of this Commonwealth, corn
mandmg, them to give notice in the usual rrl3ll
- in not leas ban two newspapers in each
county, (provided that so many are published
Merril%) that an election will he held in each
0! the townships, waid., and districts therein,
on the second Tuesday of October, in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
fifty-seven, for the purpose of deitiding upon
the adoption or rejection of the said a mend
snents. or any of them; which said election
snail be held at the places, and opened and
closed at the time at and within; which the
General Elections of this Commonwealth are
held, opened and closed; and it *ball be the
deity of the leidgen, in•pectors and Clerks of
each of said townships, wards and districts to
receive at the said election, tickets either writ
ten or printed, or partly written and partly
printed, from citizens duly qualified to vote for
members of the General Aesembly, arid to de
posit them to a how or boxes to be for that pot'.
pose provided by the proper officers; which tick
ets •eall he respectively labeled on the outside,
“Firs• amendment," ' , Second urnemlinent,"
her I a menetnient,"ariel eForirt h amendment,"
and those who ate favorable to said amend
men's,or any of them, may express their desire
buy seeing each as many separate, ss %Antra or
printed, or partly written or printed ballots or
;tickets comaining on the inside thereof the
words,' -For the Amendment," and those who
are opposed to such amendments, or any 01
Them, may express their opposition by swing
each as many separate, vi rit ten or printout bal
lots or tickets containing on the insole thereof
toe words, ' , Against the Amendments."
Sce. 2.—lbat the election on the said pro.
;;med amendments, shall, in all respects, be
eondedied as the geetierel Election-3 of this
Commonwealth Are now COntiort..4l; and it
mall be the duty of the return. of the
respective cot and dist rises thereof, first
having the number at votes given
tar or against each of :aid aenendinents us the
manner alore.anl. to make' out duplicate
to rot t ber•of, expressed to uordc at length.
nod not u. Enzure. only, une 01 which rrliiros
made shall lo• lotted in the Prothonotary'', (Ji-;
;me nt the Court of Common Pleat nt the proper
,r•o•inry. arid the other .ea led and directed to
• rue Secretary of the Corm - in - nicer:llth, and by
i.e oi 5,11,1 .1u(14..s deposited for tilt% ith iti the
rOTlVlirtlent 'oat Oak..
3.rc. :3.-- ti •hall fmther he the
tirere*arl. of the roaltrlol, 1.41 th.
r•ee, la:: the salt: ret ta ff.r and
egwrst the evil arnetelmehts, L. deliver the ,
paint, to the or 'be S. rate on or he- !
tore the hl et Monday after the organrtal inn
of the next Legislature. after the said re-
turns shall so be received. ot tin 'hall open and
publish to. •ante the presence 01 the rrp-m
-h..' a ut the senate and House of Itepresenta.
rives nil the th"r , 4tlt,; and :
ashen the number of %olee given 1, , r and thei
r mnher of votes giseti agar red the said amend
went nave been summed nip and ascertain.
ed, duplicate cerldlca ter, thereat .tall lie signed
the Sp..eker of It.e Serrate aud the Spealer
•he House of Represeritat is es, one of which
.tail Lre flied in the office of th• Secretary of
!me Commonwealth, and IT, of het delis orert r.
T I.e Governor, Oho, deity it shall he to declare •
Ly touctanoilloo a Sather tine Amesidmeoft, or
any nt them, rrase nr have lint been approved'
isoll ratified I.'. ins ci'lzers or this Common-
ss rat+ h.
I.—That 111, Shortfr romiroescoo
ars of the. elty Arol . nolo y 01 PhilAthrlptoa And
.metal et.uistleo nt SOO. CnITMV,AIN Pal!
shall do and pArtorm all tle• dull,. And acts he.
ropgiory by Theeco to be done to arse. Pireet to
the pros psooot of ? hi. art.
S'praker of the of ii•prrsentoifers.
SpAlke , r rP, Senor.
Ari.r:ovro--)h• I...r.Airth 15.0 11 4 y. A „„,,
P•orn., our tnotteand cig.i.l nulelreLl Atol (My
Piorict—rompri•ecf of the ;nue Ward.
gr.fl,nricApt..r 'the qualified .uteri of the
North Last ware, v.:it hold their election at
Ina public hon., oi 44-, , bony Lechler, in F;aat
King ..r. , ••.thns•nr the Narib-West Ward at
the titiblte hens, by King & Colvin;
ri,oie of the Smith •st Wa at the public
I.nuee eceutneil by Joseph Itrintroill, m East
!Zing stir.% thn.o the Wei.t Ward at
tae public butter. A. rrban.
I>lat ricT—Drurnn re tnwn•hir.,ir the house
.bnar occupied by NI rk.. Barbara
3d Disttiet—Compo..A of a part of Th.. town-
Phil, of Mount whol. rot Wel.t Dun
era!, ineltiding Th. ho , n,tzh of El , ¢abet6tuwn.
A t the public hnuae now ocenp...l h v G,„ g ..
tY. Boyer, in the finrongh or krahoi o•A n.
.trti bisque, --Earl tuvvnthip, at th• house
lately oceiipted by in the village
.f N. Ho!lgn•1, tr sat 4 tovvrt.hijt.
Sib tattlet—Lhzabeth Inisnsh , p, at the
pbße house now occupied by Georg.- Bentz,
Ju Bnekervtfle, in 'tat townshtt , .
Gat Distrlct—fintoorh of Stra..borr. at th..
401111 r la's.: or cupi. , l by Henry 8.4 f, in
1.61<1 ttnrough.
7th llia net—Egon° townshtn. Irlehldlnie the
a,rmistla of Manne.t., At 11 , house occu
r..? by 1. enrol {ybite, It. tpid bOrptliti.
Ibth District—Eden township, at the public
house of Jaines C. Eta ing, in said township.
The General Elections, lei all the Wards, i
DlSlvivl:+ and Boroughs nt the
county, are to be opened bet as een the hours of
eight and ten o'clock to the foreman!, and shall
cul.tinue ithaut inteiroption or adjontument
until seven o'clock in the et exiling, vi bc.i, all
the polls shall be closed.
Every person except ing Justices of t he Peace,
t.o shall hold any office of appointment of
profit or trust under the government it the
United States, or or this State, or of oily other
city or incorpoiated district, whether a coin.
missioned officer or otherwise, a auborditiate
officer or agent, who is or shall be employe.l
under the Legislative, Executive or Judiciary
department of the Stare or the ended State s,
or of any city or 11,COrpOrated district, and also
that every INlerntier of Congte.s, or ni the
Mate Legislature, and ot the Select and Coon
, mon Council. a; any city, or elltillnistinner of
, any incorporeed lli%triet, is by law, incapable
of holding or exercising at the :earne time the
office or appeonfmeat of fudge, inspector nr
,clerk o f ai r y el rrrc i ion of this Commoniaealth,
and tin inspector, Judge or other officer of any
!•11C11 election ,11x1: be there to he soled
• The In.pectors and Judges of the elections
shall meet at the no-fleetly. , place* a prlollrltVd
' for holding the, el ect iiio 111 the district to In hick
they respectively belong. betoor rule o'clock
l i in the rnoining• and each of said tn-pectors
shall appoint one Clerk, a ho shall lie a 4 11/.11/I-
I heft s titer ot ouch district.
In case the person who shall have received
the second highest number of votes for inspec
tor, shall not attend on the day of any election,
+hen the person who shall have received the
bighest raunt,er of votes for Judge at
the vest tore...ding election shall act an in s p.,-
tor in his place. And in case the person who
shall have received the highest i.imitier of
I ides for ,ogee for shall not attend, !lir person
elected Judge SUM appoint an Inspector in his
place— andin ease blue person elected a judge
shall not attend, then the inspeetor who re
.rived the hignest number of lutes shall op
, point a Judge in his place—or if any vacancy
ehall continue in the board for the apace oh one
hour after the time fixed by law f o r the open
ing of the election, the qualified voters of the
township, ward, or district for which such of
; ficera shall have been elected, present at such
election, shall elect one of their number to fill
such vacancy.
The Judges are to make their returns for the
comity of Lancaster, at the Court House, in
the city of Lancaster., on Friday, the 16th day
of October, 1557, at 10 o'clock A. M.
Office,. Lancaster.
Sept. 19,
Fine Family Groceries.
A SELECT axsortmrot of the brit Family
Grneetrie• ofii irrNl to the Columbiana. at the
%Ville arid Liquor r•torc. Wall at street. ariljuirilsig the
%Vaal:linguini !lowa
V . Cnneress Waier In guar,. flANNl. JUN:Led W
a t er in
Plitt•. trrel Teter...ft
I Cn'i:inatna, Jul) it.. 1,047.
AT the Lowest Prices. co to BERRI '
CHEAP sTnnr, N. 5 Ear Kmf n, Limner
Aural IS, IS$
co. 4. Mscumczcs' Row,
Opposite Haldeman 's Store, Locust street,
Columbia, Pa.
A share of the public patronage is re
spectfully solicited.
c,ti u oL.h .Jul y h. 1,57.
OSOataz Z. HE:En.
(Successors to Daniel Herr,)
Tsra.sizxrecrgrow XXOTISA
Columbia, Lancaster co., Pa.
TUE subscribers hating effected a lrase of
this well-known and popular Hotel-hereby give
nonce that they have thoroughly re•foterl and reno
vated it. The einahlialinteist htt been re-furni•lied
at great expeami. and nothing has been left u admir
to render it one of the most agreeable and comforta
ble hotels ill the mate.
tP - Aejrniting the hotel n Rr.STAr-
RANT, whieli supplied with all the delieurie. of
the •eit.olll.lllllti which not wurpaiised by any mine
tar emablt.hment in Philadelphia.
Thry re.pectfully sent:tithe pummel:re of the
April 11. 1.57.1 v BENTZ "c
TIIE subscriber having opened his house,
L corner of Seem. :Ind Locu‘t C01111.1.m.
Pit.. a. n )10 . 0. 14 prepared lo xeroinifindiiie
gen.! .131 e, abut upon reasonAtile term.. lie
hue •pnred no expense in filling op hit room., mill
will give hi. Inblv tot - viol utiontion. hoptuetu lie able
•.iti-fr Innen...ono., in nil r,•-pre - t, nix BAH.
lilt good liquor., and the fa violin lll...lnn
icunt, tlin ti.i-anent, *rid lie ~,,, Joel] no herein
ort, itlwit) • supplied xen•onalde delienvie , A
urge and vionniodinu. STABLE liax recently here
erected oppri-ite the lint,•e,adplllllo . 4 111 , 01 . d Fellow.'
wiwie x enreoil Mounter lull he in ailenduriee.
Vatr1111:”,. I. re-p , c1.1. 1 1Y
(A1 . :a11.% HD 'IRAN ur.
Colombia. Jove .211.1-57. _ _ _ _
Bellevue House,
\7 E. CORNER of Front and Walnut stints,
. coLtim 1.. A.
i- raklted wall all NI ode ra I tanrove
-11.111, 1411/1 e . ..<1 . 3 attention will be Ewen to secure
the reunion of ttur-i... t'llarge. moderate.
TOIIN SLICK would most reriptctrolly lo
•) inria la- trienJ•nud the publiclle. that he
rd Cite di d term el 3 cars tr •land in
•, a hei‘serin Secuinl and 'Elaril
1.4. 31 BTAVERN.
F:SI , 11%; , •• (1h l.irg...t nitfi
Ih.• moille room ltt t. roilitmoollte
1..v0r huu wool CIIreIll!
I/I he provided, awl 110 i/Alll6 rl , ll led to
mem t oil•lo• coololcooe.
ll e iumlookily lb. nitenlion of Drovers.
to 10• 4.%
ICIf 11(fiVen
.11411/ be woll ftorpliod..l•ool •errool lo
mw; illlleVer ,/1111C, !hall i.e
111:111E . MI 11l .1116S . etner
Coluottou. Moroi. 14.1E-574p
Farmers Union Insurance Company,
OCATED of Athens, Bradford county, Pa.,
( cA,it CAPI l'A : 4 . , LE EIS IN VEST
-1,I); guarto, iii)tgrAtice- oil properly. gg ,
401:04(G WILFMI).
Art•ilt. Coluotibi., Pa.
Hon E II EN Itlt:N. Athen,
•• DAVID lVll.7lll)T.'rowmitla. Peg.,
•• NVNI..I I'. Mgligmt•e.
•• 11.,11 WV.
Collllll'ol JUIlr y
Manufacturer's Insurance Company.
Perpetual. Granted by the Slate
non, C./pit..!, $.ll/1/ IMBJ I tr., Alm•
rule m.411111..11.1 T....port:mon A:11 . 011 S. Lapp 1111•011.
NVIn. A Mimic., \'ire PP. tailent. '.lpcd
Nci•rt 1.11 y
111 nron S Lippincott. Wm. A.
Wm II Tiiimino, \rat. Clic He.
Wt...Nifted Joh.
Cli irk, .1. rirld . Jam. P. Sur,
Odic, No. ILI Mcreb..iits' Exeli.inec•
Tllo , il AS ‘VELSII, Agent, el:1;11%11in., Pa,
April 1 I. 1...17 I y
Commonwealth Insurance Co.,
- T NM BUILDINGS, Third sired, Harrisburg,
Poonlmg, and call, Properly...m.o.% ..0.• or
I,) hrr. Al ea. +/gm per,n. Mc :lea. I,
Moll NI, motion and Trani-portauna
Dllth:CTlMS.—S,nino Cameron, lleo M. Imamon,
lVilmon Duet.. 1:11 Soh,. .1. v o x Gen I lrrenirr.
Benjamin P;111.. WIII. II lit parr. A It. M. a rloul. W.
P. :Murray, F. l. Bou•, John 11. Item 1011. Wm. F.
lO•FICER`:—•SIMON CAMERON, Pfr•illrnl.
l'A II NE, Fire I're•i•lrul, S. S. CA.RIOER,
II 11. Fit V..A4ent, Columbin. Pu
A u¢u•t 2.3, I t•.il,.
a ROWERS of Grass and Tobacco, use Di
no u'x Surovr no.phair of Lime. '52 SO rer
AineTtrilo VerliWee, F IMI per Wit.. or
per too. r 11”. horn revels . ..if diploma.
Agrieulitir.ll fsortetii tool Cr) -oil l'ultire
1100 lot !he oltrive Fertilizer, who+ hove hero tit
0-e lot the pael five eor, ririter. eitelo•
•tn;r the vii•lt. or 01,1 , •. rmrnrd aril ill
Le proillpih atiemltql Io liy I; A LEIN AU.
I . Oprielor. Pit, ID South Front 51.,
Mal. :SI, I",ii.hl
SI oy4r4s: Stoves:
TliE golneribrr keep s
hi.. Xl,nnve. 4 , 1 4
I'uuK l• A Itl,olt r•TI /VES
a al very punnvn
. tee lii .ell.:" rell."1111111..." • '7 —_,
prier, and the in/1//tr In ..xllninn lry
iii Ill" I'VA
1.0. 4•1 •Irert. nppo.ll.• the Frwe
Columbia. July 1 , , Izn.
:••• --- . PHILADELPHIA Ilanufac
t:.-?; i r if ,,,r,.....m..,?..A.,...c5A,.,„
~...., ~,.., ..,, ,•, N„ ..„,, roor , h •I•eel. 1 . 1111;i.
I .
• • • U ri k 4 Truth iS rni s ;.hry et I, a tuna pre.
• • 1 . 1 ltil l •.'
4...„' t i , 1 ...Tort of th.• Cornmitte, no..
;' . innlned In .taperinleni li•
% ~ —• \ .I .
~ • •
. . huntingnJnng ni On" kna '-` , .1 - r .. at
- _ .
..L , .-, --- It radietl.l. February 27.1+e7.
The under.i,ted. tnemher• of the .40.1 1 .1111 re. do
r••l.rrtudly report. 11, it We COW lilt two Safe. wig ,
nnllc np.11,11 two. 118 ruirel h Ile , tt.7.•
llttn • nd ...Ir lit node nia 1r.11 . 1131 . , VI/ •
nir male I. It-. I. the 1 1 14)intt.ler Of the
ulna .14 Itent a nnt full r o ad Comp Atty, in hi. ofhre at
Ile ittnevtif.wit.aelflor Herrin4. ,tuel
11.• Sal , tot ) II A Luitie. In hi. ~ 1 1t, . mum.-
Carlured and put lit book. rte.
The henw.i.t 'tatted .11 . : n'elnel. A. M ;Ind lepl
up until tour r•nra. of green ItlykolV, two turd. dry
end hall rhe.t.n.t. top •n nett r‘tirely I• 01-
-owned. the wittde under the .tipertutendenee nf Ihr
•titt.erther., n mhrr. vi the eatonrenttre. Th. .11,16,
INcre Ilrn g•tonllorti die with nner Whirl, the)
wt le opeurd .1.4 the honk. non p.tper. tale. nut
to, the roiorninee .111 d .rill to II A. handl'. tdure ff.!
01.1341 C e2tlSl./.. tttt 11. alter they were firt4 exattistserl
:trot mew. ed ht• the Otonsholee. The hoot, mot p.t.
per• balms Irmo the Stile mootiforturrel by Eva.. and
t•rtre but -lightly wre.. , .-d ht bloc twtrtt•, hrwt
white ilori-e ew4ru I ron the OSIO3 uim hired
lit Farrel. 1...r1 Slurring were O. our w.•ttt O
aged loll) !toren p.•r emit. more lOwol those tots,.
Iron Fast.• & tT,it-obit
. ,
W. believe the ,hoar to hov• toren 71 r.gir and jut
pleflimi I rn.l a the rr•pn•ln. gyvihtt•4 or 1.0111 .ufr.
DAN IEI. S 1117NTE1t.
having .S.r/v1 daring ahr I.urning..r Su
svoth the ni•ure o( Ihr COIitiIIIIIII of
She prprr. ...ti Isilr. out M Ili. rr.perusr
C; A.
'rhe followong mooed eratleehea. reorleot• nr /tend
otte and 11. So moo,. vllin attar the ~hove fire: ha•e
I s lr r l 1111.111leigl, ~gin ! 4 .+1 ., . iron. F,vnu. & 1V1.11•0//
,ovare the Ituriong op to Nla) 1.1. 15.57.-
0/ ,%, t. oil., 1. 1...1.1141 Ilooh. 1: lotOte Ruth, 1:
Klrl. I, 11. • I/halo/. * Attn. I. Heart, IV
It 111, %Vto. Motor. 1. r , CIOIIIOII 11hnatta.
I. 1.. v. I. Stool. I. Ihozll , 1 / 4 Craig. I, t 1 0.. /Cork I.
I. Wu, NleFarites.l: '..0 J Eel
.„l 51 h 1,. %V, 11.toottel., 1, Ezra 111i1;er,
Poll rler k Co, .1//toto, 1, J.dnue• latatoo t .
1..1. 11. k A B. 'Warner. 1. J.leolt I , ehrouclter, I.
K,,, li, I. V li t•el.olleaberger.l: It It
pu.s.l /1 A Loons. 2, %V. C. at I'. I . .rtnuottout:
J. 1' 11.rolegaor, I.
300,000 PO UN DS
Of the .thove SA FI: S.
TTlitelo dm) offer for •nle 011 latter tae 04, thus any 1
odor manu Paella., ni The ejil,.d tqat,. Super-Phosphate of Lime,
rtni ,ilripin.t. Mu, 10. E-57-ly 3lb sale in large or Amidl quantities, by
nl 41A0la3IAN.
40,...,0... m a y g0..57 Op en ank.
TIIE undersigned respectfully announces , lloorning• Goods.
to her frauds and the public, that ..he ha• now nn
hand a ill SO asoorisnent of FANCY ARTICLE! , .tinal T U r iN'S n '''
.._ _ mharintm. all 0 . 001 It. Lainra. brantihil
as hymn.' Cap' and !Moneta. Tnamintra of co•a, ~.a . , 1.1 Mourning Ducal's. Lupin'. Black Retests , Tutu-..
tar*. Itioekr Embroider) of nil kinds, al.n. a I '11..1 another Int of Black TO.Mlalille for &twat.. Eng.
;am, awtormant of Lamer,' Fa t , y 1ia.a..... I ~,.,,,,,,, , lA.:. Crape, Mourtitng Handketehmt.. die ..11
•1 1111 iirdielt an e.aainination n 1 tray enoth, from Owe. 11. C. F(ES.DI:II: 4 MI TIT.;
r. 1 . -1.0 arc /11 01.1. t of the about namtlened artaele• 3'6' 11, 1457. People', Cu•li P.m,.
Columbia September 12 I.fill. Water Coolers.
_ _
GRXIAM VIL.R.T.ZITIir STORM. 1: 1 ',mom. •Ige• grid pattern. manufactured and tor
I ,1 1 .. l•) lire •uirrirr•rdrer The, eUriiirillelit VIM!
I. 1
UST RECEIVED, a larger anti Garr stoen - , 0.^ , ..“-.1 , ----r• ~ . ..41 lit' areal air 1' ,,, / family.
j 0rrc.y...,1.1 Lu n ty good. quo A.ccr before. NI) 1 HENRY I'FAIII.F.R. 1 •a'eel. onno•ne the I ratiklin Flamm.
friend. 004 other, nee rimed NI roll and ...aura,.
1 the am I. heft., cs r wh,rc, t • ii,.., c.,.; I ( .. " l'mh."• in.'s tr. 1-57 .
here f o rm J., unlimited imoortrarat. Aultabl. tor pre.. l Patent Meow Wash Rollers.
ien , • in 1...,-...- of ~ . .f. y aye and Man, An 10101eilae .
••tarttywnt of rortmotturter, rewriter !loon, (lc . i.e. I 1r111 . 4.3: 11. ail known Both r• 1... pt reran...llT on
GrAvir; PI .1. I•t‘ITTH. , band at BEN ft V Fra I ILER'I..t.
1,.. a .1a......... hoiareon the Dana a. nor frilrilrlll tirniiiio 1 L.,..? at t ....t, rippiii.lo. o ne eiglllllll !Inure.
a Coluntlite.DAterm I ber 12, lASI. rolarr.:-.!a,lula 1,,15r.
Philadelphia Wood Moulding Mill,
WILLOW street, above Twelfth, North Bide.
Mouldrriv r.urtuble for entpentern,
Cabinet and Frame Nlakerrr, worked from the be.'
rind thoroughly •ca=tined rnnterial, a/ way• On :.and.
Any pattern worked from a drawing.
The r.utorerther having the entire inter
e.t, will COlillalle the with increased fatal-
A e o r rr• wanted in the vnriou• toa•na in tfii• portion
at tire State. to whom opportunitrea will Lc offered for
large profits to theureelverk
Jnip 11.1557-3rn
ALL KINDS. Lcinau's Super Phos-i - a
phute nrl.lmP. 00 4 lONS.
RMERS! _403
For your Wheat Crop., one Leitiau zniper Phov.
None of !Moe. at 2i etv. II lb.. or $4O a Ton; or, ate
l.eiasiu'rn American Fertilizer, of $3.50 a bpi ,or }DS •
nott. One barrel of either i. suffictrin for an Acre of
Wheal. 'Them are PERMANI.:Ni'r AIANURCS.
uwde of relitalnle Chemical Element., arid hate hrru
vueee..ful u.e for the past fix Year., improving
the roil mid increa-mg the value of the land.
Four Diplomia• from the State Agricultural Society
Cl PenmylVallll.; New Jer.ey; Delaware and the
Cry.lM Intact A.m.:Mon of the City of New York,
have latent received for then, Valuable Fertilizer..
Pamphlet. 111 the and German Language
can he Midi') application tit the other.
A Liberal Di.enainit to Whom-ale Dealers.
The above Fenilizer. dthrered Free of Cartage to
any 'A !MK,. the old City Proper.
under. trill I. 111:111 accompanied with Cash or
Drait.,, will Inc pr ~,,, fitly *hipped to any part of the
world. . _ .
GEORGE A. LEINA U. Prnprielor.
Nn. 19 Sou lit Front Phtlualelpliin City, Pa
Plohnlelpho Jill) 9.5, 1.57-Pn
-- TIIE A cl:No w I.nm:up
‹rir as ` c lIADIPION.
.. _:... '4. ; . r;,,,.. t The reeent traal4 at Reading
riiial: : f have eador-ed the current 0
v .... `-' nt ' 1 pahne opinion. and confirm, a
' 0 the - the verthei of more than :MO
:•:' , ..chc , : t .... ..,...4 : • nreideaml firez, provjag . Ta
: i
17 ;; :- .5- . I r ! l a. u :lV„ ' lt i y
.. t a l ;e a t t h . l i a..• r oll " s g ut'is„ l ;
'';`:l' j , - t Evraet . linm the Commii . tee* ,
-.- r .3.- ItrpOrt on the Trial of Iron
o/_ . Sap, at Reading:
4 .01, the 1.6111 of February nil the roemberc of the
eointuittee sort so wit...—. the Si, fee and hooka nod
panel , . (Witted to them.) and ',eft' prrfrrtly
that all wan right. The day lohowing. the burning
took place, under the eup.•rmirndrnee of the Com
mitter. After it lour anti ininstrtial burning for five
hours, the Sift Or Mt . .. , Eva.. N ‘VOIAO/1 wn. fir.;
nitrite& the Sloe hieing on fare in-ide, and for con
tent., partially rntt.tune ,• . atittle tim t tit the
•at Me..'- rur reit. Herring were to good non
din... awl tin fire ut•ide v.
I 7 r:lJlnc, slut..h
1' N. COl.MlATlComunitter
And etidor. , l I.y over stl of the t.e.t men of read
The above An fra mall lie: ...fleeted at 34 Walnut
Street. wLure ll.r online ran •ntl•fy f1ee . ..1v,. of the
_rivet •up.•nonl} of Ibe Nlrrriug'• Patent Champion."
r I lie defeated and used up insidelron Morr. , ,lltt-
' , Amu:Ls & itraniNG.
34 W34ikot Street.
Clay methrs rn rhis Sratr elf llrrriAg's Patent Champion
Tile attempt mail, by other parlic. to hot-ler op the
rein/mom. of a Sure winch hat failed we 4tennily
. 11,3 in l'hrlatlelphla. (Itawneml Plare ) b.
takine Illir gar of an agent's •lore.lll A Lantz.) made
double dm-karst. znOTerein from thme they to
••Itorn op" one of !terrine's, (holt I, (hick) eel
pot)) n. true rrward. Item e•afe could not 14 burnt.
pros Itte y IMO the only rellaffie Sale now
'node I. "I/),ing•t: of winch over 1:11)00 nre now
toe. a noire than L'oll have been tried b fire
withou t single (its
11,1) tn. 1...1-1
288 C'hestti .Ntreel, Philadelphia.
G. W. Al t•Cl•nurssr..NDE.Nr.
May 17 1-54-ti
QTATENENT of the Assets of the Company on
I. 1. 1,37
contormity *olio the provision of the
sixth i.ection 01 the Ae, /I•4ettil.l) ,of AprzlStk,lts42.
tielestz R r•t rflormitarn out real r•tate, in the
c and Gotoii) of rtithitteipiti.o. except
in Montgomery, Baca, Sella) I.
LIU and Ailtgitelly 101.11111,, PC11114)1,2.
_ _ .$1,519,532.73
1'lIrC11.1•rd at :"Ileritis' rule-. under
along:we e1.,101., 'eve:
17.1;11t aadlot,7o by 150 fert. on
corner OrCileSlll.ll4.lld
I. l rsetarei,zl/ •trrrta.
A buns Lot, 27 by 71 fret. on North
Aide 01 I.IIIIICG [Meet, Wit,l 01 Elea
A bow, end lot, 21-7 by 100 fret. on
Neel sole of Penn Sot;are, South or I
111,h .tree', ....:
Too hon.,. :toil late, eneh 19 hr SO feet, I,'
au South .Ile of Spalee street, lied. MP
Sixteenth .trert., l a.
Five lino,. molt lot, eleh 17.9 by 90 ,At Tit,
!eel, N0..159, 161, 16:1, 1(l5 and 167 r...41 . 2,ft.4.63
Itil , . 11 . ..i , E.'
The stud Int. 49 hy 54 feet. nil 1 ..
1 , ,,,...1 kw,. of Seventeenth *if eel, sOulli 23
Of 1'111,,, .
MHO :MA 10t,50 by 8/ 6,401101 e $Oll l / 1 - c ;
ea% I corner 01 Clir-liiii mid leach etc, 1 i. 2
Five. lieu-r.d.ld lot, 12 It) SGfret.oil the I t
\OIIII stile in (George etre,l, West of P
A•lttott -treet.
:•leven bou.e• am) lot. 20 by 117 feet, oto
toe Kam aple of Ileaelt atreet, 1.0“111
DI ClIC•111.11 Street,
vlol Int. IS by f 0 reel.
Mt:water %treet r.a•t of Neath Street. Trot or 9 - 111.1*•umg out of a lin
11.4 by 40 fret. use North stale of I r
atreet,4o fret Weal tat I.eme.rd .irret, .1
Tetnpnrar . ) lr a n•, Stool.. as Collat
sln non Alma I lou•e Lorn,S per cent
al, )
-JOO Shure• flank of lientorky.
17 •• Noribtro ;Look op tien,orky.
Inn •• 1,,,.,1 11.11114 1 • e1110.••••e.
11 • lu-11901.• Company of 114 ,
suoc 0(1 , 11m.) Ivonio.
290 •• Sootlt‘s ark Co.
•• C 1111111., e.l I suit Iluilroad
Bank, Vol.-hurt•
390 •• I'lol-)1030ia Itnilrondi Co.,
91 " rru.i II" rim 1,0 111111 CO ,
" Mrreumsle• I,iltntry Co,
nllOll Consul COlllynity,
'• Scioto 11.111 ItAslrc,:‘,l Co ,
Z-10 non N n 11.10roa.d I.4ouda
5.047 17 Cnr kV,/ rrJol•.
Note. nod reveiv.ible,
Uo-rtik,l I`n lushes,
of Agooto,
I.n••P' e mit . I lLe yeurl^so,
LS) ittelet 4,1 +he
C lIAULKS N n ‘SIICF,II. rtrpident.
Attrxi Crialo.r• G. Ila‘eaan. drer,iary.
I)llo , Tnik..—Chst, N. Thine her. Wavle,
~11111Wi (Irsito. Jacob 11. Sou.lh,l.V. ll " ,*.ni.
Alorkir,ut David d. Drown, hoar Lra, Fot
ward C. Dale, Gen. F.llea.
L'llE undmigned arc now receiving and
will Ie oprittou during the next u.erlt, at tiro
.int, tit Lornyl •IP,(. oppti•ltr Ihr (;alumina Ilauk, a
!Irv% Mid 1.,m, tainstwltnrlit of f :amt.. •uttable fur the
...rt•nn r0n..1-ling In 'art 131 .
I DRY out MS. eneh ne clothe. Cuaaii . Vent.
I 'Oz.. Rlttek
varier)tivarier)Franey Sall,. together unlit a great
1 varier) of f,k P+i E On E.+ r:1,01,..,
i Di 1L7....F.V1111N1:4111:1tf: GOOl/..•uelt a• Sheeting.,
Aladin.. IFtrking.t. Cheri., 011 Clothe, Blind, kr.
ORtICI:R11: . • 01 ever) dreertpttou—tre•h and of
the heo quilltitee;
I Togetht r .'nil • general nomortment of Queentter•ee
fine. wet re. Ca rpet • . !Mud., Looking plaaore, Drug.
I get., Matting.. Rate••
In feet ttt*rr Ili kept in a well-regulated atom
, Call ntM •er our attartriment. a• we feel eJtrafied
t •
that atone witt uu away dt.t.pprunted, a. we
... 4 1 arether,l•) enaabled to sell good. .11 tLe very
, ES!' Fli.l.7ltES.
Colr,beo, A P , i 1 12 1.'54
i Another arrival of seasonable Dry Goods
p l le ft, more of 1110-e benalitill Franca Lawn*. 2 at
CO.. worth t. 5 cts. Lawn Robes.—at reduced
ti:m., „. 1 . 1 r t .. f:/ . .ge De Lames. sel/tur at cost, Fancy and
g ' , 1 ,0d.. 1 0 . , ,..;:;: , : 1 2:11 , eta, a great bargain. For choic e
rosnEnsmairs is the place.
July 11.1,57.
42 100 V. 6
11:111 10
8301,038 Pt
Portable Cider 1111119.
V RAIISER's Patent, for hand or horse power,
.13.- the best in use. NVheeler's Hor-e Powers and
'thresher•. improved Grain Fans,yennock's IVlteut
Drill., Cooper'. Lillie and Chinon Spreader•, the mn•;
approved Hay rind Fodder Curlers, ltdou , s tfoilers,
Grindstones randy hung. with a general assostment of
Agricultural and Horticultural Implements.
Implement and Seed Store, 7th and hlarLet,
Autcu4t 9.1651%
New Crop Turnip Seed.
PURPLE Top Rata Baga, Purple Top Flat,
Huta Hamm. Yellow Aberdeen. Hulce
Hybrid, White Norfolk, White Flat and other fine va-
Tactics, wholesale and
Implement and Seed Store, 7th and Alurket, Phila.
A utzu.l _
Superior Self-Sealing Preserving Cans.
time, I . ~.erY . stud the
••Self-Sealing Cuss" testa become nil e•tuhlt•hed
fssvorsie among howelsceper.. The ssubsersber mon
ufactures nu article that sou-t give (MCI inn. Cul:
sat HENRY PrAlilsEß'S.
isueugl areeq oppo•tte the Ftanhlul llomse.
Columbia, July 15.'.17
• 4 r - 7 - , 7 0,
LIQUORS, Ike, // I I
'l`lll3 subscriber T.1'.... / isH
I halt opened and
keeps con.tantly 011 ' ~1 1 1 1
hand, a large and cont. r ! ".c
plete 1.0.0[111101{ of 1
-f=„4,. - .
• ....
and all oilier kinds of liquors. al his store. in Walnut
street. in the extemdun of the ‘Vashington Howe.
tie is ill sell. m any quantnies not le...than one gallon,
' o ' r e k laia ' ll " . l 7e l r t .. p Ol?sleTt ‘ ;:e ' l.. " a ri g i tt e 2 , rp cb u ' re r
article, are invited to rail and examine the stock.
fa — Attention is called to all ase.orteneni of choice im
ported preserved Fruits in glass jars. They are lire
eiterved whole, and retain entirely their original linen!.
The %anent, are. green Galles. Goo.elecreles,
Morillo Cherries, Fled Currants. It rvinherrie,.
A supply of Sardines. Table Oil, Bay Water, London
Drown Stout, and Scotch Ale alwu) s on hand.
Coluenbia. May 9. 1e457-if
Now opening at Iterr's Cheap store,
vard...vid. Colored Brilliatites—tact colors—only
1.l cents.
Elegant yard•widc, new style White MlMantes, only
lei cents.
Very cleFant and rich Black Silks—beautiful Cha/lies
and De Lames. Si Cost.
A very choice lot-of ',ladder colors Dress Lawns, at
less than cost
Beautiful and choice styles Dural ]]rages and Be
rri:4. Robes—very cheap lot just opened.
l'opinis—a very choice lot ju•t opened; White Goods
of es rr• kind for Dresses and Basques—a large lot sell
ing very low.
Gloves. Hosiery and Mits of all Lind, and styles—
very cheap.
NI:mulls" and Dusters—well, for wee and cheap ones
I Irrr • s is the place.
Suet revels...l it very choice lot of Shepherd's Check
in wool. hull wool and cotton. .tOIIN II GRIt.
tt , v I I. I No 5 East King et.. Lancaster.
Splendid jewelry ! Elegant Watches !
Rich Silverware! &c.
THE substriber has justopencd a new stock, (rout the city. of
unpin, Winn & QllartierS,
-t4 Alt Id' which he la at 7,11 on the
11,1.41111.111/. 0,111, Al,. 1111 cullire new •loel
of CANIMO loot 1110. 4 .11 C Li IMASTI'IISI4, Eat-ning•,
.Ye , of the laurel ct co.l
of every de.eriniton; together with n thousand and
0110 011,4 11111010.1,
Watch and Jewelry Store, Front Street, Colettnbirt.
April In, InL7-ii
FRONT STREET, Columbia, Pa.---Thcf
uotter•igned tr.prt Il ullp isoorm- the lth-
Ile Out tivhup ulsrupi on /land ill tilt, above
pinor, u lurgrood alOrsolid u.horonent of liooto, and
33333 .
to who'll hr would invite linvileT, mAtle
1114 4elrenon4 in 11114 branelt of the lou4incea wllll
erre. and I.lrll whole.ll . r hOUI.C. in the
IN, feel. confident toot oil who
want good oracle.. 44111 call and egnonine
He ha. I. n In•ee and a•.ortno-tot of
AND CIIIII.DIII:N, con•i-tiug of Patent Foxed Cai•
French Morocco t,'u-Lots. Enamelled sp r i ng
Uteri Powder, liarinii Cloth Gaiter, Madras bid Ties
and in fart all the latest •tyles now in use.
Also all Loafs of Uoy.', Youth•' mid Misses' 13,0111
MI Since. of every ate and deseripiion, and a fine
n..orlineni of perm Gaiters, such It, 1 . 1.1e1a
Top•, Cloth. Cnlf••k in, ice , AC , in great variety.
The -uli•criiser hope. by -feint 411.'11.011.0 hu•'nr•.,
to merit a rolitiounner of public patronage Ti s pub•
lit are ins heal tot rill 41111 examine the gond
Coltmn/I. M 2,1°57
THE undersigned having removed his Fur
ntluir Witte Hoorn, and anunketory.lo hot new
[Wog. nuilaing.. nil .oath-al, of 1 , 0 , u ., ,
lw,eo srcooll and Third rirret‘, re•peetailly tnv rtes
lips (wool. told the puboic ib give bunk a cal:. A urge
nid ioioprinr k no
of :ill ilt4Cliption, Will be kept rOnsiiiiiily n o
Imhof, which will be rind nil the tan,.t tea.
.Doable terms. Au lit utunufacourroo lII* own work,
he is rambled to warrant every article to be
Mint it in repretented,andlo be ii• gond it cheat,
mark iv very tame, and ut pun eintorares Ore,-
•trog, Plum Ilud I alley Ittireau.; StAtehoarthi,
Card. F:1141, Sofa. Centre. Drec.nnt, Dining and Brea k
fa•t 'ea 111.11..;;; Common. French and Other 111:11-
OS, Common and Valley CHAIRS:O4mI so:r-
TEE:•3 of ever) .t) In ongeoher with u genaroi: assort.
Mein n(1311 kind. o(1 - URN ITU It E.
Funerals will lie attended wnL it Splendid I lear•e,
nn cllnrl notice :Ind all ttereecary Intention given to
Ilr re•peclGlll) •nlwit. a sh a m n( public pntronnee
ha• eontlnonnrr n (!he C11.104/1 WWI sehiell be
Inn. I,en (..vorrel.
471 V..%! 07
C 0111,80113, Aprpi 11.1.57
Ladies' 8c Gentlemen's Restaurant
and Ice Cream Saloon.
SIRS. ,- 8 1 ElTERnlfortml
at i her friends and
lat the
(heretofore well peti0.112 , 41) lee Cream SalOoti. %lte
lia• «nnutetteeal keepiog a refectory where
5P:222 711
1216 :4
luny lie &hulloed In The hest style, and al the shortest
notice Aa her neeointnociation. tire very &open°,
she y 0 ,,y0,,,,iy eel,. upon n fillersl share of rUbIIC
pnlrnilage. Every etrurt will b., mode Iv afford her
gue.l4 6.411•64e1.011.
57.6°3 36
howrell Loi.u.t MI Utllo/1•11”,ts, Columbia
Nov 1 I•I:r/l-If.
.11'.Tof purr and varklinu StalaWater.tiouring (rant
the only Inuntan• air Culundna, eapable of gene',
%nog Callnonn• Acid Gan. aura nu. purr 1;i - 00111011,11 G
ail nald lLIVOrell wail, Illn ‘4llllll/I.IIIIZ
.4, ra p s , ita..pncrty,thncer, Saran,
berry, Oranue, Currant. tiro.. sailm. tkr .
The w nu•r drown !Mill our Stilt. Foy Wein. twin
More highly charged with than cuaimaar) ior
%Intend %Vaterooind at all timer. nearly st% rand cn
the tee ulterior IA tipple. either In tln• or any
oilier Mai,. IS•pectal cure will he taken to make
the moat delightful mud hru It by drink.durisig the wail,.
Summer mwuhs, ever lelroetleed Info our town.
".%IcCO K Sr. DE1.1.F:17.
Odd Fellow,' Hall.
Mnr :10.1557
Balm of Thousand Flowers,
TINCOVERF.D by Dr. Fmnniur. Paris-for beautifying
1/ the complexion. curing all the diseases of the skin.
for ribaving. cleansing the tees h, for the Toilet and the
Nurr); for bathing and manymcdieal purposes. For
sale by Its. E If.IIFIIR.
Golden Mortar Drug More, Columbia. Fa.
Columbia, May 1,1:157.
Those Awful and Terrific Accidents,
nAILY happening, from the careless hand
l..., o,, F of burning, fluid, ran forever be stopped by
the u•e of
Netre Patent Safety Lamp & Feeder.
The limp eellllol explode tram overturning while
lighted,it entitled explo he by filling it while lighted, it
eonetlleXplode from rove clawing while lighted. it ean•
not explode (rum an, I.tiolvil eall-e,11•01.1.101explode
when filling if the fluid tnLe. fire.
WWI the. lainp rush feeder 111 eattitietelloll, the ma.;
eXplaetter erimpound• may be u•ed. with no greater
.perm or lard oil Thie lamp r• the
hr... and rarret e•er rilrered to the public.
For •ide, whole-ale and retail, by
E. El. HERR.
Tltagrod• rrniit et., Cohllllltlld. Pa.
IN) 2.1.'57
'I I IIE xobseriber takes Ibis method lo inform
_a_ the public, that he prepared to lurni.h the
q 111.11111 ,, to purchaser.. at the •liorte.l notice.
1. 1 „, L ime p• particularly adapted far pla•ierrair and
wlute•wu.litog. It .111 he delivered
February .24.1.5%41 Wrielit•valle. Yurl eu aa rv.
Shaving and 'lair-Dressing Saloon.
T HE undersigned having remora to Hamil
ton'. Row, Orion;. the ‘Vit•ltington lintel. in
vite. attention to ha. Salem., where nil reer.ort earl
receive e rt.RAIN AND RACY etuve,and hay. their heir
rot end d d in the no.l ft...limitable Red
"Intone Mamie I'. Til../r IS ...triton:llr nern‘htn i r in ■
[nod e:teve if any ere di.po.ed to doubt t. let them
try me, and I wall fully demott•trnte the feet.
rolutiebte,Apri: 3,111.1/
A LARGE lot of Shaker Corn, from the
settlement York, 7.1•1
at it. SUN . DAM & SON'S
01111(11Na. Dec. QO, I SSG.
VANILLA BEANS, just received at the Fum
y ily NledivineSlorr.OU Fellow. flall,Columbia.
Col LIM ban, Nie1:W.1,57.
HAIR Cloth, Crinolines, and light colored,
Martens, for Ladies Robesount received, at
J uly 11.1557. FON DERSNI ITI
ItO,!IE4TS'nEIIIBRIWAT)OII,c. or l e lor RheumatiAm
McComas. & DELL:I77I"S.
Odd fellows' Hall, Locust street, Columbus.
July 2.1. 1H57.
IUST received, three dozen Dr. Brunon's
ity 'Vegetable Bailers,a certain cure for Dysprpettg
also. a fresh lot of Sap Sago and Pine Apple CIICCW,
Purina and Corn Starch, at 11ERIVS
Sept 5, 1857. Grocery and Liquor Store.
11110FLAND'S German Bitters. at
Aic i lt ri j i,
Family Medimite More, Odd Fellows' Hull.
July 25. 1e37.
JUST received, a fresh supply of Kennedy's
Alcor:teal Lbscovery, unit for .461, by
It WILLIAM:I 4 ,Front street.
Columbia. June 27.1657.
H - - -
11R DYE'S. Jones' Batchelor's, Peter's and
Egyptian hair dyet.starranted to color the heir
any desired shade, without injury to the skin. For sale
May 10, Front ht. Columbia Pa
Just Received,
SNIITII - I'%Vhole•stle and Rental Confectionery
r•labli-Invent. Front •trees, two doors below the
Wo-Itington Ifou-e, Columbia. [October 25, 1t,50
Rapp's Gold Pens.
CONSTANTLI on hand, an assortment of
the., celebrated PENS. Veruon. nr WWII of a
good Article are invited to call and examine tilVfn.
Columbia. June 30, 1653. JOIIN FELIX.
Just Received,
A LIME LOT of Children's Carriages,
ttocilov [fortes, ‘VlieribarrowA. Preprl
ur•ery Sce. IiE.ORUE. J. SMITH.
April 19,1•156. Locust street.
nIIINA nod other Franey A•lielPft, too numeral', to
mention. fur vile by .1 S.t ITII, Luett.t street,
bets ten the Bank and Franklin llour.e.
April 19.
Just Received,
A BEATITIFUL lot of Lump Shades, viz: Tie
tor ne. Volcuon. Donn. Butter Fly.. Red Knees,
tont the new Freneh Fruit Shade., whielt eon he seen
Is the window of dm Golden Mortar Drug Store.
Novrmlwr 29. IMS
2/IBOXES ORINGES,IOOO Cocoanuts, and a
tut of Prime Nob, lur rule by
J. F.
April 4 1.57. Who nod
Music: Music::
11 TE have made arrencement• will, One of the
Publi.bnar, linu.e• to l'lttladelplat.i, by
wPieh, we can !urinal, any muroie pub), plied 111 tide
country. at a few di.) a hotice. New ntu,te received
a, spun n. pabb.hed.
{t+.l-67 SAYLOR a MetiON Al.ll.
Cocoanuts! Cocoanuts!!
1.000 COCOANUTS just received and for
nlr by JOHN F. t. , :\ HT I I,
rront stint. brlow the NV amhingtun !louse.
Culumbia. 91 .ly 16. 1,57.
OR hue work; Leton•ne demg..., and magnificentF,
(;uoil, ever) body Any, Pondersmdlt care; be bent
Come and see Cur your•elve%.
At the People's Store, Columbia.
Inn. 11. VS:.
Fresh Ethereal.
/VLCOIIOL and Pine Oil, can always be bad
tit the IVNCII prive•,alt the tiohleis Aiortur Drug
Store. (Nov t-nr;
aaantrzz LOD GI;
Corner Front 6- Locust Streets, Columbia,
resperctfully informs his old friends and the public
ceneraily, that Ile has again taken charge of hi•
mains w person, and IA ill be pleased to see all who
Inay favor him with a mill.
And upward., and satisfaction guaranteed.
frrNo picture 11,4 be taken front the Gallery
unless it Is such as is really desired.
Columbia. Merril 7,10.57.
Susquehanna Planing Mill,
TDB undersigned respectfully announce lo
their friends and patron., and to the public gen
erally. fly., they an- pronnonl in furin-11 311 I‘lllli. 01
1.,, float•, So.h, Nltu,trr•, Blinde, 'Window and
Door Fran &c., at the lowest market
All order• by mml or ntherwi•r add 11 to be
uuder•igncd • Columbia, Pu.. AMIN reerive prompt at.
Ladies Boot (X Shoe Manufacturer,
No. 1 Locust street, Columbia, Pa.
NVITES the attention of the citizens
of Columbia and the public generally to his 3111)G
-nor work in the above line of business. Ile
respectfully tenders Ins sincere thanks for the
very liberal patronage lie has received, and would
111.1101111 re to his patrons that he has eonniaritiy on
hand a large and choice variety of materials. and as
prepared to tanks up. ;it addition to his large stuck of
ready-niade work on hand. Ladies. Misses. and
kcus sl101:S• GAITERS, BOOTS. SLIP
PERS. Ae- in the latest and lied at) les. lie I
solics a Colllllloalll, 01 the favor so hileraily
bestowed the public.
3A31c8 scitnounurt.
Columl.n. Pa
7klny 2.1,57
To those %silo want
OF the Latest Spring and Summer styles, at
low prier., would say. go to Ile+A• Hat turd
Cap Store. null 3 on will he accommodated.
Ito you wont n lute pinle.kin Silk lint? Go
to lien.' r tow lint and Cap SION.. wirer. you can
eet one 2rt per cent• thruster than any other lance
nide the city.
Do you want the Intro sty le Soft lint or Cap? fin
to Iles ' Hat Manufactory. where Inn cant get them
cheaper titan may other place to Cottonton.
Do you want a litany' Nat or Cup for youth o r rid'.
&en?. (to to the ruslounable Hat Store. where you
have the lurge.t stock to select (ruin, nod can get
Caps a. tow a. V/00111)411 , 0 coult•.
Do you want to get your Dal drc•scti up fret or
charge? II" no, hay them at lies.' ranhi ~,, aide liar and
Cup Store. on Front went,* few doors rhst of Shici•
tiers Jewelry Store.
_ -
On you want to eoroutog• Home Imitpory? If . 0 .
Loy your Ilain nod Cap. it 11•••,' Hat M..41/IACIOry .
OA NVAAI n but to kir' rainy mud comfort:lldr?
Co to flat Store, where you cull get them naiad.
A.( to order.
1)o you wont Ilt.Triler Mt.? Cull at the FR•hinn.
lilt Ilat Store. tool get ro Gar Panama, Nlarleiabo. Leg
horn. Swi••. C1111.4(1.1. Milli., Coup and all oilier Look
Lt ol t word. if you wont a Hut that I- mint got up by
b o y • nod mexperseiteed expro , ..oly lot whole.
.atiog, go to Ileur• lint and Cup Store.
No. 3 Shreinei's now. Faint .teed, CONIUDIA, Pa.
Columbia. April P.. 1.47.
TUE undrrAigned begs !care to inform his
friend. and the rine.... of CONRII,III and Mr Mond
.og country. that he .1111 cooliooe• the praru re o f
Gardening. ur tie va rinua branehe.; Laying mot
Ground.. .a, . in the moat approved ..t ) le or art,
•¢n slid ta-tr. Throe wino favor hini with their pa
tronage., Will find litvir work doss, Wlth and
di•pateh. and on rea,ontible terms periioniii att.,
tion will in all rii.en he given He forrit-tieft. and
phott• nut if required, all kind. of Nur-ery farock, viz:
Fruit, Shade. and Ornamental Trees,
Flowertng. t 4 hrub.. &e. 2000 of the ehorceal ron.iant
himnaurg Roars, of the oto•t hardy kind.. for sale;
a 1.0. (:rape Vine., of the mog approved !One. lit
invites a ra/1 to hi. green lion,. where a choice cc
leclion of well•etown Flowering Prollta may be Peen
and purrha•e.l, of
Gardener and Florist, Cherry F eet, Columba. .L
Aprii ..5. 1,57.
TORN FELIX, has removed his Watch,
0 Clock and Jewelry reitabliiihment to ht. new
•tatid on Front •trees. third door below the American
!louse. Ile hae on hand u large stork of
which he 1. prepnred to *ell eheaper than they can
be bought at any other ennlili•hmrnt. Ila 1. pre
pared to °Ter great bareaina.and hr re•pretfully in
otte. the attention of purchasers to his *lock, which
of every kind; all kind+ of CLOCKS, from 31.50 op.
ward,.: he invite+ theanention of Boatmen to lam large
smelt of IttVKIl UOAT CLOCK'S, JI V I.RY. eon.
-t•lion of Mir Rlvie., Finger nine+ !heart Pin+. tie.;
ul I Laid. of Silver Spoon•• Plated soup Lodieu,"p u bl,
and Tr.. Spoons. Fork.. Ike., which are warranted to
wear nearly equal to Slicer; Gold and Silver Pent
ells and Pen.; Gold and Silver Spectacles; together
with the gtemeat varaely of FANCY ARTICLES
ever before offered.
von ver- and
CUTLERY + a auperior atotortment of Re
other P I ~ 04 , and all kill& of Kolvtal
of the beta manufacture.
Strict attention wall be heretolore ; lo the
repairing of clockr, watches and jewelry; and alt
work will be warranted.
A contimumee of formcr patroviner is reaped*.
lefty yolieited- /OWN rEt.ric.
Columbia, April II ; 1647.
I_ VERNITURE of every description from the
higham to the lowest order, warranted a+ gourd
as Lancn•ter or Philadelphia ran produce may be
bud at the
North Queen atter t near Crartge, Lancaster City. at
price,. Nl' below the w•tal rale• in h aertiou of the
State. Also, magnificent Cottage Sets and •pletidtd
Window Shades. below Philadeliphiu pi Me•.
Coal and lumber wanted in pal meta for furniture.
Derember,:r: MG.
• 0
•I=6 A g 7 4,
5 W °
a 4 g
g .11 , 24 z
tit w u I'4. '4, 4,
r" S' E-4 f.
, 41
PO" A = :., -2 _ ••-•
. :n 7 77
c aci
Ed ;44 .
0 ff
C' -s
1,4 ,
Pi E . ,
,c- 1-74 4 4 ...
• CY —=2 ss
Dr 4
; ; ;
PEOPLE'S iffe.Ritran WARD.
QUOP in North queen street, half square
L . ) south of the Railroad. and 3rd door north of
AllOraion's White florae !Intel. Lancaster city.
LEWIS. HA I.DY, Marble Mason, respectfully in
forms the public that he has now in Ma yard the tar
.iest and best nasortment of ITALIAN AND AMER
ICAN ever offered to the ellitellS of Lan
le...U.l%lllld greinerilnin any oilierestubli-liment west
of Philadelphia. Having, made arrangements iis the
East to receive 11111fille at rcdueed prices. he an
mance+ thnt he will sell much cheaper than any
other eatubliahment in t his city or county can do. Ile
is prepared to execute in the heat style, MOND.
&c.. of every variety and price.
Ills facilities for funipiliing articles in the Marble
1111 e are unsurpassed by any other establishment iu
theeity, while he assures all who may favor him with
their patronage that his work shall be executed in the
very heat st he smith 011 the 110,4 rea.4olllllble term..
LsirrEit cui"risu iu ENousit and
done at the shortest notice,and on the most moder•
me trona.
reAprelinny i nvftes the pUblielOCMlll,llltl [lBlll
- Itit work, being folly nutmfted to rem his elitign
io polite piatronage upon
Thankful for the malty fatvore hentowed upon him,
he hopes by.-ttiettittention to hu•iuen• to meritand re•
eetvra whore of the pubitepoirnattge.
6aneotier. April 2,1,455
THE subscriber having made arrangements
wnh •oine of the oldest liuuLm4 11011.0. an Ger.
loamy. I , now prepared lo collect Monies uuA snake
Tamer of Aitortie).• for any part of (h.:1114),y.
Ile tins ako made mut cement• to give hi. Ow,,
Draft to any Oil. Who veiPlir• money pent Our. nod
goarastite• it will Ire pand,—huving had much ezne•
Herter m thi. Int‘nte , n, he *mend., to devote ht. wit
attention to it m future.
All collection , of Clara...Yeattended to with OM ,
rechteri• and di-patch. owl co vitager tor in (01111441 , 01 i.
For further purneutari
Dry Good Mer , hant, No. 09 North Queen ytreet r
Lancaster City. l'a.
N 11.—All kw& of Cern= Coin exchanged at fe:t
Derember 15 1q55-tf
THE FLORA TEMPLE Livery Stable, fie
rrly accepted be) it. Ed word•. hn•
yenr by Thum , . Croon, :tool nithou,^,li not nt rha
“ritrur.4 ...olienation of moot friend,- hot bre:tato
the public de-Ire tine continuation 'of n first clu•• (A,
:No I.) Livery Sinlole in Columbia, prompt nod re
huble "—he hn. ilriermineil to make thi”e in want
of liOlizzES AND VEHICLES realize that
--*•Thr bolo rail tag
lv brim, ilmo, obe grim."
la of u char:tele, 10 hon•t of: pn-se•ciag 114 II dom.
every varlely lo Suit the bold maiden equestrian, dna
.edttie married wom.m. the timid young man, ow
' , low roach" old one, a. well es those ••fast" pearlier
who like h0t.... that con go—••some. on a plunk road ••
I one dr-ire. a •afr and reliable horse In take
hr. welly out with. he Nut lie accommodated. ; if mt
thr runlrars Ite want. to get over •pace is the Flats
Temple elyle, let hint rill al my •table.
I have esrry ...vilely of vehicles nod nm making
nilditions In lay Stunk con.inintly. From the light
ironing y and ,gon. up to hood). ear
riage and Laruutlie, I cunuot he heart ont.ide of
ally Wlirre
My TEAMS will he low an the lowest, and my
Tram• Lcnrr Ulna the be-i
"The entrance to the •Inldr•' ran lie /owl train every
pour of the voirnnisx. try coming min %Val nut .trees.
)u•t above Front nit the math te•pernlullr
relict u continuance of public putronage, confident
that I will render full eau-Lu•unn.
JAN. S. Agrnt
Colmnt,iJi. December *2O.
New and Cheap Groceries.
T HE undersignrd take this method of ef
t turning 'merry Mini:, to their num, on• friene , ds
for the liberal patronage give,. them Juan; the past
ear. 1/ Od nulls y-L a roltimt.mre of the
Ja•t returned from Philadelphia with s
very 'siege lot of fine Greeerie, Confectionery, LC r
untroig whieh may be annul the following:
Love rotes Syrup Molii.ors,
New York Syrup Mola,rs.
Pilule I , :itklng Aioirt“rt,
Sugar I
A larve lot of Sugar.„ Coffee. hr.
A 140, a lot of fine Raking !Lwow,. only I?! crypt,
Fine large lame)/ 11101 la)er Raisins, tr. whole and
quarter boles.
95 brae.. m g .. (lacteal grade*,
A lot of Prime., in limo hose., very fine.
A large lot al fancy nail e . ninmon Candies.
A ko, Fig Marmalade, Jelly Cakes, Sap Sago
Cheese. Keielitip.iiial a great variety of ollier apple tar,
rUllable lan thepre- , • 11 •rlO.Oll.
"rt' PLEkci:GII, r. A CALL.
Corner of front and Union stoma.
Co/amhin, Deeettilser 1e56.
TilF.tmdermgm.d having inkrit the -tore lately ore*:
pied icy hi. brother, in I.octi•t oppo•in. the
ColitinbiA Batik, and haring u.eoeinted with him In
Mr. P. 1.. II AIIAIAN. will continue the 1.4.-
•111(..< under the firm of PRY& II AGAIAN, where we
willopett its u fi w linss, ti very large ue.ortment of
new,,, o f
Cla--ware, Conceit, Oil Clotho, wail
hiricte, he , /kr . he., all of which see ore determined
i b .ell at the VERY LOW T PRICES. .. wr La.
tend doine an
we will be able to cempete in price. with any store In
the county.
Wt. respectfully solicit o cull hum ear friends acid
lie public generally.
Country Produce always taken et the H. j isibeiii mar
ket riticea. (Columbia, April 5,100.
CURED hi a short time by Cooper's Anti?
Pool Tniciure. A. a pain a Ilevi.l tor, thipTinetu ie,
though tot uaidhble . i. not .tirrisi•.eil by any othei
ever offered to the oOLrtrd , arid take. the precede/lire
of an oilier. Wherever it i. 11.4.11. inasmuch 11. It IS
purity VEGKI'A DM, ea ant nothing I.OISONOLIta.
I ma y he u-ed with SA FITI'Y . One bntn le ha. !teem.
know. to cure .ix CO,. of Dy .emery, u
Of ItVD of Crump unlit Colle. It will relieve almost
every variety of Pain. within from one minute to fib
teen m•nuteo—even the ino.i acme ease. of Neuralgia
Wed 00131. ii.ed, only by n1).11(141116.
but by pe rant,. of every chi,. and rank,
It it. good for wind and polo in the Siotnach and,
Bowel., Diarrhea find Dyi , entery. Cope. Cholera and,
Cholera hlorlius, Rlicumsdi-m acute, chrome and nee
you.. Plithi.ic or .A.altma, Croup , Cold., Coughs,
Scalds Mira., Won Bruin..., Sprain.. stiff and
:IWO H., /0011, Neuralg4l or Tee Dolor/roux, 'ninth
ache, Sick sad Nervous lienduelle, to quiet n nervous
and the. enable one to sleep calmly.—
Pain in the side, a :mh 111 the Rck.ele k.,C rumm
und alanopt every kind uc of 11111.1. Inte a r:nut r mid ex ternalk
Ivy Polion. Rang. rail flues of Poisonous lii.ectr.
I'MVER AND AGCE , FITS, Hiccough. Ileariburn,
Cold reel. Freeze, Clnlbt.ins, Painful Corn., Swell.
Ind Sore., to iillay Inflammation, and prevent
Mortifiemiots. kr.. he.
*l^`, 2. 1.57 EB. 1111:1111, Agent, Columbia
21. APPOLD 4 CO.,
And Deli on any point on the Columbia an 4
Philadelphia Railroad, to York and
Baltimore and to Pittsburg;
1J WHISKY AND BACON, have t urn received a
large lot of Monongahela Rectified %Vbiekey, from
Pritrburg. of whiclothey witlkeepa 'apply conmeittly
on hand. at low pricer. Ncw.l, 2 and 6 Canal Basin.
Colorralia. Jannortr 1654
or those PRIME if MAWS. which I will welt
CIiF:APER then any Some in this or any other tows,
and others will do well by giving me a call before
purchasing elsewhere.
The above mentioned Segars can be seen et
.J. SM
t. Fro HIT'S
Wholesale Confectionary esteblishmennt street.
two doors below the Wavhingt on Howie, Cr f amble.
Columbia, Avg. 30, 10.76.