NOTICE!. WIIEREAS, Letter x of Administration to the mime at John Lowrey,lute of the borough 0( CONlMbitl. LNITCII4II, county. deeet, , ed. hose been 'grunted to the underOgoetl; all per •ou• indebted to quid mote. are reque-ted to omite onotedlnte poy- Meat. toot thro, tin,/ 1,12; cheat. 114:ttol-t the •awe st,tll present them. duly no• ,entomoot. t o ANN 1.0%V111 7X, AdintaPoratrlx. .Columbin,Julytl.'s.lz.:s7-71• minx: coiarnam.a. 21AN1C. "FOCATED at Columbia, Lancaster county. of Pennsylvania. hereby rice. notice that an m.plivalson will be nualo In the L••etnlatere of tutu State, at their next fora cVrnaum an t i re newal of the charter of tilt nand for 11,10u•n t ar , Irate the expiration of the prexeitt charter. •-tun the pre,t ant name and Style. By artier of the la% Clot- Si101;11. lnshu•r. Columbia :July 4 1c:37-6,n XOTICE NOTICE 13 hereby given, that nareitblv to tint. romittonw,lllll.l l l,.. jr :1/1 application mode to the next few-ix II r, Vollirt. for an Ael of Ineorpoi nt .1 to galled the •••,,,0 , titrm.t..1,.... tiatttc.' , wt 't v.-”, at ban‘iiig privilege. of .Q-ue. tft-rouilt, aid with a capital of ante hundred .r ule tine privilege of iticren..o::ilir —.me , Bind fifty th0u.,411,1 located 111 ILe troion4g of Columl,in.l.iiiicnoter en, V.I. • Coluni , ri...linie 2n. 1,17 001.. 2NIMIXT B COXES ItST 311.VIIEW .1\1) 0.7%. rin., Fo, e•ler. honk :n the Dng . r.ilininr and Don: innunr, n, I ine 71e . plinS o( 1 alok e I,tl 1 . 0111111 , 111111 - I , IV, nlid -an . ni L'IL It rt N( • & clirr citAT 1 \ .I.tweth,v, h Cry )110 , .1.0 110:11 J I 1 . 1 51 . 11 .n. Ktinted I', I', •11„. linlinng. 111/ 1 i 1/11. Cthlol 1;1111 /t• 11 , 1 , .10- , 1 0 011111 1•• • ••11 11111 , " ill' 0111 .1111'.! 01 11 00,14, r. ht•. /111+ the um, 1,•..t ler. It, the 1, 1 ,1-1 In nininni Ini fuiiiund nnal.l,ltninine-. Tn. in • innni •ni 'All !M.\ . 1"1/1. \ A R'll:7•T'S 111:11)1' or Ibe I:rnnnen itt Ir. by I:nrner-on fte,nnel. 'fli,/ . .1 I r... ,• 11, II! I 1300 k 1,11 be nUil.ried irein ••I:.• no•id pon , tn:•ninl) On line ...bor. Al Air tur Vol NA: TIIIS H NDIN I 1 A If: or. :n.n.;.nn vmong gem:ilk. on Ile,' iner..l Mo ...b ni Mod ~11 et uonny. I;) Al' I/I A \\.l id. Ed It'd by \Juno VorJ. For In) :1Iri:11A V. YOUNG I V.IIC.IIPH Cll' TEZUTti. by I me,. . I. idle by -Jul) !S. ISS 01IN HERB, No S East Sired, Lavas it P.. .J. 3. t.ture a lZltllpiell, TAPESTRV. BRUSSELS, SL:PIi THREE PIX, INGRAIN VENITIAN U C) 111].•1,1.11) AND STA IR CARPETS, nil 111.1111.. TABLr, rlOO It an,i STAIR 011 CLOTHS:, MATTINGS, WINDOW SI I A DES, WINDOW lIOLLA N Ds, of cvery dcseriptam. _ _ GLASS INA CHINA AND QUEENSWAIZE, of the best gouda, TE 1, DINNErz, AND 'FOILET :SETTS, nt the lowe.t et llEitlt'S Cheap Store, June 13, 15.17 cCORK LE &-DE GLUT' STOW E, ODD FELLOWS' 11.‘LL, COLUMBIA, PA. 1 - )E.ILERS 111 DITP : ( 111'110(11k Pn.nt , , Oil.. - qc. Cl)11,”111., on 11:11111 a general as,ortmeat of l'riturnery. Fano Gnod-.S.c. Columbia, May 30. I5:-.; SIZICEUINTEXI'S Splendid Jewelry ! Elegant ►Watches ! Rich Silverware! &c. ! T HE subscriber has justapened a new stock, tre , lt from the cif) of GOLD LEVER \VA TCII ES, W r ,.,..„ e Duplex, Lepines Quarliers, all of who. o 01 -oil Dko.l Tom .noolole •I.ln -sot 0fT...A.N1 I:0 find Alf),..\ liltE:1 - ,.TVINS, , of the Intern myleg CLOCKS! CLOCKS! of every de.tommon; together , A nh a thou,ctd and one other arucleA, r : 4 111111 - st:rt. Wi.rk and J:t•ef•y Stc.,..r•-•ott.t,t••t. C•dt•otb•c• April w. Ns7•lf C. sr.z23r.rtvs TXTESSIVECTiniV. CA BIN ET IV,IRE-ROOIIS AND M.ANIIPA l'o/unda, •üb+crd•rr would cull thc• nn , •unau of Ih.• rit men. of C;olumbin • nul '1( •.. to h•. I:1,v , :1,1.- feet a.rortmr•tnt ci thnh,r.t. roMpri-111,Z of the rote , t 1).,-1117. 1:111,1,1, -. Fleur 11;.•,1. &•• . 1.11 - • 1 , •1: tor • ../ lie :0 every cle.ctiption, and , 1... t an rive sat,nteiton. COFFIN'S mod, ritti -111,1;.,1 to e liter ill town or country, 03 the Aunt , e, •• CA , P.% :....:1111.:11.1. =1 SZLING 7.41.5111.01NT5. goki At the Fashianable V s ? 11AT EMPOIZIUTEr, JA' lES D. GRIFFITH has just , AND arrived from 111 P J-h for ge-n.1 , -no.n and I•o}.. ,I:1 -ell lnr than :lay a• 11, I. 1- I:aa at 1,1 ll.° tuna Cr traaary. 'The /, tor lava. rer.ivd otrice ha. tot t. e e •oild ..N1111w.• 14,1 I. .1. 1, GI:1111111 AI•o. new .1% Ir. 3.1 i Gr.t r, u .k—ai,Ctiletnt of chit aren• and Apr 1. NEW STOCK OF FANCY GOODS. Tlnridersiguril resperthilly announrrs In h, unit ^ + TOII h.,/ a Iv a , ,orzinent Al; 11. Cap. rind P• - • 1,1.1( 4. ( oilar. 1:rn) larme • r a „,,, I 7 „ -r „,, 3,1 (.* from svr,o are J =I -ra THE FASTEST TIFIE Ol' BECORD: THE FLORI 'fDIPI.I: Stallle, fin.- neotip.ed lov ^17ono•O St. Towroll< Cron,. at 11. , .eurne.t .n'wiiiit , n” Or 111.1 11V 1t.0,•!... •he potil cow inn ionn ' No 1.1 f.jovry .I"hir ro Co , • Int.. t. proon 1 n.l 1•11:,.• inn, o 1101iff , Kfl AND V1:1111:1.1: , 3-.)!;i•• th:it. --- • Ind f.'wtter T .1-; STOCK OF 110R.S.ES nl n t.111.1,.•1er In hon-i every vnttriv to mull the I,ni I ',Wept rililt..lrll , liiir .narrprit Wot; • 11, , 111 • null, .1 In. or .•.4nver.o.ion" old oat, n• ‘‘ . ...;1•.'i I Ito , - p opt hr.r.r• 'hat ‘o,r 1 , /1 a p. . 01: n„'l IT c o , lf . 1" , r ,. ..1 co in fa*. I Milt :1 1,14) IN oh. c i. i•et70710 , 7 tl. IN 1111. In C..: °v. r TenlPle •11.1... et h.lit ,111 :II n • 11.1 e . ..ive every v”,..1) . io lily Stork I' il.••I trotior; .111.1 W•nnn . l In 1, 11, Ol Mtge 4101 1,ar0u , ,,, q• .ttu,ol 1 , . 11, ftnr , To. I.' II lie 10, a 1 . 0.• to •. TComb I.e•ter enlif:lo/ , 10 rim !•0111•11' frnrrt even point of the r•OMP:..*.i , V •••111.11, .1, Jun alio', rronl no Ow onril 11 .11 • 0 1 I•.lnn 11,01% b01.,,t a row010:tino. 01 that I will rendcr !WI J Nc VA HON. dg rm. Cot 11,erInher ...?(1. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL*Aii 'ME PASSENGER Tit A :NS thr above, raad kill run as iuilaa‘. NJ and unrr t 1 ‘Rrlf 7 1-17. r..ave rn?q , th. r,r Vnrk a• n A :`.l 7 II 1 `,l •• Yntl. tor Blwinnre al I I A. M. alai Arriv , 1•• 11.01..r0ti• :‘I , 1 ,1 I P. AI. • /: ilnrt•on• ;or Yor: \l.. York for Cotuna,. al II A. M. ari r.ol at Columbia IfJ EVENING TRAIN Tnrlf for • s . Arrives ot3 lit 7 I' All the nbove Tear.. nit the rh .• „„ ,•., born go::; and ff.,. II • be:S; DA 'FRAIN Leave, roloril frir 11•4.11 A 4 . York for C6/113330 311 •11 331 P =I .tiorthern Cenlral St ail Way Cu. SUNDAY TRAIN. A PAS,..;.T.•(.:Cit TIZ tx, 11 I .•-•-rter lurnhi• for:York no. Ilati9nore. A '%l -Iv, In York or 9 jlt A. M “,, t 1 iltt . .,more at i n P. NI. [rave pork tor Coluralmt at P.ll Off, n, COlLlrlitll6 at 61'. 111.. nod r , 9,9:9 C. C. ADRI:ON, D F. GNIFTITIT. A crnt Cal am bin. March 14.1..57 ITOOFLAND'S German Bitters. Forsale at . MreOPKIA:,:r. ocr.r.F7rr- , Folmar Med,,tv uf ore, (hid I , ,ltnvrs' II an :all. 25, 1047, ESI:ECE=C!!!!!=I BENTZ St KIIFFNAGLE, (Successors to Daiucl Herr,) cur.a.sizzrzeTorx LtousE, Columbia, Lancaster co., Pa. THE salheribers having effected a lease of this Well-known 'and ropultor 11.1 , 1. 11l relit: give aunt, that thec have thoroughly re•titted toot wo. eatrd u. e.1.1,1,41,,...111 11 . , bet, re•iliont-lied cent ra pett..o.llll.i 110111111 t! ha- beet, Ica mohair in reader tt nor of he ino-t agret•abte and comfort-t -hinhott•ha in the .tact" in—A0 ) 01111, z the hold a tir•a•rlt,‘ kti.• ItA :ST. Who It t•• stnithed with at/ /he irLrartr+at the .4,1.011. and Whwil 1101,Irp.a:sell by ally -11111- lar t• in l'lalattelphat, 'I arc re•peettall) -wilco the it4tran.,Te meth" rablict. April 11. 1•••.",7 t. OEN IZ h 111..:FFNAG1.1•:. • 557. 1 SZJi 7. I9TMIX7 GOODS AG/3:11:7! IT 1.1131:31. 7.:E:7•7 S 11-/:4,1 p , r.esur, lotorrroug pul,ll, 14.0 we h V.• .11111,•,/ out .1/11 . 1.1 , 11.11 , . :11111 111.1000. now rauged our .ecOod put- 1.1".• re,tl4l:, 110..11' •iff our filurul• In eal! tirld ex our 'rut syluullur that 1.1 I Cre h.,%r or M, 1.V.• Ire! routilluloihni 'A Lill our u•leu-rtl r wo olrri out ure• 1101 io I r iur toI .le , t IZECI I VI:1? . .lf 11.1 tnn,l 1--ntin• In of 1)1:1;: , • 1 (,tlt)DS.e.ver oprn , ti in ('U. 4 11110..1, -1.11,..! I;:t):ke.ere 1.1k11.4. -4 111.4, Pl.llll. Ihn•nl I 1.• In tny 11. - W .10% 11, De-. I lir ....I 111 ip1.1.•1• L:11 81.01 iJEUIES Ni) LACES. 111 OA iv- 101 , 1 t-otilllor I . 11 no / . /.•r/i./3 .$lO ontl Anil Col. ali4l Cull - 11. 14111,4...11111 011. .111.1 :mil t .o•: Augtt- !:$l, , 10...01 Pal. /14,11.1/W11...i Sll.\ :.11”,!•• ol - .t 1.. =I :11.‘Nfl'ILLAS!: Opt,/ •I 11/, k .; . I .dj . • I'l t.: 01111. • ti silk. I'l,l Mal!7=111 %or. low I wo,. PAIZASOLS! 1. ,• v.. foil 11 , Is it.t• Cfists,ll, 11 , -1 k of 1,1., ( - ,f% ..... I i1I•1.•.I.1 .11111 •• ,1“. 1 , 1111 , 11..1 .1:11'011, .0 p 1.11, 0. .11 1:1 , ,,:5. .. -I II: s .11 a•,•-. \la-lta. I. , 1,11 I• 1 II A 111 • hero i1i,11 • 1111' . i1 1 1.11, Nl.l. r.., Pat (;,)()1),": ..1“...11N 1010 11/ ll,t coon g`lll-111 '0 I Il 1.1.‘)% 11 , /'ll.t:V NI) Till IMING , V.llte Ilt• 4.• :tt•ltt- t„••1 t• •• t-t • t = A I 0111 1• 0111 t•Illittl, ..%•• I.t • rl , llllli .1 1011 /..)/ fi 11 k r.slit • ( holt- ISt It f It. 1. ,1 ti 411,1 :11 -v1;11... e-1111. = 1-1••! elm rq, SOT, r 1 ay••l:4,4'. tl 'At fl`. of I p It I. N... =MIEN CHINA, GLASS AND Q[I:EN: , il.• •g) 1.11-• .31,1 I it ••11 /....V 1111'.41'1 1411111 , 111.11 ' r.. i. .11. I • 11,1 .111:0 Iruiyr lOr C„11111/1„t, Api C. 11, BOOT 11.;.'.D SIZOE 5T013.73, STIIEI'.I. Pil.--Thi' 1.1 •Il r "Ii fit , BRIM FRENCH CA L.F.,! , KTN, Ml:\': MOROCCO, KIP & crrniA: Buoit, tr,ha• 11 , 4, `Win, 11.11014 111 111 . ~ .11,..11/, 111 1.. a. l• ;•11.1 om It- I 11,11,.in 111, cal, of a. lilt o'l ',III, ip .• I 11.1111V\ ortiltlr• iL, •loi .a. /11,. 1,1 1 , . 1 1 , 111.i.-,11./. lit 01 :`//01:S I,AI)IES tND e1111.1)1:1; vrt.,/,,,.4. fit I (Jeri,ll , :Intl v.: I,', ILI, 1 , • • ••••ins in u • A t -41 :•,( :o,', .11t1 11..•••••' 1k.,..1 . 1d :I hi,. I. II t 1 ••1 -it rwr , / ,• 11W . ?,/,1/ 1,_ •• (.; ;•;);•••• ;, ,;;,„;•;•,•• 11. ~;;;., Inc are u‘ll. .‘11,:i.,•1(11.,.• 14 J \V. N I= Fl • ri azt — ;r F FRNITURE of tree:: description froP.l ih 1101:S 11 - 1: 171'1:1:S' 27.171 , nr:ru3r, •„:,„- ( 1.• frt . ::: t:.,• iq I . .. uwd =I CO,l 1M:11.111,r zt itl,ll I, I ICI.II 111:\I MIME vi ;^.; •-• • . 4 t • • = - ; 14 g ; _ • • - - k • - , .2,• , .........t , L.T...„ , z; ry- , ~ .r.-;..---- 7 7 r e.:E.7..D. ' f-.", .--.. . riEi.ADEl.Piii 1 "laliliiiii'- ,L' Dl' iii 71(Jr111 (turn!: st rret. liii:f sriti arr t,':" I O,FIPFIvir - oic..- - 1 , "..' •,, I. %'l A \c" 1 : , ‘ l. ' . ' ~ ,..1 ..„ „, ~ , 1,. , „,„ ~1 , ~,, ~,, d, „ ~,,.,,,, ~, • . ..,,, ,M .k., it,431," )No :21; S I ”nrilt , i-ert, I') , '.I ~,,,Jk • k% , ill •-• • 11..1 1 . 1-1111'. -'• o' '• ,'' ' ,74-7 1 . ! ,1`111 , 1:: .„,r , . n.,th ~, —r,• •y ,r;,,inc,•r ; •- LI:" I ' "'A l'l' • - "'III '\ I t•I , I. t• -:`•,..., l• o.- ' IljZAI.11 , _.:••••••••rt. 4• . 1 r.,.;-1...• ...1 .• . 0 ..•. “..,• k , • ~. , ~,i ~.. I , ,:• aitto, l , l :-.•',•F ItrP^r lol. ' l, " r . " 0,0 0 " , ", • ~, ..• .- .' 'r r r ••..r rr, ••. I g or II . \ 1.1.*, \ \ ••• () ', %II 1: 1.-.i4rt---- -11,..-trcr- 4. \ .'"• o°. ` 4 ' 0 '"l' - ''"'"'' ' . ICA \ AI \ ItI:1,1.• ..., ,-, :,•,,•,1 1,, 11,. , , • •,..,.,, 1,,,,,. r , ,,c - 2 . ,: f. . 7 ,.. 41. , . , 3110,,.,,,'"1'' '••".' 01 rr , 1 . 0, ' r .• ...:- , . , ..rrt trr• ni. r In •tr 0 01 , 1" ,• ^ , ' - , 1. , /il ,S 4 - 9 4.-._,.',.11:C.1ii ,,, . I .1,111 L 71.. '' ,t 1 . ,1nd0:i.1,, II 1 .1,- ti, Id, ~ 1 , P , 1 . 1 ill 4 ,j.i. ~, de, l':. - DIV. NIL:O4 1",,t to s, .. ~.. to t• ' ot li ..',.• 11 ,1.1. • -1, no. Th- 1111i' , 1 , ..1Z1, I. In , ..' ,, r- of f.^ e 0 0.0. ,,, e , , t. Ili o rr, ,r P •• I r rlr fr el, t, , ••• (p• rr ,1 rr , I •••rr r . rrr . p r, ~.,411,. 111. 1 ~.1%," 10, 1,1/ : • 110 , IA II re-'.1 . .11• i .1 , 1.11.1 , 11. eit% 011'01111, 1 11, ,'" 11. 111 I. .1,,, II U 1 1 1 , 1 2, 1 . 11,1 :.\ 11. rrtilv..,,,i I , ~,,,\ .- • ~t , , 1 11 , ex r .ir IP, 1 1 i, 1,•••1 •r, 'I, :1,(1 , .1 ~ V, 11.... I. 1.. ~., .1 .1.1, :•,. .-111 , PI (I 11,1111 f, ,I, ‘I I\ 1 ... 1.,1i , ,.., AN. gp ~t;,\ NI; s 11l ~ 1..... \l\\. Ii . ,I, lel 1,, 1. , .. 1 kr. 1 . , tn 1- r, of 11,, MO, ~ :. , i I.' '.• 1..“ 11, 5 . \ 11 %). IN:It . \'.' -.11.1.5. S I L;P5..1..1. , Io , 4,1 1i,,c . 11: 1:. r , ; i'onoi 111 , -, t, !:,• I F.. 0 .0 I S. ..1. — ., V n. 111,1, owl 1 , , , • •:. I, 1.1!. 1,•II • 11 II • ilt ,11, r Irrt 1.4 N lir 1 . 1,1,7 .11/ 11,, I I 111,, .or 101 , 1, 'I.Z II I I ,', i in "I , \I ~ I,', ~• :••• ,r,• ~, r, , Cl . II NI. , rlt.r rrri 01. •1..... III:wri 11 . ~,,,,,,, ~... li r , ~ ~, „ I I ~, ~.., 1 , ~.,,,,,,,, ,„ 1 wi.,,,11.y I;• •1 - & \I az-oil. at. 1.1 put 1 , 1 1,00:,- I It• i.l. 4 . 1.. , N li , I.• ‘...-11 . , ...I IA il 01., 1.11. Or ~,,, ~.. I 1-,.... I [F, .. 1r 11 1%1,1,1 Itr protrrn .101 111 .. 1.1• ,1 1 11, I 'll4ll 1 11 ' 1111 1 1 1111 1 111.111 j, 1 1 . 111 • 111 P ol loolt A. vio :140 14 1 0.1.1 1/CIP 11 r Tr, unl.l loon r Or'el• zni•no 111 , kor y • ovo nor.l. dry' 1.1.1'1 I": CI `..t. I ,:\ 1, 1.1'11 t. 1.1 12 11.% 0,1 ;101l ttod Arr . .lor.r• 11o.• 1..1 noio ri n , I:in orr r -rin.rl.lhe !toiler 11n. 'lip, Inlendnorr. ihr .Itr• ornorlinr.. lir ir.r . „,,,. .or rt. enole.l Ns 0:1 ~•• 'tor. 15,1411 i ' dos ' oo 1 • 1- , or , 1 ' 1 - 1.1 ' 1 1 1' r rn opl . ll/ 1/ .11111 111, rt ti , •p.llot • vin, 111 , • I olonollr , and In It A 1.a0.1/ . • s • olo 'or ' I 11 s.lkl, I 1. !iv% •.1 npo, 1 " 1 . 11 '' , .' " , •" 1111, .." 1, 'titter wt , ”tn.t t -T, JO, 0,1,11 1 1.1110 11.1 ,1 11••..• 11/111 ,1 .1 1.111/1 1 - ' l l' l d [o k el . , 1,1,1 it /VI, 1 . 1 . 11 , C111',.• roit iron, Ow 1 , 014. lry 1,1111. 1 .1 , 1 1 ...1.1.111 1 .1, 1 1'15 - / %%111.0 1 `l ll, , 1/111 1 .11,11/V .al l l l lllll, 11, 1 ,01.1,1.., 1 . 1 111) , *kr" irtol 1 .. .4/ 10 11M1.11 GE.: - ariAiv AGENCY, •ir.r.l 11,1,1,1 , nrr• ro nor ..ltrino ri • sword 1011% Iro•r• 11 , 1 1 1.1 1 / 1 11 111 140, 141111 n (: l ( k " l '. r i , " ,% i ~ ji (N ii T liE scliscriltrr n!aile arranzruirnis .IACOII II Iry \:\1 I ,: , HUN II :1••• I it.111 . ,,n7. Irni. tr ,• I %tor We. iZli Ilro. °I 11, 4. onitoll,ll o. •er , t A "nrui 11. t .1 1 p Ir• no , p rptr. .not.l Look. I :rut ol" rrop,nirr,, CI A N1(.1 , 11.1..... 1/r ol 10 on, tor !mini. rt : 11 1 111 1 ..•1..1, 1 1i 1. of 0,..11 • II II Nl l / 1 11.1:NI11:101. .1 :.11: , ..k111,111 \ lir 1 11, 1: moo: 111,. 111•1! .1n vino oliove Km hal... ..... . nwei.t, r.l: /111 if ' ''. from 1:,los tVi i t.oil on., • ..1, frurno, 10 \LA 1.1 .11.1110•1. rk I 1 11,411. I,- Voio. 1, .1 arm: Kirk A. I, W Ithri Id.. A. root, I. Ileorn ilii • ro n l.,ri', No. ( 1: 4 Norlll • M V. On Win \l.,1111•. I !•••, , ratiori I. 1 et; 1, Onnll, 1. 11.,', I. I% In libel., I, s i II —.\ - cif Cerlll.lll Con, ,Sellsolged at ftar.l . lit MEE rt. 1. J AI h. 1. NV. 11.u......1.1., I, Ezra Mi 1 ..., I 1 fi.11.1.1. cr. rolitner A. Co. Al .10,1. .131T1t, Jlllll,llll, --------- ------- ' I. J. JI. & A ii. w ,•,. .r.. 1. Jt. l . ar Sehrr.nrker. 1 RZIA.T STORE . : wm• h.g, i: v I:. Scholleoberv, 1, is It C0..0 navy, 1, 11. A 1.1.n1:. 2, I . l'. C. SIP P. Lrmailtrc,a TVST tECEIVIT. a larzrr and finer slack 1 J. P. Bridegaile, I. •./ of T,--, - ..,,,ti t ~ ,•.; ~ :,,,, 1. I/110 • .pre/ All ttl. 1 od- owl ofter%nr. 11, ~ o ar 1 , . rail Ind f - X:11711n• 1 EVANS & WATSON' the •Inel I.ertore pu1,11,,,, ...1..e.w10f-r.. 5. lii..v ',oil 1 11/VF NIIW OS pr•Ntl t. ,,, f. , ` , •,'. , ” . . , . 1,1 ro..ortrneor ....111ral.1.• for pre.. 1 300 ,0 0 0 POU N D S .. , I• P' , '"" - 6 : l, '"ri .f.'. , unrl ta.a.• A r It - omen-el a.soriroent of, Pori,' Book.. A r . are I Of the abore SAFES, Gr.olica: .1. SNII ill. Whlch they offer fur oslie no Letter terms 1:1;s1`. oily 'Leen" .Ireel 'Petyreen th• non.' nod Prtiiiirl:olloure I o1;1 , r minorictorer in the United Sines C0'.2,1,11, 1.-r , " "Cr ~ 1.164 I rion.,:r !ohm ”31 10, I'.: - •7..1 y 111111 SPRING GOODS ==iMill ME \I>VEST! NW:, r C Ili= MIME II k 1.1i1 . 11.\ V . 4 C p ;.J tt ist • Z. JOIINW. fill U:SN'S ME NEI IMI Mil WI EMI EL C.; IMI MI Bil EMI Mil Stoves: Stows! 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