nor CE. THE Coltunbin Nluoufncl u , ISM 'OMNI.) I , now pared In reveit viepule ni&terr or sill of Ihrir %hop iog prompli) nliendrti 10. T.ll Seerctury. CO'llrtiliiii.OelObir 10. 1b57. A the Court of Common Pleas of Lanraslrr I county, Sept. 2 , i, 1i.57 —it appearing to the Court I' the petition and affidavit at David Rees,. J. Reeves. George Abbott and Charles 11. Abb.,:t. that the several notes of Reeves. Abbott & Co.. seenred by 0 mortgage dated January 1.2111. 1853. iiieorded at Lone:li ter, in Mortgage Book No 13, page abs. Sr, awl given by the said petitioners in the Cum of six hundred thou sand dollars to Christopher linger. Samuel Shoeli, Itar train A Shaeffer, George It. Justice and Clement It. Grubb, its Trustees, have been paint in full, and no faction entered on the record of said mortgage: the Court. on motion of Thomas E. Franklin and 11. Ti!. North, Attorneys for said mortgngers. grant a rule to show cause why the said Trustees should slut enter sat isfaction on the record of said mortga g e, returnable on Monday. the With day or October next, and direct notice to be given to the creditors_ by publication daily for one week in “The Press," and -The North American and United States Garette.” and weekly for two weeks 111 4 •The Lancaster Examiner and Herald: , -The Lancaster Intelligeneer.” mid 'The Columbia Spy." with nonce to B. A. Sheaffer, Esq.. Attorney for the Trustees. Certified from the Record. Attest: J. BOWMAN, Trolley. October 10, 1837.2 t 11IIILDING - SMATE. ruhreriber hug jo•t received n inure lot of J. PEACfI BITTLO DING A YSLATORK' (MIE,TTNY BU - - - which he will put on by the square. or all by the ton •on the most rva•onable term•. Be has also rot ,„ plainly On band an extra light Peach Rotuma Building Slate, intended for slating On top of shingle*. Plea-c call and examine my Peach Bottom Slate, which nre she beat in the market, and cannot he had at any other yard. us I have made arrangements wills R. & F. Jones. for the Lancaster Market. The above •late can be had at F B 131etz's Lumber Yard, and will also be delivered in liEt r.i SPRECHEIL North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. This is to certify that we do not sell our best quality Peach Bottom Gauged Slate to any other person ill LUl!CliSter City: than the above named. It. Je. F. JONES, Manufacturers of Peach Bottom Roofing Slate. October 10, 1857.1 y TALL 2 1 .11.SECIONS. At the Fashionable SW HAT EMPORIUM. THE subscriber respectfully informs the 1. public, that he has just returned front the City, with a well selected, nod entirely new stock of lIATS AND CAPS, of every description, whielt he now Infers. at his new store, Front street, utloining the Wuddligton House. ut the lowest cosh rate•. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.— The stuck is entirely new, and of the latest style, JAMES D. GRIFFITH. Also. n first-rate rt...rtrneut of newest style ail diens' Fan Hats und Cups. 30-Puriietilur attention given to ordered hats. Columbia. October 10,1.937. COACH and CARRIAGE MAKING. Tins im , ine„ will be carried on as hetetoro re. by the undersigned, in all its various brunches. at the old stand. iu Second street, nearly opposite the Lu. theran Church. Coaches, Carriages, Ruggles!. Sulkeys, Six., will be made and repaired, in the most satisfactory manner. at •hort nonce, and oil the maid reasonable urns.. By doing good work and :mending to business., Lle hopes to merit 111A1 receive t e AIIII.,L h C pittrAßT Eonage. ,l kR. Columbia. Oct. 10, 1557. cim.x.! COAL! THE undersigned has constantly on hand and for sale, Baltimore Company and Diamond White Ash, Lamp, Egg, Stove. Range, and Nut Goal—the Lump is equal if Hot super or to any thing in the country for smelting Iron; Iced Ash, Lump, Egg. Stove and Nut, of the best quality, from the Shamokin region; Short Mountain Steve, and Trevorton Egg Coal— an excellent article for domestic I;utnnier use; Pius Grove Lump, Leg and Stove Caal—a superior article for domestic mid strain purposes; Plymouth and Pittston White and Red Ash, Lump and Egg Size Coal; Broad Tap and Allegheny Bituminous Coal, of the best qualities, for Islitelismithing; The abeve general assortment of Conl, consumers and the public are invited to mill and examine. and hear the prices. I um prepared to furnish the above by the Boat, Car or single Ton, at nay Whit rf, foot of Canal Basin, Columbia, Lancalter county, Pu. Also, Coal and Iron received and shipped on com mission. J. G. HESS. . _ Columbia, Oct. 10, 1S: 1 7. - - $5 B.EIXTII.RD WILL be paid to any person who will give information. that will IPSIO to ronvietion a( the thief who took 'ono" 40 or 50 loen-t railroad ilea from otT my form. near "Ifoover'e.erat.dag.n October 2, 1.5: 11 J ACOII I: A MIER. COLUMBIA BANK ELECTION. AN ELECTION for Directors of the Colom bia Rank, will be held on WEDNESDAY. THE ELEVENTH DAY OF NOVENIBEII, 1e.57, at the ntlnking House, in Co'Minna, lie tweell ten Mid three o'clock. :E. 1111, 5110013, Cashier. Columbia, October 3.1857 1k 117 - Lancaster Weekly Tunes. Wriglitaeille Star and North Amerman & U. S. Gazette. will publish the above weekly Untn the election , Mtn charge advertiwr. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted, on the Books or the Liv,:ry Stable, to the outler.iipied. ore r.Norsmd to make immediate po, men% and thou having elitunc will present them tor .eitlemeilt. 114 lm If desirous of eioi i iiig hi. tio-ineas without del. o. Oct. 3, 1y57.41 - TllOl7 AS G ROOM. LIVERY STABLE FOR SALE. r HE undersigned offers for sale, all the 1E144=04:31m. CJcsrriza gong, cfcc. of the old enittbli•hrd nod well known. I.lVrry Due Olt, in the borough of Columbia. on Walnut street, bt, tWeell Ffolll nod Commerce eireete, The STOCK OF HORSES, 4. large and in fir•n•rate order; the VM:IIICI.Fit are 4n excellent condition, and there In u ~ufficient number of tnem to uccommodate the Large contain of the •ettehlinhnient. The whole will be sold on the moot tettionable torsos. For full particularn, enquire of Oct. 3, 18574( THOM Its ("ROOM. NOW UNPACKING! RBADV-MADZI CLOMIIING, BOOTS AND SHOES, -MEAL °X' 49... X:i 40.43.3 P AT McTAGU E & BROTHER'S, Front Street, opposite the Columbia Bridge, Columbia, October 3, 1937. „IILESIC DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, &C. TILE subscriber having taken the Drug 1. store formerly occupied by J. 11. Illldemanon Wolf Row, front street, Culumhin. calls the I:Men tion of the public to his complete stork' of every ar ticle in his line. Ile has on Itund u supply of pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES, moan earefolly•e!erfed ~..cement of PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS AND FAN CY ARTICLES, generally, which lie offers upon reasonable terms /le will frequently renew his stock. and endeavor to keep it of the freshest oml best. Prescriptions will be carefully compounded. 1111 , 1 a steel personal 1111- tenhon to lime bu•utr•s be coven. A shard of punlic patronage is respectfully suliened HENRY F. GREEN. Columbia, September 26,1E167. F4=o2=L fEil!li_M,3" : 2000 TONS Pittsburg Cas•Coal,4oo tons Bah. Company White Ash Lump Coat.- 21.1101.11.1 r. „ 1, 2 1 6, Catml Basin. Colombia, September:2G, 1..7,57. Apply to Fever and Ague. lvro CURE, NO P. Call tit the nanny Medicine ./.1 Faure tent pet n lunar of Afpe Mixture—the mon ey will he returned lithe cure I. tint perfect. McCORKLE & Dct,Lorr. Colutnthe, Sept 26,1657. WE have just received a supply of Bit ter'n New Trusts and Supporter. Patented Jan uary 7, 1957. Tim Truss we br.lieve to he morn°, 10 any now in ure; they ore more readily applied. and easy to be worn All those who are WClerelft the old common Truss, would do well to call and get one of the utmtre, at The Ftuniiy :Medicine 2.tore. Sept. Stareb, Farina, Rice Flour, Tapioca, 5,, g ,,,0fti Mewl. Arrow 1tn01..11, FAMILY Odd rellewo Hull. Sera 46,'57. New Publications Just Received.. MOILIIONIS3I, its Leaders mid Designers; by Eider 11% de. lhe American Gentlemen'. Guide to Polite ne•• and l'a.hion,ha, he ; Marion Harland, author of “Alone” and the 69Itdden Path . Rom Life in Eel pt and Rubin; by William C. Prime. Wlscentiin and its Resources with Loi,e ;superior, Its Commerce nod Navigianan; COIISIIIIIIIOII of the State, Maps, its Railroads, he; by James t. tsehool Days at Rugby. by an Old Roy. Repub. li•hed from a lute English edition, by Ticknor dr. of Samna. • • . • . The poetical *works of Leigh Ilunt.o vole. in Blue and Cold. The pomp in blue and gold are the moat elegant and 12,ty or way hr print. The Guide to the ()tele., or The 13Th1n Stndent , r vade.meeum, Ly Allred Sesta, D. D. Irublithed by Murray, Young & Co. It has the parts of the Bible compreamd into a most Callifentllt Pinirle: every 255414011 1 / 1 School Teach er and Student 01'11,1 800, gt IJ have n envy. kept 20, I ha:, Unn r vciiNc.x Cu. Columbia Manufacturing Company. r 1 Stockholders of the Columbia 111auu lJell/ ring I oitipany. ore hereby notified dint a third Int.t.ilitient at rive Voile.- 011 elicit Apare of the .fork of rind Company, Ito- been declared due by tine Bon rd of Minitotri.t. itntl they are rerntreted to tiny the attune to the Treti.tirer, on or befora the 10th I tit. of ()Wolter, 1147. Ily Order of the Board. GEORUI BOGLE, Treo.urer. Columliin.Sernember :26.11.57 ALF.STVIAIW *AIMED. ro:F. Who HAS HAD EXPERIENCE, AND IS 1./thorough ly van Ob , Still a permanent Slit 11:16011, t.tir eurapra , a:loa, by applying al once, with « ferrnee ,itt HALDEMAN'S Dry Rood. Store, Columbia, Pa. e !213, 1t57 NOTICE. f[11111: Books of Snwville dc Bear have been placed L 111 the bond.of J. H. II oder, F.•q., for p. item, m. Peron• knowing them-elve , indebted, are requested to 'mike immedime payment to him. Those having claim. 190.61161 the frrsu will present them for W1)111.111. SA VVVILLE &BE R. Columbia, September 21, 1857. It COAL! fplll3 undersigned IS delivering Stnve and Egg Coal. oflre , i qualities. screened and cleaned; weighed taus of 211110 Iba , ut $'1,50, $l,llll, $1 23 and *4,50, delivered in an) part of the town without extra charge. J Sr pi. 2G, 1257.3 in Canal Basin. CARTER'S ORE WASHER. rr lIE undersigned is the only manufacturer ill ibis county. of die, celebrated Machines Thee can be obtained at Ili. place of bu•iuen., corner of Walnut and Gay street, lie elll be found On en quiry at the Railroad Hind, UPPcr elai ,oo • ROIMIT DUNN- Sept. 26, 1267.6 m Marietta, Luisrt.ter eo , Pu. FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, NOW UNPACKING AT bicTAGUE & BROTHER'S, Cheap Cash Store, Front Street. aIIIESE: floods having been porelstmzed for en•ls. nt 1 tier sizzle Or the Bank pressure. in l'lnindelphin tend New York, and having Ejects well selected, will be sold at unusually low prices. P.S.--llee Note, of suspended Banks !liken at par. but it will be expected then persons will make the elsnalge wizen in their power to do so. October 3 1,57. ISLANDS ran SALE. N SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1857. By O order of the Orphrins' Court of Lancaster enmity, will he -old at public Sale, at the hole] co 0. E Seh lice. 111 the borough of NVa4iiiigton, the following ale-cubed Vl.llllll/Ifl fell' rstale, the properly of the late Dr A. liu nee, clerrit•ed, viz: Sundry I.illitid• 111 the 9LI4CIUG -111111112 river. lying opposite sand borough of Washing. too, known e• ihe "ISLANDS OF PROMISE." The land le of an oxeellent quality for farming pur po.e•, and produce. good crop-, every• year. No I. "I Inure I.latal"--contatailig 23 ne re.; more or Ir•• The imprnvement• are a two .tnry FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and Kitchen attached. a Prairie 11.1:o.311 by 41 fret, with Stable and Shed attached, Corn Crib, flog Pen, aid other outbuildings—ul•o a well of wuter near the door. No. 2 Known no •"Middle Island," containing 21 acres, more or Ie••. NO. 3 ssllig 1-Inuil." containing 311 ncres, more or less The improvements on this isin ud are a Frame Barn, with ihreshing floor and one mow, No. 4. •'Spree Island." cautioning idiom S acre,. No. 5. "Hickory, or Four Acre liland," containing four LIC:t . F, more or le••. No. G A small Island, contioning about 49 perches. No. 7. A •mall ss'o, colonialist; ithout 40 perches. No. tr. "Turtle Island," containing 1 acre. Inure or No. 9. "Polecat! Mond." containing about 11 acres. No. 10. ••:.Slieep Island," containing I j acres, more or less. No.ll. ii'l.atchern's Islund,” containing aliou l 1 acre. No. 12 “Village. or Thoroughfare island," contain. in g 5 acresoniore or le•s. N 0.13. •'Maple island," containing 1 acre, more or 'rho above mentioned Islands will be sold separatelr, ond possession will Le given on the first day of April [WV Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M.. of said day, when terms of sale will be made know. by 10SEIMI SIIOCII. Rer and Teut'y Trustee of Dr. A. Bailer, deed. Oetober les7•ts FOR SALE. rrlIE undersigned offers for sale the two Had a half ,iory BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, situate oil the south•eost corner of Cherry• and Third sirerta; and also. the Iwo sold a half story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, on the north of Cherry MI rrel, tmeond door from Third. house,. sire both nearly new, and very tlet.trahle. Terns. will be made to rust purrhaaeri.— Por further /11110114111011, apply to SAMUEL F.. NIAXTO N. Columbia, September:l6,lB.s7.W PEI.W.LIZEI SALE. TIIE subscriber offers for sale, the two and half -fury BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, and LOT oi , MMUS 0. on %Viilout Puree!, above Second, adjoining property of \Valiant Talton and t , runitel VV. Alain. The house is convenient and cull:too:able, in excellent repair. and wal be 'add out lea-oaiihle reruns. aa the undersigned Inlendrt leaving lite place next erring. For further particulars apply to .MARTIN lill wrix. Columbia, September '16,1957 3t 32178L1C SLLLE. N FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, A, D., 1857, at 2 o'clock P. M., by victor of an order of sale issuing out of the (lour' of Common Pleas of Lancaster county, and to rue directed, I will CIPOEC to public sale, at the public' house of Jacob Miller, in the Borough of Colum bia, the following rent estate., viz:—All that Tract of Laud, situate in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster county, rontainiog 36 ACRES AND 130 PERCHES. bounded on the north by Lateral Railroad of Archibald Wright. lands of Jonathan Putney's estate, of the Estate of William Wright. deceased, and Andrew Cohn; on the east by land belonging now or late to the estate of Jacob Strickler, deceased, on the south by land belong ing to said Striclaers estate afore-aid, Joint Cooper, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (now Pennsylvania 'railroad Company) and others. and on the west by lund of Frederick S. Bleu and others, and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, with a FRAME BARN, and other improvements thereon. and appurtenances. ALSO, All that Tract or Piece of' Land, situated in the borough and county aforesaid, hounded oil the north by Jonathan Pusey's estate, 011 the east by Lateral Railroad of Archibald Wright, on the south by said Lateral Railroad and Philadelphia Railroad, and on the West by raid Philadelphia Railroad. with the improvements arid appurtenances, oi2:—a large j a two-rtory BRICK DWELLING DOUSE, a Wharf on the Susquehanna River, 10.1 feet. &c. An the property of Rhoda limber, deceased, and to be sold by GEORGE MARTIN, Sheriff: Slieriti's Office. Lan, Sept. 22,'57. [Sept. 2d, , 57 to FOR SALMI. TILE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, moll pied liy Joni. IN shunted in Cherry sweet, above Third. Fer term. engistre of J. W. FISHER. Sept. IL PUBLIC SALM. TN pursuance of no order of the Orphans' 00.,, of lamenster county, will be sold at public sale. on SA'F(II2DA OCTOLICR 17111. 1 , 157, at the Franklin licuse,.isi Me borough of Columbia, the fol 'eyeing described real estate. viz: The undivided half of all that Lot of Ground. sit uated on the earner of Path and Union streets, In said borough, crimsoning in front on Union •Ireet, 15 feel, and exiending along PPM street, MO feet, to a JO feet wide alley, un which is erected a twos ti story FRANI': DWELLING AND STORE, Kilehrn. warehouse rued ill tleCt.nry is nt present occupied by Mr. George 'rifle no a Grocery and Dwellin,, and, no a store stand, is t111.11,11./Gd 13 that part Pt the town. Also. the undivided ludt of all that Lot of Ground, Pilllille on the .oath-west side of Fifth weds, between Union 11111 Cherry streets, fronting on Fifth street.2l feet. more or lesr, and extending In depth WO lees, more or lers. ton fourteen feet wide alley, adjoining, property of Hotly' Collins. and fibula Patterson. Tire property will be told subject to In learn termi nating April I al, ISO. A satisfactory and indirpnta ble Ittle will be given on the payment of the purchase money. Side ID commence at 7 o'clock P. M. of said day, when terms will be made known by PARK MASON. Adminimralor of the Eente of Henry Herr. deed. At the, name time nod plat,. dm fuleterilter will offer for vole hi. lotere•l, being the other undivided 000-half. in Ilse 1.01,0%, property. HICVJAMIN HERR. Columbia Sepiemher 19. 15574 t Shawls! Shawls!! DRACHM Stella and Chenelle Intrtler Slntwl'. nll .1) new •tpleo. JIBIRR'S STORK. September 12, 18.57. Scarfs! Scarfs!! OUENII.I.V., !Hoehn, and Stella Benito, a full as .ortinrltt. ut JOHN /1 EH lI'S, r....trpt. 12, 9 57. N 0.5 Eliot King et . l.nurn~le r. Trusses, Supporters & Shoulder Braces. OUR nopply 01 the above nrttcles comprises nearly every pattern now In use, and all those who need any of the above can have theta applied at _ . McCORK LE dr, DELLETT'S Family Medicine Aiwa 5.76. 26. '57 COLD Cream and Amandine, a fresh supply Al 11.01 FAMILY MEDICINE STORE, Odd Fel low.' linil. (Sept. 20, EXTRA FAIIIILY FLOUR, by the barrel, far sale b. a y el ep t 26. n AA SMALL lot of Superior Turnip Seed, for tale by die pound or ounce, by It. WILLIAMS, rrent Co!utntoo. June 17, 1657. LOST. ON SUNDAY LAST., A PLAIN SCROLL BREA ST PIN.. The fouler will be rewarded by leaving It at 'hie office. (Sept. 19, I e.'57. FOR RENT. A COMMODIOUS Three• Story Brie DWELL .II. A ING HOUSE, in Locust street. Apply ut the Spy Clime. Columbia, September 12. 1857 If FOR RENT. CHOP suitable for any kind of business. situated in £1 Walnut street, Letween Second nod Third. Apply to • B. F. APPOI.D. Columbia, Septernl , er 5, 1.57-tf For Sale—Family Coal, Qvcii a. Baltimore Company, Pitteton, I-ykens' 0 Valley, Sunhury,Trevorton. and Pine Grove; aka, Sulphur Coal. All the above Coal is kept under cover, clear from dirt, and is NViirranted Good and Clean, or the money will be refunded. Those wish ing to procure a Good Article at the Lowest Rates, will please apply to B. P. A PPOLD & CO . N 01.1.2 and G Canal Basin, Columbia, Pa. Columbia September 20, 1857. THE ♦VEST CIZESTEIt ACADEMY, OC ITED at West Chester, Pa., William F. J Wyer+, A. AI , Principal, assisted by stZ competent and eszperiviteed teachers. The Winter term of full five months, commences on the FIRST DAY OF NOVENIBER NEXT. Course of instruction extensive and thorough. TEll3ls:—Boarding, Lodging, ke., With Tumon In Eng. lish and Mathematics, $lOO per session, payable in advance. Extuss:—The Latin, Creek, French and German lan gauges. (the last two taught by native resident teachers,) Instrumental Music. Drawing, Painting and Phono graphy. pay able at the end of the session. Catalogues containing full particulars may be had at the office, or by addressing the Principal, at Vest Chester, Pa. September 19. ISS NEW PACACEZIArIi SHOP. THE undersigned offers his services to the public, in the manufacture and repair of all kinds of machinery. Ile has taken the Shop attached to the Susquehanna Planing Mill, and is prepared to build Steam Engines. Machines of every descriptiyin to put up and repair all Furnace, Rolling Mill, Grist Mill, Saw Mill, orother nitu• clattery, &c. He is manufacturer of Huey 's Patent Shingle Machine. Having personal experience in this business, and thorough workmen in Ins employ, he feels warranted in of to undertake any work fa his bite, with confidence of turning out good job•. and giving entire satisfaction. The public is respectfully requested to give him u iris!. JOHN Q. PENNEY. Columbia, September 19, 1057. 1857.1857. i c e 'OE NEW st 00 4 . 2—g -3 . 12a EM3 Just Received at HALDEMAN'S CHEAP CASH STORE. To which we invite the IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Of our euctomere, m the tie.' .elected moch we Gave ever oirerell,:lail at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. colkimbia. Sepienther It?, 1957. STOVES! STOVES!! THE subscriber desires to call the attention 1 of the public to Ins new and complete assortment of STOVES, now ready toe the fall trade, con• spoing or Conk Stove: Royal Conk. William Penn. Nob le. National. Young' America, Morning Star. Complete Cook, ...- Cook mg Ranges, Parlor Cook, four patterns. Parlor Rove' of every make, size, style and variety, liar Room turd Office Stoves. &e. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. 11 large mock of articles in the above line of hued. petts,comprisingeverytleing Mat Ismanufactured of Tin. Sheet Iron, Ise , for llou.ellold purposes. Ilia mock is of his own manufacture, and he curt vouch for its excellence and durability. Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. LA IMF: And complete assortment of elegant Ong It Fixtures of tustecul designs. consisting of six. four, three and two burlier Chandeliers, single burner flail Pendants. Side Lights plain and orimmental. Drop Minters. &e , always on hand. GAS to all its branches attended to with protnputess. House Roofing, Spouting, &c. O.Usii ROOF! NG ti tul SPOUTING put up in the MOO( aolistiental emitter; Plumbing, Hell Hing ing and other brunches of the basilicas, carried on is heretofore, on the most reasonable terms. Cooper's Gas Regulators lIE is also agent for Cooper's Gas Regulators, and prepared to attach them to meter, HIRAM WILSON, Corner of Second and Locust streets. Columbia.Septesnber 5, 1d57. NOTIONS. A LOT of notions which will be told nut at a very small profit, Pull Jinxes Velvet Chalk. Chinese Powders forpreserving the ;kin and heaulif) tog the complexion, used by Iler most grecinus Majesty, the Queen. Poudre sniperfinen In rose. Balm nt . a Thou sand Flowers, Hair Oil of all kinds, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Bryan's Pultnonic Wafers, the last two named articles are the best ever used far the cure of cough., colds, consumption.lec; TerrePs Ointment. Indian Mixture, Tooth Mush, Shaving Soap, Taylor's Shaving Cream. Also, all kiwis of 'Cortez Soaps, Perfumery. Fine Cond.., Pocket and other Combs: pocket link Stands, VIOIIII flud Guitar Strings, Gum Kings and Balls. A select assortment of Flue Cutlery, pocket and pent Knives, fine Bainascus Steel flavors, for only .50 cis., Crosbny Picedles, Parket Boos., Purses, Srgar Cases, Cotta Perch.. Pens. fine steel commercia I Penns Stationery of all kinds, Pen cils, Gun and Pistol Tuine•, Percussnon Caps. Clothes, Tooth, Bair and Hut Brushes, Ladies' Shoulder Brace... Ate A. M. R. 151110. Sept. 5. 1 0 .57 At Odd Fellows' Northern Central Railway, THE Passenger Trains on the above road now run DS followl: Leave Columbia for York attil Baltimore at 745 A M. 12.45 P. M. . . York for" 4 A. M Arrive at Columbia from York at 7.32 A. M from York and Bait. 12 30 P. NT ii .14" 7.45 r. AI _ _ _ NO SUNDAY TRAIN All the above Trnina calmert web the Pahhenger Truing on the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad, both going and returning. D. F. GRIFFIFII, Columbia, 5ept.19,1957. A gent. tr' A Retired Physician 75TEARS OF AGE, Whose sands of life have nearly run out, discovered while in the East Indies, a certain cure for Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and General 'entity. 'll3e remedy vas discovered by him when his only child. a daughter, was given up to die. Ile had heard much of the wonderful restorative and healing qualities of preparations made from the East India flew, and the thought occurred to him that lie might woke a remedy for his child. Ile smiled hard and suc ceeded in realizing his wishes His child was cured. and is now alive and well. Ile has since administered the wonderful remedy to thousands of sufferers in all them puns of the world. and he bas never failed in making completely healthy and floppy Wishing toil° as much good as possible. lie will send to such of has afflicted fellow beings as request it, this recipe, with full and explicit dtrections for making it up. and successfully using it. Ile requires each applicant to inclose hill' one shil ling—three cents to be returned an postage on the recipe, and the r ' der to be applied to the pay ment of this advertisement. Address, Hr. 11. JAMES, N 0.19 Grand street, Sept, 19,1857-1 m Jersey City, N. J. School Directors, Teachers and Merchants. SCHOOL BOOKS &.SCI - 100L APPARATUS At Teachers' dreadquarters. MURRAY, YOUNG & CO., having given much attention to the school book department order to be enabled fully mid satisfactorily to meet the waists of the schools in every possible manner, and nt the most sattisfymory unit., now call attention to their large supply of School Books, Maps, Charts. Globes, and nppanuu■ of every variety needed in our public. schools. The following Rooks, Apparatus. dcc., we have special and the most satisfactory Sr. rangaments to supply in large or small quatillties, at the lowest wholesale rotes. Sanders' Series of Readers, the most extensively used of any in the country. Porkers dr. Watson's Readers, an entirely new, and without dote) tin good, and finely gotten up series; they have Just been adopted in the public school. of Lancaster city. Tower's Series of Readers, used in this county next in extent to Sanders'. 111 addition. we kave Town's, Webb's. Sargent's, Loscll's. McGufrey's. dke. Anton the molar Antthmetesa re Stoddard's Series, Davies , Series, I nil G reealeaf's Series. The most approved Grammars are Green's Gram. I mars, Bullion's Series, Clarke's Grammars. Covell's der ; nt addition we have many others mach used. 51onteith's Series of Geographies are very popular and extensively used; also, Mitchell's and others. The Common School Geography, and War. Tell'S twill new works, are in use. PEuroN , s OUTLINE SIA l'S.--The.e Maps should be in every school rosin; they are time saving Holbrook's School Apparatus, adapted to the use o' our Coalman Schools and Acads miss. Our schools would be much benefined by their use. Friinklm Globes, the most perfectly gotten up. and cheapest. Sanders& Me/till's Elomitioteary Chart. The Pennsylvania School Register, by A. Row. The Golden Wreath, a music book for schools; it 15 used in the Normal School at Millersville, and in the Lancaster High School. Remember Teachers Headquarters. Everything in the school 'wok line can be Lad on the shortest no nce, at Me lowest prices. Give US ■ M UR RAY, YOUNG A. Co— Aug 2 1 , '57. North Queen at., Laucasler, Pennsylvania Wire Works, N 0.926 Arch street , between Second and Third, (Oppoions Bread Street.) Philadelphia. Sieves, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of all ltleilies and Witfibs, with ail kinds of plain and fancy Wire Work. heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Cureliere; Coal, Sand and Gravel Screens; Paper Maker , Wire; Cy linder and Dandy Rolls. covered In the hest manner; %Vire and Wire Fencing. A very i•upertor article of Heavy Founders' Sieve , . All kinds of Iron Ore Wire and Sieves. . BAYLISS, DARBY & LYNN. Ae ptr•ruber 19.. ISSN-3m rarccra , FVBS POH LADIES. TOON FAREIRA & CO., (New No.) 818 MARKET el STREET. :those Eh/hilt. PHIL& DELPHI A, Im porter., ltlanahicturers and dealers in Ladiea'. Gen tlemen'. and Children's ANC FURS, wholesale and retail. J. F. & Co. would cull the attention of Veal-ass, and the Puma generally, to their immense stock of Fancy Fura for Ladiea,GcntleMen. and Chil dren. Their as-ortment embraces every article and hind ol FANCY Fca, TILLS . will. It WOttN DURIYO TUE sE..SON — cosh B. Full Cape.. Hull' Cape., Quarter Cape.,Taltnas,Vietoristes, Boas. Muir and Matfatees. from the FINIVer ILUSeIAN SABLE to the lowest price Lloeuestie Fur.. For +ientlenten, the largest n+.ortment of Fur Col !ars, GiOVet, tieing the direct Import• ere of oh our Fur., and Manufacturers of them under our own supervt-ton, we feel snit-fled we can otter Letter inducement• to theater• and the public getter :ally luau any other has nix an immense as,ort intuit In select front and at the Manufacturer', prices. We% only ask a Call. _ _ JUAN FAITEIRA & CO. No. 91S Alarket at reef above Eighth, Philadelphia Sept. 19. 1557 ,it Hover's Liquid Hair Dye. THE following, from that eminent Physi eitui of Philuoclphitt. Dr. Drinckle. misled ro the tesitatony of Profetotor Booth, only confirm• what is evidenced by thou.tinls who have u•ed Bover's Dye. Gam RD CllV , Tstrr srnner.i Decemberltcs3. "In regard to Iluver's 11:nr Dy, 1 tu t u state II Idles. ililllll,^,iy, that it rout:0114 no deleterious ingredients, nod Islay be u-ed entire safety, and with the ut most I.lollfidelleC and sueee- , ..• NV. D. IMINCV.I.F.. M. D." hatter's Writing and Indellible Inks, Are no well and widely known, as to require no eulogy of their ineribt, it rit only neceattary to any, thai the titeitily and iticreatting dein.tad, give, the Lest evidence OW they Mailila 111 their character fur riority, which di,iingui-ilied them when Sent liilfo - year' ago, Order. i.lilre-aedlo the Manarheinry. No. 416 Race slreel, above Pour:4,(o:d No. 144) Philadelphia, will receive prompt int...mien hy .11)6111'11 LIIOrER, Alanufnciurer. Septembers, IS:t7, to April Id GUN NOTICE! ikNDREW WURFFLEIN, Importer and Mann lucturer of GUN-, 111 Ha>, PISTOLS. Ace . No 21H Norili Second Street. (above Ititee.) Philadelphia IVhe re he keep- e•olataittl) on band a general ii•.ort 'nein oilier: double and truffle barrel Shot Guns. large Duck Cu,,., Iliflea. %vial InC rea . ed IWIMS. to shoot the pointed ball of his own Ina be; Rifle Darrel., Shot !tag•. PonelieL, dce Ile iilvile, persons wi-fling to pureha , e goad+ in lua line, to call and examine Inc .inek befute pureha•tag clews here, Ili he is deter.. untied to sell On the meat rea-enable • 1 . „ - I'articular :111[1111011 Pall/ lo Repairlag in all its bratlelie, ==l PLATFORM SCALES, (IF every description, suitable for railroads, ,Nr.. fir wetehina hay, co.d.ore and stierelinoclise generally. Porrhasere tun ao ri-k, every •rule is guarataced cornet, and if, aft, mal. not found culis factnry. coil he relic rued w.11101.1t charge. IrcFnelOry ;.l the oh! -land. e , :olthelted for more Ilan 'Went) y cure, corner of Nulls and Melons reefs, l'htlodc!p),':' A ll norr dc Co., Surcetiiors to Ellicott do Abbot September, .1 1.9574.1 in Farmers' Depot &. Plaster Ntills, AT the junction or York Avenue, Crown and Caliowhill weer*. Philadelptint. We oiler a large Hoek of Chemical :11aituren and Fertilizer* at low price*. and warranted to be genuine; among which t1;111 be found: 11)00 ions No. 1 Government Peruvian Canon. 100 U ions De Burg's No. 1 Super-Pho•phute of Lime. The above standard articles are, each of their hi id. the best 111 the world! Our Land Plaster, manutbc. tared 'tom selected stout, is celebrated throughout the Baton for its purity and strength. %Ve melte orders tort De Burg's No. 1 Super-Phosphate of Lime. No. I Government Peruvian Guano. French's Improved Super-Phosphate of Lime. French's Philadelphia Poudireite. No I Phosphatic Guano, (Phila. Co.'s ) Alesican Guano. (A.) Extra Land Plaster, Ordinary Land Plaster, Chemical Bone. Pure Bone Dust, Fish Guano, Ground Charcoal, 10.010) hbls. Land Plaster. 5,000 r. Casting Plaster. 10.0110 drau:le Cement, a,uoo '• True Itomms Cement, 1,000 " Vort/uud I uuglt.ll Cement ALSO, Dentists' Plaster, Po w'd Anthracite cool, (bids 1 Stereolype Plaster, PowM bllumlhous enaLibl , l 4 J Glassma kers' Plaster, Ground brown stone. (in Lillis.) Ground Soup Stone. While Sand. bbl•.) Ground Wiule Marble. G round Itriek4, for Pointers, Ground Blue Marble. Chemical Hone Dust. FRENCH. ICIOIIA It D 5 h Co.. Steam Isldls and Partners' Depot, .hitaitiou of York Avenue, Crown and I.4llloWhill SlreetS, Plata. September SALVIAG FUAD National Safety Trust Company, W ALNUT street, south-lint corner of incorporated the Slate or renn.ylvanin. Morley i, received in airy !urn. large or stroll!. nod imerrAt paid from the day of deposit to the day or withdrawn I. The other as Open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till ;o'clock in the rverlilltl,olld 011 M0101:13' arid 1100.41ny eVroinc. till 9 o'cloek. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All soma large or small. arc paid truck in GOLD on demand without railer, In any HOS !JENKS' I. BENNER, President. BoItERT sgtsitivor., Vice President. W5..3. IS um, sct. rem r DIRECTORS. Denry L. Benner, C. Landreth Minns, Edward 1.. Cutter, F. Carroll Brews:err, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Samuel K Ashton, • Henry . L. Churchman, James It. Smith, Proud. Lee. This company confines its burine.s enti r ely to t h e receiVi log of money nil our rest. The invest:news amounting to over One Nlillton and a Half of Dol lars? are made in cc - infirmity with the p ro vis,o ns . o f the Charter. a Real Estate. Mortgages, Ground Rents, and first elas• securnies,rts will alma) , insure perfect security to the dero-11orn. and which cannot fail to give permanency and stabillty to this Institution. A, 17 , 37• Sin MEM THM REV. a. S. BITIVATIITT, laboring N. n Mi.o , ioonr; is Soulberil Asia, V diteovered a xmtple amid Certain yore for Con. I.uoiroloo,A.tlonst, Ilroncloti,Cough.,Coldr,Nervou• Debility-and till onporlio, ort . be blood; also, no row and rtlevi 1.1 look. mil Io ha Poo; tine Iteineily. Actuated by a de-ire to benefit lets tulle tellow.i, Inc kill Hirer fully pew! Ilse recipe (fire) no sun, nu , " deiiire it. with foil nod explicit direc:ion, for preparing and sue.. Celt‘lu Ily door the Mediel.. Address Rev C. S. DERNIiTT. Aug.!, IS:), fm Ell Broadway, N. V. City. T. KINGSFORD Sr. SON'S PURE OSWEGO STARC73, (FOR THE LAUNDRY.) HASestablished a greater celebrity than hits ever been obtained by 31110 olber Slareh. 'Phis IMP been the reran of tin in . :lrked superiority in quality. and 11. invariable uniformity. The puldic may lie assured of the continuance of the higli now e-tatils.hed The:production is over Twenty Tons daily. and the detnitinl has extended throughout the whole of the 151/111.46 State., taut 111. (01.17., Working thus ou a ver) large scale, and under a rigid ss stem. they are able to secure a perfect aid formity in the quality throughout the year. This ts the great Desidertnam in St.irclemaking, and is real. teed now for the first time. The very best Starch that can be made, and no other it always wanted by eon•utner•,and this will be sup plied to them by the grocer.. as Form as their cuslotic I et, have. learned cehrrl, I, the beet. and ask fur it— otherwi-e they would be likely to get that article oil which the largest profit can lie made. Mr. Ktagrford hat been,ed ill the manufacture of Starch, continuously for the 1,..i 27 yenrs,and during the whole of the period. the Starch made under tin apervi•lon hat been, beyond si- , y question, the best at the market. Fur the first vefeill.en years he had the charge of the works of Writ Colgate do Co at which period he tuventzd the process of the manu facture of Corn Starch. ILTAsk (or I:llte•ford's Starch. rut the name Oswe go has been recently taken by ,'anther factory. It is sold by all of the best grocer. , in nearly every part of the cannier. T. KINGSFORD Sc SON'S OSWEGO CottN STARCH, WOR PUDDINGS. &Cs) liar obtained unequal celebrity won their Starch for the Laundry. This article is perfectly pure, and is. I tit essay respect. equal to the heft Lierninda Arrom. Root, besides having additional qualities which ren der it Invaluable for the dessert Potato Starch Bar beta extensirel7 packed and sold a. Curn Starch, rind has given false impressions to soapy, as to lire real merits of 011 r i C0111 . :4111rCh• !'rant Its great delicacy and pu r ity, l l• corning also lete ektenetee use et a dirt for infants and invalids. E. N. KELLOGf. & CO, Agents. 196 Fu bon street, N. . I A LLEN & NEEDLES. Agent*. 2l LouthWharves, Philadelphia. .Augu51.1.1,557.3at _ BOWS' CLOTIIIIING. TBE undersigned respectfully invite the at tention of their rut touter. and ihe public, to their Isere end hinidenineemek nfiteadv - .Maile YOUTH'S & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. and a well retitled and choice areoriment of Clrehr and Caerimerea, (loin which to order; imitable for the Spring and Summer .earona, and e•peeiall) adapted to U. Wear. M. C. THACKRAY & CO. Cheetent Street *hove Tenth. rti.ltditlphia, St. holei I'Li..sileiph J uly 1,37-0.13 NEW GOODS. A NOMIt grand rash far Bargains, at I. 0. _EI BRUNCH & CO't , Cheap :Rom, earner of Third and Come Sireet, io DRY GOODS, FOREIGN AND DONIESTIC, Also, a Choice liPSOrOlJellt of Groceries, Queens ware, &c. The undersigned al wiry. keep a regular aE,,orlrae„L of the above Good< on hani, which may be hud &tube lowed CAST! ?HIM+, II I'. BRUNER. Columbia. A uen , l 20, School Books! School Rooks: PARENTS 11114 Guardian, Will find it to their ad. vantage to buy their School Books :from the ult. deronined, Purket.' New Series 3d and 3d Reudery .a 13 and 20 cent.. Sri{(:Eß h WEATIII-11FFER 5ept.5.1.37. 33 North C2uren .trert.'l.Nnra.ter 177'.AN'I'MD, 2000 POUNDS of SIDES and SHOULDERS, fur stliell utivonerd price. will In pal& In ezeltuntre for NI: W FA LI. GOODS jot rercived by H. C. FONHERsUITH. Ane. 22.1837. People's Cuall Store, Columbia. COLUMBIA. FLOUR 21127..L.T.5. TILE undersigned haying commenced the MILLING BUM MFRS, t 4 prepared to deliver FLOUR AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, At the shortest notice, free of charge, ott the moat rra•onable terms. The FLOIUH being prepared from the hr-t wheat, and by an experienced miller, lie feel• confident that be can give •at•faction to those who favor lain with their patronage, 011.18. J PUSEV. Columbia, A mzukt :19.15:7-tf Closing Out! TIIE balance of our Mock of SUMMER D fins s G uo r, s CO. 7'. to intake room or our full stock. Try us tier barirni.R. ti C. FONDErtt , Mrni. A ug. th 2 1S 7. I,nru-i st reel. COliMihia. Whisky! Dried Beef! A 1 , 1tE3 I-1 :0101 superior Et A 10l cf prime bagged Drtrd Brut: Jut.) reeri veil by Aug ) 4 .1,57. 1) 111:111t NOW OPENING, ALARGE Stock of New Goods, of nil kinds, very cheap. at 111:RIC'S STORE, No. 5, East King Street, Lancaster. August 15. 1957. The Fathers of the German Be- formed Church, IN EUROPE AND AMERICA BY Rev. IL Barb:nigh, The publishers h., the pie:l..llre aroma- mortar theappraranee 010114 import:sot work• long looked for nod so max lowly de-,red by the Cililro:U. We need not vaiy that lb, work co-I the p.otent 111.1111 , r !brig and .I[Vele La bor,nnd the popularity of In. other works is nUllietelgt III:11111k Is well dour. Ti bears tnark4 of having been prepared not only with literary ability anal ta.te. but us u work of love by a grateful eau of the Chord.. The ftt•t volume, beside the lives of thirteen of the Reformed Reioriticrl, inelude. all the Father. of the A Inernnin Reformed Church prevtou• to Sehliatter'e arrival; thup covering the tilrll,4 and MOM interesting period of line church to Afttelleil, null lion Of wined, hitherto, !ea•t Ivo. been known. Ttiu volume of 4110 pages was rend) on the g7ili oriole. 'rlie •rcoad volume follow imincdiateiy, and will he ready in Autumn. PRICE, $t (Alper vohint.'. A libenol tli.rouni In hgent+ out the trade. Orders respectruhy stoheltrd Addrr.a. ER Sc. WESTIIAEFFT:R. Aug. 1.1557 33 North QOM., 4 t 1.01111,..ter. Pu NEWARK FEMALE SEMINARY. TIIE neat scholastic year of this institution will rowitielice 21;, 1`,37. The village 111 which the seminary it bleated Ia noted for 114 heabbfulne.., 111141 Is envy' of ireee••. haring doily cominumeation with Philadelphia und railroad. No .pared in order to give the pupils the beta hi...traction anti the rno‘t ettio.tant care TER : , ..—Bintrit and Tallinn to the Engli-11 t•tudie• and Latin, SISO per 11111111 M NI o.i, Lit eiguage.. Puttorag. Se., extra. The departmettitt of 31titqc and Modern Languages, arc in the care of Prof., and the pupils in each have datlyl, Parent• who to place their daughter:tin the institution are reque , ted to i give notice to that effect, no the number of pupil.; t hiccuped. Circular , containing further inforanution may be had by the Pitinpal. 01's 11. CIIA 1t1131.11i LAIN, luly 25.1957.21 m Newark . . Pr wm re Haltlinore Prices. RAPPEE Snuff at 1 rts. per lb. it, Congress :211 .• Setaelt 4 . .• 1.2}a1t3 ‘• 400000 Seger., or 3.5 shirerent brands : wholesale or We warrant all of Me above Snuffs to be equal to any manufactured iu the Stole. and tile Segura to be of the beat quality and at all prier, JOON FENDIOCII & BROS. Front at.. third door above Locust, Columbia, Pa. July 4.1857. Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, MELAINOTYPES & PATENT LEATHER PICTUIZES. 110 MAS L. SIDIMERIL respectfully informs Ih. • cinema OS 1:01.1f111.8 Uluit lie lulu taken e large of Dellinger'. Photograph R00m... Corner of Front and Locust greet+. Columbia. Pa . where he I. lolly prepared to lake till the above astineal lieu urea in u xt)le 110110 lie surpiPoied by any other urtist A long and large expel reline has rumbled him to heroine tltriret ma-let or the tart; he therefore flatter. himself that .be scull be able to render enure sintrfae dun to all olio may favor linn with their patronage. As the 111ELAI NC/TYPE is a late invention. and amity perron, Imre lint seen diem. lie would .1;ile dial they are taken on iron. find w rielare,. of tone. warmth al expre..tois. romplciene•• of detail, and boldne.• of fru:u re. Good Melainotypel tire not eurpu-a•ed. They will ricrive hill without it fraeture, it brad without injury ,may be elf whrii*oiled. and linitilled the race being marred, milees by rough .criitclinig, which would drfaer the hest oil Naming . From 10/03 o'clock le the best [line for children. COPYING DONE, AND WARRANTED TRUE; AI•o. 'WI 111 limp., Medan..,i, and Pine. All p,clares !liken by me arc warranted not to lade T.I, 13:7—Don't forget the place! Corner of front utpl •treel•. over Tredeurek's llet Sturo. July IS I5o"7•Iv The Largest Tobacconists'. ~" 011,1 FENDRICII S. BROS., would respect fully inform the eitizen.of Oidninliin and viemity, that they have the largest *nick of Tolitieco, Snuff; Pipe., nod German Smoking Tolineco, offered 111 oily two e.tatili.losiem. out of our principal eine.. 11mel tiodStoreleepers look to your Ile. fore ekewhere.examine our large an ant. MEW, winch we pledge carrel...ex zo evil ill the lowest 11:11timore prier.. We W:lrrail: to ()IWO, of tiny or our stork. cheaper flout can be bought in Phandel. ohm. All we u-k .•. that you stall eall told judge for your-elven. %Ve corer ailyrof the Maier at whole vale or retail. :Sloth, iliut our •toek inn branch of the well.l.lmw it, eltensive lloltvinure Tolmeen %Vine. house 010.. Sr Bro.. 155 For, .1 •I reel. JOI IN FENI1)1t1C1 1 A Ii MY'S. Front .1 , third dour above Loeu.4 Columbia, Pa. July 4. tV.57. To Lumbermen gr. Manufacturers! H V E V9S PATENT SHINGLE MACHINE. subscriber haring perfected the more muchiue, offer^ to yell Stine. County nod Shop Hieing on 'llse machine i.stidv. and planet Sisingle 4 to nny or ilneLite,.ond produces n very uniform amid dean article. tilneli lain given perleCt nsinsfaelion wherever med. ooe alike marhioe.rooll .rperimen• alit. work tea lie seen at the St.quehnitlia P 161111.7, Mill, Columbia, Ps. For (Wilier 111101711a11011, addre.4, M. 111.W.V Colombia. Luileivilcr to , Pa. ur The enninrunii on pi the Row and frame. admit• o f upe, arparair friar; the planer, in •owing all knidp of Riraiallt and bevelled work, such a. Flooring, Clapboariling. hr. Columbia, M..y :LI, !kV. C. SIIIIIMR.T'S XI ENSIV CABINET WARE-ROOMS AND _LJ MANUFACTORY, Locust sorrel, Columbia, Pa. The subscriber would cell the attention of the est izelle of Goittenbin to his large and se lect nsisortment of Culiitiri-l% ore, some of the finest Dressing Bureaus, Sobs, French Bed steads, jenny Linds.&c., Joirred fur sale in this place. lie continues to monfueture Fn null re of every description, and I. confident be can give I.attsfaction. COFFINS inside and runernla attended to either in town or country. on the AlOrle4l notice. CASPAR SCIBERT. Coil:whin. June 6.1 W. JAMES PARK, X•1:7 IVX -AL R. AI A RI ErrA, PA., RAS resumed the above business at the old Ji....;mt54.1. nearly opilteqte Obe:tot. Coach Vac— tory, NOVI3C.'e lin %Silk be illeatwel to Meat the public nod bunt nu. 4fleil work as twilit,: frail to girt !Mire , all• 1.1 - Ae December 13 . !Rid. Summer Cooking Ranges CONVENIKNT Range for summer u•r, a swat favorite w;th those. alto drams to avoid the great heatof tha o:Ainary large :Coolciris Stove, for •ale at HENRY PFAIILER'rt. [.oeu•l *tree*. (+l:Klatt,: the Frauiclin Ilou•e. Columbia. July IS, 15.57. OlL.—Just reerived a fresh supply of a superior angels of 'rs bte Oa. set MeCORIZI.E DELLETTSI Pumily Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' Hall. Jolt- 25. le:r. 1101111211210. LITE OR GENTLEMEN ran obtain board % 01.11. 1 1e4unel to 1.1*V . ,1101, rt 10.1 Car ta : 1 4 1 7C7111: 112 - 2 51 .' ir M "f"'"11"6. 1857. LANCASTER COUNT? 1857.; AGRICULTURAL & MECIIANICAL SOCIETY. I. 4 NRST Annual Exhibition at Lancaster, Pa., x ON AVEDNESDAY,TIIURSDAY. FRIDAY & /SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14. 15. 15 1.114117, 1857. CERTIFICATE OF AI EADERSIIII., *Lou SINGLE ADMISSION. 25 et... AMPLE GROUNDS ARE PROVIDED, supplied water and itil lieec ,