"First amendment," "Second amendment." "Third amendment," aad "fourth amendment," and those who are favorable to said amend ments, or any of them, may express their desire by voting each as many separate, NI ritten or printed, or partly written or printed ballots of tickets containing on the inside thereof the words,'-For the Amendment," and those t% ho are opposed to such amendments, or any of them, may express their opposition by voting each as many separate, written or printed bal lots or tickets containing on the inside thereof 'the words, "Against the Amendments." Sec. 2.—1 hat the election on the said pro posed amendments, shall, in all respects, be conducted as the General Elections of this Commonwealth are now conducted; and it shall be the duty of the return Judges of the respective couunties and districts thereof, first having ascertained the number of votes given for or against each of said amendments in the manner aforesaid, to make out duplicate re turns thereof, expressed in words at length, and not in figures only, one of which returns so made shall be lodged in the Prothonotary's Of fice of the Court of Common Pleas of the proper County, and the other sealed and directed to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and by one of said Judges deposited forthwith in the most convenient post office. Sec. 3.—That it shall further be the duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, on receiving the said returns, for and against the said amendments, to deliver the same to the Speaker of the Senate on or be fore the first Monday after the organization of the next Legislature, after the said re turns shall so be received, who shall open and publish the same in the presence of the mem hers of the Senate and House of Represents- ' 1 tives on the next Tuesday thereafter; and 1 when the number of votes given for and the number of votes given against the said amend ment shall have been summed up and ascertain ed, duplicate certificates thereof shall be signed 'by the Speaker of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one of which shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and the other delivered to the Governor, whose duty it shall be to declare by proclamation whether the amendments, or any of them have or have not been approved and ratified by the citizens of this Common wealth. SEC. 4.—That the Sheriff' and Commission ers of the city and county of Philadelphia and the several counties of this Commonwealth, shall do and perform all the duties and acts ne cessary by them to be done to give effect to and carry out the provisions of this act. J. LAWRENCE GETZ, Speaker of the Haase of Representatives. DAVID TAGGART, Speaker of the Senate. Aver:oven—The twelfth day of 14lay, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifty. seven. J AAIES POLLOCK Ist District—Composed of the four Wards of Lancaster city. The qualified voters or the North East Ward, will hold their election at the public house of Anthony Lechler, in East King street, those of the North-West Ward at the public house occupied by King & Colvin; those of the South West Ward at the public house occupied by Joseph Brintnall, in East King street; those r• 1 the South West Ward at the public house ofJohn A. Urban. 2d Dist rict —Drumore township, at the house now accupied by Mrs. Barbara Johnson. 3(.1 District—Composed of a part of the town ship of Mount Joy and the whole of West Don egal, including the borough of Elizabethtuwn, at the public house now occupied by George W. Boyer, in the Borough of Elizabethtown. 4th District—Earl township, at the house lately occupied by in the village of New Holland, in said township. sth District—Elizabeth township, at the public house now occupied by George Bentz, .111 Brickerville, in said township. 6th District—Borough of Strasburg, at the public house now occupied by Henry Bear, in said Borough. 7th District—Rapho township, including the Borough of Manheim, at the public house occu pied by Michael White, in said borough. Bth Dist rict—Sulisbury township, at the pub lic house now occupied by John Ammon, White Morse Tavern, in said township. 9th District—East Cocalwo township, at the public house now occupied by Andrew Ream, in the village of Reams town, in said township. 10th District—Being a part of the township of East Donegal, at the public school house in the village of Maytown, in said township. 11th Disti ict—Cainarvon township at the public house now occupied by Mrs. Ann Al bs iht. in the village of Churchtown, in said township. 12th District—Mastic township, at the house now occupied by Jesse Engles, in said town ship. 13th District—Bart township, at the public house now occupied by Adam .Rutter in said township. 1401 District—Colerain township, at the public house now occupied by Jeremiah Swish er' in said township. 15th District—Fulton township, at the pub. lie house now occnpied by Joseph Phillips, in said township. 16th District—Warwick township, at the public house now occupied by Samuel Lichten thaler, in the village of Litiz, in said township. 17th District—Composed of the Borough of Marietta, and part of East Donegal township, at the public school house in the Borough of Marietta, in said township. 18th District—Columbia Borough, at the Town Hall, in said borough. 19th District—Sadsbury township, at the public house now occupied by Miranda Row in said township. 20th District—Leacock township, at the public house now occupied by John Sheaffer, in said township. 21st District—Brecknock township, at the public house now occupied by John Frecht, in said township. 22d District—Composed of parts of town ships of Rapho, Alt. Joy and East Doneg al, at the public school house in the village of Mt. Joy. 23d District—Being part of East Hempfield township, at the public house now occupied by 11. G. Imhoff, in the village of Petersburg, in said township. 24th District—West Lampeter township at the public house now occupied by Henry Mil ler, in the village of Lampeter Square, in said township. 29th District—Conestoga township, at the public house now occupied by John G. Preis, in said township. 26th District—Being part of Manor town ship, at the upper school house in the borough of Washington, in said township. 27th District—Ephrata township, at the pub. lie house now occupied by Jno. W. Gross, in said township. 28th District—Conoy township, at the pub lic school house itythe village of Bainbridge, in said township. 29th District—Manheim township, at the :public house now occupied by John Evans, jr., in the village of Neffsville in said township. 30th District—Being a part of Manor town ship, at the public house now occupied by c ,eorge Hornberger, 111 Millerstown, in said 'tossnship. 3lst District--%Vest Earl township, at the public house now occupied by G. Roland, in Earlville, in says township. 32d District—West liemplield township, at the public house 'now occupied by John Ken dig, in said township. 33d District—Strasburg township, at the pub lic house now occupied by Martin Herrin the borough of Strasburg. 3.ltti District—Borne part of Alanor town ship, commonly called Indiantown district, a: the school house in cold township, by the name of Hurst Hill. 35th District—West Cocalico township, at the public house now occupied by John W. Mentzer, in the village of Schccneck, in said township. 36th District—East Earl township, at the public house now occupied by William Colman, Blue Ball, in said township. 37th District—Paradise township, at the public house now occupied by Jacob Keneagy, an said township. 3dth District—Being a part of East Hemp. field township. at the pulilic school house in the village of Hempfield, in said township. 39th District—Lancaster township, at the public house now occupied by Joseph 19 said township. 40th District-111=A Lampeter township, nt the public bongo 11 0 occupied by Henry lie neagy, to said township. 41st District—Little 13ritnin township, at tho house of Jonathan Hamilton, O.ik Hill. 43d District—Lipper Leacuck township, at the public house of Michael Bender, in said township. 43d District—Penn township, at the public house of C. Hershey, in said township. 4lth District—Dorongh of Adamstown, at the school house in said borough. 45th District—Clay township, at the house of George W. Steinmetz, (formermy John Eib's,) in said township. 4Gth District —Perinea township, at the pub lic house of Benjamin Rowe, in said township. 47th District—Providence toss nship, at the house occupied by Mary Miller, in said town ship. 45th District—Eden township, at the public house of James C. Ewing, in said township. The General Elections, in all the Wards, Townships, Districts and Boroughs of the county, are to be opened between the hours of eight and ten o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when all the polls shall be closed. Every person except ingJostices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of this State, or of any other city or incorporated district, whether a com missioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the Legislative, Executive or Judiciary department of the State or the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every Member of Congress, or of the State Legislature, and of the Select and Com mon Councils of any city, or Commissioner of any incorporated District, is by law, incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of Judge, inspector or clerk of any, election of this Commonwealth, and no inspector, Judge or other officer of any such election shall be eligible there to he voted for. The Inspectors and Judges of the elections shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding the election in the district to which they respectively belong, betore nine o'clock to the morning, und each of said inspectors shall appoint one Clerk, who shall be a quaili tied voter of such district. In case the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for inspec tor, shall not attend on the day of any election, then the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for Judge at the next pi eceding election shall act as inspec tor in his place. And in case the person who shall have received the highest number ol votes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected Judge shall appoint an inspector in his place—and in case the person elected a judge shall not attend, then the inspector who re ceived the highest number of votes shall ap point a Judge in his place—or if any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space of one hour after the time fixed by law for the open ing ol the election, the qualified voters of the township, ward, or district for which such of ficers shall have been elected, present at such election, shall elect one ol their number to fill such vacancy. The Judges are to make their returns for the county of Lancaster, at the Court House, in the city of Lancaster, on Friday, the 16th day of October, 1857, at 30 o'clock A. M. GEORGE MARTIN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Lancaster. Sept. ]O, 18,57.3 t ron RENT, SHOP, nu the alley running troina Third to Fourth streets.letween Cherry and 1 . 10011. It Uutlid lie stdinble for ulino.t any kind of ineehantent Ineques , , and till be rented on reasonable tel Apply to ROSANNA. S 111DE.:KER, Columl.ht, Sept 19. 11,57. Cherry street Columbia Manufacturing Company. ri'llE Stockholders of the Colombia Nonn i_ titeintitig I otnonny. sire hereby notified 16.11 a .0,201111 1 1,101111,11 of nee Dollar.- on each t.lhare of ..luck o 1 ./1 111 COlll 11 11 Ily. 111,1 Levu declared doe Ity . the Itourd ofSt.tnaget-. and they tire tequetitetl to pity in the •lIIIIC 10 1110 Tred-urer. 1111 or hetors the 40th day of September, ily Order of the Boort% GEORGH 11(11: I.E, Treut•urer. C7rlumhin. Qt.ptemlirr It!, I-57.2, FOIL It ENT. COMMODIOUS Three•Sterylirtek DWELL -11111;s1:. ui I.oeu,t .treet Apply ut the Spy (Mee Colueolun September 12 1,57 11 Shawls! Shawls!! pm - Imm. Stella and Cheadle north, Shawl 4. nll IP new aty lc II ERR'S STORE. September It!, 157. Scarfs! Scarfs!! niIENII.I.E. Knoche, and Stella Sent fs, n full as .ortment, at HERR S, ?...ept Id, , 57. N 0.5 bast King at Imana-ter. ELECTION. N ELI:C.IION. for a Pre•ident and Six ManaETer. `.ll of the Columbia and Vl'ipthing ion Turnpike Road Cotapany.'will Zr.i held at the Franklin lieu., lit the borough of Colunild.i, ON THUI{SDAY. SEll'll - 17, 1a37, between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock I' 11. GEORGE: HOULE, Columbia. A 0711.1:29. 1 1 37-31 Seereidiry. COLT:TIVXI3XII. rLourc. MILLS. THE undersigned having commenced the lIUSINESS. I. prepared to tlellver FLOUR AND FEED OF ALL BINDS, At the shortest notice, free of charge, on the lnn.t rea , otoilile hernia. The PLUG It being prepared from the Ile-I Wlll.lll. %mil by an experienced miller, lie reek confident ilia! hr can give vulalaction to Ilio-c who favor hint with their tintron!lge. Clll J PUSEY" Columina, A tlgu.t 19:7-tf School Directors, Teachers and Merchants. SCHOOL BOOKS Sc SCHOOL APPARATUS. At Teachers , Illeadquaricni, URRAY, YOUNG & CO., having given mach uneitimc to the school book department. ul order to he enabled folly tied sithisfitetorily to tiled the Willa. of the school, /11 every possible manner, and at th. most fllll.lllClnry 1111 C, now roll Nile mean to their large supply of School Book.. Ilnp4, Charts. tiii* apparatus of every variety needed in our public sehools. The following Book•. Apparatus. &c , we have special and the not FilllPhirnory ratigements to supply in large or email quantities, at the lowest wholesale ratei. Sanders" Series of Readers, the nic4 extensively used of any in llie country, Darken. & ‘Vation's Headers, un entirely new. mai without dealt u good, and finely gotten up series; they have Just been adopted in the public schools of Lancaster city. Tower's Series of Readers, rated In this county next in extent to Sunder.' In addition. vie have Town', Webb's. Siorgent's, Lovell's. tileGulley &c. Among the popular Alain:nein, are Stoddard's Series, Davies' Serie., and Greenleaf'', Series. The incest approved t;raninmr• nre Green's Gram tear., Bullion's Serieie, ClarlitCs Grinntnori, dze put oddment we have many oilier. much awd. Nionteiilo, Series of Geographic+ are very poyulnr and extentively Used; aka, Alitehelßs Smith's, and oilier. Tile Common School Geography. and War. reli Ph)eicol Geography. both new work., are in use. I'EUBON'S OUTLINE AIABS..--The•e neap= should be iii every school room; they are trill,' saving Ilollirook*• Selma' A pparaime. adapted to the use our Common Schools and Academies. Our cc hoot, wool:: he much ltearfitted by their ore. Frlillkl:11 Globe,. the moat perfectly gotten up. and chrope•t. SllltliCt. Eltieutionary Choi!. The Peinn.ylcatint School Register..by A. Bow. The Golden Wreath. a mu•ie hook for -choral 'I i• m.21'1111 the Normal School at Millersville, and to the L.:incliner I ligh School. Iteinetither Teachers llendquortem Evelything in the 'nook line can he bud on the shortest no tice, ut the lowed price's. Give u• a call MURItAV, YOUNG & CO.. Aug 'Z.9, 7.17. lot th Queen at.. Lancaster. Pd In the Matter of Peter Haldeman's Assigned Estate! rrHE undersigned, appointed Auditor to dearibute the balance remaining in the blinds of "John I'. Slirotter, teitlenee of Peter lin!denten, under u deed of n,neninent:" to and mooing thet.o legally entitled thereto; %sail sit for the purpose above mentioned on TUI:SDAY. TI DAY OP SEPTI:MWER NEXT. AT :2 O'CLOCK P. M.. la the library room of the court house. I.rit.c.tster. t•LAYMAKER. agnat V. 1557-Zit Auditor To Lumbermen Sc Manufacturers: "fltruYls PATENT SHINGLE DIACIUNE. soLietiLer having perfected the "hove rtinchnie,offers to Susie, Shots Rights reasonable, terms. Gounty and Th e mneltine saws and planes Shingles in nny width or *insane., and produces a very ithiforin ant! clean ;muds. uldeh has gtven perfect satisfaction wherei.or trwd. One of the machine. and speetingna 0(110 work ran be seen iti ihr SUI•gilt1111111131 Planing Altii, Columbia. Pa. For further information, addre.s. W. . Columbia, LancasMter eolllitY , Pa. 'The eorintimetion of the saw and frame. admits of use, separate from the platter, in sawing all kinds of straight and bevelled work, such as Flooring. Cispt.n"rdmg. Ac_ Columbia. y TOWN PROPERTY A.T PI7I3LIC SALE. TILE undersigned will offer at public sale at line Wsii.tioigion Hotel. is the 1/010UZII of Co. 1011110 U, ON I , IIIIJA V EV ENIN(:.OOTOIrEIi 2. 1 , .57 Inc 15 mono., alter ti o'clock precise!), that eligibly situated :11111 0101,110 i three—tory FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and two—zory Frame linels-Llu JJing, wuh the lot or Piece of riroucd on which she same iire erecie.l. Ualtql 00 the eoui lierly side or %Vahan •1 reie 1. between Mont nod SOOOlOl mrcels. adjoining properties or Thomas Lloyd, E-q., on the wr.l. and Mr. Cileorce Wolf, on the eti,t. and extending back to a public alley The timinit 111111 . 0 , 0111 100-0,•1011. will prub., bly permit periion, proposoig lo parch:A.:, to view the proper I) Ai:endow, i.vill be given, and lean, of cult made known at sale, by THOMAS 11 COCHRAN SeTtc•nber It' 1557 tc 'Z'UBLIC SALE. ON FRIDAY, THE 9th DAY OF 0GT08ER,1557, w II Lr •ohl ut otilito: nt the public sow, 01 John I:rntly.ir, , m ihe ,ilinge of Alilltneiville. lie Vahliddrii.ropetiy to wit: A Lot of Ground, cont.:it:tog ONE ACRE, situated iii said village. on the Inc opt ke Ir.ding trout Lancaster to Safe Hada,. adjoining land- of John Brady. yr ,and Its iffy laurel l'he improvements etin slot in a new two and .1 half -tor) BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, 111 2:1 by Yo feet, with u three-iitory Back Building 16 by In feet. Also. a BRICK NI atiached,l4 by 16 fret. and Bake Oven, all co , vied with the beet of -let-. There ril-o it r•ule Other, for a doc tor, 14 by lid feet, built of brick nod covered with ...lute; A FRANI E with Titre-long Floor, Vi'ood Strad. flog Pen, and all other nece•uary out buildings, ned it never.failmg well of good water, with pump therein, not more than 6 fret from the door. There are alco a number of A I'PLE TREES. Abu, choice Teacher and Cherries were planted it tew years ago. This property is berniitMllv located in a rapidly improving village, and highly cultivated neighbor hood. only a few t nun red 'ord.; from the lailica-ter County Normal School; COaVenical to Selioo . ll, Mills and Stores. A- n private residence to not curpui, , vtl by any in said village or neighborhood. A large FRON'c VAR Did:anted with Evergreen and Shade Trees. Whim laid out ni walk 4 paved with brick. The house to will limn, having built it for ruyiell, therefore -pared no expen-e lu snaking it durable 'rho loot, story to papered will. the hen; gill paper and in latest sty he, with panel ceiling, u Pia-ter of Part , . Cornice Per , on% wt-liing to view the pietni.e. previous :0 the day of •ate. will please call upon Nr4. Nuuue wrLer near the ...nine. given iainiedintely. Sale will begin , at 2 o'clock I'. M. of .ant d I), when atiendonce will be given and term, mode it !WWII hy. 1t57 1)r. E 13. lIERR. 1857.1857. \\* NEW st o cc* CT MI 43r Just Received at HALDEMAN'S CHEAP CASH STORE. To winch see invite the • IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Of our eu-tunic Ilse hest eleeled -lock see have ever °tiered. and at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. Columbia, September 18, 1v37. Pennsylvania Wire Works, N O. 226 Arch Anti, between Second and 'Phu J, (Oppn-rte Bread Sneei,) Philadelphia. Siere.s, laciales, Screens, Irbren Wire of nll Me.her. ruin a;ll:ind.s of pinin and Crory V) Work:. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchere; ("nal, Stint! and Gras, l Sereen.; Paper MakeCs Wire; Cylinder turd Dandy Dolls. covered in the he't 1111111,1,11 Writ uuJ Wil I' Pelle A very superior nrllele of Heavy Pounders' Sieve , '. All kindt. of Iron Ore Wire and BAYLI2.S, DARBY & LYNN September 12, 1E57-13in 2138.. 11. ZANIES , XTRACT of Cannabis Indica for the cure of U 011.111111,11011. Liver OWOIIIIII, 131'01101MS, A. 11611111, Cough•, Cold.. and Nervous Debility. Au Err.t Indi a Paparatimi, and the only yore ever ilkeovered for (.11-en.e. of the Lunge. Stomach and Nerves It is n Healing 13x1-urn for till internal :".ure., Ulcer-. Tubercle-, and 111111 urination; an 1111- ..91:1“11b11.. Tmuc, all...N1.1111101:11We Ner%llle. Purifier or the Fluid.. an Exhilerant, n Stintullint whiett prod nee. no renelion. and It Ladder lip of wa•ied fibre and it t. Met, It sub.rititie for Oldnitury eiek•rooui llouli•hinent. Price, 1,3,2 00 per bottle. . _ = All 1111 e 11.1. e0111:1,11 , 1401011 N 1.11 1 ,11 C11 . 1111.i, the sy.- tem. keep. , the bowel , io nottiral 11101..1. waihoul t•oliring mid wallow drat nu n the Sollrels of Life ll+ Our- oldulor) pli)•.:,:111li Ihrieby plr enn. and 1,11... thou-nuf- of Zile 11110 6 1 lint gran , . Dr II EXCEI.:,IOR ()IN'IfIIEN'r of India awl P.A. Killer. for the 4uppre , siouorpani., ilie boo- Isl.nent of :all inliounnation... and tile coned und •peed} erne of nil •ore-.eruption•onurcular ulcers, runtore, %round+, I,ru,,es, Zee. DR. 11. JANIES, = rrndrlnck & Co .•225 N. Second girect. Philadelphia. exclu , ive whole.ale Agent- for the United beau. nud Pro,inces. Dr. 1 15. 111 Gulden Ilorlar Drug stoic. Sole Amen for Columbia. t•ci.teinher 12. D,57 Ito ALL IJEAIL!! Something for the Million. Prof. WOOD'S HAIRRESTORATIVE. WE call the attention of all, old and young, to tin+ wonderful prep:if:111011, avhn•ll turng back to it. original color. gray hair—cover• the head of the bald with tt luxuriliat growilt—re wove, the dandruff: Itching. and all cutaileou+ emu tion.—cau-e. a enitintlial tlnw• of the natural Hunk; and hence. ii u..crl a. a regular dre.•ing for the hair, III . C•el" Ire It+ color, and k••rp it 1(1/111 I:111111g, to extreme old age. 111 till ll*, natural Lennie We call. them, upon the bit!ii, the gray. or to scalp. to in-c it; find curtly. i hey nine w•dl not. Ivry Online the tlowing lock., or lire wnchutg vorl. ever he w•tth out it. It• peal,e le upon the tongue of thousuulr. Watertown, Vase . May 1. 1655. - - - - - PROF. 0..1 WOoD:—Allow etc in ntle.t the vir tu, mid rringic powers of your lit.ir Hemornitve.— Three Ino;.th, since. being exceedingly gray. I pur elni,ed and soon commenced to ore iwn Inriller6; mid it 'non began ;n tell. in restoring the silver lock, to their native color, mid the hair winch V , ll before dry and Inir.M, nrid f llnng MT, now became soil and glo4•y, and it ceased fu thug, the dandrufrdiclippeured. and the eerily lost all the domgrecable Itching. so on noying before, nod now, I not only look but feel young ovum Respectfully, yam.. etc. CHM?. WHITNEY. New York, Oct 2.1835. - - - PROF O. J. WOOD—Dear Sir:—After rending the advertisement in one of the New York Journals. of )our celebrated (lair Restorative, I procured a half plot lintt:e, nod was so much pleased with it that I continued its use for two months. und sin satisfied it is decidedly the bent preparation before the politic. It :it once removed all the dandruff and unplra•nut itching from the scalp. and bas restored my hair nut brolly, and. I have no doubt. permanetly no. Ynit have permission to refer to me. nll who enter. nun any doubt of in perfotmilig nll that is claimed (or it. MISS PEEKS, tiGi Greenwich Av. I have used Professor O.J. Wood's Hair rtestora• live. and have usintircd it• wonderful effects It fe ttered my hair where it had fallen of, it cleans :hr head, and rattler; the hair softand sinoitili—nowli mare no than oil. CIA 11 T A. ATKINSON. Louisville, N0v.1.1953. State of Illinois. Carlisle. June ..27. 1955. I hove used l'rofesaor 0. J. %Wood'', Ilnir Reatora live, and have admires' its wonderful effect. Aly ham woo Imeommg, at I thought pretnnturely gray. Out try the use of the "Ite.ifirrtlVP,” It hae re•taril its ori ginal color. and. I have !In doubt, permanently an. • SIDNEY BREESE. Ex-Senator United State, From the Wallington Star. Among the many preparialolia now in UM` for the re-,ring. preNerviog and beautifying the lautr, there are Inoue that we ran recommend with more confi dence than Prot. AVontr , flair Irettorittive, now it, general u.c throughout the Stale•. This preparation po..er•er the inn-t invigorating qualities, Iliad never talk in producing the moat happy reftult when dp plied according no direction.. We refer our reader. to the edverh•eleent tar a few of the innumerable • ertiticatea which have been gent by porue•, who have been benefitied by it, and mho feel IlertM in giving M1411110113' to It! ,Volltleetilietreitt 4 produced on theirs O .1. 'WOOD & CO , Propfletorx. 312 Broadway N. V., 1411 , 1 114 Market utreet,t3t. Lou i•, Mo. For sale in Colurnbta., Pa . by Dr. C. R. II EDII, Marietta, by J. J. MLitt A RT, arid by all re•ponstble Drurgt.t.. September 19. 1.=57-0m NOTICE' T F.TTERS Testamentary on the esmte of Nelson IA Suomi. deceased. having been grarited the under signed. all persons knowing themselves indebted in said estate are requested to make immediate pay meat. and t b o•r loavtag chums will present them, duly au thenticated, fur settlement. to unoßan BOGLE, Executor. Columbia, September .5. InG7•Gt School Boehm: School Books! PARENTS and Guardians will find it to their ad vantage In buy their School Bunko :from the no dereigned. Parker,' New Series, 2d and 3d Render• ntls and 20 MO. SPRENGER & WE3THE4PFER, Sept. 5,1837. 31 North Queen atreet.:Liancamter. Just B.eceived, A LOT of Bsp E..e.go Cheese, Pine Apple Sseiu.sc M D. IIF.RR'S Grocery, Ermninon WlKllingtOr. Haase, IVelnat et Columb/a, A UgUel /, M 57, Every Day Brings Something New. rpm: sultscrtber has invented a new process for Inking portrait+ 011 paper, uliteh pose-s all the necuracy and beauty of the most finished daguerreotype, with tills vantage, tto.r :my other style of picture taken. They can be placed 111 scrap hooks. port folios, family bibles. &c.; they will not soil by handling, and can be sent 6y nmil without extra postage. They are suscepti ble of the lugh, ot polish and most beantind coloring, Litter. phtein Itave Item secitrsal fur this invention. nud he 110,' oT rs. at T. L. :moment's Photograph Rooms. corner of Front and Locust streets, to the cm- Lnll9 of Colutulna..llll-01/pOrallilly of securing one of his heatintul pictures. Lot.m... of thin Ileaaliali are invited to van soul. and secure one of these geun of art, ns he t,s /II rellaall but a shun lar.s la /ilia place. Portraits taken ut From flit eta to $3. Remember that the on'y place ill the United Steles 1a,L111, , uiu laktal is 11l SlllllllleriN Photo graph and linTuerrt an rooms, corner ut Front and Lu nen street+• JUSCP II COILN: 4 . September G. ISS:af FOR RENT • :1 S j j a r lu s t ' s 'i t . r l v b e i t ' f t7c r i, ": Zo k ec l o o i r ld bu n s qhi ‘ n i l t . unt A e p a p i l; 0 13. F. APFOI.I). 0 - 11,1mLin Srret - Le- 1-5"-If sTovr.s! STOVES!! subscriber &Aires io call the attention f 10 f lull complete assoronen of STOVES now remly tor the (all trade, eon ni Cook siov...• Ito) al Cool:. Wilham r 2,111. Noble. National. VOollut Alfletll . ll,Molllllll{ Star. Complete Coo::, Cooking Hamm.. Pat for Couk, four pattern , Parlor :LIOVe.I of vOril 111:11,, ear. style and variety, Bar Roues and (nliet, Stove.. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Ci!urge ~ t oel: of swirl.. 1 11 the nhowe how of Luci ne.s.,enuipli-olg ever) iliingihal i. mannfactu:ed of Tin. Sheet Isn Ic. for lion.e hold purpoa.c.s I los stock 1.4 of lug own 111.1111111Clure, and he eau vouch iur tt• excellence and ducalaloy. Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. It(. E Hint contolele :I....motion' of slegnot Coo Fixtur, of tasteful deign... C0119.1.1111g of six. four, three owl two burner Chandeliers. single bururr list: Pendant, Lights plain Pod ornnmental. Drop Din ulway: on hand. GAS FITTING in nil its brunches attended to with promptness. House Roofing, Spouting, &c. nous!: BOON 111td SPOUTING put up itt the 1110.1%0 L,1111,1131 Ina llller. Hell Hung log 21111101 h, of die bu-ine•-, carried OIL it heictofuro, oil tile 1110 - 4 Iva...wade terlll, Cooper's Gas Regulators ngrut for Cooper';(;114 Regulators 3 and 11 prepared to attach Ihcm to Meter, WILSON. Corner of Seennd and Loca-1 -leech. Columbia. s:einem!ler:s,l . 's7. NCYZIONS. .. k zu u t ik at e l l t i, v n t:22 ,. . Powder• for pre-ervsnizthe lord beautify tut the eomplt•xfon. by (ler ton-t grecrou. Alaje-t. , the Q:14 , 11. s lit M.P. Balm of it Tlirm• 'and Flowers, flair 011 of sill kind-, Ayet'. Cherry Peeimill, !luau's Polo - nue IVafer , , the la•=t two trained ore the he-t ever u•ed for the cure of COtlall, ettliirt. C011,11,11g1011 ke, TcttremS()lStillell Alixtrire. Tooth V% 7111111.i•y Soup. Taylor'-shoving Cream. Al-o. ail knurl, IA 'Toilet Soups. Perfumery F.frie Conn, Pocket and other Comb., pocket Ink Stand, N'aMir anti Guitar zitrtrig-. Gum fling. and Balls A -elect it- ,, ortinent of Fine Cutlery, pocket arid pen Venue-. fine liaina-co. Stet.: Razor., for only 50 rt., Cro-hap lVeetile... Pocket Po r,,,, Sega r Ca.c.t Gotta litre bur ('ens. fore -reel commercial Pero, Stationery of all kind.. Pen cil., Gun and Pr.aol Tient, Pe t1•11-.1011 Cap, Clothe=, Tooth, (lair and flat 111.u.1ic., Ladies' Shoulder Brace, due A. AI. IZA Sept. 5. ('ll7 61 0,1,1 l'ellnw-• 1857. LANCASTER COUNTY 1857. AGRICULTURAL MECHANICAL SOCIETY. -1 1RST Annual Exhibition at Loncastcr, 1 ON WED:\ E , 11.A17,1111:11. , 1)AN, U IUAYY • -- V tit' MBE.: 11. 13 17, It-137. CERTIFICATE OF 3IENILIE.II . SHIP, $l. 110 SINCII.F, A 1)NIIS , I , IN. AIIPLE GROUNDS ARE PROVIDED, aril suriowd with wm,:ou till necet—tary conveni roc, for tin Exhibition, in the I:mutilate vicinity of the city. COMMODIOUS BUILDINGS will be erected till the wound:. for the sli•plity or the Meehisiiin All-, Dome:lie :tint llo,seliolsl fond•. Fainting arid Garden Impieua•vn+ I' sm., mud Yluwer•. Ako. Covered mail Sheds. fur llar-e=. Sheep naiad Swine. and Tables for Coops of 311:xli thitors most beenme members of the So ciety. and have their article- nod stock entered no the r.cerelury • 3 books. on or before Tuesday noon, Oetnte!r 1:011. 11011SES will he received on the morning of the Exhibition. but mu-t be, entered previoli.dy. HAY . AND sTltx W will lie form.lied grotto' for al: animal. entered for Prerniiiiii‘, and grain will tie pro ruled 111 coat price, to thole wishing to purehn.e. A .C:plouliki Ralf Course is Provided far the !Vela? and Speed of Horses. .; STEAM POWER will he furiii.heil on the giounil for the trial of Ma ehateo. Aleelinairs h.rrwC machinery' to exliihit ore particularly my led to uvail themselves of tit is oppor tunity. hr 1 . ..X11111111 , 111 will be open io the Pahlicoa WED NE.sl)AV.'riwnsrmv, nuDA A. .....4.ITUR DAP. All Article: of NiWk for 1:X11111111011 Trllll4lollCd over Hie of Cll.l.ge• =iIIMMZIIM=Q LIBERAL PREMIUMS OFFERED TO EX 1111311'01:S. The Judge , nre crone-wit rn inert the Officer, of the So, ievi. at the Olrire.. 011 the Show GrOUlllla, 1111 IN'l :11N NIORNING at 11 o'clock, to mukc arrangement: for the eXAM111:1110:s. The J will co:nine:ter Ikea examinations at 1 o'elnet mute ,11111 e day. 'rite Spred of Hor.r. jrlll hr tret.tion THIJIISDAY. when tail mill-nal Gnr di-pl Q. of Auotrd+lt L'lpcehta PI.OVING MATCH ON FRIDAY, After ?chide we address will be delivered by GOV. JAMES POLLOCK. Alter the Athlre , ., the Report.: of the Judger. will be 1 01110111114111.111111 011 S.uard:ra•. nt 12 o•elock M.. the EXIIIIIIIIOII Wlll elo , e, %viten per.on= havtor, articles Ott exhilwitoi tot,t tithe charge of them. a; the Sor t . etv CllllllOl give IlItCllllOll 10 111•ttt further than to de liver :hem niter to Itle exlubnnr•. r:YA.11111.1'•011A :1111,110111g 10 exhibit block or tiny rutothrt lle le, toll-t •tgn,fl their tutmtuon • on or befo le the It:th day of October, to A. R SPANGIXR, (1.,..•r•0 I Suptnu lelld.ll. MANAGERS. Snmirel Ileculacr, M-ir, S. I'. Spenc,. NI it k (7".11:1•1!..jr, A. K. Ifowri... Jaeol) JOS KONIGNIACHER, President. DAVID G. E.TILEM ,rey• :.t.pirmhrr 5. 1,,57.1r Hover's Liquid Hair Dye. THE following, from that eminent Physi ,•..l of Plolnilolploa Or Braelde. ridded to die, lealllnollY of l'iofe•sor Bondi olds confirms whin; is evidenced by ihou•anits who hose used Dover's lly e. ••toss au dos'. Cllr.-T•UT STUMM . . / Plolallelphol.Proriliber 22, 12:33. S 'ln regard to !levers flair Dye. I call flute unhes itatingly, that It Contain, no Orlrlell ol . l4 ingredients. and may lie will' entire safety. and with the ut most confidence and succese.' W. II ItIONCICi.F. M. D." Ilover's Writing and Indellible Inks, Arc co well and wnloly known, as to require no eulogy of their merit , , tt I. only nceessissy l u) that the steady and hie rcn.ing demand, giver the Lest evidence that they maintain their character for supe r:only, which distingui-lied them when first intro duced, years afro. Orders addressed to the Monu(aciory. No. 416 Mace street. above Fourth, (old No. 144) Plitladelphm, will receive prompt nilenlieni, by !loyal, Manufacturer. September 5, 1637, to April BACH'S AMERICAN COMPOUND. THE NEW VEGETABLE REMEDY. Sr/cm OF Nl,w4 - 0111C, Cuyuga County, ss. Know all men that Peter V. R. Coventry, or the firm of P V. R. Coventry Ar. Co.. of Auburn. Coy Olgot co„ tiring duly .worn. -ay that the ittllovving IC-11. tricolor I. true in every re.peel , obd v " , ` given by the person; who,e lumen ore anorX , . l . HORACE T COOK Joi-loCe of the react . , C.ojtigot co., N. V. CURE Or A :%1A LIGNAAT LI - MBAR Anller,ss Auburn. pI y 2(1.1555 No man knows the amount of s uirering I have en dured for several yr.!, past tip complaint w•a• first a bad condition of the •tottiaeli. which giuc Me the Piles. At the end of n }ear I had two large gather ingsor sorer come Out near tar groin.rov.. ring n space a• large a• my hand The, di,:narged .omeloTleP pint or mutter a day. no one iimucht I could live,' 11,." donors tit 'hia ,•inning kin,. my ease and have riven me medicine Inn none of hero cured me. I Men commeneed wane. foOeril Medicine, bin. WWI to good eflem. In in ou.i ry . 1 55 I tried Bach 's Amen enn and two hordes cured me. I am ready io show my senrc—and prove to tiny situated a• I was. that their I,llVati fat reale with top Com pound Signed. PATRICK II EEN EY. Officer of the Auburn Penitential , : well known to Col. 1.. Lewis. Dr. L. J M. Morns, and others of Auburn. TO IN VAV LIDS. Thin Compound immitin• n• • great heolirt7 element n Conrinnend Find Er•ran of Beach Drop or Cancer Root. t , O long known to the I iiit.iin ao a never ftillitig cure for i•crofut.t-, Con-umption, Ilmnor• of the Blond. and for Chronic Fill onion:tom and t• now for the firct.brne given to the plii.llo It 1. 110 •00001 prep 'unbolt. n• formula• nre furor-hod to Ph) neinnit.— W e only a•k one tridl Our medicine stands upon its own *write alone. Canton—Cinch bottle hereafter wilt bear the fire simile of P V. ft Coventry & CO.. no the large note already reached render.. it Impel-.able to give a writ• ten •anature to each bottle. NC war intended. Buy of relm hie dealer. For -tie by all dealer. in tnedc• 01111., al SI per l.nnle, ur sex brolle. for 1..5. Agent in Column.. Dr. E. B. Ilhaa HARVEY Riaeu & Co . Reading, tole sod general Agents for the state of Pa. September 12. 1957 FOR THE BEST GOODS, AT the Lowest Prices, go to HERR'S CHEAP STORE, No. 5 East Xing at.. Laneaste r. A”:r.:rt 15 IP:7. TrsT received, three dozen Dr. Brnnon'o le Vegetable 131 , ters, a certain cure for Dyspep-iu; al-u a tre4ll lot at •-op Sago nod Pine Apple Cln.rse. Parana and Corn Starch, ox D DERR 5,1457. Grocery and Liquor Store. Au Apprentice Wanted. 7 1 0 LEARN LADIES' SHOEMAKING BUSINESS. App; , . to Loins ~.C1 I It.CLUER. No 1 Mechanics' Itow, Locust street. Columbia. Au:0.1.29, COUNTRY MERCHANTS! THE Apple Harvest of 1857 has arrived, and if you wish to 'sake money. please your CUsnotnrri and save con, a...mg utrnnlr. (who can make one. two, and even three Inuqdr, d dollars per month) from supply. Inv, the iSnali. m your lowa and County which you onneht to sell, you sail do it by vending tell dolturs for ...male box vontun ' .r. anw• .a of Pratt's Apple Parer& ( . ..1%().• Onn already cold) ondPratt's Apple Slicer. (u lie.v ar ticle.) anal out., thousand panted enreulars to distribute in your town or county. Hy so doing you at ill find no trouble in ordening and selling at u very large profit ten. twenty or even a hundred dozen urachitms dorm; the &C.Oll. , . PRATT'S APPLE PARER was patented in IS53— flavmg a loose bead or knife carrier so arranged us to r mule atplm it-nit to the tie of the 9urniCr of ur other ft ail, tile w,rlani, qualities of which Lain proved so excellent unit advantageous to the com munity, that the inionitacturers. Aleasrs. Sargent & Fos ter. have already been Called on to supply more than nmehines PRATT'S A Prix. SLICER. made to acdOmptily Parer, was patented in 1856. It is u small, neatly ton. structed machine. mid like its companion. the rarer. does most excellent work. cutting. in about five -reoi.ds, each apple lino twenty-rot °equal pons.leaving. without waste, only a small cure to be remove . A Chi d can readily work tidy r Purer or miter at a speed of about three bushels per hour. Retail Price of Each SI.Ctl. All orders 11) mail or othertviie should, to meet prompt uttentioti. he addressed to E L PR-\'l'P, 617 Saticom at., Philadelphia, Pa. September 5, 1F.5741t. TAKE NOTICE: The Cheailest, Fur Store in Fhilad'a., TILE undersigned begs leave to 111111011 BU A that he has opem•d Ilitu season reuh a neve nut] well matte up i.upply or I.tlics'Faucy Furs. C,cntleinca's Fur Coats. Butrulo mud : 4 1e4th Robes. Fur Gloves, Cops, he. &c who II he %%111 at prices to defy all omPettuont iherctore.call and exultant Ill} stock before purcha , tntr elsewhere ALEXANDER °ELSNER. No. 215 (OM No. 65) Arch et., between Sod and 3d stn North mde, Pinhlcipb.a. N. IL—There ore nil convenience- combined with this e , tablishinent for repturing(ient. o and Furs. and will be done at the lowest price.. bblppme. Furs bought. the highest price paid by A. O. Scpierubct 5.1t,57-im GUN NOTICE! A NDREIV AvuIiFFLEIN, Importer and Mann' 114CIlller of UUN,. I:11 LI: , ,\ senond Elcel. (nitove Rave ) Idelphi I Where lie keeps unn,i.nlll . Oil 10 , 1111 a gellend u‘nn.• men) of fine thlullle , 11, 1, 1 , ... , ‘ • I .r.. Chink Cu°, 1ta1.,. IA ilk t is l.ls In Nonni Ike pointed LAU °I 111, o° litEk l•I. Ii ig.. Pouchr, /le w lilt, e• p vv, , lit..; io pUivit,t-e :;000. Li his Inn, lu c. 1,1 1/11.1 x lan°, inr stock bet). e !lurch:n.lll;4 ekewhein. us he I, ‘1 , 11•1 • mend In •e:1 ren-on.1131.• I 7 ens 11.7) - "I'arituular att.:lllton paid to Rep:l. - tog in all it MEllll=l PLATFORM SCALES, CIF every description, suitable for railroads, &t• ior wt,21.11,:t hay. lint] !IMO:111.1,11m . gene•.al). run no rl-h, every -cult, in gtn.rlintro . d vorrri . t. and if, oriel nut found .4mi :item:v. Call be u•uuurd m•tthout cluirge. trr t.• tor) at the old •Quid, for more thou twenty yeur.,cortiercilNinill rind Melon -hr rein, Milfo rte & Suece,.ora to Ell:cult & Abbutt September. t11557.31t1 Farmers' Depot Etc Plaster rains, AT the junction of York Avenue, Crown and •oreeto. Philadelphia %% . e oiler n tat gt , .10.•!: of i'llenne il Manure. and Fentlit,- at low ttrit•t•-. and warrun;ed to lie genuine, wrong which will 1, 1 ,,, 00 1, 111011 Imis No I Government Peruvian 64.1110. 1(1011 tool Ur Borg% No I Super- Pho-plinte of Lime. The above ..tuildAril ;uncle. are, each of their kind. the be , ' in the world' Our Laud Pia-ter. notuull•c lured trout •elected +101:12. is celebrao d thoongliout the it. purity nod strength. We (iron Ordel+ noes Be Bora'. No. 1 Super•Pho•pbnte of Lime. No. I Government Peruvian Guano French'.. Improved Super-Phosphate of Lune. rrencli' , Philadelphia Poutliette. P.O 1 Pho.pliatie Guano, (Phila. ) Alexican Guano. (A ) Extra Land fleeter, Ordinary Land 'lager, Chemical Bone. . rote. Bone Fish Guano, Ground Charcoal, 1(1.000 bb't• Land Plant , -, •• I'lu+u•r, 1111.0t10 • Hydraulic Cement, :1.000 " Troy Roman Cement. 1,000 " Portland liocl„•h Cement. A I gO, Natter, Pow'd A niltrneile cool, (bhl+) Steteotype l'ln-ter. Pow'd bittoninott4 coni.(hhl,) Gin4sitinkero Plo...ter, Ground iIIOWII Ala:W.011 tibia.) (:round .10Ift., White Sand. hu 41114.) Ground White MarltleoGroutttl hock., lily Painter., Ground Blue Aluritie, Hone I.ht.t FRENCII. HIGIIAILD•4 & Strain Nllll. hitt! Varnier-' Depot, nijuneitort of York AVellaf . , Crown and -b ent., Pinta. September :i. SAVIAG FUND National Safety Trust Company, U pi st i re il , ,k south-wesl corner of 1111.01porated by the Nate of l'ennlyleanin. Money Is recervethin tiny -urn. large or ...mall. and intere.., paid 1,001 the day of deposit to the day of Will11110W:11. Tlit tall, is open evert• dot: frnm 9 o'clock in the morning, till' o't Inel. In the eVellilig. (lila on Monday and Tho..,h, INTEIIESI' FIVE I'ER CENT. All stiles large or -mall. are nand hack en GOLD on demand withrint In any :111100111. /lIIN TI ENIIV 1. lIENN Eli. President 11011Elt 5E1.1 , 11.1D(36 Vice rreAulent. Wm. J. TILED, *1,4,1 rv. DIRECTORS. Item,. I. Benner, C Landreth Mann., E.l..V.ird L. Carter, Carroll Brewicrr, Hobert Selfrsdge, Joseph IL Ba rt y, Samuel K Henry 1.. Churchman, J.eme• B Smith, Franco , I.cc. Thu. eomp•itty confines IS ltWslill•a• ellii7Ply to the reeetytne of money on ullete.t. The tove..tinent.. moonlit:tic 10 inner (I,IC Mullion 11101 a liaif of 11,1 tat,: are, modem contortnity Willi the p.m-lons 01 the Charier. in Real I , ...tair. Mortgarze, Ground Kent.. and such first elan,. iltiCleillitia,lol will alway.. ;name perfect 'wearily to the derto-tior.. and which Caliool lal to give permanency arid ~tulttloy to thi./21 , 11 , U11011. Aug. g•', 1•57.,m TEE REV. C. S. EURNETT, Tyrritl.E labornie n. a :%It-...ionar:: in Soinbrrn 1 V di-covered a and cure for Con ..antonon, A 0113111.1. Bronclal Cough.,Coid.,NerVllluo. Debt y. and all unpurtly , of the Woad: ulrn, an 1,1• , .• :Ind efferwal 010110 01 1011110110111 e R 010011). Aoltittled try a dr-Ire to bro•fin Inns I.uffe ring tellow.., hr ulll .-Inver fully Crud the 'vet), (free) to 1.1011 a• derive It. wah full and explicit three:lollr for preparing and elle- CeSetUlty tlelleg the Nled mate. Add re.; 1101.1 C. 5. BURNETT. Aug. I. IS.s7.firn 531 Broadway. N. Y. City. T. KINGSFORD & SON'S PURE osurr.cto STARCII, (FOR THE LAUNDRY.) IjAS established a greater celebrity than has ever been obtained by uny other murell.. This has been the re•ott of its marked superiority in quality. and its invariable uniformity. The public cony he assured of the continuance of the high standard now e•tablt•hed The production in over Twenty Tone daily. and the demand has extended throughout the whole of the United mates, and to foreign countries Working thus on n very !urge scale. and under rigid system. they are tibid to secure n perfect uni formity in the quality 1111'0110.0M the year. 'l'ht. the great Desideratum in Starch making. and Is real. IZrd now for the first tone. The very best Starch that can be made, and no other I. always waived by eonciimers, nod this will be pap plied to them by the grocer•. as anon as their culmm ers have learned which to the best, and nsk for it— otherwise they wonld be likely to get that article on itch the largest profit can be made. Mr. King-ford has been engaged in the meant octure of Vtureh continuously for the last 27 yearsond during the whole of the period. the Starch made under his supervi‘lon ham been, beyond :my question. the best in the market. For the first seventeen years, he had the charge of the works or Win Colgate & Co, at which period he invent.ul the process of the truant facture of Corn eitarell. .- grAsk for htnerlord's Starch, on the nem+ Os‘ve.- gn bar been recently taken by another factory. It anld by alt of the best grocers in nearly every part of the country. T. KINGSFORD & SON'S OSWEGO CORN STARCH, (FOIL PUDDINGS. &C ,) Hap obtained unequal celebrity woh their . ..web (or the Laundre. This article is perfectly purr, and ta, in every respect, equal to the best Berrnrida Arrow Root, bei.oles having additional qualities which ren der it invaluable for the deiisert Potato Starch ham been eaten/neat. packed and sold us Corn Slarrh, and has given false smarersions to manly. as to the real merits of our Corn Starch. From its great delicacy and purity. it is coming also No extensive use as a diet for infants and invalids. E. N. KELI.OG(i & CO, Agents, lOn Fulton street, N. ALLEN & NEEDLES. Agents. 23 South Nl'harreis, Philadelphia. August 1. 1837-3 in BOYS' CLOTHING. THE uudersigue4l respectfully Invite the at tention of the it cuatooners and the public, to their Isarre end hululunme , stork of Ready-Made YOUTH'S & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, and it well selected mud choice assortment of Clothe and Cassimeres, from which to order; amiable for the Spring. end Summer semitone, and a.peciatly adaptco to Doss' Wear. ‘1 C. THA'ARAT /a CO , 1.0:0 Chesnut Street. shove Tenth, Putladelptna, St. tateeretlet Hotel Butldirc rladadelplan. 152 7 Ina INT DLIT GOODS. AINOTIIER grand rush tar Bargains, at 1.0. BRUN & CO 'S Cheuri Tore. corner of Third Limn° slrt•r•lc. fie DRY GOODS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, Al.o. u choice ii”oritlicot of (.;ioceriet, Queeo, ‘e.ire, tic The undor.igeed nlwnv- keep u regeler ae•nrtmeot of lily above: (lood% on hail I,l...lair:ft buoy be had 01 the lovveAt CA Alf PItIC R.. II F. 11111:1s. Columbin. A uszu-i 1X711.2VTZ.7), 2000 POUND S of SIDES and SIEOLIDERS, for which ...Irmicetl price• will be iu exchtilige forNCO' FA id. 1;1)(1I).10 rerc:ved C. FON DEIINAIITII. People', Store, Closing Oat TPLC balance of our stock of SITICIER _._ Dun-, cool), cOS P. LO un. ke ,uutu fui our hall , rock. - 1r; us fur WI rg.in, II e. E4iN11E11 . ..71111 - 11, C...unn.41 Aug 2:2 Whisky! Dried Beef! /I ko; supvrior Alooollg .71 A WI of prune bug g.rd linrd 1:1,f. „Tu.: . • rd q.1e57. 11) 111.:111i NOW OPENING. A URGE Stock of New Goods. of all kinds, very chap. st if sTorm, No L, East Ktog street. Lnucatter. Ana:1.115.16i; The Fathers of the German Re formed Church, IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. BY ver. liarbaugli. The publishers ..L.) ha,e the of tI/.1 r fit thi- 1 lopool,ll veni h. SO In•Ig 1,01,0 (.; d , •-red 1, the Ch.grgil Wa• d•r, Inl -.I) 11/••I lil r.solk 10.-f d,r pgeitr gig r 'or g nodh .•gt .t tt the rtelealarpy 01 hi. out, .1111.• room !l 11 ug 1 , . I- ell clone. benro rk•ol hx , g,itT b-egg prr,rtred Ho/ only svitii ary auttlt.r.lr but gat ga work of love by it egeggclul Soli g.ll 1130 Chair!, Thr boTi volume. he.itie Ilse r.ves of *baleen of The Iter.Trund RT•tonnel , . nit ire roTTITer. of 71,0 .1141, Ittat, I:vim - Toed Churelt pre vion• TT.T S'ebloner'• arrsen I, Thu , eTTVernasj The earlie•T ~neresnog period of The t 11L11,11 In A snerie.t, Tool ihni of TNT:ten. hii wrio. Irti-1 ho. been isinTsen. 'llll. volume of 1410 'lnge. woo reed.o. oho Ilre 0 111 of Jul,. The. •.., 0111 .1 v010,,1r sell [Lamm, Ittimedimety,Rlld rutty ul AnToont. tal 00 rer volurno. A libenadi.Tertlif In oxen!. nod Inc uadr. thtler• reTpeefluli) 111 GET? ec V.: 4 T11 AEFFER. Aug 1.1.57 :13 • , • NEWARK PiariAlLW TIIE nal sthullisHe yvar of this ingitutiun v 1 , . mlll , l, 16, ,1 . 11,11/i lOC ,/ 14 , 4 1, 11..1 ti/ 1il • ••• .1,141 i• ea-) (pi JoCI•e•••. • iih :‘.l Xi,••ir., I.lrd ul order to give thy part , . the 1,4.-1 111.1toelant and the o 11:`i (01,t.1111 cute— st / It c..—lttallti and Tolima in the Engit-h Pludlr nd nlsu pernum Mo-te. Language, P an antimg. de . extra. he department. of At u‘tc an t i Nloderll sire's lire 1.11, of Prof. Ilene., and the pupils. in each lily daily le..eng Parent wilt to place thetr tfauctliets In the to.nitotion are r, que-Led CO give nottec to tl••at effect. tot the sandier of Pottik le untied 01,1.1111 r• coat:mimm tits titer iu format.olt may he had by taddres•lng the Pt:output. Ml•s 11. CIIA31131.:111.AIN. N'ewat Pelfatroore. July 25. TPS7 2/m Balt ituoire Priceh. lAPPEE Snuff at 16 cts. per lb. t, •• 2U .eideb " " 121.116 " ti 10000 U Segal, of SS different brand., wholesale or %Vt. warrant all of the above Soars to be equal to ally innat.ll./eiured td tire +la•e.:lnd the I...teg.trs to be of the 1,-.lqua:tty mid at al , ptive. JOHN FEN DIIIC/I & 13R(114. rroal •t third dour above Lovo+l., Columbia. l'a Jul!. 4 1.357 Daguerreotypes, Aminotypes, MELAINO I'YPES & PATEN 1' LEATHER PICTURES. THOUS L. SIIIMEIIIL respectfully Informs 111.41 lie Ilu. Ia Ara charge of Dellinger'. Phillograph It Corli, Cl Frollt and I,o‘.ll•ll.treet4 . where Inn t inily prepared to take all the ailmve nutted 1.1e111,- 111 U I.lYle 110110 be .orpo.xed by any other A long ond large elpelleller into • Ilubletl hint to become perfect mater on the art, lie 111 r rri,e P.atier• liiimkelf that he will be able vt lender ellilie •all6l - .11.- 1101110 1111 who may favor lam with their patroaage. 414 the AIELAINOTYPE is n lute invention. and taaa, per-aa. have nal a.rn them. lie VVOU'd 'l.llO 113.1 i lire) err taken an cheer Iran. 1,011 la riehlicoa of warmth of expre.g.to • nail or lea:are. Good 111,1sinotypes are lint They will receive lall (01111rait n frireirire. a !Wild wilhout !ajar) onay I.e vca.hed when , crtled. rand trundled without the trace manned. Unarm , Ly reirtgli wank! riehwe Ilse lent 0,1 imvunliug FrOM 10 !0 3 o'clor1: is the best tim f>r rhildren. COPYING DONE, AND WARRAN'TED TRUE; .11.0 P 1.211184.. put 111 ir I A1e1.1111411. 111111 All picluu•n 1116,, LI) me are ONeTIW ed ue.l It. Nit T L ra-Don't Inrget the pla,e! Cartier of l'ront and sireei• over Trerlenit:le. Hat July IS 155;.1V The Largest 7'obaccontvts'. I 011 N FENDRICII & BROS., would respect fully inform the ...tizeit. oft7tOuitiliiit nod virinit), tlintllie) have the large -t stork of Tobacco, Sega,, Snuff, Pipe, and German Smoking 'Pti'var.,. offered any two e.o.atili•liiitent. out of our principal Ater•. llotei and .."toselireliti, look to your ISr• fore pureli.,..ine rkesAllere.eXiiiiitlie nor lOree nn•ort mint, illedgentir•elVeS to fell at the louver ISaltimnre pike*. %Ve warrant to dupn.e of.ia) of our tine!, t limper than eVt lie blight in I.ll.llttiel pliiii A ll we 1.1.1: ,•.that nu e. 411 >ttol Jtl.l7c. n,r )01.11.riVe. We rarer any 0111 re Ohnee Inn yule or retail Noun that our duet br.titeli..f the such.I.OOWO, eXteo•lve 'rot•et en Wary• houne or Jun Fends - nib h Bro.+ 155 For. .t .tr.•rt. JIM'S 117..•:1)1i1011.G 111ZO Front =I. third door uLiove Locust CLI:lOilbla, In. July 4 1.-57 "NO SUCH WORD AS PAIL." A RESISTLESS REMEDY. EIOI.I.OWAIPS OINTMENT. CIRCULAR TO THE. SICK. The firri Lo-petal suigeoli• and tnedlieal publim of Fairopeoilinit the unparalleled anltontinnllnntory find fielding propeotte-orit..oinnrir ri I ; goes rntn,lis sanCllon in their naval mid military services, nud the miii%•es m tide Coiletry and Ifirougfioul Ihr world retim.e the ll?1,10/1 confidence In curative InOperlic.• Il , nnralcz the pourer, inn.tincin lion 1.'14 eorroptino whlcll under he the 4 . 11(1,11:11 ass. eit•tl4 . o . . of nod new r.ilr7e• the fiery olemei.o. of mot ex 0•r ,, .. , 0 m.1..1, RIIEU:%IATISI,SCROFULA,ERYSIPELAS lhe-e are $41110,1g the mo-I Ici 'Able and httonaleg di.en set. OS the Inu•eir.. the fie-)• hire and the ALitili )et ta their won-t tom, nod when..., in tag I y :1. t i l e , they 1 1 1 0 . 1 ,,hfy dethttheyr under a tive-e , • , ..Z application of 1111, anottling, heuitotz• huth:ote to hail, unit led .71111 1n,.0 SALT RHEUM, FEVER SORES, STIFF Jomrs. In ca.r. of Salt Rheum, whore medical water... 10. lion., and .very reran.. of the pharmucnpmt have proved tt•elens, the filament will aocompooh a thor cough cure. fever cores 'lea' quickly maler al* iota,. olive. awl tiA relaxing effect upon contracted as truly woaderni' DISCHARGING ULCERS. A moat relliarkiable sud WWI prnduerd in the appearance nt tueltatteon Weer, slier is few up. pliet is or 'ins Oluttnent. "I•he •urroutalton.t rettne-do vn nigh..., and grant, le. of bra li by d•••a begnt In tel.e the plate sit lilt di-ch:1”2.11 In met. Tnia process go l on snore nr 1••••• ropey u i si nr ' up with -nu.:•1 . 111 1 •.e.r •nd , 1411) Cur d, •• •erl-1•LI fro,. A Mina.) TO MOTHERS. The young ore th.• now t..qi.mt r• from ex terawi tor.wea, nod therefor.• ever) mother •bould huvn this braising preparo;.oo eon•t 1.11 , ) at hand. It it an obanluie opeciEc for Pore bretws. and quickly removes lire eoeruaird sores whirl, sometime. dis figure lire head. and tares of children SIGNIFICANT FACTS. This Ointment m universally ut.ed on board the Al. lantic and Pacific whaling feet at ■ cure for scor butic ntrections, and at the he.t po.sible remedy for wound. and bruises. Large supplies of tt have re. men ly been ordered by the Callen of Turkey for hos plllll puTrOvell Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the follogoiNg cases. Buions, Rheumatism, Yore Throats, Berne, Ringworm. Sores of all kinds. Chapped Rands, Salt Rheum, Sprains, Cnnon's's. Scalds. Sufi . .. Toils., Fistula, :1k tit Diseases. Triter, Gout, Swelled Glands, Int ens. Lumbrign, ROTS Legs, Venereal gores, Mercurial Erup- Sore Wrest!. Wounds of all nuns, Sore Reads, kinds. Piles, rj'CAUTlClN:—None are genuine unless the words ...Ho:Zincing. New York and i5.”1.4014 .' ere din cernible as it 104145 r Mark in every lest 01 the hook of directions *round ea. n r nt nr lox; the ...Arne mut he OA i:t seen to,. kokling Yu iarif so cis tight A hand• saint reward will be given to .iry one iendering rice h 111(01171011011•• may lead !nine r 1.1,11041 of to y porn or parties counterfeiting the ruedietne• or vending the 1.41 rn..• knowing them to he spurious ..... s a w a t the Itionui..etor% of Professor HOLLO WAY. bin Maiden lone. New Tolle. sun by .01 ..... 0 „, aWe DrUggi.l4 0/14 Dreier* 111 711edieine thinughoul the United 141•Ies sod the civilized world, in /tons., 25 i.e....54, 0 10 , it oil SI enen. lErThese I. ai con.iderable .acing by Irking ibe la rerr .c.• N 8 —Mreenono. (or the .gulance of patients in every dl-order are sexed to each pot. July 18.1437-Iyeow BOARDING. 1. IVE OR HI GENTLESEN can obtain board by orpiteu:ton to Nr*. Lett/bed:4 et NO.I 011 , P• 4 Hails Front "artist. tielumbla Maori) tll. 1 tf A TIIORUUGIIIirre-brill comb•decledsoat, of ton- , hir.bf, :onranteed to roue to hvne repairA :orl a Ile aI) tall/bLE.4 boat for la lew..! three ,tUrti. 1-tat • he tna.ic reamaable. .Apply to. 11.trtreflID FRALEY. at hi+ float 'fiord, CalraLßadar• c"..now. A pk.1171.1=q17-‘f FOR REST THE two-story BRICK BOtSE, in Wai-mit nut F:reut at ovo Front. tut' ly occupied byjeal, Thos Croon. Rcat N.lll be tat.. Lit out tit to.ma tf ticatruci Apply to TilOS °zoom' Crta.tmt to. April , f.:7- I. 0. EnuNEn frill' FULTON lif,Ta], Front street 11 %V.! nut. Colamb., Pa. tia• bren newly o - tittre. '''' 2! I aolvv,..rettr.c.r for , cores or alautol.A ArTiy to Arr. noe l rEET OP IVHAP.F . cr. the tt.c,....e!ztoltatt rivet, Zttt s.ljolnlny, pc: - .ct - ty of J A. Co Apply to ?.I:II.:EiVVEHG HT Alarch 14, 1°5741 T . RIVET:I.OT. occupied 1 y lames Patton, as a Eno, uire of .1. HESS, Preridsat of the Columlna Water Company. I'.:arcl. 15.57.tf FOR RENT, 'v 05. 3 and 6 Hamilton's Row, oppo-tit IN site tint ‘V),hington House. I street. APNY to 12. 11 AMI LTON. Columbia. February 21. 1927-1 f THE STORE R00)1 and Dwelling now_a I oceoptc.t by s;rs.1:11/stbetti Young, situated on Le, u.-t mete. tear the ColutaLia Batik Possessiou given oa the fast of April next. _ _ llcT.tcuE & BRO., Colurnl:m. Pe6rrs•p 21. 195741 TILE on Front street, contain- BLrE 1cu0m......1•V0 do for offer, 21, osl,r bke purl.u.o•—lctd n isAsemENT-- svila rti 'EVEHAL I( )11•1 , .. , . for rein or rode. In cIJIre rent rt• of she ba• 1,tr.,11 EINI.Dre of WAI. WHIPPER. , I ,, oirnh • 14 1 0 ;7 If 'MO. 1. A FIVER LOT. fronting on the susquoio3lll., 'Meer uroi From cireet 1.50 feet, or ;CPS, a4.1,,0i11g proyezty of George Vogle and Jr,Ja Cooper, _ _ No 2. TWO not - GH•c: %Tr Dwr.r.t.ixa HOUSES situated ot:Froat at re et. between Union Perry streets No. a TFIRF.EDWELLINGHOUSES.saut:tedon Perry street. I.otsveen Socos,l. raid Th:rd rtreet, The above property is coud:i.on. For terns. &c . enquire of WA!. F GIVEN. October 4. :f PIANOS AND MELODEONS. Z. sa v le o k f a la t zs • Althitameturer•, will -el:et an.t deliver trio, of 'he Lr.t au•ilalY, at Ire. 11.11,1 city pewee; Mete droiiot the rtio•l perfect tone and finish. of every variety of 'tee nod style. Ituotzr il, Ldiacust ntsce:, fir.t door shove the hank. ColoinbiJ, April H. 15.17. ti MUSIC. 7 H. SHEPARD., Teacher of Mustri—Voesil urn LI. Instrumenuti—vi ill resume the duties of his pri.. pirrND it Y. MARCH 9 1 , 57. imitraraentos. including Nana, Melodeon and Violin. N. 13—miters for tuniug and repmnng Piet 0.. repairing . Violins. bows,. unit citi•icill lii•trumenta to aenr ntl. will receive prompt Lovost ea crl, firs: door above ttio bans Column{ a, %torch 7, 1q37 cArt.D. PROFESSOR Frederick Haas, a graduate of the linsdolt.orno and (jointing...in Uninvendur.o. olfera 4ri Vice , lu rime,. at Columbia, Hs Id Teacher of NI ii•ic, unit lie Greek. Lou,. Preach. and German I • Ile may be found on the IVl,lnnopon niter the lon of O. totter, and Le will be OW to ort , ovr font,. n'nlinlon..nonnonlneor 37, I.nn.ir DO IrOU WISH ILAILCtASZVES ? ll' I Go TO Tfit: FA R m Ens , CASH STORE, LOCUST ST.. COLO:11171A, PA. E take this opportunity of announcing, \ NVC hilpejo-t re eeiven +i new and •pleadrd ra••ornneal of ior.na and ..ua.mer goody .ennniatingof Dry froad..l;edeerle,Carrern,vtarre and Glasnware, Table nod Flour MI Cluln•. Looking Unisons. he. I'OH Tin:. LADIES It Leh stt lea c: Taney apd DINO. 5r,... Ira pri x: ,—, Canines. fiercely', Delano:ma. acannfui Pfilll9; 3111 i. 111 fart, every artte:e of dress aood , Dun win he tuaanniaL:e during um centring was non Fort MEN AND IfiTY , --C/oths. Cssormeres,Cash• mere tie., Croton Clooh, Tweeds. Cotionsdes, ke., Ike., and Marseilles Vesting la great variety; and all gond. r.utrartile for Gentlemen's complete outfit. good•, Sher Imes, Alushns,Gheeks,Tlelr ustraborer.. ke , kc ; tog ether with a large as ...ortmemt of karensware and Glassware, Table art floor thi Cloth. and a fresh lot of G roeerim. and Sprees; all of whir.h will be sold at irrlces ,111 111. Our good• were ' , elected with great care. and to the he•t ntletintege, P o hat we will he able, in price und quality. to compete with nay other MOM to Colure• btu The Farmers' Sows ho• n!vonys had the reputation of beim: iii C'llr..ll' h.701e.E. a nd this fact was neve. s oo onneed h's tarts, ttut iinnt the Itps ofour enstom ,rs tic sta.irc pairlietalarly to W1I•, that while we du sell creerths a • r:.r.r.) ran be *old, vrati• out st lo• •. tt:-n roll Dry Goode an cheap as ally oilier leinvo• to town 1.1:7 - Ss heretofore, all kinds of country produce t ikon to riche nye for goods. and the 44: he•. 0 . 5004 price tilluvred tor Ihr T. J. 141.7e1i, F “-rners• cosh Store, opposite the Vrauldiss Haus*, Colutohts. PR. Apsd 4,1-57 r a i COACrt ZITELPTITE'LLCTORY. • l E, the _undersigned, have this day firmed n cn p art ue r-hip. under Ihefiim of Crir. ter & for the porno-, 4.; conducting tno COACH-MAKING BUSINESS, 111 All 114 brioche. Hetng pruelirtil wnrkmen,4n.• tug been employed ❑t the p.tittelpal =MUIR, tUfitlq tat it iisltteents in the colic.. lane Jrt.r• muted in keep Hoar but the be-t %nehmen to Our etas. ploy, we fhttl , t ounrlven that ice can manufacture. Coaches, Carriages. Buggies. SuilLeys, equal to any made elsewhere. Hy it strict sitention io our business we hope to merit nail receive a liberal share of 'white patronage- Ali order• by mad or otherwise. will meet with prompt attenlinit Itermirtitg also done at the short eitt nudes. arid .1 ate mint telasolla We terms. at on shop in Scrotul street. ;trivet...it Locust and Walnut .Itretr., really onpostur the Lutheran Church, Co lo:ohm Pa t.tA NiIJEL C A KTF:R. Nlsty :XI. 14:57, NI A. Al eCA RTNEY T UST MASA, 75 doz. Fancy Pipes, of all even nod plit r.. which 11114, 10" elfin at the nwv.t.•tn- rue-. and nil cohere who dent to Tobaren. Sante. Segnrs Esc.. will please call ontd exatnnto oar mask benne parrtattong elsewhere: if WS 4 . ..1111101 sell In them an cheap AS they ran par !woe 111 the eity,We will tint a•k illeM to buy. & MHOS. rtent •t. third door above Locust, Columbia, Pa. 4 1537. Mourning Goods. T UPIN'S Botut.a.m.es. sit wool De Loines, beautiful I Mounting Ducal's. I.upan's Meek Dereges, Tissues, and soother lot of Bleck Term:tine for dresses, Eng lish Crape., Niountiog HandLereh!efs. &c.. at D. C. FCCs:DERStIiTH'S People's Cash Store. July 11, ISL 7 A COMMETE a inortraent or Water C 001•11111 or eariOn• 'err. and pn3terila Manufactured and ter aile bv the Thrso eolneruient •na aCOL/OrtsiCal vessels should hr usmi io every rarnilr. H M:% RC I'FA t.FR, Locust .creel onnosite the rrauLlin House. Columbia. JulrtS. Patent Steam Wash Bolters. Tl,Es. well known Ootl.r• ar• k•pt ron.tantry as hand at rratiLEßl. 4 , meet. of the Frank/in House. Columbia, Jnlr• 141.7457 AUSTRIAN CLOTllS.—lnother *app ly of these celebrated tloths to blacks, blues, dahlia. just fitel.e.d. To 1. , c had only, ct Julr it. it 37 H . FONDF.RaiNTTiIwe. SO3IETIIIII6 NEW.—Shepard Plaid; Ottoman Peplum. Jiymnl. Lustre:. Obteetinos. /se, all veep choice roods, for Traveling Dresses. Dusters. rke received, at FO4DEllitaalliTllls July 11. 11357. Columbia. BIRD SEEDS...Canary, Hemp and Rape !adz. rot 1641. at Mc'CoRICI.E i DELLETTS Foully 113rdlcine:8tott, Odd Fcllcrwe H• 11. July 2S, L WA. lif/SINE 81111-111ess Stud. from Portland .. 141 Unef in born /a iind half bermla. a pima article FON DF.RSMIT.II3 People's 2.tore. Columbia. July LI. 1857 1 co n SACKS Ground Alum Salt, just re- LI rowed, ar.d for sails fa lots to saitparebagteoly at Iris. pnrea. TIIOS. WELSH. Columbia. July 4. 1957 A hTICLES FOB BIBING.—At the Family Niosclichte Blore.ld ?pile... Hall. Ys .11lerla Pate (Mound Prices. Oa king Sada. Oman Tunas. Pea rlaall, il.alaratea, and Nave:iris Estrada. may Ips ob,..llsed July 17. 11(57. 'FABLE recelvtd a fad uqpplr o: • aopenor aroel• of Tara., Ott. at VINARIAI DV! Tozrit• 1 1 4 - 4154‘.• Lora, Odo rsito 4 M? 1.:•7 a. FOR RENT I..Aer7 Str.l:e ME TO TO LET, Z'OR It.EZ/T, FOR SJILE, GO 'l'o SEE THEM. Water Cooters.