The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, September 26, 1857, Image 1

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    SAMUEL WRIGHT, Editor and Proprietor
Office in Northern Central .Thalronfl Com
pany's BaihUity , norih-weNt corner Front and
iiPittnut streets.
Terms of Subscription
rOmc Copy per annum. if paid to 11li nee,
if not paid Within three
,months from eomnictieeineai of the year,
9. Co xsts ca Cody .
"Is:o %ulii.eription received fora le-. time than Fix
anoiiih•; and in paper will I"c until till
erreuruites are paid, mile.. at the option of the pub.
117 - Money may be remitted by mail at the publish.
risk. -
Rates of Advertising
square [li one week,
dlr., weeks
each .00-equent Nue rhon, 1/1
/ [l2 iine-] osic week• 511
Larger advertiQement.. I a proportion.
A liberal di.ernint will he loath" to quarterly, halt%
yearly or yearlyadvertisers,who are strietlyeunflited
to their Int•ine...4.
Drs. John & Rohrer,
AYE associated in the Practice of yea-
Col niribirt.
April let. 1 q5(l•I f
DENTIST, Locust street. a few doors above
'be Odd Fellow , ' Hall, Columbia, Pa.
Colombia. May 3. I Sib.
H.. 111. NORTH,
Cola labia. Po.
Colleetion, r rompily made, la Lancaster and York
Colombia. May 4, ISSO.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
(1016,616, :•••,- 1 6,66,.r 6, 1,56
WHOLESILE and Retail Brcad and
Baker —Col...tautly on hand a variety of rake...
too nionerou% to mention: Cracker., :scroll.
and Sugar Ito,euit: Confuctionei), of every dem-ripttun.
xe., Ar. I.ur•C%T UTILIZE r,
I•'eb. 2.'50. liet,veen the Bank :nal Franklin lim,.
1/ROWN'S Essence of Jamaica Ginger, Gen
one Article. For ou le it
NcCOlt DF.I.I.1:11"S
raluily Medicine atom. Odd Vollosys' lint!.
July 1,57.
gaits, plea-:nit nil it c inr
winch t~ highly recommended n, a , - ulv.ailute Itle
gl tf mn rialto Se Powder-, Sr.. 1,11 lie obtained
rregli every day to. Dn. E. R. 11E1 :WS !hug Stole.
Front .0. 02.
JUST received, a fresh supply of Cora
Starch, Farina, and Rice riot,. at
1l0'010:1.1; 1/KI.1.3.71"1"::
Family Nleclicitte Sint, Odd Ilall. Coluwhla
Colarobia. Ala% _ . _
T 4 II)IPS, LIMPS, LAMPS. Just received at
IL•n rivw aria la.autuul ui
Lamp , of nil tle-erliatual.
Nlay 4 I-:17
ALOT of Fresh Vanilla Brans, at Dr. E B.
Ilerr% Gold, 11 Mortar Dug Siore.
r01,m1.11 11n. I-", 7
A NCrEIIIIIII article of burnin7 Fluid just
11. r " \I :'"N
LIIRCE lot of City cured Dried Beefejust
ri•i•rivt dal II SLY DAM •,o0
ColUMbi t Dettrtentht, 00. 1-.1(1
A 11 LW and fresh lot or Spices, just re-
Pr9tlrd,;il II .I:IDAM
Columbia. Der :20 1A74.
/ 1
. 0E1:V1'111 Producc constantly on hand an d
ior -111 c. by II VI) &
HOMINY, CranbPrric%, Raisins, Figs, A lin
-0,,d, %rah,revviv vi l
tul '1
Cnluml.i n. P.•r 90. 1..51
A SUPERIOR lot of Black and Green Teas,
coin., and Chocolate. J 1.1.4 ree..ivi•il
II -clout
Corner of From .111.11.1114,11_-14,_
TUST RECEIVED. a Wailful assortment of
•link the llcait lu..nrn and
New. , Depot.
en , timllvt. A pr 411.4
EXTRA Family and Superfine Flour of llit•
11,1 hrontl. for ,tl.• toy II .% &
1 UST received 1000 lbs. extra double bolted
llnekwlteat Aleal,
Dee V. 1,50. 11. SUV %1.1 &
MU'S Instantaneous Yeast or Baking
Powder, filr G.lde by 11. SI VDANI l s,
frIA 111.6 11111 i Ruck ul,, by the •ark or bu-hel, 10
rule IOW. by
Merril '2,
- _
GRATH'S Et,ECTRIC OIL revels, 1,
, t upp , ..y popular, and for -ule
Front St rel. Col ont,oa.
A ru; 0
3..1 - (11,111 of Elope, nil niclll.l
Aon hand nod i - or.ale at 'IIIOS
Alarch 1:2,1-57 No.l. 1110 -troot.
.I).l.lorning Glwd. tu-t open,l ni
'momAs WlU,sirs
No. I. 1110, Street.
Morel 21. 1.57
Shoulders, Dried Beer, and Sides,
.041 rrrriv 41 :It
3.1 re 11 1.57. 1111UNT:11 & (NYS
Q . 1:0 A RS. Stignr., of the beh: 1u -t rrcen•rd
and for-Or by
ROOMS. Ilancom, Bronmy at r ff r• lot Yu-, re
rriVed, tit [mh 1 7 j BR UN h CO'S,
SOAP of nll kind. •uitohir for wn•htutr dud 11,•
nt 1.0 BRUNER S. Co ,
Morel. tr7.1,-.57.
(101 , FEK: 1 ds'l'EM3 of nll kinds n,141 ior
ll by 1.0.1311.11NER & CO r.
R. 1,37.
T 1 4.11, 1;4 Fl.h—Codft.,ll. 711sel, kr
_L' for oat., be 1.0 11111.:S Ell & CO.
rai 1057.
OILS, received at lb. 'tore of lbe
12.:W1 1,1.1 A NIS.
Erroll Sircoi.Colliolloo.ro_
May 1 ri, 1 km;
- -
Burning Fluid. Just re...rived and tnr.a le
Ay I. 0. 1;11U & 1.0.
• l'ilarels 2S. IPSG.
.11 - 111.1 CD Exrrn ond Plain Ham-, S;aoultlers
gl mid incr.. Pork, tor tale iv
No 1.
Jinreh t?I. 19Y,
Conk. Ilny, and other feed. fi k e ft . j .ll. by
111nrelt 21. I -57
msi 'eh 17 I -17 I 0 1:1111'N CR A CO
() 00Z EN 111200NIS, 10 flf1X1::: cgir,E.ll Ibr
sole hang. by 11. Ar 1 .01.11 & CO.
Colimiltm, 1 )elt . ... r 1,16.
SUP EinClit ilftle:C of PAIN I' OIL. for by
rl,lll ,1 It WILLIAMS.
Irl rn:101,111
JusT it Ecui uu. ain r c e
oiltrn-bo, oon-i-onu 111 11 . 111
Crumb, Hot uml Tvedi
Front &tree' Cniono., t. Ito
:kin re h 22,'54
SIiPCRIOR article afro tliTTEtt,
.1 - 1. suitable fur Hotel Keeper-, tar I.y
May 10,1E50
T RR II ETIII:11EAL alway. on lined.,rtd fo
111ny 10.1-if. rroni
UST rrerivell. FIZESII CA 111'11 ENE P , r.nle
by 11. NV11.1.1.01: 4 .
May 10,1 , 50. Front Strert. Cot lon, Po.
/ a i m LIIS New City Cured liainc and Slioulderq
Just received and for •4rtile by
" 21, I_L'. 11. SC) at k EON.
New Map of Lancaster County.
THE untlersiEllNl is preparing to publish
it Ilr•tv 111141 romplete map 01 Imiirm.ter
unimproved plan. (proNilling*.iillicieill enemirmiciiimir
gisen.l marking ilia luciiiion: of all the principal
betiding- rl the ciiinity t — all -ellOOl 4 , (•111Jrcrilr., 110 , 1
ndh•C null.. 1101 t 1.. Sr r lh the mane. ;rind 10C1111011%
Cl' all to the ;imp. and 1010111010. the
1.1111 , 1111 U, , 0 a. In make a Iminplete county
ihreetni Ire ornamented with Iniiiikorne
ing• princw,l corlege, , cla.d.., and other cialiel
Phi[urged plan. of the pritutip.ll I torotig I, and tomtit%
will be given oil the of the county
I- Hied Land-ollbely
C.t.,(1. "IL! :di the 110 W 10010411 p, 101 d 1111110114
o 1110 , 1101111,k0, and beau uli,l %rot k, ceding ali
(wilier map.,
JA.NO:S D. :SCOTT, Pubh-lter,
Aug.], 7r:,7•2ut I.u:tea-ter City.
PIM only store, out of Philadelphia, where
150000 (;erttadt van he -eels. and are
-old eheaper than at nay other e-tablt-htneat to Co
luudtm, or the netghlairhez tow... t.
rrnat -t . thud door above Loeu-t, Columbia, Pa.
JON 4.1-57.
TIEILERS in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,
Dye Staff,Spire,,Ve. Cou.dani:y
on hand it general d1,,,011111e11t of Pettumery, Fare)
C 0111.11,1, May 20. 1557.
ARE now prepared to receive and forward
viti;l(.l between Plaludelplan.l,anenger and
L.:olunit., at the ioll.vtatz rate, per hundred pOllllli,
lint Clas,. Sceoed clu.s. Third Class. Fourth
22 vent, It; Cents. It/ cent-. 1,1 cent-.
Flour. e, rent, per Darrel.
10 cent, per WO pound.,
Plrst Clas,. Second Claus. Third Class. Fou tilt Claui
al cent, 17 cents. 15 cents. 13 cents.
F10ur.2 5 tent. per burn,/
Pig Metal, In cents per 100 pounds
Articles of Ist Class.
lloot. and Shorn. a!, uI bagc,
'ecirtr :oldWooden Ware, Pnrier & A le In boll le.+,
1)r) Gum's, Pnti'lry in eoupb,
Egg, lz. (tre , h.)
Feathers, 'Wrapping Paper.
Articles of 11 Class.
Closer and Grass : - , 4 eed, Oil in ca-lic or lucre',,
crockery, Paper oi boxes . ,
candle:.l' hoard.
Co-k- or Barrelc, (empty.) Tench. -.
Com env , .
Grille and Gilles, P.iper
Herring m Luxe,. Mill keg., (Zucen.w • are,
Ilard, are.
110j1.. TOIIIICCO 111 hailer,
I roil. (hoop. band or slice! ) 'Pea,
Leath, r. T 3 r m .
1.14n0r in wood.
.Nlaride & Marble (kpts ,)
:qoaument,.l Vaim , h
Articles of 3il Class.
.1 leohol, P.Autoeq,
(green.) Vnn•gar,
()) & (Tarns. (in Windov.
Tunureo. (rnanntneturvd,)
Arliclus of 1111 Class,
0.", u,
'I 10,
(•t IF '1
i' twn.
I'l,ll. salt,
111 all loatl ,
NaLI- :/.111
C.7.1 - Kor farther informal:nu, apply In
E .1. $\1:1: DEE. ro .Xueut,
E. K. Bolt:. I TVltzlit Agent, Columbia.
Vl." It AI VElt , . Freight Agent, Imneaslor.
Columbia. .4 y
Chair and Furniture Establishment
• "IN 'IIIE CITY OF BAL 1'1110111:.
A, A'I'II 0 1 '' g Gay Stud Warcroonts, Nos. 25
11,1,1 C 7 North (u 1) •Itri•t. near F.t)rto., 113111-
oto., , wie t. kept :11,.“- out loiodl. or toode to or
ot iI:TE.A.-TETEs o u Ph,h,
ct,to, of Itrorowilo.
Fselicli Fill' Sniff .11111 Medallion Parlor Arm Chair-,
til 1 . 111-11. 11:tir, Clod] or 13r0c.114.111..
1•1,111.11 1 . 1111 Stull Carsell Parlor Chace. 111 , Cl.,
1%1111 Pill,ll, Ibi, Cloth or Itood•aul•Ile.
Flair 11rrt•Ii Spria.; Al 1 1 ,1:z I t 5 and NValnot Parlor
Ciritr. to Cloth or I'hnit
: , ”fr Bpi L.111,...-11 large :lOriMellinhvoy..
i .11(1. oi pUticril made or coveted nil any
g )od- to order.
In 7\llllinp.ony or %% . :illl t, oum ylrtr. l i on :3s tip
(lane Chao , and Itoel,iog do—the larw•ta a—tort-
Envoi renal. Intille It. illy tote Item, in tilt Utitted
tonte--trool tilt! tt Iloren tea.
I:nr Room. (Olive nun Dottlez Cllatrq. 111 (1 tk, Val
qui lot Nlttlitog to). with %Vt..' or Stoll - et! Seal.
—tot nt—orottelit einloaeing to. et 511 dwelt.
IN owl t.ent Chairs and :settee, and itoehing Chun,
—over WO ort/elt •
1.0 1111I1NCTi CO
I'r:nnc Looking G!n>,c•, of ever}•
I n.•:}
.1;1 kind. , of lied., Min - and 1111-1:
A. M.V1111() r.
and !2: N. Gay A., near F Lite
music ram TALC D7LILLION.
' OIIN F. 11E1MTS1I, jr., Wholesale and Re-
oiler' for it;. !low •lore. No 3 Elt-t IJr nge
street. I..itte,ter, the Irrtge.l and he-1 rinteut of
the shove. ever oifert d to the emien, of Lune...tor
coot!' y.
Exvlll-Iye ogrni for Ore ro;r, of Printer'. Celebrated
Melodroo., ut die in:ono - net orei'. prier.
HI-11111Z In ptirellll... ••1 . 1111:0 riirte." from
Gnu 111:11111f.1 , •111rcr is the Culled $lllll l . are re-pert.
tulip notified Iliar it very large .avileg can be made
lip ord., lug them dironell hum.
Ile hp -lilt :Ind iir7.4111:11 ationnoti In hn-1-
nr•.•, 11 lid an tI1IrIlt•-111e-ire In 111...1. , . In uu•rn die pa.
II nlt,le tar .111 v, lin 111.1 y !dear 111111 V.llll !hear eu•tut u.
\.i) 23, 1e:37.1y
New Grocery, Wine !r. Liquor Store.
rplIE subscriber has opened at his old stand,
corner of Ptah nod Ilunout ...two,. a enitinlete
a.....ortalent of all kook of GROCEILIES, where lie
wt II a:u ay. he prepared ID . out the itoryt rea•
Lonolule tuna-, att) detoaod far to Itcle. in 1,, low of
110.111 e-,
Il e keel, a!-n, a variety of AVINES AND LI
-4211411tS of all kintl-, nod vuull =ell ill luny ,luilniuty.
not I t , than 0110 gallon. He te.yeetrally iettat.-t0
the public to call and make a Hill of hi- toel
N. B —Country Pram, May:lss on 111121 d. A por•
nun of Itu• ekl Sleek at Dry Goods. net let da•posed
of. as iII be sold ni leper eebt, below cost.
Columbia, flay 16, I -:7.
TOCATED at Columbia, Lancaster county,
./ State of Pent:} Is anta. hrrrLy tuvei.l notice that an
opplicotion WI II be wadi tin lilt• Lt Lti-littore of soul
:stole. 01 their aryl si •sion. for on V3.14'11,011 and re
n. al of the t holier of line said Pooh. fur fitter', ear:
the 01 the tir ,, l•lll ettarier.o ih tilt !nes
tof oaroe and st) ie. fly on:, of the I or( etors.
I: I. :sill/Cll. Cashier.
Coluitaila, July 1. 1...:17.dit0
VOTICE is hereby gircii, that ii.Trerality to
11,,. law'. 0$ ill, Column's wen thew will lir sin
appliro.ion 111,Ifie In Ili, iii•xt
yam., for :ill Art of loliorporiiiiii of a li•iiil, lo
railed the —A1.11111111R,0:111011 izentirni
of 1...11, 4i1.4•11I1111, nud depo-t.
sil.11:11111i ot one ith
pri,iiiiftti of inoiresi-oig silf• , 111110 ID taro lioodroisl
a oil Col; 1111:1•Irn.InliWIOC•Ited 13 t:le tiorouoi
of I'oltitniii...l.liorioi.irr un .
l'olioniita..ltior :111.1,57 Gino
The War Trail; Or, The Hunt of the
Wild Horse.
IIOII.INrE of the Prairie, by rapt. 'Mayne
It. ii. Th.. hook hrso pronottneesl,by good
ttitt,••• the tte-t of the •ers,... which . mail loo i.e. Witt, r e re r s o sh e eoefloonsr• u loth she
Americo. Pr. , - toe= be-towest noon the -Sealy Iltm
ler..” -Rale Itnnger..”l-Whtte elnef," Ac.. awn rdtng
lo them is poo.llloll Oolong works rllnde..ll).
Illo , lll.lCllVe solid 111,1,, log rn, .Ole oh
Aug., 1, 3:1 North Queens Mrcet, muenster.
We Speak the Truth.
T r. RG ES'l'
I ) tirtris.
Fur the Columbia Spy.
A beautiful bird on a bright Summer', day,
A Ivzhted on love- green-gnmn Low'r;
Where ‘voodhitie and myrtle in lovely array,
Call'd lovers to 9)0011 a blest hour.
It sipp'd the clear honey, that &m id like the dew,
From Flora's most beanttful
Ileizardh,s of lover, cmu•euld from its view,
Where Cupid exerted lits posers.
Then a maiden more blooming than roes in June,
And pure as the °Mallen 'now.
Saab - beauidld bird now accept any best boon,
And wander 110 more to and fro.
*0: come. mid your tunable powers employ,
To charm me in life', cheerful npring,
And I shall rejoice, in transporl4 of joy,
To hear you inelo,flou , ly snr,"
But the light...m.ol stranevr. so eharnnng and gay,
Eztelan'd, ' I must Ily all around.
And Inhale the pure air, and rest on the spray,
To ,arble the soft, sylvan sound.
"And I have a loy'd one fur dearer to me,
Than all that you now can bestow;
And we shall soon sing on our favorite tree,
Where sweet -trawls me!othously flow.
In love's silken claw we has e feather d our nest,
Where chirping one; won shall appear,
And we shall be happy, and jo} mul blest,
As freedom rolls round w sth the year.
"Till time that SlVelpS on with mysterious: haste,
Shall Ind us reluctantly dm,
And all be forgotten. and dreary, and waste,
NN'liece the beautiful bongstcr, mii,t he.
"nut thou, sweetest rnaidea, through SCCIII, of delight,
Shall glide on in life . ; sunny ray,
'l'lll thou shalt lie calmly in death's silent night,
In hope of a glorious day.
"Novv lo•.eliest fair one be faithful and true,
Whatever 111 Wile Shan behtle,
To him who has bidden all other.: adieu,
To ero5511)011 In. beautiful bride.
"Then will, delight in the conjugal chain,
lour day s Will pa.s sweetly along - ,
And pleasure annul happiness constantly reign,
To cr Inn the loud village song
To My Dear Nott.
0 meet me dear Non this cs,ning alone,
111 yonder beautiful grot,
And there beneath ihe don light of the moon,
I ding hem I love }on dear Non,
Dear Noit,
How I love and adore >ou dear Nott!
r away from the world. and clear Non from its gale,
NVell 1,10, ct 0, cut hour of
Widle Cupid's =oft wing fans our love to a bia/0—
CY think my dear Non of this,
Of thi.,
Cr. think my t ear Nott 01 tido.
And clear Non an oath will I breathe to thee thl.ll,
That I es er ono-tfaultfol ttvll pros e,
And that I flunk you by far the noblest of men,
And dewrving dear Non of nip love,
rtly lose,
lle,ers 'tog dear Non of toy love!
111 love you in health. and in •teknes, dear Noll
A. tear On our oar pd low ,Ited.
And at last ((1' pardon the bli—fal thought!)
I'll love )ou dear Nott when a e're
Are wed.
Wtll luve you dear Nutt when We're Wed:
meet the deer Non Mi.: ovenine alone,
I'or the imra en , ore I.rmllt and lair,
And is an for ino lose on the mm—y .laic,
For I'll be sure dear Non to be there,
Re there.
I'll be sure dear Non to be there:
And st hen once I have gworn that I love you dear Non,
And when the long hour; Inne `Ted.
7"oii II remeailwr force, r the beau:lfni trot.
And love ) on deer Noll. all yoa're dead,
Are dead,
I'll love yo.l dear Non till niece dead'
The New Boy at Styles'
The last half I stopped at old Styles',
said Master Balfour, was the jolliest of any.
Styles was often ill. The head usher was
called away suddenly- to his mother, who
was dying; and the second, Mopl:ins, was a
mull'. 'We did as we liked with him; and
whenever there was a row the senior fellows
thought nothing of shying their Caesars at
his head!
What are (km - ars?'
Books. Caesar de Bello Ga,llice. Clesar's
crammers about pitching into the Gauls.-
0! continued the narrator, apostrophizing.,
somewhatsuperfluously, his organs of vision,
what whoppers he used to write to the senate!
and how those Conscript parties sate and
stroked their beards complacently and suck
,ed it all in! There was no Russell in those
(lays to check Master Julius' arithmetic,
and tell 'em at home that, instead of killing
at one go, a hundred and sixty thousand
Ailobroges or Allcmani, he had been all
but smashed himself, and was only saved
by his crack tenth legion, who charged like
bricks and—But that has nothing to do
with Styles'.
One morning—quite at the beginning of
the half—a new boy was brought into the
school-room. A very gentlemanly boy he
was; for he stepped inside the door, and
made a low bow to the school generally,
which was received with a loud laugh
(Styles being ill in bed.) His name was
Bright—Harry Bright, eleven years old,
with large dark-blue eyes and long bright
hair parted in the middle of the forehead,
and turned under at the back, like a WO
man's, in a heavy glossy curl.
Every chap in the school had a nickname
of some sort, and we famished our young
friend with his, before he sat down to hi
desk. 'We called him Madonna, from his
beauty and the fashion of his hair. Alto
gether ho looked so smart, good-humored.
and engaging, that everybody, was pleased,
except Alf Bathurst, junior cock.
'What's that?' asked Mrs. Maxwell.
The boy who could whop all the junior di
vision. There was a senior cock, besides—
Robert Lindsay—who licked cverbody.
Alf saw that he would have to fight fbr
his comb and dignity. Madonna and he
were just about the same ty*e and weight.—
Alf, we knew was omne enough, and took
lots of punishing; and Madonna looked
pluck itself. In short the general impres
sion was that it would prove one of the most
gratifying mills in the annals of the school.
Bets were coN ertly made (the amount of
brandy-ball and rock-cakes staked on the
event was something absurd,) and, in a
series of :covet conferences during school
hours, it was arranged that the fight should
come off at twelve o'clock. Two boys were
subsequently chosen as seconds fur each, and
a deputation of juniors waited upon the il
lustrious senior cock (und,cr color of a diffi
cult passage in the Georgics) humbly invi
ting his presence in the character of referee.
The reply to this was all that could be de
Meanwhile, Madonna sat quietly at his
desk—next Alf's, blithely- unconsious of the
arrangements so anxiously making for his
comfort and honor. Somehow, we forgot to
tell him. It seemed so natural that they
should fight!
Madonna seemed inclined to fraternize,
and asked a whole lot of questions. What
time we dined? If there ware puddings
every day? Was it a decent play ground?
Was smoking allowed? &c., ,fic,„ to all of
which Alf Bathurst replied with a stern po
liteness, as one who felt that until the event
of the morning had :come off, the relative
positions they were ultimately to hold to
wards each other, was not sufficiently de
fined for unrestrained social intercourse.—
Oddly enough it never oecured even to Alf,
that his neighbor needed to be informed of
the impending pa. , .age of arms.
`Better wait till after the
Madonna looked at Lim with rtstoni,h
ment, which \vas increased when Alf added
in an ea , ler tone
'Do you mind niy having a squint at your
Totally unconscious of the cause of Alf's
sudden interest in his anatomy, and wonder
ing, farther, wily he should prefer the ob
lique mode of observation referred to, Ma
donna, nevertheles , , frankly extended his
hands, which Alf examined with much in
terest, feeling mul pinching the well-defined
inns-cleq, and firm yet flexible joints.
'Tough work, 1 expect!' muttered Alf,
thoughtfully, and let it fall.
Madonna opened his magnificent blue
eyes to their full extent, and could by no
means make it out: but the next moment
classes were called, and no more opportunity
was afforded for general conversation till
the school rose.
At the first stroke of the clock the entire
body, seniors and juniors, startel up, and,
with a wild :Alma, rushed to the playground,
Madonna yielding readily to the common
impulse, and rather curious to see what was
to follow.
Arrived at the smac of expected action.
his doubts were quickly re:olved. Alf him
self curtly informed !Mu that, according to
the custom of the rcbo 1, it was necessary
to decide, without an hour's delay, which
was the better man, and entitled to the po
sition of
• junior cock.
Madonna colored to the eyes.
cannot he said.
'You admit,' said Bathurst, 'that I can
lick you, and may kick you also, if I please?'
This was a lucre formula: but Madonna
took it differently.
From llnn,chold ‘Vords
'You hare n.) riffht to touch me,' said
141adonna, 'but I Can't fight—and I wun't
He turner] aw i
The eager crowd were, for a moment,
stunned with surprise. Wonder and incre
dulity were stamped on every face. The
boy who was marking out the ring stopped
as though petrified. The senior nock him
' self betrayed as much emotion as was con
sistent with his dignity. I must not dwell
upon this scene. It was too true—Madonna
declined to acknowledge Alf the better man,
and yet refused to fight! There was but
one inevitable conclu , ion—he was a coward!
At first it was hoped he was jesting;
fing and remonstrance were tried—both
were inefficacious—fight he would not. In
this dilemma, Robert Lindsay stepped up to
the still blushing Madonna, and taking him
by the arm led him a few paces apart. The
I two conversed eagerly in an under tone,
while we anxiously watched the conversation.
At last Lindsay was observed to give an
almost convulsive start. He carried his
hand to his forehead, gazed for a moment in
his companion's faee, burst into a wild laugh
and turned upon his heel.
'Gentlemen,' he said, 'Mr. Bright porsists
in declining, the contest.' (Bob Lindsay
was always chciee in his cspreqcions.)—
'But the reason he iv-signs for it, will hardly
obtain ere lenee assembly of British
boys. Ile has given his word of honor to
his mamma to be careful of his general
beauty (of which, it Would appear, that I
is justly proud); but cspeJially cf his fine
eyes . ; and he is pled;_ted never to expose thote
cherished organs to the chances of a fishy
How of derddon folloa-cd this speech,
mingled witi, shout , of genuine lau:2;hter—
t o e n a u r
t e n h g a p u
p t h t r h o e w
g i t r i Lim ar : elf d i
i o n n g e
ng it about
him in cesta:ies of mirth.
I have,' resumed the senior cock. 'pointed
out to him the inctitable eonsequence9. lle
is immovable. I leavo the matter in your
hands, and only regret that I have been
allured to the extremity of the playground
on the pretense ora light which was not to
take place.
'Coward! Milksop! Send fur his mamma!
Where's Hannah with the pap boat? iCe.,
&e., yelled the incensed and disappointed
Poor :Madonna I urned from red to white,
and looked as if he would have cried, but
for a strange fire in his eyes that seemed to
burn up the tears. It was a miserable sight.
But low could we pity him? A fellow with
a wrist like the fetlock of a thorough-bred,
who almost admitted he could fight, and
wouldn't! What was a black eve, or a
mouse on the cheek, compared with the hor
rible scorn of bows!
Aif Bathurst had a spice of the bully.—
Thinking, moreover, to fall in with the pop
ular liew, he walked up to Madonna, and
slapped him smartly on the face. Strange
to say, the latter seemed scarcely to feel this
additional insult. Some applause followed:
but Robert Lindsay :suddenly re-appeared iu
our inia.r, and made another speech.
'Gentlemen,' said Bab, 'fa• he it f:•mu me
to condemn your honest indignation—but
let us not stoop to be
_bullies and persecu
tors. To my mind, a coward is an object
of compassion, and not of resentment. :Na
ture do/ea over his composition, and omitted
the most common and familiar ingredient
of our mixed humanity. I have,' added the
kind hearted cock, `no title to dictate lines
of conduct to the junior division, but I will
say this, whoever shows consideration to
this unlucky stranger, is the friend of P.uh•
ert Taindsay.'
Boys arc queer animal , . No one would
helieve it possible, that, after the scene of
the morning, Madonna would become, by
bed-time, one of the most popular fellows in
the school! lie Jove, he was! When he re
covered his spirits a little, we he::an to find
out (lighting a .idej what a jolly chap lie
was—gay, generous—with altogether the
sweetest temper I ec er knew; lie didn't know
what malice was and would have been on
good terms, even with Blthurst. The latter,
howel or, Eke a sneaking bully as he was.
never front that 1,-;v forth let slip an oppor
tunity of annoying and insulting poor Ma
donna. lie made him a sort of fag, often
struck him, and more than once spat in his
face, On :hese occasions Madonna's eyes
would light up with the some strange fire
we noticed before; but he never struck again,
and seemed to accept the necessity of sub
mitting to every indignity, as the inevitable
and only alternative of his not fighting.
I'm now going back to the day of 'Madon
na's arrival.
Ili.. Led wns in a large room. in which T,
and a whole lot of other chaps—fourteen, I
think—already slept. And after obi Mop
kins, the spoony usher, had taken away the
candle, we began to talk as u.ual. Madon
na was rather silent.
I sin - -yon—new boy—what's your name?
'Ma‘bmnai' said his next neighbor.
'A penny for your thoughts. I bet I
know what they are.'
'Tell me,' said Madonna, who was sitting
up in bed, stinging his night cap, 'are any
of you fellows in love?'
A perfo,tt volley of afiirmatives
Love you must know, was a curt of epidemic
at Style , '—that is to say it came in at inter
vals, with other games. There was'nt muclt
usually in the summer ball': but when crick
et, and hoe'.: ,, y, and trap all were stopped,
love came regularly in. It happened to he
highly fashionable ttt the live of Ma,lonna's
appearance, having recently 1.1 , c-civet) an
intmen7;e impulse from the :mit al at '.111 , ,
llilleter's, Pallas House Academy, of three
new pupils, all pretty.
Pallas llouse was so capitally close to us
that, by great skill and strength, a cricket
boll might be propelled over an immense
wall, into their play ground - . It was a rum
old house, with two little turrets at one end
(that nearest us,) one of which was called
the penitentiary, and used as a place of
confinement for pupils in disgrace. We
saw (at different times, of course,) lots of
little golden-haired captives bobbing about
in this cage, spinet inns playing with a smug
gled doll, sometimes trying to relieve the
monotony of prison-life by killing flies, or
other innocent pastime. We tried to estab
lish a system of communication by signal,
but it failed. One ingenious boy thought he
had hit upon a method of cons eying relief
and sympathy in its sweetu,t form —sugar
candy. A small parcel was carefully made
up, and attached to the tail of a kite, the
wind being fair for the penitentiary, and the
prisoner on the alert: the kite was dropped
gradually down the wind till it reached the
necessary point then suddenly loosed, in the
expectation that the tail would drop past
the pri-on window. It did so, with the ut
most accuracy, but the small prisoner's arm
was ton .host to catch it: the packet de
...celiac,' hover than was intenflo,l, and flop
it went right through tho window of :NI is-
Iliter's ctit.l3l Kites were -topped for thc
re-t of the
To back to our lied-room chat. A sigh
front Madonna was the neat s.unid audible.
'Tell u , all about it, chap!' said a voice
front an adjacent couch, in a meet. ,yinpa
iliefic tone.
•1f you won't make fun of it,' replied Ma
donna. 'lt's no laugl,:ng matter, I 17,111 tell
you. I've seen a g,od deal of the sort of
thin;. I've had much sorrow.'
'llave you though? I shouldn't have
thought it to look at you,' squeaked Poppy
Purcell, tteross seen other chaps. 'What's
she like?'
r► • ; • ;It IN AIV • IC • $2 OO IF NO .. :►'t k •
`l've been in love,' said 'Madonna, 'ever
since_—l don't remember when I wa'n't—
nine times, I think, with all sorts of women
—but bosh: It's all bulh,w, sir, hollow.—
They go to school, and forget a fellow, or—'
fellow—them,'—put in Matilda Lyon,
(whose name was Matthew.) 'I fear Ma
donna, tho , c precious eyes of your , have
touch to answer fur.'
'l'm as constant a chap TIOW as ever
lived,' rejoined Madonna, «•armly, 'what
ever I have been in my younger days. The
world soon smudges- off 0 1 romance: Be
sides, I'm tired of change,. tell you a
secret. I'm in luxe, and mean to be, forever
and a day, with the sweetest little creature
`O, of eour , e:"What's her anine?"ll , ,w
oltlf".l)urit or fair'?' 11inglet , ?' tientan , le , l
several beds, the room beeeining much in-
'Eleanor Wilton,' sail Madonna. in a low
voice. 'She's an orphan, a kind or fifth
cousin of mine, sixteen times removed. She
came over from India, last year, after the
death of her mother, to be educated, and
she live- , with a Mr. and Mrs. Perfect (per
fect brute ,, , 1 call them), the husband a snob
bish agent of her deceased papa. She's
nearly ten. She fell desperately in love
with your humble servant. l'd nothing in
hand at the moment, having just had a split
with Anne Chileote about dancing twice
with a fellow in tunics. And we're engaged.'
'Regularly "hooked, sir. Why not? Iv'e
had my swing. I've done. I can nc or
love again after Eleanor. And she is a
darling, I promise you!'
We further gathered fram the heart-worn
Madonna, that his present lady-love v‘as, in
appearance, precisely his opppsite, having
large night-black eyes and raven hair, color
less checks, dark shades under the eyes, sad,
dreamy expression, Cc., &c. In short the
lover drew a very interesting and poetic
picture of his lady, and concluded by assur
ing us that her attachment to himself, how
ever unmerited, approached to adoration.
for the engagement, he certainly
showed us, next day, a paper written by his
beloved, which the constant youth wore (in
a small velvet case, like a needle-book) next
his heart.
It was to the following effect, written upon
pencil lines, only half rubbed out, and NV aS
evidently one of her earliest efforts at pen-
'This is to give noti' that I have promessed
to he your true-love and when I groe up 1
will marry you if you like and to be your
Dutiful wife till death and if not 1 would
rather go to my mother—
'You * believe me,
'Dear sir,
Your., truly,
Ill.r.tNun. WI LTON.'
We thought the conclusion rather stiff,
considering the frankness of the foregoing
port ii, a; but :itladonna explained that it tra ,
to be regarded rather in the light of :t ti)r
mal instrument than as a warm expression
of feeling.
Certainly if seed cakes, mince and other'
pie', and macaroons speak the language of ,
love, Madonna's account of his lady's det,o
tion was fully corroborate 1. Every week
parcels were arriving, containing such
articles as the aforesaid, and cos ered
with the strictest and most carnet iutoj
cation.; to the railway au thoritie, concerning
their safe and punctual deli cry. flow the
little lady provided these testlinonials was a
mystery . to Madonna—assuredly it was . not
through her guardians: and the most phut. ,
ible theory waQ, that she Lad won aser
Louse-keeper—nn well she mi.4.11r, the little
darling'.—ta forward the-e prours of attach
merit to her chosen lord.
One fatal 'Half-holiday, it so 11.11.pc.i , rd
that, in returning In:me from playing cricket
on the neighboring downq, we met the estab
li,hment of Pallas-House in full procession.
The usual hle-fire of glances was exchanged,
as the two trains swept past each other On
opposite sides sf the road, but only one cas
ualty occurred; and ton 1101.11 should that be
but the love-wasted, used-up Madonna?
Tripping, at the governesc4 side Nrat,
new pupil, the most exquisite little fairy you
can conceit e. Don't think lam romancing,
when I declare to you that, in all my life—
and I've seen something (said Master Dal
four,) knocking about the world—two more
beautiful human creatures than Madonna
Bright and .114„rusta Grosvencr (fur that, we
soon learned, was the new girl's name) I
never beheld. She had a perfect cataract
of rich, 'brown,s....y ;lir hair, c3-e-; that glitter
ed like stam, and she walked like a little
'Poppy,' falterc.l :k1a,1. - mit, who was
walking w th Purcell, catching :11.3 compan-
ion' , :u•ui, 'rye scou 111 fate.'
•11,11 d up, my pippin:' reTlit - -1 the more
philo , ophio Poppy. 'lrate a Lrandy-1,411:'
31.11.l1”1111:1. 1111 , Wered, in sub , fane..., that no
:01101111i of I,llipopc could efleei
to a mind ,li , ea•,ed: that it wag. in ftet, all
01'01' W ith that he r het el I f, ,re.
and, finally, that he Coda Le 4•0111.'llt to per
i-lt iu the eour-e of that afternoon, if hi,
doing •o might atiln•l CA en a momentary
gratiticatiou to the olject of his unqueneha
hie pa,,in.
Oa being reminded of his engag,enteut to
Eleanor :\ laclouna replied, with
-ome warmth, that he was tired ()flier child
ish homage, and should take an early op
portunity- of pointing out to that young lady
some more eligible investment for her affec
tions; and finding, on arriving at Lome, a
plum eakf , of unusual dimPntions. be clividrd
it among us, with a sort of disdainful pity,
not reserving a crumb fur himself.
Perhaps, if he had known it would be the
last love-oll'ering save one, he was ever to
receive from that source, he might have been
less getierom:.
1 w on't bother n ith all the extrava
ganeies committed by pjor Madonna while
suffering from this , evere attack. Positive
-1- the br,y s, arcely ate or lie seemed
to live upon the thought of this little fairy.
and nothing else. As it happened, he saw
her several times in a week—a series of lec
tures upon scientific subjects were being
delivered at the public rooms; mid these
were attended by detachments from both
the schools, in which the lovers were in
I say I , ,vers, because, either attracted by
his uncommon beauty or hie speaking gaze,
or influenced by some ad] instinct or other,
the little lady seemed fully to comprehend
the state of our friend's mind, and to accept
wor , hip with considerable satisfaction.
She had a thousand funny little coquettith
airs and graces, all directed at Madonna,
yet all tempered with a most becoming
haughtiness, winch plunged him deeper than
ever in love. I should think Madonna must
have derived a good deal of infmnatien
from thine lecture:.
I never saw his attention awakened but
to one experiment, and that was when the
whole room took hands, and the same elec
tric shock that paralysed Madonna's elbow,
elicited a scream front Augusta Grosvenor.
A strange thing was now about to occur.
I think it was about three weeks after
our first meeting with Augusta, that the
school one day went out to walk. At the
lir-t turn in the road we cause pounce upon
the establishment of Pallas-House. The
chools met. As they did so, I felt my arm
squeezed by 'Madonna, with whom I walked,
and heard him draw in his breath as one in
terrified surprise. At that instant Augusta
Grosvenor passed, By her side there walk
ed a little girl, with jet black hair, small
pale face, and the largest eyes I ever saw.
Those eyes she fixed upon Madonna with
an expression that haunted me—l don't
know why—fur days and days. It's foolish
to say days; for to this very moment, I can
recall it, and I see it now. I knew, with
out ever having seen her, that this was Ma
donna's little true-love, Eleanor Wilton.
We walked on in silence, Madonna amazed
and bewildered as though he had seen a
little spirit. In truth she passed us almost
like one. I don't remember that we ever
talked upon the subject. I did not know
how Madonna might receive it, and, as I
saw that he was really unhappy, I thought
it best to say nothing. He moped about the
school and play ground, a totally changed
being, and so provoked Alf Bathurst by his
apathy, or, as Alf called it, sulkiness, that
the latter tyrannized over and worried hint
in every possible manner. It was pitiable
and disgusting to sec. 0, if I had been but
two years older: I would—no matter.
Gee day, Alf struck Madonna a severs
Um in the face. The flu , ll that followed
it did not subside as was natural. Head
ache and sickness followed: and the doctor,
being scut fur, directed that Madonna should
be kept apart frosts the boys, and if possible,
dispatched home, Thi., with proper pre
cautions, was done, and we shortly after
learned that our schoolfellow was lying at
home, attacked with the small-roc.
lhuing Lis ahsence two saw hut little of
our fair neighbors, and only heard incident
ally, that the little new girl, Eleanor "Wilton,
was in rather delicate health, and rarely
went out with the rest of the poor
little soul, however, seemed to be no especial
flrrerite of titc,' , c.Nage old governess, for we
twice saw her in the penitentiary?
An Eastern Tyrant
Women have no names in Cairo. They
of eourse have the names at home, but no
man knows the name of Lie neighbor's wife
or wiveq. A woman i 9 spoken of as the wife
of such a person, but never by her own
The daughter of Mehemet Ali, the sister
of the present Viceroy, is the first lady in
11cr history is almost a romance. This
is not the place to speak of the private inci
dents in it which have long made her to be
spoken of with contempt even by the Egyp
flux's, the vilest race of men on the earth.—
But her husband's name is still a terror in
Cairn, and men will hardly believe that he
is dead.
The I);?itcr , lar. as he is always called, was
the son-in-law of Mehemet Ali, and the
realization of all the stories of Turkish brn
talitt an.l tyranny. Ills palace is in front
the C-1.1•••ki-h, but since his death hag
I , :k int, other hum's.
110 it rya. whA heard the complaint Of a
w,ntan that a .man had drank milk
front her and then refnsed to pay
The man denied it entirely.
'When Nia9 Licinanl4,l the Defterdetr
'This moment.'
'Well Livn - , woman, listen—l will rip this
man open. If I find the milk in him it is
well—you shall be paid. If not, I will rip
you open in the same way.'
It was done instantly on the floor of his
room•by his men, ho and the woman look
ing on complacently. The milk was found
in the man's stomach, and the Defterdar
ordered the Nalue of the milk—ten parsa,
or about one eant—to be tnken front the